How long does the spring conscription last. When does spring conscription start and end?

In accordance with the current law "On military duty and military service", all men aged 18 to 27 are subject to conscription into the army. The service life of the 2017 call in accordance with the current legislation is 12 months, regardless of the availability of higher education and the completion of a university with a military department. In this article, we will talk about when conscription starts in 2017 and whether alternative military service is possible.

Recruitment to the army is carried out through an annual draft, which takes place in two stages - in spring and autumn. Such an organization of the call-up for military service makes it possible to optimize the number of troops and guarantees the highest quality training of soldiers and lower officers. The terms of conscription into the army in 2017 are approved by the relevant division of the Ministry of Defense, and territorial military registration and enlistment offices directly in various cities of Russia are responsible for organizational issues.

In recent years, there has been a tendency to reduce the number of conscripts, and the army begins to be recruited mainly on a contract basis. This can be explained by the demographic crisis of the late 1990s, when birth rates dropped significantly, and the number of recruits has decreased accordingly today. The modernization of the Russian army is also being carried out, in which professional contract soldiers are gradually replacing conscripts. The exact number of recruits can only be counted when the spring conscription 2017 begins.

Spring and autumn call 2017

The 2017 spring conscription starts on April 1st and ends on July 15th. During this time, military registration and enlistment offices and medical commissions under them will conduct a survey of conscripts and determine their fitness for service. In the spring conscription in the army in 2017, the terms of which are known to the military units, applications are received from various military personnel according to the number of recruits they need, after which the city and regional military registration and enlistment offices form lists of conscripts sent to certain military units.

It should be noted that the existing legislation stipulates the issues of territorial distribution of conscripts, which makes it possible to simplify the passage of such military service and avoid hazing and hazing between soldiers on a national basis. In the spring conscription of 2017, the terms of which have already been approved, the Ministry of Defense plans to recruit about 130,000 recruits, which is several tens of thousands more than during the autumn conscription.

To date, the dates for the autumn conscription of 2017 have been approved, which will begin on October 1 and will last until December 31. In total, in the autumn draft of 2017, they plan to send 110-120 thousand people to the army. In total, in 2017, the Ministry of Defense plans to call up about 250,000 people for military service. It should be noted that at the beginning of the 2000s, this figure approached the mark of 350 thousand recruits, but every year the number of Russians called up for military service is steadily decreasing. This is explained both by natural demographic reasons and by the transfer of the army to a contract basis.

It should be said that many conscripts are striving to get into the 2017 summer conscription, the terms of which allow students to graduate. This desire of the soldiers can be explained by the fact that in this case young people spend only one winter in the army. Whereas recruits from the winter draft will be required to live in the barracks for two winters, which somewhat complicates the service.

Alternative service options

In accordance with the current legislation, alternative service is allowed, within the framework of which conscripts get the opportunity to work at various state-owned enterprises, while such work is counted towards the total length of service. The new law on conscription in the army of 2017 provides for the establishment of the term of such service at 1.8 years.

Participation in this program can also be accepted by commercial and state universities, in which military departments are organized. In total, students who have chosen a similar alternative military draft in 2017 will need to study at the military department for 450 hours, and go through a three-month field camp, in which living conditions will be as close as possible to the army. It should be said that the beginning of the spring call-up 2017 with alternative service is established by a separate order of the Ministry of Defense.

The procedure for conscription into the army in 2019 in the Russian Federation is regulated by the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On military duty and military service", as well as by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2006 No. 663 "On approval of the Regulations on conscription for military service citizens of the Russian Federation".

Citizens who are exempted from the performance of military duty, conscription for military service, and citizens who are not subject to conscription for military service are also not called up for military service.

The decision to call up citizens for military service can be taken only after they reach the age of 18 full years. Persons over 27 years of age are not subject to conscription. If, upon reaching the age of 27, a citizen had the right to a deferment and did not serve, then he is issued a military ID.

Terms of spring and autumn conscription into the army

You can only be drafted into the army during the terms of conscription. The call is carried out twice a year (spring and autumn calls) on the basis of the relevant decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, which indicate the dates (dates) of the start of the call and when the call ends.

Spring conscription - starts on April 01 and lasts until July 15.

For example, in 2016, the spring conscription was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2016 No. 139 "On the conscription in April - July 2016 of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service and on the dismissal from military service of citizens undergoing military service."

In 2017-2018, in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian FederationSpring conscription was held from April 01 to July 15.

The term of the spring conscription in the army in 2019 is from April 01 to July 15, 2019.

Autumn conscription - runs from 01 October to 31 December.

The autumn call is also established by Decrees by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

The deadline for the autumn draft into the army in 2019 is from October 01 to December 31, 2019.

There are exceptions to the general recruitment periods:

  • Citizens living in certain regions of the Far North or certain areas equated to regions of the Far North are called up for military service during the spring draft from May 1 to July 15 or during the autumn draft from November 1 to December 31.
  • citizens living in rural areas and directly engaged in sowing and harvesting work can be called up for military service from October 15 to December 31;
  • citizens who are teaching staff of educational organizations are called up for military service from May 1 to July 15.

Military service in 2019

The term of military service is established by Article 38 of the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service".

Until 2008, the term of service in the army was two years. In 2006, the legislation on military service was amended and the time of service in the army was reduced to 12 months.

For example, for military personnel who do not have the military rank of an officer and were called up for military service before January 1, 2007, the term of service was 24 months.

For military personnel called up for military service after January 1, 2008, regardless of whether the conscript has a higher education or not, the term of service in the army is 12 months.

For servicemen undergoing military service under a contract, the term of military service is established in accordance with the contract for military service.

Some people say that they will soon increase the term of service in the army and in 2019 or 2020 it will be necessary to serve 2 years. We hasten to reassure future conscripts. While this information is not confirmed and is a rumor. The draft law on increasing the term of service in the army has not been submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation for consideration.

New rules for receiving a subpoena. Conscripts who have not received a summons will be required to independently appear at the military registration and enlistment office. The draft law on this was adopted in the first reading.The former method of notifying citizens - serving subpoenas against receipt - is preserved. However, a new method is also being introduced - it is proposed to send summonses by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to the address indicated in the military registration documents. The new order is expected to come into effect in 2019.

Failure to appear on the agenda provides for administrative and criminal liability.

Medical commission in the military registration and enlistment office

Before joining the army, conscripts are subject to a mandatory medical examination. Citizens are summoned to events related to conscription for military service, including to undergo a medical examination, by subpoenas of the military commissariat.

All conscripts are subject to a call for a medical examination and a meeting of the draft commission, except for those who have a deferment from conscription.

The draft commission makes a decision regarding the conscript only after determining the category of his fitness for military service.

Based on the results of a medical examination, doctors give an opinion on the suitability of a citizen for military service in the following categories:

  • A - fit for military service;
  • B - fit for military service with minor restrictions;
  • B - limited fit for military service;
  • G - temporarily unfit for military service;
  • D - not fit for military service.

If it is impossible to give a medical opinion on the suitability of the conscript for military service on the spot, the conscript, by decision of the conscription commission or the head of the (municipal) department, is sent for an outpatient or inpatient medical examination at a medical institution, after which he is assigned to appear for a second medical examination and a meeting of the conscription commission with taking into account the expected date of completion of the said survey.

Read more about the procedure for passing a medical examination in the military registration and enlistment office in the article at the link.

Decisions of the draft board

When conscripted for military service, the conscription commission is responsible for organizing a medical examination of conscripts and making one of the following decisions regarding them:

  • about conscription for military service;
  • on assignment to alternative civilian service;
  • on granting a deferment from conscription for military service;
  • on exemption from conscription for military service;
  • on enrollment in the reserve;
  • for exemption from military service.

The decision of the draft commission in relation to each conscript on the same day is recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the draft commission, signed by the chairman of the draft commission and its members, as well as in the certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, and the registration card of the recruit.

A draftee, in respect of whom a decision has been made to call for military service, is handed a summons to appear at the appointed time at the department (municipal) to be sent to the place of military service.

If there are grounds for deferment or release from service, the draft board shall decide on the release of the conscript from conscription for military service or on granting him a deferment from conscription for military service.

A conscript whose grounds for exemption from conscription for military service have been lost or the terms of the deferment granted to him from conscription for military service have expired is subject to conscription for military service. If the conscript did not complete military service in connection with the granting of a deferment from conscription for military service or was not called up for military service for any other reason, upon reaching the age of 27 years, he is removed from the military register of citizens subject to conscription for military service and not in stock.

Distribution to serve in the army

The decision to recruit a conscript into the army in the form, branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies for military service in military specialties in military positions is taken by the draft commission by a majority of votes based on the results of a medical examination, data from professional psychological selection , educational and special (professional) training, as well as the proposal of the head of the (municipal) department on the preliminary assignment of the conscript. This also takes into account the need for the accumulation of military specialists in reserve for manning troops according to the mobilization plan.

In order to ensure the organized dispatch of citizens called up for military service to the place of military service, the formation of military echelons (teams) and their transfer to representatives of military units, territories and premises equipped with tools and medical equipment necessary for medical examination and control medical examination, as well as equipment and material and technical means necessary for carrying out activities for the professional psychological selection of recruits (hereinafter referred to as the collection point). At the collection point, conscripts are provided with clothing and food. Here is the distribution of conscripts for service in the military units of Russia.

Prior to the departure of citizens called up for military service, from the assembly point to the place of military service, by order of the military commissar, they are assigned the military rank of private, as appropriate entries are made in the military ID and service record.

Prepared by "Personal"

It has its own terms and stages. Today we will talk about spring conscription into the army and its terms.

After studying our article, you are guaranteed to learn:

  • When does the spring call start?
  • How long will the call last this spring
  • Closing date for the spring-summer 2019 call-up
  • How long will the conscripts who left to serve in the spring of this year serve?

Spring conscription to the Russian army in 2019

The beginning of the spring call 2019

Every year, and 2019 will be no exception, we are told beginning of spring call.

How it's done? And where to find out that the call has already begun? Article 25 of the Federal Law "On military duty and military service" will come to our aid, namely paragraph 1, which states that start of spring conscription in 2019 will be launched on April 1 and not a day earlier or later.

In addition, every year the beginning of conscription (spring) for military service is announced in a decree of the President of the Russian Federation, which is issued, as a rule, on March 27 and which everyone who has already served their prescribed 12 months is waiting for. Ours will help you not to miss this significant day, in the life of every soldier (sailor)

Spring conscription in the army 2019 conscription terms

Concerning spring recruitment dates for 2019, then it is also worth referring to the Federal Law mentioned above. All in the same article at number 25, we learn that recruitment dates in spring 2019 following.

The draft begins on April 1 and lasts until July 15, inclusive, but there are a few exceptions. For example, for citizens living in certain areas of the Far North, the spring conscription period begins only on May 1 and ends, like everyone else, on July 15. The same terms of conscription this spring have pedagogical workers of educational organizations.

But young people living, so to speak, in the "village", in spring conscription 2019 no conscripts! But on the condition that they are directly employed in sowing and harvesting, and this is their main activity in this period.

When does spring recruitment end in 2019?

The terms of the spring and autumn conscription differ by as much as 15 days! And if the call this fall ends on December 31, 2019, then Spring recruitment will end only on July 15, 2019.

the date end of spring call is especially relevant for those who graduate from educational institutions this summer, because after successfully passing all final tests (thesis defense, etc.), they have a chance to receive a summons in early July and go to serve in the Russian army.

Spring call dates for 2019

Spring conscription in 2019 how long to serve a conscript

How much to serve a conscript leaving for service in 2019, we wrote a little earlier in one of the articles. But still, let's remember.

So, for those who will have the honor to join the army in spring draft 2019, serve will need exactly 12 months, or, in other words, one calendar year. All talk about increasing the service to 1 year and 8 months is just a rumor! And even more so, there can be no talk of reducing the term of conscription.

So the one who goes to the army this spring will return exactly one year later πŸ˜‰ On this topic about spring conscription in 2019 and the terms of conscription consider open. If you still have questions, ask them in the comments.

In September, the President of the country is expected to sign another order on the start of the autumn conscription into the army. And although there is no such order yet, in itself it is a pure formality, since the call is carried out in accordance with federal law. This law lists, in particular, the terms of conscription, as well as some nuances about these terms. Recall how the autumn conscription in the army of 2019 will take place in Russia, the terms of conscription, when the conscription will begin and end, the term of service in the modern Russian army.

Deadlines for the autumn draft in the army in 2019

The Federal Law β€œOn Military Duty and Military Service” establishes the following terms for conscription in the autumn period:

  • from October 1 to December 31- in general,
  • from October 15 to December 31- for recruits from rural areas, if they are directly involved in harvesting,
  • from November 1 to December 31- for recruits from the regions of the Far North and those regions of the country that are equated to such regions,
  • no autumn call- for conscripts who work as teachers in educational institutions.

The call campaign includes two stages:

  1. Medical examination and passing the draft board,
  2. Sending to the troops for service.

Military registration and enlistment offices are required to notify conscripts with properly executed and correctly delivered subpoenas.

Rules for serving a summons to the military registration and enlistment office

A subpoena is a legal document, and it also depends on how correctly the military registration and enlistment office draws up and hands over subpoenas whether it can sue a conscript for evading service. In practice, military registration and enlistment offices very often treat agendas without sufficient legal respect, which is why they themselves turn out to be powerless against β€œdeviators”.

What is important to know about the agenda:

  1. Any summons to the military registration and enlistment office should consist of two parts. The summons itself is handed to the draftee, and the tear-off spine is the place for his signature on receipt of the summons. The spine is stored in the military registration and enlistment office.
  2. The agenda must be signed by the military commissar and the seal of the military registration and enlistment office.
  3. The summons must state the legitimate reason for the summons to the military enlistment office.
  4. The summons can only be delivered personally to the conscript. Not mom and dad and not neighbors.
  5. Only employees of the military registration and enlistment office, municipal officials responsible for military registration or employees of the organization where the recruit works are entitled to serve the summons. Outsiders cannot be involved in this work.

In 2017, State Duma deputies made extravagant proposals for the introduction of electronic agendas. According to the authors of the initiative, the future conscript, when registering with the military registration and enlistment office, could report the address of his e-mail box. An electronic subpoena would go to this e-mail, which, upon sending, would be considered delivered. Fortunately, this strange initiative has remained at the level of talk.

Even if we admit the validity of the considerations that in modern Russia young people very often do not live at the place of registration and it is very difficult to find them to serve the summons anywhere, still emails are clearly not the way to solve this problem. The fact of the delivery of the summons must be strictly recorded, and it is almost impossible to trace the fate of the e-mail.

But another idea of ​​the legislators, which was adopted, says that the conscript must independently appear for the summons at the end of the draft campaign, if he did not receive the summons for the draft. Otherwise, the conscript will be considered an evader. This order is in place, so it's worth keeping it in mind during the fall 2019 call.

Service life in the army in 2019-2020 in Russia

As for the period for which conscripts who fell under the autumn draft of 2018 will go to the troops, the term of service in Russia is the same - 12 months. In autumn 2020, young people will be able to return home. If they do not take advantage of the offer to sign a contract.

As you know, the Russian army at some point, not in words, but in deeds, took a course towards the transition to a contract form of service. And at present, it is a kind of hybrid of an outdated draft army and a modern contract army. Young people age from 18 to 27 years old are still considered liable for military service, but the stake is no longer on the fact that they repay their debt within one and a half, two or three years. The bet was made on the fact that with a service life of one year there would be less motivation to evade service, almost all young people would pass through the troops, and during these 12 months those of the young people who agree to sign a contract would do this and remain in the army for a few extra years. In fact, with such an organization, the basis of the army are those who really like military service and who serve voluntarily by signing a contract.