Queen of Sheba and King Solomon. Mysterious Queen of Sheba

Before you start catching carp, it is extremely important to find out under what weather conditions, at what seasons and daytime hours this fish bites best. After all, the carp has quite specific habits that directly affect its bite. In this case, the outcome of fishing is determined by a variety of circumstances and nuances, which we will discuss below. In addition, we will touch not only on the behavior of this fish, but also talk about what to catch carp with and what nozzles are the most effective.

A good carp catch depends on the right time to catch it

What time of year is best for carp

The most difficult period for catching carp (in Ukrainian - Koropa) is winter. It is quite difficult to catch him at this time of the year. Firstly, fish in cold water behave inactively, eat rarely and in small portions. Secondly, in some reservoirs, carp in the winter months completely stop pecking, being content with the food that they can find at the bottom.

Spring Features

The carp fishing season begins at the end of spring, when the water warms up to a comfortable temperature, contributing to the activity of the fish. At the same time, immediately after the ice has melted, in March or April, the carp bite is still bad. The reason is the same - cold water, in which he inactively takes a wide variety of baits.

When going for carp fishing in the spring, you need to focus on how warm the reservoir is.

Carp is poorly caught in early spring when the ice melts

It is optimal if the water temperature is at least 15-17 ° C. This means that the spring carp has already begun to feed more actively. If the reservoir is still not warm enough, then it is worth waiting a bit. After all, many scientists have long proved that at an aquatic environment temperature of about 12 ° C, carp practically stops eating.

summer fishing

When is the best time for carp fishing? Of course, it's summer. On average, from June to the end of September, carp bite well in all water bodies. But of course, not always - a lot depends on the weather, food supply and the characteristics of the water area.

Also, a good biting is observed before spawning and immediately after it. Everything is clear here. Before spawning, fish always have zhor, because its body understands that it will take a lot of strength to reproduce offspring. After spawning, the carp can “sick”, i.e., come to their senses within a couple of days and ignore food. Then he gradually begins to actively peck, already restoring strength after the mating season.

The best time for carp fishing is summer time.

Spawning of carp in different regions begins in different ways, so it is difficult to orientate on the exact timing. We recommend paying attention to the temperature of the water. If it has recently warmed up to a mark of 20-23 ° C, then, most likely, the fish has gone to spawn and now feeds extremely rarely.

Autumn and its difficulties

As for autumn, at this time of the year carp peck less actively than in summer. There are several reasons for that:

  • the water temperature drops;
  • algae begin to fall off and rot, which creates an unpleasant smell for carp;
  • the water becomes more transparent - because of which the fish sees better what is happening on the shore and is frightened by every rustle;
  • the oxygen balance worsens, which leads to passivity of the carp;
  • daylight hours decrease, etc. others

With the onset of autumn, carp activity decreases

Summing up a little, we note that the best and most stable biting of carp is observed at the end of spring and during the summer. In this case, the positive factors are:

  • warm water (the optimum temperature is from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius);
  • pre-spawning and post-spawning period, when the appetite of fish increases.

When is the best time for carp fishing?

Continuing to talk about when it is better to go fishing for carp, we should also note the importance of weather conditions. Indeed, unfortunately, not every day is suitable for catching this fish. It's not about odd or even numbers, it's about the weather. For example, a hot and sunny day can please the angler, but the effect on carp is quite the opposite. Whereas a nasty drizzle will force the carp to stay at home, while the fish feed intensively in the meantime.

When fishing for carp, you should take into account the strength of the wind

  • with gradual warming, which took several days;
  • in clear weather with little cloudiness and light wind;
  • when the air temperature remains warm and at the same time it drizzles a little rain;
  • during periods of stable weather and the absence of atmospheric pressure drops.

In heavy rain, the bite of carp decreases

Accordingly, you need to know about what weather conditions negatively affect carp biting. We list the main situations when this fish is reluctant to feed:

  • in heavy pouring rain;
  • in a thunderstorm;
  • during cold snaps, especially prolonged and sharp;
  • when a strong wind blows;
  • in hot and stuffy weather;
  • with changes in air pressure and a sharp change in weather.

With steady heat, the carp goes closer to the bottom and there may be no bite

Day, morning or evening: when carp bite best

Another important point is to be able to navigate and understand when during the day the carp is more inclined to eat food. After all, any fish, so to speak, has its own “daily routine”. Including carp. True, it is not always active at one time or another of the day, because a lot still depends on the weather, and on the temperature of the water, and on whether it is spring, summer or autumn outside the window.

  • Summer. More successful for carp fishing are morning and evening (and even night) hours. This is due to the fact that it is quite hot during the day - because of which the fish are mostly passive. True, if there was a cold snap, then a good bite can, on the contrary, be during the day, when the water has time to warm up.
  • Spring. It is advisable to go to the pond for carp closer to dinner. By this time, the sun has time to slightly increase the temperature of the water, which awakens the appetite of the fish. Carp fishing in the spring in the morning or evening hours very rarely gives a result.

The optimal time of day for carp fishing depends on the season

  • In autumn. As in spring days, it is better to choose noon and afternoon hours for fishing. For the same simple reason - at night or in the evening the water temperature cools down, negatively affecting the activity of the carp.

What is the best way to catch carp

Knowing when and at what time of the year it is recommended to catch carp is not enough for a good bite. After all, what you offer the fish on the hook also plays an important role. Therefore, the arsenal of nozzles of a real carp fisherman is a large number of a wide variety of lures. It is impossible otherwise, because carp is fickle in its taste preferences.

For example, literally all morning he can actively peck at corn, and as soon as noon comes, he abruptly stops taking this nozzle, preferring shrimp-flavored boilies and nothing else. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly change baits and lures, guessing what carp will like from the “menu” today.

Worms are used as bait for carp fishing.

The most effective nozzles include:

  • bloodworm;
  • large dung worms;
  • corn (often in various “sandwiches”, i.e. in combinations with other nozzles);
  • boiled potatoes;
  • peas (including chickpeas);
  • dough, etc.

Carp is also caught on chickpeas

Also, each carp angler should have boilies in his arsenal. They can be fished throughout the open water season. This nozzle is distinguished by a variety of flavors (from chocolate and fruits to natural smells such as shrimp or squid) and the nutritional value of the ingredients. In addition, boilies come in different sizes, which allows them to catch both large carp and small individuals, similar to the "frying pan" crucian carp.

You can buy boilies in a fishing store or make them yourself. There is nothing difficult in this. Moreover, there are many recipes on the Internet on how to cook this delicious bait in the form of small balls.

What else is carp caught on? The list of attachments is really big. According to anglers, this fish was able to be seduced by rather unusual food. For example, there are confirmed cases when a carp was caught on a hook, where berries, pieces of cheese and lard, cottage cheese, and more were used as bait. others

Fishing for carp can be done using boilies

As you understand, the taste preferences of this "master of the reservoir" are changeable and fickle. You can guess for a long time which of the baits the carp will like today.

As a result, the fish regards everything that is on the hook as natural food, which reminds it of bait particles at the bottom.

At the same time, the bait has a slightly more intense taste or smell, which makes the carp show interest in it in the first place. Naturally, all this is quite difficult for a novice angler, because it requires experience and great knowledge in the preparation and use of carp bait.

About the manufacture of gear "carp killer" will be described in the video:

Carp take the bait perfectly in calm weather without wind, with normal atmospheric pressure and an average water temperature of ten to sixteen degrees. The bite occurs both during the day and at night. Worst of all at lunchtime and from 22:00 to 00:00.

Months in which carp bite excellently:

  • June;
  • mid September;
  • October.

The worst months for fishing trips are considered to be the beginning of January, the middle of February and the end of November.

The best time of all seasons is summer and spring when carp spawn.


In winter in December, together with the beginning of the formation of ice, but when it is not yet strong, the carp goes to the depths.

Fish at depths of 2 meters and deeper. In smaller areas, if there are bites, then it will be a carp that accidentally came out of the pit.


Even if you follow a number of rules, you can be completely without a catch if the day is very frosty and the north wind blows

Not a very good month for going fishing, but if you remember that carp hides in snags and pools in January, then it will not be difficult to catch a couple of specimens.

Remember that carp is a bottom fish, which means that the bait should be near the bottom of the reservoir.

But even if these rules are followed, you can be completely without a catch if the day is very frosty and the north wind blows. The south wind, on the contrary, will increase the likelihood of a bite.


One of the most difficult periods for carp fishing. The whole difficulty is due to the fact that the carp is inactive and is waiting for thaws. Good fishing will provide only a high-quality selection of gear and bait.

The places for fishing remain the same, but if we take into account that in nature the carp feeds mainly on caddis flies and bloodworms this time of the year, then there will definitely be a catch.

Lures in the form of potatoes, bread and corn also recommend themselves well. Carp will rarely bite on peas in February. It is best to go for carp if there were one or two days of thaw before fishing. The main thing is that during fishing the weather is the same.

How to increase the catch of fish?

For 7 years of active passion for fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Biting activator. This pheromone additive lures fish the most in cold and warm water. .
  2. Raise gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for the particular type of tackle.
  3. Lures based pheromones.


The favorite stopping places for carp are thickets of reeds and areas of the bottom free from vegetation with an uneven surface.

The arrival of spring affects the carp very rapidly for the better, for the fisherman, side. Carp emerge from the depths to shallow water. Fish at a depth of 1.5 to 2 meters.

The favorite resting places for carp are thickets of reeds and areas of the bottom free from vegetation with an uneven surface.

If March is warm, then by the end of the month fishing will be excellent.

The fisherman will have 2 fishing options in March: the first will allow you to catch several not large (up to one and a half kilograms) individuals, and the second will give one, but a large individual.

This is due to the fact that in spring small individuals gather in flocks, while large specimens prefer to eat alone.


If March was cold, then mid-April is a great time for carp fishing. By the middle of the calendar spring, the ice begins to melt, therefore, the carp comes out of the depths to fill the body with oxygen.

The period of melting of the first ice is the best time for fishing in April. Carp begins to peck at almost all baits of plant origin. Takes on a worm and a bloodworm.

When using additional baits, both factory-made and home-made, the carp will simply go crazy, stuffing the fisherman's net. It is best to catch carp during this period in shallow water, but again with a bumpy bottom.


This month, carp move from shallow water to medium depths, which range from 1.5 to 3 meters, as the water warms up to a temperature of approximately 13-14 degrees. This temperature is optimal for a good bite.

But do not neglect the basic rules of carp fishing at this time. An excellent biting is observed when fishing for a worm and corn.

If the air temperature stays at around 23-25 ​​degrees for several days, then fishing in the early morning hours will be very successful.

In the rest of the month, good bites occur at lunchtime and in the evening. A very good time will be the day before a thunderstorm, when the air is especially saturated with oxygen, which is very fond of fish.


In summer, the fish bite very willingly, takes on all types of baits

In summer, carp fishing is the most successful among the rest of the year. During this period, carp do not bite only during times of weather change or sudden cold snaps.

Another bad influence is the protracted inclement weather and intense heat in the middle of the day. The rest of the time the carp peck perfectly.

Prefers to be at a depth where the water temperature will be lower than at the surface.

Perfectly takes on baits only of vegetable origin, which cannot be said about baits in the form of insects.


Another time for good carp fishing. Takes great at any time of the day. Even in the heat, you can pull carp out of the water, the main thing is to cast the bait deeper, where the water is cooler. A wonderful choice of location would be a key that beats at depth.

In such places, carp are especially active. Only very loud noise and bad weather can scare away the fish. Oddly enough, but when the lunar phases change, carp bite badly in July.


Until the end of August, fishing will be repeated, as in the previous two months. The fish bites very willingly, takes on all kinds of baits. Goes crazy when feeding.

Sudden changes in weather conditions also worsen the quality of fishing. But the rest of the time the carp bites perfectly. Lunch time now does not affect the catch in any way, since the previous heat is gone. Carp at this time prefer to keep to the same depths as in the previous months of summer, but often go to shallow water.

It is worth focusing on the thickets of reeds away from the shore. The presence of carp in such areas is 100%.


The carp feels the onset of long-term cold weather, in connection with which he begins to eat

In autumn, with the onset of cold weather, one should not expect high results, but by the middle and end, September will give a decent bite.

The carp feels the onset of long-term cold weather, in connection with which he opens a zhor.

Large individuals sit at a depth, since in September the water is clear, which means that daylight penetrates deep into the water. This carp does not like.

Small individuals can safely go to shallow water.

Only medium-sized specimens will be caught on a float rod this month, while a good trophy can be caught on a bottom tackle.

Use a worm and a bloodworm as bait.

Carp replenishes fat reserves in September, which means they need protein food, so the choice of bait of animal origin will be advantageous over vegetable bait.

The time of bites in September is dynamic, that is, it changes from early morning, when the sun has just risen, to lunchtime (12:00-13:00). Finding carp is easiest in muddy terrain.


In October, right up to its middle, carp never ceases to amaze fishermen with the amount of catch, but with the advent of the first good frosts, its activity decreases sharply. At this time, the carp becomes lethargic and very picky about food.

From mid-October, you need to look for carp in deep pits, in backwaters. In no case do not look for carp on a rocky bottom. Only sand, silt and clay are the best places for carp to live.

When comparing the number of bites on vegetable and animal baits, the choice falls on animals. Again, because this food contains a lot of protein.


The most interesting month for carp fishing. It is interesting in that to catch fish you have to try hard, picking up a clear windless day, a good place and the right bait. A good place is koryazhina and deep pits, in which carp huddle in flocks for wintering.

It is in these places that carp should be fed. In the same places and catch him.

In November, the highest probability of catching a trophy specimen that has worked up fat over the fall. This month the carp will be the heaviest of all.

Watch video about underwater filming of carp while biting.

Influence of the time of day on the bite of carp

In the daytime (from 10:00 to 16:00), the bite of carp is usually insignificant, even if all the nuances described above are observed, but in the evening, night and morning, carp go out to feed.

Influence of atmospheric pressure

Carp shows good activity during low atmospheric pressure. Thus, it is better to go fishing before rains and thunderstorms. Increased pressure reduces the catchability of carp, during this period it is near the surface, but reacts extremely poorly to bait.

What to do if the carp does not bite

The use of bait will greatly increase the chances of successful fishing.

First you need to change the bait. Only if fishing is carried out on plant foods, then it is worth continuing with similar baits.

Change to animal baits only if you have tried everything from plant baits.

Changing the place of deployment often gives an excellent result, especially in spring and summer, when the carp is actively moving in the water.

The use of bait will greatly increase the chances of successful fishing.

Reasons for not pecking:

  • Low atmospheric pressure.
  • Moon phase change.
  • Rain, thunder.
  • Severe frost or sweltering heat.
  • The time of day when carp are not active.

The best time for fishing is summer time. It is better to catch carp in the summer, and especially trophy. For effective fishing, you don’t need much at all: to find a parking lot for a large carp, feed it and have good tackle.

Most carp anglers are looking forward to the beginning of summer when the carp start feeding actively. In the summer, baits of both animal and vegetable origin are suitable for carp. But carp are cautious fish, and not many fishermen fix carp bites in time, which makes it impossible to catch this powerful fish. The thing is that many float rod lovers are not fluent in carp fishing skills and make the same mistakes, which are that fishermen are not serious about preparing bait, as well as setting up their gear. Many anglers do not bother looking for promising places and cast their rods in a convenient place where the carp may not be. In such cases, it is better to listen to the advice of professionals, and not waste time fishing.

When the water is heated to a temperature of +20ºС, the carp moves to a depth where the temperature is much lower and where it feels comfortable. Therefore, in the summer, you need to be prepared for the fact that carp will have to be taken from the depths. The most important thing here is to find a parking place for carp, otherwise fishing will be unpromising. First, it is necessary to study the bottom topography in any way possible, up to the use of an echo sounder. It is required to find several promising points, start baiting them and then start fishing.

Almost all fishermen are aware that the fish move along their own paths and the main task is to find such paths, then half the battle will be done.

For those who like to catch carp from the shore, there are not so many chances to do this in the summer, as carp only come to the shallows at night or in the early morning. If during these periods there were no bites, then you should do long-distance casting. To do this, it is better to purchase a feeder rod, feeders and other accessories.

To catch carp in the summer, fishermen have many options related to the choice of the necessary gear. It can be ordinary or bottom gear, including feeder ones.

Popular donkeys

You can fish both traditional ones, which fishermen have been using for many years, and modern, more advanced ones.

  1. Big master carp anglers use modern, more practical feeder gear. is a more reliable rod, which allows you to emerge victorious in a fight with this strong fish, especially a trophy one. Most carp anglers use electronic bite alarms, as it is very important to identify bites in time. A large copy of the carp is able to "withdraw" gear from an unfortunate fisherman.
  2. As a result of the use of conventional bottom gear, there are also losses, but the cost of manufacturing such gear is much less. The most interesting gear for bottom fishing may be:
  • Spring;
  • Pacifier;

All of the above gear includes a rod, fishing line, reel, feeder and a leash with hooks. They differ only in the design of the feeder, which affects the preparation of the type of bait: a more crumbly one is suitable for a spring, a more pasty one for a nipple. As for the top, this tackle is somewhat different in the technique of feeding bait. Here you can do without a feeder, as the bait is fed to the fish in the form of a pressed piece of cake attached to the tackle.

When using such gear, it is hardly possible to see the moment of bite. In such gear, the fish self-locks due to the weight of the feeder.

There are fishermen who use classic float rods and can watch a motionless float for hours. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that it will be possible to catch carp, especially trophy ones, with a traditional float rod, since some modernization is required.

  1. enjoys wide popularity due to its effectiveness and availability. Such a fishing rod can be equipped with a modern, light, and at the same time, strong rod, strong fishing line, reliable reel and sharp powerful hook. Unfortunately, this is not enough, and the quality of the rig settings greatly affects the effectiveness of fishing.
  2. When fishing at distances of 10-15 meters, you can use more modern gear, called plug. It is based on separate knees, with which you can adjust the casting distance. Unfortunately, using the plug is not very convenient. Moreover, it requires a special stand. This is an additional tool that not every fisherman has. Such tackle does not have a reel and as much fishing line is tied to it as needed. When catching large fish, you need to use a rubber shock absorber to dampen the jerks of the fish, which will prevent the line from breaking.

  • worms;
  • bloodworm;
  • boiled barley;
  • maggot;
  • canned corn.

Nowadays, more and more preference is given to the use of boilies in catching carp, especially since in fishing stores you can find boilies for every taste. But this does not mean that fishing will not take place without them, especially in those reservoirs where carp are accustomed to ordinary cereals, cake or peas. In such cases, boilies may be useless, because he will simply ignore them.

Catching carp in the summer, especially without bait, is a great success or an accident. When the water is warm, carp can accept both store-bought bait and homemade bait, but here it is very important to know how to properly serve it to the carp at the table.

Each portion of feed sent to the water must have a special ingredient - flavoring. Having determined a promising place, they make an initial cast of bait, which is more than half of the available one. In the future, the bait is tossed depending on the activity of the fish.

The following odorous ingredients can be added to working baits:

  • anise;
  • halva;
  • cocoa;
  • garlic;
  • cinnamon;
  • vanilla;
  • dry seasonings such as dill, parsley, etc.

But this does not mean at all that by adding one of the flavors described above to the bait, you can count on catching carp. Unfortunately, the scent is hard to guess, and if someone does, then he is lucky. Carp today can take on one flavor, and tomorrow on another, and if fishing is carried out on an unknown reservoir, then this problem is felt very tangibly. If boilies are used, then they can be processed with dips, that is, with special attractants.

The best and most effective option is to create an artificial “table” for the carp to which it will come to feed, but this can take a lot of time and one weekend is not enough for this.

For fishing to be successful, you need to throw bait into the water a few days before it. Only then can we hope to catch carp.

When going fishing for carp, it is very important to know that various factors can affect the effectiveness of such a “hunt”. This can happen when a fisherman underestimates the capabilities of carp and overestimates his own. The inability to choose the right place, not serious equipment, wrong methods of baiting and improperly prepared bait, can negate all the efforts of the angler, both in combination and separately.

If the angler is serious about the preparatory work, then he will certainly see the bite of this powerful fish and feel its strength on himself, pulling it ashore. It would not be superfluous to say that you should definitely have a special landing net with you and do not try to take the carp with your hands, as this will lead to the loss of fish. When playing a large carp, you should not pick up a fishing line and try to pull it out in this way. This can result in cuts and other injuries.

Fishing for carp is the most exciting, leaving in memory for a long time those moments of joy and pride for catching trophy carp. Although the same words can be said about other types of fishing, other types of fish, although not so strong. In other words, any fishing is good, but only in a sporty way.

Video about catching carp in the summer on the pond

Video about carp fishing with a side nod from the shore

With the arrival of the second half of summer, most amateur anglers begin to diligently prepare for the start of the season of active biting carp, which continues right up to the middle of autumn.

For good fishing, you need to know the most catchy baits for carp, which we will talk about now.

Almost throughout the summer season, you can catch carp on live bait (worm, maggot) on which he willingly bites. When fishing with a worm, it is best to use a dung worm, as it is more attractive to carp than an earth worm.

Canned corn is always a good bait for carp. Carp takes almost the entire fishing season for corn. On the hook, you need to put it on 2 pieces at once to hide the bare, visible parts of the hook.

As a rule, when biting on corn, carp take it immediately, while the float immediately sinks to the bottom, so you need to hook the fish in a timely manner.

Quite often you can catch a large carp on pearl barley. It is prepared quite simply: in boiling water we throw 1 - 2 tbsp. barley, cook for 30 - 40 minutes, until it swells well. The finished barley must be rinsed with cold water so that it does not stick together when cooling. It is recommended to add some spices to barley (vanillin, garlic juice, parsley) for a more attractive smell for carps, for which they always actively approach the bait.

Barley should be hooked onto a hook several pieces at once in order to hide from the carp the visible, fish-scaring parts of the hook.

Many fishermen often catch carp on dough, which can be prepared in many ways. The most attractive for carp is the dough with the addition of cake or vanillin. To prepare the dough you need 1 tbsp. flour, add a little water, mix well until smooth, beat in 1 egg yolk, mix again and add aromatic seasoning for a good smell.

The finished dough should be put on the hook in small balls, you can have several pieces at once to hide the visible part of the hook.

A good bait for catching large carps is a piece of boiled potato, on which the carp often actively peck. At the same time, the bite is mostly fast, the carp grabs the bait and the float immediately sinks to the bottom, so at this time you need to hook it in a timely manner.

As a top dressing for carp, you can use boiled potatoes with the addition of breadcrumbs, which most often actively attract carp to the place of fishing.

Also, throughout the fishing, you can periodically add barley, thereby attracting fish.

Carp fishing is so diverse that even fingers are not enough to count all the existing fishing methods that are used today by lovers of quiet hunting. Boilies, spinning, float rod - these tackles are indispensable on the lakes. Carp is considered to be a very strong fish: it has a fairly powerful resistance before being in a human cage. Judging by the reviews, this is quite an exciting and reckless fishing. Carp fishing has its own secrets and peculiarities. And first of all it concerns the choice of bait. This is what will be discussed in this article.

Prey habits

For fishing to be effective, you should know some features of catching prey. Beginners should ask what carp pecks at in this reservoir, what gear will be the most catchy. Only in this case, you can hope for a rich catch.

Carp is a schooling fish. However, the largest individuals try to stay apart from the smaller ones. Despite this, in one flock there are carps of various weights and sizes. Usually they "walk" not densely, but gather in long strings. The number of individuals in a flock is never as large as, for example, in bream. Usually it is equal to several dozen fish.

Carp is found in almost all water bodies. He usually looks for deep and wide areas where there is little current or still water, soft clay or moderately muddy bottom. Carp love warm water, preferring heavily overgrown water bodies. This fish stays deep.

Secrets of carp fishing

In the summer months, when the reservoir is already very warm, this underwater inhabitant enters both areas with a current and shallow water. Look for carp at this time in almost all old channels, small and large valley reservoirs, as well as in deep pits, ponds and flooded sand and gravel pits. The most favorite places of this fish are meadows and fields flooded for a long time. In the summer months, carp stay at a depth of two to five meters, depending on the severity of the bottom drop. With a cold snap, the flocks go to the depths with the beginning of autumn, and closer to winter they should be looked for almost at the bottom.

Of particular difficulty in catching this fish is the process of playing. The right bait for carp will easily lure the prey to itself, and the bite will not keep you waiting. But in order to pull the caught handsome man out of the water, the angler will need good skill and experience.

Every self-respecting carp angler should have patience, endurance, caution, good physical shape and flair. He must know what the carp eats in nature in order to choose the right bait for a particular reservoir, and, of course, have all the necessary tackle at hand. Only in this case can we hope for a solid catch of this delicious fish.


When choosing a rod, you should pay attention first of all to bottom or float rods, the strength and flexibility of which have excellent indicators necessary for playing this strong fish.

The size and thickness of the fishing line must be selected in each case individually. For example, fishing for a medium-sized carp involves a diameter in the range from 0.15 to 0.25-0.27 millimeters. For larger representatives, you should take a fishing line from 0.3 to 0.37 mm so that it breaks when playing. The size of the hook must be completely suitable for the bait. It is optimal if they are slightly smaller than the carp bait itself. Fans of the feeder when catching this fish can, at their discretion, select the setting based on the ongoing system.

The best baits for carp

This fish is often referred to as the "freshwater pig". She is really quite voracious, and it is this characteristic that directly affects her size. This underwater inhabitant of freshwater reservoirs lives for a long time - up to fifty years, unless, of course, it falls on the hook of a lover of quiet hunting. But do not think that almost every carp bait will be swallowed by them. Firstly, this fish almost always shows maximum suspicion and caution, and secondly, even despite such voracity, it is very picky. That is why avid anglers who know all the secrets of carp fishing pay great attention to ensuring that the right bait is chosen on a particular reservoir. You should go for carp, already knowing the habits of the prey well. In addition, it should be fed in advance. Experienced fishermen say that a well-chosen bait for carp, sharp hooks and bait is the key to a catchy hunt.

Unlike many other representatives of the water kingdom, this fish has a special taste and a highly developed sense of smell.

The appetite of carp is all-consuming, so there is no specific recipe for baiting them. In this matter, anglers are based on what prey feeds on in a particular reservoir. Here everyone uses their own preferences and experience developed over the years. Beginners should start from knowledge of what carp eats in nature at different times of the year and make up a diet using this method. For example, before spawning, it is better to add flavors and other flavor baits.

Types of baits

It may seem to many that it is worth being on the shore of a reservoir, and this fish will begin to peck on its own, without much effort on the part of the fisherman. This is far from true.

For fishing, you will need both excellent tackle and good bait for carp. Before the start of fishing, almost always experienced floaters try to carefully prepare the place, feed the casting area, determine the bottom structure and find the desired depth. And almost always success depends on the right bait. That is why it should be given special attention. Only those who know the secrets of carp fishing can hope for a rich catch, so studying the preferences of the intended prey, according to experienced hunters, is the key to success.

This fish prefers a variety of baits. Her tastes change depending on the time of year or on a specific habitat where she gets used to certain foods. The weather also affects what the carp bites at. Therefore, in rainy weather, you need to use one nozzle, and on sunny days, another. Bait for carp is of three types:

  • animal;
  • vegetable;
  • special.

The first type includes dung worms, maggots and their pupae, dragonfly and caddis beetle larvae, and bark beetles. Vegetable bait for carp is pearl barley, boiled potatoes, peas - green canned or simply cooked, cottage cheese, corn kernels, bread, etc.

A separate place is occupied by special nozzles. This delicacy primarily includes boilies. Such bait for carp came to us from distant England, and today it is sold in large quantities in all specialized fishing shops.


This bait is especially successful in carp fishing on the lake in the spring or autumn months. At this time, this fish is especially active, and therefore its menu in its natural environment also consists of similar food. The classic bait for carp in the summer is also worms. Getting them, especially in rural areas, is not difficult. Carp is caught mainly on dung beetles, but prey can bite well on ordinary earthworms.

In those reservoirs where underwater inhabitants are not spoiled by baits of artificial origin, this animal bait will be an ideal food.

According to experienced carp anglers, dung beetles are preferable to earthworms, because they have a bright and attractive color and, of course, an alluring smell. In addition, they are more tenacious and behave quite actively on the hook. Experienced anglers advise catching several small dung beetles at the same time, since one large worm is used mainly for catching crucian carp.


Quiet hunting for carp using this particular bait is very effective. If you put several maggot larvae on the hook, then the carp is unlikely to refuse such a delicacy. The smell of this bait unbelievably attracts him. Moreover, many experienced carp anglers plant pupae together with adult maggots and even with worms.

If a lot of trees grow in a reservoir directly near the shore or right in the water, then it is worth trying to catch bark beetle larvae. According to many, this is the best bait for carp in the spring. You can get the larvae from under the bark of old trees. You need to put them on with your head to the hook, so that the body hangs down.

We catch corn

The most important rule in any vegetable bait is its proper preparation, so that its taste is fully preserved. Today corn is very common for this purpose. According to many, this is the best bait for carp, and also the most common. Recently, anglers have increasingly begun to use the canned version of this product, which not only has a sweetish taste, but also has a very enticing aroma. In general, it is very easy to give canned corn any color and desired smell. This requires only a few drops of flavor or very little specialized dye, which are added to the container with the product. This bait is mounted on a hook or on a hair type of equipment.

However, despite the popularity of the canned variety of corn, experienced anglers often prefer do-it-yourself bait prepared in the old fashioned way. And although this process requires a certain amount of time, nevertheless, many believe that it is worth it. To prepare carp bait from corn, you need to soak it and leave it for twenty-four hours. Then the corn is subjected to heat treatment - it is boiled for one to two hours. After that, the grains are left for two or three days to reach them. You can prepare a large amount of this bait in advance by leaving it in the refrigerator for storage.


It must be remembered that baits of plant origin "work" only in the summer season. Fishing for carp on peas is also incredibly common. In addition, this cereal is available to every angler and it lures the inhabitants of freshwater reservoirs well. Peas are baited directly on hooks. Moreover, carp anglers equally use both a canned product and a bait prepared with their own hands.

To prepare this bait yourself, you need to soak the peas for eight to ten hours, then boil them for an hour, and then dry them for thirty to forty minutes. And although this is a fairly easy process, it nevertheless requires sufficient time. Pea fishing for carp is especially effective in the middle of summer, when animal baits are not used.

bread balls

At all times, carp pecked well at this bait. For the manufacture of bait, both rye and wheat varieties of bread are used. However, it must be remembered that the effectiveness of fishing depends both on the specific reservoir and on the taste preferences of the prey. You can put a formed ball of bread pulp on the hook or just a small piece of crust. This bait is used for carp in the summer both in the upper layers of the reservoir and directly at the bottom.

You can also make your own dough instead of using store-bought bread. To do this, barley and wheat are pre-soaked for three to four hours and boiled until the grains are soft. To prepare such a dough, you can also take one or several types of flour at once and prepare a dough that should not stick to your hands.

How to cook makuha

For carp, which is considered a desirable trophy, you need to select baits based on the season, the specific reservoir and the taste preferences of this fish. This underwater inhabitant has a very good sense of smell. Apparently, therefore, catching carp on top is considered incredibly effective. The result that this bait gives is truly amazing. Apparently, therefore, in some European countries, catching carp on top is prohibited.

The effectiveness of this bait is determined primarily by its incredible aromatic properties. As a raw material for the preparation of cake for carp, it is best to use cake from sunflower seeds. It is this crop, compared to other oilseeds such as rapeseed, flax, etc., that has the strongest and most attractive aroma for fish.

For fishing on the top, it is best to use the top - a passive fishing tackle suitable for bottom fishing. It is specially adapted for this type of bait and is a platform with hooks and a sinker attached to it on a thick fishing line.


Especially actively carp begin to feed in the period from May to July. This fish is also caught in late summer or early autumn. However, at this time, the carp already likes food containing a large amount of protein - worms, maggot larvae and beetles. You can catch this fish until the water temperature in the lake or pond drops below twelve degrees.