The phraseologism has the meaning of making a mistake to do wrong. Stylistic errors in the use of phraseological units

Phraseologisms are often distorted for many reasons. This may be due to the fact that words are falling into disuse, and historical facts are being forgotten. If you know the meaning and its origin, it will be quite difficult to change its meaning.
Errors in the use of phraseological units most often appear from a misunderstanding of their meaning. In order to avoid semantic absurdities, you need to know the main characteristics of phraseological units.

How to use idioms correctly

Firstly, it has a constant composition, i.e., the words in it do not change.
Secondly, its structure cannot be different.
Thirdly, the grammatical form must remain unchanged (you can’t say “keep your mouth shut”, but you can “keep your mouth shut”).
Fourth, strict word order is important.

Often, due to the substitution of one word for another, with the same root, the composition of the phraseological unit changes. But you can't be "taken by surprise." You can only be "captured" and nothing else. The phenomenon when one word is replaced by a single-root word that is not a synonym is called "paronymic substitution".

Often, individual parts of phraseological units cannot be used independently. For example, the words "upside down" can only be combined with the word "up". And the word "trap" only with the word "get". Words can change their direct meaning within a phraseological unit. So the expression "blood with" does not directly refer to either blood or milk. It means a healthy person.

It is important to remember that nothing can be inserted inside a phraseological unit. You can say “prescribe Izhitsa”, but you cannot say “prescribe Izhitsa” for me.
Words in a phraseological unit have at least two stresses. For example, listen carefully: "once and for all." By the way, the presence of at least two stresses is a distinctive feature of a phraseological unit.

Even synonyms cannot replace the words in the phraseological unit. Of course, often phraseological units are grammatical or lexical archaisms. But even if the meaning of the word is not clear to us, and the sound is unusual, we cannot replace it with any other. If we turn to the original meaning of the phraseologism "beat the buckets", then it is difficult to catch the modern meaning of the expression. "Baklushami" called blanks for the manufacture of wooden objects: spoons, cups. To do this, the log had to be split into pieces.

It is also impossible, for example, to say "like a pupil." You can only "like the apple of an eye." Although the meaning of the last expression may be incomprehensible to a modern person. But you can't change it if you want to.

An erroneous replacement of part of the components of one phraseological unit with the words of another may occur due to the meanings of these phraseological units or because the mixed expressions contain the same component or a component with the same root.

So, for example, in oral and written speech, “play” (or “represent”) meaning, “have a role” is very often mistakenly used instead of the correct “meaning” and “playing a role”: You need to know that the meanings of phraseologism words can be similar, but not the same. “Meaning” can only be had, and role “played”, but not vice versa. This phenomenon is called "contamination".

Often phraseological units belong to only one language. Semantic analogues can be found in different peoples. But a complete match is almost impossible.

4). The change in the composition of phraseological units can be caused by a distortion of grammatical forms, the use of which in stable phrases is fixed by tradition. For example: the children killed the worms and had fun; he came here not to work, but to chase long rubles - you can’t use the plural instead of the singular. As part of phraseological units, distortion of prepositions is unacceptable: put

dot on and; seven spans on the forehead; He quickly got dressed and went out. The distortion of the grammatical structure of phraseological units often leads to a change in their meaning: the tablecloth is on the road for him, his head is spinning. A change in the grammatical form of the words included in the turnover: “The chief engineer obviously twisted his heart” (grimaced).

2.3. Distortion of the figurative meaning of a phraseological unit

one). The greatest damage to style is caused by the unjustified destruction of the figurativeness of phraseological expression. For example: the record has not yet said its last word - the context showed the direct meaning of the words of the phraseological unit, and a pun arose. Sometimes it is not clear what the author had in mind: the original or figurative meaning of the expression. For example: white spots were found on geographical maps printed in a printing house - criticizing the work of a printing house, the author called unprinted places on geographical maps white spots. The stylistic incompatibility of a phraseological unit with the context: “A lower tax is an incentive for privatization, and there is no need to break anyone through the knee.”

2). A common mistake is the violation of the unity of the figurative system of phraseology and the surrounding context. For example: the speaker spoke in a loud and shrill voice, like a Jericho trumpet - it turns out that the Jericho trumpet speaks and even has a shrill voice.

Words surrounding a phraseological unit are usually involved in a figurative context. Therefore, such a use of words in a figurative sense, which creates contradictory images, is unacceptable: the idea will burst like a house of cards; try to somehow resolve the vicious circle.

The figurative basis of phraseological units requires special attention to their compatibility with the words of the context. So, the phraseological unit to publish can only be used in combination with the names of printed publications. Therefore, the sentence “The Musical Theater released a ballet” is stylistically incorrect; in this case it was necessary to write staged ballet. Such phrases are also stylistically incorrect: life, as in the palm of your hand, passed in front of people (phraseologism as in the palm of your hand requires the word is visible); many, knowing about these outrages, look at the tricks of enterprising businessmen through the sleeves (that's right: they look through their fingers). [Golub I.B. Stylistics of the modern Russian language. M., 1976]

2.3. Contamination of various phraseological units

The reason for the incorrect use of phraseological units in speech may be the contamination of elements of various set expressions. Contamination - (from Latin contaminatio mixing) the emergence of a new expression through crossing, combining parts of two words or expressions. For example, take action from take action and take steps, give importance from give attention and give importance, give importance from give attention and give importance. Such stylistic errors are explained by false associations. Some mistakes caused by the contamination of elements of various phraseological units are repeated so often that we perceive them as expressions that have become entrenched in common speech: play the main violin, achieve success, work tirelessly, join the initiative, etc. Combining two different phraseological units: “Why cheese -boron to fence "(garden to fence or fuss flared up).

Contamination of elements can cause a comical sound of speech: a grated sparrow, a shot kalach, not everything is a hangover for a cat, a carnival is in someone else's feast.



A favorite technique in the texts of modern media is increasingly becoming various transformations of phraseological units. The possibility of their transformation follows from the preservation of the internal form of phraseological units, i.e. their original, literal meaning, and relative stability. Both the semantics and the structure of phrases can be transformed. The transformation of the semantics of phraseological units is possible because they have an internal form, which allows the authors to “restore” the image that has been erased to one degree or another and adapt the generalized, metaphorical meaning of this or that expression to the specific conditions of the context.

All types of transformation can be divided into two sections: non-analytical transformation (semantic, semantic) and analytical.

3.1. Semantic transformation

During the semantic transformation, the composition of a phraseological unit remains unchanged: either new shades of meaning are introduced into it, or a play on words arises as a result of combining direct and figurative meanings, and then a certain expressive effect is achieved: “Have you sharpened your skis?” - headline about preparations for the winter sports season.

There are two types of creating a phraseological image by means of semantic transformations. The first - at the source of the image - is a phraseological unit and a free combination is given to it (the two-dimensionality of a phraseological unit). The second way to create an image - the primary is a free phrase (literalization). [Kovalev V.P. The main individual-author's methods of expressive use of phraseological units. Novgorod, 1971]

3.1.1. Using the literal meaning of a phraseological unit

Often, to express irony about what is happening or to achieve a comic effect, the author uses a phraseological unit (creates a phraseological pun), selecting the context in such a way that the components of the phraseological unit are perceived in a literal sense. For example: “Dostoevsky was wiped his nose” - the reader, intrigued by the possibility of creative rivalry with the great writer, learns that it was only a literary subbotnik at the monument to Dostoevsky, where famous writers were cleaning up “sightseeing places covered with literary glory.” On the same page we read: "Film from scratch." Judging by the title, the author criticizes the film, shot about nothing, but here the same literalization of phraseological unit is used: the action of the film "Jerry" by Gus Van Sant takes place in the desert, which symbolizes the existential desert of human life. [Kommersant No. 71, 23.04.2003, p.22]

Keeping in mind the author's processing of a phraseological unit, it should be noted that the novelty of a turnover in itself cannot be credited to its author. What is important is the "quality" of the new individual variant, its contextual justification. An author's transformation can be successful, justified if its properties do not contradict in any respect the properties of the entire composition or individual parts of a national expression, which always "appears" through an individual version, and also if the author's version at the same time corresponds to the content and emotionally - stylistic features of the context. But what happens when the author of the text does not take this into account (or neglects it). Once, reporting on the preparation of athletes for competitions, the newspaper gave the headline: "Skiing will be sharpened in Zakopane." Probably, having in mind the direct meaning of the verb to sharpen - "to make sharp * (preparing for consumption, use), the journalist intended to say with his author's rethinking that skiers are preparing equipment. However, due to the fact that the traditional turnover sharpen the skis meaning "to run away" and colored with irony, in the text, of course, it is recognizable, the title turned out to be ridiculous in content and inappropriate in mockery. Another example of unsuccessful processing associated with the author's attempt to rethink the nationwide turnover: "Yes, there are few large cities on the globe that are so dependent on shipping, like Norilsk ... Vessel traffic will stop, the port will freeze - and in Norilsk comes " rush hour", which lasts several months. Thousands of tons of products settle on the shore "(Vech. Len. 1976. Jan. 13). Expression rush hour means the time of the highest voltage, the greatest workload in the work of transport, enterprises, etc. The newspaper context clearly indicates that we are talking about the dead season, i.e. about the period, the rush hour is just the opposite. And even if the words "rush hour" are in quotation marks, from which it follows that the author openly admitted the unconventionality of his use, the impression of the inappropriateness of the expression here rush hour still remains.

Failures in the use of a phraseological unit occur not only when the author intentionally modifies the phraseological unit. The reason for failures, mistakes can simply be insufficient knowledge of some particular phraseological unit - its composition, meaning, its grammatical features, emotional coloring, stylistic fixation.

Distortion composition Phraseologism occurs for various reasons . One of them - paronymic substitution, i.e. erroneous substitution of a single-root, but non-synonymous word. For example: "And the "stranger" [comet] itself turned out to be taken by surprise in the picture" (Pr. 1983. Dec. 9). "By surprise" you can "capture", the meaning of this verb in phraseological combination take by surprise(used in the text as a personifying means) - "to find, to discover unexpectedly for what is found in any position, state." The word "grab" does not have this meaning, so that we have not a revival of turnover, but a mistake. The composition of a phraseological unit is also distorted in case of unintentional contamination, i.e. when combined in one revolution by some association of parts of different revolutions. An erroneous replacement of part of the components of one phraseological unit with the words of another may occur due to the proximity of the meanings of these phraseological units or because the mixed expressions contain the same component or a component with the same root. So, for example, in oral and written speech, they very often mistakenly use "play (or" represent ") meaning", "have a role" instead of the correct ones close in meaning matter and play the role: "Big value for skiers, as always, represented ointment" (Koms. Pr. 1967. March 4); "Barguzinsky Reserve, in particular, and other reserves played decisive meaning..."(television "In the world of animals", June 17, 1973). An example of contamination caused by the associative convergence of turns with a common word can be a common distortion of phraseology until the court and the case. Often it sounds like "so far the essence and the matter." This completely meaningless "essence", according to the authors of the dictionary "Correctness of Russian speech", appeared under the influence of turnover as a matter of fact(as well as phrases heart of the matter), which also has a component case(and maybe because of some sound proximity of words court and essence). Component identity silence in expressions keep silence and take a vow of silence caused from a journalistic pen an erroneous keep a vow of silence: "When you get acquainted with the materials of the artist's biography, you see that ... Vertinsky's work for quite a long time received almost no official recognition - criticism was unanimous kept a vow of silence"(Sov. Ros. 1989. March 21). And another example, when an error in the composition arose due to the contamination of revolutions with a common word (and a synonymous meaning):" I hardly believe him when he invites me to the Film Actor Theater Studio in Moscow and doesn't say a word about the fact that ... "(Koms. Pr. 1987. June 9). The author of the quoted text mixed the expressions did not say a word and didn't say a word.

Mistakes associated with value used turnover. One of the reasons for such errors is inaccurate, approximate knowledge of the meaning of the turnover (or the conviction that it is enough that the turnover would fit in something). So, the turnover is not justified from the point of view of the content of the context Procrustean bed in this usage: "The solemn ceremony [of the opening of the championship] was carefully rehearsed, packed into Procrustean bed time limit - 42 minutes, no more, no less" (Ex. 1970. June 1). Procrustean bed -"a measure to which phenomena that do not fit are forcibly adjusted." In the text, however, it was not about forcibly adapting the ceremony to an unsuitable time for a wine occasion, but about the strict observance of this time. The similarity in the traditional meaning of a phraseological unit and its given application can only be seen in some general idea of ​​the need to correspond to something (in Station usage, something is adjusted to the wrong measure, in a newspaper text, the set time must be followed), which, obviously, was associated journalist with expression Procrustean bed(or perhaps it seemed sufficient for its use in the given context). The journalist was let down by his love for books (and Procrustean bed - book circulation) and uncomplicatedness in the following case: "Goods tightly packed in Procrustean bed laws of sale and purchase, laws that level the personality and abolish creativity. Laws according to which art is just a meek servant of His Majesty Business..." (Kosm. pr. 1982. Feb. 11). Secondly, it is completely unclear what " Procrustean bed laws of purchase and sale ": every object, every thing made can be a commodity if there is a demand for it, so what does the Procrustean bed have to do with it? The word "servant", which the author confused with the word, "servant" ( "servant" means a servant in a monastery or under a bishop and is a masculine noun, so a servant cannot be "resigned"). And another example of "bad luck" with procrustes bed. Speaking about the original systems that two teachers conduct creative lessons, the author of an article published in Novy Mir wrote: “Each has its own merits, and science should not drive into Procrustean bed all indiscriminately, but to support and develop the advantages of any of them "(Nov. Mir. 1987. No. 4. P. 241). From the point of view of the meaning of phraseology and lexical compatibility, no one can be "driven" into the Procrustean bed, even with analysis.

A very common misuse of the expression baptism of fire combined with the word "first". After all baptism of fire already itself means "the first participation in battle" or "the first serious test in any field" (it arose as a metaphor for the church meaning of the word "baptism"), therefore its combination with the word "first" is redundant. For example: "First baptism of fire received at the Bologoe station in the Kalinin region in August 1941" (Rab-tsa. 1980. No. 12); "The first baptism of fire - participation in the first Russian revolution, exile in Yalutorovsk ... "(Koms. Pr. 1986. May 1). It can be assumed that, using the expression baptism of fire, the authors of the quoted texts perceive it as a descriptive designation of the battle (ignoring the second component of this expression - "baptism" - and its meaning).

Incorrect from the point of view of meaning (and composition) the use of a phraseological unit can also be caused by the similarity of the model (or part of the model) of two turns popping up in memory, as a result of which the meaning of one turn is erroneously attributed to another. For example: "He makes them laugh not alone, but in company with wonderful actors who don't put your finger in your mouth let me just make you laugh "(Sov. ek. 1976 No. 1). Expression don't put your finger in your mouth means "someone is such that he can stand up for himself, such that one must be careful with him, since he can take advantage of the oversight of another." It is quite obvious that instead of this turnover, another should have been used: do not feed bread, just let me do something, whose meaning is "nothing is necessary for someone, just to be able to carry out the desired (action)".

As already mentioned, there are errors consisting in grammatical distortion turnover components, grammatical structure turnover. In the phraseological composition of the Russian language there are many phraseological units that have some kind of grammatical archaism - an old reliable form ( parable in tongue, the water is dark cloud ), old form of the verb tense ( barely mozhahu, perished like obra) etc. They also belong to our regiment has arrived. Not realizing this, some authors unconsciously modernize the grammatical appearance of the turnover, using the construction with the preposition "in". Wed author's processing in the newspaper, specifying the composition of the turnover our shelf has arrived in relation to the content of the text: "In shelf anglers arrived", "AT shelf specialists arrived".

The error can also be caused by incorrect use of the number form. So, in phraseology slide on the surface(its meaning is "not to delve into, not to delve into the essence of something") the noun "surface" in accordance with its abstract meaning traditionally has a singular form. Therefore, it is erroneous to use the form of this word in the following case; "He taught us seriously, made us not slide on surfaces but to penetrate the essence of the phenomenon "(Av. i kosm. 1968. No. 11). Plural form ( surfaces) changes the meaning of the word in the direction of objectivity, which does not correspond either to its meaning in the context or to the traditional meaning of the expression slide over the surface.

Like a single word, a phraseological unit can control. This means that the word that depends on it in meaning (but is not included in the turnover) must be in a certain case. So, the case form for the phraseological unit-dependent word in such use was incorrectly chosen: "But Rosichler, as they say, lived in the world and knows a lot what is happening "(Og. 1984. M ° 21). The expression know a lot about requires the dependent word to be in the prepositional case with the preposition "in" ( know a lot about in what), and not in the dative. Perhaps the author of the text confused this expression with a turnover know the price followed by the dative case. But anyway, well know a lot about what is an error.

The correct use of a phraseological unit also implies that it evaluative properties coincided with the "quality" of who or what this unit characterizes, in other words, it suggests that the assessment be at the address. But what sometimes happens in practice: the phrase of a lyrical song about a lonely accordion - " Why don't you let the girls sleep??" was somehow used as a headline for a material that told about the conditions in which students sometimes have to live and work when they are sent to the village for agricultural work (Kosm. Pr. 1987.4 Oct.). The "substantiation" of the headline was a fact cited by the newspaper: drunken village boys, armed with knives and sawn-off shotguns, tried to break into the barracks of the girls of the student group late in the evening. It is hard to imagine how it was possible not to notice the glaring discrepancy between the lyrically sympathetic tone of the lyrics of the song about a lonely accordion (harmonist) and the subject of speech in the newspaper - the behavior of drunken armed hooligans and the general environment in which students find themselves.

In addition to errors associated with not taking into account one or another feature of the phraseological unit itself, there are errors caused by ignorance of the language conditions for its use or inattention to the context surrounding it. An example of such ignorance is the inappropriate use of turnover in many cases. as they say. Its meaning is "as it is customary to say, as they are expressed in such cases." Two conditions are essential for the justified use of this expression: firstly, the acceptance, the typicality of the designation referred to by the expression as they say, and secondly, the expressiveness of this designation (why it is often willingly used). This is how phraseologism was used as they say those authors whose linguistic authority, whose linguistic mastery is universally recognized. Compare: "The dexterous publishers of the Northern Bee will surely no longer, as they say, put your fingers in his mouth"(P.);" I felt so happy that, as they say, I didn’t blow in my mustache and didn’t put a penny no one's ridicule" (Turg.); "Emptyheads' estate, Sequelage, is located in the very as they say, the bearish corner of our outback" (S.-Sch.); "In the Andersen's house, the boy had only one grateful listener - an old cat named Karl. But Karl suffered from a major drawback - he often fell asleep without listening to the end of some interesting tale. cat years, as they say, took their own "(Paust.). All these examples clearly show that the justified use of the expression as they say implies the presence in the context of some accepted, widespread expressive means - phraseology, apt comparison, figurative designation, etc. These conditions are evident in the following newspaper passages, why and the use of the expression in them as they say quite justified: "They offered me to work on it. I was a little afraid, but, as they say, eyes are afraid, but hands do- until they failed"; "Petryaev knew him - a respected person - one of those village leaders who, as they say, gone through fire and water..."; "Well, as for the skill of our wonderful couple, then his, as they say, not to occupy". On the contrary, in the contexts given below, these conditions are absent (in none of them is there an accepted national expressive means), as a result of which the use of turnover in them as they say unjustified, and the turnover itself is simply not needed: "Community work? Valery to her, as they say, got used to it for a long time "(Mosk. pr. 1971. Dec. 10); "Now we are worried about the harvest, as they say, perishable products" (Pr. 1972. Oct. 2); "Everyone goes, as they say, on their own affairs" (Lit. Gaz. 1984. 2 Oct.).

The result of inattention to the context can also be cases of combining logically incompatible words, inappropriate ambiguity, undesirable literal understanding of the meaning of the words that make up the phraseological unit. Thus, the context for the expression is unsuccessful Roof of the world in the following newspaper example: "Yuri will never forget his first flight along this route (by the way, this route is of particular importance for economic and cultural life Roofs of the World)". "Roof Life" is clearly an unfortunate combination. Under the heading "No fluff, no feather," the newspaper once reported that a unique automated installation for cleaning feather-down products was supplied to the first industrial series. The context of the message makes it possible to perceive the words of the turnover break a leg in the literal sense, and, by the way, not only the context, but also a comma mistakenly placed in the title after the words "no fluff", which causes an unnecessary ironic attitude to the message.

Phraseologisms, like words, can be used both in oral and written speech, be commonly used or belong to a certain stylistic layer.

Ignorance of the exact meaning of a phraseological unit, its lexical and grammatical composition, expressive and stylistic features, scope of use, compatibility, and finally, an inattentive attitude to the figurative nature of phraseological units lead to speech errors. When using phraseological units, errors may not be related to the specifics of phraseological units as reproducible stable turns. An unsuccessful choice of a phraseological synonym, the use of a phraseological unit without taking into account its semantics, a violation of the compatibility of a phraseological phrase with the words of the surrounding context, etc. - all these errors, in essence, do not differ from similar speech errors when using individual words.

The use of a phraseological unit without taking into account its semantics distorts the meaning of the statement. So, A.S. Pushkin, after reading "Answer to Gnedich" by K.N. Father, against the lines, from now on, your friend gives you his heart with a hand, remarked: “Batyushkov will marry Gnedich!”. The use of a phraseological unit with a certain stylistic coloring may conflict with the content and style of the work. For example: He rushed about, looking for salvation. He came up with a touching story in his defense, but it sounded like the swan song of this hardened scoundrel. Phraseologism swan song, which contains a positive assessment, a sympathetic attitude towards the person being spoken about, is stylistically inappropriate in this context. It is impossible to combine phraseological units with a contrasting stylistic coloring in one sentence, for example, lowered, colloquial and bookish, solemn ones: He promised that he would not lose face and would work to match the regular drivers of the steppe ships. It is also unacceptable to combine expressively colored phraseological units with official business vocabulary: The Chairman showered me with golden rain in the amount of eighty thousand rubles; emotionally vivid, poetic phraseological units with speech clichés, going back to “clerical eloquence”: Happy is the one who hurries to live and feel in a hurry by and large. The mixture of styles that occurs when they are combined gives the speech a parodic sound.

Let us analyze the errors that occur with the incorrect use of stable turns of speech and are associated with an unjustified change in the composition of a phraseological unit or with a distortion of its figurative meaning.

1. Stylistically unjustified change in the composition of a phraseological unit:

1) there is an unmotivated expansion of the phraseological unit as a result of the use of qualifying words: For livestock breeders, the main highlight of the program is the breeding of valuable breeds of livestock. There is a phraseologism the highlight of the program, but the definition of “main” is inappropriate here. The authors, not taking into account the impenetrability of phraseological units, try to “complement” them, color them with epithets, which gives rise to verbosity. More examples: Let's hope that Volkov will say his big word in coaching; With all her long legs she rushed to run.

In non-standardized speech, combinations of a pleonastic nature are quite often found, formed from phraseological units and redundant definitions for their components: to suffer a complete fiasco, an accidental stray bullet, hard Sisyphean labor, cheerful Homeric laughter. In other cases, the expansion of the phraseological unit is not associated with pleonasm. For example: The unenviable palm tree for the growth of crime belongs to the Southern Administrative District; Commercial organizations have risen to the height of the new challenges facing them. Phraseologisms palm, to be on top do not allow distribution;

2) there is an unjustified reduction in the composition of the phraseological unit as a result of the omission of its components. So, they write: this is an aggravating circumstance (instead of: an aggravating circumstance). Erroneously truncated phraseological units lose their meaning, their use in speech can lead to the absurdity of the statement: The success of this student leaves much to be desired (instead of: they leave much to be desired); Coach Williamson put on a "good face" (omitted: bad game);

3) often there is a distortion of the lexical composition of phraseological units: the Master more than once spoke heart to heart with his wards (it should: he spoke). The erroneous substitution of one of the components of the phraseological unit can be explained by the synonymous similarity of the words: the path led from the gate to the outbuilding from which Antoshin had just barely removed his feet (it should have taken him away) and even more often by the confusion of paronyms: He went into himself (should: left). In other cases, instead of one of the components of a phraseological unit, a word is used that only remotely resembles the repressed one: Well, they, as they say, have books in their hands (need: maps). False associations sometimes give rise to very funny and ridiculous mistakes: Go and figure out which of them hides the ax in his bosom (phraseologism: keep a stone in his bosom);

4) a change in the composition of a phraseological unit can be caused by the renewal of grammatical forms, the use of which in set phrases is fixed by tradition. For example: Children killed the worms and had fun - you can not use the plural instead of the singular. The unjustified replacement of the grammatical form of one of the components of a phraseological unit is often the cause of the comic: It remains a mystery how such a colossus could be erected by four people, even if they were seven spans in their foreheads and oblique fathoms in their shoulders. In other cases, a new grammatical form of a word as part of a phraseological combination affects the semantic side of speech: For more than twenty years, a veteran has been crossing the threshold of a cell police department. Phraseologism to cross the threshold is used only in the meaning of “to perform some important act” and excludes the repetition of the action, therefore it is possible to use the verb only in the form of the perfect aspect, while replacing its aspect form leads to absurdity.

As part of a phraseological unit, it is also impossible to allow distortion of prepositions: He never thought that these words would come true in his fate to the full extent (instead of: to the full extent). The inability to choose the right case forms and prepositions as part of phraseological units gives rise to such “strange” mistakes: gritting their hearts, those who hold power, this is a fraught business with consequences, the tablecloth for him on the road, goes around in his head (3, p. 125).

2. Distortion of the figurative meaning of a phraseological unit.

The greatest damage to style is caused by the unjustified destruction of the figurativeness of phraseological expression. For example: The gramophone record has not yet said its last word. The context showed the direct meaning of the words that formed the phraseological unit, and as a result, a pun arose. The perception of a phraseological unit in its unusual, unimaginative meaning gives the speech an inappropriate comedy: This year Aeroflot managed to keep the flow of passengers at a high level; Getting to work on the drifting station, our team at first did not feel the ground under their feet. To avoid such errors, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the context.

The context can show not only the ugly meaning of phraseological units, but also reveal the inconsistency of their metaphorical structure, if the author imprudently “pushes” stable combinations that are incompatible in meaning. For example: These people stand firmly on their feet, so you will not be able to clip their wings. The first phraseological unit, as it were, “attaches” the image to the ground, and this makes it impossible to use the second phraseological unit, which is based on the idea of ​​flight: clipping wings means “making it impossible to fly”. One phraseological unit excludes another.

A prerequisite for the correct use of phraseological units is strict adherence to the features of their compatibility with the words of the context. So, the phraseological unit to publish can be used only in combination with the names of printed publications. Therefore, the proposal is stylistically incorrect. The Musical Theater released the ballet “The Lonely Sail Turns White”; in this case, it was necessary to write staged a ballet ... or prepared a premiere ... The following phrase is also stylistically incorrect: Life, as in the palm of your hand, passed in front of people (phraseologism as in the palm of your hand requires the word to be seen).

When using phraseological units, various errors are often combined. Thus, a change in the lexical composition of a phraseological unit is accompanied by a distortion of figurative meaning. For example: Oblomov was the banner of the times. In this sentence, the phraseological unit sign of the times is distorted. The substitution of the image underlying the phraseological unit radically transforms its meaning. Some errors associated with the distortion of the composition of the phraseological unit and its figurative meaning are widespread in speech: Although the stake on the head is scratchy (it is necessary: ​​teshi); Bring to a white knee (Although: to a white heat) (3, p. 127).

3. Contamination of various phraseological units.

The reason for the misuse of phraseological units in speech may be contamination, i.e. mixing, elements of various stable expressions. For example: The tongue does not rise to talk about it. Well-known phraseological units - the tongue does not turn and the hand does not rise - the author mixed and used a noun from the first phraseological unit, and a verb from the second. Such stylistic errors are explained by false associations.

Contamination of elements of various phraseological units can make speech illogical: Many, knowing about these outrages, look at the tricks of enterprising businessmen through their sleeves (correctly: they work through their sleeves, looking through their fingers); This business is not worth a damned penny (that's right: it's not worth a broken penny, it's not worth a damned egg).

Contamination of elements of various phraseological units can cause a comic sound of speech: a grated sparrow, a shot kalach, not everything is a hangover for a cat, a carnival in someone else's feast (3, p. 128).

Thus, phraseology, being a source of imagery and expressiveness of speech, can also create significant difficulties with an inattentive attitude to the word. It is necessary to strictly monitor the correct use of phraseological units and not allow any distortion.

Conclusions on the first chapter

Having studied the theoretical material, we can draw the following conclusions.

Firstly, phraseological turns are different from ordinary phrases. They have reproducibility, impenetrable structure, integral meaning and stability of the grammatical form of the components.

Secondly, phraseological units can be classified according to various criteria. There are classifications based on varying degrees of idiomatic (unmotivated) components in phraseological units, on the basis of grammatical similarity, on the correspondence of the syntactic functions of phraseological units and parts of speech with which they can be replaced, and also in connection with the origin.

Thirdly, there is no one specific source of replenishment of phraseological vocabulary. Phraseological units arise both in our speech and are borrowed from other languages, come from various spheres of life, are created by various authors.

Fourthly, phraseological units can be stylistically neutral, or they can express various kinds of assessments and attitudes of the speaker to what is being said, give speech a special flavor.

And, finally, fifthly, we must remember that phraseological units, decorating our speech, making it more lively, figurative, bright, beautiful, give us a lot of trouble. When used incorrectly, speech errors appear: the imagery of meaning is lost; often phraseological units are understood literally or the meaning changes in general; new components are added in the structure of a phraseological unit or, conversely, fixed ones are skipped; one word is replaced by another in the composition of these units; several rotations are mixed into one. Therefore, you should be careful when using phraseological units in your speech.

The composition of a phraseological unit in specific speech situations can change in different ways.

1. There is an unmotivated expansion of the phraseological unit as a result of the use of clarifying words: For livestock breeders, the main highlight of the program is the breeding of valuable breeds of livestock. There is a phraseological unit that is the highlight of the program, but the definition of the main one is inappropriate here. The authors, not taking into account the impenetrability of phraseological units, try to “supplement” them, color them with epithets, which gives rise to verbosity. More examples: Let's hope that Volkov will say his big word in coaching; With all her long legs she rushed to run.

In non-standardized speech, combinations of a pleonastic nature are quite often found, formed from phraseological units and redundant definitions for their components: to suffer a complete fiasco, an accidental stray bullet, hard Sisyphean labor, cheerful Homeric laughter. In other cases, the expansion of the phraseological unit is not associated with pleonasm. For example: The unenviable palm tree for the growth of crime belongs to the Southern Administrative District; Commercial organizations have risen to the height of the new challenges facing them. Phraseologisms palm, to be on top do not allow distribution.

2. There is an unjustified reduction in the composition of the phraseological unit as a result of the omission of its components. So, they write: this is an aggravating circumstance (instead of an aggravating circumstance). Erroneously truncated phraseological units lose their meaning, their use in speech can lead to the absurdity of the statement [The success of this student leaves much to be desired (instead of: they leave much to be desired); Coach Williamson put on a "good face" (omitted: bad game)].

3. Often there is a distortion of the lexical composition of phraseological units [the Master more than once spoke heart to heart with his wards (necessarily: he spoke)]. The erroneous substitution of one of the components of the phraseological unit can be explained by the synonymous similarity of the words [The path led from the gate to the outbuilding from which Antoshin had just barely removed his feet (it should have taken him away)] and even more often by the confusion of paronyms [He entered himself (should: left); escaped from his tongue (necessary: ​​broke); draw around the finger (necessary: ​​circle); ... did not lose heart (it is necessary: ​​did not fall)]. In other cases, instead of one of the components of a phraseological unit, a word is used that only remotely resembles the repressed one [Well, they, as they say, have books in their hands (instead of: cards in their hands); The organizers of this trip spoiled it themselves by plunking a drop of tar into a bucket of honey (instead of adding a spoonful of tar to a barrel of honey)]. False associations sometimes give rise to very funny and ridiculous mistakes [Here, figure out which of them hides the ax in his bosom (phraseologism: keep a stone in his bosom); Half an hour later, he looked like a scalded chicken in front of the administration (phraseology is distorted: wet chicken)].

4. A change in the composition of a phraseological unit can be caused by the renewal of grammatical forms, the use of which in set phrases is fixed by tradition. For example: Children killed the worms and had fun - you can not use the plural instead of the singular. An unjustified replacement of the grammatical form of one of the components of a phraseological unit is often the cause of inappropriate comedy: the unusual, strange form of familiar steady turns is surprising (It remains a mystery how four people could erect such a colossus, even if seven spans in their foreheads and oblique fathoms in their shoulders). In other cases, a new grammatical form of a word as part of a phraseological combination affects the semantic aspect of speech. Thus, the use of an imperfect present tense verb instead of a perfect past tense verb makes the statement illogical: A veteran has been crossing the threshold of the 100th police department for more than twenty years. Phraseologism to cross the threshold is used only in the meaning of "perform some important act" and excludes repeated repetition of the action, therefore it is possible to use the verb only in the form of the perfect form; replacement of the specific form leads to absurdity.

As part of phraseological units, it is also impossible to allow distortion of prepositions [He never thought that these words would come true in his fate to the full extent (instead of: to the full extent)]. Such careless handling of prepositions and case forms makes speech illiterate. However, some phraseological units are truly “unlucky” - they are constantly replaced by prepositions: put dots on and; seven spans on the forehead; Mikhail quickly dressed and hurried to the call. The inability to choose the right case forms and prepositions as part of phraseological units gives rise to such “strange” mistakes: gritting their hearts, those who hold power, this is a fraught business with consequences, the tablecloth for him on the road, his head is spinning.

Golub I.B. Stylistics of the Russian language - M., 1997