How to love yourself step by step. Have personal boundaries: what you accept in people and what you don't

In today's article, we will reflect on what self-esteem is, how to increase it, and how to love yourself. Modern society requires different skills and abilities from beautiful ladies. In order to become successful and interesting, a woman needs stamina, confidence and determination.
A successful woman, who is she? Often a woman in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, in endless monotonous work, forgets that she needs to love, respect and pamper herself.

Low self-esteem, combined with criticism from outside, deprives a woman of the opportunity to love herself and makes her stay in constant emotional distress and depression. Under the influence of the opinions of others, every day a woman lowers herself to the level of the plinth. Constant criticism, the desire to be good and please everyone injure and deprive of moral strength. You need to remember one simple rule: if you stand in the center of the circle, then in any case you will turn your back on someone. It follows from this that there will always be those who are dissatisfied with you.

It is important to be able to perceive criticism and use it to your advantage. If the information is unnecessary, it is easier to treat and just filter it out. Frequent pressure and manipulation of people, sometimes even close ones, affect the attitude towards oneself. If a difficult period comes in your life and you have lost yourself, use the psychologist's advice given in the article on how to love yourself.

How to love yourself and increase self-esteem

If you want to increase your self-esteem, learn to love yourself and everyone around you. Love is the foundation of everything. You need to find something in yourself for which you can undoubtedly love yourself. You have a lot of positive qualities that require your positive evaluation.

Remember not to depend on someone else's love and approval. It is important, relying on your spine, to move yourself, support, improve, love and pamper. The main advice of a psychologist in this matter is self-respect. Do not allow any circumstances from the past or present to lower yourself to the level of the plinth, to deprive you of strength and peace of mind. You yourself must believe in yourself, because no one can do it for you.

So, this article will look at some popular tips from psychologists that are designed to help women and men love themselves and increase self-esteem.

  • First of all, it is important to be able to correctly evaluate your actions and opportunities and be able to praise yourself. As the old, kind proverb says: “If you don’t praise yourself, no one will praise you.”
  • It is important not to succumb to outside pressure. The opinion of the people, of course, is important. But you need to use it correctly. It is necessary to transform it through the prism of one's own views, but at the same time not be selfish and be polite.
  • The ability to say “No” is of special importance. Constant dependability often harms us, as we do what we do not want to. We completely forget about our desires, hence depression, lifelessness and loss of strength arise. Sometimes at such stages there is a severe prolonged depression, a lack of meaning in life. It's important to do what you love! Regardless of age, regardless of what people say. If it does not harm others, if it makes you feel good, then it is undoubtedly necessary to do what you have planned.
  • Take a closer look at yourself, love everything in yourself: good, bad, it doesn’t matter. It is you! You are unique, special, you deserve happiness, you deserve respect. You are worthy! Always remind yourself of this. You can't disrespect yourself. Lack of self-love is destruction for you as a woman.

Remember that without loving yourself, without appreciating yourself, no one can love you. A woman who believes in herself, loves herself - she shines, she delights, she attracts the eye. It's every woman's prerogative to look good and carry herself. If you forgot about it, we remind you. There are no ugly women - there are insecure ones. Love yourself, love life and everything will work out!

How to be a confident woman

Women's psychology is incredibly complex. Women are incredibly sensitive by nature. Every circumstance that occurs in her life is taken with all seriousness and affects all the strings of the soul.

Often, problems internal and coming from outside, unsettle her and disharmonize.
Pressure and criticism of others, indifference to one's own desires, introspection, self-pity, leave a heavy imprint in the form of complete self-doubt, isolation and apathy. What to do in this case? How to make yourself love yourself?

  1. Stop feeling sorry for yourself
  2. Value
  3. Respect
  4. Be in love
  5. Accept yourself for who you are
  6. Toil us by ourselves
  7. improve
  8. be feminine
  9. Be purposeful
  10. Be in harmony with yourself

Often a difficult childhood, isolation and unsuccessful relationships affect the behavior of a man. Undoubtedly, character is formed in childhood, but nothing is impossible for change and improvement.

In the modern world, there has been a certain turn, and often, under the influence of various factors, you can see a weak man and a strong woman. We must not forget that a man by nature is a breadwinner, and the presence of feminine qualities, such as: weakness, resentment, despondency, capriciousness and emotionality, make a man weak, effeminate and unsure of himself. A man by nature symbolizes support, endurance and perseverance.

The main recommendations for a man are self-confidence, in their strengths and capabilities. Remember that you must be purposeful, courageous, persistent and hardworking. There is no limit to improvement: play sports, find a good job, love! Undoubtedly, a woman who loves him and who believes in him helps to increase a man's self-esteem. Love, fidelity and care give a man more strength and meaning.

How to love yourself and become a confident person or your success diary

How to become a confident person and succeed in life? This question is asked by many people every day. Belief in yourself is the foundation. This is where the path to success begins. As they say: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step", so do not be afraid to act, believe in your strengths and capabilities. The eternal fear of failure often prevents us from taking action and hinders our path to success.

It must be remembered that a person by nature is used to making mistakes, but through these mistakes, experience, conclusions and knowledge are accumulated. Psychologists recommend envy a special success diary, where you will help to describe your small successes every day, thereby giving yourself confidence.

This method makes it possible to assess your capabilities and understand what else you should strive for.
To achieve success in life and realize your plans, first of all, you need love for yourself and faith in your abilities.

How to make a man love himself? We all come from childhood, and if, under certain circumstances, we did not receive something in childhood or experienced some severe shocks, then this is a heavy burden on our character. Dissatisfaction, fears, uncertainty - all this prevents us from moving forward, developing and reaching heights.

If you want to help your man, then first of all, you need to make it clear to him that he is a Man, that he is a support. It is necessary to remind him daily that he is significant, loved and desired. It is necessary to show your feminine weakness, thereby enabling a man to feel his strength.

How to love yourself? Often this question is asked by people at consultations with a psychologist. After all, often in life you can hear the saying: "love yourself and your life will improve." Many individuals are absolutely not clear what kind of action this slogan calls for. So many people on this occasion think that to love yourself is to admire your own personality and rank your actions as the most correct. In fact, this is the behavior of spoiled individuals who often come to psychologists and complain about their unfortunate fate: loneliness, the bad attitude of other people towards them and their dislike. And the reason for everything is the inability to put your needs and desires below the interests of others, because who wants to endure absolute egoists next to them. But on the other hand, there are people who live by the principle "I am the last letter in the alphabet." Such individuals first think about others, and only then about themselves. Often there is no time, energy, or strength left for yourself. Such people are also very unhappy. And if selfish individuals only notice their ideal image, considering themselves the most intelligent, talented, kind, beautiful and best, and other people to blame for all their troubles, then in the second case, opposite beliefs about themselves prevail: I am stupid, unworthy, ugly, etc. .d.

So how do you love yourself? This simple expression has various meanings. To love yourself is to be able to take care of yourself and your needs, it is to internally accept your body, character, appearance, be able to defend your interests and rights, the ability to realize your desires and find a mutually beneficial compromise with family and friends.

How to love yourself and It is very easy to give advice, it is even more difficult to put it into practice, but psychologists do not recommend despair, but offer methods that will help you love yourself and raise self-esteem. First you need to check the level of personal self-esteem. To do this, draw a vertical line on a blank sheet of paper, then put a point on this line where the person considers it necessary, but first imagining himself as this point. If the point is placed on the line below the average level, then the individual does not like himself very much. If it is above the middle of the line, then the person adores himself. The most optimal option is a point placed in the middle of the line, since in this case the individual treats himself adequately.

If the result of this test is not very encouraging, then you should move on to exercises to raise self-esteem. The main thing that is needed in this matter is patience.

Exercise number 1 - playing sports. Work on the body, physical activity will raise self-esteem quite high.

Exercise number 2 - passing by the mirror, compliment yourself.

Exercise number 3 - always find something good in yourself and focus on it.

To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper, divide it into two parts and in the first part write all your positive qualities, and in the second write those qualities that you would like to change in yourself. Further in the list, it is required to cross out each word with negative qualities, then cutting off this part of the sheet, and tearing it into small pieces, release it into the wind or burn it.

The next step is to memorize the remaining text and, repeating it regularly to yourself every day with the wording "I - ...". Then you should make it a rule to add one new positive quality to this list every three days.

Exercise number 4 - comparison.

It is performed every evening, tracking the positive dynamics. It is necessary to compare yourself not with other people, but begin to compare yourself with yourself, as you were yesterday, noticing everything in yourself, the good that you managed to do over the past day, even if these are minor trifles. Be sure to praise yourself and monitor the dynamics of the process.

Exercise number 5 - replacing the negative with a positive, is performed in stages.

Stage 1. Creating a positive self image. You need to present an image of yourself. To do this, you should think about your holistic image, demonstrating not only appearance, but also character.

Stage 2. Change of mood. Everything that appears negative in a personal image should be changed and these elements presented for oneself in a favorable light. For example, if a person sees himself as slow and difficult to start a new business, and also tends to put things off until later, then this same trait can protect him from impulsive behavior and allows him to weigh everything more carefully before taking action.

How to love yourself and accept who you really are? Psychologists advise to be guided by the principle that personal failures are actually successes, just a person looks at them from the wrong angle.

It is also very important to present a whole and complete image of oneself as a person sees himself at the moment of achieving the desired goal.

Stage 3. Movie viewing. Where am I - the image becomes a bright, attractive, voluminous, colorful, large and intimate film about your personality. This movie should be played in your head.

Stage 4. Feeling comparison. You need to ask yourself what changes I feel when comparing the new created self - the image with the one that was presented at the very beginning of the exercises. What is it for? Self-esteem strongly depends on the content and form of the self-image. Self-esteem rises when the I-image acquires positive content and takes on an intense form. How to do it? A person should always remember that there will definitely be people in the world who need him with all his advantages and disadvantages and who love him for what he is.

Therefore, in your practice to increase self-esteem, you should use exercises that contain certain positive attitudes that inspire the individual on their own. The best advice for gaining success, confidence and self-esteem is constant training. Even tiny successes can instill confidence in a person, and give him an understanding that he is doing well and moving in the right direction. It must always be remembered that in life the most important person is he himself and only his opinion is important. Therefore, it is necessary to accept yourself, love your individuality and try to enjoy every moment you live.

How to love yourself? Psychologists advise, first of all, to take care of yourself. What does it mean? Serve your body on your own, support yourself reassuringly in case of failure and not engage in self-flagellation. For example, “yes, I made a mistake, but I will try to avoid such mistakes in the future.” It is necessary to listen to personal needs, your own desires, attitudes, requirements, recognize your emotions and feelings, and also listen to your own body. The ability to take care of yourself is often a complex process, and doing it yourself can be quite difficult, because for years people do not hear themselves and repress their thoughts and needs. Relationships with oneself seem at first glance an incomprehensible thing, but the better they develop, the more chances a person has to succeed in everything.

People have illusions that they live and build relationships with husbands, wives, lovers, colleagues, friends, but in fact the individual lives with himself: “I was born”, “I divorced” and they build relationships with themselves. For many, this turns out badly, because there is no love for oneself, and communication with others directly depends on the attitude towards oneself. If a person is not satisfied with a marriage partner, then you can divorce him. If the boss is not satisfied, then you can change jobs or try to be less visible to him, but if the individual is not satisfied with his personality, from which he cannot “leave”, then serious problems begin here. Yes, and you do not need to run away from yourself, you need to help yourself.

You should learn to build relationships with yourself in the same way as with another person. And there is such an opportunity to build other relationships with yourself, more productive and comfortable. So how do you love yourself? It is necessary to start with the fact that there will be no other self, and with the person who is seen in the mirror, you will have to spend a fairly large number of years. The almighty and infinite universe can give a person whatever he wants, but why then are many people unhappy. The main cause of the problems of all people are limiting beliefs, deeply embedded in the human consciousness and taking even deeper roots in the subconscious. For example: “I’m not beautiful”, “I’m not loved and understood”, “I’m not lucky”, “I myself am to blame for everything”. All these negative attitudes are laid down in a person from childhood and turn into barriers and obstacles on the path to happiness. Therefore, it is necessary to change the attitude towards oneself through the liberation from the burden of the past and the removal of a constant feeling of guilt. It is necessary to remember everything that was bad that was said about you, put it all in one "basket" - and mentally "throw away" it, thus freeing yourself from the burden of the past, since someone's opinion is just someone else's opinion.

It is important not to forget about your unique personality, its merits. A person's life will then change when he realizes that he is unique, that there are no other such personalities, and the thought that he is worse or better is a world of only his own ideas. Therefore, most people who are ideal in our personal view become the most beautiful for us, although they are not at all. So, if a person has a desire to be sociable, happy, to feel attractive, you need to act exactly as if it already exists and all this is available in this moment. Each person can start right now his own reassessment of personality: give himself a “plus”, find positive qualities in himself, praise himself for certain actions and immediately the world will spin around him, because he began to love himself.

To love yourself means to be able to come to inner harmony in the soul. One can cite signs that testify to a clear lack of love for one's humble person. For example, guilt for no reason, thoughts about the imperfection of your body, inability to accept compliments, frequent recollection of past failures. All these points indicate that a person needs to be corrected with positive emotions and then the world will shine with bright colors, the reflection in the mirror will become more pleasant, and life will be much easier!

How to learn to love yourself - no one is perfect

If you turn around, look closely, everything will become clear. It's time to come to terms with shortcomings, talk with a hated reflection in the mirror, stop complexing about appearance, because sports, cosmetics have not yet corrected it, the main thing here is desire and correct introspection!

How to learn to love yourself - fun

To disperse the life boredom that has gathered over your head. But for this you need to understand why it appears. That fault: emotional satiety or lack of purpose. Satiation requires changing the main activity (work) and entertainment, and setting a goal through the discovery of an interesting hobby. Bad mood gives rise to depression, which is not conducive to self-esteem. There are a lot of options: team sports games, watching movies in the cinema, traveling!

How to learn to love yourself - generosity

Replace greed with generosity. Money stinginess leads to the rejection of entertainment, saving on necessary things, buying low-quality products. In society, a mean person is ridiculed and not accepted. How to overcome greed: opposites - buy what you want, increase overall living expenses, do not save on cafeterias, spend money more often for the soul.

How to learn to love yourself - trust

Overcome jealousy of a loved one! Love is a wonderful feeling, which is sometimes overshadowed by unreasonable jealousy. Essential concepts: the second half is not property, and insecurity in a relationship is a manifestation of self-doubt, low self-esteem. As a result, work always begins individually.

How to learn to love yourself - mistakes of the past

This paragraph means to forgive all your mistakes, wrong deeds, devouring from the inside, to which a person constantly returns and remembers, thinks how it was possible to change the situation. Make the right conclusions and part with the burden, because all people make mistakes. But when it just doesn’t work out that way, there is guilt before a specific person, they try to ask for forgiveness, if the situation requires.

How to learn to love yourself - passion for sports

It has long been proven that sports increase self-esteem, and also act instead of a psychologist. This is an excellent tool to restore physical fitness, if strength and harmony are long in the past. After training, the mood improves, pleasant fatigue appears. Movement is necessary for every person, it improves stress resistance, which helps with low self-esteem, when the soul is shaken.

How to learn to love yourself - gifts

Enjoy forbidden cakes, buy good books, finally allow yourself to be taken home, if the gentleman suggests itself, stay late at the festivities. Also reciprocate life's gifts - give at least smiles in return!

How to learn to love yourself - praise

Moderate criticism takes place, but not hypnotic self-flagellation. It is important to love yourself and try to mentally praise yourself for the simplest actions. For example, waking up for work earlier than usual, taking out the trash without waiting for the end of the week. For praise, you do not need to pretend and praise only for real work done by yourself. In favor, do not overdo it, for everything should be in moderation. Strong feelings for reflection in the mirror is already narcissism.

Harmony with the planet is an absolute indicator of the desire to strive for life, to be an active person, to think positively. Everything is always good, here and now - to repeat every time something wrong happened. After all, problems are solved only with positive sources of thinking. Negative mood closes sincere contact with the outside world, and this is a reflection of oneself. Change will come if you put in the effort!

Popular psychology says that all you need to be successful is to love yourself. Like, do not expect sympathy from others if you yourself do not send joyful kisses to the reflection in the morning. A stream of inspirational quotes from Miranda Kerr's Instagram certainly sounds compelling. But what to do if the shape of your ears does not leave the slightest chance to experience an ardent feeling for yourself? Even when I turn to the mirror with the winning side (three-quarters) and look bold and defiant, Miranda Kerr is not visible. But there are vague associations with my aunt on my father's side. She, by the way, is paralyzed on the left side of her face.

Narcissistic symbolism

First advice: no criticism, only kind words addressed to you. Even if you ate brisket
after eight. But when I try to slap on myself the phrase “I am the most charming and attractive”, instead of the desired happiness, I feel only annoyance. “It is not surprising,” Oksana Timofeeva, a psychotherapist and coach, encouraged, “affirmations bring us closer to a hypnotic state, but do not affect unconscious processes. In other words, positive phrases will help to strengthen self-confidence a little, but will not solve a deeper problem. There is another, intricate way to be kind to yourself without these hypnosis tricks. “Be grateful for everything you have, and there will be more happiness in life,” advises Rhonda Byrne, author of the book Magic, in an article on the site with a flying Buddha. I immediately realized that this is not the best method to increase breasts, but I must try! Thank you, world, for sending me such willpower! And for the cat, by the way, too. The next day, something really arrived - cat hair on the carpet. Although after a couple of days I noticed that close attention to positive little things still cheers me up. Not too bad for a start.

To come to inner harmony, ask yourself: “What do I really want? What am I when I don't have to pretend? Does other people's opinion really matter?

Children's surprise

Another expert, psychologist and writer Ken Page, advises: identify the traits that you were ashamed of as a child and that you are ashamed of now, realize that they are the basis of your personality, and develop them. "What? Start biting your nails again? I wonder, but Ken seems to be hinting at charisma. He believes that we impress other people not by our appearance or behavior, but by our attitude towards ourselves and the world. Do you want to become a bundle of positivity? Dig out from the depths of your soul the real you, not clogged with parents, men, boss. Over lunch in a cafe, it occurred to me that childish spontaneity is an important part of my personality. I made a catapult out of a spoon and sent the beans to visit at the next table. It is a pity that the neighbor did not notice my acting charisma, and in general did not approve of the psychological recipe.

But I didn't give up. Moreover, Margaret Paul, psychologist and author of the book “Internal Communication”, also addresses the convenient topic of childhood: “Imagine that you are a baby and treat yourself like a child: listen carefully, immediately fulfill all his desires, remind him how he important to you
do not skimp on affection. My first need was to lie on the couch with ice cream. “Then you won’t get sweets for dinner!” I severely shook my finger at myself, but immediately corrected myself: “Ay-ay, who has such beautiful hands here?” The cat looked at me suspiciously. From now on, I decided to be more careful about showing my inner adult and child, and thanks to this, it turned out that when you pay attention to all your barely audible “I want” and “I won’t”, you feel a little more harmonious.

Charismatic Feeling

After a couple of weeks, the reflection in the mirror began to wink at me in the morning. Probably, the habit of thanking the cat for the torn sofa and not scolding little Inna for wanting to sleep until eleven had an effect. Or is it that the connection between our self-confidence and external attractiveness does not exist at all? This conclusion was reached about 20 years ago by researchers Edward Diener and Brian Volsik. Their experiment showed that even beautiful people sometimes consider themselves ugly ducklings, and those whom nature has not endowed with cuteness can feel like sex bombs.

But then why do we think of ourselves in this way and not otherwise? Experts believe that it's all about our habit of looking at others. From childhood, we believe everything our parents say and no longer question judgments about our appearance or character. But cognitive psychologist Oksana Fadeeva disagrees: “An adult differs from a child in that he can independently form ideas about himself. To do this, evaluate how useful each belief is for you, whether it helps you become better. If not, you don't have to accept it." Probably, psychologists do not eat their bread in vain. And let me still not
I dance with happiness in front of the mirror, yet I learn to forgive myself for minor weaknesses, not the most successful remarks on a date and that dance at a corporate party. After all, there is no other such Inna in the Universe.

You don't love yourself if:

  • You criticize your own appearance. You never get tired of scolding the reflection in the mirror even for minor flaws.
  • You constantly compare yourself to others. This is normal, but personal success should not seem unimportant "in the background."
  • Putting others first: "Julia is more beautiful", "Yura is smarter."
  • It's hard for you to express your opinion. Do you suffer from the little man syndrome? Bad sign.
  • You make decisions based on the wishes of others. You ignore interests, thinking about the benefits not for yourself, but for your parents, men, children, girlfriends.

How to learn to love yourself:

    Embrace your negative traits. Nobody is perfect, but everyone has the right to be themselves. For this we are born into the world.

    Don't twist. Don't take sadness to heart. What matters is not what happens, but how you feel about it.

    Develop patience. Healthy Zen doesn't hurt. Do not trade for irritation, save energy for joy.

    Love yourself now, not in the future. You can wait forever for the moment when you lose weight / become a star / boss. Don't live on a draft.

    Do not blame yourself. If you did wrong, take it as an experience.

How to love yourself - advice from a psychologist. 3 easy steps. Why is it important to love yourself? How to cultivate self-love - where to start? Is self-love selfish or not? How to distinguish inner fullness from selfishness? How to learn to love yourself? The article contains answers to these questions.

The simplest explanation for why it is important to love yourself lies on the surface. If a person is not filled internally, if he is empty, then he cannot share his warmth, care, emotions with others. Then everything moves along the chain: you don’t give anything, respectively, you don’t receive anything from others.

It is often said: “What you radiate is what you receive!”

This is especially important for us girls. After all, a girl, a woman in the modern world has many roles: beloved, mother, daughter, wife, talented designer or economist - at work, talented cook, interior designer, organizer of leisure and travel, educator - at home and many other roles.

Each role requires a lot of strength and inspiration. It is important to be able to take care of yourself, love yourself, so that later, from your state of inner harmony and fullness, you can give your warmth and energy to your loved one, children, parents, and everyone around you. Here is the answer to the question of how to make a loved one love ... first fill yourself, then give warmth and love to him, and only then receive love and attention from him ...

So, it is important to love yourself in order to love others.

Is self-love selfish or not?

Indeed, in reality it is difficult to distinguish selfish love for oneself from the desire for inner harmony, from the desire to be in harmony with oneself. Where is the line between selfishness and "correct" self-love? The answer is very simple.

Self-love has two extremes: when you only take (demand) without giving anything in return - this is selfishness. When you only give, it is a lack of self-love (often due to low self-esteem).

1. When you constantly only give, it is difficult for you to receive.. In this case, you have a low rate of self-love, a very low self-esteem. For example:

  • You have a hard time accepting compliments. They say to you: “What a beautiful hairstyle you have today!”, And you blurt out without hesitation: “No, I just washed my hair today!” or “What a beautiful new dress you have!”, and you: “No, it’s old, I just didn’t wear it to work!”. Do you recognize yourself?
  • You are terribly embarrassed to accept expensive gifts or invitations to an expensive restaurant.
  • You forcefully do something difficult for the other person, hoping that he will notice it and thank you. But without this sacrifice, you yourself do not dare to ask for a favor. For example, you work hard at work to be noticed and promoted, but you yourself will never dare to ask for a promotion.

2. When is theyou take more than you give (and often demand, manipulate), it speaks of selfishness (this is the other extreme of self-love).

So, selfishness and lack of self-love- these are two poles, two negative extremes of attitude towards oneself. And the truth, as always, lies in the middle. The secret to a normal and healthy relationship with yourself is in a sense of balance. It is important to respect your own interests, and the interests and feelings of your soul mate (and all those around you).

How to learn to love yourself and be loved?

What does it mean to love yourself and how to do it? What is self love? How to learn to love yourself? It's actually very easy to do this. The main thing is to give yourself the word to change and, of course, work hard for this.

Here are a few steps to follow.

Step 1. You need to become more confident in yourself.

Many women dissolve in their husbands, children, their interests become the purpose of their lives. You need to find yourself, increase your self-esteem. Here are articles to help you with this task:

You will be surprised how much there is interesting and unknown in the world, you will find your hobby, discover your talents, virtues and positive traits, start traveling, learning languages, drawing, dancing.

Step #2. You need to learn how to support yourself in difficult situations.

For example, the French women serve "their own secret garden" for this purpose. To learn how to constantly support yourself, especially in difficult times, you need exercises and practice. Highly recommended to all my readers 2-week online workshop "I love myself!" Pavel Kochkin.

Pavel Kochkin has not just trainings, but workshops (practical trainings). They are amazingly interesting, because in addition to the fact that Pavel is a successful person, a business owner, a coach, a psychologist with diplomas from the Harvard Business School, the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, Executive MBA GUU, he is a real family man, a loving husband and father. This permeates all practices.

I went through this training on how to love yourself, and was delighted with it. I did not expect how much I am a prisoner of stereotypes and how far I am from ... self-love! At the training, among other things, you will learn practices with which you can support yourself in difficult situations.

Have you noticed how you feel a sense of shame for sitting on the couch for an hour with an interesting book. You are ashamed that you devote time to yourself, and do not stand at the stove. It takes practice to change it.. Here is a link to all other practical trainings by Pavel Kochkin, among them the training “Married to a millionaire. 1st step?!

Step #3 You need to become more active and energetic and then the mood will improve much.

For this you need go to bed early and wake up early, be sure to do physical exercises - only physical activity removes adrenaline from the human body. We get adrenaline under the influence of constant stress at work and at home. If you can’t do exercises in the morning and go to the gym, then you need to start walking (completely abandon the elevator and go 2-3 stops before work and walk). In total, you need to walk at least 3-5 km a day. Cheerful well-being is the key to a good mood, stable self-esteem. It is difficult to have self-confidence if there is not enough energy for ordinary things.


I hope the article “How to love yourself - advice from a psychologist. 3 Easy Steps will help you understand that self-love is not selfishness. And even vice versa. Loving yourself means fulfilling yourself. And having filled yourself, start giving more to others! Learn from French women to take time for yourself, learn to enjoy self-care, start journaling, find your purpose, discover your hidden talents, find your hobby, start learning languages. Life is so beautiful, it is just beginning and no matter how old you are 20 or 60!

Look right here on the blog video from Pavel Kochkin, What are the reasons that someone is a genius, and someone is mediocre, and how to find your destiny?

I wish you all happiness and love!