Homemade language sausage. tongue sausage

Once upon a time, in winter, we flew to America. We were immediately told that you need to take English, it will be difficult for you without a language! So I understood goal number 1 in the literal sense. Since then, more than 20 years have passed since I take languages! Today I am exhibiting another LANGUAGE I have taken! ! !

We go out on Wednesday and take the tongue, boil it in salted water with pepper and bay leaf!

Cook over low heat for about 1 hour - 1 hour 30 minutes, depending on which language you took!

We cool the boiled tongue and clean the skin, cut it with a knife into pieces about 1x1 cm.!

Wash the beef and remove the hymen, cut into pieces under the meat grinder hole!

I also wash the pork, remove the hymen and excess fat, cut into pieces under the meat grinder hole!

We put a mesh with 5 mm holes on the meat grinder, and skip the beef for minced meat!

We change the grid to a larger one with 10 mm holes., Skip the back of the pork for minced meat!

Once again we change the grid to a large one with holes of 18mm., skip the pork back part for minced meat!

We combine the cut tongues with beef and pork mince, mix!

In a dry bowl, mix: Salt, Insta Cure, Sugar, White Pepper, Black Pepper, Nutmeg, Coriander. We mix!

Pour the spice mixture into the minced meat, knead the minced meat thoroughly. Much depends on how you knead the minced meat!

We install a tube on the meat grinder to fill the shells with minced meat. Or use a machine to fill the shells with minced meat!

Soak the shells in cold water 20 minutes before use!

We put the shell on the tube and fill it tightly with minced meat. Immediately we tie the ends with twine, or we crimp them with metal rings using a special machine!

If suddenly air got into the sausage somewhere, then we pierce it with a needle in that place!

The next day, we hang the sausages in the smoking chamber, so that they do not touch each other!

We install a thermometer sensor in one of the sausages so that you can observe the cooking process without opening the door often!

The first hour we smoke and dry at a temperature of 45 degrees with ajar air dampers!

The second hour we increase the temperature to 55 degrees, and almost close the air dampers!

After two hours, we completely close the air dampers, put a baking sheet with water in the smokehouse for moisture and increase the temperature to 75 degrees. We smoke in this mode for 3 hours!

There is 1 hour left, we increase the temperature to 85 degrees and observe the temperature inside the sausage!

As the mark reaches 66 degrees, we immediately open the door of the smokehouse and remove the sausage!

We wash the sausage under cold water, let it cool slightly, wipe it with paper towels!

We put it in the refrigerator for the night, but in the morning to the refrigerator, take the tongue! Good luck and bon appetit!!!

How much does tongue sausage cost (average price per 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region

Lingual sausage belongs to the so-called stuffed sausages, which are made from the best quality raw materials. Sausage tongue has earned honor and respect due to its excellent taste and consumer characteristics. As a rule, the composition of industrial and home-made tongue sausage includes finely chopped minced beef and pork of the highest grade, as well as bacon, beef tongue. spices and spices.

Often, other components are present in the composition of the tongue sausage, the choice of which is left to the discretion of the sausage manufacturers. It is noteworthy that there are two main ways of making tongue sausage. the main ingredient of tongue sausage, boiled beef tongue, is placed either in the center of the sausage and wrapped with a layer of minced pork with bacon, or the product is added to a mixture of beef and minced pork.

The tongue sausage of industrial production is distinguished by the content of food additives in the composition of the product. As a rule, color fixatives and flavor enhancers are used in the production process of mass consumption tongue sausage. As a result of recent scientific research, scientists have found that the vast majority of food additives used in the production of meat and sausage products have a negative impact on the human body.

Language sausage can be cooked at home. True, in order to get a high-quality and tasty sausage product, you will need to make some efforts. In cookbooks, as well as on specialized culinary websites, you can find many recipes for making homemade tongue sausage. We invite you to get acquainted with the classic recipe for making tongue sausage at home.

To prepare homemade tongue sausage, you will need the following ingredients: pre-salted beef tongue, pork skin and blood, spices and spices. As a rule, marjoram, ground ginger, thyme, white pepper, as well as cinnamon and cloves are used to make homemade tongue sausage. Currently, in stores you can buy a ready-made mixture of spices, which are perfect for making homemade tongue sausage.

To begin with, the beef tongue is boiled, the skin is counted, and then cut into cubes. The skin is boiled and then passed through a meat grinder several times. Pig's blood is heated and poured over the beef tongue, as well as the skin. Spices and spices are added to the resulting mass and the minced meat is thoroughly mixed. The resulting minced meat is stuffed into a food casing and boiled in water.

The language sausage is especially popular in Germany, where it is customary to make a product from marinated pork tongues, cracklings, pork fat and blood, as well as aromatic herbs and spices. The German language sausage Zungenwurst has become a kind of hallmark of Berlin.

Calorie tongue sausage 301 kcal

The energy value of tongue sausage (The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu).

Salt pork tongues and a piece of lean pork with wet salting at the rate of
11 g of salt + 11 g of nitrite salt per 1 kg of raw meat, add to the water for pouring
I eat salt and nitrite salt at the rate of 11 g of salt + 11 g of nitrite salt per 1 liter of water.
Tongues and meat should be covered with brine. Ambassador 3-4 days at a temperature of +2-+4gr C
At the end of the salting, cook the tongues in boiling water for 60 minutes. After cooking, clean the tongues.
Chilled tongues cut into cubes of 5-6mm

Salted chilled lean meat cut into cubes of 6-8mm
Frozen bacon cut into cubes 5-6mm

Pork shoulder (with fat) cut into pieces and salted with dry salting
at the rate of 11 g of salt + 11 g of nitrite salt per 1 kg of meat.
Ambassador in the refrigerator at a temperature of + 2- + 4g for 24-48 hours.

We pass cold lean pork through a meat grinder with a 2-3 mm grate
Minced meat must be cooled to + 1- + 3gr. This can be done quickly by placing
on a large flat dish or cutting board, leveling it with a layer of 1-2cm
and put it in the freezer for a short time.
Place cold minced meat in the bowl of a chopper, powerful blender or cutter.
Add phosphate (2-3g per 1 kg of meat) and ice water.
Water 15-20% of the meat mass.
No water phosphate 10%
Grind 2-3 minutes. Add spices, black pepper and allspice,
nutmeg and garlic. Grind 2-3 minutes.
Add ascorbic acid at the rate of 0.5 g per 1 kg of raw meat.
Ascorbic acid is a color stabilizer and will help break down residual
Stir for another 1-2 minutes. The final temperature of minced meat should not be
above +12 gr C. If necessary, minced meat is periodically cooled in the freezer.

Pour boiling water over crumbled bacon cubes, stirring until the cubes stop
stick together. Rinse under cold water to cool, or refrigerate in
Pour the lean pork cut into cubes with boiling water, stirring and

Pour the bacon into the minced meat and mix, add the chopped tongue,
mix. Then add chopped lean meat and

For sausage we use natural or artificial casing with a diameter of 65-120mm.
Stuffing by hand or with a sausage filler. The loaf should be tight with
minimum amount of air in minced meat.
The loaf is placed in the refrigerator for sediment for 4-6 hours.

After precipitation, the loaf is placed in water with a temperature of + 30-35g and kept for 40 minutes,
then we heat the water to + 40-45g and warm the loaf for another 40 minutes, and another 40 minutes at
temperature + 50-55gr.
Next, we cook the loaf in water with a temperature of + 78-85g for an artificial shell
or natural (for example, in a bung) and + 78-80g for collagen.
Cooking continues until reaching + 68-70g in the center of the loaf.

After cooking, the loaf is quickly cooled in cold water and then in the refrigerator.

A long loaf in a natural or collagen casing, after precipitation, you can warm up to
room temperature and then keep in a smokehouse at + 60-70g for half an hour
without smoke and half an hour with smoke. This will give the sausage
more pleasant aroma and taste.
After smoking, immediately boil in water with a temperature of + 78-80g

Made from minced meat, lard, salt and spices, molded into a shell according to a certain pattern and subjected to boiling and cooling. Intended for direct consumption, used as a snack. According to the quality of the raw materials, the recipe and the nature of the processing, they belong to the highest grade sausage products. The following items are produced: glazed, pressed, puff, Kharkiv, extra, tongue.

Distinctive features of stuffed sausage are: long loaves of large diameter (8-12 cm), the shell is light gray, under the shell there is a layer of lard 2-3 mm thick, inside the loaf there are various inclusions (minced meat wrapped with lard, tongue, blood mass, etc. ), forming a pattern in the cross section of the sausage, defined for each item; loaves are tied with thin twine on both sides every 5 cm. Stuffed sausages are made from pork, veal and beef in a chilled or cooled form, hard and semi-hard schnig, beef and veal tongues, blood, eggs, milk, butter, wheat flour 1- grade, salt, granulated sugar, saltpeter or nitrite, white, black and allspice pepper, nutmeg, pistachios and cloves. It is not allowed to use frozen meat, melange, strong salted fat and with a yellowish tint, as well as with signs of salting and rancidity. Prepared according to the technological scheme of boiled sausages (). The difference is that the loaves are not fried (with the exception of tongue and puff sausages); after cooking, puff, pressed and glazed sausages are pressed and cooled at the same time. The blind ends of beef bungs (caecum) are used as natural casings.

Herringbone glazed sausage

Herringbone glazed stuffed sausage has a layer of bacon under the shell, then a layer of minced tongue sausage 5 cm and again a layer of bacon 2-3 mm, in the center of the loaf there are herringbone bars of 4 mm in size and plates of blood mass (shredded pork skin boiled with defibrinated blood), 2 mm thick . The diameter of the loaves is 8-10 cm. The moisture content is not more than 40%.

Glazed chess stuffed sausage has a layer of lard under the casing, then a layer of minced tongue sausage (with a whole tongue) of 5 cm and a layer of lard 1 mm; in the center of the loaf are baton bars 10 mm long, 4 mm wide and plates of blood mass 2 mm thick, stacked in a checkerboard pattern. The diameter of the loaves is 8-10 cm. The moisture content is not more than 40%.

Pressed sausage

Pressed stuffed sausage has a layer of bacon under the shell, then a layer of minced tongue sausage (with a whole tongue) of 15-20 mm, under which successively alternating layers of blood mass 2 mm, minced meat 15-20 mm and tongue 5 mm; each layer is separated from the next by 1 mm shpig plates. Loaves with a diameter of 10-12 cm have two flat surfaces. The moisture content is not more than 40%.

puff sausage

Puff stuffed sausage contains a layer of schnig under the shell, then successively alternating layers: minced tongue sausage (with a whole tongue) of 15-20 mm, pork neck 5 mm, minced meat 10 mm, tongues 5 mm, then again a layer of minced meat 10 mm, pork neck 5 mm and minced meat again 10 mm. Each layer is separated from the next by 1 mm thick plates of bacon. Loaves with a diameter of 10-12 cm have two flat surfaces. The moisture content is not more than 40%.

Sausage Kharkov

Kharkov stuffed sausage contains a layer of lard under the shell, then minced meat in the form of four truncated cones, two opposite of them are egg-yellow in color - minced sausage extra (with whole tongue), the other two are red from minced tongue sausage (with a whole tongue); in the center of the loaf is placed a tongue wrapped with baton. The diameter of the loaves is 8-10 cm. The moisture content is not more than 50%.

Sausage "Extra" premium (with crumbled tongue)

Stuffed Sausage Extra with crumbled tongue contains a layer of lard under the shell, under which there is egg-yellow minced meat containing pieces of beef tongue, cut into 4 mm cubes. The color of minced meat is due to the fact that before salting the meat is pre-blanched, and when salting the meat, saltpeter or nitrites are not added. The diameter of the loaves is 10-12 cm. The moisture content is not more than 45%.

Sausage "Extra" premium (with whole tongue)

Stuffed sausage Extra with whole tongue has a layer of bacon under the shell, then a layer of egg-yellow minced meat; in the center of the loaf is placed a beef tongue wrapped with a semi-hard lard. The color of minced meat is light, because before salting, the meat is blanched, and when salting the meat, saltpeter and nitrites are not added. The diameter of the loaves is 12 cm. The moisture content is not more than 45%.

Sausage "Linguistic" premium (with crumbled tongue)

Tongue stuffed sausage with crumbled tongue has a layer of bacon under the casing, then a layer of minced meat containing pieces of hard bacon and beef tongue, cut into 4 mm cubes. The mince color is red. The diameter of the loaves is 10-12 cm. The moisture content is not more than 55%.

Sausage "Linguistic" of the highest grade (with a whole tongue)

Tongue stuffed sausage with a whole tongue, it has a layer of bacon under the shell, under which is minced meat with pieces of hard bacon, cut into 4 mm cubes; in the center of the loaf there is a beef tongue wrapped in a semi-hard lard; mince color is red. The diameter of the loaves is 10-12 cm. The moisture content is not more than 55%.

Assortment and recipe of stuffed sausages

The evaluation by organoleptic parameters was carried out according to the hundred-point system according to GOST 3324-46 “Boiled sausages”. The loaves had to be with a clean surface, without damage to the shell, without stains, slips and influxes of minced meat over the shell; up to 50 cm long. The consistency is dense, elastic. Minced meat is not crumbly, evenly mixed, containing pieces of lard in the form of cubes with a side of 4 mm, and for glazed - 5 mm. White bacon, not melted. The type of loaf on the cross section had to correspond to the pattern of the sausage of this name. Blanks were not allowed. Sausages were supposed to have a fragrant smell of spices; the taste is pleasant, moderately salty, without foreign taste and smell. Salt content (in%): for stuffed sausages extra and puff from 2 to 2.5; for tongue, Kharkiv, pressed and glazed from 2 to 3. The content of nitrite is not more than 20 mg per 100 g of product.

Stuffed sausages that received a total score of less than 81 points, as well as having the following defects, were not allowed to be sold: dirty, broken, unpeeled and not wrapped in paper loaves; burst shell, large influxes of minced meat over the shell; mold and mucus on the shell; slips longer than 10 cm; the presence of pieces of yellow lard more than 15% of the total amount of lard on the section; undercooked; gray spots on the cut; strongly melted fat and large edema of fat; exceeding the established norms of physical and chemical indicators.

Sampling for analyzes and laboratory research was carried out according to OST NK MMP 37 "Methods for the study of sausages." Stuffed sausages were packed in plank or plywood boxes with lids, net weight not exceeding 50 kg; sausages of the same name were placed in each box. Stored suspended in refrigerated chambers at a temperature not exceeding 4°C and a relative humidity of 75% for no more than 48 hours, and for Kharkiv and extra sausages - no more than 24 hours. In uncooled rooms at a temperature not exceeding 20 °, the shelf life is not more than 12 hours. Storage in a container is not allowed. In the implementation should come with a temperature inside the loaf is not lower than 0 ° and not higher than 15 °.


rel. with noun. sausage 1. associated with it

Peculiar to sausage [sausage 1.], characteristic of it.

Intended for cooking or selling sausages.

Large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is SAUSAGE in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • SAUSAGE in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    flask "sleepy, flask" sludge, flask "snoe, flask" slumbering, flask "sleepy, flask" sleepy, flask "sleepy", flask "sleepy, flask" sleepy, flask "sleepy, flask" sleepy, flask "sleepy, flask" sleepy, flask"snuyu, flask"snoe, flask"sleepy, flask"snoe, flask"sunny, flask"snoe, flask"sleepy, ...
  • SAUSAGE in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    adj. 1) Related by value. with noun: sausage (1), associated with it. 2) Peculiar to sausage (1), characteristic of it. 3) ...
  • SAUSAGE in the Spelling Dictionary.
  • SAUSAGE in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    sausage, sausage. App. to the sausage. Sausage factory. Sausage trade. Sausage poison (special) - a poison formed from contamination in canned meat, ...
  • SAUSAGE in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    sausage adj. 1) Related by value. with noun: sausage (1), associated with it. 2) Peculiar to sausage (1), characteristic of it. …
  • SAUSAGE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    adj. 1. ratio with noun. sausage 1., associated with it 2. Peculiar to sausage [sausage 1.], characteristic of it. 3. Designed…
    see Sausage ...
  • SAUSAGE POISON in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    ptomain (see), which is ready in the meat of sick animals or only subsequently formed, due to contamination of meat with bacteria; ptomain of spoiled liverwurst...
    ? see Sausage ...
  • SAUSAGE POISON in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    ? ptomain (see), which is ready in the meat of sick animals or only subsequently formed, due to contamination of meat with bacteria; ptomain of spoiled liverny ...
  • SMOKING AND SAUSAGE in the Dictionary of the Russian language Lopatin.
  • SMOKING AND SAUSAGE in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language.
  • SMOKING AND SAUSAGE in the Spelling Dictionary.
    (until 1934 - the village of Kaunchi), a city of regional subordination in the Tashkent region of the Uzbek SSR. Located on the right bank of Chirchik on the B. Uzbek …
  • CHEGDOMYN in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    urban-type settlement, center of the Verkhnebureinsky district of the Khabarovsk Territory of the RSFSR. Situated on the left bank of the river. Chegdomyn (Amur basin). The final point of the railway. …
  • MEAT PROCESSING PLANT in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    industrial enterprise for slaughtering and processing meat and other products into food and feed products, technical products, medical preparations. …