What is a reflexive perfective verb. Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian

The main postfix values ​​\u200b\u200b-sya

AT depending on the presence or absence of the return postfix -sya- verbs are divided into returnable and non-refundable.

Refundable are verbs with a postfix -sya- (-s-).

For example:

swim, smile, hope

Non-refundable are verbs without a postfix -sya- (-s-).

Some verbs in the modern Russian language have correlative pairs according to the category of reflexivity - irrevocability.



dress - dress, bathe - swim, see - see

Other verbs do not have such correlative pairs.



smile, hope, somersault;

go, sit down, freeze

Return postfix -sya- (-s-) can give the verb form different semantic meanings :

1) self-return value when the subject and the object to which the action is directed coincide in one person ( wash, bathe, dress).

For example:

I wash my face

2) Reciprocal value when each of the two actors acts both as a subject and as an object.

For example:

1. Friends met and fraternally embraced.

2. And new friends, well, hugging, well, kissing

3) Return value when the action does not pass on to anyone, but closes in the subject himself.

For example:

He got angry.

We were offended

Such verbs, as a rule, express the internal mental state of a person.

4) Objectless return value e, when the action referred to is a property of the subject.

For example:

The dog bites.

The cow butts.

The cat scratches.

Nettle stings

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Grammatical classes of words in modern Russian

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Explanatory note
In the section "Modern Russian: Morphology", according to the State Educational Standard, the following topics should be studied: - Introduction to modern morphology

Type of work Labor intensity, hours Total labor intensity Classroom work

Grammar is one of the oldest sciences on Earth (like mathematics, geometry, physics, logic). It originated in the 4th century BC. (over 2500 years ago) in Ancient

In Russian
In traditional Russian grammar, it was customary to distinguish 10 parts of speech: 6 independent, 3 auxiliary and a special part of speech - interjection. Part of speech is characterized by: 1) general meaning, 2) morphological

Grammar (from the Greek Grammatike) is a section of linguistics that studies the structure of the word and sentences of a particular language. Grammar consists of two parts: morphology

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Relative adjectives and their signs
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Their signs
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Transition of adjectives from one category to another
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Their signs
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Qualitative adjectives have three degrees of comparison: positive, comparative and superlative. Positive degree - e

And their signs
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A numeral is a part of speech that expresses the meaning of a quantity (number). For example: one, one hundred, forty, seven Names number

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The numeral is a part of speech expressing the meaning of quantity (number); these are words that answer the question how many?) or the order of objects when counting (they answer n

The problem of pronouns is one of the most difficult problems in grammar. Pronouns are traditionally defined as the part of speech that refers to things

By the nature of the functions performed (i.e. by meaning), pronouns are divided into eight functional-semantic categories: 1.

According to grammatical properties, pronominal words are usually divided into three categories: 1. Subject-personal pronouns (m

Declension of pronouns
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Functional-semantic categories of pronouns
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Declension of pronouns
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Pronouns are traditionally defined as a part of speech that indicates objects, signs and quantities, but does not name them (who, you, this, some, several).

Topic outline
one. . 2. . 3. Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs. Basic Postfix Values

The concept of the verb as a part of speech
The term "verb" itself is of Old Slavonic origin. In the Old Russian language, the verb means “Word” in its meaning. The verb is the largest part

Infinitive as the initial form of the verb
If the initial form of a noun is the nominative singular, then the initial form of the verb is the infinitive

The category of transitivity-intransitivity is a constant grammatical category of the verb. It expresses the relation of the action denoted by the verb to the object. All

Mood category of the verb
Unlike the verbal categories we have considered, the mood category is a non-permanent grammatical category of the verb, i.e. according to moods verb in Russian ism

Category of the person of the verb. Impersonal verbs
The category of the person of the verb expresses the relation of the action performed by the subject to the speaking person. Only present and future tense verbs change according to faces. Past verbs

Conjugation of verbs
Changing present and future tense verbs according to persons in singular and plural is called conjugation. Past tense verbs in s

In addition to the infinitive, participles and gerunds are special non-conjugated forms of the verb. Participle

The concept of the verb as a part of speech
Exercise 1 Explain why it is necessary to consider that skillful is an adjective (short form), and skillful is a verb. Compare:

Infinitive as the initial form of the verb
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Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs
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Transitive and intransitive verbs
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Verb aspect category
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Verb tense category
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Conjugation of verbs
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Participle as a non-conjugated form of the verb
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The participle as a non-conjugated form of the verb
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The verb is the largest part of speech in the grammatical system of the modern Russian language. This is a significant part of speech denoting an action or state to

The concept of an adverb as a part of speech
An adverb is a part of speech that expresses the grammatical general categorical meaning of a sign of an action, state or other sign (write quickly and beautifully,

Lexico-grammatical categories of adverbs
When classifying adverbs, two features are taken into account: - function in a sentence; - the type of meaning of the adverb.

Degrees of comparison of adverbs
As with adjectives, the category of degrees of comparison of adverbs is formed by the opposition of three forms: positive, comparative and superlative. Forms of degrees of comparison

Exercises for independent work
Note: the exercises are performed at the choice of the teacher, can be used in practical classes and are recommended for homework. Pack

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Features of the category of state as a part of speech
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Status Categories
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Invariable parts of speech
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Unproductive part of speech
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Irrevocable verbs are called verbs without the postfix -sya; returnable- verbs with the postfix -sya. Historically, the formation of reflexive verbs is associated with the pronoun Xia, which was originally attached only to transitive verbs ( wash + sya ("yourself") = to wash).

All verbs in Russian can be divided into several groups:

irrevocable verbs,

from which returnable



a) wash

build + xia education return


meet + xia

b) turn white + sya

darken + sya - morphological synonyms

c) look - look at verbs

work - work out SD

d) write - impersonal is not written

sleep - can't sleep verbs






Thus, we can conclude that the postfix –sya in Russian can perform several functions:

Form reflexive forms of verbs ( wash, bleach);

Form reflexive verbs that differ from producing non-reflexive verbs in lexical meaning ( to forgive - to say goodbye, to finish off - to achieve).

It should be noted that some -sya verbs have a synonymous reflexive combination ( to lose - to deprive oneself, to cover - to cover oneself).

The division of verbs into irrevocable and reflexive was established in the Russian language, regardless of the division of verbs into transitive and intransitive, voice and non-voice. It does not completely coincide with either one or the other, although it is associated with the categories of transitivity and voice: the affix -sya is an indicator of the intransitivity of the verb, and only reflexive forms of the verb give voice correlation.

Collateral category

The category of voice is one of the most difficult problems of Russian grammar. Linguistic scholars define the content of this category in different ways, and therefore solve the issue of the number of collaterals in different ways: some count up to 17 collaterals, others generally deny the existence of collaterals.

In Russian linguistics, there are the following definitions of voice:

1) pledge means “an act that passes from one thing to another, and an act that does not pass from one thing to another” (Lomonosov);

2) voices are such verb forms that denote a difference in relation to the verbal action to its subject. On this basis, it is possible to allocate a refundable deposit ( the book is being read) and non-refundable deposit ( read a book) - Aksakov, Fortunatov;

3) pledge is the relation of the action to the object (Buslaev, Shapiro);

4) pledge is an expression of the asset and liability of the subject (Isachenko, AG-70);

5) pledge - is the relation of action to subject and object(Vinogradov, Golovin, Gvozdev, Shansky).

In all these definitions of voice, there is a common criterion - the relation of the action to the subject and object. This feature is indeed important in the voice content, since the voice, like other verbal categories, manifests itself primarily as a certain grammatical relation - the relation of the action to its source and to the object. The category of pledge reflects objectively ongoing processes, the implementation of which is possible in the presence of an actor and an object of application of the action.

The mother (subject) washes (action) of the child (object).

The child (subject, object) washes (action).

But in Russian there are verbs that name such actions, for the implementation of which only the doer, the subject of the action is needed:

Clouds (subject) float silently across the sky.

Thus, all verbs in Russian can be divided into two groups:

1) verbs capable of conveying voice relations (voice verbs);

2) verbs that do not convey voice relations (non-voice verbs).

reflexive verb

A verb with the affix -sya (-еъ). The scope of the concept of “reflexive verb” and the concept of “reflexive form of the verb” correlating with it is presented in different ways in theoretical studies and in educational literature. In some works (“Morphology of the modern Russian language” by I. G. Golanova, school textbooks), all verbs with an affix (particle, suffix) -sya are called reflexive verbs, regardless of their origin and pledge meaning: this includes formations from transitive verbs (to wash, upset, hug, etc., where -sya is considered as a formative affix), from intransitive verbs (cry, roam, wake up, walk, etc., where -sya is a word-forming affix) and verbs that without -sya are not are used (to be afraid, to be proud, to climb, to hope, to wake up, to laugh, to crowd, etc.). In other works (the academic “Grammar of the Russian language”) reflexive verbs are reflexive voice verbs, in contrast to which verbs with the -sya affix, which do not express a voice value, are called reflexive forms of the verb a; the latter include formations from intransitive verbs (to threaten, ring, knock, etc.) and verbs that are not used without -sya ( cm. above). In the third works (university textbook "Modern Russian language", part II), independent lexical formations are considered reflexive verbs, in which the affix -sya performs a word-formation function (messing about, distributing, leaning against, calling to each other, cleaning up, getting hurt, crying, knocking, etc.). be proud, hope, laugh, etc.), and the reflexive forms of the verb are formations in which the affix -sya performs a formative function: these are forms of the passive voice that retain lexico-semantic identity with transitive verbs (the window is washed by the worker, the streets planted by Komsomol members, etc.). The difference in the interpretation of the terms “reflexive verb” and “reflexive form of the verb” is associated with a different understanding of the category of voice ( cm. pledge of the verb.

Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976 .

See what a "reflexive verb" is in other dictionaries:

    RETURNABLE, oh, oh. 1. Same as reverse (in 1 value) (obsolete). Let's hit the road. 2. Renewable, sometimes reappearing. B. typhoid (an acute infectious disease that occurs in the form of seizures). 3. In grammar: 1) a reflexive verb denoting ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (gram.) see Reflexive verb ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    - (reflexive | réfléchi | reflexiv | reflexive | riflessivo) Containing a return to the subject of the action. The reflexive verb (verbe réfléchi) means that the action emanating from the subject returns to it again (French je me baigne "I bathe") ... Five-language dictionary of linguistic terms

    RETURN, return what to where or to whom, turn, return, give back, back; let go home, put or put in its original place. To return your health, your money, to get back what was lost, to return to yourself. Come back,… … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    This article or section needs revision. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles. Reflexive pronouns are a part of speech, a type of pronoun that expresses the direction of the action on the person who produces it. Group ... ... Wikipedia

In our language, there are a huge number of words, which, in turn, consist of morphemes. Each of these bricks contains special information which sometimes we don't even think about. This article will allow you to decipher some linguistic codes by analyzing small parts of a word such as postfixes. The rule, the main elements of which will be these morphemes, will allow us to determine whether it is recurrent or irrevocable in front of us.

In contact with

What is a verb

The verb in is one of the significant parts of speech, denoting the action or state of an object. Verb can change in tenses, persons and numbers, that is, conjugate. Also, verbs can be defined recurrence, transitivity, pledge, gender (in the past tense). In a sentence, the verb is connected to the subject and acts as a predicate.

What are verbs made of?

Let's figure out what are the significant parts of verbs? It's simple, these are all its constituent morphemes. One of such important particles of any verb will be suffixes: XYA, XY, TH, CH, L; as well as the basics:, present tense. (Splashing - toiling, SITTING - CROWDED, DRINK - CRY, LIE - FLOW, Podudel - licked; speak - speak, spit - spit - - the basis of the infinitive; carry - carried, draw - drawing - the basis of the present tense).

Based on this, you should understand what reflexive verbs are. These are those that include the postfix SA. Absence of this morpheme speaks of irreversibility.

Important! It is easy to determine a reflexive or irrevocable verb, it is enough to disassemble it by composition and trace the presence of the above element. This rule allows you to distinguish this feature of this part of speech.

How to determine in practice recurrence and non-returnability

Two words are given: run and walk. We produce breakdown by composition. 1st chapter: beige - root; -at - ending, suffixes СЬ and СЯ out of stock. 2nd ch.: pro- - prefix; hum-root; -yat - ending; -sya - postfix (which speaks of recurrence). Also, all irrevocable are both transitive and intransitive, and their “brothers” are only intransitive.

Conclusion: 1st - irrevocable, 2nd - returnable.

All return suffixes have certain shades of meaning:

  1. To wash, shave, dress, wipe, admire, be ashamed - the action is turned to oneself.
  2. Fighting, calling names, hugging - several subjects perform relative to each other.
  3. Get upset, rejoice, pout, laugh - a psycho-emotional state.
  4. The nettle stings, the cat scratches, the flower blossoms - a constant action.
  5. Tidy up, get hold of - actions taken in your favor.
  6. The door swung open, water spilled - an event that happens by itself.

Most often reflexive verb- derived from the irrevocable (wash - wash).

Important! It is necessary to distinguish from reflexive verbs verb forms with passive (Wallpaper is chosen by the buyer. Doors are closed with a key.) and impersonal meaning (It is getting dark. Frowning. It will clear up.).

Features of the use of the key morpheme:

  • SA- is added to the stem of the verb, which ends in a consonant (washed, scratched, caught fire, hoped, ate, crap, drank, nailed, dressed up);
  • CL- joins the stem ending in a vowel (unraveled, stomped, itched, became familiar, vanished, put on makeup, cheered up, feathered, lingered).

Variants of use within a literary text

Let's look at sentences with reflexive verbs with specific examples.

Evening (non-returnable). The reeds on the pond are earing (return), the ducks started a roll call, anticipating twilight. The river surface lays down (return) like a smooth glass canopy over the entire visible space, closely approaches (return) to the banks.

Slowly, a (non-returning) small boat approaches a wooden bridge, knocks (returns) barely audibly on its nose, barely protruding from the water.

The bittern begins to hoarsely (irrevocability) scream (irrevocability) in the distant swamp, as if he is unwell today (impersonal form). The bloody streak of the departing sun has already turned red (non-return) in the sky, which is about to hide (return) from the human world and will bask all night (return) in the coolness of curly clouds.

Between the boughs, roots, swaying blades of grass seeps (return.) Fog, enveloping everything and everything that touches (return.) His shy hand, a veil of coolness and bewitching smoky bliss.

A herd of horses is driven (passive form) from pastures before dawn. In the tangled manes of free animals, bluebells and daisies live (unreturned) the last seconds of their lives, inadvertently finding themselves (returning) under their hooves.

The last cry of a rooster interrupts (non-return.) the reign of the past day, and the first star lights up (return.) in the sky, the cries of an owl, the chirping of grasshoppers and the quiet purring of a cat that sleeps (non-return.) near the stove are seen. And with the arrival of the first glare of the sun in this world, everything is covered (irrevocable) awe, in every living being, an irresistible desire for life lights up (return).

And there is (non-return.) In all this mess there is a special charm that you are also a direct participant in all this action.

Definition of a verb. Reflexive / non-reflexive verbs. The grammatical meaning of the verb

Russian lessons Reflexive form of the verb


Often, having a theory, a person cannot easily apply it for practical purposes. Now you know how to determine the recurrence and irreversibility of verbs. It is for this purpose that the article gives a number of examples of both single words and entire syntactic constructions related to the topic of study “Reflexive and non-reflexive verb”. Offers from reflexive verbs, taken out as a separate block, can be a great option practical task one of the thematic works in both higher and secondary schools.

reflexive verbs called verbs that have a postfix sya (–s): return, dream, get carried away, get started. The rest of the verbs are called irrevocable: watch, read, eat, run.

Transitive and intransitive verbs.

Transitive verbs are verbs that indicate an action that passes to another object or person. This object or person can be expressed:

A noun in the genitive case without a preposition: cut sausages, drink compote.

A noun (or pronoun) in the accusative case with an unprepositional connection: read a book, see the sun, count sheep.

A noun or pronoun in the genitive case with negation, but also without a preposition: not to have the right .

The remaining verbs are considered intransitive: lie on the bed, look into the darkness, sunbathe under the sun.

Perfective and imperfective verbs.

Perfect verbs indicate the completion, effectiveness, end of the action or its beginning and answer the question “what to do?”: run, run away, sing, sing, jump, gallop. Perfective verbs have two tense forms: past (what did they do? - galloped) and the future is simple (what will they do? - they will jump). Perfect verbs Dont Have present tense forms.

Imperfect verbs indicate the course of an action, but do not indicate its completion, result, beginning or end and answer the question "what to do?": run, jump, sing. Imperfective verbs have three tense forms:

Past (what they were doing? - watching, listening);

The present (what do they do? - watching, listening);

The future is complex (what will they do? - will read, will watch).

The syntactic role of the verb.

The verb in the sentence most often performs the role of the predicate. But verb infinitive can act as different members of the sentence:

Subject: Live- means to breathe;

Compound predicate: I going to do to the Faculty of Philology;
Definition: I have a strong desire go out into the air;
Addition: Mother asked me come up nearer.
Purpose condition: Grandma sat down take a break.

Define an application.

Application- this is a definition expressed by a noun, consistent with the word being defined in the case, for example: A golden cloud spent the night on the chest of a giant cliff. Applications can indicate various qualities of an object, indicate age, nationality, profession and other signs, for example: An old grandmother looks out of the window. If next to the application - a common noun there is a definable word, which is also a common noun, they are usually combined with a hyphen: flying carpet, ascetic monk.

When a common noun is followed by a proper name, the hyphen is not put (boxer Ivanov), but there are combinations in which the common noun follows the proper name, then there is a hyphen between them: Mother Volga, Moscow River, Ivan the Fool, Nightingale the Robber. The application, as a rule, is consistent in case with the word being defined. There are exceptions in which the application can be put in a case other than the word being defined: these are names - proper names and nicknames. If the application before the main word can be replaced by a single-root adjective, then the hyphen is not put after the application. For example: “old watchman” (application - old man, main word watchman, old man can be replaced with “old” - old watchman), and watchman-old man (the hyphen is put because the application and the main word are common nouns). Examples of typical applications (highlighted in italics): Volodya, an excellent student, was the first to raise his hand. Ivan the shepherd drove the cows across the field.

Exception examples:

Names are proper names, usually enclosed in quotation marks. The nominative case is used here, regardless of the form of the word being defined.

Names of press organs, literary works. In the newspaper "Kommersant". In the novel "Young Guard".

Names of enterprises. At the Krasnoye Sormovo plant. Capture of the Yukos enterprise.

Nicknames. Charge brought against Misha Two Percent. Vsevolod the Big Nest had eight sons.

Do not put a hyphen after the words that are generally accepted appeals: Citizen financial inspector! I'm sorry to trouble you.