Tasks according to the story of Mumu. Lesson-quiz on knowledge of the text of I. Turgenev's story "Mumu

  1. What events did Turgenev tell about in the story "Mumu"?
  2. I. S. Turgenev depicted the events that he himself witnessed. His mother, Varvara Petrovna, was a cruel landowner-serf, and in childhood the future writer more than once witnessed the massacre of courtyard people. In the story "Mumu" events also take place in the house of a Moscow lady, who is served and entertained by serfs.

  3. How did the courtyards live in the house of the old lady?
  4. The serfs not only worked for their mistress from morning to evening, but also completely depended on her will, on her mood. She decided their fate, gave them in marriage and married, not thinking about their feelings. She tore Gerasim away from his usual work, separated him from Tatyana, took Mumu away.

  5. How does the writer draw serfs?
  6. Hardworking, kind, unquestioningly fulfilling the orders of the lady. Only Gerasim, having drowned Mumu, dared to protest - he left without permission for the village. The serfs fell in love with Mumu, they sympathized with Gerasim, but they were afraid of the wrath of the mistress and therefore carried out orders.

  7. What feelings did Turgenev want to awaken in readers?
  8. The writer, who in his youth swore an oath to fight serfdom, wanted to awaken in his contemporaries hatred of serfdom, sympathy for bonded people, deprived of the right to happiness and simple human joys.

  9. What is the meaning of Gerasim's departure?
  10. It was not in vain that Turgenev called his hero "the most wonderful person" of all the courtyard people. Being a serf, he retained a sense of human dignity, the ability for an independent and courageous act. His departure is a protest against the power of man over man, against serfdom.

  11. How does the author describe Gerasim? How did the artists P. Boklevsky and A. I. Kuleshov see it?
  12. “... But Gerasim was brought to Moscow, they bought him boots, sewed a caftan for the summer, a sheepskin coat for the winter, gave him a broom and a shovel in his hands and assigned him as a janitor.” Turgenev calls Gerasim "the most remarkable person" from among the entire household .... This is how the writer presented his hero to us.

    The vision of the artists P. Boklevsky, A. I. Kuleshov: "Gerasim was a tall man of heroic build with a proud look, with an inquiring look."

  13. Is it possible to talk about the speech characteristics of Gerasim? How did he communicate with others?
  14. Gerasim did not have oral speech in our usual sense. But he communicated with others, and they understood him. Gestures, facial expressions, sounds served for communication.

    Even Mumu understood her master well.

  15. Which hero of the story "Mumu" was distinguished by verbosity?
  16. He was very fond of talking and the drunkard-shoemaker Kapiton was much-loved. The sedate butler Gavrila Andreevich thought of him: "There is nothing to say, the man says carefully." material from the site

  17. Try to compose a monologue in defense of Mumu.
  18. This task was suggested by one student of the 5th grade. He sought to convince everyone that the unjust act of Gerasim should be condemned so that no one would repeat it. He repeatedly uttered heartfelt words in defense of Mumu in the class. Here is one of his monologues.

    “Mumu is a very intelligent and loyal dog. She is clean. She knew her job - protecting the yard and never disturbed the order in this yard. Even then, when the owner decided to part with her and drown her, she did not even guess that she was in danger of death - she loved and believed in her master so much.

    I condemn Gerasim and believe that he could have gone to his village with his dog.”

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • short essay on mumu story
  • mumu story quiz
  • questions with answers based on the story of mumu
  • answers to questions from the story of Mumu
  • illustrations by Russian artists for the story mu-mu

What events did Turgenev tell about in the story "Mumu"?

I. S. Turgenev depicted the events that he himself witnessed. His mother, Varvara Petrovna, was a cruel serf landowner, and as a child, the future writer more than once witnessed the massacre of courtyard people. In the story "Mumu" events also take place in the house of a Moscow lady, who is served and entertained by serfs.

How did the courtyards live in the house of the old lady?

The serfs not only worked for their mistress from morning to evening, but also completely depended on her will, on her mood. She decided their fate, gave them in marriage and married, not thinking about their feelings. She tore Gerasim away from his usual work, separated him from Tatyana, took Mumu away.

How does the writer draw serfs?

Hardworking, kind, unquestioningly fulfilling the orders of the lady. Only Gerasim, having drowned Mumu, dared to protest - he left without permission for the village. The serfs fell in love with Mumu, they sympathized with Gerasim, but they were afraid of the wrath of the mistress and therefore carried out orders.

What feelings did Turgenev want to awaken in readers?

The writer, who in his youth swore an oath to fight serfdom, wanted to awaken in his contemporaries hatred of serfdom, sympathy for bonded people, deprived of the right to happiness and simple human joys.

What is the meaning of Gerasim's departure?

It was not for nothing that Turgenev called his hero "the most remarkable person" of all the courtyard people. Being a serf, he retained a sense of human dignity, the ability for an independent and courageous act. His departure is a protest against the power of man over man, against serfdom.

"... But they brought Gerasim to Moscow, bought him boots, sewed a caftan for the summer, a sheepskin coat for the winter, gave him a broom and a shovel in his hands and appointed him as a janitor." Turgenev calls Gerasim "the most remarkable person" of the entire household .... This is how the writer presented his hero to us.

The vision of the artists P. Boklevsky, A. I. Kuleshov: "Gerasim was a tall man of heroic build with a proud look, with an inquiring look."

Is it possible to talk about the speech characteristics of Gerasim? How did he communicate with others?

Gerasim did not have oral speech in our usual sense. But he communicated with others, and they understood him. Gestures, facial expressions, sounds served for communication.

Even Mumu understood her master well.

Which hero of the story "Mumu" was distinguished by verbosity?

He was very fond of talking and was a verbose drunkard shoemaker Kapiton. The sedate butler Gavrila Andreevich thought of him: "There is nothing to say, the man speaks neatly."

Try to compose a monologue in defense of Mumu.

This task was suggested by one student of the 5th grade. He sought to convince everyone that the unjust act of Gerasim should be condemned so that no one would repeat it. He repeatedly uttered heartfelt words in defense of Mumu in the class. Here is one of his monologues.

"Mumu is a very smart and devoted to the owner dog. She is clean. She knew her job - protecting the yard and never disturbed the order in this yard. Even when the owner decided to part with her and drown her, she did not even guess what was threatening her death, - she loved and believed in her master so much.

I condemn Gerasim and believe that he could have gone to his village with his dog."


I.S. Turgenev "Mumu"

The city in which the events take place?(Moscow)

The name of the main character in the story?(Gerasim)

Draft man - ...?(A serf who was obliged to work on corvée or pay dues to the landowner)

What was the protagonist gifted with?(with extraordinary power)

What gave Gerasim "solemn importance"?(permanent silence)

What was the nature of the hero?(strict and serious)

What birds "did not dare to fight before Gerasim"?(Roosters)

How does the ax behave in the hands of Gerasim?(“The ax rings with him like glass, and splinters and logs fly in all directions”)

What wood was Gerasim's bed made of?(Oak)

From what weight would Gerasim's heroic bed not sag?(From 100 pounds)

What bird was found in the lady's yard?(geese)

How many thieves did Gerasim catch one night and what did he do with them?(Two, banged foreheads)

What did the lock on the door of Gerasim's closet look like?(Kalach)

Name, surname of the lady's shoemaker?(Kapito Klimov)

With whose hands does Gerasim Kapiton compare his hand?(“...He just has Minin and Pozharsky’s hand”)

The color of the eyes and the shape of the butler Gavrila's nose?(Yellow eyes and duck nose)

Where did Gerasim carry the key to his closet?(On the belt)

How old is Tatyana?(About 28 years old)

Whose portrait is this: “Small, thin, blond, with a mole on her left cheek”?(Tatiana)

What sign are revered in Russia moles on the left cheek?(a harbinger of a miserable life)

What gift did Gerasim present to Tatyana when she “once made her way around the yard”?(Gingerbread cockerel)

Who told the mistress that Gerasim likes Tatyana?(Butler Gavrila)

What "position" was Tatyana in?(Laundress)

After the story of the housekeeper about the rudeness of Gerasim, the lady ... (what did she do?)?("... sent Gerasim a ruble")

What kept Gerasim from going to the mistress with a request to marry Tatyana?(“He was only waiting for a new caftan, promised to him by the butler, in order to appear in decent form before the mistress”)

On what occasion was one of the companions kept in the lady's house?(In case of insomnia)

What did the lady love to do while in a capricious state of mind?(“... She sometimes liked to pretend to be a downtrodden and orphan sufferer”)

What epithet does Turgenev "award" Kapiton's eyes?("Tin")

Nickname of the old bartender?(Uncle Tail)

Middle name of Gavrila?(Andreevich)

Name, patronymic of the wife of Gavrila?(Ustinya Fedorovna)

What kind of people did Gerasim not like, “turned away indignantly when such a person passed him with unsteady steps and with a cap on his ear”?(drunk)

What trick did they come up with at the council so that Gerasim would “fall out of love” with Tatyana?(It was necessary that Tatyana pretended to be drunk)

How did Gerasim react to the trick invented by the courtyards to turn Gerasim away from Tatyana?(“When he saw Tatyana, at first, as usual, with an affectionate lowing, he nodded his head; then he peered, dropped the shovel, jumped up, went up to her, pushed his face to her very face. She staggered even more from fear and closed her eyes. He grabbed her by the hand, rushed across the whole courtyard and, entering with her into the room where the council met, pushed her straight to Kapiton)

Which of the servants spied on Gerasim when he was worried about Tatyana's "cunning"?(Postlighter Antipka)

With what did Kapiton and Tatyana go to the mistress, so that she would give her blessing for the marriage?(With geese)

At what time of the year did Tatyana and Kapiton get married?(Spring)

How did the doctor Khariton treat the lady?(“... He regaled the lady with laurel-cherry drops”, smoked with “burnt feathers”)

To which hero of the story belong the words: “I am a miserable, unfortunate, unoriginal! Sudoba, my fate, you think! In my early years I was beaten through the German master, in the best joint of my life I was beaten by my own brother, and finally, in my mature years, this is what I rose to”?(to Capito)

Which of the characters is called the "zabubёnny man" and why?(Kapito, since he was a drunkard. The ace of diamonds was sewn on the back of a convict)

What did Gerasim give Tatyana as a farewell gift when she left the city for a distant village with her husband Kapiton?(Red paper handkerchief)

Whom did Gerasim see "in the mud near the shore" when he was going home?(small puppy)

What did the hero give the puppy to drink, “holding lightly with two fingers behind his head and gently bending his head to the cup”?(milk)

What breed was the puppy?(Spanish breed with long ears)

What color was the puppy's coat?(White with black spots)

What did Gerasim name the puppy?(Mu Mu)

What comparison does I.S. Turgenev to show Gerasim's love for Mumu?(“No mother takes care of her child like Gerasim took care of his pet”)

How did the dog treat the people who lived in the lady's house?(She caressed everyone, but loved only Gerasim)

How did the lady's servants treat Mumu?(Loved)

The nickname of the yard dog?(top)

What did the lady do every morning?(Fortune telling on cards)

What was Mumu doing when the mistress first saw her?(Gnawed a bone under a rose bush in the front garden)

How did the lady react to Mumu when she saw her for the first time?(She really liked the dog)

Why did the lady order the dog to be removed from the yard?(Because she didn’t go to the lady’s call and bared her teeth when she wanted to stroke her)

Who stole Mumu from Gerasim?(Stepan)

What did Gerasim think about Mumu's disappearance?(He guessed that the dog was brought down by order of the mistress)

How much did this hero sell the dog for in Okhotny Ryad?(For fifty dollars)

What did Gerasim not think about, hiding the dog in his closet, when she returned?( Mumu will give himself away by squealing)

How did the yard people of the lady react to the return of Mumu?(They pretended not to know anything)

Which of the heroes liked to sleep "fourteen hours a day"?(Healer Khariton)

With whom did Gavrila "steal and account for tea, sugar and other groceries"?(With senior companion Lyubov Lyubimovna)

Who was left as a guard at the door of Gerasim's closet?(Gardener Eroshka)

For what purpose did Gerasim go to the tavern?(To feed Mumu with cabbage soup, meat and bread)

How many bricks did Gerasim "carry out from the yard of the house to which the wing was attached"?(Two)

Arriving in his village, Gerasim was met by the headman, “at first he was surprised,” but then he gave it into his hands .... What?(Kosu)

How did the lady take Gerasim's "escape"?(“She got angry, burst into tears, ordered to find it at all costs”)

What did the neighbors behind Gerasim notice when he returned from Moscow to his village?("He has completely stopped hanging out with women, does not even look at them, and does not keep a single dog with him")

What time was reflected in the story of I.S. Turgenev?(Era of serfdom)

What is Okhotny Ryad in Moscow?(A place where game and live birds were traded, that is, what is obtained by hunting)

What did the peasants do "on Peter's day"?(Mowed)

Answers to school textbooks

3. How does the author describe Gerasim and is it possible to judge the author's attitude towards the hero based on this description? How did Gerasim work and why did his new classes seem like a “joke” to him?
The writer claims that "a person gets used to everything, and Gerasim finally got used to city life."
How did Gerasim get used to a new life? Tell about it close to the text.
What was his closet like and why does Turgenev describe it in such detail?

Turgenev calls Gerasim "the most delightful face" of all the servants. Gerasim was the tallest man of heroic build and deaf-mute from birth. The creator writes: “Gifted with extraordinary strength, he worked for four - the matter was arguing in his hands, and it was funny to look at him when he either plowed and, leaning his large palms on the plow, it seemed, alone, without the help of a horse, cut the elastic chest of the earth or, O Petrov, the scythe acted so crushingly that even a young birch grove was brushed off its roots, or agilely and unceasingly thrashed with a three-foot-long flail, and like a lever, the oblong and hard muscles of his shoulders lowered and raised. An unchanging silence gave solemn significance to his indefatigable work. He was a nice man and, if it were not for his misfortune, every girl would willingly marry him ... "

According to this description, one can judge the attitude of the creator to his own hero: Turgenev seems to be admiring Gerasim, his strength and stinginess to work. Turgenev speaks of the solemnity of Gerasim's incessant work, in other words, of his indefatigability and industriousness.

Peasant work is very languid, and the duties of a janitor in the town seemed to Gerasim comic, light after village labors. He is used to doing more.

Gerasim took a long time to get used to the new life. He could not fully talk to people because of his own dumbness, and communication with nature replaced human warmth for him. Gerasim was bored and was perplexed, as a young, healthy bull is perplexed, who was just grazing in a field where juicy grass grew, but he was put on a railway carriage. All around, everything rumbles, squeals, and the train rushes to no one knows where.

Gerasim coped with the new obligations of the janitor jokingly, for half an hour, later for a long time he stood and looked at all the passers-by, waiting for an answer to his unspoken questions, or he threw a broom and a shovel and went off somewhere into a corner, threw himself face down on the ground and lay on the ground for whole hours. breasts like a captured animal. Gradually, Gerasim got used to city life.

Gerasim's konurka was small and placed above the kitchen. “... he arranged it for himself, according to his own taste: he built in it a bed of oak planks on 4 logs, a truly heroic bed; 100 pounds could be put on it - it would not bend; under the bed was a hefty chest; in the corner stood a table of the same strong character, and near the table there was a chair with 3 legs, so strong and stocky that Gerasim himself used to pick it up, drop it and grin. The konurka was closed with a lock, reminiscent of a kalach, only dark; Gerasim always carried the key to this lock with him on his belt. He didn't like to be visited."

Turgenev so carefully describes Gerasim's kennel so that with the help of this description he can show in more detail the character of the hero: unsociable, taciturn, strong.

4. Why are other heroes interesting - Kapiton (as he himself says to himself?), Gavrila, Tatyana (why did beauty soon “jump off” from her?)? How did Gerasim treat Tatyana? Tell the story of her marriage. What are the characters like in it?

Kapiton Klimov, "a bitter drunkard," was a shoemaker for an old lady. Turgenev writes: “Klimov considered himself an offended and unappreciated creature, an educated and metropolitan person who would not live in Moscow, idle, in some backwater, and if he drank, as he himself put it with an arrangement and pounding his chest , then he drank specifically from grief. When Gavrila told him that he only eats bread for nothing, Kapiton answered offendedly: “In this case, Gavrila Andreevich, there is only one arbiter for me: the Lord God himself, and no one else. He alone knows what kind of person I am in this world and whether I eat bread for free. He states that he is, "however, a man, and not some, in truth, pathetic pot." He calls himself a miser. In marriage, Kapiton sees only pleasure for himself and does not feel his own responsibility for Tatyana. A year after the wedding, Kapiton completely drank himself and was sent to the village together with his wife by the mistress.

Gavrila is the chief butler of the lady, a man "who, judging by one of his yellowish eyes and duck nose, fate itself seemed to have determined to be a commanding person." In communication with the mistress, he constantly says “s”: marry, sir, you can, sir, well, sir, of course, sir, if you like. When Gavrila speaks with Kapiton and other servants, he does not use "s". He is ready to do all the desires of the mistress, humiliates himself in front of her and humiliates other people to please her, and he, together with his senior companion Lyubov Lyubimovna, steals tea, sugar and other groceries from the mistress.

Tatyana, a young lady of 20-eight years old, was a laundress with the mistress. She was assigned to wash only thin linen. She had no relatives, except for uncles who lived in the village, and everyone humiliated her and overwhelmed her with work. Turgenev writes: “She had a very meek disposition, or, rather, a downtrodden one; she felt complete indifference to herself, she was mortally afraid of others; she only thought about how, it would seem, to finish the work by the deadline, she never spoke to anyone and trembled at the mere name of the mistress.

We read an excerpt from Nekrasov's poem "Frost, Reddish Nose", dedicated to a Russian lady. According to Nekrasov, a lady is truly beautiful when her beauty is combined with a sense of pride and self-respect. Tatyana was forced to work for two from her youth, she had no pride, no conviction within herself, and therefore beauty soon “fell off” from her.

Gerasim was mute from birth, but he was not unresponsive, he had a sense of his own pluses. Tatyana was unresponsive, she never talked to anyone, in other words, she was mute as a person. Gerasim wanted to help someone, to protect someone, and he saw that Tatyana needed protection. He gave her gifts and protected her from the ridicule of the servants.

She married by order of the lady, who was not interested in whether Tatyana Kapiton loves. The butler forced Tatiana to pretend to be intoxicated. Gerasim did not like drunken people and pushed Tatyana straight to Kapiton. A year after the marriage, Kapiton drank himself, and he and his wife were sent to the village. Tatyana kissed goodbye in a Christian way with Gerasim. This was the only person in her life who felt sorry for her and fussed about her.

5. It is known that this story is based on a really real incident that happened to a janitor in Spassky, but after the death of a dog, he remained faithful to his mistress and served her until his death. Do you think the writer did the right thing by coming up with a completely different ending to the story? What goal did he pursue, what did he achieve?

After the marriage of Tatyana and Kapiton, the only creature that Gerasim adored was a Spanish breed dog. Gerasim rescued a small puppy, went out and called him Mumu. When, at the behest of the mistress Gavrila, he gave the order to Gerasim to strangle Mumu, the janitor complied with the will of the mistress, but after which he left on foot for his native village. Gerasim wanted to prove that there is a limit to human patience, and he is not the kind of person who will allow himself to be humiliated and take away his right to free choice.

Turgenev wanted to arouse in readers compassion for Gerasim, a protest against the arbitrariness of the ladies and all landowners in general, who appropriated for themselves the right to dispose of people's destinies. The writer says that even a dumb, speechless person has a sense of dignity that must be respected.

6. Prepare a brief retelling of the entire text and an artistic retelling (that is, with the maximum introduction of the artistic features of the work) of any episode (optional).

When Turgenev wrote this story, he recalled a real life incident that happened to a janitor in Spasskoye-Lutovinovo. That janitor remained faithful to his mistress. But in Turgenev's story, Gerasim leaves the mistress. The Creator wanted to show that any person has the right to respect. Gerasim personifies the entire Russian people who have endured suppression for a long time, but the moment will come when this patience will come to an end. Turgenev achieved that many noble readers, who also had their own serf farmers, began to treat the people differently.

7. A short retelling of the entire text of Mumu.

One ancient lady who lived in Moscow took a dumb peasant named Gerasim from the village and made him a janitor. At first, Gerasim felt bad in the town, but later he got used to it and did his job neatly. In the middle of the household was the washerwoman Tatyana, a lady downtrodden and unresponsive. Gerasim fell in love with Tatyana, courted her and wanted to marry.

But the mistress took it into her head to marry Tatyana to the drinker Kapiton. Gerasim could not stand the drunk, and Tatyana was persuaded to walk around the yard, pretending to be drunk. Gerasim pushed Tatyana to Kapiton, after which the desire of the mistress was fulfilled. A year later, Kapiton drank himself, and he was sent to the village along with his wife.

Gerasim was bitter, but he rescued a small puppy from the river, fed him and became attached to him with all his heart. The dog was named Mumu. She adored Gerasim and was always with him, during the day she woke him up, and at night she guarded the house. At one fine moment, the lady saw the dog and ordered her to be brought into the rooms. When the mistress held out her hand to her, Mumu growled. The mistress gave the order that the dog should not be in the yard at once. Stepan, a servant, kidnapped the dog and sold it. Gerasim found her for a number of days, later Mumu escaped and returned to Gerasim. The lady found out about this and again gave the order to remove her from the house. The butler ordered Gerasim to strangle Mumu. Gerasim drowned his dog, returned to the house, collected his things, and left Moscow on foot for his village. The mistress at first ordered him to be returned, but later changed her desire. She soon died. Gerasim remained to live in the village as a bean.

8. Did you like the characters and their actions? Tell us about one of the characters in the story.

There are many different characters in this story. In the main, this is the servants of an old lady: servants and accustomers. All of them, not counting Gerasim, think only about one thing: it seems to please the mistress, it seems not to anger her. One of these characters is the bartender Uncle Tail, "to whom everyone respectfully turned for advice, although they only heard from him that: that's how it is, yes: yes, yes, yes." He is called for advice when they decide how to marry Tatyana and Kapiton. When it was necessary to take Mumu away from Gerasim, the barman looked out of the window "and gave orders, in other words, just shrugged it off." When Gerasim opened the door, Uncle Tail locked the window; when Gerasim slammed the door, Uncle Tail unlocked the window. At the end of the story, Uncle Khvost reasoned with Gavrila, telling him: "Well!" In the Russian language there is a word "henchman". Turgenev not in vain gives this hero the nickname "Uncle Tail". By this, he emphasizes that the barman has no idea of ​​his own, his actions are completely dependent on the team of those who are above him.

9. Why is the story called “Mumu”?

Turgenev called the story "Mumu" because that was the name of the dog that the protagonist adored. Love for this dog made his life content, and the order to strangle her led to a protest and Gerasim's departure from Moscow to the village.

10. The main character of the story is the mute Gerasim. What are his character traits? Tell us about it, confirming your words with quotes from the text of the work.

The main features of Gerasim's character are a sense of one's own pluses, compassion for the unfortunate, sensitivity, fundamentalism, accuracy, seriousness, diligence.

Gerasim forces the gentry to treat him with respect: “they communicated with him with signs, and he was aware of them, he followed all the orders exactly, but he also knew his rights, and no one dared to sit in his place in the capital.”

Gerasim condoled with the unfortunate and offended. At first he felt sorry for, and later fell in love with the unrequited Tatyana, rescued and left the ill-fated drowning puppy.

Gerasim's sensitivity helped him to realize what he could not hear because of his own dumbness. When the butler gathered advice in his own room, "Gerasim looked angrily and swiftly at everyone, did not walk away from the girl's porch and seemed to think that something unkind was being planned for him." Gerasim himself guessed that Mumu disappeared not for herself, but at the order of the mistress. Turgenev writes how he tried to save Mumu, "having sensed something unkind in his heart."

Gerasim Turgenev especially emphasizes the thoroughness and accuracy when he tells how the janitor arranged a kennel for himself and how painstakingly he always cleaned the yard.

Gerasim was a stern person, he did not like drinking and took his obligations responsibly. He was a hardworking and strong man. Turgenev repeatedly mentions "the heroic strength of the mute."

Describing the power of Gerasim, Turgenev uses hyperbole, in other words, strong exaggerations. About the bed, the writer says: "one hundred pounds could be put on it, it would not bend." When Gerasim mowed, he could "brush a young birch forest down with its roots." He hit two thieves with their foreheads so that "at least don't take them to the police later."

In order to highlight the character of Gerasim, the writer compares him with a young, healthy bull, "who had just been taken from the field, where juicy grass grew up to his belly," and settled in a city where the peasant feels like a "caught animal." These juxtapositions help highlight his love of free living.

Literature and fine arts

To page 224

Look at the illustrations for the story in the textbook. Why are they interesting? Prepare and you illustrations or a description (oral) of the picture for the story.

Many painters illustrated the story of I.S. Turgenev "Mumu". A sketch by the artist P. Boklevsky depicts Gerasim with a broom in his hands in a narrow courtyard of a capital house. Mumu is sitting at the janitor's feet. This sketch conveys the strength of Gerasim and his determined disposition.

The illustrations by S. Boym depict two episodes of the story: Mumu's behavior in the mistress's room and the episode of Mumu's treats in the tavern. The first sketch is fascinating in that the movement of the lady is shown when she says: “Mumu, Mumu, come to me, come to the lady ...” At this moment, the hangers-on fold their hands and say: “Come, come, Mumu, to lady...” The second illustration shows a capital tavern. Gerasim sits at the table and looks sadly at his beloved dog. Mumu is eating cabbage soup with meat, and the sex officer looks at this scene in surprise.

The illustration by the artist V. Taburin depicts an episode when Gerasim drowns Mumu. For the last time he crushed the dog to himself, looks at her with bitterness and says goodbye to her. And in the left hand, a stone has already been prepared.

K. Trutovsky's painting "The Benefactor" is not an illustration of this story, but it depicts a scene from the life of a house, similar to the house of an old lady. The same ancient lady lies and sleeps in armchairs, the host takes care of her around. On the right, a young woman is sitting, a pupil or a poor relative of a rich lady, and reading a thick book aloud. It is evident that this book does not interest her. Only a girl who sits on the floor and strokes a dog is interested in a book. She listens intently. This picture is great for the property of an old lady from Turgenev's story.

Creative task

To page 244

Why did Gerasim go to the village? What did Turgenev want to tell readers (to evoke sympathy, protest against the willfulness of the landowners, to show the strength of character and dignity of the hero)? Prepare a discussion on this topic.

Gerasim was a serf, later a janitor in the Moscow house of a mistress. But he retained the best spiritual and moral qualities of a person, inner stamina and fortitude. Especially expressively Turgenev writes about this in the episode of persecution of Gerasim. When Stepan began to dangle his stick in the hole in the door, the janitor himself opened the door: “Gerasim stood motionless on the threshold. The crowd gathered at the foot of the stairs. Gerasim looked at all these people in German coats from above, with his hands slightly at his sides; in his own reddish farmer's shirt, he looked like some kind of giant in front of them. They didn't have their own desires. They did only the wishes of the mistress. Gerasim no longer wished to live with these people in the lady's house. He went to the village and began to live an orphan, but honestly.


Page 224-225

1. As an actor reads the first lines of the story, telling about the old house with rickety balconies and about the fate of its mistress. What does he want to say about the fate of the old lady? Does the music that accompanies the reading match the nature of the story?

The actor reads the first lines of the story with a certain sadness and compassion, because he knows about greedy and yearning old age, loneliness. Yes, the music accompanying the reading corresponds to the nature of the story.

2. How does the intonation of the actor change when he talks about Gerasim? How does the actor convey the attitude of the author to the hero of the work?

When the story reaches Gerasim, the voice cheers up: it is immediately clear that Gerasim is a good man, a fascinating person, unlike the lady. The actor reads about him with enthusiasm and some care.

3. What new colors, tones does the reader find in order to convey to us the state of mind of Gerasim caring for the puppy?

When the actor reads the episodes in which Gerasim takes care of the dog, a special softness appears in his voice, he is touched by the tiny creature together with Gerasim, laughs along with him.

The creator and the actor have a negative attitude towards the hangers-on, in some way they even mock him. This is expressed in the way the actor portrays their voices, in all their striving to please the mistress with her changeable mood.

Olifirova Tatyana Ivanovnateacher of Russian language and literatureSecondary school No. 14, Severodonetsk, Luhansk region Grade: 5

Test based on the story of I.S. Turgenev "Mumu"

1. Where do the events described in I.S. Turgenev's story "Mumu" take place? A) in Moscow; b) in St. Petersburg; c) in the estate of the lady.
2. Where did Gerasim get a puppy from?A) he was brought from the village along with Gerasim; b) Gerasim saved him and brought him to his closet; c) it was bought by order of the mistress.
3. How did the dog treat the people who lived in the lady's house?A) caressed everyone, but loved only Gerasim; b) was afraid of everyone, but was affectionate with Gerasim; c) did not notice anyone except Gerasim, with whom she was friendly.
4. How did the lady's servants treat Mumu?a) ignored her b) were afraid; c) loved.
5. What was the lady doing when the lady first saw her? A) walked around the yard;b) waited for Gerasim at the porch of the master's house;c) gnawed a bone under a rose bush in the front garden.
6. How did the lady react to Mumu when she saw her for the first time?a) remained indifferent;b) she really liked the dog;c) was indignant that a dog was kept in the yard without her permission.
7. Why did the lady order the dog to be removed from the yard? Because:a) the dog prevented her from sleeping at night with her barking; b) dragged into the front garden, where roses grew, all sorts of abominations; c) did not go to the call of the mistress and bared her teeth when she wanted to stroke her.
8. Which of the lady's servants sold Mumu to the buyer? A) Gavrila b) Stepan; c) the coachman Potap.
9. What did Gerasim think about the disappearance of Mumu?A) he guessed that the dog was brought down by order of the mistress;b) did not understand where she could go;c) was afraid that she had run away and got lost.
10. What did Gerasim not think about while hiding the dog in his closet?A) Mumu will not be able to stay locked up for a long time; b) an outsider can enter the closet;c) Mumu will give himself away by squealing.
11. How did the yard people of the lady react to the return of Mumu? A) were outragedb) pondered how to inform the mistress about this; c) pretended not to know anything.
12. Who, on behalf of Gavrila, was supposed to follow Gerasim, who promised to destroy Mumu? A) Stepan b) Uncle Tail; c) Eroshka.
13. How, according to the author, Gerasim hurried to the village?A) as if someone was chasing him;b) as if an old mother was waiting for him;c) as if he had not been at home for many years.
14. With whom did the author compare Gerasim, who was returning home?A) with a strong lion;b) with a mighty oak;c) with a brave hero.
15. What work did Gerasim undertake when he returned to the village?A) took up the plow and, it seemed, plowed alone without the help of a horse; b) went to mow in the old way and the young forest could be brushed off the roots;c) swiftly and non-stop threshing with a three-yard flail.


1 a 4 c 7 c 10 c 13 b 2 b 5 c 8 b 11 c 14 a 3 a 6 b 9 a 12 c 15 b