Architect designer what to take. What subjects need to be taken for an architect and how to enter the Faculty of Architecture

Top tips for 1st year architecture students: Tea vs coffee, the power of sleep and when to ignore your teacher.

Drink tea not coffee. Coffee is good for a sudden burst of energy keeping you up late at night over AutoCAD, but be careful! The caffeine in coffee enters the bloodstream faster, giving you tremendous energy in the beginning, but if this continues, it will cause your body to burn out. A mug of strong tea has the same amount of caffeine, but it will be used up more gradually, keeping you focused but calm for longer. Tea is also an antioxidant and relieves stress.


Draw a lot and draw by hand. Drawing is not just a way of communicating with other people, it is a way of thinking. From intricate sketches by Le Corbusier to huge paintings by Zaha Hadid, drawing is essential to the practice, culture and progress of architecture.

When creating a model, use a sharp cutter. The cutter is not a cheap blade that you buy from office supply stores and dull quickly, but resist the temptation to cut your costs by using dull cutters. If you slip and cut yourself with a dull blade, you will get a dirty and painful wound that will take a long time to heal. However, if you cut yourself with a sharp blade, the wound will be cleaner and will heal faster. You can save money by buying cutters in bulk.

Get it right. It seems clear enough, but many freshmen hang hasty drawings on precarious walls. Even a rough sketch on torn paper in oils deserves better than this. Invest in a huge box of pencils and line up your drawings with each other.

Your teachers are an invaluable source of wisdom and ideas - use. Don't just wait for your weekly class to mess around with; actively seek advice, opinion and criticism. Knock on doors, send emails, chase them down hallways, guard them outside offices. Do whatever is necessary.

The knowledge of your teachers is not a sentence. They may have intelligence, experience and deadly criticism, but this does not give them a monopoly on the truth. Sometimes the best teacher has to be the one who tells you to design a blue house to make you even more determined to design a red one. Listen carefully and understand their point of view, but take what your teachers have to say with a pinch of salt.

Treat the Power of Sleep with Caution. By the end of the faculty, your friends will have experimented with each "sleep cycle". Some will say that 20 minutes of sleep is more refreshing than 40. Others will prefer to sleep 4 hours of sleep alone. You will see students sleeping under their desks in the classroom or moving around with 80 hours of no sleep. There may be times when you have to work late, but the truth is that you will never produce great work when frazzled - it's much better to stay focused and productive during your workday than to let your laziness steal your sleep and productivity. Stick to a regular daily schedule. Make a promise to yourself tonight to make a plan and stick to it.

Subscribe to the magazine. Regular reading of architecture magazines is an invaluable source of inspiration. A good magazine should encourage you to think deeply about architecture and its relationship to the outside world, and should also be easy to read and beautifully designed. From a teacher's point of view, the difference between students who regularly read articles or short essays in architectural journals and those who don't is huge. Luckily, many architecture magazines have good deals for students at the moment if you can find them.

The university grading system is weird and the architectural grades are brutal. Students who have been at the top of their class all their lives find themselves struggling for average grades when they arrive at the architecture department. Take heart. Your final score matters much less. The ranks to world-famous architects are littered with designers who were college losers who dropped out or didn't study architecture at all.

Eat delicious food. With so many deadlines, it can be tempting to buy ready-made and take-out meals, and not take the time to cook. This is false economy. A good diet gives you more energy throughout the day, keeps you healthy, and prepares you for the life of wearing tight black turtlenecks. If you're not the next Bompass & Parr learn how to cook some simple dishes in large quantities that can last for days - soups, sauces, pastas and pastries.

Explore. Travel with an open heart. Understand cultures and traditions that are different from your own. This doesn't necessarily mean hitchhiking all over the world. Wherever you are there will be many unfamiliar communities and landscapes within easy reach. Get to know the country where you are best - even if you grew up there.

And if you are already graduating, it will be very useful.







4.08, 5.08
TRAINING COSTS (from 12:00 to 16:00)


6.08, 7.08
PAYMENT OF THE COST OF TRAINING (from 11:00 to 16:00)






APPEALS (FROM 10:00 - 14:00)






Direction of training: 07.03.01 - Architecture.

Qualifications: academic bachelor. The period of study is 5 years.

Direction of training: 07.03.03 - Design of the architectural environment

Qualification: academic bachelor. The period of study is 5 years.


Direction of preparation:07.04.01 - Architecture

Direction of preparation:07.04.04 - Urban planning

Qualification: master, study period 2 years.

The Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy) has provided the necessary conditions for submitting documents and passing additional entrance examinations for the category of citizens with disabilities.



  1. Document established sample (on education);
  2. If necessary and available - a document confirming the disability;
  3. For the relevant categories of applicants - a conclusion on the absence of contraindications for training;
  4. To use the right to receive within the quota of persons with special rights - a document confirming these rights;
  5. Documents confirming the individual achievements of the applicant, the results of which are taken into account during admission;
  6. Medical certificate in form 086-U and its copy.
    Please provide a certificate with the definition of the health group for physical training classes.
  7. SNILS and its copy.
* When applying, the presence of parents of underage applicants NOT necessarily.


  1. Identity and citizenship document (passport and 3 (three) copies thereof);
  2. Document the established sample of education (bachelor's degree);
  3. 6 photos 3 x 4 cm, black and white, matte.
  4. SNILS and its copy.



Within the control figures - TOTAL 165:
Of them:
direction of preparation ARCHITECTURE - 152


The admission quota for persons with special rights is set to no more than 10% of the admission target

Target admission quota (field of study architecture)
set no more than 10% of the admission control digits and is 15 places

Under contracts with payment of tuition fees - at least 110:

Direction of training"Architecture"- at least 100 seats

Direction of training "Design of Architectural Environment"- at least 10 seats


Budget places - total 72:

Direction of training "Architecture": - 60 seats.
Direction of training "Urban planning"- 12 seats.

Target admission quota is not provided.
There is no quota for the admission of persons with special rights.

Under contracts with payment of tuition fees - total:

Direction of training "Architecture"- 100 seats.

Direction of training "Urban planning"- 15 places.



Applications are accepted from June 19 to July 7, 2019 in rooms 103 and 104 (1st floor of the main building).

Application for consent to enrollment is issued at the institute and filled in by applicants on the days of submission of documents along with the main package of documents

Persons with secondary general education are allowed to master undergraduate programs.


Applications are accepted from August 1 to August 10, 2019 in rooms 103 and 104 (1st floor of the main building).

Persons with higher education of any level are allowed to master the master's programs.
Submission of applications in electronic form is not provided.


Delivery of entrance examinations is carried out in Russian.

The entrance examinations are taken in writing.
Conducting entrance examinations using remote technologies is not provided.
Paper for completing examination tasks is provided by the university.
Lack of the necessary tools to pass the exam is not grounds for retaking.

The use of mobile phones, cameras, tablets and other gadgets during the entrance exams is prohibited. Violation of this prohibition is a reason for removal from the exam without the right to retake the current year.

For applicants who fell ill on the day of the exam, a retake day is scheduled following the day of the exam (after drawing and after drawing)
The right to retake is granted with a medical certificate.
For citizens with disabilities, an increase in the duration of the entrance test is provided.
For the duration of the entrance exams and in case of admission to all non-resident applicants
hostel provided.


"Design of Architectural Environment"(Full-time education):

  • Russian language (USE result)
  • Mathematics (USE result) (PROFILE)
  • Drawing (1st task) (additional creative test)
  • Drawing (2nd task) (additional creative test)
  • Drafting (additional professional test)

For the drawing exam, the applicant must have:
drawing board with a T-square;
drawing tools to complete the task (rulers, squares, compasses, rapidographs, etc.).

Graduates of professional colleges pass entrance examinations in full. For them, it is possible to pass an exam in the Russian language and mathematics in the form
established by the university (may not have USE results).

All exams are graded 100 point scale

Minimum score for drawing and drafting: 20 points

Minimum USE score in Russian: 36 points

Minimum USE score in mathematics: 27 points

If the sum of points scored is equal, ranking is based on the sum of the results
additional creative and professional tests.

In case of equality of the sum of the results of additional creative and professional tests, the ranking is made according to the results of the professional test - drawing.

Based on the results of the Unified State Examination and additional tests of a creative and professional orientation, admission to
budget places. Applicants who successfully passed the exams with positive results and not included in the number
applicants for state-funded places can participate in the competition for enrollment in places
under contracts with payment of tuition fees.


On the direction of preparation "Architecture" and "Urban planning"(Full-time education):

  • Short project (Clausura)
  • Essay on a professional topic
  • Portfolio (provided upon submission of documents) format no more than A4 *
    *Do not use rigid, heavy, loose ... materials.
    The portfolio is filed in a personal file and must be placed in an A4 envelope.

    Portfolios that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted for review.

All exams are graded 100 point scale


1. The right to admission based on the results of entrance examinations (within the quota for admission of persons with special rights) are children with disabilities, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled since childhood, disabled due to military injuries or diseases received during military service, who according to the conclusion of the federal institution of medical and social expertise, it is not contraindicated to study in the relevant educational organizations, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care.
Reception is carried out within 10% of the quota of the number of check digits.

2. Preferential right (in case of equality of points scored) have:

a) orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care;
b) children with disabilities, disabled people of groups I and II, who, according to the conclusion of the federal institution of medical and social expertise, are not contraindicated in studying in the relevant educational organizations;
c) citizens under the age of twenty who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita income of the family is below the subsistence level established in the subject of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of these citizens;
d) citizens who were exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and who are subject to the Law of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 1991 N 1244-1 "On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant";
e) children of military personnel who died in the performance of military service duties or died as a result of injury (wounds, injuries, contusions) or diseases received by them in the performance of military service duties, including when participating in counter-terrorism operations and (or) other measures to the fight against terrorism;
f) children of deceased (deceased) Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory;
g) children of employees of internal affairs bodies, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, customs authorities, who died (deceased) as a result of injury or other damage to health received by them in connection with the performance of their official duties, or as a result of an illness they received during their service in these institutions and bodies, and the children who were dependent on them;
h) children of prosecutors who died (died) as a result of injury or other damage to health received by them during their service in the prosecutor's office or after dismissal as a result of causing harm to health in connection with their official activities;
i) servicemen who do military service under a contract and whose continuous duration of military service under a contract is at least three years, as well as citizens who have completed military service by conscription and who enter training on the recommendations of commanders issued to citizens in the manner established by the federal executive body authorities in which federal law provides for military service;
j) citizens who have served for at least three years under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in military positions and dismissed from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs "b" - "d" of paragraph 1 , subparagraph "a" of paragraph 2 and subparagraphs "a" - "c" of paragraph 3 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ "On military duty and military service";
k) war invalids, combatants, as well as combat veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1 - 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 N 5-FZ "On Veterans";
l) citizens who directly took part in the testing of nuclear weapons, military radioactive substances in the atmosphere, nuclear weapons underground, in exercises with the use of such weapons and military radioactive substances until the date of the actual cessation of these tests and exercises, direct participants in the liquidation of radiation accidents at nuclear installations surface and submarine ships and other military facilities, direct participants in the conduct and support of work on the collection and disposal of radioactive substances, as well as direct participants in the elimination of the consequences of these accidents (military personnel and civilians of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, persons who served in the railway troops and other military formations, employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the federal fire service of the State Fire Service);
m) military personnel, including military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the penitentiary system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, who performed tasks in the context of an armed conflict in the Chechen Republic and in adjacent territories assigned to the zone of armed conflict, and the specified military personnel performing tasks in the course of counter-terrorist operations on the territory of the North Caucasus region.

3. The preferential right to enroll in educational institutions of higher education, which are under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies, is also granted to graduates of general educational organizations, professional educational organizations, which are under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies and implement additional general education programs aimed at preparing underage students for military or other state service.

The procedure for accounting for individual achievements of applicants for the first year of undergraduate studies in 2019

When applying for undergraduate studies, MARCHI awards points for the following individual achievements:

1. The presence of a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general education (secondary (complete) general education), containing information about the award of a gold medal - 10 points;
2. The presence of a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors - 10 points;
3. The presence of a gold TRP badge - 1 point.

For the indicated individual achievements, the applicant is awarded no more than 10 points in total.

This policy applies to all categories. undergraduate applicants in 2019.

Features of conducting entrance examinations for persons
handicapped and handicapped

The organization provides for admission tests for applicants from among persons with disabilities and (or) disabled people (hereinafter collectively - applicants with disabilities) taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, their individual capabilities and health status (hereinafter - individual characteristics).

The organization must create material and technical conditions that ensure unhindered access of applicants with disabilities to classrooms, toilets and other premises, as well as their stay in these premises (including the presence of ramps, lifts, handrails, widened doorways, elevators ; in the absence of elevators, the audience should be located on the first floor of the building).

Entrance tests for applicants with disabilities are held in a separate auditorium.
The number of applicants with disabilities in one classroom should not exceed:
when passing the entrance test in writing - 12 people;
when passing the entrance test orally - 6 people.

It is allowed to be present in the audience during the admission test of a larger number of applicants with disabilities, as well as conducting entrance tests for applicants with disabilities in the same classroom together with other applicants, if this does not create difficulties for applicants when passing the entrance test.

It is allowed to be present in the audience during the entrance test of an assistant from among the employees of the organization or involved persons, who provides applicants with disabilities with the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual characteristics (take a workplace, move around, read and complete the task, communicate with teachers conducting the entrance examination). trial).

The duration of the entrance test for applicants with disabilities is increased by the decision of the organization, but not more than 1.5 hours.

Applicants with disabilities are provided in an accessible form with information on the procedure for conducting entrance examinations.

Applicants with disabilities can use the technical means necessary for them in connection with their individual characteristics in the process of passing the entrance test.

Special conditions are provided to applicants on the basis of an application for admission containing information about the need to create appropriate special conditions.


1. After the announcement of the grades obtained in the entrance exams and the issuance of examination sheets with grades, in case of disagreement with them, the applicant has the right to appeal the results of entrance examinations in general education subjects conducted in an educational organization and additional entrance examinations of a creative and professional orientation. An appeal may also be filed in case of violation, in the opinion of the applicant, of the established procedure for conducting the entrance examination. Consideration of appeals is carried out no later than the next working day after its submission. The days for consideration of appeals are set in the examination schedule.

2. Consideration of appeals is entrusted to the appeal commission, consisting of the chairman, members of the appeal commission and the chairman of the relevant subject commission.

3. Consideration of appeals is carried out in order to verify the correctness of the grade given by the results of the entrance exam. An appeal is neither a re-examination nor a consultation.

4. The applicant has the right to be present during the consideration of the appeal; if the applicant has not reached the age of majority, one of the parents or legal representatives has the right to be present with him.

5. An applicant applying for a grade change must have an examination sheet and a passport or an identity document replacing it. Appeals are accepted from participants in the entrance examinations or from their proxies.

6. The decision of the Appeals Committee is drawn up in a protocol, is not subject to revision and is final after approval by the selection committee.

7. The results of the USE are not considered by the appeal commission of the educational organization.

8. The detailed procedure for conducting appeals is regulated by section IXThe procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147 (with changes for the current year) and the "Rules for Appeals", approved by the selection committee.


  • 07.03.03 Design of Architectural Environment;
  • Upon admission to training in the specified area of ​​training and specialty, included in the List of specialties and areas of training, upon admission to training in which applicants undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established when concluding an employment contract or service contract for the relevant position or specialty , approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 2013 No. 697, the applicant submits an original or a copy of a medical certificate containing information on a medical examination in accordance with the list of medical specialists, laboratory and functional studies established by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation Federation dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations are carried out s (examinations), and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in hard work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions ”(hereinafter - the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia). A medical certificate is recognized as valid if it is received not earlier than a year before the date of completion of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations. right

    lenenietraining "Architecture";

    Currently, the profession of an architect is in great demand. Therefore, many young people who are faced with the question of choosing a type of activity stop in this direction.

    To be sure of the choice, you need to know the features of the profession, the period of study and the possibility of employment after graduation.

    Let's take a closer look at what the work of an architect is, what categories of specialists are, how to get this profession and how much money you can earn.

    Who is an architect and what does he do

    An architect is a specialist who designs a building, which includes the development of space-planning solutions and interior design.

    The work of an architect is considered independent: the designer is based on the knowledge gained in the process of training and personal professional experience. His imagination is limited only by his own ideas of beauty.

    Despite the fact that this profession belongs to the category of technical ones, it is also creative - after all, the architect creates new projects, many of which become unique. An architect is an artist whose works can be used to determine his authorship.

    In the 20th century, the profession was divided into branches:

    1. Urban planning. When designing residential areas, the architect must take into account not only the location of highways, shopping areas, schools and kindergartens, but put the safety of buildings at the forefront. It takes into account the features of the terrain, the nature of the soil, the likelihood of earthquakes or floods. Only after studying the security of the enterprise, you can start designing buildings.
    2. Volumetric design. The duties of an architect include the design of buildings of various types: residential, industrial and public buildings. The project must contain detailed drawings with descriptions.

    What an architect should know - personal and professional qualities

    A future architect must have a number of qualities that will help in mastering the profession:

    • spatial thinking;
    • creative mindset;
    • organization;
    • responsibility;
    • originality and creativity;
    • realism;
    • good taste;
    • sociability;
    • punctuality and tact.

    In addition to personal qualities, it is important to have high-quality professional training. The technician must know and correctly apply:

    • building regulations;
    • computer-aided design systems;
    • methods of design and calculation.

    An architect must be proficient in the basics of cartography and geodesy, have analytical and mathematical abilities to make correct calculations and draw up drawings.

    Architectural professions

    In order for architectural structures to attract attention, it is important to work out all the details:

    • for the arrangement of new quarters, the work of an urban environment designer will be useful;
    • restore the historic building will help the architect-restorer;
    • for the design of the local area, you should contact the landscape designer, and the interior designer is engaged in the design of the premises.

    The narrow specialization of architects and designers allows you to fully immerse yourself in a certain area, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of activities.

    Also, do not forget about such specialties as civil engineer, bricklayer, carpenter, builder and electrician.

    The best architectural universities in Russia

    If you are going to master the profession of an architect, it is important to approach the choice of an educational institution with responsibility. After all, the knowledge that the future specialist receives depends on the quality of the presentation of information.

    Among the universities of Russia we can distinguish:

    1. National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering.
    2. Moscow Architectural Institute.
    3. Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman.
    4. National Research University Higher School of Economics.
    5. Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov.

    What subjects do you need to take for an architect

    For admission to the Faculty of Architecture after grade 11, the applicant must pass the following exams:

    • mathematics (profile);
    • story;
    • Russian language;
    • creative exam, including drafting, drawing and composition.

    To study as an interior or landscape architect, you should pass literature instead of mathematics.

    How many years to study

    It will take 5 years to get higher professional education, but the training does not end there, because every successful person studies all his life.

    After graduating from the university and finding a job, the architect will certainly take advanced training courses, so that not only knowledge in the chosen field of activity, but also the level of skill, and hence the salary, will grow.

    Where can an architect work?

    The work of an architect may be associated with the construction of new facilities and complexes, urban planning.

    Both industrial enterprises and private construction companies need good specialists.

    In addition, the services of specialists are often used by architectural and restoration workshops, furniture stores and shops.

    How much do architects earn

    The profession of an architect is not in vain very popular among applicants: it can bring not only high income, but also recognition.

    Specialists working in private organizations have a piecework salary. Upon successful completion of the project, the author receives a percentage of the amount. Chief architects can expect up to 6% of the cost of the object.

    Ordinary specialists work at a fixed rate with bonuses. A novice architect earns from $800 per month.

    The average salary of an experienced employee is 1200-1500 dollars. It is worth considering the factors that affect the level of wages: the city, the company and the project being developed.

    Is the profession of an architect in demand?

    This is not to say that an architect will easily find a good job. There are quite a lot of offers, but not all of them meet expectations.

    It is worth noting that easier to find a well-paid job in big cities- more vacancies to choose from. Yes, and wages in large cities are much higher.

    Career growth and development prospects

    You should not hope that a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture will immediately find a highly paid job and a good position. Before taking on a profitable project, you need to earn a professional reputation that will later work for you.

    First, you will have to work in the shadow of your predecessors, to gain practical experience. To move up the career ladder, you need to constantly improve your skills and skill level. As a reward - large projects or your own profitable business.

    Is it worth studying to be an architect - the pros and cons

    Before deciding on a future profession, it is necessary to study the positive and negative sides.

    The advantages of the profession include:

    • demand in the labor market;
    • high earnings;
    • interesting and creative work.

    A good architect can be a hardworking person, ready for daily painstaking work. Also important is a creative mindset, spatial thinking.

    Before you go to study as an architect, it is worth considering that:

    1. To achieve a successful career, you need to work day after day. This profession is not suitable for those who like easy money. The career of an architect is built from an apprentice and goes through all stages of growth.
    2. In order to climb the career ladder, you will have to make a choice: creativity or leadership. Occupying a high position in the company, you will not have time for the creative process.

    The work of an architect is very interesting, it attracts creative people. If you are ready to work day and night to master the skill and create successful projects, then this specialty is for you.

    About six months ago I wrote an article for a small magazine on the topic of architectural education. I sent it and forgot it, so I don’t know its future fate, in fact, it’s not particularly interesting. After a while, I admit that this is far from the best material for an applicant, but maybe someone will need it. And professionals - so for the sake of idle interest. I ask you in advance not to reproach for mistakes and blunders.

    - who suits the profession;

    The profession of an architect covers such a large field of activity that almost any person can find himself in it. The question of motivation for mastering this profession is important here. In a nutshell, I will describe the motivations with which it is worth going into architecture, and with which not. No. 1 - creative ambitions, without them there is nothing to do in architecture. There must be a desire to constantly create something new, and the best. The desire to be famous (or popular) is very important. If you look at the foreign "stars" of architecture: Norman Foster, Santiago Calatrava, Frank Gerry - they are all public people. It is important not only the desire to create, but also to tell the whole world about it. Another motivation is the desire to be a diversified person. The profession of an architect is at the intersection of an engineer and an artist. The desire to “know everything” will greatly help the future specialist.

    Now for something that can get in the way. First, finding the "easy way". In architecture, 5% is talent and the rest is work. It is indeed a very difficult job. Before my eyes, people fainted from overwork, earned chronic diseases while studying. There were even deaths. We must be ready for this and not be afraid. Secondly, the desire to earn a lot of money, and if possible immediately. A good architect matures slowly, like wine. In the beginning, it is very cheap, but after years of work it becomes expensive. This also needs to be realized. There will be big earnings, but the path to them is long enough. Thirdly, excessive susceptibility will greatly interfere in the profession. The amount of criticism always exceeds the amount of praise. Especially at the beginning of the journey. You have to be able to take everything in stride. Every good architect has heard many times about where his hands grow from, what straw he has in his head, and that he will never become an architect. You can not take such statements to heart.

    Based on the foregoing, I think it will not be difficult to create a portrait of a person who suits this profession and try it on yourself.

    - a brief overview of universities;

    The choice of a university for obtaining an architectural education is, of course, important, but not critical. The specifics of studying to become an architect is such that, according to the general opinion, one can get an excellent architectural education at a university. The main thing is teachers of creative specialties who will meet on the way of the student. The programs of universities and architectural faculties are approximately similar. The only big plus of prestigious universities, like the Moscow Institute of Architecture, for example, is a greater chance to meet an excellent teacher.

    Preparing for a creative competition is best not to force. Each university has its own very strict requirements for drawing and drafting. The best option is preparatory courses or private lessons with teachers of the university where admission is planned. A competent teacher will prepare a person “from scratch” before passing the exam in a year or a half. Oddly enough, but it is good if the applicant has not studied drawing anywhere before. It is easier for the teacher to immediately put the right technique than to correct the “mistakes of the school”. It is not worth preparing strongly in advance for a creative exam. Better in a year, but with great intensity, so that the future student “gets in shape” for the exam and is not very tired from many years of preparation.

    In my opinion, the biggest mistake is trying to enter one university for several years. Years of preparation for admission even to the best architectural university will not give any knowledge in architecture. We must always remember that the goal is to become an architect, and not to enter the Moscow Architectural Institute or Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to move forward: enter another university; to the same university, but to the evening or correspondence department; do not discard the option of obtaining a secondary specialized education. Preparing for admission is a “trampling around”, and studying at a vocational school is a path to a profession that can be more thorny than expected.

    - How is the study going?

    When I studied at the Moscow Institute of Architecture, there was a saying: “It is much more difficult to fly out of an institute than to enter.” There is some truth in this. Of course, one can talk a lot about the fact that studying is hard, there are conflicts with teachers, but getting an architectural education is extremely interesting, regardless of whether the student is a "physicist or a lyricist." It's all in the same junction of engineer and artist. All subjects can be "roughly" divided into 3 types: creative, engineering and general education. Traditionally, students go to creative subjects - a project, a drawing; from time to time appear on engineering - constructions, strength of materials, architectural physics; very rarely they remember about general education subjects - philosophy, sociology. This is a bad tradition. There are no random items in the program. All the knowledge that the institute gives will be useful in the profession, but in one case it is obvious - the project, construction, materials science; but not in the other.

    Let me give you a small example. I attended philosophy classes 2-3 times per semester. I explained this to myself by the fact that the knowledge of Kant and Hegel would not be useful to me in architectural practice. I received my triplet on the standings and was satisfied. Years later, in graduate school, I took the course "philosophy of science." Only there I saw how deep philosophical roots are in architecture and work in modern architecture without knowledge of philosophy is simply impossible. I had to spend time reading textbooks and tearing my hair out of annoyance that I did not attend classes at the institute.

    But, of course, the most important subject is architectural design. Essentially, all other subjects in the program serve to advance the student in that subject. Many of my colleagues remember the institute project as a "golden time". All because the imagination of the architect is not limited by anything. There are no requirements of the economy, boring customers, uncompromising subcontractors. This is the best opportunity to show your creativity. It is no coincidence that when applying for a job, they often ask for institute work. When working on a club, a museum, a fire station, you need to understand that it is most likely the only project for you on this topic. It is better to spare no effort and time for the project. It is then that the potential for growth in the profession is laid. The main architects and "stars" of architecture start with interesting creative projects.

    - professional career logic;

    Now the vast majority of students start working already in the 2nd or 3rd year. I think it's good, but only in moderation. Part-time work helps in the development of architectural programs, gives the first idea of ​​​​architectural practice and psychologically prepares for future work. But do not forget that number 1 is still studying. It is better to take work during this period not very seriously - just as an opportunity to practice. You can only study, but judging by practice, if such students start their career growth, then with a big delay.

    I already wrote that the field of activity of an architect is very large. It is important to tune yourself to that place in architecture where a person will feel most harmonious. Choose your niche. It is not necessary to strive to become a successful and popular architect. Chase large objects. A good layout designer can earn much more than a chief architect. You can engage in research activities, teaching, small architectural forms - anything you like, if it is "yours". Be successful in this field and earn enough. Now there are no low-paid specialties in architecture, and a good specialist receives a high salary. But at the same time, it's very difficult to "make a fortune" doing only architecture.

    An architect's career can develop in absolutely any direction, but for successful development, constant work on oneself is necessary. First of all - self-education; active participation in public architectural life: attending lectures, seminars, exhibitions.

    - everyday work, interaction with engineers;

    The specifics of the profession of an architect is such that in order to implement creative ideas, it is always necessary to attract additional specialists - engineers, designers. The nature of the work can best be seen in an example. Let's take the most common architectural order - an individual residential building (in simple terms - a cottage). The architect receives the order and begins work with sketches. Makes layouts, facades and coordinates them with the customer. Then comes the architectural project - drawings of plans, facades, drawings into the relief, general specifications. This seems to be the end of the work of an architect, but a house cannot be built according to an architectural design. We need construction drawings, projects of engineering systems. This is just the work of engineers. A competent architect knows the basics of engineering specialties and in advance provides for the possibility of implementing certain systems in an architectural project. It is best to work on the project in conjunction with designers and engineers, or at least consult at the architectural design stage. Even after all related projects have been completed, the work of an architect can continue. We are talking about architectural supervision of construction. At large facilities, appropriate documentation is maintained, at small facilities, a person arrives with drawings and a tape measure, and walks around the construction site with a smart look. Often, the final decisions on the choice of finishing materials, the pattern of windows and fences are already made during construction, when the architecture is not on paper, but you can “touch” it. In any case, visiting a construction site is very helpful in understanding the entire architecture process. When designing and building large facilities, everything becomes more complicated, but the essence remains the same.

    The work process can take place in completely different ways: you can sit at work from 9 to 6; you can work in a free schedule; drive around facilities, coordinating organizations, subcontractors; work at home as a private architect - as you like. In architectural activity, in my opinion, the most important thing is the result, good architecture, but how it turned out is not so important. You can draw “on your knee” in 5 minutes, or you can sit at the monitor for months.

    - the situation in the profession today, trends.

    Today, Russian architecture is experiencing a deep crisis. This is recognized by both professionals and ordinary people who are not indifferent to what is happening in the country. By crisis, I mean the following: the architecture of most large objects under construction is simply ugly (it is enough to compare what is being built all over the world and what we have), architectural heritage objects are treacherously destroyed, the change of generations is very difficult (especially among university teachers).

    The professional environment is also in crisis. Design institutes, as the last year has shown, are unprofitable. Good positions in large organizations go to relatives or acquaintances, and it is very difficult even for a great architect to break through the orderly ranks of “one's own” people. It is also difficult in private workshops. There is a lot of competition and not always fair. It is possible to work as a private architect, but the market for private architects is so flooded with non-professionals that it is very difficult to get out of this swamp even a little. Now in architectural activity, if you do not have relatives or high patrons, you have to achieve everything with “sweat and blood”.

    Fortunately, any crisis ends sooner or later. In my opinion, a new generation of young architects is capable of “lifting” Russian architecture. There are all the prerequisites for this: information on modern foreign architecture is available, associations of young architects are emerging, there is an opportunity for training and internships abroad. I believe that our Kenzo Tange and Richard Rogers will grow up from the generation that is just about to enter the architectural institute.