What is it like to miss a person. Why do we miss when we fall in love

I suspect that we are always bored because we are lonely and have nothing to fill our lives with. This is what makes the person on whom we project our unsatisfaction important: supposedly, if he were nearby, then everything would be different ... The real, non-projective importance of a person in our life is not exactly determined by the level of boredom or longing for him.

I travel a lot for work and school. My loved ones stay at home. But I rarely miss them, and precisely when there are pauses in interesting work or study: I ​​am not busy, boredom arises, a nagging feeling of wasted time - and this boredom is experienced as a “beautiful”, “good” longing for those whom no nearby. It's also socially approved, such as a sign of seriousness and devotion. But no. Boredom and melancholy are a sign of boredom and loss, restlessness, and nothing more.

You can miss exactly your people - there are many acquaintances, but you don’t want to be close to many

And when I arrive, I observe the reaction of my twins, who do not know how to do it right. Mila says to me: “Dad, I didn’t miss you!” And I praise her: after all, this is not about the fact that I am “not important” to her. This is about the fact that her life is filled, there are other beloved close people nearby, and she and her sister, at the age of 5-6, are up to their ears in figure-gymnastics-swimming-piano ... I am important to them. There is no time to be bored and there is no need. Together happily and joyfully.

Masha Martynova, HR manager

I'm not sure they get bored only when they're bored. And with a very full life, you can think about a person constantly. Is this a sign that the person is really important? In my opinion, yes.

I also like Begbeder’s: “Here’s the simplest love test for you: if, after spending four or five hours without your mistress, you start to miss her, then you are not in love - otherwise ten minutes of separation would be enough to make your life absolutely unbearable ".

Mikhail Frolov, marketer

You can miss exactly your people - there are many acquaintances, but you don’t want to be close to many. I want to be not in a crowd of people or friends, but next to my person, to be with him all my life, sharing emotions, keeping close.

To figure out who this is for you, think about who you would take with you on a multi-year trip around the world. It's even easier for adults to figure it out. The main thing is not to regret later that you did not spend the best years and time on a person if he is no longer with you. It will just be your memory.

Anastasia Bodenchuk, philologist

My opinion is the opposite of that of a psychologist: if I miss a person, then I miss him. I've learned to trust my feelings. Is it wrong?

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Why do we miss when we fall in love?

Psychologist Santosh Tumadin answers many questions: How to stop living in anticipation when there is an irresistible desire to get married inside? How to stop being bored? How to let go of the attachment to the person you are in love with? Why is it necessary to let go of bindings? Why is waiting dangerous? Why is it harmful to wait for a loved one to come and make an offer? Why can't you call during the waiting period? What is female weakness and why is it not necessary to show "weakness"? Why can't you impose? What can happen to energy during the period of falling in love? Why do we miss? All the answers below are very important.


Hello! My name is Albina, I am 23 years old. I live in Moscow. My first love, which continues to this day, is a man who is 7 years older than me. We've been dating for about 4 years now. Six months ago, he said that in order to realize his desires, he must go to another country and start learning English. Initially, he planned to leave for six months, but he was offered an internship in another city with the prospect of working in Europe, and his journey could take n days, months, and even years. All these 6 months were like a test for me, I could not stop it, because. I think that it’s not for me to spoil my beloved career and dreams all the more. Before that, we often communicated on social networks, called up and talked online, and it was much easier, I even flew to him 2 times. But now, for a month now, he has been in a new city, and in the house where he lives, there is no Internet, calls have become less and less, and I completely forgot about online communication. Our correspondence turned into a continuous showdown that he should write and call more often, but I understand him too, he has a lot of work, studies and internships take all the time. But I miss him so much. Every day he writes me short sms that everything is for us, that he loves, misses and waits for me, but I study at the institute and cannot leave and give up everything in the middle of my path, and now I am waiting for the end of my studies.
My question is how to stop living one day waiting for this day to end, stop counting the days until our meeting on the calendar, mentally set yourself up, find the strength in yourself just to wait when we will be together again? I want to find answers that are very deep in my soul, which I hide day by day under a smile and a strong character.


Where your attention is directed - all your energy goes there - it is very important to remember!!! Then you will realize why this phrase should be put in the piggy bank of “personal development”.

Accordingly, all your fields, strength, etc. in the day when you meet, i.e. in future. But! When he lives in your fields (he is surrounded by your thoughts, care, love - this is your binding), and you yourself are not around - he does not have a sharp need for your presence.

!!! You need to realize that everything should be in its place !!!

Your fields should be with you so that you constantly feel an influx of strength, inspiration for meetings with friends, work, study, etc. And his fields should be with him, and he, accordingly, will feel a sharp lack of your real warmth and immediately begin to take action to "you are all" came to him.

If you deeply understand, you will immediately be in order, and everything will work out by itself, and you will enjoy doing things here. This is important when you are not dependent on a man. It is also very important for him.

Easy inaccessibility, strength and self-confidence have always seduced men.

Men always love strong, self-confident women. As soon as a man feels weakness*(weakness * - obsessive expectation of meetings, calls, demand for additional attention, idleness in one's own affairs), he is sure that the woman will not disappear anywhere, and interest in her is lost.

Santosh Tumadin
practicing psychologist
Why do we miss when we fall in love.

In our world, things happen very often for which we are often not ready. It often happens when those people who are especially dear to us are not at all close to us. And then we feel a slight sadness, and more and more we want to see them. In such cases, you can not just sit and do nothing. You must do everything possible to show how much this person is dear to you. And in order to do this, you need to send your own words I miss my beloved guy. Write everything only from the bottom of your heart, and then you will not be ashamed or embarrassed at all because your loved one did not understand you. And may you always have everything in the best way.

My dear, I miss you, even when we are not separated for long. Every day without you is darker than a dark night for me, and all around are gloomy and uninteresting people. I look forward to meeting you, I constantly think only about you. Come back quickly, separation from you saddens me.

Beloved, the time that we do not see each other drives me crazy, I really love it when we spend time together. You are the best thing in my life, which is why every minute without you drives me crazy. I miss you madly and can't wait to see you.

Beloved, when you are not around, I can’t find a place for myself, I miss you very much, every minute, every second I think about you and want to see you soon. You are my most beloved and dear person, without you my life has no bright colors. I really miss.

Dear, when you are not around, it’s like half of me, I feel lonely and devastated, and all because you, beloved, are not around, separation makes me sad, I really want to see you. Come soon, I miss you very much, I feel bad without you.

My dear, beloved person, I feel so sad and bad without you, my beloved! Come back to me as soon as possible: I miss your warm breath, gentle gentle hands, cheerful look, and I don’t just miss you - I can’t live without you. I miss you very much.

My dear, my thoughts are only about you, I really miss those, when we are apart, you are the most beloved and dear person to me, when we don’t see each other, I can’t find a place for myself. I miss you so much that I can't think of anything, come back soon.

My dear, I feel so uncomfortable and bad without you, I miss your voice and your warmth so much. I dream about you and imagine that you will soon come to me, hug me tightly and promise that you will never leave me alone for a minute. I love you, I miss you.

Dear, I missed you so much, nothing can fill my emptiness, without you I can’t focus on work or fun. Without you, the world becomes gray and sad, come back soon, hug me and never leave again! I love you very much.

I miss you, my dear dear. I miss you very much, I'm madly looking forward to our meeting, I want you to come as soon as possible, I miss you madly and see no point without you, I'm waiting for you every day, every minute and second. Come back soon.

Dear, I miss you very much, you are the best man in the world, I miss you very much, I can’t imagine my life without you, separation makes me very sad, I want you to come quickly and hug me. I'm insanely bored.

Darling, I am very sad and sad without you. I really want to hug you and snuggle closer, spend as much time as possible together, I hate these separations, I want us to see each other as soon as possible. I really miss.

Honey, I miss you madly, I want to see you as soon as possible. You are my most beloved person on earth, so our separation greatly depresses me. Come back to me as soon as possible, I miss you very much and can't wait to see you.

Without you, my love, I live in a world of cold and dreary days, surrounded by thoughts without feelings. And only you are able to dispel these gloomy, dull days and emptiness with a bright ray. I live in thoughts about you, I miss you and love you very much.

Darling, I miss you to the point of impossibility, if possible to be there every minute! I am ready for anything to see you as often as possible and be there, I love you very much and miss you. I live in anticipation of our meeting.

Native, beloved and unique! I missed you a lot and I want to enjoy the minutes of our long-awaited meeting as soon as possible, I want to drown in your strong arms and never let you go for a moment.

Dear, I love you very much and every day that we are not together makes me very upset, I want to be with you as often as possible. I miss you so much that I can no longer bear the separation, come to me as soon as possible.

My dear, dear, I miss you very much, I want to meet you as soon as possible and not be separated for even a second. Days without you are gray and dull, I live only with thoughts of you and our meeting. I miss.

My dear, I can’t wait for our meeting, I missed you so much that I can’t wait for the day when I can hug and kiss you, you bring happiness to my life, come to me as soon as possible.

My dear, beloved little man, Every moment without you, for me, is another torture for me, and for my heart! I want you not to leave, because my heart is attached to you, so much that without you I am not myself.

Darling, I want you and me to be together forever. After all, you can’t even imagine how much I miss you. I want time to pass unnoticed when we are apart, and drag on very slowly when we are together!

Darling, I miss you so much. For me, separation from you is the most intolerable and unbearable time. After all, when you are somewhere not with me, I immediately become very sad and lonely. I love you and miss you. Looking forward to our meeting.

Beloved, my dear little man. Probably for me there is nothing more precious than the time when we are together! There is nothing more beautiful than your touch, there is no warmer and more familiar hug than yours, I miss you very much, dear.

My dear, beloved, I will miss you even when you are in the next room. I always have so little time that we have allotted to be together. Your gentle touches and hugs are not enough for me. And you are always enough for me. I want us to be able to spend more time together as soon as possible.

Darling, I miss you always and everywhere. After all, you are the very, most beloved and dearest person for me. Those days that we are apart are painful for me, I want to see you as soon as possible. Love you

Dear, I miss you very much, I can't imagine my life without you. Every day in separation becomes unbearable, I love you very much, so I look forward to our meeting with every second more and more.

My dear beloved person, I count the minutes until our meeting. I promise, as soon as I see you, I will kiss you and will not let you out of my arms anymore, I miss you madly, I love you and look forward to our meeting as soon as possible.

My beloved man, I want you to know that I miss you very much, my heart belongs only to you. I miss you every minute and my thoughts are only occupied with you. I love you very much and look forward to our meeting.

Darling, as soon as we part, I already miss you. When you are not around, I dream about you every night, and in the evening I dream that when I wake up in the morning I can hug you tighter and enjoy your attention.

Dear, I really miss the time when we could see each other more and more often, those days were filled with the sun, and in separation from you I live in ordinary gray everyday life. Come soon, I miss you very much and cannot live without you.

You are my most beloved and dear person on earth, so separation from you makes me unhappy, I want to see you as soon as possible, hug and kiss you. Come quickly, I don't want to part anymore. I miss you so much and love you so much.

You know, my dear, it seems that quite a bit of time has passed without you, but I'm already tired of counting the minutes spent apart. All my thoughts are exclusively with you. I can't focus on anything anymore. Come back soon.

My dear, I so want to quickly touch, hug and quickly enjoy your company. I miss you. Words cannot describe the feelings that now overwhelm me. I love you and miss you.

Beloved, I am very sad and sad when you are not around, life seems uninteresting and gray, boring and hopeless. I want to meet you as soon as possible and hug you tightly, breathe in the air of happiness and not let you go anywhere.

My dear, I miss you very much, it's hard for me without your support and your smile. Let this time fly by quickly, and let our long-awaited meeting, which I am looking forward to so much, come soon. Come back soon.

Darling, those crazy days and hours of separation from you are driving me crazy, I can’t think about anything but you, I can’t stand the time when we are not together, I want to hug and kiss you as soon as possible. I love you very much and wait. Love you

The absence of a close person, a loved one with whom you broke up, can give rise to the deepest feeling of loneliness. You begin to miss the person, all your thoughts are occupied by worries about this. How to overcome negative feelings and start living from scratch, letting go of the past and people from it?

How to survive a long separation from a person

The situation when kilometers separate you from your soulmate, friend, dear relative, is very common. There are cities or even countries between you, and in the meantime, feelings are torn out. What do you do if you really miss someone?

Do not despair! After all, there are many ways to say goodbye to sadness.

  • Install Skype on your computer and communicate with a person regularly using this program. You can even arrange tea parties, feasts, parties in pajamas in this way.
  • Exchange news with a person using messages, post interesting photos on social networks.
  • Set the date for the next meeting and cross out the days on the calendar - then you will have the feeling that you are in control of the situation, you are waiting for a very specific event.
  • Take a break from worries - this will help work, hobbies, friends.

How to Stop Missing Your Ex

Sometimes, even after a breakup, you can still love the person for a while. Feeling an acute lack of communication, missing the former, you literally do not know what to do, what to do. Namely, a passion for some business can distract you from painful attachment.

  • Nothing helps to forget an ex-lover (beloved) better than a new relationship. So feel free to meet people, flirt, go on dates.
  • If you don't have a hobby yet, it's time to get one.
  • Give all your strength to work, especially if it is loved.
  • Travel. Believe me, vivid emotions from visiting new places will quickly cover any negative. And the more you suffer from breaking up with your ex (ex), the more distant and exciting your route should be. Do not forget to take your best friends, beloved relatives on the road - communication with other people is very important for you now.

It will also be very effective to analyze old love relationships for their shortcomings. Remember the bad things that happened - resentment, betrayal, pain. Nicely? Not? Then rejoice that you have said goodbye to the source of negative emotions!

How to cope with the death of a loved one

The bitterness of the loss of a loved one, a relative, a friend is always enormously difficult. But such emotions can destroy your life, turning it into a faceless black-and-gray line devoid of joy, colors, discoveries. After all, when you are bored, not only to do something, you don’t want to breathe.

Of course, it would be foolish to put the question in this case point-blank and advise you to forget a person close to you. However, it is in your power to change the direction of thoughts and find strength, motivation in order to continue living on.

  • Think about the fact that a person who has passed away would not want to see you in such despondency. He would like you to continue to explore the world and enjoy it, fall in love, travel, create, develop. After all, in fact, now you are its continuation on earth.
  • Remember that you only have one life at least, in this particular guise), and therefore it is priceless and it needs to be lived as brightly, richly, joyfully as possible, because there will be no other chance.
  • If you wish, you can turn to religion. For many, the belief that there is another life after death gives the feeling that the deceased person actually continues to be there. He looks from the sky, hears thoughts about himself, shares sorrows. And this means that you can always mentally communicate with your loved one.
  • If you can’t manage to cope with destructive longing, then it may make sense to turn to a qualified psychologist.

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I miss you next to me
My heart is crying and hurting so much
She only dreams of you
You attract me like a magnet!

I want to hug you soon
Throw out all your tenderness,
After all, you are closer and dearer to everyone,
So much I love you!

Darling, dear, I miss you so much
After all, you are so far away, you are not with me!
I can't imagine life without you
We were brought together by fate!

What a pity, we are separated by distance,
And I would like to cling to you affectionately
And feel your breath in silence
And quietly fall asleep next to each other!

I miss you when you're not around.
Business, worries, vanity ...
And seems to be busy
And I miss you so much.

I sit and think about us
I remember the minutes of the meeting.
I want to hug you now.
I love you... And I miss you so much.

I want to be with you
Every minute and forever
To never leave
Being around is just endless.

For me, separation is like torture:
I miss your eyes madly,
And goosebumps run on the skin,
When the tenderness of the hands I remember.

I'm cold without your smile
My heart is lousy, very empty.
I miss you madly
Without you, I am very, very sad!

I want to be in your arms,
To dissolve the pain of separation.
I don't want to part anymore
Because I fell in love with you forever.

I'm so lonely without you
I want you to warm me with warmth!
We were separated by miles so cruelly
And I'll wait for you, because this is my destiny!

I miss you, dear man,
You are the closest person
For happiness you are the main reason
I'll be waiting for you, even a whole century!

I miss you, my love, so much
Although you are mentally and next to me.
I don't notice anything around, dear,
I'm just waiting for you to come home!

I will hug you so tenderly and so passionately
And I'll put all my love in my arms,
To make it clear in an instant:
I only belong to you forever!

I'm very sad, I miss you.
I remember your kind eyes
And I remember our kisses
A tear runs down her cheek from sadness.

I'm very lonely alone
I'm slowly on fire.
I miss you madly
And thoughts are only about you.

I want to hug you soon
In the arms of gentle drown.
And kiss passionately on the lips,
Overcome all obstacles with you!

I miss sweet hugs
I miss your caresses
I miss sensitive wrists
I miss my lips,
I miss the beat of my heart
I miss cute eyes
I miss strong smells
I miss soft hands!

When you're not around
Time seems to freeze
Feeling cold and ice
Doesn't leave for a moment.

So I want to you, dear,
And I miss you very much
Looking forward to you
I always look forward to seeing you, my love.

Look forward to meeting,
To hurry to you, to run,
hug you by the shoulders,
Gently kiss on the lips.