Lunar calendar 2 lunar day. Marriage and marriage

The main symbol of the 2nd lunar day- mouth and cornucopia.

Stones of the 2nd lunar day- agate, chalcedony, jade.

Colors of the 2nd lunar day- chestnut and chocolate, orange and brown.

Organ- oral cavity, upper palate, teeth.

In addition, the symbols can be divided into two energy moods. The symbol of the mouth carries with it negative energy. Because the word itself sounds a little ominous. And the cornucopia symbol is controlled by positive energy. Two symbols tell that all the affairs of this day can be oversaturated. So, for example, a person can show his emotions with such force that he will have to be put in his place, pulled back.

Main characteristics of 2 lunar days

On the 2nd lunar day, you can start everything that interests you. The day is favorable for various kinds of undertakings. When it comes to exercise, you will get a lot of pleasure. And besides, if you balance the diet, you can find the forms you need. You will be able to gain the body weight that you have always dreamed of.

The main thing is to be patient. Everything takes time, the most important thing is to start.
As for the inner mood, you need to avoid negative thoughts and bad words. Try not to get angry on this day and not to make others angry. Your inner state should radiate kindness and generosity. And besides, these qualities should be manifested in communication with other people.

Pay attention to everything that happens to you when you are surrounded by your family and friends. And you will understand where your weaknesses are, and where you can rely on your relatives.

If you have confidential conversations with loved ones, then you should not devote them to your plans. Moreover, it may concern them. You can just keep silent about it and turn the conversation to other topics that will be enthusiastically picked up.

2 lunar day can be divided into two halves. The first half of the day can be a bit unfavorable. The second part of the day will reflect the positive energy of the day. You will be able to talk with the authorities and, perhaps, your ideas will be able to attract the attention of higher authorities.

And do not forget that on this day, the less you get angry, the faster and calmer your problems will be resolved. And the negative quality of character - anger can follow you on your heels.

Health and 2nd lunar day

The 2nd lunar day is favorable for starting and following a diet. If you feel sick while eating, then you need to figure out which product made you feel sick. And in the near future do not take this ingredient at all. It is necessary to exclude this product from the diet.

Who in general will feel completely unwell, then it is worth paying attention to this person. A sick person should receive support from his family and friends so that he has the strength to become healthy again. During any illness, it is very important for a person that there are people who share their pain, to be morally with him. Support is always very important. It happens that the most important and great support can be the usual kind word addressed to the sick person.

The 2nd lunar day is the day when there are exacerbations of pain in the teeth, pain in the gastrointestinal tract intensifies. In addition, we must not forget about psychological factors. If something hurts, then the person starts to get nervous, so be careful with your psyche. There is an exacerbation of psychosomatic diseases.

If you decide to carry out cleansing procedures on the face and body area, then the day is favorable for this. Any cosmetic procedures will bring a positive effect to your skin, because on the 2nd lunar day the skin is very susceptible to any touches and interactions with it.

Love and the 2nd lunar day

The 2nd lunar day has a dual effect on people on this day and on the energy of the day as a whole. The day can be as good as possible and as bad as possible. You need to be accommodating and take into account the desires of the interlocutor, whoever he may be.
Any person on this day will be set to receive compliments and gifts. Thus, arrogance occurs, which carries with it disrespect for the desires of one's partner.

You need to be as attentive as possible to any word that you want to say. You should also pay attention to the actions that you are taking or are going to take. Otherwise, you will very much regret the words that you throw in this state. Resentments and quarrels can arise out of the blue. The 2nd lunar day is endowed with enough positive energy to try not to develop a useless conversation that will hurt the pride of another person.

The 2nd lunar day, when you can have fun and relax in the company of your soulmate. Good day for dates and meetings. So that you have a good mood, and a meeting with your loved one brings joy, you can make unexpected gifts to each other. So that your partner's expectations come true, because it's better than swearing.

In addition, the 2nd lunar day is ideal for marriages. It is important that married life begins on the day when everything is conducive to it.

Work and creativity on the 2nd lunar day

Today you will be successful in your work. Any undertaking will succeed. This is a good opportunity to launch your ideas into the team, start your own business, sign projects. 2 lunar days are favorable both for individual work and in a team.

Be attentive to everything that happens to you today at work. Try to fix all the words that you will use in working moments. Because there is a chance that you will explain this or that work task so well that you may even be singled out. But do not be arrogant, your colleagues will congratulate you from the bottom of their hearts.

Creativity in work has never interfered, so fantasize, try, and the day will endow you with its positive energy. And the Universe will help you realize your plans, which you may have already forgotten that you need to use them too.

If you decide to take up education. For example, to start learning a language or any other courses, this day is most welcome. Your preferences to develop in the field of educational sciences will be supported not only by relatives.

Material problems will be solved on the 2nd lunar day without difficulties. Moreover, today you are in a positive mood, and, as you know, in any business, a positive attitude is already half the way when things go well. Try to maintain this state of mind for the whole day until evening.

But, if suddenly there are difficulties in signing an important agreement, then you should not put pressure on your partner, just postpone this project for the near future, when the atmosphere of “pulling the blanket over yourself” will not be felt in cooperation. Most importantly, stay calm and objective in any situation.

Those who were born on the 2nd lunar day

People who were born on the 2nd lunar day can be accommodating, kind and responsive, if these qualities are instilled in them from early childhood. If the parents do not do this, then the people of this lunar day may themselves suffer from their own negative qualities. They will be characterized by greed, rudeness, jealousy.
Despite these bad qualities, they are endowed with intuition that helps them navigate through life. Their innate instinct allows them to avoid dire consequences. They are very careful and prudent people.

They know what they want from life and can adapt perfectly to the situation and environment. On the one hand, they are inconspicuous, but on the other hand, they can stand out among the general mass of people.

Physically strong people born on the 2nd lunar day. In addition, their mental abilities are very developed. They can be both negative characters and positive ones. Sometimes they can solve the problem with cunning, and they will get nothing for it. On the one hand, this is a trick, but on the other hand, you need to be a very smart person to act using this quality. Many people scold themselves if they act in relation to others wrong. People on the 2nd lunar day will not reproach themselves, they will reconsider this and simply go on their way.

People of this lunar day are very attached to their family and will do anything for her. On this day, innovators, mediums, businessmen, entrepreneurs are born.

Signs of the 2nd lunar day

The 2nd lunar day is the day when a person does not want to hide behind his mask, if there is one. The sign of this day is that you need to show more kindness, affection and understanding. It is necessary to support the energy of the day, which is aimed at revelations. It’s better to keep silent if you don’t understand something, today it’s more expensive to stir up conflicts.

Magical rites of the 2nd lunar day

It is not recommended to take a vow, consecrate a temple or personal ritual space, consecrate idols of the gods and other ceremonies on the 2nd lunar day.
Better guess about the upcoming events for the next month. More than this period, it is better not to touch the future through rituals. The day is perfect for conducting programs to develop practices for clairvoyance and any other mystical abilities that will be aimed at self-improvement.

Special care on the 2nd lunar day

On the 2nd lunar day, take care of your teeth and the entire oral cavity. To avoid problems, eat carefully, chew food thoroughly so that food does not damage the oral cavity. There is a risk of tooth loss. If something is serious, then it is better to consult a dentist.

There is also the possibility of conflicts due to misunderstanding. So it is better to remain silent once again in order to save the environment from negative influences.

Dreams and dreams on the 2nd lunar day

Dreams of the 2nd lunar day are usually interesting and uplifting, but rarely they can carry some meaningful meaning. If you have a dream with bad content, then do not believe it, most likely, these are just vibrations of the energy of the day. You will quickly forget about this dream, and in reality it will not be reflected in any way.

Mantras of the 2nd lunar day

I know for sure that there is a place and time for my personal affairs.

I am sure that everything that I have in mind will be realized.

A kind aura surrounds me, which protects me.

When life teaches me, teaches me a lesson, I gladly accept it.

I easily accept and assimilate the experience of a new day.

2 lunar day is the last day of Hekate (dark days of the Moon). This is a day of saturation with information, energy. 2 lunar day, compared to the first, is more suitable for action. Use his special power!

Symbol of the day- mouth, mouth, cornucopia, "grasping mouth."

How is the second lunar day characterized?

2 lunar day is designed so that you can start implementing everything that you have planned on the first lunar day. At this stage, you get everything you need to implement your plans and your dreams.

Everything that appears in your life on the second lunar day must be gratefully accepted, because now fate sends you all the most important things for this lunar month. Everything you get will definitely be useful to you in the near future, even if at first it seems to you that this is not so.

Remember that now the most important thing is to "get in the stream." Then there will be no need to waste energy, unnecessarily worry and push yourself. If you get into the flow of natural lunar rhythms, then the business you have conceived will be carried out as if by itself. You will only have to slightly correct this process from time to time.

First step day

Day 2 of the lunar calendar is the day of the first step, and the whole month will depend on how correctly you take it. The main thing at the beginning of the planned business on the second lunar day is not to change your mind, that is, if you have planned to carry out this or that business, you should no longer doubt, otherwise you will not succeed.

For this, the lunar period, it is very important to maintain inner confidence, in one's actions, and in the rightness of intentions. Doubt will destroy any undertaking. 2 lunar day is like jumping into an unknown abyss. You need to hold your breath, stop the flow of thoughts and immediately throw yourself into the abyss.

You had time for reflection on the first lunar day, and the second is for active, assertive action. Now nothing can be rethought, replayed and rewritten, even if it suddenly seemed to you that you were mistaken. Start realizing your "erroneous" plans, and then it will be seen, maybe your doubts are just a momentary cowardice.

What should be the inner mood?

A lot depends on how you feel. Drop all doubts! If you already have something in mind, do not torture yourself with questions: “Did I do the right thing? Maybe you shouldn't have?"

If you torment yourself in this way and torment your soul with doubts, you will not succeed.

It is very important to maintain inner confidence in the rightness of both intentions and actions. In other words, your hand should be firm and not waver anywhere. The second lunar day is like jumping into an abyss. Hold your breath, stop the flow of thoughts and without delay throw yourself into the abyss.

You can start any activities. It is very good to start large educational programs, to start studying new subjects and mastering new branches of science. It is good to take office on this day.

What should not be done?

Sorcerers warn that on the second lunar day you should not do anything important between midnight and 3 o'clock in the morning. At this time, it is better to sleep, and if you have to be awake, you should take precautions.

The fact is that this time period is characterized by extreme instability of energy flows, so you can expect everything. If activity awakens in you, then use it for cognition, learning something. You can start doing regular morning exercises if you neglected it before.

Unlike physical activity, emotional activity is still contraindicated. Avoid conflicts, violent family scenes, showdown. Try to show generosity and breadth of soul.

How should you eat?

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

² Ananga Ranga (Ladder of Love) or Kamaledhiplava (Boat in the Sea of ​​Love) - similar in subject matter and artistic value to the Kama Sutra, but much less well-known Indian poetic manual on sex (

The symbol of this day is the cornucopia. In mythology, it is said that the horn had a magical property to give an abundance of drink and food to the one who owned it, that is, the cornucopia is a source of wealth.

Work and business

On the 2nd lunar day, you can begin to implement plans. This is the time for active, assertive actions, for mastering new branches of knowledge, increasing labor efficiency, hiring new employees, for concluding financial deals and contracts. In short, one can successfully trade, sell and buy. The moon during this period favors people of creative professions. Scientists during this period can solve important problems, make discoveries. The moon promotes brain activity. But it is better not to deal with the resolution of conflict situations, litigation.

On the 2nd lunar day, you can start implementing plans

The moon on this day can influence such a character trait as greed, craving for accumulation. Do not overdo it, watch your behavior. It is better to show generosity and do charity work. There is such a dependence - what you give is what you get, in other words, the more you give, the more you get.


The moon affects well-being, mood, and psyche. On the second day of the moon, try to avoid mood swings, do not show anger, do not create situations that lead to quarrels and strife. Keep your emotions under control.

If you get sick on the second lunar day, then you should not worry. Diseases pass quickly, without complications. But it is not recommended to contact the dentist, reschedule your visit for a better day. But for sports on this day there are no contraindications. You can increase physical activity, master new sets of physical exercises, improving your figure, you can do massage, and so on. In a word, lead a healthy lifestyle, but just do not overcool. Tone your body, but don't wear it out. Everything in moderation.

Love and relationships

It is during this period that intuition, sensuality and sensitivity become aggravated in a person. You need to find the strength in yourself to develop new relationships, it makes sense to carefully look at the opposite sex, to outline a person close to your dream, to your ideal. May good thoughts and feelings find shelter in your soul and in your heart, may the light of love not go out in your eyes, may your hands remain gentle and affectionate, and thoughts bright.

You are sure to find your love

Seek and find. Be sure to find your soul mate, unique, mysterious and desirable. The moon will help you make your dream a tangible reality.


The second lunar day is a very good time for experiments in the sexual field. This is a time of trials and interesting discoveries, the search for new techniques and positions. To this end, you can read special literature, ancient treatises, modern articles and books in order to expand your horizons in this area, to gain the ability to surprise each other. In the east - India, Tibet, China - sexuality is seen as an art form, as a science to be studied and practiced.


The second lunar day is the most suitable period for marriage. The moon contributes to the creation of a friendly, close-knit family. Spouses will seek mutual understanding, harmony and unity, cordial agreement in all matters. And for those who plan to increase their family, this day is very favorable. The designed baby will quickly develop and grow to the delight of moms and dads. It is very good for couples and lovers on the second lunar day to go on trips, even by sea, even by land. Rest will pass without negative emotions.

Dreams on this day are usually prophetic, serve as a hint for the implementation of your life programs. Usually completed soon. In a dream, the subconscious mind is connected. It is necessary to correctly interpret the subconscious symbols and clues in order to choose the right course of action. The meanings of dreams on the second lunar day are very important. They serve as guidance in various life situations.

Dreams on this day are prophetic

Adherents of esoteric schools consider the second lunar day to be the best day for mastering secret mystics, for students to study esoteric knowledge.

Haircut and beauty

On this day, it is useful to visit a beauty salon. Direct procedures for rejuvenation of the body, make nourishing face masks, tonic and regenerating cosmetic procedures. During this period, the body absorbs everything useful, the effect of nutrients on the body is enhanced.

And what about the hairstyle on the second lunar day? So - this day is unfavorable for cutting hair. This operation can attract a quarrel with a loved one or relatives, children. No need to complicate your life, no need to involve conflict situations. Just brushing is enough. It will improve blood circulation in the scalp and will only bring benefits.

Stones and talismans

Magical power lies in precious stones. Some believe that it is even more powerful than in herbs. Stones are used as protection against energy strikes. There is a legend that the Gods are unable to refuse a person's request if he entered the temple, having in his hands a piece of transparent, shiny rock crystal. If you need help, then the energy of the stone will come to your aid. Moonstones are pearls, mother-of-pearl, opal, selenite, belomorite and others. The lack of lunar energy can be filled with the help of these stones, they serve as a remedy for apathy.

Symbol: cornucopia

Stones: jadeite, chalcedony, agate

2 lunar day - time to receive information. Be attentive to everything that you receive on this day, even when it seems to you that this information will not be useful to you. Perhaps it will take a little time, and you will appreciate what you have received.

Also this one, as in the well-known joke: “Doctor, give me pills for greed, but more, more.” Therefore, in order to live this day correctly, remember what Petrarch said: “If you are stingy, then wealth owns you, and not you wealth.” Do not give in to stingy thoughts, greed, and vice versa, if you manage to give someone something, then it will come back to you in full. Give away your unwanted items to those who need them, and you will soon notice how the universe will generously endow you. If suddenly on the second lunar day, you have a loss, you should not worry too much, you really don’t need the lost thing.

In general, the 2nd lunar day is ideal for laying down material wealth (but this is only if enrichment is not the goal of your life). Second lunar day, a more suitable time for action. Use his special power. Today you have been given everything to turn your dreams and ideas into reality. When making plans for today, take into account that they are realized only if you do not spread them. If you talk about what ideas have visited you, then in the afternoon all your efforts will come to naught. You may have a lot of urgent small things to do, the vanity will swallow up your dreams and plans, and you will not even be able to physically do anything of your plans. When you take action, always remember how important the first step is. Especially today, on the day of beginnings. Remain calm, confident in the correctness of your actions and radiate love and joy to the whole world, and it will reciprocate.

There is a special sign for the second lunar day. Everything that fate sends today will be useful to you in the future, even if at the moment it seems to you that you are facing something meaningless or not entirely pleasant. In fact, you need it: after all, it is today that we create a reserve for the future. Never forget that there are no failures, only untapped opportunities.

2 lunar days are often called the day of the first step. But what matters is your determination. If you are determined to do something, then, having started, in no case doubt your success. You had time to overcome doubts, now you should not remember them at all. Otherwise, like a poison, they will poison your every action, and you will not be able to do anything. Everything that you have in mind on 1 lunar day begins to be realized. You should not take active actions, but all the information that comes to you must be remembered and analyzed, it can be very useful to you during this lunar month.

2 lunar day is good for finding sources of financing, making deals, taking office.

In esoteric teachings, it is believed that on the second lunar day you can learn about your friends, about sincerity and honesty. In this case, intuition comes to the aid of everyone. You need to relax and introduce some friend. If at the same time you have unpleasant sensations, then this is a sign that your acquaintance with you is dishonest, insincere or envious. In any case, in dealing with him, one must be careful and not trust important matters.

2 lunar day is favorable for scientific research, for reflection and discovery.

Let us dwell in more detail on the influence of the second lunar day on our lives.


On the 2nd lunar day in personal life it can be both very good and very bad. The fact is that today each of us is set to receive gifts, compliments and increased attention. If this is the case, then everything is fine, if not, then problems and resentment can arise from scratch. In general, the second lunar day is quite a good time for dates, but show generosity and care towards your partner, do something nice, and you will be rewarded with good mood, joy, love. After all, in the end, giving gifts is much more pleasant than receiving them.

2 lunar day is ideal for marriage.

Household affairs

On the second lunar day, any household chores work out very well. In addition, since ancient times, this day was considered auspicious for the start of construction.


On the second lunar day, special attention should be paid to nutrition. Your intuition in this matter can be a great helper. To do this, imagine some product and listen to your body. If unpleasant sensations arise, then you should not eat this food, and vice versa, if pleasant sensations arise, then it is worth, regardless of the price, to afford it. You don't have to skimp on your health.

2 lunar day is an ideal time for those who have long been going to establish a healthy lifestyle. Feel free to start doing exercises to improve your figure, burn excess fat and improve your overall health. It’s great to make a diet for yourself for the entire lunar month on the 2nd lunar day. Cleanse your body of toxins. If you suddenly get sick, it is advisable to starve, especially if the disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. It is worth noting that the diseases of this day are short-lived and almost always pass without any consequences. On this day, the most vulnerable organs of the oral cavity, upper jaw, teeth. Therefore, you should not visit the dentist on this day or perform an operation to remove the tonsils.

On the 2nd lunar day, a visit to the bathhouse, especially the Russian steam room, will be beneficial for both health and beauty of the skin.

It is very useful to start health practices today, especially those related to physical education and sports. It is not necessary to go to the gym three times a week, but you need to give yourself at least an elementary physical activity, which you can do at home on your own. It is worth noting that running around the shops is not considered useful exercise: it only tires us, and exercises should, on the contrary, relieve fatigue and increase strength. Dedicate at least five minutes a day to them, and in a week you will notice the difference, and by the end of the month it will become obvious to others. In addition, if today to abandon any load, then the risk of salt deposition and the formation of stones will increase.

On the second lunar day, simple food of plant origin is very useful. Alcohol and meat should not be consumed.

business and money

2 lunar day is favorable for work, both individual and collective. You can start any business, start any issues, everything that is important to you. It has been noticed that projects related to education are especially successful on this day: you can start studying a subject, sign up for courses, etc.

In addition, in general, this is a rather positive day for solving material problems. Business trips scheduled for the second lunar day are often of great benefit. You can also go on a trip or hike.

An enterprise registered on the second lunar day can quickly make a profit and quarrel with the co-owners in the process of its division. Contracts concluded on this day can be profitable, but in practice they are very difficult to sign, as both parties will try to "pull the blanket over" and the signing of the contract will be postponed to another day as a result.

The first lunar day is characterized by the fact that any plans drawn up on this day tend to be implemented with minimal effort. On the 2nd lunar day, you can gradually begin to put these very plans into practice. Also, this period is favorable for solving your financial problems. Emotionally, the second lunar day is also not easy. The moon affects a person in such a way that there is no, no, and aggression, greed and other negative character traits will wake up.

Features of 2 lunar days:

  • The second lunar day is characterized by low efficiency and passivity.
  • Earth forces are activated
  • Lucky color - brown
  • The most vulnerable organs in humans during this period are the teeth and mouth.
  • Lucky number that can bring good luck - 2

During the second lunar day, you should devote yourself to new discoveries and undertakings, especially those that can bring good income. The symbols of the 2nd lunar day are: the cup of abundance, the mighty whale and the wide-open mouth.

The special energy of this day suggests that you can begin to actively act to implement previously conceived plans. Moreover, it is important to understand that in the morning you should not tell anyone, even your family, about your planned activities. If asked, it is better to get out or limit yourself to general phrases. This also applies to everyday life. Plans, like money, do not tolerate fuss and talkativeness. But the strong energy of the second lunar day enhances this characteristic.

Secret Signs of the Moon

On the second day, the Moon can send signs to people that should not be ignored. For example, if an interview was scheduled, but the person was late for the right train or bus, it is important not to panic. Perhaps the Moon thus protected a person from an unscrupulous employer. Such signs are possible throughout the day, so you should take a closer look at the little things.

Some astrologers say that on the 2nd lunar day you can find out about the attitude of dear and close people towards yourself. Intuition at this time is especially strong. In order to take a comfortable position, it is advisable to retire. Then you should think about a loved one, a relative or a friend.

In the image of the chosen person, it is important to imagine everything to the smallest detail, then listen to the sensations. If unpleasant associations, a feeling of anxiety or self-doubt have gone, this means that a person at this stage of life has a negative impact on you. In this case, it is better to increase the moral distance when dealing with him.

Work on 2 lunar day

2 lunar days are also favorable for work. Moreover, the activity of both freelancers and hired workers will be fruitful. On this day, it is very auspicious to open your own business. In terms of a career, at this time you can start any business, they will go as they should. Also on the second lunar day, you can start self-education or go to university, courses, and so on. The process of obtaining knowledge will be more effective, and in the case of self-education, it will bring you great benefits.

The second lunar day is the right time for action and activity, the fruits of which will delight you very soon!

Business people can devote a day to looking for additional sources of income. Many of the undertakings undertaken will be successful and bring considerable profit if you immediately begin to put your plans into practice. The second day of the moon is suitable for signing treaties and making agreements.

The motto of the 2nd lunar day is “Start to put your plans into practice”

2 lunar day "sets the rhythm" for the whole future month. On these days it is highly undesirable to make a fuss, do unpleasant things or borrow money. Otherwise, you risk dooming yourself to 28 unlucky days.

Beware of envying other people on the second lunar day, as well as being greedy.

During the night time of these days, powerful flows of energy circulate. If for some reason you have to stay awake at night (for example, work the night shift), then use extreme caution!

Physical activity on the 2nd lunar day will bring a lot of benefits to your body. But it is better to refrain from vivid emotional experiences, stress and showdown.

If you have been planning to sign up for fitness or go on a diet for a long time, then it is best to do this on the second lunar day. These days are just perfect for changing the habitual mode of life and for new positive undertakings.

Health on the 2nd lunar day

Today you may feel a slight malaise, but there is no reason to worry about this. If the disease begins on this day, then it will proceed in a mild form and will soon stop.

In terms of nutrition, you should listen to your body. On the second day of the moon, the body is able to send signals about what food it needs now. So if you are suddenly drawn to gastronomic delights, then do not deny yourself this pleasure! Of course, if you do not plan to go on a diet.

moon and dreams

Any dream that you have on the second lunar day will become for you a clear answer to a long-troubling question. Many dreams that occurred during this period contain direct guidance for certain actions, and some will give a hint on resolving a particular problem.

Most people who dream always try to interpret them in a positive way. But not every dream can be good. Sometimes dreams warn of unpleasant events or warn against negative consequences. The dream that occurred on the 2nd lunar day is important to understand correctly. To interpret it, you can use our . And it is better to contact a specialist in the interpretation of dreams.

Marriage and relationships between lovers

For lovers who have long planned to formalize their relationship, the period of the second lunar day is perfect. The couple will definitely have a strong and long marriage, and everyday problems will practically not annoy the spouses. Lovers who marry during this period will always find a compromise in any matter. Their love relationship will be very strong.

A favorable time for a nascent love relationship is precisely the second lunar day. The concluded union, thanks to common hobbies and interests, will be strong and durable. Couples who love outdoor activities will remember this day for a long time. It will bring them a lot of emotions and impressions that they will remember for many years to come.

intimate relationship

The second lunar day characterize intimate relationships as a bright and unforgettable event. It is worth offering your other half to try something new, for example, to discover new poses of the Kama Sutra. Feel free to actively express yourself in intimate relationships. You can get a lot of pleasant sensations and emotions.

Making love is an art of great importance in family life. During the second lunar day, it is worth strengthening relations with your spouse and awakening a faded passion. New poses and experiments will help you with this. Do not hesitate to buy books on the topic of sex, study this issue and you will discover the bright colors of intimate relationships in a new way.

Hair care: cutting and coloring

The second lunar day is a great time for haircuts and hair care. This day is marked by the growing phase of the moon, which can affect the rapid growth of hair. A new haircut will also improve your emotional state.

Esotericists claim that hair coloring on this day can attract cash flows. The day is favorable for various experiments with your hairstyle. You can change the image, style of behavior. This will allow you to feel more confident and start a long-planned work.

The description of the second lunar day was prepared specifically for the Belshazzar website (http: // site) - divination, horoscopes, mysticism, the moon today