Great power chauvinism.

The term "Great Russian chauvinism" first came into use at the beginning of the twentieth century in a revolutionary environment, both Bolshevik and liberal, bourgeois. With the coming of the Bolsheviks to power, Great Russian chauvinism was opposed to internationalism. Lenin's slogan appeared: "Fight against great-power chauvinism!" After the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. great-power chauvinism was forgotten.
On May 24, 1945, at a reception in the St. George Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace in honor of the commanders of the Red Army, I.V. Stalin, during a drinking speech, delivered his famous toast dedicated to the Russian people. “Comrades, allow me to raise one more, last toast.
I would like to raise a toast to the health of our Soviet people and, above all, the Russian people. (Stormy, prolonged applause, shouts of "Hurrah").
I drink, first of all, to the health of the Russian people, because they are the most outstanding nation of all the nations that make up the Soviet Union.
They remembered Great Russian chauvinism during perestroika and after it. So V.V. Putin, speaking on June 18, 2004 at the international conference "Eurasian Integration: Trends in Modern Development and Challenges of Globalization", said: "Great-power chauvinism is nationalism, it's just stupidity - ordinary cave stupidity."
Trying to understand what Great Russian chauvinism is, we can turn to the phenomenon of European chauvinism.
It turned out that European chauvinism is identical to European cosmopolitanism and vice versa. This was proved by one of the founders of Eurasianism, the Russian philosopher, Prince N.S. Trubetskoy in his work "Europe and Humanity". In it, he wrote: "If we now take a European cosmopolitan, we will see that, in essence, he is no different from a chauvinist."
"The chauvinist wants other peoples to merge with his people, losing their national physiognomy." “Cosmopolitan denies differences between nationalities. If such differences exist, they must be eliminated.”
“Ancient cosmopolitan ideas,” writes Trubetskoy, “became the basis of education in Europe. They gave rise to the theoretical foundations of the so-called European "cosmopolitanism", which would be more correctly called frankly pan-Romano-Germanic chauvinism. The only difference is that the chauvinist takes a closer ethnic group than the cosmopolitan. So the difference is only in degree, not in principle.
Theoretical foundations forced the Europeans to turn to history. Well, "the collision with the monuments of Roman and Greek culture brought to the surface the idea of ​​a supra-national, world civilization, an idea characteristic of the Greco-Roman world."
The fact is that in the 1st century BC - the 1st century AD, the Greeks of Hellas, Peloponnese, the Aegean Islands, Epirus, Macedonia, Asia Minor, Pontus, Cappadocia, Syria and Egypt received the status of citizens of the Roman state and began to be called "Romeans" or Romeo-Hellenes, literally "Romans".
In general, the history of European culture takes us back to ancient roots, to the time of the birth of Christianity.
“Christianity, according to its cultural and historical precedents, is generally a synthesis of two currents, Judaic (Semitic) and Hellenistic (Aryan). But the synthesis is radical, transformative, and not a mechanical amalgam. And even more than synthesis - a completely new revelation.
Now it should be noted, “whether the Roman Empire was monotonously Latin or Hellenic in race, language and culture, the face of the history of the church would be one. Now, in fact, it is different, bifurcated. We are talking about the split of the Christian Church into Orthodox and Catholic and the adoption of Orthodoxy by Russia.
Simply put, from the point of view of religious culture, Great Russian chauvinism and European chauvinism are two branches of Greco-Roman, Romeo-Hellenic cosmopolitanism. Great Russian chauvinism is a concrete variant of cosmopolitanism, globalism.
The Great Russian branch of Greco-Roman, Romeo-Hellenic cosmopolitanism was formed as a result of the baptism of Russia - the introduction by Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich in 988 in Ancient Russia of Christianity as the state religion.
The baptism of Russia took place before the final split of the Western and Eastern churches, but at a time when it had already fully matured and received its expression both in dogma and in the relationship between church and secular authorities. The adoption of Christianity contributed to the penetration of Byzantine culture into Ancient Russia as the heir to the ancient tradition.
Another significant event that influenced the formation of Great Russian chauvinism is that after the fall of Constantinople in 1453, Russia becomes the successor of the second Rome, Byzantium. Moscow is declared the Third Rome, the Russians are the people chosen by God.
Previously, the Jews considered themselves God's chosen people. As mentioned in the Book of Exodus, the Jewish people are God's chosen people from which the Messiah, or savior of the world, will emerge.
It turns out that the culture, which, according to cosmopolitans, should dominate the world, having abolished all other cultures, is the culture of God's chosen people, the savior of the world, the Messiah.
It should be noted that Karl Marx thought of the proletariat as the Messiah, the savior of the world from capitalism. The proletariat was the bearer of proletarian culture in the USSR. The idea of ​​a world proletarian revolution tells us that proletarian culture was to dominate the world, abolishing all other cultures. In addition, the Russian people were considered the Savior of the world from fascism in the USSR.
Since in the 1920s and 1930s, during the destruction of Great Russian chauvinism by the Bolsheviks in the name of establishing internationalism or proletarian cosmopolitanism, Eurasianism appeared, it can be seen as a temporary compromise between Great Russian cosmopolitanism and proletarian cosmopolitanism.
Eurasianism is a geopolitical concept that appeared in the early twenties of the twentieth century among Russian emigrants living in Europe. Its founders and leaders were young and talented Russian scientists: linguist N. S. Trubetskoy, geographer P. N. Savitsky, philosopher-theologian G. V. Florovsky, historians G. V. Vernadsky and L. P. Karsavin, jurists V. N. Ilyin and N. N. Alekseev. The beginning of the Eurasian movement is usually called 1921, when the first collection of articles by Eurasians, Exodus to the East, was published in Sofia.

“Eurasians give a new geographical and historical understanding of Russia,” P.N.Savitsky believed. The fact is that, according to Savitsky, “East European, “White Sea-Caucasian”, as the Eurasians call it, the plain is geographically much closer to the West Siberian and Turkestan plains, which lie to the east of it, than to Western Europe. ".
“The named three plains, together with the hills separating them from each other (the Ural Mountains and the so-called "Aral-Irtysh" watershed) and fringing them from the east, southeast and south (mountains of the Russian Far East, Eastern Siberia, Central Asia, Persia, the Caucasus, Asia Minor) represent a special world, one in itself and geographically distinct both from the countries lying to the west and from the countries lying to the southeast and south of it.
And if you associate the name of “Europe” with the first, and the name of “Asia” with the second, then the name of “Eurasia” will be fitting for the world just named, as the middle and mediating one.
“Russia occupies the main space of the lands of Eurasia. Since we also ascribe to the concepts of "Europe" and "Asia" some cultural and historical content, the designation "Eurasia" acquires the meaning of a concise cultural and historical characteristic.
This designation indicates that the cultural life of Russia, in commensurate shares, included elements of various cultures.
The influences of the South, East and West, interspersed, consistently dominated the world of Russian culture. The south in these processes is revealed mainly in the image of Byzantine culture. The East in this case appears mainly in the guise of a "steppe" civilization, usually regarded as one of the characteristically "Asian" civilizations. Since the end of the twentieth century, the influence of European culture has gone to profit.
It turns out that the Eurasianists are striving to give not only a new geographical and historical understanding of Russia. This is not only a geopolitical, but also a geocultural concept, in which a certain place is occupied not only by the origin of the Great Russian culture, its roots, but also by the location of folk cultures in the cultural and geographical space of Eurasia and Russia. In addition, it is important to choose a philosophical direction for the foundation of the Great Russian, Eurasian concept, since pluralism leads to multiculturalism, monism to monoculturalism, and monopluralism to monomulticulturalism.
Choosing cultural monism, one can pay attention to what monoculturalism led Ukraine to in 2013-2016. Attention should also be paid to the migration crisis as a consequence of European pluralism, multiculturalism in 2015-2016.
Not wanting similar events for Eurasia and Russia, pluralistic monism remains the only variant of the philosophy of the Eurasian concept. Its essence lies in the recognition that all cultures of Eurasia and Russia have both common - cosmopolitan, and special - chauvinistic features. Cosmopolitanism unites many cultures into one cultural system. Previously, it was called Great Russian, then Soviet, now Eurasian. Another has not yet been found.
A new cosmopolitan culture is a new person in it. That is, the idea of ​​Eurasianism requires the formation of a Eurasian as a common cultural type of a person who settled Eurasia, which is not yet the case. Well, the Soviet cultural type of a person fell apart during the collapse of the USSR. It is necessary to oppose the European to the Eurasianist, European cosmopolitanism, globalism, Eurasian cosmopolitanism, globalism.
Now it must be said that the philosophy of pluralistic monism changes the content of chauvinism and cosmopolitanism. In it, the chauvinist ceases to wish "for other peoples to merge with his people, having lost their national physiognomy", and the cosmopolitan ceases to deny the differences between nationalities and strive for their destruction.
That is, Eurasian globalism is different in content than European, based on pluralism, multiculturalism. It is full, double-sided, and not half-sided, one-sided, as in Europe.

1. Kartashev A.V. Ecumenical Councils.- M.: Respublika, 1994.- 542 p.

(Great Russian chauvinism). In some cases, it is applied to other peoples.

History of the term

Early 20th century - 1930s

The term was widely used in the liberal and revolutionary environment of the late nineteenth and early twentieth.

Great power was especially felt during the creation of national governments in the field. People's Commissar for Agriculture Yakovlev complained that "the vile great-power Russian chauvinism penetrates through the apparatus."
In all Stalin's speeches on the national question at party congresses from the 10th to the 16th, he was declared the main danger to the state. Stalin proclaimed: A decisive struggle against the remnants of Great Russian chauvinism is the first immediate task of our Party.» . But over time, yielding to the requirements of the super-centralized nation-wide structures that were being created, the thesis was forgotten and the national languages ​​were again forced out of the state apparatus, where Russian became the single language of office work. So in the future this term was not publicly used, remaining only in the Soviet officialdom; Here, for example, is the definition of TSB:

V. sh., as well as other forms of bourgeois nationalism, Marxist parties counterpose consistent proletarian internationalism. The socialist revolution eliminates the social causes of high school and nationalism. In the course of socialist construction, equality, friendship, and fraternal mutual assistance arise and develop among peoples. In the solution of the national question in the USSR during the transitional period to socialism, there were manifestations of a bias towards the Higher Highway. Its social base was the remnants of the exploiting classes, some revival of capitalist elements during the NEP period. Expressed by V. sh. in ignoring national peculiarities, non-recognition in practice of the principle of national equality, etc. At the 10th (1921), 12th (1923), 16th (1930) Party Congresses, this deviation was exposed and overcome. Ideology and politics V. sh. alien to Soviet society. According to the Constitution of the USSR (Article 123), any direct or indirect manifestation of them is punishable by law.

The Communist and Workers' Parties, which come out under the banner of Marxism-Leninism, wage a resolute, uncompromising struggle against all manifestations of higher education and educate the working people in the spirit of proletarian internationalism and socialist patriotism.


Modern usage

Now the expression is used much less frequently than in the 20s, but it has not disappeared anywhere. President of Russia V. V. Putin, speaking on June 18 at the international conference “Eurasian Integration: Trends in Modern Development and Challenges of Globalization”, said about the problems that hinder integration: “If I were allowed to take part in the work of this section, I would said that these problems can be formulated very simply. This is great-power chauvinism, this is nationalism, these are the personal ambitions of those on whom political decisions depend, and, finally, this is just stupidity - ordinary cave stupidity. On July 24, 2007, at a meeting with members of youth movements in Zavidovo, V.V. Putin said in response to a remark regarding the problem of migration: “ This, of course, is the ground for inciting nationalism within the country. But in any development of events, great-power chauvinism is unacceptable» .

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  • V. I. Lenin

An excerpt characterizing Great Power Chauvinism

- What decision would you like to make? he said, catching up with him.
Rostov stopped and, clenching his fists, suddenly moved menacingly towards Alpatych.
– Decision? What's the solution? Old bastard! he shouted at him. - What were you watching? BUT? The men are rioting, and you can't handle it? You yourself are a traitor. I know you, I'll skin everyone... - And, as if afraid to waste his ardor in vain, he left Alpatych and quickly went forward. Alpatych, suppressing the feeling of insult, kept up with Rostov with a floating step and continued to tell him his thoughts. He said that the peasants were stagnant, that at the present moment it was imprudent to fight them without having a military team, that it would not be better to send for a team first.
“I will give them a military command ... I will oppose them,” Nikolai said senselessly, choking on unreasonable animal malice and the need to vent this anger. Without realizing what he would do, unconsciously, with a quick, decisive step, he moved towards the crowd. And the closer he moved to her, the more Alpatych felt that his imprudent act could produce good results. The peasants of the crowd felt the same way, looking at his quick and firm gait and his determined, frowning face.
After the hussars entered the village and Rostov went to the princess, confusion and discord occurred in the crowd. Some peasants began to say that these newcomers were Russians and no matter how offended they were by not letting the young lady out. Drone was of the same opinion; but as soon as he expressed it, Karp and other peasants attacked the former headman.
- How many years have you eaten the world? Karp shouted at him. - You don't care! You will dig a little egg, take it away, what do you want, ruin our houses, or not?
- It is said that there should be order, no one should go from the houses, so as not to take out a blue gunpowder - that's it! shouted another.
“There was a queue for your son, and you must have felt sorry for your baldness,” the little old man suddenly spoke quickly, attacking Dron, “but he shaved my Vanka. Oh, let's die!
- Then we will die!
“I am not a refuser from the world,” said Dron.
- That’s not a refuser, he has grown a belly! ..
Two long men were talking. As soon as Rostov, accompanied by Ilyin, Lavrushka and Alpatych, approached the crowd, Karp, putting his fingers behind his sash, smiling slightly, stepped forward. The drone, on the contrary, went into the back rows, and the crowd moved closer.
- Hey! who is your elder here? - shouted Rostov, quickly approaching the crowd.
- Is that the elder? What do you want? .. – asked Karp. But before he had time to finish, his hat fell off him and his head jerked to one side from a strong blow.
- Hats off, traitors! Rostov's full-blooded voice shouted. - Where is the elder? he shouted in a furious voice.
“The headman, the headman is calling ... Dron Zakharych, you,” hurriedly submissive voices were heard somewhere, and hats began to be removed from their heads.
“We can’t rebel, we observe the rules,” said Karp, and at the same moment several voices from behind suddenly began to speak:
- As the old men murmured, there are a lot of you bosses ...
- Talk? .. Riot! .. Robbers! Traitors! Rostov yelled senselessly, in a voice not his own, grabbing Karp by Yurot. - Knit him, knit him! he shouted, although there was no one to knit him, except for Lavrushka and Alpatych.
Lavrushka, however, ran up to Karp and grabbed him by the arms from behind.
- Will you order ours from under the mountain to call? he shouted.
Alpatych turned to the peasants, calling two by name to knit Karp. The men obediently left the crowd and began to unbelt.
- Where is the elder? shouted Rostov.
Drone, with a frown and pale face, stepped out of the crowd.
- Are you an elder? Knit, Lavrushka! - shouted Rostov, as if this order could not meet obstacles. And indeed, two more peasants began to knit Dron, who, as if helping them, took off his kushan and gave it to them.
- And you all listen to me, - Rostov turned to the peasants: - Now the march to the houses, and so that I don’t hear your voice.
“Well, we didn’t make any offense. We are just being stupid. They’ve only done nonsense… I told you it was disorder,” voices were heard reproaching each other.
“So I told you,” Alpatych said, coming into his own. - It's not good, guys!
“Our stupidity, Yakov Alpatych,” voices answered, and the crowd immediately began to disperse and scatter around the village.
The bound two peasants were taken to the manor's yard. Two drunk men followed them.
- Oh, I'll look at you! - said one of them, referring to Karp.
“Is it possible to speak to gentlemen like that?” What did you think?
“Fool,” another confirmed, “really, fool!”
Two hours later the carts were in the courtyard of Bogucharov's house. The peasants were busy carrying out and stacking the master's things on the carts, and Dron, at the request of Princess Mary, released from the locker where he was locked up, standing in the yard, disposed of the peasants.
“Don’t put it down so badly,” said one of the peasants, a tall man with a round smiling face, taking the box from the maid’s hands. She's worth the money too. Why are you throwing it like that or half a rope - and it will rub. I don't like that. And to be honest, according to the law. That's how it is under the matting, but cover it with a curtain, that's important. Love!
“Look for books, books,” said another peasant, who was carrying out the library cabinets of Prince Andrei. - You do not cling! And it’s heavy, guys, the books are healthy!
- Yes, they wrote, they didn’t walk! - a tall chubby man said with a significant wink, pointing to the thick lexicons lying on top.

Rostov, not wanting to impose his acquaintance on the princess, did not go to her, but remained in the village, waiting for her to leave. Having waited for Princess Mary's carriages to leave the house, Rostov mounted on horseback and accompanied her on horseback to the path occupied by our troops, twelve miles from Bogucharov. In Jankovo, at the inn, he took leave of her respectfully, for the first time allowing himself to kiss her hand.

Our contemporaries often use "chauvinism" as a synonym for the words "nationalism" and "patriotism". Are they wrong? We will answer this question by telling where the term came from and what it means.

Chauvinism: definition and concept

Chauvinism is a worldview based on the allocation of an exclusive, that is, the main, nation, whose interests are placed above other ethnic groups. Chauvinism underlies the idea of ​​colonization, when the dominant nation enslaved and exploited other peoples, opposing themselves to them and putting their interests above others.

Let us recall the colonial policy of England, which resulted in the formation of the largest state in the history of mankind - the British Empire, which had colonies on all continents. The subjugation of peoples whom the British considered to be at the lowest stage of development - Hindus, Algerians, Indians, etc. - is a manifestation of chauvinism. Moreover, in this case, great-power chauvinism took place, as a result of which one nation deprived other peoples of the right to state sovereignty.

At the end of the 19th century, the ambitions of the British, striving for dominance on the continent, caused a second surge of chauvinistic sentiments. The extreme English chauvinism, which has been present since then in British politics and society, was called jingoism, after the word "jingo" - the people endowed such a nickname with ardent champions of the idea of ​​​​the superiority of the British nation.

History of the term

The concept of chauvinism came to us from the French language. Investigating the origin of the word, scientists came to the conclusion that the term was based on the surname of the 19th-century vaudeville hero Nicolas Chauvin, a soldier in the army of Bonaparte. Historians cannot find documentary evidence of the existence of this person; he is known only from literary works. The writers of that time claimed that their character was written off from a real person who, before fanaticism, was devoted to Napoleon and zealously supported the idea of ​​imperial nationalism.

Being a volunteer and joining the ranks of the French army at the age of 18, Chauvin received seventeen wounds and only 200 francs of a pension, which, however, did not shake the soldier's loyalty to his emperor. Blind admiration of Chauvin before Napoleon began to be called chauvinism. Later, the semantics of the term underwent changes, acquiring a modern meaning: today this is how national swagger and superiority are called.

Nationalism and chauvinism: what's the difference?

Chauvinism is an extreme example of nationalism. Consider the differences between these concepts in practice. The inhabitants of Scotland, which is part of the United Kingdom, have been fighting for sovereignty for centuries, defending the right of their nation to self-determination. Before us is an example of the manifestation of nationalism. But the actions of the British, who considered themselves the dominant nation and assert themselves through discrimination of the rights of the peoples of Scotland and Ireland, can be regarded as chauvinism.

In other words, nationalism implies the desire of a nation to protect its sovereignty, cultural and spiritual heritage. Chauvinism is called aggressive national dominance, achieved through the infringement of the rights and freedoms of other peoples.

Great Russian chauvinism

Great Russian chauvinism, also called great-power chauvinism, existed both in the Russian Empire and in the Soviet Union, and its manifestations remained in the Russian Federation. During the period of monarchical rule in Russia, the Russian nation played the leading role: the main cash flows flowed into Central Russia, the countries that were part of the empire were, in fact, its appendages that did not have the right to vote.

In the Soviet Union, Russian chauvinism was opposed to internationalism. However, only in words. In fact, the ideologists of socialism elevated the Russian people to the rank of "elder brother", thereby assigning them the leading role in the life of the state and leaving the rest of the nationalities to stand one step lower.

Russian chauvinism still exists today. Today, this ideology has been adopted by many public organizations and political parties. Among them are skinheads, the order "Great Russia", the Russian National Patriotic Movement, the National Socialist Initiative OD, the Russian National Unity OOPD, the People's National Party.

Gender chauvinism

Gender chauvinism, which is also called sexism, is a worldview based on the principle of gender discrimination. This kind of chauvinism has nothing to do with politics, but is no less relevant than national chauvinism.


A chauvinist man emphasizes his superiority over a woman by his actions and behavior.

  1. The woman is given the role of a housewife, whose duties include serving her husband and raising children. There is a rule: "The word is not given to Baba."
  2. Adultery for a man is the norm, but the presence of lovers in a woman is condemned.
  3. A man should dominate everything: occupy leadership positions, determine the fate of the state, have a final say in the family. A woman is content with the role of a subordinate, she is paid less, even if she occupies a position equivalent to a man, and there are only a few representatives of the weak half of humanity in government bodies.

In opposition to male chauvinism, feminism arose - a movement for equal rights for women and men. However, in addition to it, there is another phenomenon of sexism - female chauvinism.

Female chauvinism

Men claim that their rights are also infringed, and women in some cases are in a more advantageous position compared to the stronger sex. The descendants of Adam see the discrimination of their rights in:

  • different retirement ages. Women have the right to retire earlier, and men want the same;
  • the need to serve in the draft army. Why should the defense of the Motherland be only our duty, the great-great-great-grandchildren of Russian heroes ask;
  • the right of women to decide whether or not to have an abortion;
  • established lower rates of physical activity for women, especially pregnant women. Why shouldn't the expectant mother work on an equal footing with a male colleague? Or maybe the men who have a beer belly weighing 15 kg should be transferred to a shorter working day?
  • the need to take off their hats when women remain in headscarves and hats. For example, in a church, theater, during the performance of a hymn.

Chauvinism, regardless of the sphere of manifestation, is a negative phenomenon, generated by the eternal desire of a person to suppress and rule, but this can lead to a third world war. Therefore, you need to be wiser, not being led by your desires and ambitions, but making decisions that your descendants will not have to pay for.

Does Russian chauvinism exist today? See the opinion of the Russian President in the video:

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1 History of the use of the term
1.1 Early 20th century - 1930s
1.2 Rebuilding
1.3 Modern usage



Great-power chauvinism is an expression used primarily in socialist, communist and liberal literature to denote the dominant attitude of the imperialist powers and their state power to other peoples [for example, Great Britain, France to the peoples of the colonies], and then to the [USSR] (German chauvinism). In some cases, it is applied to other peoples.

1. History of the use of the term

1.1. Early 20th century - 1930s

First came into use at the beginning of the 20th century in a liberal and revolutionary environment; say, Zinaida Gippius during the First World War violently protested against "Russian chauvinism", for example, against the renaming of St. Petersburg to Petrograd.

With the coming of the Bolsheviks to power, the term came into use and became one of the most negatively colored ideological clichés; great-power chauvinism was opposed to internationalism. Lenin, criticizing the Stalinist plan for autonomization, wrote about the future central government of the USSR, in which "an insignificant percentage of Soviet and Sovietized workers will drown in a sea of ​​Great Russian chauvinist trash." Lenin proclaimed the slogan: "Great-power chauvinism - fight!" Zinoviev called for "cutting off the head of our Russian chauvinism", "burning with a red-hot iron wherever there is even a hint of great-power chauvinism ...". Bukharin explained to his compatriots: “We, as a former great-power nation, must put ourselves in an unequal position in the sense of even greater concessions to national trends” and demanded that the Russians be placed “in a position lower than others.” People's Commissar for Agriculture Yakovlev complained that "the vile great-power Russian chauvinism penetrates through the apparatus." In all Stalin's speeches on the national question at party congresses from the 10th to the 16th, he was declared the main danger to the state. Stalin proclaimed: A decisive struggle against the remnants of Great Russian chauvinism is the first immediate task of our Party. ».

In the future, this term was not used publicly, remaining only in the Soviet officialdom; Here, for example, is the definition of TSB:

V. sh., as well as other forms of bourgeois nationalism, Marxist parties counterpose consistent proletarian internationalism. The socialist revolution eliminates the social causes of high school and nationalism. In the course of socialist construction, equality, friendship, and fraternal mutual assistance arise and develop among peoples. In the solution of the national question in the USSR during the transitional period to socialism, there were manifestations of a bias towards the Higher Highway. Its social base was the remnants of the exploiting classes, some revival of capitalist elements during the NEP period. Expressed by V. sh. in ignoring national peculiarities, non-recognition in practice of the principle of national equality, etc. At the 10th (1921), 12th (1923), 16th (1930) Party Congresses, this deviation was exposed and overcome. Ideology and politics V. sh. alien to Soviet society. According to the Constitution of the USSR (Article 123), any direct or indirect manifestation of them is punishable by law. The Communist and Workers' Parties, which come out under the banner of Marxism-Leninism, wage a resolute, uncompromising struggle against all manifestations of higher education and educate the working people in the spirit of proletarian internationalism and socialist patriotism.

1.2. perestroika

The term was common in the liberal press of the era of perestroika (as well as, earlier, in liberal samizdat works). The meaning remained close to the previous one (although without the Marxist component). According to I. R. Shafarevich in the book “Russophobia”, ““great-power chauvinism” as the main danger is literally preserved, as if borrowed by the literature of the “Lesser People” from the reports of Stalin and Zinoviev.”

1.3. Modern usage

Now the expression is used much less frequently than in the 20s, but it has not disappeared anywhere. Russian President V.V. Putin, speaking on June 18, 2004 at the international conference "Eurasian Integration: Trends in Modern Development and Challenges of Globalization", said about the problems hindering integration: "If I were allowed to take part in the work of this section, I would said that these problems can be formulated very simply. This is great-power chauvinism, this is nationalism, these are the personal ambitions of those on whom political decisions depend, and, finally, this is just stupidity - ordinary cave stupidity. On July 24, 2007, at a meeting with members of youth movements in Zavidovo, Vladimir Putin said in response to a remark regarding the problem of migration: “ This, of course, is the ground for inciting nationalism within the country. But in any development of events, great-power chauvinism is unacceptable". The executive director of the extremist "Russian-Chechen Friendship Society" banned by the court, Stanislav Dmitrievsky (sentenced to two years on probation for extremist activity), believes that "as long as there is propaganda of great-power chauvinism, all recipes for preventing events in Kondopoga are meaningless."

Also, the expression is used in the comedy-farce "Shirley-myrli" (1995) by one of the heroes, a gypsy by nationality:

I refuse any negotiations until you stop discriminating against gypsy citizens.
- Yes, who the hell needs them, your gypsies.
- Here it is, great-power chauvinism in action. Have you forgotten who won the Battle of Kulikovo for you?


1. See the article "Great power chauvinism" in the TSB.

2. Brachev V. S. Masons in Russia: from Peter I to the present day

3. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 12/18/1997.


5. National moments in party and state building // Pravda No. 65, March 24, 1923.



8. Putin declared the inadmissibility of great-power chauvinism (RIA Novosti, 07/24/2007)

9. The Supreme Court finally liquidated the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society (, 23.01.2007

10. Stanislav Dmitrievsky was sentenced to two years of suspended imprisonment (“Caucasian Knot”, 03.02.2006

11. Stanislav Dmitrievsky: As long as there is propaganda of great-power chauvinism, it is impossible to prevent the events in Kondopoga

Russian "great-power chauvinism" is much more dangerous than the local nationalism inherent in individual representatives of national minorities.

IN AND. Ulyanov (Lenin).

In 2015, Moscow's struggle to develop new lands enters its critical phase. The Russian nano-empire, which scares the democratic West with its inflatable missiles, is struggling to expand its territories in a westerly direction. For this, the Putinists have abandoned all the resources they have, and the levers for hacking, for example, the Ukrainian statehood, they have are great-power chauvinism and the Russian church.

Part of Russian society zombified by Soviet propagandists. tend to stigmatize those who they do not understand. Therefore, today the political Kremlin authorities, if a citizen of Ukraine, Armenia, Kazakhstan comes out in defense of his statehood, native language or culture, stigmatizes him as an inveterate nationalist or almost a Nazi. After all, how could one even strive to separate from “mother Russia”, which did so much for the rebellious republics?

The Russian Church is by no means trailing behind in the great campaign of converting "misguided" Ukrainians into the bosom of the "canonical Orthodox Church." And all those who do not support the “crusade” on Ukrainian territory are, for Moscow priests, none other than schismatics, separatists and infidels.

Putin’s empire of great-power chauvinism seems to return all peoples to the already distant 70s, when imperial stereotypes were implanted in everyone’s minds with all their might: “It is not necessary to learn your native language”, “Armenia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, etc. is an integral part of the great USSR.”
Vladimir Putin was not the first to use aggressive chauvinism to conquer the "free" republics. It is worth remembering that with the outbreak of the war of 1941-1945, Stalin began to revive the "big" Russian idea. And the famous toast of the Generalissimo to the Russian people, pronounced by him in commemoration of the Victory, precisely indicated whom the Kremlin "sculptor" chose to shape the post-war world history.

It is impossible not to notice that it was the chauvinistic Russian idea that played a decisive role in the post-war Stalinist projects. Skillfully intertwining great-power chauvinism with the terrible bacchanalia of anti-Semitism, the "father of peoples" armed numerous and well-prepared supporters with this dangerous mixture.

The number of Soviet people sent from the east to the Baltic countries, Eastern Europe and Ukraine grew, and the Russian people were declared "big brother". Ukrainians, Poles, Estonians, Hungarians, and other indigenous peoples of these countries began to be perceived as second-class people. The Russian language and the so-called Soviet culture were planted everywhere.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that supporters of the loss of independence of the Ukrainian state erected a monument to the communist idol, Stalin, in Zaporozhye. After all, following Dostoevsky, Stalin "saw" not only a sign of the special greatness of the Russians, but also the historical mission entrusted to Russia. Now Putinists are trying to revive faith in the divine destiny of the Russian people and the embodiment in them of the ideal of Christian virtue.

The modern symbiosis of Russian chauvinism and the exclusive role of the Russian Orthodox Church in building the “Russian world” in Ukraine, in Belarus seems to confirm the words of Chaadaev, who at one time gave a very accurate description of Russian chauvinism, brilliantly predicting that the Russian idea would inevitably find its expression in authoritarianism and expansionism.

Chaadaev believed: “Russia is a whole special world, submissive to the will, desire, fantasy of one person ... In all cases, it is the personification of arbitrariness. In contrast to all the laws of human society, Russia marches only in the direction of its own enslavement and in the direction of the enslavement of other peoples.

The Putin regime's use of irrational and metaphysical arguments like the "Russian world" and the Russian Orthodox Church is not just a choice through the Russian elite's own preferences. This is a choice through internal despair and, in fact, the strategic bankruptcy of the Kremlin.
This fact is most clearly confirmed by the fact that in the last decade Russia has not been able to put up anything at international exhibitions of achievements, not only worthy, but in general such that it does not cause laughter.

Despite the fact that Putin has been paying personal attention for the past three years and demanding from creative managers to show an unconventional and real Russia, nothing else but a matryoshka doll the size of a motherland, an eagle the size of a strategic bomber and a mammoth mummy, the Russian Federation does not was able to show. This provokes the wrath of Vladimir Putin, but Russia is really unable to show anything else.

That is why Russia is forced to spread naked propaganda to the whole world (and especially in the CIS countries), which is often even more exaggerated than in Soviet times, and use its last argument - the church, which still somehow has influence on the people, and not through Russian Orthodoxy, but because Christianity on the territory of Ukraine has thousand-year roots.

However, in view of the facts of legal and canonical contradictions regarding which of the churches, the Ukrainian Orthodox, Belarusian Orthodox or Russian, is the most canonical, the parishioners themselves should think about this: does the church have the right to be considered canonical, and moreover, the Christian church, (and this has been documented) which in recent decades has been involved in smuggling, involved in the sale of weapons, drugs and people, which has already been confirmed dozens of times by the Russian media; a church that was and remains completely under the control of the Russian authorities and the FSB, as well as a church that, not caring that its own Russian house has been desecrated, wants to build it on the territories of Ukraine and Belarus that are more suitable for it? Therefore, the question whether the Russian Orthodox Church is Christian, serves the opponent of Jesus Christ, is more than appropriate.

Chauvinism is not only a political phenomenon. It often looks like a mental illness. The former Ukrainians, Armenians, Belarusians, converted to “Janissaries” at one time by the empire, even in conditions of independence, tried to prove to themselves and others that they were more Russian than Russians themselves. (Male Janissaries (Turk. yeni Qeri new troops). Selected privileged infantry troops in Sultan's Turkey, originally recruited from Christians, forcibly converted in childhood
age to Islam).

The newest Janissaries are very dangerous. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that most of all they hate independent Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia, not even Russians by origin, but the Janissaries of the Russian spill. And this phenomenon is embedded in their subconscious. This can be explained by an attempt to justify themselves that their parents once made a mistake by betting on the language of the empire, trying to forget their mother tongue..

At one time, this was powerfully stimulated by the Soviet empire. It was easier for these Janissaries in life, for example, to break into "people". And now back? In any case, no. Therefore, they are struggling to find arguments for self-justification and to reinforce their "rightness" and look for accomplices. It is these Janissaries who become the biggest internationalists and Russian chauvinists.

A Ukrainian converted to “Janissaries” will behave in a similar way in Moscow. Is it possible to forget the ex-deputy of the State Duma of Russia Shevchenko, who tore and trampled on the flag of Ukraine on the podium of the State Duma? Or can we forget Andranik Nikoghosyan, who is ready to do and give everything for Armenia to become part of the Russian Empire...? Russian great-power chauvinists are doing their best to conserve that shameful situation, when everything native is forced out of the CIS countries. This abnormal situation naturally leads all peoples to radicalize their views and search for ways to eliminate this impudent and shameless attitude towards themselves. Therefore, perhaps the biggest mistake of the “Serge Sargisyanites” and their henchmen was that they are in no way able to understand that Armenia is not officially in the former colonial status now and that it is not worth driving the Armenians into a dead end in their own state.

And in the struggle for Ukraine, Moscow purposefully uses the Russian Church, and its proteges in power in Ukraine are doing their best to help in this. Together, the repressions against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate are very reminiscent of the destruction of the church in the 30s by the communists. These oppressions naturally suggest that one of the main human rights - freedom of religion - is being deliberately ignored in Ukraine.

It is obvious that the church is a consolidating factor for every Christian nation. She must become a teacher of morality, instill love for her neighbor, for her homeland and for her people. However, in the Moscow church there are completely different goals: to instill in Ukrainians, Belarusians that they are "Little Russians", a nation without a history and a name, without a past and a future.

The imposition by Russians of their basic values, language, culture, customs and worldview cannot but cause natural rejection among small peoples. After all, Russia's real offensive against everything native in the CIS countries is an attempt to wrap chauvinism in a beautiful wrapper and present it in a glossy box of Russian Orthodoxy.