What is fed in the canteens of Moscow universities and is it possible for a non-student to dine in them. Permissible distance when arranging a non-mechanical

Vitaly Ivanchenko and Elena Bekesheva were able to breathe life into the collapsed student canteens in Pushkin. And built on feeding more than 4 thousand young organisms.

Now LLC "ProPitanie" serves two student canteens - at the Engineering School of Clothing and at St. Petersburg State Agrarian University.

“We feed 4,000 people a day. As part of a dining room, this is superb,” admits Elena Bekesheva, Commercial Director of ProPitanie LLC. It took at least a year for the students, who had become unaccustomed to the delicious food at the alma mater, to return back. During this time, the company has created its own confectionery shop, where it bakes pies and cakes, organized a cafe for teachers and plans to expand by opening canteens in all dormitory buildings.

Energetic business

When they were invited to take over the local canteen at the Apparel Engineering School, they had no idea about catering. The company rented an office in the school premises. A married couple has been in trade for 15 years, their Trade House “Elite Product” is a supplier of meat products.

The first step of the company was a complete replacement of personnel. According to Elena Bekesheva, the problem of public catering in many educational institutions is that people work for 30 years in one place and are not very enthusiastic about products and whether anyone will eat them at all. Personnel were sought through acquaintances and advertisements in newspapers. The main criterion was a person's positive attitude to business and his internal energy, which, according to Elena Bekesheva, must necessarily be “in the black”.

The company found suppliers and worked out technologies: even now, for example, one confectioner-technologist copes with the volume of two canteens. “With the opening of the second facility, we realized that we know how this business works. And if there are 15 of them, then the price category can be kept low,” says Vitaliy Ivanchenko, general director of ProPitanie LLC.

The company explains that profitability in the work of the student canteen is not associated with extra charges for dishes, but with high turnover. Now the company feeds 60% of the students of the Agrarian University, and the number of customers is constantly growing. In September 2008, the demand for meals increased by 30% compared to the previous year.

The main thing for Elena Bekesheva (in the center) and Vitaly Ivanchenko is a positive attitude to business.

Eat fast and nutritious

Of course, student canteen can be a lucrative business if done right. The most important thing here is manufacturability. You need to feed a large number of people and do it quickly, satisfyingly and without consequences. We need not decommissioned, but fresh ones, and the variety of dishes should be large. You need to think all the time, come up with a menu, and students will be drawn. The kitchen should be simple - they all remember the parent.

Leonid Garbar Restaurateur (“Palkin”, Stroganoff Steak House)

If there are three criteria: lack of competition, inexpensive rent, and proper distribution of labor, then the student canteen is a very profitable business model.

When all this is there, then in terms of turnover, the dining room can be comparable to a bistro in a passing place. At the same time, the general student canteen can be higher, and the costs are lower: since if the staff is involved in the bistro all day, then the staff can be released in the student canteen in the evening.

Kirill Bezrodny Restaurateur (“Wasabiko”, Penabar)

Two pizzas for the price of one

1. Communicate to management educational institution that they will only benefit and relieve themselves of unnecessary worries if a separate company takes care of their dining room. Your company rents a canteen space, the low cost of which is offset by the fact that you also pay part of the utility bills.

2. Repair. Investments in the repair of a dining room of 300-400 m2 - from $ 100 thousand. This does not include the purchase of new dishes, the replacement of a bar counter. It is necessary to play along with the students and make the interior fashionable: for example, to equip the bar counter in the format of a coffee shop. You can make a Wi-Fi zone - this will multiply the visit. Young canteen staff should be dressed in some sort of uniform.

3. Staff. First of all, you need to create a team, a team of those who can communicate with students. The staff must know the students by sight, know their tastes. For a canteen, a staff of 25 or more employees is needed: cooks of hot and cold shops, confectioners, barmaids, loaders, etc.

4. Shares. You need to constantly, based on your own intuition and at the request of the students themselves, organize actions. For example, the action “2 pizzas for the price of one” at a time when there are fewer students. Also make it possible for students to order food for their birthday directly to the hostel.

5. Special programs. For example, the program “rector's porridge” jointly with the university. Porridge for students in the morning costs 1 ruble. The educational institution compensates the canteen for 14 rubles for the cost of porridge. You can also introduce a social program for certain groups of students: for example, the canteen offers a set lunch for 60 rubles. The company sells coupons for such a branded lunch to the university.

On a note


Investments in the opening of a student canteen with an area of ​​300-400 m2 will be from $ 100 thousand.

Monthly expenses for the maintenance of the canteen will amount to 450 thousand rubles (staff salaries, canteen rent, transport and other expenses).

Monthly profit in the first year of operation will be 300-400 thousand rubles.

Two sausages - twenty forks

Students are an eternally hungry brethren. Parents are far away, scholarships are tiny, it is hard to gnaw at the granite of science, and all the time you want to gnaw, or rather, eat something else. At all times, there were cheap canteens on the territory of universities, where students could eat plenty. Let it be cheap pasta or buckwheat with thin sauce, but it was still satisfying and tasty.

How about now?

"MK" asked how and what students of Moscow universities eat today. We went to have lunch at several leading universities: the famous Moscow State University, the international RUDN University, the prestigious MGIMO. And we found a lot of interesting things.

Between classes, MGIMO students spend time in comfortable coffee houses with excellent service.

African grasshoppers in their own juice

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia is an unusual university. Students come here from the farthest corners of the world: from Burkina Faso, India, China, Vietnam, Nepal, Mongolia, Lebanon... It is not an easy task for the canteen chefs of the Peoples' Friendship University to please everyone. Africans love fried grasshoppers, Indians don't eat meat.

The RUDN University campus is perhaps one of the most colorful. And thanks in large part to the food! The fact is that here you can try a lot of world cuisines, and they will be prepared at a very good level.

We at RUDN University have such an unspoken policy, - they explain in the press service of the university, - that each student should eat as if he were visiting his grandmother.

And the grandmothers of African students often seem to send parcels of fried grasshoppers and pickled maggots to their granddaughters. Because, if desired, any person can really try all this - it is enough to come to the campus on Miklukho-Maklay Street and communicate with the people. Believe me, there will be a lot of people who want to treat you with exotic delicacies.

The hostel of RUDN University has 13 buildings. And each has one or two national cafes. Usually they are organized by former RUDN University graduates.

What is especially pleasant, in order to get into these cafes, you do not need special passes: the passage is free for absolutely everyone.

Peruvian, Chinese, Indian, Ethiopian, Lebanese - what kind of cuisines are there. Of course, you won’t try everything, but something is definitely needed.

First, it was decided to go to a cafe with a Peruvian and Mexican menu. Of course, it is best to start your acquaintance with the cuisine of this country with traditional ceviche - a kind of assorted seafood. It would seem, where is Moscow, and where is the sea? However, surprisingly, all seafood was fresh, not frozen, and most importantly, there were a lot of them. This whole gastronomic feast was seasoned with a very simple but very tasty spicy sauce. And although the price of ceviche is biting by student standards - as much as 400 rubles, but this money was not spent in vain. With a scholarship once a month, this can be afforded. In general, having glanced at the menu, it became clear that ceviche is one of the most expensive dishes. It is quite possible to dine on a budget. The establishment itself looks quite modest: no white tablecloths, no complicated serving - simple, but cozy.

In the RUDN canteen, a dish cannot cost more than 150 rubles.

After tasting Latin American dishes, we set off in search of even more exotic delicacies. There are many students from Arab countries in RUDN University, and, accordingly, in almost every cafe you will find Lebanese dishes on the menu. In the very back of the campus, a pretty Arabic-style cafe was discovered. We order chickpea hummus with pine nuts and shawarma on a plate. Price - 130 rubles. But the portion is somehow small for hungry, exhausted by cramming students, and besides, there are two of us. We have to add shawarma - it is officially declared that it is Lebanese: everything is the same, only disassembled and with french fries, which is very strange, but tasty. Total lunch: 350 rubles for two.

And we have not yet visited the Chinese edals, widely known in the narrow circles of RUDN University. They say they serve chic desserts - fried milk and fruit in caramel.

But this is all on the territory of the campus, and in the educational building there are ordinary institute canteens, - the press service explains. - They are in great demand among students from all countries without exception. What do they love the most? Shchi is perhaps the most popular dish (15 rubles a serving), pickle (18 rubles), pea soup (16 rubles), rich borscht (25 rubles). The casserole is insanely popular, we also call it Russian cheesecake (depending on the filling - from 30 to 60 rubles). In the morning, our chefs bake donuts with cottage cheese, which are sorted out just at the moment (22 rubles apiece). The cheapest dish is regular pasta (7 rubles a plate). Buckwheat - 9 rubles. And although the menu is focused on Russian cuisine, there is also something exotic in it. For example, an African omelet with minced meat (about 70 rubles) or a French mushroom cream soup (the most expensive option costs about 40 rubles). The most expensive dish is meat in French (133 rubles). In general, there cannot be dishes more expensive than 150 rubles in our institute canteens, such is the request of the student council to the rector.

On the campus of RUDN University you can eat real Indian curry.

But that's more! It turns out that once a month a real freebie is generally arranged - a favorite concept of students. It's called National Week. This is when representatives of some country arrange their holiday in the institute's Interclub. They unfold a real buffet with national dishes. This is a favorite event of all students, as the food is absolutely free and everyone can come and eat to their heart's content. In short, you won't go hungry.

Cabbage soup at Moscow State University

And how do students of the country's main university, Moscow State University, eat?

The Moscow State University catering complex has existed since 1953 and includes 12 canteens, 2 snack bars, a cookery, and 20 buffets. Canteens, according to the students themselves, are very tasty and cheap. The pricing policy is very pleasant: the cost of a full meal is 130-160 rubles.

We decided to inspect the canteens in the Main Building on Sparrow Hills. It turns out that there are three of them here: two main ones and one professorial one (the only difference of the latter is that the room is smaller and teachers often have lunch there). But the menu and the cost are the same in ordinary student canteens, in this one. Carrots in Korean - 18 rubles. Mimosa salad - 50 rubles. Green cabbage soup with egg, chicken fillet and sour cream - 45 rubles. Cabbage soup - 30 rubles. The second choice is generally rich. For example, we ate chopped turkey cutlets for 65 rubles. City rump steak costs 82 rubles, and boiled sausage is only 26 rubles. For dessert, melon sprinkled with sugar for 40 rubles.

In the canteens of Moscow State University, professors often eat with students.

The most popular among students is the newly renovated canteen in sector "B". In the big break, 10 minutes after the call, there is already nowhere for the apple to fall. Salads and meatballs fly off the shelves at the speed of sound.

What's more, the chefs smile. - In the morning, everyone flocks to our branded pancakes. No matter how much we bake, they are taken apart in a matter of minutes.

On the ground floor there is a so-called "washer". There are four buffets in a circle. Usually there everyone takes coffee before couples or use it as a snack on the run if there is no time to dine in the dining room. Plus, at the entrances to each dining room there is a buffet with sandwiches and desserts.

Salads from the canteen of Moscow State University

Many graduates of the country's main university fondly recall the days of their studies.

Students were always fed very well at Moscow State University, ”recalls Dmitry Rogovitsky, a graduate of the Faculty of History. - But I especially miss the famous carrot pizza. We were often sent to the State Public Historical Library. It was and remains the main library of the history department of Moscow State University. Everyone wrote reports there, term papers, dissertations, prepared for tests and exams. Sometimes I had to stand in line for 3-4 hours, which stretched along the picturesque Starosadsky Lane, to get inside. But I often went there myself solely because of the buffet. His highlight was the carrot pizza. The feeling that all the ingredients left in the kitchen by the end of the day were put on an ordinary small bun. Each time, most of all there turned out to be grated carrots, hence the name. Surprisingly, it was very tasty! It's probably a fresh test...

The dining room in the Main Building of Moscow State University has preserved interiors from the last century.

I also remember a giant pot of cheap spinach soup. In recent years, the old library building is under restoration, the cafeteria is closed. In the new building there is not even a decent place to eat: there is only one vending machine with chocolates and chips in the lobby. I hope when the renovation is over, the pizza will return.

Quesadilla with shrimp at MGIMO

As expected, the most pompous student catering can be seen at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. They don’t even dare to call them canteens. Restaurants! Coffee houses! Pizzerias! The university, which trains future diplomats, apparently teaches its students to a beautiful life from an early age. Probably, this is correct. And then such a diplomat will come abroad, go to a meeting with his foreign colleagues in a restaurant, open the menu, but there is no borscht in it, all sorts of quesadillas and dorado fillets. He will be taken aback and face the foreigners in the dirt. Disorder.

Let's start with the fact that at MGIMO a whole separate three-story building is set aside for cafes and canteens, the people call it that - "three-story building". On the first floor there are fast food stalls. There is a burger, and a pizzeria, and Viennese waffles, and sushi. Coffee corners with all sorts of different varieties of invigorating drink cappuccino strong, cappuccino light, ginger latte, almond latte, raf coffee. The prices are biting, such as in Moscow cafes. For example, ice latte - 180 rubles, espresso - 120, restretto - 140 rubles.

What about food? Here, for example, is the so-called "Pancake Station": a regular pancake costs 40 rubles, and one with mushroom and chicken filling costs 190 rubles. For 200 rubles, you can eat a pancake with shrimp. Move on. Meat pizza - 580 rubles, but you can take a quarter for 150. "Margarita" - 220 rubles (a quarter - 60 rubles). Burgers and cheeseburgers - from 70 to 150. In a word, not student prices. But credit cards are accepted everywhere.

But, to be honest, we did not notice the excitement at the counters with fast food. But in the dining room, which is on the second floor, there was absolutely nowhere to sit. It is understandable, the prices there are lower and the food is more familiar. Herring under a fur coat - 50 rubles. Soups for 50-60 rubles. For the second, they give, for example, chicken fillet with vegetables for 150 rubles, a beef cutlet for 120, fried fish for 140. And a beef rump steak will cost 190 rubles, which is 100 rubles more expensive than at Moscow State University! Teachers eat there, but they have a separate room on the third floor.

Well, if it’s quite modest, only soup and salad, then you can meet 100 rubles with a little, ”says Svetlana, a second-year student at MGIMO. - But if you want a full meal, then in our dining room you will spend about 500 rubles. For example, Caesar salad alone costs 250. I myself am from St. Petersburg, I live in a hostel, and my parents are ordinary, not rich. For everything about everything, mom and dad send me 12-15 thousand rubles a month. I live on them. Of course, I cook for myself, often I bring sandwiches with me to classes (the hostel is an hour away). In all these fast foods, I sometimes look. But I go to our MGIMO restaurant only if some kind of event is planned there. For example, quite recently there was a Greek evening - the ambassador of this country came to meet with students.

So here it is - it turns out that MGIMO has a restaurant, a real one, with a pretentious interior and white tablecloths (it is not in the "three-story building", but in another building). And many students stay in it after (and sometimes instead of) classes. What can I say, if you compare the price tag with an institution of a similar level in the city, then it is, of course, lower. But if we take into account that this is still a university where poor students study, then how often can they afford a quesadilla with shrimp (160 grams) for 360 rubles, or beef medallions (160 grams) for 390 rubles with their scholarship , or look at "barbecue time"?

November 28, 2013

Who and what feeds students in Moscow?

The reduction of state funding and the low efficiency of their own catering services are stimulating metropolitan universities to think about transferring the catering function to outsourcing. Catering at universities attracts private companies with a stable, albeit low, average check and a guaranteed flow of guests. Relationships between food service providers and universities have been hampered by markup limits set by schools, as well as market rents that universities often charge to food service providers.

In the 2013-2014 academic year, according to the Ministry of Education and Science, 6 million students study at Russian universities with more than 271 thousand teachers. A sixth part is in the capital: in Moscow, at the desks of 117 state and 140 non-state universities, about a million students gnaw at the granite of science. And each student and employee must be provided with hot fresh meals at the lowest possible price.

"Rosinter Restaurants" manages three canteens and a canteen at MIMiS, serving 1,500 people daily

In most metropolitan state universities, this task is still being solved by their own food processing plants. Many of them were created back in Soviet times and still remain monopolists on the territory of the educational institution. As a rule, this is a costly division for a university: the plant's revenue usually covers only the cost of food and wages; utility bills, the purchase of dishes, equipment and repairs are paid by the university. The minimum margin and specific requirements for food outlets in higher education institutions are “to blame” for the unprofitability. “Students and teachers want affordable, cheap and healthy food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This increases the mode of operation of food outlets: we are forced to keep a three-shift team of cooks, ”explains Vice-Rector for Economics and Additional Education of the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov Sergei Shibaev.

The dining room at RUDN University occupies an area of ​​800 sq. m and is designed for 1000 seats. Most of the students should have time to have lunch during the big break.

Station with sauces in the dining room "Rosinter" in MISiS. Students and teachers want a varied diet

Own power plants, as a rule, are unprofitable. But universities are cautious about outsourcing

High school food combines operate canteens, buffets and cafeterias scattered throughout the buildings. As such, there is often no factory-kitchen on the territory of the university: large full-cycle canteens provide products to smaller outlets; baking and confectionery shops can be taken out separately. So, in the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, its own food processing plant fully serves two buildings and manages two canteens, six cafes, a restaurant and a bakery. The total area of ​​points - 7500 sq.m. m, the number of seats -1200. In the main building of MSTU. N.E. Bauman Food Plant operates a large three-story dining room, six mini-cafes, a pancake shop, a dumpling shop, a coffee shop, and buffets. The main dining room is divided into two halls, students and teachers are served separately. Points are open from 8.00 to 18.00.

Catering operators, in turn, are also eyeing educational institutions. “We pay attention to the number: at the university we cannot count on people from the street, but meanwhile we need good traffic. The solvency of students also matters. Although today many of them work and can afford to spend on food,” says Anton Krasulin, COO of the Sbarro brand. Not satisfied with many operators and the need to pay market rent. “Today, the rental rate at the RANEPA is 20 thousand rubles. per sq. m per year. This is the market price, which was formed based on the results of an independent assessment,” says Igor Kuklyaev, Head of the Department for Catering and Service Academservice of the RANEPA.

Nevertheless, there are already examples when both their own catering service and private restaurant companies provide food at the university. So, in RANEPA, two buildings are fully served by the university catering plant, and two more by the Rosinter Restaurants company. The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia has both its own canteens and private outlets. Catering has been outsourced to MGSU-MISI, where the Grabli canteen and six Grabli-Express cafeterias of restaurateur Roman Rozhnikovsky have been operating since 2004, and to MGIMO, where all 12 food outlets are managed by different tenants.

Igor Kuklyaev, Head of the Department for Catering and Service "Academservice" RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation (Moscow):

In accordance with Federal Law No. 94, university food plants are required to hold tenders for the supply of food products once a year.

On the one hand, it is convenient, the price does not change during the year, although for some items? this is unprofitable, for example, in the summer they bring us vegetables at the same price as in winter. On the other hand, we have practically no leverage to deal with unscrupulous suppliers who win the competition with a low price and then bring products of the lowest quality. Of course, you can sue such a partner, but how long will I terminate the contract? And I have to work. Private tenants have a choice of two or three suppliers and can be more flexible in dealing with these issues.

Applicants for outsourcing

University catering is potentially interesting for catering companies that are familiar with corporate catering. “Higher education institutions are part of the segment in which our company traditionally provides corporate catering services. Our interests also include manufacturing enterprises, large office and business centers, representative offices of various domestic and foreign companies. All these facilities are united by one key factor for our business - a large number of potential visitors concentrated in one place and at one time, ”explains Daria Topadze, Development Director of United Catering Group, a large Moscow catering company that manages, among other things, a canteen at MGIMO. In the dining room full cycle from 9.00 to 16.00 breakfasts are offered: omelettes, scrambled eggs, cereals, sandwiches, pancakes, cottage cheese dishes. From 12.00 to 16.00 students and teachers are fed lunches. Italian pasta, Asian wok noodles, grilled dishes are prepared in front of visitors at open stations. In addition to United Catering, another catering company, Furshet.ru, operates on the territory of MGIMO. She has five food outlets here: her own food court with six stations (yogurts and smoothies, chicken, pizza, sushi, wok, pancakes and waffles), a full-cycle student and faculty canteen with distribution lines, a coffee shop and a small cafe. The total leasable area is about 2000 sq. m.

Large restaurant companies specializing in corporate catering are also ready to engage in university catering. A striking example is Rosinter Restaurants, which manages three canteens and three canteens at the RANEPA, as well as three canteens and one canteen at MISiS. The menu includes dishes of European cuisine, in addition, weeks of national cuisines and themed holidays are held in canteens. “We offer guests breakfasts and lunches during the daytime and buffet products, including hamburgers, sandwiches, sandwiches, desserts and ice cream, during the working day,” says Lilia Knyazeva, Operations Director of the Corporate Catering Department at Rosinter Restaurants.

Interest in the university segment is also shown by fast food chains with a low average check, a product familiar and popular with students. Universities are in demand for Subway sandwiches (there is one point at MGIMO), baked potatoes “Kroshki-Kartoshki” (a point in RUDN University), Sbarro pizza (a restaurant in RUDN University). According to Igor Kuklyaev, it is easier for such outlets to survive than full cycle canteens: they need only 15-30 sq. m, and an inexpensive hearty product ensures good sales.

Some outsourcing catering operators in Moscow universities
Name university Formats, number of dots Average check, rub.
Gastronomic Academy of Rozhnikovsky MGSU-MISI Canteen "Grabli", 6 cafeterias "Grabli Express" Canteen - 125-130, cafeteria - 50
G.M.R. hospitality planet RUDN University "Cbarro", Yam Kee "Cbarro" - 250, Yam Kee - 180
Rosinter Restaurants RANEPA, MISiS RANEPA - 3 canteens, 3 buffets; MISiS - 3 canteens, 1 buffet Canteen - 135, buffet - 70
Furshet.ru MGIMO 2 canteens, food court, cafe, coffee house Canteen - 180-200, coffee shop and cafe - 250
subway MGIMO Restaurant with seating area 250
United Catering Group MGIMO canteen 200
Complex economy

The work of food outlets in a state university is associated with various kinds of restrictions. The most important of them is the price: intended for students with a scholarship of 1200-2000 rubles. per month and teachers with low salaries, meals and drinks cannot be expensive.

Until 2013, in Moscow, the size of the margin was regulated by Federal Law No. 131: for own products it could not exceed 60%, for industrial products - 30%. With its abolition, power plants breathed more freely. Thus, the RUDN food plant raised the minimum markup on dishes to 60%, and on the cheapest dishes - up to 90%, for example, buckwheat porridge now costs 12 rubles instead of 6. The increase in markup allowed the chefs to get paid more.

Universities control private operators already at the stage of the tender and signing of the contract. “Each visitor to the canteen should be able to buy a lunch, consisting of salad, soup, hot with a side dish and a drink, at a low price. In order to limit the cost of meals, we indicated for Rosinter the range that a canteen visitor who bought three dishes and compote should fit into, this is 170-280 rubles,” says Igor Kuklyaev.

The format of a noodle shop with a low average bill and fast service is popular with students (Yam Kee at RUDN University)

Students willingly buy inexpensive and hearty pizza at the foot court at MGIMO

Dishes in the dining room of the United Catering Group at MGIMO are not repeated for four weeks

The restriction on the cost of a set meal, set by the administration, usually applies to canteens, regardless of the form of ownership.

In the canteen of RUDN University, the price of a complex lunch is 70 rubles, in the canteens of Academservice at the RANEPA - 150 rubles, at Furshet.ru at the University of Geodesy and Cartography - 160 rubles. “A complex lunch should consist of a salad, soup, a side dish with hot and a drink and be accessible to students with different incomes,” explains Sergey Anokhin, CEO of Furshet.ru. In private universities, the price issue is not so acute, however less and there tenants cannot afford the restaurant markup. “If you raise prices, students and teachers will start going to inexpensive cafes and grocery stores near the university. So it turns out that public catering in universities is a self-regulating system,” says Galina Kryukova, trainer of the Department of Management in the Hotel and Restaurant Business of Synergy University.

Catering establishments in universities rely on high daily throughput. So, for example, "Academservice" in RANEPA feeds 3500-4500 people a day, "Rosinter" in MISiS - 1500. There could be more daily checks, but this is hindered by the specific organization of the educational process. “We are “interfered” by the study regime: everyone wants to have lunch during a big break, but canteens cannot accommodate everyone at the same time, and many go to dine outside,” explains Sergey Shibaev.

Food outlets in universities cannot count on guests from the street due to the access system. As a result, the profitability of a business directly depends on the training schedule. The most profitable months are from September to December.

In the second semester, many begin practice and the number of students in the university falls. July and August are usually unprofitable. “In these months we are closing our restaurant at RUDN,” says Anton Krasulin, COO of the Sbarro brand.

To increase profitability, operators are looking for additional sources of income. United Catering Group holds banquets and receptions in the university canteen. The RANEPA food plant produces pastries for the neighboring sports complex. Synergy's tenants make money on coffee and pastries, which they sell to students of university business trainings. “We plan to launch the delivery of dinners for those living in the hostel: and this is 850 people. We will make semi-finished products for employees and students,” Sergey Shibaev said.

Optimal Format

Several thousand people study and work in each Moscow university. At MSTU im. N.E. Bauman - 18 thousand students and 3000 teachers. In REA them. G.V. Plekhanov - 10 thousand students and 2500 employees, MGIMO has 5000 students and 2000 teachers whose goal is to feed hot lunches during a big break (in different universities it lasts from 40 to 60 minutes).As a rule, university canteens of a full cycle are very spacious, for example, in RUDN University a canteen with an area of ​​​​800 sq. m is designed for 800 seats Often halls for teachers and students are separated: at MGIMO, canteens for different client groups are spread over two floors, at RUDN University these are two adjacent halls.

At RUDN University, where representatives of 500 ethnic groups study, you can dine with Arabic meat or African omelet

Additional food points allow you to unload the dining room, provide an opportunity to have a snack for those who do not have time to reach it at lunchtime, get hungry between classes or just want to relax during the “windows”. So, in the 12-storey building of the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman has six mini-cafes, buffets, a pancake shop, a dumpling shop and a coffee shop.

At RANEPA, Academservice operates six cafes, a restaurant and a bakery. The format of the food court is also in demand among students. “Busy students want to get hot meals quickly and without queues, while diversity is important to them,” says Anton Krasulin. The food court at RUDN University has Little Potato, Sbarro and Yam Kee. Furshet.ru at its own food court at MGIMO develops several concepts with different assortments: yoghurts and smoothies, pizza baked to order in the oven, sushi (prepared from under the knife), wok noodles, pancakes, Viennese waffles. A coffee machine is installed on a separate table, there is a table with teapots, tea leaves and various additives to tea: ginger, sea buckthorn and honey, thyme, etc.

Vending machines can satisfy the need for a quick snack. In REA them. G.V. Plekhanov, there are about 15 of them, they sell tea, coffee, milk drinks, chocolate, snacks, and in the future they intend to sell their own packaged sandwiches. “After evening group classes, vending machines often only have a couple of packets of snacks left,” says Galina Kryukova.

Manage the flow

How to feed several thousand students and teachers in 40-60 minutes while the lunch break lasts? To minimize queues and increase the speed of service, food operators carefully consider logistics. In the canteen of the United Catering Group at MGIMO, the distribution area is organized in the free flow format. “This system allows visitors to freely choose any dishes offered on the island dispensing elements, with subsequent payment on dedicated cash modules. Thus, we significantly increase the throughput,” says Daria Topadze.

There are two distribution lines in the Furshet.ru student canteen. Having chosen the dishes, the students go to pay for the order to four cash desks set in the form of a square. The menu is broadcast on two large screens. “While standing in line, students can choose dishes long before they come to the distribution,” Sergey Anokhin explains. Buffets located along the perimeter of the dining room also help to cope with the flow: some students limit themselves to salad, drink and dessert. “For the convenience of visitors and saving staff time, we have organized complex meals,” says Alla Gumerova, Director of the RUDN Food Combine.

In the canteens of Academservice, vouchers for a set meal are sold at the entrance to the hall; they can be used to quickly get a set meal on the distribution line.

Menu for the hungry

Universities make serious demands on the menu. “It must be taken into account that many of our visitors are minors. For them, it is necessary to provide separate diets in accordance with the norms of school meals adopted on the territory of the Russian Federation, - says Daria Topadze. - It is far from certain that minors will take advantage of a menu specially designed for them, after all, they are already students, almost adults and have the right to make their own choice. Nevertheless, our technology department regularly develops lunch complexes that are relevant for school meals.”

“The menu should be balanced in terms of nutritional and energy value, taking into account the needs of a young organism,” adds Lilia Knyazeva. The assortment of Rosinter canteens at RANEPA and MISiS includes six types of snacks, hot dishes and drinks, three types of soups and side dishes every day. The United Catering canteen at MGIMO has five salads and cold appetizers, three soups and side dishes, six to seven hot dishes of fish, meat, and poultry. A mandatory requirement for university catering is the availability of dietary dishes and lean positions on fasting days. In PFUR, where representatives of 500 ethnic groups study, national dishes are regularly introduced into the menu, which are offered by student communities, for example, Arabic meat, African omelet.

In universities where several food outlets compete for guests or well-known fast food brands are located in the neighborhood, operators have to work out the menu especially carefully. “Our employees regularly monitor what is currently popular in the capital's restaurants, and then we try to include these items in the menu. For example, we have Caesar salad, veal steak with chanterelles, panna cotta dessert,” says Sergey Anokhin.

In addition, restaurant companies often adjust their menus based on feedback from students and teachers. For example, in the Furshet.ru teacher canteen, the number of vegetable salads was increased, a table with sauces was set up (the employees were dissatisfied with salads with dressing), marinated champignons and olives were introduced.


The rhythm of life of students is not very simple: active brain activity, lack of sleep, low physical activity, nervous tension, and so on. All of these factors have an extremely negative impact on a young organism. Therefore, student nutrition is the only way to replenish the spent energy, and is also responsible for replenishing the body with vitamins and useful microelements.

As a rule, students eat in the student cafeteria, which must be organized in accordance with the guidelines for catering for schoolchildren and students.

Principles of catering

The principle of a varied diet does not mean a varied assortment of first and second courses, but the presence in the student's diet of the following food groups: meat, fish, cereals, vegetables, fruits, dairy products. Thus, the menu of the student canteen should include:

  1. meat dishes that enrich the human body with animal protein and acids, iron and magnesium;
  2. fish dishes that supply phosphorus, calcium, fluorine, iodine, and other trace elements;
  3. cereals that replenish fiber and carbohydrates;
  4. vegetables and fruits that nourish the body with vitamins A, B, C, D, E, trace elements and acids;
  5. dairy and sour-milk products, which are a source of animal protein, fats, acids, enzymes, as well as many trace elements, including calcium, iodine, manganese and others.

Each of these groups performs its nutritional function, enriching the body with useful substances necessary for the normal development of both mental and physical development.

hot food principle based on the presence of hot foods in the human diet. Soup should be consumed at least once a day. In order not to earn gastritis, it is important to eat hot dishes in the three main meals. This contributes to normal digestion and improves the process of assimilation of food.

Also, when compiling the menu of the student canteen, it is important to observe economy principle . The target segment of such a catering point does not have a large income, therefore, students and teachers can spend the appropriate amounts on food. Taking into account the principle of economy, the margin for meals in the student canteen is minimal. Otherwise, the profitability of this supply point will be negative.

In the pursuit of higher profits, canteen management can resort to the principle of zero waste production, where instead of destroying leftover dishes after a working day, chefs process them into other dishes the next day. Potato casserole with meat is prepared from the remains of mashed potatoes and cutlets, stewed cabbage is prepared from salad with cabbage, and so on. As a result of such work in the kitchen, dishes can not only lose their taste, but also deteriorate, and visitors to such a dining room have a chance of getting food poisoning.

Similar consequences are likely in those food service outlets that cooperate with unscrupulous suppliers, or themselves deliberately use products that are not the first freshness in cooking, in order to reduce raw material costs and increase profits.

How is the student canteen menu prepared?

Based on the above principles of public catering, it is possible to describe the student's indicative menu for the day. It might look like this:

  • breakfast of milk porridge or scrambled eggs, buns and cocoa;
  • lunch of soup in meat broth with bread, a vegetable side dish, meat or fish for the second, compote and fruit for dessert;
  • dinner may consist of a vegetable salad, cereals for a side dish and fish, or cottage cheese in any form, with tea.

So, the menu of the student canteen must contain meat dishes, fish and poultry, vegetables and fruits, pasta and cereals, including bakery products, as well as dairy and sour-milk products.

Range The proposed dishes may consist of several types of dishes that differ in the way of preparation: fried, boiled, stewed or baked.

  • So, for example, chicken soup, borscht and pea soup can be served as first courses in a student canteen.
  • The second can be offered fried chop, boiled sausages, stew or baked meat, as well as fish cooked in any way.
  • As a side dish, you can offer boiled potatoes, buckwheat porridge, vegetable casserole and stew.
  • Dessert dishes in the student canteen can be represented by pastries, fruits and chocolate, useful for mental activity.


The menu of the student canteen should be formed taking into account the main principles of public catering, be varied, and also have a wide range of dishes prepared from fresh products. At the same time, the cost of dishes should correspond to the target audience of the dining room. The student canteen should be not so much a commercial enterprise as a public catering point responsible for proper nutrition and a healthy diet for young organisms that need healthy and tasty food.

In RSUH, as in any serious university, there is a real canteen - with columns, a hall for teachers and long queues in the middle of the day. But the most interesting thing happens not in it, but in a cafe located on the ground floor. The usual student cafeteria offering a modest assortment of buns, sandwiches and soda at the university tried to turn into a modern Internet cafe with comfortable bright yellow sofas, photographs on the walls and free Wi-Fi. Here you can work at the computer or recharge your mobile phone, besides, the buffet serves delicious food.

It is difficult to expect special gastronomic revelations from plastic plates covered with a film of food, which should be heated in a microwave standing right there. All the more pleasant is the surprise when you discover that cheesecakes with dried apricots and pastries are almost perfect, and drinking coffee from a coffee machine is quite pleasant.

From time to time, in the evenings, live concerts are held on the stage of the cafe - the main thing is to follow the schedule or come in for a bite to eat on time.

Set lunch: no.

Availability for non-students: at security, you can say that you are going to a bookstore or a graduate school.

Maria, a graduate of the Russian State University for the Humanities:

The dining room is when you want to eat, and we always went to the buffet to chat. It was also possible to sleep there for half an hour, if it overcame. It's a pity, now there, they say, there are almost no computers left, and many chargers do not work.

Canteen of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University

It is worth visiting the old building on Mokhovaya Street if only to climb the wide stairs, stand near the portrait of Lomonosov and at the same time have lunch in the dining room located in the right wing.

The canteen of the faculty of journalism does not belong to the catering complex of Moscow State University. Whether it did her any good is an open question, but the interiors here are much more reminiscent of a good city cafe than an average student canteen. From the dishes displayed in the windows, it is clear that in this matter, the canteen workers are trying to match the level of the central cafe. Two types of soup, seven types of hot dishes, fruit drinks, inexpensive early breakfasts, which is especially important before lectures - everything looks quite appetizing and edible. In the salad section, there was a place for both the inevitable democratic beetroot with mayonnaise and the Caesar with chicken, which claims to be relevant. Journalism students especially praise local pastries and desserts. After seven in the evening, it's time for 30 percent discounts.

The fashion for burgers was able to penetrate even the walls of Moscow State University: among fire cutlets, mimosa salads and pancakes with cottage cheese, burgers with trendy black buns are displayed in the window. However, it would still be worth working on the taste of the latter: the meat seems a bit dry, and the bread is frankly tough - perhaps the students did not like the burgers and spent too much time in the window.

The most democratic option offered in the dining room of Moscow State University is a set lunch. If you want even cheaper, you can use free boiling water and bread. Or buy coffee and go to drink it in the square near the monument to Lomonosov. Coffee overlooking the Kremlin - what could be better?

Complex lunch: 165 rubles.

Availability for non-students: there are frames at the entrance and imposing guards sit, but they are little interested in checking documents. In extreme cases, you can say that you are going to a cafe.

Alena, a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University:

I remember when I entered the Faculty of Journalism, in the dining room there were amazingly delicious puff buns with raspberry jam. I then thought that it was necessary to do it: where else can I find such!

And when I was in my third year, the cafe was closed for reconstruction, but in the hall, under the stairs, there was a buffet and tables next to it. And at the top hung a clock showing the time of the four capitals of the world. I remember that we liked to buy one pizza for two or sandwiches there, but we ate them not at the tables, but at the Lomonosov monument, drinking champagne.

Canteen VGIK

With the advent of a new educational building on Wilhelm Pieck Street, the nutrition of students has also changed. If earlier the main place of gathering - and not so much for food, but for the sake of conversations - was a dining room with columns in the old building, now the first floor of the new building was taken away for meals for students. There is a cafe on the same floor, but it is more expensive and less interesting.

This is what an ideal modern student canteen should look like: cheerful multi-colored chairs and walls are pleasing to the eye, bowls with food shine with metal, everything is clean, beautiful and spacious, there is Wi-Fi.

The standard student menu is ennobled with fashionable borrowings from restaurant life: there are quesadillas with ham and cheese and chicken wings in honey sauce, there is even a Caesar salad "from the chef" - they turned out to be one of the most expensive dishes on the menu. But there are also familiar, well-established positions decades ago: coleslaw with carrots, casserole, pasta with fried meat, and the inevitable classic chicken noodle soup. Everything is quite edible, and the watery, but tasty cheese soup is sharply reminiscent of childhood. In the morning, students are fed with free porridge "Friendship".

As an addition to lunch and a kind of "dessert", you can go up to the upper floors of the building - through the panoramic windows there opens a magical view of the VDNKh buildings. Yes, and a ride on elevators with glass walls - no small pleasure.

Set lunch: no.

Availability for non-students: you need an electronic pass, but you can say that you are going to the dean's office - then a passport is enough.

Julia, VGIK graduate:

I don’t remember at all what and how they fed in the dining room of VGIK when I studied there, I can’t even remember now how it looked, but I still remember how we gathered there as a group. It was never boring: students from the acting school often came to the dining room to rehearse, they showed some sketches, sketches. And how many brilliant ideas were born at the tables of this dining room!

Canteen of VMK MSU

In order to feed the students of the most famous university in the country, a whole food factory is working. In the main building alone, there are so many canteens and buffets that you can move from floor to floor, from sector to sector, having lunch in a new place every day for more than two weeks. In addition to the skyscraper with a spire, there are other university buildings, and students also need something to eat there! There are dining rooms with wood-paneled walls and high ceilings, others where it's good to prepare for a lecture, and others where you can gather in a large company in the evening. There is even a cookery for students and teachers who want to eat at home.

The students of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics got perhaps the most ordinary canteen of all. Nevertheless, with its main function - to feed the students starved of knowledge - the canteen does an excellent job: it's cozy, inexpensive, quite tasty, and the menu even has a section of dietary dishes. Tempted by steam chicken meatballs, one hundred grams of which cost one hundred rubles, I want to continue in the same vein: instead of coffee with a bun, take hibiscus or fruit smoothie for dessert - the latter is not immediately found in the window between salads, meat baked with mushrooms and borscht. And in vain - the smoothies here are excellent!

And in this university, they decided to diversify the menu in the dining room with burgers. But, alas, the Black burger loses to its brothers from the neighboring journalism department, at least outwardly. Perhaps because it is packed in cling film and, judging by the appearance, it has been cooked some time ago.

The VMK canteen turned out to be one of the few where they accept not only cash, but also cards.

Complex lunch: 160 rubles.

Availability for non-students: You need a student ID card or a pre-ordered pass.

Irina, student of the Moscow State University:

On the second floor we have two dining rooms. I prefer the vegetarian one, but you can eat well in both.

Canteen MGSU

If you enter the building of the Construction University, to the left of the entrance on the first floor, recognizable interiors in green tones immediately catch your eye. MGSU is that rare case when students can dine in a recognized "delicious" institution, but at quite "student" democratic prices.

A miracle happened when Roman Rozhnikovsky, the owner of the Rake restaurant chain, took up feeding the students and teachers. The MGSU dining room has turned into another restaurant of the chain: the same wooden tables, multi-colored trays, floral motifs in the interior, mirrors on the walls. But the cost of dishes differs from the prices of the "Rakes" located in the city by about half.

But for some reason, the students of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering were deprived of the decent dishes that rely on visitors to other restaurants of the chain - instead, they got cheap plastic plates and the same appliances. However, if this is the price of a huge selection of inexpensive dishes - it's worth it. The menu occupies two sheets and will satisfy everyone: meat-eaters, vegetarians, those who want to save money, and those who plan to take a walk, having received a scholarship. Appetizers and salads, 11 types of hot dishes and side dishes, Margherita pizza and many pastries, delicious ginger tea in plastic bottles. Everything is fresh, hot: the factory-kitchen, where food for the Rake is prepared, is very close by.

Clean, beautiful, delicious, from the room through the panoramic windows offer a beautiful view. True, for some reason there is only one type of soup on the menu, and horseradish is not served with boiled tongue.

Complex lunch: special offer "Rich student" for 229 rubles.

Availability for non-students: there are guards at the entrance, and whether they want to let a person "from the street" through is impossible to guess in advance.

Canteen ISAA

If in order to get to other institute canteens, you need a student ID or friendship with security, then the Institute of Asian and African countries not only welcomes guests from the street, but also greets you with a sign "Canteen" and the promise of a varied menu. It is difficult to get lost: the arrow confidently points to the courtyard, where the dining room itself is located.

Before us is not a standard student "canteen", but a cafe-dining room "Shuvalov". If you are lucky, you will be able to dine in the most beautiful hall, where the ceiling is decorated with stucco, the chandelier shines with crystal, and the seats of the chairs are upholstered with fabric, like in good restaurants.

Students here are ready to feed deliciously, but nothing more. There are not so many tables in the two halls, the "professor's" hall is completely closed for special services, and a sign on the wall warns menacingly that doing homework, writing lectures and even just using a computer is strictly prohibited. If you ignore the ban, the waitresses can politely remind you of it.

Since the canteen is still located on the territory of the institute, upon presentation of an ISAA student card, a discount is provided, however, only in the amount of 10–20 rubles per dish. A little for students. But the surrounding clerks are quite satisfied with the prices in the dining room. Where in the very center of Moscow can you find a full meal at very affordable prices? Yes, even in such interiors: rich multilayer curtains, gilding on wooden doors and vaulted ceilings. Even though you have to pay extra for bread separately.

Complex lunch: 240 rubles (160 rubles for students).

Availability for non-students: Yes.

Canteen RUDN University

Those who have visited the University of Peoples' Friendship know that this is a "city within a city" - with its own hairdressers, shops, photo studios, even its own police department. And, of course, numerous student cafes and canteens. On their menu, you can study the geography of the globe and the favorite dishes of the peoples of the world. Peruvian and Indian, Chinese and Mexican - RUDN ethnic cafes have become a treasure trove of gastronomic experiences for those who are not afraid of cuisine that is not familiar with sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

One of the cheapest places to eat on the territory of RUDN University is the Indian restaurant "Devi". Unusual food, a basement and the interiors of a cheap dining room can scare you away, but in the evening half of the hall is occupied by Indians - isn't this a sign of quality for an ethnic cafe?

It is worth setting yourself up in advance for a spontaneous choice of food: the menu does not contain descriptions of all dishes, and the waiters, as well as the cooks in the kitchen, come from India. Not all of them speak Russian confidently.

For those new to Indian cuisine, one thing remains: read the menu. Whatever you choose, the plate you bring will almost certainly be curry rice with vegetables and possibly chicken. They cook here not such spicy food as in India, but if you ask when ordering, they can make it hotter. Each dish comes with a set of three sauces. Desserts (about 70 rubles per serving) are on display in the hall in a showcase. It is better to order several dishes at once, because the portions in Devi are small.

Set lunch: no.

Availability for non-students: Yes; if you say that you are going to a cafe, they will let you into the territory of RUDN University even by car.

Alexandra, RUDN University graduate:

In Lumumba, they prepared amazing shawarma in the Mirage, and the old-timers can also tell about the legendary coffee house in the Cross - there was such an aunt Zina! All men were her "sons-in-law", all women were enemies. She could not pour coffee for a particularly disliked fife. And it was useless to complain. The deans and vice-rectors were also "sons-in-law".