Cambridge University how to transfer knowledge experience. How to enter the University of Cambridge: faculties, history, interesting facts

The University of Cambridge is a structure of 31 colleges and universities that occupy top positions in leading rankings around the world. Among the graduates and teachers there are 88 Nobel Prize winners, popular figures in science, art, politics, literature, and studying at Cambridge for Russians provides an opportunity to join this illustrious elite group!

Pre-school education in Cambridge and primary classes

Before enrolling in for children from 3-5 years old, visits to "zero classes" or specialized children's centers are available, where teachers instill a love of knowledge, teach them to plan their time and calculate their strength, and cultivate a craving for self-development. Education at preschool age is carried out in the game, so that it is easier for the child to get involved in the learning process. Primary school caters for children aged 5 to 11. Required items:

  • English literature
  • mathematics
  • science (includes a choice: biology, physics, chemistry)
  • physical Culture.

Studying in Cambridge for Russians also includes all kinds of electives:

  • art, technology design
  • classical civilizations
  • Latin language
  • Greek language
  • Informatics
  • drama
  • French
  • geography
  • story
  • mathematics
  • music
  • religious education
  • PSHE (personal, social and health education).

Secondary education in England

In accordance with the English education system, to obtain a diploma of secondary education and prepare for entering the university, students study at and A-Level. From the age of 14, students are preparing for the GCSE (The General Certificate of Secondary Education) exam to receive a diploma, and from 16 to 18 years old they pass, which is necessary for admission to. In the last years of study at Cambridge, students have a large selection of specialized subjects to study, which helps them to enter the university in the desired specialty in the future.

Foreign students on the GCSE and A-Level programs receive not only academic skills, but also improve their English language skills; for example, the program "English as a foreign language" (English as Foreign Language or English as Second Language) is widespread among foreign students.

Higher education in Cambridge

Students from all over the world come to England to graduate, learn from the best teachers and have excellent career prospects in the future. The main directions of the University of Cambridge:

  • humanitarian sciences
  • social Sciences
  • biological sciences
  • natural science
  • clinical medicine
  • technique, technology.

Language courses in Cambridge for Russians and foreigners

In Cambridge, it is easy to find a linguistic course for learning English for students of different ages and with different levels of knowledge - the choice is very large:

  • general english course
  • academic English
  • business English
  • English for work
  • preparation for exams.

Particular attention should be paid to the level of knowledge of the English language for those wishing to study in: institutions have very strict requirements for the admission of Russian and foreign students. The best teachers who are native speakers work with students of language courses, so that after successfully completing the program, students have high scores in exams and easily enter universities.

Popular exams for admission to educational institutions in England:

Summer camps in Cambridge for children and schoolchildren

Participants have a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the university atmosphere of the city, combine study and leisure, and immerse themselves in the cultural environment of Great Britain. Education in Cambridge for Russians in the summer is possible in a variety of areas:

  • leadership school
  • medical course
  • architecture study program
  • IT, programming
  • study of law
  • course in physics, chemistry, biology
  • writing skills
  • study of literature, history.

Financing study abroad

Russian students have the opportunity to receive a grant or scholarship to cover the cost of studying abroad, including in Cambridge. Popular scholarship programs include:

  • Gates Scholarship (Master's, PhD)
  • BAT Cambridge Scholarship for Russia (undergraduate)
  • Amy Li Cambridge Scholarship (undergraduate in chemistry, mathematics, engineering, physics)
  • Cambridge Trust Scholarship (master's)
  • Santander Cambridge Scholarship (master's)
  • Parasol Cambridge Scholarship (Master of Philosophy)
  • Wellcome Cambridge Trust Scholarship (college research programs).

Tuition for long-term and short-term programs

The cost of studying in Cambridge for Russians is quite high - we can give the following average figures:

  • primary classes - from £ 3700 / trimester
  • GCSE - 5555 £ / trimester
  • A-Level - 5555 £ / trimester
  • - 691512600 £ / trimester
  • undergraduate - from 3940 £ / trimester
  • preparation for a master's degree - 9540 £ / semester
  • magistracy - 12600 £ / year
  • MBA - 12600 £ / year
  • general English course - from £ 180 / week
  • participation in the summer program - from £ 690 / week
  • preparation for CAE - 335 £ / week
  • preparation for IELTS - 250 £ / week
  • preparation for FCE - 310 £ / week.

Examples of educational institutions in Cambridge

  • - a private school with primary, secondary and senior classes (A-Level), you can also take a preparatory course before entering the university - International Foundation. The school is proud of its multicultural and international environment - even the teachers are representatives of different nationalities and states
  • - one of the 5 private colleges of The Alpha Plus group, which specializes in preparing applicants for admission to the top universities in the world (many students continue their education at the University of Cambridge). College preparatory programs: GCSE, A-Level, International Foundation, IELTS. In three years, you can also get an education in the field of business and management (the program was developed by specialists from the University of Buckingham). Students are invited for the summer period to take a medical course
  • - one of the most popular and elite universities in the world, where students receive bachelor's and master's degrees. For students, access to the resources of 114 libraries and 9 museums is open here. The most popular specialties among students relate to the fields of natural sciences, engineering, medicine, exact sciences (mathematics), law, history, economics, modern languages, psychology, political science, sociology
  • - a language school that has been operating for over 60 years and annually accepts more than 4,000 students. Foreign students here can prepare for the FCE, CAE, IELTS exams, and during the summer or winter holidays, combine rest and study of English. For those who want to teach English to foreigners, the CELTA course is available, which involves obtaining a certificate that allows you to teach foreign students
  • - a prestigious summer academic camp with two-week training programs for teenagers aged 16-18. A total of 17 programs are available to choose from, each of which corresponds to a particular discipline and field of knowledge: for example, courses in architecture, biology, chemistry, writing, programming, English literature, philosophy, medicine.

Cambridge tuition fees, living expenses, possible scholarships for foreigners, faculties to study - these questions are key for applicants who wish to apply for admission to this university.

Tuition fees in Cambridge

You can have a wonderful rest with tour operator "Sevil", which offers interesting tours in the Crimea, Europe, as well as air tours around the world, as well as to study at one of the most elite educational institutions in the world that competes with Oxford, Harvard or Yale, cannot do with minimal financial costs. However, a detailed study of the information posted on the official website of the University of Cambridge will lead to the conclusion that the tuition fees in Cambridge are almost equivalent to those offered in other universities in the UK, but with less prestige.

First of all, considering the issue of cost, it is important to accept the fact that the price will be largely determined by the chosen faculty and program, as well as whether education is the first higher education. To date, in Cambridge you can enroll in:

  • The first higher education, where on average about 211 programs are offered. In this case, Cambridge will offer higher prices, since obtaining a bachelor's degree involves studying for a period of 3 years, and for medical specialties you will need to study for a period of 5 years. Accordingly, long training periods make it more expensive;
  • Master's programs will be cheaper, since training here involves only 1 academic year. That is why foreign students, and especially from the CIS or the Middle East, tend to get into the master's program of the university, since they will spend more money at the university of their native state, studying for two years. The only thing is that Cambridge in the magistracy has higher prices for the medical specialty, since doctors are forced to complete two years of study (in an internship);
  • Admission to research programs is another opportunity that the university provides. It is characteristic that the cost of education in this case may decrease, since the university offers hostels from the university to doctors, renting rooms in which helps to reduce costs by 3 times on average.

Cambridge also sets prices depending on the faculty. As a rule, the most economical in terms of costs are the humanities faculties with the opportunity to study literature, history, geography, etc. The average cost of education in this case for the year will reach up to £10,000. The average price range has settled down for technical and engineering specialties, as well as for science programs - from £12,000 to £17,000 per year will be required.

The most expensive, however, and the most prestigious, are medical specialties, as well as business faculties. At the same time, all foreign students who wish to become neurosurgeons, etc., will have to pay approximately £24,000 for one year of study. Prices in Cambridge for studying at the faculties of physics: management, economics, finance, political science, etc., set in the range of £17,000 to £22,000 on average. More details and a clear price list can be found on their official website.

It is characteristic that the financing of education falls entirely on the shoulders of the student himself. Payment can be made monthly, by semesters, but you can pay for the entire educational course at one time. Russian-speaking students are not recommended to pay the entire amount at once, the best payment solution is semester payments.

It is important to understand that tuition fees in Cambridge- this is just one item of expenditure, a large percentage of expenses falls directly on accommodation at the time of training. If for first-year students at the university they necessarily give out places in hostels, where they pay about £150 per month, then in the second and subsequent years the hostel is not provided and the issue of accommodation becomes acute. To reduce costs, the best option would be to settle in the suburbs, you can choose Cambridge directly, but it is better to choose neighboring small cities. The highest costs of living are expected by those who settle in London, where, according to the most conservative estimates, you will have to spend about £980 for one month of renting a room. This does not take into account food, travel expenses, etc.

Many international students act wisely if they choose student hostels as their place of residence. Accommodation in a hostel gives you the opportunity to share the rent with 4 or 8 more neighbors who will live in the same room, thus, tuition fees in Cambridge will drop dramatically.

Scholarship programs in Cambridge for foreigners: reducing tuition fees to a minimum

However, even if the proposed pricing policy is not suitable for a student from the CIS, he needs to get as much information as possible about the current scholarships that apply to foreigners. The university is very loyal to students from abroad, so Cambridge provides a range of grants that cover the cost of education either in full or in part. Such programs include:

  • BP/TNK KAPITZA Cambridge Scholarship. This program fully covers the cost of studying at Cambridge if the student goes to a doctoral program (PhD). In total, 8 scholarship places are offered, while the commission gives preference to students in the specialties of management, economics, natural sciences, law, engineering, and mathematics. A prerequisite for obtaining is the need to provide a high average score for the master's course;
  • Kapitza Cambridge Scholarship. The scholarship is issued to students from the CIS and Russia and covers the cost of studying for the PhD program;

In addition, you can get under the scholarship program The Gates Cambridge Scholarship, which will fully cover the cost of studying in Cambridge, but it is available only to certain, the most talented students. You can get a scholarship for one year with the Shell Centenary Chevening or Shell Centenary Cambridge Scholarships programs.

In addition to scholarships, students have a chance to find a job with the help of the university, for this you need to contact a special committee that will consider the candidate and evaluate her ability to combine theory with practice without compromising the learning process, and also assess the level of success. This will allow you to maintain a decent standard of living at the time of study, despite the prices in Cambridge.

Help in applying to Cambridge from experts

Our company is ready to provide direct assistance in the admission of all clients from Russia or the CIS to educational institutions in the UK and London of any format. We have information access to any educational organization, so our clients can be guaranteed to receive the following services:

  • Assistance in obtaining postgraduate, higher, secondary or preparatory education;
  • Selection of a number of institutions that are suitable according to the criteria of cost, faculty, program, etc.;
  • Assistance in enrolling in language schools to improve English skills;
  • Consultations on all important issues: prices in Cambridge, Oxford, any other universities or colleges, language schools, etc.;
  • Assistance in obtaining a visa, purchase of air tickets, settlement.

Our experience, qualifications and practical support will help anyone get a British diploma from educational institutions of any format.

How much does it cost to study in Cambridge

Admission to a prestigious university today is associated with active financial investments. Especially when it comes to the University of Cambridge. However, in this case, the investment is justified, since Cambridge diplomas are accepted in more than 50 different advanced countries of the world. Studying there means having excellent prospects for the future: the possibility of getting a well-paid job, going to work anywhere in the world, career growth and much more. In view of this, our students are increasingly choosing Cambridge, regardless of the amount of financial costs for obtaining a diploma.

How much does it cost to study at the University of Cambridge today?

How much does it cost to study in Cambridge to date? It is certainly not worth counting on the fact that the amounts will be minimal. However, among the citizens of the CIS, the idea of ​​​​Cambridge as a machine for pumping out funds is greatly exaggerated. The case is explained by a large percentage of foreign students among students, which required the authorities to introduce scholarship programs, grants and a loyal education system.

The cost of studying at the university is determined by several factors. First of all - the chosen specialization, in the second - the type of degree according to which the diploma is issued. If we talk about pricing depending on the specialty, then we can say that the humanitarian profile of education is more economical. If a student aspires to become a sociologist, philologist, philosopher, psychologist, linguist, then in one academic year he will have to pay about 15 thousand pounds sterling.

Technical specialties and business areas are considered more costly in terms of cost: management, finance, computer specialties, public administration. In general, a year of study on these profiles in Cambridge can cost from 18 to 25 thousand. However, the most expensive place, which affects the statistics of how much it costs to study at Cambridge, is the Faculty of Medicine.

The cost is also determined by the degree, that is, the sample diploma. If a student is studying for a bachelor's degree, then for 3-4 years of the training course, an impressive sum accumulates. But the case of a master's program, even in Cambridge, can be very beneficial for our students. Since the training lasts only 1 year, but the prestige of the diploma fully covers the investment spent.

However, paying for the education itself is far from everything, because living costs require significant expenses. Accommodation itself, if we talk about settling in London, costs £1,000 or more per month. If the student settles in the suburbs, then the cost is reduced to 800 pounds per month.

How much will it cost to study at the University of Cambridge on scholarship programs?

The question of how much it costs to study at Cambridge can be removed if the student falls under the scholarship program and grants. To date, one of the main scholarships is considered Chevening - Chevening. Participants of this scholarship can count on the opportunity to study at any institution in England, including Oxford and Cambridge. The program applies to students under 26 years old who have a bachelor's degree in their hands. That is, the training goes to the master's degree. Chewing gives more than 2,300 students from all over the world, including Russia, an opportunity to get a diploma absolutely free of charge.

There is also a Cambridge scholarship, which fully covers the cost of both living and studying. The scholarship holder is paid monthly an amount of 1000 pounds and a starting capital for living.

Cambridge assists in reducing the cost of education for students who have chosen postgraduate education. For this, a number of scholarships are provided:

  • BP Kapitza Cambridge Scholarships - provides 8 scholarship places for students from Ukraine and Russia. Students with an economic, technical, mathematical, legal diploma have the greatest chances. The student is required to provide a master's degree with high marks.
  • The Gates Cambridge Scholarship - considered the most prestigious scholarship of Cambridge, covers the cost of education in any specialty of postgraduate education.
  • Shell Centenary Chevening - offers 10 scholarship places that students from Russia can count on. Such students have the right to study at Cambridge for free for the 1st year of the postgraduate program.

How can specialists reduce the cost of studying in Cambridge?

Our company is located in London and helps students from the CIS countries to enter any educational institution in England, even those who rush to Cambridge.

How much it costs to study at Cambridge is the main problem that students face, but we will help to solve it. To do this, experts advise on existing grants and scholarships, alternative education, such as exchange programs or distance learning. This allows you to significantly reduce the level of investment. Another area of ​​work is assistance in settling, organizing employment, which is necessary for a successful start in a new country.

Our experience and knowledge will help you get the desired diploma with a minimum of obstacles to your goal, as well as explain how much it costs to study at Cambridge.

Education in Cambridge

Cambridge - a centuries-old educational institution, is one of the largest universities in the UK, combining many buildings, dormitories and libraries. To date, the education received in Cambridge is considered practically a standard, which is why employers from 50 leading countries of the world are ready to accept Cambridge graduates. Education in Cambridge promises great prospects, which is why Russian-speaking students are increasingly rushing to teaching at Cambridge.

Interesting facts about Cambridge for those wishing to study at the university

Cambridge was founded around 1209, since then the university has been overgrown with new divisions, which led to an ornate hierarchy system. Cambridge has its own constitution, moreover, the university has an autonomous legislative apparatus - the Regent House body. To date, this body has more than 3 thousand teachers, as well as employees with administrative positions. The Regent House is a general administration whose task is to regulate and coordinate the learning process, academic performance and the life of students in general.

The student body of Cambridge is international, today there are about 18,133 students within its walls, while students come from 140 different countries of the world. The overall percentage of foreign students varies in different years of study, but on average it is about 17% of foreigners.

Every year, admissions committees consider about 18 thousand applications for admission to this educational institution. In view of such demand, which does not fade away from foreign countries, Cambridge provides students with many loyal and flexible study programs. This includes distance learning in Cambridge, the possibility of applying online, numerous language and preparatory courses, English via Skype, a wide range of degrees, the availability of scholarship programs and grants for foreigners.

Each applicant to Cambridge may encounter a wealth of faculties, which, on the one hand, can serve as a field for experimentation, and on the other hand, complicate the choice. Science faculties are represented by chemical engineering, mathematics, medicine, computer science and others. Those who seek to realize themselves in the humanitarian field can choose the specialties of an architect, philologist, geographer, psychologist, sociologist, artists, etc.

How to apply to study at the University of Cambridge?

Education in Cambridge can begin with the submission of documents, but first, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main programs that the university offers. Submission of documents for entry should be carried out no later than October 15, the acceptance of documents (diplomas, evaluation points) is handled by the UCAS system. Applicants are notified of the need for an interview, interviews are held from September to December.

What documents and certificates do you need to have with you? First of all, these are A-level results, you will also need certificates of knowledge of the language, these can be IELTS scores - the minimum passing rate is 7.0, or a certificate from TOEFL with scores of 600/250. The entrance exams at Cambridge determine knowledge in the chosen specialty, however, each faculty has the right to add additional tests or essays to the exams.

If the student successfully passed the test, then he is enrolled in the student body. The academic year at Cambridge is divided into three semesters. If we consider them with the semesters of domestic universities, then in Cambridge they are much shorter. Mikalmas - the first semester lasts from October to December. Lent - the second semester lasts from January to March, and from April to June the third semester, called Easter, takes place.

Assistance in applying to study at the University of Cambridge

Our company is located in London and deals with issues of assistance in admission to students from the CIS countries. The firm's experts conduct their activities in several areas, which include advice and practical assistance.

If you aspire to study in Cambridge, we are ready to provide you with information about all programs, courses, faculties. We will also help you choose among the many alternatives the best type of training both in terms of payment and time costs. The practical assistance of our specialists is focused on collecting the required documents for admission, correctly filling out an application for Cambridge or any other university in Britain.

Those students who have already entered thanks to our services receive support and accompaniment in a non-native country: this includes employment, assistance in settling, organizing familiarization events with the UK. All this in combination allows not only to successfully choose the vector of the direction of study, but also to securely gain a foothold in the country.

Applying to study at Cambridge with us will significantly increase the chances of obtaining the desired diploma.

The cost of studying in Cambridge

A good education is worth a lot these days, especially if diplomas are issued by elite world-class universities. These include academies, universities and colleges in the UK. Today, people from countries around the world are ready to give a lot for studying in this country. The exception is not made by students from the CIS countries, who over the past decade have rushed to Foggy Albion. The cost of studying in Cambridge- not a hindrance for ambitious citizens. The diploma of this university is accepted in 50 different countries of the globe, which makes it possible to start a prosperous life anywhere in the world.

What is the cost of studying at the University of Cambridge?

The cost of studying in Cambridge is almost a key point, which often slows down the process of applying for documents from our compatriots. Of course, counting on the fact that you will have to invest a little in training is not worth it. However, the idea of ​​Cambridge as a mechanism for extorting money is greatly exaggerated. The thing is that today there are many programs and scholarship grants that are designed to fully or partially cover the cost of the entire course of study. However, it is worth considering what the cost of studying at a given university may vary from.

First of all - the specialization of the faculty. Today, Cambridge offers a large number of different areas of study: humanities, technical, mathematical, natural sciences and many others. So, if a student chooses to study a humanitarian profile: sociology, psychology, philology, philosophy, etc., in this case, training can be approximately from 15 to 18 thousand pounds sterling.

Actual specialties from the business sphere, for example, management, office work, economics, finance, public administration, will cost students much more, the cost of education varies from 18 to 25 thousand pounds. However, it is this profile that is most often chosen by Russian-speaking students who are guided by a promising MBA program.

Another pricing factor that significantly affects the amount of financial investment in the cost of studying at Cambridge is the degree of diploma. For example, obtaining a master's degree has become very popular among Russian students. Education lasts only 1 academic year, respectively, payment is made only for the course of study. In the CIS countries, it takes 2 years to get a master's degree. In view of such obvious savings, at least of time, our compatriots travel en masse to the UK and to Cambridge in particular.

If the student is focused on obtaining a bachelor's degree, then let him prepare to study for 3-4, and in some specialties 5-6 years, for example, medical. Accordingly, for such a long time, the amount is impressive.

If we consider the cost of living for the period of study, then at least you need to count on expenses in the amount of 1000 pounds, and those who live in London will invest even more. And this is without taking into account food, travel and other basic needs.

Tuition fees at the University of Cambridge: you can study for free

In fairness, it is important to point out scholarship programs that partially or completely cover the cost of studying at Cambridge. To date, there is a grant that allows 7 students to study completely free of charge. To do this, you must apply for participation in the program, while indicating the educational institutions from which you have a diploma and attestation grades.

If the commission misses you at this stage, then an invitation to an interview follows. The interview initially takes place with the director of Cambridge, and then with two professors. The level of knowledge of English is assessed, as well as the ambitions, aspirations and potential of the applicant for a scholarship. If you managed to get into the top 7, then Cambridge gives such a lucky person a starting amount of 1000 pounds for living and pays about 1000 monthly to cover the cost of education.

In addition to this program, there are many others in Cambridge, there is a whole list in which the desired scholarships are ticked for further participation in the program. It is important to note the maximum number of scholarships, even if they are not fully able to pay for tuition.

How can experts reduce the cost of studying at the University of Cambridge?

The cost of studying in Cambridge is a topical question that our clients often ask our specialists. Our company organizes the admission of Russian-speaking students to the UK and has information on how to reduce the cost of education.

In view of this, we do not just inform the client about available scholarships, alternative universities, where education is cheaper. Our range of services includes assistance in adapting to the country: employment, accommodation. In view of this, you can save significantly from the very start. But our main task is to help in choosing a training vector, finding the best course, program and educational institution that will meet all the main criteria of the client.

The University of Cambridge (Cambridge University or University of Cambridge), one of the oldest universities in Europe and the second oldest in Great Britain, was founded in 1209 by scientists who left the University of Oxford due to a conflict with the local population. In 1214, they developed a set of rules and laws that became the basis of the academic and daily life of the University of Cambridge. In addition to religious studies (theology), the first Cambridge students studied philosophy, logic, mathematics and classical languages. Later, other exact sciences and the humanities were added to the list of compulsory subjects.

The oldest building of the University of Cambridge, the so-called. The School of Pythagoras was built before the founding of the university, in 1200. The first college, Peterhouse, was founded in 1284. There are currently 31 colleges in Cambridge, including the colleges themselves, the so-called. "dormitories" (halls) and Peterhouse mentioned above.

The University of Cambridge is one of the most ancient and conservative universities in the world, and any student of this university inevitably becomes part of the centuries-old Cambridge traditions. For example, the worst student was given a symbolic wooden spoon. The last time a similar paddle-sized spoon was issued was in 1909 to K. Holthouse, a student at St. John's College. In some colleges, only formal attire is allowed into the cafeteria, consisting of a dark suit, student robes, and a square hat with a tassel. Upon admission, each student is required to undergo a rite of matriculation, which consists in pronouncing the student's oath in Latin in front of the chancellors of the university. No less solemn is the graduation procedure, during which the student also takes an oath in Latin and changes his old robe for a new one corresponding to the new degree he has received. The graduation procedure takes place in the Senate House, and students are admitted to the ceremony by seniority, in strict accordance with the founding time of the college. In addition, each college has its own specific traditions and rituals.

Cambridge University is especially famous for its success in the bosom of the exact sciences and medicine. No other university in the world has given the planet as many Nobel Prize winners as Cambridge. 88 graduates and teachers of the university received this prestigious academic award. 29 of them received prizes in physics, 25 in medicine, 21 in chemistry, 9 in economics, 2 in literature and one in peace. Famous scientists of the Middle Ages such as Isaac Newton and Francis Bacon studied here. It was in Cambridge that the creators of modern nuclear physics, Lord E. Rutherford, N. Bohr and J. R. Oppenheimer, worked, taught and did research. In addition to the amazing success in the exact sciences, Cambridge is also famous for its achievements in politics: 15 prime ministers of Great Britain and 25 heads of government of other countries have studied at Cambridge. Among the graduates and teachers of Cambridge, one can also find famous writers such as A. A. Milne, L. Stern, J. B. Priestley, W. M. Thackeray, C. Amis and Cl. Art. Lewis. A graduate of Trinity College and the creator of Lolita, the great Russian-American writer Vladimir Nabokov, was educated in Cambridge.

We remind you! To study at Cambridge, you need not only to have an impeccable academic profile, but also solid funds to pay for your studies.

    Year of foundation


    East England

    Number of students

    Student satisfaction

Academic Specialization

When entering the University of Cambridge, a domestic student usually faces a serious problem: “How to choose the right college?” The fact is that the Cambridge college system, similar to Oxford, is fundamentally different from that adopted in other higher schools in Europe and the former Soviet Union. After serving classes in the faculty or in the laboratory, the student spends most of his free time in college; the social, sports and daily life of the student takes place there. Each Cambridge college is a separate structure that houses residence halls, a library, a computer center, lecture buildings, sports and gyms, a park, a dining room, a choir, a theater, a music room, a chapel and much more. When choosing a college, you, in fact, choose your social circle and lifestyle for yourself. That is why it is extremely important to choose the college that best suits your taste.

When choosing a college, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • academic profile of the college;
  • location;
  • prestige;
  • the duration of the provision of a place in the hostel;
  • appearance.

In order to make your choice, we advise you to carefully browse the Internet sites of various Cambridge colleges. Traditionally, students opt for the most prestigious and wealthy colleges, such as Trinity, St. John's College (St. John's), Trinity Hall, Kings College, Jesas College and others. Being attached to these colleges, students, as a rule, have no problems finding a place to live in a hostel, additional funding for scientific projects, playing sports, etc. With the massive influx of students each year, finding a place to live outside of college can be a major challenge. For this reason, the choice of college should be taken very responsibly.

The University of Cambridge has more than 150 faculties, departments, research centers and institutes, united in 6 separate schools:

  • Arts and Humanities,
  • Biological Sciences,
  • clinical medicine,
  • Humanities and social sciences,
  • physical sciences,
  • Technologies.

The academic year is divided into three semesters (trimesters):

  • Miklmas (October-December)
  • Lent ("fast term"; January-March)
  • Easter ("Easter term"; April-June)

Trimesters at the University of Cambridge are shorter than at other universities in the UK and take 8 weeks each. It is assumed that during the long holidays between trimesters, the student should actively study independently.


The history of Cambridge began in the first half of the 13th century. The opened university became a kind of haven of salvation for several dozen Oxford students who fled from their native educational institution due to constant uprisings and conflicts in it. The refuge turned out to be not temporary, and from a small building it turned into a beautiful architectural complex.

From the very beginning of the existence of the university, student self-government played a large role in it. Cambridge issued a university constitution and set up a legislature. In this regard, the university is similar to a small, well-developed country, where about twenty thousand students are citizens. Three thousand teachers help them to master new knowledge.

University faculties

Cambridge is a university with a special structure of faculties. The university administration controls thirty-one colleges. Each of them has its own scientific profile. In 3 colleges belonging to the university, only females study. All other units have not practiced separate training for a long time. But admission to one of these colleges is not at all studying at Cambridge, but only preparation for enrolling in a university.

There are 6 departments in the university, each of which includes several faculties.

A Cambridge student can study for:

  • Department of Arts and Humanities. If you are close to architecture, history, theology, music, philosophy, you should look for the right profile at the faculties of this department. It also offers the study of modern and ancient languages, art, oriental studies.
  • Department of Biological Sciences. This is the best place for those who are interested in biology, genetics, botany, pharmacology.
  • Department of Clinical Medicine. Among the students are future neurologists, oncologists, gynecologists, psychiatrists and doctors of other specialties.
  • Department of Humanities and Sociology. Anthropologists and sociologists, economists, historians, jurists, and criminologists are being trained here.
  • Department of physics. Students who like chemistry, astronomy, physics, geography, and mathematics come to study at the faculties of this department.
  • Technology department. Its faculties study computer and engineering technologies, the basics of business and management.

Features of admission to the university

What is required of applicants for undergraduate programs?

  • Filling out an online application on the UCAS website. Since the competition is large, it is necessary to submit it 12 months before the entrance examinations.
  • Provide one of the certificates confirming a high level of English proficiency (A-Levels, IELTS, Pre-U). The scores for each of them should be as positive as possible.
  • Good luck with the interview. The university is waiting for students who can think outside the box, which is why during the interview the commission often asks unexpected questions or gives additional tests. Such as a test on the fundamentals of law or a test that assesses thinking skills.

What is required from future undergraduates?

  • Submit an admission application through the UCAS website.
  • Provide a bachelor's degree, where academic achievements are marked by high marks.
  • Get an IELTS or TOEFL certificate (minimum scores ─ 6.5 and 100 respectively).
  • Successfully pass the test, the content of which depends on the chosen specialization.

What if you want to go to graduate school?

The applicant must comply with all the requirements that are relevant for candidates for a master's degree and write an essay about what kind of scientific activity he will conduct during his studies. It is important not only to describe your plans in general terms, it is necessary to name an approximate topic of scientific work and choose a scientific curator from among the teachers.

Requirements for applicants for MBA programs:

  • An application submitted through the UCAS website.
  • Resume with a description of work experience in the relevant specialty.
  • GMAT, IELTS or TOEFL scores.
  • Essay written on entrance examinations.

Education in Cambridge for applicants for a bachelor's degree lasts three to four years, students spend 12 months studying for a master's degree and MBA programs. And future graduate students receive a diploma immediately after they complete the scientific project they have begun.

Famous graduates

Former students of the university have achieved success in various fields. Politician Oliver Cromwell, scientist Charles Darwin, writer Vladimir Nabokov, Prince Charles and 15 other prime ministers of the British Kingdom, 25 presidents of different states of the world and several Nobel Prize winners graduated from this university.

Tuition and accommodation fees

The cost of studying in Cambridge for foreigners is slightly higher than for British citizens. Part-time jobs during training are prohibited, therefore, all applicants are required to confirm their ability to pay for their studies.

One year of undergraduate studies will cost 15-30 thousand pounds. Master's students for the same period pay from 20 to 26 thousand pounds, and graduate students cost 20-36 thousand pounds.

MBA business programs have the highest cost. For 12 months of study, you need to pay 45 thousand pounds.

Life outside of school

The administration of the university made sure that students appreciate both the intensive study at Cambridge and the excellent conditions for recreation created at the university and student residences. For example, the design of student rooms is approached with special diligence. The dormitories even have interiors stylized as the Middle Ages (of course, with modern comfort).

Rooms are kept in order by maids, and clothes are washed by laundry staff. University students should not worry about food either, because you can order an excellent lunch in a cafe. If a student prefers home-cooked food, there are fully equipped kitchens in the dormitories at his service.

Respect for sport is an important part of British education. There are more than 100 Cambridge sports clubs that allow everyone to choose the right physical activity. You can ask for help with its proper distribution and scheduling of training from instructors who are constantly present at the sports grounds.

Numerous university events allow you to have fun on weekends: from intellectual competitions to dance parties.

One of the most prestigious and respected universities in the world and the richest university in Europe, Cambridge consistently ranks high in university rankings. A rich history, a high level of education and a diploma that opens many doors have made Cambridge one of the most popular universities in the world.


Cambridge is the second oldest university in the UK, second only to Oxford. By the way, indirectly thanks to its eternal rival, Cambridge was born. A conflict arose between a group of scholars from Oxford and local residents, as a result of which the scholars left the university and founded their own in 1209. This is how Cambridge was born. At first, theology, philosophy, mathematics, logic and classical languages ​​​​were studied at the University of Cambridge, and later other sciences, both exact and humanities, were added to the curriculum. Today in Cambridge you can study a variety of subjects - from genetics to business.


In Cambridge, you can get a bachelor's degree, master's degree, as well as study on a research program leading to a doctoral degree (PhD). The choice of areas and specializations in Cambridge is large - from medicine and computer technology to social anthropology and law. In addition, at Cambridge there is a business school. Judge (Cambridge Judge Business School), which offers MBA programs.

Number of students

About 20 thousand students study in Cambridge. Of these, 12,000 are undergraduate students. 10% of undergraduate students are foreigners.

Famous Alumni

Among the graduates of Cambridge there are many celebrities - politicians, scientists, writers and businessmen. Physicist, mathematician and astronomer Isaac Newton, philosopher Francis Bacon, poet and thinker John Milton, statesman Oliver Cromwell, scientist and traveler, author of the theory of evolution Charles Darwin, poets George Gordon Byron and William Wordsworth, scientist, theologian and writer K. S. Lewis, writers Vladimir Nabokov, Stephen Fry and Peter Ackroyd, actress Emma Thompson, actor Ian McKellen, heir to the British crown Prince Charles, 15 prime ministers of Great Britain and 25 leaders of other countries. Cambridge is especially strong in the exact sciences and medicine, and in terms of the number of Nobel laureates released, Cambridge is ahead of other universities on the planet. .


Cambridge, like Oxford, its eternal rival, is a collegiate university and consists of faculties and departments specializing in certain areas of knowledge, and colleges (colleges).

Faculties and departments make up the central University (University), whose responsibilities include developing the content of the curriculum, organizing lectures, seminars and practical classes, organizing and conducting examinations and issuing diplomas.

Colleges are responsible for admitting students to undergraduate programs, organizing small group studies in addition to lectures and seminars conducted by the university, and providing undergraduate students with housing, meals and opportunities for sports and other activities for three years (usually this is the duration of the program of study ). In total, there are 31 colleges in Cambridge, 29 of them offer undergraduate programs, and two colleges specialize in postgraduate education and work with students on master's and postgraduate programs.



The application for admission to Cambridge must be submitted in advance, about a year before the expected start of studies. The first stage is filling out an online form on the centralized portal for applicants to British universities UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service).

When applying, you can specify the desired college (no more than one) or submit an open application. In the second case, the system itself will send your application to the appropriate college. As a rule, every year about a quarter of applicants are enrolled in the wrong college, which they indicated in the application. There is nothing wrong with that: there are no bad colleges in Cambridge.

Many applicants are worried and do not know which college to choose. However, in practice, everything is not so difficult. The level of education you receive at Cambridge does not depend on which college you attend. Within the same specialization, students from different colleges attend the same lectures, seminars, and practical classes.

College selection criteria may also include location, living conditions, average age of students (some colleges target students under 21), size, and number of students. When choosing a college, you choose not what you will study, but where and how you will live.

Once your application is accepted on the UCAS website, you will receive an email with a link to a detailed application including questions about your education and qualifications.

Those who pass the initial selection are invited for an interview in Cambridge. The percentage of those who pass the first stage is usually high - about 80%. Applicants with excellent certificates and recommendations have a good chance to go to the next round.

For some courses, an interview will be the only test that applicants must pass, others may require written work and / or additional exams. Sometimes exams are held together with an interview. In other cases, the university may ask you to submit a written paper and/or pass an exam before the interview so that you can discuss the results with you later during the interview. Information about which exams you need to pass for admission to specific programs can be found on the Cambridge website.

Interviews are usually held by December, and by the end of January you will receive an answer from the college whether you are accepted or not.

Foreigners wishing to study at Cambridge must not only be fluent in English (knowledge will need to be confirmed by passing the IELTS or Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English exam - check in advance what minimum score you need to score), but also have high marks, especially in those subjects , which the applicant is going to study at Cambridge. In addition, in addition to UCAS, foreigners must complete the COPA (Cambridge Online Preliminary Application).

Russian applicants cannot enter Cambridge, like other British universities, immediately after school: the Russian certificate of secondary education is not considered a sufficient level of preparation, so those who are going to enter Cambridge will first have to unlearn at least a year at a Russian university. Find out in advance which transcripts of grades you will need to provide when filling out an application to Cambridge: you will need not only grade data from the application to the certificate, but also an extract from your progress at the university.

The average competition at Cambridge is five per seat, but varies by course and program. When considering applications, two main points are taken into account - academic success and the potential of the applicant.

  • Information for undergraduate applicants:
  • Information for undergraduate students:
  • Portal for applying to UK universities:
  • COPA Application Portal:

Master's degree

Applicants to the master's program can choose two colleges as desired. First you need to fill out the GRADSAF application and submit the required documents electronically (for example, resumes and transcripts of diplomas). It is also necessary to provide recommendations and a motivation letter why you want to study in this particular program. After your application is received, you can track its status online in your personal account and, if necessary, provide additional documents.

Russian students entering graduate and graduate programs must also demonstrate a high level of English proficiency. Cambridge accepts IELTS Academic, TOEFL, CAE (Certificate of Advance English) and CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) test scores. Each course and program has its own English proficiency requirements and may not accept all test results, so check in advance what the requirements are for your chosen course.

For Russian students entering a master's program, the minimum level of education is a Russian specialist diploma with an average score of 5 out of 5 or a bachelor's degree with an average score of at least 4 out of 5.


The admission process for a Cambridge PhD program is similar to that for a master's program, but there are also differences. For example, in some cases a bachelor's degree may not be enough and a master's degree may be required. As the PhD path involves significant research work, the application must describe the research project you wish to pursue at Cambridge. You need to find your topic, as well as the supervisor under whom you plan to work, even before submitting an application.

Information for applicants to graduate and postgraduate studies:


The classic MBA program at Cambridge Business School is designed for one year. Applicants must fill out an online application, submit a CV, GMAT scores (as well as IELTS or TOEFL for foreigners), references, and write an essay. Those who successfully passed the first round are invited for an interview, after which a decision on enrollment is made.

Business school website Jaja:


For international students, the cost of studying in Cambridge is higher than for citizens of the UK and the European Union. The cost consists of the cost of the tuition itself, college fees and living expenses. International students are not allowed to work while they study, so they must provide financial guarantees to prove their ability to study and live in the UK while they study. Financial guarantees must be provided by the student to both the college and the consulate when applying for a student visa.

Undergraduate. From 15 to 35 thousand pounds. The most expensive are the medical programs. The cheapest thing to do in Cambridge is to study the humanities. An additional college fee is paid in the amount of 6-6.5 thousand pounds.

Master's degree. From 20 to 26 thousand pounds

Postgraduate. From 20 to 36 thousand pounds

School of Business Jaja (MBA): 45 thousand pounds


Scholarships for international undergraduate students are few and usually cover only part of the cost. Typically, these scholarships are provided by the colleges themselves to promising students.

Opportunities for scholarships or research grants are much higher in graduate and postgraduate programs. You should look for funding sources in advance, a year before the expected start of training, so find out what opportunities exist for undergraduate and graduate students in your specialty. In particular, scholarships for international students are provided by the Gates Cambridge program. If you do not find funding for your research, you may not be accepted to the university.

Business school students also have the opportunity to receive a scholarship that will partially or fully cover tuition and sometimes even living expenses. Scholarships are awarded to promising students with achievements in their field. There are scholarships designed for representatives of a particular field or country, as well as for women in business.

Scholarship information:

Scholarship and Grant Program for Cambridge Students:

Scholarships and funding sources for MBA students: