Cases of meetings of people with alien aliens. Contact with "Nordic aliens" in Brazil

A recent American poll found that 26 percent of Americans (90 million people) believe they have seen a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object). Thousands of people claim that aliens from outer space abducted them and brought them to their ship. In such a situation, is it possible to be one hundred percent sure that this will not happen to each of us?

Any encounter with aliens is called an alien encounter. If an earthling only saw a UFO, this is a first-level collision. If he watched the UFO land and leave a mark (such as a scorched patch of ground), this is a second-level collision. Third level collision - when an earthling met with aliens "face to face". The fourth (and probably the most terrible) level of the collision is when aliens kidnap an inhabitant of the Earth. These testimonies are studied by ufologists - enthusiasts who believe in the existence of an alien mind. They are collecting evidence that confirms that there is life on other planets.

Most often, during the investigation, mysterious UFOs turn out to be ordinary planes, the Moon or weather balloons.

Contacts with aliens: fiction or reality?

Each year brings thousands of new eyewitness accounts, which supposedly today more than 200 thousand testimonies have not yet been investigated, and eyewitnesses are still convinced that they have encountered aliens from outer space. Many believe that those who allegedly saw UFOs are simply endowed with an overly rich imagination. But there are so many eyewitnesses that the question involuntarily arises: can everyone be wrong?

Are space aliens really visiting our planet? There is no definite evidence for this. Everyone decides for himself whether to believe in the existence of aliens or not.

If they are, then most likely they have been visiting the Earth for more than one century and so far have not done us any harm.

The following articles describe two incidents of alien contact reported by eyewitnesses of the events.


As hard as it is to believe for us, accustomed to thinking of aliens as mere characters in science fiction, the Germans have maintained a cool but steady relationship with aliens since their first contact in the 19th century. Hints of contact are contained in the records of secret societies, although the fact itself is not directly recognized. Only many years later, the aliens decided that the expansion of "diplomatic relations" with the inhabitants of the Earth is in their interests. As far as we know, the Americans first made contact with Gray aliens in the early 1950s, when two alien craft were accidentally damaged by radar in the vicinity of Azteca, New Mexico. In 1954, an official and voluntary meeting of people and aliens was organized, this secret meeting was organized by the future President Eisenhower. The first meeting took place with the help of electronic translators provided by the aliens. There is also information about long-term contacts with groups of extraterrestrial humanoids known as “Benevolent”, as well as with the race of reptiles - “Dragons”, which took place with the participation of the US government, but, without having full information, I will not go into details, but simply I will mention this fact. In the future, I will certainly talk about this in more detail. What we know for sure is that President Eisenhower began extensive contact with the Grays, although people close to Eisenhower claim that he was disgusted by these creatures and always wisely remained cautious in dealing with an extraterrestrial race. It is believed that President Eisenhower, who was associated with the Secret Government that later betrayed him, never fully shared their intention - at least, this appears from private conversations with him. Although President Eisenhower at that time refused to cooperate more closely with the aliens, diplomatic relations were nevertheless established to avoid conflict between earthlings and aliens. As a statesman, he could not avoid such a compromise. However, in 1964, when Eisenhower was no longer president of the United States, an agreement was nevertheless concluded with the aliens (including with the militant members of the Orion Group, who today act as puppeteers of the Secret Government) on the exchange of information and technology for certain freedoms, provided to aliens. on the ground. This treaty was developed by the treacherous (now famous) group M] -12 * and the freedoms granted made us recall medieval “deals with the devil”. We have given aliens access to vital resources, including living people and livestock. The Grays perform genetic experiments on people and mutilate livestock, all under the sanction of the Secret Government. This deal was held under the patronage of a secret treacherous group MJ-12, functioning outside the official government, and was an act of terror, a crime against all the inhabitants of the Earth. The only way these people, among whom were scientists and statesmen, could justify the deal (at least in their own eyes) was the promise of power and technological prosperity given by the Grays. I note that the interests of the human race were betrayed then far from the last time. Of course, at that time the United States government, which was full of people loyal to the Secret Government, did not make any public statements about contact with alien beings, nor about active research on flying saucers that had been going on for decades. This information began to come out only thanks to the dedicated efforts of civilian researchers, MJ-12, also Majestic-12. Majority-12, Majic-12 - a top secret committee, consisting of senior military officials and scientists, and accountable only personally to the President of the United States. Allegedly engaged in covert contact with UFOs since July 7, 1947 (crash of an alien spacecraft near the US Air Force Base in Roswell, Texas). The authenticity of documents describing the activities of MI-12 has not yet been confirmed, but not refuted either. By the mid-1980s, when the MJ-12 documents were discovered and made public, none of the alleged committee members were alive. those people who were not broken by the pressure of circles that sought to shut them up. Information about the exchange of various technologies developed by aliens was kept under the heading "top secret". There were mind control technologies, and other forms of social control, also proposed by the aliens in order to facilitate their own work. From that moment on, the aliens (and in particular the Orion Group) gradually began to expand their presence and influence on Earth, including the presence at numerous underground bases of the combined forces of aliens and earthlings scattered around the world, such as Area 51 in Nevada and Dulce in the state of New Mexico, as well as on their own military bases. However, this was to be expected. Incredible experiments took place, which you will also learn about later. UFO flights and genetic experiments on humans continued, already under a pact concluded with secret factions of the American government. Yes, the incredible technologies of world control were passed on to the Secret Government... but the price was the interests of humanity and human lives. Top-secret clearance code Scientist Ed Komarek, Jr. provided important details of contact with aliens after the capture of their aircraft, obtained by him in a conversation with a retired Air Force pilot: This report contains details of an interview that I conducted on December 18, 1991 with the participation and assistance of a close relative of the interviewee . The identity of the interviewee, his relative and the location of the interview must be kept secret in order to prevent reprisals against them. This information is still top secret and is not authorized by the Pentagon for public use. I will refer to the interviewee as Jim, permission to interview him was obtained from the Chief of the Military Police of the nearby military base. The chief of the military police told him that most of this information would soon be released to the public, and that it would be released to the public in its entirety in five to six years. The police chief said he would contact the Pentagon over the computer network and get an answer in a couple of days. When Jim did not show up with his relative at the scheduled time for the interview, I immediately decided to go to him, taking my relative with me. When we met with Jim, he said that the police chief still hadn't given him an answer. He agreed to tell a few things, although he did not want to talk about many things, being worried that he had put himself in a delicate position. Since he had previously told his relative about everything in more detail, we were then able to fill in some of the gaps in his conversation with me. He was threatened that the Armed Forces knew how to deal with people who divulged top secret information. He said that this information was highly classified and that he had a top secret clearance code and the need to have this information because he flew on classified US Air Force missions in Africa and elsewhere in the late 40s and early 50s. Jim said he was one of 59 members of the elite unit that flew those flights. He retired for health reasons in the late 50s, but remained in the reserves until the mid-80s. His personal file burned down in a fire in the military archive, at the same time the files of many other people were destroyed. Perhaps that is why the head of the military police has not contacted him until now. Jim said that because of his position, he had access to top-secret documents relating to flying saucer crashes, photographs of the saucers in flight, the flight characteristics of those saucers, and photos of the crew members of those saucers detained by the military. In his secret missions, he, along with colleagues, was required to make contact with the alien spacecraft. The contact did indeed take place. Also in 1971, Jim encountered two aircraft and their crews on the side of the road, not far from his current home. Attention to him and his relatives in their places of residence does not weaken. In those days when he made secret flights, the Air Force had 12 plates captured by them. In the archives, he saw photographs of blond-haired, blue-eyed aliens who looked like people. He didn't want to talk about aliens and their photographs. I think he said that Dolittle took the photos, but I'm not sure, maybe he was talking about photos of saucers, not their crews. He did not personally know the aliens known as the Grays, but he had seen drawings of them and possibly photographs of their bodies preserved in solution. I found Jim to be very knowledgeable on these matters. He accumulated most of this knowledge while serving in the army. He was not familiar with the popular literature on the issue, but had heard of the Roswell crash, so he agreed to talk about the filming of one disaster he saw. I think he wants to wait, and if his story does not cause any trouble to him, he will tell more in the future. I was afraid that after he received the answer from the chief of the military police, he would not want to talk at all, and therefore I tried to get as much information out of him as possible. Jim told me about Ike's (President Eisenhower's) encounter with aliens and said that Ike had been able to visit one of their ships. One aircraft in working order was then transferred to the government. He said that during his years of service, pilots were able to lift these devices into the air, but they did not succeed in moving forward. The military was very poorly versed in the design of devices, and least of all - in the design of engines. His unit lost one aircraft, most likely due to the fact that after the encounter with the spacecraft all its instruments failed, it fell into the zone of powerful magnetic fields and crashed landing from the south, although it was supposed to land from the north . At the end of the strip, he exploded, disappearing in a fiery flash. Jim said he never received orders to fire on flying saucers, though he said they were easy to shoot down, even with Sidewinder missiles—or so they said. He heard that flying saucers were fired upon only when they were found where they had no right to be, for example, over military installations. Jim heard that one of the aircraft was destroyed, apparently by ultrasound. Jim said he saw footage of crashed spaceships and flying saucers bouncing through the air like rocks on water. He agreed to talk about only one five-minute film, which showed a wrecked plate standing in a hangar. The fuselage of the apparatus was on the floor, and the central compartment was loaded onto the platform of a tractor standing nearby. The floor-mounted machine had a 10-foot-by-10-foot hole in the side, from which wires and what looked like pipes had fallen out. He said that there were inscriptions and symbols inside, but did not want to go into more detail about what he saw inside the device. He told his relative that inside he saw control panels, something like star maps on the walls and a large screen. He said that by the time these photos were taken, the military had not been able to get into one of the rooms on the ship. The device was disc-shaped, Jim did not see the dome above it, perhaps because all the photographs were taken from the same angle. The surface of the device was dull gray. Jim was told that the ship was so light that it could be lifted by one person, all the materials on board were strong but elastic. All materials were also unusually light. The central compartment, where, apparently, the engine was located, was somewhat heavier and was located on the truck platform. Jim assumed that on impact with the ground, the heavier central compartment flew out through the side of the device, punching a hole in it. There were bodies on the floor of the hangar, but they were covered, and they looked about five or five and a half feet long. Jim said he saw dishes photographed above power lines and water tanks, which Jim believed were used to replenish the power supply of the devices. He also believes that they are able to extract water from underground. He said that the sparks that his relative saw outside, around the UFO, were caused by the ignition of atmospheric dust that came into contact with the hot plasma surrounding the device. His encounter with a UFO in the mid-70s happened while driving on a highway near his current home. Two vehicles, each wider than the highway, approached from the front and, once next to his car, smoothly stopped. Two vehicles hovered in the air above the road directly in front of him. They had square portholes, and the devices themselves had the shape of an automobile wheel. The surface of them looked as if someone had lined it with golf balls, half drowning them and creating an ornament in the form of hexagons. Pipes a foot thick ran around the circumference of the ships, and some kind of light, light energy seemed to circulate inside them. Each of the vehicles contained two humanoids. They looked like absolute copies of each other, their features were the same, they were all dressed in suits made of some kind of elastic, wrinkle-resistant material that did not wrinkle even when they bent their arms at the elbows. These costumes covered the entire body, only the faces were exposed. Well, let's hope that in this regard there will be additional information. Judging by some recently published books, some ex-military people are already getting permission to talk about such things. Perhaps a new course is beginning and information will gradually be declassified. I hope the Pentagon will allow this man to tell his story in full so that other researchers can confirm it. The Secret Government and the Armed Forces have learned a great deal about the supernatural powers of aliens by performing autopsies on some of those who died in a saucer crash in the US Northwest in the late 40's and early 50's.

Some of them are pure fantasy. However, the lion's share of these stories is true.

Of all the incredible extraterrestrial events that have been recorded around the world, only 10 are astonishing enough to be included in the list of iconic alien encounters of all time.

10 Bermuda Triangle

On December 5, 1945, a team of 5 Avenger torpedo bombers with 14 crew members was on a training mission. The Second World War was ending. During the mission, American bomber pilots saw balls of light in the sky.

When the tests were completed, the Fort Lauderdale airfield control tower received several messages from the pilots - they were frightened and disoriented.

Their speech was confused and strange, and then it stopped altogether. 5 planes and their crews - only 14 people - disappeared without a trace.

And although this has never been proven, the evidence suggests that more than 750 people have already disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle.

9. Battle of Los Angeles

On February 24, 1942, shortly after the U.S. entered World War II, 100,000 people witnessed an unknown flying object invading the sky over Los Angeles.

Anti-aircraft installations entered the battle against an unidentified aircraft near Los Angeles. Searchlights closely followed the object along the coast and kept it in sight.

1400 anti-aircraft shells were fired at the object. But he remained in the air unharmed.

The military assured: this object is actually a weather balloon. But they had no explanation why the shells had not damaged him.

8. Solvay Firth astronaut

On May 23, 1964, in the UK, a father went for a walk with his daughter in a quiet park overlooking the bay called Solvay Firth. He photographed the girl.

But when the film was developed, the parents made an unexpected discovery. In the background, a figure appeared, dressed in white - something that looked like a space suit and a helmet.

The photo was so strange that Kodak even offered a cash prize to anyone who could solve the mystery.

7 The Roswell Incident

On July 8, 1947, the Air Force claimed to have found a flying disc that had crashed on a ranch in Roswell, New Mexico. It was reported that they even found the bodies of aliens, and one of them remained alive.

A few days later, the military comes out with a new statement. They claim that what was mistaken for a flying saucer turned out to be just a meteorological probe.

6. Russian UFO artifact

On January 29, 1986, in Dalnegorsk, Russia, hundreds of people witnessed a red streak of shots in the sky and an accident in the mountains, known as Height 611.

At the scene, investigators found overwhelming evidence that something had crashed on the slope and disappeared. In that place, only a huge crater and dark glass beads remained. Chemical analysis showed that the beads contain a significant amount of rare earth elements.

5 Close Encounter in White Sands

In 1964, Officer Lonnie Zamora stumbled across rounded objects that landed in the desert. He stopped 200 meters away. And when he got out of the car, he noticed two figures dressed in white near the ship.

Zamora was even able to sketch some of the signs he saw on the bottom of the ship as it took to the skies.

US Air Force investigators and FBI specialists arrived at the scene. They found that the sand was scorched and fused. The imprints on the ground were different from those left by spacecraft on the moon.

4. Light over the Phoenix

On March 13, 1997, the entire city of Phoenix was paralyzed due to an amazing pattern in the sky. On that unforgettable night, thousands took to the streets to watch Comet Hale Bop. And with her they saw light, spheres, balls of light, great W-shaped balls of light.

The US military said the light over Phoenix was nothing more than rocket flares.

The story of the incredible light was on the front pages of publications. It was called the most massive observation.

3 Travis Walton Abduction

The Travis Walton case is one of the most incredible UFO encounters in history. He was kidnapped and taken aboard an alien ship.

When I noticed it, I was numb and just stared. The sound in an instant began to intensify and it began to move, the movement was like vibrations and swings. And it was at that moment that something hit me. Then I saw some outlines above me, when at the end I was able to focus, I realized that some creatures were looking at me,
Travis recalls.

Travis Walton was shocked when he found out that he was gone for 5 days. He survived a fourth type of close encounter - an actual encounter with aliens and an abduction.

2 Alien Code

On December 26, 1980, Bentwaters Air Force Base security personnel went to Rendlesham Forest to investigate the appearance of strange lights. According to the radar, an aircraft crashed in this place.

When Sergeant Jim Penniston and a small group of military men entered the forest, a UFO landed right next to them. The sergeant approached the ship and touched it with his hand. At that moment, the man froze and a mysterious code literally occupied his brain - it was telepathic communication.

I remember a flash of white light. I couldn't see anything else, I was blinded. Only then did ones and zeros begin to appear before my eyes,
says Jim.

Only 30 years later, his friend John Burrows saw this code and realized that he actually received Penniston.

The team deciphered the code and released the incredible message. This alien message may contain the secrets of humanity's future or its past.

1. Real men in black

On October 14, 2008, the manager of the Niagara Falls Hotel reported to local authorities that he had seen a black, triangular-shaped UFO. Eyewitnesses claimed that these two faces had neither eyebrows nor eyelashes. These faces did not look like people at all, and the hotel employees had the impression that someone was reading their thoughts.

Aliens (as well as unidentified flying objects) excite the imagination of people for many centuries. The theme of alien civilizations is a favorite topic of science fiction writers. But in real life, humanity encounters aliens quite often. Of course, some of the eyewitness accounts are fiction, but some are true. In our selection, photographs are confirmation of contact with aliens. everything is very amazing!

1. Retired Marfa Egorovna from Petrozavodsk, Russia, claims to have kept
alien corpse. The woman applied to the branch of the Academy of Sciences in Petrozavodsk with a statement that two years ago
a UFO crashed in her garden plot. Hearing a terrible roar in the yard, the woman ran out of the house and found in the yard a mangled pile of red-hot metal - the remains of an aircraft - and the body of a humanoid.

2. The length of an unknown creature is about 60 centimeters, it has a huge head, bulging eyes, and outwardly it resembles a cross between a man and a fish. Marfa Yegorovna told the authorities that the creature was wearing a space suit. She wrapped the dead body in plastic and kept it in the refrigerator for two years before even saying a word about what had happened. Experts suspect that all this may be some kind of colossal hoax and fake, but they do not dismiss the possibility that all the information provided by the pensioner is true, and we are dealing with the body of a real alien.

3. In April 2011, two people claimed to have found the body of an alien creature in the snow in Siberia. They claimed that the body was damaged when an aircraft of alien origin crashed in nearby Irkutsk. As a result, the “alien” turned out to be made of bread crumb covered with chicken skin.

4. In 1995, Ray Santilli claimed to have video footage of a UFO crash, the so-called "Roswell Incident" that occurred in 1947, as well as footage of the subsequent autopsy of the alien. It wasn't until 2006 that Santilli admitted that the film was a fake, or, as he put it, "a reconstruction of events that could have taken place."

5. In February 2004, something incomprehensible was found in the garden of one of Durham's houses. His owner called the police after discovering something resembling a curled up embryo in the grass of her own garden. The police called a surgeon, coroners and paranormal experts. In the end, the “thing” turned out to be a toy from a horror shop.

6. Mummies of Nari Pon fairies kept at Wat Phrapangmuni Temple, near Sin Buri, north of Bangkok, Thailand. The bodies of two unknown creatures are kept in a glass shrine located in the temple building. believers claim that these are the bodies of fairies, creatures from Buddhist mythology. One of the myths tells of a magical tree that produced tiny female creatures instead of fruit. with magical powers.

7. Speaking of fairies. In 1917, two little girls, after a long game in the garden, returned home with convincing evidence of the existence of the so-called "little people" - photographs. It wasn't until the late 1970s that the so-called "Cottingley photos" were discovered to be fakes when one of those same girls, the now very respectable Elsie Wright, admitted that their "little people" were nothing more than cardboard cutouts. figurines.

8. A good prank that happened on April 1, 2007. This "fairy body" was created by London-based designer Dan Baines, who specializes in optical illusions. The resulting hype convinced many that the "body" was genuine. Later, the artist confessed his authorship, and the fake was sold at an online auction for an amount of approximately 300 pounds.

9. And now before you "Montauk monster" - and not identified by scientists, an animal whose corpse was washed ashore on the beach near Montauk, New York, United States of America, in July 2008. The find gave rise to many of the most fantastic theories about what kind of creature it is, whether it is real or is it another fake. The two most common theories contradict each other. One says that the creature is a skilled forgery made from latex. Supporters of the second theory insist that the creature is a mutant raccoon.

10. On October 20, 1967, Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin reported that they were able to film a female Yeti Bigfoot. Only many years later, Bob Heironimus, a friend of Patterson, admitted that in fact on the scandalous tape - he himself, dressed in a fancy dress.

11. Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer of California reported on August 15, 2008. that, during their tour of the state of Georgia, they stumbled upon the dead body of Yeti Bigfoot. Blo later discovered the creature to be a fake, with fake fur, a papier-mâché head, and rubber feet.

12. "Terrible dwarf", which was filmed by teenagers, who assured that this creature was walking along the streets of the city of Salta, located in Argentina. Later, due to conflicting shots and shooting angles, the photo was recognized as a fake.

13. Illustration showing the discovery of the "Cardiff Giant", a stone statue of a man ten feet, that is, more than 3.5 meters tall, discovered in the field of farmer William S. Newell in Cardiff, New York, October 16, 1869 . Later, George Hall admitted to the authorship of the statue, also saying that he had buried it in the field a year earlier.

14. A giant skeleton, which, according to the New Nation newspaper (Bangladesh), was found in Saudi Arabia in 2004. It was later revealed that this photo was a fake, created with photoshop and submitted to a photo contest run by

15. In February 2010, a mysterious green glowing object was captured by photographers hovering over a windmill in Knofolk. Fifty-seven-year-old photographer Peter Rye took this photo during a calendar shoot he did near Downham Market's Denver mill. He admitted that he did not even notice this strange object during the shooting and only discovered it later when he looked through the finished photos. It was then, according to him, that a mysterious object was discovered in the sky above the mill, emitting an ominous greenish glow.He assures that it was a UFO.

16. A mysterious spot of turquoise glow in the sky over Norway. It gave rise to a host of the most incredible theories, including that it was a military missile launched on a test flight. A strange phenomenon was photographed by local resident Jan Peter Jorgensen, returning from work at a salmon processing factory.

17. A giant pyramid, presumably - an unidentified flying object - in the sky over the Kremlin, Russia. Leisure tongues immediately assumed that it was an alien spacecraft.

18. This image, taken by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (Soho), a spacecraft that is millions of kilometers from Earth and studying the Sun, was immediately declared evidence of the existence of aliens. NASA has refuted all theories, saying that this is just a defect in the image caused by a camera failure, but supporters of the assumptions about the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization are sure that the alien spacecraft is in the picture.

19. In October 2009, a crater in Latvia that was thought to be a pothole caused by a meteorite fall turned out to be just a fake. Experts who went to the Mazsalaca area received information that an object resembling a meteorite had fallen to the ground. However, after conducting the necessary research, they came to the conclusion that the dent, about three meters deep and about ten meters wide, was created artificially. Later, the Latvian company Tele2 admitted that the idea of ​​the lottery and its implementation were their work. The "Jokers" sought to diversify the dull news with constant reports of an economic crisis.

20. Well, what about without the Loch Ness monster, old Nessie! Here she is - in the so-called "surgeon's photograph". Its author, London physician R. Kenneth Wilson, claimed to have photographed the monster by accident while traveling around the area birdwatching. It wasn't until 1994 that it became clear that the picture actually depicted a children's toy submarine equipped with a toy snake head.

21. Crop circles is a term for patterns in the form of rings, circles and other geometric shapes formed in the fields by fallen plants. Despite the huge number of supporters of the theory of the alien origin of this phenomenon, many of them later turned out to be artificially created. For example, here are these, which were created by Doug Bauer, Dave Chorley and Jon Landberg. According to them, they made the first pattern in 1978, inspired by photographs of paths left in wheat fields by agricultural machinery. In 1992, they received an alternative to the Nobel Prize, the Ignobel Prize, for their skillful forgery.


George Adamski, a Polish immigrant living in the US, who claimed in the 1950s to have flown into space using an unidentified flying object. And it all happened like this...

On November 20, 1952, George Adamski was at a picnic with friends in Mojava. Suddenly they noticed an object in the sky pursued by fighters. Another, silver disc-shaped UFO separated from it and landed on the ground at a distance of 0.5 km. from witnesses. The disk-shaped UFO was radially symmetrical, had the form of a flat dome, on top of which there was a large hemisphere with a number of circles (“portholes”) on it. Below were three much smaller hemispheres ("stabilizers"), arranged symmetrically about the center of the section of the dome by a plane perpendicular to the axis of symmetry of the entire object. There is a picture of this object taken by Adamski.

Adamski drove towards the UFO, but was stopped by a humanoid creature who introduced himself as Orton. He described the alien as a tall, human-like humanoid with shoulder-length blond hair and slanting grey-green eyes. There was no facial hair, and he was dressed in a suit that was as shiny as foil and had no seams.

Friends of Adamski, who watched through binoculars, later confirmed in writing that he, along with that stranger, actively gesticulated. Adamski claimed that, in addition to gestures, the creature communicated with him telepathically.

The stranger said that he arrived in peace. He expressed his planet's concern about the radiation emanating from the Earth as a result of nuclear weapons tests and causing harm to other planets. The creature reported that the Earth is regularly visited by inhabitants of other planets and even other galaxies. Some of them died on Earth, some even at the hands of people. There was also a vague conversation about the "Creator", the humanoid said that he lives in accordance with his will ...

Adamski claimed that the humanoid left footprints in the sand. Together with friends, he made a plaster cast of these footprints. There were allegedly “hieroglyphs” on the tracks that they tried to decipher ...


January 28, 1975 near the small alpine village of Hindwil, near Zurich, extraordinary "cosmic" events began to unfold.

Responding to an imperious "pleasant" inner voice, level-headed security guard Edward Meyer got on his moped and drove to a remote coniferous forest in the Swiss countryside. Stopping unexpectedly near a gap in the trees, Meyer heard a ringing noise in the sky, looked up and saw glowing disc-shaped craft, about 21 feet in diameter, descending from cloud level.

One vessel slowly approached the land and gently lowered on three extended legs. Soon Meyer saw a certain person approaching him from the side of the ship. As she approached, he saw that she was a graceful young woman. Her cascading hair was long and blond, and she wore a tight gray jumpsuit. Without any hesitation, she went to Meyer and spoke to him in his native language.

Feeling at ease, they walked to the foot of a nearby tree, sat down, and talked for about an hour. The girl introduced herself as "Simias" and explained that she came to Earth from a distant star system known to us as the Pleiades, which is 500 light years away.

Meyer insists that the main purpose of the Pleiadian visit was not to harm, not to unleash a war, not to bring peace, but only to convey the teachings... They see us as their smaller brothers, offering us a real teaching about natural life, spiritual destiny, spiritual life..
Or, in the words of Simias, “We are also still far from perfect and must develop ourselves. We are not superhumans, but missionaries… we feel indebted to the inhabitants of the Earth, since our ancestors were your ancestors too… You call us aliens or star people, you attribute superhuman power to us, although you don’t even know us. However, we are people just like you, and only our knowledge and understanding far exceeds yours. especially in tech...

Being the bearers of spiritual self-knowledge, and not the vanguard of a marauding cosmic armada, looking for new territories for robbery, the Pleiadians, according to Meyer, declare their goal only to convey the fundamental metaphysical truth.

It is a fact known in many worlds that the human beings of the earth renounce real spiritual growth and develop themselves only within the limits of gross materialism… a material being identifies himself with his body, his possessions and possessions…”

The Pleiadians view all social structures of the Earth such as governments, corporate economic institutions, religions, etc. as independent, monolithic, authoritarian institutions of coercion, created solely to exploit humanity, reduce the masses to the level of slaves of material values.

After years of hard work and painstaking research, Wendell Stevens summarized the visit of the Pleiadians as follows…

“They are here because they care about us, their little brothers. our technical potential exceeds our spiritual ability to master information and we are now in a position of the threat of self-destruction and lack of spiritual development to prevent this.

Therefore, we became the object of a laboratory experiment. They are waiting for us to do it. In fact, they do not expect us to solve the problem. They see us as an insane society heading headlong into destruction and only a change in the mass consciousness and level of development can affect this, but they do not see such a possibility - because the United States is the main one in this process!”

In addition to being highly qualified as an interstellar pilot, Simias is a specialist in numerous sciences and sociological disciplines. In fact, she had spent about ten Earth-equivalent years studying Earth sociology in preparation for contact with Meyer. The life of the Pleiadians lasts about 1,000 years, so at the age of about 300 years, the degree of Simias corresponds to many doctorates.

Like it or not, this case fits my personal ideal of supermundane contact with a discreet cultural exchange that satisfies the conditions of mutual understanding. In any case, this mystical contact gives hope that somewhere among the stars there is a kindred, kinder world than the one we know.


In early 2009, Encounters, an English magazine, published an article by ufologist Richard Lineham about US government ties to aliens. This topic, despite all its sensationalism, is not new; testimonies of high-ranking officials and intelligence officers about the events of half a century ago periodically pop up on the pages of newspapers and magazines. However, this has never led to any reaction from the American government. It is silent or denies everything through the mouths of its third-rate servants.

Smith's call

It all started, according to R. Lineham, with his speech on the radio with a series of stories about UFOs and intelligent extraterrestrial beings. After one of the broadcasts, an unknown person who introduced himself as Smith called him at home and said that he had heard his speeches on the radio, read his articles and wanted to show him important information.
At first, the researcher reacted to this call with disbelief. But he quickly changed his mind when he learned that in the past the stranger was an operational officer of the US intelligence service and is now ready to present documents regarding the activities of aliens on Earth.
Soon, the ufologist received a package by mail containing photocopies of some secret documents on UFO sightings by American intelligence agencies. Among the documents were those that were intended only for US presidents. Convinced, as far as possible, of the veracity of the information, Lineham arranged a meeting with Smith.

Official reception at the base "Edward"

Here's what Smith had to say. The first contact of the US authorities with aliens occurred in 1953, when a UFO landed on one of the air force bases. The aliens claimed to have come from a planet orbiting a certain red star in the constellation of Orion. The result of the negotiations was the meeting of two aliens with President D. Eisenhower on February 21, 1954 at the Edwards Air Force Base. The meeting was recorded on film, which is stored in the secret department of the presidential archive.
Many years later, Charles L. Suggs, a former commander of the US Navy, who was part of the presidential team at the base "Edward", recorded on a tape recorder his account of an encounter with aliens.

“I and several base officers were supposed to meet alien visitors directly at the place of their landing near the administrative building,” he recalls.

We waited quite a long time and already decided that nothing would happen, when suddenly one of the officers noticed a strange rounded cloud that was descending slowly and almost vertically, swinging like a pendulum. It soon became clear to us that this was not a cloud, but a biconvex object about 35 feet in diameter. Its matte metal surface, without sharp transitions and protrusions, played with light reflections. The object hovered 10 feet (3 meters) above the concrete pavement, and with a slight hiss, three telescopic legs extended from it, which touched the ground. We felt that the air was saturated with ozone. There was an unsettling silence...

Suddenly, something clicked, and an oval hole appeared in the body, through which two creatures literally “floated out”. At first glance, they were not much different from people. One of them landed on the concrete 20 feet from the object, the other remained standing on the edge of the "plate". They were comparatively tall creatures, something like eight feet (2.4 meters), slender and similar to each other. Their blond and straight, almost white hair reached their shoulders. They had light blue eyes and colorless lips. The one who was standing on the ground showed with a gesture that he could not approach us and it was necessary to keep this distance. Fulfilling this condition, we went to the building. I could not understand whether the thick soles of the alien's shoes were touching the ground or not, he was stepping like on an air cushion ...».

The contract is signed. What's next?

At the negotiations, the aliens offered people help in spiritual development, and also demanded to destroy nuclear weapons, stop environmental pollution and plunder the planet's mineral resources. They refused to share the secrets of their technology, because, in their opinion, humanity is not yet prepared for this morally, and first you need to learn how to live in harmony with each other.
Eisenhower regarded the conditions of the aliens with great suspicion, especially in the part that concerned nuclear disarmament. Given the military-political situation in the world at that time, this seemed clearly unfeasible. In addition, the president believed that nuclear weapons were the only thing keeping aliens from directly invading Earth.
The aliens urged the earthlings not to come into contact with another space race - with the "gray" invaders, promising, if they agree, to help in the fight against them.
The result of a whole series of meetings with the "Scandinavians" (or, as they are called in another way, "Nordic"), was the agreement signed in 1954, as well as the appearance on Earth of the first alien ambassador named Krill. According to the terms of the treaty, aliens should not interfere in the affairs of earthlings, and the United States - in the affairs of aliens. The activities of aliens on Earth must be kept secret. The aliens will share with the Americans those of their technologies that cannot be used for military purposes. In addition, aliens should not enter into agreements with other countries, and earthlings - with other space races. The United States undertook to build underground bases for alien aircraft (only one was completely built - in Nevada, known as "Object 51"). Later, together with the Scandinavians, the Redlight project was developed, in accordance with which regular flights of American pilots on alien ships began.
As a cover and with the aim of mass disinformation of the population, such well-known programs as the Blue Book and Snowbird were launched. Everything incomprehensible fell on the secret experiments of the Air Force.


(excerpt) ... I have a step-grandfather - a dollar millionaire, he is not a frail "Mason" density. About 2 weeks ago I went to visit him. And he started a topic about the higher civilizations mentioned in St. writings. We discussed this all evening.
He also told me that in the next 10-15 years, a huge technological growth is planned in the space industry, that is, by 2030. All new space technologies are available behind the scenes. That is, even tomorrow we can become a highly developed space civilization.
All government structures will have to give people the truth about the origin of man, “they will be obliged,” as my grandfather said.

From his lips it was said that our gods eat, drink, love, and give birth, that they have a hormonal system and feelings, only their hormones do not kill them, and that they look practical like people, only taller, with very white skin and with blue-green-gray eyes. And they live as long as they want. And the fact that they have a reboot sleep, just like people, they are updated through this - that is, a reboot of the body, and the fact that this is normal for organics. (And then there is a similarity with the movie "Thor", where Odin fell into a lethargic sleep, remember?)

And here are the Anunnaki-niphilim supposedly from the Pleiades…. (Pay attention to their noses, and to the entire iconography of almost all religions, that the faces of saints are written with thin and long noses. This is an alien race.)

He told me that before 2035 the first official extraterrestrial contact with representatives of the race is planned. The Illuminati Freemasons and others are preparing for this coming, improving the technogenic civilization in preparation for meeting with their princes.
This contact will be official and expected, that is, about a month before their arrival, people will be announced that an alien ship is approaching the earth with a target and a signal of benevolent contact. That is, their arrival will be shown and described on all media channels and “mass sources of information”, etc. They will call themselves our creators, teachers, and mentors - the ancients. They will call us, the earthly race, their grandiose successful experiment. And the fact that it is from this contact that people are officially revealed the whole truth about space and the world, etc. It will be the most incredible sensation in the history of mankind. It will be a whole performance. They will look like fit, tall, slender, perfectly built fair-haired people, white-skinned with green-blue-gray eyes, husbands will be about 210 to 220 cm tall, wives from 188 to 200 cm.
After this event, all countries will unite into a single state. The financial pyramid will collapse.


On October 10, 2001, at about 5 pm, residents of the village of Pervomaisky, Krasnodar Territory, noticed a triangular UFO in the sky. That same evening, during the night and morning of October 11, a mysterious luminous object was observed in different regions - in the Stavropol Territory, in the Rostov, Volgograd, Saratov and Samara regions.

Oleg's story about what happened to him went something like this:

“I decided to arrange one of my productions at the bend of the N. River in the south of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The place is comfortable and also beautiful. In the nearest village he recruited workers and guards. The territory was surrounded by a fence with barbed wire (I am a very cautious person), security was around the clock. I have not launched the plant yet, but I have already settled in one of the huts, I made a good repair inside. I was in this hut on October 11, when suddenly there was a call on the local connection from the guard: “Some kind of huge contraption hangs over your house. One hundred meters in size. And it still glows."

I looked out the window and was stunned: a luminous object, as if covered with a light haze, was right above the roof of the house. While I was thinking, events developed further. Mysterious creatures began to appear in the house. They were of two types: some looked like women in white robes, others looked like men in uniform. They walked around the rooms without noticing me, carrying some pieces of iron. When the first shock passed, I began to resent: “What are you doing here? This is my domain!”

The creatures looked at me and seemed genuinely surprised. At that moment, it was as if the sound turned on for me - I began to hear that they were “speaking”. Telepathically, they explained that they would not cause me any harm, that they had some technical problems that needed to be solved, and most importantly, that this was not my possession at all, but their territory. Say, this place belongs to them from time immemorial. And they set a condition: do not let anyone in here and do not go anywhere yourself. I called the guards and said that everything was fine with me and that they would not tell anyone about the object they saw.

So, on October 11, 2001, mysterious creatures appeared in the village house of the Nizhny Novgorod businessman Oleg, who said that a breakdown had occurred with their aircraft. And that they would have to stay here for a few days...

According to Oleg, his “house arrest” lasted three days. All this time, the “techies” in uniform were doing some work, and the “women” took turns watching the owner. He kept trying to look into the large room where the main events took place, but he was not allowed to do so. Neither the TV nor the radio in the house worked. All three days Oleg watched the video.

Finally, one of the “women” said that they were finishing their work and would soon leave him. Then he was alarmed: “If you have such opportunities, help me, please. As you can see, I am disabled. Can you heal my legs?” “We can, but then you have to keep yourself in shape every day. Be sure to run. Otherwise, the whole organism will begin to degrade.” After that, Oleg underwent an “operation”: two “women” stood on the sides and, using some kind of device, scanned his entire body. Finally they said: “Now you have not just normal legs, but very strong legs. But keep in mind: everything that happened must remain a secret.”

The next morning, Oleg woke up as an absolutely healthy person. It was hard for the materialistic skeptic to believe what had happened to him. But how to explain the miraculous healing of the legs? For several days the businessman was in a state of euphoria (he really started to run), and then the fear came: what if they come back? And is it even worth starting production in this strange place? Then he turned to Cosmopoisk.

“After his story, we immediately went to the place,” says Vadim Chernobrov. – We carefully questioned the people in the village: no one saw anything. Only the guards and the businessman's manager were initiated. For several days we lived in the same house where everything happened. The place is really strange: you experience a constant feeling of anxiety, some steps are heard, extraneous sounds. At the most stressful moment, when we began instrumental research, the electricity in the house suddenly turned off. The cause of the breakdown was never found. When we left, the light turned on by itself.”

The history of the “October 11th phenomenon” ended tragically. No matter how hard they tried, the information could not be kept secret, alas. The village stood up on its ears: “Yeah, we said that this place is cursed! And there, it turns out, is another base of aliens!” Soon, a UFO reappeared over the territory of the plant that had not yet begun work. The guards managed to see him, but where he went then, they no longer saw. They were not up to it: a fire broke out instantly, and all the buildings burned to the ground. For Oleg, this was another shock: it became clear that in this way he had to pay for the disclosure of secrets. The businessman fell into depression, stopped monitoring his health. As he had been warned, the problems with his legs began again. The lungs and heart began to falter. In January 2004, he passed away.

Still, it's too early to put an end to this story. Oleg recalled that the aliens told him: “We will be back in eight ...” What eight, he did not make out. Days, months, years?.. And where will they appear again? On the same ashes or in another place?


One of the most impressive revelations about the secrets of the Vatican was made by the secretary of Pope John XXIII (1881-1963) Loris Capolvilla. In 2005, he issued a press statement in which he spoke of a strange event involving the Pope. According to him, John XXIII had a meeting with a man from another planet, an alien.

So, according to the papal secretary (oldest of the Catholic bishops) Pope John XXIII made contact with a friendly alien right in the garden of his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo.

This happened like this. At that moment, when dad and his secretary were walking in the garden, beings appeared to them around which there was a golden aura. The aliens came out of an oval object of blue, amber color. The pope and the secretary knelt down and began to pray, thinking that a miracle had been shown to them. Then, dad decided to go up to the stranger and talk to him.

The conversation lasted about half an hour. After dad finished talking, he returned to the secretary and said: The children of God are everywhere, although sometimes they do not consider us to be brothers.

It is noteworthy that recently a representative of the Vatican made a statement about the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial life, which caused fierce debate among believers ...


This story is stored in my memory, as if it happened the day before ... It happened at the end of May 1992. I went fishing on the Cheremshan River. It was early in the morning, I chose the fish from the nets and already wanted to start the motorcycle to go home. Suddenly I heard a voice that sounded like it was in my head.

He ordered: "Sit down."

I turned around and saw a human figure in the predawn darkness. At first I thought that this "cop" was meeting me with a fish, and my first thought was to take off running. But the same voice reassured him, saying that there was no need to be afraid of him. And all the fear disappeared somewhere. I realized that in front of me was not an ordinary person, but perhaps an alien from outer space. He was dressed in a suit: a suit of the type of a gray jumpsuit with glimpses. The color is remotely similar to the screen of an unplugged TV. On the head is something like a helmet of the same color. I could not see the face, as it was covered with a glass surface like a visor. The stranger was slender, about eighty meters tall.

He asked if I wanted to talk to him. I nodded in the affirmative. A conversation began, if it can be called a conversation in the sense of the word familiar to us. The alien, answering my questions, as if scrolling through frames of film right in my brain, and sometimes just nodding his head in agreement. He knew what I was thinking and read my every thought.

I remember asking him why they don't openly come into contact with people. The stranger replied that they had instructions forbidding them to interfere in our lives. They believe that humanity should develop in its own way. The stranger compared our civilization to ants. I understood that he meant that their civilization is as far from humanity in its development as our civilization is from ants. He said that we were of interest to them, as savages, whose development they are watching. I also learned that where he came from, time is measured differently. Their life expectancy is about 700 years according to our chronology. They wear protective devices on their heads to protect them from external influences, and so that no one else can read their thoughts. In general, in just 20 minutes he put so much into my head that you can’t even tell everything in a book.

At the end of the conversation, I tried to defend the earthlings: I said that humanity still went into space, and, they say, we are not so backward. To this, the alien ironically replied that we would conquer space for as long as we once conquered the ocean. And he clearly showed me the history of the development of water spaces by people. How they sailed in fragile rowboats from island to island and so on.
He also told me that our Earth is visited by several civilizations. These are mostly young civilizations that are looking for the rare elements they need on Earth, which we will not need for a long time. Other representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence fly to us mainly for refueling. And what would you think? Water! He also warned that, in an effort to communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations, you can get into their zoo, and not on a tour. He also explained the purpose of their visit to Earth as the collection of information and study of the structure of the solar system.

In conclusion, he showed me in pictures that if I told everyone about what I saw and understood, then no one would believe me. And the truth is, whoever I told about the meeting with the alien, no one believed me. I had never seen anything like it before. I am a materialist and believe in science, and the meeting with the alien was a confirmation of my hunch that we are not alone in space.


Three Kiev women - pensioner Vera Prokofievna, together with her friend, engineer Alexandra Stepanovna, and her six-year-old daughter - went to the Hydropark in the evening. “Twilight was beginning,” says Vera Prokofievna. “We approached the Dnieper channel and saw a boat, and there were three people in it. They were dressed in silver-colored clothes, without collars, sewn like a nightgown. Pale to the extreme and absolutely identical, like those of twins, faces. Long blonde hair. Large, radiant eyes. We asked: “Are you tourists? Where?" They answered us in Russian with some strange accent: “We flew from another planet. Where is our planet, it is incomprehensible to your mind. When you are like us, you will know. Every day we take one person from Earth to our place. And we'll take you too. Our ship is nearby, we will show it to you.”

One went ahead, and two with us, on the sides, as if escorted. We wanted to scream, to run away, but we were attracted like a magnet, and we had no strength. When they looked at us, all over the body, like needles, pricked. Alexandra Stepanovna turned terribly pale, and I probably looked no better either. We began to ask not to be taken away, we have a family, children.

Through the foliage they saw a white structure, also the color of silver, like their clothes. It looks like a dish, with a round antenna on top. “Okay, we won't take you,” these people said. “We'll find others.” We went inside the “barrel”, a staircase with three steps went up, the door itself, as in an elevator, closed, and the apparatus did not make any noise at all, without raising the wind, without throwing up sand, it quickly took off and soon turned into a small star ... ”

The leading employee of the Department of Physics of Stars and Galaxies of the Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.F. Pugach commented on this case: “The woman described what she saw and experienced quite clearly. For example, she clearly recorded that the sand was not disturbed during the takeoff of the apparatus, that the boat was without sails, oars and a motor. Her message can be called "an average picture of contact with aliens." Depressed mental state, a feeling of complete submission to the "aliens". I note that both in our country and in the USA, extensive libraries of such descriptions have been compiled ... The behavior of enelonauts is typical: they do not express emotions, they did not directly answer the question of where they are from. So this case is not a figment of the imagination of women.”


Mary Joyce, former Private First Class Charles Hall, the one who knows the answer to this question. He was assigned as a meteorologist to an air force base in a very remote area in Nevada in 1965-66. But the measurement of weather and wind was only an additional task there. Hall was very surprised to meet aliens at that base.
Hall tells his story in a book called Millennium Hospitality, but if you can't afford to take the time to read it, here are some excerpts from the book that give a glimpse of the alien race of the "Tall Whites" or "Nordic Aliens".

Why "Tall Whites" in Nevada?

K.: “We can get knowledge from them that will help us in technological progress. Tall white men are able to control American scientific developments... This new collaboration paves the way for us in space.

The Tall Whites at this base repair their ships using local materials. Their small ships are designed to travel in close proximity to the solar system.

Hall: “Month after month over the past summer, I regularly watched the Tall Whites spaceship arrive in the night sky after sunset. I noted to myself that this flying object was quite large, like a flattened disk.

What do Tall Whites look like?

Hall: “I was surprised to see one of them. He just walked on the ground. He had clear blue eyes, chalk-white skin, short blond hair, and was wearing an aluminized jumpsuit. As usual, he carried the weapon in his left hand."

What is the life expectancy of "Tall Whites"?

Alien: “We live much longer than you. When my grandfather died of old age, he was about 3 meters tall and almost 700 years old. But we are growing much slower than you. This is why my bones would take much longer to heal when injured than yours.”

How do "Tall Whites" communicate with people?

Hall: The Tall Whites wear helmets with special equipment that allow them, under certain conditions, to read my thoughts and transmit their own. When they were not using this equipment, they spoke our language, which they learned, and when there were not enough words, they resorted to gesticulation.”

Alien: “My kids and I used to walk around the base sometimes, and when he (Hall) was sleeping, I would read his mind. With the help of these technologies, I can transmit my thoughts to him even when he is sleeping.”

Are Tall Whites dangerous to humans?

Hall: “I could see one of the aliens standing motionless in the other corner, facing me. He held in his hand a thin tube-weapon, about 40 cm long. He did not point the weapon at me, but still I was nervous. Although he, like all other "Tall White" aliens, had only 4 fingers on each hand, he had complete control over his weapons. They will never use weapons unless provoked. ”

Alien: “Hall is still a little afraid of some of us. He knows the men will kill him if he ever endangers one of his children, but my brother and I don't think he ever will. We're sure he knows he's powerless against us. He controls his emotions and just goes about his work when either of us is around him.”

When will the disclosure of information about extraterrestrial civilizations?

Hall: “I believe that this will happen in the near future, in our lifetime. Our president, for example, knew about the "Tall Whites" already in the mid-60s. And I think that the presidents of every country on Earth are already informed about the existence of this extraterrestrial civilization.


There was a growing interest in UFOs and aliens in Oklahoma at the time. Especially to the stories that happened near Lake Arcadia.

Several people became eyewitnesses of an unidentified flying object at once, so you can be sure of the reliability of this case.

S .: “- On Saturday morning, August 24, 2013, we were fishing in Lake Arcadia. I was not alone, with a friend. Suddenly, under the surface, we noticed a giant bright and luminous object. It had a light green color with rhythmic flashing red and blue lights around the perimeter. The UFO flew out of the water in an instant and hovered over their camp for a few seconds before disappearing into the sky. I went to inspect our camp, but found nothing in particular. We are sure that it did not seem to us.”

Many ufologists from that moment became interested in the anomalies of Lake Arcadia in Oklahoma. Local residents were asked to talk about whether they saw strange flying objects over the lake.

Linda Moulton Howe, reporter and editor for Earthfiles, interviewed Tyler Jones, who claimed to have come face to face with these aliens. His farm is near the lake. This incident happened to him in his youth 20 years ago. At that time, cattle began to disappear strangely on the farm. One late evening, he and his brother saw a bright light outside the window and left the house. After the farmer remembers that he lost consciousness and woke up on a table in an unfamiliar room. From fear, he began to panic and scream, but the person standing next to him touched his forehead with his hand and calmed him down.

Tyler Jones describes the creatures like this:

“They look like people. I think that most of all on our Swedes. They have shoulder-length blond straight hair and blue eyes. About 7 feet tall. Their faces are angular, the shape of the jaw is almost square, the lips are like ours. Its head is longer at the back than a human's. The skin was completely white, almost glowing.”

The descriptions of the aliens from the words of the brothers coincided.


“For four years I did not remain silent because I was afraid of ridicule from others,” he wrote to me in the fall of 1994. “It’s just that what happened to me made me reevaluate my life, look at it with different eyes…”

Valery Vasilievich is a former officer of the Missile Forces, a retired lieutenant colonel, handsome, of medium height, smart, intelligent man with intelligent, inquisitive eyes. He told me that he tried to write a book after meeting with creatures from another constellation, but he threw the first version of the manuscript into the trash: it’s not right and wrong, inadequate to his new feelings ...
That's how it was.
... On a summer day, he was returning to Volgograd from a trip to the Saratov region and stopped in a forest plantation for lunch. Suddenly, an inexplicable fear seized him. Looked around - no one. Nevertheless, he decided to leave this place, but the keys to the car in front of his eyes ... disappeared! And then the thought appeared in my head: "Don't be afraid, we won't harm you, we'll just ask a few questions." Then, three meters away, I saw two silhouettes.
“They were a man and a woman, no different from us,” Krasnov recalled. - Dressed in overalls of light silver color. White skin, golden hair, blue eyes. Both are tall, 190-200 centimeters tall. They smiled kindly. I involuntarily admired the woman, because she was insanely beautiful and slender. The man was also handsome. Both are 20-25 years old.

A dialogue took place between them, with Valery speaking out loud, and strangers broadcasting thoughts directly into his head.
Their ship is disc-shaped, the crew consists of six people, an intermediate base on the moon. They live in another dimension, but have learned to move from dimension to dimension. According to them, in every dimension there are intelligent civilizations, often not similar to each other. There are aggressor civilizations among them, and there are intellectuals, thanks to whom the Universe develops and avoids catastrophes. Earth civilization, in their opinion, is rather backward in development. The aliens are studying the activities of mankind on the planet, without interfering in events.
They do not conduct any experiments on people, they do not kidnap people - this is strictly prohibited by the Council, although there are ECs that practice this with people. The official recognition of the earth civilization, the exchange of scientific information with it, as well as its inclusion in the Ring of Reason are not yet allowed due to the aggressiveness of mankind.
In their opinion, earthlings have chosen an ecologically dirty path of development and are killing themselves with this. Everything good that was given to us from outside, we used mainly for the preparation and conduct of wars. If we continue to destroy the environment at the same pace, we are doomed to death.

Krasnov had another meeting with these creatures, and he is no less confident in their reality than in the reality of human society.


Argentine truck driver Dionisio Lanza was hospitalized with amnesia. A few days later, his memory returned and Dionisio told what happened to him on the day he disappeared. According to him, he met with the aliens, was on board their ship, where they took a blood sample from him.

Dionisio L.: “On the night of October 28, 1973, I got into my truck loaded with building materials and took them to the city of Rio Gallegos. The journey was to be two days. On the way, when I stopped at a gas station, I noticed that one of the tires was lower than the others, I decided to check it when I arrived in the city of Medanos (after 30 km), since I did not want to waste time on this. I drove 19 km before I noticed that the wheel began to lose air very quickly and completely deflated. I had to stop on the side of the road.

It was cold outside, the clock showed 1:15 am. All around was a deserted quiet area. I got my tools, jack, wrenches and started changing the tire myself.

After a while, I noticed a bright yellowish glow in the distance and thought it was the headlights of a large truck. I continued to repair the wheel, ignoring the light.
But soon the light filled everything around and became very bright. I wanted to stand up to look at the light source, but I realized that my body did not obey me, I could not move. Looking back with difficulty, I noticed a huge disk-shaped object hovering 6 meters above the ground and three humanoid beings standing below it and looking at it. He was completely paralyzed and could not even speak.

They just stood there and looked at me for a few minutes, then one of them came over and helped me up. I wanted to speak, but I couldn't even move my tongue. Then another one came up to me with a tool that looked like a razor, took his index finger and I noticed a few drops of blood that the tool sucked in. I don't remember what happened next.

Description of the aliens:

According to Dionisio Lance, the aliens were described as people of the Nordic type. There were two men and a woman. They all had shoulder-length blond hair. They were all about the same height, between 1.8 and 2 meters tall, dressed in tight-fitting gray suits, they had high boots and gloves on their hands.

The features of their faces were like those of people, only they differed in a particularly high forehead and elongated slanting blue eyes. They spoke to each other in an incomprehensible language that sounded like the chirping of a bird.

Hypnotic Memory Regression:

On November 5, 1973, Dionisio Lanza underwent a course of regressive hypnosis in which he recalled more details of that meeting. He said that after blood was taken from him near the truck, the aliens took him aboard their ship. The room he was taken into was round, he saw a woman working on a series of instruments that looked like medical ones. One of the men, whom Dionisio identified as the pilot, was sitting at the front of the room in front of a panel, his floating hand holding a lever that looked like some kind of joystick. Another man watched the starry sky through a large monitor on the floor of the room.

The woman wore an orange glove that had spikes in the palm of her hand. When she approached Dionisio, she made an incision on the right temporal region. When they finished the operation, they anesthetized and healed the wound. After that, I was returned back, where I walked for several hours in a state of amnesia, until passing cars paid attention to me. The next thing he remembers is how he ended up in the hospital.


Angelucci, who worked as a mechanic for the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation in Burbank, California, says that on July 23, 1952, he felt sick and did not go to work.

In the evening, he went for a walk in a secluded area near a concrete dam on the Los Angeles River. During the walk, he was disturbed by a strange stabbing sensation in his body and some kind of dullness and slowness of thoughts. Suddenly he saw in front of him a luminous, foggy object, shaped like a needle - an Eskimo dwelling. The object gradually condensed. It had a door on its side that led to the dimly lit interior.

Entering the door, Angelucci found himself in a completely empty vaulted room eighteen feet in diameter with shimmering mother-of-pearl walls. He saw a reclining chair beside him, made of the same translucent substance as the rest of the ship, and he wanted to sit in it. Then the door slammed shut, leaving not only no gap, but no sign at all that it existed, and the object apparently launched into space.

Soon a window opened in the wall of the room, and Angelucci saw the ground from a distance of about a thousand miles. A voice began to speak to him, describing the plight of materialistically minded people on Earth and urging Angelucci to tell them of their true spiritual nature. The voice said: “Every person on Earth has a spiritual body that transcends the material world and will live forever…
Angelucci listened to these teachings for a while, and then had the following experience:
From the dome of the ship flashed a dazzling white beam. Apparently, for a moment, I partially lost consciousness. Everything around him blurred into a vast shimmering white light. It seemed to me that I was thrown out of Time and Space and I am aware only of light, Light, LIGHT! Every event from my life on Earth appeared before me crystal clear, I was flying somewhere ... And I decided that I was dying.

Then everything slowly turned into a wonderful world of indescribable beauty. Free from all moral delusions, I floated in a timeless sea of ​​bliss. When Angelucci returned to his body, he realized that the object had landed on the ground. Returning home, he remembered the burning sensation under his heart that he experienced while on board the ship. He examined the chest and found a reddish dot surrounded by a coin-sized circle. It was the only tangible proof that what he experienced actually happened.

abduction by aliens of a resident of the suburbs

This incident happened to me in July 1981. I was then 17 years old. At that time, I lived on the Likhachevskoye Highway in a five-story building on the third floor.

That evening, our Spitz Tishka and I were alone at home - my mother and sister worked the night shift. At 21:00 I watched the program "Time" on TV and waited for the film, which was supposed to start in half an hour. I sit, watch TV and do not understand anything. I was seized by some strange depressed state. In the end, without waiting for the movie, I went to bed. This is despite the fact that I am an owl: I usually go to bed very late.
And then suddenly I woke up. I was lying on my left side, facing the wall, and for some reason I was terrified. I had never experienced this before. I lay with my eyes closed, unable to move, as if paralyzed.
I opened my eyes and saw a carpet hanging on the wall. I realized that I was floating quite high above the bed.

I feel that I began to turn in the air on my right side and face the balcony door. The blanket slipped onto the bed. The dog whined softly downstairs. I hovered, as if lying on my right side: my right hand was pressed to my body, my legs were together. The left hand was sluggish, and as if I lay it down, and yet I was able, albeit with difficulty, to move it a little.

Then I noticed that in the room near the balcony there was a man about the same height as me. Only I immediately realized that this is not an ordinary person. He wore a robe the color of metallic mercury and shoulder-length blond hair. Behind the first figure, a second figure appeared, taller than the first by half a head. The second stranger stood on the balcony. I remember the first one said something to me, but I don’t remember exactly what.

I started to turn around again - with my feet in their direction and on my back. The first "man" went out onto the balcony, and I slowly flew after him feet first. Strangers stood on either side of me. My whole body was immobilized, and yet I still felt my left flaccid hand, which hung down slightly.

When I realized that I was flying to the balcony, the thought arose in my head: “That's it, krants!” - and shock: at the same time I believe in what is happening, and I don’t believe it. When I was on the balcony, the same unknown force pulled me up. Then I realized: a little more, and I will be pulled into the starry night sky. And then what?!

Fear gave me strength. I reached out my numb left hand and grabbed the railing. But I was still pulled up. I felt a sharp pain in my elbow. A fraction of a second - and the fracture would have been secured. And suddenly I feel one of the "men" on the balcony, who is on the left, took my elbow and pulled me back and down. At the same time, he said something either to me or to his friend. He unhooked my hand from the railing. All these manipulations in the apartment and on the balcony took the "muzhiks" about two minutes.

I flew up again. With my left eye, I saw the receding kindergarten located near our house. Then the fear suddenly disappeared, I was seized by a pleasant feeling. I began to look ahead. I was flying feet up at about a 20 degree angle. I was flying fast, and I didn’t see any rays drawing into the UFO, as other eyewitnesses sometimes describe abductions. And then I just passed out.

In the morning I woke up as if nothing had happened and went to work. And all day I could not understand why my left elbow hurts and the middle finger on my left hand hurts. In the evening, returning home, I noticed that Tishka was somehow strange - quiet, did not ask to go outside and did not eat anything. Maybe something scared him? And suddenly I remembered everything!

I did not tell my mother and sister anything - I tried several times, but I could not find the words. In addition, I did not remember much of the night incident, the details were restored to my mind very slowly. Apparently, the aliens know how to put some kind of blocking in memory.

Later, at the end of September - beginning of October, at night pictures suddenly began to pop up before my eyes. These flashes in my mind helped me remember what happened after I passed out, and I was able to recall all the events of that night. I am now 49 years old, but I remember all the details very well.

I found myself in a small light gray room. To the right were two large semi-circular screens or windows.
On the left side, in a black armchair at a light table, a man was sitting sideways to me, the screen was just in front of him. I did not see any flashing lights on the table, as shown in science fiction films, but I noticed black buttons and yellow symbols. I focused all my attention on the alien.
And yet, for some reason, I understood that he was different - not like us. Feeling my gaze, the man turned and looked at me. Now I can see it even better. The stranger had a narrow protruding chin, a narrow nose, thin lips, bluish eyes, dilated pupils. Skin pale as snow. The man was wearing a rather loose purple jumpsuit.

The man got up from the console and walked closer. He was a head taller than me. I noted that if earlier I was fettered by fear, now I suddenly became bolder, I felt on an equal footing with the alien. He looked into my eyes. I, too, stared at him in return, right in his nose. I sensed that he didn't like it. A smirk appeared on his face.

We talked with him for a long time, while there was no telepathy - his lips moved like an ordinary person. I don't remember the whole conversation, only part of it. The stranger said that 16 bases of different alien civilizations are located in the USSR. Among all these aliens, some higher ones stand out, they have two bases on Earth - one in our country, the other in Norway.

How our conversation ended and how I ended up at home, I do not remember.

I do not consider myself a contactee or some kind of chosen one, and I do not want to be thought that I am implying this. Just told how it happened. Of course, each person embellishes his stories, like a fisherman his catch. But not in my case. On the contrary, I have not written everything here. And without that, it looks like a fantastic story.


One of the eyewitnesses was A. T. Berochkin from Volga, a retired lieutenant colonel, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. From 1960 to 1972 he served at Baikonur and personally knew all the first cosmonauts.
- It happened on the night of November 9-10, 2000, - Alexey Tikhonovich told the details.

- An alien appeared in my room in the middle of the night. He was about two meters tall, very well built - like swimmers. And he is dressed in a body-hugging shiny gray suit with cuffs on his arms and under his throat. View - like that of an earthly person. Short haircut, blond hair, expressive blue eyes, somewhat reminiscent of the actor Alexander Mikhailov. By years - no more than 30. At first, out of surprise, I scolded him - I thought the thief had penetrated through the balcony. But then he calmed down, because goodwill and no aggression emanated from him.

The interview took about seven minutes. The stranger said that there are no armies on their planet and they do not fight. Much attention is paid to the upbringing of children, they do not have homeless children. The society is led by a group of specialists from the Grand Council. The technology of flights in space is completely different from the earthly one. The alien said that various civilizations visit the Earth, but the so-called "gray" should be feared. They are small in stature and reproduce by cloning. They have reproductive problems and experiment on humans to learn how to reproduce like humans.
- We are a technical civilization, - said the stranger, - on Earth we study the atmosphere, water and how they change. Unfortunately, the changes are not for the better...
The alien disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. And the next morning, Alexey Tikhonovich discovered that a wart had disappeared from his eyelid on his right eye, which pretty much annoyed him. Then he fully believed in the reality of the night visit ...

Blond Aliens

K .: - I had contact with extraterrestrial beings, it's true, they were real, sometimes I asked them “how does it work? What it is? etc." and they answered me, showed me, but I did not understand everything, and I had to stop the narrator. In advance - I don’t know names, names, they said “call it what you want, I’ll forget it anyway”

They are tall about 2 meters; similar to people; light, almost white skin; blond hair, closer to straw color.

They communicated mentally, basically they explained a lot to me, “how everything works, how to behave, etc.” They dressed according to rank, tall in white clothes, similar to a cassock, only more fitting. Smaller creatures, something like a shirt with trousers, white or approximately light beige in color. I remember one, his clothes were a little different from the others, he seemed to have a cape that did not fasten on top, there were two dark red lines along the edges of the cape, at the top they were narrower, the lower, the wider, but the stripes ended just below the middle of the body. He looked quite young, but being around I felt that he was very old or "ancient".

Smaller creatures, I saw that they were always “digging and working” with technology, and who more than once did not notice this. Food. The food was in “glasses” about 30 cm high, it was cloudy green in color, thick in consistency, and they drank it, it was tasteless and odorless (tried). Every day they do not need to eat, mostly once every 2-3 days, it is normal for them and once every 7 days.

But the most interesting thing is that their skin is white-white and it seemed to me that it glowed, perhaps something evaporated from it, but it was visible (especially on the hands) that small particles flew off the skin and disappeared, which created a glow effect approximately 2 - 3 cm from the skin. Dressed in white, and some of them in light blue overalls, where on a blue background there were two large white inverted triangles in front, starting from the shoulders and to the end of the body.

Technique. It is very different from ours. Controlling the Spaceship - with the help of the power of thought, there is a special chair, and the control panel only consists of two slots for hands.

The chair amplifies the wave, you send a signal through the panel, sometimes it is combined. (The panel consists of gold or its alloy - it transmits the signal better). They have two types of aircraft: space and planetary, they differ in the principle of operation. Planetary - work at the expense of the energy of the planet. Each planet constantly releases energy, this transport has special "crystals" at the bottom, which collect this energy in two centers and process it into "traction" - energy. The power of the machine, the lifting height depend on: the weight of the machine itself, the energy strength of the planet itself (the larger the planet, the stronger it is), and the power also depends on the height above the earth's surface. The disadvantage of this transport is obvious - you cannot fly further than your orbit. Space is divided into two types: "large" and "small" ships. Small ships use energy storage, in the form of our batteries, and are designed for space travel.

It is not profitable for the big ones to constantly use it, for this reason they “pull out” all possible external energies at every opportunity, converting it into “clean” energy and using it or storing it in storage devices.

Separate beings, among them, which they themselves call the highest, except for spaceships from the "highest" technology, there is nothing.

Houses on their planet are like houses, creatures walk on foot, etc., you can’t even say that this is a “high” civilization. You ask "why?", he replied that they did not need more. And at that moment I realized that the indicator of a high level of civilization, not in technology, is ...


“It all started when my colleague asked me to save his beloved flower, which had almost died. I arrived, worked, and we sat down to tea. And during the tea party, I expressed the idea that it would not be bad to meet and chat with the aliens. The colleague immediately calmed down and thought. And he said it's not a problem. I made a surprised face, and he explained that "they" agreed. My confusion, mixed with joy, did not last long ... "

Prior to this, in Novy Urengoy, an eyewitness once observed, on a clear day, a gray matte cigar-shaped object hovering, without tilt, subjectively estimated the size of 25x6 m, at a distance of 150 m. This was the beginning of interest in aliens.

“According to their instructions, a colleague found a detailed map of the area, and everything was agreed upon: date, time and place of the meeting. We were warned not to take the camera, and that they would put up a wall between us for our safety. Time, I remember - 23:00. The car was, so everything was real.

The meadow was located at a distance of about 75 meters from the main road that went from the city of Zhukovsky in the direction of the Lyubertsy quarry, and it was necessary to go to the meadow by a dirt road.

“We arrived about 20 minutes before the meeting. A colleague was asked to slightly rearrange the car so that it was not visible from the paved road. It was autumn, we were allowed to light a small fire to keep warm. We were told where they would be, where the wall was, and where we were; the safe distance between us is 9.5 meters so as not to get hurt. At the appointed time, a luminous and oscillating wall began to appear, quite transparent. It seems that the meeting place was a little illuminated, and the figures of the 4 interlocutors glowed. The color of the wall and figures behind it is silver-light blue. My height was 187 cm; one of them was taller than me - about 2 meters, two - lower: 175 and 165 cm, and one of the same height as me. Of course, these are approximate figures. There were no spacesuits on them, but something similar to overalls. According to the information, each of the counterparts materialized by 80%.
They had slightly elongated heads and completely identical clothes, which reflected the light a little, but it was not possible to see in more detail, due to poor lighting and distance. Between NIBS and eyewitnesses, the distance was more than 10 meters and the so-called "security wall" from a loose, faintly luminous silvery fog. Eyewitnesses also noticed that the creatures were 2-3 meters farther from the "wall" than themselves.

“The conversation as a whole lasted 20 minutes and consisted almost entirely of our questions and their answers. At the end of the meeting, we received a promise to meet again in a year. And it was done."

At the second meeting, exactly one year later and at the same place under the same conditions, there were already three eyewitnesses, since the wife of a colleague joined ...

According to an eyewitness: “Their goal is to show themselves so that they know for sure that guests are flying to some people, and also to provide valuable information that we will master in order to become better and more professional. Each visit they left a block of information for the whole year in advance, for each separately. In our world, there is only one who is in demand, and those who are against something or someone will not win. Everyone is illiterate, including the heads of states, parties, movements, who are fighting against something or someone, because they do not know the simplest law of physics - counteraction ... We must speak out and not only in words for peace, for ideas ... That is, for so that from childhood people grow up literate in science under the conditional name - the organization of life on Earth. Including here the organization of all types of activities ... ".


Once, after reading an article about possible visits to the Earth by aliens, a completely forgotten picture from my childhood surfaced in my memory. Weird picture...

I am five years old, and I am sitting in a field in a hut of corn stalks. It was in Kyrgyzstan, where my parents lived then. Suddenly I see a large ball descending over our garden not far from the hut. He sank to the ground, froze on arable land. Then a slice opened in the ball, like a watermelon, a small ladder descended, and a woman came out. Behind her was a man, but he remained in the apparatus. "Hold out your hands," the woman told me. She looked very kind, young, tall. Dressed, like her companion, in a silver jumpsuit that gleamed in the sun, blond hair spread over her shoulders, blue eyes. I sat at the entrance to the hut and willingly held out my hands. For some reason I wanted to laugh. She smiled kindly too. And that's it - I don't remember anything else.
But I didn't tell my mom about it. There was some feeling, perhaps inspired, that there was no need to tell.


This incident occurred on August 7, 1965 in San Pedro de los Altos, 50 km from Caracas. There were two witnesses.

After lunch, they saw a blinding ball in the sky. He slowly and soundlessly approached the witnesses at a distance of 100 meters, and they saw that it was a giant disk with a black spot on the bottom, emitting a blinding yellow light. The object hovered at a height of 1.5 m above the ground at a distance of 30 m from eyewitnesses. Suddenly, a wide beam of light emerged from its underside, in which two beings over 2m tall appeared. They had shoulder-length blond hair and seamless suits with a metallic sheen. These creatures came up to three meters to the frightened bystanders, who heard a voice: "Do not be afraid of us, calm down."

It was strange that neither the mouths nor other parts of the bodies of the aliens moved, and the witnesses heard these words as if in their “brain”. Noticing the bewilderment of the witnesses, the enlonauts transmitted to them telepathically: "We are speaking directly to you."

- Who you are? What are you looking for here?

We have come on a mission of peace.

Can you tell us how your flying ships move?

These are not flying saucers, but gravity aircraft. They move by means of concentrated solar energy, which creates a huge magnetic force.

“So you have learned to overcome gravity?”

- Of course.

Do you have bases on the ground?

Every planet that sends an expedition to Earth has at least one ship, half the size of the moon, that sits behind the planet Mars. This is the reason why many of our ships are visible when Mars is close to Earth.

Do some of you live among us?

Yes, over two million.

What you eat? What do you live?

artificial nutrition.

What do you think of our spaceships?

They are primitive.

Do you have a powerful weapon?

No. We repeat that we have come on a peace mission, but we have a small wearable weapon that is powerful enough to stop a plutonium bomb from detonating.

The conversation ended there, but the witnesses remembered that the following phrases were heard from the side of the aliens:

1. That people on earth are in the initial stage of development, which they already have.

2. That in addition to our galaxy, there is still life in many parts of space.

3. That they will still show evidence of their presence in different parts of our planet, but later.


March 1982, Springfield, Missouri.

A local resident was driving home by car past Springfield. She was about to make a turn on the road to the right, but the car did not seem to obey her, and picked up speed. The sound of the engine died down and all electrical appliances turned off. She stopped feeling the bumps in the road, the car seemed to float above the ground. She stopped in a clearing in the forest near a large flying machine in the shape of a disk, with three pillars at the bottom.

She got out of the car and, as if at the behest of someone's voice, entered the facility. Entering, she found herself in a large room, the walls of which were silvery, exuding soft light. There were several human-like creatures in the room. They were men about 7 feet tall. They were slim, had blue eyes, white hair and high cheekbones. They wore tight-fitting suits, boots and a wide belt. Each had an emblem on their chest.

One of the men informed her that they were going to do some medical tests and that they would not hurt. She lay down on what looked like an operating table. She remembered a burning sensation in her breasts as she was given injections on each side of her armpits. Then she was helped up from the table. They spoke to her using telepathy and could read her thoughts. She was helped down the stairs to the ground and got back into her car. The alien ship rose up and disappeared behind the trees.


“Modern ufology has a lot of evidence of contacts with humanoid aliens. The image of a short alien with gray skin, huge eyes on a pumpkin-like head has long become commonplace. But, despite the idea that has formed in the public mind about aliens as gray dwarfs, there are hundreds of evidence of contacts with completely different creatures.

As is known from the descriptions of contactees, these creatures have human proportions, but are distinguished by unusual beauty and charm. They have classic features, blond hair, bright blue eyes. They are impeccably built and accentuate the beauty of their bodies with lightening clothing made of dazzling silver fabric. According to the international classification, such creatures are classified as the Nordic (northern) type.
American researcher Don Worley has been studying cases of Nordic-type aliens for 40 years. Despite a rich archive of evidence of contact with these mysterious creatures, Worley is in no hurry to classify them as aliens. The caution of the researcher can be understood, since the stories about the representatives of the mysterious Nordic tribe are more reminiscent of some mysteries than contacts with aliens familiar to readers.

So, in the Worley archive there is a story by Roberto Scaldi, who lives in Virginia. When Roberto was 18 years old, an incredible event happened in his life. The young man was relaxing on a hacienda in Brazil and often walked around the neighborhood. During one of these walks, he saw a tall man approaching him, accompanied by a beautiful woman. Both were golden-haired, tanned, with bright blue eyes. The man said that his name was Thor and offered to follow him and his companion. When Torg spoke, his lips did not move; it seemed to the guy that the stranger's voice sounded right in his head, causing a feeling of strange delight. Roberto hesitated whether to accept the invitation, but Thor took his hand and the three of them took a few steps.

“At that moment, the whole area changed terribly,” Roberto later recalled.

The bright glare of the midday sun was replaced by a gloomy twilight, a cold piercing wind blew. Rubbing my eyes, I saw before me the ruins of the city, the gloomy ruins stretching along as far as the eye could see. And I felt that apart from me and my two mysterious companions, there was not a single living soul in this terrible place.

"Where are we?" I asked, “We,” the golden-haired beauty replied, “are on Earth after the end of time. There will never be life here again…” When I asked when this would happen, I was told that only the Creator knows the exact time. After a few seconds, I opened my eyes and found that I was a hundred meters from the hacienda, and Thor and the beautiful woman had disappeared.”

Now Roberto is a successful businessman, but he never forgets for a day the shock that he experienced at the ashes of a dead city during a mysterious meeting in Brazil.
A longer contact with a representative of the Nordic community took place with 22-year-old Penny Mae, a resident of Ontario. For several years, the girl testifies, showing her diaries, she was visited by an unearthly male being. Penny never learned his name. But the beauty of the mysterious guest, his blond hair and blue eyes did not leave the girl indifferent. Now she is a single mother, and according to her, the father of her two children is not a man.

He arrived on Earth with a certain mission, the meaning of which she did not understand. Chosen Penny explained to her that his brothers live next door to humanity, but in a different dimension. Often he arranged sessions for her, during which, before the mind's eye of the girl, there were pictures of global destruction and catastrophes that would befall the Earth in the future. “We will help people move into our world during the end of the world,” Penny assured her partner, “but, of course, not everyone.”

Perhaps, according to Don Worley, the key episode that sheds light on the true nature of the mysterious guests can be the case that happened to the Argentine Carla Turner in the summer of 2004. One night, a 40-year-old woman woke up from a strange feeling of someone else's presence in the room. Opening her eyes, she saw a greenish light in the corner of the room; in the zone of this light stood three dwarfs with wrinkled gray skin and huge black eyes - exactly like those aliens that are shown in Hollywood films. As Carla looked at the creepy guests with a shudder, a tall blond man in white tight-fitting clothes stepped out of the light. Pointing to the dwarfs, he turned to the woman: "Do not be afraid of them, they are with me."
- "You're an angel?" Carla asked. The man laughed: “In general, yes, but not the one they tell you about in church.”

Modern researchers from the US and Europe can provide hundreds of such testimonies. After comparing all the cases, it was concluded that the representatives of the Nordic tribe are unlikely to be aliens from outer space! It is also noteworthy that, as follows from the stories of eyewitnesses, under the control of the “Nordians” are undersized creatures, which ufologists traditionally classify as aggressive aliens. Hence, some speculate, the mystery of the Nordic visitors may be directly related to UFOs and their crews. But, perhaps, all these creatures visit the Earth not from the depths of space, but from other dimensions of our moment.


Brazil, 1977, the city of Rio de Janeiro.

In the evening, on the outskirts of the city, a local resident Moasir, 53 years old, was in the courtyard of his house when a man, almost three meters tall, with blond hair, approached him and invited him to talk. He spoke Portuguese very well. The witness was frightened, but nevertheless agreed to go with him. They walked together for a long time towards the desert. Suddenly he noticed a large disk-shaped ship standing on the ground. There were several other similar creatures around him, they greeted him and all went up inside the ship. What they talked about on the ship, Moasir remembers with difficulty. He remembers how he ended up near the house again.

The next morning, the eyewitness was very surprised when this tall white man turned up at their house. His wife and children also saw him. He was wearing a dazzlingly bright silver suit that radiated a glow with a wide belt with a metal buckle about 20cm in diameter. This made him lower his eyes, and he saw the metallic color of the boots.

Moasir looked up and looked at his face, the stranger was smiling. He was like those creatures up to 3 meters tall. This man was muscular, like a weightlifter. On the face of the giant looked very young. His skin was a waxy white.

This man again asked Moasir to follow him. They went to those deserted fields. They stopped near a hill with sparse vegetation. And 10-15 meters away from the sky a ship landed that looked like a metal saucer. It was brushed aluminium, about 20 meters in diameter. Several props extended and he landed.

The ship was 7 meters high with a dome. Moasir was invited on board. They went through the stairs at the bottom of the ship. It was cold inside. They entered the round room. There were large windows around the perimeter 3 by 1.5 meters. Light filtered through these windows, dimly illuminating the darkened interior of the ship. Moasir's head barely reached the lower frame, since everything on the ship corresponded to the size of the giants. In place of one of the windows there was a kind of panel with multi-colored buttons and levers. Moasir looked out the window and saw the starry sky and a celestial body resembling Saturn.

One of the giants invited him to visit the "secret room". They went into the corridor, and went into a very cold room. There, he saw numerous shelves along the walls, on which stood transparent containers filled with a green liquid. In the center of the room was a table that looked like an operating room. To all Moasir's questions, the alien immediately gave a telepathic answer. He asked why he had been chosen for the study. The stranger reported that he had good physical and mental data.

Moasir recalls the strange features of the tall people of the aliens: very large eyes that seemed to glow blue; the teeth seemed to be one solid white plate, without any individual teeth. The giant's hair was very light, almost white. He also noticed that they had telepathic abilities.


A little-known contact with a higher mind occurred on May 1, 1987 in the town of La Horrer, Panama. Farmer Maximo Camargo was finishing redecorating his house when he heard a sound like a metal wire hitting. He didn't pay much attention to it. After a moment the sound grew louder and he looked up to see a silver disc-shaped object slowly floating above his head.

He watched as this ship hovered 50 meters above the ground nearby. A bright ray of light escaped from the bottom of the ship, when it reached the ground, it disappeared, and a tall man remained on the ground. The humanoid wore light-colored clothes with a belt that had several buttons and boots with thick soles. He had shoulder-length blond hair.

The farmer was frightened and thought to run home, but suddenly his body became numb and he could no longer move. The tall man was walking towards him, not touching the ground, but a couple of inches above the surface. He put his hand on the farmer's shoulder and asked him not to be afraid, repeating that he would not be harmed. Together they went to the ship and ended up in a large room where there were many such creatures.

One of them pressed a button on the wall, and three large chairs rose from the floor. The stranger asked him to sit on any of the chairs, two other strangers sat in the rest.

One of them asked him about the forms of communication people use on Earth. M. Camargo replied that he knew: he said radio, television, telephones, newspapers. Then he said that mankind did not advance further because cataclysms, wars, epidemics interfered with it.

The aliens also said that M. Camargo has a near perfect spiritual level and he was chosen to stay. They reported that they knew him when he was very young and watched him grow up. They also said that he should divulge a special message for humanity. That if people follow the path of wars, violence, environmental pollution, then life on Earth will come closer to extinction.

Then M. Camargo was brought back to the house.


On August 27, 1957, a highly respected citizen of Santos (Brazil), professor of law and writer Guimaraes told on television a story that happened to him in May of that year.

Arriving in San Sebastiano, he went for a walk on the beach and admire the sea. Suddenly he saw a jet of water from the ocean and decided that it was a whale. But then he saw that some kind of streamlined apparatus was moving towards the shore. It ended up with three ball-shaped landing legs, and one of them crashed into the sand. The device was 20 m in diameter, 6 m high and shone with a metallic sheen. Around its hull were large round portholes made of a glass-like material. At the top of the object was a small dome that emitted a reddish light.

Two 1.8 m tall human beings with long white hair, pure white skin, and light blue eyes jumped out of the apparatus. They were in aluminized tight suits without seams, tightly closed at the neck and at the wrists and legs.

The professor asked them in Spanish, French, English, and Italian, “Is their car damaged?”, but received no answer, and then suddenly felt that he was being invited to enter the apparatus. He was sure that the aliens treated him telepathically, although they could talk. He felt an irresistible desire to see what this apparatus looked like inside. All three climbed the ladder onto the apparatus, inside of which was the third crew member. Then the ladder was removed and the door closed. In the center of the ship, Guimaraes saw a vertical round tube, around which there was a kind of sofa upholstered with something like leather. Only the strong smell and cool temperature were unpleasant.

When lifting the apparatus, a buzzing sound was first heard, which then disappeared. Guimaraes determined that they passed through the Earth's atmosphere in about 10 seconds.

Through the windows, he saw a black sky above the ground, on which the stars were very clearly visible. During the flight, which lasted 30-40 minutes, the professor asked the crew members where they came from, and so on. Guimaraes came to the conclusion that the crews of these objects are watching the development of mankind on Earth and want to warn us of the impending danger.


: – So, let's go back to your incident in 1988 and tell us a little more about it.

Miriam: - In 1988, I lived an ordinary life of average income as a fairly adult young man. I just moved from a small town to a big city in Vancouver, British Columbia. My friends and I decided to take a trip to my hometown. And on the way there, everything was fine. But on the way back, everything changed.

There were four of us, four adults and one small child in the car. And we've been driving for hours. I slept in the back seat. It began to get dark. The one who drove the car wanted to take a break, and moved into the back seat, and I sat in the front, on the passenger side next to my friend. Suddenly, large balls of light appeared immediately nearby... they looked like the headlights of a truck.

These strange lights haunted us for hours in the dark. And every time another car drove past us, or we passed a house or building, the lights seemed to recede and disappear.
So out of the blue, I screamed and said, “Pull over, right now!” They don't want you. They need me! And I grabbed the steering wheel to push the car to the side of the road, when suddenly the car began to chatter, you know, like a Raggedy Ann doll, shaking my head, I began to press against the side of the road again and stopped next to the highway.

And by that time the car was filled with light from all sides. And these balls of light are located behind the car. So at that moment - I was only conscious at the time, my friends kind of passed out - when I looked from the back of the car forward, I saw a spacecraft on the road.

I got out of the car. At the embankment to the left of the road... I saw a larger apparatus, where two creatures were standing in the doorway. And they had blond hair – and I mean blond, snow-white blond hair – and sparkling blue eyes like the waters of the Mediterranean that I had never seen before, and it was incredible. When I got to the door, I boarded the ship.
To: – Do you have any memories of what happened on the ship then?

Miriam: – From that moment I got off the ship, I remember everything very clearly. And kept these clear memories for twenty years. As soon as I was on board the ship, I remember a lot of what happened to me. By no means do I claim to have memorized all three full hours. No.
So, in other words, I went to the ship, I had a meeting. The meeting lasted for some time, but I realized that it lasted about three hours. It was very easy to calculate, which I did. Because three hours are missing when I was absent. And I remember they gave me quite a lot of information at the time.

When I was on board the spaceship, I was sitting on what I call the "chair of light"... You could look at it this way. Except, it wasn't a chair by itself, it was made of pure light, so it almost glowed. And I was sitting in this chair, and looking around the room, and beings were circling me. And a screen appeared. And the screen was actually pretty big. He was probably like this... about the size of a chair. Two or three feet high. And when I looked at the screen, information began to appear there. And images.
These images seemed to go along with the information that these beings were transmitting to me, either through telepathy or - you could say they directly communicated with me - or I felt it as an uninterrupted stream of information that the beings put into my consciousness.

Now, one of the topics they shared with me was the Creation of Man.

And in many ways, it concerned the Hopi Indians and all the first peoples and ourselves.
So, to make our story really short, they explained that they had a hand in the creation of mankind, but they were by no means Gods. They were helpers on this Earth… They were watchers, so they could be here to watch the Earth, to help a person become something more than they are at the present time.

So, life was created, and did not arise by itself. So they... You could say they threw the seeds of life into the soil just to see what would come of it. And the idea was that the body would be made in such a way that the spark of life would enter into us and could gain life experience in this world. But nothing happened.

During the Second World - according to the Hopi, the second race of people to be settled after the first "cataclysm", they gave this additional form, improved, still hoping that it would develop into something more. Again, nothing significant happened.

During the Third World - the time of the existence of the third race that they created, nothing happened either, people did not develop as they would like.

So, once again the world was "cleansed" again, cleaned up, and again new people were created - meaning the bodies that we have now. So, for a long time there was a slow artificial evolution of "humanity".

I was shown what people looked like in the Third World. I felt like I was watching them from above. And I looked down that room, and I saw these people. And these people, I was told, were living a life that was meant for a spiritual existence. So, because they had Great Knowledge, and because they had a true understanding of what they were here for, and the bodies they had seemed to function very well, so they were spared and transferred from the Third World to this, the Fourth World, in which we live.


In the evening, 15-year-old David felt an indefinable desire to leave his home and go to the Niagara Falls area, as if on someone's orders, he packed up and went there. ONTARIO CANADA

He doesn't remember exactly how he got to the right place. It was dark all around. Suddenly, the entire area around him lit up with a bright, blinding light. The light came from above, just above the trees. He looked at the light source, it was a large, smooth plate emitting a bluish-white light. The diameter of the plate was about 30 feet (like the height of a 9-story building). She hung motionless on the trees. He immediately realized that it was a ship of some kind of extraterrestrial civilization.

David decided to take advantage of the situation and shouted: “Who t? What, what do you want?”

Then the most unexpected thing happened. A loud resonant voice spoke from the flying saucer, “Don’t be afraid, we won’t harm you. We'll be back tomorrow to visit you.” After a few moments, the saucer began to move to the northeast, gaining altitude and quickly sped off in a rush of speed. He then hitchhiked home, his parents terrified by his absence.

The next night, when everyone had gone to bed, David felt something strange, like someone was watching him. He went to the window in his room and yelled “Who is there… are you from a flying saucer?” Then telepathically, another voice answered, “Don't be afraid, prepare yourself. “Suddenly, he seemed to have fallen into darkness, lost consciousness. I woke up inside an alien ship.
Looking around, he could see that he was standing in a round room. Around the perimeter were instrument panels made of bluish-white metal. David stepped towards a man about 7 feet tall with blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. He was wearing a blue tight-fitting suit. The stranger also went to him and said:

“We brought you here because there are many important things that will happen on Earth in the future. It can be either negative or positive changes, it all depends on humanity and its attitude towards the neighbor and the environment.”

When the alien said this, images would appear on the big screen. David saw Rio de Janeiro at night. Suddenly, a strong earthquake began, panic, fire. He saw a huge, powerful wave going a thousand feet high, and how many cities were at the bottom of the ocean. .

The alien said: “This is just an example of what will happen in your future ...” Then he showed him his ship, led him through the rest of the compartments, went into the command center, where there were high chairs, panels and screens on which different colors pulsated.

When it was time to go back, the plate hovered over the roof of his house. He was led to a large transparent pipe, stood in it, he was surrounded by a strange yellowish glow, then blue, red colors began to flicker. Later he found himself in his room.


The police sergeant contacted British ufologists to inform them of an amazing incident in which he became a participant.

Some time ago, while driving a patrol car near Silbury Hill, a policeman saw three figures that seemed suspicious to him. The sergeant got out of the car and approached the strangers, who turned out to be unusually tall (more than 180 cm tall). One of the strange "men" was fair-haired. All three were wearing white overalls.

They seemed to be examining the ears that covered the field. The policeman heard a sound resembling discharges of static electricity.

Noticing the approaching man, the strangers fled, and they fled, according to the policeman, much faster than ordinary people. The pursuit did not bring any results: as soon as the sergeant was distracted for a second, the pursued disappeared.

Recall that in May of this year, residents of a number of cities in the county of Merseyside (UK) reported that they had seen an unidentified flying object that looked like a flaming orange ball.


For the first time in the history of ufology, a case of abduction on board a UFO was not only noted, but also proved by all the rules, and in a matter of minutes, his victim was transferred almost 800 kilometers from his home!

The abduction was first reported on 9 October 2001 by the Australian broadcaster ABC, without giving any names, exact dates or details. The post on their website didn't say much more, so I decided to wait for the details. And only on October 15 did a more or less coherent story appear about an incredible incident that shocked all of Australia ...

It happened on a black, rainy night from 4 to 5 October near the town of Gundiah. Amy Rylance, 22, was watching TV before falling asleep on a couch in a trailer on their property. Her husband, 40-year-old Keith Rylance, has long been sleeping in a nearby room. Their visiting business partner, 39-year-old Petra Geller, also slept nearby. Kate and Petra were located very close to Amy - thin partitions, one might say, did not count.

At about 11:15 am, Petra was woken up by a bright light pouring through the half-open door. This door opened into Amy's room. When Petra looked in, she caught her breath: through the open window, a powerful beam of light hit inward. Passing through the rectangle of the window, it also became rectangular, as if someone had driven a red-hot, shining beam into the trailer. The similarity was further enhanced by the fact that the beam did not reach the floor. It was straight cut at the end. Inside the beam, Amy floated slowly, sprawled in a position as if she were still asleep. An unknown force was pulling her head first through the open window. Under Amy's body, small objects floated in the beam, accidentally falling into a zone where gravity for some reason ceased to act.

Before passing out from fear, Petra saw that the beam did not go somewhere to infinity. It poured out of a disk-shaped UFO hovering nearby. Petra was unconscious for a few minutes, but when she woke up, neither Amy nor the "plate" was gone. Only small objects, captured by the beam along with the body of the victim, lay in front of the window. Only then did she find the strength to scream, waking the still sleeping Keith...

Seeing Petra trembling and weeping, Keith had little doubt that something terrible had just happened here. He ran out of the trailer, but never found any trace of his missing wife. Realizing that he himself would not find her, Keith called the police.

His call was registered at 11:40, but the police, Robert Maraina, and another officer from Maryborough, the county seat, did not arrive until an hour and a half later. At first they thought that they had fallen victim to a stupid prank, but then, seeing the genuine excitement of Keith and Petra, they began to lean towards the idea that this couple hit their wife who interfered with them, buried her body somewhere and now tell tales about UFOs. Calling for help from another colleague, the officers began to inspect the trailer and the entire surrounding area.

To their surprise, the police saw that the bush growing near the window bore obvious traces of intense heat, which dried up only one side of it - the one that was facing the UFO!

While the officers were still examining the site, the phone rang. Kate picked up the phone. A woman called from Mackay - a city located 790 kilometers from Maryborough and Gundiah. She said she had picked up a girl in shock and apparently dehydrated from a British Petroleum gas station near the outskirts of town. The girl said her name was... Amy Rylance! The caller stated that she had already taken Amy to a local hospital and now reports this to reassure her family and friends - they say she will be all right.

A shocked Keith handed the phone to Officer Robert Maraina. Upon learning that Amy had somehow ended up almost eight hundred kilometers from the place of the kidnapping, Robert contacted the Mackay police station, and soon Amy was taken under oath, warning that she would be held accountable for lying to the fullest extent of the law.

But Amy had no reason to lie. She stated that she remembers lying on the couch in the trailer. There is a gap in her memory. Next memory: she is lying on a "bench" in a strange rectangular room; light streams in from the walls and ceiling. She is one. Amy began to call for help and heard a voice - like a man's. The voice told her to calm down: she would not be harmed, everything would be fine. Soon a hatch opened in the wall and a “type” of about two meters tall entered her - thin, but proportionately folded, dressed in overalls that were tight all over the body. His face was covered by a mask with slits for the eyes, nose and lips. The creature repeated the soothing words and added that it would not be returned to the place where it was taken from, but “nearby”, since it was dangerous for them to appear in the same place.

Amy "passed out" again and woke up already on the ground, somewhere in the forest. She felt a sense of disorientation and couldn't tell how long she'd been out of the bush. Finally, she came to the highway. Nearby, the bright lights of a gas station were burning, and Amy went there. Seeing the condition she was in, the workers helped her without further ado. She drank water, as she felt terrible thirst. At first, Amy could not even answer questions and did not understand where she was, but gradually she began to come to her senses and asked the woman who helped her to take her to the hospital.

Doctors found mysterious triangular markings on her thigh and strange footprints on both heels. However, the strangest thing in this whole story was ... her hair. Amy recently dyed them and was horrified to find that her hair had become two-tone. The hair has grown so much that the border between the dyed and the newly grown, undyed part has become very noticeable. To grow so naturally, hair had to grow more than one week, not a matter of hours. The hair on her body also grew so much that it required immediate epilation. Whether time flowed differently in the UFO, or some kind of radiation stimulated the growth of her hair - who knows ...

In her testimony, Amy noted that nothing like this had ever happened to her before. However, when she was in the fifth grade, she once had a chance to see a huge UFO surrounded by smaller objects. As soon as Amy Rylance and Kate and Petra, who came to her, got rid of the attention of doctors and the police, they went to the nearest kiosk and bought a UFO magazine there in order to get addresses and tell “who needs it”. So they learned about it in AUFORN (“Australian UFO Network”).

It all ended rather unexpectedly. In the midst of Kate's research, Amy and Petra... have gone somewhere. Fortunately, the ufologists still have Keith's mobile phone number. He told on his cell phone that all three had moved because of a strange incident: a dark brown truck with apparently bad intentions was chasing their car, apparently trying to push them off the road. Kate refused to give his new address.


My first contacts began at the age of 12, when I, walking with a friend, saw a UFO. It was a big orange ball, and out of childish stupidity, we began to scream, for some reason rejoicing at a strange phenomenon. The ball hung for a while and disappeared. And at night creatures came to me. I remember everything well then, as I woke up from the light. There were three beings. But for some reason it seemed to me then that among them one was the eldest. He held out his hand to me and mentally told me not to be afraid of them. And as soon as he said that, I lost my fear of them. I think it was just a suggestion.

I felt some calmness towards these creatures and gave him my hand, and we flew. I remember this strange sensation of flying. I remember the beam that pulled me inside. It was light inside, and what I remember was buttons all around. I don't remember anything else, I woke up in the morning with a headache. And

Then in 2010, it seems in March, in the morning, I felt the light in the room, I see 2 creatures standing near the bed. One is very tall, about two and a half meters in height, and the second is a small twenty meter. The one that is tall with eyes a little like human, and the small one with big eyes. He told me not to be afraid and go with them. Then I don’t remember anything that happened before the morning. The next night the situation repeated itself, but this time I hid from them in the bathroom, and already the tall one asked to go with them, and I agreed. I remember only bright light and nothing else.

On August 5, 2013, I went out to the balcony to breathe, at 4 in the morning. I stood for about 15 minutes, was about to leave, and suddenly I see something very large flying in the form of a ball, as it seemed at first, and very bright. I started to approach the balcony and then such fear took me, it was creepy. I wanted to close the window, but I couldn’t even move, it paralyzed me or something. And I heard a voice in my head, don't be afraid, we won't touch you.


For a month, a farm in the south of France was worried about the appearance of the lights. Balls of light appeared in the evening and surrounded the house of 20-year-old Robert L., who lived with his parents and grandmother.

Over the course of two years, Robert received numerous late-night visits to his bedroom at night. Extraterrestrial aliens passed through the walls and surrounded his bed. Robert was paralyzed.
The visitors were tall, blond, had thin and long arms. They were dressed in tight jumpsuits, open at the neck and wrists, with a metallic sheen and a wide belt. They introduced themselves as scientists from another galaxy. They took blood samples and told him that they were interested in his genetic makeup.

The person who did it positioned himself as "Guide" and had the name "Roro". They were part of the Galactic Confederation responsible for maintaining life on planets inhabited like Earth.

At the end of a two-year visit by the aliens, he was invited to accompany them back to his base on Earth and as a donor of genetic material for use in settling a distant planet. He was assured that he would be constantly cared for and would not need anything.

The spaceship came to take him to the field next to his farm. It was a large, flat vessel 65 feet long, with a dome. It was red as red-hot iron, surrounded by a yellow-orange cloud. He landed without touching the ground. The door opened and the "Guide" greeted him. The ship took off without detecting movement. Robert was worried. The "guide" showed him the wall, which suddenly became transparent, and Robert saw the city. He thought it was Marcel.

They were at an altitude of 40,000 meters. The journey lasted less than an hour, and they arrived at an underground base in the Himalayas. After a night in the round-walled bedroom, Robert was served coffee that, when he tasted it, appeared to have been prepared by his mother. He donned an outfit that looked like soft, form-fitting material. This was supposed to change it and regenerate it in case of danger of magnetic radiation.

Two women introduced themselves: "Biologist" and "ethnologist". There was an eye-shaped device in the bedroom, which was a kind of 3-D television where he could see and hear everything that was going on in his house and listen to his parents' conversations.

They took him on a tour of the cave, which was actually a multi-story base built over 3,000 feet underground.

The base was surrounded by a triple magnetic belt that isolated and protected it from earthquakes. There were a lot of rooms on the base. The elevator doors opened onto a platform, in the open air, where he could go in the evening, although he was accompanied. The terrain was rugged with high snowy mountains.

He was allowed to enter the premises inside the base, with the exception of certain areas. Once he was forced to enter rooms containing nuclear materials, magnetic and electric fields. However, an invisible wall pushed him out.

Robert was cared for by a "biologist" who explained to him in a pleasant manner what was expected of him: regular sperm donation. This operation, designed to fill the life of a new planet, took place every two days. There were conversations between the "Guide" and the "ethnologist" about the civilization of our Earth.

Despite their policies of benevolence, non-intervention and respect for "free will", caution has been adopted towards the nuclear threat. In the event of a nuclear conflict, intervention was possible.

Robert observed the atmosphere of peace and harmony at the base. The inhabitants seemed to have mastered life in the present and in the future very well. Everything was planned down to the smallest detail.

Order and discipline seemed to be the motto. They said that aliens appeared here 20,000 years before our civilization.

They explained to him the structure of the universe, as well as interstellar communications.

"Meeting of the Galactic Federation"

Once a "biologist" invited Robert
watch the meeting. He was ordered to remain perfectly still and just watch. There was a large oval table in the room, and he watched in surprise as one by one the guests of various races began to materialize around the table.

The "guide" also gave Robert information about time and space and the magnetic energy needed to travel.

The guide said that he was able to live 4 or 5 hundred years before changing the body, and that death does not exist. The only thing that is considered eternal is the evolution of the soul. The body was just a container.


On the night of November 2, 1989, the air temperature dropped sharply below zero. At that time, two Russian drivers were driving a truck from Arkhangelsk to Moscow. They hurried home to quickly deal with the work before the upcoming holidays. On the way, they came across a repair road with a pile of sand and were forced to take a detour on a dirt road. After some time, the headlights of the truck illuminated a strange object standing on the right side of the road.

“… I thought it was some kind of construction equipment,” says Oleg. “- In the headlights, the object had a metallic sheen. When we got even closer to it, the truck stopped and all electrical appliances stopped working. We couldn't understand what happened. This object was half covered with trees, and we understood that its dimensions were much larger. It was clear that we were facing something inexplicable.

I asked Nicolas to stay in the truck and watch what was happening, while I walked towards the object, which was disc-shaped, like an upside down saucer. With every step I took as I approached the object, I felt tension, the air seemed to become denser. I knew that if I got even closer, I wouldn’t be able to move at all…”

Oleg stepped back a little and tried to approach the object from the other side. He moved carefully, stopping after each step. But exactly on each side there was an equal tension and it was impossible to approach it closer than 10 meters. He stopped and just looked at it. Very quickly he realized that this apparatus was of extraterrestrial origin.

The sight was very unusual. In front of Oleg stood a huge disk, approximately 40 meters in diameter, with a domed top. Along the perimeter of the disk, there were some dark holes, similar to portholes. On the bottom of the object, several pillars were visible supporting the ship. The object looked dark and uninhabited, no doors were visible on it.

“... We immediately had questions. Why is this object here in the middle of the forest at night? What is its purpose? Maybe something went wrong and they need help?

Suddenly, a flickering red line began to appear in front of me, which formed something like a 20x20cm screen with rounded corners. At first it was transparent, but then more clear.

Oleg continues: “I realized that this screen was related to the object. I turned to Nikolai, who was sitting in the cab of the truck, then back to the screen. I tried to look from the other side of the screen, but it turned with me and I couldn't reach it. On the screen appeared the inscription, "fire". Then the inscription changed to another, and only then I realized what they wanted from me. I backed up to the truck. Returned, I tried to open the truck door. We couldn't open it for a long time. Suddenly, the door opened without much effort.

I pulled all the matches out of the cab of the truck, along with a bottle of alcohol. And again he asked Nikolai not to get out of the car, and returned again to the place where the screen was. This time, I felt no resistance as I approached the object, as if it had been turned off. I gathered the leaves and twigs in a heap, doused them with alcohol and set them on fire to illuminate the object. Through the windows, I noticed a passage going deeper, creating a corridor. At the far end of the corridor, I could observe a flickering bluish light."

“... At first, I had the impression that some kind of shadow was moving inside the corridor, but then I realized that it was moving towards the hole from the bottom of the disk. When I realized what was happening, I became scared and I began to step back. A hole opened in the bottom of the object and a semblance of a ladder appeared. "Something" began to descend on her. It seemed dark, I could hardly see it. I was paralyzed with fear!! It returned again to the object, as it came out. I turned to the truck, it started working and the headlights illuminated my face, but I still saw the frightened face of my comrade ...

For a long time, I just stood there. Realizing that he had witnessed an event that was unlikely to happen again, he decided to continue to observe what would happen next. An inscription appeared on that small screen, an invitation to the ship. Without thinking twice, I went to the object. I turned my attention to the ship's piers. Each consists of two parts connected by a swivel joint. There were three bases. On the bottom of the vessel one could see the holes into which they are removed. When I was under the object, I was able to reach my hand to it. It was cold, metallic."

Then the events developed as follows: “- I had a desire to look inside, and I decided to rise. I knew that I might be in danger and was as careful as possible. Entering the corridor, I looked at the walls, and noticed the absence of any doors. The corridor was wide, the walls and ceiling formed an oval. I walked down the corridor to the side with the flickering light, and felt myself walking on the metal floor. The corridor lasted about 8 meters, then I got into a large hall with a diameter of about 18 meters. Along the perimeter of the hall there were four more round openings leading to other corridors. The ceiling in the hall was domed and emitted a soft diffused white-blue light. Between the entrances to other corridors, there were panels with flashing lights along the walls. Each panel consisted of 5-6 vertical elements.

To the left of the entrance through which I entered, there were no panels, but only three horizontal recesses in a dark-colored wall. Also on the left, I noticed two figures that stood motionless, but then began to move towards me and stopped nearby. When questions appeared in my head, I immediately received telepathic answers to them. When I asked what was on the wall with horizontal recesses, it turned on, and I was shown a three-dimensional information screen on which I saw another similar ship and creatures walking on it. Then they showed me a ship moving through space among the stars...

To my right was an oval panel, a meter from the wall, with lots of light bulbs and switches. All lamps were flat, square in shape. Some of them were raised above the level of the panel, others pressed into the panel. On the top buttons were symbols in the form of geometric shapes, such as circles, triangles, quadrangular shapes. Also on the panel were small black switches, similar to toggle switches (levers) ... "

In addition, Oleg described a long, straight sofa that stood next to the control panel. The floor where the sofa stood could rotate, which made it possible to conveniently have access to all panels. The entire interior was white.

“... Looking at the floor, I could not find the source of light, the ceiling was all glowing with a bluish light. I turned to the beings and asked, “Who are you? Where?" Then the dome in the hall began to fade, and as in the planetarium, a star map appeared on the ceiling. The stars rushed past until a star appeared on the dome, emitting blue light. I could never remember what constellation their home planet was in. But I realized that in our galaxy "Milky Way" ...

I asked what kind of ship I'm on? I've been told it's a reconnaissance ship that uses electromagnetic fields to fly. I was also told that they are studying our planet. Suddenly a third figure entered the room. I was told that I must go. Then I took off my watch and offered it to them as a gift. They asked me: “Why do we need this?”.

Then I asked if I could see them again? The aliens said that if they wanted to, they could find me within 15 seconds. I said goodbye and went to the exit of the ship from where I came. Approaching the truck, I turned around and saw that the ladder had been raised and the hatch closed. A few seconds later, along the perimeter of the ship, the outer rim began to move clockwise, and the dome counterclockwise. A glow began to appear around the ship. It became very bright and the ship seemed already a ball of light ... "

Oleg noticed that the object did not make almost any sounds. The ball of light rose up and disappeared from view at a very high speed.


At her home on the outskirts of Mercedes City, a woman heard a strange buzzing sound and her dogs began to bark. Looking out the window, she saw a brightly lit object that stood in front of her house. Small luminous balls flew out of it and hung on the tops of trees. Suddenly one of the balls flew up to the house, and the other descended to the ground and a figure came out of it, very reminiscent of a man dressed in shiny silver clothes. After some time, they flew away, but traces remained at the landing site.

In 1983, around 10 p.m.

A small group of workers were returning to their village near the Hwange Game Reserve, Zimbabwe. They were walking along a wide road and suddenly noticed a bright luminous object in the sky. They stopped to look. This object began to descend and landed on the side of the road. The workers hid behind the trees. Now it could be clearly seen that the object was disc-shaped and silvery in color. He stood on four pillars. The bow opened from below and went down the stairs.

Two men with fair skin and shiny clothes. They did not touch the ground, but glided, as if there was an air cushion between the sole and the ground. Frightened hard workers rushed to run into the forest with all their might. They did not see how the object was rising.

Morning, 1983 in Port Campbell, Australia

Kate V. decided to go to one of the wild beaches across the cliff. When she climbed up, she saw the beach and a grayish UFO standing there. It was oval with a white rim around the perimeter. The dome was a metallic blue-grey. Below this object, a hatch-ladder was opened. A man dressed in a blue suit stood on the sand by the stairs. He was blond and looked straight at her. He turned and walked up the steps, then smiled at her once more before entering the ship. She hurried down the cliff to the beach, but the UFO had already soared up and disappeared behind the mountains. In the sand, she found prints from the landing of this ship.

Near Brasilia, August 1968

At night, a group of people, under the leadership of General Alfredo M.I., settled on the plantation of Wilson de Silva, not far from the capital. Several UFOs were seen and photographed above the plantation. After five months of observation, and as predicted by de Silva, who was in telepathic communication with the aliens, a brightly lit disk descended to its appointed place in his domain. The aircraft hovered over 4 feet from the ground. Observers managed to photograph him.

When de Silva moved away from their group towards the facility, he saw a hole open in it and a man come out. He was wearing a blue jumpsuit with a wide belt. He was invited to go inside the facility. Upon returning back, de Silva said that he could not remember anything, except for one message:

“We are a friendly civilization, you should not be afraid of us. But we are concerned about your atomic experiments, they are causing imbalance in the world.”

In the city of The Hague, the Netherlands in the spring of 1984.

L. Smits was in his bedroom when he was awakened by a bright light that suddenly lit up the room.

He noticed two bright figures standing by the window. They were about 2 meters tall, with very pale skin, glowing blue eyes, and shoulder-length blonde hair. The aliens wore shiny costumes. On the chest area they had signs resembling a triangle rounded at the top. The creatures communicated telepathically. They told about the catastrophes that will happen to humanity in the future. They explained that humans are their direct descendants. Before they left, they promised to return.

In July 1987, late at night in Legis, Brazil

Local resident Jessica saw flashing lights outside her window. Suddenly a loud metallic voice spoke to her, She was seized with fear. She ran to the kitchen, opened the window and started calling for help. In the courtyard of her house, she saw a silver disc-shaped ship.

She ran to her room, where she ran into a tall man with blond hair and perfect features. He kindly asked her not to be afraid and to be calm. He was wearing a tight-fitting gray suit with a metallic sheen that covered most of his body. The alien reported that she had already been on their ship before, only her memory was being erased. He telepathically showed Jessica those moments.

It was a huge, cigar-shaped mothership with many people like him on it. There she passed several physical exams, examinations. Her blood, tissues, hair were taken. There was so much space inside the ship that it seemed like a small planet. The aliens also told her that humanity had an unearthly origin.

Tecolotlan, Mexico

S .: - My uncle, who lives in the small town of Tecolotlan, Mexico, told me the story of encounters with unusual creatures. This story interested me very much and I took it seriously.

In this part of Mexico, most of the inhabitants do not have the Internet and television, so his story could not have been influenced by science fiction films and information on the Internet.

He told me that it happened in 1997. He was walking towards his house when he saw a red light. He thought, "What is this, a police car?" He was very surprised to see that it was a disk-shaped ship hovering above the ground. The ship emitted a reddish-orange light. My uncle was shocked and did not even think to run away.
The flying ship flew to the mountains near that city and landed. Creatures came out of it and went towards the houses. There were many witnesses, about ten. According to their stories, the aliens were very tall, more than 2 meters tall, fair-haired. Outwardly, they very much resembled people. They were dressed in silver tight-fitting clothes.

They walked through the village without any fear towards a certain house. A woman lived there. They went to the door and knocked. She said that she would not open it, because she was afraid and asked to leave. They stood and left, promising to return again. The next day, she reported to the police, where she told the story. The police believed her and gave her a video camera in case they came back again. The camera was installed on the roof of her house.

A few days later, the aliens returned again, but they seemed to know about the camera. The camera fell off the roof and shattered before the airship landed again. According to my uncle, that woman still spoke to them.

A young girl, Nao, was riding bicycles near the rice fields with her friends. Suddenly they saw a large round luminous object in the sky above the rice field. She stopped at the fence and stared at the object, it didn’t even occur to her to call her friends. The gleaming oval object was approaching, and she could see the lights on it moving around the perimeter of the base. It was a very beautiful sight.

It was shaped like a large, flattened bell. When he hovered over the rice field, the plants swayed as if in the wind. There were four portholes on the dome. The body color gradually changed from orange to white glow. Suddenly, the face of a child, a boy, appeared from the bottom of the portholes. He looked and smiled at her with his snow-white teeth. The girl was amazed.

The boy's hair was white, and his face was round and also white. He had big blue eyes, a small nose and ears. Nao said that she didn't see the bottom of the figure, but it seemed that his shirt was gray in color and slightly shiny.

Amelia G. witnessed a UFO. She woke up in the middle of the night with anxiety. Outside the window, she saw two tall, human-like figures with blond hair and dressed in silver overalls. They walked around her yard as if they were looking for something. After some time they left.

The next morning, Amelia was surprised to see a round UFO trail on her neighbor's property. Several more people became eyewitnesses of the UFO that evening. Amelia described those creatures as human-like with straight blond hair, about 2 meters tall. She also reported that the hands of her watch stopped at 2:15 that night. Amelia also reported strange things that happened to her earlier. She vaguely remembers how she visited the board of an alien ship, how she communicated with its pilots. Amelia says that the communication was telepathic and she was given a lot of information ...

Miguel B. was sleeping in his house when he suddenly woke up surrounded by bright light coming from outside. Going out into the street, he was very surprised to see a huge disk-shaped object standing in a nearby field. This object had a dome at the top that gave off a reddish light.

He looked at it in disbelief. Suddenly, a hatch opened at the bottom of the ship and a ladder descended. Soon a very tall man came out from there, probably more than 2 meters tall. He was wearing a shiny, metallic-colored suit that was tight to the body. At that time, a loud buzzing sound was emitted from the object. The huge man went towards the eyewitness, who froze in horror. The alien stopped, then turned back and entered the facility. The ship rose vertically and disappeared from view at high speed.

June 1986, France

Somewhere around 11 pm, two men were walking their dog near the local Marne river channel. Suddenly, a very tall man was noticed on the shore, more than 2.5 meters tall. The dog began to bark and rush forward. The creature was human in appearance, with long blond hair and a light uniform, white boots and a wide belt. It stood quietly by the river, just like a statue. Noticing people, he quickly moved to the right. It seemed that the sole of his boots did not touch the ground, but hovered 10 cm above it. Very quickly, the stranger disappeared from sight.

In 1981, in Caleta Olivia, Argentina

Late in the evening, Louis N., along with his friends on the beach, watched as a large and dark object emerged from the sea. The apparatus was dark and round. He landed in front of the witnesses on the beach. Suddenly people heard a distinct voice inviting them inside.

After they entered, they saw a large round room, brightly lit from all sides, but the source of the light was not visible.

There were several tall humanoids, about 2 meters tall, blond hair, blue eyes, dressed in tight white suits. Among them were both men and women. Some of them sat in front of large screens on the walls. On these screens, the stars were visible, and on the other, how this ship moves from the planet Earth to the Moon.

They flew to the moon in a very short time and were able to see its shadow side. The aliens communicated by telepathy. They told people that they would now fly towards the Sun. Eyewitnesses claim that when they flew up to the sun, it seemed almost black through the screen.

As they made their way back to Earth, Louis began to walk freely around the room, and approached one of the controls, his hand reaching out for it. He was immediately noticed and asked to sit down. They returned to Earth, to the beach at Caleta Olivia. Witnesses claim that they were implanted in the brain of some kind of device for tracking and communicating with aliens. The implant is located behind the right ear.

In the evening, two elderly farmers witnessed an unidentified flying object. In the evening sky, they noticed a particularly bright star, which began to increase and soon it was clear that this was a small spaceship. It was egg-shaped and emitted a white glow. Supports extended from the apparatus, it landed.

Three men came out of it, about three meters tall. They wore luminous silver suits that covered their entire body up to the neck. Their faces seemed to show no emotion. The farmers tried to get out of the place as soon as possible.

Three boys were standing in the backyard of their home in Belo Horizonte's Sant Familo when they noticed a large glowing sphere descending towards them. One of the passengers in the sphere was a tall, slender man, about 2 meters tall, dressed in a tight-fitting gray suit, like scuba divers. He had a helmet on his head...

Wilsoe Placido, a resident of Brazil, was one of five eyewitnesses of UFOs and aliens. He described them as human-looking: white-haired, with porcelain-white skin, wearing tight, shiny suits. They seized the soil and some plants...

Maria José Sintra, a worker at the Serafima Ferreira hospital, on his way home, saw an oval-shaped UFO hovering a meter from the ground above the field. He was taken aback by what he saw. A beautiful fair-skinned woman stepped out of the UFO, wearing a silver jumpsuit with holes at the cuffs and at the neck.

Ruben Helving: I saw a flying object shaped like an overturned saucer over the field. She landed and from there came two men, slender, 1.80 meters tall with blond hair in gray tight-fitting suits. He also saw that, accompanied by one of the blondes, there were two dark-skinned women with long dark hair and dark slanting eyes. They were dressed in tight, seamless suits.

A local resident allegedly saw two strange creatures emerging from a disk-shaped apparatus about 5 meters in diameter. They were human-looking, with long blond hair, and wore tight-fitting silver overalls.

The farmer saw three tall humanoids. He describes them thus: “shouldered, with white pale faces and with slanted eyes, blond hair”, they stood near two aircraft, shrouded in light. He immediately realized that these were representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization.

Mojave Desert, California

An eyewitness was riding a bicycle past the Mojave Desert in the evening. He heard a noise and someone shouting “flying saucer!”. Climbing up to see what was there, he noticed a flying object at the bottom of the mountain, about 100 yards from him. The object had rounded edges and four supports. At the bottom, a hatch was opened, which still served as a ladder. The lower part of the object was illuminated with beige light, while a yellowish light was emitted from the inside of the object.

An eyewitness spotted three figures nearby. They were three men, in their 20s, with blond hair. They were dressed in gray, silver suits. One of them seemed to notice him. After a few minutes, people returned inside the object, the door rose, and it began to fly up easily and without much noise. He climbed 40 feet and stopped. The glow of the bottom changed to a blue-red flicker. The object instantly jerked to the side and disappeared.

Brazilian topographer José Higgins witnessed a huge disk, about 45 meters wide, whitish-gray in color, with four metal supports. Three creatures, about 2.2 meters tall, got out of the aircraft. They were dressed in silver fitting suits. They had big eyes, a high forehead, blond hair.

Professor Joao Freitas de Guimarães, lawyer and professor, identified two tall men (about 2 meters tall). Shoulder-length blond hair, a white complexion, and blue eyes that expressed wisdom and understanding. They wore tight-fitting suits with cutouts at the neck, wrists and ankles. Professor Guimarães also saw an aircraft standing nearby.

José Antonio F. saw a strange aircraft in one of his pastures, on his ranch. Walking around the lethal object were three tall humanoids wearing shiny skin-tight suits. It seemed to him that they were engaged in the repair of the apparatus. He also noticed that they wore wide belts with several buttons in the middle.

In 1980 in the suburbs of San Juan, Puerto Rico

Local resident Nancy Alvarado was driving home late at night when she heard a voice in her head, “Don't be afraid! Stop the car." She stopped at the curb. Two figures did not approach from the field. One was dressed in white, the other in a dark green tight-fitting suit. Both looked human. Nancy felt calm, there was no fear.

A man in a white suit walked up to the car and looked at her with his big bright eyes. The man in green also came up. They seemed to be floating above the ground rather than walking on it. After looking at her and bypassing the car, they moved on in the direction of a nearby wooded area.

Nancy's car started up again and she quickly drove home and told her father everything. Together they returned to that place and with a lantern looked for those men, but they did not find anyone.

At night, 150 miles from the city, a farmer witnessed a UFO, a bright oval cloud descended to the ground, he could clearly see it, there were like notches along the edges, a bright beam escaped from the bottom.

From this light, a figure appeared already on the Earth. It was a young man with blond hair and gray overalls. He had glowing blue eyes and was about 2 meters tall.

He smiled at the man and told his future destiny, where he would work and live. All his prophecies were fulfilled.

Aarno Heinonen was at home when he heard a strange noise and then a woman's voice telling him to go alone to a certain deserted place. He did so, and ran into a "female alien" about 8 feet tall, with blond hair, wearing a light-colored suit that seemed to glow all over, and the same silver-colored shoes. A luminous ball hung in the sky nearby.

She greeted him. And there was a small dialogue between them. She said that all the people of the Earth have a different origin, that we came from the other side of the "Milky Way". She also told him that she was 180 years old, although she looked very young.
A year later, Aarno again heard a woman's voice guiding him. In the same place, he had a 5-minute conversation with the same woman he met on May 5th. He noticed that her teeth were twice as wide as those of a normal person. Her nose was pointed and she had large blue eyes. As before, she wore a silver suit. As he left, he saw a huge ship descending, about 300 feet from the ground, silver, without lights or windows, about 20 feet in diameter.

1951 Khalidon S.A.

The woman walked around her ranch with her dog and inspected the cattle. Suddenly she noticed an unusual object on the field, on 4 pillars. There were three figures near the apparatus. They look like normal people. They had glowing white faces with blue eyes. They were dressed in a tight fitting silver suit with a hood and silver boots. She approached them and asked what they were doing here. The aliens reported that they had an emergency landing and offered to go inside the facility. The woman willingly and curiously entered the ship.

There was a telepathic conversation between them, in which they said that their mission was to protect mankind from global catastrophes, the invasion of other intelligent civilizations, but not to interfere in its development.

After their ship left, there were noticeable marks from its landing on the field.

A married couple woke up from the furious barking of their dogs, and heard a strange sound, like from a swarm of wasps.

They went outside and saw an object similar to a sombrero 30 meters from their house, emitting a bright glow. From this apparatus came three men who were much taller than an ordinary person. Their suits emitted a purple-yellow glow. They collected some plants and sugarcane, which were then sucked into the ship through a transparent pipe. After 10 minutes, the aliens entered their ship, which took off and disappeared on the horizon.

One day in June 1923, near Mount Erie, Illinois

15-year-old Norman Massey went out to pick up a horse from the pasture. As he led his horses through the gate, he noticed a strange object in a nearby field with lights around its perimeter. He was about 500 meters away from him. I noticed several people under the transparent dome of the object. He described them as fair-haired and tall. One of the men was sitting on a chair, while others approached him. According to an eyewitness, the object was metal and stood on four pillars. It had a dome on top with holes. The dome was transparent. Then the object rose up and hovered, the supports rose into it, then it shot to the side at high speed and disappeared.