Academician f corners. Biography

Fedor Uglov was born on October 5 (September 22), 1904 in the village of Chuguevo, Kirensky district, Irkutsk region, on the great Siberian river Lena. Father - Uglov Grigory Gavrilovich (1870–1927). Mother - Uglova Anastasia Nikolaevna (1872–1947). Although his family of eight lived very modestly, his parents managed to graduate five of their six children. When Fedor declared his desire to study, his father gave his son 30 rubles for the journey and a ticket for the steamer, saying that he would not be able to help him in the future.

In 1923, F. G. Uglov entered the Irkutsk University. He continued his studies at Saratov University, graduating in 1929. Having received a diploma, Fedor Grigorievich worked as a district doctor in the village of Kislovka, Nizhnevolzhsky Krai (1929), then in the village of Otobaya, Gali District, Abkhaz ASSR (1930–1933) and at the Mechnikov Hospital in Leningrad (1931–1933). After completing his internship in the city of Kirensk, he worked as chief physician and head of the surgical department of the interdistrict hospital for water workers (1933–1937).

In 1937, F. G. Uglov arrived in Leningrad and entered the graduate school of the Leningrad State Medical Institute for the Improvement of Doctors. Among his first scientific works were the articles "About the rectus abdominis abscesses in typhoid fever" (1938), "On the organization and work of surgical departments in the distant periphery" (1938). After defending his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Mixed tumors (teratomas) of the presapral area” (1939), F. G. Uglov worked as an assistant (1940–1943), associate professor (1944–1950) of the Department of Surgery of this institute.

During the Soviet-Finnish war, Fedor Grigoryevich served as a senior surgeon at the medical battalion on the Finnish front (1940-1941), during the Second World War, he was the head of the surgical department of a military hospital. He also operated during raids, in low light, in piercing cold, saving dozens of human lives. He survived the 900-day siege of Leningrad. Throughout this time, he worked in the besieged city as a surgeon, head of the surgical department of one of the hospitals.

In 1949, Fedor Grigorievich defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Resection of the lungs." Since 1950, he worked at the Department of Surgery of the First Medical Institute named after Academician I. P. Pavlov (now St. Petersburg State Medical University). For more than 40 years he headed the Department of Hospital Surgery, created a large surgical school.

Fedor Uglov is considered a pioneer of cardiac surgery in the Soviet Union. He worked as director of the All-Union Research Institute of Pulmonology. Author of works on problems of esophageal surgery, portal hypertension, hypothermia in thoracic surgery, etc. He was one of the first in the USSR (1953) to develop methods for the surgical treatment of heart defects, successfully performed the most complex operations on the esophagus, mediastinum, with pertal hypertension, pancreatic adenoma, aneurysm of the ventricle of the heart, with diseases of the lungs, congenital and acquired heart defects, aortic aneurysm. He proposed a number of operational techniques and tools, for example, Uglov's access - operational access to the root of the lung during pneumonectomy: an anterolateral incision of the anterior chest wall with the intersection of one or two ribs. He is also the author of the invention "Artificial heart valve and method of its manufacture" (1981, 1982).

F. G. Uglov is a surgeon with a unique surgical technique, after the performed operations he was repeatedly applauded by many famous surgeons of the world. His monographs Lung Resection (1950, 1954), Lung Cancer (1958, 1962; translated into Chinese and Polish), Presacral Teratomas (1959), Diagnosis and Treatment of Adhesive Pericarditis (1962) became widely known. ), "Surgical treatment of portal hypertension" (1964), "Complications during intrathoracic surgery" (1966), "Cardiac catheterization and selective angiocardiography" (1974), "Pathogenesis, clinic and treatment of chronic pneumonia" (1976), "Basic principles of syndromic diagnostics and treatment in the activity of a surgeon in polyclinics” (1987). He has published more than 600 articles in various scientific journals.

The world-famous surgeon, along with medical activities, conducted extensive educational work. In 1974, his first fiction book was published. "Surgeon's Heart". She immediately won the love of the widest readership. The book was reprinted several times in Russia, translated into many languages ​​of the world.

F. G. Uglov - author of books "Man among men" (1982), "Are we living our time" (1983), "Under the White Mantle" (1984), "Lifestyle and Health" (1985), "Caught in Illusions" (1985), "From the Captivity of Illusions"(1986), "Take care of health and honor from a young age" (1988), "Lomekhuzy" (1991), "Suicides" (1995), "Trap for Russia" (1995), "A man is short of a century" (2001), "Truths and lies about legal drugs"(2004), "Shadows on the Roads" (2004), as well as more than 200 articles in art and journalistic magazines.

Back in the 50s, Fedor Grigorievich began the struggle for sobriety in the country: he lectured, wrote articles, letters to the Central Committee and the Government. His articles and speeches on radio and television for a long time remained in the memory of readers and listeners, distinguished by sculptural, visible evidence, uncompromising judgments and conclusions. In these conversations, he will forever continue the fight for the life and health of people - a fight that for more than 70 years with a scalpel in his hands he fought at the operating table.

Since 1988, Fedor Grigorievich has been the permanent chairman "Union of Struggle for People's Sobriety". His report at a scientific conference in December 1981 in Dzerzhinsk on the impact of alcohol on society gave rise to the mass Fifth Temperance Movement in the USSR and the CIS, the leader of which he was invariably until the last days of his life. The selfless activity of F.G. Uglov to establish sobriety in the country saved the lives and health of millions of our compatriots.

He was awarded the title of laureate of the Lenin Prize (1961) for the development of surgical methods for the treatment of lung diseases, the Sklifosovsky Prize, the First National Prize "Vocation" in the nomination "For Loyalty to the Profession" (2002), the International Prize of St. Andrew the First-Called in the nomination "For Faith and Loyalty" ( 2003), awards to them. A. N. Bakuleva. Laureate of the competition "Golden Ten of St. Petersburg - 2003" in the nomination "For honest service to the Fatherland" (2004).

He was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, the medals “For Military Merit”, “For the Defense of Leningrad”, “Inventor of the USSR”, and the gold badge of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (2003). F. G. Uglov is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest practicing surgeon in Russia and the CIS.

Fedor Grigoryevich Uglov left us on June 22, 2008 at the age of 104. Buried June 25, 2008. The funeral service took place at the Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

12 life principles of Fedor Grigorievich Uglov

  • Love your homeland. And protect her. The homeless don't live long.
  • Love work. And physical too.
  • Know how to control yourself. Do not lose heart under any circumstances.
  • Never drink or smoke, otherwise all other recommendations will be useless.
  • Love your family. Feel free to answer for her.
  • Maintain your normal weight, no matter what the cost. Don't overeat!
  • Be careful on the road. Today it is one of the most dangerous places for life.
  • Do not be afraid to go to the doctor on time.
  • Spare your children health-destroying music.
  • The mode of work and rest is laid down in the very basis of the work of your body. Love your body, spare it.
  • Individual immortality is unattainable, but the duration of your life largely depends on you.
  • Do good. Evil, unfortunately, will work itself out.


Surgeon's Heart-1974 This book, widely known in its time, is based on documentary material (in some places only, for reasons of tact, the author had to change his surnames). In it, Fedor Grigoryevich Uglov talks about his life and work, about the high duty of a doctor and every Person. A brilliant and courageous experimenter, a skilled surgeon, he saved the lives of thousands of people. The book was published in Georgian, Armenian, Estonian and other languages, and was repeatedly reprinted in Russia.

Download the book Surgeon's Heart

Man among people- 1978 Notes of a doctor - such a modest subtitle for this book. Academician F. G. Uglov shares in it his thoughts about the relationship of people in society, about the lofty concepts of honor, duty and love. The book was reprinted 3 times in Russia, as well as in a number of Union republics. It was read in full on All-Union Radio.

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Are we living our time- 1983 With a negligent attitude towards one's health, one can quickly use up vitality, even if a person is in the best social and material conditions. And vice versa. Even with material difficulties, many shortcomings, a reasonable and strong-willed person can save life and health for a long time. But it is very important that a person takes care of longevity from a young age... If a person’s life is filled with interesting and useful content, if a person observes the elementary rules of hygiene, the regime of work, rest and nutrition, often communicates with nature, does not smoke or drink, is busy favorite business, lives in a healthy family and household environment, avoids excesses, leads an honest open life and does not feel remorse, inner fear, engages in physical labor, hardens in winter and summer, then we can safely say that the life of such a person will be joyful, healthy and long. Nothing weighs down a person and negatively affects his health as discord with conscience, his own unseemly deeds, black envy.

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Under a white mantle- 1984 The outstanding surgeon of our time, Academician Fyodor Grigoryevich Uglov, had the happy fate of being among those who are not limited to easy, beaten paths, but are looking for new ways in the struggle for the life and health of people. The reader of his book, written in the first half of the 70s, will certainly agree with the author's conclusion: "To live beautifully means never, under any circumstances, to lose your human dignity."

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Trapped in illusions- 1985 Fedor Uglov devotes this book to a vital topic: how to protect human health, how to ensure that everyone lives a bright, full-blooded spiritual life, does not lose himself as a person, as a creator? The author reflects on how to deal with the antipodes of our morality, lifestyle, and above all with the use of alcohol: he shows the grave consequences of this vice. The book is built on a lot of vital material, interesting medical research. Stunning statistics, life examples are given. In 1986, with minor additions, the book was republished under the title FROM THE CAPTURE OF ILLUSIONS. Completely reprinted in Roman-Gazeta (5 million copies). Translated into the languages ​​of a number of Union republics.

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Lomehuses- 1991 Having gone through a period of some sobering and enlightenment, society again plunged into the darkness of alcoholic intoxication. The government and the central leadership of the party, leaving any struggle for a sober lifestyle, approved an unprecedented "drunk" budget for 1991 in history. The country is on the verge of an economic, environmental, and most importantly, moral disaster. And all attempts at least to some extent to improve the situation in the country, while maintaining the same level of alcohol consumption, not only did not give any results, but also worsened the situation. Alcohol turned out to be stronger than everyone and everything ... This made Fedor Uglov take up the pen again.

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Suicides- 1995 Alcohol and tobacco smoking are based on lies, which are presented to the people by the enemies of sobriety under any pretext. It is only necessary for a drinking person to tell the truth about alcohol and tobacco, but to say so that he believes this truth, and the person quits drinking forever. This is the basis of the method of G. A. Shichko, which allows, without any medicines, without vows, but only with the words of truth, to sober up drinkers, stop smoking tobacco, etc. The purpose of this brochure is to tell people the truth about alcohol, as well as point to individual examples false arguments, with which the alcohol mafia most often tries to fool weak people and not let them out of alcohol networks.

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A man is less than a century old- 2001 At sixty, life is just beginning! So much strength - as it was not in his youth. Run up the stairs, drive a car, do everything in time. In the profession, wise with experience and full of creative plans, you are on a horse. It is not customary to talk about family relationships, but the fact that in the seventh decade a baby is born to the father speaks for itself. And all this is not fiction, if you live the way F. G. Uglov teaches - a brilliant doctor, listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest operating surgeon in the world. People have been looking for the secret to longevity for centuries. Someone went into medical experiments, someone - into magic, someone tried to create greenhouse conditions around themselves. To all this, Fedor Uglov says: “No!” - and gives his advice to those who do not want to put up with impending old age. After all, science has proven that we live much less than the time allotted to us by nature.

Download book A man is not enough century

2004 The last book to date by Fedor Grigoryevich Uglov once again encourages readers to think, analyze the terrible situation that has developed as a result of the catastrophically high level of consumption of legal drugs in our country: “I see my task as, says the author, about what tobacco and alcohol are and what they bring to the people and the country. I hope that the reader will understand why people live so poorly and how the mafia grows rich and fat.”

Withdownload the bookTruths and lies about legal drugs


Medical And Social Consequences Of Drinking Alcohol. Report at the All-Union Conference on the fight against alcoholism, Dzerzhinsk, 1981 (abbreviated). This report is considered to be the beginning of the modern, fifth sobriety movement, the honorary leader of which is Fedor Grigorievich Uglov.

Download the report on the health and social consequences of alcohol consumption


Weapon against the nation(appeal of 1700 doctors). We, doctors, professors and academicians of medicine, appeal to you with a request to discuss and make a decision on the official recognition of drugs of alcohol and tobacco, which have become widespread in the country, have caused and are causing great harm to man and society, threatening the very existence of our Fatherland as a cultural states...

Download the appeal of 1700 doctors

Video with F.G. corner

Celebration of the 100th anniversary of Fedor Grigorievich Uglov 2004(amateur photography). The congress of all temperance movements of the country, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Academician Fyodor Grigoryevich Uglov, was held in St. Petersburg on October 9-10. Delegations from many regions of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine arrived to congratulate the patriarch of the sober movement. Warm, sincere words of congratulations sounded, Fyodor Grigoryevich received a lot of gifts, and all his associates received an unprecedented boost of strength and vigor in the struggle for the just cause of sobering up our people, our bodies, souls and consciousness.

I will give you tomorrow"TV KOMSET", Stupino, 2004 TV company "TV KOMSET", Stupino. The program was created for the centenary of Fedor Grigorievich. In it we see not only the savior of human hearts, but also learn about the work of his whole life: the struggle to save our people from the terrible social evil caused by alcohol...

Will Fedor Uglov 2004 - the oldest practicing surgeon (from 1930 to 2004), who worked in all areas of surgery and performed many fundamentally new operations, was the first in the world to speak a monologue from the 100th anniversary of his own life.

Methodical materials and articles

Some paths to longevity. As a result of the improvement of social and living conditions and the level of medical care, the average life expectancy of a person in Soviet times increased to 70 years. However, this period can be significantly extended. Academician Uglov outlines the basic, simple and accessible ways to a long active life. In addition to excluding smoking and drinking alcohol from your life - bad habits, the detrimental effect of which on health does not require proof - Fedor Grigorievich recommends refraining from lip service and foul language, avoiding excess weight, and also observe the regime of work, nutrition, rest and sleep. Regime is not a burden, but, above all, a reasonable change of work and rest, cheerful work and healthy fun, a condition for the fullest use of one's capabilities with minimal costs.

Download Some Paths to Longevity

Smoking and lung cancer(To help the lecturer). From a brief coverage of the current state of the issue of lung cancer, it can be seen that the incidence of it is growing from year to year. The data of recent years on this issue leave no doubt that tobacco smoking is the number one factor in the occurrence of lung cancer and its increasing frequency.

Download Smoking and lung cancer wallpaper

Alcohol and the brain(a lecture delivered on December 6, 1983 at the House of Scientists of the SOAN of the USSR in Novosibirsk). There is no disease that is not aggravated by the use of alcohol. There is no such organ in a person who would not suffer from the intake of alcoholic "drinks". However, the brain suffers the most and most severely...

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Lifestyle and health(To help the lecturer. 1985). The issues of longevity and human performance are highlighted. Human health is protected not only by doctors - it largely depends on him, on the people around him, on the environment in which a person lives and works. The publication is recommended by the Scientific and Methodological Council for the Promotion of Medical and Biological Knowledge under the Board of the Leningrad Organization of the Knowledge Society of the RSFSR.

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Truths and lies about alcohol(Methodological guide for club workers. 1986). In the course of cultural and educational work aimed at clarifying the truth about alcohol consumption, it is necessary to emphasize that the use of alcoholic "drinks" adversely affects human health, entails irreversible changes in his body and harms the whole society. In this methodological guide, Fedor Grigorievich Uglov touches on all aspects of alcohol consumption.

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Sober up! All scientists of the world have proven that any dose of alcohol destroys the brain and destroys its most perfect functions: morality, nobility, patriotism, selflessness, honor, conscience... Along with this, the reproductive organs are destroyed, which means that not only the present, but and the future of man as a rational being...

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This article became a kind of repetition and addition of the famous report at the All-Union Conference on the fight against alcoholism in the city of Dzerzhinsk, with which Fyodor Grigorievich laid the foundation for the modern, fifth sobriety movement.

Download Medical and social consequences of alcohol consumption

The right to motherhood. I would like to appeal to Russian women, to their mind, heart, capable of great love: the future of the Russian people depends on you more than on men! If you yourself stop using alcoholic products and direct all your will, mind, energy to wean men from this addiction, you will, perhaps, do more than mothers and great-grandfathers on the Kulikovo field!

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Where the zealots of "cultural" wine drinking lead. The spread of drunkenness, to one degree or another, was involuntarily associated with the illiteracy and lack of culture of the people. It is known that drunkenness never comes to the people by itself. It is usually planted by those who profit from the production and sale of alcoholic "drinks". The less literate the people, the more predators are found, seeking to drink and fool them ...

Download Where the zealots of "cultural" wine drinking lead

Robbery strategy - reliable weapon of the enemy. The mass media, being in the hands of people who are alien to Russia and its indigenous population, climb out of their skin to represent our country and our life under Soviet power in black colors ...

Among the centenarians of Russia Uglov Fedor Grigorievich occupies a special place. This man not only managed to reach the age of 103, but also left a huge mark on the development of domestic medicine. A surgeon from God, a talented publicist, a tireless fighter for a healthy lifestyle ... He saved people not only with a scalpel, but also with a healing sharp word in different life situations.

On the achievements of Academician Uglov

Before proceeding to the story about the life of Fedor Grigorievich, one should list his main achievements so that the reader understands the scale of the personality in question.

Academician Fedor Uglov, who passed away at the age of one hundred and four, in addition to membership in the Russian Academy of Sciences, was also a member of the Union of Writers and many scientific societies, both Soviet (and then Russian) and international. In the State Orthodox Foundation, he served as president, and the staff of the International Slavic Academy entrusted him with the post of vice president. In addition, Uglov published the Journal of Surgery.

But most clearly, he, of course, proved himself in the role of a practicing doctor. He was appreciated at home and abroad, called the engine of Russian surgery and compared with the pioneers in the field of space exploration.

The surgeon Fedor Uglov was a pioneer in performing the most complex operations on the heart, esophagus, lungs and other organs. It was he who invented the artificial heart valve. He personally tested and made the property of medicine many effective surgical techniques.

This man was said to have been born with a scalpel in his hand. Uglov possessed a unique surgical technique, and many luminaries of world medicine gave him a standing ovation after the operations performed by the Russian.

Uglov Fedor Grigorievich: biography

He was born on October 5 (September 22, old style), 1904, in the small village of Chuguevo, belonging to the Irkutsk province, in the family of simple peasants Grigory Gavrilovich and Anastasia Nikolaevna Uglov. The childhood of the surgeon passed in the countryside, in very modest, almost Spartan conditions. Mom and dad had six children, and the family could not boast of prosperity.

Nevertheless, the parents managed to educate five of their six offspring. After the end of the Kirenskaya ten-year Uglov, Fedor decides to study further. Having learned about his son's decision, his father gives him money for the journey to Irkutsk and declares that he can't help him anymore. Not now, not later. A talented and stubborn guy had to achieve everything himself. He literally started from scratch.

Higher education

In Irkutsk, Uglov enters the Faculty of Medicine at the East Siberian University without any problems. He studies with rapture and great diligence, apparently already feeling his destiny in the chosen field.

During his student days, a story happened to the guy, on the example of which he was convinced that there is a blessing in disguise. In 1924, while in his second year, Fedor Uglov visited Leningrad and after the trip became very seriously ill. His body fought at once with two varieties of typhus - typhus and abdominal. The disease gave complications, sepsis began. For a long time, a twenty-year-old youth hung over the abyss. If not for the help of a classmate who undertook to nurse him, despite having a small child, Uglov would hardly have been lucky enough to survive.

Subsequently, this kind girl became Fedor's wife, and he himself successfully graduated from the university - however, not in Irkutsk, but in Saratov, where he transferred after an illness. The doctors advised him to change his place of residence, since the cold Siberian climate harmed Uglov's health.

First steps in medicine

The future of light-Russian medicine Fedor Uglov, whose biography began in a remote village, did not have enough stars from the sky and walked slowly to his heights, achieving success through hard work.

Having received his diploma in the twenty-ninth year, he worked as a simple district doctor in the countryside. First in the Lower Volga region, then moved to Abkhazia.

Two years later, Uglov managed to get a place in the Leningrad Hospital. Mechnikov, and after completing the internship, he ended up in the inter-district hospital of the water workers of the city of Kirensk, where he was the chief physician, and then the head of the surgical department.

The doctor was still far from universal recognition, although his personality already attracted the attention of colleagues. Which, however, were more often skeptical about the work of the young surgeon and did not particularly trust his talents.

Career Development

Not wanting to stop there and limit himself to the role of a simple hospital worker, Uglov Fedor in 1937 became a graduate student at the Leningrad Medical Institute for the Improvement of Doctors and actively worked on scientific articles. His first topics were the complications of typhoid fever and the development of surgery in the provinces - all that was close and very familiar. He chose one of the types of tumors as a topic for his Ph.D. thesis, and resection of the lungs for his doctoral thesis.

At the institute, Fedor Grigorievich worked first as an assistant, and then as an assistant professor in the Department of Surgery. And all this - against the backdrop of military events.

Work during the war

It should be noted that Fedor Uglov managed to visit the front during the Soviet-Finnish campaign, serving as a senior surgeon in the medical battalion from 1939 to 1940. And when the Great Patriotic War broke out, the talented doctor was not drafted into the army, apparently considering his role in the rear more important. Uglov operated in one of the Leningrad hospitals and steadfastly survived the fascist blockade.

In his own words, he did not die of hunger only thanks to luck. For some time, he replaced the head of the hospital and was obliged to try the food that was fed to the sick - and he survived.

900 blockade days left an indelible mark on Uglov's memory. He often recalled how they operated under the bombing, without heating and in almost complete darkness. But in spite of everything, it was possible to save people.

1st Leningrad Medical University

Most of Fedor Grigoryevich's working life was spent within the walls of the First Leningrad Medical Institute, where he worked from 1950 to 1990, heading the Department of Hospital Surgery.

During this period, Uglov Fedor Grigoryevich created his own surgical school, bringing up a whole galaxy of first-class specialists. In parallel with his studies with students, he continues to actively practice, performing unique operations.


Uglov Fedor Grigoryevich, whose biography began at the dawn of the twentieth century, managed to capture the 21st century as well, having lived for 103 years and several months. At the same time, until the last days he retained a bright mind, good spirits and was physically active. When he retired, he read a lot (especially historical literature), worked in the garden, liked to have picnics in nature and skiing. Constantly tempered the body, and the soul was kept in good shape by sincere faith in God.

The academician's youngest child was born when he was already sixty-six years old. And being a centenary old man, Uglov claimed that he still maintains sexual activity and lives a regular sex life. And all thanks to the fact that even in his youth he limited the number of sexual intercourses to one or two times a week.

He was even listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest practicing surgeon. In the presence of witnesses, Uglov performed the operation at the age of 100.

The outstanding surgeon was often asked how he managed to live so long, because there were revolutions, wars, blockade, famine behind him ... And he willingly shared his secrets, strongly recommending them to all applicants for longevity:

Fedor Uglov, whose photo is presented in this article, did not look decrepit even at the end of his life. And his soul also retained youth. Therefore, the advice of an outstanding figure in medicine deserves the closest attention.

The fight for a healthy lifestyle

The surgeon Uglov Fedor Grigorievich was engaged not only in healing the flesh. As a talented publicist writer, he wrote hundreds of articles in which he tried to heal people with a kind, comforting word.

In addition to exploits in the operating room, this man is also famous for his active struggle for a healthy lifestyle. He constantly spoke and wrote about the detrimental effects of nicotine, alcohol and drugs on the body, citing convincing arguments and facts. He believed that a person should not allow himself a single cigarette, not a single glass of vodka, imposing a severe taboo on such things. Compromises in this matter Uglov categorically did not allow.

The fight against total drunkenness also affected children. Uglov urged to stop giving babies yogurt to drink, which contains a certain percentage of alcohol and which, from an early age, involves babies in alcohol addiction. A massive media campaign has been launched on this issue.

A lot of journalistic works devoted to a healthy lifestyle came out from under his pen. The most famous of them: "Suicides", "Truth and Lies about Legal Drugs", "Captive of Illusions", "Trap for Russia", etc.

By the way, Fedor Grigorievich was convinced that the Russians before the revolution were not subject to drunkenness. Allegedly, they were drunk by the Jews in order to destroy the Russian nation. At the same time, the doctor did not consider himself an anti-Semite.

A little about the family

As noted above, Uglov Fedor first married in early youth to his classmate, who left him after typhus. But this marriage was not his only one.

The second wife of Uglov - Streltsova Emilia Viktorovna was thirty-two years younger than him. From two marriages, Fedor Grigorievich has daughters Tatyana and Elena and a son Grigory.

At the time of his death, the outstanding surgeon already had nine grandchildren, the same number of great-grandchildren and even two great-great-grandchildren! And he died of a heart attack on June 22, 2008. His remains are buried at the Nikolsky cemetery at the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Fedor Grigorievich Uglov(1904 - 2008) - an outstanding surgeon of our time, an academician of many academies of the world, one of the founders of domestic thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest practicing surgeon in the history of world medicine - he operated even at the age of over 100 years!

  • Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences;
  • honorary member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts;
  • vice-president of the International Slavic Academy;
  • President of the State Orthodox Fund;
  • Honorary Doctor of St. Petersburg State Medical University named after I.I. I. P. Pavlova;
  • Honorary Member of the Board of the Surgical Society. Pirogov;
  • editor-in-chief of the journal "Vestnik khirurgii im. I. I. Grekov” (since 1953);
  • laureate of the First National Prize for the best doctors of Russia in the nomination "Vocation";
  • Laureate of the International Prize of St. Andrew the First-Called in the nomination "For Faith and Loyalty!" (2003);
  • laureate of the award. A. N. Bakuleva;
  • laureate of the Sklifosovsky Prize;
  • laureate of the competition "Golden Ten of St. Petersburg-2003" in the nomination "For honest service to the Fatherland";
  • member of the Writers' Union of Russia;
  • honorary member of many domestic and foreign scientific societies.

12 life principles of Academician Uglov:

1) Love the Motherland. And protect her. The homeless don't live long.
2) Love work. And physical too.
3) Be in control of yourself. Do not lose heart under any circumstances.
4) Never poison yourself with either alcohol poison or tobacco poison, otherwise all other recommendations will be useless.
5) Love your family. Feel free to answer for her.
6) Maintain your normal weight, no matter what the cost. Don't overeat!
7) Be careful on the road. Today it is one of the most dangerous places for life.
8) Do not be afraid to go to the doctor on time.
9) Spare your children health-destroying music.
10) The mode of work and rest is laid down in the very basis of the work of your body. Love your body, spare it.
11) Individual immortality is unattainable, but the length of your life largely depends on you.
12) Do good; Evil, unfortunately, will work itself out.

Academician Uglov gave all his mind, all the strength of character, a huge supply of kindness to the cause of public health, bodily and spiritual. In the hearts of fellow enthusiasts from such public organizations as the Union of Struggle for People's Sobriety (SBNT), "Optimalist", "Sober Russia" he will forever remain the immortal leader of the struggle for people's sobriety.

Thanks to his efforts, hundreds of thousands of people turned away from the addiction - poisoning with alcohol poison and tobacco poison. In order to arm the fighters for sobriety, Fedor Grigoryevich published book after book: “Caught in Illusions”, “Suicides”, “Lomekhuz”, “Trap for Russia”, “A Man Is Little Age”, “Truth and Lies about Legal Drugs” ... There have never been books like this before in the whole world!

You can download the books of Academician Uglov by clicking on the links:


The transfer of the channel "Culture", released on the 100th anniversary of Fedor Grigorievich Uglov:

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Uglov's testament: "Do good to people, and it will definitely come back to you!"

The code for embedding on a website or blog can be found by clicking on the link:

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A fragment of the TV show "Health" with Elena Malysheva (2002). Academician Fyodor Uglov is participating.

At the age of 98, Fedor Grigorievich Uglov continued to perform surgical operations. The operation shown in this fragment was completed successfully with the removal of a tumor weighing 3.5 kg.

In an interview, Fedor Grigorievich opens the secret to such amazing longevity: in all his life he did not drink a single glass of vodka-poison and did not smoke a single cigarette!

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Celebration of the 100th anniversary of Fyodor Grigorievich Uglov. Congress of all temperance movements of the country - the Union of Struggle for People's Sobriety (SBNT), etc.

The congress of all temperance movements of the country, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Academician Fyodor Grigoryevich Uglov, was held in St. Petersburg on October 9-10, 2004.

Delegations from many regions of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine arrived to congratulate the patriarch of the sober movement.

Warm, sincere words of congratulations sounded, Fedor Grigoryevich received a lot of gifts, and all his associates received a huge boost of strength and vigor in the struggle for the just cause of sobering up our people, our bodies, souls and consciousness.

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“I will give you tomorrow?..” The film was created for the centenary of Academician Uglov. About the work of his whole life - the sobering of the people.

In the film, we see not only the savior of human hearts himself, but also learn about the work of his whole life: the struggle to save our people from the terrible social evil caused by alcohol poison.

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News: the patriarch of Russian surgery, academician Fedor Uglov, has passed away (news dated 2008.06.23)

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Russian medicine has suffered another heavy loss. Following Natalia Bekhtereva, the famous doctor, Academician Fyodor Uglov, passed away. It was he who invented the artificial heart valve, saved thousands of lives. His secret of longevity is simple - not a single cigarette, not a single gram of alcohol poison. He said that evil people do not live long.

He must have been the only one in the whole world. In his almost one hundred and four years, he consulted patients, monitored the progress of operations, and wrote scientific papers. Fedor Uglov entered the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest practicing surgeon in the world. He was already almost a hundred years old when he performed five operations a year. And what!

Colleagues recall: the most difficult case, a recurrence of a malignant tumor with damage to the lung and liver. Not every young surgeon will undertake such operations.

"But Fedor Grigorievich took it. The operation took 5 hours. He performed it all - from the incision to the last suture - by himself. The operation was extremely successful. The patient recovered after such an extensive operation," says Vladimir Davydenko, an employee of the Department of Hospital Surgery of the State Medical University .

Fedor Uglov was born in a remote taiga village into a peasant family. I decided to become a doctor, and stubbornly walked towards my goal. Literally, on foot. “Suffice it to say that I traveled to the university for a whole month - by steamboat, by boat, on horseback and on foot 1100 km,” Fedor Grigorievich recalled.

He later said: perseverance is one of the most important qualities for a doctor. While honing the techniques of cupping blood vessels, the young doctor Fedor Uglov darned almost a thousand stockings - he stuffed his hand. He fought in the Finnish War, and when the Great Patriotic War was going on, he was the head of the surgical department of the hospital in Leningrad for all 900 days of the blockade. One of the first in the USSR, he successfully performed the most complex operations on the esophagus, for lung diseases, congenital and acquired heart defects.

“He had golden hands,” said Vladimir Grishchenko, head of the department of hospital surgery at the State Medical University. “He operated on these hands not quickly, but it turned out very well. Because every movement was honed. He never made comments to anyone during the operation. always calm."

Uglov said that the secret of longevity is very simple - it all depends on the lifestyle. "Two buckets of ice water - this is if you are unwell. But one is enough, but every morning. You have to move all the time, especially if you are unbearable. And not a single cigarette, not a gram of alcohol," said Fedor Uglov.

Few people know that he actively participated in the Gorbachev anti-alcohol campaign, wrote articles, lectured. He knew how to celebrate birthdays noisily and cheerfully, without alcohol on the table. He loved it when the house was full of guests, he fed them himself - shish kebabs and Siberian dishes.

"I can do everything. If necessary, I'll make you dumplings that you won't find in any canteen or restaurant!" - said Fedor Uglov.

Academician Uglov was baptized by his parents as a child, and he always - in the blockade, at the operating table, at the head of the medical institute - remained a believer. In his last book, "A Man Is Not a Century," he wrote the words that, probably, were the main principle of his life.

"Why does a person live on Earth? - To do good. Everything else follows from this. These words express the will of the Lord, set forth in detail in the commandments. By doing good to people, a person thereby fulfills them all."

Russia 24: The world's oldest practicing surgeon Fedor Uglov dies (report from 2008.06.23)

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In St. Petersburg, at the age of 104, the famous Russian surgeon, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Fedor Uglov, died, the Pavlov St. Petersburg State University reported.

Fedor Uglov Uglov was born in 1904. Graduated from the Medical Faculty of Saratov State University. From 1937 he worked in Leningrad. Since 1950 - at the Department of Surgery of the First Medical Institute named after Academician Pavlov. During his many years of practice he has performed more than 6.5 thousand operations. He is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest practicing surgeon in the world.

During his life, he was awarded the title of laureate of the Lenin Prize, the Sklifosovsky Prize, the first national award "Vocation" in the nomination "For loyalty to the profession" (2002), the international award of St. Andrew the First-Called in the nomination "For Faith and Loyalty" (2003).

Laureate of the competition "Golden Ten of St. Petersburg - 2003" in the nomination "For honest service to the Fatherland" (2004). He was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, the medals "For Military Merit", "For the Defense of Leningrad", "Inventor of the USSR", the gold badge of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (2003).

NTV: the luminaries of St. Petersburg medicine - Natalya Bekhtereva and Fedor Uglov left (report from 2008.06.23)

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It became known about the death of two prominent figures of Russian science. The neurophysiologist of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Natalya Bekhtereva and the surgeon Fedor Uglov died, NTV reports.

Academician Fyodor Uglov died at the age of 104. He was an honorary member of many domestic and foreign scientific societies. An outstanding surgeon and one of the founders of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery performed about 7 thousand operations.

Fedor Uglov is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest practicing surgeon in the history of world medicine. During the blockade he lived and worked in Leningrad. On the 100th anniversary of the famous physician, Valentina Matvienko personally presented him with a medal for services to St. Petersburg. For three years in a row, Academician Uglov was nominated for the title of honorary citizen of the city, but he never received this award.

The funeral of Fedor Uglov took place on June 25. A civil memorial service was held at the First Medical University. The funeral service took place in the Ioannovsky Monastery.

NTV: Petersburg said goodbye to the oldest surgeon Fedor Uglov (report from 06/2008/25)

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Today at the First Medical University they said goodbye to Fedor Uglov. An outstanding doctor, one of the founders of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, died on June 22 at the age of 104.

Relatives, friends, colleagues, students came to see off the great surgeon. Representatives of the city and district administrations, the largest medical associations of Russia, spoke with words of condolence. At the end of the civil memorial service, the famous surgeon was buried in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra and buried at the Nikolsky cemetery.

Fedor Uglov graduated from the medical faculty of Saratov State University. From 1937 he worked in Leningrad. During his many years of practice, he performed about 7 thousand operations. His name is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest practicing surgeon in the history of world medicine.

Launch of the health medical train "Akademik Fedor Uglov"

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Train "Akademik Fedor Uglov", a consultative and diagnostic center on wheels, began its work in January 2010. Its main purpose is to diagnose diseases and provide primary medical care to residents of villages and towns located along the East Siberian Railway.

"Academician Fedor Uglov" - the fifth "mobile hospital". The first such diagnostic centers appeared on Russian railways in 2004. Now trains operate in Vladimir, Omsk, Amur, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo and other regions.

The length of the routes of mobile clinics is 20 thousand kilometers. Medical trains serve more than 20 million people.

The train goes on a flight once a month for two weeks. At night, the train moves from station to station, during daylight hours it stops for work. Doctors can see up to 150 patients per day.

The economic efficiency of the project of mobile consultative and diagnostic centers has already been proven by experts. “Up to 170 million rubles are spent on the creation of each medical train. The annual maintenance of the center costs 27 million. For comparison, the construction of a typical clinic alone costs 200 million,” says a press release from Russian Railways.

Presentation of the health train "Akademik Fedor Uglov"

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The heart of Fedor Grigorievich Uglov kept a lot of scars - from pain for patients. However, even at the age of 100, he was still working, he was cheerful and energetic, he drove a car, picked mushrooms, and doused himself with cold water. And he always lived by the principle: the main thing is to do good to people ...

Arranging a meeting with Fedor Grigorievich Uglov, I felt awkward: wouldn't the interview tire such an elderly person? And now I'm sitting at his office and I hear quick and light young steps.

- Fedor Grigoryevich, without an elevator, can you easily go up to the fourth floor?

Why do I need an elevator? he asks slyly and stretches his hands forward: you see, they don’t tremble.

At the age of 100, he consulted at a medical institute, read without glasses, remembered many poems by heart, which he immediately read to me ...

Fedor Uglov - a boy from Siberia

He was born on the banks of the Lena, in the village of Chuguevo near Irkutsk. Father is an exiled locksmith, mother is a local peasant woman. It was she who taught her six children to a healthy lifestyle: do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, do not overeat, wipe yourself with snow and pour cold water on.

At the age of 14, Uglov remained in the family for the eldest: his mother often fell ill, and his father worked from morning to night. Fedya chopped wood, stoked the stove, in a light coat and shabby boots on a sled carried water in a barrel. In the summer he made hay for the cow.

But the time has come to think about the future profession, and Fedya decided: I will be a surgeon. He saw so many times how a zemstvo doctor literally pulled fellow villagers out of the other world!

In 1923, Uglov was going to Irkutsk to study. His father gave him a free waterman's ticket (he worked on a ship) and 30 rubles: "I can't help anymore." And mother gathered a bundle with a meager breakfast.

“I traveled for three weeks,” Fedor Grigorievich recalled. - And on horseback, and on a steamer, and on a boat, and on foot I had to.

Fedor Uglov: never-ending illnesses

Fedor Uglov entered the medical faculty of the East Siberian University. The scholarship was six rubles, of which four and a half went to food - thin stew, and the rest to a rented room.

I was dizzy from hunger, but Fedor was forced to work as a paramedic. Malnutrition and overwork were not in vain: the body could not resist the infection, and Uglov fell ill with typhus.

For 24 whole days he was unconscious on the verge of life and death, suffered blood poisoning, severe inflammation of the middle ear ... And then he was struck down by typhoid fever. The patient was cared for by his wife Verochka, with whom he studied in the same group. I took a closer look at her in my first year: intelligent, educated, well-read, and in the third they got married.

To improve their health, the couple decided to change the climate and transferred to Saratov University. We received diplomas and together with our little daughter Tatyana went to work in the village of Kislovka on the Volga.

However, the diseases still did not recede, and the Uglovs moved to warmer climes - to Abkhazia. Alas, the south did not help either: Fedor caught a tropical fever ...

But even in the most difficult days, he continued to dream about science. After thinking, the Uglovs packed their things and went to Leningrad.

After an internship at the Mechnikov hospital, Fedor volunteered to go to his native Kirensk. He worked there as a surgeon for 4 years: he went to calls both at night and on weekends, performed a variety of operations, and Vera assisted him.

In 1937 (by that time, the couple had two more daughters, Edita and Elena).

The corners returned to the city on the Neva. Fedor Grigoryevich entered graduate school, defended a Candidate's and then a doctoral dissertation. For 40 years he headed the Department of Hospital Surgery at the First Medical Institute, founded the Research Institute of Pulmonology, which became the leading one in the country.

Fedor Grigorievich Uglov: ten thousand operations

During his life, Fedor Uglov performed about ten thousand operations - on the heart, lungs, esophagus, many are absolutely unique.

Uglov also operated under extreme conditions: in a medical battalion on the Finnish front, under bombing in a hospital in besieged Leningrad, where he was the head of the surgical department ....

Academician Fedor Uglov received many titles and awards. But perhaps most of all in his life he valued the gratitude of his patients. Letters came to him in batches.

Once, leading surgeons from all over the world attended his operation in his native Leningrad First Med: Indian, Yugoslav, Canadian, Americans, including the famous cardiac surgeon Michael DeBakey.

After the operation, they applauded the skill of the surgeon. His seam was called silk, and his hands were called magic. DeBakey later admitted that he studied under the Russian surgeon Uglov, calling him a national treasure and Gagarin from medicine.

And he is known to us not only as a surgeon, but also as a writer - with his books “A Man Among People”, “A Surgeon's Heart”, “A Man Has a Little Age”, “Advice from a 100-Year-Old Surgeon” and other works.

To keep the body and soul young

Fedor Uglov passed away at the age of 104. What helped him stay in shape all his life, overcome illnesses, work hard?

At home, Fedor Grigorievich had a horizontal bar, gymnastic rings. In his youth, he was engaged in French wrestling and even performed in fights for the public. I've been doused with ice water all my life.

The unshakable rule in nutrition is to finish the meal slightly hungry, and from the dining table to go to the worker, and not to the sofa. Uglov was an enemy of tobacco and alcohol, and until the last days of his life he headed the Union of Struggle for People's Sobriety.

He also believed that his family gave him longevity. Uglov was married twice, and both times happily.

With their first wife, Vera Mikhailovna, they broke up after the war, and Fedor Grigorievich was very upset by this break. With the second, Emilia Viktorovna, also a physician, he met in a sanatorium in Essentuki.

She was 28, he was 60. But he looked 40, and both did not feel the difference in age ... When a son was born in the family, Uglov was already 66 years old. He was a wonderful father: despite being busy, he came from Leningrad to the dacha in Komarovo to bathe little Grishenka ...

Fedor Grigoryevich was the father of five children, the grandfather of eight grandchildren, he had nine great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. Son Gregory graduated from the conservatory, became a conductor.

I was lucky to somehow visit their family dacha in Komarovo. Here Fedor Grigorievich walked with his wife along the coast of the Gulf of Finland, picked mushrooms, and then salted them. He himself sculpted dumplings, and Emilia Viktorovna treated the guests with delicious pies.

Uglov even showed the "legendary" bucket from which he poured himself every day on the street in summer and winter. He worked in the garden, went skiing. And until the last days, together with Emilia Viktorovna, he worked on supplementing his books.

... He sincerely did not understand why people drink "for fun."

“We are a family and have so much fun. We gather at the table, play music, sing romances, read poetry, and in a clear voice sang a love romance with a soulful voice ...

Tatiana Zazorina