Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language online. Dictionary

You rarely meet a person who has not looked into the dictionary at least once in his life. With their help, we not only learn the meaning of certain words, select synonyms or antonyms, but also learn a lot of new things.

Let's talk about what dictionaries are, what is their classification and remember the main "linguistic reference books" of the Russian language.

Dictionary Science

Lexicography is one of the branches of linguistics that deals with the problems of studying and compiling dictionaries. It is she who is engaged in the classification, puts forward requirements for the design of articles and their content.

Scholars who compile dictionaries call themselves lexicographers. It is important to note that dictionaries do not have authors, only compilers. This is due to the fact that they are compiled using special cards, on which the meanings of words and their forms are fixed. In this case, the compiler can use both cards collected by him personally, and cards collected by a whole staff of linguists.

Classification of modern dictionaries

All dictionaries are divided into encyclopedic and philological, or linguistic.

Encyclopedic dictionaries provide information about various events. A striking example of such a dictionary is BES - the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. The encyclopedia includes

What are linguistic dictionaries? This group of dictionaries deals directly with words and their interpretation. They are also divided into bilingual and monolingual.

Bilingual dictionaries contain the language and their foreign language equivalent.

Monolingual dictionaries are divided into groups depending on their purpose.

The most used types of dictionaries

What are the types of dictionaries? Among the monolingual dictionaries, the following should be distinguished:

Famous dictionaries of the Russian language

Let's now discuss what are the dictionaries of the Russian language.

  • The most famous is the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, compiled by the famous scientist V. I. Dahl. This guide contains about 200 thousand words. Despite the fact that it is already more than a century old, it is read one of the most complete and used in our time.
  • The second no less important "Explanatory Dictionary", compiled by another well-known linguist S.I. Ozhegov.
  • The Orthoepic Dictionary was published by two different linguists - R. I. Avanesov and I. L. Reznichenko. Both dictionaries are impressive and will be useful not only for schoolchildren and students.
  • We also note the "Dictionary of Synonyms" by Z. E. Aleksandrova and the "Dictionary of Antonyms" edited by L. A. Vvedenskaya.

What other dictionaries are there? You can find out the history of many words familiar to us by referring to the work of N. M. Shansky “A Brief Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language”, and A. I. Molotkov’s “Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language” will help you get acquainted with phraseological units and their meaning.

It is also worth noting the "Dictionary of the difficulties of the Russian language" edited by the famous Russian philologist, author of many monographs and a collection of rules of the Russian language D. E. Rozental and M. A. Telenkova.

The structure of a dictionary entry

In conclusion, I would like to add a few words about the structure of the dictionary entry.

Any dictionary entry begins with a heading word, which is often written in capital letters and highlighted in bold.

We note right away that the words used in dictionaries are always spelled correctly, therefore, if you doubt the correct spelling of a word, it is not necessary to refer to a spelling dictionary. It is enough to open any available at your fingertips.

Most dictionaries also indicate the correct stress. Almost all Russian dictionaries will contain this information. What other notes are there?

After the headword comes information about what part of speech it belongs to. Then its meaning is described or there is a list of synonyms, antonyms - it all depends on the type of dictionary. The dictionary entry ends with examples of use - quotes from books, magazines. If this word has features in use, this information is also indicated at the end of the article.


We have analyzed what lexicography is, what dictionaries are and their meaning, listed the main types, and also provided a list of the most useful for any educated person.

Remember, if you experience difficulties in writing or pronouncing a word, you cannot choose the most successful one, you just need to open one of the books we have listed.

Welcome to the Russian-Russian dictionary. Please write the word or phrase you want to check in the text box on the left.

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Glosbe dictionaries are unique. On Glosbe you can check not only translations into language English or Russian: we also provide examples of usage, by showing dozens of examples of translated sentences containing translated phrase. This is called "translation memory" and is very useful for translators. You can see not only the translation of a word, but also how it behaves in a sentence. Our translation memories come mostly from parallel corpora that have been made by humans. Such translation of sentences is a very useful addition to dictionaries.


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S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

Ah, union. 1. Connects sentences or members of a sentence, expressing opposition, comparison. He went and I stayed. Write with a pen, not a pencil. Handsome, not smart. 2. Attaches sentences or members of a sentence with the meaning of adding something. with a consistent presentation, with the meaning of explanation, objection, amplification, transition to another thought. There is a house on the mountain, and a stream under the mountain. It would be a swamp, but there are devils (last). What you. are you doing today? and tomorrow? It's not his fault. - And who is to blame, if not him? 3. Use. at the beginning of interrogative and exclamatory sentences, as well as at the beginning of speech to enhance expressiveness, persuasiveness (often in combination with pronouns, adverbs, other unions). And how we will have fun! And yet I do not agree. * And also (and), union - expresses attachment, amplifying or comparative addition. Skillful driver, as well as a locksmith. Acts in films as well as on television. And then - 1) union, otherwise, otherwise. Hurry, or you'll be late; 2) in reality, but in reality. If it were so, otherwise the opposite is true; And then! (but how!) (simple) - expresses in response: 1) confident agreement, confirmation. Frozen? - And then! Frost in the yard; 2) ironic disagreement, denial: Will he go? -And then! Wait! And not that, the union is the same as that (in 1 value). And even, the union - attaches a message about something. unwanted or unexpected. Screaming, and then beat.

A2, particle (colloquial). 1. Indicates a question or response to someone. the words. Let's go for a walk, shall we? Why don't you answer? - BUT? What? 2. Strengthens circulation. Vanya, Vanya! 3. [pronounced with varying degrees of duration]. Expresses clarification, satisfied understanding. Ah, so it was you! Why didn't you call? - The phone didn't work! - Ah! Ah, so wat what's the matter!

A3 [pronounced with varying degrees of duration], int. Expresses annoyance, bitterness, as well as surprise, gloating and other similar feelings. What have I done? - Ah! Ah, got it!

Ah... an attachment. Forms nouns and adjectives with meaning. absence (in words with a foreign root), the same as "not", for example. asymmetry, illogical, immoral, arrhythmic, asynchronous.

Lampshade, -a, m. A cap for a lamp, a lamp. Green a. 11 app. lampshade, th, th.

ABAZINSKY, th, th. 1. see Abaza. 2. Relating to the Abaza, to their language, national character, way of life, culture, as well as to the territory of their residence, its internal structure, history; such as the Abaza. A. language (Abkhaz-Adyghe group of Caucasian languages). In Abaza (adv.).

ABAZINS, -in, units. -inets, -ntsa, m. The people living in Karachay-Cherkessia and in Adygea. II well. abaza, -i. II adj, Abaza, -th, -th.

ABBAT, -a, m. 1. Rector of a male Catholic monastery. 2. Catholic clergyman. II adj. abbey, th, th.

ABBATIS, -y, f. Mother Superior of a female Catholic monastery.

ABBEY, -a, cf. Catholic monastery.

ABBREVIATION, -s, f. In word formation: a noun formed from truncated segments of words (for example, executive committee, Komsomol), from the same segments in combination with a whole word (for example, maternity hospital, spare parts), as well as from the initial sounds of words or the names of their initial letters (for example ., university, automatic telephone exchange, Moscow Art Theater, computer, hard currency), a compound word. II adj. abbreviation, -th, -th.

ABERRATION, -i, f. (specialist.). Deviation from something, as well as distortion of something. A. light rays. A. optical systems (image distortion). A. ideas (trans.). II adj. aberrational, th, th.

PARAGRAPH, -a, m. 1. Red line, indent at the beginning of the line. Start writing with a paragraph. 2. Text between two such indents. Read the first a.

ABYSSINIAN, th, th. 1. see Abyssinians. 2. Relating to the Abyssinians, to their language, national character, way of life, culture, as well as to Abyssinia (the former name of Ethiopia), its territory, internal structure, history; such as the Abyssinians in Abyssinia. Abyssinian (adv.).

ABISSINIANS, -ev, vd. -net, -ntsa, m. The former name of the population of Ethiopia (Abyssinia), Ethiopians. II well. Abyssinian, -i. II adj. Abyssinian, th, th.

APPLICANT, -a, m. 1. High school graduate (obsolete). 2. A person entering a higher or special educational institution. II well. entrant, and II adj. entrant, th, th.

SUBSCRIPTION, -a, m. A document granting the right to use something, something. service, as well as the right itself. A. to the theatre. A. for a series of lectures. Interlibrary a. II adj. subscription, th, th.

SUBSCRIBER, -a, m. A person using a subscription, having the right to use something. by subscription. A. libraries. A. telephone network (person or institution that has a telephone). II well. subscriber, -i (colloquial). II adj. subscriber, -th, -th.

SUBSCRIBE, -ruyu, -ruesh; -any; owls. and nesov., that. Get (-chat) by subscription, become (be) a subscriber of something. A. I lie down in the theater.

BOARDING, -a, m. In the era of the rowing and sailing fleet: an attack on an enemy ship during close approach to it for hand-to-hand combat. Take on a. (also trans.). II adj. boarding, th, th.

ABORIGEN, -a, m. (book). Indigenous inhabitant of the country, locality. II well. aborigine, -i (colloquial).

NATIVE, th, th. Relating to the natives, to their life, to the places of their original habitat; like the aborigines.

ABORTION, -a, m. Premature termination of pregnancy, spontaneous or artificial, miscarriage.

ABORTIVE, -th, -th (spec.). 1. Suspending or dramatically changing the development, course of the disease. A. method. Abortive remedies. 2. Underdeveloped. Abortive organs of plants. II n. abortion, and (to 2 values).

ABRASIVE, -a, m. (special). Solid fine-grained or powdery substance (flint, emery, corundum, carborundum, pumice, garnet) used for grinding, polishing, sharpening. II adj. abrasive, th, th. abrasive materials. A. tool (grinding, polishing).

ABRACADABRA, -s, f. A meaningless, incomprehensible set of words [originally: a mysterious Persian word that served as a saving magic spell].

ABREK, -a, m. During the annexation of the Caucasus to Russia: a mountaineer who participated in the struggle against the tsarist troops and administration.

APRICOT, -a, genus pl. -ov, m. Southern fruit tree rosaceous, giving juicy sweet fruits with a large stone, as well as its fruit. II adj. apricot, th, th apricot, oh, th.

APRICOT, th, th. 1. see apricot. 2. Yellow-red, the color of a ripe apricot.

ABRIS, -a, m. (book). The outline of the object, the contour. II adj. outline, th, th.

ABSENTHEISM [sente], -a, m. (book). Evasion of voters from participating in elections to state bodies. II adj. ab-senteist, th, th.

ABSOLUTE, -a, m. (book). 1. In philosophy: the eternal, unchanging fundamental principle of everything that exists (spirit, idea, deity). 2. Something self-sufficient, independent of any. conditions and relationships. Raise something. in a.

ABSOLUTISM, -a, m. The form of government, under which the supreme power entirely belongs to the autocratic monarch, an unlimited monarchy. adj. absolutist, th, th.

ABSOLUTE, -th, -th; -ten, -tna. 1. full f. Unconditional, independent of anything, taken beyond comparison with something. The absolute value of a real number (in mathematics: the number itself, taken without a + or - sign). A. zero (temperature at -273.15 ° C). A. champion (athlete - winner in the all-around, in some other types of competitions). 2. Perfect, complete. A. peace. He is absolutely (adv.) right. Absolute majority (overwhelming majority). Absolute monarchy (autocracy). A. hearing (hearing, accurately determining the height of any tone). II n. absoluteness, -i, f. (to 2 values).

ABSTRACT, -ruyu, -ruesh; -a-ny; owls. and nonsov., that (book). Produce (-lead) an abstraction (in 1 meaning) of something.

A dictionary of the Russian language should be in every home. This does not indicate a high level of illiteracy of our people, but is a kind of way to honor the work of our great compatriots. The first message about Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary appeared after the October Revolution, which means that he will soon celebrate his centenary. A lot of time has passed since then, and over the years Ozhegov's dictionary, in collaboration with Shvedova, has been repeatedly reprinted. To date, the total circulation of all publications is about 3.5 million books. This speaks of his immense popularity.

With the development of information technology, it has become much easier to introduce yourself or your children to the study of the rules of their native language. Now the need to buy bulky and expensive books has disappeared by itself. Everything we need can be found on the Internet. For example, Ozhegov's spelling dictionary of the Russian language, online viewing of which is available on our website. This is one of the most extensive books of its kind.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegov online contains information about 80,000 words and expressions, giving an explanation to each of them. In it you will find a detailed description and interpretation of words, and understand when it is appropriate to use them, and when it is better to remain silent. After all, after listening to others on the street, and sometimes from television screens, one gets the impression of an incomplete education and verbal failure of the speaker.

The online explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov and Shvedova, available on our website, is popular. Every day hundreds or even thousands of visitors resort to its help, finding answers to their questions. If only curiosity can force a simple person to look into it, then journalistic practice requires correct Russian speech and understanding of what was said. Also, Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary online will undoubtedly be useful to those working in the field of copyright. This profession requires the speaker to be able to correctly formulate and present an idea, because the written texts undergo a rigorous check for uniqueness. In other words, the vocabulary of a copywriter must constantly grow, which will undoubtedly contribute to a competent narrative.

We continue the great work that began almost a hundred years ago, and give everyone the opportunity to use this book absolutely free of charge, because the Ozhegov Dictionary of the Russian Language not only does not lose popularity, but, on the contrary, is gaining it every day. Work on its improvement of the creation of Ozhegov and Shvedova continues to this day, and who knows, maybe our grandchildren will see new reprints, supplemented with hitherto unknown words and phrases.