Education in the states. School in America: internal rules, subjects, terms of study

Most of the inhabitants of our country know about the education system in America only from films and books. It is no secret to anyone now that many of the innovations in our educational system are being borrowed from the United States. In our article, we will try to figure out what a school is in America, what are its features and differences from our educational institutions.

Differences between American education and Russian

More recently, under Soviet rule, education in the Soviet Union was considered one of the best. Now more and more people compare our education system and the American one. There is a significant difference between them, it is impossible to say which one is better and which is worse. Each has its pros and cons.

The American education system is more democratic. If almost all schools in our country follow the same curriculum, then in the United States there is no single plan. Pupils attend only a few compulsory disciplines, and everyone chooses the rest of the subjects at their own discretion, taking into account personal preferences and the choice of a future profession. It can be said that the school in America adheres to much more than the Russian one.

Another difference in American educational institutions is that in them such concepts as "class" or "classmates" have a completely different meaning. Because all the children studying in the same class can hardly be called a team. The American school still involves the creation of teams, but most often this happens in special classes, which, moreover, are chosen by the children themselves.

Compared to our schools, sports are the most popular in US institutions, there is practically no institution for children that does not have a well-equipped gym, swimming pool and stadium.

A school in America is not a single building, as in our country. More like a student campus with several buildings. On its territory it is obligatory to additionally equip:

  • Assembly halls for various events.
  • Gym.
  • A big library.
  • Canteen.
  • Park area.
  • Residences.

It has already been mentioned a little that each state in America can approve its own educational programs. But compulsory secondary education remains the same for all. True, it can begin either from 6 years old, or from seven. The start time of classes may also vary: in some schools they may begin at 7:30, while others prefer to put children at their desks at 8:00.

The academic year, unlike ours, is divided into only two semesters, not quarters. Evaluation does not provide for a five-point system, but often a 100-point criterion is used.

The education system in American schools

American education is quite diverse, so everyone can choose for themselves an individual path in mastering knowledge. Every country and every nation has its own value systems, traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. There are also installations that are laid in children's heads from childhood. For example, from birth, a Jewish baby is told by his parents that he is the smartest and he can do anything. Maybe that's why there are so many outstanding scientists and the latest discoveries in this country.

In American families, a child learns one truth from childhood: in life there is always room for choices that he can make. Not everyone can become famous physicists or chemists, but you can always find many other exciting activities for yourself. In the United States, a place in society and well-being do not depend on the type of activity or your profession, but on success in this area. Being a simple car mechanic is not at all shameful if you do your job at the highest level and a line of customers line up for you.

The American education system is also set up for this. Already within the walls of the school, the child can choose for himself those classes that he likes best. The only thing that remains is the requirement to consistently graduate from several types of schools, which will be discussed below.

There are no rigid groups or classes in schools, students are called students and have the right to choose courses that correspond to their inclinations and the aspirations in life that they have. If our schools draw up a common timetable for each class, then there each student can have his own timetable.

Each course is assessed by a certain number of points, which is called a credit there. There is even a minimum loan that you need to collect in order to move to the next school or enter another educational institution. There are special classes for college preparation, but you must have "personal credit" to be eligible to attend them. Most children consciously choose for themselves the classes they attend, and therefore their path to the future.

A school in America practices scholarships for children, which depend on the size of the "personal loan". It also happens when a student has such a high credit that it is enough to get two higher educations for free.

We can say that students have two options: to achieve everything with their work and abilities, or to use their parents' money for further education.

Another interesting feature is the American school - the child is still studying within the walls of the school, and information about his achievements is transmitted to all higher educational institutions. There are no entrance exams to institutes and universities, each student writes test papers in subjects during the year, and the results at the end of the year are sent not only to the educational part of the school, but also to colleges and universities. After graduation, each student can only consider invitations from various educational institutions to study or send requests to them himself, waiting for a response. So it turns out that you can achieve high results and enter a prestigious university not only for money, but also by putting the maximum of your work.

It doesn't matter how many schools there are in America, but in each of them the only decisive factor for entering a prestigious university is their own great desire and aspiration. Of course, not everyone is given good mental abilities, but if you want to study at a university, the state with a great desire can give a loan for study, which is paid after graduation.

Varieties of schools in America

There are many educational institutions in the USA, but all of them can be divided into the following types:

  1. Public Schools.
  2. Boarding school.
  3. Private educational institutions.
  4. home schools.

Public schools are divided by age criterion: there is an elementary school, a middle school and a senior school. It is necessary to clarify how children in America study in such schools. First of all, a distinctive feature is their strict differentiation into separate institutions. They are not only located in separate buildings, but can also be geographically located far from each other.

Boarding schools are located in large fenced areas with well-equipped buildings for classes, residences, gyms and everything you need to get a quality education. Such schools are often called "schools of life" and quite rightly so.

Secondary education in the USA

To obtain a certificate of education, you must complete three levels of school:

  • Primary school.
  • Average.
  • Senior.

All of them have their own requirements and features. Programs and the list of subjects can also vary greatly.

Elementary education

Getting an education in America begins with elementary school. It should be clarified that in order to get to school, there are no problems. Some students are brought by their parents, those who are already 16 can come by car themselves, and the rest are taken by school buses. If the child is in poor health or is disabled, the bus can drive directly to his house. They also take the kids home after class. All school buses are yellow, so it is simply impossible to confuse them with other public transport.

Most often, the elementary school building is located in parks and squares, it has one floor and is quite cozy inside. One teacher deals with the class and conducts all subjects for kids, as a rule, traditional classes: reading, writing, native language and literature, fine arts, music, mathematics, geography, natural science, hygiene, labor and necessarily physical education.

Classes for classes are completed taking into account the abilities of children. Before that, the kids are tested. But all tests are more aimed not at identifying the level of readiness for school, but at revealing the natural inclinations of the child and his IQ.

After testing, students are divided into three classes: "A" - gifted children, "B" - normal, "C" - incompetent. With gifted children from elementary school, they work more intensively and orient them towards further higher education. The whole process takes five years.

high school in america

After graduating from elementary school, a child with a certain “personal credit” moves on to secondary education. The question arises, how many classes does a high school in America have? As it turned out, the training takes three years, respectively, the students go to the 6th, 7th and 8th grades.

The middle school, like the elementary school, may have its own curriculum in each district. The school week lasts 5 days, and the holidays are twice a year - winter and summer.

The secondary school is usually located in a larger building, as it has many more students. Education also goes on a system of credits. In addition to the compulsory subjects, which include mathematics, English, literature, each child can choose, depending on their preferences, additional lessons. At the end of the year, exams are sure to follow, in order to move to the next class, you need to score a certain number of credits. In secondary school, career guidance is mandatory, which helps children make their choice in life.

Old school

We have analyzed what types of schools exist in America, it remains to find out what a high school is. It includes 4 years of study, from 9th to 12th grade. As a rule, such schools have their own specialization, therefore, from the 9th grade, thorough preparation for entering higher educational institutions begins. This type of school is quite important, because during the training you can not only accumulate enough knowledge for admission, but also earn loans that will significantly save on your studies.

In high school, the program requires the study of English, mathematics, subjects of the social sphere and natural disciplines. Given that the high school must adhere to specialized education, there may be different directions in different institutions.

There are the following directions in schools:

For example, if a student studied in an academic profile, then he has the right to enter a higher educational institution. But this applies only to well-performing guys. If the results are not very good, then the student chooses a suitable practical course for himself.

Any professional profile gives students practical skills. Depending on the chosen direction, a schedule of classes is drawn up.

Rules in American schools

School rules exist in any school, of course, in American they differ significantly from ours. Here is some of them:

  1. It is forbidden to walk along the corridors during the lessons.
  2. When going to the toilet, the student is given a pass card, which is noted by the teacher on duty in the toilet.
  3. If a child misses school, then on the same day the secretary calls and finds out the reason for the absence.
  4. You can skip only 18 lessons if the subject is taught all year, if the course takes half a year, then only 9 omissions are allowed.
  5. You can't leave the school until all the lessons are over, there are video cameras everywhere.
  6. The order at the school is monitored by security guards, they walk in civilian uniforms, but have weapons.
  7. In American schools, it is forbidden to eat in the corridors and classrooms; this can only be done in the canteen or cafe.
  8. You cannot bring drinks and food with you.
  9. Drugs and alcohol are prohibited, as well as the carrying of weapons, although such a warning for our schools looks completely ridiculous. In our country, this is a matter of course.
  10. The manifestation of sexual inequality in any form is unacceptable. Even a hand on a friend's shoulder can be considered sexual harassment.
  11. It is forbidden to play cards in class.
  12. School rules even contain such a clause as a ban on cheating.
  13. Damage to school property is not allowed.

Some rules relate to school uniforms, for us some of them seem completely absurd:

You can buy a school uniform in a specialized store, where a card is issued for each student and a discount on the purchase is provided for it.

The American teacher also adheres to a strict style of dress, of course, it is not necessary to wear suits, but men do not wear jeans to classes, and female teachers often wear skirts than trousers.

All rules for students are printed out and pasted into school diaries at the beginning of the school year.

Private schools in America

All private schools in the US are paid. Not all families can afford to educate their children in such an institution, because the cost of a private school for all the years of education will cost on average, if translated into Russian money, from 1.5 to 2 million rubles. But it must be clarified that this amount includes not only tuition, but also accommodation in a boarding house on a full basis.

Many private schools are ready to provide financial assistance to their students, this applies to both well-performing children and

Since promiscuity often walks in public schools, cases of rape, pregnancies of underage girls are not uncommon, for the safety of their children, parents prefer to pay in order to be calm for the health and life of their children.

Private schools have some advantages over public schools:

  • About 15 people study in the classes, which makes it possible for each student to give maximum attention.
  • Living in a hostel provides constant communication with their peers not only in the classroom, but also at home.
  • In private schools, education has a longer period, so the chances of entering a university increase.

Private schools, for a number of reasons, are more prestigious, but among public schools you can also find those where you can get a good education.

Homeschooling in America

Lately in America, home schools are coming into vogue. Once upon a time, such learning appeared naturally in families in which parents had a good education to teach their children at home, as well as a decent income to purchase all the necessary textbooks and manuals.

Now in many cities of America there are educational centers for children from home schools. Teachers in various subjects are attached to each center. They conduct lessons for both children and their parents. Usually these are orientation sessions where children receive a training program and some necessary materials.

After that, an individual schedule is drawn up for visiting teachers, in the classroom the student writes tests and receives a new task. Practice webinars and online lessons.

Children who study at home schools also have their own holidays and sports competitions, where they meet with others like them. That is, there is a team, only its members meet each other much less frequently.

It is believed that home schooling requires much less energy, so children get tired less and are not so susceptible to the bad influence of their peers. Children from such schools are usually friendly, affable, have good manners.

Schools for Russians in America

A school in America for Russians also exists. As a rule, it is chosen by those parents who do not want their children to forget their native language. In such institutions, teaching is conducted in English, but there are subjects such as the Russian language and literature.

Most often, Russian schools are opened at Orthodox parishes, then it turns out that they are not everyday, but Sunday. But in some American schools there are places where children are taught Russian. It is also a good opportunity not to forget your native language.

In various centers, circles and sections are opened, which are conducted by Russian teachers and in Russian. For example, figure skating, dancing and drawing, gymnastics and others.

For the very young, there are kindergartens, only private ones, where they communicate with the kids in Russian. There can only be 8 people in a group, because a teacher who has received a license for such an activity can simultaneously educate so many children. Children are accepted from the age of two.

Thus, while living in America, you can not forget the Russian language and at the same time communicate freely in English.

Summing up all that has been said, we can conclude: no matter what schools exist in America, you can choose at your own discretion. Most often, this issue is decided by parents if the child is still small, and at an older age, the choice of an educational institution is already made together with the children. You can also get a prestigious education for free if you have a great desire and make every effort.

Elementary School: identifying strengths

Academic year

In most American schools, the school year begins at the end of August and lasts from 170 to 186 days. Weekends and holidays vary by state. The most common holidays during the school year tend to be around Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.

The higher education system in the USA

There are more than 4,700 higher educational institutions in America, in which 21 million students study, among them about 5% of foreign citizens (as of 2015). 4,900 Russian students study annually in US colleges and universities.

How colleges differ from universities

Universities that offer only undergraduate programs are called colleges. As a rule, most of them are private. Liberal arts colleges are called "colleges of the liberal arts" and many of them are comparable in prestige to Ivy League universities.

Universities are both private and public. The method of financing does not affect the equipment or the educational process. However, most American students dream of studying in private universities - the classes are smaller, and teachers have the opportunity to pay more attention to students.

The US education system has generated a lot of controversy around itself. Whatever opinions there may be about this, today it is one of the developed and leading powers in terms of science and high technology. Education in the United States is a rather complex system. In this article, a detailed analysis will be made, starting from preschool education institutions and ending with universities.

Officially, there are no public kindergartens and preschools as such in the United States. Up to 5–8 years old, a child can sit with relatives, a nanny, attend private kindergartens. The US Department of Education believes that the child should be taught all the basics by parents, nannies or other relatives. Most often, many children, when they enter elementary school in kindergarten or first grade (depending on the state of residence), already know how to speak clearly and explain what they want, count, distinguish colors / shapes, and some already know how to write words and make primitive sentences in native language.

If the parents of a child under the age of 5 do not have free time to sit with him, then there are several options:

As for private kindergartens and what they are, I would like to tell you in more detail. If an institution of preschool education conducts its activities legally, then it must have:

  1. Educators in the amount of 3 or more people with a pedagogical education or with experience working with children.
  2. A game room where children will play, act out various skits, learn the basics of writing and reading.
  3. Bedroom. This room should have beds, one for each pupil. If among the pupils there are children under 3 years old, then there must be special beds with a fence.
  4. A small courtyard with a playground for children to play outdoors. The yard should be fenced with a high fence.

primary schools

In each state, a child can go to school at the request of parents between the ages of 5 and 8 - officially primary schools belong to the first stage of general education in this country.

Everyone in the US should be educated therefore, the child must go to primary and secondary schools, except for the moment if his health or religion does not allow him to. In elementary schools, most often one teacher teaches all the necessary subjects, with the exception of physical education, music and fine arts (classes in all three subjects are held once or twice a week).

The main goal of the public elementary American school is teaching boring material through entertainment and educating children in the concept of individualism. Teachers with elementary school students very often visit various museums, go on excursions, make their own artistic or technical projects. Also, in addition to entertainment in elementary schools, subjects such as mathematics, reading, writing are taught, in which children are prepared for studying in secondary school.

Parents bring the child to school, or the child gets on the school bus (travel is free). Classes start at different schools in different ways, most often from 9-11 am. The duration of the school day in primary schools is short, about 3-5 hours a day, depending on the workload on that day. The length of one lesson in different schools is a different period of time - from 25 to 35 minutes. The length of the breaks is 5-10 minutes, with the exception of the lunch break, which lasts about 30 minutes. Parents come or come to school for children, the staff does not let some children go. As soon as someone came for the child, the child is asked if he recognized this person and whether this person is his relative. Only after the child recognizes the person who came for him, the student is allowed to go home.

Funding for elementary schools comes entirely from the US Department of Education. Parents who send their children to public schools don't pay a dime. It should be mentioned that the child is attached to the school that is as close as possible to his home, that is, if you live in a disadvantaged area, you can get to a prosperous school only by changing your area of ​​​​residence.

With private schools, everything is also simple - you pay them a lot of money, in return your child receives the necessary (in your opinion) education.

high schools

In secondary schools, the child studies from 11-12 to 14-15 years. This school includes only three classes - the sixth, seventh and eighth. In fact, the education system in the United States is similar to the Russian one. Also in secondary school, each teacher teaches a different subject. However, here the students of the school are given a certain choice and freedom in the study of certain subjects, subjects such as English, algebra, science, history, and physical education are mandatory for study. As additional subjects, you can choose the study of Spanish, French, Italian (in some schools Japanese, Chinese), computer science, literature, drawing, dramaturgy.

Also, in public schools, children most often try to develop such qualities as independence and the ability to work with the information provided. Great emphasis in schools is placed on multicultural education and the development of tolerance. You do not need to pay for public school education, even the US Department of Education allocates money for gifts for teachers.

As for private schools, there also the parent can completely choose the program according to which the child will study. Almost immediately after the transition to secondary school, students are divided into two types - more capable and less capable. The first are given more homework, they have more lessons and knowledge, they get more. Students who are not endowed with outstanding abilities receive less and less. Some Americans think it's even better. Private educational institutions provide, as a rule, better services. However, the cost of training can vary from 15 to 30 thousand dollars per year of study.

Old school

After the eighth grade, students are transferred to the senior school, which includes the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth grades. In such a school, persons aged 14 to 19 are studying. Students are given both a lot of freedom and a lot of workload, since in order to receive a diploma of successful graduation from school, the following criteria must be met:

  1. Of the four years in high school, the student is required to study biology, physics, chemistry for three whole years, thus, there is one free year in which the student may not attend these subjects at all, preferring others.
  2. You must also study mathematics for at least 3 out of 4 years.
  3. A large bias in all religious and public schools in the United States is made on the cultural and multicultural education of a person, so literature will have to be studied for all 4 years.
  4. History and society. These subjects are treated differently everywhere, in one school you will have to study them for 2 years, and in another - 4.
  5. Physical Culture. Quite a lot of attention is also paid to this subject in the USA, so the student must attend physical education classes for at least one year out of four.

In addition to the above subjects, the student may, at his own discretion, attend all other subjects as additional classes.

If we consider private schools, then each school has its own specific system and specialization. For example, a private high school that specializes in teaching mathematics will study mathematics more in depth than literature.

Structure of higher education

From the moment a person graduates from high school, he is faced with a choice - to go to study further or start working. Higher education in the United States is not free, and it is extremely difficult to enter state-funded places, so about half of the US population does not have a higher education, which does not prevent them from working and earning good money. However, employees with a university degree are more likely to be hired for high-paying jobs (especially if a person studied at Harvard or another famous institution) than those who received only a complete secondary education.

The price for a year of study at universities can vary from 8 to 60 thousand dollars. However, there is always the opportunity to enroll for free, let's look at how you can get a free higher education:

  1. People from poor families whose annual income is less than 10 thousand dollars have the right to receive, but there are quite a few such families in the States.
  2. The American education system provides for admission to a budgetary place on several scholarships. However, getting this scholarship is very difficult, because you have to prove that you are smarter and better than others in your field.
  3. Get sponsor support. It can be considered as an option for a sponsor to pay for all or part of your training, but you can get such help only if the sponsor sees any prospects in you.

The structure of school education

School education in the United States, by law, must be received by everyone, no matter which school or at home, the main thing is that a graduation diploma be issued. Most citizens of the country send their children to study in public (free) schools - this is about 75% of the children of the whole country. Particularly religious families send their children to study at schools attached to churches, where the main emphasis is on the spiritual development of a person. 6-8% of the country's schoolchildren study in schools attached to churches. Private schools are expensive, however, they teach about 15% of all students in the country, the emphasis is on the mental and professional development of the child. Education at home is also not very popular, about 2-3% of children receive education at home.

The year in schools is distributed differently depending on the state and school district. Everywhere, children study for about 9 months (170-190 days), but the beginning of the school year falls at different times, for example, in Kansas, children will go to school in early September (1-15th), and in New York - at 20 -th of August. Therefore, the academic year starts between August 20 and September 15. The average school day lasts 4-7 hours (8:30-15:30), all breaks, except for a lunch break of 30 minutes, last 2-5 minutes, lessons are 35-45 minutes. In total, secondary education includes 12 classes, the last 4 classes (9–12) are needed to receive secondary specialized education and complete high school.

As for the schedule of other schools attached to churches and private schools, they have their own specific schedule, however, the Ministry of Education has the right to make certain amendments to the schedule of these schools. Across the country, schools study 5 days a week, on Saturday and Sunday there are various clubs in schools, but if we talk about private schools again, you can also find those where children study all 7 days a week.

The basic principles and features of each US school are that they try to work with each person separately as far as possible. Therefore, in American films, you can often see single desks for students. Also in many films you can see that there is no school uniform in schools - it's true, they don't wear uniforms in public schools, only in private or churches.

The American education system offers a wide range of degree options for international students. There are so many colleges, programs and locations that even Americans can't always figure them out. Before looking for a university in the USA, it is worth getting to know the American education system - this will help you narrow your search and develop an effective educational plan.

The structure of the educational system: primary and secondary schools

American students go to elementary and high schools for 12 years before going to college. These years are called classes - from the first to the twelfth.

At about the age of six, American children begin attending elementary school - in the United States it is called elementary school. The study lasts approximately 5-6 years, after which they move on to secondary school.

The secondary school consists of two programs: the actual “middle” school (middle school or junior high school) and the “high school”, that is, the senior classes of the secondary school (high school). After completing secondary education, the student receives a diploma or certificate. After grade 12, Americans can enter colleges and universities. Education in them is called "higher education".

Grading system

Like Americans, international applicants must submit a report card when entering a university or college. The report card is the official copy of the extract from your study record. In the US, this includes grades and a grade point average (GPA) that determine a student's success. Items are usually rated as a percentage, which is then converted into a letter grade.

The grading system and GPA can be difficult for international students to understand. The interpretation of grades can have many variations. For example, two students from different schools submit their report cards to the same university. Both have an average score of 3.5, but one student went to a regular high school, and the second went to a prestigious one, where studying is more difficult. The university may evaluate their average scores differently, because the schools where they studied have completely different standards.

Here are some important points:

  • You need to find the American equivalent of the level of education you received in your country.
  • Pay attention to the requirements for applicants of each university, college, as well as individual educational programs, as they may differ from the general university.
  • Meet with your university advisor regularly to keep track of your progress.

Your consultant will help you decide if you need to spend an extra year or two in America to prepare for college. If a foreign student enrolls in an American college before he can become an applicant in his own country, it may happen that his own country then does not recognize the American diploma of such a student.

academic year

The academic year usually starts in August or September and lasts until May or June. The beginning of the academic year is usually lively - during this period, friendships are born, as young people adapt to a new life together. Many courses begin in the fall and then continue throughout the academic year.

In most universities, the academic year consists of two semesters (in some - three terms). There are those who divide the year into four periods, including an optional summer trimester. If you choose not to study in the summer, then your year will consist of either two semesters or three trimesters.

Levels of study: level one - basic higher education

A college or university student who has not yet received a bachelor's degree is at the level of basic higher education (undergraduate student / undergrad). A bachelor's degree usually takes 4 years to complete. This can be done either at a community college or at a university 4-year college.

For the first two years, you will have to study general subjects, they are also called basic: literature, natural sciences, social sciences, art, history, and so on. This is to gain general knowledge, a foundation, before focusing on a narrow specialization.

Many students enter community college to take the first two years of foundation courses. They receive an Associate of Arts (AA) degree and then transfer to a 4-year university or college.

The main specialty in which you study is called "major" (major). For example, a student with a major in journalism will receive a bachelor's degree in journalism. In order to get a diploma in a particular specialty, you need to attend a certain number of courses in this "major". The main specialty is chosen at the beginning of the third year of study at the university.

A feature of the American higher education system is the ability of a student to change his "major" several times during his studies. Americans often take advantage of this opportunity. It happens that in the process of obtaining higher education, a student begins to like another specialty, and in this regard, American universities are very flexible. But keep in mind - changing the specialty means more courses taken - and this is time and money.

Second level - master's degree

You can only apply for a master's degree with a bachelor's degree. This is a must if you want to work in high positions in library science, engineering, healthcare, education, and other fields.

Some countries only allow their citizens to study abroad for a master's degree. Before applying to the US, check the educational requirements in your country.

Master's programs usually operate as divisions of universities or colleges. To enroll, you will need to take the GRE (graduate record examination) test. Some master's programs require more specialized tests, such as the LSAT for law school, the GRE or GMAT for business school, and the MCAT for medical school.

Master's studies usually take a year or two. For example, an MBA, a popular business administration program, requires two years of study. On others - such as journalism - it is enough to unlearn a year.

Much of the learning at the magisterium is in the classroom. The student must also write a thesis or master's thesis.

Level three - doctoral studies

At many universities, earning a master's degree is the first step towards a doctorate (PhD) degree. But in other universities, students can immediately apply for doctoral studies - without a master's degree, it will take about 3 years. Foreign students study longer - from 5 to 6 years.

During the first two years of the program, most students study in classrooms and seminars. Another year should be spent on research and writing a dissertation. It must contain ideas, developments, designs, or research that have not previously been published.

Most American universities require their PhD applicants to speak two additional foreign languages, spend a certain amount of time "at the place of study", take a qualification test for admission to the doctoral program, and pass an oral examination on the same topic as the dissertation.

Characteristics of the learning environment in the United States: classroom environment

Classes at universities are different: from large lectures for several hundred students to small lessons and seminars (discussions) for just a few students. The atmosphere in the classrooms of American universities is very dynamic. You are expected to speak your mind, defend your point of view, take part in discussions and prepare presentations. It is these aspects of learning that most often surprise foreign students in the United States.

Every week teachers ask to read textbooks and other books. You will be expected to complete these tasks, otherwise you will not be able to participate in the discussions and understand the lectures. Some programs also require time in the labs.

Teachers give grades to each student in their course. The score usually depends on the following factors:

  • Each teacher has their own requirements for class attendance but students are expected to take part in lectures and seminars. This is an important factor in the final grade for the course.
  • Intermediate The exam usually takes place during class.
  • You must also pass one or more to be assessed. essay or laboratory work.
  • Can be carried out short exams or tests. Sometimes teachers give unexpected tests. They are not particularly taken into account when grading, but are used to motivate students to study and attend.
  • final exam takes place after the last lesson of the course.


Each course "costs" a certain number of credits or credit hours. It is approximately equal to the number of hours of this course per week. Usually, from 3 to 5 credits are counted per course.

In most universities, the semester program consists of 12-15 credits (3-5 subjects per semester). In order to get a diploma of education, you need to "earn" a certain number of credits. International students must complete the full program each semester.


If a student transfers to a new university before graduating, their earned credits can usually be transferred to the new institution. This means that students can transfer to other universities and graduate almost on time.

Types of higher education institutions

  1. State college or university

A public university operates with the support and management of the state or local government. Each of the 50 states in America has at least one public university and several public colleges. Many of these public, as they are also called, universities are named after their state: for example, the University of Washington (Washington State University) or the University of Michigan (University of Michigan).

  1. Private college or university

These universities are privately run and tend to cost more than the public ones. Private schools are often smaller than public schools.

Universities and colleges attached to religious communities are also private institutions. Almost everything can be done by students of different faiths. Only a few limit themselves to accepting only those applicants who share the faith of the community in which the university was founded.

  1. Community College

Community colleges are 2-year institutions offering associate's degrees and certificates. They are divided according to the type of diploma - with one you can go to study further at another university, with the other you can only work. You can study with an associate's degree (associate of arts) and a diploma of incomplete higher education (associate of science). They go to work with a diploma of an associate of applied science (associate of applied science) and a certificate of completion.

Community college graduates usually transfer to 4-year colleges or universities to complete their higher education. By being able to transfer their college credits, they only need to study for two more years at university to earn a bachelor's degree. Many community colleges offer English as a second language courses to prepare international students for university studies.

  1. Institute of Technology

The Institute of Technology involves 4 years of study in technical and natural sciences. In some you can also get a master's degree, in others you can only take short courses.

What is the modern education system in the USA in 2019. Features of studying in American, schools, colleges and universities. All stages of education in America.
American universities from year to year occupy high lines in the ranking of the most prestigious educational institutions in the world. Modern education in the United States is built in such a way that they produce specialists who are in demand all over the world. This is what becomes a "magnet" that attracts many applicants from Russia and other countries.

What are the challenges faced by those wishing to study here? How to collect documents? What to prepare for? Is it that expensive? Will such a modern education pay off in the USA? There are many questions, but there are also answers to them.

As in all other countries, the learning process is divided into stages. There are 5 in total:

  • Primary School;
  • secondary school;
  • old school;

    American high school building

  • institution of higher education (broken down into bachelor's and master's degrees);
  • postgraduate education (doctorate).
  • A higher educational institution means not only a university or institute, a college and academy are also equated to this level, but differ somewhat in specifics, which will be discussed below. Educational programs in this country are not controlled by the government, and the heads of states are fully responsible for them, so the cost of education and the disciplines taught can vary significantly.

    All educational institutions - both schools and universities - are private and conditionally public, that is, provided from state budgets. Tuition fees tend to be lower, although at the university level this difference is less noticeable.

    Schools in America: kids in a cage

    The most important and scary thing to know about schooling in the US is that schooling can take 12 or more years.

    American high school lesson

    Since each state has its own laws on education, the age at which education begins is different. In some states, children are required to complete "zero grade" or basic pre-school. Children enter there at the age of five or six years. Training takes place for one year, and then they are enrolled in the first grade.

    Elementary school in the United States involves five years of education, from first to fifth grade. Next comes the secondary school - from the sixth to the eighth grade. From the ninth to the twelfth - the eldest. Finishing all 12 classes, the student receives a diploma of secondary education, after which he can enter any higher educational institution.

    The average school leaving age in the US is 18-19 years old. Schools are private and public. There are also closed elite boarding schools and schools with a religious bias. Some states in the United States allow homeschooling due to certain circumstances.

    The facade of the building of an American private school located in Atlanta

    Studying in the United States in a public school is possible only for residents, and to enter a private school, you must pass exams and have high performance in scientific, creative or sports activities. The SLEP test is also taken, which determines how ready the child is for learning in English. School education in the USA is a serious and responsible step in a child's life.

    In addition to these requirements, parents must be willing to pay 30-40 thousand dollars a year for living in a boarding school. For example, studying at Berkeley High School, the successful completion of which guarantees admission to the university of the same name, can cost up to 60 thousand a year for foreigners.

    If you choose a church school, then it will cost 1.5–2 times cheaper, but further admission to higher educational institutions will be more difficult for the child.

    Application dates for the following year usually start in January, but some high-demand schools close as early as February 1st. All detailed information is always available on the official websites of schools. Some boarding houses accept applications not only in English, but also in other languages.


    Unlike Russia, a college in the United States is considered a higher educational institution. Its main difference is the lack of active scientific activity and the possibility of continuing education in master's and doctoral specializations. The training lasts 4 years. The cost of studying at colleges is much lower than at universities, but for visiting students it will not be the cheapest thing to do either.

    For example, tuition at Menlo College in California will cost about $20,000 per year for international students and slightly less for local students. Humphreys College will cost less, 5,500 a year for residents and about 8 thousand for everyone else.

    The disadvantage of colleges is that they rarely offer exchange programs. Most often, such conditions are provided by universities that are interested in the international exchange of knowledge.

    american college building

    In colleges, scientific programs and research are extremely rare. They are aimed at educating students and preparing future workers. Therefore, such a higher education in the United States is suitable for those who are primarily looking for a stable job after graduation. If desired, college graduates have preferential conditions for entering the country's universities for similar and related specialties.

    Most colleges produce bachelors, and the undergraduate degree is the lowest level of higher education in America. To advance at work or get a higher paying job, it is better to graduate from a university or academy. In addition, there are colleges with a two-year term of study. This is conditionally secondary education in the United States. After graduation, the student receives a specialist certificate comparable to a Russian diploma from a technical school or college.

    Diagram of the structure of the education system in the USA

    There are community, technical and urban colleges to choose from, which differ in the disciplines offered for training. The difficulty of getting into college may lie in the fact that most often they enroll no more than 2 thousand students. And most of the locals prefer colleges because of the cost of studying in them and a narrower focus.

    Secondary education in the United States is considered a transitional step. This is slightly higher than a diploma from the school, but falls short of any other diploma. In America, Bible colleges and liberal arts colleges are not uncommon. In such educational institutions, the vast majority of specialties are of a humanitarian nature.

    Recently, very small colleges of local importance have begun to appear actively, intended for the best students of the states. Such places are closed to non-residents.

    For local residents, colleges provide places without the need to take exams, and visiting students must take tests in basic subjects and have an international certificate of English proficiency in their hands. In its absence, it is sometimes possible to pass the corresponding exam at the college itself, but, as a rule, this is more difficult to do than to pass TOEFL or IELTS in Russia.


    Vocational education in the United States is represented by universities and academies. All US universities are divided into two types:

    • private;
    • staff.

    State universities are designed for applicants from their region. They are subject to rules different from those by which others act. The task of such institutions is to train students from the state, they are recruited in the first place, the cost of their education is lower and it is easier for them to win a grant.

    But the larger state universities are eager to take on the best students from other parts of America, and they also recruit international students. For example, Berkeley, Yukla or the University of Virginia. When choosing such a professional education in the USA, it is important to remember that the number of classes in it can be several times larger than in private ones, and teachers do not always have time to pay attention to each student.

    Comparison of education systems in Russia and the USA

    In addition, due to the large number of applicants, it becomes impossible to get a place on campus, and in addition to paying tuition, you will need to pay for quite expensive accommodation. The cost of studying at one of the most prestigious Ivy League universities, Yale University, can reach up to 80 thousand dollars a year. For comparison, studying at the University of Texas at Austin will cost 17.5 thousand dollars, and at the University of Michigan about 21 thousand.

    Private universities are obviously more prestigious, but also the most expensive - they are better equipped and the chance of getting a place to live on campus is higher. Medical education in the USA requires special attention. It can take 11 to 13 years to obtain a work permit as a doctor. The cost of studying at the university starts from $ 25,000 per year. The training lasts 4 years. After that, you will receive a diploma and will be able to work as a nurse or nurse.

    Robert Johnson School of Medicine building

    Then there are 4 long years in medical school, and then another 3-5 years in residency, something akin to an internship in Russia. In total, training for a narrow practice doctor will cost 300-400 thousand dollars. Some medical specialties can cost 600-800 thousand.

    Language schools

    The fashion for studying in language schools has reached a new level over the past 2-3 years. Despite the rather impressive cost, parents willingly send their children there, often go with them.

    Most of the schools offering English education in the USA are focused on teaching school-age children. They offer different programs in terms of intensity, duration and related services. For older students, they are given the opportunity to work up to 20 hours a week, but they look for work on their own.

    ZONI language school in America

    Boston Language School offers two-week courses starting at $1,450. The course includes 40 lessons of 45 minutes, that is, 20 lessons per week and 3-4 lessons per day.

    The popular and well-known Study and Live in Your Teacher`s Home program will cost $ 3,700 for two weeks of intensive English learning.

    The language school in Honolulu (Hawaii) boasts fairly low prices. Two weeks of courses will cost $1,460. The cheapest courses are offered by Las Vegas language schools - only 1410 for two weeks of intensive language courses.

    In many schools, in addition to education, entertainment and excursion programs are provided, acquaintance with life and attendance at any significant events. After passing such courses of a certain duration, usually from 6 months or more, you can pass an exam for a language certificate.

    Most schools provide this for a fee that is not included in the basic course fee. Short-term (2-20 weeks) courses do not include actual exams.

    AF International College offers language courses for adults. After a year of study in these courses, it is possible to pass IELTS or TOEFL. This college's certifications will be approved by California Community Colleges. This will allow you to get a specialty (something at the level of a college diploma). Every 4 weeks of training cost 1260 dollars for the full course and 750 for the selective.

    No trick anywhere

    When choosing a higher education institution, you need to be very careful. Some "colleges and universities" that offer programs to international students for relatively little money ($4,000-$6,000 a year) are not accredited.

    In America, only an institution that meets a certain level of educational standards has the right to issue diplomas and certificates. Perhaps this university does not provide the required number of teaching hours, does not have specialists of the required level, or is not suitable for some other parameters.

    A certain proportion of Bible colleges, adult night schools, and retraining universities issue diplomas without proper authorization. They most often rely on visiting students or local disadvantaged strata.

    Their attractive prices and easy admission rules attract many aspiring to graduate in the United States, but using a diploma issued by such an institution when applying for a job is considered illegal and can lead to problems.