Early help for children with disabilities. The system of early comprehensive care for children with disabilities

Marina Machekhina
Early comprehensive care for children with disabilities and their families in Russia

Family with a disabled child family with special status. Features and problems of this families are determined not only by the personal characteristics of all its members and the nature of the relationship between them, but also by greater employment in solving the problems of the child, closeness families for the outside world, lack of communication, frequent lack of work for the mother, but most importantly - a specific position in family of a disabled child due to his illness.

At the present stage of development of the education system, interaction with families pupils receive a lot of attention. This is due to problems in interpersonal relationships between children with disabilities and their parents, inadequate assessment of their child with developmental problems, and cruel treatment of him. So assistance to children with disabilities requires socio-psychological support of their families. The development of a child with special educational needs to a large extent depends on the well-being of his family situation, on the adequate participation of parents in his physical and moral development, on the correctness of their educational influences.

One of the most relevant areas of special (correctional) pedagogy at the present stage as in Russia, and all over the world is early comprehensive assistance to children with disabilities and their families.

Early integrated care is the new, a rapidly developing field of interdisciplinary knowledge, considering the theoretical and practical foundations comprehensive services for children of the first months and years of life from groups of medical, genetic and social risk of developmental delay.

Early Comprehensive Care is formed as part of a system of special education, designed to influence the improvement of conditions for the development of children with limited opportunities and children, whose development is due to the action of multiple risk factors.

From an effective organization early comprehensive care to a decisive extent, the prevention of disability and (or) declining degree restrictions life and work capacity.

Features of the development of the child in early age plasticity of the central nervous system and the ability to compensation impaired functions determines the importance early comprehensive care, which allows, through targeted action, to correct primary impaired mental and motor functions with reversible defects and prevent the occurrence of secondary deviations in development.

Early Comprehensive Care involves a wide range of long-term medical, psychological, social and educational services focused on family and carried out in the process of agreed ( "command") work of specialists of different profiles.

It is a system of specially organized events, each element of which can be considered as an independent activity of institutions under the jurisdiction of health, education and social protection authorities. population:

1. Identification of an infant with or at risk of developmental delay, suggesting unity early diagnosis, identification, screening and referral to the appropriate territorial service early help.

2. Determining the level of development of the child" and designing individual early education programs.

3. Training and consulting families.

4. Rendering primary help in the implementation of developing programs as in a family setting, and in a specially organized pedagogical environment that meets the special educational needs of the baby (development groups).

5. Targeted work on the development of the sensorimotor sphere of the child.

6. Psychological and legal support families.

7. early planned and(or) emergency medical treatment.

8. Coordination of the activities of all social institutions and services in providing full family services package and the child as part of an individual development programs.

Creation of a prevention system, early diagnosis and correction of deviations in the development of children involves the analysis and evaluation of experience gained over 30 years abroad, made Russia on this path at the present time.

The importance of providing quality services at the most early stages of development of a child with special needs today leaves no doubt and is an inalienable right of children, and of those families in which they are brought up. This right is enshrined both in international conventions and in national laws already in a number of countries. As emphasized by the reviewed countries, the implementation of this right and the creation of a system early intervention has become possible not only thanks to the efforts of professionals and specialists directly providing services early intervention, but also state and public figures, representatives of various departments both at the local, regional and national levels. It is important to note that despite the different historical, cultural and economic context, the formation and development of systems early intervention has a number of common features in the reviewed countries, and exactly:

Transition from medical to social model of disability;

Creating a common conceptual framework early interdisciplinary interventions;

Establishing interaction between various departments, creating interdepartmental commissions at various levels for the development and coordination of services early intervention;

Establishment of a legal and regulatory framework governing the activities of services early intervention, as well as the adoption of relevant laws at the national or federal levels (although in Russian Federation Law on Early Childhood intervention has not yet been adopted and is currently being discussed);

Providing funding mechanisms early intervention usually from different sources, involving different ministries;

Widespread awareness of the public, politicians and professionals about the importance of early interventions and the main mechanisms of the functioning of the system early intervention;

Protocol Implementation early detection and diagnosis with the maximum use of existing resources;

Create a service network early intervention that meet the principles of accessibility (financial and geographical, interdisciplinarity, family-centeredness, work in the natural environment of the development of the child, as well as scientific and evidence-based;

Creation of professional associations, definition of criteria and standards for the quality of services early intervention;

Development of the personnel training system both in higher educational institutions and in the workplace, development of trainings and advanced training courses.

The examples of development and organization of the system considered by us early interventions in various countries confirm that today Early intervention, due to its significant advantages, is an important socio-economic strategy for the development of society and thus an integral part of public policy.


1. Galkina E. V. Work with family of a child with a disability(HIA)[Text] // Topical issues of modern pedagogy: Materials II Intern. scientific conf. (Ufa, July 2012). - Ufa: Summer 2012.

2. Emelina O. I. Formation of the system assistance to young children for 2. To the question of creating a system of psychological and pedagogical family assistance

3. To the question of creating a system of psychological and pedagogical family assistance, raising a child with developmental disabilities, Defectology No. 3, 1999, pp. 30-36.

4. Malofeev N. N., Razenkova Yu. A., Uryadnitskaya N. A. On the development of the service early childhood care with developmental disabilities and children with disabilities in the Russian Federations [Text] // Defectology. 2007. No 6. S. 6068.

5. Morozova E. I. New approaches to organization assistance to families raising problem children early age, Defectology No. 3, 1998, pp. 49 - 57.

6. Nazarova N. M. - Volume 3. Pedagogical systems of special education - file n1.doc

7. Early comprehensive care for children with developmental disabilities as one of the priority areas of special (correctional) Pedagogy, Defectology No. 3, 2002. pp. 11-13.

8. Razenkova Yu. A. Regional policy in the field early help: problems and prospects // Defectology. 2003. No 4. S. 7278.

Internet resources:


2. http://www.autism.ru/read.asp?id=24&vol=0 Chistovich L. A., Kozhevnikova E. V. A possible Russian version of early intervention programs

3. http://gigabaza.ru/doc/69754-p13.html

4. http://www.studfiles.ru/preview/1722967/

5. http://studopedia.ru/8_113636_programmi-ranney-pomoshchi.html

6. ttps://www.unicef.org/ukraine/ukr/Early_Intervention_Concept_RUS.pdf

Model of psychological assistance in the service

Kirtoki A.E.

Recently, the problems of a family in which an unusual child grows up (in this article we will talk about a family raising a child with Down syndrome) in our country are increasingly becoming the subject of wide discussion. Questions are raised about early prenatal diagnosis, early professional psychological and pedagogical support for the family, the integration of children with Down syndrome into society and improving the quality of life of both the child and his family. This is a completely natural process that is taking place in those countries where citizens are increasingly aware that well-being, comfort and satisfaction with their lives largely depend on their own desires and their own activity. And in Russia there is a growing number of those families who are actively striving to exercise their right to raise, educate and educate a child with Down syndrome. Their experience, which is not yet widespread everywhere, shows how the capabilities of people with Down syndrome change significantly when conditions are created for the development and realization of their capabilities. After all, the needs of a person with 47 chromosomes are no different from the needs of people with 46. They need social communication, a sense of self-respect, which, among other things, depends on the consciousness of the social value of their own lives. But in order for an adult to live a full life, he must gain experience in social and professional contacts, acquire skills in a certain professional activity.

Specially organized early psychological support is very important for such families for a number of reasons. And the first of them is the lack of tolerance in our society. Social institutions: medical, educational, social security agencies, designed to provide assistance to a family in a difficult situation, themselves are often an additional traumatic factor for parents raising a baby with Down syndrome.

In violation of the rights of a child born with this diagnosis, already in the obstetric institution, parents in a “mild” and sometimes frankly unceremonious form are offered to abandon the baby. However, the very forms in which this is offered are not so different from each other, because in any case, parents are broadcast the rejection of their baby, the refusal to recognize the born little person as equal, endowed with general civil rights. Often, from the lips of doctors, the common noun “down” sounds in his address, and at the same time, the fact that the person who was born - a boy or a girl - is finally a son or daughter of his mother and father who gave birth to him, is ignored. If the obstetrician immediately suspects Down syndrome, the first words of congratulations almost never sound. And in the future, when parents want their child to go to kindergarten, communicate with peers, go to a summer health camp, go to school, get a profession - at each stage it becomes clear that society lacks the conditions that would provide a family possibility of normal social life. Thus, the family is isolated, and this increases the risks of developing specific psychological problems.

But despite the fact that the social conditions for supporting such families leave much to be desired, each individual family can significantly improve the quality of their lives and the lives of their children, since, as a rule, they have sufficient resources to take advantage of the best that one way or another is in our country. life. And the conditions are always changing if there is a desire and energy to change them. At the same time, only the family itself is the main expert in how satisfied it is with the arrangement of its life. The task of professional psychologists is to help a family in a traumatic, that is, painful situation, to discover personal, family and social resources that will improve the quality of life of the family and the child.

What are the features of the psychological support of the family in which a child with Down syndrome was born, and why is it necessary?

Before talking about the work of professionals in such a situation, let's imagine what parents face from the first minutes of their baby's life.

The discovery of Down syndrome (this genetic anomaly) in a child is a serious psychological trauma. Parents have to go through a strong disappointment, to part with the image of the child that they saw in their fantasies and to whom they became attached during the nine months of waiting. Their identity suffers, and hence self-respect, and finally, they lose the image of the expected future.

So, a family coming to early intervention services for the first time is often a family experiencing either acute grief or post-traumatic consequences. You can talk about acute grief during the first year of a child's life. Here it is important to assess in what phase of the experience of grief the family is or what task is being solved in the process of this experience*.

The peculiarities of this process will consist in the fact that, simultaneously with the feeling of losing the image of the unborn child, attachment to the born baby develops. Parents need support in experiencing what the child has not become and will not become, what disappoints in the child, and what attracts, what is destroyed in their life by this event, and what is not. What is gained? What resources are available to deal with the situation? Who else shares their sympathy for the baby?

Often parents want to involve a specialist in the activities with the child to make sure that their baby is accepted, sometimes– to share or delegate responsibility. It can also be a way to take care of a child to reduce feelings of guilt and confusion.

Parents, as a rule, ask for information about Down syndrome, about the future of such children, about the best prospects and the worst options. But almost every such family is in a situation of experiencing the very fact that a child has Down syndrome, and in fact every parent puts his own meaning into this concept. The diagnosis is made already in the hospital, and mothers are told that the baby, presumably, has Down syndrome even before the analysis of the karyotype is done, and this often happens in the first hours of the child's life. At the time of the diagnosis, the mother usually finds herself alone, without the support of people close to her. In the overwhelming majority of cases, she has yet to deliver this difficult news to her relatives. In the maternity hospital, as already mentioned, the family is persistently offered to give up their son or daughter, arguing that the baby will not develop and that the specialists in the orphanage will provide him with more qualified assistance than the parents. Mom does not bring the baby to feed; there are cases of using drugs to interrupt lactation.

Many mothers remember for a long time the contemptuous or squeamish attitude of others towards themselves and their baby. Often the mother herself and the people around her have misconceptions about both the reasons for the birth of a child with Down syndrome, and about its capabilities and development prospects.

If a family comes to the service two, three, five years after the birth of a child, then certain specific features may appear in it. Thus, the topic of a child's problems is often especially painful for family members, their social contacts are narrowed, pride in the child and extreme vulnerability or a high degree of distrust towards him are expressed. Those parents who did not receive early help are more likely to talk about the uniqueness of their problems, are more difficult to make contact, are more pessimistic, and may show implicit or overt distrust of the specialist.

  • The need for prolonged psychological support

Acceptance of the fact that the baby has Down syndrome– a very difficult process, it usually does not happen overnight. Accepting it means facing very painful feelings and experiencing them, adapting to this event - the birth of an unusual child - and reorganizing your life in accordance with this fact, which will allow you to take adequate actions aimed at providing the baby with support in development and socialization. But can this fact be accepted once and for all, or will parents again and again experience the drama of giving birth to their “other” baby whenever their child's peers, ordinary children, demonstrate their competence, independence and independence? Accepting the fact that a child has Down syndrome does not make it possible to come to terms with all the features of a growing child once and for all. Parents will experience them again and again in different periods of his growing up and when meeting with various social institutions.

Even with a positive attitude towards an infant with Down syndrome, parents are worried about how he will be in preschool childhood, in adolescence– during puberty. Finally, what awaits their child in adulthood? Of course, these questions are specific not only to such families. However, the anxiety of parents of ordinary children can be stopped by the presence of models of socialization and adaptation of an ordinary child, which society offers. For a child with developmental problems, such models are either not presented or are based on the segregation of children with special needs and therefore cause feelings of helplessness and hopelessness in parents.

The prolonged suffering of parents always adversely affects the relationship of the child with significant people for him, and, as a result, on his development.

The model of psychological support presented in this article, which operates in our Center, has its own history of formation, closely connected with the history of the development of professional activities of the Downside Up Early Assistance Center. For ten years, this center has provided psychological and pedagogical support to families raising children with Down syndrome from the birth of a child to his seven or eight years.

We proceeded from the premise that our psychological assistance should be aimed precisely at supporting family members in their assimilation of the role of parents of an unusual child.

Over the past century, numerous studies in the field of developmental psychology have shown how important it is for a child to interact with key parental figures from birth. There is no longer any doubt that the violation of this interaction or the deprivation of the infant of such figures have very sad consequences for the child. It is the infancy that turns out to be the most vulnerable to the subsequent appearance of various kinds of psychological disorders.

Again, how to accept the fact of the parenthood of an unusual child when society itself is not ready to admit it? Otherwise, would such definitions as “grass”, “vegetable” sound? Would there be a proposal to abandon the child if the fact of parenthood was recognized? Thus, such a family finds itself in an “aggressive”, traumatic environment, and not everyone has the mental strength to maintain confidence both in themselves and in society.

Probably, it would be naive to believe that this trust will be greater in the psychologist.

  • Firstly, seeking help from a psychologist in our country has not yet become a widespread practice.
  • Secondly, the pain of experiences can be so strong that it leaves no hope that someone or something can reduce it.
  • Parents' own experiences may be repressed, discounted, or simply denied.
  • Finally, professional psychological assistance does not exhaust all the possibilities that parents can use.

There are other reasons as well. Therefore, the work of the psychological service of the Early Intervention Center is organized in such a way that psychological support is available to the family to the maximum extent.

What forms of psychological support exist in our service

Professional psychological help

- Individual (parent, family), provided by a counseling psychologist or psychotherapist

This assistance is provided directly at the request of the family who contacted the specialist. As already mentioned, among the families of our pupils, the percentage of those who seek help from a psychologist is only slightly higher than the average for the country. However, almost every such family seeks psychological support. Often unwitting "psychologists" for them are teachers, doctors, and other specialists working with the child. And this is not surprising: after all, after the birth of a child, they were the first to listen to their parents, they accept their baby and their parents have confidence in them. Sometimes a parent competes with their own child for the attention of a specialist. This turns into a significant problem for the specialist and ineffectivefamily support. Therefore, we came to the conclusion that the psychologist conducts the first detailed conversation with parents. He contacts the family who applied to our Center within one or two days. After all, a long wait further undermines confidence in the world and in oneself precisely in a crisis situation.

Group. Meeting groups for parents experiencing acute grief in connection with the birth of a child with Down syndrome

For many parents, it can be important to see those who find themselves in a similar situation. In such groups of meetings, parents gain an understanding of the naturalness of their experiences and the manifestation of their feelings. Having the support of a group builds trust in the world. And the support of another is a chance to be convinced of one's own competence. In addition, this is the space where they are keenly interested in the achievements, successes and virtues of your baby.

Outside of such meetings, parents may not have the very space for experiences. After all, it is often difficult for their relatives and friends to support and encourage parents to show feelings. One of the professional tasks of the specialist who leads this group is – create conditions for greater freedom and security for worried parents.

Parents have the opportunity to discuss what this child's diagnosis means to them and compare their ideas with what others think about it.

The exchange of experience, how each family copes with the problem that has arisen, allows you to significantly expand your ability to survive what happened, to adapt to a new situation.

Participating in a group discussion of their own problems helps parents rebuild their identity and self-esteem. Group support opportunities build trust in a seemingly broken world.

Parent-Child Interaction Groups

From about 5 months of age, we invite parents and their baby to weekly sessions in the parent-child interaction group. These meetings are held on Saturdays so that any family can come to them: both parents, grandparents, and brothers and sisters. A loosely organized play space resembles the situation of a playground or a sandbox. Parents often hesitate to go out to regular playgrounds with their toddler, having fantasies (sometimes not unfounded) that neither they nor their baby will feel comfortable on a regular playground. They worry that their "unusual" baby will behave in a way that will cause disapproval of other parents.

What happens under the conditions specially set by this meeting? Watching his child and other children, how they handle toys and communicate with each other, how the baby can do without their help, solving his problems, experiencing in a safe and friendly environment, difficult feelings caused, for example, " conflicts" of children, their whims or their own helplessness, parents gain an important experience: it turns out that they can cope with these feelings. This makes them more confident and more tolerant of their baby. With this important experience, they then go to ordinary playgrounds, where, by the way, the baby also has the opportunity to take advantage of the social and emotional experience gained in these classes. Joint experience of disturbing and joyful situations allows them to feel like ordinary parents of their ordinary children.

In addition, these meetings turn out to be very useful for other family members, such as brothers and sisters. After all, they meet boys and girls there who also have a brother or sister with Down syndrome.

- Groups of meetings of parents of children of younger preschool and older children

Participation in such groups can significantly reduce parents' anxiety associated with the unusualness of their child and the lack of positive adaptation models for children with Down syndrome. As the child grows, life sets new tasks for his upbringing, education and socialization. Joint search for solutions to these problems, exchange of experience, mutual support are important achievements of such groups. We have already said that the family is faced again and again with how their child differs from "ordinary" peers.

Anxiety again overcomes: what's next? with what to correlate the achievements or failures of a son or daughter? how to respond to changing behavior, mood? How to give the child more freedom and independence and at the same time maintain their authority? In a word, guidelines are needed. But these landmarks cannot be reflected in the tables. Landmarks in doubt, interest, admiration of others - those with whom you can share anxiety, pride, and joy. Group meetings are conducted by two psychologists, taking into account the development of group dynamics. Often in these groups, the level of psychological competence of parents increases. In these groups, something important happens - the experience of the value of their group and one's own value as a member of it.

Social and psychological support

From our practice, it became clear how important it is for a family not to be isolated, alone with their problems, as well as successes. But there are always parents who, for some reason, cannot use any of the forms of psychological support we offer. They do not go to a psychologist, do not communicate with other parents, do not attend groups. If, at the same time, their social contacts are extremely poor, if depressive moods prevail, parent-child relationships are violated, for example, caring for a child is reduced only to physical care, and communication is either chaotic demands or connivance, then both the parent and the child experience a great deficit. emotional saturation. The life of such a baby cannot but be full of suffering, and the possibilities of socialization will be extremely limited.

The work of a psychologist in the direction of socio-psychological support is another attempt to help such a family.

In this case, we are often dealing with an "involuntary client". Therefore, the psychologist calls the family and arranges a meeting at home. Such meetings are held no more than one or two per year. Together with the psychologist, the family explores its resources: pleasures, desires, opportunities, orientation in social contacts, relatives, neighbors, friends, social services. During this collaborative exploration, the family can take a fresh look at familiar circumstances and come out of isolation. This will give her access to the programs of our center that we described above. Or you will make your own plan on how to improve your own life. At the same time, we take into account that family guardianship should not be excessive, it needs as much as necessary for the family to believe in its own strength. Coping with life's challenges, parents can test more confidence in the capabilities of your baby.

  • mutual support

– Family Helper

Quite often, parents of older children want to support those who have just faced a similar situation. They are willing to offer their help. But it is not easy to deal with the difficult experiences of another person. This requires special training, and some parents undergo such training at the Moscow non-profit organization Charitable Foundation "Support for Humanitarian Programs". These are parents raising a child with a disability. They survived the most difficult period associated with the birth of a "special" child. In the process of training, which lasts several months, they visit a psychotherapy group once a week, where, along with training in helping other parents, program participants themselves receive psychological support. They become more tolerant of the doubts of those families who are hesitant to take the child home. They are already able to withstand the difficult experiences of the suffering mother or father of a newly born baby.

– Family clubs

There are examples when families that participated in groups of meetings of parents, having received professional psychological help, organize family clubs.

The possibility of integrating children with Down syndrome into the society of ordinary peers is certainly necessary, it has a positive effect on the development and adaptation of a child with Down syndrome, and on the development of tolerance and self-knowledge of ordinary children. However, parents of children with Down syndrome often have a desire to meet, communicate with other families with the same children. In family clubs, specific problems related to education, upbringing of children, and their future can be discussed. In family clubs, the practice of mutual support is often born, when parents organize a joint vacation or help each other out, for example, by inviting a child to stay.

And the children themselves, thus, have more opportunities to find childhood friends, then at school and adolescence they, too, will be able to count on the company that is so necessary for most teenagers.

  • Interaction with medical and obstetric institutions

From what we talked about above, it is clear how important early family support is. Parents need information about what Down syndrome is and who or what can help them. It is important for them to maintain confidence in themselves and others after such a devastating event has occurred. This early support often determines how soon the baby will be in the family, and how full the communication between parents and child will be.

At the same time, psychological, pedagogical, medical or social support alone is not enough. There is a need for interdisciplinary contacts between various specialists, the creation of such a space where specialists could not only determine the boundaries of their professional competence, but also see the prospects for the family, which can receive professional assistance from their colleagues - "allied".

The procedures and instructions developed at the same time help the specialist to avoid introducing their own attitudes and experiences into communication with the family.

Our center organizes multi-level work with medical institutions:


Training for medical staff;

The practice of joint (doctor, teacher, psychologist) discussions of the child's problems;

Lectures for students of medical institutes and universities;

Seminars for employees of obstetric institutions;

Regular meetings with the medical staff of the medical genetic laboratory.

Psychologists of our Center discuss with doctors the difficulties that they have in their work in such a situation, talk about the peculiarities of the parents' experiences. Teachers talk about early pedagogical support for the child and the prospects for his development when such support is provided, and doctors who have extensive experience working with children with Down syndrome talk about what medical measures are needed when an infant is diagnosed with such a diagnosis. In obstetric institutions, we leave brochures for doctors and parents, an emergency telephone number if the mother or father of the child wishes to meet with a psychologist. If the parents wish, the psychologist goes to the maternity hospital.

Work in children's homes e nka

Not always the parents who wrote the refusal of the child cease to take care of him. They visit him at the Orphanage and strive to do everything in their power for him. As a rule, they walk with the baby, bring toys and diapers and ... worry. This has been going on for years! Sometimes it becomes a secret for their environment - friends, colleagues and even their own other children. One can imagine the monstrous suffering they endure at times. Meeting with their baby in the Orphanage, they are convinced that children with Down syndrome are lethargic, apathetic. They are not active, do not show interest in others, they may have obsessive movements. That is, what is a consequence of early emotional deprivation is perceived as a manifestation of Down syndrome. We had, unfortunately, only one experience of working with a group of parents visiting their children in the Orphanage. Meetings with parents were organized on the initiative of the methodologist of this institution, who got acquainted with the programs of psychological support for parents that exist in our Center. Parents, nine families, agreed to come to a joint meeting with psychologists. They visited their children in different ways, but did not even know each other. Such meetings have become regular. Parents took their children, and in these joint “classes” what we described in the section “Parent-Child Interaction Groups” took place. After the children, having had dinner (many parents began to feed their babies from bottles), went to bed, the parents communicated with each other. After some time, the behavior and mood of the children began to change - they became more active and demanding, their unexpected developmental successes were noted and delighted fathers and mothers.

As a result, four of these nine families took their children from the Orphanage. Parents sometimes took and take their children from other orphanages, but this has never happened before in our memory: the children were taken away almost simultaneously and in the same institution.

It is wrong to talk about abandoning the baby if the parents continue to take care of him. They, perhaps, like no one else, need support and respect for what they do for their children. After all, they do everything in their spiritual strength.

Unfortunately, our children's homes are closed establishments. And parents often don't even know who or what can support them.

So, the organization of psychological support in our Center has developed in its present form, taking into account the following considerations:

  • it should be accessible to a wide range of families in which children with Down syndrome grow up;
  • aimed at supporting parenting;
  • prolonged, that is, focused on families at different stages of adaptation and raising children with Down syndrome of different ages (infants, infants, preschoolers, adolescents, etc.).

The formation of this service was, so to speak, a historical process: the entire system of psychological support (both professional and non-specific) developed in the context of the development of the Early Assistance Center itself, all its activities - home patronage, adaptation groups, training groups, individual lessons with children and pedagogical consultations of parents. All these areas of work made certain requests for psychological work with parents. In turn, providing families with an increasing range of forms of psychological support increased the number of families who could benefit from it. The consequence of this was a more mature relationship with children, because these relationships often left anxiety, distrust of themselves and children, and instead strengthened feelings of their own and children's competence. Thus, the tasks of teaching and socializing children in children's groups could be solved with greater efficiency. This allowed teachers to make higher demands on their pedagogical tasks. Relying on their own achievements and the achievements of their children, parents began to feel more confident and feel more responsible both in communicating with children and teachers, and in social contacts, and this always gives rise to an active civic position. In this case, a person with problems is able to evaluate and use his own internal, intra-family resource, and imagine what kind of support he can count on from the state and society. Among these families, there are far fewer of those who isolated themselves from society, became isolated in their own family, fell into depression, and limited themselves only to contacts with special communities. The birth of subsequent children, after a child with Down syndrome was born in the family, has become commonplace. Increasingly, parents began to talk not about fate, grief or a feat in their life, but about the experience and important baggage of knowledge that they received thanks to the unusualness of their child. At the same time, unusualness was defined precisely as difference, which is impossible without similarity, and not otherness.

Professional psychological assistance in our service is aimed specifically at supporting parenthood, and this includes support for experiencing grief (the process of mourning) about Down syndrome in a child, assistance in accepting the fact of parenthood (Sunday monthly meetings of parents of infants, individual consultations of a psychologist at the request of a family, group parent-child interaction, connecting a family assistant), in adapting to this role. At each stage of a child's growing up, to accept his changes, to provide more freedom and autonomy, but also to retain parental authority and power - these tasks are easier to solve, having the opportunity to share positive experiences in groups of parents' meetings. It is also good when a child has the opportunity of his own social life, for example, in kindergarten, playgrounds, leisure centers. All this makes it possible to increase parental competence and provides a desire to pass on one's individual and sociocultural experience to new generations of parents of children with Down syndrome.

The problem of identifying deviations in the development of a child is not only to establish violations of the structure and function of the body, fixing the delay in the appearance of behavior expected by the age of the child, but also to clarify the nature of the obstacles at the level of the body and in the environment that impede the development of the child. In some cases, children with developmental delay have an insurmountable barrier (for example, with Rett syndrome or Werdnig-Hoffmann spinal amyotrophy), in other cases, with the help of medical interventions, biological restrictions can be weakened or even completely compensated (for example, during surgical treatment of congenital anomalies of the heart, palate, replacement therapy for congenital hypothyroidism or diabetes mellitus, cochlear implantation in many children with deafness). Compared to impairments to the structures and functions of the child's body, the impact of adverse social factors such as orphanhood and abuse is less dramatic in relation to disability. Nevertheless, studies show that children brought up in orphanages lag behind their peers brought up in the family, both in physical and psychoverbal development. The emotional and personal development of such children suffers even more, which is a serious threat to their further individualization and social adaptation.

Thus, the identification of deviations in the development of children is a multidisciplinary task, the solution of which requires the combined efforts of medical workers, parents, psychological and pedagogical specialists, and social workers. Below are the main models for the early detection of developmental disabilities and their causes.

In the proposed Diagnostic Model in the system of early care for children with disabilities, early detection of deviations and features in the development of a child during the first three years of life is a system that includes the following stages:

Medical screening is carried out by medical specialists in maternity hospitals, perinatal centers, neonatal departments, clinics, medical diagnostic centers

· Comprehensive study of the child at PMPK, the result of which is the referral of the child to the early intervention service;

· In-depth psychological and pedagogical study of the child in the early intervention service in order to develop an individual correction program;

Staged diagnostic examinations to evaluate the effectiveness of developmental work and correction of an individual program implemented in the early intervention service

Final examination of the child upon graduation from the early intervention service to determine the optimal pedagogical route, which is determined by the PMPK

In the event that a child moves from the Early Intervention Service to a mass preschool educational organization, it is advisable not only to submit the recommendations of the PMPK, but also to be accompanied by early intervention specialists. The duration of support is determined individually, the minimum period is 6 months.

In the event that a child moves from the Early Intervention Service to an educational organization that provides special assistance (short stay group, Lekoteka, Center for Psychological, Pedagogical and Medical and Social Support, etc.), it is sufficient to provide recommendations from the PMPK that regulate the content and organizational conditions of correctional developing work.

Let's imagine a multi-stage diagnostic model in the early intervention system for children with disabilities.

In the context of socio-economic changes in our society, the system of special education is at the stage of active modernization. In the municipal budgetary special (correctional) educational institution "Special (correctional) elementary school - kindergarten No. 60 VI, VIII of the type "Siberian ray", one of the topical areas of modernization is being carried out - the organization of early comprehensive care for children with disabilities in family groups of short stay .

The novelty of the presented activity lies in the fact that short-stay groups, being an integral part of the education system, will expand the educational field of children with disabilities at an early age, will contribute to their early socialization and adaptation in society based on special pedagogical approaches.

The institution has 14 years of experience in organizing the education, upbringing and rehabilitation of children with disabilities and has positive results in achieving the quality of education and correcting existing developmental defects. Currently, 85 disabled children are studying at the institution. Function:

2 short stay groups for young children;

2 preschool groups (mixed by age and diagnoses);

5 grades of elementary school.

The educational institution has developed and is implementing a structural and functional model of a special correctional institution. It is a single system consisting of four interconnected blocks, each of which has its own meaning, goals and objectives, as well as ways to implement them.

Careful diagnostics carried out in each block allows you to create an interconnected step-by-step system of corrective and rehabilitation work. In the course of this activity, development plans are implemented, drawn up based on the characteristics of each pupil.

Efficiency of work is provided by qualified specialists:

Summarizing the research material and the practical experience of our team helped us to identify a number of topical issues that are included in The program of functioning and development of our institution for 2006-2010.

Organizational and substantive purpose of the Program includes 2 aspects:

  • Achieving the highest possible level of general development, education, socialization and integration into society for each child.
  • Implementation of a family-social approach to correctional and developmental work with children.

We see the achievement of this goal through the solution of the series tasks:

  • The earliest possible identification of the educational needs of the child.
  • Early start of purposeful correctional and pedagogical work.
  • Development and implementation of new forms and methods of the content of training and education.
  • Timely inclusion of parents in the correctional and pedagogical process.
  • Implementation of the unity of requirements for the upbringing and education of the child in the family and educational institution.
  • Organization of effective forms of interaction between different specialists involved in the comprehensive rehabilitation of a child with disabilities.
  • Development of interdepartmental relations with the institutions of Novosibirsk, the Novosibirsk region and Russia as a whole.

To fulfill the tasks set in the Development Program, the institution was The project “Early Help for Children with Disabilities” was created. The project activity is designed for 3 years, with the following stages:

Preparatory (2007-2008 academic year),

Basic (2008-2009 academic year),

Final (2009-2010 academic year).

The project involves embedding the early intervention system into the existing educational system by expanding the functions of the educational institution, namely the creation of short-stay family groups for young children from 2 years of age with developmental disabilities.


  • Early comprehensive diagnosis of child development.
  • Reducing the gap between the moment of determining the primary violation in the development of the child and the beginning of targeted corrective assistance.
  • Reducing the time limits for the start of special education in order to use sensitive periods in the prevention of socially caused backwardness.
  • Application of existing and development of the necessary correctional and pedagogical training programs; the use of special methods, techniques, teaching aids.
  • Inclusion of parents in the educational process based on identifying the positive aspects of the family and activating its rehabilitation potential.
  • Implementation of continuity from upbringing in a family to upbringing in a preschool institution.

Basic principles of functioning of groups of short stay

  • A comprehensive study of the development of the child - close cooperation of all specialists during the examination and a preliminary study of the anamnesis to compile a holistic view of the somatic and mental state of the child.
  • Holistic study of development - involves the study of individual aspects of the mental and physical organization of the child in their relationship and interdependence.
  • Individual-personal approach - involves taking into account not only age, but also individual characteristics of the development of each child from birth.
  • Family-centered approach.

Early Intervention Service Model in the Short Stay Group

  • The detection system is a request that comes directly from the family.
  • Consultation and history taking. The medical unit collects a detailed anamnesis.
  • Primary comprehensive diagnostics by specialists, during which each specialist examines the child and his family in detail.
  • Drawing up an individual development program. The content of the individual program consists of 2 parts: the first part is devoted to the correctional and developmental education of the child, the second - to the work of specialists with parents.
  • Implementation of an individual development program in the early intervention service. Correction-developing classes can be individual and in subgroups.
  • Monitoring the development of the child. Throughout the entire period of the program implementation, specialists fill in specially developed methodological documents.
  • Control over the implementation of the individual development program. At the end of the school year, the school psychological, medical and pedagogical council, based on the results of the examination, gives individual recommendations on further forms of education and upbringing of the child. They may contain recommendations for enrolling the child in the preschool group of the institution, or continuing development in the short stay group, or in the compensating group of another preschool institution, or, if the level of development is approaching the norm, in a regular kindergarten.
  • Reflection of the obtained results of development.

Methodological and material and technical resources

The functioning of short stay groups for young children involves the use of specialized methodological developments in all areas of activity: diagnosis, correction, prevention and counseling. On the one hand, specialists apply existing developments, on the other hand, they themselves develop methodological recommendations. So, experts have compiled:

Methods that allow conducting a psychological and pedagogical examination of the child, identifying the level of his social development and determining the actual needs of the family;

Memos for parents on the development and interaction with the child;

The program presents innovative content and modern psychological and pedagogical technologies for raising and educating children, based on a personality-oriented approach to the child and his relatives. The content of the program material takes into account the general principles of education and training: scientific, systematic, accessible, concentric presentation of the material, repeatability, unity of requirements for building a system for educating and educating young children. When developing the program, modern trends in upbringing and education were taken into account.

In addition, experts have identified criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of psychological, medical and pedagogical support for young children. Uniform reporting forms have also been developed: work plans, child development maps, etc.

Correction and development activities

At the preparatory stage, the work carried out allowed us to begin practical activities with children in the short stay group.

In the 2008-2009 academic year, the group was attended by 10 children with various diagnoses, with varying degrees of intellectual underdevelopment ( Appendix 1). During the main phase , in October 2008, an introductory diagnosis of children in the short stay group was carried out ( Appendix 2). Diagnostics showed that violation of sensory, speech, motor development, development of game and object actions are observed in 100% of children. Based on the results of the diagnostics, changes were made to the educational program of short stay groups.

The specifics of correctional and pedagogical work in the short stay group for children with disabilities is due to several factors:

  • the nature of the violation of higher nervous activity;
  • psychopathological features of a child with disabilities;
  • defect structure.

We have identified the following features of correctional and pedagogical work in the short stay group for children with disabilities:

  • Due to the fact that in all children one of the leading disorders is the underdevelopment of cognitive activity, the entire process of correctional work is aimed at the formation of mental operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, and generalization.
  • In the process of corrective work, it is important to be based on the principle of the phased formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Galperin, D.B. Elkonin, etc.). This is necessary in order to move from visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking to the organization of actions in the internal plan.
  • The features of the work are the maximum inclusion of analyzers, the actualization of sensations of different modalities, as well as the use of maximum and diverse visibility.
  • Of utmost importance is a differentiated approach, which involves taking into account the characteristics of higher nervous activity (for example, the predominance of the process of excitation or the process of inhibition): the mental characteristics of the child, his performance, the peculiarity of motor development, the level of unformed speech, the symptoms of speech disorders, their mechanisms, etc.
  • We coordinate the correction of violations with the general motor development.
  • Due to the fact that the old conditioned reflex connections in children with disabilities are very conservative, they change with difficulty, we especially carefully work out the stages of fixing various skills.
  • Characteristic is the frequent repetition of exercises, but with the inclusion of novelty in content and form. This is due to the weakness of the closing function of the cortex, the difficulty of forming new conditioned reflex connections, their fragility, and rapid extinction without sufficient reinforcement.
  • Given the rapid fatigue, the tendency to a protective regime, we often change activities, switching the child from one form of work to another.
  • A feature of the work is a careful dosage of tasks. The specificity of cognitive activity necessitates a gradual complication of tasks, any task is decomposed into simple tasks. When conducting classes, we state the purpose of the task very specifically, in an accessible form.

The development of the child's speech and the formation of his communication skills children with disabilities are engaged throughout the life of the child, not only teachers, but also parents. At the same time, in classes for the development of speech, specific tasks are systematically and step by step solved, which are aimed at generalizing, systematizing and enriching the child's speech culture and developing his language abilities. During the classes, non-verbal forms of communication were formed in children, prerequisites for the development of active speech were created; children learned to answer the simplest questions about themselves and their loved ones, etc. The individual level of achievements in this area is different for all pupils. But the positive dynamics is clearly visible: 30% of children have significant improvements, 50% have minor improvements, and 20% of children have minimal improvement (Appendix 3).

sensory parenting was aimed at the formation of orienting activity, which was realized in the form of perceptual actions - the actions of looking, listening, feeling, which contributed to the development of systems of sensory standards. During sensory learning, most children - 80% ( Appendix 4) have learned:

  • perceive individual objects, highlighting them from the general background;
  • to distinguish between the properties and qualities of objects (hard - soft, wet - dry, large - small, sweet - bitter, loud - quiet);
  • define the selected property verbally (who is in a passive form, and who is in an active one);
  • use search methods of orientation - tests in solving gaming and practical problems;

5) assimilate (to varying degrees) sensory standards.

Formation of game activity It began with the development of objective actions based on personal interest in a particular toy or situation. First, the child was asked to perform object-play actions by imitation, repeatedly repeating them and accompanying them with verbal comments. Subsequently, the game actions passed to the plot-display game. To develop a story game, children were taught to play first next to an adult partner, and then together with a peer. Only gradually, during the game, the children were united into microgroups. In the course of education and upbringing, 60% of children (Appendix 4) learned:

  • observe the object-play actions of an adult and reproduce them with the support of an adult, imitating his actions;
  • play with toys
  • play side by side without interfering with each other;
  • express a positive emotional attitude to your favorite toy;
  • do not perform inappropriate actions when playing with a car, doll, ball, cubes, etc.

Physical development We divide into two large blocks: the development of fine motor skills and the formation of large motor skills. Since most children have a history of cerebral palsy, the use of generally accepted diagnostic methods and developmental programs is not advisable. In our activities we use special methods, methods and techniques for the development of general motor skills and correction of disorders: Michael Schoo, Nancy R. Finney, Kosinova E.N., Peter E.M. Lauteslager, etc. Almost 100% of children show positive dynamics (Appendix 3).

Having carried out diagnostics in May 2009, highlighting the positive dynamics in the mental development of children in this group, we were convinced of the effectiveness of the measures taken. In the 2009-2010 academic year, the institution opened two short stay groups of 10 people each.

The project is currently at the final stage of its implementation.

The activities of specialists at the final stage involve:

Analysis of work efficiency, correction of results (collection of information about the effectiveness of the model, resolution of contradictions);

Registration of a package of documents on the educational and methodological support of the model (educational program, curriculum, bank of control materials), a package of documents on the regulatory framework of the model;

Stimulation of search creative activity;

Generalization and dissemination of experience through participation in seminars, conferences on the problem of the expediency of organizing short-stay groups for children with disabilities, issuing a methodological manual.

The program of correctional and developmental classes implemented in our institution is effective not only for coordinating the work of specialists in various fields, but also the basis for the formation of the pedagogical competence of parents.

Providing early assistance to children with disabilities makes it possible to more effectively compensate for violations in physical and mental development, and in some cases even eliminate them, which will improve the level of development of our graduates, their socialization and integration into society. The emergence of a new form of organization of the correctional and pedagogical process in educational institutions provides ample opportunities for the introduction of new pedagogical technologies for educating and educating children with disabilities.

Treatment, upbringing and education of a child with disabilities is hard work, but it will certainly give its results, the main thing is not to give up and work constantly, without reducing efforts.

Annex 1. Nosological composition of pupils of the short stay group

Appendix 2

Appendix 3 Comparative analysis of the results of a diagnostic examination of pupils of the short stay group (SST)

Appendix 4

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Early Intervention Models in Russia and Abroad Implemented by: Yusufkulova Guzalia Garafievna © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Changing attitudes in society towards children with special needs, recognizing their right to receive not only medical, but also psychological and pedagogical support, has become the main reason for the emergence and development of models operating within the framework of the concept of normalization. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Early Intervention Models in the USA In the 1960s in the United States, the medical or rehabilitation model of disability predominates. The main task within this model is to adapt the disabled person to the existing social environment by providing a set of specialized medical, social and educational services. The functioning of the indicated model is associated with the wide development of the social security system, including medical institutions, special clinics, closed schools and boarding schools. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Early Intervention Models in the USA in the 1970s and 1980s. brought a critical attitude to the medical model of disability, which led to the closure of boarding schools, the expansion of the tasks of helping the disabled, including not only the provision of necessary assistance, but also the organization of feasible work and leisure in order to better integrate the disabled into society. Gradually, the social model of disability comes to the place of the medical model. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Early Intervention Models in the United States Model of Information and Education The focus of this model is education, outreach work with parents and the closest society surrounding the child. This model of early intervention is called the “family alliance” model. When educating and educating parents, professionals turn to family resources, including existing knowledge, family structure, etc. (Portage manual and Carolina manual) © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Models of Early Intervention in the USA Model of "interaction with the child's family" (Dunst, Johanson et al.,). This model was focused on the values ​​associated with the normalization of the child's life, in the same way as the previous information and educational model. In the model of interaction, the goals and expected results of early intervention have changed: it was assumed that the main condition for the normalization of a child's life would be a change in the social interaction between mother and child. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Models of early intervention in the United States "Model of Systemic Development" (M. Guralnik, 2005) This model distinguishes the following principles: the principle of family-oriented assistance, providing the family with all the necessary information to make important decisions, cooperation and partnership between the family and specialists, providing the family with the necessary resources and forms of assistance; the principle of including family members in the assistance process, which means that the family becomes an active participant in the development, discussion and implementation of the assistance program, is part of a team of specialists and participates in the work of the early intervention service; the principle of normalization ensures equal access to: satisfactory medical care and services, access to a suitable educational program, support from family and friends, access to kindergartens and other organizations, adequate financial resources, access to special equipment, transport, etc.; - the principle of integration reflects efforts aimed at maximizing the participation of the child and his family in ordinary activities; the principle of providing early assistance in a child's natural environment, the quantity and quality of assistance provided at home and in a natural setting; the principle of individualization involves working with a specific individual case; the principle of an interdisciplinary approach in the work of specialists; the principle of understanding and accepting cultural differences and their impact on the development of the child and the functioning of the family; the principle of coordination and integration of system components, cooperation and social partnership of the early intervention system and its institutions with other departments and institutions © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Models of early intervention in Sweden Municipal model of early intervention © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Models of early intervention abroad The ecological model reflects and takes into account the complexity of the child's development process and its dependence on the direct and indirect influence of a huge number of elements that make up the environment. Accordingly, family support programs are being built. The transactional model is based on the idea of ​​the ability of the social response of the environment and the interactive nature of the child-environment exchange. From this point of view, the development of the child is the product of a constant dynamic of interactions between him and the experience that his family and social context give him. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Early Intervention Models Abroad Model “Second Children's Center” According to this model, a child studying in a specialized center attends one more child care institution, where there are ordinary children, and this is not necessarily a kindergarten. Such a place can be a sports section, a dance club, an art or Sunday school. In this case, the main teacher is often assisted by an assistant with a special education. Reverse flow model This model suggests various options for including ordinary children in specialized activities. As a rule, a quarter of the children in such groups had no developmental disorders. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Early Intervention Models Abroad Model "Special Class" Organized for children of preschool and early school age. In this case, only training is specialized, and the rest of the time - changes, walks, leisure - children spend with their "ordinary" peers. Model "Room for special studies". Within this model, all learning takes place in the general stream, except for the time when children with special needs additionally study with specialists in a separate room. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Models of early intervention abroad Model "Freelance special teacher (tutor)". The child is in a regular group, which is supervised by an incoming special teacher, and the scope of his duties provides support not only for a special child, but also for all participants in the inclusion process - parents, educators, teachers, administration. The model of integration and inclusion in the Montessori class of children with special needs makes it possible to use the possibilities of teaching a group of different ages and levels inherent in the methodology itself. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Early Intervention Models in Russia Currently, Russia has an extensive system of special education for children with special needs, which also has a place for the early link of psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with special needs. But the problem lies in the fact that until recently this direction was mainly implemented in orphanages, which did not allow taking into account modern requirements for the normalization of the lives of such children. Along with this, there are also positive developments. Starting from the 90s of the XX century, early intervention services emerged and began to develop in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Astrakhan, Kemerovo, Novgorod, Samara, Yaroslavl regions and other regions and cities of Russia. Organizations have been created to provide scientific, methodological and coordinating support for this area of ​​work. Of the largest, we will name the Center for Early Diagnosis and Special Assistance to Children with Developmental Disabilities, created on the basis of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education, as well as the Institute for Early Intervention (St. Petersburg). © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Early Intervention Models in Russia In many works by E.A. Strebeleva emphasizes the need to create a model of comprehensive care for children at risk and their parents in hospitals and clinics. For children with CNS disorders, intellectual and speech problems, it is advisable to organize correctional training in children's polyclinics at the place of residence, supplementing their staff with speech pathologists working with young children. It is necessary to create a flexible system of corrective action, combining both assistance to the child in a polyclinic at the place of residence, and specialized in specialized medical and medical-psychological-pedagogical (rehabilitation) centers. Strebeleva E.A. Early correctional and pedagogical assistance to children with disabilities // Defectology. - 2003. - No. 3. - P. 39-43. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Models of Early Assistance in Russia Another domestic practice of providing early assistance to children is proposed by Yu.A. Razenkova. She considers the organization and conduct of correctional work with children in the conditions of the orphanage, the tasks of which are to solve the problem of adapting the baby to new conditions of education; prevention of early lag and undesirable tendencies in personal development caused by mental derivation; early correction of deviations in development based on the creation of optimal conditions for the development of the child's personal potential. Correctional and pedagogical work with children at risk in the orphanage is an integral part of the comprehensive rehabilitation medical and pedagogical work in a children's institution. Razenkova Yu.A. The content of individual programs for the development of infants with disabilities brought up in a children's home.//Defectology.- 1998.-№3. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Models of Early Intervention in Russia In St. Petersburg, the implementation of the first early intervention program in Russia, the social program "Habilitation of Infants", was launched. Especially for the implementation of this program, a non-state educational institution for advanced training "St. Petersburg Institute for Early Intervention" was created. The support of the administration of St. Petersburg, close cooperation with foreign specialists allowed the staff of the Institute in record time to master new knowledge and approaches to helping children in the country and create an interdisciplinary family-centered model of early intervention, which was introduced into the practice of health care, education and social protection in many regions of the Russian Federation. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Early Intervention Models in Russia A regional early intervention model has been developed and tested in St. Petersburg: an interdisciplinary family-centered early intervention program in a preschool educational institution (R.Zh. Mukhamedrakhimov, 1999). On the basis of preschool educational institution No. 41, the "Center for Integrative Education" in St. Petersburg, an early help service for children was created. This early intervention service in the preschool educational institution offers three models of early intervention: the organization of play-based learning programs, the organization of a socio-pedagogical program of early intervention, the organization of programs of early psychotherapeutic intervention. The basis for the organization of the work of these blocks were taken samples of the early intervention of the United States and the experience of Swedish lekoteks. Sigle L.A. Experience of the early intervention service of a preschool educational institution.//Education and education of children with developmental disabilities.-2002.--№2.- P.5-11 © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Early Intervention Models in Russia Presented by O.G. Prikhodko's system of early differentiated correctional and developmental care for children with cerebral palsy is a specially organized educational space in which the central place is occupied by the interaction of a child and an adult in a correctional and developmental environment that creates favorable conditions for compensating polymorphic disorders of various functional systems (motor skills, psyche , speech), a qualitative change in age-related neoplasms, educational and social adaptation, changes in the relationship between the child and others. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Early Intervention Models in Russia E.F. Arkhipova's dissertation research presents an innovative model of integrated speech therapy and medical-psychological-pedagogical support (LMPs) for the development of children with perinatal encephalopathy. Building a model of complex logopedic and medical-psychological-pedagogical support for the development of children with perinatal encephalopathy and its consequences involves the allocation of chronological links aimed at the prolonged complex development of a child with PEP from infancy in a children's clinic, and with the transition to preschool age in a preschool educational institution . © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Early Intervention Models in Russia In the work of N.V. Makarova, psychological and pedagogical assistance to young children with developmental disorders is defined as a complex of diagnostic, correctional and developmental, organizational and methodological measures aimed at creating optimal conditions for the mental and social development of a young child with developmental disorders, stimulating his potential in the process of a specially organized child's interactions with parents and the environment. Psychological and pedagogical assistance is a complex multicomponent system. The purpose of the proposed model of psychological and pedagogical assistance is to create optimal conditions for the mental and social development of a young child with developmental disorders, to stimulate his potential in the process of specially organized interaction of the child with parents and the outside world. Makarova N.V. Psychological and pedagogical assistance to young children with developmental disorders in a preschool educational institution. dis. ... cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.07. Rostov n/a, 2007 264 p. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Early Intervention Models in Russia Efforts are currently being made in Russia to create a general system of early intervention in Russia, however, a significant proportion of families still cannot receive highly professional support at their place of residence. The specialists that parents turn to (pediatrician, neuropathologist, orthopedist, oculist, etc.) do not really help in organizing the child's remedial education. This situation does not suit either parents or professionals. At this time, in the second decade of the 21st century, early assistance is recognized as one of the priority areas of correctional pedagogy. The early intervention services created in Russia represent various variants of the normalization model and are the centers where the development and implementation of psychological and pedagogical technologies centered on the family is carried out. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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Models of early intervention in Russia At the same time, it should be noted that the normalization of family life and the integration of a child with special needs into society require significant efforts by early intervention specialists, since society is not yet ready to accept “other” people. But there is no other way to prepare him for this step, except for acquiring the experience of living with such people. Experience cannot be obtained as a result of inferences or calls to be kinder, it is the result of living and experiencing a series of events. This stage of the transition is especially difficult for families raising children with special needs, since it is on them that the revision of views and attitudes towards various social groups in need of targeted support is “worked out”. In practice, this means a transition to a society with a higher level of morality, and, like any turning point, it is difficult for all its participants. Tolerance, recognition of the coexistence of different people as a norm depends not only on the declaration of equal rights, but also on the creation of conditions for their implementation. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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References Ekzhanova E.A., Strebeleva E.A. Correctional assistance to children of early and preschool age: Scientific and methodological manual. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2008. - 336 p. Zakrepina A.V., Bratkova M.V. Development of individual correctional and developmental programs for the education and upbringing of children with developmental disabilities // Education and training. - 2008. - No. 2. - P. 9- 9. Sigle L.A. Experience of the early intervention service of a preschool educational institution.//Education and education of children with developmental disorders.-2002.--№2.- P.5-11 Correctional assistance to young children with organic lesions of the central nervous system in groups of short-term stay. Ed. E.A. Strebeleva. -M.: publishing house "Exam", 2004. Lazurenko S.B. The initial stage of correctional and pedagogical assistance to children of infancy and early age with developmental disabilities//Ros pediatrician. magazine - 2008.- No. 4.- P.54-55. Makarova N.V. Psychological and pedagogical assistance to young children with developmental disorders in a preschool educational institution. dis. ... cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.07. - Rostov n / D, 2007. - 264 p. Nazarova N.M. Comparative special pedagogy: a textbook for students. institutions of higher prof. education / N.M. Nazarova, E.N. Morgacheva, T.V. Furyaeva. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2011. - S. 63-70. Prikhodko O.G. The system of early complex differentiated correctional and developmental care for children with cerebral palsy. Diss. ... doctors of ped sciences. 13.00.03 - correctional pedagogy. - M., 2009 © Fokina Lidia Petrovna

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References 9. Razenkova Yu.A. Proposals for the effective use of organizational mechanisms for the improvement and development of the early intervention system in various regions of the country//Defectology. -2009. - No. 4. - S. 61-64. 10. Razenkova Yu.A. The content of individual programs for the development of infants with disabilities brought up in a children's home.//Defectology.- 1998.-№3. 11. Strebeleva E.A. New organizational forms in special preschool education//Education and education of children with developmental disorders.-2002.- -№3.-p.15-18. 12. Strebeleva E.A. Approaches to the creation of a unified system for early detection and correction of deviations in the development of children // Preschool education. - 1998. - No. 1, - P. 70-73. 13. Strebeleva E.A. Early correctional and pedagogical assistance to children with disabilities // Defectology. - 2003. - No. 3. - P. 39-43. © Fokina Lidia Petrovna