Tables on the Kazakh language. How to learn Kazakh at home

Many people want to learn the Kazakh language, but don't know where to start. It is worth recognizing that effective methods for 100% study of the state language have not yet been invented. But there are shifts! Specialized sites, applications, groups in social networks are created. Learning Kazakh today is real. And we'll tell you how! Read our material with actionable tips that will help you learn the Kazakh language quickly, and finally say: "Men kazaksha soyley alamyn!".

How to start learning Kazakh

Thank God that in the Kazakh language, in addition to 33 letters in Cyrillic, there are only 9 specific sounds: ә, i, ө, ү, ұ, ң, ғ, қ, һ. Learn them. Buy a dictionary and write down words using these letters. Work on your pronunciation. Now that you know the elementary set of Kazakh letters, it is worth thinking about new words.

The more words you learn and memorize, the richer your vocabulary will be! You can learn new words the old-fashioned way by buying didactic materials or relying on electronic learning. For example, in the open spaces of the network there are several sites that will help you do this quickly and excitingly. We recommend sites:

Non-standard methods will also help in enriching the lexicon:

  • Educational insta blog @orystarshow. Three Russian guys in a comedy form play dialogues in the Kazakh language and make it very interesting!
  • Download the app "Words Run" on your smartphone and do not forget to go and train at least once a day.

If you set yourself the goal of learning Kazakh to an advanced level, then knowing grammar is a must! The grammar of the Kazakh language is peculiar and there are enough spelling rules. For example, there are no feminine and masculine pronouns in Kazakh. "He or she" is replaced by one common pronoun "ol". Because of this, many Kazakh speakers cannot pronounce Russian endings correctly.

You must learn all these subtleties on your own with the help of books or you can hire a tutor. Feel free to ask and clarify. If you pay money for education, then you must be given the appropriate knowledge.

Boring Kazakh language

How to quickly learn the Kazakh language? What is your first association when they tell you about "Five o" clock tea time "? You remember the English and their tea traditions. It is the same with the Kazakh language, study interesting traditions, learn about the origin of names, keep associations in mind. In Kazakh there are a lot of proverbs, sayings and catch phrases in the language... To find out their meaning, you need to know deeper... A Russian-language site can help you with this

If you are not very interested in old customs, then study the current content. It can be films, songs, books or just interesting sites in the Kazakh language.

  • Zhau zhurek - myn bala (historical drama)
  • Makhabbat stanciy (melodrama with the participation of Bayan Yesentayeva)
  • Menin atym Kozha (children's film, which received an encouraging diploma at the Cannes Film Festival)
  • Zhetimder (drama about orphans)
  • Kok Serek (a story about a little boy who tried to domesticate a wolf cub)
  • Kyz-Zhibek (historical melodrama)
  • Cocktail for a Star (modern comedy featuring Kazakh stars)
  • Kelinka Sabina (comedy)
  • Business in Kazakh (comedy)
  • Shal (drama about an old man and his grandson)

If you can't watch original movies, watch them with subtitles.

  • Mahabbat mol jyldar (novel)
  • Ulpan (novel)
  • Menin atym Kozha (story)

Contemporary Kazakh artists and bands you might like:

  • Galymzhan Moldanazar
  • Ali Okapov
  • Group "91"
  • Aikyn
  • Makpal Isabekova

  • If you live in Kazakhstan, then feel free to apply those words that you already know in everyday life. Everyone knows that the Kazakhs are kind to people who study their native language. The most ideal place for the first practices is the bazaar! All sellers will be happy to serve you and maybe even give you a discount!
  • Again, if you live in Kazakhstan, then there is an environment around you that will teach you new words by itself. Memorize them on signs, listen to the taxi driver's radio, carefully read brochures with translations.
  • The basis of language learning is practice. Not ready to apply your knowledge in reality? Then find communities on social networks where native speakers will be happy to talk with you.

There is a great saying in the Kazakh language: "Kөңіlsіz bastagan іs kөpke barmaydy" (The work started without a soul will remain started). Guided by these wise words, we wish you inspiration and a great mood for learning the Kazakh language!

People want to learn the Kazakh language for various reasons. Someone recently moved to Kazakhstan and wants to get rid of the language barrier. Some people are uncomfortable not knowing their native language. Many do not have enough time to visit a tutor and training courses. Therefore, today we will tell you how to learn the Kazakh language at home.

Kazakh language from scratch

The methodology of teaching the Kazakh language as a whole does not differ from the study of languages ​​of other peoples. First you need to create a base that will make further study more effective.

  • "Kazakh language. Grammar. Just about the complex."

The creator of the resource is Tatyana Vladimirovna Valyaeva. To help the children in their studies, she learned Kazakh on her own. In addition, Tatyana Vladimirovna composes poetry, understands astrology and programming. The last skill helped her to create a website for everyone who wants to understand the nuances of the grammar of the Kazakh language. It contains tables and many lessons. Try it and bookmark it.

  • Online course

A great tool to quickly learn spoken Kazakh, and it's completely free. There are 24 lessons here. has an application for smartphones. Got a couple of free minutes? Give them training. It is convenient on the road when there is no computer at hand.

The teaching methodology combined the traditional approach with technology. Information is presented in the form of special exercises, as well as audio and video clips. Also at your disposal is a dictionary of the Kazakh language and a grammar guide.

  • YouTube channel Maksat Imangazi.

An excellent channel for those who know English. Maksat Imangazi talks about the basics of the Kazakh language in 24 lessons, from greetings to grammar rules.

If you have not practiced English for a long time and want to learn Kazakh, the Maksat channel is a great opportunity to "pump" two languages ​​at once.

  • Interactive educational site

It is known that emotional reinforcement contributes to better memorization. And what, if not a game, evokes emotions?

The website helps to learn the Kazakh language online, literally effortlessly. "Birds" and "Bubbles" will help build vocabulary and refresh knowledge.

  • Group "Kazakh language" in "VKontakte".

Learning a language in an environment of like-minded people is easier. Meet new people in the Kazakh language group and move towards a common goal.

In this community, you can not only chat and ask for advice, but also find educational material. Join the group! May the power of knowledge be with you!

  • Test your knowledge with

After learning the grammar rules and thousands of words, achieving perfection in all learning games, take a serious test in the Kazakh language. This site will help.

Testing is carried out according to the KAZTEST system, which is approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Here you can test reading skills, listening comprehension, as well as lexical and grammatical knowledge.

How to learn Kazakh at home

So, we have a set of services. Let's talk about how to put them into practice. There are several effective methods for quickly learning the Kazakh language at home. Where to start?

Dedicate the first lessons of the Kazakh language to mastering letters and sounds, so as not to get confused in the pronunciation and spelling of words in the future. This is the basis, and, as you know, a house cannot be built without a solid foundation.

Fortunately, the alphabet of the Kazakh language, in addition to the usual 33 Cyrillic letters, contains only 9 unique sounds: ә, i, ө, ү, ұ, ң, ғ, қ, һ. Therefore, the first steps in learning will not seem difficult.

Having mastered specific letters, buy a Kazakh dictionary. Write down words that contain these sounds and work on them. Having perfected your pronunciation, move on to increasing your vocabulary.

The wider the vocabulary, the better you understand the interlocutor and the easier it is to build sentences. You can learn Kazakh words with a dictionary or with the help of online services, the tools that we mentioned above.

Learning Kazakh: Grammar

No speech can be mastered perfectly without knowing grammar. The Kazakh language is no exception: there are quite a lot of rules for writing and constructing sentences. For example, there are no gender pronouns. The usual "he" and "she" are replaced by "ol".

Therefore, it is difficult for many Kazakhs to master the endings of words in Russian. All grammar rules can be learned at home by studying and rereading texts in the Kazakh language, but this will take a lot of time.

If you want to quickly understand all the intricacies, sign up for Kazakh language courses. The specialist will explain and show with examples all the rules of grammar. If something is not clear, you can always ask again.

How to force yourself to start learning? Kazakh for beginners can seem difficult because people set themselves impossible tasks - learn 200 words in a day or master grammar in a week. With so much work in front of you, it's easy to get lazy. As a result, the training never starts.

Pay attention to these secrets:

  • The Japanese technique "Kaizen" will help to correct the situation.

It involves doing anything for one minute every day. You can't do much in 60 seconds. But this is only the first step that will lead to perfect command of the Kazakh language.

  • Increase the load gradually.

If some cannot start exercising, then others, on the contrary, load themselves too much.

The main thing in Kazakh for beginners is the regularity of classes. 30 minutes of training every day is enough to achieve impressive results. With this approach, there will still be time for household chores.

  • Listen.

If you live in Kazakhstan, listen to how others build their speech, and try to remember.

In life, they don’t speak the way they write in textbooks, so it’s better to practice right away, speaking in a “human” language.

  • Learn ready-made phrases for various situations: going to the market, traveling by public transport, cultural activities, dating.

If you learn a language from a dictionary, it is impossible to understand from the proposed variants of words of the same meaning which is better suited in a particular situation. For example, for the word "understand" the dictionary offers nine translation options. However, the word tusinu is more often used in speech. If a person is not a native speaker, he will not be able to understand this.

  • Use associations.

Information is better remembered if you associate it with images. Folk traditions will help you learn the Kazakh language more effectively. There are many proverbs and popular expressions in Kazakh culture. Study them, find out the meanings of words.

In addition, reading, watching films in the Kazakh language, visiting national websites, listening to music will help in associative learning. Be sure to watch the films: “Mahabbat stations”, “Shal”, “Cocktail for a star”, “Menin atym Kozha”.

  • Practice.

Try to always apply your knowledge by inserting words and phrases into speech. The best place for this is the market. The Kazakhs will treat with great respect the one who tries to learn their native language.

If you live in Kazakhstan, read the signs, listen to the radio and memorize the words. A great solution is to chat with native speakers on social networks. Those who wish will find in thematic groups.

To quickly go through all the Kazakh lessons for beginners and remember what was discussed, use the services that we talked about.

Do not forget about regularity: every day, spend 10-30 minutes studying, buy a Kazakh phrase book and practice ready-made phrases. And most importantly, remember: Konilsiz bastagan іs köpke barmaidy - ‘A work begun without a soul, begun and will remain’.

Kazakh language (kaz. Kazakh tili, قازاق ٴتىلى, qazaq tili) is the state language of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Included in the Kypchak subgroup of Turkic languages ​​(Tatar, Bashkir, Karachay-Balkarian, Kumyk, Karaim, Crimean Tatar, Karakalpak, Karagach, Nogai). Together with the Nogai, Karakalpak and Karagach languages, it belongs to the Kypchak-Nogai branch.

Alphabet and phonetics

Aa Әә Bb Vv Gg Ғғ Dd Her Ёё Fzh Zz Ii yy Kk Ққ Ll Mm Nn ​​Ңң Oo Өө Pp RR SS Tt Uu Ұұ Үү Ff Хх Һһ Цц Hh Shsh Shchshch Ъ Yy Іі ь Ee Yuyu Yaya

Letters c, f, c, h, b, b, e, e used only when writing words of foreign origin.

As in any language, the phonetic structure of the Kazakh language includes vowels and consonants. Consonants, in turn, are divided into sonorous /үndі/, voiced /ұyan/, and deaf /katan/. In this regard, there are laws of synharmonism, assimilation. The essence of the law of synharmonism is as follows: depending on the syllable-forming vowel at the root, a word can take only hard or only soft affixes: azhe-ler, bala-lyk, oku-shy-lar-ga.
The affixes of ownership -dіkі /-tіkі, -nіkі/: ata-nіkі, қyz-dіkі /girls/, Murattіkі /Murata/ and the ending of the instrumental case -men /-ben, -pen/: Marat-pen, bus -pen, kyz-ben /with a girl/.

The phenomenon of assimilation is of 2 types: progressive and regressive. According to progressive assimilation, the subsequent consonant sound on the syllabic boundary is used by the previous one, for example: kitap-tar, kalam-dar, i.e. affixes beginning with voiceless consonants are added to words ending in voiceless and voiced b, c, d, e: and words with voiced, sonorous and vowels at the end require affixes with voiced or sonorous sounds: аға-dan, қыз-dyң, үй-дің.
Regressive assimilation involves the voicing of voiceless consonants қ, k n at the end of a word if the added affixes begin with vowels. For example: kitap - kitabym/my book/, okulyk/textbook/, okulygy/his textbook/.

Nouns change in cases and numbers

Nominative case (Atau septic) - who? (kim?) what? (not?) - without endings
Genitive case (Іlik septik) - whom? (kimnin?) what? (nenin?) - -nyn, -nіn, -dyn, -dіn, -tyn, -tіn
Dative case (Barys septic) - to whom? (kimge?) what? (nege?) where? (kayda?) - -ға, -ge, -қа, -ke, -na, -not, -а, -е
Accusative case (Tabys septik) - whom? (kimdi?) what? (no?) - -ny, -ні, -dy, -ді, -you, -ті, -н
Local case (Zhatys septik) - from whom? (Kіmde?) What? (week?) where? (kayda?) - -yes, -de, -ta, -te, -nda, -nde
Initial case (Shygys septik) - from whom? (kimnen?) from what? (week?) - -dan, -den, -tan, -ten, -nan, -nen

Instrumental case (Kömektes septik) - with whom? (kimmen?) with what? (nemen?) - -man, -ben, -pen

Plural formed by suffixes -dar/-der/-tar/-ter/-lar/-ler
Kazakhdar- papers, kyzdar- girls, adamdar- people, andar- animals
emtikhandar- exams, sandar- numbers, shamdar- lamps, armandar– dreams
elder- countries, kilemder- carpets, creator- the words, ustelder– tables
duckender- the shops, bolimder- departments gulder- flowers, tilder- languages
Zholdastar- comrades, suraqtar- questions, hattar- letters, kitaptar– books
aghashtar- trees, kustar- birds, bastyqtar- bosses oyynshyktar- toys
mektepter- schools, esepter- accounts, suretter- paintings, shelecter- buckets
Utikter– irons, аriptester- colleagues, student- students, jidector- berries
taular- the mountains, balalar- children, aylar- month, aynalar– mirrors
januarlar- animals, qalalar- cities, matalar- fabrics, saparlar- trips
uyler- Houses, Akeler- fathers Paterler– apartments, koscheler- streets
närseler- things, sheberler- masters, därigerler- doctors, tereseler- window

Ownership form is formed by adding the following endings to a noun in the singular and plural:
a) if the final sound of the stem is consonant:
І person - th/ -im /m
2nd person - yn/ -ің
polite form - ynyz/ -іңіз
third person - s/ -і
b) if the final sound of the stem is a vowel:
І person - m
2nd person - ң
polite form - gyz/ -ңіз
third person - sy/ -
In the plural, the plural suffix is ​​first added to the stem of the word - lar/-ler, -gift/-der, -tar/-ter, and then the possessive endings:
І person - ymyz/ -imiz
2nd person - yn/ -ің
polite form - ynyz/ -іңіз
third person - s/ -і

Azhem- my grandmother, balam- My child, ainam- my mirror
dosim- my friend, kagazym- my paper sagatym- my watch
ustelim- my table, creator- my dictionary, paterim- My house

Adjective consists of either a root or a root and a generative suffix. There is no agreement with the noun in case and number, if the adjective is a predicate, it acquires a personal suffix.

Verb has 4 persons in the form of singular and plural, denoted by suffixes. The tense of the verb is formed synthetically and analytically. Synthetically, the form of the past tense and the "present-future" tense are formed, denoting an action in the future or an ordinary action in the present. An action performed at a certain point in time in the present is formed according to the scheme “germs + verb denoting the position of the subject”. Participles and participles are widely used.

Examples of conjugations with highlighted endings:

Present tense:

Men ademi saraida tur we N. – I I am standing in a beautiful palace. Men zhur min. – I I'm going.
Biz auyezhayda otyr we Z. – We we are sitting at the airport. Biz dalada zhur miz. – We we walk on the street.
Sen kitaphanada tur son. – You standing in the library. Sen sayabakta zhur sin. – You you walk in the park.
Sender dalada tour syndar. – You stand on the street. Sender dalada zhur synder. – You walk on the street.
Siz mұgalimde otyr syz. – You sit with the teacher. Siz kayda zhur ciz? – You where do you go?
Sizder kai koshede tur syzdar? – You what street are you on?
Anar divanda zhatyr. – Anara is lying on the sofa. Balalar sayabakta zhur. - The children go to the park.

Past tense:

From the verb in the indefinite form, the suffix y is discarded, suffixes are added you/ti after deaf consonants, in other cases - suffixes dy / dі. Personal endings are added after suffixes.
Main Jazz smoke. – I wrote. Men mektep bitir dim. - I finished school.
Biz Almatyd tu so. – We were born in Almaty. Business bile wild. - We were dancing.
Sen divanda open dyn. - You were sitting on the couch. Sender jap tyndar. - You closed.
Sizder soyle dinizder. - You were talking. Ol music tynda dy. - He listened to music.


Maine I
sen You (informal singular)
Сіз You (formal singular)
Ol He she it
Biz We
Sender you (informal plural)
Sizder you (formal plural)
Olar They are

Word order in the Kazakh language is constant:
a) the predicate is always at the end of the sentence - Men University okimyn(I study at University);
b) the definition is always before the word being defined - Men memlekettik university okimyn(I study at a state university);
c) the interrogative word in the absence of a verb-predicate is in last place - Rector's office kayda?(Where is the administration?); if there is a verb-predicate in the sentence, the interrogative word in front of it - Kayda Ornalaskan University?(Where is the university located?).

Text example:

Barlyk adamdar tumysynan azat zhane kadir-kasieti men kұқyқtary ten bolyp duniege keledі. Adamdarga akyl-parasat, ar-zhdan berilgen, sondyktan olar bir-birmen tuystyk, bauyrmaldyk karym-katynas zhasaulary tiіs.

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards each other in a spirit of brotherhood.”

A useful resource for grammar and speech:


So learn the Kazakh language if you do not have enough time to attend special courses and schools? There would be a desire, but there is a way!

We offer you 6 wonderful resources that give you the opportunity not only to improve your knowledge, but also to learn the language from scratch. Each of them contains a huge amount of information that will be useful to a schoolchild, a student, and a successful businessman.

Online course of the Kazakh language website

A free online resource will help to master the spoken Kazakh language even for those people whose working day is scheduled by the minute. Here you will find 24 lessons that are available for study 24 hours a day, a lot of educational audio and video recordings, a dictionary, a grammar guide, a book of exercises and other useful materials.

The course is based on elements of the traditional methods of learning languages ​​and new technologies, which, according to the authors of the project, greatly facilitates the learning process.

To learn the Kazakh language using the site, it is not necessary to be at the computer. A mobile gadget, the Internet and a few minutes of free time - that's all you need for successful learning.

Website “Kazakh language. Grammar. Just about the complex"

A site with a long name “Kazakh language. Grammar. Just about the complex” is the brainchild of a programmer, teacher, poetess and astrologer Tatyana Vladimirovna Valyaeva. She taught herself Kazakh to help her children with their homework.

Tatyana Vladimirovna has developed a huge number of tables and lessons that allow you to easily remember verb suffixes, noun endings and other complex things. Use on health!

Today, the game is considered one of the most effective teaching methods, because, having fun, a person learns much more than in boring lessons. Perhaps that is why the creators of offer to learn Kazakh in a playful way.

It is unlikely that you will be able to master the language perfectly with, but in order to refresh your knowledge and replenish your vocabulary, this resource is exactly right.

Video lessonsby Maksat Imangazi

Do you speak English? Then be sure to check out the video channel Maksat Imangazi. This guy successfully teaches Kazakh to foreigners. His lectures will allow you to "pump" both languages ​​in one approach. A great offer for those who truly value their time!

If you want to not only learn the Kazakh language, but also communicate with guys who are interested in this subject no less than you, join the group