Tests on the topic of human values. Mtgz - Psychological diagnostics

This technique is one of the varieties of verbal projective tests. The proposed set of Must-themes allows you to identify fifteen vital value goals in individuals of school and post-school age.

Instructions for the test

You are invited to continue the sentences printed on the issued form. It is extremely important that the thoughts entered into the form are sincere and belong to you. Write down any thoughts that seem important to you both at the moment and in general in your life.

Answer sheet
  • I absolutely must...
  • I absolutely must...
  • I absolutely must...
  • I absolutely must...
  • I absolutely must...
  • I absolutely must...
  • Terrible if...
  • Terrible if...
  • Terrible if...
  • Terrible if...
  • Terrible if...
  • Terrible if...
  • I can't stand...
  • I can't stand...
  • I can't stand...
  • I can't stand...
  • I can't stand...
  • I can't stand...
Processing and interpretation of results

There is no standardized procedure for handling the data generated by this test. There are no such Must-topics that the researcher is instructed to find among the answers of the subjects. Therefore, for each sample and for each subject, as a rule, an individually unique set of obligations is allocated. Below is a list of goal values ​​and examples of test subjects' statements related to this value. The list of values ​​is taken from the Life Goals methodology (E. Disl, R. Ryan, modified by N.V. Klyueva and V.I. Chirkov).

Freedom, openness and democracy in society

Statements that contain an attitude to the spiritual state of society (“I cannot tolerate the mediocrity and lack of spirituality of the authorities”), indicate the need for social justice (“I cannot tolerate the existing lawlessness”), express demands on authorities at all levels “I cannot tolerate … unspiritual bosses.”

Safety and security

Statements concerning concern about unpredictable events in society and fears for their lives and the lives of their loved ones ("It's terrible if a war starts", "It's terrible if evil triumphs").

Service to people

Statements regarding such life and professional goals as helping and assisting other people (including students): “I must certainly graduate my students as literate people”; “I absolutely must do everything to make my students happy.”

Power and influence

The statements of this group are connected with the desire of the teacher to exercise power over others, to influence them: “It’s terrible if they don’t put me in anything”; "I must certainly be an authority for my students."


This group includes statements related to the desire to attract attention, to be known to many people. "It's terrible if everyone forgets about me when I die"; “I have to leave my mark on life.”


Statements related to the need to do what the person himself considers important, not to depend on the opinions of others, to determine the course of his life himself: “It’s terrible if nothing depends on you”; "I can't stand being told what I should do"; “I absolutely must fulfill my plan.”

material success

Statements related to the desire for material well-being, to have a guaranteed income, good living conditions: “It’s terrible if I live in a hostel all my life”; “I can’t stand it when my salary is delayed”; “I absolutely must find a well-paid job.”

Wealth of spiritual culture

Statements regarding the desire for spiritual improvement, the desire to join the achievements of culture, art, etc.: “I must certainly find time for reading”; "I can't stand the poor in spirit."

Personal growth

Statements regarding the requirements for oneself, the desire to develop oneself as a person and a professional: “I can not stand it when people do not strive for high goals”; “I must certainly not stop at the achieved level.”


The statements of this group express the teacher's desire to have good health, get sick as little as possible, lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports: “It's terrible if I get seriously ill”; "I can't stand people who don't think about their health"; "I absolutely must do aerobics (swimming)."

Attachment and love

The statements of this group testify to the teacher's need to have close people, express concern about relationships with significant people: “It's terrible if I'm all alone”; "It's terrible if no one loves you."


Statements regarding the desire to have an attractive appearance, follow fashion, be satisfied with their appearance: "It's terrible if a person does not take care of himself"; “I must certainly look good”; "I can't stand unkempt men."

Feeling of pleasure

Statements regarding physical comfort, enjoyment of such aspects of life as good food, wine, sex, etc.: “I must definitely try everything in this life”; “I can’t stand blue stockings.

Interpersonal contacts and communication

Statements regarding the need to feel part of a group, to have your own circle of friends, fears associated with loneliness and misunderstanding: “It’s terrible if others stop understanding me”; "It's terrible if there are no friends at all."

Rich spiritual and religious life

Statements regarding faith in God, striving to live in accordance with religious beliefs: "It's terrible if I lose faith in God"; "I absolutely must go to church."

Source: Journal of Applied Psychology. N 4, 2001.- S. 9-30.

The technique arose as a result of the use and further improvement of the technique of I. G. Senin.

This technique was called the "Morphological test of life values" (MTZhTs), based on the goals and objectives of the study - to determine the motivational-value structure of the individual.

Terminal values ​​are the main diagnostic construct of MTLC. Under the term "value" the authors of the methodology understand the attitude of the subject to the phenomenon, life fact, object and subject, and the recognition of it as important, of vital importance.

List of life values ​​diagnosed by MTWC:

Self development

Spiritual Satisfaction


Active social contacts

own prestige

High financial position


Preservation of one's own individuality.

The questionnaire is aimed at studying the individual value system of a person in order to better understand the meaning of his action or deed.

The morphological test of life values ​​consists of 112 statements, each of which the subject must evaluate on a 5-point system.

If the meaning of the statement does not matter to you, then put the number 1 in the appropriate cell of the form;

If it matters little to you, then put the number 2;

If it has a certain meaning for you - put the number 3;

If this is IMPORTANT for you - put the number 4;

If this is VERY IMPORTANT for you, put the number 5.

To obtain the primary test results, the scores of the answers are summed up in accordance with the key. After calculations, all results are entered in the table. The proposed values ​​belong to multidirectional groups: spiritual and moral values ​​and egoistically prestigious (pragmatic). This is conceptually important for determining the direction of the activity of an individual or group. The former include: self-development, spiritual satisfaction, creativity and active social contacts, reflecting a moral and business orientation. Accordingly, the second subgroup of values ​​includes: prestige, achievements, financial position, preservation of individuality. They, in turn, reflect the selfish-prestigious orientation of the individual.

Estimated testing time is 20-30 minutes. Group form.

Schwartz value questionnaire

Source: Karandashev V.N. Schwartz's technique for studying personality values. Concept and methodological guidance - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2004.

The Schwartz questionnaire is based on the theory that all values ​​are divided into social and individual. The questionnaire was developed by Shalom Schwartz in 1992. When developing the questionnaire, the author used the Rokeach method, qualitatively modifying, expanding and improving its conceptual base.

Age: from 14 years old

The first part of the questionnaire is designed to study the values, ideals and beliefs that affect the personality. The list of values ​​consists of two parts: nouns and adjectives, including 57 values. The subject evaluates each of the proposed values ​​on a scale from 7 to -1 points. The second part of the Schwartz questionnaire is a personality profile. Consists of 40 descriptions of a person, characterizing 10 types of values. To evaluate descriptions, a scale from 4 to -1 points is used.

Terminal Values ​​Questionnaire (OTeTs) I. G. Senin

Source: Tikhomirov A.V. The method of differentiation of professional choices in the practice of vocational counseling / A. V. Tikhomirov // Staff-profi Yekaterinburg, 2001. - Issue 2, part 1.

The test is based on the theoretical provisions of M. Rokeach about the structure of human values. The technique allows assessing the overall severity of each of the eight terminal values: one's own prestige, high financial position, creativity, active social contacts, self-development, achievements, spiritual satisfaction, and the preservation of one's own individuality. As well as their representation in various spheres of human life: the sphere of professional life, the sphere of training and education, the sphere of family life, the sphere of public life, the sphere of hobbies.

The questionnaire consists of 80 statements, each of which the subject evaluates on a 5-point Likert scale (1 - does not matter, 2 - little value, 3 - a certain value, 4 - important, 5 - very important). The scores obtained in points according to the tables of norms are converted into stans. The results are presented in the form of an individual profile, separately for the scales of terminal values ​​and life spheres.

Method "Houses" Orekhova

O. A. Orekhova created a projective test of personal relationships, social emotions and value orientations "Houses" (Orekhova, 2002, 2008, 2010). The "Houses" test was developed by the child psychologist Orekhova O.A. as a diagnostic tool for differentiating the child's emotional sphere. The created technique is based on the color-associative experiment proposed by Etkind A.M. to analyze relationships. As a result of testing, a reliable picture of individual characteristics, preferences, cognitive needs and spiritual values, the ability to form relationships in society is revealed, personality development options are revealed, psychological problems of the child and the presence of internal contradictions are revealed.

Psychological diagnostics is carried out in the form of group and individual lessons. The research procedure consists of three coloring tasks. In the first task, the child ranks six colors according to the degree of preference for each color. In the second task, the child is asked to choose the right color for the houses in which feelings “live” (happiness, grief, justice, resentment, friendship, quarrel, kindness, anger, boredom, admiration). In the third task, the color-associative series of the child's emotions is connected to various types of activities in the kindergarten, to the kindergarten itself, which the child attends. When coloring the last house in the third task, the child independently chooses a social object of preference for himself, chooses an occupation for it, and only then paints it in a suitable color, thus denoting his attitude to this value, i.e., rank.

"Comprehensive study of self-esteem and value orientations" I. P. Shakhova

Children from preschool age.

In this case, the examination is carried out purely individually. The stimulus material consists of a card with a schematic representation of three figures of children and seven cards with value characteristics printed on them. The psychologist invites the child to consider one card with the image of three figures of children, under which there is another card with definitions, and answer the question: “Here are three very similar boys (girls). This boy is smart, this one is strong, this one is healthy. In all other respects they are no different. Which of these boys (girls) would you most like to be? Etc. The child's answer is encoded in the protocol form. Then the child should answer the following question: “Now imagine that one of these boys is really you. Who could it be? Which one of them is actually the most similar to you? The results are entered respectively in the columns "Value orientations" and "Self-assessment" (Shakhova, 1998). This technique considers such values ​​as intelligence, strength, gaiety, beauty, accuracy, success in learning, health. In accordance with the results of this test, the psychologist can judge the child's personal maturity, the differentiation of the system of value orientations, the assessment of the child's personality by significant adults, and his adaptive capabilities.

"Determination of the formation of value orientations" Kruglov

This technique of B. S. Kruglov, an adapted and modified version of the technique of M. Rokeach, is aimed at identifying the level of formation of value orientations of younger students.

This test will help you determine what is valuable and meaningful to you in life. You need to complete the following sentences. What you write, V, may be important to you right now or in the future. The main thing is that you be honest and sincere in your answers.

1. I absolutely must ...
2. I absolutely must ...
3. I absolutely must.
4. I absolutely must.
5. I absolutely must.
6. I absolutely must.
7. Terrible if...
8. Terrible if...
9. Terrible if…
10. Terrible if...
11. Terrible if...
12. Terrible if.
13. I can't stand...
14. I can't stand...
15. I can't stand it.
16. I can't stand it.
17. I can't stand it.
18. I can't stand...

Interpretation of results
The results of this test cannot be considered right or wrong, better or worse than the results of others. They just help you figure out what's important to you.
Decide which of the following values ​​most of your answers belong to. These are the values ​​that are of most interest to you right now.
Freedom and justice in society
This is dissatisfaction with the state of society or a desire to make it better. Characteristic statements: “I cannot tolerate the mediocrity and lack of spirituality of the authorities”, “I cannot tolerate the existing lawlessness”, “I cannot tolerate indifferent bosses”.
Safety and security
This is concern for one’s life and the lives of one’s loved ones, fear of dangerous and unpredictable events that can happen in society: “It’s terrible if a war starts”, “It’s terrible if evil triumphs”, “I must certainly be able to defend myself.”
Service to people
This is a desire to help and promote other people: “I must certainly help orphans”, “I must certainly make every effort so that my students enter universities.”
Influence, respect, authority
The desire to have power over other people, to influence them, to command respect: “It’s terrible if they don’t put me in anything”, “It’s terrible if my colleagues stop respecting me”, “I must certainly be an authority in the eyes of my students.”
Fame, popularity, fame
The need to attract everyone's attention, to be a famous person, to arouse admiration: "It's terrible if no one knows about my talent", "I must certainly leave my mark on history."
This is the desire not to depend on others and their opinions, to decide everything in your life yourself: “It’s terrible if nothing depends on you”, “I can’t stand it when they tell me what to do”, “I must certainly fulfill my plan”.
The desire to have a good salary, good living conditions, the opportunity to buy what you want: “It’s terrible if I live in a hostel all my life”, “I can’t stand it when my salary is delayed”, “I must definitely find a well-paid job.”
Culture and self-education
Striving for spiritual perfection, love for art: “I must definitely go to the opera”, “I can’t stand those who don’t like classical literature.”
Kar career, professional and personal growth
High demands on oneself, the desire to be an excellent professional: “I can’t stand it when people do their job poorly”, “I must certainly achieve more than what I have now.”
The desire to have good health, get sick as little as possible, lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports: “It’s terrible if I get seriously ill”, “I can’t stand people who don’t care about their health”, “I must definitely go in for sports.”
Love, family
The need to have close people, concerns about relationships with significant people: "It's terrible if I'm left alone", "It's terrible if no one loves you", "I must definitely pay more attention to my husband and children."
The desire to have an attractive appearance, to follow fashion, to be satisfied with their appearance: “It’s terrible if a person does not take care of himself”, “I must certainly look good”, “I can’t stand untidy men.”
Getting pleasure from such aspects of life as delicious food, drinks, sex, sleep, massage, etc.: “I must definitely try everything in this life”, “I can’t stand old maids”, “It’s terrible if I can’t get enough sleep” .
The need to feel part of a group, to have a certain circle of friends, to meet new people, to make friends: “I can’t stand boring unsociable people”, “It’s terrible if there are no friends at all.”
Spirituality, religiosity
The desire to live in accordance with their religious beliefs: "It's terrible if I lose faith in God", "I must definitely go to church."

METHODS: Morphological test of life values ​​(MTZHTS) (V. F. Sopov, L. V. Karpushina). The technique is designed to determine the motivational-value structure of the personality. The technique arose as a result of the use and further improvement of the technique of I. G. Senin. This version of the life values ​​questionnaire is designed to help a practical psychologist both in individual diagnostics and counseling, and in the study of various groups (labor and educational teams) on motivation problems, for a better understanding of the importance of various life spheres of activity. Terminal values ​​are the main diagnostic construct of MTLC. Under the term "value" the authors of the methodology understand the attitude of the subject to the phenomenon, life fact, object and subject, and the recognition of it as important, of vital importance. The list of life values ​​includes: 1. Self-development. Knowledge of their individual characteristics, the constant development of their abilities and other personal characteristics. 2. Spiritual satisfaction. Management of moral principles, the predominance of spiritual needs over material ones. 3. Creativity. Realization of one's creative potential, striving to change the surrounding reality. 4. Active social contacts. Establishment of favorable relations in various spheres of social interaction, expansion of one's interpersonal relations, realization of one's social role. 5. Own prestige. Winning one's recognition in society by following certain social requirements. 6. High financial position. Appeal to the factors of material well-being as the main meaning of existence. 7. Achievement. Statement and solution of certain life tasks as the main life factors. 8. Preservation of one's own individuality. The predominance of one's own opinions, views, beliefs over the generally accepted ones, the protection of one's uniqueness and independence. Terminal values ​​are realized in different ways, in different spheres of life. The life sphere is understood as the social sphere where human activities are carried out. The significance of a particular area of ​​life for different people is not the same. List of life spheres: 1. Sphere of professional life. 2. Sphere of education. 3. The sphere of family life. 4. Sphere of social activity. 5. Sphere of hobbies. 6. The scope of physical activity. The questionnaire is aimed at studying the individual value system of a person in order to better understand the meaning of his action or deed. The identity of a person is developed in relation to the basic values ​​recognized in society. But personal values ​​may not reproduce an exact copy of social values. The design of the questionnaire includes a scale of reliability of the degree of desire in a person for social approval of his actions. The higher the result, the more the behavior of the subject (at the verbal level) corresponds to the approved model. The critical threshold is 42 points, after which the results can be considered unreliable. Terms of conduct. The morphological test of life values ​​consists of 112 statements, each of which the subject must evaluate on a 5-point system. The survey must be carried out in a favorable emotional climate. The experimenter should be friendly, should be able to answer questions that arise, but not provoke a definite response of the subject to the statement. When conducting a group survey, each subject must have his own text of the questionnaire. It is allowed to read the statements aloud by the experimenter for the whole group. Everyone must answer individually. Processing of test results. To obtain primary test results, the scores of answers are summed up in accordance with the key. In the reliability scale, the sign must be taken into account when calculating. All answers with a minus sign are inverted. So, if the subject puts 5 points in response to a statement related to the reliability scale, then 1 point corresponds to him. If the subject gives 1 point for a statement with a negative value, then 5 points will correspond to him. After calculations, all results are entered in the table. The proposed values ​​belong to multidirectional groups: spiritual and moral values ​​and egoistically prestigious (pragmatic). This is conceptually important for determining the direction of the activity of an individual or group. The former include: self-development, spiritual satisfaction, creativity and active social contacts, reflecting a moral and business orientation. Accordingly, the second subgroup of values ​​includes: prestige, achievements, financial position, preservation of individuality. They, in turn, reflect the selfish-prestigious orientation of the individual. At all low values ​​- the orientation of the personality is indefinite, without a pronounced preferred goal-setting. With all the high scores, the orientation of the personality is contradictory, intra-conflict. With high scores of values ​​of the 1st group, the orientation of the personality is humanistic, the 2nd group - pragmatic. The questionnaire consists of 112 statements. Estimated testing time is 20-30 minutes. Notes for the computer version. 1. Interpretation of the main scales of life values ​​and life spheres is made on the basis of test indicators expressed in the walls. 1-3 wall - low performance; 4-7 walls - average; 8-10 walls - high rates. 2. Interpretation of the reliability scale is based on "raw" test indicators. 16-42 wall - the information is reliable; 43-80 walls - the information is unreliable. The technical diagram of the confidence scale is based on an indicator with a zero reference point, i.e. ranging from 16 to 80 points. 3. Interpretation on the scales of values ​​within life spheres is made on the basis of "raw" test indicators. 2-4 points - low performance; 5-7 points - average indicators; 8-10 points - high performance. EXAMPLE OF TESTING: ---- PSYCHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS. Methodology: Morphological test of life values ​​(MTZhTs). Full name:__________________ Add. data:____________ Scale of reliability of information: 0<────[-]────><───────[+]───────> Chart: * Life Values: Life Areas: 10 ┼ 9 ┼ 8 ┼─────────────────────────────────── ───▄▄───── 7 ▄▄ ██ 6 ██ ██ ██ ██ 5 ██ ▄▄ █ ██ ██ 4 ██ ▄▄arn ▄▄ ██ alth █ ██ ██ ██ 3 ─── ─ 2 ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ▄▄ ██ 1 ██ ██ ██ █ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ alth █ ▄▄ ██ ▄▄ 0 ─+──* RS DU Kr SC SP MP Ds SI PZh About SZh OA Uv FA Test indicators: Reliability scale: - L = 40 Life values: A. Spiritual and moral: 1. Self-development - RS = 3 2. Spiritual satisfaction - DN = 5 3. Creativity - Kr = 4 4. Active social contacts - SC = 1 B. Selfishly prestigious (pragmatic): 5. Own prestige - SP = 3 6. High financial position - MP = 1 7. Achievement - Ds = 7 8. Preservation of one's own individuality - SI = 5 Life spheres: 1. Sphere of professional life - PZh = 5 2. Sphere of education - Gb = 7 3. Sphere of family life - SL = 2 4. Sphere of social act activity - OA = 1 5. Sphere of hobbies - Hv = 8 6. Sphere of physical activity - FA = 1 Test indicators according to the scales of values ​​within life spheres: PZh About LJ OA High FA RS 9 5 6 2 5 2 SD 9 9 4 4 10 2 Cr 8 9 2 2 10 2 SC 2 8 3 2 5 3 SP 5 8 3 2 7 2 MP 5 6 5 2 6 2 DS 10 10 9 7 7 2 SI 7 9 6 4 9 2 INTERPRETATION: life value scales. Self development. The trend towards self-sufficiency. Such people, as a rule, set a threshold for their capabilities and believe that it is impossible to overcome it. Touchy when making a negative assessment of them, their characteristics or personal qualities, show indifference to the assessment. Spiritual satisfaction. The average level of a person's desire to obtain moral satisfaction in all spheres of life. Creativity. The average level of a person's desire to realize his creative potential, to make various changes in all spheres of his life. Active social contacts. Indecisiveness in communicating with strangers, lack of spontaneity in speaking, distrust of other people, unwillingness to be open. own prestige. A person does not see a difference in the approval of his actions by people with different social statuses. Compliant, avoids failures, conflicts. Deprived of claims to the status of a leader. Achievements. Indifference to achievement. Dependence on how external situations develop. The main credo is "Wait and see." Such people are often distinguished by setting immediate, specific goals. Sometimes they show impotence in striving to achieve some distant long-term goal. High financial position. The average level of a person's desire for the highest possible level of his material well-being. Preservation of one's own individuality. The average level of a person's desire for independence from other people. 2. Interpretation of data on scales of vital spheres. sphere of professional life. The average level of significance for a person of the sphere of his professional activity. Sphere of training and education. The average level of significance of a person to increase the level of his education, broaden his horizons. sphere of family life. A low level of significance for a person of everything that is connected with the life of his family. Sphere of public life. The low level of significance for a person of the problems of the life of society. Sphere of hobbies. High significance for a person of his hobbies, hobbies. Such scope of physical activity. Low level of significance of physical activity and physical culture as an element of general culture for a person. III. Interpretation of data on scales of values ​​within life spheres. 1. Sphere of professional life. Self development. The desire for the most complete realization of their abilities in the field of professional life and to improve their skills. Interest in information about their professional abilities and opportunities for their development. Demanding to himself and his professional duties. Spiritual satisfaction. The desire to have an interesting, meaningful job or profession. Such people are characterized by a desire to penetrate as deeply as possible into the subject of labor, obtaining moral satisfaction from the process of work itself and, to a lesser extent, from the result of work. Creativity. The desire to introduce an element of creativity into the scope of their professional activities. A person quickly becomes bored with the usual ways of organizing and working. Such people are characterized by a constant desire to make various changes and improvements in the work. As a rule, these are people who are addicted and inventive. Active social contacts. The desire for individualization of activity. Lack of trust in relationships with members of the workforce, striving to maintain relations within a purely corporate framework. Such people do not support their colleagues in situations where it is necessary. Adhere to the opinion - every man for himself. own prestige. The average level of a person's desire to have a job or profession that is socially approved. Achievements. The average level of desire to achieve competitive and tangible results in their professional activities. High financial position. The desire to have a job or profession that guarantees a high salary, other types of material well-being. The tendency to change jobs, specialty, if it does not bring the desired level of material well-being. Preservation of one's own individuality. The average level of desire through their professional activities "stand out from the crowd." 2. Sphere of training and education. Self development. The average level of desire to improve the level of one's education for the sake of developing oneself as a person and one's abilities. Spiritual satisfaction. The desire to learn as much as possible in the discipline being studied, as a result - to obtain moral satisfaction. Such people are distinguished by a highly developed cognitive need, a desire to improve the level of their education. Creativity. The desire to find something new in the discipline being studied, to contribute to a certain area of ​​knowledge. It characterizes the desire to answer those questions that are controversial, unknown in this science (participation in the work of scientific societies, in scientific experiments, etc.) Social contacts. The desire to identify with a particular social group. The desire to reach a certain level of education in order to enter into close contacts with representatives of this social group. own prestige. The desire of a person to have a level of education that is highly valued by society. Such people are interested in other people's opinions about their education or the desire to achieve a certain level of education. Achievements. The average level of desire to achieve both a specific result of their educational process (diploma, dissertation defense), and other life goals, the achievement of which depends on the level of education. High financial position. The desire to achieve a level of education that will allow you to have a high salary and other types of material benefits. The desire to improve the level of one's education, to choose an educational institution, if the existing state of affairs does not bring the desired material well-being. Preservation of one's own individuality. The desire to build the process of education so that it best suits all the characteristics of the individual. Desire to be original, to demonstrate one's life principles. Exaltation in behavior is characteristic. 3. The sphere of family life. Self development. The average level of desire to change for the better various features of one's character, one's personality in family life. Spiritual satisfaction. The desire to have a family, so that everything is like everyone else, or no worse than others. Build a marriage of convenience A marriage contract is the key to the existence of a family. Creativity. The desire to preserve conservative traditions, norms and rules of family life. Active social contacts. Striving for the individual in the family. Perhaps a purely consumer attitude in order to satisfy their needs. In such a family there is no differentiation of social roles and functions. own prestige. Does not need approval for his actions in the family sphere. Sometimes the insignificance of the indicator indicates the insignificance of this area. Achievements. The average level of desire to achieve any real results in family life (to teach children to write as early as possible). High financial position. Striving for the highest level of material prosperity of his family. Such people believe that family well-being lies, first of all, in the good welfare of the family. Preservation of one's own individuality. The average level of desire to build your life, focusing only on your own views, desires, beliefs. The average level of desire to fully realize and develop their abilities in the field of social and political life. 4. Sphere of public life. Self development. The desire to achieve any success in this area by minimizing costs on its part. Demanding respect for yourself as you are. Such people believe that it is necessary to adapt to circumstances, and not waste time on improvement. Spiritual satisfaction. The desire to obtain practical benefits from the result of their social and political activities, and try to achieve this result by any means. Creativity. Striving for stability, inviolability of positions, so as not to break the well-established mechanism for holding a socio-political event Active social contacts in the usual life. Disinterest in a wide range of social contacts in the sphere of socio-political life due to various circumstances, both personal characteristics (isolation, conflict, suspicion and distrust of people), and the outwardly developing social situation. own prestige. The desire for depoliticization. Ignoring authorities in social and political life. Distrust of the objectivity of people in socio-political issues. Achievements. Characterizes the lack of purposefulness in this area. Unwillingness to realize oneself as a public figure. Independence in terms of self-esteem. Disinterest in someone else's authoritative opinion regarding one's abilities High financial position. The average level of desire to engage in social and political activities for the sake of material reward for it. Preservation of one's own individuality. The desire not to stand out in their socio-political views from the opinion of the majority, to support the official point of view. The position "to be like everyone else" is the main position in this area. 5. Sphere of hobbies. Self development. The average level of a person's desire to use his hobby to better realize his potential. Spiritual satisfaction. The desire of a person to have such a hobby, to which you can give all your free time, trying to penetrate deeper into the very subject of passion. Getting satisfaction from the process of your occupation, rather than from its results. Humanistic orientation of personality. Creativity. The desire of a person to get involved in such an occupation, which provides ample opportunities for creativity, introducing diversity into the sphere of one's hobby. Efforts are obvious to change something in the subject of one's passion, to introduce something new into it. Active social contacts. The average level of desire to realize their social orientation through their hobby. own prestige. The average level of desire to do things in your free time that can serve as the basis for its high evaluation by other people. Achievements. The average level of a person's desire to set specific goals in the area of ​​​​his hobby and achieve them. High financial position. The average level of desire to do things in your free time that can bring material benefits. Preservation of one's own individuality. The desire of a person to ensure that the hobby helps to emphasize, to express his individuality. Passion for some very rare, unusual activities to create things that no one else has. 6. The scope of physical activity. Self development. Unwillingness to listen to other people's critical assessment of their abilities and capabilities in this area. Self-sufficiency. Comparison of oneself with other people, whose physical development is lower than that of a given person and, on this basis, self-complacency, unwillingness to be active in improving one's physical abilities. Spiritual satisfaction. The desire to find practical benefits from playing sports and other types of physical activity. Ignoring the ethical and aesthetic feelings that arise in the process of physical education. Creativity. The desire for stability, familiarity in their studies in this area. Unwillingness to change anything. Irritation by the non-standard situation of games, competitions. A clear division of the concepts "according to the rules" - "not according to the rules." Active social contacts. The desire for individual sports, for individual classes in the field of physical culture. Such people do not see the need to exchange words during sports, they seem redundant to them. own prestige. Lack of desire for the approval of their abilities in the field of physical activity. A person does not claim respect for his sporting merits, physical data. Often there is no sport at all in the life of such a person. Achievements. Characterizes a person with a great desire to achieve the goal of having significant results in the field of physical activity, but impotence in striving to achieve them. Often self-sufficient, does not need achievements in this area. High financial position. Ignoring material values, especially if they are given by hard physical labor. Such people believe that health must be protected, and physical labor does not justify the acquired material goods. Preservation of one's own individuality. The desire to adhere to modern fashion trends in this area, not to stand out with anything special.

In the New Year, completing the cycle and opening the next one, we consciously or not look at the past period, summing up and thinking about the FUTURE. We make plans, set goals, calculating our strength. And this is the uniqueness of New Year's Eve.

We try to understand what is important for us at this stage of life. By arranging the order of our preferences, we decide what we need and put our strength into it. In psychology, this "need" is called "personal values." Personal values ​​are the motivators of our actions. When the set goal resonates with our true values, there is no internal conflict, energy comes freely and in abundance. We feel the drive, the desire to act, we do not need to force ourselves. We get results from such actions faster and easier. But understanding what is truly valuable to us does not always lie on the surface. It is advisable to check what exactly is a value for us.

In other words, it makes sense to ask questions:

- "What do I want?"

“Where do you invest your talent, energy, time and money?”

“What do I want to achieve?”

I offer an exercise that will help you understand yourself better.

1. Before you is a list of 18 values, run through it with your eyes. Take paper and pencil.

  1. Write down the 8 most important to you and number them according to their importance.

(1 is the most important value, 8 is the least important)

  1. Create a new list of valuables, where only 5 of the 8 most important values ​​\u200b\u200bwill be available.
  2. Look at the list of values ​​carefully and decide which 3 values ​​you will not give up for anything. Write them out separately.

. …Someone, a wizard, offered to fulfill your 3 wishes ... But the wizard grants wishes on Thursdays. Each time, just one wish. This Thursday he works, and the next is unknown ... What would you ask him for this Thursday? one) active, emotionally filled life;
2) life wisdom, maturity of judgments and common sense achieved by life experience;
3) physical and mental health;
4) interesting work;
5) experience of beauty in art and nature;
6) spiritual love and physical intimacy with a loved one;
7) financially secure life - life without material difficulties;
8) the presence of good and faithful friends;
9) public recognition - respect for others, workmates;
10) the possibility of expanding one's education, horizons, intellectual development;
11) productive life - the fullest use of their capabilities, strengths and abilities;
12) personal development - work on oneself, constant physical and spiritual improvement;
13) entertainment - a pleasant, easy pastime;
14) freedom - independence, independence in actions and judgments;
15) happy family life;
16) the happiness of others;
17) creativity - the possibility of creative activity;
18) self-confidence - inner harmony, freedom from internal contradictions, doubts.