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We are all familiar with the term "label". You can and should work with them in OS X as well. Let's learn how to do it.

For each of us there are trodden routes to the necessary folders, files, programs. Making our way to each of them, we most often forget that OS X has the ability to create quick shortcuts for the objects we need - labels. Or aliases. Despite this, we see them every day: all icons in the Dock are aliases for programs or files. This is their first use case.

Aliases in the Dock

Every Mac user knows how to add a program to the Quick Access Dock, but not everyone knows that you can do the same with folders and individual files. For this, all you need is drag the selected object from the Finder window to the right side of the Dock. Ready!

Shortcuts in the Finder sidebar

Creating "shortcuts" in the Finder can be just as useful. Everything works extremely simply: drag the desired folder to the left sidebar " Favorites e" in the Finder window. To add a file or program here, hold down the key Command (⌘).

Yes, points Work and KVN in the screenshot are aliases of the corresponding folders on my Mac.

Labels in general

Let's move on from particular cases of using shortcuts in OS X to the "general view". To create the most common alias for a file, folder, disk or program, you must select the appropriate item " Create an alias» in the pop-up menu when right-clicking or from the menu « File". Both options will result in the appearance of a file next to the original with a name starting with "Alias ​​...". You can also distinguish it from the original by a small arrow in the lower left corner. This file can be dragged to any place convenient for you.

There is also an easier way to create an alias. While dragging a file, keep pressed Option (⌥) + Command (⌘) and the transferred objects will be shortcuts. To see the original location of the file, just select the "Show original" item or click Command (⌘) + R

website We are all familiar with the term "label". You can and should work with them in OS X as well. Let's learn how to do it. For each of us, there are trodden routes to the necessary folders, files, programs. Making our way to each of them, we most often forget that OS X has the ability to create quick shortcuts for the objects we need - shortcuts....