Which troops to go to serve in military service. Which troops are better to go to serve and why

Today's article will be devoted to military service. We will analyze when and why they make a call for urgent service. We will discuss all the advantages and disadvantages of this process and pay due attention to the nuances that should be remembered.

What is military service?

Before you pay attention to the nuances, you need to familiarize yourself with the very term "conscripts in the army."

Urgent service in the army - urgent comes from the word "term". This is the period of time that the state has established for conscripts, today it is 12 months. For military service in the Russian Federation, males who have reached the age of 18 are called up, who, for health reasons, do not have the right to deferment.
If you have received a call for military service, then you must arrive at the unit at the appointed time without fail.

Benefits of military service

1. The army makes a real man out of every boy. Here you can bring your body into shape, become more responsible and focused, learn to be fully responsible for your words and actions. In addition, you will learn sewing, cooking, shooting and other interesting and useful activities.

2. By law, during the period of compulsory military service, you are completely exempt from any educational process. Be it university or college.

3. If you are going to connect your life with law enforcement agencies in the future, then knowledge and experience will help you in the educational process.

4. Referring to the Federal Law of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 “On pensions for persons who have served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of criminal executive system, and their families”, the term that you have served on the call for military service will be counted in the length of service and, accordingly, your pension will be higher.

5. Today, the service life is only one year. I would like to remind you that earlier military service lasted two painful years, full of suffering...

6. After dinner, there is one hour for sleep. The daily routine has become simpler and less rigid.

7. The food in the army isn't as bad as they make it out to be. The diet is quite balanced, there are proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the required proportions. If desired, the soldier can always ask for an additional portion. They feed three times a day. Some parts give extra food for the day. Also, do not forget that relatives bring gifts with them when visiting soldiers.

8. Since 2012, the salary, or as it is also called - monetary allowance, has doubled. Accordingly, this is a sufficient motivator for hard work.

9. Most of the soldiers who served excellently and coped with all duties, on the recommendation of the commander, can enter any university in the country on preferential terms. By law, they are exempted from passing the competition and entry into the university is absolutely free for them.

10. If a soldier, after completing his military service, wants to extend the contract, then he can receive free distance learning at any university in the country, and the exams for him will be held at any convenient time. If, at the time appointed by the dean's office, a soldier cannot appear to pass the sessions, he can apply to reschedule the session to another date.

11. Today, military service is not hard labor and not a living hell. This is just the preparation of real men, who in our time are not so many.

12. You will find yourself a lot of real, true friends who will accompany you through life and help you in any difficult moment. The army brings people together and teaches goodwill and sociability.

By the way, these are not all the advantages of military service. Many people are so afraid of the army, but in fact, they know absolutely nothing about it. You should not be afraid of the army, it is better to try it for yourself and see for yourself. You know, many who have gone through the entire process of military service do not dare to say that they spent a year in vain after they uttered the words: "I serve the Motherland!"

Disadvantages of military service

1. Some have to interrupt the learning process, which can negatively affect the grades.

2. A long period of separation from relatives and friends. The first few months you will be very bored, but by the end of the service, every soldier gets used to a tough schedule and perceives the distance normally. Moreover, now soldiers are being called up for service in units that are located close to their hometown. That is why relatives can visit a soldier during a certain period of time, which is allotted for meetings.

3. Tense schedule- this is probably the biggest minus of military service. The rise is very early, there is absolutely no time to "soak in the crib". Conditions in the army are spartan. Bathing at certain hours, a certain number of times a week. Visiting relatives is also on schedule; meals on schedule, no gastronomic delights and homemade cheesecakes with strawberry jam should not be expected ... The usual food in the army is various cereals, stew or meat roast, bread and butter, boiled eggs, first courses (soups, borscht, cabbage soup, pickles etc.). Sometimes there are more refined dishes, but extremely rarely.
Sleep - about seven hours of sleep at night and one hour of sleep after dinner.

4. Complete lack of free time. You will be busy all the time. This is either a sport, or part-time work and similar army worries. Many who have completed military service admit that they completely rethought their lives after being in the army.

Probably, these are all cons. We can conclude that for the year spent in military service you will not lose anything. Most likely, you will acquire many new life values ​​\u200b\u200bthat will help you in the future.

How to prepare for military service so that you can transfer it easily

1. Take care of your health.
Initially you should stop drinking and smoking , this is very important, because in the army no one will allow you to do this. By the way, smoking has a bad effect on overall physical endurance, and in the army this is very important, since there will be a lot of physical exercises.

2. Start a year before the general call physical training .
You should be able to pull up at least 20 times, push up 100 times. Running is also important, as it is an indispensable attribute of the morning exercises of soldiers.

3. Correct food.
Start eating right and try to avoid a lot of fatty, fried and sweet foods, as excess weight will interfere with your service.

4. By the time you are called, you must have basic knowledge .
Learn to shoot, sew, cook, and similar activities that are often practiced during the military service. So you will not only not disgrace yourself in front of other soldiers, but you will also be able to earn the trust and respect of the unit commander, who will later be able to speak well of you when you enter the university.

5. Get used to the schedule .
You must be ready to get up at any time of the day and serve the Motherland. For several months, it is better to accustom yourself to the schedule of early rises in order to get used to the mode of service as soon as possible.

6. Friends.
You need to find friends in the company so that life does not seem so boring and gray. Be sociable and sociable, in this case, you will definitely find like-minded people.

7. Get mentally adjusted.
No need to think that you will waste a whole year or that you will be mocked and forced to do "dirty work". Think that this is your next interesting journey, which will surely bring a lot of positive impressions, because there is no bad without good, and vice versa.

Who can get a deferment from military service?

If we were not able to convince you and you still decide to ask who can get a deferment from military service, we have prepared a list of cases in which a soldier can receive a deferment.

1. Priests who have higher education and work in religious organizations.
2. Rural, city heads also receive a deferment from military service for the period of their powers.
3. Health workers who perform their duties properly.

Also deferment can be obtained for family reasons that fit the following:

1. Disabled guardians (father or mother), over whom the recruit carried out guardianship.
2. If the conscript has minor, incapacitated brothers or sisters or siblings, of any age, over whom the conscript has custody. This item will help to get a deferment only if the brothers and sisters of the conscript do not have other guardians who can look after them during the period of the soldier’s military service.
3. If the conscript has a single father or mother who has two or more minor children. This item is valid only if the conscript is officially employed.
4. If the conscript has a disabled wife, a disabled child, a pregnant wife or a child under the age of three who is brought up without a mother after her death or by a court decision.
5. A conscript may receive a deferment for health reasons, that is, chronic diseases that may worsen during the service.

We have not provided all the cases when you can get a deferment from military service. This is only the main list, which is most often found in practice.

We hope that this article turned out to be useful to you, and you will probably want to serve the Motherland and accept the draft into the army.

If you apply for a job in a professional army through the draft board and the contract center, then in most cases you will not have a choice. The direction will be given to the part that is acutely experiencing a shortage of personnel. When moving to another area, we recommend that you prepare documents on passing the commission in advance and get a personal file from your military registration and enlistment office. We will figure out where it is best to serve under a contract in Russia.

The choice of type of troops

First of all, you need to decide on the type of troops in which you would like to work. Those who served most often enter the same troops by class. The final choice takes place in the part where you will submit the documents. Candidates suitable for the profile are determined according to the following criteria:

  • health indicators;
  • personal qualities;
  • physical form;
  • preferences.

For some positions there is an additional selection. For example, those wishing to serve as a sniper will have to pass a series of tests that will determine whether they are suitable for the position.

The part has the right to conduct additional testing, including a test of personal qualities, psychological stability and physical fitness.

Additional selection has been introduced in almost all elite branches of the military, but it can only be used in popular units. There are also too many applicants in a number of cities, so often those who decide to serve on a contract have to work hard to get into the desired place.

Location selection

It is most important to choose a locality where it will be good to live and serve. Popular areas are:

  • Kaliningrad;
  • Murmansk;
  • Leningradskaya;
  • Moscow.

As for the cities, the most popular are Seversk and Moscow. It is extremely difficult to get a job in a military unit in the capital. Because of the opportunities that this city offers, young people with families aspire to it. Almost all of them aim to earn money on housing and settle in the capital.

All young people who have reached military age sooner or later think about the question of where to go to serve when going to the army, as well as what qualities you need to have in order to get into the desired unit. It all depends not only on desire, but also on physical fitness, existing skills and health status. The information presented in the article will help you figure out which troops it is advisable for a potential fighter to go to, given his preferences and medical characteristics.

Is it possible to choose the direction of military service yourself?

According to generally accepted rules, during the draft campaign, the young man, of course, will be asked about his wishes about the troops in which he would like to serve in the military, and based on his answer, a note will be made about his preferences. However, the distribution of newly minted soldiers does not really depend on their personal desires, mainly chosen by the so-called "buyers" who come to pick up the fighters. Of course, there are times when recruits' preferences are taken into account, due to good reasons or the guy's place of residence.

Another way to get sent to serve exactly in those units that you want is to present weighty arguments to the military commissariat. For example, if a young man wants to repay his debt to the Motherland, having served as a military transport driver, it would be quite useful to take care of presenting a car license. It does not matter whether the conscript manages to get into the military unit that he has noticed or not, it is still worth trying.

Unofficial troop ratings

The inhabitants of Russia have formed a special rating of military units. Of course, he does not have an official status, but, in most cases, he influences the choice of potential recruits. So, according to this list, at the very top are the marines and the navy, special forces, intelligence, as well as border military units. It is these areas that are in great demand, and are considered elite. There are men with excellent health and excellent physical shape.

Far fewer people want to go to serve in the army - this is in the units of the construction battalion or internal troops. This is due to the specific conditions of military service in these military units, they are not suitable for everyone.

Often the choice is influenced by the geographical location of the duty station. Many do not want or are afraid to go far from home, but there are those who do not pay attention to the location of the unit and are guided by their dream, these young people liable for military service make every effort to achieve the goal.

When deciding where to send a newly minted fighter, the employees of the military commissariat are guided not only by the assigned category of suitability, but also by the possession of certain skills of the conscript, his physical data. If a guy is seasick, he certainly won't be in the Navy. And tall guys will not be able to give up their civic duty, being tankers or submariners.

Before voicing wishes regarding the direction of the army service, it is recommended to soberly assess your physical characteristics and make sure that everything is in order with your health.

Varieties of military directions

The variety of troops where you can go to serve is quite large, and before going to the army, every future conscript must understand military areas. In addition, knowledge of the characteristics that a conscript must have in order to go to the desired unit will be useful information. In general, the available Russian troops are divided into three types: aviation, ground armed forces and the navy.

air direction

Airborne troops. It is considered one of the most prestigious branches of the Armed Forces. The military personnel belonging to this direction are engaged in conducting special operations in enemy territory. They capture strategically important enemy targets, disable enemy communications and controls.

Perform sabotage missions. To get into the ranks of the Airborne Forces soldiers, a potential recruit must meet the highest requirements regarding physical endurance and health. Only if, after passing through the military medical commission during the recruiting events, the candidate is assigned the category of fitness for the service "A1", he can apply for sending to the airborne troops.

Aerospace divisions. This includes service in the ranks of the military space forces, in air defense units, as well as in the strategic missile forces. These guys are engaged in the protection and control of the airspace of the Russian state. If necessary, the soldiers of these platoons must identify and repel an enemy attack from the air.

The most likely to go to military service in one of the units of the Aerospace Armed Forces are young people who have degrees in engineering or technical professions. When distributing recruits, they rely on the psychological characteristics and intellectual abilities of the guys. The fitness modification required to be sent to the Aerospace Forces, Air Defense and Missile Forces must be at least grade “A” and its subcategories.

Maritime armed forces

Navy. The fighters of this military direction carry out their combat duties on the territory of the seas and oceans under the control of the Russian Federation. The task of the Navy is to repel possible enemy attacks, as well as, if necessary, to conduct offensive operations from sea waters.

The fleet includes submarine and surface troops, as well as marines and aviation. The characteristics of candidates for service in the ranks of the naval forces must also be high. One of the requirements for soldiers is growth, it should start from 1.80 meters, and the fitness level should be at least category “A3”.

Ground troops

Motorized divisions. The soldiers of these units are distinguished by their ability to repel an enemy attack on any territory or terrain, regardless of weather conditions. In addition, another distinguishing feature of this direction is that there are no serious requirements for conscripts to serve in these troops.

Newly minted fighters can be sent there, with categories starting from “A1” and ending with “B4”, that is, all fitness categories that give the right to go to military service. This is due to the fact that in the motorized rifle troops there are many military crafts that absolutely all conscripts can handle.

tank forces. This unit is rightfully considered the basic attacking armament of the land army. Servants excel in combat missions relating to defense against enemy advances, and, if necessary, coordinated attacks. As is clear from the name of the direction, most of the fighters will be part of the crews of tank vehicles. Therefore, recruits no more than 1.75 meters tall are selected into the ranks of these forces. The recruit must be in good physical shape and not have serious visual impairments.

Railway. These units are not considered prestigious, they perform combat missions, with the participation of the railway, and also among their duties is the maintenance of railway lines after natural disasters or other incidents. Often, children who do not have good health and endurance are sent here to fulfill their civic duty.

Special Forces. The members of these units are capable of handling the kind of tactical and combat operations that only the best of the best can be trusted with. Enlisted soldiers do not fall into the ranks of these armed forces. To become a special forces officer, you must already have served in the army. Plus, certain tests are carried out among the candidates and they are subjected to a rigorous selection.

What to choose?

When wondering where it is better to go to serve after receiving a summons to the army, it is necessary to decide what goals are being pursued. In all the available troops of Russia there are prestigious units. Those who served there are honored and respected, but you will have to give all your strength to withstand not only moral, but also physical stress during the training of fighters.

In addition, it is not always easy to get into the ranks of these troops. During the selection, the presence of good physical data, the absence of health disorders, the presence of endurance and a strong psyche are welcomed.

The big advantage of prestigious units is the ability to get quite useful skills. Learn to control weapons, master martial arts and other skills.

However, on the basis of observations, it can be concluded that conscripts are distributed among various types of troops, without taking into account their personal wishes. Each serviceman who came to the military enlistment office for distribution will praise his unit, since any unit needs good soldiers.

In the event that a potential recruit has any specialties or useful skills, during military service there will be no problems with him in terms of education and training. Following how the newly minted fighter is sent to one of the military units, after the oath, he will be re-distributed among the platoons of the unit. During this event, much attention is paid to the abilities of a young person.

It is better to prepare in advance before receiving the notification in order to increase the chances of getting into a good unit. Recommended:

  1. Get your physical shape in order. Conscripts capable of withstanding considerable physical exertion are in demand in any army;
  2. Train endurance, discipline, emotional stability;
  3. Have a special education. A soldier who has a profession is valued above the rest.

Preparation before the onset of the draft company

When a young man sets out to get into the ranks of certain Armed Forces, pre-conscription training of the future soldier will not be superfluous. In every major city in the region, there are DOSAAF branches, whose task is to prepare children for conscription. Those wishing to serve in the military, driving military equipment or in the airborne detachment, will need a driver's license. Passing draft training at DOSAAF, it is possible not only to obtain the right to drive vehicles, but also to increase your chances of serving a sentence, for example, driving an armored personnel carrier.

Those who want to go to the Airborne Forces can learn the art of parachuting before being drafted. To date, it is not difficult to complete a course of such training. Especially if there is a parachute club in the city where the young man lives. One has only to pay for training and perform a few jumps.

At the time of distribution at the recruiting station, such information is entered into the personal file of the future soldier. Of course, this does not guarantee one hundred percent sending to the Airborne Forces, but it will be possible to compete with other candidates.


Of course, the desire of young guys to go to serve in the prestigious troops is commendable. But do not forget that, first of all, military service is gaining invaluable experience, testing the strength of any man, in conditions of discipline and an exclusively male team. Being in the army, a soldier receives new knowledge, learns special skills that will be useful to him in the future in life or at work.

When deciding where it is better to go to serve, before being sent to the army, you should think carefully about how this will affect or help a man in the future. Perhaps, after the service, his worldview will change dramatically and the experience gained will help to realize himself in civilian life. In any case, it is not recommended to strive to achieve the goal to the detriment of your health, exhausting yourself with training or hiding the presence of any diseases during the medical examination.

The service is already coming to an end, and the blog has existed for more than six months. During this time, in the comments under the posts on the site, in the discussions in the Vkontakte blog group and just in the messages in PM, I read a lot of questions. Here I have collected the most common of them. A summary of the most frequently asked questions about the army and army life right in front of you.

How many are in the military now?

I did not expect that this question would become perhaps the most frequently asked among all those who addressed me. Surprisingly, not all people are still used to the fact that after the reform of 2008 military service is 1 year, not two, as before.

By the way, there is an interesting feature of leap years. Once every 4 years, the service life is not 365 days, but 366. I became one of those "lucky ones" who have to experience this feature in "their own skin."

What are the terms of conscription into the army?

Let's start with the fact that conscription into the army is carried out 2 times a year. One begins in the spring, which is why it is called "spring", and the other - in the fall, the so-called autumn conscription.

Every year, the terms of both one and the other calls are established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. In 2016, the dates remained unchanged: the spring conscription runs from April 1 to July 15, and the autumn one - from October 1 to December 31.

It is easy to guess that the spring conscription is now actively underway, so I advise each of you, dear readers, to familiarize yourself with its features in my separate article.

Why did I join the army?

Of course, each of the guys of military age at some point faces a choice: to go or hang? I made my choice, which I have never regretted.

Why did you go? I see no reason to duplicate the content of the article. After all, everything is clearly and clearly painted. So let's move on.

Which army is better to serve in?

To absolutely everyone who asked me this or a similar question, I answered the following: there are no good/bad troops, there are good/bad military units.

Before answering the question of the military commissar: “Son, what troops do you want to serve in?” be sure to read my article. There you will find the answer to this question for yourself, first of all. This article can be your lifesaver, as it has already been for many guys.

They take me to the army: what should I do?

Oh, how often I have been asked this question! Some are clearly in a panic, while others are just with common sense.

One way or another, I was forced to write a separate article in order to pack all my six months (at that time) experience of service and preparation for it.

What to take with you to the army?

This question, often, arose exactly after the previous one. And I think it's absolutely logical! But here's a surprise for you, dear readers.

The answer to this question is in the article, the link to which I gave above: 10 tips for a conscript from a soldier. At the end of the article there is a bonus, which is precisely the answer to the question posed.

Here is just an excerpt from that article in the form of a few paragraphs:

To add an understanding of what you definitely need to take with you, the article will help. It contains a list of those things that the state gives to each conscript for free. Not everything gives out, of course ... He borrows some things! ;-)

Is a phone allowed in the army and which phone is better to take with you?

I will answer both at once, since they met approximately the same number of times.

  1. Yes, allowed, but most often - only on weekends in their free time, which in the first weeks of service may not be at all.
  2. My advice: take slippers (the simplest, push-button phone). And when you start serving and sniff out all the nuances and features of your military unit, you will understand whether you need a smartphone.

Is it worth going to study at the military department?

My opinion has long been formed and is as follows. If you want to serve under a contract and immediately, from the very first days, receive a good, stable salary, go first to study at the military department. What's the catch? Yes, in that after studying for only 2.5 years with a one-day visit to the department PER WEEK You will receive a military ID and the rank of lieutenant in the reserve.

And the rank of lieutenant in the army is far from the very first in the career ladder of a soldier. And this article will help me prove it. Read it now and pay attention to how many "steps" you can jump at once in the ladder of the ranks of the Russian army.

In short, I will give a simple and 100% efficient and universal algorithm of actions to all, all, all the guys who are now reading this article and have not yet served.

If you want to understand whether you need to connect your life with the army and army life, go to serve a term right after school. In a year you can get the rank of sergeant, and most importantly, answer the question for yourself: do you want to devote your whole life (or at least part of it) to military affairs?

If so, then after the deadline, do not rush to sign a contract, but go to study at a university with a military department. The point is that studying at the university will take you 4 years, and classes at the military department - 1 day a week for 2.5 years.

Studying at a higher military educational institution for an officer (the same lieutenant) takes 5 years. That is, from studying at the military department you have 2 pluses: this is a saved year, and additional higher education, in the specialty of which you can go to study if you become disillusioned with the army over time.

Summarize. I advise you to go to study at the military department for those who want to either get away from the term, or try themselves in military affairs, and even immediately as a commander.

There is nothing for the rest to do. It's my opinion. If you have a different one - I'm waiting in the comments!

P.S. Friends! This is a new article format for me as it is as interactive as possible. What is its interactivity? - It's simple. Each of you can influence its content. To do this, you just need leave your comment with a question, one way or another related to the army and army life.

If your question turns out to be relevant for other readers, the answer to it will definitely appear in this article, and you will be personally notified about it.

You can leave your questions here in the comments or in