“Swearing is of demonic origin. foul language

Do you know that mat (obscene expressions) is the language of demons? In medical practice, such a phenomenon is known: with paralysis, with a complete loss of speech, when a person cannot pronounce either “yes” or “no”, he can, nevertheless, completely freely pronounce whole expressions consisting exclusively of obscene abuse.

The phenomenon at first glance is very strange, but it says a lot.

It turns out that the so-called swearing goes along completely different nerve chains than the rest of normal speech. What are these chains? What (or who) is behind them? Who in this way demonstrates his power over a paralyzed body?

“The so-called mat,” writes Father Sergius, “is the language of communication with demonic forces. It is no coincidence that this phenomenon is called infernal vocabulary. Infernal means hellish, from the underworld. Mat was really well known to the Slavs.

The obscene designation of a woman of easy virtue is already found in birch bark Novgorod notes. Only now it had a completely different meaning there.

This is the name of the demon with whom the ancient sorcerers communicated. It was his "duty" to punish the guilty women with what is called "uterine rabies" in modern medicine. And the rest of the Russian swear words have the same demonic origin.

Recently, science has proven that not only morality, but also human health suffers from the use of obscenities. In the very, that neither is, the physical meaning of the word. One of the first scientists who paid attention to this aspect was Ivan Belyavsky. In his opinion, every word spoken or heard by a person carries an energy charge that affects a person.

The fact that swearing is the language of Satan and demons is easy to verify during the so-called reprimands in Russian Orthodox churches. Recall that the rite of casting out demons from a person is called a reprimand. Such people are called - possessed. During the lecture, something terrible happens to many of them.

People begin to bark, crow, young girls suddenly begin to shout in a rude peasant bass. When touched by the cross, such people begin to distort in every possible way. And most importantly - almost all of them terribly swear. With swear words they vilify the priest, the Church. But the reprimands conducting the ceremony know that it is not the man himself who screams, but the demon crying out inside him. He yells mother. Not good, but the most demonic.

If you swear, do not be surprised why there is trouble in your life. Checkmate is the curse that you send on people, and first of all on yourself ...

September 10, 2015

Do you know that mat (obscene expressions) is the language of demons? In medical practice, such a phenomenon is known: with paralysis, with a complete loss of speech, when a person cannot pronounce either “yes” or “no”, he can, nevertheless, completely freely pronounce whole expressions consisting exclusively of obscene abuse.

The phenomenon at first glance is very strange, but it says a lot.

It turns out that the so-called swearing goes along completely different nerve chains than the rest of normal speech. What are these chains? What (or who) is behind them? Who in this way demonstrates his power over a paralyzed body?

“The so-called mat,” writes Father Sergius, “is the language of communication with demonic forces. It is no coincidence that this phenomenon is called infernal vocabulary. Infernal means hellish, from the underworld. Mat was really well known to the Slavs.

The obscene designation of a woman of easy virtue is already found in birch bark Novgorod notes. Only now it had a completely different meaning there.

This is the name of the demon with whom the ancient sorcerers communicated. It was his "duty" to punish the guilty women with what is called "uterine rabies" in modern medicine. And the rest of the Russian swear words have the same demonic origin.

Recently, science has proven that not only morality, but also human health suffers from the use of obscenities. In the very, that neither is, the physical meaning of the word. One of the first scientists who paid attention to this aspect was Ivan Belyavsky. In his opinion, every word spoken or heard by a person carries an energy charge that affects a person.

The fact that swearing is the language of Satan and demons is easy to verify during the so-called reprimands in Russian Orthodox churches. Recall that the rite of casting out demons from a person is called a reprimand. Such people are called - possessed. During the lecture, something terrible happens to many of them.

People begin to bark, crow, young girls suddenly begin to shout in a rude peasant bass. When touched by the cross, such people begin to distort in every possible way. And most importantly - almost all of them terribly swear. With swear words they vilify the priest, the Church. But the reprimands conducting the ceremony know that it is not the man himself who screams, but the demon crying out inside him. He yells mother. Not good, but the most demonic.

If you swear, do not be surprised why there is trouble in your life. Checkmate is the curse that you send on people, and first of all on yourself ...

Do not use obscene and generally no dirty, abusive words. Passing through your consciousness, your tongue, they pollute you, your mind, your soul. By using dirty words, you yourself become dirtier.F.G.Uglov

The Russian language has always been distinguished from others by its beauty, flexibility and diversity; it is not for nothing that it is called great and powerful. But a huge number of Russian-speaking adults and children often insert swear words into their speech and even replace other words with it. If earlier swearing was mainly the specific language of criminals, drunkards, prostitutes and other degraded persons, now everything has changed radically. Young people swear freely in the presence of girls, and this does not offend them at all. And in purely girlish companies, the use of unprintable words has become commonplace. Small children, hearing the scolding of their parents, clog their tongues, not even understanding the meaning of the words spoken. Today, swearing has penetrated literature, cinema and television. The "innocent" habit of using swearing has led many to use it to link words, inserting a swear word after every normal word. What is a mat? Is it part of the national language or is it a sign of a special degradation of our culture, a sign of our spiritual and moral decay?
With the Word, God created everything: And God said: let there be light » /Genesis 1, 3/. With the word God created our world - the whole Universe, the whole cosmos (translated from Greek - "beauty"), the word is God's Gift to man, through it we become like our Creator, who created this beauty for them. The word is also a tool of human creativity. We enlighten and are enlightened by the word. And foul language sows darkness. The apostle teaches: “Let no rotten word come out of our mouths, but only good…” / Eph. 4, 29/. Words should bring you closer to God, not away from Him. The Lord did not give us a mouth to glorify the devil. Our speech must be pure, we must praise the Lord, magnify the Mother of God and the Saints of the Orthodox Faith.

In ancient Judea, the warning against swearing was taken very seriously, so much so that even to this day in the modern Jewish family one can hear our "international" folklore, perhaps as an exception: not using dirty language has become a national tradition.

Since ancient times, from the first steps of Christianity on the Russian land, Russian people prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos in a special way, nowhere so often as in our country, they did not ask and do not ask for Her help. And there are reasons for this. There is a legend among believers that Russia is the House of the Mother of God, one of Her inheritances on earth.
And She especially prays to God for the salvation of our fatherland and Orthodox people. But praying for them, the Virgin Mary refuses to mention in her prayers those whose speech is sprinkled with obscenities, which is why the people in the old days called swearers also blasphemers. Let's remember that Foul language- the beginning of a path to even greater evil. THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF ATTENDANCE. You should always remember the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: “... For every idle word that people say, they will give an answer in the day of judgment, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:36-37). Each of us will have to answer at the Last Judgment not only for all our deeds, but also for every word we have spoken.

The mystical roots of warfare go back to distant pagan antiquity. People of the pre-Christian world were well aware of the existence of spirits, believing that they were all evil: knowing nothing about angels and the heavenly hierarchy, living surrounded by an invisible demonic world, they could not think otherwise. And in order to protect themselves from demonism, they made contact with the demonic world.

This contact was twofold: the demon was either gratified by praising him and offering sacrifices to him, or he was frightened. So, they frightened them with nasty words specially designed for this, demonstrating to the unclean spirit their own, allegedly even greater lewdness ...

Similar situations can be observed today before the start of a fight, when opponents, disgustingly grimacing, shout swear words at each other, intimidating each other, demonstrating their readiness not only to beat - to kill ... Not a single tragedy, if it happens in such a situation, without such an “introduction » is not enough.

Swearing has a distinct cult function in Slavic paganism. It is widely represented in the rites of pagan origin and has a ritual character. At the same time, swearing has a pronounced anti-Christian character. In ancient Russian manuscripts, mating is regarded as a feature of demonic behavior.

Since certain representatives of evil spirits go back to pagan gods, it is most likely that pagan spells can be seen in swearing. Swearing acts among the Slavs as a curse. The connection with paganism is undeniable. For example, one of the swear words with the letter “e”, which is of Slavic origin, is translated as “curse”. The person who pronounces it thereby curses himself and those around him. The word beginning with the letter "x" in the Old Russian language meant a sorcerer. The combination of this letter and the ending, corresponding to the ending of many Russian verbs, is a Volkhov action that was associated with deceased ancestors, and the souls of the dead evoked this exclamation in pagan rituals.

The remaining swear words are the names of pagan gods, that is, demons. And the person who pronounces these words automatically calls these demons on himself, his children and his family. Here we are dealing with the mystery of the word. Whoever you call, he comes. You call a person by name - he responds. You call on the name of God in prayer - the Lord will answer if it is His will. When the names of devils, the devil, demonic forces are pronounced, demons respond, which accompany a swearing person and affect his mood, health, finances, and relationships with other people.

It is no coincidence that people who are bound by demons by sin hear “voices” and testify that a stream of swearing and blasphemous words sounds in their minds against their will. Or let's take another example. In hardened swear words, swear words almost completely crowd out normal speech. Without a mat, they can’t connect two words already. And they do not think that it is possible to somehow speak in a different way. Mother's slaves.

“Foul language” is not in vain derived from the word “filth”: swearing is a clear and open manifestation of evil in a person. In the dictionary of V. Dal it is said: “Foulness is an abomination, disgusting, dirty trick, everything vile, disgusting, disgusting, indecent, that disgusts carnally and spiritually; impurity, dirt and rot, decay, carrion, eruptions, feces; stench, stink; indecency, debauchery, moral corruption; everything ungodly."
This definition is the result of the deepest study by Vladimir Dal, primarily of folk speech. Those who believe that swearing in Russia, especially in the villages, almost at all times, are deeply mistaken and do not know their own history. Just in the old days, people were much more clearly aware that foul language is a grave sin before God and before other people, for addiction to obscenities they punished, and really severely. Under Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, for example, corporal punishment was due for foul language: disguised officials with archers walked in the markets and through the streets, grabbed swearing and right there, at the scene of the crime, in front of all honest people, they were flogged with rods for general edification.

The sin of foul language was also condemned at the Council of Carthage (rule 71): “With indecent words they offend the honor of the mothers of families and the chastity of others” ... What can I say if he speaks foul language, and even against his own child or just like that, out of pure coquetry, wanting to look “uninhibited ” and “modern”, the mother herself? .. But, perhaps, all this is really nothing more than prejudices that have no basis? Let's try to find out if the abuse has a mystical source and what it is. After all, not every modern person can understand what the real trouble lies behind swear words.

A rotten word from a rotten heart.

A Russian proverb says: "From a rotten heart, rotten words." When the human heart is corrupted, rotten, bad words appear as signs of spiritual decay. Foul language is a sign of an excess of filth in the heart. If a person’s soul is not cleansed, but overflowing with sin and bitterness, then foul language flows from him in an unstoppable stream.

The famous lexicographer Vladimir Dal wrote: “One cannot joke with language, with a human word, with speech with impunity; human verbal speech is a visible, tangible connection, an allied link between the body and the spirit.

Causing harm to others, a foul-mouthed person may not know that he is causing the greatest harm to himself and his offspring. Human genes "hear" thoughts and words, perceive them and fix them in the genetic code, passing the mutation to the next generation. Bad words negatively affect the genetic code of the swearer, are fixed in it, becoming a curse that falls on their own head and the heads of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The same destructive effect on a person and his genetics is produced by fornication, drunkenness, smoking, drug addiction, theft, lies, envy, violence and cruelty in all forms, including abortion, that is, everything that the Bible calls the word “sin”. And this conclusion of genetic science is also consistent with the Bible: “I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, for the guilt of the fathers, punishing children to the third and fourth generation, who hate Me” (Deuteronomy 5:9).
In medical practice, there is at first glance an incomprehensible phenomenon. Sometimes, with complete speech paralysis, when a person cannot utter a single word at all, he nevertheless freely pronounces whole phrases consisting of unprintable abuse. The phenomenon is really strange, but by no means rare. What does it indicate?

Both doctors and clergy are unanimous on this issue. It turns out that swear words go from the brain to the organs of speech along completely different nerve chains than all the others.

We know that the representatives of the diabolical world, not to mention Satan himself, to a large extent master the methods of influencing matter, including our body, the structure of which they are well aware of. It is known which centers of the human brain are responsible for what, and which parts of it, if necessary, can duplicate the “idle”, affected by the disease. A great opportunity to excite duplicating centers, demonstrating with the help of this “good deed” your power over half-dead flesh... And it is here, in the material world! And what will happen when the soul, which the demon has taken possession of, is beyond its bounds? What will happen to such a person at the time of death? The power of the demon over him will be complete and final, as lawyers say, not subject to appeal.

It remains to add that, according to the testimony of the church, the most common punishment from above, comprehending foul language, is death without repentance, that is, sudden
death. This does not mean that it will happen ahead of time, but that it will be like that at the end of the natural life span. For a believer, this is always scary, because among the obligatory Christian prayers there is also a prayer asking for a worthy death accompanied by repentance. As for people who do not believe, there is a very simple, but no less wise reasoning than any truth.
Let's say you don't believe in God, but your girlfriend believes and, unlike you, is afraid to break the commandments. If she is right, after the death of you, and not her, a terrible, painful eternity awaits. If you are right and nothing awaits people beyond the brink of physical existence, a believing girlfriend will not suffer from this in any way. But in the life here it will win for sure, because this life itself has already managed to prove hundreds and thousands of times in the entire history of mankind: only people consciously striving to be kind, decent, moral, indeed, in the end, they find here, on earth, a fate, if not brightly happy, then certainly worthy.

When a person speaks swear words, he not only defiles, soils his lips, but also pours dirt into the ears of those around him, corrupts them with the content of swearing, induces evil thoughts in them - he sows evil, even when he himself does not realize it, When we hear that a person swears, then we must tell him not to use such words, but if he does not listen to us, it is better to move away from evil so as not to harm his soul. As it is said: " turn away from evil, cling to good"(Rom. 12:9).

Medical proof of the effects of foul language.

At the end of the last century, an employee of the Institute of Management Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the founder of the Institute of Quantum Genetics, biologist Pyotr Garyaev undertook research that made it possible to create an apparatus that translates human words into electromagnetic vibrations, and then traced how these vibrations affect heredity molecules - DNA. With the help of this modern technology, it became possible to check how evil and kind words are reflected in a living organism.

It turned out that some words can be worse than mines: they "explode" in the human genetic apparatus, distorting its hereditary programs and causing mutations, eventually leading to degeneration. During selective battles, chromosomes are writhing and torn. Mat has the quality of blocking creative processes in the human body. The impact of swearing is tantamount to radiation exposure of 10-40 thousand (!) X-rays - DNA chains are torn, chromosomes break up. That is, swear words cause mutations similar to the effects of radiation. Rough, evil words can not only undermine health and cause illness, but also kill a person. And not only words, but also evil thoughts act destructively.

The words "mat" and "mother" seem to have the same root, but since a lot of negative emotions are associated with the mat, they are transmitted to the word "mother". This complicates the formation of the right attitude towards the mother.

Another interesting observation is connected with swear words. In those countries in whose national languages ​​there are no curses indicating the reproductive organs, Down's disease and cerebral palsy have not been found, while in Russia these diseases exist and flourish. It is also curious that animals do not have many diseases just because they do not know how to talk and, moreover, swear. If a person, when ejecting negative energy, remembers the genitals, then this has a negative effect on them. Therefore, swearers become impotent early or acquire urological diseases. The trouble is that it is not necessary to scold yourself, it is enough to accidentally hear swearing, because of which people who live surrounded by swearing suffer from diseases.

Mat is used to express outright evil, in which there is anger and defilement. They fulfill their purpose, destroying the mind and health of both those who swear and those who hear this swearing. Just as in the visible world there are perishable products, so in the memory, foul language deteriorates and rots. Hence senile diseases: sclerosis, general atrophy, heart failure and other diseases.

If anger is destructive, then, on the contrary, a simple kind word, spoken with love, heals. This is another result of P.P. Garyaev’s research, proven experimentally. Prayer has a particularly beneficial effect on the body: by the power of grace, defects in hereditary material are corrected, DNA molecules damaged by mutations are repaired, and a person is healed. Isn't that what the Bible says? “Some idle talker cuts like a sword, but the tongue of the wise heals” (Proverbs 12:18). So, genetics confirmed what the church knows, and many Christians have been practicing for more than one millennium. But still, it is one thing to know the commandment, and another thing to discover that evil abuse is truly a sword that pierces the human body, destroying it at the cellular level. But if the situation is so serious, then how should we all protect and spare each other! And how happy are those families in which there are no swearing and quarrels, where peace, love and harmony reign!

Everyone who swears, hell awaits.

If anyone has a passion for a mat, then you need to repent, and the Lord will help you get rid of it.

Being defiled by swearing, a person repels the Holy Spirit of God from himself. Through the mouth, a Christian receives the Most Pure Body and Blood of Christ. By defiling the lips with swearing, sanctified by touching them with the Body and Blood of Christ, a person angers. Christ the Savior.

Let us remember that with our lips we kiss the Holy Cross, holy icons, relics, sacred books, the Gospel. Let us be ashamed to pronounce shameful, rotten words with lips sanctified by their contact with great shrines!

It is necessary to realize that our speech is heard not only by people whom we are accustomed not to be ashamed of, but also by Angels, and the Mother of God, and the Lord Himself. Shall we not beware of foul language, so as not to offend the Angels, the Mother of God with a shameful speech, not to bring joy to demons and not to anger God with this?!

There are people who think; " I'll make a mistake, and then I'll repent". But the Lord may not give an opportunity for repentance to a sinner who did not even intend to struggle with sin in his life.

Let us sincerely repent of this heinous sin (seemingly insignificant to some). Let's reject the demonic and accept God's. The Apostle Paul says: …for what fellowship of righteousness with iniquity? What does light have in common with darkness?» /Cor. 6, 14 / So, where will the soul of the foul-mouthed one end up after death? Woe to foul language: " Their larynx is an open coffin» / Rome. 3, 13/.

“Dear Jesus Christ, forgive me for committing this sin in my life - cursing. I ask You to forgive and release me. I believe that You are the Son of God. I ask You to become the Lord of my heart, lips and all my life. I believe that You died and rose again for my justification. Change me and make me your friend. Amen"

Thoughts of the Holy Fathers

Have dominion over the tongue, lest your sins be multiplied.
(St. Anthony the Great)

The Lord keeps your soul as long as you keep your tongue.
(St. Anthony the Great)

If you remember what is said in Scripture: “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:37), then you will understand that it is better to be silent than to speak.
(St. Pimen the Great)

Death and life are in the power of language...
Whoever guards his mouth, he guards his soul...
(Prov. .13, 3)

Tempering the tongue shows a wise man.
(St. Abba Isaiah)

It is known that doctors recognize whether a person is healthy or sick by examining the tongue, we can say that our words serve as a sure sign of the good or bad dispositions of our soul.
(St. Tikhon of Zadonsk)

Some are very choosy in their food and do not allow certain foods to enter their mouths, but they are not so choosy and careful about the words that come out of their mouths.

The habit of useless words serves as a way to deeds. Therefore, with all guarding, one must guard the soul, so that, finding pleasure in words, imperceptibly not to accept something bad, as others swallow poison with honey.
(St Basil the Great)

I said: I will watch my ways, that I not sin with my tongue; I will bridle my mouth as long as the wicked is before me.
(Ps. 38:2)

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it shall eat of its fruits." Bible, Proverbs 18:22.

In Yekaterinburg, the court equated swear words with interjections, and found it acceptable to use them in public places, reports Regions.ru. The court ruled that "obscene insults are just interjections in modern Russian" and therefore the user does not commit an offense.

As the publication notes in this regard, over the past 20 years, swearing has almost ceased to be taboo. She has penetrated into cinema, literature and television, she is not considered shameful in the mouths of women and adolescents, as well as in mixed companies. According to a survey by VTsIOM, 61% of Russians use profanity in their daily lives. But our fellow citizens are not yet ready to recognize this situation as normal. Only 11% of respondents do not see anything shameful in the use of obscene language. 61% believe that it is necessary to fight for the purity of the Russian language by all available means.

Comment on the decision of the court and answer the question, what is the reason that swearing ceases to be forbidden, the publication asked the Orthodox clergy.

Archpriest Alexander Shargunov, Rector of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Pyzhy, believes that the decision of the court testifies to the general barbarization and general decay, which has reached the limit set by the instinct of moral self-preservation of mankind. “People no longer perceive God’s warning that every person will answer at the Judgment not only for every bad word, but also for every “idle word”. And now filth is already entering our lives as a normal phenomenon. Sin becomes the norm. It is impossible to fall below,” the pastor noted.

“Foul language is the seal of the devil and the Antichrist. And the consequence of the voluntary acceptance of this seal will be the destruction of man as a spiritual and moral phenomenon. And such a death is much more terrible than physical death,” Father Alexander warned.

The director of the Synodal Library of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archpriest Boris Danilenko, called the assertion that profanity is a natural and necessary element of the Russian language, and obscene expressions are just interjections, a distortion. “All of our classical literature testifies that the great Russian language can quite easily do without dirt,” he said. “By such court decisions, judges and forensic experts discredit not only themselves, but the entire judicial system, which has a low credit of people's trust,” said Father Boris.

“Swearing is a sin. Violation of the commandments of God will have serious consequences for each person. But the rejection of the use of curses and bad words in speech is the key not only to mental, but also to physical health and longevity. And there is a lot of evidence for this,” the pastor added.

Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko, rector of the Church of the All-Merciful Savior of the former Sorrowful Monastery on Novoslobodskaya, believes that in order to assess this case, one should recall the meaning of the words “foul language” and “justice”. “We must remember that bad words offend not only the one to whom they are addressed, but also the one who utters them and defiles himself. And justice is a right court, and truth is with God. In this case, unfortunately, it is impossible to say that justice has been done,” he said. “The decision of the court causes both surprise and strong protest. The declaration of filth as the norm testifies to the low spiritual level of those who think so. This is evidence of a decline in morals,” Father Alexander stated.

“It seems to me that society should invariably express a sharp negative attitude towards such unjust decisions. And we are obliged to monitor the purity of our own speech, no matter what some judges decide, who consider swearing acceptable, ”he concluded.

Head of the Department for Youth Affairs of the St. Petersburg Diocese, Rector of the Church of Peter and Paul at the Russian State Pedagogical University. AI Herzen Archpriest Artemy Skripkin noted that swearing is the first sign of lack of culture. “Everyone understands that profanity is swearing, not interjections. I believe that every normal cultured person will agree with this,” he said. “The use of swearing indicates either a lack of culture in a person, or a manifestation of aggression. It happens that among young people it is deliberately used as a sign of protest,” Father Artemy said.

“The crisis of language is an indicator of the crisis of mentality and self-identification of our people. First of all, he testifies to the sick Russian soul. A sick soul needs to be healed. And here we must act not only with prohibitions, but look at the root of this problem,” the priest concluded.

Priest Alexander Kirillin, cleric of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" on Kalitniki, considers the court's decision incorrect both from a moral and legal point of view. “Swearing in public places, in the presence of other people, especially children, should be qualified as a violation of public order and petty hooliganism. Insulting a person, no matter how it is expressed, remains an insult,” he said.

“The spread of foul language in society is connected, of course, with the decline in the level of general culture, which, by the way, is very actively promoted by the media. Removing the ban on swearing will have the saddest consequences. Already now, in this regard, we can talk about a real national tragedy,” the priest added.

Priest Sergiy Kruglov, cleric of the Spassky Cathedral in the city of Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, recalled the words of Anna Akhmatova: "When people shout 'Fool!' in the street, you don't have to turn around." “The legalization of swearing is evidence of a global process of entropy in society. Removing prohibitions and taboos, the world is gradually degrading,” he believes. “You can describe a simple scheme of life: a person tries to be happy, but does not achieve what he wants, then the thought arises that if he breaks some taboo, then happiness will increase. So it begins to "roll" downward," the priest noted.

“It has always been believed that for obscene language it humiliates quite certain shrines: it offends the Virgin, mother and mother earth, that is, the very image of the mother in its key manifestations,” he said. “The word has great power. They can build and they can destroy. It is no coincidence that Christ is called "God the Word." As for swearing, I support the church's opinion that it is of demonic origin," Father Sergius concluded.

  • 1. as a means of expressing the profane beginning, as opposed to the sacred beginning,
  • 2. cathartic,
  • 3. a means of lowering the social status of the addressee,
  • 4. a means of establishing contact between equal people,
  • 5. means of friendly banter or encouragement,
  • 6. "dueling" means,
  • 7. expresses the relationship of two to the third as a "scapegoat",
  • 8. cryptolalic function (like a password),
  • 9. for self-encouragement,
  • 10. for self-abasement,
  • 11. imagine yourself as a “person without prejudice”,
  • 12. realization of the “elitism of the cultural position through its denial”,
  • 13. a symbol of sympathy for the oppressed classes,
  • 14. narrative group - attracting attention,
  • 15. apotropaic function - "confuse",
  • 16. transferring the opponent to the power of evil forces,
  • 17. magic function,
  • 18. feeling of power over the "demon of sexuality",
  • 19. demonstration of the gender of the speaker,
  • 20. eschrological function (ritual invectivization of speech),
  • 21. used in psychoanalysis to treat nervous disorders,
  • 22. pathological foul language,
  • 23. invective as art,
  • 24. invective as rebellion,
  • 25. as a means of verbal aggression,
  • 26. division into permitted and non-permitted groups,
  • 27. as an interjection.

Profanity in Russian

A variety of obscene vocabulary, which has become widespread in the Russian language, is Russian mat, numbering 6-7 word bases. There are also several dozen other obscene words in the Russian language, which are not obscene and much less taboo, but are also considered “indecent”.

Profanity and society

Soviet propaganda poster "Our condition - down with foul language!", Author - Konstantin Ivanov, 1981

A strict ban on the public use of obscene vocabulary and phraseology, ideographically and semantically related to the forbidden topic of sex and the sexual sphere, developed among the Eastern Slavs - the ancestors of Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians - back in the pagan era as a strong tradition of folk culture, and was strictly supported by the Orthodox Church . Therefore, this taboo has acquired a long tradition for the Russian people, consecrated for more than one millennium.

In this regard, the data of a sociological survey published by the Interfax news agency on the issue of the attitude of Russians to the use of profanity in public speeches by show business stars, conducted in July 2004 by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center, are characteristic. The vast majority of Russians (80%) have a negative attitude towards the use of profanity in public speeches of show business stars, in programs and materials designed for a mass audience, considering the use of obscene expressions as an unacceptable manifestation of promiscuity.

13% of respondents allow the use of obscenities in those cases when it is used as a necessary artistic means. And only 3% believe that if the obscenity is often used in communication between people, then attempts to ban it on the stage, in the cinema, on television are just hypocrisy.

Despite the prevalence of obscene expressions in all strata of Russian society at all stages of its history, in Russia there has traditionally been a taboo on the use of obscene language in print (hence, obviously, the name “obscene language” comes from). This taboo has weakened somewhat recently due to the democratization of society and the weakening of state control over the printed sphere (the first in the history of Russia to abolish censorship for a long time), changes in public morality after the collapse of the USSR, mass publication of literary works and correspondence of recognized Russian classics, writers -dissidents and current postmodernists. The removal of the ban on the coverage of certain topics and social groups led to the expansion of the scope of acceptable vocabulary in written speech. Cursing and jargon have become fashionable, becoming one of the means of PR.

Among children and adolescents, the ability to swear subconsciously was and is considered one of the signs of adulthood. And of course, as soon as the younger generation mastered the basics of this knowledge, it was in dire need to demonstrate what they had achieved - hence the inscriptions on fences, walls of public toilets, school desks - and now on the Internet.

It should be noted that, contrary to popular belief, profanity is relatively little used in places of deprivation of liberty. This is due to strict criminal “concepts”, according to which every prisoner must be responsible for everything he says (“responsible for the market”), and many persistent obscene expressions are taken literally. For example, sending someone to " three letters"Is considered as an indication to this person that his place is exactly there, that is, as a statement about his belonging to the caste" roosters". The impossibility of proving such a statement can lead to grave consequences for the “sender”.

Returning to the topic of “profanity and society”, it should be emphasized that the current freedom of expression still does not cancel the responsibility of the speaker and writer (see, for example, Article 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Of course, it is hardly possible to forbid a person to swear if this is the only means of self-expression that is available to him (given the restrictions imposed by upbringing or the conditions of existence - “to live with wolves - howl like a wolf”). Of course, one should not burn (or otherwise destroy) the books of fashionable writers. However, public abuse in a normal environment inevitably violates the rights and humiliates the dignity of those people for whom the taboo remains in force (for moral, religious and other reasons).

Aroyan vs. Kirkorov precedent

Use of profanity in art and media

The tabooing of obscene vocabulary is a relatively late phenomenon: even in documents and correspondence of the time of Peter the Great, it is found relatively freely. However, by the second half of the 18th century, its use in printed publications was no longer possible, and Ivan Barkov's poems, widely using obscene vocabulary, were distributed exclusively in lists. Throughout the 19th century, obscene vocabulary also remained the lot of the “unofficial” part of the creative heritage of poets and writers: obscene epigrams and satirical poems by Pushkin, Lermontov and other authors were not published by them themselves and were not subject to publication in Russia at all (political emigrants from Russia began to publish them in Europe only in the second half of the 19th century).

The first attempts to remove the taboo from obscene vocabulary were made in the 1920s. and were not of a mass nature; interest in swear words among most authors was not self-sufficient at that time and was mainly linked to the desire to speak freely about the sexual sphere.

During the Soviet period, the public ban on obscene vocabulary acted very consistently, which did not prevent (and still does not prevent) the vast majority of the population from willingly using this vocabulary in private life. The tasks of artistic development of obscene vocabulary were set by the writers of Russian samizdat, starting with Yuz Aleshkovsky.

“The main“ three whales ”of Russian swearing ... are etymologically deciphered quite decently: the Proto-Slavic *jebti originally meant “to beat, hit”, *huj (related to the word needles) - “needle of a coniferous tree, something sharp”, *pisda - “urinary organ” " .

The same protoforms (though with some doubt about *huj) are given in .

It is interesting to note that the semantic changes of the modern euphemism "fuck" practically repeat the history of the word *jebti.

Categorization of Russian swear words

A. V. Chernyshev distributes " key terms of the obscene lexicon» into three groups:

  • denoting male and female genital organs and denoting sexual intercourse;
  • transferring the meaning of the genital organs and sexual intercourse to a person as a subject of naming;
  • in a deliberately coarsened form of borrowing from "cultural speech" (condom, pederast).

V. M. Mokienko considers this classification to be overly generalized and offers his own, more detailed, classification of Russian swear words and phraseology. At the same time, the terms swear words" and " obscene language» are understood as mutually intersecting, although not completely identical. swearing are insulting, abusive words, while obscene language- these are the rudest vulgar expressions, taboo words. The main feature that inextricably links these two lexical groups is an emotionally expressive reaction to unexpected and unpleasant events, words, actions, etc.

The researcher classifies Russian swear words according to the functional-thematic principle, highlighting the following main groups:

  • Names of persons with underlined negative type characteristics:
    • a stupid, incomprehensible person;
    • vile, low person;
    • insignificant person, nonentity;
    • prostitute, corrupt woman.
  • The names of "indecent", socially taboo body parts are "shameful words".
  • Names of the process of sexual intercourse.
  • Names of physiological functions (departments).
  • Names of "results" of physiological functions.

V. M. Mokienko points out that these groups of swear words and obscene vocabulary are generally represented in almost all languages. As for the national features of swear words, in his opinion, they are associated with combinatorics and the frequency of lexemes of a certain type in each particular language.

  • "Anal-excremental" type (Scheiss-culture);
  • "Sexy" type (Sex-culture).

However, the adopted version of the aforementioned law (Federal Law of June 1, 2005 N 53-FZ “On the State Language of the Russian Federation”) does not say anything like this.

see also



  • V. M. Mokienko "Russian swear words: censored and obscene" (Russian Studies. - Berlin, 1994, No. 1/2)
  • S. Kuriy “On the battlefield (the origin of curse words)”, Vremya Z magazine, No. 1/2007.

List of scientific papers and dictionaries of the second half of the 20th century

The list is mainly taken from the article by V. M. Mokienko

  • 27 dictionaries published in Russia and the USSR from 1859 to 2005 - CD "COLLECTION OF EXPLANATORY DICTIONARIES OF PRISON AND BLAT JARGON", M.: 2005, ETS Dictionary Publishing House (Electronic and Traditional Dictionaries), ISBN 5864601187
  • Baldaev V.K., Isupov I.M. Dictionary of prison-camp-thieves jargon (speech and graphic portrait of a Soviet prison). M., "Edge of Moscow", 1992, 526 pages.
  • Bykov V. Russian Fenya. Dictionary of modern interjargon of asocial elements. Munchen, 1992, 173 pp.
  • Zhelvis V.I. Battlefield. Cursing as a social problem. Moscow: Ladomir, 2001, 350 pages.
  • Ilyasov F. N. Checkmate in three moves (an experience of a sociological study of the phenomenon of foul language) // Man. 1990, No. 3, 198-204.
  • Kozlovsky V. Collection of Russian thieves' dictionaries in four volumes. Tt. 1-4. New York, 1983.
  • Kozlovsky V. Argo of the Russian homosexual subculture. Materials for study. New York, 1986, 228 pp.
  • Kossinsky K. Profanity and dictionaries // Russian Linguistics, 1980, No. 4, 363-396.
  • Levin Yu. I. On obscene expressions of the Russian language // Russian Linguistics, 1986, No. 10, 61-72.
  • Mokienko V. M. Images of Russian speech. M., 1986, 278 pages.
  • International Obscenity Dictionary. A guide to obscene words and obscene expressions in Russian, Italian, French, German, Spanish, English. Ed. A. N. Kokhteva. M., 1992, 90 pages.
  • Plutser-Sarno, A. Big Dictionary of Math / Introduction. Art. d. philol. n., prof. A. D. Dulichenko and Dr. philol. n. V. P. Rudnev. T. 1: Experience in building a reference and bibliographic database of lexical and phraseological meanings of the word "dick". St. Petersburg: Limbus Press, 2001. ISBN 5-8370-0161-1
  • Rossi Jacques. Guide to the Gulag. Historical dictionary of penitentiary institutions and terms related to forced labor. Foreword by Alain Besancon. London, 1987, 546 pp. Ed. 2nd (in two parts), supplemented. Text verified by N. Gorbanevskaya. M., 1991.
  • Russian obscenities. Explanatory Dictionary CD, ETS Dictionary Publishing House (Electronic and Traditional Dictionaries)
  • Dictionary of the thieves' language. Words, expressions, gestures, tattoos. Tyumen, NILPO, 1991, 170 pages.
  • Three centuries of Russian Eros poetry. Publications and research. M., Publishing Center of the theater "Five Evenings", 1992, 160 pages.
  • Uspensky B. A. The mythological aspect of Russian expressive phraseology (first article) // Studia Slavica Hungarica. XXIX, Budapest, 1983, 33-69.
  • Uspensky B. A. The mythological aspect of Russian expressive phraseology (second article) // Studia Slavica Hungarica. XXXIII/1-4, Budapest, 1987, 37-76.
  • Uspensky B. A. Religious and mythological aspect of Russian expressive phraseology // Semiotics and the History of Culture. Ohio, 1988, 197-302.
  • Fine A., Lurie V. Everything is high. SPb., 1991, 196 p.
  • Fasmer M. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Ed. B. A. Larina. Translation from him. and foreword by O. N. Trubachev. Tt. 1-4. M., 1964-1973; 2nd ed. 1986-1987.
  • Chernyshev A. V. Modern Soviet mythology. Tver, 1992, 80 pages.
  • Erotica 1992 - Erotica in Russian literature: from Barkov to the present day. Texts and comments (Literary review. Special issue). M., 1992, 112 pages.
  • Brodsky Hannah. Modern Trends in English Borrowings into Russian // Australian Slavonic and East European Studies. 1992, No. 2, 71-84.
  • Prof. Devkin V. Russische obszöne Lexika (Langenscheidt Verlag, Germany)
  • Drummond D.A., Perkins G. Dictionary of Russian Obscenities. 3d, revised edition. Oakland, 1987, 94 pp.
  • Elyanov D. The Learner's Russian-English Dictionary of Indecent Words and Expressions.2-d revised edition. Pacific Grove, 1987, 128 pp.
  • Ermen I. Der obszöne Wortschatz im Russischen. Etymologie, Wortbildung, Semantik, Funktion. Magisterarbeit. Berlin, 1991, 105 pp.
  • Galler Meyer, Marquess Harlan E. Soviet Prison Camp Speach. A Survivor's Glossary. Supplement by Terms from the Works of A.I. Solzenicyn. Madison, 1972, 216 pp.
  • Galler Meyer. Soviet Prison Camp Speach. A Survivor's Glossary. Supplement. Hayward, California, 1977, 102 pp.
  • Geiges A., Suworowa T. Liebe steht nicht auf dem Plan. Frankfurt, 1989.
  • Glasnost M. 100 schmutzige russische Woörter. Deutsch-kyrillische Lautschrift. Herausgegeben von M. Glastnost and illustriert von G. Bauer. Frankfurt/Main, 1988, 69 pages.
  • Haudressy Dola. Les mutations de la langue russe. Ces mots qui disent l'actualite. Paris, 1992, 269 pp.
  • Kaufmann Ch.A. A Survey of Russian Obscenities and Invective Usage // Maledicta IV, 2, 1981, 261-282.
  • Patton F.R. Expressive means in Russian youth slang // Slavic and East European Journal, 1980, No. 24, 270-282.
  • Plahn J. Mui Ne and the like // Russian Linguistics, vol. 11, 1987, 37-41.
  • Raskin V. On Some Peculiarities of Russian Lexikon // Papers from the Parasession on the Lexicon. Chicago, Chicago Linguistic Society. 1978, 312-325.
  • Razvratnikov Boris Sukich. Elementary Russian Obscenity // Maledicta III, 197-204.
  • Timroth W. von: Russische und sowjetische Soziolinguistik und tabuisierte Varietäten des Russischen (Argot, Jargons, Slang und Mat) // Slawistische Beiträge. bd. 164. Munich, 1983, 7-73.
  • Timroth W. von: Russian and Soviet Sociolinguistics and Taboo Varieties of the Russian Language (Slawistische Beiträge, Bd. 205). Munich, 1986.

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