Three Rules for a Woman's Confidence. Say goodbye to bad habits

Each person strives for some of his own goals and each strives to achieve them in his own ways. At the same time, he is well aware that he is unlikely to be able to achieve some of them alone. Interaction with other people is important at any stage and in order for it to give fruitful results, a person simply needs self-confidence.

What does self-confidence depend on?

Today, many works have been written about how to become more self-confident, many programs have been developed, and almost all psychologists talk about this. Then why is the problem still relevant and is quite acute? Let's try to consider the main types of human behavior, today psychologists distinguish three:

  • Aggressive;
  • Passive;
  • Confident.

You do not need to be seven spans in the forehead in order to understand that the first two types of behavior create a lot of problems for a person in terms of communicating with other people.

Basic principles of human behavior in society

A passive person, due to the weakness of his character, is forced to constantly yield to others, as a result of which his own interests are infringed. Because of this, he almost constantly experiences a feeling of dissatisfaction with himself, awkwardness, helplessness and mental pain. As a rule, such a person does not achieve his own goals, for the reason that he constantly allows others to make decisions for themselves. If a passive person does not find a solution for himself in time, how to become more self-confident, the problem can lead to more serious consequences, such as drug addiction, alcoholism, suicide. An aggressive person, in turn, humiliates and infringes on the interests of other people, and therefore very often loses their disposition. This fact also reduces the quality of his life and makes it difficult to communicate with friends and relatives. A confident person expresses their feelings honestly and openly, but does so in a non-offensive manner. He sets goals for himself and achieves them without humiliating other people and without compromising his own principles. That is why most of the time he lives in a state of comfort and inner harmony.

What prevents a person from being self-confident?

Many psychologists who write about how to become more self-confident declare in one voice - you need to work on yourself. First of all, you need to figure out what prevents a person from being confident in himself and in his own abilities. These may include features such as:

  • dependence on someone else's opinion;
  • passive attitude towards life;
  • fear of the manifestation of feelings and emotions in public;
  • fear of criticism;
  • fear of communication;
  • excessive shyness;
  • inability to express one's point of view in a general conversation. 

How to gain self-confidence?

In order to understand how to be more confident in yourself, you can learn to do something better than others. For example, show tricks, do parkour or dance, or learn unusual tricks from weightlifting. Everything that a person can do better than others attracts the attention of others and, as a result, gives a person self-confidence. Appearance also plays a big role in the self-affirmation of a person, it must be treated with due attention, but without excessive fanaticism.

Psychologists advise, first of all, to develop a firm look and impeccable diction. You can do this in front of a mirror, write a meaningful text and make a speech, carefully watching your intonation. When communicating with other people, you should not apologize too often, such behavior is often a sign of self-doubt. Don't be afraid of your fears. Fears are a kind of reaction of the body, aimed at protecting it, and therefore you need to treat them philosophically.

Of course, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question: “How to become more confident in yourself?”. Each person should have his own individual approach, which will allow him to reveal his individuality and achieve his goal. Nevertheless, you always need to work on yourself and then the result will exceed even the wildest expectations.

Lack of confidence is the most common problem among the representatives of the weak half of humanity. It's all about the existing complexes, which often migrate from childhood to conscious life. Uncertainty leads to difficulties in family relationships and career. The girl is forced to constantly doubt the correctness of her decisions. From here, the question becomes acute, how to become a self-confident girl and take a fresh look at familiar things.

Signs of an insecure person

  1. Speech is slurred, chaotic, fast. A person is embarrassed to express his opinion in a circle of relatives or completely strangers. If he decides to do this, the speech looks crumpled, uncertain. Often, with the prevailing dialogues, doubt is felt in the voice, hence the opponents doubt the statements of the speaker.
  2. Clumsiness. This sign is the best characterizes an insecure person. During the conversation, such a person cannot find a place for his hands, constantly straightens his hair, looks for a comfortable position, and so on. Clumsiness is manifested in the fact that everything is pouring out of the hands. Conversation with other people does not add up because you are too unfocused.
  3. Absent-mindedness. Another sign of insecurity. A person cannot concentrate his gaze, darting from side to side with an absent look. A person who does not have self-confidence is afraid to look into the eyes of interlocutors. If this still happens, the look abruptly migrates to a different direction.
  4. Lack of style in clothes. A person who does not believe in himself, roughly speaking, does not have his own opinion and style in particular. If the latter exists, there is no confidence in its implementation into reality. From here, a person rushes between too vulgar or, on the contrary, inconspicuous "gray" clothes.
  5. closed behavior. A notorious or insecure girl leads a closed way of being. She rarely communicates with people, rarely goes to parties with friends, tries to avoid unfamiliar personalities. Attention from the side does not deliver flattery, but only makes you tense up.

There are many more signs of an insecure person, but the above are the main ones. If you notice yourself in them, use psychological techniques.

Step #1. Realize yourself

  1. Realizing your potential is the most effective way to get rid of complexes and insecurities in general. Every self-respecting person must go through a difficult path on the way to a happy life.
  2. Realistically evaluate your chances, highlight the areas in which you want to realize yourself. To find harmony, you need to do only what you like. Let the hobby bring moral satisfaction and money.
  3. Do not listen to people who say that happiness is not about money. Yes, it's possible, but it's easy to think like that when you have a decent amount set aside in your account.
  4. Money gives confidence. With them you get to know the world from a new perspective, you can travel more, eat expensive and delicious meals, dress well, study. Money opens up a lot of possibilities.
  5. Analyze yourself, your character, profession, routine. If you receive a penny, change the field of activity, look for options to earn extra money.
  6. Save up, finally, for a car, master a new specialty! Expand your horizons, do something that gives you goosebumps. Don't listen to those who doubt you.

Step #2. Strive for Confidence

  1. Everyone has experienced self-doubt at least once in their life. Certain situations make you doubt your own abilities, while hands drop, apathy and depression begin.
  2. It is important to understand that all this is only a certain event on the path of life. The black stripe will end and the white one will begin, so do not get hung up on uncertainty.
  3. Try your best to keep your dignity. Minor troubles should not unsettle, they are temporary. No matter what happens, no matter how ridiculous situations you find yourself in, keep faith in yourself.
  4. There will always be doubts, but don't let them hurt your self-esteem. Fight adversity, look for ways to distract from problems. Meditate, read, exercise.
  5. To reinforce your confidence, do what you are good at more often. Do you enjoy being on stage? Dare, set the class!

Step #3. Respect yourself

  1. Without self-respect, it is impossible to become a confident person. Do not allow other people to speak badly about you, be able to express opinions and disagreements, say “No!” if circumstances so require.
  2. Don't dwell on the flaws, everyone makes mistakes. Think of the qualities that have helped you succeed or overcome adversity.
  3. Restore self-respect every day. Do not skimp on words of praise. Look for pluses in your appearance, character, behavior. Relive old talents and immerse yourself in a hobby.
  4. Listen for compliments and don't be shy about them. People who say it sincerely deserve attention. If they said that you have a beautiful smile, so it is.
  5. Did the boss praise you for stress resistance and composure? Great, you did a great job under difficult circumstances. Take everything you hear into service and fix the compliments in your head.
  6. Replay the accomplishments that made you feel proud of yourself. Graduated from the university with honors? Not everyone can do it! There is something to be respected for.

Step number 4. Hang out with the "right" people

  1. Choose the right company. Do not associate with those who drag you down and talk too negatively. Surround yourself with kind, successful and positive people.
  2. It is important that communication proceeds comfortably, without criticism and hypocrisy. If you feel that the person is not trustworthy, take him off your buddy list.
  3. Get used to the attention from men and women in particular. Control yourself, do not "fall into the color" during compliments about appearance and other virtues.
  4. Learn the art of holding your audience back with your stories. Try to be in the spotlight more often, take public speaking courses. Visit a psychologist to teach you how to communicate with people.

Step number 5. Look after yourself

  1. It is worth remembering that you should always look amazing. This will give you 100% confidence. Keep in mind that combat makeup has nothing to do with it. It is important to pay special attention to the condition of the skin, hands, manicure and hair.
  2. In order not to think about what you will look best in, you should choose a simple wardrobe, but with taste. Buy things that your ego demands. It is in this outfit that you will feel confident and comfortable.
  3. Be individual. Do not rush to run through sales and buy everything in a row in the hope that you will sort everything out later. Such a move is the most erroneous. The wardrobe should be relatively modest, but comfortable and in demand.

Step number 6. Do what you love

  1. Try to eliminate and forget all negative memories from life. Pull yourself together and pay special attention to what movies you watch, with whom you communicate, what you read.
  2. It is worth limiting communication with individuals who doubt you and do not believe that you can achieve something. Believe me, once you go through this, positive, cheerful people will come to replace you and motivate you. As a result, you yourself will become such a person.
  3. Try to devote more time to your favorite pastime, whether it be creativity or sports. Go to various circles and sections based on your interests. It is there that you will meet like-minded people and new friends.
  4. Do not be shy, with time this feeling will pass. You will become a more confident and purposeful person. Try to open yourself in a new direction. Don't stand still and evolve. You are unique, don't forget that. Be that very ray of sunshine in a gray world.
  5. Start small. For example, force yourself to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. Spend your free time playing sports. Walk more, go for a run. Avoid useless serials. Explore topics that have always interested you.
  6. Stop wasting time sitting at your computer on the Internet. Try to extract only useful information. Parallel sports will soon raise your self-esteem. You yourself will not notice what you were 1-3 months ago. Become an individual.

Step number 7. Work on weaknesses

  1. The main problem of insecure people is that they simply do not know themselves, their shortcomings and merits. Start solving the problem by examining your own personality. Thus, you will increase self-esteem and discover new opportunities.
  2. The first step to achieve the goal will be thoughts put on paper. To do this, write down in your notebook 100 of your negative and positive qualities. In the column with disadvantages, make notes with what advantages you would replace them.
  3. The next step is hard work on yourself. Each time with a new achievement, cross out the disadvantage that you replaced with dignity. Create a special notebook of success, in which you can record the difficulties you overcome every day.
  4. This method is very effective, this is the right way to become a confident girl. In difficult life times, you can always remind yourself what you have already gone through by rereading the same list of achievements.

  1. Don't focus on mistakes. Every person in life faces unpleasant situations. To cope with problems, it is worth treating everything with humor. Thus, you will not have the desire to fall through the ground. You will be confident in yourself and much easier to endure stress.
  2. Be responsible. To become a confident person, you have to muster up the courage and answer for what you have done or said. Do not doubt yourself, if you try, you can turn the situation in your favor. So you can establish yourself in the eyes of others, people will understand that you have changed for the better.
  3. Demonstrate your ability. Each person is unique in their own way, for sure you have abilities and talents that are different from others. Believe me, they are there, no doubt. Try to focus on this and break the walls around you, in other words, stand out from others.

Many girls want to gain confidence in themselves so as not to remain among the gray mass. To achieve the desired results, you need to follow simple tips. In this way, you will gradually reveal your personality and potential. Believe me, at first glance, minor changes can seriously change your life for the better.

Video: how to become more confident

Building self-confidence takes a lot of effort and a lot of time. Before taking action, it is worth determining the time frame for achieving the goal. They must be real.

To make it easier, it is better to write down the qualities inherent in a confident person. Such visualization will help to clearly imagine what a strong woman should be. The analysis of one's own "I" will also help in acquiring the core that self-confident girls need.

How to become confident?

Every woman wants to be self-confident in order to be paid attention to and reckon with her opinion. But you should understand that it will take a lot of time to change yourself. It is necessary to feel internal and external changes. Therefore, you need to understand exactly what qualities are inherent in strong people:

  • strength of will;
  • inner freedom and independence;
  • purposefulness;
  • stress tolerance;
  • determination;
  • education;
  • good self-esteem;
  • self-development;
  • focus on results.

The main thing is to realize that the result requires serious work on yourself. Perhaps, to achieve it, you will have to give up communication with certain people or the usual way of life. If there is a goal, it is worth achieving.

Before you start working on yourself, you need to identify the causes of uncertainty. It can be complexes from childhood, unrequited love or a failed career. When the reason is clear, you need to clearly analyze it, reconsider your attitude, since thoughts directly affect the perception of something. After reassessing the critical situation, it is worth starting to work on yourself. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the appearance. Any change of image gives self-confidence, brings something new to life.

A self-confident person always has a passion. That's why it's important to have a hobby. It can be drawing, singing, sports or knitting, it all depends on personal preferences. Career growth gives determination. If the professional status does not suit you, then you can set a goal to achieve an increase. A nice bonus will be not only pride, but also increased wages.

In most cases, the main cause of insecurity is a problem in personal life. Therefore, it needs to be eliminated. Do not cling to a man who does not give strength. It is better to end a relationship that is dragging you down. Male attention and care can work wonders with any woman. With the help of the opposite sex, you can significantly increase your self-esteem. Frequent communication with them will help to stop being shy, increase the number of fans.

How to become a beautiful and well-groomed girl

External image

A strong woman is always different. Sometimes she is domineering and demanding, and sometimes soft and submissive. A girl feels confident if her appearance is perfect and internally she is in complete harmony with herself.

A strong woman should have clean face and body skin, healthy hair, stylish makeup, well-groomed hands and a neat appearance. Straight posture, competent speech and pleasant gestures will help to become self-confident.

How to love yourself


There are basic signs of self-doubt. They differ from the qualities of a strong and independent woman:

A confident girl behaves according to the above qualities. She knows her own worth, she is clearly aware of the possibilities and goals, she is looking for adequate ways to implement her ideas.

How to become attractive to men

How to overcome complexes?

Fear of criticism, ridicule from others, or unpleasant words often make people insecure. Human psychology is designed in such a way that any pressure has a negative impact on him. Over time, complexes develop in it, which further aggravate the situation. A person withdraws into himself, stops communicating with others and withdraws from everything. In such cases, you need to feel this condition in time and try to prevent it. For this, there are several tips:

  1. 1. Think less about fears and disappointments. Drive away negative thoughts, set yourself up for results and be more decisive.
  2. 2. Analyze your behavior. Every person has good and bad qualities. Therefore, it is worth thinking and finding positive character traits, and using them to draw attention to yourself.
  3. 3. Do not be afraid of communication. Each person brings a certain experience into the life of another. Therefore, the more communication, the less constraint.
  4. 4. Do what you love. Everyone has certain talents: someone knits beautifully, and someone sings breathtakingly. Any business in which a person is professional gives tremendous confidence and helps to develop.
  5. 5. Pay no attention to the opinions of others. Often people around speak unflatteringly for one reason - because of envy. Listen to criticism only when it is constructive. You need to be confident in your own abilities, sometimes seem self-confident, then other people will feel it and be respectful.

But the main thing is to praise yourself. For every step you take towards gaining confidence, you can reward yourself. When a girl loves her appearance, then everything will turn out easily for her and she will be able to overcome her fears.

It is impossible to achieve something without a precise formulation of the goal. Therefore, in order to overcome the fear of other people, to overcome excessive constraint, you can rehearse the exit, speech and gestures in front of the mirror. This will give you some confidence. No need to stand still and give up. You need to learn something new, increase self-confidence thanks to other people. The first step is to look at life with different eyes and try to change it. Any achievement is a stepping stone leading to the development of self-confidence.

Three Rules for a Woman's Confidence
Causes of self-doubt in women
- How to become a self-sufficient lady: four important points
- 4 simple rules that will help you become satisfied with yourself
- Conclusion

Many feel envy when looking at self-confident women. They always stand out from others, they have an even posture, head held high, they have confident gestures, but at the same time they look elegant and stylish.

Such ladies are in demand by society, everyone wants to communicate with them. Many try to imitate them, are interested in how to become a self-confident woman. There are three main points that are part of the image of a confident woman:

1. Ideal well-groomed appearance.
Nothing helps an insecure woman like a perfect look. There are a few tips on how you can quickly improve your appearance and see how confident you become, how it will make it easier to communicate and stand out from other women. Read about and follow the advice of experts.

2. Correct presentation of your thoughts.
When communicating with people, it is important to monitor your behavior, expression and construction of sentences.

It is important to learn how to start a conversation correctly and look decent.

The main points are often referred to as the following:

direct look
Facial expression

3. Special behavior when communicating.
It is important to monitor the expression and facial expressions of your face. With the help of facial expressions, you can quite easily express friendliness, for this you just need to smile.

Try to practice expressing your emotions near the mirror, and simply hide unnecessary ones from your face.

Straight posture, feet shoulder-width apart will give confidence to any person.

Be sure to control your gestures.

Causes of self-doubt in women

The main reasons for self-doubt:

1. Ignorance of one's "I".
During her life, a woman goes through a number of roles: girl, girl, woman, wife, mother, employee, grandmother. And at every stage of her life, she identifies herself with the role she performs. She “merges” with the role so much that if a woman is taken away, she will be confused and will not be able to find her “I”.

For example , when identifying herself with children after they have grown up and no longer need round-the-clock care, a woman loses the meaning of life, which becomes a big blow to her internal mechanisms. If there were goals in life, then with the maturation of children, life will not lose its meaning, only the focus of employment will shift.

2. Lack of meaning in life.
The lack of meaning in life causes anxiety and insecurity. The woman does not know "where she is going" and "why she needs it." All actions are accompanied by a lack of positive, desire. While a woman who knows the highest goal of her life is filled with positive, self-confidence and her future.

3. Live only with your “head”.
If a woman succumbed to progress, the latest technologies and began to live only with her “head”, joy disappears from her life. Emotions do not break out, intuition freezes, this can “result” in a woman’s insecurity. When she cannot explain some action from the point of view of science, her built inner world will shake.

4. Not knowing your values.
Lack of personal values ​​leads to internal conflict. Without a foundation, a person cannot build his future. He can be lost between the choice: work or family and not understand how to combine them together and live happily.

5. Personal boundaries.
It is difficult for an insecure person to refuse other people, he cannot just say “no”, as a result of which his interests fade into the background. The inability to refuse leads to the need to perform various tasks that cause discomfort. The constant feeling of which makes you feel insecure about the possibilities of achieving your goals.

How to become a self-sufficient lady: four important points

1) Work on yourself.
To begin with, start by working on yourself, your character, habits. Let's say you are a person who is prone to shyness and gentleness. Don't get upset! After all, self-confidence is wonderfully combined with these qualities, it turns out a very charming and pleasant girl.

After all, confidence without such character traits makes a woman a bitch, prudent and cold. The attitude of those around you may well be friendly and welcoming, and confidence is exactly the invisible strength that all women need.

However, you must be able to put your own assessment objectively and strive all the time to improve it. Also remember: self-respect is the first step to start respecting others. Always tell yourself: “I deserve the best! And not because I'm special, but because I'm me!

2) Do not lower your own bar.
Your own bar must always be set high, and the standards you set for yourself must also be high. Never relax or lower them. Of course, you need to love yourself under any circumstances, but, you see, how much more pleasant and easier it is to do it, when there is actually something to love for.

If possible, try to be the best in everything - at work, in an educational institution, while striving to always look "excellent" at the same time. If you have thought out every detail of your wardrobe, every highlight that makes up your image, then you can say with complete confidence: “I look stunning!”

By setting high enough standards for yourself and doing your best to meet them, you can be sure that all the people around you will begin to treat you with no less respect, because you - the new one - deserve to be treated in the most noble way. You need to learn to recognize lies, insincerity and not allow anyone, even your best friends and close relatives, to take advantage of the fact that you treat them well.

Only by interrupting any attempts to take advantage of you can you make others respect you. At the same time, you can be sure that such decisive actions make people remember this for a long time, and they will no longer try to do this to you.

3) Be active.
All your fears and fears need to be collected together and thrown away. There is a very good psychological technique: take a blank sheet of paper, write down all your experiences and fears, you can use the usual list, then take this sheet ... and burn it. During this kind of ritual, imagine that all your fears are burning along with the paper: the fear that they may not understand you, not hear you, find you funny, awkward, and so on.

Practice speaking in front of a team, in front of an audience. It is best to do this in front of a mirror, alone.

Do not be afraid to make a mistake, do not let it undermine the confidence that has begun to appear in you. Yes, you can learn from mistakes, this truth is not just beautiful words. Take any mistake as a new lesson, very useful, let your smile never leave your lips, and feel free to move on, forward.

4) Don't doubt yourself.
But initially everyone has confidence, but all this confidence is taken for granted, they do not use it to the fullest. It is more convenient for many to pretend to be a loser, no matter how ridiculous it may look from the outside. This is how they try to relieve themselves of unnecessary responsibility: “What to take from me?”. Maybe this position in life is convenient for someone, but not for you, on your way of becoming your own confidence. Constantly remind yourself: “I can do it, I can do it! I believe in myself, I believe in my success!”

Even the most independent, confident and independent women have doubts. There are moments in everyone's life when faith in oneself and in one's strength is completely lost. Your task is to prevent such moments in your life, even if not for long. Strengthens self-confidence by doing what you can do best.

And the last thing - do not change very abruptly, you should not radically, at one moment change your whole life, its usual way. It is very difficult to change a character that has developed over the years, and this must be done gradually, step by step. The standards that you have set for yourself, enter into your world organically, so that others get used to the new you. Then you yourself will eventually get used to a new image, image. The first changes will give you the first confidence - and then your transformation will happen by itself.

4 simple rules that will help you become satisfied with yourself

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

Do you want to become self-confident? Adhering to these rules and you will not recognize yourself.

Stick to these simple rules and you won't recognize yourself!

From you confidence will come out with rays, and others will be drawn to you!

Since weak people are always drawn to the strong!

So let's get started!

1. How to become confident?

The very first thing is to stop comparing yourself to other people once and for all!

You are an individual, you are a person - and there are no more like you and will not be on this planet!

Finally be yourself!

If you play the Comparison game, you will very often be the loser, as there will always be those people who will be better than you, who will be ahead!

There is one simple truth in human psychology - not a single person compares himself with someone who is worse than him!

Always be yourself and spit your confidence only in your power!

2. Self-confidence is, first of all, faith in yourself!

Always live YOUR life!

Understand that when you live someone else's life, while following other people's ideas and ideals - you will never be able to feel and know yourself completely, you will not be able to respect yourself!

Never wait for some kind of approval from others - always do what will benefit you, what you see fit!

3. Your confidence lies in communicating with positive people!

It has been known for centuries that, first of all, confident man loves and respects himself, and spreads the same love to the people around him - and this, in turn, is a powerful support for them!

Always try to associate with positive, optimistic and strong people!

Remember - those people who sow negativity around them will always pull you to the bottom with them!

Negativity and pessimism will always suppress your desires, impulse, aspirations, it will kill all your ideas!

And you yourself, without realizing it, gradually turn into the same!

4. How to become confident? Stop criticizing yourself!

Always remember - your every thought materializes!

Too many people have the unfortunate habit of blaming themselves for everything!

For example, have you ever uttered such phrases: “Something in my life is only a black streak!”, “It could only happen to me”, “I always attract trouble”, “I am always late”, etc. d.

All these phrases contribute to the formation of a negative perception of oneself!

Don't ever say those words again, you hear!

Never think negatively about yourself!

Do not throw criticism in your direction - it will destroy you!

5. The lock of self-confidence is your daily achievements!

My dears, do not be too lazy to get yourself a diary of your everyday victories!

For example:

“Today I read 30 pages of Andrew Matthews’ book “Live easy”, or “Finally, I was not too lazy in the morning and did a jog, before work, I’m done!” , or "I learned 6 today, it's so cool", etc.

Let your diary always be at your fingertips so that you can view your achievements - which will always keep you in good shape and will add strength to you! 🙂

6. Brush your problems away like nasty flies!

Confidence will come only to that person who will not let everything pass through himself, but it will be easier to relate to different situations!

Let's think...

Many people love to make a huge elephant from a fly!

They like to wind themselves up to such an extent that sometimes it even becomes funny!

Very often your problem may not be as big and complex as you imagine it to be!

It's just that your constant thinking about it brings it to the size of the Apocalypse 🙂

If you still do not want to quit your job, then at least devote your free time to your favorite pastime and who knows - maybe it will bring you tremendous success in the future! 🙂

10. The key to self-confidence is the ability to speak firmly and confidently!

Remember, words are always powerful!

The character of a person can be immediately determined by his spoken words!

Never throw your words to the wind!

Do not answer sharply to anyone, speak understandably, calmly and confidently - and people will start treating you differently!

I wish everyone the same iron self-confidence as in this video!!!

Be sure to check it out 🙂

11. Confident people - always write a list of their positive qualities.

Every person on this

The planet has its own unique abilities, skills, features!

Sincerity, honesty, kindness, responsiveness ...

Look at your list more often, be able to focus on your positive qualities - and your Confidence!

12. Try to use your weaknesses - to your advantage!

How to do it?

Do not scold yourself for any shortcomings!

Every person has flaws and even worse than yours!

It will be much easier for you to get rid of your weaknesses if you try to optimize them to the maximum!

For example, twist your curiosity into such a quality as curiosity; your stubbornness - in!

13. Accept compliments in your direction with gratitude.

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