Talisman of the search for true treasures that gives. Collective intelligence - solved! True Treasure Talisman

For almost 7 years of existence of WoW, trillions of gold coins have passed through the hands of people. Gold came and went, it was always needed, but it was not always obtained in an honest way. Today I have collected for you several ways of cheating that were used in WoW in order to lure coins from other players under a cunning pretext. Some you know, some maybe not, and some maybe even used. We look.

("The wearer is able to find the rarest of artifacts in the most common places.") This item appeared in the BC, you can buy it was (and still can be) in Shattrath from an NPC named Jules (an identikit on the right), which immediately hints at its purpose . And then the first tricks appeared. They bought this amulet for 8 gold and started shouting to the trade about selling "A magnificent item that increases the chance of a drop by several times." Not everyone fell for it, but everywhere there were quite a lot of rich simpletons who threw out a tidy sum for this item. I asked my former guild mate, who caught the moment of the start of the BC on the off and even himself, as it turned out, enjoyed the gullibility of the players. "Yes, I even sold one of these for 600 gold. Wild money in those days, a ground 100% mount cost so much. How did I get through then. But I didn’t do that anymore. I bought a GM from one of the top guilds from Warsong." Less popular was the Animal Friend Amulet ("This amulet lures animals. The amulet breaks if you harm the animal in any way.") He, of course, also did nothing, but the sellers excused themselves in a standard way, as iuseless from Wowhead said: "Of course it works, for example, if you run past some animal, it aggravates you. You see how wonderful it works, keep in mind that if you kill this animal, the Amulet will break and you will waste your money! So do whatever, but don't hit the mob! " In general, all the amulets of this seller were the subject of a general swindle for the first couple of months.

Ammo and Arrows

Yes, you won't believe it. Once upon a time, hunters needed cartridges and arrows in order to shoot from bows and guns. And it so happened historically that ammunition sellers constantly tried to cheat buyers, especially when it came to auk. How it was done: a seller was taken who made a hundred stacks of fragmentation cartridges (1 stack \u003d 1000 pieces) and began to put them up for auk, for example, at 40 gold per stack. He will set 10 stacks normally, then five stacks will reduce to 100 rounds (or ten or voobshcheodnogo) and then again normal. The calculation was on inattentive people who bought up heaps of bullets without noticing the substitution. At the end of VOTLK, we had an engineer in the guild who dabbled in this. And one day one of his guildmates inadvertently bought from him 8 stacks of 10 rounds at a price of 1000. To the cries of a refund, he said: "You are not the first, you are not the last. Yell and calm down." And poured. Blizzy also said that there was no deception, there was only inattention. So that.

Rare pets

This type of swindle is widespread even in our bright days. A knowledgeable person goes to the pet seller, and it doesn’t matter which one, even the cockroaches from the Undercity, at least who else. Take for example Sixs, who sells moths, and buys 10 White Moth Eggs from her for 50 silver each. Then he returns to the auction and sees if there is such a thing. If not, he puts 1 - 2 bloodworms, say, for 500 gold, thereby imitating a rare expensive pet. It is also common to set up a pet for 5000 gold ransom and 899 bet, they say it is very expensive, but you can win with a bet. I confess, when I just came to the off, I myself traded like that. And I'll tell you, the daily profit for the 30th lvl lock was quite positive - enough for bread with the game and for the mount. Often I even had to buy up competitors who put up 5-10 g each. So before you buy a pet, don't be lazy, hit the wowhead so as not to be thrown.

A beautiful bag with 22 slots, BOE, gives an achievement, at a cost of 10 points. There are no barriers to getting it - it costs 1200 gold (1080 if you are a goblin). Naturally, this entailed pushing her on the auction and in the trade. Just today, one of the players shouted that he would sell a bag for 3000 gold, for achievement, beauty and a lot of space. Over time, the bag was replaced by another one - Portable hole in space, which has more slots, but is more expensive. Both bags are easily bought from the NPC in Shattrath in unlimited quantities, which does not prevent the crooks from selling them at inflated prices from their hands. And they keep buying...


Old as the world, a way to cheat a person. Such a crook is activated mainly after the release of a new Addon, because then the overlay regs cost a lot of money. An unfamiliar character screams for an enchantment. Moreover, sometimes he links not even his own professional, but the professional of another person, a fellow guild member or the one who before him linked the professional in the chat. The most arrogant of them have not even reached level 85, and spam from 80 and sometimes even from 60. A gullible player sees the right recipe in him, agrees on imposing and brings regs to the crook. He gives them to the chat, after which the scammer goes off for an hour. If you knock blizzam well and for a long time, your regs can be returned to you, but in cases in 2 - 3 out of 100. Swindle from people you know. similar methods of scam were also used in all craft professions - from blacksmithing to leatherworking.

Change in trade

A very old way, "for a fool" and inattention. Now practically not used. The person threw the exchange and showed you the right thing. The victim of deception entered the required amount of gold and clicked the exchange. The swindler replaced the item of exchange with another one, often with the same icon and a similar name (if you dig around, these are easy to find), and pressed the exchange. The victim, not guessing, thinking that it was being laid, also pressed the exchange again. Thus, a deliberately false act of trade took place.

False achievements

The peak of this method of deception came at the end of WOTLK, when the proto-dragons from Ulduar were very popular. (screen on the left) A frequent action was to collect a raid of 9 skillful people (sometimes guild members), who paraported 1 person with a bunch of dough but without a guild and the desire to strain for achievements in Ulduar10, for which he paid them money, and he himself received a dragon. There are not rare cases when they demanded an advance payment, and then kicked. Or they were carried out through easy achievements, then they took the entire amount and kicked. But an incident that a friend told me just prompted me to write this article. He is the height of impudence, luck and swindle. For natural reasons, I will not specify his nickname. "I decided to try it, maybe it will work out. For 2 days I shouted in the trade that the skill party was looking for 1 person for a steam locomotive in SRU10 (glory to the Ulduar raider). Thus, I recruited 9 people who wanted to. Naturally, I wasn’t going to para transport anyone anywhere. The guys came to at the appointed time, I said to fly up to the uld. When approaching, I threw an invite to the party. They started to say hello to each other, and at that time I collected an advance from each of them in the amount of 4 thousand gold. "That's a catch. After that, pleased with himself, he poured. I thought the blizzards would kick, but no."

Account exchange

It often happens that in a trade they offer to exchange accounts. Or buy an acc for little money. What could be the catch? Once, a long time ago, I fell for it and bought a bk account from a person who was selling an acc with a var and paying for 15 days in advance for 15 k gold. Pennies, in general. Everything turned out to be true, no one threw me on the acc. But it turned out that from this Persian the owner re-borrowed gold from half of his guild for a total of 150 thousand coins. Naturally, no one believed me that I was the new owner of the account, they started throwing feces, so I had to quit that acc .. Here's the story.


Or a nearby store. The scheme was simple. A man bought a code for a mount. Let's say, a heavenly horse, or some kind of pet - it doesn't matter. I sold it for gold in the trade. And often - code ahead. The buyer activated the code, he received a horse. Then the following happened. A satisfied buyer gave gold to the crook. The crook went and canceled the bank payment for the horse. Blizzard returned the money to the swindler and confiscated the mount from the victim of fraud. At the beginning of the cataclysm, all chats were flooded with such proposals and a lot of people lost their hard-earned gold in pursuit of a horse.

That's all. Do not fall for the tricks of scammers and do not trust anyone. Remember, you can't trust people. I can. People cannot. See you again.

With the Tides of Vengeance update, Azeroth has received a new puzzle chain, once again asking players around the world to work together to find and add to the collection of a mysterious vehicle - and to make their name known by surpassing the cunning architects of this madness.

Let's lift the veil of mystery over each of the puzzles and find out how the players solved them.

Attention: spoilers! If you want to solve the puzzles yourself, CLOSE THIS PAGE URGENTLY! We have warned you.

True Treasure Talisman

We try to create complex puzzles for large groups of people who work together to solve them. Therefore, in order to make the hints non-obvious, we have to dig deeper. Sometimes even too deep. The beginning of this chain is just such a case.

The description of the collective mind reads: "True unity of minds." We assumed that the word "true" would be an allusion to the talisman of the search for True Treasures, a necklace that can be bought from Jules, a mysterious merchant from Shattrath's Lower City. Introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion, this vendor sells players shady items like the Polished Suspended Energy Pendant. We don't know for sure if anyone has associated the word "true" with the talisman. Maybe the players just accidentally noticed Jules' goods, or maybe they noticed new items on the table behind him.

These items begin to glow if you put on a talisman. In addition, the talisman will be needed to solve most of the subsequent puzzles. The four glowing items are hints, each of which leads to a separate stage of the entire chain. Those who want to fully enjoy the process can go through all four stages. However, with coordinated further actions of the group, you can go through one of the stages or skip them altogether. Our main goal was to create different challenges for players with different interests. Fans of playing with words and understanding the history of the world can take the blue path, mathematicians - the green one, and so on. In the end, everyone will find one common solution.

If you put on the talisman, the letter on the table behind Jules will glow blue and you can read it. In the text of the letter you will find the first of a series of clues to help you complete this part of the puzzle.

Each clue is a meaningless phrase, some words in which are capitalized. These words form an anagram indicating where to look for the next clue letter. All these letters should be read in a certain order.

  • First letter: Thousand forty years I've been lying here - The microenvironment has not changed.
    Decision: Thousand Lying Microenvironment --> WAITING DEATHWINGS
    In the northeast of Highmountain, the tauren of Safehoof live. They are still preparing for the coming of Deathwing (not knowing that the Cataclysm has already happened). On a table in one of their huts, you will find the next clue.
  • Second letter: Aphid somehow goes on the table - around the dish, Steam and knocks; but she didn’t dare to overeat, otherwise Cholesterol would still jump.
    Decision: Aphid Vapor Cholesterol --> GUARDIAN'S THREE

The next letter is on a chair in Medivh's room in Old Karazhan.

  • Third letter: Their cart is visible half a verst away, its damn screen betrays it.
    Decision: Their Carriage Half a Mile Screen --> GROWTH OF DEAD THORNS

    This is an allusion to the Razorfen Mounds, a dungeon where you can meet Razormanes and the undead. On the table next to the last boss is the following letter.
  • fourth letter: It was snowing so badly that I couldn't start an Arson, even though I tried my best.
    Decision: Snow Arson Izo --> MAD'S NEST

    The sanctuary of Aviana, the mistress of heaven, is located in the northern part of Hyjal. The next letter is on a table in one of the rooms at the top of this tree.
  • Fifth letter: The tailwind was so strong that Kotik flew up and hit the mast.
    Decision: Passing Kitty O --> ABANDONED STREAM

    A dam separates Crystalsong Forest from Icecrown. You will find the next letter in the middle of this dam, above the Frozen Stream.
  • sixth letter And all alone, like Bobyl, and you don’t even think about Keith.
    Decision: BUT
    Bobyl kite--> HOUSE OF THE BULL
    The Abode of Niuzao, the Black Bull is his shrine in the western Townlong Steppes. That's where the next letter is.
  • seventh letter “Flashing lights in the night and a terrible scream; there was a demon - and now he somehow wilted. A verse about the death of an old demon.
    Decision: Flashing Virsha --> THE TOP OF MAGIC
    The Nexus in Coldarra is the center of arcane magic and the home of the blue dragonflight. At its top you will find the last clue.

    This time it will not be a letter, but a chest containing a blue crystal monocle - the ultimate goal at this stage, a gift from Miss Graham.

If you put on the talisman, the pen on the table behind Jules will glow green. Feathered arakkoa live in the Spiers of Arak on Draenor. The main puzzle of this stage is located at the end of the Skyreach Dungeon.

There is a control panel with five buttons arranged in a cross.

  • Pressing the middle button will summon a floating grid of lights with a sun disk in the middle.
  • Then with the rest of the buttons you can move the sun around the grid (up/down/right/left).
  • Pressing the middle button again will reset the grid to its original position.
  • The lights glow in different colors and change color when the sun is near them, consistently but unpredictably.

Next to the control panel hover "Basic" instructions:

There is an interesting story associated with this problem. Finishing work on it, we realized that the answer can be obtained by a simple enumeration of options, and changed it by increasing the number of digits from 8 to 12.

Unfortunately, it turned out that there is also a problem with the new answer: it can be obtained by resorting to "smart guessing". Someone guessed that the right side of the equation contains multiples of the numbers on the left side, and that the answer can only contain numbers from 0 to 3. The players took the first number that came up and guessed, not knowing what logic to follow. Very clever. This is a great example of how the community can outwit the creators of the game and solve the problem in their own way, but correctly.

And here is the course of the decision we assumed.

As some players have guessed, "base" instructions refer to different bases of number systems. According to our idea, the numbers should be considered the smallest of the possible bases. Each cell in the right column is calculated by converting the cells to the left and above it from the smallest base system to the base 10 system and multiplying them.

That is, the missing values ​​are 0000450, 0013572, 0042441, 0123453, and 102011032032. If the lower left value did not contain the number 9, the players' guess would be wrong.

As you noticed, the colors of the lights are not taken into account in the solution: we made them different colors to only confuse the players more. These are the so-called "red herrings", which are set on a false trail, but do not complicate the task itself. In this puzzle, we have made a big bet on them. Unfortunately, we were never able to find out if our distraction worked, because the players found an alternative solution.

If we correlate the numbers from the last value with the buttons on the control panel (0 - up (V), 1 - right (R), 2 - down (N), 3 - left (L)), we get the combination "PVNVPPVLNVLN". If you enter this combination on the panel, a chest will appear with a green crystal monocle.

If you put on the talisman, the pyramid on the table behind Jules will glow yellow. This means that the largest pyramid of Azeroth awaits you - the Halls of Creation in Uldum.

At the lowest level of the pyramid, below the main elevator, is an object that creates a large matrix of crystals and constellation symbols. The symbols come in four colors (red, green, blue and yellow). Crystals are divided into three types.

  • The corner star reflector changes the colors of all characters horizontally and vertically from itself up to the edge of the matrix or other reflector.
  • The jagged star refractor changes the colors of all symbols diagonally from itself up to the edge of the matrix or other reflector.
  • Round star refractor changes the colors of everyone bordering with him characters.
  • The colors change in this order: red -> green -> blue -> yellow -> red again.

The player's task is to ensure that all symbols become the same color (no matter what). Unlike other puzzles, this one is generated randomly, so the solution will be different for each player (although the problem can be solved as part of a group). We can give you one time-saving hint: find a symbol whose color cannot be changed. none crystal. So you will understand what all the other characters should be.

When you solve the puzzle, a chest will appear containing a yellow crystal monocle.

If you put on the talisman, the fish (probably a herring) on ​​the table behind Jules will glow red. Go to the most “fishy” zone of Azeroth, Vashj "ir. There you will find five underwater creatures trading in unique goods. Seashells, which can be bought for gold from Sir Finley Mrrgglton, will help you enter into commodity-money relations with them. Sir Finley Mrrgglton also sells a Red Crystal Monocle, the item you need to get at this stage of the puzzle.

As a result, you need to collect a certain number of different items that are sold by different merchants. There are many ways to reach the goal. Here is one solution.

  1. Symbiont Plankton
    1. Purchase 80 Seashells from Sir Finley Mrrgglton.
    2. Acquire 2 Giant Giant Nail Pieces from the Grim Blue Fin.
    3. Acquire 4 Macura Eyes from Karpik.
    4. Purchase 1 Randomly Severed Seahorse Fin from Unstable Purplescale.
    5. Purchase 3 from the Scarlet Fury Fish. bright scales of a sea serpent.
    6. Buy 40 Stargazer Ray. symbiont plankton. (timer - 30 minutes)
  2. Glittering Perch Scale
    1. Purchase 500 Seashells from Sir Finley Mrrgglton.
    2. Purchase 100 Healthy Great Shark Teeth from Unstable Purplescale.
    3. Purchase 50 Razor Eel Fry from the Stargazer Ray.
    4. Purchase 250 Fattened Doctor Fish from Kitten.
    5. Purchase 10 Recently Discarded Crab Shells from Grim Bluefin.
    6. Purchase 50 Brilliant Bass Scales from Old Stinky. (timer - 30 minutes)
  3. Purchase 5 Sparkling Murloc Skin Lotions from Sir Finley Mrrgglton. (timer - 1 hour)
  4. Caught cavitation bubble
    1. Purchase 1500 Seashells from Sir Finley Mrrgglton.
    2. Purchase 300 very beautiful corals from Kittenysh.
    3. Purchase 100 Iridescent Glimmer Ray Skins from Old Stinky.
    4. Purchase 20 Brilliant Glowingscale Fragments from the Scarlet Furyfish.
    5. Acquire 5 Captured Cavitation Bubbles from the Blackfish. (timer - 30 minutes)
  5. Juicy gastropod secretions
    1. Purchase 300 Seashells from Sir Finley Mrrgglton.
    2. Purchase 30 Food from Old Stinky. impenetrable black squid ink.
    3. Purchase 30 units from the Blackfish. the extremely slippery mucus of the eel.
    4. Purchase 3 Stoned Clamshells from Unstable Purplescale.
    5. Talk to Karpik and exchange the shells for 6. succulent secretions of the gastropod. (timer - 30 minutes)
  6. Purchase from Sir Finlay Mrrgglton red crystal monocle(final cost - 2380 gold).

Fierce withered

  • Extremely small letters are applied along the edges of the monocle:.
    • Green monocle :
    • Red Monocle
    • Yellow Monocle : D K U B E C R G SCH P A P R
    • Blue Monocle
  • They add up to two complete Russian alphabets with the exception of the following letters: IIIYSSLOKHSHYU.

This is an anagram of the words "FIRE WITHERED" and a hint that you need to go to Suramar and look for special withered ones in its expanses.

Curiously, these withered ones are the first thing players have found. The community spent days experimenting with them, unable to achieve anything. In the future, this caused another misunderstanding. Since the withered were already known, the players could not decide for a long time what the letters on the monocles meant.

Get together!

To solve the rest of the puzzles, you will need to assemble a group. There should be four players in a group with monocles of different colors. The fifth may not have a single monocle.

Each player with a monocle travels to Suramar in the Broken Isles and finds a withered one whose eye color matches that of the monocle.

  • Kraiki (red) is located to the east of the city.
  • Light "un (blue) is located north of the city, next to Tel" anor.
  • Ziluzui (green) is next to Falanaar.
  • Zhorilan (yellow) is south of the westernmost jetty in Suramar.

Each of these withered can be attacked by wearing a monocle of the desired color. However, when its health drops to 1, the withered one does not die, but becomes temporarily invulnerable for 6 seconds. draws energy from somewhere, restores health and continues to attack you.

It is the turn of the fifth member of the group to act. In one of the houses of upper Suramar, located at about the same distance from all the withered ones, there is a small room, the entrance to which is blocked by four rays of the same colors. While the respective withered draw power, the beams are temporarily disabled. If all four beams are turned off at the same time, the fifth member of the group will be able to get into the room.

There you will find a cat toy lying on the floor. However, if you try to pick it up, you will take damage and be teleported away from the room. The description of the spell that hit you says that the protection system of a magical cat toy has worked.

Manasard cubs

At this stage of the search for a mysterious vehicle, puzzle lovers are stuck for a long time. The players spent a lot of time trying to pick up the toy. One after another, theories were born about how to avoid triggering the protection system or protect against the damage that it causes. The answer is far more obscure. You need to take damage, and a lot of it: its amount is always the same and is expressed in a five-digit number - a hint at five members of the group.

Regardless of what's going on in Battle for Azeroth, a new nightborne, Lady Chaton, and her five mana pard hatchlings have arrived in the Quarter of Stars dungeon. These little manasards can be petted and gain a stacking effect of Purr. If this effect stacks 10 times, or if you stop petting the manapard for a long time, he gets angry, scratches you and runs away (in a word, he behaves like an ordinary cat). From a long conversation with Lady Chaton, you can learn a lot about her pets, and also about how she wants to cuddle all the cats in the world. She really loves cats. Are you also interested in what order manapards got to her.

It was especially interesting to see how the community solved this riddle. From time to time someone would say, “Look, the cat toy is always giving me 12345 damage. damage. Maybe this is code that needs to be used somehow? Then someone else said: “We know the order for manasard cubs. Maybe with the help of the Murky effects you can enter some five-digit code? All day long players puzzled over these two, at first glance, completely different tasks. And then someone thought to tie them together.

As improbable as this assumption is, this is the next step in the puzzle. Having received a five-digit code (if there are not enough numbers, add 0 at the beginning; 1234 is 01234), the group must go straight to the cubs of the manaspard in the Quarter of Stars. Together, the players must enter a five-digit code by stroking the manapards the required number of times in the order in which Lady Chaton received her pets. Madame Pushelia > Tenechka > Meow > Ashes > Bella.

After you enter the code correctly, the manaspard cubs will jump into the pond, dance and open a portal leading to the next puzzle.

Phase platforms

Before you is a kind of labyrinth, consisting of platforms hovering over the abyss.

Initially, one platform is activated. Each platform can be occupied by one player, after which 0 to 3 other platforms are activated. You can jump from one platform to another. Platforms that are not currently activated remain in place if the player is standing on them. As soon as the player leaves such a platform, it will disappear. The problem can be solved by coordinated actions of a group of players who successively jump from platform to platform.

There are several ways to get through the maze, here is one of them:

E94 E61 D36 C31
A95 C83 E62 A38 B11
B94 C82 B54 E34 A18
A85 B73 B53 B23 C21
B84 E100 E61 B22 C22
C95 E97 E51 E24 C12
C94 A88 B43 D26 A0
B83 A78 D47 C56 B0
A86 D76 B33 A39 C0
A87 E87 D37 A29 D0
D95 D66 C100 B21 E0
D85 D56 C97 E14
D75 D55 C87 D27
B82 B63 C77 A28
B72 D45 C67 D17
E95 A68 C57 C100
E85 D46 A59 C91
C84 B64 A58 C81
E95 E100 E41 C71
E91 A48 C61
E81 E42 C51
A69 E43 E15
E71 E44 C41

The door at the other end of the chasm will open once all five members of the group have reached it.

light absorbing platform

To complete the final stage, players need to cross a field of magical energy on a platform that flies back and forth above them. The player entering the field will be moved to their side.

If there are players on the platform, it stops in the middle of the field, analyzes their composition and, if it is correct, moves on. Otherwise, the players return to the field and try again.

This is a variation on the classic wolf, goat and cabbage riddle. Five players are randomly assigned to one of three roles, divided into two adults, two children, and one carrier. Initially, the players do not know their roles. There must always be a carrier on the platform. It also provides space for one adult or two children, but not two adults. Also, the platform will not move if only the carrier is on it.

So the "correct" combinations are carrier + adult, carrier + child, and carrier + 2 children. Experiment until you figure out which one of you is the carrier, then start ferrying players back and forth.

Once each player understands their role, the following diagram can be used.

starting position

PRR to exit

PR to start

PV to the exit

PR to start

PRR to exit

PR to start

PV to the exit

PR to start

PRR to exit

The door at the other end of the abyss will open as soon as all five members of the group reach it.

Collective mind

Your journey has come to an end. In the next room, the hivemind awaits you. To get it, five party members must stand on the platforms and wait for the spell to end. We have deliberately made it so that after solving individual puzzles, group stages can be completed quickly with a clear sequence of actions. This avoids unnecessary frustration when the solution is already obvious (if you have all the monocles and know what to do, the last steps can be completed in 15 minutes).

It was an amazing search! Our congratulations to everyone who solved our puzzles. We hope you enjoyed what you saw behind the scenes of the creative process!

Legion, the expansion that many (and I) consider to be the best in WoW history, introduced a very interesting thing - secrets! Secrets, for solving which players get something valuable and cool, primarily mounts.

And in update 8.1, another secret was introduced into the game, which was supposed to lead us to a unique vehicle - the Collective Mind. And brought! A few days ago, the riddle was solved by the joint efforts of players from all over the world, and now we, following the guide, can calmly and measuredly get this mount.

It's not for nothing that I called this mount unique, because it really is very different from all that we have seen in the game. First, we don't sit on this tentacled brain, we turn into it. And, secondly, up to 4 players can climb into it! That is, a group of 5 people can fly on one mount!

UPD: But it has just become known that only those players who have passed the last stages of the puzzle together, namely the Quarter of Stars, can ride this mount together!!! That is, if you and your friend were in the same party, passing the puzzle, then you can take him as a passenger and he will take you to him. But if you went through the puzzle without him, then he CANNOT sit down with you.

BUT! The list of players "attached" to the mount can be changed by going through the stage of the Quarter of Stars with them again.

But, as they say in stores, "on the couch", and that's not all! For each player, except the owner, who mounted the mount, its speed is increased by 10%, that is, when traveling in three people, the movement speed will be increased by 40%.

The puzzle for obtaining the Collective Intelligence is very difficult. No seriously. It is really much more complicated than everything introduced before, how people guessed before the clue is not clear to me. And at the last stages of the puzzle you will have to run in a group of 5 people, otherwise you won’t pass them, which makes it even more difficult, because it’s not so easy to collect a party of adequate players who will do what is needed and when needed;)

So, let's get to the guide!

Stage zero - addon

If you do not have an addon that shows coordinates on the map, be sure to install it, otherwise you will have to turn and unfold the game back and forth a million times, which is very inconvenient.

Stage One - True Treasure Talisman

Go to Shattrath City, look for Jules the troll and buy a True Treasure Talisman from him. To complete all the steps, it must be worn on your character so that you can interact with the necessary items.

Stage Two - Blue Monocle

  • Behind Jules is a letter, read it by wearing the Talisman. I would advise you not to take it off at all.
  • Fly to Highmountain, there in a tent at coordinates 57.27 is the next letter.
  • Fly to old Karazhan, where you need to get to the chess boss. Behind him on a chair you will find the third letter.
  • Fly to Razorhide Mounds, behind the boss's flippers you will find the fourth letter.
  • Fly to Mount Hyjal, to Aviana's Sanctuary. There, inside the tree at coordinates 44.47, go up to the second floor and read the fifth letter.
  • Fly to Icecrown at coordinates 70.73, read the sixth letter.
  • Fly to Townlong Steppes, behind the Niuzao Temple on the bell is the seventh letter at coordinates 37,63.
  • Fly to the Borean Tundra, to Coldarra. At coordinates 27.27, on the upper tier of Coldarra, you will find the Blue Monocle.

Stage Three - Green Monocle

  • Fly to the Skyreach Dungeon and go to High Sage Viryx.
  • Behind the boss is a panel, you need to poke on the central sphere on it.
  • And then - poke on other spheres in a certain order, namely: right, top, bottom, top, right, top, left, bottom, top, left, bottom.
  • A box will appear at the top of the panel, and it will contain a Green Monocle. Take it.

Stage Four - Yellow Monocle

  • Fly to the Halls of Creation and go to the lift.
  • On the platform, keep going forward, and then go down.
  • In the room under the lift, click on the sphere and you will see a mini-game with constellations.
  • You will need to click on the constellations to change their color and make them all the same color.
  • A chest will appear in the center of the room, take the Yellow Monocle from it.

Stage Five - Red Monocle

This is where the hell begins. You need to fly (sail) to Vashj "ir, it is advisable to explore it completely beforehand in order to know where to swim. There will be a mini-game, you need to buy various items from the NPC, do it in a strictly defined order. What is so advogo, you ask "It's that items disappear after some time! They are divided into Common, Uncommon, Seashells and Rare. Commons last 5 minutes, Uncommons and Seashells 30 minutes, Rare - an hour."

If you have not done the initial quests in Vashj "ir and / or do not have water mounts - do not even try to start this stage, first prepare.

  • Coordinates - 44.20, upstairs in the Shimmering Expanse. Buy 80 Seashells from NPC Sir Finley Mrrgglton.
  • Coordinates - 69.42, Abyssal Depths. Buy 2 Giant Giant Nail Pieces from the Grim Blue Fin.
  • Coordinates - 45.17, Abyssal Depths. Buy 4 Makrura Eyes from Karpik.
  • Coordinates - 38.77, Abyssal Depths. Buy 1 Accidentally Severed Seahorse Fin from Unstable Purplescale.
  • Coordinates - 53.88, Shimmering expanse. Buy 3 Bright Sea Serpent Scales from Scarlet Furyfish.
  • Coordinates - 52.22, Shimmering expanse. Buy 60 Symbiont Plankton from the surface swimming ray.
  • Coordinates - 44,20, Shimmering expanse. Buy 500 Seashells from Sir Finley Mrrgglton.
  • Coordinates - 38.78, Abyssal Depths. Purchase 100 Healthy Shark Teeth from Volatile Purple Scale.
  • Coordinates - 53.22, Shimmering expanse. Buy 50 Razor Eel Fry from the stingray.
  • Coordinates - 69.46, Shimmering Expanse. Buy 250 Scourged Doctor Fish from Kitten.
  • Coordinates - 69.42, Abyssal Depths. Purchase 10 Recently Discarded Crab Shells from the Grim Bluefin.
  • Coordinates - 60.59, Forest Kelp "Tar. Buy 50 Glittering Perch Scales from Old Stinky.
  • Coordinates - 44,20, Shimmering expanse. Buy 5 Sparkling Murloc Lotion and 300 Seashells from Sir Finley Mrgglton.
  • Coordinates - 60.59, Forest Kelp "tar. Buy 30 Black Squid Ink from Old Stinky.
  • Coordinates - 15.82, Abyssal Depths. Buy 30 Extremely Slippery Eel Slime from Blackfish.
  • Coordinates - 38.78, Abyssal Depths. Purchase 3 Stoned Clamshells from Volatile Purplescale.
  • Coordinates - 45.17, Abyssal Depths. Buy 5 Succulent Gastropod Discharge from Karpik.
  • Coordinates - 44,20, Shimmering expanse. Buy 1500 Seashells from Sir Finley Mrrgglton.
  • Coordinates - 69.46, Shimmering expanse. Buy 300 Very Beautiful Corals from Kitenish.
  • Coordinates - 60.59, Forest Kelp "tar. Buy 100 Iridescent Shimmering Stingray Skin from Old Stinky.
  • Coordinates - 53.88, Shimmering expanse. Purchase 20 Brilliantscale Fragments from the Scarlet Furyfish.
  • Coordinates - 15.82, Abyssal Depths. Buy 5 Captured Cavitation Bubbles from Blackfish.
  • Coordinates - 44,20, Shimmering expanse. Buy 1500 Red Monocle from Cheese Finlay Mrrgglton.

Beams of Suramar

Adok number tou. This is where a group of five players is needed. Of course, it's best to have all of the monocles collected from each member of the group, although perhaps only 1 monocle of each color per group will suffice.

  • Gather a group and fly to Suramar.
  • At coordinates 41,69 there will be a building, on the second floor in this building there will be a passage blocked by four multi-colored beams. One player remains near the passage.
  • The rest of the party goes to search Suramar for the four Withered. Of course, 1 withered per player. Everyone's eyes have the color of a certain beam in the house and a monocle.
    • Yellow - 43.5, 81.8 - Yorilan
    • Green - 19.9, 46.3 - Giluzui
    • Blue - 46.8, 28.6 - Blom "an
    • Red - 71.8, 62.5 - Rikei
  • When a player standing next to a Withered One puts on a monocle that matches the color of the Withered One's eyes, it becomes hostile. It is important to attack them at the same time and win at the same time. They do not die, but when they lose their health, they cast a spell that removes the beam on the second floor of the building, and then heal.
  • When all beams are gone, the player in the building should quickly run into the room, poke at the Lost Cat Toy. After that, he will be transferred from the house and take damage.
  • The EXACT AMOUNT OF THIS DAMAGE must be remembered, this will be a unique code for your group and the next stage!

Quarter of Stars

  • We take our legs in our hands and run to the Quarter of Stars, the dungeon.
  • Near the second boss in the house, find Lady Chaton with cats, coordinates - 50,69.
  • There are five cats in the house, they have a certain order:
    • First - Mrs. Fluffy
    • Second - Tenek
    • Third - Meow
    • Fourth - Ashes
    • Third - Bella
  • Now you need the damage that the player took when he poked the Lost Cat Toy. Most likely, this player will receive a five-digit number of damage, and each digit of the number corresponds to a different cat.
    • For example, the player received 75643 damage. In this case, you need to stroke:
      • Mistress Fluffy 7 times
      • Tenka 5 times
      • Meow 6 times
      • Ashes 4 times
      • Bella 3 times
  • Keep in mind that when stroking the cats, a certain effect appears, which lasts only a few seconds. Therefore, each player must be assigned to his cat and pet them at the same time.
  • IF THE NUMBER ON THE CAT is 0 - don't touch it at all! That is, if a player takes 10,000 damage, only one person must stroke Mrs. Fuzzy once.
  • When you complete this step, a portal will appear behind Lady Chaton.


  • At this stage, you need to make your way through a bunch of flying platforms.
  • Platforms appear and disappear as players jump on them.
  • The difficulty is that there is only one right way, one strict order of platforms.
  • And it's different for every player. That is, at this stage, you again need to assign a number to each player, and in accordance with it, he will move. Players move in turn. On the traffic scheme below there is this queue and you must adhere to it.
  • The scheme of movement is written below, the number is the player's number, the letters are the direction of movement. F - forward, L - left, R - right, B - back.
    • 1FF
    • 2 FLF
    • 3FFRR
    • 4FL
    • 5F
    • 2L
    • 4F
    • 2L
    • 4LF
    • 2FL
    • 3B
    • 5 FRR
    • 3 F
    • 5F
    • 1 RF
    • 3 BRF
    • 1FL
    • 4F
    • 2 B.F.
    • 5F
    • 2 B.F.
    • 5R
    • 3 F
    • 1FR
    • 2FR
    • 4F
    • 2LF
    • 4F
    • 1 RF
    • 3 L
    • 4F
    • 3FF
    • 5F
    • 4 R
    • 5L
    • 2F
    • 4F
    • 5FF
    • 3 L
    • 5 RF
    • 4F
    • 5L
    • 2F
    • 3 RESET
    • 3 F
    • 2F
    • 3FF
    • 2B
    • 4 R
    • 5F
    • 2 FRFs
    • 3FFFF


  • When all party members cross the platforms, the next stage will unlock.
  • You will see a bridge filled with lava and a flying disc.
  • Only one member of the group can carry the rest on the disk. You can calculate this by typing, trying and trying.
  • Alone, this player cannot cross the lava.
  • And some players cannot stay on one of the sides without this carrier.
  • Do you know the riddle about the peasant, the wolf, the cabbage and the goat? It's about the same point here.

In order to overcome this stage, you will first need to understand what kind of player is the carrier. After that, you will need to assign labels to all, for example, the skull is the carrier, and the rest are the cross, star, triangle and square.

  1. The skull can carry 2 players on a disc. By trial and error, identify them and mark them with a cross and a star.
  2. When the skull carries the cross and the star through the lava, the star will slide off the disk.
  3. The skull and the cross return, the cross comes out, the triangle climbs in and rides to the other side.
  4. The triangle gets off, the star climbs back onto the disk, and together they ride back.
  5. The skull returns, takes the cross, the three of them go to the side where the triangle awaits them, the star gets off, the skull and the cross go back.
  6. The cross gets off, the skull takes the square, carries to the other side.
  7. The square gets off, the skull picks up the star, they come back.
  8. Skull and star pick up the cross, everyone moves to the other side and jumps off.

Which player is a square, which is a triangle, and so on - everything is determined by chance, through trial and error.

When everyone is on the other side, you need to stand in the purple marks in the final room. When everyone is on them, you need to poke on the Collective Mind in the center and the whole group will receive a mount!


As you can see, the puzzle is very difficult even following the guide. How the players were able to solve this in the first place... I don't understand. In any case, good luck to you, friends, because this Collective Intelligence is definitely worth the effort!