Speech therapy assistance in the system of social protection. Logopedic assistance system

Lecture 5. Organization of speech therapy assistance in the Russian Federation

Lecture plan

The history of the development of speech therapy assistance in Russia.

The system of speech therapy assistance in Russia.

The personality of a speech pathologist.

General requirements for equipment and design of a speech therapy room.

Selection of children and acquisition of groups. PMPK.

Primary, secondary, tertiary prevention of speech disorders.

List of basic terms: preschool institutions for children with speech disorders, school speech therapy centers, speech therapy assistance in the system of education, healthcare, social protection. The personality of a speech pathologist. Speech therapy equipment. Registration of a speech therapy room.

The history of the development of speech therapy in Russia

A scientific analysis of the development of the state system of special education in Russia was carried out by N.N. Malofeev (1996). The stages of formation and functioning of various types of institutions, their gradual differentiation due to the change in the attitude of the state and society towards persons with special needs are highlighted.

1. History of the development of speech therapy. The emergence of speech therapy as a science in the middle of the 19th century in connection with the identification of anatomical and physiological mechanisms for ensuring speech activity. Formation of the classification of speech disorders.

2. In the period up to 1917, institutions for anomalous persons existed at the expense of private charitable funds, in which special education was based on the identification and differentiation of the most pronounced defects (deafness, blindness, mental retardation). There was no organized speech therapy assistance for people with speech defects.

In 1911, a congress of Moscow teachers was held, where for the first time the need for organizing special assistance for children suffering from speech disorders was emphasized. Such assistance was provided in two auxiliary schools under the guidance of the deaf teacher F.A. Pay, in 1915 the first speech therapy courses were created.

3. Systematic diversified assistance to people with various types of speech pathology began to develop only in the 1920s. In 1918, on the initiative of V. Bonch-Bruevich, speech therapy courses were organized, mandatory for all educators and doctors of preschool institutions in Moscow. A year later, a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars was issued, which defined the functions of the people's commissariats of education and health in relation to the upbringing and health protection of abnormal children. The education of abnormal children was singled out as a national task.

Even before the creation of a system of special education, congresses of pedagogical workers raised issues of education, upbringing and development of abnormal children, including children with speech disorders:

The First All-Russian Congress (1920) for the fight against childhood handicap determined the principles for building a system for the upbringing and education of children with various types of abnormal development;

At the All-Russian Congress of Gubono Heads (1922), the importance of creating institutions for these categories of children was discussed;

Speaking at the II Congress on the Social and Legal Protection of Minors (SPON) (1924) L.S. Vygotsky proposed a new approach to the analysis of the structure of a defect, its correction and compensation, singled out the goals and objectives of special education, based on the principles of educating children that are common with the mass school.

In 1929, a scientific center for the development of defectology problems was established - the Experimental Defectological Institute (EDI), now the Research Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education, which contributed to the comprehensive study of abnormal children, the development of the scientific foundations for a differentiated network of special schools and the system of education and training of children in them. The Institute took part in the adoption (in the early 1930s) of a law on compulsory universal education for abnormal children.

A comprehensive study of children, based on the clinical and psychological diagnosis of various types of anomalies, made it possible to create a fundamental scientific basis for the development of an extensive network of special preschool and school institutions in the country.

4. With the direct participation of the speech therapy sector of the Research Institute of Defectology in 1954, the first school was organized in Leningrad.

In 1956, at a school for hearing-impaired children, separate classes were organized for children with a severe form of speech underdevelopment (Moscow). On the basis of the school in 1958, a special boarding school was opened with a special regime for children with severe speech disorders.

After 1958, similar schools appeared in other cities (Moscow (second school), Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, etc.).

Initially, these schools provided education in the amount of 4 classes of a mass school. Since 1961, a network of special boarding schools for children with severe speech disorders began to develop. Along with the tasks of a general education school of a general type, specific tasks are put forward in this institution. The school consists of two departments: in the I department of the school, children with a diagnosis of alalia, aphasia, dysarthria, rhinolalia, stuttering, who have a severe degree of OHP, which impede education in a comprehensive school, are accepted. When completing classes, first of all, the level of speech development and the nature of the primary defect are taken into account; the second department enrolls children suffering from a severe form of stuttering with normal development of speech.

4. A network of preschool institutions for children with speech disorders began to develop in 1960. At first, these were separate experimental groups organized at mass kindergartens, and then separate kindergartens and nurseries for children with speech disorders.

Initially, groups were opened in kindergartens for children with only mild speech disorders (underdevelopment of the phonetic side of speech). Then groups were organized for children with more complex disorders (stuttering children, for children with OHP). On the basis of the order of the MP of the USSR dated November 21, 1972 No. 125, a nomenclature of special preschool institutions for abnormal children of the education system was approved.

According to the regulation “On the model staffing of special-purpose preschool institutions for children with mental and physical disabilities and on the remuneration of teachers-defectologists and speech therapists” (from the order of the Minister of Education of October 14, 1975 No. 131) in kindergartens (nursery- kindergartens) for children with visual impairment, musculoskeletal system and intellect, the position of a defectologist teacher is introduced at the rate of 1 unit per group.

As the network of preschool institutions develops, providing the need for speech therapy assistance, there is a further differentiation of children with various speech anomalies (stuttering with a normal level of speech development - stuttering with speech underdevelopment; children with mild dysarthria; children with rhinolalia, etc.).

5. The deployment of a network of speech therapy centers at secondary general education schools in republican, regional and regional centers began in 1949. In 1976, the Regulations on the formation of speech therapy centers at general education schools throughout the country came into effect.

Speech therapy centers are special educational institutions designed to correct speech disorders in school-age children. They are organized in one of the secondary schools of the district. Each of them is assigned a certain number of schools, the total number of primary classes of which should not exceed 16.

Its main tasks are: to correct speech deficiencies in students; promote speech therapy knowledge among teachers and the public; timely detection and prevention of speech disorders in children entering the first grades.

The main contingent of speech therapy centers are students with deficiencies in sound pronunciation, stuttering, reading and writing disorders, and mild general underdevelopment of speech.

6. Issues of improving speech therapy assistance to the population, improving the quality and efficiency of treatment of persons suffering from speech disorders are also addressed in the system of the country's Ministry of Health. Based on the order of the Ministry of Health No. 465 of April 8, 1985 “On measures to further improve speech therapy care for patients with speech disorders”, the directions for the development of specialized care were determined: expanding the network of speech therapy rooms, rehabilitation treatment departments in children's clinics, neuropsychiatric dispensaries. They provide assistance to people of all ages with functional and organic speech disorders.

Children with speech developmental disabilities need specialized assistance; without special methods and techniques, the full-fledged education of these children is impossible.

Systematic assistance to such children has been provided since the 20s of the last century. By the 70s, an extensive network was created to help speech pathologist children. 75g. – Decree on measures to improve the education of persons with mental and physical disabilities. This resolution ensured, by law, the opening of speech therapy groups in kindergartens of a general type and specialized kindergartens and nurseries. In the same years, a special service was created to identify and record speech pathologist children.

The education system is a combination of the following structural units: a system of successive educational programs and state standards of different levels and different directions; a network of institutions in which these state standards are implemented - these institutions can be of various organizational and legal norms; the system of education management bodies and subordinate structures.

Currently, within the framework of our country, there is a system of pedagogical support for special needs in education:

1. Specialized kindergartens, special nurseries, special groups in kindergartens, speech therapy centers at kindergartens.

The main goal of the work of preschool institutions for children with speech disorders in accordance with the "Model Regulation" is the comprehensive education of children, the development of their correct colloquial speech, correct pronunciation and the preparation of children for school.

2. Schools: speech therapy center, type V school, regional centers for psychological and pedagogical assistance.

After kindergarten - if the defect remains, then to a special correctional school of the 5th type for children with severe speech disorders.

The school consists of 2 departments:

1 department - alalia, aphasia, rhinolalia, moderate dysarthria, stuttering → OHP.

When completing classes, the nature of the primary defect and the level of development are taken into account. The term of study is 12 years.

2 department: severe form of stuttering, 9 years old. The class size is 12 people. Training is conducted on the basis of standard training classes and a standard program.

Speech therapy centers at general education schools are designed to correct speech disorders in school-age children. On the initiative of neuropathologists, teachers, parents, students with speech disorders, general underdevelopment of speech, stuttering, reading and writing disorders are enrolled at speech therapy stations.

Today, within the framework of 3 ministries: education, the Ministry of Health, social security institutions.

AT health system assistance to children with speech pathology is provided in speech therapy rooms of children's polyclinics, in specialized nurseries for children with speech disorders, in specialized orphanages, in children's psycho-neurological hospitals and sanatoriums, semi-hospital and summer camps-sanatoriums. In the conditions of medical institutions, children are provided with comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance, which involves the correctional and educational work of a speech therapist, educator and psychologist, medical treatment (drug treatment, physiotherapy, reflexology, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, massage, therapeutic and protective regimen, rational nutrition etc.).

Selection of children and staffing of institutions:

PMPK - Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission.

The main tasks of the PMPK are as follows:

determine whether the child is eligible for admission to a preschool institution of this type (i.e. is the child’s speech disorder primary in this case or is it the result of mental retardation or hearing loss);

determine in which group and at what age the child should be enrolled.

The PMPK includes: a representative of the education committee, a speech therapist, a neuropathologist, a defectologist, a psychologist. A referral to PMPK is issued throughout the year by specialists from children's polyclinics.

According to the Regulations, the following documents are submitted for consideration by the PMPK:

a) a detailed extract from the history of the development of the child with the conclusions of a pediatrician on the general condition of the child, a psychoneurologist or neuropathologist - with a substantiated medical diagnosis and a description of mental development; otolaryngologist - with a description of the state of the ear, throat, nose and organs involved in the articulation of speech sounds; speech therapist - with data on the state of speech;

b) the pedagogical characteristics of a child attending a preschool institution.

The presence of the child's parents or persons replacing them is mandatory.

When a child is enrolled in a preschool institution, the speech therapist of the group receives an extract from the PMPK protocol, which provides the rationale for the diagnosis and the direction of the child to a specific group.

Traditionally, in pre-revolutionary Russia, assistance to children with developmental disabilities was provided by charitable organizations and individuals.

Speech pathology entered the circle of scientific interests in the 1920s. our century. In 1920, at the First All-Russian Congress for Combating Childhood Handicap, the principles for constructing a system for the upbringing and education of abnormal children were outlined. Since 1922, after the All-Russian Congress of Gubono Heads, special institutions for children with developmental disabilities began to be created. 1924 became an important milestone in the development of defectology in Russia. By

On the initiative of L. S. Vygotsky, a reform of schools for abnormal children was carried out, the purpose of which was to correct the personality of the child as a whole and adapt it to social conditions. The year of the birth of speech therapy in Russia can be considered 1933, when L. S. Vygotsky, together with the director of the Experimental Defectological Institute of the People's Commissariat of Education I. I. Danyushevsky, created another branch of defectology, the object of which was children with speech disorders. At the Experimental Defectological Institute, a School speech clinic appeared.

At present, a system of assistance to children and adults with speech pathology has been created and is constantly being improved in our country. Speech therapy assistance to children and adults is provided through education, health care and social security.

AT education system assistance is provided to children with speech disorders of preschool and school age. For this purpose, special kindergartens, kindergartens, preschool orphanages, preschool groups at special and general education schools, special groups in general kindergartens, schools for children with severe speech disorders (type V schools), speech therapy centers at general education schools .

Children with speech disorders from the age of three with primary intact intelligence and normal hearing are admitted to special preschool institutions. Among these institutions there are kindergartens with round-the-clock stay, which accept children from 4 years old. The main goal of the work of preschool institutions for children with speech disorders in accordance with the "Model Regulation" is the comprehensive education of children, the development of their correct conversational speech, correct pronunciation and the preparation of children for school.

The system of correctional assistance to children with developmental disabilities was gradually formed in Russia.

In the period before 1917, institutions for anomalous persons existed at the expense of private charitable funds, in which special education was based on the identification and differentiation of the most pronounced defects (deafness, blindness, mental retardation). There was no organized speech therapy assistance for people with speech defects.

Systematic diversified assistance to people with various types of speech pathology began to develop only in the 1920s. 20th century

In 1911, a congress of Moscow teachers was held, where for the first time \ The latter emphasized the need to organize special assistance to children suffering from speech disorders. Such assistance was provided in two auxiliary schools under the direction of the deaf teacher F. A. Pay. In 1915 speech therapy courses were created.

In 1918, on the initiative of V. V. Bonch-Bruevich, speech therapy courses were organized, which were mandatory for all educators and doctors of preschool institutions in Moscow. A year later, a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars was issued, which defined the functions of the people's commissariats of education and health in relation to the upbringing and health protection of abnormal children. The education of abnormal children was singled out as a national task.

The 1st All-Russian Congress (1920) for the fight against children's disabilities determined the principles for building a system for the upbringing and education of children with various types of abnormal development.

In 1922, at the All-Russian Congress of Gubono Heads, the importance of creating institutions for these categories of children was discussed.

In 1924, the II Congress on the Social and Legal Protection of Minors (SPON) was held. L. S. Vygotsky, speaking at the congress, proposed a new approach to the analysis of the structure of a defect, its correction and compensation, singled out the goals and objectives of special education based on the principles of educating children that are common with the mass school.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the creation in 1929 of the Scientific Center for the Development of Defectology Problems of the Experimental Defectology Institute (EDI) - later the Research Institute of Defectology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and now the Research Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education.

This contributed to the comprehensive study of abnormal children, the development of the scientific foundations for a differentiated network of special schools and a system of education and training.

The Institute took part in the adoption (in the early 1930s) of a law on compulsory universal education for abnormal children.

A scientific analysis of the development of the state system of special education in Russia was carried out by P. I. Malofeev (1996). The stages of formation and functioning of various types of institutions, their gradual differentiation due to the change in the attitude of the state and society towards people with special needs are highlighted.

A comprehensive study of children, based on the clinical and psychological diagnosis of various types of anomalies, made it possible to create a fundamental scientific basis for the development of an extensive network of special preschool and school institutions in the country.

A correct understanding of the complex structure of a speech defect made it possible not only to establish an accurate diagnosis, determine the type of special institution and methods of correctional and educational work with a child, but also predict violations of a secondary order.

The educational and health authorities carried out organizational and methodological work aimed at identifying and recording children of toddler, preschool and school age who need special education and correction.

The close collaboration of theory and practice made it possible to provide a scientific justification for the education and upbringing of children and adolescents with speech pathology, and to establish the need for the development of a network of special institutions.

After the adoption of the decision "On the nomenclature of preschool institutions for children with disabilities in physical and mental development", a network of special preschool institutions has been significantly developed. Improvement of the system of school and preschool education of children with speech disorders continued.

Adults, adolescents and children with speech disorders began to receive comprehensive medical, speech therapy care in clinics, hospitals, dispensaries, and sanatoriums. The vast majority of special schools were boarding schools, and all the maintenance of children in them was provided at the expense of the state.

In our country, differentiated speech therapy assistance to adults and children is widely developed. It is carried out through education and health care.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 31, 1998 No. 867, the “Model Regulation on an Educational Institution for Children in Need of Psychological, Pedagogical and Medical and Social Assistance” was approved. The following types of institutions have been identified: diagnostic and correction centers; centers for psychological, medical and social support; centers of psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction; centers of social and labor adaptation; centers of curative pedagogy and differentiated education, etc.

Speech therapy assistance in the education system

Preschool institutions for children with speech disorders. (Preschool educational institutions of a compensating type - preschool educational institution)

Scientific research in the field of defectology has proved the exceptional importance of early recognition of a defect and its early correction. In most cases, special preschool education and upbringing correct developmental disorders and thereby prevent children from having difficulties in school (T. A. Vlasova, 1972).

With pronounced speech disorders, early correctional and educational work with children leads to significant compensation for the defect.

A network of preschool institutions for children with speech disorders began to develop in 1960. At first, these were separate experimental groups organized at mass kindergartens, and then separate kindergartens and nurseries for children with speech disorders.

Initially, groups were opened in kindergartens for children with only mild speech disorders (underdevelopment of the phonetic side of speech). Then groups were organized for children with more complex disorders (stuttering children, for children with general underdevelopment of speech). On the basis of the order of the MP of the USSR dated November 21, 1972 No. 125, a nomenclature of special preschool institutions for abnormal children of the education system was approved.

On July 1, 1995, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 677 was issued, which approved the “Model Regulation on Preschool Educational Institutions”. In accordance with this provision, kindergartens (DOE) of a compensating type are organized with the priority implementation of a qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils.

Kindergartens, nurseries for children with speech impairments and the corresponding preschool groups at kindergartens and nurseries of a general type are staffed directly by those departments of public education in charge of these preschool institutions.

Children who have mastered normal speech, successfully completed their studies and have not reached the age of 7, are transferred to preschool institutions of a general type.

The main tasks of speech therapy teaching children with various types of speech anomalies in the conditions of special preschool institutions include not only the correction of the leading defect, but also preparation for literacy and schooling.

In preschool institutions for children with speech disorders, a clear organization of the entire correctional process is provided. It is provided:

    timely examination of children;

    rational scheduling of classes;

    planning individual work with each child;

    the presence of plans for frontal classes;

    equipping them with the necessary equipment and visual aids;

    joint work of a speech therapist with a group teacher and parents.

Conducting the entire complex of remedial education requires the combination of special classes to correct speech defects with the fulfillment of general program requirements. For preschool groups of children with speech disorders, a daily routine has been developed that differs from the usual one. It is planned to conduct frontal, subgroup and individual lessons by a speech therapist. Along with this, special hours are allocated in the evening for the teacher to work with subgroups and individual children to correct speech (on the instructions of a speech therapist). The teacher plans his work taking into account the program requirements and speech abilities of children. He is obliged to know individual deviations in the formation of the child's speech, to hear defects in the pronunciation and lexical and grammatical aspects of speech, in the process of educational and extracurricular activities, take into account the speech capabilities of each child. Together with a speech therapist (in the OHP, FFS groups), classes are planned to develop speech, familiarize themselves with others, prepare for writing, etc. Continuity in the work of a speech therapist and educator is recorded in a special notebook.

With the development of a network of preschool institutions that provide the need for speech therapy assistance, they are further differentiated for children with various speech anomalies (stuttering with a normal level of speech development - stuttering with underdevelopment of speech; children with a mild degree of dysarthria; children with rhinolalia, etc.).

Recently, in a number of regions of the country, preschool speech therapy rooms have been opened in general kindergartens. A speech therapist provides consultative and corrective assistance in the form of an outpatient visit to children, mainly with pronunciation disorders.

Children with speech impairments in other nosological forms (oligophrenia, visual impairment, musculoskeletal system disorders), as well as children with mental retardation, need speech therapy assistance in the conditions of special preschool institutions.

According to the regulation “On the model staffing of special-purpose preschool institutions for children with mental and physical disabilities and on the remuneration of teachers-defectologists and speech therapists” (from the order of the Minister of Education of October 14, 1975 No. 131) in kindergartens (nursery- kindergartens) for children with impaired vision, musculoskeletal system and intelligence, the position of a defectologist teacher is introduced at the rate of 1 unit per group.

Children's preschool institutions for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system

Groups of a preschool institution for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system are completed taking into account age as follows: nursery group - children aged 2-3 years; younger group - children aged 3-4 years; middle group - 4-5 years; senior group - 5-6 years; group preparatory to school - b-7 years. The group size is 10-12 people.

Reception of children is held annually from August 1 to September 1. Children who have reached the age of 7, by decision of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission, are transferred to the appropriate types of schools.

A speech therapist teacher conducts all educational and correctional work on the mental development of children, on teaching correct speech, correct pronunciation. He works in close contact with a neuropsychiatrist, group educators, conducts frontal, subgroup and individual classes with children, maintains relevant documentation.

Children's preschool institutions for mentally retarded children

The main type of preschool institutions for mentally retarded children is a kindergarten (orphanage). Groups are completed taking into account age: the younger group - children aged 3-4 to 4-5 years; middle group - from 4-5 to 5-6 years; senior group - 5-6 years; preparatory school group 6-7 years. The occupancy of groups, regardless of the degree of intellectual impairment - 10-12 people.

A significant number of mentally retarded preschoolers have pronounced speech disorders, so the general system of correctional education provides for systematic speech therapy work. It is held at frontal speech development classes in accordance with the schedule 2 times a week in each age group (in the 1st-3rd years of study, the group is divided into subgroups, in the 4th year, frontal classes are held with all children). Individual speech therapy classes with each child are organized at least 3 times a week.

The content of correctional training includes the production and automation of the sounds of the native language, work on the fluency of speech, breathing, stress, clarification and expansion of the dictionary, the practical use of grammatical structures, the formation of coherent speech. Daily work on the development of children's speech is carried out by the entire team of a special preschool institution.

Preschool institutions (groups) for children with visual impairments

These institutions accept children with visual impairments aged 2 to 7 years (in kindergartens - from 2 years old, to kindergartens - from 3 years old), who have a pronounced decrease in vision and need intensive treatment. The number of preschool groups for blind children is 10, for the visually impaired, including amblyopia and strabismus, 12-15 people.

The need for systematic speech therapy work with this category of children is due to the presence of pronounced disorders of oral speech. The initial acquaintance with children begins with a detailed examination and assessment of speech and non-speech processes (the state of coherent speech, the formation of grammatical structure, vocabulary, phonetics, perception; the study of general and speech motor skills, etc.). Corrective work is planned taking into account the results of the survey.

The system of differentiated education provides for different levels (4 of them) of the speech development of children. So, in groups with the fourth level, the main attention is paid to the formation of sound pronunciation. In groups for children with the second - third and especially with the first speech level, speech therapy work provides for the elimination of gaps in the formation of the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical structure of speech. Speech therapy classes are conducted with children on the formation of coherent speech, the correction of all components of the speech system.

In form, speech therapy classes can be individual and under group. Correction of the speech development of blind and visually impaired children is carried out by the joint efforts of all specialists working in this preschool institution.

With a widely developed system of kindergartens for children with visual impairments, it becomes possible to more effectively address issues of continuity in the education of children of preschool and school age.

School for children with severe speech disorders (Vspecies)

School for children with severe speech disorders - a type of special school institution designed for children suffering from alalia, aphasia, rhinolalia, dysarthria, stuttering with normal hearing and initially intact intelligence. Successful formation of speech and assimilation of the training program for this contingent of children is effective only in a special-purpose school, where a special system of corrective influence is used.

With the direct participation of the speech therapy sector of the Research Institute of Defectology in 1954, the first school was organized in Leningrad.

In 1956, at a school for hearing-impaired children, separate classes were organized for children with a severe form of speech underdevelopment (Moscow). On the basis of the school in 1958, a special boarding school was opened with a special regime for children with severe speech disorders.

After 1958, similar schools appeared in other cities (Moscow (second school), Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, etc.).

Initially, these schools provided education in the amount of 4 classes of a mass school.

Since 1961, a network of special boarding schools for children with severe speech disorders began to develop.

Along with the tasks of a general education school of a general type, specific tasks are put forward in this institution:

    overcoming various types of violations of oral and written speech;

    elimination of the peculiarities of mental development associated with them in the process of correctional and educational work in school and extracurricular time;

    vocational training.

The school consists of two departments.

Children with diagnoses of al-aliya, childhood aphasia, dysarthria, rhinolalia, stuttering are admitted to the 1st department, who have a severe general underdevelopment of speech that prevents education in a comprehensive school. When completing classes, first of all, the level of speech development and the nature of the primary defect are taken into account.

The second department enrolls children suffering from a severe form of stuttering with normal development of speech.

In departments I and II, the educational process is carried out in accordance with the educational level of the programs of the two departments. In department I - stage I - primary general education with a standard development period of 4-5 years; Level II - basic general education with a standard period of development - 6 years.

In the II department - stage I - primary general education for 4 years, stage II - basic general education for 5 years.

The class size limit is 12 people.

Graduates of special schools receive a certificate of incomplete secondary education.

The educational process provides for a large number of hours for industrial and labor training. At the same time, two tasks are solved: work as an important correctional and educational means of overcoming defects in the development and formation of personality and as the main condition for preparing children with deviations in psychophysical development for life and work in society.

Correction of violations of speech and writing in students is carried out systematically throughout the entire educational process, but to the greatest extent in the lessons of the native language. In this regard, special sections are highlighted: pronunciation, speech development, literacy, phonetics, grammar, spelling and speech development, reading and speech development.

The combination of frontal (lesson) and individual forms of work provides overcoming of various manifestations of children's speech defects.

Individual speech therapy classes are conducted by a speech therapist teacher after school hours. Each student is additionally engaged in speech work 3 times a week (15-20 minutes each). For children with impaired motor skills, classes in therapeutic gymnastics are held. The II branch of the special school is intended for students with a severe form of stuttering, an additional year compared to the mass school is allotted for special speech work in the lower grades.

When teaching children with a severe form of stuttering, textbooks for secondary schools, special speech therapy manuals and technical teaching aids are used. In a special school, corrective and educational measures are systematically carried out, aimed at overcoming the peculiarities of mental development.

The composition of students in special schools is reviewed at the end of each academic year. As the speech defect is eliminated, students are transferred to a general education school. Graduates of a special school for children with severe speech impairments can continue their studies at a general education school or at vocational schools.

In addition to the speech therapist, teachers and educators are working to overcome speech disorders in children, in addition, the educator is working to consolidate the knowledge gained in the classroom, as well as to develop speech communication, self-service skills and sanitary and hygienic skills.

The teacher constantly works with one group of students and is obliged to study well the individual characteristics of each child and the characteristics of his speech defect.

Teachers, educators and a speech therapist of the school, together in the process of educational and labor activity, correct the general and speech development of children. Adequate general education and labor training allows persons with speech defects to become full-fledged members of society, participating both in labor and other activities.

In modern conditions of the growth of pathology, including speech pathology, great importance should be attached to speech therapy work in leveling classes at general education schools (for children with mental retardation and other learning difficulties).

Organization of speech therapy work in an auxiliary school .

Correction of speech disorders of mentally retarded students requires the organization of special speech therapy work. The curriculum of auxiliary schools provides hours of speech therapy classes, which are conducted by a speech therapist teacher. The teacher-speech therapist is a member of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission. He must, through a special examination, establish whether the child has a speech disorder, and determine its nature. In difficult cases, give a reasoned conclusion about what is primary: underdevelopment of cognitive activity or speech impairment of the child.

At the beginning of the school year, a speech therapist examines all students who have entered the school, regardless of the class in which they will study.

The speech examination covers pronunciation, tempo, fluency as well as comprehension, vocabulary, grammatical structure, reading and writing skills according to the child's school experience.

The primary examination of the oral speech of children is carried out during lessons in the classroom. The study of the state of writing (in previously studying children) is carried out with the help of dictations, the texts of which meet the conditions of a speech therapy test and meet the requirements of the program for this class.

All children who, as a result of the initial examination, have a speech disorder, are noted by the speech therapist in a special register. In addition, for each student with speech disorders, after an individual examination of the state of his speech and writing, a speech card is filled out.

The examination of the speech of children studying with a speech therapist in the previous year is not carried out completely, but only according to the parameters that were outlined by the speech therapist for continuing classes. The speech map is filled accordingly.

The most urgently needy students are selected for classes with a speech therapist. The rest are enrolled as candidates and are called by a speech therapist for classes as previously accepted students graduate after their speech disorders are eliminated.

The main criterion for enrolling in classes is the nature of the speech disorder and its significance for the child's progress.

The speech card of a student enrolled in speech therapy classes is accompanied by an individual lesson plan with him, which is compiled on the basis of a speech therapy conclusion that summarizes all the survey data.

The speech therapist also gets acquainted with the data of the medical examination in order to clarify the etiology and nature of the student's speech disorder and in order to find the most correct and effective corrective approach.

The beginning of systematic studies is preceded by an organizational period (the first two weeks of the academic year).

Work to correct speech disorders

It is built taking into account age characteristics, the school curriculum in the native language and the characteristics of the speech defect. The 5th and 6th lessons, free from classroom activities, and extracurricular time (in particular, regime moments after lunch) are allocated for speech therapy classes. By agreement with the school administration and class teachers, a speech therapist can take children from reading lessons.

Individual and group classes are held 4 times a week with students of grades I-IV and 3 times a week with students of grades V-VI. As a rule, 15 minutes are allotted for an individual lesson with each student. Group lessons are 45 minutes long. Classes with subgroups lasting 20-25 minutes are allowed.

As a rule, individual lessons are held with children in need of staging or correcting sounds.

The speech therapist completes groups on the basis of the homogeneity of speech impairment among students, if possible within one or two adjacent classes (for example, second or third grades). First grade students are singled out in a separate group, since working with them requires the selection of special educational and didactic material.

Subgroups are completed in cases where the characteristics of speech impairment in some students require work with them according to a special plan that does not coincide with the group plan.

Groups for speech therapy classes are completed in the amount of 4-6 people, subgroups - from 2-3 people.

If necessary, a speech therapist can redistribute children into groups. So, in order to consolidate and differentiate the sounds set in individual lessons, it is advisable to combine children into groups or subgroups, which significantly increases the efficiency of work. And vice versa, at a certain stage, the group can be divided into subgroups or some of the children can be allocated for individual work.

Responsibility for the accurate attendance by students of speech therapy classes rests with the speech therapist and the teacher of this class, in the senior classes of boarding schools - on the educator, in schools without boarding schools - on the class teacher.

Responsibilities of a speech therapist

    keeps a register of class attendance, which briefly reflects the content of the material covered in the classroom (daily);

    organizes work in close contact with teachers and educators, who in the classroom, when preparing homework, in everyday life should help to consolidate the speech skills acquired by students in the process of speech therapy classes;

    systematically informs teachers and educators about the successes and shortcomings of students, so that during and after lessons the children's speech is subject to feasible requirements;

    at the end of speech therapy classes with a child, he instructs the teacher and educator on the methods of bringing the achieved skills to full automation in the classroom and outside of school hours;

    attends lessons of the native language, speech development, reading and others to test the speech abilities of students with speech disorders (in their free time from speech therapy classes). In turn, teachers and educators should also periodically attend speech therapy classes in order to be aware of the ongoing work with students in this class;

    is well versed in the program requirements, in the methods and techniques of teaching the native language, takes them into account in his work, uses didactic material in accordance with the topic of the program that is studied in the lesson;

    helps educators in organizing speech work with students;

    at the end of the school year, he holds a matinee, where children who have completed speech therapy classes demonstrate their progress. All children with speech disorders and engaged with a speech therapist should take part in the matinee, regardless of the stage of work with them (except for the initial one). In these cases, the appropriate material is selected for them;

    takes part in pedagogical councils, where he makes presentations and reports on his work.

Such speeches are of great importance for the promotion of speech therapy knowledge among teachers.

The work of a speech therapist with teachers and educators can take different forms: individual conversations, open classes, messages at methodological associations with a demonstration of tape recordings of students' speech at admission and graduation, comparison of written work at different stages of work, etc.

At the end of the academic year, the speech therapist compiles text and digital reports on the work for the year.

Speech therapy centers at secondary schools

The deployment of a network of speech therapy centers at secondary schools in republican, regional and regional centers began in 1949.

In 1976, the Regulations on the formation of speech therapy centers at general education schools throughout the country came into effect.

Speech therapy centers are special educational institutions designed to correct speech disorders in school-age children. They are organized in one of the secondary schools of the district. Each of them is assigned a certain number of schools, the total number of primary classes of which should not exceed 16.

Main goals

    correct speech defects in students;

    promote speech therapy knowledge among teachers and the public;

    timely detection and prevention of speech disorders in children entering the first grades.

The main contingent of speech therapy centers are students with deficiencies in sound pronunciation, stuttering, reading and writing disorders, and mild general underdevelopment of speech.

When selecting children, a speech therapist examines them in a class (preparatory group).

Children are sent to the speech therapy center on the initiative of psychoneurologists, teachers, and parents.

At the same time, 18-25 people work at the city speech therapy center, and 15-20 people at the rural one. The pedagogical work of a speech therapist is planned at the rate of 20 hours per week.

The duration of correctional and developmental education for children with FSP and impaired reading and writing is approximately 4-9 months; children with OHP and writing and reading disorders - 1.5-2 years.

The results of speech therapy classes are noted in speech card of the child and brought to the attention of the class teacher and parents. Responsibility for the obligatory attendance of classes by students and the fulfillment of the necessary requirements rests with the speech therapist teacher, the class teacher and the school administration.

Parents are present when children are enrolled in a speech therapy group, monitor attendance and performance of tasks. In some cases, they are present in the classroom. Communication between a speech therapist and parents is also carried out by holding parent meetings and consultations.

Logopedic assistance in the healthcare system

Issues of improving speech therapy assistance to the population, improving the quality and efficiency of treatment of people suffering from speech disorders, are successfully resolved in the system of the country's Ministry of Health. Based on the order of the Ministry of Health No. 465 of April 8, 1985 “On measures to further improve speech therapy care for patients with speech disorders”, the directions for the development of specialized care were determined: expanding the network of speech therapy rooms, rehabilitation treatment departments in children's clinics, neuropsychiatric dispensaries. They provide assistance to people of all ages with functional and organic speech disorders.

Also in the order of the Ministry of Health No. 1096 of August 19, 1985. the estimated service standards for speech therapists are determined:

    for individual work with persons with severe speech disorders (aphasia, dysarthria, stuttering, etc.) - 1-5 visits per hour, for group speech therapy classes - 8-10 visits per hour;

    for individual work with persons suffering from dyslalia - 4 visits per hour, for group speech therapy classes - 10-12 visits per hour;

    1 rate of a speech therapist per 100,000 adults, 1 rate - per 20,000 children and adolescents.

The Federal Center for Speech Pathology and Neurorehabilitation (Moscow) is successfully functioning. Its main task is substantive, organizational and methodological work and assistance to health authorities and institutions in organizing the work of speech therapy rooms in polyclinics, neuropsychiatric dispensaries, specialized departments of hospitals for the treatment of patients with speech pathology (the head and founder of the center is Professor V. M. Shklovsky). Speech therapy assistance is also provided at the Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech. They focus on the pathology of the voice and stuttering.

Currently, speech therapy work in the healthcare system is determined by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 1988 No. 383 “On Systematized Assistance to Patients with Speech Disorders and Other Higher Mental Functions”.

Speech therapy room of the children's polyclinic

The main link of speech therapy assistance in the healthcare system is the speech therapy room of the children's polyclinic.

The work of a speech therapist in a polyclinic is built in accordance with the "Regulations on the speech therapy room of a children's polyclinic", which defines the areas of his work:

    Pedagogical work to correct speech defects is carried out in systematic and advisory classes.

    Medical examination of organized and unorganized children.

    Participation in the acquisition of speech therapy institutions of the healthcare and education system. Making speech therapy characteristics for each child.

    Carrying out speech therapy sanitary and educational work: conversations with parents, work with pediatricians and kindergarten teachers, issuing speech therapy bulletins, making visual didactic aids.

Specialized nursery for children with speech impairment

Specialized nurseries for children with speech disorders are an independent health care institution and are intended to educate children and carry out activities aimed at the correct development of speech or the correction of its defects.

Nurseries are under the jurisdiction of local health authorities, which manage their work and monitor the proper organization of services for children in them.

Selection in a nursery for children with speech disorders is carried out by a special commission consisting of a pediatrician, a psychiatrist (neuropathologist, psychoneurologist) and a speech therapist. Children are sent to the selection committee with the following documentation: an extract from the history of the development of the disease, the conclusion of a psychoneurologist and speech therapist of the polyclinic, a certificate from the place of residence, a certificate from the parents' place of work on the amount of wages.

Admission to a specialized nursery is carried out:

    for children with delayed speech development throughout the year as places become available;

    for stutterers - once every 6 months, in special cases, the period of stay of a child in a group for stuttering can be extended up to one year.

Specialized nurseries accept children with stuttering and delayed speech development against an organic background.

Contraindications for admission are: severe mental retardation (oligophrenia, mental retardation associated with a progressive mental illness), convulsive seizures, gross violations of motor functions.

The work of specialized nurseries is based on the type of institutions with round-the-clock stay of children. In specialized nurseries there are children under 4 years old (accepted at the age of up to 3 years).

Groups are completed according to a speech defect (stuttering, delayed speech development).

An extract from a specialized nursery is made at home, in a special kindergarten or a general kindergarten (according to indications).

Specialized children's home

The main task of a speech therapist in the orphanage is the prevention of deviations in speech development (starting from the pre-speech period - from 3 months to 1 year), timely diagnosis and correction of the speech of children in all age groups.

A speech therapist takes an active part in medical, psychological and pedagogical commissions, examines all children by types of speech and non-speech activities, describes the level of development of each child, draws up an action plan that ensures the timely development of speech or its correction, for each subgroup of children and individually.

He deals daily with children of all age groups (starting from 3 months of age) in subgroups and individually (in accordance with the methodological guidelines for teaching young children), evaluates the effectiveness of training.

Children's psycho-neurological sanatorium - health-improving institution of a sanatorium type

The children's psycho-neurological sanatorium is under district, city, republican subordination. General management is carried out by the Ministry of Health, oblast and city health departments.

Children 4-7 years old are admitted to a preschool psycho-neurological sanatorium; children from 7 to 13 years old - to a school psycho-neurological sanatorium.

The selection of children in a children's psycho-neurological sanatorium is carried out in accordance with the "Indications and contraindications for the treatment of children in local sanatoriums and resorts."

Indications for sending children to a neuropsychiatric sanatorium:

    neuroses and neurotic forms of reactive states; asthenic, cerebrosthenic, neurosis-like states as a result of an early organic lesion of the central nervous system; skull injuries, neuroinfections, somatic diseases;

    neurosis-like forms of mental illness in the stage of incomplete compensation;

    the initial manifestation of psychogenic pathological personality formations and pathological character traits without pronounced behavioral disorders and social adaptation;

    general underdevelopment of speech at all levels with concomitant reading and writing disorders; dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysarthria, dyslalia, rhinolalia; delayed speech development; stuttering (with concomitant disorders of sound pronunciation, reading and writing), mutism.

The term of stay in the sanatorium is 3 months. It is possible to re-treat after 6 months.

Completion is carried out according to the age principle.

The task of the sanatorium is to conduct health-improving and speech therapy activities in order to correct speech disorders and deviations in the mental development of children. School-age children are taught in general subjects according to the class.

The main sections of medical and recreational work

    therapeutic-protective and therapeutic-training regimen, taking into account the age and condition of children;

    balanced diet;


    physiotherapy and exercise therapy;

    drug therapy;

    speech therapy correctional classes;

  • occupational therapy.

The work is planned by those responsible for each section of the work (teacher, doctors, speech therapist) and coordinated by the head physician.

Modern therapeutic and speech therapy methods are used (rational psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, etc.).

There is a close connection with the schools of the nearby district, leading medical institutions in the city, region, republic.

The direct management of the children's psychoneurological sanatorium is carried out by the chief physician (psychoneurologist or pediatrician).

Speech therapy for adults

In recent years, intensive work has been carried out in the healthcare system to improve speech therapy assistance to adults suffering from various speech disorders. Particular attention is paid to the problems of restoring speech in patients who have had a severe stroke, brain surgery, etc.

The system of speech therapy assistance to the adult population includes institutions of various types:

    inpatient (neurological departments at hospitals);

    semi-stationary (occupational therapy rooms);

    outpatient (methodical rooms at district clinics of the city, rehabilitation centers at polyclinics).

Reception of patients in the clinic is planned at the rate of 4-6 people per working day. Once a week, the speech therapist of the polyclinic visits patients at home. The course of rehabilitation training in a polyclinic office covers from 10 to 17 people at the same time. The number of sessions per week with each patient is planned from 1 to 5 times and is determined by the patient's condition. The speech recovery course lasts an average of 3 months. If there are appropriate indications for the patient, the course of study can be repeated. The neuropathologist is constantly monitoring and supervising, systematic frontal and individual speech therapy classes are carried out. At the same time, a complex of physiotherapy exercises, massage, physiotherapy and occupational therapy are prescribed. The opening of semi-hospital and rehabilitation centers for patients with aphasia makes it possible to more successfully resolve issues of social adaptation and psychotherapeutic impact.

The provision of speech therapy assistance in the conditions of the neurological department to patients with severe speech disorders (aphasia, dysarthria, stuttering, etc.) is carried out in stages. Early corrective action increases work efficiency and is of great preventive value.

The terms of stay of patients in a neurological hospital are 1-3 months.

A comprehensive examination (speech therapist, neuropsychologist, etc.) and analyzes of its results help to identify the degree, nature and localization of the lesion, and compensatory possibilities.

With patients suffering from aphasia, subgroup, individual classes are held: their frequency, nature and content depend on the individual capabilities of the patient and the degree of speech disorder. The duration of speech therapy classes in the first weeks is 10-15 minutes (1-2 times a day). A little later, the duration of classes increases to 45 minutes daily, for subgroup classes, the period is extended to 1 hour. In the speech chart of the patient, 2 times a month, the dynamics of speech therapy work (current epicrisis) is recorded.

In many municipalities, city and district geriatric centers and municipal assistance teams (including speech therapists) are organized.

The effectiveness of speech therapy work is largely determined by the contact of the speech therapist with the doctor and the patient's relatives.

Equipment for a speech therapy room

The use of modern technical means and visual aids occupies an important place in the work of speech therapy institutions.

In special preschool institutions and schools, models of objects, models, dummies, illustrated tables, diagrams are used.

A special place in importance is occupied by manuals for independent work of children (handouts, various designers, collapsible models).

Speech therapists can use various didactic aids for children who do not have developmental disabilities.

A sample list of equipment for conducting speech therapy classes includes the following devices and appliances: stopwatch; tape recorder (with cassettes); stereo headphones, metronome, screen, slide projector, video recorder, AIR, electrophone, set of records; a screen for covering the face of a speech therapist; probes, spatulas; watch.

Didactic material: sets of toys (figurative, fun games; building material) for children of different age groups; board games (lotto, dominoes, etc.); albums for the examination and correction of speech, subject and plot pictures; split alphabet; counting material; mosaic; a set of objects of different colors, sizes, shapes.

Sounding toys set: drum, xylophone, pipes, harmonicas, piano, tambourine.

Sets of toys for frontal developmental work speeches: furniture, clothes, dishes, transport, domestic and wild animals, vegetables and fruits. The allowances available in the office should be systematized.

General requirements for the design of a speech therapy room

Individual, group and frontal speech therapy classes are held in specially equipped rooms, the placement and area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich must comply with the instructions for the design of special institutions. Funding for speech therapy rooms is carried out by the regional, city and district departments of public education according to the estimate of the institution where the speech therapist works.

In the speech therapy room, it is necessary to have a cabinet for manuals and literature, tables and chairs for classes. The number of tables should be at least 4, not counting the large table for a speech therapist, and the number of chairs should be at least 8-10.

In a speech therapy room, it is necessary to have a hinged board, half lined. It should have facilities for placing pictures, flannelgraph, objects and other equipment. Necessary in the equipment of a speech therapy room is a wall mirror with a curtain measuring 70 x 100 cm for group work on setting sounds and small mirrors 9-12 cm for individual work (at least 10).

For the convenience of using didactic aids, a speech therapist draws up a special file.

The equipment of the speech therapy room at the school point additionally includes:

    Special aids for the development of phonemic differentiation (a set of paired subject pictures corresponding to words with initial sounds, close and distant in sound, and of various sound and syllabic complexity); sets of pictures corresponding to words with different letter positions: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end.

    Sets of various words and pictures for making sentences; a set of reference phrases for compiling stories; phrases with missing words, different in their grammatical affiliation and in degree, the nature of their connection with the phraseological context.

    Sets of sentences corresponding to various logical and grammatical constructions, and spatial schemes of prepositions.

    Word sets with missing letters; texts of sentences and stories with missing words; dictation texts.

    Sets of words: antonyms, synonyms and homonyms.

    Sets of letters in different fonts; numbers; elements of letters and numbers, sets of arithmetic examples and elementary tasks; sets of geometric shapes and elements of figures for construction.

    Books with poems, proverbs, fables, humorous stories, sayings with questions developed for them.

    Sets of texts with missing beginning, middle, end.

    Pictures depicting objects and actions, plot pictures of varying complexity, successive series of pictures reflecting gradually developing events; reproductions of works of art (pictures); sets of subject pictures with missing elements.

10. Books for reading, collections of dictations, alphabet, geographical maps, sets of records.

Control question and tasks

1. Describe the main types of special institutions for children with speech disorders (in the system of education and healthcare).

    Expand the main directions in the work of a speech therapist with parents.

    Highlight the tasks of remedial education in schools for children with severe speech disorders.

    Tell us about the provision of speech therapy assistance to the adult population.

    List the requirements for the design of a speech therapy room.

    What documentation should a speech therapist have in different types of institutions?

    When visiting a special institution, find out the specific organizational conditions of work.

    Get acquainted in more detail with the equipment of the speech therapy room and the documentation of the speech therapist (at school, in kindergarten, point, etc.).


    Volkova L. S. Identification and correction of oral speech disorders in blind and visually impaired children. L., 1991.

    Education and training of mentally retarded children of preschool age. M., 1983.

    Garanina L. A. Variability in the organization of speech therapy assistance to children of preschool age. Kursk, 1998.

    Children with mental retardation / Under. ed.T. A. Vlasova, V. I. Lubovsky, N. A. Tsypina. M., 1984.

    Fundamentals of speech therapy / Pod. ed. T.V. Volosovets. M., 2000.

    Filicheva T. B., Cheveleva N. A. Speech therapy in a special kindergarten. M., 1987.

    Yastrebova A. V., Bessonova T. P. An instructive-methodical letter on the work of a speech therapist teacher at a speech therapy center at educational institutions. M., 1996.

The year of the birth of speech therapy in Russia can be considered 1933, when L. S. Vygotsky, together with the director of the Experimental Defectological Institute of the People's Commissariat of Education I. I. Danyushevsky, created another branch of defectology, the object of which was children with speech disorders. At the Experimental Defectological Institute, a School appeared - a speech clinic.

At present, a system of assistance to children and adults with speech pathology has been created and is constantly being improved in our country. Speech therapy assistance to children and adults is provided through education, health care and social security.

The education system provides assistance to children with speech disorders of preschool and school age. For this purpose, special kindergartens, kindergartens, preschool orphanages, preschool groups at special and general education schools, special groups in general kindergartens, schools for children with severe speech disorders (type V schools), speech therapy centers at general education schools .

Children with speech disorders from the age of three with primary intact intelligence and normal hearing are admitted to special preschool institutions. Among these institutions there are kindergartens with round-the-clock stay, which accept children from 4 years old. The main goal of the work of preschool institutions for children with speech disorders in accordance with the "Model Regulation" is the comprehensive education of children, the development of their correct colloquial speech, correct pronunciation and the preparation of children for school.

At the initiative of local education departments, the administration of institutions and the initiative of parents, preschool groups are currently being created at special and general education schools and special groups in general kindergartens. These groups provide speech therapy assistance to children with speech disorders in order to prepare them for school.

In schools for children with severe speech disorders (schools of type V) there may be two departments: a) for children with severe speech disorders (1st department), b) for stutterers (2nd department). Some of these schools are boarding schools. The 1st department enrolls children suffering from general underdevelopment of speech. When completing classes, the level of speech development of children and the nature of the speech defect (alalia, aphasia, rhinolalia, stuttering with ONR, dysarthria) are taken into account. The 2nd department enrolls children with a severe form of stuttering with normal speech development. In a school for children with severe speech disorders, education is carried out according to specially developed programs in accordance with the programs of general education schools.

In the 1st department - stage I - primary general education with a standard development period - 4-5 years; Level II - basic general education with a standard period of development - 6 years.

In the 2nd department - stage I - primary general education - 4 years, stage II - basic general education - 5 years.

Maximum occupancy of classes - 12 people.

Speech therapy centers at general education schools are designed to correct speech disorders in school-age children. Students with speech disorders, general underdevelopment of speech, stuttering, reading and writing disorders are enrolled at speech therapy points.

In the healthcare system, assistance to children with speech pathology is provided in speech therapy rooms of children's clinics, in specialized nurseries for children with speech disorders, in specialized orphanages, in children's psychoneurological hospitals and sanatoriums, semi-hospital and summer camps-sanatoriums. In the conditions of medical institutions, children are provided with comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance, which involves the correctional and educational work of a speech therapist, educator and psychologist, and medical impact.

Speech therapy rooms of children's polyclinics serve children at the place of residence. The main areas of work of the speech therapist of the polyclinic: clinical examination of children in preschool institutions, primary admission of children who do not attend preschool institutions, participation in the acquisition of speech therapy institutions of the health and education system, pedagogical work to correct speech defects, conducting speech therapy sanitary and educational work among the population .

Specialized nurseries for children with speech disorders accept children under the age of 3 with stuttering and delayed speech development of organic genesis, with normal hearing and primary intact intelligence, with intact motor sphere. This type of institution operates around the clock for children. Groups are completed according to the speech defect - for stuttering children and for children with delayed speech development.

In specialized orphanages there are children with organic lesions of the central nervous system from 3 months to one year. Correctional and educational work with this category of children provides for an examination of psychomotor development and the implementation of corrective measures for the formation of speech and the psyche.

Children with the consequences of early organic damage to the central nervous system (the main contingent is children with cerebral palsy) are sent to children's psychoneurological hospitals to receive comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance.

In children's psycho-neurological sanatoriums there are children of preschool age from 4 to 7 years old and school children from 7 to 13 years old. Correctional and educational work is aimed at correcting speech disorders and deviations in mental development.

The social security system includes orphanages for severely mentally retarded children and adolescents and orphanages for the deaf and blind. Disabled children are admitted to the institutions, and complex correctional and educational work is carried out with them, an integral part of which is speech therapy.