Activation and affirmation of the main active points. Tap Yourself and Heal - Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping Technique Description

Most people believe that if they have what they don’t have now, they will become happier, more prosperous, calmer, more loved. They frantically try to achieve what they want - but in the process they experience none of the above. Many of us spend our whole lives chasing what we don't have and never become what we want to be.

Secret number 1. be happy

Happiness is not acquired, it is an inalienable human right from birth. People around you are not able to make you happy, because the source of true happiness is not outside, but within ourselves. The paradox is that a person can achieve any state as soon as he realizes that everything depends on his choice. If you want to become happy, become right now, be happy no matter what. Happiness is your choice, not a consequence or the result of some action..

Secret number 2. Assess yourself appropriately

Adequate self-esteem is absolutely necessary when we have to overcome life's difficulties. It gives us the inner strength to:

  • Do not be afraid of the questions that arise before us and find answers to them.
  • Recognize the fact that we are not for everyone.
  • Recognize the fact that we cannot understand all areas of life. And yet, by desiring something strongly enough, we can achieve our goal by overcoming obstacles.
  • Try to cope with conflict situations, do not try to hide from them.
  • Admit to ourselves that we are not perfect and we cannot avoid mistakes.

Secret number 3. Love yourself

The best way to come to terms with yourself is the following affirmation: "I love myself and accept myself along with my emotions and feelings." You can repeat these words out loud or mentally.

Secret number 4. Live in the present

Remember that the most important moment in your life is happening right now. Feel joy and happiness right now. Once you stop thinking about what you don't have, you will begin to feel the joy of the present moment. When you stop giving in to negative emotions, you can free yourself from the burden of the pain of the past. Most people don't suffer from a lack of love; they just don't realize that all the negative is within themselves. We let ourselves down, set deadlines for ourselves, make demands on ourselves, and wait for something all the time.

Secret number 5. Method of "Emotional balance"

The two main methods for achieving emotional balance are working with acupuncture points and affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements about how you would like your life to be. For example, "I respect, accept and love myself." It is a method of focusing on what we are truly striving for. Break up with negative affirmations like, “My job is terrible!” or "I hate my own appearance!" Remember to say your affirmations in the present tense. For example: “I am happy!”, “I feel good!” or “I have everything I need!”. Give up phrases like: "I will achieve this" or "I need this", because in this case your subconscious mind will decide that you need all this not in the present, but in the indefinite future.

Secret number 6. Analyze your emotions

At the end of each day, analyze your emotional well-being. If you experience even the most minimal stress, irritation, or any other negative feeling, do an Emotional Healing Formula session or write the incident in your diary (remember to include the date). Watch out for your thoughts in which you criticize, reject, or ridicule yourself. Learn to take good care of yourself.

Emotional Healing Formula:

Every day, five minutes before bed and five minutes after waking up spend alone with yourself.

  • Step 1. Think of a problem that made you feel uncomfortable. Focus on her. Try to mentally imagine how much it affected you. Rate the intensity of your experience on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is a neutral feeling that makes you feel normal, and 10 is the worst feeling imaginable.
  • Step 2 Start massaging the acupuncture points on your body, remembering to say something kind and gentle to yourself as you do so for two minutes.
  • Step 3 Focus back on the problem. Understand how strong the negative feelings are now. Rate their intensity from "0" to "10". Usually at this step, the pain threshold is lowered.
  • Step 4 Repeat step 2.

Repeat this cycle until the stress, emotion, or problem is gone. As a rule, it takes 7-12 minutes.

It is necessary to remember the situation that disturbs you, remembering it should be unpleasant; you need to rate how unpleasant it is for you to remember on a 10-point scale

Any of the readers can try to correct any of their negative emotions for a particular situation, using the diagram below.

But first, some theory: There are energy channels in our body, each of them performs certain functions and is associated with a specific emotion, the ancient Chinese empirically calculated this. When we experience a negative emotion, a particular channel is blocked or the energy in it begins to move slowly.

If you are near negative people or in a geopathic zone, your energy system can sync with these people or this place, and there will be energy disturbances in a particular channel or channels. For example, each of us got into such a situation: you come to some place, and for no reason you are attacked by an unreasonable fear.

What actually happened - in a certain place, your energy system was deformed, which caused certain sensations in the body, and in turn, the psyche interpreted these sensations as a certain emotion, in this case fear.

Energy disturbances form sensations, the psyche interprets this as an emotion, and negative emotions form energy disturbances. Since these are reciprocal processes, it is enough to correct the energy system and the psyche will interpret this as a decrease in emotional stress. By the way, people who practice qigong gymnastics do this, and when doing exercises, they experience positive emotions as a bonus.

What are reflexes?

It is the response of the nervous system to a stimulus. In physiology, reflexes are divided into unconditioned and conditional. Unconditioned reflexes are implemented by the genetic apparatus, for example, no one teaches a newborn child to breathe, suck on the mother's breast, and later roll over and crawl. Conditioned reflexes are developed in living beings during training. Everyone is well aware of the experience of the famous professor I.P. Pavlov, where before each feeding for many days the light was turned on in the room where the dog was kept. And once again, when the light was turned on, the dog began to salivate, although food had not yet been given. The dog developed a conditioned reflex to turn on the light, the dog's brain connected the event of turning on the light and feeding. They turned on the light - the dog's saliva flowed, and this does not depend on the desire of the dog itself.

Let's do a simple experiment with the reader, imagine that you take a yellow ripe juicy lemon and cut it into four slices, and then you take the juicy pulp of the lemon into your mouth and start chewing, and your entire oral cavity is filled with a pleasant refreshing juice, and you swallow it. Isn't it true that you began to salivate profusely?

The nervous system has several levels:

Vegetative- responsible for the plant functions of the body - digestion, growth, respiration, etc. (subconscious)

Animal- is responsible for instincts - the search for food, a sexual partner, etc. (unconscious)

Human- responsible for the intellect, higher emotions (consciousness)

Consciousness is very limited in terms of memory, but very dynamic, the lower levels (unconscious and subconscious) are not limited in terms of memory, but are static. When an action is repeated at the level of consciousness, the nervous system, in order to free consciousness, transfers this information to the level of the unconscious - this is how a conditioned reflex is formed. For example, you want to learn how to ride a bicycle - and at first it is very difficult, all the attention of your consciousness is focused on developing effective behavior patterns, but as soon as the consciousness manages to pick up the key to control the bicycle, the information is transmitted to the unconscious and a conditioned reflex is developed.

Thus, consciousness unloads itself, forcing deeper brain structures to work instead of itself, and you easily and naturally ride a bicycle, and consciousness can do something else at this moment, for example, to enjoy the scenic area that you are currently passing through. This is great when it comes to positive acquisitions for our lives, but sometimes conditioned reflexes are acquired that carry negative traits for the body, and then we react to events not as we would like, but excessively, not rationally.

Who among us has not been in a situation where you react violently and then deeply regret what you said or did. At that ill-fated moment, you couldn't help it, It's like you've been out of your mind. It's simple, you once developed, by analogy with the situation with a bicycle, a conditioned reflex to a certain stimulus, in this case - pathological for your life. The conditioned reflex is realized in such a way that a very specific response occurs to a specific stimulus, this may be a reaction to an event or situation. Consciousness has the opportunity not to show the manifestations of a pathological conditioned reflex, but sometimes it does not have time to control it, but this depends on the strength of the stimulus or on the activity of the reflex. As a rule, a conditioned reflex that is pathological for you is developed in childhood, for example, in certain situations you were offended, and a conditioned reflex formed in you. This conditioned reflex carries over into your adult life, and when you find yourself in a similar situation, you again have those unpleasant feelings that you experienced in childhood, and the same reaction.

At that moment, this reflex, quite possibly, was important for you, for your survival, but in an adult state it does not carry anything constructive in itself, only the destruction of you and the world around you. And it is quite logical to rebuild the children's behavior pattern to the adult one, but, unfortunately, you won't be able to do it so easily, the deep structures of the brain stubbornly do not want to part with the old behavior patterns that once helped to survive. But with the help of the following technique, it is possible to transform a pathological conditioned reflex very quickly:

Basic technique

You need to remember the situation where you experience unpleasant feelings, and find the name of the emotion on the diagram. Each emotion has a number that corresponds to a point on the body with which you have to work.

The technique consists of two stages, in each of which you have to work with the same situation that you have chosen. At the first stage, you will clean the energy channels, you will need to tap certain points while saying affirmations. At the second stage, you will transform the pathological conditioned reflex that you have developed in a certain period of your life into the version that you want to have.

Stages of correction

I. Channel correction

You need to subjectively evaluate the unpleasant sensations that arise when you remember the situation that disturbs you on a 10-point scale, where 0 is the absence of unpleasant sensations, and 10 is the maximum level.

It is necessary to remember the situation that disturbs you, remembering it should be unpleasant; you need to rate how unpleasant it is for you to remember on a 10-point scale, where 0 is the absence of unpleasant sensations, and 10 is the maximum level.

It is very important to understand that you should evaluate the unpleasant sensations, and not the importance of the situation. For example, the dollar exchange rate jumped 2 times and the importance of this event for any person on a 10-point scale is 10 points, but when you remember this fact, you may not care, i.e. discomfort may not occur, which will correspond to 0 points.

Continuing to recall the unpleasant sensations that arise when remembering a specific situation, it is necessary to tap on the selected points while pronouncing the affirmations corresponding to this point.

Universal affirmation to any of the points:“I love and accept myself along with my … (for example, fear or any other emotion), at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced … (for example, fear or any other emotion). And now I choose to let go of my ... (for example, fear or any other emotion) and choose happiness, love, joy, harmony, security. Take a deep breath in through your nose and a deep breath out through your mouth.

Tap on the 13 dots while saying the words: “I love and accept myself, even if I lost my energy, on the deepest level, from the very first time I lost it. And now I choose to get my energy back." Take a deep breath in through your nose and a deep breath out through your mouth.

Then the patient recalls the unpleasant situation again and evaluates the unpleasant sensations on a 10-point scale. As a rule, the degree of discomfort decreases. Tapping and saying affirmations is carried out until the level of unpleasant sensations when remembering it decreases to 0-1 points. As soon as the level drops to 0-1 points, they proceed to the next stage.

II. Transformation of the conditioned reflex

A little more theory. An example from life can be given: everyone once took exams, but if you were worried, then you suddenly noticed that you forgot everything that you learned before the exam. But as soon as you calmed down, your memory began to work wonders, you not only remembered what you had learned, but also what you saw and heard somewhere on the subject.

Stress can both stimulate the cerebral cortex and suppress its functions, it all depends on the level of stress. If stress exceeds the ability of the brain to adapt, then the cerebral cortex goes into an energy-saving mode and stops working to provide memory function. If you try to use the cerebral cortex to fish out information on a certain topic, then you will not succeed until the stress level decreases and the brain returns to normal functioning.

Therefore, in the most difficult situation, feeling calm, confident, protected is much more beneficial than being in a state of panic or passion. Because in a calm state you can find an effective solution and get out of the current situation with minimal losses, which cannot be said about the case when you are in an unbalanced state, because in this case the cerebral cortex works in a reduced power mode, and it is impossible to find the optimal way out .

Since you are in the here and now, you can imagine anything in your imagination, so you need to:

Recall a specific embarrassing situation. In that situation, imagine how you would like to feel there. There is no need to change the situation. The reference option is calmness, confidence, security. Keep this positive image throughout the subsequent procedure: simultaneously stimulate both points No. 6 with the left hand, and with the right hand point No. 14 on the left hand.


  • close eyes,
  • open eyes,
  • look down left then down right
  • make a big circle with your eyes clockwise and back,
  • move your eyes quickly 10 times from left to right and back,
  • slowly raise your eyes from the bottom up,
  • count backwards from 53 to 41 or perform any arithmetic operation,
  • play any music to yourself,
  • remember different colors, smells, tastes,
  • breathing: inhale deeply, then inhale even more, exhale halfway (quickly), exhale completely, exhale even more. Breathe normally (3 inhale-exhale cycles).

In fact, you need to create a positive image of how you want to feel in a situation that is negative for you, and in this way “remagnetize” the parts of the brain where the pathological conditioned reflex lies into the form you need. With different actions, you activate different parts of the brain (remembering different colors - the occipital cortex, arithmetic operations - the left hemisphere, remembering music - the right hemisphere, etc.)Repeat the technique 3-8 times a day for 2 weeks.published

Anyone who has ever done EFT knows that from the outside it looks pretty stupid. However, it works. This technique is so far from the way most of us are used to solving problems that some people are not entirely comfortable using it.

Our education system focuses on “left-brain” – verbal, analytical thinking, while the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for emotions and creativity, is often treated with disdain. The right hemisphere thinks in symbols and images, and therefore does not speak the language in which it could argue with the dictatorship of the left hemisphere. This is probably why our emotions can seem illogical and cause anxiety.

Battle inside the brain

At any given moment in time, we can use only one kind of thinking. Is our consciousness cannot perceive information from two hemispheres of the brain at once, but can switch between them very quickly.

Modern, Western upbringing usually teaches us that in the battle of the hemispheres of the brain, the left hemisphere always wins. This means that we often lose out because the practical left hemisphere suppresses the impulsive right.

It is becoming increasingly clear that we need to use both hemispheres of the brain equally in order to live a balanced life and reach our full potential. This means that it is advisable to think holistically. Which brings us to the 9 Gamma Method.

Method 9 Gamma looks even more silly than the tapping sequence and hasn't received much attention lately, but it serves one very useful function. It unites the hemispheres of the brain. Its application requires just 10 seconds, and you can use it during the tapping sequence to increase the effectiveness of EFT, or to get the ball rolling when you're not making progress.

With these simple, basic instructions in place, you can start tapping your way to better health, higher self-esteem, abundance, and a more peaceful mindset right now.

These are simple, enjoyable and effective exercises, and the results can be seen almost instantly. Just lightly tap the meridian points with your fingertips while verbally formulating the problem. As you tap, repeat the affirmation to change your mindset, visualize the desired outcome, and overcome limiting beliefs in minutes. Yes, it's that simple!

Tapping can be used anytime, anywhere - for quick self-programming in any area of ​​life in which you want to achieve a breakthrough.

5 step tapping method

Through her experience as a clinical hypnotherapist, Carol developed her own 5-step tapping technique for powerful, sustainable results in less time:

With her method, you can always find the sources of your fears and tap them effectively, even if you've never tapped before.

In short, the 5-step tapping method is as follows:

STEP 1 - Choose a target for EFT - an emotion, a block, a belief, or an abundance problem.

STEP 2 - Rate the degree of discomfort that this feeling, belief, or abundance problem brings on a scale of 0 to 10 (0 - no discomfort, 10 - severe discomfort), or simply describe how you feel.

STEP 3 - Continuously tap the karate point on either hand while repeating the INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT corresponding to the abundance issue at hand.

An INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT expresses a purpose and also contains an affirmation. An example of an INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT: "Even though I have blocks related to money, I fully accept myself."

STEP 4 - End each exercise with a slow, deep breath to encourage the flow of energy in your body.

For today's lesson, we'll look at how you can use this 5-step method to replace fears that work against you with beliefs that empower you!

Step by Step Tips for Beginners

Verbal commands (affirmations) are pronounced simultaneously with light tapping of the meridian points with the fingertips. Stimulation of these Chinese acupuncture points in conjunction with psychological techniques helps to get rid of blocks in thoughts and their physical manifestations.

This is an incredibly effective technique because it taps into the source of fear. Often this is enough to get rid of fear. The combination of tapping and verbal commands will relieve you of even the most persistent fears.

What fears to start with?

Many of us have fears in various areas of life: fear of rejection, fear of loneliness, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of pain, fear of poverty, etc. Where do you start?

Usually (for you personally, this may not be the case), what a person fears most is not being good enough, falling victim to failure, or being rejected.

Just pick an area of ​​your life that you're having trouble with (finances, health, relationships, or career/purpose) and focus on that area. When you target one particular area, it teaches you not to tackle multiple problems at once. Some fears can be related to several areas at once (for example, the fear of not being good enough can manifest itself in all four areas), and by getting rid of this fear in one area, you automatically improve the situation in others.


First say the "headline statement" while tapping. The title statement defines the problem and contains the kernel of its solution. As you tap the karate point on each hand, say the title statement in full.

Then do the "negative tapping sequence" when the current situation is clearly described and the source of the fear is found. Starting at the eyebrow point, tap each of the 8 points in sequence. Tap each point about 7-10 times while repeating the negative reminder given for that type of problem.


  • eyebrow
  • near the eyebrow
  • under the eye
  • under your nose
  • the chin
  • collarbone
  • at hand
  • top of the head

At the same time, it is important to focus your mind on the negative thought patterns that cause any problem in your life. You let go of negative thought patterns by becoming aware of them and realizing that they are not doing you any good, but for some time they have been a part of your life.

After the sequence of negative tapping, you need to tap each point of the meridian 7-10 times, while repeating different phrases for different points.

A positive reminder is given for each of the 8 points. Starting again at the eyebrow point, tap each point about 7-10 times, each time repeating a different phrase for each of the 8 indicated tapping points.

The exercise ends with a deep breath - to help the energy spread throughout your body. You can feel incredible relief - instantly or within a few minutes. You may feel physical discomfort for a while as emotional toxins are being flushed out of your body. You may feel delighted or sad. Whatever feelings you have, this is normal - this is the reaction of the body and mind to the use of technology.

In many cases, one session helps with several problems. Even the most persistent beliefs and the most malignant phobias can be shattered in a matter of minutes. Some complex fears may take longer to resolve, as they may consist of several unrelated fears, each of which needs to be eliminated.

You will experience an extraordinary boost of motivation when you instantly feel the impact of tapping, and this impact will be expressed in your actions and words!

Briefly about 9 Gammas

Start with a regular tapping circle. Then find the Gamma point, which is located on the outside of the left palm, about 2.5 cm below the area between the little finger and the ring finger. Tap lightly on this point and focus on the problem by doing the following (without moving your head):

  • close your eyes
  • open your eyes
  • Direct your gaze to one point at the bottom right
  • Direct your gaze to one point at the bottom left
  • Move your eyes clockwise
  • Move your eyes counterclockwise
  • Humming any tune for a few seconds (for example, "happy birthday to you")
  • Now count out loud from 1 to 5
  • Humming for a few more seconds
  • Repeat the round of tapping.

When I first did this procedure, I felt terribly stupid. And only then I found out what all this is for. The eyes are directly connected to the brain by the optic nerve, and humming and counting are used to engage the right and left hemispheres, respectively.

During the entire exercise, you switch back and forth between the left and right hemispheres. When you use this simple technique in conjunction with tapping the meridians, it can stimulate your brain - like switching it to the next speed. You can also access your hidden memories with this technique.

Feb 13, 2017 Olga

Chapter 8 59


Suppressed or misdirected anger can cause great harm to the heart and other vital organs. Anger arises for various reasons, from the feeling that you were treated unfairly, you were not understood, insulted, or you did not get what you wanted. When working with anger, it is important to remember that it does not matter who or what causes it, "anger is an energy that needs to be released, rid our body of it. Since anger clouds our vision and logic, it forces us to make hasty and impulsive decisions .

Element: Wood.

Organs: Liver, gallbladder.

Basic emotions: Despair, irritation.

Secondary Emotions: Frustration, envy, bitterness, rage, inability to let go of emotions, feeling taken advantage of, not forgiven.

Affirmation: "I love myself deeply and accept myself with my anger and despair."

Note: This affirmation, like all others, can be slightly modified, depending on the specific situation. For example: “I feel deep love for myself, and I accept myself along with my irritation”).

Main point: Located on the right front side of the body, in the middle of a line along the lower end of the rib cage.

Secondary point: On the clenched fist at the end of the main crease of the palm at the intersection of the red and white areas of the skin.

Miscellaneous: When we are angry with someone, we need to release that energy. To do this, we need to forgive the person who made us angry, and we also need to forgive ourselves for allowing someone to make us angry. As long as a person can make us angry, this means that we are hiding something in ourselves and do not let go. In the case when someone deliberately provokes us, it is easier for us to do it; such situations are not worth wasting energy because of them. (See Resentment, forgiveness).

Notes: Breathing exercises, loud exclamations help to release the energy of anger. Preferably exercise, running, jumping and so on.

3. Resentment.

One of the most destructive emotions - resentment - can cause feelings of inadequacy, guilt, depression and worthlessness. It can also lead you to withdraw into yourself. It can cause almost any feeling: rejection, anger, confusion, distrust and fear. Resentment resonates most with the heart when we are open and insecure. We can learn to let go of resentment and understand that other people's actions are opportunities for us to learn more about ourselves.

Element: Fire.

Organs: Heart and Small Intestines.

Primary Emotions: Hypersensitivity, loneliness,

Suppression of emotions, overexcitement, guilt,

Shame and disappointment. Affirmation: “I treat myself with deep love and

I accept myself with my feelings of resentment and forgive myself and (the name of the person who you think is offending you) for the fact that we created this.

Primary point: Located in the inner corner of the little finger nail, where it touches the next finger.

Miscellaneous: The ability to forgive is the greatest power that frees and heals us, thanks to which we can let go of our past. YOU CAN FORGIVE ENDLESSLY! By forgiving, we break our ties to the past and release karma. Forgive everyone who offends or has offended you.

Note: By stimulating the root point associated with resentment and at the same time forgiving, we restore our heart and liver and feel renewed.


The feeling of anxiety causes us to lose a huge amount of energy and creates tension in the body. It also affects digestion and metabolism. In a state of anxiety, we are unable to concentrate and cannot achieve what we want. After all, anxiety has an impact on our self-esteem. Accidents are more likely to happen and attention is easily distracted. By learning to successfully manage the energy of anxiety, we will be able to implement many more ideas and achieve our goals with greater ease.

Element: Earth.

Organs: Stomach, spleen, pancreas.

Basic emotions: Anxiety, low self-esteem.

Minor Emotions: Addiction, lack of control, distrust, fear of the future, disgust, obsession, nervousness, unhappiness and fear of missing out.

Affirmation: I have deep love for myself and accept myself even when I feel anxiety, worry, or underestimate myself.

Miscellaneous: When we are anxious, and the same thought haunts us, the main point associated with anxiety will help us break this chain. Anxiety and the pictures associated with it will quickly disappear.

Main point: Located near the eye socket, in the central part of the edge of the bone.

Secondary point for women: From the left side, no line running from the middle of the armpit to the side line of the bra.

Notes: Many phobias and anxiety attacks are effectively overcome with the help of these points. If this does not occur, professional advice should be sought.


The feeling of grief is associated with the loss of loved ones or things dear to us. This is a necessary process for us. If we remember the law of the universe, that no one and nothing ever disappears without a trace, it will be easier for us to accept and bear this feeling.

Attachment causes us to grieve for what has disappeared from our lives.

In especially difficult situations, when we are overwhelmed with grief and sadness, it is difficult for us to release them: the suppression of these emotions can lead to "post-traumatic stress syndrome." In such cases, grief can lead to constant conflict with the past, and most people do not manage to overcome these emotions on their own; many resort to the help of alcohol, drugs and medicines. As a rule, crying alone is not enough to release this emotion, and in order to restore balance, we again need to turn to the meridians. In such cases, the Emotional Balance method can be of great help.

Element: Metal.

Organs: Lungs, large intestine.

Basic emotions: Rigidity.

Minor Sorrow, depression, loss, longing, utemotions: faith, hopelessness, inflexibility, tearfulness, defenselessness, strict adherence to rules, perfectionism, guilt. The main "I treat myself with deep love and affirmation: I accept myself along with my grief and sense of loss." Minor "I treat myself with deep love and affirmation: I accept myself with my rigidity and inability to release emotions."

Based Point: Located on the inside of the thumbnail.

Miscellaneous: Grieving people need to restore their qi. In order for this to happen, as quickly as possible, all points should be activated, one after another, accompanying the massage with appropriate affirmations.

Notes: The Metal element is also associated with other blockages that result in rigidity and perfectionism. This is quite difficult to overcome, but with practice, anyone can relax and become more flexible.


The stress factor cannot be ignored. Everything that drains energy from the body is stress and is directly related to how we relate to everything that we meet on the path of life. These are exclusively internal processes that are not related to external events. There are several ways to deal with stress:

  • Give him resistance.
  • Suppress him.
  • Take action, integrate with it, and release it.

WHAT WE RESIST TO DOES NOT LEAVE US; WHAT WE SUPPRESS HAVE US FOREVER. The best way to overcome stress is to make it disappear into AIR.

  • To act, if there is an opportunity to change something or if something is within our control.
  • Integrate by accepting what we cannot change, what is beyond our control.
  • Release any tension that interferes with the free flow of energy.

Element: Fire.

Organs: Immune-endocrine system.

Basic emotions: Suppression of emotions.

Secondary emotions: Confusion, tendency to remember; suppression of anger; feeling of emptiness, trouble; problems with concentration and memory.

Key Affirmation: “I treat myself with deep love and affirmation: accept myself along with my stress.” Minor "I have deep love for myself and accept myself even when I suppress my emotions."

Main point: Located on the line connecting the nose and the middle of the upper lip. Distance: one third above and two thirds below.

The secondary point is located on the line connecting the middle of the upper lip with the chin. Distance: one third above and two thirds below.

Miscellaneous: The tendency to remember is the re-living of the past: we are not present in the present, indulging in dreams of the past, depriving ourselves of the opportunity to burn karma. It is necessary to let go of everything that was in the past and create what we need in the present.

Notes: By learning to manage stress, we acquire one of the most important and useful skills needed in today's life. The ability to remain calm and focused in the midst of turmoil and chaos is the key to health and longevity.

7. OVEREXCITATION (Lack of neurological stability).

The lack of emotional stability and overexcitation are phenomena close in nature. In the pursuit of pleasure and emotions, you can lose contact with the inner feeling, which leads to its suppression. But by listening to the inner feeling, you can again find contact with it.

By placing a hand on the forehead, one can establish contact with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe left and right hemispheres responsible for reflexes; it calms and promotes integration with inner turmoil. This is especially effective if we slow our belly breathing and try to focus on "release" with each breath. Continuous repetition of the soothing words of the main affirmation will help restore emotional balance.

Element: Fire.

Organs: Pericardium and Triple Burner (neuro-endocrine system).

Basic emotions: Repression of sexuality.

Minor Emotions: Mood swings, paranoia, indecision, confusion, loss of libido, frigidity, impotence, exhaustion, shock, acute trauma.

Main affirmation: "I am absolutely balanced (a) and able (to) easily cope with any difficulties."

Secondary Affirmation: "I have deep love for myself and accept myself along with my repressed feelings and repressed sexuality."

Basic point: Located on the hand, halfway from the wrist to the outermost knuckles of the fingers, in the area between the third finger and the little finger.

Secondary point: Located on the middle finger near the corner of the nail on the side towards the thumb.

Miscellaneous: There are many ways and reasons for suppressing sexuality that are not directly related to sex. Sexuality is the masculine and feminine qualities inherent in both men and women. Men tend to suppress their feminine qualities. By not acknowledging their innermost feelings, they repress their sexuality. Without showing a certain activity and assertiveness, they suppress their masculine qualities. Women tend to repress their masculinity by not properly managing feelings of anger.

Notes: In our information-filled lives, lack of emotional stability is very common. Too much influx of sensations and the inability to release the accumulated emotions lead to overexcitation. In addition, it can lead to nervous exhaustion. We live in a rapidly changing world in which, as a result of the suppression of emotions, ideas about the role of men and women are blurred.

In the next chapter, I will talk about additional methods for achieving Emotional Balance in everyday life. Healing from your major emotional traumas will happen so quickly that you will wonder why doctors do not resort to these methods?

Chapter 9


Seven Gates of Consciousness


Yuan Wu, Zen Wisdom

The quantum body is an energy hologram that does not fit within one lifetime and is an expression of our spirit and consciousness. By shifting the focus of our attention from physical desires, needs and suffering to the quantum body, we are able to increase the level of our consciousness. The quantum energy expression of our consciousness determines not only our personality, but also what we attract into our lives, since it is the most important channel that conducts antimatter into our lives. Everything that is material - initially exists in the form of some non-material model, in the form of antimatter.

Today, probably, everyone has already heard about the Star Trek phenomenon, when a person moves in space, literally dissolving at one point and materializing at another (“Point me up, Scotty!”). By becoming aware of the function of the chakras in our body, we can access our non-material model and transform it. Chakras are important energy centers located near the central nervous system and endocrine glands. Chakras act as senders and receivers of information. They work in tandem with the meridians and play a huge role in spiritual development. The significance of the chakras is great and varied. For the manifestation of consciousness, we always resort to the system of chakras. We also use the chakras and meridians to access subtle information.

In his book Science and Human Transformation, Dr. William A. Tiller talks about research done with special instruments capable of detecting electromagnetic radiation (EM). He discovered that the human body radiates energy, EM, as a result of various and complex processes, including the shifting of atoms, physical rotation, molecular vibrations, the movement of cell membranes, the pulsation of organs, and in general all movements of the body. The greater the entity that causes the displacement of the electric charge, the lower the frequency of the EM in the body. Incoming EM waves of a certain frequency activate that organ of the body or that tissue that resonates with a particular frequency. His conclusion is that the human body can be seen as a kind of transmitter endowed with a receiver and an antenna.

It should be noted that if there is no harmonious relationship between the movements of body organs that are different in size, then integration with quantum energy does not occur, and the radiation flux outgoing from the body will not have a model. In other words, if the body is disharmonious, then the information coming from it is also disharmonious. As you remember, our consciousness attracts what it radiates. The opposite is also possible: the more coordinated the movements between different organs and tissues, the higher the probability that EM radiation will occur, and the greater the amount of information will be. In order for our state of consciousness to manifest itself most effectively, it is extremely important to synchronize all parts and organs in our body system for better integration and greater harmony between them.

Lack of congruence, confused thoughts, guilt are emotions that contribute to chaos and disharmony in our body system. Dr. Tiller has identified key EM outlets that he associates with the following sources: physical, etheric, astral (emotional), instinctive mind, intellect, spiritual mind and spirit. All these sources are unique and emit information at different frequencies. There is a gradual increase in the speed of oscillations corresponding to the higher and subtler worlds. Moreover, these worlds and vibrations correspond to the seven chakras of the body! The higher we rise from the heels to the head, the more refined the energy.

In the animal world, many animals have an "antenna built into their body" through which they receive information about the environment and communicate with members of their own species. As far as the human body is concerned, the autonomic nervous system, the ANS, according to Dr. Tiller, is capable of acting as such an antenna. ANS affects the endocrine glands, heart, respiration, circulation and peristalsis. It also acts as an excellent conductor through the nerve fibers to the many nerve endings just below the surface of the skin. These sensitive endings number in the thousands, making us more capable than the most advanced radar system.

Yes, you heard right. You are the most sensitive device on earth, you have capabilities that no device invented by people has. Another scientific fact you should be aware of is that the antenna system in the human body is capable of operating over a very wide range. You can feel with closed eyes that on the opposite mainland someone is secretly plotting a terrorist act.

Acupuncture points on the human body

O One of Dr. Tiller's key conclusions is that the primary structural elements of the acupuncture antenna system are located not at the physical, material level, but at the ether level. Acupuncture points are measured with sensitive instruments and are found to offer weaker local resistance than the surrounding skin, despite the fact that the histological difference between them and the surrounding tissue is not great. In other words, acupuncture points differ from the surrounding areas of the skin in their energy vibration. To put it even more simply: acupuncture points are related to a different energy system, in contrast to normal areas of the skin. They are part of a complex bioenergetic regulatory system associated with the seven chakras.

Thanks to the acupuncture meridians, along which the flow of qi energy moves, we can establish a connection between the internal physical substance of the body and its subtle substance, as well as with our environment, with other beings, and perhaps even with beings that do not belong to our species. There is a possibility that even more subtle levels of energies and substances are involved in this system of antennas, but so far they are not measurable.

The chakra system is intertwined with the endocrine glands, which, through hormones, control all chemical processes in the body. The chakra system, together with the endocrine system, converts the energy of the subtle level into the energy of the physical level, since the chakras translate information into biological language. In other words, our current way of thinking, which is based on our past, through the chakras affects our body. Thus, the two main antenna systems in our body function in close cooperation with each other. Chakras and the endocrine gland system transfer subtle energies into the physical body through the nerve plexus system. In general, the central nervous system and the hormonal system are also involved in the system that helps us adapt to subtle energies. The whole system is designed in such a way as to renew and revitalize our organs, to ensure their smooth, harmonious functioning.

Based on Dr. Tiller's wonderful discoveries, we can expand our study of the chakras and their role. Chakras are an integral part of the spiritual tradition of the East.

Carolyn Mews, famous for her intuition in the field of medicine, wrote the book "Anatomy of the Spirit", which became a bestseller. In this book, she draws a parallel between the chakras and the seven "sfi-rota" (spheres) of the Jewish Kabbalah, as well as the seven sacraments

Catholic Church. According to the mystical traditions of these two world religions, the ten qualities were distributed over seven levels, and the qualities associated with each level corresponded to the seven chakras (see illustration on page xxx).

Myos writes: “The essence of spiritual development is to learn to face the difficulties of life, armed with all these qualities. If we look at illness and crisis as an opportunity to bring spiritual truths to life, this level of perception contributes to healing. In the chakras, any new influx of information is comparable to problems unresolved in the past; and there is a certain direction in the direction of resolving previous problems, or situations arise when these problems again confront us.

American doctor, psychotherapist, kinesiologist John Diamond proposed a daily point stimulation program to increase the overall level of vitality and recovery.

These are the usual acupuncture points located on the anterior surface of the chest.
They are easy to find and easy to work with!
Each organ has its own emotion and its own localization on the body.
John Diamond offers his own affirmation for each organ, which should be repeated when tapping a dot.
Affirmation is a verbal statement, an energetic pronunciation of your good message to your body!
The strength of the action depends on the sincerity of the affirmation.
Each phrase should be repeated several times.
The whole program works better if it is repeated at least once in the morning and evening.

Percussion or tapping begins from the thymus zone, or the point of the OCEAN OF ENERGY.
And this is where we end.
Before percussion, we prepare our pens:
- wash with soap
- rub your palms for a long time until the heat
- raise above your head and throw your arms relaxed down. Mahi hands. Repeat shaking hands until needles appear in the fingertips. Now the hands are ready to go.

Tapping with a relaxed brush, like a hammer - 10 seconds, then change to light hand claps and repeat again - until the point is activated. The point should "breathe" Through the active point, tension enters and exits. Energy and information.

1 - THYMUS - two to three transverse fingers below the jugular notch (fossa on the neck).
“I have love. I am the love! I am Light! Faith, gratitude, courage!”
Love yourself with all your heart!

2 - Light - on 2 transverse palms (!) To the sides of the middle of the chest
2nd intercostal space. “I am modest, pure, quiet and moderate” We observe our beautiful and fresh breath.

3 - Pericardium. The 5th intercostal space is the center of the sternum.
“I let go of the past, resentment and pain. I am Generous, Magnanimous and Broad. I am kind - and therefore energetically great! My aura is growing! My aura is pure, light, bright"

4 - Liver - along the nipple line, 6 intercostal space - (in men under the nipple) - in women there is usually the lower border of the mammary gland.
“I am happy. I am grateful to God for everything! I forgive everyone, let everyone forgive me!

5 - Gallbladder - 7th intercostal space, two fingers below the previous point, the same nipple line. “I reveal myself in love and forgiveness” The image of a flower.

6 - Heart - the xiphoid process of the sternum. Under the spoon. Median line. Where the ribs diverge.
“Love always blooms in my heart!” it is desirable to feel the aroma.

7 - Stomach - the middle of the distance from the navel to the previous 6th point. The middle from the xiphoid process of the sternum to the navel.
"I am satisfied, I am full and calm." Balance of mind and body.

8 - Spleen - the free end of the 11th rib (we have 12 in total) Lateral line.
“I believe in the future. I am confident in the future. I'm safe"

9 - Kidneys - the free end of the 12th rib.
"My sexual energies are balanced." These two points (8 and 9)
can be tapped not much with a fist.

10 - Large intestine. Lateral line. 3 transverse fingers away from the navel at its level.
“I am kind… I am very kind…. like the sun I am! Relaxation of the abdomen. It would be nice to hear the growl.

11 - Thyroid gland. Median line - 2 transverse fingers under the navel
.« Overflowing with sunshine! …I have a lot of light vital energy. I radiate and warm everything around!”

12- The bladder is the middle of the pubic bone. Feel for pressure - realize where, then start percussion.
“I am in harmony, balance and peace. Silence and Grace"

13- Small intestine - 3 transverse fingers below the navel
“I am jumping for joy. I am cheerful and cheerful"

And we end with percussion again on the points of the Thymus - (1) -
“I am full of life energy. I'm in love"

Tap each point, and say affirmations aloud or to yourself.

After such a charge of the body with light - you will want to hug someone - well, do not restrain yourself
You can also recharge water!
We influence the photo with a flash on the water (we clear it informationally), hug the jar with our palms.
With our eyes closed, we see how the light flows from the palms and fills all the water molecules with light!
You can see how the spirals twist and expand - like the galaxies of the universe.