Fulbright Scholarship Program. Personal experience

The first time I applied for a Fulbright scholarship was in my fifth year at university. At that time, my main goal was to go to study abroad, and where exactly, by and large, I didn’t care. In my fifth year, I was writing a diploma on a topic that was terribly interesting to me - "Translating audiovisual materials in scientific communication using subtitles", so I applied for the direction "Linguistics". However, about the first attempt can be shorter - I did not even make it to the second round. Despite the fact that my teachers from the university, in particular, a teacher who herself received a scholarship and went to study in Germany, said that my application was good and strong.

So, as you know from the official website of the program for the first round of the program, you need to submit a certain list of documents, we will focus on only a few of them:

1) Reference Letters - letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation can be written by your teachers from the university, most often this happens. Some teachers, as common practice shows, are asked to write a letter themselves, and then they edit it, sign it and send it. It is very good if, before writing a letter of recommendation, you acquaint the teacher with what exactly you want to study, what kind of scholarship you are applying for and what plans you have for the future. This will help you write a review that is tailored specifically to the specific application you are currently submitting. Of course, it is best to contact those teachers with whom you have worked together a lot, who know you well not only as a student, but also as a person. One of my letters of recommendation was written by a work colleague. This is also a look at you, but from a different, professional side. I think it makes sense to ask for letters of recommendation to be written ahead of time, so that you can feel more comfortable and that those who write them have the opportunity to write a good recommendation.

2) Study/Research Objective - in fact, this is the main component of your application. In this essay, you tell what exactly you want to study during your studies in the USA, what you want to achieve, and why you need all this.

When I applied for the second time, I applied for two specialties - "Linguistics" and "Education" (we are talking about the master's program). For each discipline it is necessary to submit a separate package of competitive documents. To be honest, although I was interested in linguistics, I was looking for those research topics that are currently relevant in the USA, I read what they are currently studying, because I think that for the first time I had no chance, if only because they don’t study subtitles at all in the USA.

I would advise you to think and look for information about whether there are any universities in the USA that can offer you to study what you are interested in. After all, if there are no such universities, then your application is doomed from the very beginning, which is quite logical, isn't it?

3) Personal Statement - in fact, this is an essay in which they want to hear about how you became interested in this topic and why, what you have achieved in this area. Here is an example of my essay when I not passed, although it still seems to me that this is quite a decent Personal Statement.

By the way, EducationUSA in Moscow holds free seminars on how to write a motivation letter or other essays for admission to US universities, prepare for the TOEFL or GRE, and how to get a good letter of recommendation.

Before writing an essay, think about what interests you? What can you talk about for hours? What can you explain well to another person? Read your essays yourself and let others read them. Is it clear what you want to study? Does it feel like the person who wrote these essays is really "sick" about what he writes about?

And other countries.

The largest US government-funded international educational exchange program, the Fulbright Program was created to improve understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. In pursuit of this goal, the Fulbright Program has provided more than 300,000 of its members, selected for their scientific potential and leadership qualities, the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of political, economic and cultural organizations in other countries, exchange ideas and initiate joint projects for the common benefit of the peoples of the world. . The Fulbright Program is administered by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the US Department of State. Since the Program's inception, 46,800 foreign scientists have conducted research or taught at US universities and more than 45,200 US scientists have done similar work abroad. Each year, the Fulbright Program awards about 800 grants to scientists who come to the US from other countries. Currently, the Fulbright Program operates in 155 countries around the world.

The main source of funding for the Fulbright Program is the annual appropriations allocated by the US Congress to the Department of State. Participating governments, host universities in foreign countries and the United States also contribute financially to the program, either as part of the costs or indirectly through lecturer salary increases, tuition waivers, or university housing.

Provides international educational exchanges for students, scientists, teachers, professionals and artists. On a competitive basis, it provides grants to both American and foreign (including Russian) students, scientists and researchers. Stimulates "cross" education, in particular, American students abroad, and foreign - in the United States. The Fulbright Program is one of the most prestigious award programs in the world among its kind, it operates in more than 155 countries, in 50 of which there are special commissions that manage the program, and where there are none, it is overseen by the Information and Cultural Section of the US Embassy.

43 Fulbright alumni have received Nobel Prizes (including two in 2010 - Peter Diamond and Eiichi Negishi), 28 MacArthur Foundation grants and 78 Pulitzer Prize winners.

Much has been done within the framework of the program in terms of bringing Russian and American researchers closer together. However, such cooperation programs often raise concerns about the "brain drain" in the United States and are a topic for discussion of Russian-American relations. According to Natalia Smirnova, Deputy Director of the Fulbright Program in Russia:

The Fulbright Program annually provides about 8,000 grants, as of 2010, the number of participants since its inception has reached 300,000.

"J. William Foreign Scholarship Council The Fulbright Institute (FSB), which is composed of 12 leaders of educational institutions and public organizations appointed by the President of the United States, determines the policy of the Program, establishes selection criteria, and approves applicants nominated for a grant.

Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs US State Department develops measures to ensure the implementation objectives of the program, and in cooperation with commissions and foundations for education, implements the program in 51 countries of the world where there are existing agreements with the United States on the conduct of exchange programs. In 90 countries that do not have such an agreement, US embassies provide assistance in carrying out the program. In the United States, the program is facilitated by a number of supporting agencies.

Bilateral interethnic commissions and funds in cooperation with universities and organizations of the host country, they draw up an annual plan for conducting exchanges. They also pre-screen candidates for their exchange programs for student and teaching grants, conduct interviews, and recommend deserving applicants to the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Council. In countries where such commissions and funds do not exist, the US Embassy's Department of Culture determines the policy of the Program and oversees its implementation.

"Council for International Exchanges of Scientists" (CIES), under a cooperation agreement with the State Department, implements the Fulbright Program for university teachers and scientists. "Council for International Exchanges of Scientists" is part of Institute of International Education (IIE) and closely cooperates with the largest educational institutions in the field of humanities, social and natural sciences. CIES provides support to educators and scientists based in the US under a Fulbright grant.


Famous Alumni

see also

  • A.F.S.

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  • on the website of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State
  • , website of the Institute of International Education (English)
  • , Institute of International Education website

An excerpt characterizing the Fulbright Program

- They brought that everyone to die ... robbers! he said again, and stepped off the porch.
Alpatych shook his head and went up the stairs. In the waiting room were merchants, women, officials, silently exchanging glances among themselves. The door to the office opened, everyone got up and moved forward. An official ran out of the door, talked something to the merchant, called behind him a fat official with a cross around his neck, and disappeared again through the door, apparently avoiding all the looks and questions addressed to him. Alpatych moved forward and at the next exit of the official, laying his hand on his buttoned frock coat, turned to the official, giving him two letters.
“To Mr. Baron Ash from the general chief prince Bolkonsky,” he announced so solemnly and significantly that the official turned to him and took his letter. A few minutes later the governor received Alpatych and hurriedly said to him:
- Report to the prince and princess that I didn’t know anything: I acted according to higher orders - that’s ...
He gave the paper to Alpatych.
“And yet, since the prince is unwell, my advice is for them to go to Moscow. I'm on my own now. Report ... - But the governor did not finish: a dusty and sweaty officer ran in the door and began to say something in French. Horror appeared on the Governor's face.
“Go,” he said, nodding his head to Alpatych, and began to ask the officer something. Greedy, frightened, helpless looks turned to Alpatych when he left the governor's office. Involuntarily listening now to the close and ever-increasing shots, Alpatych hurried to the inn. The paper given by Governor Alpatych was as follows:
“I assure you that the city of Smolensk does not yet face the slightest danger, and it is unbelievable that it would be threatened by it. I am on one side, and Prince Bagration on the other side, we are going to unite in front of Smolensk, which will take place on the 22nd, and both armies with combined forces will defend their compatriots in the province entrusted to you, until their efforts remove the enemies of the fatherland from them or until they are exterminated in their brave ranks to the last warrior. You see from this that you have the perfect right to reassure the inhabitants of Smolensk, for whoever defends with two such brave troops can be sure of their victory. (Order of Barclay de Tolly to the civil governor of Smolensk, Baron Ash, 1812.)
People moved restlessly through the streets.
Carts loaded on horseback with household utensils, chairs, cabinets kept leaving the gates of the houses and driving through the streets. In the neighboring house of Ferapontov, wagons stood and, saying goodbye, the women howled and sentenced. The mongrel dog, barking, twirled in front of the pawned horses.
Alpatych, with a more hasty step than he usually walked, entered the yard and went straight under the shed to his horses and wagon. The coachman was asleep; he woke him up, ordered him to lay the bed, and went into the passage. In the master's room one could hear a child's cry, the woman's shattering sobs, and Ferapontov's angry, hoarse cry. The cook, like a frightened chicken, fluttered in the passage as soon as Alpatych entered.
- Killed him to death - he beat the mistress! .. So he beat, so dragged! ..
- For what? Alpatych asked.
- I asked to go. It's a woman's business! Take me away, he says, do not destroy me with small children; the people, they say, all left, what, they say, are we? How to start beating. So beat, so dragged!
Alpatych, as it were, nodded approvingly at these words and, not wanting to know anything else, went to the opposite door - the master's room, in which his purchases remained.
“You are a villain, a destroyer,” shouted at that moment a thin, pale woman with a child in her arms and with a handkerchief torn from her head, bursting out of the door and running down the stairs to the courtyard. Ferapontov went out after her and, seeing Alpatych, straightened his waistcoat and hair, yawned and went into the room after Alpatych.
- Do you want to go? - he asked.
Without answering the question and not looking back at the owner, sorting through his purchases, Alpatych asked how long the owner followed the wait.
- Let's count! Well, did the governor have one? Ferapontov asked. - What was the decision?
Alpatych replied that the governor did not say anything decisively to him.
- Shall we go away on our business? Ferapontov said. - Give me seven rubles for a cart to Dorogobuzh. And I say: there is no cross on them! - he said.
- Selivanov, he pleased on Thursday, sold flour to the army at nine rubles per bag. So, are you going to drink tea? he added. While the horses were being laid, Alpatych and Ferapontov drank tea and talked about the price of bread, about the harvest and the favorable weather for harvesting.
“However, it began to calm down,” Ferapontov said, having drunk three cups of tea and getting up, “ours must have taken it.” They said they won't let me. So, strength ... And a mixture, they said, Matvey Ivanovich Platov drove them into the Marina River, drowned eighteen thousand, or something, in one day.
Alpatych collected his purchases, handed them over to the coachman who entered, and paid off with the owner. At the gate sounded the sound of wheels, hooves and bells of a wagon leaving.
It was already well past noon; half of the street was in shade, the other was brightly lit by the sun. Alpatych looked out the window and went to the door. Suddenly, a strange sound of distant whistling and impact was heard, and after that there was a merging rumble of cannon fire, from which the windows trembled.
Alpatych went out into the street; two people ran down the street to the bridge. Whistles, cannonballs and the bursting of grenades falling in the city were heard from different directions. But these sounds were almost inaudible and did not pay the attention of the inhabitants in comparison with the sounds of firing heard outside the city. It was a bombardment, which at the fifth hour Napoleon ordered to open the city, from one hundred and thirty guns. At first, the people did not understand the significance of this bombardment.
The sounds of falling grenades and cannonballs aroused at first only curiosity. Ferapontov's wife, who had not ceased howling under the shed before, fell silent and, with a child in her arms, went out to the gate, silently looking at the people and listening to the sounds.
The cook and the shopkeeper came out to the gate. All with cheerful curiosity tried to see the shells flying over their heads. Several people came out from around the corner, talking animatedly.
- That's strength! one said. - And the roof and ceiling were so smashed to pieces.
“It blew up the earth like a pig,” said another. - That's so important, that's so cheered up! he said laughing. - Thank you, jumped back, otherwise she would have smeared you.
The people turned to these people. They paused and told how, near by, their cores had got into the house. Meanwhile, other shells, sometimes with a quick, gloomy whistle - cannonballs, then with a pleasant whistle - grenades, did not stop flying over the heads of the people; but not a single shell fell close, everything endured. Alpatych got into the wagon. The owner was at the gate.
- What did not see! he shouted at the cook, who, with her sleeves rolled up, in a red skirt, swaying with her bare elbows, went to the corner to listen to what was being said.
“What a miracle,” she said, but, hearing the voice of the owner, she returned, tugging at her tucked-up skirt.
Again, but very close this time, something whistled like a bird flying from top to bottom, a fire flashed in the middle of the street, something shot and covered the street with smoke.
"Villain, why are you doing this?" shouted the host, running up to the cook.
At the same instant, women wailed plaintively from different directions, a child began to cry in fright, and people silently crowded around the cook with pale faces. From this crowd, the groans and sentences of the cook were heard most audibly:
- Oh, oh, my darlings! My doves are white! Don't let die! My doves are white! ..
Five minutes later there was no one left on the street. The cook, with her thigh shattered by a grenade fragment, was carried into the kitchen. Alpatych, his coachman, Ferapontov's wife with children, the janitor were sitting in the basement, listening. The rumble of guns, the whistle of shells, and the pitiful groan of the cook, which prevailed over all sounds, did not stop for a moment. The hostess now rocked and persuaded the child, then in a pitiful whisper asked everyone who entered the basement where her master was, who remained on the street. The shopkeeper, who entered the basement, told her that the owner had gone with the people to the cathedral, where they were raising the miraculous Smolensk icon.
By dusk, the cannonade began to subside. Alpatych came out of the basement and stopped at the door. Before a clear evening, the sky was all covered with smoke. And through this smoke a young, high-standing sickle of the moon shone strangely. After the former terrible rumble of guns had fallen silent over the city, silence seemed to be interrupted only by the rustle of steps, groans, distant screams and the crackling of fires, as it were spread throughout the city. The groans of the cook are now quiet. From both sides, black clouds of smoke from fires rose and dispersed. On the street, not in rows, but like ants from a ruined tussock, in different uniforms and in different directions, soldiers passed and ran through. In the eyes of Alpatych, several of them ran into Ferapontov's yard. Alpatych went to the gate. Some regiment, crowding and hurrying, blocked the street, going back.
“The city is being surrendered, leave, leave,” the officer who noticed his figure said to him and immediately turned to the soldiers with a cry:
- I'll let you run around the yards! he shouted.
Alpatych returned to the hut and, calling the coachman, ordered him to leave. Following Alpatych and the coachman, all Ferapontov's household went out. Seeing the smoke and even the lights of the fires, which were now visible in the beginning twilight, the women, who had been silent until then, suddenly began to wail, looking at the fires. As if echoing them, similar cries were heard at the other ends of the street. Alpatych with a coachman, with trembling hands, straightened the tangled reins and horses' lines under a canopy.
When Alpatych was leaving the gate, he saw ten soldiers in the open shop of Ferapontov pouring sacks and knapsacks with wheat flour and sunflowers with a loud voice. At the same time, returning from the street to the shop, Ferapontov entered. Seeing the soldiers, he wanted to shout something, but suddenly stopped and, clutching his hair, burst out laughing with sobbing laughter.
- Get it all, guys! Don't get the devils! he shouted, grabbing the sacks himself and throwing them out into the street. Some soldiers, frightened, ran out, some continued to pour. Seeing Alpatych, Ferapontov turned to him.
- Decided! Russia! he shouted. - Alpatych! decided! I'll burn it myself. I made up my mind ... - Ferapontov ran into the yard.
Soldiers were constantly walking along the street, filling it all up, so that Alpatych could not pass and had to wait. The hostess Ferapontova was also sitting on the cart with the children, waiting to be able to leave.
It was already quite night. There were stars in the sky and a young moon shone from time to time, shrouded in smoke. On the descent to the Dnieper, the carts of Alpatych and the hostess, slowly moving in the ranks of soldiers and other crews, had to stop. Not far from the crossroads where the carts stopped, in an alley, a house and shops were on fire. The fire has already burned out. The flame either died away and was lost in black smoke, then it suddenly flashed brightly, strangely clearly illuminating the faces of the crowded people standing at the crossroads. In front of the fire, black figures of people flashed by, and from behind the incessant crackle of the fire, voices and screams were heard. Alpatych, who got down from the wagon, seeing that they would not let his wagon through soon, turned to the alley to look at the fire. The soldiers darted incessantly back and forth past the fire, and Alpatych saw how two soldiers and with them a man in a frieze overcoat dragged burning logs from the fire across the street to the neighboring yard; others carried armfuls of hay.
Alpatych approached a large crowd of people standing in front of a high barn burning with full fire. The walls were all on fire, the back collapsed, the boarded roof collapsed, the beams were on fire. Obviously, the crowd was waiting for the moment when the roof would collapse. Alpatych expected the same.
- Alpatych! Suddenly a familiar voice called out to the old man.
“Father, your excellency,” answered Alpatych, instantly recognizing the voice of his young prince.
Prince Andrei, in a raincoat, riding a black horse, stood behind the crowd and looked at Alpatych.
– How are you here? - he asked.
- Your ... your Excellency, - Alpatych said and sobbed ... - Yours, yours ... or have we already disappeared? Father…
– How are you here? repeated Prince Andrew.
The flame flared brightly at that moment and illuminated Alpatych's pale and exhausted face of his young master. Alpatych told how he was sent and how he could have left by force.
“Well, Your Excellency, or are we lost?” he asked again.
Prince Andrei, without answering, took out a notebook and, raising his knee, began to write with a pencil on a torn sheet. He wrote to his sister:
“Smolensk is being surrendered,” he wrote, “the Bald Mountains will be occupied by the enemy in a week. Leave now for Moscow. Answer me as soon as you leave, sending a courier to Usvyazh.
Having written and handed over the sheet to Alpatych, he verbally told him how to arrange the departure of the prince, princess and son with the teacher and how and where to answer him immediately. He had not yet had time to complete these orders, when the chief of staff on horseback, accompanied by his retinue, galloped up to him.
- Are you a colonel? shouted the chief of staff, with a German accent, in a voice familiar to Prince Andrei. - Houses are lit in your presence, and you are standing? What does this mean? You will answer, - shouted Berg, who was now assistant chief of staff of the left flank of the infantry troops of the first army, - the place is very pleasant and in sight, as Berg said.
Prince Andrei looked at him and, without answering, continued, turning to Alpatych:
“So tell me that I’m waiting for an answer by the tenth, and if I don’t get the news on the tenth that everyone has left, I myself will have to drop everything and go to the Bald Mountains.

The academic exchange program, named after its founder, US Senator W. Fulbright, began its work in the Russian Federation in 1973, when six Soviet and six American scientists became Fulbrights, receiving a grant from the Program for research and lecturing, thus laying the foundation for a solid foundation for bilateral academic cooperation.

For thirty-nine years of continuous work, the Fulbright Program has provided an opportunity to establish new scientific contacts, continue their education and undergo internships for hundreds of Russian professors, teachers, and young professionals. Under the auspices of the Association, international, all-Russian and regional conferences, meetings and discussions are held annually in Russian cities, periodicals and other publications are published.

The Fulbright programs are very popular among the faculty of the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

English Teaching Assistant Program was first announced in Russia in 2006. As part of this program, about 25 American scholarship holders are sent to Russia every year as assistant teachers of English.

In the 2010-2011 academic year, she trained at the faculty as an assistant teacher of English Cathy Diyard. Her duties included 15 (classroom hours per week) hours of teaching per week and up to 6 (six) hours per week of consultations/extracurricular work with Russian colleagues, not counting class preparation work. In addition, another 6 hours per week were devoted to working on their individual study or research project. Katie took an active part in the life of the faculty. She helped organize the English Club, was involved with the English Teachers' Association, and volunteered at local schools.

I spent the 2010-2011 academic year working in the Foreign Language Faculty as a Fulbright ETA. My main role was to hold conversation classes about issues that would not necessarily be covered in the students" main English classes. We discussed a variety of topics, including important holidays, American and British slang, stereotypes and important issues in our societies. In addition , I introduced students to music and television shows that are not popular outside the United States. I was the "native speaker" and answered students" questions about English and life in America

I spent the 2010-2011 academic year at the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Faculty as a Fulbright student. My main task was to conduct classes in communicative English on various topics that were not always covered in the classes. We talked about various topics such as holidays, American and British slang, stereotypes and important social issues. In addition, I showed students music and television shows that are unknown outside of the United States. The purpose of these classes was to use English in an informal, real environment to help students overcome the language barrier and provide a more comfortable professional growth. I was a native English speaker and answered students' questions about life in America as well.

Also, at the invitation of the faculty, lecturers from US universities regularly come to the university to give lectures and conduct seminars.

Professors were among the first to arrive at the faculty. Ben and Christine Fuller from the University of Pennsylvania. They spent 3 weeks at the faculty, which everyone remembered for the high quality of teaching. Specialization prof. Ben Fuller - American Literature. However, the cooperation of the faculty did not end after their departure. The professor regularly sends books and magazines on classical and modern American literature and regional studies to the faculty. At the moment, the faculty has already formed a library, which is very popular not only among faculty teachers, but also graduate students and students.

Professor Fuller: I "m glad the literary journals and books prove useful. Unlike fifty years ago there"s little consensus on who are the best ones, these days we have so many people writing prose fiction, poetry, film, theater, and tv scripts that it "s hard to get a grasp on the subject. I" ve sent you several booked published by Tin House which is one of many worthwhile publishers of contemporary American literature by living writers. I know you the Department of Foreign languages ​​are actively involved in international projects. It make me especially happy that students have so many opportunities to host foreign visitors and present festivals of foreign works as well as to travel all over the globe. Only twenty years ago this development seemed so difficult to achieve and now it "s part of every day life at the university

I am glad that my magazines and books are useful. Unlike the situation fifty years ago, there are now many different opinions about what constitutes good literature. these days we have so many writers writing fiction, poetry, film and theater scripts, and getting a general idea of ​​the situation is not easy. I have sent you several books published by Teen House, which is one of the best publishers of contemporary American literature. I know that the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​is actively involved in international projects. What makes me especially happy is that students have many opportunities to receive foreign guests and participate in various events, including holidays, and also travel a lot around the world. Twenty years ago, such a development was difficult to implement, but now it is part of the daily life of the university.

But the Program for Young Teachers of English (FLTA) is especially popular. The main goal of this program is to strengthen cultural and academic ties between the peoples of the United States and Russia, to improve mutual understanding between our countries.

The program provides young English teachers with the opportunity to improve their teaching skills, improve their English proficiency, and become more familiar with American culture and traditions. Participants in this Program are assigned to US universities and colleges to work as teachers or teaching assistants in the Russian language. The responsibilities of the Program participants include teaching the Russian language/culture of their country up to 20 hours a week. Also, program participants must study at least 2 subjects per semester, one of which relates to American Studies, and the other must be related to the teaching of the English language.

American universities greatly benefit from the presence of a native speaker on their campus, since, in addition to classes with students, participants in the Program will have to actively interact with representatives of the local community, organizing groups for the study of colloquial speech, holding extracurricular activities, language clubs, round tables with the purpose of familiarizing the audience with the culture and traditions of their country. Direct communication allows teachers and American students to learn more about the cultures and traditions of the countries they represent, as well as to better understand each other.

Ryabova Elena Nikolaevna, a graduate of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Moscow State University. N.P. Ogareva, Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages ​​for the Humanities, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Lomonosov Moscow State University N.P. Ogaryov.

Chubarova Yulia Evgenievna, a graduate of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Moscow State University. N.P. Ogareva, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of English, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Lomonosov Moscow State University N.P. Ogaryova,

I won a Fulbright Foundation grant under the FLTA (Foreign Language Teaching Assistant) program for an internship in the USA in 2010-2011. During the year she taught Russian (Russian I, Russian II, Russian Intermediate, Russian Conversation) at Juniata College (Pennsylvania) and was the organizer of the Russian Club and Language Tables. The responsibilities included teaching the Russian language/culture of their country up to 20 hours a week. It was also necessary to study 2 subjects per semester of their own choice. As part of the college program, participation in the Language in Motion program was mandatory, which made it possible to get acquainted with education in a US high school and give presentations about Russia in Pelsylvania schools.

The program began in August with a mandatory week-long orientation in Austin, Texas. After that, all the participants went to their universities. After the first semester, FLTA participants from all over the world, about 400 people, came to the conference in Washington. During the conference, the participants shared their experience with each other, as well as got acquainted with the most relevant and effective methods of teaching foreign languages.

The program is unique because it allowed me to study and work in the country, understand the specifics of the US education system, expand professional contacts, improve my English language skills and gain a true understanding of the US, the spiritual and cultural values ​​of Americans. A large number of holidays and vacations made it possible to look at the country and appreciate its beauty in all its scale and abundance!

Good knowledge of English is a mandatory requirement for participation in the program, so it was studying and working at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​that allowed me not only to receive this grant, but also to travel to such an interesting country as the USA!

The Fulbright scholarship program is one of the most famous in the world. It gives thousands of students from different countries every year the opportunity to receive higher education in the United States without serious financial shocks.

From general...

Senator William Fulbright. He was not a typical American politician; his understanding of the good of America was often at odds with that of the majority. It was Fulbright who, in 1945, proposed using funds from the sale of remnants of US military property abroad for the purpose of student exchange in education, culture and science.

Since then, every year there has been an exchange of students between America and other countries. Currently, the Fulbright program covers about 150 countries around the world. Funding from the US government exceeds $100,000,000 per year. Other governments contribute about $30,000,000 per year to the Program.

With Russia, Fulbright has ten programs available for different categories of participants. The list of competitive disciplines is quite wide. The Russian Association of Fulbright Alumni has about 1,600 members.

The Fulbright Program for Russian citizens provides grants for education, research, lectures and internships at any university, library, or archive in the United States. Grants are awarded based on the results of an open competition in all disciplines.

The programs are aimed at graduates of Russian universities, graduate students, scientists, artists, teachers, employees of international departments of Russian universities.

The grant includes: participation in the competition, tuition fees at a US university, a monthly stipend, limited medical insurance and travel expenses.

Citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing in the country, having a diploma of higher education or an academic degree (depending on the program), with a good knowledge of the English language, can take part in the programs.

Each program has its own application system and selection criteria. Each case is considered on an individual basis. Accordingly, grant amounts also vary on a case-by-case basis.

…to private

Fulbright programs include several areas. And in turn, each direction is divided into groups.

For students and teachers:

Master's degree and internship in the USA. Grants are issued for 1-2 years of study or research. There are age restrictions. Fellows of the program receive a J-1 visa and after the end of the grant are required to return to Russia.

Program for university teachers. Grants on a competitive basis are issued to university professors not older than 39 years. The duration of the program is 5 months.

Program for young teachers of a foreign language. The program lasts 9 months and does not involve a degree upon completion. Young English teachers are given the opportunity to improve their teaching skills, English language proficiency and learn more about American culture and traditions. Program participants enter universities and colleges in the United States to work as teachers or assistant teachers of the Russian language.

For scientists:

Scholar-in-Residence Program (SIR). US university exchange program. Russian university professors go to community colleges, small universities specializing in master's programs in the humanities, and universities where ethnic minorities study.

For scientists and artists. Grants are awarded to scientists, employees of research institutes, university professors (a degree is required), as well as artists and specialists in the field of applied and creative disciplines (a degree is not required). The duration of the research grant is 3-6 months. The duration of the lecture grant is 3-9 months.

New Century Scholars. A research program that annually brings together 25-30 scientists and specialists from the United States and countries participating in the educational project.

Program for employees of international departments of Russian universities:

RIEA exists for employees of international departments. Designed for young professionals with at least two years of work experience. The RIEA program offers an intensive 3-month internship in the United States and is aimed at improving the professional skills of employees of Russian universities who work with foreign students and teachers.

The Fulbright programs also include several summer schools: the School of Sustainable Development of Regions and Territories, the School of Exact Sciences and Technologies, and the Humanitarian Summer School. And also - the Hubert Humphrey Program, aimed at supporting research. All details are on

Fulbright Program

A small insert from Wikipedia
The Fulbright Program is an educational grant program founded in 1946 by US Senator James William Fulbright and funded by the State Department to strengthen cultural and academic ties between citizens of the United States and other countries.
Provides international educational exchanges for students, scientists, teachers, professionals and artists. On a competitive basis, it provides grants to both American and foreign students, scientists and researchers. Stimulates "cross" education, in particular, American students abroad, and foreign - in the United States. The Fulbright Program is one of the most prestigious award programs in the world among its kind, it operates in more than 155 countries, in 50 of which there are special commissions that manage the program, and where there are none, it is overseen by the Information and Cultural Section of the US Embassy.

Push. The scholarship is considered one of the most prestigious scholarships in the USA. Many people in the US have heard and know about it.
Initially a more humanitarian program, but recently it has been gaining popularity among the fundamental sciences. For example, a specially recently opened Fulbright STEP program.

Scholarship conditions

  • university tuition fees
As a rule, the program involves funding your education for 2 years. Therefore, in the case of obtaining a PhD degree, during this time you need to find another source of funding for yourself.
  • 2 way ticket
Round trip tickets. Additional flights are not paid.
  • monthly stipend
$1280+ depending on where you live. In the summer there is no scholarship and no tickets home either, which creates an interesting situation. It is also strange that some countries are paid a stipend in the summer, and some are not. Therefore, summer financing should be considered in advance.
  • medical insurance
Basic insurance Seven Corners. In principle, it is enough for routine visits to the doctor. More information
  • 2 year return requirement
You must return to your home country for 2 years in accordance with the requirements of the J1 visa. Here we are talking about obtaining a residence permit in the United States. No one forbids staying in the United States on a tourist visa or other student visa, but most likely it will not be possible to obtain a residence permit without returning home for 2 years. With great desire and luck, you can get an exemption from this rule (waiver), but I have not yet met people who have gone through the whole procedure, so it's hard for me to talk about it. I have heard more than once that it is not always required to be physically in their native country for these 2 years, but again there is little information.
  • opportunity to take your family with you
You can take your husband / wife and children with you, they receive a J2 visa, which, for example, allows you to work. Additional money is also paid for each family member. More information

Submission of documents

The deadline for submitting documents for the competition is mid-May. Keep in mind that documents are submitted a year in advance. So I applied in May 2012, being in my 3rd year at the university, and started studying in the USA in August 2013. The results of the entire selection will be known somewhere at the end of September (the choice of the university, whichever one is lucky), which is still allows you to plan well ahead.
The list of documents is quite simple (here I will focus on the most important ones in my opinion):
  • Personal Statement- serves as a record of everything you have already done that you think makes you a good candidate for a scholarship. At the same time, it should include some mention of how studying in the States will help you achieve your professional and academic goals, and why this cannot be done in the conditions in which you are now.
  • Study Objective- an essay that follows as much as possible to talk about what you would like to do when you are in the United States. It implies a more or less detailed description of the project, the relevance of the direction you have chosen. It is advisable to describe in detail your goals in the chosen area and how you are going to realize these goals, and most importantly, why go to the USA for this.
  • three letters of recommendation. Try to pick up people who can show you from different sides. It seems to me that the optimal set is work, university and social activities. It is desirable to characterize you in many ways, but it is still better to have a letter from your supervisor. These same letters will then be used to apply to US universities, and knowing how we feel about letters of recommendation, it is important to make people understand that these letters are important, and not just unsubscribe.
The first two essays are included in the application and, judging by the reviews, are the main criterion for the initial screening of candidates.

Selection process

The deadline for submitting documents is mid-May. Then, somewhere until mid-August, forms are being processed. Everything is quite liberal, if you miss something, you will most likely just be asked to send the missing documents.
In mid-August, people who have passed to the second round (Semi-Final) are announced, that is, for an interview. The interview takes place in the form of a panel - 5-6 people ask you about your project, goals and arguments for the relevance of the project. As a rule, among them 2-3 Americans. In my case, half of the people who interviewed me came across Computer Science, the rest were just from technical fields.
The interview itself takes place somewhere in the middle of September, and the results are announced 1-2 weeks after the interviews. So the applicants go to the final stage. The bottom line is that this is not yet a guarantee of the trip itself (although the chances are somewhere around 95%). A small proportion of people drop out because of poor test results, some by choice or because they cannot find a suitable university. Therefore, in addition to the main list, there is also a reserve one, and the chances of people from the reserve list, as a rule, are not bad.


After getting into the final stage (actually receiving a scholarship), you will need to pass 2 tests (TOEFL, GRE General). If you have passed them before, the results are still valid at the time of applying to universities and meet the minimum requirements, then you can not take the tests. The finalists are paid the surrender itself, but the preparation is usually not paid.
  1. TOEFL iBT - consists of 4 parts (Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing). Each part is about 30 points, for a total of 120. The minimum in most universities is somewhere around 80, but an acceptable result is 100. It is highly desirable to pass Speaking with more than 25, this often gives you the opportunity to get certified at the university if you want to work with students (I passed on 23 and I had to take an additional course)
  2. GRE revised General Test - this test has a progressive grading scale (from 130 to 170, for example 145 means you are in the first quintile, 151 is the middle score, and from 157 the fourth quintile), depending on the university and the program, the requirements for this test are very different. Some universities do not require it at all. In general, the test is more difficult than TOEFL, it takes more time to prepare. Consists of 3 parts:
    • Math- a fairly easy test, at the level of the 1st year at a technical university. The bulk of the tasks in algebra. Nothing unusual, just for successful delivery you need to get used to the wording of assignments in English (as a rule, this is more difficult than the assignments themselves).
    • Vocabulary- just incredibly complex. Very academic vocabulary is used, it is often difficult to understand what is being said. It really takes a long time to prepare for it. Later, while talking with the Americans, I realized that among them there are many people who fail this test.
    • Writing- 2 essays. I heard more than once that for foreign students this is not the most important part. According to empirical observations, it is better to devote more time to other parts. Although, again, regarding the program.
Tests must be taken in late October - early November, so it makes sense to think about it in advance. There is very little time between getting into the final and passing the tests, and as a rule, it is not possible to significantly raise your level. Especially in the GRE, where the language test is very, very difficult.

University selection

After passing the tests, according to your results, it compiles a list of recommended universities for you, in which, according to the Fulbright program, you could apply. The bottom line is that a scholarship is funding, but not a guarantee that you will be able to find yourself a university. Often, program staff try to take into account your wishes if they are from the field of logic, and not from the field of "I won't go anywhere except Harvard." You are offered a list of 4 universities and, as a rule, you need to fill in something yourself everywhere. Submission of documents begins at the end of November. The first proposals from universities will be after the New Year. And here, in principle, the most difficult situation happens. Some universities give the Fulbright program a discount on your tuition, so it is more beneficial for the program to send scholarship holders to such universities. It is very good when your choice coincided with what you are advised. Honestly, what happens in another case, I don’t really know. There are people who refuse because they are not satisfied with the university. I think that the obsession with the name of the university is not bad, but not the most important thing. Moreover, in the end, upon arrival in the United States, you can transfer to another university.
  • if possible, take the TOEFL or GRE before applying, or over the summer after submitting the documents (the results can be added to your application at any time). Good test scores give the commission a certain level of confidence in you and show language proficiency. Empirically, somewhere around 50% of the finalists passed at least one test before reaching the final. Also, passing tests in advance will greatly simplify your life if you get into the final, since otherwise you have to take them in a very short time (1-2 months).
  • it is better to have a real list of universities where you want to go. Take the time to review the programs. As a rule, universities even have a specialization in the field of computer science. I want to upset a little right away, there are not very many chances to get into the Ivy League. The problem is not even the level of knowledge, but rather the financial side of the issue for Fulbright. Plus, to get into the conditional Stanford, you need a real argument why Stanford and not, for example, the University of Washington. Therefore, when applying, it is better to have realistic goals.
  • be as prepared as possible for your direction and project. Try to update your knowledge, read what is currently being researched in your field. This is likely to be asked in an interview.
  • in preparation for the interview, I was advised one very effective technique. Spend 2-3 days and write down all the questions you would ask yourself about your project. What can a person from the outside ask. Ask your friends to help you with this. This is how I managed to “guess” about 70% of the questions that I was eventually asked at the interview.