What is an extracurricular activity. Forms of Information Hours and Extracurricular Activities

What is an extracurricular activity? How is it different from a regular curriculum session? What are the topics of extracurricular activities and how are their developments and scenarios compiled? All these questions will be answered in this article.

What is an extracurricular activity?

The answer to this question is already contained in the definition itself. This is not a lesson, not a compulsory school lesson. Initially, it was assumed that the event itself should be held outside the classroom walls. That is, the concept of "extracurricular activities" included excursions, trips, visits to theaters, museums, school holidays and olympiads held at different levels.

Today it is no longer so important the fact where exactly the event takes place - in the native class or in the neighboring school. An extracurricular activity is an activity that is not included in the school curriculum. This is not a lesson - that's its main feature.

What is the main difference between an extracurricular activity and a lesson?

Attending classes, completing assignments in the classroom and at home, giving answers to the teacher's questions and getting grades for it - all this is the responsibility of each student. Extra-curricular activities are attended only by those who are interested. To take part or to remain a simple observer during the "out of class" - this is also every child and teenager decides for himself.

Often such extra-curricular activities are held at the school, which are designed for the entire team. That's what they call it - schoolwide. However, you can not enter a visit to them in obligatory. The task of educators and teachers is to build a scenario for an extra-curricular event in such a way that the students themselves become interested, and they would not need to be forcibly gathered in the assembly hall, set up at the door on duty to catch those who want to go home.

What do classroom activities and extracurricular activities have in common?

Although the very development of an extracurricular activity by a teacher is based on the same methods as the planning of the main educational activity. For example, it is obligatory when drawing up his script to set such goals as teaching and educational. Students should at each such lesson, as well as at the lesson, learn something new, acquire a useful practical skill that will be useful to them in life. Such classes stimulate the desire to learn school subjects more deeply, help to reveal the creative potential of the growing personality, get to know each other better, contribute to the emergence and strengthening of friendship between children, teach them to live and work in a team.

When should extracurricular activities take place?

And again, the answer to the question lies on the surface. Classes are called extra-curricular because the lessons that take place in the classroom should already be over. The time of extracurricular activities should not coincide with school hours. Unfortunately, the teaching staff of the current school very often violates this important rule. Often, olympiads or reading competitions at the district level take place just at the time when children should sit at their desks in their own class. Not only do they disrupt students from classes, such events tear a large number of teachers away from educational activities: a child needs an escort, judges are required on the jury.

Types of extracurricular activities

There are a lot of options for classes outside of program lessons. These can be both events in academic subjects (electives, quizzes, circle classes, olympiads, meetings of scientific societies, conferences, competitions, and so on), and educational events (excursions to museums and interesting places, visits to theaters, classes in creative circles). directions, preparing concerts, staging performances, holding fairs of handicrafts and other collective creative activities). Even a simple walk in the school yard can turn into a full-fledged extracurricular activity if the teacher teaches the children something, if they get some new knowledge, they become at least a little kinder, more tolerant, more interested.

How to emphasize the differences between lessons and extracurricular activities?

Unfortunately, many students do not see the difference between lessons and electives, olympiads and tests, conferences and, again, ordinary lessons. And teachers who do not know how to approach their work creatively are to blame for this.

But it is very important to make sure that the development of an extracurricular activity is fundamentally different from the lesson. Even if an extra-curricular activity has a lot in common with the topic of the lesson, it should not become an ordinary extra activity. It should be a different world, not a boring dull lesson, but a small holiday.

If it is not possible to hold an extracurricular event outside the walls of your own class, then you can, for example, change the appearance of the room:

  • rearrange the tables in a circle or in pairs so that the children sit four people opposite each other,
  • decorate the walls with posters, large flowers, wall newspapers;
  • develop original paraphernalia used only in these classes - ties, breast emblems, caps.

"Mom, dad, I'm a math family"

If desired, even an ordinary extra-curricular activity in mathematics can be turned into an exciting team competition. Here, just as it happens in Merry Starts, family teams are organized that go through stage after stage and score points.

The scenario of the extra-curricular activity "Mom, dad, I am a mathematical family" may include a creative element - the presentation of teams. This will be the participants' homework. Let the preparation of costumes, emblems or other paraphernalia, which would make it possible to distinguish members of one team from another, will also lie on the shoulders of the players themselves.

You can include elements from KVN in an extracurricular activity in mathematics:

  • warm-up, where team members in one minute select answers to the questions of the presenter;
  • captain competition;
  • "serve-hang up", when teams take turns asking opponents questions and tasks prepared in advance.

However, this event should still be based on the idea of ​​showing students the importance of mathematical skills in real life, teaching them how to use them in practice.

If teams are playing with elementary school students, they should be offered tasks to calculate the cost of goods, calculate the cost of paying for electricity, calculate the required number of seeds for planting in a box or in a garden.

Older children can prepare tasks more difficult. For example, calculate the weight of a hippopotamus if it is known that it is lighter than half an elephant by two monkeys and two watermelons. And an elephant is heavier than a hippo by 110 monkeys and 50 watermelons. Present the answer in monkeys and watermelons.

An unconventional approach to a subject that seems boring and uninteresting to half of the class can radically change the attitude towards it. And even after the first such event, not all students will fall in love with mathematics. But the fact that they will have a desire to learn more about it is an indisputable fact.

Extracurricular activities are the most important part of the teacher's work. Conducting these classes always has an educational impact on students of all ages. Read the types of extracurricular activities and analyze their effectiveness in our article!

Extra-curricular activities - classes or events in the team, which must be organized directly by the teacher or by the educational institution itself and be of an educational nature. Such activities also include games, excursions, trips to museums, etc.

The success and effectiveness of training largely depends on the choice of teaching methods and techniques, but at the same time, the importance of the influence of the correct organization and conduct of extracurricular activities cannot be ignored. Every teacher knows that very often interest in any subject can be aroused precisely during extracurricular activities, or in some way influence, for example, the choice of a future profession.

So, what are the types of extracurricular activities at school? The most common events: creative activities, extra-curricular circles, studios and creative associations, scientific communities and subject circles, exhibitions, public holidays, excursions, conferences, competitions and olympiads. Any extracurricular activity includes three main stages: the preparatory stage, the stage of the event itself and the analysis (or introspection) of the lesson.

The development of extracurricular activities requires teachers to spend time preparing this type of activity, because it is necessary to find interesting, relevant material on a given topic that will not only interest students, but also not leave them indifferent.

In addition, it is necessary to clearly plan all parts of the event, choose methods and techniques for presenting material, determine the form of the lesson and the necessary equipment, visual and didactic material for extracurricular activities.

So, what scenarios for extracurricular activities can be used by a teacher in their work? The scenario of an extra-curricular event itself is a detailed development of the content of the event, formalized in literature and revealing all the elements and actions of an extra-curricular event, set out in a clear logical sequence.

The theme and purpose should be disclosed in the scenario, all logical transitions from one part of the event to another should be formalized. The most important thing when writing a script is to concretize the general theme, to find and highlight the problematic aspect of the issue raised, which worries the team the most. Each extracurricular activity, as a rule, is timed to coincide with a particular holiday, significant day or person, or a problematic topic.

It is important that the scenario of an extracurricular activity corresponds to the age characteristics of the students. It can be dedicated, for example, to the work of A. Pushkin, F. Chaliapin or A. Akhmatova. A problematic topic that is important for children of a particular age can also be raised: the harm of drugs, a person in society, children and money, safety rules in dealing with animals, etc.

The scenario of the event should contain the development of a specific plot, and the presence of a conflict is mandatory. A scenario without conflict does not reveal all the ideas of the lesson so clearly. After conducting an extracurricular activity of any form, the teacher needs to analyze the extracurricular activity.

There are two different types of analysis of extracurricular activities: subject-content and psychological-pedagogical. The first type analyzes the content of the event, its educational orientation. The second type primarily considers the lesson from a pedagogical point of view. The scheme for analyzing an extracurricular activity is as follows: First point: evaluate the rationale for the topic of a given activity.

Next, analyze the goals and objectives of the event and how they were achieved during the lesson. Next, consider the venue and form of the lesson itself and pay attention to how they corresponded to the chosen topic. The activity of students in the classroom helps to assess how the teacher managed to convey the material to the students and whether the methods and techniques of conducting the event were chosen correctly. The last point of the analysis is to identify the pedagogical value of the event and its significance for the further development of each student individually and the team as a whole.

Each teacher should also perform a self-analysis of the event. This makes it possible to assess how successful the extra-curricular event was, evaluate their own pedagogical skills and identify points that should be corrected or given special attention when preparing the next lesson. Self-analysis promotes self-improvement and motivates everyone, including teachers, for further development.

Conducting extracurricular activities is an important part of the work of a teacher. This is one of the most interesting components of school life. An extracurricular activity requires a lot of preparatory work before the event itself in order for the lesson to be effective, to interest students and not leave them indifferent to the topic of the lesson, but, on the contrary, motivate them to further study, discuss and comprehend the problem.

Extra-curricular activities always contribute to the development of children's creative abilities and personal growth of students. Conducting an extracurricular activity is an important part of the school life of a teacher and students, which helps to unlock the potential of both parties, and the analysis of the event often helps to identify, eliminate and coordinate existing problems in the team.

An extracurricular activity is always interesting for both the teacher and the students. Students learn new useful information, are active, and the teacher gets the opportunity to look at his students from the other side.

Forms and types of cultural and leisure activities, methods of holding various kinds of events have one common skeleton in their structure - these are organizational stages, preparation stages, a rehearsal period, the final stage is the direct implementation of the plan. Cultural events provide free expression and formation of opinions, familiarization with culture, stimulation of creativity, development of spirituality, self-development and self-education. They act as a means of introducing children and adults to joint action according to the plan and themes.

In the modern world, where the availability of computer technologies is high, where censorship does not stand up to scrutiny, where the culture of society is getting lower every year, there is a need to hold various kinds of events aimed at self-development, culture and sports.

The level of education of children, compared with past decades, is becoming an order of magnitude lower. It is enough to read the correspondence of teenagers in chats and see for yourself. Children spend all their free time at the computer, which also negatively affects their physical form.

Children stop reading

Forms of activities for school institutions include educational measures aimed at introducing children to reading. The book has always been a source of information. In the moral, intellectual and aesthetic development of children, its role is indisputable - reading improves literacy, raises the general cultural level, opens up new horizons, emotionally enriches, reveals creativity and, importantly, has a rather strong influence on the formation of the spiritual basis of the individual.

But the more information, computer technologies penetrate into a person's life, the less often children pick up a book. This is primarily due to their unwillingness to read. After all, it is much easier to turn on the tablet and start the game. The book makes you work.

The event for children in the library aims to introduce the child to the world of literature, to show that one can get aesthetic pleasure from reading, to teach the child to empathize with the heroes of the work, to prove that the book and only the book is the only true, inexhaustible source of information, that it can become a friend and adviser. Through literature, children learn to see the good, the reasonable, the eternal.

Organizing an Open Book Day

All organizational and preparatory stages are assigned to the librarian. The program of events is drawn up taking into account the age category of children, range of interests and current trends. The primary task is to determine the theme and form of the event. Then an approximate scenario of the event is prescribed. To achieve the goal (introducing children to reading and books), there are many options for its implementation, which are different in complexity and laboriousness in preparing. These are various quizzes, literary courts, KVN, circles of literature lovers, book clubs and much more.

As for the form of events, it can be arbitrary, but in any case, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • The event should not be overloaded (its duration should correspond to the age category: for children of primary school age - 20-30 minutes, taking into account their restlessness, for older children, adolescents and high school students - about an hour).
  • If this is a quiz or competition and all participants present are involved in it, then the questions should be of the optimal level of difficulty. Due to highly complex and overly easy questions or tasks, children will quickly lose interest in the activity.
  • An event is not an end in itself, but a means of education.
  • The event should be interesting, exciting, evoke strong emotions and feelings among participants and visitors, and stimulate the creative abilities of children.

Library - the foundation of culture

The library is an important social institution of society, the main task of which is the harmonious intellectual and creative development of the younger generation. During the academic year, the library holds many promotions, events, exhibitions; throughout the year, students, book lovers, actively attend literary circles.

Summer camp

In the summer, when the period of games and entertainment comes, when it becomes possible to take a break from school, relieve stress, replenish energy resources, the city authorities, together with teachers, organize a summer school camp.

It plays a very important role in the health and education of children. For children attending the summer camp, the most comfortable conditions for an exciting and useful pastime have been created. The program includes hiking and excursions to the iconic places of the city, holding various quizzes, competitions, and literary games. Children of the senior classes are often attracted to the summer camp as counselors in the younger groups, thereby developing leadership abilities in them. Charging is carried out daily, dances and all kinds of quests are often organized. Children in these camps are often provided with food to replenish the energy expended in active play.

Truth is born in a dispute

The phrase "Truth is born in a dispute" is attributed to Socrates, but at the same time it is said that Socrates "opposed a dialogue to a dispute." Every high school student has a moment when the information about the rules and norms of behavior provided by the teacher is no longer enough for him. A person at this time manifests such qualities as self-esteem, criticality, social activity. There is a desire for self-development, as well as a desire to independently understand difficult situations. At this age, high school students need to debate - this form of extracurricular work helps the student to express his point of view, to defend it.

A literary dispute is a clash of opinions, a divergence of views, a verbal struggle of one participant (dispute-monologue), when one participant argues with himself in the presence of listeners (such a dispute is also called an internal dispute), two or more participants (argument-dialogue) when everyone present participates in a dispute regarding a specific topic.

The leader's task is to determine the form of events, ensure their quality, and involve participants in an organized debate. The main goal is to teach young men and women to resist opponents, which will have a positive impact in their adult life, when, having already left the care of their parents and teachers, they, getting into spontaneous disputes, will be able to adequately withstand and prove themselves. The ability to behave correctly in a dispute, to defend one's point of view can also help in the future when applying for a job. Such debates are held among schoolchildren in order to develop emotional stamina in front of an opponent, the ability to control their emotions during a heated argument.

Choosing the right profession is half the success

A way to help a student, a teenager, approaching the final stage of education in a comprehensive school, at least to a small extent decide on the direction of further education and profession, is an event that is often called an Open Day. Such events have become a good tradition and are held in all higher (and not only) educational institutions at least once a year. On this day, parents and students visit various universities.

The purpose of the event is to convey information about a particular educational institution that is important for the future student, applicant, highlighting its advantages and benefits. Naturally, for an educational institution holding this event, this is a guarantee of attracting as many students as possible, there is a commercial benefit here. But for parents who are unsuccessfully trying to persuade their child to devote themselves to a particular profession, this is a chance to clearly demonstrate all its positive aspects and persuade the child to the right decision.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of such an event as Open Doors Day. It has a lot of positive aspects, and for everyone - both for the organizers and for the visitors. In addition to the informative part of the event, guests will have a tour of the classrooms, the opportunity to communicate with future teachers and other students, learn from them about their successes, and much more. This means that this provides a unique opportunity to change a decision that has been suddenly made or to once again make sure that it is correct. Therefore, the applicant should definitely visit the chosen university on the open day.

Extracurricular activities as a means of education

Another important component of the educational process is such an educational event as an extracurricular activity conducted directly by a teacher or teacher with the aim of direct educational impact on children. The organization of extracurricular activities in the subject contributes to more successful learning, and also ensures the comprehensive and harmonious development of children. This corresponds to one of the main ideas of the educational process.

Carrying out extra-curricular activities contributes to building a bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical experience, and forms professional qualities. A developing educational event contributes to the identification and development of individual abilities, the disclosure of creative potentials through the involvement of schoolchildren in the implementation of various projects.

A feature of extracurricular activities is the absence of any strict regulations in the choice of means and methods. In most cases, the control of the results is carried out empirically, based on the observation of the team.


Since ancient times, various kinds of intellectual games have been held as cultural and leisure activities. Chess, checkers, mahjong are considered one of the most ancient such entertainments. These are forms of children's leisure activities, where erudition is the main tool. In such games, as a rule, it is required to answer questions relating to various areas of human life, and the winner is awarded with some kind of prize. Such games are very common: “Own game”, “Intellectual Olympiads”, “What? Where? When?" and many others.

As a form of the educational process, such an event is able to turn the quite serious intellectual employment of students into a holiday, an exciting action in which not only children of elementary grades, but also high school students take part with pleasure.

The forms of holding events of an intellectual nature, in contrast to serious subject Olympiads, are more interesting and exciting. Intellectual games cover a wide range of human activities. The purpose of their implementation in educational institutions of various levels is to identify abilities and stimulate the development of the creative potential of students. They help teach children to think outside the box, make unexpectedly right decisions in a limited time, allow children to express themselves, apply knowledge and skills in specific situations. The participation of children in intellectual games allows you to broaden your horizons, train erudition and logical thinking. Indeed, without proper nourishment, even the brightest talent will eventually come to naught.

Sport - is life

Sports events and mass forms of sports for the development of a strong body and a healthy spirit in the younger generation play an important role. The main goal of sports events is to popularize sports, as it is the key to the health of the nation. Physical activities distract young people from addictions, instill worthy qualities, contribute to the formation of sustainable mental health (sport helps people with disabilities adapt to normal life, taking into account their individual characteristics). Sports activities help channel the physical aggression of teenagers in a peaceful direction.

The history of sports dates back to ancient times, when the idea was born of the ancient Romans to hold the Olympic Games. Such events help to generate the energy of the group and direct it to the implementation of positive social action, eliminating the danger of destroying the established order. By holding sports competitions, you can surprisingly rally the members of one group and create a real team! Now, in addition to standard competitions, such as wrestling, running, shooting, and so on, the most unimaginable and ridiculous sports competitions appear, nevertheless interesting and useful.

As part of the school program for the physical training of children, sports propaganda teams are organized annually in the form of a music and sports festival, in which children who promote a healthy lifestyle take part.

Holiday for everyone

A large number of people, sometimes the population of the whole city, take part in cultural and leisure activities. The very definition of the term "mass cultural event" has a fairly wide range of options. It can be held in the form of noisy festivities, various celebrations, festivities and fairs. Usually cultural events are held outdoors, in stadiums, city squares. They can be both political, leisure, and advertising in nature.

This is an opportunity for residents of the city to relax, relax, and for musicians and various amateur groups to show themselves. Politicians through such events can attract as many electorate as possible to their side. Spirituality and physical culture, sports and art are organically combined in such events.

A musical and poetic evening as one of the forms of a cultural event is a performance by one or more artists dedicated to a particular art event or figure, often such evenings are held in a pleasant romantic atmosphere, with the reading of poems by great poets, famous figures, with the performance of songs to the words of the poems of the poet to whom the memorable day is dedicated.

At fairs, manufacturers have the opportunity to show their products, talk about them, and visitors - to try this or that product and make a first impression about it. At this time, young talents from all fields of art show musical and theatrical performances, thereby advertising themselves. Guests of the fair are also pleased with festive trade, an exhibition of equipment, elite breeds of poultry, craft rows and attractions, sports competitions.

The program of events usually consists of a description of the events, an indication of the time of their holding, and is published in advance on the city's website. Posters are also being prepared and booklets are being issued so that everyone can attend a celebration timed to coincide with an event. Events that involve the gathering of a large number of people are regulated in accordance with the law. During the entire holiday, enhanced security is provided for all areas covered by the festivities.

New Year holidays: holding events

New Year and Christmas are holidays celebrated all over the world. Everyone is waiting for them - from kids to their grandparents. They are dedicated to events on the main squares in all cities, matinees in all houses of culture and creativity, schools and kindergartens, New Year's performances in higher educational institutions. Organizers and participants, as a rule, begin to prepare for the New Year holidays long before they arrive. The scenario of the event is approved by the highest competent authority of a particular institution that conducts a particular event. In schools and kindergartens, children are attracted to the celebration, contests and various entertaining scenes are prepared.

The main attribute of the holiday, of course, is a decorated Christmas tree, around which it is customary to dance round dances. Cultural events associated with New Year celebrations were introduced in Russia at the end of the 17th century by Peter the Great. In truth, the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year not on September 1, but on January 1 quickly took root.

By decree of Peter the Great, an approximate scenario for the holiday was developed - to decorate the entrance to the dwelling with pine, juniper, spruce branches, from January 1 to January 7, burn bonfires, have fun, give gifts to each other. New Year's events came to Russia from Europe, and Peter I personally monitored the implementation of all the rules of the celebration. In 1700, the people saw fireworks that had never been seen before. The idea to postpone New Year's events for the winter period was that Peter the Great was striving for Europe, in which at that time it was 1699 from the birth of Christ, in Russia it was 7208 from the creation of the world. Such a large calendar difference brought great inconvenience to political relations with Europe. The transition to the chronology from the Nativity of Christ solved a lot of problems at once.

Mass folk festivals

Mass festivities in the spirit of the original Russian traditions of a merry mass holiday, such as Maslenitsa, Christmas time, Bright and Radonitskaya weeks, the Semitsko-Trinity cycle, have been held in Russia since ancient times. Usually they took place in the open air with dancing, dressing up, games, round dances, playing the harmonica, nozzles, pipes, with characteristic rituals of lighting fires, symbolic burning of an effigy.

Mass events, accompanied by many days of folk festivals, originate from pre-Christian times. Maslenitsa was their progenitor. This holiday can be considered the brightest and most cheerful, because it is timed to coincide with the day of the spring solstice, that is, the beginning of the new year. The date of the celebration of Maslenitsa is not fixed, it is celebrated exactly one week before the start of Lent, so solemn folk festivals are celebrated every year at different times.

In order for the above requirements to be implemented in practice, there is a certain sequence of organization of extracurricular activities. It can be used for both individual and group work. In extracurricular work, there is a lot of scope for the creativity of the teacher in choosing the content, forms and methods of classes. However, in the methodology for their implementation, there should be some common points: first of all, it is necessary that the main stages of the implementation of the educational event be traced. This is the study and setting of educational tasks, the preparation and modeling of the upcoming extracurricular activities, the practical implementation of the model and the analysis of the work done.

1. Studying and setting educational tasks. This stage is aimed at studying the characteristics of each student and the class team as a whole and determining the most relevant tasks for the implementation of effective educational impact. The purpose of the stage is an objective assessment of pedagogical reality, which consists in determining its positive aspects (the best in a child, a team), and what needs to be adjusted, formed and selected the most important tasks.

The study is carried out using well-known methods of pedagogical research, the leading among which at this stage is observation. With the help of observation, the teacher collects information about students and the team. An informative method is a conversation, not only with students, but also with parents, teachers working in the classroom.

In individual work, the study of the products of the child's activity is of great importance: drawings, crafts, poems, stories, etc. In the study of the collective, the method of sociometry is informative, with the help of which the teacher learns about the most popular and unpopular students, the presence of small groups, the nature of the relationship between them.

2. Preparation and modeling of the forthcoming extra-curricular educational work consists in building a model of a certain form of activity by the teacher. Even for a talented teacher, the success of extracurricular activities depends largely on the previous preparation for them. Therefore, each event should, first of all, methodically develop, simulate its implementation.

The plan is made by the teacher with the involvement of students. In the upper grades, they can do this work themselves under the guidance of a teacher. The ability to plan an educational event is one of the elements of the scientific organization of the work of teachers and students in the field of extracurricular activities. educational extracurricular game teacher

The simulation results are reflected in the extracurricular activity plan, which has the following structure:

  • 1. Name.
  • 2. Purpose, tasks.
  • 3. Materials and equipment.
  • 4. Form of holding.
  • 5. Venue.
  • 6. Plan of carrying out.

The title reflects the theme of extracurricular activities. It should not only accurately reflect the content, but also be concise, attractive in form.

It is advisable to start the preparation with the definition of the educational and educational goals and objectives of the event, the selection of appropriate forms and methods of conducting, as well as the appointment and place in the system of working with this team. In this, first of all, an integrated approach to education is manifested. Therefore, it is important in advance to reveal as fully as possible the educational possibilities of the intended work, to establish a connection between this event and others that together make up the system of educational work. When preparing an event, it is useful to take into account the previous educational activities in this group of students and its results.

The purpose of an extracurricular activity should reflect the developing, corrective, formative, educational functions, while the teaching function can act as one of the tasks. Obviously, only the communication of new knowledge cannot be the goal of extracurricular activities. Objectives should be very specific and reflect this content. They should not be universal. The more specific and diagnostic the goal and objectives of extracurricular activities are formulated, the more definite the teacher's ideas about the desired results will be.

In accordance with the purpose, tasks, priority functions of extracurricular activities and the results of the study, the content is specified, specific forms, methods, and means are selected.

Extracurricular equipment includes various means: manuals, toys, videos, transparencies, software, literature, information resources, musical arrangement, etc. It is important to prepare tables and chairs for the jury and teams in time; drawing paper, paper, pencils and pens; boards for tasks, crayons and rags, etc.

The selection of material occupies a central place in the preparation of an educational event. Depending on the nature of the work, this takes a different amount of time. So, a lot of time is required to pick up material for a debate, an evening, a review: it is used by the teacher and students to read literature, students perform various tasks and projects, collect facts, prepare reports, speeches, etc. This preliminary work with students sometimes turns out to be the most significant in terms of upbringing and education. But even if a long time is not required for the selection of material (an excursion to a computer center or a trip to the cinema), the teacher needs to familiarize himself with the object of the visit in advance.

The form of extracurricular activities can be an excursion, a quiz, a competition, an olympiad, etc. In this case, in terms of the form of the lesson, it is combined with the name, for example: “Traffic Quiz”, “Tournament of young traffic inspectors”, “Excursion to a driving school”, “Traffic game”.

The venue is determined by the number of participants, the form of the event, the requirements for the material base, etc. (informatics room, assembly hall, gym, etc.).

The lesson plan includes a description of the content, methods of education and can be either a detailed, consistent presentation of the scenario or a thesis plan. When modeling the course of a lesson, its duration and structure must be taken into account. An extracurricular activity can be from 15-20 minutes for elementary grades to 1-2 hours for middle-aged and older students.

It should be noted such an important element of the preparation of the event as organizational work. The teacher manages it, involving students. He monitors the distribution of orders, helps to fulfill them, controls them. Responsible tasks can be given to classes, groups of students. To organize major events, it is advisable to create organizing committees, to hold a competition for the best preparation. At the same time, relying on the initiative of students, the teacher contributes to the formation of organizational skills and abilities in them, teaches them to be independent and responsible.

Announcements about the event should be prepared and posted on time, and the day before it - posters with reminders: “Are you coming to KVN?”, “KVN at ... hours”, “Everyone is at KVN”. In a market economy, it is important to find sponsors and prepare prizes for the winners.

3. The practical implementation of the model is aimed at the implementation of the planned educational work in the real pedagogical process.

To keep the interest and attention of students, the event should be organized, dynamic, without pauses. Much depends on the leader, his preparedness, erudition, ability to be a good organizer, to show resourcefulness and flexibility in unexpected situations, to win over listeners, to establish contact with them. In unorganized groups, regardless of the age of schoolchildren, teachers usually conduct educational classes themselves. In the process of strengthening the team, the management of the activities of students becomes more and more indirect (influence through the asset, reliance on amateur performance). As they gain experience, the teacher may assign them to lead some form of extracurricular activities while maintaining control over the situation.

When conducting extra-curricular activities, the teacher must also make sure that all participants are in place on time, that technical means do not fail, that the planned work plan is kept in time, otherwise a well-conceived, carefully planned lesson may turn out to be ineffective.

Particular attention should be paid to the holding of complex events (a long game, a review of computer creativity, a week of informatics, a month of physics and mathematics). They should be a cycle of links connected by a single plan and purpose.

For the purpose of effective practical implementation in classes that are diverse in content and methods, four main stages of the lesson should be followed.

1. Organizational moment (0.5-3 minutes).

Pedagogical goal: to switch students to extracurricular activities, to arouse interest in it, positive emotions.

Typical mistakes: duplication of the beginning of the lesson, protractedness.

Recommendations: effective switching of students to extracurricular activities is facilitated by non-traditional, entertaining material in the organizational moment: the use of a riddle, a problem question, a game moment, sound recording, students moving to another room, etc.

2. Introductory part (from 1/5 to 1/3 of the time of the whole lesson).

Pedagogical goal: to activate students, arrange them for educational influence. The teacher determines how much his pedagogical forecast coincides with reality regarding the abilities of students, their personal qualities, the level of awareness on a given topic, emotional mood, level of activity, interest, etc. At this stage, the teacher needs not only to captivate students, but also to determine whether it is necessary to make adjustments to the course of the lesson and what kind they should be.

A typical mistake is ignoring this stage because the teacher is afraid of the unexpected reaction of the students, that they can say or do not what the teacher expects. The teacher builds the introductory part not on children's activity, but on his own, excluding feedback, assigning students the role of passive listeners, not attaching importance to the emotional mood of students.

In the first case, questions, in the second - tasks should not only be interesting, but also constructed in such a way that they give information to the teacher about the readiness to perceive the prepared material. In the introductory part, students' primary ideas about the upcoming event should be formed, their activities should be organized (familiarization with the assessment system, event plan, division into teams). Clear evaluation criteria should be given, the necessary rules explained.

3. The main part of the time should be the longest (slightly more than 1/3 of the total time of the lesson).

Pedagogical goal: implementation of the main idea of ​​the event.

Typical mistakes: the activity of the teacher with partial or complete passivity of students, the lack of visibility and the general poverty of the use of means and methods, the predominance of methods for the formation of consciousness over the methods of formation of behavior, the creation of a learning atmosphere for the lesson, edification, moralizing.

Recommendations: the educational effect in the implementation of extracurricular activities is higher if students are as active as possible. In activating students in an extracurricular activity, the creation of a special emotional atmosphere that is different from the lesson is of paramount importance.

The effectiveness of the main part increases if the teacher uses, if possible, the maximum number of methods for shaping behavior: exercise, game, assignment; includes various types of activities: labor, creative, play, etc. By combining students into teams when organizing various types of activities, the teacher must place students so that they can freely communicate with each other, distribute responsibilities so that everyone feels part of the team, and did not speak only for himself. When giving time to complete an assignment, allow a few minutes for team discussion and ask for a team representative chosen by the students. Only in this case, students have a common goal of activity, different functions and motives for cooperation.

Methods for the formation of consciousness should contribute to the formation of students' beliefs, effective ethical concepts. For these purposes, it is effective to modify the story method into a message, a student's report, and more often use a discussion. In extracurricular mass forms of educational work, students should be taught the rules of discussion.

4. Final part (from 1/4 to less than 1/5 of the time).

Pedagogical goal: to set up students for the practical application of the acquired experience in their extracurricular life and to determine how much the idea of ​​the lesson was realized. Thus, the final part gives the teacher the opportunity to realize the educational influence on the child in a different environment.

Typical mistakes: this part is ignored altogether or reduced to questions like: “Did you like it?”, “What did you learn new?”

Recommendations: specific test tasks in an attractive form for students: crossword, mini-quiz, blitz, game situation, etc. to determine the primary results. A variety of recommendations for students on the application of the acquired experience in life. This may be a display of books on a given problem, a discussion of situations in which students can apply the skills and information acquired in the classroom. Tips for students on the application of the experience gained: what they can tell their loved ones, what to ask about this topic; where you can go, what you need to pay attention to, what you can play, what you can do yourself, etc. In the final part, you can find out if the topic of the lesson needs further disclosure and how can this be done? The final part of the teacher can use to develop the initiative of students in carrying out follow-up activities.

4. The analysis of the work carried out is aimed at comparing the formed model with the real implementation, identifying successful and problematic moments, their causes and consequences. The element of setting the task for further educational work is very important. This stage is very important for adjusting educational tasks, content, forms and planning further extracurricular activities.

Summing up the results of the educational event is an important point that is often underestimated. Here, the role of the teacher and the methodologist is especially responsible, who must make a qualified conclusion, evaluate the merits and demerits of the work done.

An analysis of the results of the event should be carried out systematically, since only based on what has been achieved can one successfully move forward, consolidate the best, and get rid of shortcomings. Such an analysis of the results has two main functions - organizing and educating. Regular analysis contributes to a better organization of work, encourages a more serious attitude to the task assigned, since its results and results do not go unnoticed, but are evaluated. Analysis is also a good school for the education of observation, self-criticism, exactingness, the formation of public opinion, the correct attitude towards criticism, and the improvement of pedagogical skills.

When analyzing an educational event, one should first of all fix positive results, indicate those techniques, conditions, methods that led to success, and look for the reasons for failures. Qualified summing up creates the conditions for sound planning and improving the quality of all educational work in the future. The pedagogical analysis of each conducted activity can be carried out in accordance with the following main criteria:

  • 1) the presence of a goal;
  • 2) relevance and modernity of the topic;
  • 3) its orientation;
  • 4) depth and scientific content, compliance with the age characteristics of students;
  • 5) the preparedness of the teacher and students for work, the organization and clarity of its implementation.

The quality of the educational event can also be judged by the reaction of the students. Their attention, emotional mood, interest in what is happening, activity or, conversely, indifference, speak at once about a lot. More remote in time observations of the behavior of schoolchildren, conversations with them, questionnaires allow a deeper assessment of the effectiveness of the work done.

The state and results of out-of-class and out-of-school work must be systematically discussed at pedagogical councils and methodological associations. Schoolchildren should also be involved in the assessment of the educational activities carried out, and school radio, wall newspapers, and exhibitions should be used for this purpose. The results of such forms of work as competitions, reviews, competitions, months, etc., require extensive discussion in the team.

As a result of studying the problem, we came to the following conclusions:

1. Extra-curricular activities are events, classes, situations in a team organized by teachers or someone else for students with the aim of direct educational impact on them.

The purpose of extracurricular activities is to ensure the comprehensive and harmonious development of schoolchildren. This requirement corresponds to the main idea of ​​education - to educate a person who harmoniously combines spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection.

  • 2. All these types of extracurricular activities in most cases are closely related to each other, have much in common and are aimed at developing students' interest in the subject, logical thinking.
  • 3. The general conditions for organizing any extracurricular activities of students are:
    • * taking into account the interests and needs of students of a particular class;
    • * clear planning of extracurricular activities, determination of its final results;
    • * close connection with other subjects;
    • - Attention to the socially useful activities of students.

Game as a form of leisure organization

The two most important purposes of the game:

  • 1. as a means of education and upbringing (a form of folk pedagogy);
  • 2. the genetic and functional basis of art (a form of convention and reincarnation).

A game is a form of spending free time by a person, which, as a rule, is not aimed at achieving any practical result, is an individual or collective entertainment, is regulated by rules, relies on folk or group traditions, thanks to which any person can easily and with pleasure.

Incentives for the game:

  • 1. imitation (mummers, adults, etc.);
  • 2. competition;
  • 3. wish (loaf, etc.);
  • 4. assistance (games to the rescue);
  • 5. self-affirmation (trickle, intellectual games, computer games);
  • 6. excitement (games to win).

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1. Theoretical foundations for organizing extracurricular activities

1.1 Types of extracurricular activities

2. Review of methods of extra-curricular activities for the prevention of child road traffic injuries

2.1 Methodology for organizing and conducting extracurricular activities


List of sources used


Prevention of children's road traffic injuries in any educational institution is a problem that requires multifaceted and comprehensive pedagogical activity. It actualizes the issues of choosing forms of work with children; with the parent community; with public organizations and enterprises working in the field of road traffic; with traffic police officers, as well as with other interested organizations and departments.

According to the head of the Department of Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia V.N. Kiryanov, the prevention of child road traffic injuries should be understood as targeted activities for the timely identification, prevention and elimination of the causes and conditions that contribute to road traffic accidents in which children and adolescents die and are injured.

The aim of the work is to consider the methodology for conducting extra-curricular activities for the prevention of child road traffic injuries.

The object of the study, the process of carrying out activities to prevent children's road traffic injuries at school.

The subject is the method of their implementation.

To achieve the goal set in the work, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Theoretical foundations for organizing extracurricular activities

The concept of extracurricular activities

Extra-curricular activities are events, classes, situations in a team organized by teachers or someone else for students with the aim of direct educational impact on them.

Extra-curricular activities are built in comparison with lessons on other material, are carried out in other organizational forms and are more based on the independence of students and are held outside of class time.

The importance of extracurricular activities in the educational process of the general education school is constantly increasing, as it contributes to a closer linkage of theoretical knowledge with life, with practice; forms the professional interests of students.

The most important task of extracurricular activities with students in the subject is to increase their interest in the study of traffic rules, the formation of personality traits in students: mutual assistance, friendship, the ability to work in a team, etc.

Extracurricular activities also include games, excursions and meetings with traffic police officers.

The study of traffic rules by students outside the curriculum and the requirements of the school program differs, first of all, from the lesson, as the main form of organizing the learning process and the main element of the class-lesson system.

The purpose and objectives of extracurricular activities determine its functions - teaching, educational and developing.

One of the tasks of extracurricular activities is to enrich schoolchildren with new, interesting facts, concepts that reflect various aspects of human life and society.

The success of learning largely depends not only on the choice of effective methods and forms of teaching in the classroom in the classroom, but also on the organization of extracurricular activities in the subject.

The results of teachers' creative searches helped to accumulate experience in extracurricular activities.

Experienced teachers know that very often the interest in the subject, the choice of profession is influenced by extracurricular activities.

The educational function of an extracurricular activity does not have the same priority as in educational activities. It is auxiliary for a more effective implementation of educational and developmental functions and does not consist in the formation of a system of scientific knowledge, educational skills and abilities, but in teaching certain behavioral skills, collective life, communication skills, etc.

The implementation of an in-depth approach to the study of the rules of the road through a variety of forms of extracurricular activities will develop the creative abilities of students, taking into account their individual characteristics, develop a steady interest in replenishing knowledge, the desire to work, and teach students to navigate traffic situations. extracurricular road transport

The development of cognitive interest in the lesson on the basis of extra-curricular activities is ensured by attracting entertainment means, getting acquainted with the rules of behavior on the road, excursions to driving schools and walks around the city in order to study road signs and the traffic situation, holding Safe Wheel competitions, etc.

1.1 Types of extracurricular activities

The concept of the types of extracurricular activities. The concept of extra-curricular activities indicates that the full composition of the class is not required to conduct these classes, that students of different classes can participate in them at their own request, that they are held outside the schedule of compulsory training sessions. In this sense, the forms of extracurricular educational work include: subject circles, scientific societies, olympiads, competitions, etc.

Creative activity. The leading forms of creative activity are circles, creative associations, studios, electives, practical classes in creative workshops, sports sections. Accompanying forms of creative activity include reading, spectator, and listener conferences, defense of independent reports, mass literary, musical, and theatrical celebrations, and exhibitions of children's works. Local history, folklore expeditions and excursions, school club associations, competitions, competitions, olympiads are used as auxiliary forms.

Subject circles and scientific societies. The content of the study circles includes: a more in-depth study of individual issues of the curriculum that arouse the interest of students; acquaintance with the life and creative activity of outstanding scientists, writers and other figures of science and culture, with the latest achievements of science and technology; holding evenings dedicated to individual scientists or scientific discoveries; organization of technical modeling and experimental work in biology, organization of meetings with researchers, etc. Among the leading forms that contribute to the development of individual interests and abilities of children are extracurricular activities.

Great material for the educational process is provided by special cognitive expeditions. They are dedicated to the collection of folklore, song material, historical information about revolutionary, military events.

The critical-analytical structural element becomes dominant in classes devoted to the analysis of works of art, historical documents, facts, research papers, as well as a critical assessment of the creative and practical activities of the students themselves.

Meeting with traffic police officers. A meeting with representatives of the traffic police can be carried out, at work sites this is the work of a traffic controller, inspection of vehicles, paperwork, passing exams and issuing documents.

There are a number of scientifically based requirements for extracurricular forms of education:

They should be deeply scientifically meaningful, ideologically and morally saturated, contributing to spiritual enrichment, creativity and physical development and the formation of a child's personality and individuality;

In their use, a combination of commitment, initiative and voluntariness is necessary, in which fascination is the starting point and a condition for the gradual inclusion of children in activities as a necessity;

The introduction of games, romance, regardless of the age of schoolchildren, literally in all creative, physical culture and sports and entertainment and educational activities, ensuring a healthy spirit of friendly competition, comparison and mutual assistance;

Providing moral education that protects children from overestimating their capabilities, developing painful pride, selfishness, neglect of the team and norms of behavior, envy as a result of immoderate praise, their success in sports, in technical, dramatic, choreographic, literary, musical creativity.

Thus, these classes differ from compulsory lessons in their novelty, greater depth of content, and the creation of a psychological attitude in students exclusively for creative, productive assimilation.

2. Omethodology overviewextra-curricular activities to prevent child road traffic injuries

2.1 Methodology for organizing and conducting extracurricular activities

In order for the above requirements to be implemented in practice, there is a certain sequence of organization of extracurricular activities. It can be used for both individual and group work. This is the study and setting of educational tasks, the preparation and modeling of the upcoming extracurricular activities, the practical implementation of the model and the analysis of the work done.

1. Studying and setting educational tasks. This stage is aimed at studying the characteristics of each student and the class team as a whole and determining the most relevant tasks for the implementation of effective educational impact. The purpose of the stage is an objective assessment of pedagogical reality, which consists in determining its positive aspects (the best in a child, a team), and what needs to be adjusted, formed and selected the most important tasks.

2. Preparation and modeling of the forthcoming extra-curricular educational work consists in building a model of a certain form of activity by the teacher. The plan is made by the teacher with the involvement of students. In the upper grades, they can do this work themselves under the guidance of a teacher.

The ability to plan an educational event is one of the elements of the scientific organization of the work of teachers and students in the field of extracurricular activities. The purpose of an extracurricular activity should reflect the developing, corrective, formative, educational functions, while the teaching function can act as one of the tasks. In accordance with the purpose, tasks, priority functions of extracurricular activities and the results of the study, the content is specified, specific forms, methods, and means are selected.

Extracurricular equipment includes various means: manuals, toys, videos, transparencies, software, literature, information resources, musical arrangement, etc. It is important to prepare tables and chairs for the jury and teams in time; drawing paper, paper, pencils and pens; boards for tasks, crayons and rags, etc.

The selection of material occupies a central place in the preparation of an educational event. Depending on the nature of the work, this takes a different amount of time. So, a lot of time is required to pick up material for a debate, an evening, a review: it is used by the teacher and students to read literature, students perform various tasks and projects, collect facts, prepare reports, speeches, etc. But even if a long time is not required for the selection of material (an excursion to a computer center or a trip to the cinema), the teacher needs to familiarize himself with the object of the visit in advance.

The form of extracurricular activities can be an excursion, a quiz, a competition, an olympiad, etc. The venue is determined by the number of participants, the form of the event, the requirements for the material base, etc. (informatics room, assembly hall, gym, etc.).

The lesson plan includes a description of the content, methods of education and can be either a detailed, consistent presentation of the scenario or a thesis plan. When modeling the course of a lesson, its duration and structure must be taken into account. An extracurricular activity can be from 15-20 minutes for elementary grades to 1-2 hours for middle-aged and older students.

Particular attention should be paid to the holding of complex events (a long game, a review of computer creativity, a week of informatics, a month of physics and mathematics). They should be a cycle of links connected by a single plan and purpose.

For the purpose of effective practical implementation in classes that are diverse in content and methods, four main stages of the lesson should be followed.

1. Organizational moment (0.5-3 minutes).

Pedagogical goal: to switch students to extracurricular activities, to arouse interest in it, positive emotions.

2. Introductory part (from 1/5 to 1/3 of the time of the whole lesson).

Pedagogical goal: to activate students, arrange them for educational influence.

3. The main part of the time should be the longest (slightly more than 1/3 of the total time of the lesson).

Pedagogical goal: implementation of the main idea of ​​the event.

4. Final part (from 1/4 to less than 1/5 of the time).

Pedagogical goal: to set up students for the practical application of the acquired experience in their extracurricular life and to determine how much the idea of ​​the lesson was realized.

4. The analysis of the work carried out is aimed at comparing the formed model with the real implementation, identifying successful and problematic moments, their causes and consequences. When summing up the results of the educational event, the role of the teacher and methodologist is especially responsible, who must make a qualified conclusion, evaluate the merits and demerits of the work done.

2.2 Areas of work of the school for the prevention of child road traffic injuries

Achieving positive and long-term effects in the organization of the prevention of child road traffic injuries is possible only on the basis of an integrated approach to addressing issues of child safety on the roads and injury prevention.

Extracurricular activities should include:

Conducting themed classroom hours;

Conversations of traffic police inspectors with students (pupils);

Participation in events on the Rules of the road held at the municipal and regional level;

Participation in road safety events held as part of the All-Russian operation "Attention - children!"

Discussing with students specific examples of road traffic accidents involving minors that occurred on the territory of the city / district or region;

Conducting conversations with students who violate the rules of the road;

Keeping a log of briefings before going out to public places;

Creation and work of a detachment of young traffic inspectors.

The educational institution must have:

1. Regulatory documentation governing the activities of an educational institution to prevent child road traffic injuries.

2. Approved work plan for the prevention of child road traffic injuries for the academic year.

3. Documents reflecting the activities of the squad of young traffic inspectors (order on the appointment of the leader of the YID squad, a list of squad members, an approved squad work plan for the academic year, a register of ongoing events, a squad passport and other additional materials).

4. Educational and material base for teaching children and adolescents the Rules of the road:

4.1. Road safety posters displayed in the lobby of an educational institution.

4.2. Stand of an educational institution on road safety.

4.3. Stand (corner), reflecting the activities of the detachment of young traffic inspectors (YUID).

4.4. Plan-scheme and model of the microdistrict of the educational institution, indicating the streets, their intersections, means of organizing traffic, areas of the greatest danger and recommended walking routes.

4.5. Autosite - a model of an intersection with marked markings, simulating a section of the intersection of carriageways, a pedestrian crossing.

4.6. Equipped and provided with visual aids cabinet for road safety.

4.7. Road safety corners in each elementary school classroom and in each group of preschool educational institutions.

4.8. Information for parents on road safety in each group of preschool educational institutions.

4.9. The presence in the library of an educational institution of methodological, didactic and fiction for teachers and students on road safety, textbooks on the Rules of the Road, as well as the presence of the Rules of the Road themselves.

5. Constantly updated lists of students with bicycles and motorcycles. Journal of accounting for the state of children's road traffic injuries.

Thus, all this is necessary to maintain effective work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries.


To achieve the goal of the work, namely to consider the methodology for conducting extra-curricular activities for the prevention of child road traffic injuries, the following tasks were solved in the work:

1. Describe the concept and types of extracurricular activities.

2. Consider the methodology and directions for the prevention of child road traffic injuries.

As a result of studying the problem, we came to the following conclusions:

1. Extra-curricular activities are events, classes, situations in a team organized by teachers or someone else for students with the aim of direct educational impact on them.

The purpose of extracurricular activities is to ensure the comprehensive and harmonious development of schoolchildren. This requirement corresponds to the main idea of ​​education - to educate a person who harmoniously combines spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection.

2. All these types of extracurricular activities in most cases are closely related to each other, have much in common and are aimed at developing students' interest in the subject, logical thinking.

3. The general conditions for organizing any extracurricular activities of students are:

Taking into account the interests and needs of students of a particular class;

Clear planning of extracurricular activities, determination of its final results;

Attention to the socially useful activities of students.

4. The prevention of child road traffic injuries should be understood as targeted activities for the timely identification, prevention and elimination of the causes and conditions that contribute to road traffic accidents in which children and adolescents die and are injured.

FROMlist of sources used

1. Kadzhaspirova G.M. Pedagogy / G.M. Kadzhaspirova. - M.: Gardariki, 2007. - 528 p.

2. Likhachev B.T. Pedagogy: a course of lectures / B.T. Likhachev. - M.: Prometheus; Yurayt, 1998.- 464 p.

3. Pedagogy of vocational education: a textbook for students of higher education. ped. textbook institutions / ed. V.A. Slastenina.- M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004.- 368 p.

4. Pospelov E.M. School toponymic dictionary / E.M. Pospelov. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988. - 134 p.

5. Podlasny I.P. Pedagogy [Text] / I.P. Podlasny. - M.: Vlados, 2005. -574 p.

6. Rules of the road: an exam without problems [Electronic resource]. - M .: LLC "Akella", 2007.

7. Rozhkov M.I. Organization of the educational process at school: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / M.I. Rozhkov, L.V. Baiborodova - M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2000.- 450 p.

8. Scalerenko A.B. General pedagogy / A.B. Scalerenko. - M.: Unity-Dana, 2006. - 479 p.

9. Kharlamov I.F. Pedagogy / I.F. Kharlamov. - M.: Gardariki, 2000. - 519 p.

10. Kiryanov V.N. Traffic police propaganda [Electronic resource]: Official website of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia / V.N. Kiryanov //http://www.gibdd.ru/

11. Kind road of childhood [Electronic resource]: internet portal// http://www.dddgazeta.ru/

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