French d. A detailed overview of Hello Pal

French is one of the most beautiful languages ​​in the world. It is spoken by more than 220 million people - join them too! Learning a language can be difficult, but this article provides a quick overview of the methods by which you will learn French in no time!


Start learning

    Find out your type of perception of information. Are you visual, auditory or kinesthetic? This means how you remember better: by seeing the words, by hearing them, or, respectively, by associating actions and feelings with words.

    • If you've studied languages ​​before, remember how you learned them and see what works for you and what doesn't.
    • In most training courses, you will write a lot and talk little. Speaking the language and immersing yourself in it is extremely important and is an effective way to learn a language faster.
  1. Memorize 30 words and phrases every day. In 90 days you will know about 80% of the language. The most frequently used words make up the largest percentage of usage, so start by memorizing the most common words.

    Learn the structure of the language. Learn how verbs combine with nouns and with each other. What you learn at the beginning will make more sense as you become more proficient with the language. Always pay attention to the correct pronunciation.

    Immersion in the language environment

    1. Read and write in French. To become familiar with a language, you need to read and write in it. This will help you use the words you have already memorized and keep them in your memory.

      Listen to something in French. Play French music or your favorite film dubbed in French. Look for French movies, French TV shows and radio stations. Practice by repeating what you hear.

      Speak French. This is one of the most important aspects in learning French. You should speak the language, even if you feel uncomfortable because you don't know much. Everyone starts out like this, but over time you will improve.

      • Find a pen pal or skype a friend whose native language is French. There are many programs on the internet or at universities and language schools that can put you in touch with people who speak French.
      • Don't be discouraged by criticism of your pronunciation. Instead, thank the critic and work on improvement.
      • Speak out loud in French when you are alone. Tell what you are doing. If you wash dishes or drive a car, talk about it. Pay attention to your intonation and pronunciation.
    2. Practice, practice, practice. Without practicing what you have learned, you will not get very far. Even a quick language learning takes a certain amount of time. If you work hard and practice what you have learned, there is no doubt that you will learn French well!

    Learn useful phrases

    • Some people are naturally good at language, and some are not. Don't use this as an excuse.
    • After expanding your vocabulary, start translating things that you encounter in everyday life. For example, after listening to a song in your native language, try translating it into French. The same can be said for menus, road signs, and even casual conversations. You will probably find it tedious, but the language can only be learned with practice. Sometimes, speaking something in your native language, you will find yourself thinking that you do not know the translation of a particular word into French. In such cases, look into the dictionary so as not to lose skills and not forget the language.
    • Speak French to yourself. Don't forget to laugh at mistakes - it helps.
    • Try to speak French when no one can hear you. If you're not sure about a phrase, double-check it in a dictionary. There are many translation applications on the Internet - look for the right one for yourself. Don't be afraid to make mistakes; mistakes are part of the learning process.

Learning languages ​​is a rather complicated procedure that requires patience and a lot of work. Today, there are many methods on how to learn French, which is quite popular in all European countries.

Today, many learn French in France, which gives very good results. You can get acquainted with such programs on various specialized sites.

First stage

To learn French from scratch, experts recommend following several consistent recommendations:

  1. First of all, you should decide how you best perceive information. For example, some people can quickly memorize words by ear, while others still need to see them. This is very important, because the speed of learning depends on it.
  2. Start learning from the basics. To do this, it is better to learn how individual letters and syllables sound. This will allow you to learn how to read correctly, which is very important for this language. In the initial stages, practice for 15-20 minutes several times a week. Then this interval should be brought to 1-2 hours minimum.

We continue learning

When you have dealt with the basics, you can proceed to more complex material. The algorithm for studying it consists of the following sequence of actions:

  • Learn grammar. It is important to understand not only how words are spelled, but also how to put them into sentences correctly. Start with the simplest, where you will not need to create complex forms. Move on to tenses and other rules in sequence. Do not try to study everything at once, as you will simply get confused.
  • When you already know quite a lot, you can start improving. To do this, watch films in French, as this will allow you to develop speech correctly. You should also start with the simplest stories, which are complemented by translation. Thus, you will not only perceive speech, but also memorize new words and phrases.
  • Use the Internet, where many video and audio French lessons are posted. It is important to choose the best method for yourself that will help you.
  • After each completed lesson or topic, try to consolidate it by writing your own sentences or texts. It is important to constantly repeat what you have learned much earlier.

Learning French is a complex procedure that requires patience and perseverance. This is the only way to get high-quality and fast results.

This material was sent to us by our regular reader Sanzhar Surshanov (his twitter @SanzharS), who shared very interesting ways to learn a new language for you.

Since the beginning of this year, I started learning French. I do this with the help of English, since I began to speak English confidently, I can say that I found the key to numerous Internet resources.

Below I want to list and describe how I learn French:

1. Duolingo

The site was founded by the creators of CAPTCHA and RECAPTCHA, students of Carnegie Mellon University. By the way, every time you enter recaptcha, you help digitize thousands of old books. The main idea is for people to simultaneously learn languages ​​and translate the Internet into different languages.

All material is divided into different categories.

After you finish the exercises, you will be given real material taken from the Internet for translation. At first, simple sentences, as you learn more and more complex. By translating sentences you strengthen your knowledge and help translate web pages. You can also look at the translations of other users.

The exercises include text translation, speaking, listening. As such, there is no emphasis on grammar.

In addition to French, you can learn Spanish, German, English, Italian and Portuguese.

Audio lessons go like this: 2 students come to him who do not know French. It turns out that you become the 3rd student. Michelle talks to the students and that's how they learn the language. He explains the difference between English and French, first talks about new words, then asks to translate from English into French.

The main difference and rule of the Michel method is no need to try to memorize words, phrases, etc.

I don’t know how to explain, but after the first lesson, on an intuitive level, you yourself begin to guess how it will be in the language you are learning.

I personally really like this method.


I use the memrise website to build up my vocabulary.

On the site you can find a lot of different courses, you can even learn Morse code. I'm learning - Hacking French.

By learning new words, you "grow flowers." Planting seeds, watering, etc.

The main feature is that you create memes for unfamiliar words and associate with the English language. I did not create memes myself, I use the creations of other users.

You grow flowers like this: at the beginning, memorize the meaning of words, then repeat them repeatedly. Click on the correct answer, write the translation yourself, listening to the phrase, choose the correct answer from the list. This ends the first part.

After 4-5 hours, you will receive a notification by email that you need to repeat the course. Repeat the above, if you make a mistake in the translation, the word goes to repeat. That's pretty much how it all happens.

4. News in slow french

Thanks to twitter, just recently I found a link to another wonderful resource.