Contract soldiers will be made of reservists. The army will pay the reservists Reservists of the Ministry of Defense admission conditions


From the first day of the new year 2018, a new law on the mobilization human reserve began to operate in Russia, which provides for the completely voluntary entry of reserve troops into the reserve troops. The exact size of the amount will be determined by a decree of the Russian government. For full-time storekeepers during the passage of fees, their average income in civilian life will be maintained.

So, the Committee of the Federation Council on Defense and Security decided that this year, in the course of an experiment, the process of creating a Russian full-time mobilization reserve will begin. It is known that this experiment will be carried out for 2 years. The use of reservist forces will be mainly during the war, in emergency situations and during large-scale exercises. In order to maintain the combat readiness of the reservists, they will periodically be called up for training in brigades or divisions, where they will be retrained for new types of equipment and weapons.

Mobilization reserve of Russia: Watch VIDEO

Mobilization reserve of Russia: A full-scale formation of a mobilization reserve has started in the country

Military personnel who are in the reserve and have signed a contract with the defense department will be required to attend special classes every month and take part in military training once a year.

Representatives of the department said that the first contract for 3 years is being concluded. Further, the period can be extended to five years. They also recalled that clear age limits for staying in a mobile reserve are legally established. The contract will not be signed with privates and sailors or ensigns and midshipmen, whose age will be more than 42 years. But junior officers have the opportunity to serve as a reservist until the age of 47. Further, majors-lieutenant colonels - up to 52 years old. The military of a higher rank will be able to serve even longer - up to 57 years. Servicemen who have not expressed a desire to become contract soldiers of the mob reserve will enter the mobilization human resource.

Citizens who are in the reserve (who have concluded a contract on staying in the reserve) receive cash payments, which consist of monthly payments and payments related to military fees (including payment for travel to the place of conclusion of the contract and training).

The military department was seriously concerned about the mobilization capabilities of the country. According to Vasily Smirnov, Deputy Chief of the General Staff, the Ministry of Defense has developed a draft law that will fundamentally change the system for Russian citizens to be in the reserve.

The generals are in no hurry to publish their proposals in detail. But it is known that we are talking about the creation in Russia of a completely new structure - a mobilization reserve. Relatively speaking, this will be the second front that the army command will call under its banner during the war, major exercises or emergencies. In addition, units may appear in the Armed Forces where former conscripts will serve on a temporary basis.

The military are not going to forcibly drive them into the barracks, nor are they going to tear them away from home and work for a long time. The bill provides for the voluntary entry of reserve troops into the reserve army. It might look like this. Before leaving the army, the commander will offer the demobilized conscript to sign a contract, according to which yesterday's fighter undertakes to return to duty from time to time.

In order to interest a person in service in the reserve, the Ministry of Defense will pay a certain amount to the reservist every month. How many exactly - the generals have not yet specified. The main thing is that they want to replenish the purse of the storekeeper, regardless of whether he is working at the moment or is in a military unit.

The size of the army remuneration and the term of the contract, apparently, will depend on the military specialty and qualifications of the reservist. People with professions in short supply in the army, say, operators of air defense anti-aircraft missile systems, will probably be paid more. Repairmen or drivers, most likely, less. But the latter will not have to leave their families for a long time for army retraining. Mastering the “steering wheel” of a new military truck or armored personnel carrier is still easier than delving into the intricacies of the electronic brain of an air defense system. It is possible that with some categories of former soldiers it will not be necessary to conclude a contract at all. Why pay money to an ordinary shooter if his fire and tactical skills are easy to restore at short-term military training camps.

Considering that "technological" positions in the troops will soon be occupied by pro soldiers, the recruitment of their civilian backups for service in the reserve will be handled by military registration and enlistment offices. In our reserve army of successful businessmen and rich people there are only a few. Therefore, the generals hope that the material interest and traditionally benevolent attitude towards the army of yesterday's soldiers will force a considerable number of experienced military experts to respond to the initiative of the Ministry of Defense. They plan to call them for retraining only once a year. So the reservists are not in danger of losing their jobs. Moreover, according to the current legislation, it is forbidden to dismiss such employees. This ban will certainly remain in the new document. As well as the obligation of employers to pay the average monthly salary to subordinates who temporarily retired from the army.

A fundamentally new moment in the life of the reservists may be their temporary service at some objects of the Ministry of Defense. They are not expected in ordinary garrisons. After the transfer of all military units to the category of constant readiness, divisions and brigades were one hundred percent staffed with conscripts and contract soldiers.

However, in some places, instead of reduced regiments, bases for storing weapons and military equipment were left. This arsenal will be used during the deployment of the Armed Forces in a threatening period. However, in order for armored vehicles to drive and shoot after a long "hibernation", rockets take off into the air, and planes take to the skies, all this economy must be maintained in combat readiness. They want to entrust such a task to the reservists.

As Vasily Smirnov noted, in the staff of each storage base there are 6 military positions and several civilian ones. The General Staff sees no point in appointing military professionals there - they are needed in the line units. Completing the bases with recruits is more expensive for yourself: clumsy soldiers will only spoil the equipment. But keeping experienced reserve specialists on a rotational basis is just that.

Another mobilization innovation could be the involvement of former soldiers in the elimination of the consequences of man-made disasters and natural disasters.

The leadership of the Ministry of Defense originally wanted to present a fresh look at the organization of army service and the preparation of a mobilization reserve in two new laws - on military service and on military duty. However, the desire of the generals to separate conscription and service issues did not find support. As a result, the State Duma will consider a single bill.

The formation of a reserve is a common practice in leading Western countries. Its staff in Germany, France, Great Britain and the United States exceeds the size of the armed forces. For example, in America the role of the "second front" is played by the National Guard. In addition, the army and air force have their own manpower reserves. In the Department of the Navy, the reserve is divided between the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard.

Americans serve in the reserve voluntarily, without fail signing a contract with the military.


It is possible that the deputies will have questions about the mobilization initiatives of the General Staff. Moreover, among the legislators there are supporters of other options for the formation of a military reserve. Including - by the type of Belarusian. The following scheme of preparing a "second front" has been practiced in this country for 6 years now. They recruit not former military personnel, but draft youth. It is enough for a person to write an application to the military registration and enlistment office with a detailed explanation of the reasons for the impossibility of performing regular service as a soldier. Then get a certificate of good health from the doctors. If the applicant's arguments in the commissariat are considered weighty, he will be enrolled in the mobilization reserve. Service there takes place virtually without interruption from the main work. A conscript within a year, two or three years (the period depends on his education and level of military training) is called to study in a military specialty in one of the army units. Then comes the stage of a long stay in the reserve with episodic retraining at military training camps.

The diagram looks attractive. However, there is a serious argument against its introduction into Russian practice. Neighbors introduced service in the reserve due to an excess of conscripts who can be put into active service. In our country, as you know, there are always not enough recruits.

In mid-2015, Presidential Decree No. 370 was signed in the country, defining the creation of a mobilization reserve. In its execution, a little later, PP No. 933 was adopted, where the procedure for being in the reservists was approved. These regulatory and legislative acts, along with the law "On military duty", formed the basis of the mobile reserve and the resource - education necessary to solve problems during the war or in the event of difficult situations.

The concept of mobilization human reserve

Such a service in Russia was first created back in the time of Alexander II, who carried out an army reform in the 19th century. In the Soviet period, the organization of this formation did not change much, thanks to which a powerful army was created during the Second World War in a short period. A considerable number of military personnel were also in Afghanistan. For low discipline, they are also called "partisans".

Undoubtedly, the mobilization manpower reserve of the armed forces of the Russian Federation has clear advantages. If the partisans actually belong to civilians who are patriots and are ready to defend their homeland, however, they are not trained in military affairs, then the “reserve fighters” not only have the appropriate knowledge, but also regularly undergo special training. The reserve is designed to increase the HF, formations of the RF Armed Forces, other formations during mobilization, putting on alert and war.

General provisions

For the purpose of mobilizing troops and corresponding formations, a reserve of the Armed Forces, the SVR, as well as the FSB is being created. It includes a mobilization manpower reserve and a resource. Measures for the formation of the reserve are carried out at the expense of the country's budget. Organizational issues are decided by the military commissariats. An agreement on staying in a reserve is concluded with citizens who have different military ranks. The maximum age of the reservist depends on this factor: it varies from 42 to 57 years.

The regulation on the mobilization reserve contains a list of papers that must be submitted to the military commissariat. The decision is made within a month. If the candidate meets the requirements, the chief issues an order with which the first one is sent to the military unit.

After the conclusion of the agreement on the mobile reserve, the reservist must undergo certification activities and pass an exam for qualification. Certification is carried out a quarter before the end of the contract, and the exam - at least once every 3 years.

When staying in the human reserve, a military rank and position are assigned. The reservist is obliged to participate in mobilization activities and actions of a different nature, as well as in combat training, while every month he is paid money and lump sums.

Monthly payments include:

  • salary;
  • the coefficient for the area and the allowance for being in certain regions;
  • funds for a permanent stay in the reserve.

The funds paid out when drawing up a new contract are counted as lump sums. The amount depends on its term and other points.

Important! The amount of the reservist's monthly salary is at least 10% of the payment for the assigned position and rank to the VC.

In addition to money, the reservist is provided with:

  • food during service;
  • relevant things.

The training of a reservist may also include receiving various free education.

Specific details of how the fees are carried out have not been disclosed to the public. The order of the President contains items for the so-called official use. Dates and times of events are agreed in the regions separately. The procedure for their implementation is established by the Law "On military duty", as well as the Government Decree "On fees". They last no more than 2 months, but in general, for the period of being in stock - 12 months.

Participants of these events are guaranteed:

  • preservation of the workplace;
  • issuance of products, things and financial payments, in accordance with the law;
  • compulsory life insurance in case of injury or illness during the training camp;
  • credit for service.

The following persons are not called up for collections as reservists:

  • women;
  • officials;
  • employees of the Armed Forces, Federal Drug Control Service, Department of Internal Affairs and organizations of the penal system, fire service;
  • employees of railway and air transport, flight and floating personnel;
  • teachers;
  • workers on sowing;
  • full-time students during the entire training, as well as part-time students in the period of preparation for passing the diploma;
  • fathers of many children;
  • citizens suspended from service for one reason or another;
  • persons who have passed;
  • citizens who have been punished, convicted or suspected of a crime;
  • persons residing abroad.

The staff strength of the mobilization reserve of the RF Armed Forces

This system arose in 2015 on the basis of the Decree of the President. He also decides the issue of the strength of the mobilization reserve. The equipment is carried out territorially, that is, the storeroom will have to serve near the place of residence. The main goal is to end the mess with the reserves, as well as, if necessary, ensure an accurate increase in the army in the shortest possible time. In addition to mobilization, reservists can be involved in a period of crisis, since they include not only the army, but also former FSB officers, as well as the SVR.

The exact size of the mobilization reserve is not disclosed in those papers that are intended for the general public, so one can only guess about the real size of the mobilization reserve and resource.

The order of exclusion from the reserve

The exclusion of a reservist from the reserve is carried out for various reasons. In addition to the expiration of the period stipulated by the contract, these include the following points:

  • age limit;
  • deprivation of title;
  • unfitness or limited fitness for service (based on IHC);
  • withdrawal from Russian citizenship or obtaining a foreign one;
  • reasons for postponing service.

The grounds for exclusion from the mobile reserve before the end of the contract are as follows:

  • holding regular events;
  • failure to comply with the requirements of the contract;
  • denial of access to state secrets or its deprivation;
  • service in the prosecutor's office, judicial body as a judge or the RF IC.

In addition, a citizen is excluded from the mobilization reserve ahead of schedule and of his own free will. In some situations, he will need to reimburse the money spent from the budget for the maintenance and operation of equipment, weapons, simulators, with which he was trained, used material reserves, as well as the maintenance of commanders. In this case, fixed amounts are determined, and the final values ​​​​are calculated using special formulas. This happens when you are deprived of a title, a court sentence on punishment, non-fulfillment of an agreement and deprivation of access to state secrets.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on calling up Russians who are in reserve for military training in 2018 and instructed the government of the Russian Federation and the FSB to carry out all the necessary measures.

Military fees in Russia are determined by legislative rules

According to Art. 54 No. 53-FZ "On military duty and military service" dated March 28, 1998, Russian citizens who are in the reserve may be called up for military training, which are divided into training and verification.

Training camps are when training takes place directly in the troops, and test camps are a test of the combat and mobilization readiness of military units and military commissariats.

The duration of the training event is determined by the responsible state body. At the same time, according to the law, the only restriction here is that the total continuation of fees cannot exceed two calendar months.

Also, citizens cannot be called up for military training more than once every three years, but it should be noted that new ranks are assigned to reserve officers mainly after passing through such military events.

Gatherings fulfill the task of preparing an active military reserve

In addition, citizens over 27 years of age and persons who, for certain reasons, did not undergo military service, can be called up for military training, although in practice this is only theoretically permissible.

The fact is that military training serves as a training of a military reserve for the army in the field, so they call on people who are in the active reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Naturally, these should be only real military specialists that the army may need in the event of the deployment of new units or in the event of vacancies.

Also, do not forget that the reservists are divided into categories. For example, only the first rank is called up for training, and these are privates and sergeants up to 35 years old, junior officers up to 50 years old, majors and lieutenant colonels up to 55 years old, colonels up to 60 years old and senior officers, i.e. general staff, up to 65 years old, but in practice this is selective.

At the same time, one should not forget that such military training has many restrictions - teachers, university students and people with three children are not called up for them. Yes, and a fine of 100 to 500 rubles, provided for in the Code of Administrative Offenses for failure to appear at military training, suggests that all this, in essence, is voluntary.

The nature of military training today has changed compared to the times of the USSR

Accordingly, it is necessary to draw an unambiguous conclusion - military fees do not apply to all men who fall under the criteria and age characteristics specified in the law, but only to those Russian citizens who are really needed by the RF Armed Forces.

Head of the Department of Political Science of the PRUE G.V. Plekhanova, retired colonel Andrey Koshkin in a conversation with the FBA, Ekonomika Segodnya confirmed that military training in Russia plays the role of preparing an active military reserve.

“Indiscriminate military training was typical of the Soviet era, when everything was scaled. Then people were called up in very diverse groups, which led to the fact that these fees were ineffective. In fact, it was about the fact that within the framework of these fees a certain duty was being served, ”says Koshkin.

In addition, we should not forget that under the USSR we lived in a completely different economic structure, when there was a primacy of state ownership of the economy, and there was no problem to call up people for military training. Now everything is much more complicated and the state, according to the law, will have to compensate for the losses of the employer for the call of a valuable worker for military training.

And this moment is also taken into account today, since no one is going to spend budget money just like that.

The armed forces of the Russian Federation in a similar way support their backbone

“Today, this entire system of military fees is more thoughtful and flexible. Perhaps even now there are some costs here, but, in general, the call for training of those persons who are in reserve and conducting classes with them is much more efficient, which really allows you to keep the gunpowder dry in the powder flasks, ”concludes Koshkin.

In this matter, we should not forget about the moment that we are now transitioning to a contract army. Naturally, the draft will never be canceled, but today almost all shock combat units have been transferred to the contract.

This means that professionals are serving there, and this significantly limits the space for holding such gatherings. After all, they should not be of a formal nature and be ineffective - the military specialists needed by the army should be trained for them. All this once again confirms the fact that this decision of the president will affect an extremely limited circle of Russian citizens.

“First of all, officers need such a call from the reserve in order to confirm and strengthen their military competencies, since this is the backbone of the domestic Armed Forces,” Koshkin sums up.

According to the expert, such gatherings should allow military specialists in the reserve to get acquainted with the qualitative changes that have taken place in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation during the years of their civilian life.

“Of course, here we should not forget about the element of combat rallying, because after such training people understand that they are needed and continue to associate themselves with the Russian army, and this is important,” Koshkin states.

The Russian army began a full-scale formation of a mobilization reserve. Soldiers and reserve officers who have signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense will have to attend special classes every month and undergo annual military training. In return, the state guarantees them monthly payments and a number of compensations. In the event of a special period being announced, the existing units will be understaffed with reservists, they are also used to form new ones. Military experts believe that the reform will strengthen the country's defense capability

The Ministry of Defense told Izvestiya that starting this year, the mobilization reserve system will begin to operate in full throughout Russia. The necessary regulations to start the reform have already been adopted. Previously, the department conducted an experiment in certain regions. It lasted almost two years. Its results are recognized as successful.

In 2015, the President of Russia signed a decree "On the creation of a mobilization human reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." The mechanism for attracting Russians to new structures and the terms of contracts concluded with them are described in the law "On military duty and military service." It states that soldiers and reserve officers who have passed a medical examination can become reservists.

The military registration and enlistment offices are responsible for the formation of the reserve. Not all of them have started the corresponding work yet. However, for example, recruitment is already underway in the Rostov region - in the military registration and enlistment office of the city of Novoshakhtinsk, a reserve soldier can conclude a contract for service in the reserve.

“To do this, you need to come to the military registration and enlistment office, having a passport and a military ID with you,” Izvestia was told at the Novoshakhtinsk military registration and enlistment office. - A reserve soldier must study 2-3 days a month and pass annual training camps lasting from 20 to 30 days.

Such a person can be called up for service at any time: when a special or threatened period is announced, in the event of major exercises, emergencies, or simply an acute shortage of military specialists in units.

“The question of creating an organized mobilization reserve has been raised for a long time,” military expert Viktor Murakhovsky told Izvestia. “The new system will make it possible to train and maintain highly qualified personnel in combat readiness, to ensure the rapid transfer of personnel to theaters of military operations, where it is necessary to deploy new formations, but there is not enough local mobile resources.

In particular, according to him, the new system for attracting personnel will increase the defense capability of the Far East. Parts of this region have technology, but there is a shortage of manpower.

Salary and money for stay

Soldiers and reserve officers entering the reserve sign a contract for three, five or more years. When concluding a new agreement, the Russian receives a lump sum payment: for a three-year period - in the amount of a salary, for five or more years - one and a half times more.

The salary of a reservist will be made up of the official salary, payments for the rank and the regional coefficient. For example, a platoon commander with the rank of senior lieutenant in the central part of Russia will receive 27.5 thousand rubles. The squad leader with the rank of sergeant in the Kemerovo region (regional allowance - 30%) - 25.3 thousand rubles.

True, in full this money is paid only during the training camp. For the rest of the period, 11 months a year, reservists will be paid 12% of the salary. A senior lieutenant from Central Russia will receive 3.3 thousand rubles a month, a sergeant from the Kemerovo region - 3.036 thousand rubles.

This payment procedure is provided for by the Decree of the Government of Russia “On establishing the amount of the monthly salary for citizens of the Russian Federation who are in the mobilization human reserve, except for the period of military training” dated December 23, 2015.

During the training camp, the state guarantees the reservist the preservation of the average salary or stipend. It will also cover the costs of renting housing, travel expenses, travel fees for fees and returning home.

Seniority allowances are also provided. For example, three years after enrollment, reservists will be able to receive an additional 10% of their salary. Over the years, payments will increase. The maximum allowance - 50% - will be accrued after 20 years of continuous being in the reserve.

How it works

The reservist will be assigned to a specific military unit or the Mobilization Deployment Support Center (TSOMR), where he will be trained.

- There are such concepts - current and temporary shortage (TNK and VNK), - military expert Vladislav Shurygin told Izvestia. - For example, a serviceman was transferred to another place of service, but no one has yet been appointed to his place. This is a temporary kit. If a person falls ill and can no longer perform his duties, this is a current shortage. TNK and VNK seriously affect the combat capability of a military unit. For example, a battalion may lack a company commander, several machine gunners and driver mechanics. Their absence seriously affects the ability of the battalion to carry out a combat mission. There are also positions that are introduced only in case of war. For example, a machine gunner's assistant or a mortar loader. In peacetime, they are not needed, but in combat they become critical.

TNK and VNK will be replaced by mobile reservists who have signed a contract with a military unit. Their other task will be to replenish losses in wartime.

Storage bases are becoming a thing of the past

Bases for the storage and repair of military equipment (BHiRVT) will be disbanded, where tanks, armored personnel carriers and other equipment intended for recruiting parts in the event of mobilization have been standing for years. In the Ground Forces, until recently, there were more than 40 such bases (14 of them were motorized rifle).

“Now a mobilization reserve of personnel is assigned to the BHiRVT,” Viktor Murakhovsky told Izvestia. - Soldiers and reserve officers must report to the base in case of a special period. Such a system has its drawbacks. For example, there are questions about the recruitment and coordination of units, it is difficult to find specialists in air defense, engineering and tank troops.

In addition, now the staff list of BHIRVT includes no more than 10 people. Such a number of personnel did not allow maintaining the equipment in proper condition.

The reorganization of motorized rifle BHiRVT has already begun. About a third of them are closed. For example, the 103rd BHiRVT ceased to operate in the Novosibirsk Region. The officers of the units serving at the Shilovsky training ground told Izvestia about this - there used to be a base there.

Military unit 30654 (also known as the 104th BHiRVT from the city of Biysk, Altai Territory) and military unit 92910 (245th BHiRVT from Lesozavodsk, Primorsky Territory) are listed as “inactive” in the SPARK-Interfax database. This means that the parts as legal entities have ceased to exist, and their bank accounts are closed.

New centers for reservists

The TsOMRs created on the basis of BHiRVT will both store equipment and train reservists. If necessary, the centers will be converted into "full-blooded" military units and formations. A new modern infrastructure will be built for the CCMRC.

In 2016, the Ministry of Defense signed a contract for the design of a new BHiRVT on Sakhalin. The project illustrates what a mobilization deployment support center might look like.

It is planned to build a military camp in the village of Dachnoye. There will be a parking area of ​​700 thousand square meters. m, barracks to accommodate 521 soldiers and sergeants, headquarters and training buildings, warehouses for property and rocket and artillery weapons, heated storage for 1.2 thousand parking spaces. Equipment storage and repair areas will be equipped.

Such an infrastructure will make it possible, in case of training, to place a battalion of reservists at the base, conduct exercises and scheduled maintenance of equipment by their forces.

In foreign countries there are analogues of the system being created in Russia. Thus, in the United States, the army, in the event of a possible threat, will draw personnel from units of the National Guard and the army reserve. In Switzerland, the organized reserve makes up the bulk of the armed forces - these people are ready to arrive at the military unit on demand.