• Virtual divination online according to the Book of Changes (Yijing). How to interpret a symbol when divining

A decline has begun in your affairs, but this is a temporary phenomenon. Do not try to force things, this will bring nothing but disappointment. Support those who need help. Your actions now should be deliberate and balanced. Don't waste money. This is not the time for love affairs.

your wish

Your desire will most likely not come true, although you have a chance - it all depends on whether all side problems are resolved.

Explanation of the hexagram

full explanation of the 36th hexagram → Ming Yi: Eclipse (Defeat) of light

Explanation of each trait

explanation of the features of the hexagram from bottom to top

When reading the "Book of Changes" it is easy to see that hexagrams follow each other in opposite directions. So, if the first hexagram consisted entirely of strong features and denoted pure creativity, then the second hexagram consisted only of weak features and represented pure performance. The previous hexagram was the image of the sun rising above the earth, and this 36th hexagram is the image of the sun descending to the earth. This, in fact, points to the next moment: the ability to retreat at the right moment, for if a person only stepped outside, then the correct rhythm of human activity would be disturbed, we would face the threat of defeat of his radiance. Therefore, this situation is called the Defeat of the Light. Here the light must descend into darkness, into the depths of the earth. In addition, there is another interpretation of the name of the hexagram, because the second of the words denoting it also means a barbarian. Based on this meaning, the name Ming-i can be translated "enlightenment of the barbarians", i.e. descent from a cultural height of a high level to people of low culture. Both options exist in the commentary literature, although Wan Yi insists on the first one only. In such a descent, one naturally encounters difficulties. But it is precisely in difficulties, in particular in tarnishing, that it must remain steadfast, i.e. always act on the basis of your innocence. That is why the short text says here: Defeat of the Light. Fortitude in hardships is good.

Since the starting position for this situation was the ascent of light, i.e. of the sun, to its heights, insofar as the first position of this hexagram begins with the image of flight, because it descends here from the heights of its years. Therefore, it is better not to act for yourself here. Here you need to have the courage to stop your ascent and you need to have the courage to endure hardships in your actions aimed at the benefit of other people, because it is in overcoming difficulties that what is the goal of the activity of this situation can be achieved here. It is only with activities directed in this way that a person can count on the fact that a person standing above him will pay attention. So the text says here: In the beginning, a strong trait. Defeat of the world. His wings drop in flight. A noble person does not eat for three days on the road, but he has a place to go, and his master will talk about him.

The defeat, which is characteristic of this situation, here begins to operate further and further. And you need a very great power of the one who provides support for the situation to have a favorable outcome. The horse in the symbolism of animals according to the "Book of Changes" means great power, active power. Therefore, in the text we read: Weak trait in second place. Defeat of the world. He's hit in the left thigh. We need support as powerful as a horse. Happiness.

In ancient Chinese beliefs, the south was not seen as the area most illuminated by sunlight, but, in view of the dynamism of this worldview, as the area where the sun begins to gradually decline. Therefore, the third position, where the general characteristic of this situation makes itself felt most of all - the defeat of the light - gives an image of precisely the southern hunt. But at this time there may be a victory over a great evil, for the light that has been lifted up above the earth here descends back to the earth in order to illuminate those who are lagging behind, i.e. destroy their evil of ignorance. Of course, with such a descent, a person can move away from his own greatness, in a certain sense, lose it, but this is precisely what he should not be sad about, for such is his mission - descent to the stragglers. These thoughts are expressed in the text as follows: Strong feature in third place. The light is struck on the southern hunt. But a big head will be obtained. You can't worry about resilience.

The mood of self-giving, sacrificial retreat from one's height is very much felt in the aphorism of the fourth line. Here, from his own experience of being, a person already goes to another. For here already the upper begins, i.e. external trigram. This is the mood of a man leaving his proper place. And it is all permeated with a sense of defeat of the light. This lesion touches the very part of the abdomen. Therefore, the text says: Weak trait in fourth place. The lesion will pierce into the left side of the abdomen. You will keep the feeling of the defeat of the light when you go outside the gates of the house and yard.

In the arsenal of Chinese national heroes is the famous courtier Ji-Tzu. This is a man who lived in the 11th century. BC, according to tradition, and the former chief adviser at the court of the then king. At this time there was a change of dynasties. Ji-tzu, despite the fact that the ruler of the new dynasty did his best to persuade him, as a person who had achieved art in government, to his side, nevertheless preferred to retire from all political activity and, as legend says, settle on the edge of the country, where in present-day Korea. He preferred complete solitude and life among people of a foreign and less developed culture than the service of someone whom he considered a usurper. The attachment says that he wrote the so-called "Great Plan" ("Hong fan"). This work subsequently became very widely known. Even for us, as the first beginnings of philosophizing in China (although the authorship of Chi-tzu is hardly correct), it is of great interest. And the Chinese authors consider Chi-tzu as an image of a person who consciously departed from his possible glory, gave his knowledge to less developed people, but, nevertheless, subsequently glorified and ascended to a height. The fifth position represents the maximum expression of the given situation as a whole. Therefore, an image associated with the name Ji-tzu was revealed here. The text says here: Weak trait in fifth place. The Defeat of Light Ji-tzu. Favorable stamina.

The final completion of the process leads to the fact that all the light forces of light that were acquired in the previous situation must fade here. Here it is only possible to remember what was in the past the glory of a given person, but it is here that the most intense comparison of what was achieved in the past and what the necessity of the present has led to is possible. That's why the text says here: Above is a weak feature. You don't shine, you fade. First you will rise to the sky, and then you will plunge into the earth.

The value of the book of changes is difficult to overestimate. Anyone who has ever touched this greatest and most mysterious manifestation of human wisdom and divine providence knows this. “The darkest night is before dawn,” how much these words mean to a person who is going through difficult moments in his life. But this is exactly what hexagram 36 speaks about. Amazed light - this is how hexagram No. 36 is translated into Russian. In Chinese, it looks like this 明夷 and sounds - min-i.

In general terms, the prediction associated with this hexagram can be interpreted as changes for the worse, delay in business, money problems, unexpected betrayal and unpleasant surprises. Advice - patience and less self-conceit. Everything seems to be clear. However, the meaning of the book of changes does not tolerate simplification and primitivism. Everything is much thinner, deeper, more significant. The key to understanding this ancient Chinese predictive technique lies in the fact that the hexagrams following one after another change sign: either plus or minus. If, for example, in the first hexagram everything is characterized in iridescent colors, then the next - the second hexagram, already indicates the reverse side of the coin and speaks of possible problems. Here we apply the mathematical principle of the sinusoid, the essence of which is in harmonic oscillations.

The symbol of the 35th hexagram is the shining sun rising over the horizon - this is a positive sign. According to the logic of the book of changes, the next hexagram should be negative. The way it is. Hexagram No. 36 is the sun that has set below the horizon. The day is over, the night has come. The Book of Changes would not be the greatest creation of ancient Chinese wisdom if the prediction lay on the surface so unambiguously and categorically. The meaning of the 36th hexagram is to give hope. The first part of the interpretation warns of the coming night: things are going uphill, but the pendulum has been launched, everything created can be destroyed. A time of trial and loss is coming. The second part gives hope: you need to stock up on patience and courage, trials strengthen the spirit, soon everything will change for the better.

This hexagram calls for patience and a deep understanding of the moment being experienced. Yes, a successful path has been traveled, a store of knowledge, skills, recognition has been accumulated, but now the moment has come for tests of fortitude, the ability to part with the past, learn to live not only for yourself, be ready to start everything from scratch. Figuratively speaking, the proud eagle, freely soaring high in the sky, it's time to land on the ground and wait for better times. Nobility of thoughts and deeds is put at the forefront, as a result of awareness of one's place in life.

If we are talking about a career, then the loss of such a 36th hexagram may indicate that for a certain period of time, career advancement will be problematic. She warns of possible intrigues of ill-wishers, changes in working conditions, wage cuts and even dismissal.

At the same time, not everything is so bad, since you can emerge from the trials as a winner and, as a result, conquer peaks that you never even dreamed of. So, hexagram 36 is rather a strong recommendation to be gentler, smarter, more tolerant, nobler than an inevitable sentence.

If the question concerns problems in personal life, then it is possible to cool relations between lovers or spouses. This does not at all mean separation or divorce, but it warns that it is necessary to treat each other with understanding and patience, then after a certain period of time feelings will flare up with renewed vigor. Otherwise, scandals, mutual insults, misunderstandings await in family life, which, in the future, can lead to a break. If we make a comparison with the Scandinavian runes, then the 36th hexagram most likely corresponds to the 11th rune - Isa, which speaks of the freezing of the situation, that progress is problematic, and one must patiently wait for better times that will surely come.

The situation may change dramatically in the near future. Don't be overconfident. Also, do not indulge in love adventures. It is worth acting prudently and thoughtfully. Any actions of strangers can be interpreted incorrectly. But in the near future everything will change, everything will fall into place. It pays to be more economical.

The great Goethe once said that "in the case when fate puts spokes in your wheels, only worthless and weak spokes break." Another statement of the great German approaches the characteristics of the 36th hexagram, the paraphrase of which says that the one who has light in his heart will illuminate the darkness of the dungeon with it, and whoever has impenetrable darkness in his soul, the demons of the night will also appear under the sun. To understand oneself, one's feelings, one will see the true essence of what is happening and the book of changes, divination on coins, helps, which for the open wisdom of a person can become a guiding star in the stormy sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife. The Book of Changes is over 5,000 years old. This priceless heritage was under threat of destruction during the Chinese Emperor Chin Shi Hua of the Di Dynasty. But Providence saved this mysterious Canon of Changes from the fire.

Today, the Book of Changes is classified as one of the seven spiritual wonders of the world, in which the inextricable connection of man with everything that exists is clearly traced, the variability of the surrounding world and the meaning of life lies precisely in it. At the heart of the hexagram, of which there are 64, are trigrams, which were created by the sage and ruler of Ancient China Fu Xi, who lived, according to some sources, as early as the fifth millennium BC. To lift the veil of the future and get advice from the Higher powers - a person from the beginning of time has been looking for a way to do this. I-Ching - the Book of Changes - is one of the oldest predictive canons in the history of mankind, which, for thousands of years, resorted to the best minds of civilization.


Hide your light, protect yourself; accept a difficult task.

figurative row
Fortitude in hardships is good.

Hide your mind and insight to protect yourself. Pay attention to what is below you. This may be necessary in order to avoid persecution or to cope with a new difficult task. You are in danger. By dimming your light, you can avoid it and find a way out of a difficult situation.

Settle for hard and boring work, even if you feel like you're underestimated. Hard and thankless work will eventually bring you benefits and enlightenment. Go to work with your head. Liberation is just around the corner, so take what comes your way.

Pay close attention to your desires, do not give free rein to your feelings. If you can tell right from wrong even in the dark, then your example will inspire others.


  1. A woman sits by a well. This means either a trap or involvement in a hopeless situation.
  2. There is a tiger in the well. It means "the hero is intimidated by a gang of weaklings when his luck failed him."
  3. A broken coin means loss of money or bankruptcy.
  4. The signal pole is broken in the middle. It means "not knowing which direction to turn."
  5. A man is chasing a deer. It means "achieve nothing" - a very bad sign.

The phoenix flies with its wings down.
Symbol: leave the light, enter the darkness.

Explanation of the hexagram according to Weng-wang .

Blackout. Bad times. Favorable stamina.

  1. This is the August hexagram. It is good in winter and bad in summer and autumn.
  2. Your energy is so strong that, when directed outward, it will make it possible for your dreams to come true.
If the patient consults the I Ching and receives Ming Yi, then the situation is very dangerous and one must be very careful.

Explanation of individual yaos according to Zhou Gong

First Yao.

Initial nine. Blackout during flight. Drop your wings. You will not find food for three days in your wanderings. But you have a purpose. Your master will gossip about you.
  1. You set a high and glorious goal for yourself, but failure unsettles you. Instead of completely withdrawing, you are all trying to fix things and meet more and more difficulties, and your friends say that you are crazy.
  2. Even the clouding of reason does not justify such behavior.
  3. Your mind is not affected by prejudice.

Second Yao.
Six second. Blackout. Damaged left thigh. He helps with the strength of the horse. Luck.
  1. The bad people at your job convinced your boss to treat you like a second-class, exploitative creature. You do not have the opportunity to speak out, but you continue to listen to your inner voice, which tells you that everything will change for the better.
  2. You are going with friends to ride on a yacht. A sudden storm capsizes the yacht. While you're waiting for help, you're doing everything you can to make sure your friends are safe and no one gets hurt.
  3. You join a peaceful demonstration against some social evil. But the political climate is unfavorable for her, and provocateurs begin to use violence to compromise the demonstration. At the risk of yourself, you protect your friends and help them get out unharmed.

Third Yao.

Nine third. Blackout during hunting in the south. Got the leader. Do not rush into perseverance.
  1. You are participating in a political confrontation. Luckily, the leader of the opposition was involved in a scandal and discredited. Your friends say, "We won," but you warn them that the opposition has a lot of support and can easily bring up new leaders.
  2. If you go south, you can find a job and a friend.

Fourth Yao.
Six fourth. Pierced the left side of the Belly and hit the very heart. Dimming. He leaves the courtyard through the gate.
  1. You think that your stronger opponent is just misguided and greedy, but by chance you find out about his secret plans and realize that he is much more dangerous. Now, knowing this, you can leave before trouble strikes.
  2. All aspects of the problem must be taken into account.
  3. Birds with different feathers do not live in one flock.
Fifth Yao.
Six fifth. Blackout, Like Chi-tzu. The burden of being persistent.
  1. Like Prince Jizi, you find your relatives doing evil deeds. You don't want to leave your family, so you pretend not to notice. Since you are not trusted, you do not have to do bad things, and you are always looking to help the good side.
  2. A wise man who knows what is best for him can protect himself from harm.
Sixth Yao.
Top six. No light, only darkness. First he ascended to heaven, then penetrated inside.
  1. The bully who ruled your company has outlived all the good people out of it. There was no one left to tame him, and he became completely uncontrollable. Now the police have taken him away and he's not coming back.
  2. If there is no road leading to Heaven, then there is no gate leading to hell. Can you imagine such a situation?
  3. To avoid temptation, you must not lose your sanity.

Total tol to ovaniya according to Yu.Shutsky.

When reading the "Book of Changes" it is not difficult to notice that hexagrams follow each other in opposite directions. So, if the first hexagram consisted entirely of strong features and denoted pure creativity, then the second hexagram consisted only of weak features and represented pure performance.

The previous hexagram was the image of the sun rising above the earth, and this 36th hexagram is the image of the sun descending to the earth.

This, in fact, points to the next moment: the ability to retreat at the right moment, for if a person only stepped outside, then the correct rhythm of human activity would be disturbed, we would face the threat of defeat of his radiance.

Therefore, this situation is called the Defeat of the Light. Here the light must descend into darkness, into the depths of the earth. In addition, there is another interpretation of the name of the hexagram, because the second of the words denoting it means
also a barbarian.

Based on this meaning, the name Ming-i can be translated "enlightenment of the barbarians", i.e. descent from a cultural height of a high level to people of low culture. Both options exist in the commentary literature, although Wan Yi insists on the first one only.

In such a descent, one naturally encounters difficulties. But it is precisely in difficulties, in particular in tarnishing, that it must remain steadfast, i.e. always act on the basis of your innocence.

That is why the short text says here: Defeat of the Light. Fortitude in hardships is good.

Description of external and hidden hexagrams

in the manifested world.
Above the vast endless plain night, impenetrable darkness. This is being in ignorance and fear of an incomprehensible and incomprehensible world.
And deep underground, a powerful fire flares up. From the inner plane comes the understanding of what is happening, as an insight.
A volcanic eruption begins: an indomitable inner fire breaks out to the surface. The change in inner awareness begins to manifest itself very rapidly in the world of events. The darkness recedes, red-hot magma licks the night sky with tongues of flame. The fear of the unknown, the incomprehensible recedes. Everything is clearing up. With clarity comes great passions and emotions. Where there was plain and darkness, flames will rage, and it will become bright as day. Ignorance and fears will be replaced by a new clear understanding of what is happening. It will bring great emotions and passions. On the SUBCONSCIOUS very quickly, like thunder, a huge tree grows, feeding on underground water. There is a very quick comprehension of the manifested reality due to a deep sense of great danger. Right under the tree, a huge underground sea is locked in the bowels of the Earth. The danger is real, locked in the depths of the subconscious, and huge as the sea. The tree deeply penetrated the roots into the earth and woke up the sea. Deep insight into the essence of what is happening revealed a great danger hidden in the depths. Water rushed to the surface in a stormy stream, sweeping away all obstacles. Once detected, the danger comes to the surface, sweeping away everything that held back its manifestation. The tree will be completely submerged in dangerous waters. Attention will be completely captured by the awareness of the dangerous situation. Where a huge tree used to grow quickly, dangerous sea waves will walk. Where previously there was a quick understanding of various aspects of life, soon everything will be immersed in the realization of a huge danger.

General interpretation of hexagram No. 36

In the manifested world, the light is locked deep underground. Big Earth symbolizes following the stereotypical picture of the world. Dogmas that have developed over the centuries, supported by a variety of experiences, crushed, firmly sealed the inner light. Dark! This is how the main fear of a person looks like, his deep confidence in his inevitable death. FEAR OF DEATH is outside, but inside it rages, an indomitable fire blazes. Fire breaks out, illuminating everything around. The fear of death will be overcome and then a new light will dispel the darkness of the night. Darkness will recede, light will come. Having ceased to be afraid of death, a person sees all events in a new way. On the subtle plane, everything becomes insignificant (vanity, mobility and excitement will go away). There will be a dangerous plunge into great water, into great danger. This is concentration, comprehension, a detailed study of the greatest fear of a person - the FEAR OF DEATH, while all other deeds and achievements immediately go by the wayside. There remains a deep immersion in a great danger, in the FEAR OF DEATH. In the world of events, FEAR OF DEATH will be overcome. The light of this victory will dispel the darkness of the night. On the contrary, realizations, doubts, thoughts about the FEAR OF DEATH will fill the subconscious plane. Despite overcoming the FEAR OF DEATH in the manifested life, it will not go anywhere from the subconscious. A person, while alive, cannot but be afraid of death, even if outwardly he looks absolutely fearless! ______________________________________________________________




ABSOLUTE FEARLESS - the complete absence of any fears and concerns. This is the achievement of paradise, nirvana in life. Probably, this is possible only with a complete disidentification with one's life. In fact, this person is in heaven right now, although he continues to walk on the ground with his feet. The state is practically unattainable for the vast majority of people. As long as people are alive, they will always be afraid of something, fear, they will always be immersed in the FEAR OF DEATH. __________________________________________________________________________________




FEAR OF DEATH - fear of the inevitable, inevitable finale of life, of death. Maybe you are not afraid of your physical death, but you probably worry about your children, or maybe you are overcome by doubts that your life is wasted? All fears and doubts come from FEAR OF DEATH.


Positions for awareness: 1. The fear of death is the primary basis, the root of all fears in general. A person who has overcome this fear ceases to be afraid of anything at all, and becomes inwardly fearless; begins to really fully live, breathe deeply.

2. The fear of death is the fear of the unknown. And suddenly there is nothing at all. The fear of death is unfounded and feeds on the fear of the disappearance of our ego. It is destroyed by the realization of the fact that there is no disappearance of matter or energy in nature, there are no such examples. In addition, we all went through birth, which, from the point of view of a child, is an irretrievable terrible departure from our reality, that is, a complete analogue of death. Thus, disappearance is impossible, and we have already experienced this terrible transition - birth, which turned out to be just another round of life. Overcoming the fear of death leads to rebirth on all levels.

3. Fear of death is an objective reality that concerns everyone. What is there after death? I need to muster up the courage and honestly say - I don’t know! However, we do not expect such a response and are not happy with such a response. I want to get an answer that is not scary to live with! We demand an answer and are ready to believe anything that will reassure us even a little. The need for an answer was realized in a variety of fairy tales and fables.

4. Faith or knowledge that we are not only a body, that there is life after death, helps to overcome this fear. Such belief often leads to completely different actions. So, the Hindus believe that there is a soul, and it is strongly connected with the body. Therefore, in order to break this connection and liberate the soul, the body must be destroyed - burned. The Egyptians also believe that there is a soul strongly associated with the body. Therefore, the body, as the haven of the immortal soul, should be preserved as best as possible - embalmed.

5. Death is considered a very sad event. The most common image of death is a terrible skeleton with a scythe. It is designed to scare adults. In fact, death, as a rule, is a deliverer from the torments of a drying up life, death is an assistant in the transition to another, more beautiful world. Her image is a beautiful languid woman with bottomless purple-black eyes and in purple clothes. How much happier the world would be if death were depicted in this way.

6. Life is a wonderful adventure and death is one of the most beautiful and exciting moments of this life.

7. Any fear is a kind of madness. After all, there are no frightening events now. There is only the fear that they might happen. Only crazy people are afraid of what is not!

8. “It is not death that should be feared, but an empty life,” Bertolt Brecht.

9. "The greatest fear that a person can have is the fear of losing the love of God" - Sathya Sai Baba.

10. “Of those who leave the womb at birth and return to the source after death, a third glorifies life, a third glorifies death, and a third simply wanders from birth to death. Why is that? They are afraid of dying - so they cannot live, ”- Lao Tzu “Tao Te Ching”.

11. "If you are not afraid to die, nothing is impossible for you" - Lao Tzu "Tao Te Ching".

12. “Guilt and shame lead to death. He who drinks wants to die.” – Bert Hellinger

13. Whenever you say: "I love you life", do not forget to add: "I love you death", otherwise your love only includes half the world.
14. "Death is your best friend and most important teacher" - Carlos Castaneda.

15. Fear can be conquered only by love for this fear itself. So love your death, otherwise you will not have a full-blooded life, but a miserable vegetation of a frightened person to death. See more
16. "A free man thinks of nothing so little as death, and his wisdom consists in thinking neither about death, but about life," - Spinoza's Ethics.

17. “The whole secret of existence lies in getting rid of fears. Do not be afraid of what will happen to you, your future will not change from this, but the present will become calm, ”- Buddha.

18. “Fear is the most important tool of darkness. Fear partially or even completely extinguishes the light. If the darkness knows anything thanks to intelligent Humans, it is that by instilling fear, it wins.” - Kryon “Recalibrating Humanity”, channeled by Carroll Lee.

19. "Live as if you were already dead" (Japanese proverb).

20. “They tried to bury us, but they didn’t know that we were seeds…” (Mexican proverb).

21. “We have become a fight-or-flight generation with snakes around every corner.” – Frank Kinslow

22. “It doesn't matter what scares a person. The ability or property of the astral to be frightened, or to vibrate on a wave of fear indicates a nested ulcer of the spirit. We must give ourselves a clear account of our shortcomings. No amount of self-justification and self-deception will hide the gray emanations of fear. Under the influence of fear, the heart becomes like a shriveled fruit, and a person becomes defenseless with his aura just against what he is afraid of, ”- H.I. Roerich.

23. “Everyone is making plans, and no one knows if he will live until the evening,” - L. N. Tolstoy.

24. “The only truly wise counsel we have is death. Every time you feel that everything is going badly and you are on the verge of collapse, turn to the left and ask your death if this is so, ”Don Juan.

25. “To be absolutely totally Transparent and Alive, to be absolutely authentic and vulnerable… To allow yourself to be super-sensitive, super-receptive, to surrender totally to the Happening.. Having become Defenseless, you become Strong… Any defense, any resistance is fear, it is an escape and renunciation of your Power… Become Defenseless,” Osho.

26. “Fear is sacred, and yet it is fake! It is a lesson in love in disguise, calling for a solution; Peace and joy are hidden behind the mask of fear! When you look into his eyes and say out loud: “I see you, I know that you are here,” fear will smile and melt away like a children's night horror story under the first rays of the sun. Then you will see that the situation was full of love. Then you will understand that fear does not belong to darkness, but is a prearranged condition of your life work! He encourages you to learn and grow. So fear is a great gift, but most of you don't appreciate it." - Kryon

27. “Death for us is nothing: after all, everything, both good and bad, lies in sensation, and death is the deprivation of sensations. Death for man is nothing, because when we exist, death is not yet present, and when death is present, then we do not exist, ”Epicurus.

28. “Death, in essence, is the same as life, for only time, insignificant, serves as a difference for them,” - Arthur Schopenhauer.

29. “Overcoming death is something unhealthy and abnormal, as it deprives the second half of life of its purpose,” Carl Jung.

30. “The fear of death is the most unjustified fear of all, because there is no intrigue in it.” - Albert Einstein.

31. “Cowardice is undoubtedly one of the worst vices. No, philosopher, I object to you. This is the worst vice,” Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita.

32. “Yes, man is mortal, but that would be half the trouble. The bad thing is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal, that's the trick! ”, - Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita.

33. Freeman: “You wrote some words that surprised me about death - that death is psychologically as important as birth. That death is an integral part of life. But how can death be like that, if this is the end? Carl Jung: "Yes, but only if death is the end...".

34. “Whoever lives in fear, he dies of fear,” Leonardo da Vinci.

35. “I'm not afraid to disappear. Before I was born, I was gone for billions and billions of years, and I did not suffer from it at all, ”- Mark Twain.

36. “How much do we lose because we are afraid to lose” - Paulo Coelho “Brida”.

37. “If you do it, don’t be afraid; if you’re afraid, don’t do it,” Genghis Khan.

38. “To be afraid of death is nothing more than to ascribe to oneself a wisdom that one does not possess, that is, to imagine that one knows what one does not know. After all, no one knows either what death is, or even whether it is not the greatest of blessings for a person, yet they are afraid of it, as if they know for sure that it is the greatest of evils. But isn't it the most shameful ignorance to imagine that you know what you don't know? - Plato.

39. “I'm not afraid of heights. But I am very afraid of falling from a height, ”- George Carlin.

40. “In our world, danger always threatens those who are afraid of it,” George Bernard Shaw.

41. “There is nothing more pleasant than disappearing fear.” - Richard Bach.

42. “My fear of something usually means I have to do it.” – Madonna

43. "Love is stronger than the fear of death" - William Shakespeare. Julius Caesar.

44. "People are afraid of death for the same reason children are afraid of the dark, because they don't know what's going on" - Francis Bacon.

45. “Fear is your best friend and your worst enemy. It's like fire. You control the fire - and you can cook on it. You lose control of him - and he will burn everything around and kill you." - Mike Tyson.

46. ​​“Only people who are completely devoid of imagination do not know fear,” Boris Akunin. Death lover.

47. “Death is the least feared by those people whose life has the greatest value,” Immanuel Kant.

48. “Modern man is the one who dies not from death, but from the fear of death and not from the pain itself, but from the fear of pain, where he sometimes faints just at the sight of blood,” Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

49. “Everything is allowed to me, because at this moment I am perfectly aware of what I am doing. I'm going to die. I'm not taking risks. I accept no fight. I accept death. A great truth was revealed to me. War is the acceptance of no risk. This acceptance is not a fight. There comes an hour when for a fighter it is simply the acceptance of death, ”- Antoine de Saint-Exupery. War pilot.

50. "Living in fear is death" - Ocean's Thirteen

51. “There is only one thing to be afraid of, and that is fear,” Osho.

Canonical text

Favorable in difficulty stamina.

  1. Defeat of the Light: He drops his wings in flight. A noble person does not eat for three days on the road, (but he) has a place to speak, (and his) master will talk (about him).
  2. Defeat of light: he is struck in the left thigh. We need powerful support, (like) a horse. - Happiness.
  3. The light is struck on the southern hunt. (But it will be) found his big head. You can't worry about resilience.
  4. It will pierce into the left (part) of the abdomen. You will keep the feeling of defeating the light when you leave the gate and the courtyard.
  5. The defeat of the light (leader) Ji-Tzu. - Favorable stamina.
  6. You will not be enlightened, (a) you will fade. First you will rise to the sky, (and) then you will sink into the earth.

When reading the "Book of Changes" it is easy to notice that the hexagrams follow each other in opposite directions. So, if the first hexagram consisted entirely of strong features and denoted pure creativity, then the second hexagram consisted only of weak features and represented pure performance. The previous hexagram was the image of the sun rising above the earth, and this 36th hexagram is the image of the sun descending to the earth. This, in fact, points to the next moment: the ability to retreat at the right moment, for if a person only stepped outside, then the correct rhythm of human activity would be disturbed, we would face the threat of defeat of his radiance. Therefore, this situation is called the Defeat of the Light. Here the light must descend into darkness, into the depths of the earth. In addition, there is another interpretation of the name of the hexagram, because the second of the words denoting it also means a barbarian. Based on this meaning, the name Ming-i can be translated as "enlightenment of the barbarians", i.e. descent from a cultural height of a high level to people of low culture. Both options exist in the commentary literature, although Wan Yi insists on the first one only. In such a descent, one naturally encounters difficulties. But it is precisely in difficulties, in particular in tarnishing, that it must remain steadfast, i.e. always act on the basis of your innocence. That is why the short text says here: Defeat of the Light. Fortitude in hardships is good.


Since the starting position for this situation was the ascent of light, i.e. of the sun, to its heights, insofar as the first position of this hexagram begins with the image of flight, because it descends here from the heights of its years. Therefore, it is better not to act for yourself here. Here you need to have the courage to stop your ascent and you need to have the courage to endure hardships in your actions aimed at the benefit of other people, because it is in overcoming difficulties that what is the goal of the activity of this situation can be achieved here. It is only with activities directed in this way that a person can count on the fact that a person standing above him will pay attention. So the text says here: In the beginning, a strong trait. Defeat of the world. His wings drop in flight. A noble person does not eat for three days on the road, but he has a place to go, and his master will talk about him.


The defeat, which is characteristic of this situation, here begins to operate further and further. And you need a very great power of the one who provides support for the situation to have a favorable outcome. The horse in the symbolism of animals according to the "Book of Changes" means great power, active power. Therefore, in the text we read: Weak trait in second place. Defeat of the world. He's hit in the left thigh. We need support as powerful as a horse. Happiness.


In ancient Chinese beliefs, the south was not seen as the area most illuminated by sunlight, but, in view of the dynamism of this worldview, as the area where the sun begins to gradually decline. Therefore, the third position, where the general characteristic of this situation makes itself felt most of all - the defeat of the light - gives the image of precisely the southern hunt. But at this time there may be a victory over a great evil, for the light that has been lifted up above the earth here descends back to the earth in order to illuminate those who are lagging behind, i.e. destroy their evil of ignorance. Of course, with such a descent, a person can move away from his own greatness, in a certain sense, lose it, but he should not grieve about this, for such is his mission - descent to the stragglers. These thoughts are expressed in the text as follows: Strong feature in third place. The light is struck on the southern hunt. But a big head will be obtained. You can't worry about resilience.


The mood of self-giving, sacrificial retreat from one's height is very much felt in the aphorism of the fourth line. Here, from his own experience of being, a person already goes to another. For here already the upper begins, i.e. external trigram. This is the mood of a man leaving his proper place. And it is all permeated with a sense of defeat of the light. This lesion touches the very part of the abdomen. Therefore, the text says: Weak trait in fourth place. The lesion will pierce into the left side of the abdomen. You will keep the feeling of the defeat of the light when you go outside the gates of the house and yard.


In the arsenal of Chinese national heroes is the famous courtier Ji-Tzu. This is a man who lived in the 11th century. BC, according to tradition, and the former chief adviser at the court of the then king. At this time there was a change of dynasties. Ji-tzu, despite the fact that the ruler of the new dynasty did his best to persuade him, as a person who had achieved art in government, to his side, nevertheless preferred to retire from all political activity and, as legend says, settle on the edge of the country, where in present-day Korea. He preferred complete solitude and life among people of a foreign and less developed culture than the service of someone whom he considered a usurper. The attachment says that he wrote the so-called "Great Plan" ("Hong fan"). This work subsequently became very widely known. Even for us, as the first beginnings of philosophizing in China (although the authorship of Chi-tzu is hardly correct), it is of great interest. And the Chinese authors consider Chi-tzu as an image of a person who consciously departed from his possible glory, gave his knowledge to less developed people, but, nevertheless, subsequently glorified and ascended to a height. The fifth position represents the maximum expression of the given situation as a whole. Therefore, an image associated with the name Ji-tzu was revealed here. The text says here: Weak trait in fifth place. The Defeat of Light Ji-tzu. Favorable stamina.


The final completion of the process leads to the fact that all the light forces of light that were acquired in the previous situation must fade here. Here it is only possible to remember what was in the past the glory of a given person, but it is here that the most intense comparison of what was achieved in the past and what the necessity of the present has led to is possible. That's why the text says here: Above is a weak feature. You don't shine, you fade. First you will rise to the sky, and then you will plunge into the earth.

In the outer - Fulfillment and self-giving, in the inner - Cohesion and clarity.

Haislip interpretation

The situation will change very soon. Therefore, do not be overly self-confident, although you are now lucky. No need to embark on love adventures, try to act deliberately and prudently. You are used to being considered a darling of fate, therefore your actions can be misinterpreted. But do not worry, in the near future everything will change, will fall into place. No need to despair; but now your wishes will not come true. Be more frugal.