How to tidy up your life. Organize your home once and for all: how to get rid of chronic clutter, organize space and start a new life

Have you ever seen a fish swimming in dirty water? She looks dull, she has little energy, and she barely moves her fins, as if they were iron fetters. Swap dirty water for clean water and everything changes. The fish will come to life, become cheerful and active, and its scales will be bright.

Our thoughts and beliefs are like water. Negative life experience forms false beliefs, darkens thoughts and deprives vital energy. We begin to doubt our abilities, get stuck in unproductive relationships, and don't allow our full potential to develop.

However, people, unlike fish, can change their "water" themselves. Many become slaves to their thoughts and are not even aware that they can control what and how they think. They make no effort to change their way of thinking because they are afraid or feel they do not deserve to live in clean water.

The truth is that you can clean your aquarium. You wake up and plan your day. Smile and be positive. Invest in healthy relationships. Surround yourself with positive people. Notice happy moments. Create something. You can change your life by changing your attitude towards it.

Everything starts with thoughts and ends with them. What you think about yourself determines your reality. These three ways will help you purify your "water".

1. Determine what kind of energy you are filled with, positive or negative

If you are dominated by negative energy, you hold on to relationships that have run out of steam, cultivate your bad habits and unhealthy behaviors, sleep poorly, and constantly evaluate yourself. You worry over trifles, eat unhealthy food, quarrel, resist, swear, get angry and perceive life as a punishment.

If you are full of positive energy, you create, build and invest in yourself and the people who matter to you. You set healthy limits, listen to yourself, speak your mind freely and calmly, and daydream. You don't judge yourself or others, you don't label and you don't feel fear.

You lead an active lifestyle, watch your diet, drink plenty of water, and have no problems sleeping. You know how to sincerely love and are able to forgive.

2. Become aware of the false beliefs that are shaping your life.

None of us grew up without suffering. Suffering was different: physical, moral, sexual and emotional. Someone forever remembered how he was locked in a closet, someone remembers his first unhappy love, and someone remembers the death of a loved one or the divorce of his parents. What you saw and felt, and how others treated you, largely determines your life and forms false stereotypes.

An effective way to understand which beliefs are false and which are not is to ask yourself what you are afraid of.

False beliefs: I will never be happy. I am a worthless person. I won't be successful. I never get anything. I am a victim. I am a weak person. If I don't become rich, no one will love me. I am a bad husband, father, son, etc. These and other negative thoughts define our lives, lower our self-esteem and block abilities and desires.

Now imagine what your life could be like without these thoughts. Who would you like to be friends with? Who would be invited on a date? What profession would you choose? What would you do in your free time?

3. Don't give in to false beliefs. Do what they won't let you do

An effective way to understand which beliefs are false and which are not is to ask yourself what you are afraid of and why.

You want to get tattoos all over your body, ride a motorcycle and play drums in a rock band. But you are afraid to upset your father, so you chose the profession of an accountant, married a decent girl and drink beer in front of the TV in the evenings. You do this because you are convinced that a good son cannot be a rocker. This is a false belief.

Try to give your definition of a good son. What should it be? And you will understand that a good relationship with your father is not connected with tattoos and a motorcycle. Now start living your life: reconnect with fellow musicians, get a tattoo and buy a motorcycle. Only in this way will you purify your “water” and feel free and happy.

Order in life is the key to success and opens up many perspectives for people. With the help of simple but effective tips, everyone can cope with difficulties and gain well-being.

Putting things in order in life helps not only to understand your purpose, but also to get rid of doubts. Site site experts recommend using time-tested methods designed to change people's lives for the better step by step. Thanks to these actions, everyone will be able to leave behind anxiety and timidity, as well as achieve their goals.

1. In the morning, you need to make a to-do list, highlighting the three most important ones that are done first. Thus, a lot of time is saved. Before you start, you need to clean up the workplace so that unnecessary items do not distract from business. After the work is completed, it is important to thank yourself for the work. Such an exercise helps to believe in oneself and increases self-esteem.

2. A clean workplace helps to put things in order within oneself. Every time you need to remove unnecessary things from it so that they do not clutter up the work area. Also on the table is to keep a talisman that attracts well-being. His positive energy will save you from minor troubles.

3. Every day you need to answer business letters, messages and calls in the first place, without being distracted by viewing pictures and scrolling through news feeds. Accustoming yourself to a clear schedule helps to reduce work time and do much more.

4. It is important to start the morning not with haste and preparations, but with a little gymnastics, a contrast shower or jogging. Keeping the body in good shape eliminates extraneous thoughts, helps to quickly wake up and feel a surge of strength.

5. Taking care of your finances will help you get your life in order. Shopping lists, as well as lunar calendar tips, will help you get rid of unnecessary expenses. They reflect the most when you can safely purchase the necessary things without the risk of encountering fraud or low-quality goods.

6. Order in life begins with order in the house. Every day you need to carefully inspect your home and, as necessary, throw away unnecessary things. Old, broken, torn and worn-out interior items, clothes and shoes become a source of heavy energy. Getting rid of garbage makes you feel much better and not get used to hoarding.

7. Communication with people can also cause confusion in life. It is important to set limits that will help you avoid aggression and irritation, as well as reduce or stop contact with toxic people. In addition, you need to adhere to the laws of the universe, which will help protect yourself from manipulators.

8. Every day you need to set aside time for your favorite activities, hobbies or just relaxing. Even during the work process, pauses are necessary, which need to be filled not with small deeds or sad thoughts, but with what pleases and cheers up.

Bring order to life allow daily meditation. Their implementation will help to delve into oneself, find answers to complex questions, and also attract well-being to life .. Opening the chakras, achieving harmony, attracting love, finding a way out of confusing situations will allow you to feel at your best and become a successful person. We wish you good luck, do not forget to press the buttons and

01.07.2019 04:37

Everyone can recharge their batteries to resist failures and illnesses. There are six proven ways to...


Before you start cleaning the apartment, evaluate the scope of the work ahead. Don't try to do all the work in one day. But don’t put off cleaning “for tomorrow”, finding a new reason for this every day. Get in the habit of tidying up at least one drawer a day, one shelf in the closet. Decide in which area of ​​your life you would like to put things in order. And as you tidy up your apartment, remind yourself, “I’m clearing my way to… a good job/warm relationships, etc.”

Collect those things that evoke unpleasant memories in you or are associated with difficult periods in your life, negatively affect your self-esteem. These can be gifts from people who, for one reason or another, have become unpleasant to you. Get rid of these things without regret. There are many ways to do this - donate things to orphanages, shelters, nursing homes. You can also offer people to buy these things for a nominal fee or take them for free. This can be done on the sites, and many others. Review the books in your home library. As a rule, after reading a book, we put it on the shelf and never return to it. Leave only those books that you consider desktop, and take the others to the nearest district library. If you suddenly want to read some book, you can borrow it from the library. Books will not gather dust on the shelves, but with the help they will fulfill - carry knowledge. In your house, space will be freed up and it will become easier to breathe, because books are great dust collectors. And in a house where there are a lot of books, very often you need to do wet cleaning. Disassemble things that are stored on the mezzanine, in boxes on the balcony, in the garage. It seems that they are not visible, so there is no problem. In fact, these deposits are reflected in life in general. Answer yourself honestly the question of how many years these things have already lain on the mezzanine and have not come in handy. And give them a second life.

Once you've finished cleaning your home, start cleaning your life. Keep in mind that these two cleanings have a lot in common. And just as unnecessary things litter your house, so unnecessary emotions and complexes litter your life. And the principle of cleaning here and there is about the same. It is necessary to consistently and daily sort out the rubble. To tidy up your life, start with a notebook. We very often waste precious time on communication that we do not need - on talking about nothing with an insignificant person, half an hour on ICQ discussions with those whom we have never seen in person, and then another couple of hours on correspondence in social networks. And as a result, real life and loved ones are deprived of time and care. Prioritize communication, organize your contacts. Rewrite your notebook, review your contact list in ICQ...

As you free up time, don't forget to take time for yourself. To put things in order in your life, you must dedicate at least half an hour a day only to yourself. There is a lot to be done in this half hour. First, make a list of "junk" that will not be useful in life. Believe me, you definitely do not need old grievances, gossip, envy, anger, pessimism ... When sorting through the rubble of your inner world, ask yourself the question: “What good is this character trait for me? And in this offense? And in this capacity of mine? Having found out what qualities you definitely won’t need in life, start working to eliminate them.

Do your own business planning. As at work, each employee draws up a work plan for the day, week, month, six months and year, you should also do the same with regard to putting things in order in your life. Take the time and make a plan of what needs to be done first and then a little later. The plan must also list global tasks - for a year, for five years and for a lifetime ahead. You need to constantly remind yourself of your goals. And not only small ones, but also great ones. This life plan should not be static - from time to time it needs to be reviewed, corrected, points added, completed, etc. marked.

What emotions do you experience from the thought that it is time to clean up the closet? Shudder? Irritation? Desire to run away?

If you once again do not want to open the closet door for fear of being littered with things or, even worse, to experience the shock of all aesthetic feelings, I recommend following us - we will show you how to solve this problem once and for all.

A little over 30 years ago, a girl, Mari, was born in Japan, who later changed the lives of thousands of people.

Maybe her method will help you too. Marie has developed a system, after meeting with which a person remains to carry out the last cleaning in his life. Don't worry, everyone will be safe and sound. The method has nothing to do with hara-kiri, although you still have to open the cabinets and extract all the contents from them.

The analysis of all acquired will take place in stages:

  1. clothes,
  2. books,
  3. the documents,
  4. komono (all the little things - from hairpins to kitchen utensils),
  5. things with an emotional component (photos, letters, postcards).

Please do not break the sequence - this is important. What is important to know before starting:

The KonMari method (that's what it's called) is not about throwing away. Its essence is precisely in determining the things that need to be preserved. Taking each item in your hands, you ask the main question: “Does it please me?”. For men who find it difficult to understand feelings, I recommend answering a slightly different question: “If I saw this thing in the store now, would I buy it?”.

Try to imagine how you would like to see your house and your life after cleaning. What are you striving for? In any business, the final goal is important, because not knowing where you are going, you may not understand that you have already arrived.

Listen to yourself. Always and in everything. Somewhere deep we know what is right for us, but the voice of reason, parents, husband often pulls in the other direction. For the same reason, try to follow all the instructions that follow, alone or with a like-minded person. A mother who enters at the wrong time can “rescue” from garbage bags what neither you nor she needs, but the Soviet past, in which they were taught to stock up just in case, will work perfectly.

It is best to start cleaning early in the morning. There are a lot of arguments here: and the whole day ahead, and in the light of the day, some things become clearer, and you are full of energy. But if all the activity begins after sunset, you should not put an end to the idea. Everything is individual, and only you decide what and when it is better for you to do.

And one last thing before we start. Some fearfully ask: “I have to throw away my favorite things, right?”. Nothing like that: you have the right to decide what should remain in your life.

With the introductory part over, let's move on to action.

So, the first, very extensive, but the simplest category in terms of deliverance is clothes and shoes.

Step 1:

We collect all clothes in one place, including scarves, belts, underwear, bags and shoes. We get things not only from the closet, but also from all unexpected places where you could once forget them. The rule says: everything that is not found or forgotten at this moment is sent to the trash bag by default. The exception is items in the dirty laundry basket. They stay.

Step 2:

We will select things in a certain order, starting with tops (cardigans, T-shirts, etc.). It is believed that it is through them that one can feel what joy is, since they are closest to the heart. This is followed by trousers and skirts, clothes that are stored on hangers (suits, jackets, cocktail and evening dresses), socks and tights, underwear, handbags, suitcases and clutches, scarves, ties and belts, specialized clothes (swimsuits, ski suits, dance sets), shoes.

It's easier to start with out-of-season clothing. Take each of the items in your hands, ask yourself a question and listen to the response. Advice from personal practice, which is slightly at odds with the methodology: paired items, such as tracksuits, a vest and shirt, etc., which were produced as a single set, should be considered together.

Step 3:

So, the choice is made. Some of the things are arranged in packages, and we have to arrange (precisely arrange) everything that remains in its place. At this stage, it is important for each thing to determine its place. It will be convenient for you to return them later. Important: it is better to store nearby things that are similar in material and purpose.

Step 4:

Learning how to fold correctly. Forget about even stacks that take up the entire shelf space from top to bottom. The underwear inevitably experiences increased pressure, wrinkles more and, moreover, is lost from sight. Wise Japanese Marie Kondo, through trial and error, found the perfect option: vertical storage. Each thing is folded in such a way that it forms a dense, smooth rectangle. You can check whether everything is done correctly by placing a rectangle on an edge. If it stays upright and doesn't topple, it's done. When in doubt about technology, YouTube is your friend. By arranging things by purpose, fabric, color, brand or any other criterion you like, you will notice how much space you have freed up, and each item on the shelves radiates a light of joy. Perhaps this is what is called harmony.

Step 5:

A few words need to be said about tights and socks. For me, this was a real hosiery revolution, since these things are now stored exclusively vertically in my chest of drawers. Often I see that people either store tights in shopping bags, creating tangled balls of kapron snakes, or store them twisted in tight knots (if tights) and balls (if socks) right on the shelf. The disadvantages of both methods are obvious: the threads stretch, the products lose their appearance, and the housewives hardly figure out which pair to wear (in this heap, the same tights can fall under the arm five times).

Marie teaches: you need to love every thing and give it care. Therefore, carefully take the tights, lay them out in front of you, smooth them out. Put the upper stocking on the lower one so that the heel is inside, fold the tights in half lengthwise and twist like a big roll. It is even easier with socks: fold them heel to heel, then double in half. If you don't have shelf spacers, it's convenient to put tights and socks in a shoe box and put it in a drawer. Just choose a prettier box.

Underwear, especially the corset part, should be treated like royalty, they should have enough space.

Step 6:

All clothes on the shoulders should be positioned so that the impression of take-off is created. This means that the most bulky and long things (coats, fur coats, floor-length heavy evening dresses) should hang on the left, while the lightest and shortest (blouses, shirts) should hang on the right. Between these two extremes are all other things in descending order of length and increasing airiness. It is also good if the color is also taken into account (dark - to the left, light - to the right).

The first stage has been completed. It remains to decide what to do with things that did not pass the test for joy. There are a lot of options here: from noble ones - to give them to an orphanage or an aid fund, to quite mercantile ones - to sell them. You can, of course, throw it away, but if things are good and don’t breathe, give them a chance to please someone else.

Let's move on to books.

The stages of work here remain the same: we collect books in one place, take each one in our hands, feel joy or “not so much”, put on the shelves (again exclusively vertically) what ignites us, figure out what to do with the rest. If you have a lot of books, you can conditionally divide them into 4 categories before checking for joy:

  1. Fiction books (anything you read for pleasure)
  2. Applied books (anything that is read to improve your professional level in any business)
  3. Illustrated books (albums with reproductions, manga, comics)
  4. Magazines

If you find books unread, half-read, or barely started, thank them sincerely and say goodbye. Apparently, their mission was solely to be bought or studied a little, or maybe donated to someone who needs it. Books are very much like people: not all people are with us all our lives, most come to teach a short lesson.

A few words should also be said about the handouts that we are generously awarded by the organizers of various seminars and trainings. We go to seminars to listen to a lecturer, to get an emotion, to feel the subject. Most of us, after attending a seminar, have never once looked into the plump folders lovingly prepared by the coach.

What you heard in the training is already in your head, perhaps somewhere very deep, but if once you have already allowed this knowledge to go into the subcortex, do you really need it so much? Our world is saturated with a huge amount of information, so the selectivity in the absorption of food for the mind should be no less than for the stomach.

What can be done with books? By the way, attaching them is much easier than clothes. One of my wise friends, after checking her library for joy, photographed all the volumes with which she had to say goodbye, and posted it on a social network with a proposal to give it to good hands free of charge to those who are very interested and will definitely read the book received.

Everything, from karate tutorials to court speeches by an eminent lawyer in 6 volumes, sold out in a couple of days. There are other options: take it to the library, in most of them, due to poor funding, they will accept books with great joy; you can also sell through trading platforms, but there is a risk that unsold samples will flow into a permanent collection and the selection will soon have to start over.

What to do with books is up to you, and we move on to perhaps the most bleak category - documents.

How can documents be joyful, you ask? No way, but if we leave these papers unsorted, then, firstly, a feeling of complete harmony and relaxation will not come, because we will always remember that there is a place in our house where it is better not to look; secondly, according to the theory of broken windows (proven many times in practice, I must say), soon the whole apartment will again be swallowed up by chaos. And we do not spend so much time and effort to roll back. Our goal is a wonderful bright present and a radiant future.

They gathered for a breakthrough, took out and put in one heap all the letters from government agencies and banks, warranty cards and instructions, agreements with various organizations and labor contracts, newspaper clippings, diplomas and certificates, fat bills and so on. Take each document in hand and determine how relevant the information in it is and whether it requires your participation. If this letter is from the tax office - put it in a pile for urgent execution, warranty card - double-check if you still own this item, if so, fold it into documents that require long-term storage, if not - you know what to do. Going through document after document, you will be able to make a plan of action for the coming days to address all urgent issues. You probably don't like this idea. Most people tend to constantly put off unpleasant things, but one day I heard a wise, in my opinion, rule: "Do all the unpleasant things planned for the day in the morning." Gritting your teeth, you do what you still have to do, exhale - and enjoy life. Constantly postponing an unpleasant task, we are in constant stress, and the task, like the sword of Damocles, continues to hang over us, rewarding us with neurosis and other sores.

After selection, all documents can be divided into 4 categories: already selected for urgent execution, used constantly (for example, some notes that you often refer to for information), used for a limited period (insurance policies, etc.), used long (employment contracts, etc.).

Those documents that need to be sorted out as quickly as possible should be placed vertically in a conspicuous place. This way, they will get their hands on it faster. You can come up with your own system, but try not to complicate.

Remaining strength? Then I present the penultimate category - “komono”.

The author of the methodology suggests starting with discs (CDs and DVDs). Perhaps many of you have seen them only as elements of designer decoration of decor items, in this case, pay attention to flash drives, memory cards, mobile devices and digital media. This will allow you to free up a lot of gigabytes for new happy memories, videos, music and programs, as well as increase the performance of devices.

Once you've dealt with the digital world, move into the real world and gather together all the skin care products and, if there aren't too many of them, cosmetics. Of course, we throw out all expired products. On many packages with expensive cosmetics and on all products from the USA, the expiration date is indicated in a very peculiar way. Read on the Internet how to determine it. Do not use products whose service life has reached the end! Love yourself and your body. Browse also cosmetics samples: what you want - try it, what you don't need - say goodbye. After care products, we look through hair accessories and jewelry, then we move on to jewelry, credit and discount cards.

We throw away cards of places that have already closed (unfortunately, this is a common occurrence for Belarus), we also get rid of credit and salary cards that we don’t use. We turn to electrical appliances, throw out or take faulty ones for repair, if possible, say goodbye to factory cardboard packaging. We look through all household appliances: stationery, sewing kits (special attention to spare buttons and pieces of fabric to check the resistance of the material to shedding during washing), shoe polish and more. Do not forget about medicines, stocks of hygiene products and paper towels, canned food and seamings, sets of dishes and cutlery. The last subcategory in this section is the link for the last two steps. It's about gifts. What is the connection?

Let me remind you that we will be the last to analyze things with sentimental overtones, which often include gifts.

Of course, I'm not talking about a coffee shop certificate given to you by colleagues for your birthday. But before you get to the really hard stuff, go through all the gifts that haven't resonated with your heart. All these figurines, candles, notepads and certificates for all kinds of girly training that do not inspire you at all (for me, this is soap and cream making, for example). All this is not yours? Find those who will enjoy it. Perhaps it is these two figurines of pigs playing the accordion and violin that your colleague lacks to complete the collection, and learning to embroider with satin stitch is an old unspoken dream of your classmate. Throw a cry - there will be those who wish.

Well, of course, no one forbids throwing it away.

Here is the final push. For many, sentimental things are harder to deal with than all the previous tons of clothes, books, and broken TVs. Too many experiences, joys, anxieties and triumphs are inherent in them. So, we take into our hands one by one all the letters, postcards, photographs, gifts, scraps of newspapers with hastily scrawled confessions, but you never know what you keep there. Look carefully at each item and ask the good old and rather boring question “Does this item bring me joy?”. This is how photos of my first love disappeared from my life (I kept them for more than 15 years), incomprehensible declarations of love from random people, fragments of an old life. Has it become easier? Definitely! Have I saved something? The letters that were written to me at that time were not my husband at all in those days when mobile communications were an unaffordable luxury, and the Internet was turned on only from the fifth dial-up on the computer. I still have greeting cards from my grandfather. He sent them to every holiday. Then it seemed like a vestige of the Soviet past. And now every monogram, every word is like a second from the past. Now it seems to me a great idea to revive this tradition - to send colorful postcards by mail with a few sentences drawn by hand. This is definitely better and a hundred times more pleasant than the faceless "s dr" left on the wall in your account.

Let's sum up. Have you achieved the goals that you set at the very beginning? Has it become easier to breathe? Move around the house? If you have taken before and after photos, please send them to us at [email protected]. To see that our work is bearing fruit is the highest gratitude. For those who doubt whether he needs it and read these lines, I will say one thing: “Once you have read to the end, then go for it!”. May every day be better than the previous one!

Before changing your life, make an assessment. Are you living right? What kind of life would you like? Are you happy? How to achieve the goal of living differently? Read on to find out how to put things in order in your life and where to start.

Where to begin?

Those who do not know how to put things in order in life and affairs should take advantage of further advice. Take a notepad and write down all the things you want to do this week. Schedule everything by day so that it happens one by one. Label both important and not-so-important things:

  1. If you want to study at the university, write the subjects you would like to study, the region and city you plan to go to, the university.
  2. If you are not satisfied with work or earnings, look in your free time for a more suitable or promising job that would be to your liking and would be suitable for finances.
  3. Give up smoking and alcohol, because, before you blink an eye, you will be addicted. And thoughts will turn into an amorphous mass.
  4. If there are any problems, do not be shy and do not be afraid to ask for help from loved ones, because they will always support you in difficult times and help you make the right decision.
  5. Do not hide your love for your parents and friends: they will be happy to hear and feel it.
  6. Change the scenery, solve a significant problem. If a quarrel arose with a person whom you did not want to offend, then you need to apologize to him.
  7. Find a use for your ideas.
  8. Direct all your energy into a cause that will be useful and bring pleasure.

Hang this plan in a prominent place and stick to it. Delete completed tasks. The same list can be compiled at work at the beginning of the work week or day. Also, the plan will be a good helper when shopping, so as not to forget anything.

How to put things in order in life and thoughts?

All the problems that one has to go through are problems from the head, that is, from internal attitudes. And you need to remember one simple rule - if there is no order in the head, then there will be no order in business. A disorganized person never has enough time for anything, so plan your day to keep up with what you have in mind and what you want to do.

Throw away the excess

First of all, in order to put things in order in life and in the house, you need to get rid of everything unnecessary. It is necessary to throw away things that are not needed, do not bring any benefit and pleasure, and will not bring in the future. You also need to make an audit in each room, closet, nightstand, shelf. If it is a pity to throw something away, then you need to think about whether this thing will be needed later, in a new, well-established life. Every old thing is the past that you don’t need to remember, because you only need to go forward, these are dreams that never came true. Therefore, you need to get rid of old unnecessary items in order to make room for something new, better.

And do not delay this process. Do a general cleaning in the house - this will be the first step towards order. Do not regret anything: neither about things thrown out, nor about deleted files. Be the master in your head and in your life. Forget about the past, because it is left behind. It’s good if you remember bright moments from your previous life, and not the bad ones that are increasingly visiting your head. Let go and forget past failures, because by returning to them, you can lose today's happy moments and emotions. Clear your head of unnecessary, unpleasant memories, it is better to keep in mind those moments that brought happiness and joy. You need to clean your head regularly, because bad thoughts absorb good ones, dominating them. Breathe deeply and calmly. Better breathe with your belly.

find time

Everyone knows that if there is order in the head and everything is sorted out, then everything in life is as it should be. Often people say that there is not enough time to do what they would like to do. And first of all, you need to think (when, for example, you came home from work) what you are doing, what you are wasting your precious time on. After all, it can be used with benefit and pleasure.

We stabilize relations

You also need to put things in order in the relationship. Many people complain that something does not suit them in their existence, but they themselves do nothing to change. And many of them start a new life on Monday. But then Monday came, and the man did nothing, did not change anything. We must always think about what can be changed today, what to achieve, because, as we remember, thoughts materialize. The power of positive thinking is that it gives a person hope.

It is thanks to thoughts that a person moves forward, does not stand still. When a person does not believe in anything, he does not have a road to the goal and to the realization of a dream. Don't be lazy. Do things that will change your life. Don't be afraid of life changes. If fear takes over will, then you will continue to be afraid and continue the life that is so boring. So you can doubt until the end of your days, but this will not lead to anything good. Don't procrastinate on certain tasks. If you don't do it today or tomorrow, you'll never do it again.

It may sound strange, but relationships, like closets, need to be audited. You need to think and carefully consider those people who surround you. After all, the main thing is not the number of friends, but their quality, their attitude towards friendship. Look around and pay attention to your surroundings: maybe some people are taking up space in your life for nothing?

Gotta get all the rubbish out of my head

The inability to plan time, the turmoil of thoughts and chaos in the head prevent you from filling your life with energy flows.

The first rule is to be able to forgive. When you forgive yourself and other people, you get rid of misunderstanding and resentment.

The second requirement is to rid yourself of the fear that lives in your head and thoughts. After all, fear is an obstacle to a better life, because of it you feel unnecessary to society, it will confuse, interfere with the achievement of your goal. Postponing such a struggle for later is wrong: you need to do it here and now, no matter what.

It is necessary to clearly present the action plan and the final result, this is how luck and success are attracted. You can not regret anything, because the past cannot be returned. Positive and joyful events will help move forward, and bad moments and memories will keep you in uncertainty and negativity. We must live in the present tense, because it is the only real now.

But is it that easy?

The work of eliminating garbage is not easy, but it is necessary for every person to get rid of the negativity in life. The most difficult technique is to get rid of the burden of past years and look at events from a different perspective. Psychologists recommend looking inside yourself, remembering some bright moments from childhood, remembering what the reaction was at these moments, whether they brought joy. Write down your experiences on paper to make it easier to analyze them. Summarize the past month or year. Consider what they did or did not do or did not have time to do. What mistakes were made.

Plan for the day

It is very important to put things in order in the daily routine, to exclude unnecessary items that only take time. Delete unimportant letters in social networks and e-mail, clean folders on your computer. Learn to control your thoughts.

The main thing in this process is not to sit still, but to do everything to realize the dream. Appreciate every day and every moment lived now. Get rid of negative thoughts that lower self-esteem. Drive out of my head the thoughts “I can’t”, “I can’t”, “I can’t”.

It is necessary to try to form a positive outlook on life. Gradually catch thoughts and listen to them, analyze whether this is your opinion or a stereotype that society has imposed. By following this advice, you will learn to gradually control your thoughts and emotions. You should not pay attention to the opinions of other people: it is impossible to please everyone, to be good for everyone, because the majority will still remain dissatisfied with you. You need to look only at yourself and build behavior based on your life principles and priorities. Stop looking at other people, their actions and behavior, live your life and appreciate it, because we live once.

Develop and improve

First you need to deal with the dream and turn it into a goal. Further - to act and move towards the goal. After all, if you do nothing, nothing will happen.

It is advisable to give up alcohol and bad habits. Start going to the pool, allocate time in the daily routine for a walk in the fresh air. This will help to bring health back to normal, and, accordingly, thoughts. Strive to become better than you are now, change yourself and change your life and habits.

The key to a good mood for the whole day is to wake up in the morning, force yourself to think about something good, listen to pleasant music and eat something healthy and tasty for breakfast. So it is better to clean the refrigerator from junk food and unnecessary medicines, because to some extent, cleanliness in the refrigerator and in the house is cleanliness in the head.

Start engaging in mental exercises that will develop your worldview. Crosswords, chess and sudoku will help keep the brain in order, and, accordingly, life. Also start reading books. Write a list of books you would like to read.

Make work on the mistakes of the past. Learning from mistakes is also an experience. Look into your soul and try to understand yourself, to understand whether you live correctly, what you are doing wrong. You need to appreciate and correctly evaluate your capabilities. By revealing them, you can find an occupation in life that will help change it.

We part with unnecessary things

Learn to part with unnecessary things, do not become attached to them just because it is a memory of someone. If dust has accumulated on an object, it must be thrown away: it is no longer needed and only takes up space. It's the same with clothes. If you don’t wear some thing for a year or two, then it’s time to send it to the trash or give it to someone without regretting what you have done.

If there are some items that you want to leave, then you need to start wearing them, even at home. For yourself, you also need to dress beautifully, and not in stretched sweaters or husband's T-shirts. You need to drink tea or coffee from cups, put food on beautiful plates, and not on holidays, but every day - simply because the soul so desires.

To achieve something, you need to work tirelessly

A person controls his life, his thoughts and his mood. And it depends on him whether life will change for the better. If you remember this, it becomes easier to live.

After talking with many people, the experts determined that it is important to work hard on yourself. And it doesn't matter if it's a great work or small things. If it leads to success, then it is needed. People leave a lot of reviews about the usefulness of such a technique: “How I put things in order in my life and head”, “I managed to let go of the past and achieve my goal.” And they all point to the fact that such a scheme really works. A little work and everything will work out. After interviewing one of the women surveyed, it was found that in order to change her life, she:

  1. Didn't expect Monday.
  2. Got out of the house.
  3. Everything planned out.
  4. Found a hobby.
  5. Improved relationships with others.

And within ten days, real changes took place in her life.