The Beatles in English. Essays in English: The Beatles

Texts for topics - Megasbirka of topics in English


The Beatles were and remain to this day, the world's most astonishing rock'n'roll band.

The four boys started the boom called "Beatlemania" in British pop music.

Theyhailed fromLiverpool, a seaport on the north-western coast of England. John Lennon, born there in 1940, never knew theseagoingfather who had deserted his mother; mainly a doting aunt raised the boy. He grew upartyand angry - and musical, it turned out after his mother bought him the traditional cheap kid guitar, and he quickly worked out the chords to the hitThat'll Be the Day.

Paul McCartney, was born in 1942 anddestined toto become Lennon's songwriting soul mate.

In 1957 Lennon formed a band called"The Quarrymen".By the following year, the group had been joined by McCartney and his school friend George Harrison, then just 14. In 1960, calling themselves the Silver Beatles", and drummer with Pete Bestin tow,they sailed to Germany.

In 1962 Best was replaced by another Liverpool drummer, Ringo Starr (born Richard Starkey in 1940). The group cut its first single,love me do,a moderate hit. In January 1963 a second single,Please Please Mewent to no. 1, and Beatlemania was born.

By 1965 the world had been forced to take notice of thisall-conqueringthe force. The Beatles had become such a huge British

export that they were given a royal award: the Member of the Order of the British Empire, or M.B.E.

having scored abreak-throughwith their chart-topping 1965 albumrubber soul, the Beatles, exhausted, decided to stop touring. After a final concert in San Francisco in 1966, they would come together again as a group only in recording studios. But there theyspun outever more elaborate masterpieces.

For millions of fans world-wide, their albums mapped a path through the puzzling and sometimes scary 60s. The paths of Lennon and McCartney, however, werediverging drastically.Each took a wife (John married Japanese avant-garde artist Yoko Ono, and Paul wed American rock photographer Linda Eastman) and drifted even fathers apart, Lennon growing bitter, McCartney adopting the air of the contented family man.

By 1969 Lennon was ready to quit the group. McCartney is said to have talked him out of going public with this desire; but then in April 1970 McCartney himself announced that the group was disbanding. When the other three Beatles dropped their appeal of this action in 1971, the most fabulously successful band of all time (with more than 100 million records sold to date) came to an end.

And so it was over. McCartney began making records with his wife in a new band. Harrison followed his Indo-mystical inclinations as far as he could until fans lost interest. Ringo made occasional records, movies and television commercials. And Lennon moved to New York City, where he had always wanted to be. He was shot down in 1980, and the Beatles were nevermore. Except for their music, which is eternal.


tohail from- be from

seagoing["si:, gəuɪŋ] - associated with long-distance navigation (with the sea)

arty- pretending to fine (artistic) taste

destined to["destɪnd] - who is destined

quarry["kwɔ rɪ] - prey

in tow- here: together with

all-conquering["kɔŋkərɪŋ] - all-conquering

break-through["breɪ"kθru:] - achievements; victory; epochal


to spin out(spun) - release

to dive- diverge; depart

drastically["dræstɪkəh] - decisively, coolly, radically


I. Add any other details you know about the Beatles.

II. Speak about your favorite rock group.

III. Discuss the effect of rock music on young people. Use the following:

There areworld complaints about the effect of rock. Psychologists say that listening to rock music results in "escapism" (abandoning social responsibilities). They also add that same rock music (for example, certain heavy-metal songs) affect young people like drugs. There are well-known cases of antisocial and immoral behavior on the part of young music-addicts"Howdo you feel about this opinion?

The Beatles

The Beatleswere and still are today the most amazing rock and roll ensemble in the world.

From these four guys began a boom called "Beatlemania" in English pop music.

They arewere bornfrom Liverpool, a seaport on the northwest coast of England. John Lennon, who was born there in 1940, never knew his father,seafarer,who abandoned his mother; the boy was raised mainly by a loving aunt. He grew up,having a penchant for artistic creativity,angry and with musical ability - this was revealed after his mother bought him an ordinary cheap guitar, and he quickly came up with chords for a hit"That'll Be the Day".

Paul McCartney, who was born in 1942, is destined to become Lennon's soulmate in songwriting.

In 1957, Lennon organized a group called"Quarrymen".The following year, McCartney and his high school friend George Harrison joined the band when they were only 14 years old. 1960 p., calling themselves the "Silver Beatles",together withdrummer Summer Best, they sailed to Germany.

In 1962, Best was replaced by another drummer from Liverpool, Ringo Starr (born 1940, real name Richard Starkey). The group released their first hit single"Love Me Do"mediocre hit. In January 1963, the second single"Please PleaseMe "became a #1 hit, and that's how Beatlemania began."

Until 1965, the world was forced to notice thisall-conqueringcultural strength. The Beatles became such a huge "British export" that they were awarded a royal award: they became holders of the Order of the British Empire.

Succeedingand taking first positions in the rankings with his 1965 album"Rubber Soul"The Beatles, exhausted, decided to stop the tour. After their final show in San Francisco in 1966, they began to get back together as a group only in the recording studios. But there theyreleasedeven more refined masterpieces.

Their albums paved the way for millions of fans around the world through the turbulent and sometimes scary 60s. The ways of Lennon and McCartney, however,parted abruptly.They got married (John married Japanese avant-garde artist Yoko Ono, and Paul married American rock photographer Linda Eastman) and separated even more - Lennon became more and more unbearable, and McCartney took the position of a contented family man.

Until 1969, Lennon was ready to leave the group. He is said to have been dissuaded by McCartney from making this wish public; but then in April 1970, McCartney himself announced that the band had disbanded. When the other three Beatles decided to part ways in 1971, the legendary band of all time (out of over 100 million records sold) came to an end.

That's how it all ended. McCartney began making recordings with his wife in a new band. Harrison stuck to his Hindu-mystical leanings as best he could until fans lost interest in him. Ringo has made occasional recordings, films and television commercials. And Lennon moved to New York, where he always wanted to be. He was shot dead in 1980 and the Beatles ceased to exist forever. Except for music, which is eternal.

Our today's song lesson will be of interest to the fans of the band The and just lovers of good music. After all, those who love music cannot remain indifferent to the legendary Liverpool Four, the pioneers of rock and roll, the pioneers. After all, it all started with them!

Friends, if you like listening to music and want to learn English at the same time, then welcome to us!

Of course, dear music lovers, who does not know the legendary four musicians from Liverpool? Perhaps there is no such person on Earth who has not heard their songs or at least a mention of them.

A lot of books have been written about this group, biographies of its musicians, many feature films and documentaries have been shot, telling about the appearance of the group on the musical arena. After all, the Beatles, or, as they are called in Russia, the Beatles, are a whole musical phenomenon! The legendary band The Beatles!

The British rock band from Liverpool was founded in 1960 and consists of the legendary "golden" four musicians: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. Their songs are rock and roll, lyrical and romantic compositions. The group has won numerous music awards, has been warmly received by music critics, and its songs have occupied the top lines of the charts.

We will not dwell on the biography of the band, all this can be found in books about the Beatles and on the Internet. Let's go directly to the songs.

Learn English with romantic "Girl"

Friends, this is a very sweet and beautiful song. The composition is just for young men in love. But girls should listen to it too.

Before you start learning English on this composition, listen to it several times and enjoy the performance!

So, you are ready to start learning English. Listen to the song two or three times. Pay attention, maybe you caught some familiar words. Write them down.

Now open the lyrics. Here it is in front of you:

Is there anybody gone to listen to my story

All about the girl who came to stay?

She's the kind of girl you want so much

It makes you sorry;

Still, you don't regret a single day.

When I think of all the times I've tried so hard

She will turn to me and start to cry;

And she promises the earth to me

And I believe her.

After all these times I don't know why.

She's the kind of girl who puts you down when

friends are there

You feel a fool.

When you say she's looking good, she acts as if

it's understood.

She's cool, cool, cool, cool, girl! girl!

Was she told when she was young the pain

Would lead to pleasure?

Did she understand it when they said

That a man must break his back to earn

His day of leisure?

Will she still believe it when he's dead?

Ah girl! girl! girl!

Now that the lyrics are in front of your eyes, listen to the song again, watching the lines. Notice that with the text in hand, the artist's pronunciation now seems clearer and easier to understand.

Those words that you wrote down at the beginning of listening, check with the text, check if you wrote them down correctly.

Now let's explore the grammatical and lexical turns and features of the composition.

Again, the colloquial version of the phrase When I think of all the times I've tried so hard to leave her- a more literary version would be When I think of all the times when I've tried so hard to leave her.

In a sentence Shewillturntomeandstarttocry word will, indicating the future tense, is used only with the first verb, and not with the second. This is allowed in conversation. More literary would be She will turn to me and will start to cry.

Phrase You feel a fool instead of You feel like a fool.

She"scool- she's cool, she's cool. Cool- cool, but in colloquial English it takes on the meaning of "cool, cool, cool."

Lexico-grammatical observations have been made, now write down in a notebook all the words you do not know from the text and translate them. Make sentences, dialogue, short text with them. Don't forget to translate the text; with a dictionary it's not difficult, the text is easy enough to understand.

And now you can enjoy the song and sing along!

Welcome to Yellow Submarine

No less famous song about a yellow submarine makes you smile just from the name of the song. This song makes it easy to learn English verbs and their tenses.

So, first we do our usual actions: we listen to the song several times, then we trace the performance along the text. Pay attention to the vocalist's pronunciation. When you sing along, try to pronounce the words correctly.


In the town where I was born
Lived a man who sailed to sea
And he told us of his life
In the land of submarines
So we sailed up to the sun
Till we found the sea of ​​green
And we lived beneath the waves
In our yellow submarine


We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

And our friends are all aboard
Many more of them live next door
And the band begins to play

As we live a life of ease
Everyone of us has all we need
Sky of blue and sea of ​​green
In our yellow submarine

There are many verbs in this text. Please note: in the first couplet, all verbs are in Past Simple - simple past tense. In the second verse and in the chorus, the verbs are already in Present Simple - the simple present tense. Listen to the Beatles and learn English

Do this exercise: write down all the verbs that are in the past tense and write down their initial form (infinitive) with translation.

Pay attention to interesting expressions in the text that can be said differently: alifeofease =aneasylife;skyofblue=bluesky;seaofgreen=greensea.

Now, friends, try to translate the text using a dictionary. This is not difficult. Do not forget to do vocabulary work, remember those words that turned out to be new to you.

You can do all these actions with other songs of the wonderful band The Beatles. Enjoy listening, practice English, combining business with pleasure!

BEATLES, uncl., (colloquial) BEATLES, ov and BEATLES, ov. Popular English vocal-instrumental quartet. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

The Beatles- (eng. The Beatles), an English ensemble of rock musicians. How the quartet was formed in 1961 (another name is the "Liverpool Four"), has been leading the story since 1956. Composition: John Lennon (Lennon, 1940 1980), Paul McCartney (McCartney, b. 1942), George Harrison ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

THE BEATLES- "The Beatles" (Beatles), English rock (see ROCK MUSIC) group. It was formed in Liverpool in 1959. Composition: Paul McCartney (see Paul McCartney) (James Paul McCartney) (b. June 18, 1942; vocals, bass guitar, keyboards), John Lennon (see John LENNON) (John ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

THE BEATLES- (English Beatles) English vocal instrumental quartet, created in Liverpool in 1956: P. McCartney (P. McCartney), J. Lennon (J. Lennon), J. Harrison (G. Harrison), Ringo Starr (Ringo Starr) (since 1962, real name and surname Richard Starkey, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

The Beatles- non-cl. m.; = The Beatles Members of the popular in the 1960s 1970s. The Liverpool Four of Rock Musicians, who performed songs to their own accompaniment on electric guitars and big beat drums (leading history since 1956, but as an English quartet from ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

beatles- noun, number of synonyms: 2 group (98) quartet (6) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

The Beatles- The Beatles, non-cl., pl. hours and (colloquial) Beatles, ov, units. h. Beatle, a and a ... Russian spelling dictionary

THE BEATLES- (Eng. The Beatles) English vocal instrumental quartet, undoubtedly the most popular musical ensemble of the 1960s. Ensemble members John Lennon (October 9, 1940 December 8, 1980), Paul McCartney (b. June 18, 1942), George Harrison (b ... Collier Encyclopedia

The Beatles- The Beatles 1964, visit to the USA Years ... Wikipedia

The Beatles- (Eng. The Beatles bugs drummers) name English. vocal instr. a quartet organized in 1960 in Liverpool and performing with: P. McCartney, J. Lennon, J. Harrison (electric guitars), Ringo Starr (real name and surname Richard ... ... Music Encyclopedia

The Beatles- neskl., pl ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language


  • The Beatles Other Sky / Shards of the Sky, or the True History of the Beatles, Fadeev K., Burkin Yu., Bolshanin A.. Two novels about the Beatles under one cover That is, in one book, but there are just two covers. "Shards of the Sky, or the True History of the Beatles" - based on real events, stories about HOW and ... Buy for 825 rubles
  • The Beatles. Authorized Biography, Hunter Davis. 1993 edition. The safety is good. The author of the book witnessed the first victories of ordinary guys from Liverpool, their resounding success, the emergence of those conflicts that led to the disintegration of the group in ...

Akmola region

Shortandinsky district

Bektau secondary school

Nurtazina Gulmira Bolatbekovna

English teacher

Shabkenova Aliya

9 B class student

Creativity of the Beatles and its influence on the formation of the culture of modern youth

Direction: Ethnocultural studies

Section: Historical monuments of Kazakhstan and promising tourist routes

Kokshetau 2012

2 Abstract 3-4

3 Introduction 5

4 About the group 6

5 Biography 6

5.1 John Lennon 6

5.2 Paul McCartney 7

5.3 George Harrison 7

5.4 Ringo Starr 8

6 Formation of the group 9

6.1 Introduction 9

6.2 Beatlemania 10

6.3 Songs of group 11

7 Breakup of group 13

8 Paul McCartney is currently 15

9 Conclusion 16

10 References 17

12 Appendix


Target: find out how the group was formed,

the nature of the group members

how society perceived them and the impact on today's youth.


Hypothesis: If the Beatles group existed today, then people would treat life and others kinder and more tolerantly.

Object of study: songs from the repertoire of the Beatles

Subject of study: group creativity

Research methods: search for material, listening to songs, translation of songs, the ratio of Russian and English versions, questioning

Practical significance: this work is intended to expand the horizons of students, can be used by teachers at musical extracurricular activities


Aims: to reveal as there was "the Beatles" group formation;

the character of participants of group;

as perceived by their society and influence for our teenagers


    To study the biography of the participants of the group.

    To learn of collective formation

    Through the translation understand what a sense of songs

    Influence of the Beatles` songs for the culture of people

Hypothesis: If the group was in nowadays, people would treat friendlier to each other.

The object: The Beatles' songs.

Subject: the creation of group.

The methods of investigation: searching of material, listening of the songs, translation and comprehension of English and Russian equivalents of the songs.

The practical importance of this work. This work may be used:

With schoolchildren when they want to study music stars;

With teachers, when they prepare their out of class actions and music lessons.


Before starting my scientific work, I considered several topics suggested by my supervisor. There were also grammar of the English language, and vocabulary, and set expressions, and work with proverbs. I had a great choice before me, but still I settled on the topic of the work of the Beatles and its influence on the formation of the culture of modern youth. What is music today? Of course, I do not deny that there are beautiful, melodic, full of meaning songs, but there are many new, young performers in whose songs we hear obscene language, some songs consist of a set of incoherent words and the like.

Based on all this, I allowed myself to imagine that if the Beatles group existed today, then people, and especially our younger generation, would treat life and others kinder and more tolerantly.

The purpose of my work is to reveal how the formation of the group took place, the nature of the group members, how society perceived them in those years, and the influence of the group's creativity on today's youth.

The following tasks follow from these goals:

1 to study the biography of the group members

2 find out how the formation of the team took place

3 understand the meaning of the songs through translation

4 The influence of the songs of the Beatles on human culture

Object of study: songs from the repertoire of the Beatles

Subject of study: group creativity

About the group. TheBeatles- rock are a band from Liverpool formed in 1960. Separately, the members of the group are called the Beatles, incomposition played by:

John Lennon - vocals, backing vocals, guitar, bass guitar, piano, keyboards, sound effects;

Paul McCartney - vocals, backing vocals, bass guitar, piano, guitar, some wind instruments;

George Harrison - vocals, backing vocals, guitar, sitar, sound effects;

Ringo Starr - vocals, backing vocals, drums.

Former members

Stuart Sutcliffe - bass guitar (1960-1961);

Pete Best - drums (1960-1962);

Jimmy Nichol - drums (1964).

Elvis Presley had a great influence on the development of rock and roll and his first song "HeartbreakHotel» in 1956. In February 1956, it was heard on the radio by a teenager from the suburbs of Liverpool, a student of the Quarrymen School, John Lennon, who fell ill with this music. As John himself recalled: “before Elvis, nothing really affected me.”

Bands consisting of guitar, banjo, harmonica and washboard are popping up all over the place. The future Beatles, like thousands of their peers, having not received any musical education, picked up instruments, following the general musical passion. As you know, in the UK in 1956-1957 there were up to 5,000 amateur skiffle groups.

Starting out as an imitation of the American rock and roll classics of the 1950s, The Beatles came to their own style and meaning. The Beatles had a significant impact on rock music and are recognized by experts as one of the most successful groups of the twentieth century, both in creative as well as in a commercial sense. Many famous rock musicians admit that they became so under the influence of the songs of the Beatles. Since the release of the single "Ask Me Why" in 1963, the group began to climb to worldwide recognition, giving rise to a global phenomenon called Beatlemania with their work. The four became the first British band to hit records and top the charts in the US, and began the worldwide recognition of British bands and the "Liverpool" sound of rock music. The group has won seven Grammy Awards. As of 2001, over 163 million were sold in the US alone. group disks.

Basically, all of The Beatles' compositions were co-authored and signed by the names of George Lennon and Paul McCartney (Lennon and McCartney).

5 Biography. All future members of the group came from working-class areas of Liverpool, from families of modest means. If not for music, then, most likely, they would have acquired a craftsman's specialty after school, earning a living with their own hands.

5.1 John's father Fred grew up as an orphan at the age of 9 in a Liverpool orphanage. John's grandfather Jack was born in Dublin, but lived most of his life in America. A professional singer, he participated in the well-known group "Kentucky Minstrels".

After leaving the orphanage, Fred met Julia Stanley, whom he married. On October 9, 1940, a boy was born, who was named John Winston Lennon. Fred was a steward on a merchant ship, was very often absent from home, and after a while John's parents divorced. Soon Julia met another man and got married, and the boy was brought up and raised by his aunt, Mimi. By nature, John was an independent, purposeful child.

For as long as I can remember myself in the "Deuvel", I fought and fought without end; if someone was stronger than me, I put pressure on the psyche, scared, shouted that I would not leave a place wet from him, and he believed that I really could do all this.

The primary school John attended was in Doyvel, the secondary school was Quarryman. In adolescence, John completely lost interest in studies, but became more and more interested in music.

5.2 James Paul McCartney was born June 18, 1942. His parents McCartney and Mary Patricia were from Ireland. Jim McCartney worked for a cotton trading company at the age of 14 and was promoted by the age of 28. Mary is in the hospital as a nurse. Paul's brother Michael was born in 1944. Shortly after the birth of her second child, Mary returned to work. She was a very responsible, kind, hardworking woman. All these qualities the mother tried to bring up in her children.

It would seem that Paul and Michael are brothers, but the character of the guys was different. If Paul is calm, reasonable, then Michael is quick-tempered and noisy. Paul had a positive attitude to study, and easily entered the well-known high school "Institute".

But as is often the case, parents only want the best for their children, and often do not notice that they are putting pressure on their children. So Jim always wanted Paul to get some kind of academic title, but Paul has since abandoned his studies. But not everything was so bad, Paul really liked writing essays, for which he received only excellent marks.

When Paul was 14 and Michael 12, Mary died of breast cancer, which was a shock to all three.

Paul McCartney was born in Liverpool's Enfield, and in 1956 his family moved to Ollerton, not far from Lennon's home. Paul's father played the piano a bit, performing at parties with his band. As a child, Paul was given a trumpet. The craze for rock and roll overtook McCartney at the age of 14. Then he asked his father to buy a guitar and practically did not part with it.

5.3 Only George Harrison from the whole group was born into a large and friendly family, he had two more brothers and a sister. He was born on February 25, 1943. His father, Harold Harrison was a working man, his mother, Louise, sat with the children. George was independent by nature, eradicating everything that he did not like. Mrs. Harrison always helped and supported her children in everything, she wanted her children to be happy.

George went to elementary school in Doyville, where John went, and to high school, the Institute, where Paul studied.

5.4 Ringo's parents Elsie Gleave and Richard Starkey married in 1936. They met while working together in a bakery. Ringo was born on July 7, 1940. Parents separated when the boy was three years old. Soon a stepfather, Harry Graves, arrived, with whom Ringo became friends and to whom he was very grateful when he grew up.

Ringo grew up as a sickly child, two times he was in the hospital for a very long time. Due to frequent omissions, his knowledge was not rich. She taught Ringo to read and write by Mary Maguire, the daughter of Elsie's friend.

6 Formation of the group

6.1 In early 1956, John Lennon, impressed by the music of Bill Haley and Elvis Presley, decided to form his own band. It included John's school friends: Peter Shotton, Nigel Whalley, Ivan Vaughn and some others. By that time, John played a little harmonica and banjo and began to master the guitar, which his aunt Mimi bought him for 17 pounds. Initially, the group was called The Black Jacks and a week later was renamed the Quarrymen - in honor of their school.

Quarrymen played skiffle and tried to look like teddy boys. They performed at school concerts, parties - mostly for a treat or a small payment.

On July 6, 1956, during a concert in the garden of Walton Ivan Vaughn, John Lennon was introduced to Paul McCartney. John was impressed with Paul's musical knowledge. The guy knew the chords and knew the words of the latest rock and roll novelties, in particular, such as "Twenty Flight Rock" and "Be-Bop-A-Lula". In turn, Paul was genuinely surprised that John played the guitar like a banjo - he took chords on only four strings.

Finally, Paul conquered his new comrades by the fact that he knew how to tune the guitar, and two weeks later John gave Paul an invitation to join the Quarryman.

In the autumn of 1958, Paul's friend George Harrison joined them. He had already successfully tried to play in several bands, but George was only 14 years old, and therefore John was initially skeptical about his appearance in the lineup. Despite his age, the guy approached everyone in character and showed excellent ability to play the instrument. In addition, George's parents were tolerant of loud music, and the guys could rehearse at the Harrisons' house. George was the first to bring the fashion to wear long hair (in his large family, even getting a haircut on time was a problem). Exactly

these three became the main backbone of the group, for the rest of the members of Quarryman, rock and roll was a temporary hobby, and they soon fell away from the team.

By 1959, the name Quarryman no longer had any connection to the members of the group. Paul and George studied at the "Institute", and John went to art college. The musicians often changed their name. These are Johnny and the Moondogs, Rainbows, Silver Beats, Silver Beetles, Silver Beatles and finally, the Beatles appeared in April 1960 (see Appendix 1). There is still no clear answer as to who exactly coined this word.

For some time Quarrymen rehearsed and played at the Jacaranda club, at the same time they finally got their first electric guitars and a 10-watt amplifier. The owner of the club, Alan Williams, began to partially fulfill the duties of the group's manager.

The parents of the children sincerely believed that they were studying and preparing for an independent life in a working specialty, but they were only interested in music. Only George's parents (especially his mother) sincerely supported his passion for music. The group received more and more offers to perform.

In October 1960, the first recording of the record took place, in which the Beatles took part. The disc was not theirs, and the bands Rory Storm and the Hurricanes and the Beatles took part in the recording more as session musicians. Then for the first time, Paul, John and George played with drummer Ringo Starr. [ 3 ]

6.2 Beatlemania In February 1962, the Beatles made their first recording for BBC radio. In April 1962, the Beatles went on their third tour to Hamburg as the best rock band in Liverpool. Shortly before the tour, they confirmed their title in a poll conducted by the city newspaper Merseybeat. During the performance at the Playhouse Theater (Manchester), the members of the group donned their first concert costumes - characteristic jackets with flattering lapels and pressed trousers (see Appendix 2). In August 1963, the Beatles released their fourth single "She Loves You". Most historians associate this particular event with the beginning of a national and worldwide boom in popularity, a phenomenon that was later called Beatlemania.

The group managed to achieve a variety and mixing of genres not previously seen in popular music. The origins of the quartet's melody can be found in skiffle and rhythm and blues, the work of Buddy Holly and Elvis Presley. A mixture of hard "black" American hard rhythm and "white" melodic European music gave its own style. Gradually, they began to move from acoustic to electronic performance. In their further work, the musicians turned to symphonic and psychedelic forms, folk and Indian motifs.

By the time "She Loves You" was released, the band's fans had placed over half a million orders for the record. On October 13, 1963, the most popular show in the UK was to be broadcast from the London Palladium concert hall. Crowds of fans besieged the building and nearby streets, blocking public transport. The program was watched by over 13 million viewers.

In October 1963, the first foreign tour took place (see Appendix 3). In Sweden, the Beatles were in for a real triumph, and their stay was covered in the most detailed way by the central press of both countries. It is interesting to note that the musicians themselves realized the extent of Beatlemania only when they saw what a crowd of fans, despite the pouring rain, was waiting for them at the London airport upon arrival from Sweden. Since that time, almost every their concert was accompanied by queues and riots. The Daily Telegraph, in its issue of November 2, 1963, wrote about the mass hysteria that accompanies the group's concerts. Hairstyles and costumes "under the Beatles" are gaining universal popularity among teenagers. On November 4, another concert took place in London - at the Prince of Wales Theater. It was mainly high society that gathered here - the concert was charitable.

At the airport and its environs, despite the pouring rain, the group was expected by various estimates from seven to ten thousand fans. The Beatles performed two shows at Carnegie Hall and the Washington Coliseum. Events in the United States indicated that after the UK, the Beatles gained popularity all over the world. In the summer of 1964 there were successful tours to Europe, then Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand.

Actually, the years 1964-66 are marked in the biography of the group mainly by large tours and recordings of new albums in between. On average, there were three tours a year: two mandatory - in England and America, and the third in some other country. The Beatles continued to break record after record.

In the summer of 1967, the group received an unprecedented offer from the BBC. On June 25, The Beatles became the first ensemble whose performance was broadcast on satellite television to the whole world - almost 400 million people in all countries could see them. Their number became part of the world's first global television program Our World. The performance was broadcast directly from The Beatles' main studio on Abbey Road in London, during which a video version of the song "All You Need Is Love" was recorded.

Awards and achievements

On the Rolling Stone 500 list, The Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Four more of their albums are among the top fifteen: Revolver, Rubber Soul, The Beatles, Abbey Road - taking 3rd, 5th, 10th and 14th places, respectively. Rolling Stone Magazine's list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time has the most songs by The Beatles - 23. The Beatles also rank first in the list of the 50 Greatest Artists. The Beatles reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 anniversary chart in its 50 year history.

The Beatles album has sold 19 million copies in the United States. Only 6 albums of the group received the status of "diamond" (sales over 10 million). Therefore, only Led Zeppelin (5 albums) approaches the Beatles.

In 1988, the band was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

On June 12, 1965, an official announcement appeared in the press about the awarding of members of the group with the Orders of the British Empire, signed by the Prime Minister Wilson. For the first time, pop musicians received the highest order of Great Britain.

6.3 Beatles songs Separately, it is necessary to note the history of the creation of the song Yesterday. Paul McCartney composed the tune at the beginning of the year. After discussion, it was decided that Paul would accompany himself on acoustic guitar, accompanied by a string quartet. This was the first time the song had been recorded without the participation of John, George and Ringo. It was clear that the composition was doomed to success. Yesterday gained independent popularity as one of the most famous creations of Paul and the Beatles, becoming a classic of world music. According to the Guinness Book of Records, more cover versions have been created for this song than any other ever written - in the 20th century alone, it was performed by various musicians over seven million times.

Having worked on the translation of this work, I would like to note that the song is very vital. It seems that we just started working on a scientific project today, but it turns out to be a long time ago. Only today the first bell rang, and the new year is already approaching, that is, time goes inexorably forward. And it seems that today I am still a student of the ninth grade, but very soon I will be an applicant, and school life will turn out to be yesterday, and no matter how we ask, time cannot be returned. And so I think we, that is, people, need to live for today, thinking about the best, doing good, because everything we do will then come back to us.

Songs " All my loving", "Love me do" I also really liked it, the music alone is worth it! The words are very beautiful, a bright affection for your loved one is shown, it seems to me that anyone would be happy if such songs were sung to him.

The final composition "A Day in the Life" deserves special mention. The idea for the lyrics, as was often the case with the Beatles, was drawn from a completely run-of-the-mill newspaper article in the Daily Mail about the poor quality of Blackburn's roads ("The holes in our roads"). For the recording, an orchestra of 40 musicians was invited, conducted by George Martin and Paul.

7 Breakup (1969-1970) The public was not yet aware of all the details and problems of the group, but the disintegration of the quartet had already begun. The moral climate within the group was not conducive to co-creation. John and George had already released solo records, and as part of the same team, they were becoming more and more crowded. By this point, all four members of the group were already married and felt the need to spend more time with their spouse and children. All these nuances gradually led to disintegration. At the end of 1968, Paul, sensing the centrifugal mood, took the initiative to resume the "live" concerts of the group. The music that united the four at one time could revive the former atmosphere of creativity and unanimity. John, George and Ringo did not support the idea, but at least agreed to continue rehearsing together in the new year.

Only a few singles with the most successful songs were released. Normal relationships were complicated by friction within the team and the lack of modern equipment in the new studio. It all ended on January 30 with an impromptu 40-minute concert that the group gave on the roof of the studio building. Thank you on behalf of the group and each of us. I hope we passed the audition. These words of Lennon, addressed to the residents of nearby houses, became the last words on the last track of the Let it be disc, which was released only 15 months later.

In July-August 1969, the album Abbey Road was recorded - the last creation of the group, the last production work of George Martin and the first album completely recorded in stereo. The final song that The Beatles recorded together (it was August 20) was "I Want You (She's So Heavy)".

The latest event to hasten the inevitable was the release date of Paul's first solo album. On April 17, 1970, McCartney released the McCartney disc, although the rest of the group asked that it not be rushed until the release of Let It Be. On the same day, Paul distributed the text of the interview, which became a formal message about the termination of the Beatles' joint activities. Paul only stated facts that had long been known to the members of the group, but the public considered Paul to be the culprit in the collapse of the quartet.

Despite all the difficulties, Let It Be, which is considered the last "lifetime" album by The Beatles, was released on May 8, 1970.

Members of the group began to engage in solo projects since 1967. By the time the group officially broke up, everyone had their own albums on their account. Despite the fact that the breakup was accompanied by difficult, including legal proceedings, the members of the group maintained personal relationships, met, recorded music together and played at concerts. In 1980, John Lennon was assassinated near his home, in 2001, George Harrison died of cancer. . Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr continue to engage in creativity and write music.

Experts distinguish three stages in the work of The Beatles: before 1962, from 1962 to 1965, and finally after 1965 (the album "Rubber Soul"). The early works of the group gravitated, like the origins of their work, to the classical diatonic characteristic of folk within the framework of traditional functional harmony.

8 Paul McCartney Today He was the "cornerstone" of the Beatles. On June 18, 2012, Paul McCartney celebrated his seventieth birthday.

As you know, Tomsk State University held a meeting of students and the legendary singer in October. In addition to his solo songs, Paul performed several songs from the Beatles.

Now Paul McCartney leads a solo career and lives quietly in England. He discovered another talent in himself - art. As McCartney himself says, he still feels like a young guy from Liverpool.

Ringo Starr, his career is now actively growing, he works as a director, actor, producer, cameraman, screenwriter, editor.

9 Conclusion There are many music and musical trends in the world. This concludes my work on the project "The Creativity of the Beatles" and its influence on the formation of the culture of modern youth”. And I would like to add that the peculiarity of The Beatles as a group was that they did not have a leader vocalist or performer. None of the members of the Liverpool group received any special musical education and they composed songs by picking them up on the guitar. And this is the main uniqueness of the group. And when compiling the hypothesis of my work, I imagined that if now, in our time, there was such a group in our mind, our teenagers would have a living example to follow.

I held an event for grades 10-11, which was called "Do you know?"

The following students performed the songs of the group

KhairolMiras - "Yesterday"

YerbolAinur - "Let it be"

Kalamkhan Zhanibek - "All my loving"

Shabkenova Aliya told the biography and history of the group. Then a survey was conducted (see Appendix 4)

I was pleased that the guys liked it, and maybe one of them will also be a star of our Kazakh or world stage, but the main thing is that we all always remain people. And for me, this work gave a great help in studying, understanding the world music of the 20th century.

The work of the Beatles is special, in every sense of the word. Previously, I knew this group only by name, but now I have delved into the work of the Beatles. I really like the music of this group. "Beatles" for me is a legendary group that brought a small piece of itself into my life. In the future, I plan to learn about their songs in full size. I would really like to visit the band's concert, but, unfortunately, this is not possible. Since I started studying the Beatles, I have been advising my friends, family, relatives and just acquaintances to listen to the music of this group.

Now I plan to gather a similar group in our school and study the songs of the Beatles with them.

It seems to me that the songs of this particular group are truly beautiful in their content. I hope that my work will influence young people and they will listen to their music. How I wish the Beatles never left our hearts.

10 List of references

2 Magazine " Joker» 2009

3 Lewisohn Magazine 2000

4 Magazine " Richie Underburg » 2011

5 Izvestia 2007

Attachment 1

Annex 2

Annex 3

Appendix 4

Have you heard of the Beatles before our event?

Did you enjoy the event?

What feelings are you experiencing now?

The lesson was conducted by English teachers: 1. Zhaksyberdinov Aidos Khairullinovich

2. Dauletkhanova Samal Zhanuzakovna

East Kazakhstan region, Katonkaragai district, KSU "school named after Lenin"

English teacher Zhaksyberdinov Aidos Khairullinovich 10/20/1985

Topic: Creativity of the group "The Beatles" ("The Beatles")

The purpose of the lesson: the formation of the concept of the work of the legendary English group "The Beatles"



    expanding linguistic horizons through regional information


Develop the ability to speak English, creative activity


Raise interest in the culture of the country of the language being studied

Formation of aesthetic taste


· Multimedia equipment

· Musical material: songs of the Beatles

During the classes:

(Leaders of the lesson programs are 2 teachers and 2 students. During the lesson, students act as participants in the Beatles, talking about themselves in English)

Vedas. 1- Good afternoon. Of course, we are happy to see you here. Today we have an unusual lesson. We've gathered together because we love The Beatles. Our mothers and fathers grew up with their songs. I hope our love of this group will help us understand each other better.

Wood. 2- This group was formed at the end of the 50 th . John, Paul, George and Ringo were amazing and talented boys who made a unique contribution to music and it made a revolution in pop history. The boys composed songs for the youth. Their songs seemed more musical and more exciting than others.

Ved.3 - If you put together everything written about the Beatles, you will get several weighty volumes. In this case, it all started with a case, and the name of the group appeared much later.

Vedas. 4 - In the spring of 1956, 15-year-old John Lennon formed the Quarrymen, which performed songs in the style of skiffle, country and rock and roll. It was in the most literal sense an amateur team. Tell us what you know about these styles of music?

Vedas. On July 1 - 6, 1957, Paul McCartney's group was heard for the first time, and it happened in the garden of the parish church of St. Peter in the Woolton district of Liverpool.

Vedas. 2 - In 1958, Paul advised John to invite his school friend George Harrison, a 15-year-old guitarist, to the ensemble. Soon Lennon's team adopted the name "Johnny and the moon dogs". Paul, John and George formed the core of the band, the rest of the musicians were constantly changing.

Vedas. 3 - In the summer of 1960, on tour in Hamburg, the Beatles met drummer Ringo Star and invited him to the group. The group for the first time found a stable composition.

Vedas. 4 - Do you know where the band's name came from? At first it looked like this “Long John and Silver Beatles”, then the name was shortened to “The Silver Beatles”, and the final version was the name “The Beatles”.

Vedas. 1 - The updated four take a direct course towards the preparation of the debut album. Ringo had only been rehearsing for a few weeks when the Beatles recorded their first single "Love Me do". Released in September 1962, by the end of the year it hits the British Top 20. It was a very serious claim: the Beatles deviated far from the traditional sound of English VIAs, the single favorably differed from the products of other colleagues on the stage, and the appearance of the harmonica made a splash. Listen and say - what mood does this song convey?

(Sounds like song « Love Me do »)

Vedas. 2 - The musicians presented the second single "Please, please me" on February 13, 1963 on the air of the program "Thank you lucky stars". It was the second time bomb that was witnessed by 6 million television viewers.

Vedas. 3 - In the 5-year biography of the Beatles, a sharp turning point is taking place: a year has begun, during which, with their filing, the mass passion for music has acquired an unprecedented scale until now. On March 22, 1963, the disc “Please, please me”, recorded in almost one day, marked the birth of the Beatles phenomenon.

( Sounds like song “Please, please me”)

Vedas. 4 - The Beatles showed professionalism and made impressive figures on the stage. They looked nicer than anyone else. Their manager Brian Epstein gave them the new "clean" image with short hair, white shirts and elegant suits. Their songs and unusual sense of humor drew the people's attention.

Vedas. 1 - Many more people began listening to pop music. Girls loved "The Beatles" and the young men tried to look like them. Newspapers, televisions focused on the group and made it famous. A hysteria that was called "Beatlomania" swept Britain and soon afterwards, America.

(Scene from the video )

Vedas. 2 - Young people didn’t just go crazy with the Beatles, many of them even made their own translations of the songs of this group.

(Students read the translations of the songs they prepared themselves. The song “Michel” sounds)

Vedas. 3 - And you all know the translation of the most famous song well. Let's sing together!

( Class performs song "Yesterday")

Vedas. 4 - By the way, do you know the birthplace of "the four"? (Student response) Yes, it's Liverpool. The legend of this group began in the small English town - Liverpool.

(The student talks about the city, accompanied by a video)

Vedas. 1 - It's time to talk about the leader of the group, John Lennon (a student in the form of John comes out and talks a little about himself). Let's listen to his voice.

( Sounds like song "I'll follow the sun"

Vedas. 2 - The next member of this group is Paul McCartney (the student comes out in the form of Paul and talks a little about himself). Let's listen to the song "It won't be long"

Vedas. 3 - Let's go on talking about rock-n-roll stars George Harrison (the student comes out in the form of George and talks a little about himself)

( Sounds like song "Do you want to know the secret?")

Vedas. 4 - The name of the last member of the group you know for sure. It's Ringo Starr (the student comes out in the form of Ringo and talks a little about himself)

( Sounds like song "Yellow Submarine"

Vedas. 1 - The group broke up more than 30 years ago. But their songs will live forever. The Beatles were sure of that.

Vedas. 2 - "The Beatles"... For more than 30 years, the songs of this group have been listened to and sung by the whole world. Many other bands over the years have sunk into oblivion, and their songs have died, but the songs of the Beatles live on and do not lose popularity.

(Students who played the roles of members of the Beatles come out to the song "Yesterday")

Ved.3 - How did four boys manage this - John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr? Even now it is difficult to answer this question. For for such success there is little talent of composers, poets, performers, little ability to communicate with the audience, little friendship, but something else is needed that can be called an intuitive feeling of the human soul and a sense of time. In the songs of the Beatles, the eternal and the momentary, the external and the deeply hidden, the cheerful and the sad intertwined. And all this is united by one great and hot, young feeling, the name of which is “love”

Vedas. 4 - The Beatles got a lot of fans. They even made their own translations of the songs of this group. As they explain, the old translations of many of the songs were both formal and imprecise. They also wanted to convey as closely as possible in Russian, without adding anything from themselves and without embellishing anything, all the simplicity, unpretentiousness, and purity of the songs of the magnificent four.

Ved.1 - That's great! There is a fine English proverb: "After rain comes fair weather". We wish you to "believe" in a light that shines and in the sound of music. These words of wisdom will help us! And now let's sing together

(Leaders sing the song "Let it be")

Vedas. 2 - Our meeting with the legendary group "The Beatles" ends today, but we do not say goodbye, we will definitely meet again!