Whom to go to study: the most demanded professions in Russia. Who to go to study or how to make the right choice Who to go to study in order to

Have you thought about what to do after the end of the 11th grade? What educational opportunities does a school graduate have? We present a review article on the choice of an educational institution.

You are reading this article, so you choose which university or college is better to enter after grade 11. If you still do not have complete clarity, then we will help you approach the choice of an educational institution systematically and dispel several common misconceptions.

Most high school students make the same mistake when choosing a place of study: first they choose USE subjects that they can pass. Then, according to the obtained USE scores, they begin to select an affordable university. That is, unfortunately, the state final certification has become the country's main career guidance test. Although in fact it is better to use the reverse sequence of actions:

Step 1. First, decide on a suitable profession or professional direction.
Step 2 Select 5-6 universities with different passing scores so that 1-2 of them are a fallback in case of a low USE score.
Step 3 Prepare for the exam, focusing on the most desirable university from the list.

Therefore, the very first step towards choosing an education can be a test for choosing a profession. We recommend our popular tests:

If you are preparing to receive a certificate of secondary education, then you have 3 options for further education:

    Higher education. Studying at a university in our country still works as a social elevator. The highest average salaries in the country are among people with higher education. In most specialties, when applying for a job, a person with a higher education is in a more advantageous position than applicants without it. After grade 11, you can enroll in bachelor's or specialist's programs. The main difference is that it will be easier to confirm a bachelor's degree abroad. But there are other subtleties in the choice, so solve this issue in relation to each specific university and specialty.
    Secondary vocational education. The number of specialties that can be obtained in colleges and technical schools is greater than those taught in universities and academies. But some professions are taught only in vocational institutions. For example, a machinist, a fireman, or an encruster.
    For more information about when to go to college, read our article Where to go after 9th grade.
    Specialized courses. To become a beautician, flight attendant, barista or animator, specialized courses, both offline and online, may be enough. First, many employers train staff when they are hired. Secondly, there is a whole class of professions that do not yet have a corresponding classical education, and employers are guided not by a diploma, but by the skills that the applicant shows in the test. This applies to game designers, e-mail marketers, web designers, etc.

Where to enter after grade 11 for a boy (boy)

From our point of view, you should not divide professions into male and female, but always focus on your own professional inclinations. Nevertheless, in our society, men are expected to achieve career and financial success. And if we are guided by this stereotype, when choosing a university and faculty, it is worth evaluating the level of average salaries of graduates.

The most highly paid, according to the Ministry of Education and Science, were graduates of the following universities:
Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin
MSTU named after N.E. Bauman
Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation named after B.P. Bugaev
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

And among areas of training The most promising for young people will be:
Applied geology and oil and gas business
Economics and Management
Informatics and Computer Engineering
Nuclear Power and Technology

If you are striving for financial success and a career is very important to you, then pay attention to these areas.

Where to enter after the 11th grade for a girl (girl)

Girls are not accepted for a number of military and "dangerous" professions, but the road is open to them in all other professions. Among the most demanded modern professions in which a woman can excel:
IT specialists
Social workers

List of demanded professions (industries)

According to the results of monitoring by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2017 and 2018, the majority of Moscow applicants tend to study "Society Sciences", that is, psychology, sociology, jurisprudence, media, and economics.

Although 5 industries with the highest salaries in the country fall not on social, but on technical and natural science specialties. According to Rosstat, the highest salaries in the country are among specialists in the following industries:
✔ Oil and gas production
✔ Pipeline transport activities
✔ Air and space transport
✔ Production of petroleum products
✔ Manufacture of tobacco products

Where to go on a budget

It is believed that the number of budget places is decreasing every year. All education is paid. Although the data of the selection committee in 2017 and 2018 show that in 2018 the number of state-funded places in universities remained at the same level as last year, or even increased. Therefore, you should not panic.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, competition among applicants is lower. This means that there are fewer problems in Moscow where to enter the budget with low scores after grade 11 than in the regions. The main thing, as we have already said, is to choose several possible universities, to insure yourself in case of not very successful passing of the exam.

The largest number of budget places are offered by specialized universities (2018 data):
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (703 budget places in the direction of "Economics")
Moscow State Law University named after Kutafin (545 state-funded places in the direction of "Jurisprudence")
Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman (525 state-funded places in the direction of "Informatics and Computer Engineering")
State University of Management (245 budget places in the direction of "Management")
First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov (700 budget places in the direction of "General Medicine")

But note that the competition for one place in these universities is high. If you need to enter a university for a budget place, and you are not ready to pay for higher education, study unpopular specialties in multidisciplinary universities. For example, at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, the lowest competition is traditionally for geology and sociology. With all the popularity of the direction "Economics" at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, in the specialty "Psychology", "Culturology" and "Philosophy" in this prestigious university there is a competition from 1 to 1.5 people per place. Look for options - and you will definitely find.

Colleges where you can go after 11th grade

The time and effort spent on finding the right university will definitely pay off in the future. We wish you successful admission!

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Every person is burdened with needs. Among other things, we need social recognition, material goods and life comforts. To have all this, one must "make a good living." And financial well-being entirely depends on the right choice of profession, the availability of the necessary knowledge and the successful implementation of skills.

What specialties are the most popular among university entrants in 2007 among those currently offered by universities? And what professions will be preferred, for example, by 2012 graduates? On the basis of a study by the Begin Group company, the editors of O&K compiled a kind of rating directory of promising areas and provided them with comments by well-known and respected people in the professional community.

So, we present 12 specialties that (we are sure of this) will be in demand in five to seven years: political science; jurisprudence; organisation management; finance and credit; accounting, analysis and audit; world economy; economics and management at the enterprise; advertising; marketing; public relations, psychology; IT technologies.

Trial by power

Politics is a special sphere of human activity, directly related to power, the state, and managing the affairs of society. In his work, a politician has to solve all sorts of problems, skillfully maneuvering between the interests of various social groups in search of compromises. Psychologists believe that power corrupts. Therefore, a priori, a political leader must be accessible, open, honest, sensitive and humane, as well as conscientious and disinterested - deputies and many scientists of our country came to this conclusion when discussing the problems of morality and politics. In addition, such a person must be highly educated and competent, he must have a sharp mind and a broad outlook. The French emperor Napoleon said: "Big politics is just common sense applied to big things." Meanwhile, it is not easy to get into big politics, the foundation must be laid from youth. The first step in a political career may be getting a higher education. This profession promises power and money, and therefore attracts more and more young people. The competition for the faculties of political science reaches seven to ten people per place. Applicants take exams in Russian and foreign languages, history and social science. It should be noted that education here is mostly paid. The high cost (80-150 thousand rubles per year) is justified by the prospect of successful employment in the institutions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, federal, executive and legislative authorities.

Ella Pamfilova, Chairman of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Promotion of the Development of Civil Society Institutions and Human Rights:

Politics, political science and everything connected with it, in my deep conviction, are secondary spheres of people's professional activity. You can't just learn to be a politician in an educational institution. It is impossible to become a politician, as well as a political scientist, without a certain life baggage, other professional experience. It is necessary that a person fill bumps, learn to understand people and interact with them, be able to lead and have a lot of other qualities that testify to his maturity and ability to change life for the better. Politics is a tool for achieving certain ideological goals. And political science is the science of publicly discussing, theorizing about what politics and the politicians who pursue it should be.

Probably, many young people are attracted by some publicity in this profession, the opportunity to express their opinion in the media, to be in the center of public attention. However, there is no need to deceive yourself. I think that we have a very meager discussion field of political science. The field of political science is still monopolized by a narrow layer of "elite" representatives who imagine themselves to be the great thinkers of our day. Only they broadcast in the media on these topics. Here you will not see a serious variety of opinions, there is not much competition here. This field is very dull and miserable. Those who have monopolized this site do not really let young ambitious forces come here. And the need for the arrival of new people and fresh ideas is simply overripe. Russia will make a breakthrough in the cultural, social, economic and political fields only if it provides a high level of competitive environment in all spheres of life, including politics and political science. We need a competition of ideas, actions, new proposals, as a result of which young talented people will be able to break through this ossified monopoly redoubt in politics, business, finance, information, etc.

Dmitry Slizovsky, Deputy Head of the Department of Political Sciences of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor:

Firstly, in a common, literary, artistic and fictional representation for mass consumption, a political scientist is "a successful fashionable political strategist, a virtuoso manipulator, a" social energy "and a successful player", who is invited to create a "victory strategy". It is possible that this, I repeat, fictional image will captivate and attract someone to the profession of a political scientist. And why not? Skills and abilities to capture the seething social energy that feeds the huge "politics machines" - isn't it an equally attractive profession, comparable in delight and emotions with volcanologists, nuclear physicists, explorers of the ice ocean, athletes, financiers.

Secondly, political science education today is mainly humanitarian. By and large, at the undergraduate stage, the best option for education and self-education is philosophy, history, foreign languages, computer science and eight to ten general professional disciplines: political history, philosophy of politics, political theory, psychology and sociology of politics, etc. Do not ignore and to neglect just such a "trail" of the humanities and special disciplines. Here, the base of general fundamental training helps to develop the skills and abilities of intellectual thinking and the mental apparatus for complex mental work. I would consider political science as a profession for people with a pronounced gift for political activity or who consciously go into this profession and are ready to live with passion at the expense of and for the sake of politics and political science. And for this it is not enough to be humanitarianly savvy. It is necessary to acquire specific skills and abilities in certain related political science specialties. In the most advanced universities of the country, in particular the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, they solve this problem in the following way. In terms of the content of the educational process, RUDN University sees, in addition to the development of traditional university merits and successes, the possibility of concentrating efforts through the preparation and introduction of disciplines into curricula: 1) lawmaking (disciplines close to jurisprudence, but not replacing the latter); 2) on the state budget policy (conditionally close to the group of economic profile); 3) on the analysis of multifactorial political actions using computer simulations and the use of, for example, methods of analysis of system dynamics (Analysis of Dynamic System - ADS) and analysis of hierarchical processes (Analytical Hierarchy Process - ANR). Through these types of meaningful activities, the problem of filling professionally indefinite political science as an educational direction and a specific profession with about ten narrowly professional specialties, with a specific set of skills and abilities: strategic and local (industry) analyst, expert, consultant, public politician (deputies of various levels), deputy assistant, party organizer and leader, PR-political strategist, political journalist, political manager, administrator-manager, political science theorist, teacher, etc. Of fundamental importance is the consolidation of specific skills, abilities, and competencies in students during training . In turn, these same areas of academic work logically develop into the corresponding areas of scientific work both for masters and graduate students, and for the teachers themselves. The next task is to structure the entire composition of the teaching staff and students in specific research areas in the form of research groups (schools). Participation in such groups of students of all courses, masters, graduate students is obligatory. It is important that this form of work is institutionalized, publicity, a positive image is created and support (financial, moral, informational and advertising) from the departments and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Thirdly, in real terms, a political scientist is a professional in the field of politics. And this phenomenon is filled with an extremely broad meaning and, according to the famous scientist M. Weber, "covers all types of activities for independent leadership." Naturally, the same Weber conveyed to us his understanding of politics as a vocation and a profession. Even today, nothing prevents us from accepting and understanding a professional political scientist in the most voluminous and true sense as a vocation and a profession.

What joys and pleasures can a career in political science offer, and what personal prerequisites does it provide for those who embark on this path?

Today it is still not clear what form politics as a profession will take. It is clear that politics has already become one of the factories, one of the large and permanent enterprises. These are intellectual industries. They are increasingly absorbing people as a kind of labor force. And therefore there are many chances for politically gifted people to pursue a satisfactory political career for them. Moreover, the profession of a political scientist and politician gives a sense of power even in formally modest positions. It would be reckless to believe that success awaits everyone here, especially human happiness. For both, it is not enough to study the profession of a political scientist. One must also have such qualities as an internal orientation to the essence of the matter, a sense of responsibility both for the cause and for oneself, a sharp eye or intuition.

Servant of the Law

As you know, ignorance of the law is no excuse. Legal illiteracy of the townsfolk provides lawyers with earnings for more than one century. The fabulous fees of lawyers haunt young minds. Almost everyone wants to be lawyers. Meanwhile, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens is not an easy task. "A thorough knowledge of the law, an analytical mindset, perseverance, attention to detail, responsibility - this is far from a complete list of requirements for this specialist," explains Yevgeny Lapenkov, legal adviser of Capital Investment Group CJSC. - It's no secret that no more than half of all graduates of law faculties work in their specialty. The rest, despite the received diploma, do not take root in the profession. Indeed, among other things, a lawyer must be able to artistically "juggle" words, master the art of persuasion, possess business charm and, most importantly, the ability to inspire confidence.

To enter the Faculty of Law, you must pass exams in Russian language and literature, as well as successfully pass an interview on the basics of law. Education in a paid department will cost 50-150 thousand rubles. in year. The price depends on the status of the institution and the chosen specialization. Doors are open for graduates everywhere: in authorities, tax services, customs, in other government and commercial structures. Salary from 25 thousand rubles. per month.

Pavel Krasheninnikov, Chairman of the RF State Duma Committee on Civil, Criminal, Arbitration and Procedural Legislation:

The specialty "jurisprudence" is considered one of the most prestigious in the world. The work of lawyers, as a rule, is well paid and is used in all areas of the economy, science, education, and culture. Good specialists in this field are needed everywhere, but, unfortunately, I must note that in our country in recent years there has been a clear devaluation in the training of this category of personnel. A huge number of people have appeared with diplomas from law schools and faculties, although in fact, qualified specialists, in my opinion, have decreased. Hundreds of universities graduate from Moscow alone, while in Soviet times there were only five or six of them in the capital. Believe me, I don't really like the Soviet period in our history, but you need to face the truth. Then the best teaching and scientific forces were concentrated in educational legal centers. And if at that time there were not enough graduates of these universities to cover the needs for personnel in various industries and enterprises, now there is a clear overproduction. But the problem is not only this. The quality of training of students in the field of jurisprudence has fallen sharply. In my opinion, the current procedure for licensing and accreditation of universities today is rather formal. Some measures should be taken to tighten the requirements for the level of education and the quality of training of young specialists. If the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is unable to perform its functions of strict licensing and accreditation of universities, these rights should be given to the Ministry of Justice. It will hopefully sort things out.

Of course, in order to improve the situation, some additional measures will have to be taken, to raise the level of salaries of the teaching staff. Maybe establish qualifications for teachers in order to attract the most experienced to this work. I often give lectures in law schools and see the deplorable state of some of them. If you look at the notes of students - the impression is that the teachers themselves read only textbooks and make lectures on them.

Of course, in the preparation of a good specialist, much depends on the educational institution and teachers. But no less important are the will, the desire to learn and master the profession of the youngest person. Opportunities for successful study are now almost ideal. It's not a problem to buy any book. It's easy to find anything on the Internet. And if you know foreign languages, you can become a top-class specialist. Therefore, I will take the trouble to advise the guys to be active, not to wait for favors from nature and external circumstances. You need to "dig the ground", work hard. It is necessary to reasonably combine study and leisure, and some entertainment should be sacrificed so that the passion for leisure does not become an obstacle to mastering a profession. Remember: a lot depends on you too.

Smart manager

The need for qualified managers, top managers and executives who are able to quickly and adequately respond to all market changes and conduct business competently is growing every day. The need for special knowledge is also recognized by many careerists who dream of distinguishing themselves favorably from competitors. Learning and teaching others "management" is becoming the trend of the times. Therefore, the faculty of management appeared in almost all universities. Educational institutions acquaint future managers with personnel technologies, teach effective organization of financial services of enterprises and institutions of various forms of ownership. Particular attention is paid to economic and legal disciplines, management psychology. In the learning process, modern technologies of business education are widely used: business games, online conferences using personal computers, etc. Applicants take entrance exams in mathematics, a foreign language, social science and the Russian language. Tasks - tests in social science include questions on economics, which is explained by the profile of the faculty. Those who did not pass the competition for places provided with state funding have the opportunity to study on the basis of an agreement with tuition fees from 90 to 250 thousand rubles. in year. The doors of large Russian and foreign companies are open for graduates. Salary from 20 thousand rubles. per month.

Alexander Livshits, Deputy General Director of RusAl:

I think that without management specialists there is no business in principle. All over the world. Russia is no exception. Our economy has come a long way in 15 years. We had to adapt on the fly to the system of market relations and at the same time integrate into the world economy. Despite many difficulties and shortcomings in the social and economic fields, Russia has achieved colossal results in this work. And modern managers ensured such a leap. Almost all top managers in RusAl are young people. In any case, they are all much younger than me. The older generation probably has a bad idea that on average 35-year-old professionals today turn over billions of dollars. And not only in our company, but in big business in general. Russian entrepreneurship is actively entering the international arena, transnationalizing in terms of sales. Both oil and gas workers, and metallurgists sell their products all over the world.

And who does it? Who earns money not only for themselves, but also for the state as a whole? Modern managers and businessmen. But until recently, we practically did not have our own traditions and a well-established base in the field of education, training of managerial personnel, entrepreneurs of the highest class. In the 1990s, many of the now successful people could not get a great education anywhere but abroad. Today the situation has changed for the better. Russian universities have appeared that provide good knowledge and professional skills to young people. Personally, I am a supporter of developing this direction in Russia, which is rich not only in natural resources, but also in talented people. However, apparently, the process of formation and development of Russian business education is still in its initial phase. We do not have enough of our own high-class managers, we have to hire foreigners, especially at the level of top management. RusAl's board meetings are held half in Russian and half in English. We need talented, successful young managers. We accept the smartest. As a rule, graduates of Russian universities. We don't take "thieves" - it's too dangerous. Usually, young specialists start with positions of middle managers. And then it all depends on the person himself. Everyone has conditions for career growth. Those who work well and try to be ahead of others, we will definitely notice. And we will provide the best with worthy professional and career advancement.

financial ace

The profession of a financial director (manager) has now become a key one, vital for every organization and the country's economy as a whole. This is evidenced, in particular, by the fact that the general level of remuneration of financial workers is 15–35% higher than the average, and the gap increases with career growth. In the hope of getting a "bread" profession, applicants are storming financial universities. The competition reaches 15 people per place. Applicants usually pass from three to five, including mathematics, Russian and English, geography (at the international departments), as well as testing and interviews. If you fail in competitive tests, then education will require considerable expenses - from 40 to 180 thousand rubles. in year. But, as they say, the end justifies the means. Holders of a diploma in the specialty "Finance and Credit" receive the skills of managing the capital of an enterprise, in the future they are able to effectively form financial and investment policies. As part of the training, the guys master credit operations, operations with securities, foreign exchange operations, international settlements, accounting, reporting and taxation. They also study the analysis and planning of the production program of the enterprise, learn to coordinate their actions with other departments and services, evaluate any strategic, tactical and operational decisions in terms of their impact on the final results of economic activity. In the educational process, modern information technologies are widely used: popular investment and financial analysis software packages, multimedia tools and the global Internet.

Young professionals have every chance to find a prestigious and highly paid job. “Financial institutions are willing to accept initiative and result-oriented guys who want to earn money legally,” says banker Leonid Krasner. “The key to success is the constant improvement of knowledge and skills.”

Sergey Suverov, Vice President of Corporate Equity Trading at CITIGROUP Corporation:

Now even younger schoolchildren know that in the specialty "finance and credit" in economic and humanitarian universities, mostly young people who want to become bank employees study. There are a lot of people who want to be in this line. In times of market transformation, the work of a bank clerk has become a prestigious, well-paid and, I might add, exciting business. What does he have? The credit sphere is a kind of professional activity of specialists, as a rule, banking industries, who are engaged in the search for interesting projects and enterprises that they could finance with debt. Everything seems to be quite simple. In fact, this is not only difficult, but also a very responsible multilateral work. It includes many components, including the ability and need to conduct broad analytical activities, in particular in the area of ​​credit risks. This is the ability to analyze and predict how solvent and conscientious the borrower is when repaying the loan issued to him. This is the settlement area, that is, the organization of bank settlements with firms and customers. This is accounting work related to the conduct of financial calculations within the enterprise. This is an audit work, which consists in analyzing the financial and economic condition of the enterprise and assessing its solvency. And much more.

Regarding Citibank, I can say that we use traditional forms of banking services related to issuing loans to legal entities and loans to individuals. I mean credit cards and all the work involved in servicing them. In addition, our young specialists are actively involved in work in the investment banking sector, in the financial markets.

I am often asked whether it is possible to make a quick career in a bank. I think that such a possibility exists objectively. Very capable young people sometimes need only five or seven years to successfully climb the corporate ladder from an ordinary employee to a middle and even top manager. Just do not think that this happens automatically or it is very easy. For a good career, you need to have and demonstrate great knowledge. Enormous capacity for work, the ability to work hard. Organizational skills. Computer knowledge. Business reaction, the ability to respond quickly to a rapidly changing environment. And of course, certain personal qualities that are conducive to this particular professional activity.

Difficult accountant

The times when the chief accountant was perceived as an ordinary accountant are long gone. Today it is a manager with legal and financial knowledge, an auditor and a competent leader all rolled into one. Every day he is fully armed waiting for a new catch from changeable legislation and makes sure that the company does not lose money. In order to avoid penalties and penalties, an accountant must navigate the legal field, be aware of industry events, and be well versed in financial matters. Exceptional importance in our country is attached to the professional training of accountants. Today there are many people wishing to study in the specialty "accounting, analysis and audit", the competition is stable - five to seven people per place. Applicants take exams in mathematics, Russian and foreign languages. Those who did not pass the exams very successfully get the opportunity to continue their education for 45 thousand rubles. and more per year.

In the process of learning, students comprehend accounting theory, statistics, economic analysis, automated information processing for accounting and auditing, management and financial accounting, audit and control, pricing, as well as the basics of management and jurisprudence. Usually there are no problems with employment. In the fifth year, the guys go to practice and look at their future jobs there. How successful a career is, depends entirely on the person. According to Ekaterina Tsybina, chief accountant of Intermedservice, people come to this profession in different ways, but only those who really understand and even love their job remain. Salary from 20 thousand rubles. per month.

Alexey Zabelin, Rector of the Moscow Academy of Finance and Law:

It was interesting to learn that the professional preferences of our youth and those of the West are drawing closer. The specialty "accounting, analysis and audit" is included in the list of the most popular in Russia. According to experts, the accounting profession also appears in the ranking of the best professions in the United States. I don’t know what parameters our attractiveness rating was based on, but the American top list, according to the press, was formed on the basis of an analysis of the level of salary achieved, stress received at the workplace and the nature of traveling work (that is, they took into account how many trips a person has to make in work time). It turned out that Americans - representatives of the field of accounting and finance receive up to 110 thousand dollars a year. This is even slightly higher than that of entrepreneurs.

The salaries of Russian accountants and auditors are, of course, more modest. Although in large companies, banks, they reach several thousand, or even tens of thousands of dollars a month. However, no one pays just like that. The chief accountant of any firm, enterprise or organization is the right hand of the head and is equally responsible for the state of financial and economic activity and the correct payment of taxes. This work is very responsible, and not only in a figurative sense, but also from the point of view of administrative and criminal law.

Many young people have a misconception about accounting work as something boring and monotonous. This is not true. Yes, this is basically a "sedentary" profession, but only an intelligent person can do it. It's all about attitude to work. Behind the numbers and reporting forms, you need to be able to see people and a specific case. Here, if you wish, you can find so many elements of creativity, creativity, fiction in solving problems and issues of financial and production activities that another creative person will envy the nature of this work. A capable accountant, consultant-analyst, auditor will be able to give very important, useful business advice, recommendations to both a venerable entrepreneur and a high-ranking leader in order to correct faltering affairs or make the business even more successful.

Another significant advantage of this specialty is its versatility. Every business, big or small, has an accountant. Therefore, the demand for professionals is stable. Good specialists are required everywhere. But one cannot become one without the appropriate education and work experience. This profession must be learned. And having learned once, constantly improve qualifications, periodically update the acquired knowledge.

It is difficult to figure it out on your own, even if there are many interests. After all, you need to know what professions are: what a person does, what object he works with, and what requirements this profession imposes on a person. This is what you need to know when choosing a profession.

To tell the truth, for each of us there are about ten suitable and pleasant professions. But you can’t go ten ways: you have to choose the most pleasant and most suitable profession.

What determines the choice of profession?

Here we will not open America for you. The choice of a profession depends on the interests, abilities, values ​​of the person who chooses, age, financial capabilities and family plans, and on the place of residence. But even if you know all this about yourself, what to do with this knowledge? And how to understand what profession they indicate? There are two ways: try to diagnose yourself or trust me.

How to choose a profession yourself

Try to pass the tests. There are career guidance tests and there are tests for professions. Try this and that. There is a 7-step methodology for choosing a profession. It is not a test, but it helps to understand your desires. You can finally listen to interviews with professionals, read books about professions, and even try to work during the holidays in some company and carefully look at what people are doing there. And all this can help a lot, but if it doesn’t help, then I will help.

High school graduates have a very anxious time. To make a life with whom? Whom to go to study? Where to go? Who to be? How to choose? There are a lot of guys who just don't know what they want. Parents know ... They often explain: "you will go to study where you can." Or: “You will study where our money is enough.” In most educational institutions in the final grades, there is a serious Invitation of university professors and graduates, publishing "newsletters", holding interesting specialized classroom hours, conversations ... And in the souls of the children there is an anxious, aching feeling: how not to make a mistake. The difficult thing is the choice. If nothing is interesting, then everything is simple - it doesn’t matter where you serve 5 years, then life will show that you don’t have to work in your specialty. And 5 years as if it had not happened. And if it is interesting, but not prestigious, or not monetary?

So who should you study? Maybe try to look at yourself first.

Parties? Can I communicate with peers, but with older comrades? Is it sociable or is it more interesting to think in silence alone about the high? Is my mind rational or do I live primarily with emotions and feelings? And then the first choice for yourself - a lyricist or a physicist? Then the second step: where can I acquire knowledge - in my city, in a neighboring city, in the capital? The third step: read in the press - and what are the

Indeed, the future well-being of him and his relatives, the possibility of further career growth, and much more depend on the extent to which a specialist is in demand. Unfortunately, practical considerations, or fashion, or romantic notions are often decisive. In the 60s of the twentieth century, they dreamed of conquering space, in the 90s - of the profession of a lawyer and an accountant. It was believed that they are "the most bread." But now there are too many of them. In front of the eyes of current graduates, technologies and the level of production are changing.

So who to go to study after 11th grade? Obviously, preference will be given to professionals in the field of information and nanotechnologies, heads of innovative enterprises and the business sector. Not everyone is capable of becoming an engineer. But everyone intuitively understands that without basic knowledge in the field of jurisprudence and economics, it is quite difficult to become a sought-after specialist of any profile. Therefore, when deciding for themselves the question “who is better to go to study”, the future applicant must understand that budget places for these specialties are very limited, which means high competition, and commercial places are waiting for them only if the family is ready to take on financial obligations for education .

According to forecasts, engineering specialties will break into the lead in the next decade. The real sector of the economy requires technologists, operators and marketers. This is all the more relevant, because the highly qualified personnel of the Soviet period either retired or left the profession, the engineering and technical youth of the 90s and zero years sought to leave their homeland or retrained, as they say, "in the building manager."

But there are even more acute needs for highly qualified personnel in the field of education and healthcare: prestigious, interesting, fashionable, but ... penniless. Here is the dilemma!

Finally, it is not at all important to have prestigious "crusts" for self-respecting graduates, if they know that they have a head on their shoulders and hands, as they say, "golden".

For a long time in Russia there was no such acute demand for skilled workers. Turners, millers, equipment adjusters, system administrators, logisticians... Young people capable of servicing "complex" equipment are so in demand that companies are ready to train and pay higher salaries at their own expense. Of particular interest to employers is software, web designers and IT security professionals.

The specializations "Nanomaterials" and "Nanotechnologies in electronics" are also very attractive in Russia. In the future, the range of specializations in this area will probably be wider.

However, how to promote products on the market, how to increase sales, how to take a place under the sun of your company in the face of fierce competition - this is where serious psychologists and other specialists are needed to optimize the management of material and information flows.

Whom to go to study? Listen to yourself, take a closer look at the world around you, do not be led by the momentary mood, do not reject any advice, but decide everything yourself.

You will learn the most popular professions for graduates of grades 9 and 11, learn how to choose the right specialty and where to go to study in order to earn a lot.

Choosing a profession is an important and crucial moment in the life of every student. Your future career, income level and even lifestyle largely depend on this choice.

You will learn all about the introductory campaign and preparation for it.

1. Where can you go to study after school

Each applicant has a choice - university, college, technical school, college or narrow-profile courses.

So that you can weigh all the pros and cons and make the right choice, consider all the available options.


Higher education is the best option. Having a “tower” greatly increases your chances of getting a good and well-paid job. In addition, studying at a university provides other benefits - extensive and structured knowledge that will definitely come in handy in the future, even if you do not work in your specialty.

Universities train qualified and demanded specialists. But there is another side of the coin - not all graduates of higher educational institutions have good jobs and high salaries.

Surely you have come across a situation where one of your friends or acquaintances told that he has a diploma, but he is unemployed. This often happens. Most likely, this person went to the university for a diploma, and not for knowledge - this is the most common mistake.

A good specialist will not be unemployed. If you aspire to become one and are interested in your chosen profession, go to university, study and educate yourself. Age is not a hindrance to advanced training. Even at the age of 45-50, people successfully master new professions, including remotely (in absentia).

Technical schools, schools, colleges

In technical schools, schools and colleges they enter both after the 9th grade and after the 11th. Getting into them is easier than going to university. Duration of training - from one to three years, depending on the specialty and educational institution.

Here they teach practical specialties related to economic activity and work at enterprises, often free of charge, with the condition of further development in the specialty.

Graduates of a technical school or college receive a diploma of a junior specialist, and graduates of colleges receive a diploma of secondary specialized education.

These schools have their pros and cons.


  • a large number of budget places;
  • the possibility of employment at the enterprise immediately after graduation;
  • a short period of study;
  • the opportunity to go to study further - to the university;
  • paid practice.


  • low chance of getting a high-paying position;
  • slow career growth or its complete absence;
  • low wages.

Narrow courses

A specialty can be mastered in a short time - at narrow-profile courses.

In a short time, you can learn to be a hairdresser - there will always be demand, and therefore - salary

After completing the courses, students receive certificates that confirm their qualifications and help them find employment in the future.

Popular courses prepare:

Earnings statistics are taken from the site russia.trud.com.

There are courses related to IT. They teach creating websites, design, programming, advertising, making money on the Internet.

Often, already established specialists are enrolled in courses to improve their qualifications.

Not only the future material well-being, but also the social circle depends on your choice.

If you are reading this article, you probably already have some options. To make the right choice for you, read the recommendations.

Most educational institutions hold open days twice a year - in spring and autumn.

In order for you to form an objective idea about the institution, you must definitely visit it, communicate with the teaching staff and administration. You will have such an opportunity - they are interested in you. For this reason, such events are held.

Prepare a list of questions in advance that you would like to know the answers to.

If you have several options, visit each of them to compare and choose the best one.

The specialty must be in demand, otherwise, after completing the training, you will have difficulty finding a job.

For example, in the early 2000s, the profession of a lawyer was especially popular. Everyone aspired to get a law degree and make a good career as a lawyer or notary.

This led to the fact that there was a glut of the market with lawyers. There are more people with such education than demand requires. Because of this, most of them do not work in their specialty.

Conclusion: carefully study the labor market and make the right choice.

The best job is a highly paid hobby. You must love what you do. This increases productivity, and engagement increases the speed of career advancement.

Do not choose what you are not interested in or what is fashionable - this is a gross mistake.

If you find it difficult to make a choice, a career guidance test will help you. It will show which directions you have the greatest predisposition to. These tests are carried out by psychologists. The duration of the test is not limited. It is determined individually. Usually - from 1 week to 1 month.

There are ready-made career guidance tests on the Internet, but they show only approximate results.

To pass this test, you must contact a qualified specialist.

3. TOP-8 demanded professions

There are specialists, the need for which is only growing - these are doctors, managers, programmers, engineers, bankers and farmers.

The right choice of profession is the key to a successful future

These areas are the most demanded, promising and highly paid in the period 2015-2020.


A good doctor is worth its weight in gold. Representatives of a narrow profile are especially in demand - dermatologists, nutritionists, speech therapists, otolaryngologists and ophthalmologists. In hospitals and private clinics, there is a shortage of workers representing these areas. Therefore, they are ready to hire even young professionals.

Dentists and surgeons earn the most. They are in demand all over the world.


The development of the IT sphere is impossible without programmers. Companies tend to have such specialists on their staff. The higher the qualification, the higher the salary.


Process engineers and design engineers are in high demand. They are interested in industrial companies, construction firms, production. Enterprises are ready to fight for a good and experienced engineer.

TOP managers

Companies need good managers. The success of the enterprise, the number of sales and its reputation often depend on them. Therefore, the need for a professional manager is always great.

Working specialties

Enterprises cannot function without labor. A significant shortage of electricians, mechanics, machinists, tractor drivers and welders has formed on the labor market.

For example, qualified electricians are needed for every enterprise, and a welder can work in various fields - in factories, agricultural enterprises, repair shops and shipbuilding enterprises.

Representatives of this specialty are especially in demand in Europe and the USA.

Agricultural specialists

The agricultural sector is the fastest growing in Russia. For example, in 2017, farmers harvested a record grain crop of 130 million tons. This is 11% higher than a year earlier. The previous record was set in 1978 - 128 million tons.

Russia is the world leader in the sale of grain after the United States.

The need for farmers is already high. It will only increase in the future. Farmers need agronomists, veterinarians, combine and tractor drivers.

Banking sector

The banking sector in the Russian Federation is well developed. Representative offices of large banks open even in small towns. The need for employees is growing.

Consultants, loan officers and cashiers remain in demand.


The attitude of analysts towards this profession is ambiguous.

In 2016, the Ministry of Finance announced that the profession of an accountant was losing its relevance. The development of digital technologies will make it unnecessary.

A similar opinion was expressed by the general director of the Finguru accounting service, Alexei Yermolov. He argues that the profession will be replaced by technology, just as the driver's profession will be destroyed by unmanned vehicles.

However, not everyone agrees with this opinion. Nikolai Patskov, General Director of the document designer FreshDoc, said that these conversations have been going on for 25 years - since the appearance of the 1C program.

We are talking about ordinary accountants who are used to doing routine work. Good specialists who are able to learn and master new technologies will retain their positions in the labor market.

4. How to choose a university for admission - useful tricks

Choosing a university is the first step in your career. It is important not to make mistakes and make the right decision.

There are 1256 higher educational institutions and their branches in the Russian Federation, so you have a very large choice.

Connect with alumni

Only those who studied there will be able to give objective information about the educational institution. Ask as many students and alumni as possible. If the university is criticized, specify the details - why, what is wrong with it. Abstract criticism means nothing - there are a lot of dissatisfied students everywhere. The exception is the leading universities of the country.

I entered to study in 2013 and chose 3 universities. I submitted copies of documents to each of them - to increase my chances. During the introductory campaign, I communicated with students and graduates of these universities. It helped me make a decision that I have never regretted.

Pay attention to the number of directions in the university

The more specialties at the university, the better. Sometimes in the process of learning comes the understanding that the chosen craft is not your calling. But this is not a reason for frustration - you always have a chance to transfer to another specialty or even to another faculty.

To do this, you need to pass the academic difference - disciplines that your future classmates have already studied. The easiest way to do this is in the first year. At this time, general university subjects are studied - often they are the same for everyone. There are few profile subjects at the initial stage of training.

Find out the scholarship amount

A budget place is an ideal option for an applicant. If you went on a budget, for the first six months you will definitely receive an academic scholarship. Further - according to the results of the session.

According to the law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the scholarship is awarded to students who closed the session with "good" and "excellent".

The size of the scholarship in Russian universities and academies is 1633 rubles, in schools and technical schools - 890 rubles.

Due to the unstable economic situation, scholarships are constantly indexed. So, at the beginning of the 2018-2019 academic year, scholarships were indexed by 4.0%.

Don't focus on the name

The loud name of the university and its popularity are not the main thing. Your task is to choose the university that is right for you.

For example, you want to become a programmer. To do this, you do not have to choose the most reputable university. To become a programmer, you need knowledge and practice, not a beautiful inscription on a diploma.

5. School graduate checklist

In order not to forget anything and do everything right, do it consistently.

The checklist includes 5 main points-recommendations.

1) Decide who you want to be

The introductory campaign begins with the choice of profession. If you are still undecided or in doubt, choose several specializations. You have the right to apply to 5 universities at the same time.

2) Make a list of universities that have the desired specialty

You should know which educational institutions train specialists in your chosen specialization. Make a list of such institutions. When compiling it, pay attention to the number of budget places and the passing score.

If there is still no data on the amount of the budget for the current year, look at how many budget places there were a year earlier. The numbers will not differ significantly.

3) Cross out schools you can't afford

Not every specialty has a state order. The cost of education varies greatly.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg it is higher than in the regions. If the chosen university is in another city, calculate how much money you will spend on rent, food and other expenses.

4) Check the ranking of universities that remained in the list

If the list is long, keep crossing it off. Visit the website of the university and its pages on social networks, find out the details.

5) Choose several universities and take entrance exams

You have the right to apply for admission at the same time in 5 educational institutions.

To increase your chances, choose 1-2 universities you are sure you will get into. This will be insurance, and submit documents in all 5.

For more information about choosing a profession and an educational institution, see the video:

6. Conclusion

The choice is yours. Choose wisely and don't jump to conclusions. It depends on your decision how you will spend the coming years - for nothing or for the benefit of the rest of your life.

Question for readers:

And what universities in your city, in your opinion, are the most promising?

We wish you good luck with admission and successful studies! Thank you in advance for your comments and feedback on the article. See you soon!