100 points to win. We are participants of the All-Russian action "100 points for Victory

On April 3, 2017, the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science launched the All-Russian campaign "100 points for victory", dedicated to preparing graduates for the successful passing of the Unified State Examination - 2017.

The all-Russian campaign "One Hundred Points for Victory" started in April 2015 in St. Petersburg. It was opened by the head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science Sergey Kravtsov. More than 50 regions of the Russian Federation took part in the action. And in 2016, about 70 constituent entities of the Russian Federation joined the action. The foundation was laid in the city of Korolev, Moscow Region.

As part of the action, round tables, master classes, open lessons were held, at which last year's graduates who received 100 points on the Unified State Examination shared with high school students and parents their experience of successful preparation for exams, psychological methods of self-organization and tips on writing exam papers.

The main objective of the campaign is to relieve emotional stress from future graduates and their parents, help them find ways to overcome the psychological burden and explain that with proper preparation and self-confidence, everyone has a chance to get a high score on the exam.

MKOU "Gremuchinskaya school No. 19" took part in the action "100 points for victory". This year there are only 4 graduates in our school. And we hope that they will not let the school down and pass the exams successfully. We wish them enthusiasm, optimism and self-confidence. Victory in your exams.

Plan of events within the framework of the All-Russian action

"One hundred points to win"

in MKOU "Gremuchinskaya school No. 19"

event title the date of the Number of students

11th grade

Master Class

In Russian

03.05.2017 4 Teacher of Russian language

Kalikaitene Tatyana Petrovna

Conversation "How to relieve emotional stress from future graduates"

Presentation "How to overcome stress before the exam?"

04.05.2017 4 Deputy Director for UVR


Ekaterina Mikhailovna

Planting trees on the territory of the educational organization MKOU "Gremuchinskaya school No. 19" 06.05.2017 4 Biology teacher


Valentina Gennadievna

Classroom teacher

Aleksandr Vladimirovich

Events within the framework of the All-Russian action "100 points for victory", designed to help high school students prepare for the unified state exams, were held during April in 50 regions of Russia. Throughout the month, graduates met with university students who received the highest mark on the Unified State Examination. Students with 100 points talked about their experience of passing exams, shared practical advice, answered questions about the content of assignments.

This year the action was dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia, so special attention was paid to preparation for exams in geography and biology.

“The 100 Points to Win campaign is being held for the third year in a row, and we are pleased that the number of participants is growing. During the preparation for the exam, it is important for graduates not only to repeat the material covered, but also to feel confident in their abilities, to get rid of unnecessary excitement before the exams. In this they are helped by the experience and advice of those guys who successfully passed the exam, having received the highest score in the exam, ”said Sergey Kravtsov, head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.

The action started on April 4 in the capital of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic - Nalchik. Head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey Kravtsov and head of the region Yuri Kokov welcomed the first participants - graduates of 2017 from six regions of the North Caucasus Federal District: Kabardino-Balkaria, Ingushetia, Stavropol Territory, the Chechen Republic, North Ossetia and Karachevo-Cherkessia.

Russian traveler Fyodor Konyukhov gave parting words and wished success in a video message to schoolchildren who will have to pass an important test this year - the Unified State Examination.

And in the Belgorod region, a forum dedicated to the Year of Ecology and the action "100 points for victory" was held. The deputy governor, head of the department of agro-industrial complex and environmental reproduction Stanislav Aleinik met with the graduates.

In some regions, the action was especially large-scale. In the Republic of Adygea and the Volgograd region, two thousand people each became its participants. During the week, university teachers held master classes, and cleaning and planting flowers took place in the schoolyards. In the Arkhangelsk region, schoolchildren from 18 cities of Pomorye asked questions to high-scorers via videoconferencing. In the Ivanovo region during April, the action was held in 11 municipalities.

In many regions, environmental events were held to lay alleys. In Sevastopol, where climatic conditions do not allow planting trees and shrubs in spring, graduates and students took part in cleaning up urban areas.

In the Perm Territory, as part of the action, schoolchildren visited the Botanical Garden named after Professor A.G. Genkel and placed birdhouses with the inscription "100 points for victory" engraved there. Raisa Kassina, Minister of Education and Science of the region, a biologist by education, held her master class for graduates.

Eleventh-graders of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug visited the local history museum, then met with the staff of the Nenets nature reserve and became participants in a quest on the topic of bird migration. They learned how some species travel thousands of miles from Africa to the Arctic to nesting sites.

The participants - school graduates of 2017 - admitted that the action became a powerful incentive for them to intensify their preparation for exams. “What the teachers and the 100-point students told us will help me both in the exam itself and in the few weeks that remain before it. I learned a lot of interesting nuances that only those who have already passed the Unified State Examination can tell about, ”said Daria Mironova, an 11th grade student of Penza school No. 12.

This year the action started in one of the strongest schools in Novosibirsk - lyceum N22, also known as "The Hope of Siberia". After the speech of officials, among whom was the regional Minister of Education Sergey Fedorchuk and the head of the Rosobrnadzor department Igor Kruglinsky, the children held a flash mob - they performed a bright dance on the street in front of the lyceum, and then lined up in the form of the number "100" in the colors of the Russian tricolor. Everything that happened was filmed from the sky by drones, one of which was decorated with a flag with the USE logo.

"Today we have the start of an important campaign that allows children to exchange knowledge and experience, help each other to pass exams. It is no coincidence that the campaign is held at this time. We have a little more than a month left before the start of the main period of the exam. Now the emotional tension is reaching a new level, and the advice of the guys who have already gone through all the procedures and received the highest score is especially important," Kruglinsky said.

Everyone is strong in their own way

The event continued in the assembly hall of the lyceum, where schoolchildren were able to ask questions of concern to officials and hundred-pointers.

"The exam is just one of the stages that every person goes through in his life," said the Minister of Education of the Novosibirsk Region, addressing the children.

The main thing that will help children overcome their fear is the realization that every child is strong in some area, Fedorchuk believes. "You are all talented, some ... in one area, some in another, but everyone is talented, and you need to be able to show these talents by choosing the right subjects that you need for your future profession. There is no need to be afraid of anything, you need do, because whoever does it succeeds. You all have everything you need to make this success in your hands," he said.

In turn, Ilya Lobanov, deputy head of the federal commission for developers of USE control measuring materials in social studies, emphasized that the number of points depends on the person who takes the exam, everything else is just tools that allow you to achieve a high result. "The most important thing is normal regular schooling. The exam is designed for this. But do not flatter yourself that everything will be simple, any exam is a test, and a test must be passed," Lobanov said.

Yesterday's students as mentors

The questions that the guys asked from the audience surprised with their "maturity" and involvement. They raised the topic of exam deadlines, gold medals, and even the creation of an association that would help develop the 100-point movement. After that, they took master classes with the current freshmen, who a year ago were the same eleventh graders and passed the exam. After the end of the round table, the schoolchildren went to classes, where each of the invited 100-point students spoke about his personal experience.

Ekaterina Tagiltseva a year ago scored 100 points in social studies and Russian, and "only" 93 in history. She gave advice to use an open bank of tasks to "fill your hand" before the exam, and also watched all kinds of videos of Rosobrnadzor on social networks. “However, on the eve of the exam itself, I would not advise you to sit and study. You need to relax and believe in yourself, remember what you have been learning for 11 years,” the girl said.

Anna Plotnikova, a 100-point student in chemistry, also believes that the most important thing is a psychological attitude, self-confidence. "I knew that I would pass well, 90 points, because I solved a lot of tasks, and I had a stable good result. "Stability" is equal to "calmness." If you decide, you are confident in yourself, but the day before the exam I I didn’t decide anything anymore - this is the day of your relaxation," says Anna.

Timofey Levin is one of those who graduate from school this year and plans to score at least 90 points on the exam in chemistry. “So far, it’s still jitters, but I think everything will work out. Now we are constantly solving typical tasks to avoid ridiculous mistakes. I hope that I can overcome myself and get a high score in the exam,” the TASS student said.

After the end of the master class, schoolchildren were in no hurry to go home, many approached their older comrades and personally asked questions on topics of concern to them - not only about the Unified State Examination, but also about choosing a university and further studies.

Since 04/04/2017, educational organizations in the city of Krasnoyarsk have been holding events as part of the All-Russian action "100 points for victory", announced by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The main objective of the action is to give an incentive to 2017 graduates to achieve high results in the Unified State Examination, relieve emotional stress and explain that with proper preparation and self-confidence, everyone has a chance to get the highest score on the Unified State Examination. As part of the events of the action, round tables, master classes, business games, open lessons are held, where future graduates are introduced to the Unified State Examination, as well as psychological trainings, where students will develop the skills of psychological preparation for exams.

Within a month, within the framework of the action "100 points for victory" in MBOU secondary school No. 150, classes were held for students in grades 9 and 11 under the program "How to remove fear of exams." The purpose of this program is to show strategies that will help graduates to be more motivated to approach learning, to better reveal and demonstrate their knowledge in an exam situation. On May 2 and 3, 2017, final trainings will be held with students “USE? OGE? - EASILY!!!". High school students will be offered exercises to relieve anxiety, will be trained in self-regulation methods and ways to form positive thinking (ABC-feelings). Also, the guys will prepare collages compiled on topics with exams. And parents of graduates will be offered consultations of psychologists.

May 3, 2017 at MAOU Gymnasium No. 9 will be held an interactive conversation - a business game "Every moment has its own turn ...". As part of the event, a meeting is planned with Konstantin Brandt, a graduate of last year with a 100-point score, who will share with high school students his experience of successful preparation for exams, psychological methods of self-organization and advice on exam papers. The winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in English, Anna Kuznetsova, will also speak.

On the same day, Lyceum No. 9 Leader will host a team intellectual game “What? Where? When?". As part of the game, high school students in teams of 6 people will answer questions from the presenter regarding subject knowledge, the history of our city, modern life and the future of Krasnoyarsk. Each correct answer of the team is added to the total amount. The task of the players is to score 100 points together, this victory will become a symbol of the future success of graduates in state exams.

In MBOU secondary school No. 8, as part of the “100 points for victory” campaign, on May 4, 2017, a master class “Worry calmly” will be held for 11th grade students. At this event, graduates will be taught how to deal with the stress associated with exams. The purpose of the master class: working out the strategy and tactics of behavior in the period of preparation for the final exams, teaching the skills of self-regulation, self-control; increasing self-confidence and self-confidence.

Also on May 4, MBOU secondary school No. 14 will host a round table for students in grade 11 on the topic "Effective psychological preparation for the exam for 100 points." The round table is held by Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P.

We hope that the events held as part of the All-Russian action "100 points for victory" will help future graduates motivate themselves to gain knowledge, adjust their exam preparation plan and successfully prepare for the exam.

The head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, Sergey Kravtsov, launched the All-Russian action "100 points for victory", dedicated to preparing graduates for the successful passing of the Unified State Exam-2017.

This year the action started at the Children's Academy of Creativity "Sunny City" in Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria Republic and was dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia. Together with the head of the department, Russian traveler Fedor Konyukhov (he sent his video message), head of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Yuri Kokov, deputy chairman of the government of the KBR, Minister of Education, Science and Youth Affairs Nina Emuzova wished high school students success in state exams.

There is very little time left before the main wave of the unified state exam. Now you, graduates, need support and faith in yourself more than ever. On the example of our hundred-pointers, who are also with us today, you can all see - nothing is impossible!

noted Sergey Kravtsov.

Students from the country's leading universities came to Nalchik to help 11th graders get ready for the main graduation test. All of them received the maximum 100 points in geography, biology, history, literature, and the Russian language at the unified state exam. The 100-point students shared their experience of passing the state final certification, together with the graduates they solved difficult problems, advised what to focus on when preparing for the next two months.

Graduates from several regions of the North Caucasian Federal District of Ingushetia, the Stavropol Territory, the Chechen Republic, North Ossetia, and Karachevo-Cherkessia gathered as part of the 100 Points for Victory campaign in Nalchik.

We have been given a great honor to launch the All-Russian action "100 points for victory". This is a sign of high confidence in the education system of our region.

said the head of Kabardino-Balkaria Yuri Kokov.

Seven hundred-point master classes were held for graduates, as well as trainings for specialists from the Russian Youth Union. They picked up effective methods for preparing for exams for eleventh graders, taught them to concentrate their attention, and memorize a large amount of material.

We listened to an interesting master class on how best to pass the exam in geography. I'm going to study tourism. We were convinced that you should not be afraid of exams, it is better to focus and structure your knowledge

shared her impressions A graduate of the gymnasium 5 of the city of Tyrnauz of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

As Sergei Kravtsov noted, interest in natural science subjects continues to grow. This year, almost 704,000 graduates will take the USE during the main period, of which 26.5% chose physics, 20.5% - biology, 13% - chemistry and 3.5% - geography.

Graduates, 100-pointers, journalists, the head of Rosobrnadzor, the head of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and the Minister of Education planted an alley of coniferous trees in the courtyard of the Children's Academy of Creativity "Sunny City", which was named the "Alley of 100-pointers".

Today I planted thuja. It turned out to be very simple. I really hope that my tree, like everyone else on this alley, will bring good luck to future graduates of Nalchik in exams

Sophia Denisova, student of MGIMO, told about a hundred points in geography.

In the coming days, the action "100 points for victory" will continue in the Vladimir, Belgorod, Kaliningrad, Tver, Bryansk, Kaluga, Novosibirsk regions, the Perm Territory, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Dagestan, Tyumen, Sevastopol, and throughout April will be held in other subjects Russian Federation.


The all-Russian action "100 points for victory" was first launched in April 2015 in the city of St. Petersburg, in which more than 50 regions of the Russian Federation took part. In 2016, about 20 more subjects of the Russian Federation joined the campaign.

As part of the campaign, round tables, master classes, and open lessons are held annually to introduce future graduates to the Unified State Examination. The main objective of the campaign is to relieve the emotional stress of graduates and their parents, help them find ways to overcome the psychological barrier and explain that with proper preparation and self-confidence, everyone has the opportunity to get a high score on the exam.