Cap the beginning with what sound begins. Speech therapy lesson

SOUND K. (#1)

1. Articulation gymnastics.

2. Automation of sound [k] in syllables.

ka-ko-ku-ky ko-ku-ki-ka ku-ky-ka-ko ky-ka-ko-ku
ak-ok-uk-yk ok-uk-yk-ak uk-yk-ak-ok yk-ak-ok-ku
ak-ak-ak-bak, poppy, so; ok-ok-ok-tok, side, juice, dock;
uk-uk-uk-tuk, beech, grandson, spider; yk-yk-yk-bull;
ik-ik-ik-peak, broom, date; ek-ek-ek- century, running, snow;
yak-yak-yak-lighthouse, yak.

3. Listen and repeat. Circle the drops.

Rain, rain, more fun!
Drip, drip, don't be sorry!
Cap! Cap! Cap!...

4. Guess the word that

ends with the sound [k]:
uro..., dru..., stu..., sapo..., then..., kri..., suro...,
veni..., shroud..., poro..., kato..., zamo...,
delusional..., knowing..., clo..., tres... .

5. Automation of sound [k] in words.

Buck, poppy, so, flywheel, spider, turkey, tuk, grandson beech, bull, side, dock, tobacco, stream, honey agaric, ration, broom, shoe, oak, skein, hunter, hammer, tube, date, traveler, peak , yak, lighthouse, skiff, dead end.

SOUND K. (#2)

We are green like grass
Our song: Kva-kva.

2. Guess the word by starting it with the sound [k], [k "]:

Okos, ... ist, ... ino, ... niga, ... oshka, ... it, ... mouth, ... ring,
...ex, ...aldun, ...ofe, ...awn, ...stone, ...well done, ...horn.

3. Automation of sound [k] in syllables.

Kwa-kvo-kwu-kwa kna-kno-knu-kny
Kwo-kwu-kwy-kva kno-knu-kny-kna
Kwu-kwu-kva-kvo knu-kny-kna-kno
kwu-kwu-kwu kny-kna-kno-knu

4. The names of what pictures sound like?

5. The game "Cheerful account". Count ducks.

SOUND K. (#5)

1. Repeat tongue twisters.

2. The game "One-Many".

Boar - boars cabin - cabins, stone - stones,
ditch - ditches trap - traps, horse - horses,
cat - cats, rope - ropes, comet - comets
candy candy, team - teams room - rooms.

4. Repeat tongue twisters.

SOUND K. (#6)

1. Guess the riddle. Circle the answer.

2. The game "One-Many".

One tank - many tanks one letter many letters
One poppy - many poppies one pumpkin - many pumpkins
One beech - many beeches one window - many windows
One spider - many spiders one lighthouse - many lighthouses
One bull - many bulls one turkey - many turkeys
One oak - many oaks one broom - many brooms

3. Repeat the tongue twister.

4. Automation of sound [k] in word combinations.

meow under the window; bathe horses in the Oka; dig a ditch; buy a lump; smoke perch.

SOUND K. (#7)

1. The game "Fix the mistake."

3. Automation of sound [k] in words.

Like, cockatoo, cocoa, what, rim, trap, kwak, bunk, cook, cocoon, lump, penny, button, cube, cup, purchase, picnic, horse, duck.

SOUND Q. (#1)

1. Automation of sound [k "] in syllables.

kya-kya - kya-kya-kya kya-ke-kyu-ki
ke-ke-ke-ke-ke ke-kyu-ki-kya
kyu-kyu - kyu-kyu-kyu kyu-ki-kya-ke
ki-ki - ki-ki-ki ki-ka-ke-kyu

2. Automation of sound [k "] in words.

Kiwi, nod, movie, Kim, bale, skates, cubes, poppies, cap, cap, buoy, whale, boiling water, boots, Nikita, bouquet, package, ocean, hemp, sneakers, descendants.

3. Automation of sound [k "] in word combinations.

buy poppies; wear a cap and sneakers; nod to Nikita; put on a cape; drink boiling water; cubes in a bag; Nikitin's boots; to go to the cinema.

4. Repeat tongue twisters.

5. The game "What is missing?" (handles, paws, legs).

Chukova Larisa Mikhailovna, Tomsk,
teacher - speech therapist MADOU Center
child development - kindergarten No. 94

"Differentiation of sounds K-Kb"

Tasks:: to teach children to differentiate sounds K-K;

continue to learn how to make sentences with a given word;

to consolidate the concept of "related" words, the formation of related words;

to consolidate skills and orientation skills on a sheet of paper;

to consolidate the skills of sound analysis and synthesis of words;

to develop the flexibility and mobility of individual parts of the body: the speech apparatus and both hands /bioenergoplasty/;

development of general and fine motor skills:

development of phonemic hearing, perception, memory;

education of attention, memory.

Equipment: subject pictures, word scheme, signal cards, story pictures, “Beauty Fairy” doll, “Beauty Tree”, magic lumps, magic wand, “Magic Card” game.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment:

They checked the posture, spread the shoulder blades,

Breathe in peace, breathe out stress.

P. Articulation gymnastics. /Bioenergoplastics/:

"Smile" - "Piglet"

"Horse" / rode on a horse, making clicks with the thumb and middle fingers along with the tongue.

“Catching snowflakes” / work of the lower jaw, showing with the hand, “aaam!”

"We suck on an icicle - a lollipop."

“A sore throat” / cough: kkkha - kkkha!

Sh. Message of the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist: - I walked along the path, walked ... and I found lumps, but the lumps are not simple, silvery, magical. Could there be something or someone hiding in them? Our sensitive ears listen attentively, the head thinks, and skillful fingers work.

Instruction: -At once - they took the lumps in their hands, for two - they unfolded them, for three - they carefully smoothed them out with their fingers, for four - they called the word, determined the first sound in the word.

Children: -CAT. The first sound in the word CAT is [К[. Whale. The first sound in the word KIT-[Кь].

Speech therapist: -That's right, well done! Today we will distinguish between the sounds K-K.

1U.characteristics of sounds [K], [Kb] according to articulatory and acoustic features. Designation of pderjd with color symbols.

Speech therapist: - Children, what can you say about the sound [K]? ([Kb]?)

Children: -Sound [K] - consonant, deaf, hard sound. Marked in blue. - The sound [КЬ] is a consonant, deaf, soft sound. Marked in green.

U. Development of phonemic perception.

D / game: "Catch the sound." (Show the sound card)

K: K, P, T, K, K, M, T, K,

Kb: Kb, T, Kb, Kb, Nb, K, Kb

U.D / game "On the contrary"

Speech therapist: - Take a magic wand, on the contrary, name the syllable. I call a syllable with a hard sound [K], and you, on the contrary, with a soft sound [Kb]:


UP. Sound analysis and synthesis of words CAT KIT.

Speech therapist: Lived - there was a CAT and a KIT.

CAT - huge, just scary!

Kit was small, homely.

Speech therapist: Is that right? How should I say it?

We lay out the scheme of the word (long strip-word) CAT

- Let's say the word and listen to ourselves: KOOOT

Name it: [K]. What is this sound?

Children: - sound [K] - a consonant, solid, deaf sound, denoted by a blue square.

(lay out the sound [K] (blue square).

Children: -KOOOOT

Speech therapist: -Name it.

Children: - The sound [O] is a vowel sound, denoted in red.

(Children complete the word scheme.)

Speech therapist: -Check if all the sounds of the word are already highlighted. Read your diagram.

Children: - No, the word is not finished.

Children: - KO T. Sound [T] - consonant, hard, dull sound.

Speech therapist: - Children, let's check, did we get a word? We read, we allocate sounds with our voice, we sing a vowel sound: KOOOOOOOT.

(Children read in chorus and one at a time.)

Speech therapist: -How many sounds are in the word CAT?

How many consonants are in a word? What are they?

How many vowels are in the word CAT? What is the vowel sound?

Speech therapist: Well done! We lay out the scheme of the word KIT.

(Children put a long strip-word in front of them.)

Speech therapist: - Let's say a word and listen to ourselves: KIIIIT.

Children: -KIIIT. The first sound is [КЬ]. It is consonant, soft, deaf - a sound, indicated in green.

Speech therapist: Well done! Which side did you put the green square on?

Children: - On the left, this is the beginning of the word.

Children: - KIIIIIIIIT. The second sound is the vowel sound [I]. Marked in red.

Speech therapist: Well done! Check if all the sounds of the word are already selected. Read your word.

Children: - No. The last sound in the word KIT T. [T] is a consonant, hard, deaf sound.

Speech therapist: - Let's read, did we get a word?

(Children read according to the scheme: KYIIIIIIIT).

Children: - It turned out the word KIT.

Speech therapist: Well done! Children look at our word patterns. How are word patterns similar?

Children: - In the word CAT there are 3 sounds, in the word KIT there are 3 sounds.

- In the word CAT there is 1 vowel sound, and in the word KIT there is 1 vowel sound.

- In the word CAT there are 2 consonant sounds, and in the word KIT there are 2 consonant sounds.

- In the word CAT, the sound [T] at the end of the word, and in the word KIT, the sound [T] at the end of the word.

Speech therapist: Well done! Children, how are the words different from each other?

Children: -In the word CAT, the sound [K] is a consonant, hard, and in the word KIT, the sound [Kb] is a consonant, soft. In the word CAT there is a vowel sound [O], and in the word KIT there is a vowel sound [I] - it softens the front consonant sound [K].

1. Clear pronunciation and distinction of sounds in syllables and words.

2. Sound analysis and synthesis of reverse and direct syllables.

3. The formation of nouns with a diminutive suffix.

4. Formation of relative adjectives from the names of vegetables.

5. The correct use of nouns in the genitive plural. number.

6. Assimilation of verbs with different meanings.

7. Consolidation of knowledge about vegetables.

8. Development of auditory attention, memory, general and fine motor skills.









on the lexical material "VEGETABLES"

Teacher speech therapist

highest qualification category

Bakanova S.A.


year 2014


  1. Clear pronunciation and distinction of sounds in syllables and words.
  2. Sound analysis and synthesis of reverse and direct syllables.
  3. Formation of nouns with a diminutive suffix.
  4. Formation of relative adjectives from the names of vegetables.
  5. Correct use of nouns in the genitive plural. number.
  6. Assimilation of verbs with different meanings.
  7. Consolidation of knowledge about vegetables.
  8. Development of auditory attention, memory, general and fine motor skills.


Object pictures with sounds K and Kb, pictures depicting vegetables and fruits, dummies of vegetables, material for drawing up a syllable diagram.


  1. Organizational moment.

Children solve riddles:

1) How to put on a hundred shirts, 2) Both green and thick

Crunched on the teeth. ( cabbage ) A bush has grown in the garden.

Dig a little:

Under the bush ... (potatoes)

3) Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat. 4) The red maiden is sitting in a dungeon,

Who undresses him, And the braid is on the street. ( carrot )

He sheds tears. ( onion )

2. Acquaintance with the sound K:

Let's remember the guess words: cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots.

How do we call them in one word?

What is the same sound in all words?

How do we pronounce the K sound? (The tongue raises the tail and rests on the palate. It closes the way for an air stream. The air comes out in jolts.)

What is the K sound called? (consonant, firm).

What castle does he live in? ( in blue)

3. The game "On the contrary."

Let's see if the K sound can be soft. Let's play "Two Bears":

Ka-ka - ka-ka ke-ke - ....

Ku-ku - kyu-ku ky-ky - ....


In which castle does the soft sound Q live? ( in green)

4. Distinguishing sounds K-K:

a) in syllables: ka, kya, ko, kyo, ki, ke, ku, ky, ak, ...

b) zucchini, garlic, sweet, beets, bitter, cucumbers, pumpkin, fresh, eggplant, sour.

5. Isolation of sounds K-K by object pictures, putting them to the blue and green castles ( radishes, apples, potatoes, apricots, peaches, beets, onions, kiwi).

What two groups can these pictures be divided into? ( fruits vegetables ).

6. Physical Minute.

Come to the garden steps in place

See how it grows.raise your hands up

Everything grows, everything bloomsshaking hands

No one is tight. hands spread apart

Come to the garden!translational movements

Very interesting!lean forward, hands in

Sides in front of you.

7. Drawing up a scheme of syllables.

AK. How many sounds did I make? What is the 1st, what is the 2nd?

Designate with color. Then the syllables IK and KI.

  1. The game "Call it affectionately."

A picture is displayed on the board - a cucumber.

Does this word have a k sound?

How can you change a word to make it sound K? ( cucumber).

Similarly, tasks with pictures are performed: tomato, turnip, peas, pepper.

  1. "One is many"

Change the words so that the words have a soft sound Q. (cucumber-cucumbers, tomato-tomatoes, turnip-turnips, peas-peas, pepper-peppers).

  1. Formation of relative adjectives.

A) cabbage pie... cabbage pie,

Cucumber salad - …cucumber salad,

pumpkin juice - ... pumpkin juice,

Tomato juice-… tomato juice,

onion salad - ... onion salad.

B) "Fix the bug":

Let's make mashed potatoes from carrots.

Beetroot salad prepared from garlic.

We prepare carrot juice from onions.

Let's make pea soup from radishes.

11. Physical Minute.

Lariska has two radishes, (children take turns

Alyoshka has two potatoes, bend over

Seryozhka has a tomboy - two green cucumbers, fingers,

And Vovka has two carrots, beginning with

Moreover, Petka has two tailed radishes. big)

  1. "Let's harvest."

a) The speech therapist emphasizes that each vegetable is harvested differently, some vegetables are pulled out (carrots, radishes, turnips, beets), others cut off (cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini), pick (peas, cucumbers, tomatoes ) or dig ( potato ). And he invites the children to choose a model of a vegetable and tell how it is harvested.

b) The speech therapist reads a rhyme, the children perform the movements:

Let's go to the garden, we'll harvest steps in place

We're picking carrots"drag"

And dig up potatoes"digging"

We cut a head of cabbage,"cut off"

Round, juicy, very tasty. show circle

hands 3 times.

  1. The speech therapist invites the children to remember what pictures they had on the tables and make a sentence with the word a lot.

I have a lot of beets.

I have a lot of onions, etc.

  1. Summary of the lesson

What sounds do you remember today?

What are they?

Sound K

At the beginning of a word : Wild boar, cabin, cabinet, fireplace, ditch, rope, stone, cough, cash desk, muffler, kalach, pocket, cabbage, scythe, cowboy, end, cat, con, horse, code, lump, stake, coffee, room, cube , bathe, chickens, Easter cake, kitchen, whip, kvass, class, treasure, clown, nettle, groats, lace.

In the middle of a word : Flour, river, mouse, bangs, squirrel, fir-tree, haze, skirt, branch, stick, girl, milk, balcony, chocolate, window, perch, fabric, closet, acrobat, curdled milk.

At the end of a word: Poppy, tank, varnish, side, pie, boot, bough, knock, spider, bow, hamster, lighthouse, sailor, wax, wolf, regiment, obelisk.

With two sounds: Border, tub, cocoa, trap, coil, shell, what, mason, porridge, penny, cocoon, colo-col, doll, rubber, cap, cube, fist, goblet, bag, tip, ball, fang, button, fairy tale.

Sound K"

At the beginning of a word : Whale, throw, cinema, nod, dagger, kissel, brush, chum salmon, sneakers, cedar

In the middle of a word: Throw, throw, crew, forever, contrary, poppies, tanks, Christmas trees, crayons, sticks, package, layout, rocket, briquette

With two sounds : Caps, coquettes, pussies, picks, stalls.


Ki-ki-ki, ki-ki-ki-trees are very high.

Ke - ke - ke, ke - ke - ke - a kitten is sleeping in a corner.

Sentences with the sounds K and K.

Katya drinks coffee. Kolya is on vacation. Cat - cat, come to me! The cuckoo calls: "Ku-ku-ku." Katya has a cap. A poppy grew in the flower bed. Kolya bought an aquarium. Katya buys a ball of thread. Kostya bought cocoa. Kira goes to the cinema. Kima has sneakers. Clave bought skates. In the flowerbed of poppies, Kim buys cubes. On the window - a cat, under the window - a flower bed. The old man threw the line into the river. Kostya and Katya go to the film club.

Complete the sentences by adding words with the sounds K and K":

The ship is steered (captain)

Katya fell into (ditch)

Red (poppies) bloom in the flower bed

In the stable are (horses)

Katya hurts (side)

Katya and Kolya blinded (com)

Kira drinks (coffee, cocoa)

Children have summer (holidays)

Kostya puts his pants in (side)

Katya has cranberry (jelly)

Katya bought (skates)

Kolya bought (a cap)

Proverbs, sayings, riddles, tongue twisters, poems, games.

Mow the scythe until the dew.

To whom pies and donuts, and to whom bruises and bumps.

Working hands do not know boredom.

No matter how you throw it - everything is a wedge.

What is the age, such is the man.

What is the food, such is the horse.

Whoever loves science knows no boredom.

A boy with a finger, a red hat. (boletus)

On the trees, hop, hop, and nuts click, click. (squirrel)

The house is small, but there are many tenants (boxes of matches)

Buy a pile of spades!

Our river is as wide as the Oka.

Near the bell.

Kondrat has a short jacket.

Kostya drove to Kostroma to visit.

The weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya's scarves.

A rainbow-rocker hung in a semicircle over the river.

old pigs; volnushki - chiggers; Russula - sweet tooth.

Clara put the bow on the shelf,

She called out to Nicole.

The crane does without hands,

Instead of hands at the crane, a hook.

On the window a crumb - midge

A cat catches with its paw.

Where - where? Where - where?

Well - kA, well - kA, everyone here!

Well - kA, to my mother under the wing,

Where - where did everyone go?

Kitten thread ball

Rolled into a corner.

Rolled into a corner

Kitten of threads ball.

The cat saved up a penny

Bought a goat for a cat

And the goat - cabbage

The head is crispy.

The farrier forged the horse,

Horse - Koval's hoof,

Koval - with a horse whip.

By the forest on the edge, high on a bough

In the morning the cuckoo sings: "Ku-ku-ku!"

Below, a river runs along the yellow sand,

The cuckoo sings loudly: "Ku-ku-ku!"

Cuckoo for the first time

enrolled in first grade.

"Ku-ku, ku ... two, three, four" -

they taught counting.

Very hard science

count - ka: "Ku-ku, ku-ku"!

But now it's easy

Dokukuyut at least up to a hundred.

At the mouse in a mink

Crumbs and crusts.

In the pantry at the mouse

Pieces of carpet.

The mouse has holes

Cracklings in a mug.

The mouse in the tub

Mushrooms - waves.

In a mouse bowl

leaven leftovers,

And in the cellar

Cheese and sausages.

Hooks on the door

Chains, locks... (I. Lopukhina)

The story "How to cook compote"

A cat, a goat, a chicken, a cow and a rabbit lived in the same yard. One day a cat came out into the yard and shouted:

Listen everyone! I read in an old book how to cook compote!

Well, how to cook it?

Bring everyone all the most delicious, the rest for me!

The whole company went to look for all the most delicious, and the cat lit a fire and hung a cauldron of water over it.

The goat came first and brought a cabbage stalk.

Then a hen came and brought corn. The cow brought watermelon peels, the rabbit brought clover, and the cat himself took out a piece of sausage from his pocket. When the water boiled, the cat threw in the stalk, peels, corn, clover, sausage and closed the lid.

After a while he rang the bell:

Ready! Eat for health!

Everyone tried, but how they coughed, they refuse:

Compote is called! Eat yourself!

Why did it taste so bad? the cat thought darkly.


Sound Automation K/Speech therapist and psychologist ONLINE/

Sound Automation Kb/Speech therapist and psychologist ONLINE/

Correction-developing tasks.

1. To teach a child to memorize a series of words that are identical in syllabic structure.

To teach the child to clearly follow simple commands related to orientation in space.

Learn to clearly pronounce the sounds [K], [K "], differentiate them by ear and in pronunciation.

Continue to teach the sound synthesis of short words.

Continue to learn to analyze simple words (on your own, without the help of an adult), to transform words.

Introduce your child to prepositions cat.

Teach your child to write simple visual dictations.

Exercise 1. An adult invites the child to repeat words similar in syllabic structure (at first - two, then three), in the following order:

poppy - tank - so, current - knock - so, bull - tank - side, ladies - smoke - house, com - house - gnome.

Task 2. Introduction to prepositions cat.

The adult invites the child to follow instructions related to orientation in the room: “Come to window. get away from window. get up to closet. get away from closet "(practical assimilation of prepositions cat).

An adult shows the child a printed word, and then the child writes it down from memory

The adult asks: "What did you do?" The child replies: "I approached to window. I moved away from window". An adult shows a child a graphic designation of prepositions to and from and explains their meaning.

Task 3. Acquaintance with the sound [K].

Didactic exercise "Big - small". What is the same sound at the end of all formed words?

mouth - mouth, nose - ..., forehead - ..., table - ..., dog - ...

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [K]:

sponges are free;

the tip of the tongue is lowered down, the back of the back of the tongue touches the soft palate;

the neck is silent.

Sound symbol : it's raining heavily: KKKK....

Characteristic sound: a consonant sound (the tongue creates a barrier to air), solid, deaf. Designation: blue circle.

Task 4. phonetic exercise. The frog croaks: "Kwa-kva ...".

Task 5. Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [K]":

k, m, p, c, k ...; ka, ma, pa, wa; ak, um...; cow, poppy, rubber, hand...

Task 6. Didactic exercise "Guess the word" (an adult calls the sounds in order, and the child pronounces the whole word):

m, a, k; cat; t, o, k; who.

Task 7. Working with pictures: choose from a number of drawn objects that have the sound [K] in their names, determine the place of the sound [K] in these words (if difficult, use a card and a blue circle).

Task 8. Find the extra word in the series:

- determining the place of the sound [K] in the words:

cow, flowerbed, rat, poppy;

cancer, poppy, porridge, onion;

cabbage, mosquito, shirt, carousel;

- determining the number of sounds [K] in words:

circle, ball, skating rink, a hammer; shirt, spikelet, cat, cover.

Task 9. Guess riddles, name the first sound in riddles, come up with sentences with these words.

In the middle of the yard stands a mop -

Forks in front, brooms in back. (Cow)

Soft Paws,

And in the paws - scratches. (Cat)

One hundred clothes

All without zippers. (Cabbage)

Not fire, but burning. (Nettle)

Not a beast, not a bird

Sock like a knitting needle

Flying - squeaking

Sitting down - silent. (Mosquito)

Made a hole

dug a hole,

The sun is shining

And he doesn't know. (Mole)

Task 10. Find words in which the sound [K] is at the beginning of the word, in the middle, at the end.

Task 11. Add the last sound [K] to the whole word. What word came out?

Ox...(k), floor..., steam..., hundred..., fish..., loto..., seas..., tomorrow...

Task 12. An adult invites the child to count how many sounds [K] in each word, name the place of sounds [K] in them:

Zucchini, cube, piece, lump, heel, skate, Cossack, ball, joint, cat, baby.

Task 13. Learn idioms and tongue twisters:

Ka-ka-ka - the river runs.

Ko-ko-ko - I see far.

Ku-ku-ku - cuckoo on a bitch.

Ak-ak-ak - a fisherman by the river.

Near the stake, bells are struck.

Task 14. Make sentences from words. Name prepositions in sentences.

Katya, go, house, to; Kolya, go, house, from.

Task 15. An adult asks the child to finish the sentences: I'm going to ... I'm going from ...

Task 16. Acquaintance with the sound [K "].

Sound symbol: a fine rain is falling: kkkk ....

Characteristic sound: consonant, soft, deaf. Designation: green circle.

Task 17. Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [K"]":

k, m, t, k ...; ki, mi, vi...; ak, am, ok...; whale, soap, brick, cinema, chair.

Task 18. Choose from a number of drawn objects those in the name of which the sound occurs [K 5], determine the place of the sound in these words (if difficult, use a card and a green circle).

Task 19. Differentiation of sounds [K] - [K "]. Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [K"] ":

k, k, k...

Didactic exercise "Say the opposite":

ka-kya, ko-...; kyu-ku, ki-...

Repeat for an adult syllable series:

ka-ka-ka, ka-ka-ka, ka-ka-ka, ka-ka-ka, ka-ka-ka, ka-ka-ka.

Name an extra word in a series of words (according to the presence of sounds [K] and [K"] in them):

cabbage, cat, movie, cow; sneakers, skittles, brush, bush.

Match the word with the first syllable:

ka... (-sha), ko... (-sy), ku... (-ry), ki... (-no), ke... (-dy).

Remember the names of people starting with the sounds [K] and [K "] (Katya, Kirill), "give them gifts."

Task 20. An adult invites the child to learn a poem, think about what sounds are often heard in it, and then recite the poem, clapping his hands for each syllable.


Kopecks accumulated,




And the goat


Crispy heads.

There will be a goat


Give the cat milk.

V. Lunin

Task 21. Introduction to the letter K.

The beak opened the letter K -

Wants to eat a spider.

V. Kovshikov

What else does the letter K look like?

Letter games.

Task 22. Independent sound-syllabic analysis of words. Laying out word schemes from circles; laying out words from the letters of the split alphabet, reading, copying, writing under dictation in block letters:

poppy, cat, current, poppies, cinema.

After visual presentation, record short words from memory (cat, poppies ...).

Converting words using split alphabet letters:

poppy - poppies, cat - whale, cat - current, cat - who, cat - cats, current - knock.