Compound adjectives that are proper names. The transition of proper names to common nouns

The proper name is name a noun expressed by the word or, naming a specific object or phenomenon. In contrast to the common noun, denoting at once a whole of objects or phenomena, name own is for a single, well-defined object of that class. For example, "" is a common noun name noun, while "War and Peace" is its own. The word "river" is name common noun, but "Cupid" - name proper. Proper names can be the names of people, patronymics, titles of books, songs, films, geographical names. proper names are capitalized. Some types of proper names require quotation marks. This applies to literary works ("Eugene Onegin"), paintings ("Mona Lisa"), films ("Only old men go to battle"), theaters ("Variety"), and other types of nouns. When translating proper names into others languages ​​and transcription methods are used: Gogolya-street (Gogol street), radio Mayak (radio "Mayak"). Proper names are not specially distinguished. proper names and common nouns are not separated from each other by an impenetrable wall. proper names can turn into common nouns, and vice versa. For example, "avatar" was just a household name until "Avatar" was made. Now this word, depending on the context, plays the role of a common noun or proper noun. “Schumacher” is the surname of a certain race car driver, but gradually all lovers of fast driving began to be called “Schumachers”. Trademarks that are unique manufacturers of a certain type of product or simply monopolists can pass into common nouns from proper names. A striking example is the company Xerox, which produces electrophotographic copiers. This firm exists to this day, but "copiers" are now called all copiers in general.


  • how to spell proper names

Advice 2: How to determine whether your own name or common noun

Nouns name objects, phenomena or concepts. These meanings are expressed using the categories of gender, number, and case. All nouns belong to the groups of own and common nouns. Proper nouns, which serve as the names of single objects, are opposed to common nouns, denoting generalized names of homogeneous objects.


To determine proper nouns, determine whether the name is an individual designation of the subject, i.e. does it highlight " name» an object from a number of homogeneous (Moscow, Russia, Sidorov). Own nouns call names and surnames of persons and nicknames of animals (Nekrasov, Pushok, Frou-frou); geographical and astronomical objects (America, Stockholm, Venus); , organizations, print media (Pravda newspaper, Spartak team, Eldorado store).

Proper names, as a rule, do not change in numbers and are used only in the singular (Voronezh) or only in the plural (Sokolniki). Please note that there are exceptions to this rule. Proper nouns are used in the plural form if they denote different persons and objects that have the same name (both Americas, namesakes of the Petrovs); persons who are related (the Fedorov family). Also, proper nouns can be used in the plural form, if they call a certain type of people, “highlighted” according to the qualitative characteristics of a famous literary character. Please note that in this meaning, nouns lose their sign of belonging to a group of single objects, therefore, both the use of an uppercase and a lowercase letter (Chichikovs, Famusovs, Pechorins) is acceptable.

An orthographic feature that distinguishes proper nouns is the use of a capital letter and. At the same time, all proper names are always letters, and the names of institutions, organizations, works, objects are used as applications and are enclosed in quotation marks (the ship "Fyodor Chaliapin", Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"). Any parts of speech can be included in the application, but the first word is always capitalized (Daniel Defoe's novel "The Life and Wonders of the Sailor Robinson Crusoe").

The noun in Russian has various distinctive features. To show the features of the emergence and use of certain language units, they are divided into common nouns and proper names.


Common nouns are nouns that denote the name of certain objects and phenomena that have a common set of features. These objects or phenomena belong to any class, but in themselves do not carry any special indications of this. In linguistics, a common noun is also called an appellative.

Common names are signs of linguistic concepts and are opposed to proper names - which are used as names and nicknames of living beings or names and names of objects and phenomena. When common nouns become proper names, they lose the name of the linguistic concept (for example, the name "Gum" from the word "gum" - "right").

There are several types of common nouns, among which are specific (table), abstract or abstract (love), material or real (sugar), as well as collective ().

Common nouns can denote not only classes of objects, but also any individual objects within a given class. Such a phenomenon occurs if the individual characteristics of the object lose their meaning, for example: "Do not tease the dog, otherwise it will bite you." In this case, the word "dog" means any dog, not any specific one. This also includes situations that describe only one object of a certain class, for example: “Meet me at noon at the corner,” that is, the interlocutors know which particular corner they are talking about. Common nouns are also used to describe the individual characteristics of an object with the help of additional definitions, for example: “I am the day I first saw her” - highlighting a particular day among others.

Common nouns are closely related to proper names. For example, common nouns can become proper in the form of names, nicknames and nicknames (for example, "Kalita" as the nickname of Prince Ivan Danilovich), and proper nouns can become common nouns to refer to homogeneous objects. Such transitions are called eponyms and are usually used in a pejorative or jocular sense (for example, “esculapius” is the collective name of all doctors, “pelé” is football fans, and “Schumacher” is fans of fast driving). According to the rules of the Russian language, proper names are accepted with, and common nouns - in capital letters.

The use of terminology in defining parts of speech and their varieties is a common thing for philologists. For a simple person, often all sorts of tricky names seem to be something unclear and complicated. Many schoolchildren are not given abstract terms denoting varieties of parts of speech, and they turn to their parents for help. Adults have to look again in textbooks or search for information on the Internet.

Today we will try to tell in a simple and understandable Russian language what proper and common nouns are, how they differ, how to find them and use them correctly in speech and in the text.

What is the part of speech?

Before determining the part of speech in Russian, you need to correctly ask a question to the word and determine what it means. If the word you have chosen matches the questions “who?” or “what?”, but it denotes an object, then it is a noun. This simple truth is easily learned even by schoolchildren, many adults remember. But the question of whether a proper or common noun is in front of you can already confuse a person. Let's try to figure out what these linguistic definitions mean.

Answer in meaning

All words belonging to the part of speech we are considering are divided into several types and categories according to different criteria. One of the classifications is the division into proper and common nouns. It is not so difficult to distinguish between them, you just need to understand the meaning of the word. If a separate specific person or some single object is called, then it is your own, and if the meaning of the word indicates the common name of many similar objects, persons or phenomena, then you have a common noun.

Let's explain this with examples. The word "Alexandra" is proper because it denotes the name of an individual. The words "girl, girl, woman" are common nouns because they are a common name for all females. The difference becomes clear, but it lies in the meaning.

Names and nicknames

It is customary to classify several groups of words as proper nouns.

The first is the name, patronymic and surname of a person, as well as his nickname or pseudonym. This also includes cat, dog and nicknames of other animals. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, Murka, Pushinka, Sharik, Druzhok - these names distinguish one particular creature from others of their own kind. If we pick up a common noun for the same objects, then we can say: a poet, a cat, a dog.

Names on the map

The second group of words are the names of various geographical objects. Here are examples: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Washington, Neva, Volga, Rhine, Russia, France, Norway, Europe, Africa, Australia. For comparison, we also give a common noun corresponding to the given names: city, river, country, continent.

space objects

The third group includes various astronomical names. These are, for example, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mercury, the Solar System, the Milky Way. Each of the given names is a proper name, and it is possible to pick up a common noun generalized in meaning to it. Examples of these objects correspond with the words planet, galaxy.

Names and brands

Another group of words that belong to their own are the various names of something - shops, cafes, literary works, paintings, magazines, newspapers, and so on. In the phrase "magnit store" the first is a common noun, and the second is a proper noun. Let us give more similar examples: the Chocolate Girl cafe, the novel War and Peace, the painting Pond, the Murzilka magazine, the Arguments and Facts newspaper, the Sedov sailboat, the Babaevsky plant, the Gefest gas stove, Consultant Plus system, Chardonnay wine, Napoleon cake, United Russia party, Nika award, Alyonka chocolate, Ruslan aircraft.

Spelling features

Since proper names indicate a specific single object, marking it from all other similar ones, they also stand out in writing - they are written with a capital letter. Children learn this at the very beginning of schooling: last names, first names, patronymics, symbols on the map, animal names, other names of something are capitalized. Examples: Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, Vanka, Ivan Kalita, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Novgorod, Angara, Cyprus, Turkey, Australia, Zhuchka, Fluff, Murzik.

There is one more feature of writing proper nouns, it concerns the names of factories, firms, enterprises, ships, periodicals (newspapers and magazines), works of art and literature, feature films, documentaries and other films, performances, cars, drinks, cigarettes and other similar words. Such names are written not only with a capital letter, but also enclosed in quotation marks. In philological science, they are called their own names. Examples: Niva car, Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, Mayak radio, Ruslan and Lyudmila poem, Chanel perfume, Za Rulem magazine, Troika cigarettes, Fanta drink, Enlightenment publishing house , Abba group, Kinotavr festival.

A proper noun begins with a capital letter, a common noun begins with a lowercase letter. This simple rule often helps a person in determining spelling norms. This rule is easy to remember, but sometimes there are difficulties. As you know, the Russian language is rich in its exceptions to every rule. Such complex cases are not included in the school curriculum, and therefore, in the tasks of the Russian language textbook, even younger students can easily determine by the first letter in a word whether a proper or common noun is in front of them.

Transition of a proper name into a common noun and vice versa

As noted above, a common noun is a generalized name for something. But the Russian language is a living, changing system, and sometimes various transformations and changes take place in it: sometimes common nouns become proper ones. For example: earth is land, Earth is a planet in the solar system. Universal human values, denoted by common nouns love, faith and hope, have long become female names - Faith, Hope, Love. In the same way, some animal nicknames and other names arise: Ball, Snowball, etc.

The reverse process also occurs in Russian, when proper nouns become common nouns. So, from the own name of the Italian physicist Volta, the unit of electrical voltage, the volt, was named. The name of the master of musical instruments Saks became a common noun "saxophone". The Dutch city of Bruges gave its name to the word "pants". The names of the great gunsmiths - Mauser, Colt, Nagant - became the names of pistols. And there are many such examples in the language.

There is a huge variety of phenomena in the world. For each of them in the language there is a name. If it names a whole group of objects, then such a word is. When there is a need to name one object from a number of homogeneous ones, then the language has its own names for this.


Common nouns are such nouns that immediately designate a whole class of objects united by some common features. For example:

  • Each water stream can be called in one word - a river.
  • Any plant with a trunk and branches is a tree.
  • All animals of gray color, large size, with a trunk instead of a nose are called elephants.
  • Giraffe - any animal with a long neck, small horns and high growth.

Proper names are nouns that distinguish one object from the entire class of similar phenomena. For example:

  • The dog's name is Buddy.
  • My cat's name is Murka.
  • This river is the Volga.
  • The deepest lake is Baikal.

When we know what our own name is, we can perform the following task.

Practice #1

Which nouns are proper nouns?

Moscow; city; Earth; planet; bug; dog; Vlad; boy; radio station; "Lighthouse".

Capital letter in proper nouns

As can be seen from the first task, proper names, unlike common nouns, are written with a capital letter. Sometimes it happens that the same word is written first with a small letter, then with a capital one:

  • bird eagle, the city of Oryol, the ship "Eagle";
  • strong love, girl Love;
  • early spring, lotion "Spring";
  • riverside willow, restaurant "Iva".

If you know what your own name is, then it’s easy to understand the reason for this phenomenon: words denoting single objects are capitalized in order to separate them from others of the same kind.

Quotation marks for own names

In order to know how to correctly use quotation marks in your own names, you need to learn the following: proper names denoting phenomena in the world created by human hands are isolated. In this case, quotation marks act as isolation marks:

  • newspaper "New World";
  • do-it-yourself magazine;
  • factory "Amta";
  • hotel "Astoria";
  • ship "Swift".

The transition of words from common nouns to proper ones and vice versa

It cannot be said that the distinction between the categories of proper names and common nouns is unshakable. Sometimes common nouns become proper names. We talked about the rules for writing them above. What are your own names? Examples of transition from the category of common nouns:

  • cream "Spring";
  • perfume "Jasmine";
  • cinema "Zarya";
  • magazine "Worker".

Proper names also easily become generalized names of homogeneous phenomena. Below are our own names, which can already be called common nouns:

  • These are my young don Juan!
  • We aim at Newtons, but we don’t know the formulas ourselves;
  • You are all Pushkins until you write the dictation.

Practice #2

Which sentences contain proper nouns?

1. We decided to meet at the "Ocean".

2. In the summer I swam in the real ocean.

3. Anton decided to give his beloved the perfume "Rose".

4. The rose was cut in the morning.

5. We are all Socrates in our kitchen.

6. This idea was first put forward by Socrates.

Classification of proper names

It would seem that it is easy to learn what a proper name is, but you still need to repeat the main thing - proper names are assigned to one object from a whole series. It is advisable to classify the following series of phenomena:

A number of phenomena

Own names, examples

Names of people, surnames, patronymics

Ivan, Vanya, Ilyushka, Tatyana, Tanechka, Tanyukha, Ivanov, Lysenko, Gennady Ivanovich Belykh, Alexander Nevsky.

Animal names

Bobik, Murka, Dawn, Ryaba, Karyukha, Gray neck.

place names

Lena, Sayans, Baikal, Azov, Black, Novosibirsk.

Names of objects created by human hands

"Red October", "Rot-front", "Aurora", "Health", "Kis-kiss", "Chanel No. 6", "Kalashnikov".

The names of people, surnames, patronymics, nicknames of animals are animate nouns, and geographical names and designations of everything created by man are inanimate. This is how their own names are characterized from the point of view of the category of animation.

Proper names in the plural

It is necessary to dwell on one point, which is due to the semantics of the studied features of proper names in that they are rarely used in the plural. You can use them to refer to multiple items as long as they have the same proper name:

The surname can be used in the plural. number in two cases. First, if it denotes a family, people who are related:

  • It was customary for the Ivanovs to gather for dinner with the whole family.
  • The Karenins lived in St. Petersburg.
  • The Zhurbin dynasty had at all a hundred years of experience at a metallurgical plant.

Secondly, if namesakes are called:

  • Hundreds of Ivanovs can be found in the register.
  • They are my full namesakes: Grigoriev Alexandra.

- inconsistent definitions

One of the tasks of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language requires knowledge of what your own name is. Graduates are required to establish correspondences between sentences and those allowed in them. One of these is a violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application. The fact is that the proper name, which is an inconsistent application, does not change in cases with the main word. Examples of such sentences with grammatical errors are given below:

  • Lermontov was not enthusiastic about his poem "The Demon" (the poem "The Demon").
  • Dostoevsky described the spiritual crisis of his time in the novel "The Brothers Karamazov" (in the novel "The Brothers Karamazov").
  • A lot is said and written about the film "Taras Bulba" (About the film "Taras Bulba").

If a proper name acts as an addition, that is, in the absence of a defined word, then it can change its form:

  • Lermontov was not enthusiastic about his "Demon".
  • Dostoevsky described the spiritual crisis of his time in The Brothers Karamazov.
  • A lot is said and written about Taras Bulba.

Practice #3

Which sentences have errors?

1. We stood for a long time at the painting "Barge Haulers on the Volga".

2. In The Hero of His Time, Lermontov sought to uncover the problems of his era.

3. In the "Journal of Pechorin" the vices of a secular person are revealed.

4). The story "Maxim Maksimych" reveals the image of a beautiful person.

5. In his opera The Snow Maiden, Rimsky-Korsakov sang love as the highest ideal of mankind.

own names?

What is: 1. proper names and 2. proper names ??

proper name is a noun denoting a word or phrase intended to name a specific, well-defined object or phenomenon, distinguishing this object or phenomenon from a number of objects or phenomena of the same type. A proper name is opposed to a common noun. Proper nouns are capitalized. These include: - names, surnames, patronymics and nicknames of people (Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov); - nicknames of animals (Sharik, Tuzik, Muska); - names of heroes of literary works (Ilya Ilyich Oblomov); - geographical names (Moscow, Frankfurt, Caucasus, Neva); - astronomical and astrological designations (Moon, constellation of the Hounds of the Dogs); - names of magazines, newspapers, literary works, etc. (newspaper\"Pravda\", magazine\"Our Garden\"); - names of brands of cars, cigarettes, etc. (car\"Moskvich\", cigarettes \"Druzhok\"). Please note that the names are written not only with a capital letter, but also in quotation marks! History knows many examples when proper names became common nouns. Here are some of them: - So, the big improved accordion button accordion got its name from the name of its own Bayan (Boyan). - Napoleon cake and cake, according to legend, owe their name to Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, who loved this type of confectionery. - Colt, Maxim, Mauser, Nagant - famous inventors of weapons. - The Belgian master Saks gave the name to the popular wind instrument - the saxophone. - One of the ancient legends tells about the handsome young man Narcissus, who was so in love with himself that he did not notice anyone or anything around, but all the time looked at his reflection in the water. The gods, angry, turned him into a plant. The white narcissus flower leans to one side and seems to be looking down at its reflection with a yellow eye. .. - Sometimes items get their names from the place they were taken from: coffee (from the name of the country Kaffa, located in Africa), peach (from Persia - modern Iran), orange (the Dutch word appelsien literally translates as "Chinese apple" "). The word trousers comes from the name of the Dutch city of Bruges. Proper names do not have a plural form (with the exception of the surnames of persons belonging to the same family - the Ivanov family, Mr. Petrov). since nouns are common and proper. Proper - these are those nouns that denote the names of rivers, cities, names of people and nicknames of animals. Accordingly, common nouns are all other nouns.

What is the difference between proper nouns and proper nouns? Explain with examples

A proper name is an appendix, capitalized and enclosed in quotation marks (Newspaper \"Pravda \"), and proper nouns are written without quotes (A dog named Pravda).

what does the concept of words proper names mean

Help to name your own company with all the names of the types so that money flows into it like a river. What will you name the yacht


\"yellow fanari\"...


at least you wrote what the company is doing ...

OJSC \"Multi-Profi\"

Draw up a statement of claim and a court decision, filling in at your own discretion the missing data (name of

To the Nikolaevsky-on-Amur City Court of the Khabarovsk Territory CLAIMANT: (last name, first name, patronymic in full, address of residence by registration and actual) RESPONDENT: (last name, first name, patronymic in full, address of residence by registration and actual) Claim for damages, caused by a traffic accident (in order of recourse) "__" __ 200 _ in (indicate the city, address of the scene of the incident) a traffic accident occurred: a collision of a car (make, state number), under the control defendant-driver (last name, first name, patronymic) with a car (make, state number) belonging to the citizen (surname, first name, patronymic) on the right of personal property. The traffic accident was the fault of the defendant. By the decision (name of the court) of the city court dated "__" ___ 200 _, from the enterprise in favor of the victim (last name, first name, patronymic) recovered (indicate the amount) rub. At present, the named amount has been fully transferred to the claimant. The organization that compensated for the harm caused through the fault of its employee, in the performance of his labor duties, is endowed with the right of a reverse claim (recourse) against this employee in the amount of the compensation paid. Based on the above, guided by art. Article 1081 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, 119 (or 121) of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, I PLEASE: Collect from the defendant (last name, first name, patronymic) in favor of (name of the enterprise) in compensation for damage (amount in numbers and words) rub. and in order to return the state duty amount (amount in figures and words) RUB. Applications: 1. A copy of the court decision (arbitration) on the recovery of damages. 2. Certificate of accounting on the transfer of money to the recoverer. 3. Certificate of the defendant's salary. 4. Copy of the statement of claim. 5. Bank receipt for payment of state duty. Date Signature of the head of the enterprise Seal

compound adjectives that: are proper names and begin with the words east-, west-, north-, but-, yu

East Siberian Sea, West Siberian Plain, Northeast China (region), South China Sea. These are geographical names.

Brothers! How to see the name of your own motherboard? The name of the processor in the System - writes, but the name of the mother - no. How can I find out what motherboard I have?

On her own!

Remove the side wall and look at the board. Or Everest if laptop

Everest, there you will learn everything about your system unit

everest or take it out and look))))))

Everest. any version is free

What is own name????

names of rivers, cities, names and nicknames, etc.

what are proper names?

The teacher at the lesson tells the children: - In Old Russian, the name was often replaced with \"ra \" the city is a city, the gate is a gate ... Vovachka holds out her hand: Marvanna, how will magpie be in Old Russian?

Maybe\"Proper names \"? These are the names of cities, the names of people, nicknames.

what are proper names?

I know that there is such a thing as proper names: Ira, Masha, Glasha or the names of cities, rivers, etc. etc...

Please teach me how to correct the name of your own photos

Go to your photo album by clicking on the album cover, hover over the photo and the Properties button will appear below. Click on it and go to the edit page, where you can adjust the title.

If the father did not raise the child, did not help him, but raised the mother, why not give him the name of his mother?

I actually did just that, I have been using a new surname for 5 years :-)

What is the\"name \"? Yes, and\"by mother \" sounds ambiguous. Nobody limits the choice of name.

so you can at least call the King .. there is no problem ..

How are the Jews? They have many surnames\"maternal \". Since often she herself does not know from whom she gave birth.

Name - is your middle name or last name?

Household names of the Genital organs and, in fact, the act: What do you call them? ;)

by their own names

Where can I download a sample of a corner stamp with my own name ???

On printing sites

Use Stamp 0.85 or Stamp 1.5. Whatever you need, you will do it.