Presentation of the system of work of the school on gia. The system of preparation for the GIA at school: conducting auxiliary lessons

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Dolgokychinskaya secondary school

municipal district "Olovyanninsky district"

Trans-Baikal Territory

Creation of a system of work

teaching staff of the school

on preparation for the state (final) certification of students

Compiled by:

Deputy Director for UVR

Zarubina N.R.

Dolgokych. 2015

"School is a workshop,

where thoughts are formed

the rising generation

gotta hold it tight

if you don't want to let go

out of the hands of the future.
A. Barbu

According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the development of general educational programs of basic general and secondary general education ends with a mandatory final certification of graduates of general educational institutions, regardless of the form of education.

The state final certification of 9th and 11th grade graduates is becoming an important part of our lives. And this is quite understandable: a few tense days in May-June can determine the future of a child - they will open the way for someone to a prestigious technical school, university, and someone will be disappointed. For some teenagers, their parents and teachers, the exam can turn into a real drama. Therefore, preparation for the GIA, knowledge of the regulatory framework, objectivity of the exam, transparency of its procedures and public participation at each stage are so important.

The results that will be obtained largely depend on the preliminary preparation of the school for this tense and very responsible period.

Final certification of graduates is of great importance. Examinations provide an opportunity for teaching staff of general education institutions to sum up their activities, deeply test the knowledge and skills of students, discover successes and gaps in the teaching of individual subjects, achievements and shortcomings of the entire educational work of the school. They contribute to increasing the responsibility of teachers and students.

New forms of final assessment of schoolchildren of the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination have a number of advantages. For graduates, this is an opportunity to get an objective assessment of their knowledge, as well as providing real chances of entering a university, for teachers - an opportunity to adjust their work in order to achieve higher and more stable results (by discussing curricula, programs, teaching methods, individual sections with members of the commissions items, etc.). The analysis of the results of the GIA allows us to draw conclusions about the quality of work of individual teachers, the teaching staff as a whole, as well as the level of managerial activity of the administration of the educational institution.

High-quality preparation of graduates for examinations does not provide for individual events, but for a whole range of consistent and interrelated areas of work, combined into an educational program. Preparation for the final certification includes the formation and development of psychological, pedagogical and personal readiness in all subjects of the educational process - students, teachers, parents.

In order to carry out systematic, consistent and systematic activities of the teaching staff of the school in this direction, this program of preparation for the final certification is proposed.

Purpose of the program

Creation of a system of work of educational institutions for the preparation of graduates of grades 9.11 for the state final certification: optimal conditions for the qualitative preparation of students in grades 9, 11 for the state (final) certification; organizational and methodological system of preparation for the GIA; systems of psychological and pedagogical support for graduates during the preparation and conduct of exams.

Program objectives:

    provision of legal and regulatory training for students on the procedure for conducting state (final) certification;

    formation of theoretical and practical competencies of students in general subjects necessary for passing the GIA;

    organization of diagnostic procedures and monitoring studies in order to determine the degree of readiness of graduates for the state (final) certification;

    determining the degree of anxiety of graduates and organizing classes to relieve psychological tension.

Preparedness for something is understood as a complex of acquired knowledge, skills, abilities, qualities that allow you to successfully perform a certain activity. In the readiness of students to pass the OGE in the 9th grade, the USE in the 11th grade, we distinguish the following components as three main areas of work on the program:

    Informational readiness (awareness about the rules of conduct in the exam, the rules for filling out forms, etc.).

    Subject readiness or content (readiness for a particular subject, the ability to solve test tasks, tasks of KIMs).

    Psychological readiness (the state of readiness - "mood", internal attunement to a certain behavior, focus on expedient actions, actualization and adaptation of a person's capabilities for successful actions in a situation of passing an exam).

Focusing on these components, we attribute the following to the topical issues of preparing for the GIA:

      organization of information work to prepare students for the GIA;

      subject preparation;

      quality monitoring;

      psychological preparation.

Program participants:

      deputy directors for educational and educational work;


    subject teachers of grades 9, 11;

    class teachers of grades 9, 11;

    parents of students in grades 9, 11;

    students of 9th and 11th grades.

Program Implementation Mechanisms

    informing students and their parents about the forms of the final certification;

    informing teachers about the forms of conducting the final attestation of schoolchildren with the aim of systematic activities of teachers in preparing students, starting from the 5th grade;

    purposeful and justified selection of the content and volume of the program material included in the status of the basic (level A and B);

    determination of priority areas for the content of education, providing elements of creativity (level C);

    systematic use of training tasks of open and closed type (tests, instructions, rules, recommendations); providing for the implementation of the form used in the GIA.

    the introduction of elements of this form of control in grades 5 and 6 and the periodic use in the process of teaching schoolchildren in grades 7–9;

    creation of a favorable and friendly atmosphere in the process of preparing students for the final certification.

Organization of the educational process to prepare students for the state (final) certification in the form of GIA

Based on the "Procedure for the state (final) certification of graduates of educational institutions of the Russian Federation", a plan was drawn up for the preparation and conduct of state exams, including the following areas:

    Organizational matters.

    Working with the teaching staff.

    Working with parents.

    Work with students.

All work is organized in such a way that all areas for the preparation of graduates are interconnected and pursue the ultimate goal: "successful completion of the GIA".

Stages of work

I stage. Organizational (August - October).

II stage. Informational (November-January).

III stage. Practical (October - May).

IV stage. Psychological preparation for the GIA

V stage. Analytical (June-August).

Consider the content of each stage of work.

I stage. Organizational(August - October)

The organization of preparation for the GIA begins with an analysis of the results of the final certification for the past year. The analysis of the results was carried out in the following areas:

    The percentage of grades received by students in the GIA in all subjects.

    Correspondence of annual estimates and estimates obtained at the State Examination.

    The average score in the Russian language and mathematics obtained by students in the comparative characteristics for the school.

After analyzing the results obtained, ways and means were thought out to eliminate the identified shortcomings in preparing students for the state (final) certification in the current year, the school plan for preparing for the GIA was corrected.

At the meetings of the school MO of subject teachers (September), issues of preparation for the GIA were considered.

Taking into account the degree of learning and motivation in teaching each group of students, subject teachers plan their work to prepare for the GIA.

II stage. Informational(November-January)

In their activities for the preparation and conduct of the state (final) certification in the form of the GIA, the school administration and the teaching staff are guided by the regulatory and administrative documents of the federal, regional, municipal, and school levels. These documents are systematized and arranged in folders according to the levels of information passage (1 folder - federal level; regional level - 1 folder; municipal level - 1 folder; school level - 1 folder). Folders with documents of the federal, regional, municipal, school levels are replenished in accordance with their receipt. All normative and administrative documents are considered during the year at meetings of various levels.

    At administrative meetings, legal documents of various levels on the organization and conduct of the GIA are studied.

    At the meetings of the MO of subject teachers, instructional and methodological letters on the results of the State Academic Examination in various subjects last year and recommendations for preparation this year are analyzed.

    Conducting pedagogical councils on preparation for the GIA

    Sending teachers to municipal seminars to prepare for the GIA.

When organizing work with the parents of students, we consider the priority direction to be providing them with information on the conduct and procedure of the GIA. For this purpose, parent meetings are held, information stands are drawn up for the preparation and conduct of the GIA.

In the corridor of the school, 2 stands were decorated: “Preparing for the OGE”, “Preparing for the Unified State Examination”. Given that we live in the age of using information technology, the school website contains a section on preparing for the GIA, which contains documents regulating the procedure for conducting the GIA and demo versions of KIMs in all subjects.

However, given the location of the school and the fact that many students are from low-income, single-parent families, leaflets have been developed for parents and graduates of grades 9 and 11 in order to convey information on the GIA to everyone.

The memo includes the following sections:

    General provisions of the GIA.

    Forms of the GIA.

    Terms and general rules for conducting the GIA.

    Filing an appeal.

    Evaluation of the results of the GIA.

Such memos are printed for each student and pasted into the diary. Thus, the diary is a school document through which you can quickly convey to parents information on the procedure for conducting the GIA, the result of an intermediate certification.

1. Organization of information work in the form of instructing students:

    Exam rules.

    Rules for filling out forms.

2. Information stand for students: regulations, demos, Internet resources on GIA issues

3. In the library:

A folder with the materials of the GIA (regulatory documents, instructions, demo versions of KIMs in all subjects).

III stage. Practical(October - May)

This stage includes the work of subject teachers to prepare students for the GIA.

After conducting administrative, training and diagnostic work, subject teachers fill out diagnostic cards for preparing for the GIA, after analyzing the results of students, develop a strategy for organizing multi-level generalizing repetition in parallel with the study of new material.

When working with weak students from the "risk" group, the teacher must remember that such students tend to quickly forget unclaimed skills, therefore, they need to prepare tasks on the basis of the accumulation of skills. That is, if the student began to correctly complete the task on certain topics, then in subsequent individual work on these topics it is necessary to provide for at least one task of the basic level of complexity and include tasks of another, not yet mastered topic.

When working with students, great attention is paid to:

    Acquaintance of students with the structure and content of KIMs.

    Work on KIMs.

    Teaching students how to fill out forms.

It is important to develop students' skills of introspection and self-control. This ability of students should be taught starting from the 5th grade when analyzing tests.

Acquaintance of students with the form and organization of the GIA

According to the "Procedure for conducting the GIA" in the classroom in which the exam is taking place, there is no subject teacher and the examinee is surrounded by unfamiliar exam organizers and students from other classes and schools.

As a result, the student finds himself in an environment that ensures the independence of the work, and unprepared students have an increased state of anxiety during the exam. An unexpected psychological environment for such students reduces their ability to complete tasks. Because of this, in the process of preparing students for the GIA, it is necessary to periodically immerse students in an environment close to the conditions for conducting an independent GIA. To this end, the school conducts trial exams in the form of the GIA in all subjects, which is reflected in the plans for preparing for the GIA in subjects.

The forms and methods of conducting mock exams are as close as possible to the GIA, as far as possible within the school.

The head teacher analyzes the results of these works in various subjects in the following areas:

    % of progress and quality of performance of control work for each class.

    Comparative characteristics of the performance of tests by each class (November-April).

    Analysis of control work on assignments. Comparative characteristics of the % of the planned difficulty of the task and the % of the task.

    Distribution of marks according to the results of work.

Analysis of the results of the performance of control work is discussed at meetings at the ZDUVR.

IV stage. Psychological preparation for the GIA

The methods of conducting classes are varied: group discussions, gaming, mediation techniques, questionnaires, mini lectures, creative work, oral or written reflections on the proposed topics. The content of the classes should focus on the following questions: how to prepare for exams, behavior during the exam, ways to relieve neuropsychic stress, how to resist stress.

Work with students is carried out both with the whole class and selectively.

V stage. Analytical(June August)

Analysis of the results of the GIA, adjustment of plans. Expansion of the scope of areas of preparation for the GIA (if necessary).

Expected results of the program implementation

The expected result of the program implementation is the creation of an organizational and methodological system for preparing schoolchildren for the final certification, which includes the following components:

    formation of students' readiness for the final certification (systemic knowledge and skills, to present this knowledge in the process of performing control and measuring materials; the ability to analyze, generalize, systematize, structure information; developed personal characteristics - thinking, memory, writing, organization, perseverance, perseverance) ;

    availability of a bank of training tasks of levels A, B, C in the subjects of the curriculum of an educational institution; programs of individual lessons, the implementation of which contributes to the development of students' readiness for the tasks of the final assessment in a new form; differentiated tasks that take into account the individual characteristics of the trainees; the content of extracurricular activities for the assimilation of tasks A, B, C by schoolchildren;

    technologies for the formation of students' knowledge, general educational and specific skills necessary to complete the tasks of the GIA, which are developed by teachers, discussed at methodological associations, tested for effectiveness and introduced into the educational process of an educational institution.

    assessment of the readiness of graduates to participate in the final certification on the basis of control and measuring materials and the application of the methodology for monitoring the level of this readiness;

    increasing the motivation of schoolchildren for educational activities;

    successful delivery of the GIA by each graduate.

In the system of preparing graduates for the final certification, the following main areas can be distinguished.

    At present, an extensive methodological base of teaching has been accumulated

required subjects at school.

On the site you can download the specifications and codifiers of the GIA. It is recommended to use these materials in the preparation of graduates.

Also on the FIPI website, open banks of tasks for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Examination began to work.
You can get acquainted with the contents of these sections of the site by selecting the appropriate titles on the main page of the site. The open question banks contain many of the questions used in past exams.

Open banks of tasks of the USE and the OGE provide the following opportunities: to get acquainted with the tasks collected by thematic rubricator, download tasks on a topic selected by the user with a breakdown of 10 tasks per page and the ability to turn pages, open the task selected by the user in a separate window.

The website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements has published a list of educational publications approved by FIPI for use in the educational process in educational institutions. In our opinion, the use of these manuals allows organizing high-quality training in the subject. Such manuals cover the materials of KIMs of the Unified State Examination of past years, as a rule, contain forms of exam forms and recommendations for filling them out, preparing for the exam, criteria for evaluating its results, and also allow the teacher to use the USE assignments for thematic control.

Also widely used are manuals in various subjects of the series “Unified State Exam 2015. Universal materials for preparing students / FIPI”, published by the Intellect Center publishing house.

Subject teachers actively involve other Internet resources for high-quality and effective training of graduates: - federal portal Russian education; - educational resources of the Internet

These sites offer USE materials from different years, demo versions of exam tasks, links to educational resources on the Internet.

When preparing students for the Unified State Examination in mathematics, informatics, biology, and social science, the teachers of our school actively used the open segment of the Federal Bank of Test Tasks, training work on the stadgrad system. Students were asked to take the test online. This form of work allows you to immediately see the result of your work, pay special attention to those tasks in which mistakes were made.

    In accordance with the third direction of the national educational initiative "Development of teacher potential", the issue of organizing retraining and advanced training of teaching staff is of particular relevance.

A large number of EER used by teachers in the organization and conduct of the educational process has been accumulated in the school library.

In addition, school teachers take part in municipal methodological seminars, master classes on teaching certain topics in preparation for the Unified State Examination, and school seminars for teachers.

So, for example, open lessons, seminars, master classes for teachers are constantly held in our school. Certain issues of preparing graduates for the GIA, the range of textbooks used, electronic textbooks and Internet resources are discussed at meetings of methodological associations. This allows us to develop a unified strategy for preparing graduates for the state final certification.

    Working with parents, psychological support for preparing for the exam

Work is constantly carried out with the parents of students: the preparation plan provides for thematic parent meetings (both school-wide and in individual classes) with the participation of the school administration. In this direction, work has been organized with the participants in the educational process, the body of state and public school management; as well as ongoing work with the parent asset of the school.

Individual work is constantly carried out with the parents of graduates.

High results of the Unified State Examination are not only high-quality training, but also a certain mental attitude . Special attention is also paid to the organization of psychological assistance to students.

Class teachers carry out work aimed at studying the individual characteristics of the behavior of students during exams, testing and final work; monitoring on vocational guidance of students.

Group developmental classes are held on the topics "Stress", "Anxiety", "Emotional personality traits". Based on the results of these classes, meetings are held with the director, individual consultations for students, recommendations are given to parents and teachers.

All these activities are aimed at developing an objective attitude towards the GIA system, preparing students and their parents for this test.

It is with such an integrated approach to the process of preparing students for the final state certification that it is possible to achieve high USE results in the system.

So, based on the experience of our school, we can offer the following recommendations.

    When preparing graduates for the Unified State Examination, teachers should explain to students in more detail the objectives of this test and the structure of the examination work. Since the exam is also used to assess the level of assimilation of the educational program and the compliance of graduates with the requirements of the state education standard, on the one hand, and to prepare applicants for continuing education in the specialized specialties of universities, on the other hand, the examination work contains a set of tasks of varying complexity and pursuing different goals. The future participant of the exam needs to clearly define what goals he sets and, accordingly, which of the groups he plans to fall into according to the level of results.

    Work to prepare students for the final certification in the USE format should begin at an early stage of education;

    Teachers need to implement a student-centered and differentiated approach to students;

    The subject teacher needs to use modern educational resources, new teaching methods in the educational process, actively involve electronic educational resources, the possibilities of the Internet;

    It is necessary to expand the scientific horizons of students, involve them in research activities;

    Work actively to improve the qualifications of teaching staff and self-educate teachers. To carry out work on the exchange of advanced pedagogical and scientific experience in the field of education.

    Constantly carry out work with the parent community, qualitatively and reliably inform parents about everything related to the preparation and conduct of the state final certification in the USE format

Types of activities director responsible for preparing for the GIA

    Formation of a database of graduating classes.

    Diagnostics and monitoring of ZUNs, key competencies of students.

    Teaching graduates to fill in the answer forms for the OGE and the Unified State Examination.

    Preparation of thematic stands "OGE", "USE".

    Selection of materials for the page of the site "Preparing for the GIA".

    Analytical report on the GIA.

    Organization of thematic parent meetings.

    Conducting individual consultations with students, parents, teachers.

    Preparing a schedule of subject consultations.

Issues considered at pedagogical councils

    Analysis of the results of the OGE and the Unified State Examination.

    Correction and approval of the preparation plan for the GIA.

    Information about the participation of the school in the OGE and the USE in subjects.

    Information about the results of trial examinations.

    Deputy report. director for water resources management on the preparations for the final certification.

    Admission of students in grades 9 and 11 to the final certification in the form of the OGE and the USE.

Types of activities of a teacher in preparation for the exam

The task of the teacher - in the conditions of "teaching all", first of all, to teach everyone at the highest possible level for him. Differentiation of learning allows you to reasonably and effectively work with students, to build individual trajectories of their learning and development. Level differentiation is based on two main principles. The first is the achievement by all students of the level of compulsory training, the second is the creation of conditions for the assimilation of material at higher levels by those students who show an interest in mathematics and a desire to learn more. Pedagogy of success, cooperation, where the teacher acts as the organizer of the process.

The principle of joint prediction of results. It is important that each student determines for himself the planned result, at what mark he should pass the exam. This does not mean that the “ceiling” should be lowered or remain unchanged, but it should be guided by both the student and the teacher. The teacher needs to set a leading goal: to give the “output” for the child a result higher than planned.

    Identification of general and individual difficulties of students.

    Development of educational technology for preparing for the GIA.

    Improving the forms and methods of teaching.

    Formation of general educational skills, key competencies.

    Formation of target groups, definition of "risk groups".

    Development of an individual educational trajectory for a student.

    Providing consultations on the subject.

    Preparation and periodic updating of the stand "Preparing for the GIA" in classrooms.

Components of student readiness for the exam

information readiness

The legal framework, the procedure for conducting the exam, awareness of the rules for filling out forms, etc.

Subject readiness

Systemic knowledge, the formation of OUUNs, competencies, developed personal characteristics (thinking, memory, writing, organization, perseverance, perseverance).

Psychological readiness

Internal attunement to a certain behavior, actualization and adaptation of the individual's capabilities for successful actions in the situation of the OGE and the USE.

Psychological preparation (individual and group consultations)

Building a daily routine during exam preparation, taking into account individual characteristics;

Planning the repetition of educational material for the exam;

Effective ways to memorize a large amount of educational material;

Ways to support performance;

Methods of self-regulation in a stressful situation.

The role of ICT in preparing for the OGE and the Unified State Examination.

A graduate of a modern school who will live and work in the coming millennium in a post-industrial society must be able to independently, actively act, make decisions, adapt flexibly to changing living conditions. Therefore, at the present time, there is a need to organize the learning process based on modern information and communication technologies, where electronic means are increasingly used as sources of information, primarily the global telecommunications networks of the Internet.
The need for work in this direction is explained by the following reasons. Firstly, the preparation of graduates for the GIA is relevant for all teachers. Secondly, one of the criteria for evaluating the work of a teacher is the results of the GIA obtained by graduates. And therefore, all teachers are interested in ensuring that the preparation of graduates for the Unified State Examination and the OGE is most effectively organized, and such training becomes effective when using ICT.
Unlike conventional technical teaching aids, information and communication technologies allow not only to fill the student with a large amount of ready-made, strictly selected, appropriately organized knowledge, but also to develop the intellectual, creative abilities of students, their ability to independently acquire new knowledge, work with various sources of information.
In preparation for the GIA, information and communication technologies can be applied using ready-made electronic products, creating multimedia presentations, using Internet resources.

The use of multimedia teaching aids to prepare for the exam and the exam.
The list of software for educational purposes at the present stage includes electronic textbooks, electronic lectures, controlling computer programs, reference books and databases for educational purposes, collections of tasks, computer illustrations to support various types of classes.
These programs can be used with any printed textbook. They implement the features that are missing in the printed textbook, these are thousands of vivid illustrations, photographs, 3D models, videos.
Their application allows to solve the following didactic tasks:
- acquire basic and in-depth knowledge of the subject,
- systematize acquired knowledge,
- psychologically prepare students for the atmosphere of the exam,
- train to answer the most tricky questions,
- to provide a convenient educational environment and the possibility of independent choice in the search for and use of information sources, that is, to prepare the student for the exam in the shortest possible time, simultaneously forming a lot of useful general educational skills.

Use of multimedia presentations.
One of the options for using a computer in the educational process is the creation by the teacher and students and the use of multimedia presentations.

Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational material as a system of vivid reference images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic manner. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to store information not only in factographic, but also in associative form in the long-term memory of students.
The use of multimedia presentations in preparation for the GIA allows you to build an educational process based on psychologically correct modes of functioning of attention, memory, mental activity, humanization of the content of education and pedagogical interactions, reconstruction of the learning process from the standpoint of integrity.

Use of Internet resources.
The Internet has a huge potential for educational services. E-mail, search engines, electronic conferences are becoming an integral part of modern education.
Receiving educationally significant information from the Internet, students acquire the skills:
- Purposefully find information on the Internet and systematize it according to given criteria.
- To see the information as a whole, and not in fragments, to highlight the main thing in the information message, to establish associative and appropriate links between information messages.
- Clearly formulate what you learned from a multimedia information source, translate visual information into a verbal sign system and vice versa.
- Distinguish correct argumentation from incorrect, find errors in the information received and make suggestions for correcting them, take a personal position in relation to the hidden meaning.
- Use the knowledge formed at school in the perception and critical understanding of information, interpret information, understand its essence, target orientation, purpose of informing.
- Perceive alternative points of view and express reasonable arguments "for" and "against" each of them.
- Include information from the Web into the system of knowledge formed at school, independently transform and present information on the Web, modify its volume, form, sign system, etc.

On various sites of information support of the GIA, trial testing options are offered in On-line mode. Outside of school hours, students can go to the site and take part in this testing. Thus, future graduates can feel the features of the GIA, tune in to the right wave and successfully pass the exam on their own.
All this contributes to high-quality preparation for the passing of the GIA, because. structures information flows, putting them in the long-term memory of students.

The use of information technologies in preparing for the OGE and the USE has many advantages: the combination of sound, image and interactivity allows graduates to achieve the best perception, assimilation and consolidation of the material, the feedback system allows you to quickly control and evaluate knowledge. The structure of electronic textbooks allows you to quickly make stepwise transitions within the course, navigate the content of the manual. The undoubted advantage of using multimedia technology in preparing for the OGE and the Unified State Exam is to improve the quality of education due to the novelty of activities, interest in working with a computer. The use of ready-made electronic products in preparation for the OGE and the Unified State Examination allows intensifying the activities of the teacher and the student; improve the quality of teaching the subject; reflect the essential aspects of the processes under study, visibly realizing the principle of visibility; bring to the fore the most important and frequently encountered in the tests characteristics of the events under study.
Summing up, it should be said once again about the importance of new information technologies for the development of the education system in the context of its modernization. The use of modern information and communication technologies in education provides:
- intensification of all levels of the educational process
- multidimensional development of the student
- preparing school graduates for life in the information society
- implementation of the social order, due to the processes of global informatization.

The issues of the state final certification of graduates of grades 9, 11, reflected in the school work plan, the intra-school control plan, the work plans of school methodological associations, as well as in the work plan for the preparation and conduct of the state final certification in grades 9 and 11 of the MBOU Dolgokychinskaya secondary school, have been implemented in full volume.

Work with the teaching staff on SFA issues was carried out throughout the entire academic year, starting with the analysis of the results of the SFA at the August Pedagogical Council. Familiarization of the teaching staff with the regulatory documents on the GIA was carried out at production meetings, Pedagogical Councils, seminars at various levels.

Work with parents (legal representatives) and graduates was carried out by the school administration through the system of parent meetings, class hours, the school website, and an electronic diary. The fact of familiarization with the regulatory documents on the GIA was recorded in the familiarization sheets of parents (legal representatives) and graduates.

The analysis of the results of the GIA in grades 9.11 for the 2014-2015 academic year allows us to conclude that the quality of student preparation is good and to plan work for the new academic year. The level of education of graduates is determined not only by the competence and professionalism of the teacher, but also by the ability of students to acquire knowledge, therefore, when preparing graduates, it is necessary to continue improving the system for preparing for exams, taking into account the individual characteristics of students. It is necessary to intensify efforts to increase the number of elective exams.

Based on the foregoing, the system for preparing graduates for the GIA can be represented as a model:

Model for organizing management activities in preparation for the OGE and the USE

Director of the Pedagogical Council Regulatory

legal framework

Deputy Director's Meeting Program

on OIA Training Seminars

to the OGE and the Unified State Examination

Teacher Monitoring

Class teacher Class meetings

Parents Parent meetings Knowledge

Advice on regulatory

legal framework

Student Classroom hours Knowledge of procedure

Student meetings of the OGE and the Unified State Examination,

Criteria consultation

Nikolaitseva Larisa Nikolaevna, teacher of mathematics, MKOU "Bezgolosovskaya secondary school"

Everyone can pass the USE and GIA exams in mathematics with proper preparation. The formula for success is simple - a high degree of receptivity, motivation and a competent teacher. In any case, coaching for the USE and GIA options is necessary, but it must be combined with fundamental training, forming systemic knowledge and skills.

In the exam in mathematics, there are specific, tricky questions and tasks. They often cannot be quickly solved even by an experienced specialist. These tasks are invisible at first glance and there are few of them, but they are necessarily included by the developers in the USE. However, even in such non-standard tasks, patterns can be distinguished, which allows a properly prepared student to be able to recognize the compiler's train of thought and often used types of tricky tasks.

Tricky and specific tasks are only part of the so-called specifics of the Unified State Examination and the GIA in mathematics. Preparedness in terms of specifics implies knowledge of the nuances and features of the exam. These features include the correctness of the design of tasks, tactics and strategy for solving in the face of a shortage of time allocated for the exam, as well as banal inattention. These and many other features make up the essence of specificity. A math teacher who knows well what the student will have to face in the exam, in addition to the foundation, devotes most of his time in class to working out the specifics of the USE and GIA.

To effectively prepare for the exam and the GIA, you need training, training and more training. Bring problem solving to automatism.

Preparedness for something is understood as a complex of acquired knowledge, skills, abilities, qualities that allow you to successfully perform a certain activity. In the readiness of students to pass the exam in the form of the Unified State Exam and the GIA, the following components can be distinguished:

  • information readiness (awareness about the rules of conduct in the exam, awareness about the rules for filling out forms, etc.);
  • subject readiness or content (readiness for a particular subject, the ability to solve test tasks);
  • psychological readiness (the state of readiness - "mood", internal attunement to a certain behavior, focus on expedient actions, actualization and adaptation of a person's capabilities for successful actions in a situation of passing an exam).

Based on these components, the topical issues in preparing for the USE and GIA are the following:

  • organization of information work to prepare students for the exam;
  • quality monitoring;
  • psychological preparation for the exam.

The USE is a serious step in the life of every graduate who is considering the choice of his future, striving to fulfill himself in a new socio-cultural situation, continue his education and master professional skills.

Preparation for passing the exam in mathematics should go through the acquisition and development of specific mathematical knowledge. Only this will ensure that the graduate successfully passes the exam.

In my work I apply the following principles of preparation for the exam.

  • The first principle is thematic. It is more efficient to build such training, observing the principle from simple standard tasks to complex ones.
  • The second principle is logical. At the stage of mastering knowledge, it is necessary to select material in the form of a logically interconnected system, where one follows from another. In the following lessons, the acquired knowledge contributes to the understanding of new material.
  • The third principle is training. At the consultations, students are offered practice tests, by performing which children can assess the degree of preparedness for exams.
  • The fourth principle is individual. At consultations, the student can not only complete the test, but also get answers to questions that caused difficulty.
  • The fifth principle is temporary. All practice tests should be carried out with a time limit so that students can control themselves - in what time how many tasks they manage to solve.
  • The sixth principle is controlling. The maximum load in terms of content and time is the same for all students. This is necessary because the test, by its purpose, puts everyone on an equal footing and involves objective control of the results.

Following these principles, I form students' skills of self-education, critical thinking, independent work, self-organization and self-control.

My goal is to help every student learn how to quickly solve problems, draw them up clearly and compactly. I develop the ability to think freely, without fear, creatively. I try to give every student the opportunity to grow as much as he can.

An integrated approach to the preparation of students for the Unified State Examination and State Examination

The administration of our school came to the conclusion that only an integrated approach to the preparation of students for the Unified State Examination and the GIA contributes to improving the efficiency and quality of the exam results in a test form. By an integrated approach, we understand the purposeful cooperation of the administration, subject teachers, students and their parents.

In the information activities of our educational institution in preparation for the Unified State Examination and State Academic Exams, we distinguish three areas: information work with teachers, with students, with parents.

1) Informing teachers at production meetings:

  • regulatory documents for the Unified State Examination and State Examination;
  • on the progress of preparation for the USE and GIA at school, in the city and region;

2) Inclusion in the work plans of school methodological associations (SHMO) of the following issues:

  • conducting trial USE and GIA, discussing the results of trial USE and GIA;
  • creative presentation of the experience in preparing students for the Unified State Examination and State Academic Examination (at a methodological or scientific conference within the school);
  • development of joint recommendations to the subject teacher on strategies for preparing students for the USE and GIA (taking into account the psychological characteristics of students);
  • psychological features of 9.11-graders.

3) Pedagogical Council "USE and GIA - methodological approaches to preparing students."
4) Sending teachers to city seminars and courses on USE and GIA.

1) Organization of information work in the form of instructing students:

  • rules of conduct on the exam;
  • rules for filling out forms;
  • work schedule of the informatics office (hours of free access to Internet resources).

2) Information stand for students: regulatory documents, forms, rules for filling out forms, Internet resources on USE and GIA.
3) Conducting training sessions for filling out forms.
4) Trial intra-school USE and GIA in various subjects.

  • informing parents about the procedure for the Unified State Exam and the GIA, the features of preparing for the test form of passing exams. Informing about Internet resources;
  • informing about the results of the trial intra-school exam and GIA;
  • examination point, issues of conducting the exam and the GIA.

2) Individual counseling of parents.

Monitoring the quality of education

We work in a rural ungraded school, our students have average learning opportunities and it is clear that without a solid mastery of basic knowledge by children, further education is impossible, and the level of knowledge assimilation can be seen through a comprehensive assessment of students' knowledge, skills and abilities.

One of the tasks that we solve in mathematics lessons is to prepare students in grades 9 and 11 for the final certification in a new form and in the form of a unified state exam, so we try to find ways to organize the educational process that will accelerate, intensify the development of students and while taking into account the possibilities of each.

Particular attention in the process of activities of the educational institution in preparing students for the Unified State Examination and the State Academic Examination is occupied by monitoring the quality of education in subjects that students will take in the form and materials of the Unified State Examination and State Examination. Monitoring - tracking, diagnostics, forecasting of the results of activities, preventing an unlawful assessment of an event, a fact according to a single measurement (assessment). Monitoring the quality of education is a “monitoring” and, to a certain extent, control and regulatory system in relation to the quality of education.

Quality monitoring should be systematic and comprehensive. It should include the following parameters: control of current grades in subjects chosen by students in the form of the Unified State Examination and State Academic Examination, marks on tests, marks on independent work, the results of a trial intra-school USE and State Examination. The teacher analyzes them, submits them for discussion at administrative and production meetings, and brings them to the attention of parents. Monitoring provides the ability to predict grades at the final USE and GIA.

Psychological preparation for the exam and GIA

The psychological preparation of students can be as follows: working out the strategy and tactics of behavior in the period of preparation for the exam; learning skills of self-regulation, self-control, increasing self-confidence, in their abilities.

The methods of conducting classes on the psychological preparation of students are varied: group discussion, game methods, meditative techniques, questionnaires, mini-lectures, creative work, oral or written reflections on the proposed topic.

Work with students is carried out at the request of students - with the whole class or selectively.

Oral counting is one of the important techniques in preparing students for the USE and GIA in mathematics

In the methodology of mathematics, oral and written methods of calculation are distinguished. Oral work in the classroom is of great importance - these are the conversations of the teacher with the class or individual students, and the reasoning of students when performing certain tasks, etc. Among these types of oral work, the so-called oral exercises can be distinguished. In elementary school, they were reduced mainly to calculations, so the name “mental counting” was assigned to them, although in modern programs the content of oral exercises is very diverse and large due to the introduction of algebraic and geometric material, as well as due to great attention to the properties of operations on numbers and sizes.

The importance and necessity of oral exercises is great in the formation of computational skills and in the improvement of knowledge of numbering, and in the development of the student's personal qualities. The creation of a certain system of repetition of previously studied material gives students the opportunity to master knowledge at the level of automatic skill. Oral calculations cannot be a random stage of the lesson, but should be in a methodological connection with the main topic and be of a problematic nature.

However, mental counting as a stage of the lesson is still used mainly in elementary school or in grades 5-6, with the main goal of developing computational skills. In connection with the introduction of the mandatory USE and GIA in mathematics, there is a need to teach high school students to quickly and efficiently solve problems at the basic level. At the same time, the role of oral calculations and calculations in general increases unusually, since it is not allowed to use a calculator and tables during the exam. Note that many computational operations that we tend to write down in the course of a detailed solution of a problem do not require this at all in the framework of the test. You can teach students to perform simple (and not so) transformations orally. Of course, this will require organizing the development of such a skill to automatism.

To achieve the correctness and fluency of oral calculations, transformations, and problem solving during all years of study at the middle and senior level, at each lesson, it is necessary to allocate 5-7 minutes for exercises in oral calculations provided for by the program of each class.

Oral exercises activate the mental activity of students, require conscious assimilation of educational material; when they are performed, memory, speech, attention, speed of reaction develop.

Oral exercises as a stage of the lesson have their own tasks:

  1. reproduction and correction of knowledge, skills and abilities of students necessary for their independent activity in the lesson or conscious perception of the teacher's explanation;
  2. control of the state of knowledge of students;
  3. automation of skills of the simplest calculations and transformations.

Oral exercises should correspond to the topic and purpose of the lesson and help to assimilate the material studied in this lesson or previously covered. In order for the skills of oral calculations to be constantly improved, it is necessary to establish the correct balance in the use of oral and written methods of calculation, namely: to calculate in writing only when it is difficult to calculate orally.

If in grades 5-6 mental counting is the performance of actions with numbers: natural numbers, ordinary fractions, decimal fractions, then in high school it can be completely different operations, the skill of which must be brought to automatism. For example, in mathematics lessons, we use the CS by topic.

7th grade:
1) Writing numbers in standard form and actions with them.
2) Abbreviated multiplication formulas.
3) Solution of the simplest LURs.
4) Actions with a degree.
5) Graph of a linear function.

8th grade:
1) Linear inequalities and numerical intervals.
2) Solution of the simplest linear inequalities.
3) Solution of CVUR using the Vieta theorem and special cases.
4) Dealing with CCSD in rational ways.
5) Arithmetic square root and its properties.

Grade 9:
1) Solution of inequalities of the 2nd degree.
2) Transformation of graphs of functions.
3) Reduction formulas.
4) Trigonometric formulas.
5) Values ​​of trigonometric functions.

Grade 10:
1) Calculation of derivatives.
2) The simplest trigonometric inequalities.
3) Trigonometric formulas.
4) The simplest trigonometric equations.
5) Functions inverse to trigonometric.
6) Transformation of graphs of functions.

Grade 11:
1) Calculation of antiderivatives.
2) Properties of logarithms.
3) The simplest exponential equations and inequalities.
4) The simplest logarithmic equations and inequalities.

Practice has shown that systematic work with the CS contributes to a significant increase in the productivity of calculations and transformations. The time for performing such operations as solving CVUR, linear inequalities and inequalities of the 2nd degree, factorization, plotting functions, transforming irrational expressions, and others is reduced. These operations move from the category of an independent task to the category of an auxiliary one and become a tool (“multiplication table”) for solving more complex problems.

The use of ICT in mathematics lessons in preparation for the Unified State Examination and State Academic Examination.

According to research, 1/4 of the material heard, 1/3 of what is seen, 1/2 of what is seen and heard, ¾ of the material remains in the memory of a person if the student is involved in active actions in the learning process.

The technology of using ICT tools in subject education is based on:

  • the use by the participants of the educational process of some formalized content models;
  • activities of the teacher managing these means;
  • increasing the motivation and activity of students, caused by the interactive properties of the computer.

Computer capabilities can be used in subject education in the following ways:

  • use of diagnostic and control materials;
  • performance of home independent and creative tasks;
  • using a computer for calculations, plotting graphs;
  • creating lessons using the program "Notebook", "PowerPoint"

Since the visual-figurative components of thinking play an extremely important role in human life, their use in studying material using ICT increases the effectiveness of learning:

  • graphics and animation help students understand complex logical mathematical constructions;
  • the opportunities provided to students to manipulate (explore) various objects on the display screen allow children to assimilate educational material with the fullest use of the sense organ and communication connections of the brain.

The computer can be used at all stages of the learning process: when explaining new material, consolidating, repeating, controlling, while for the student it performs various functions: a teacher, a working tool, an object of study, a collaborating team.

The computer allows you to increase the motivation of learning through an active dialogue between the student and the computer, the variety and colorfulness of information. In practice, the principle of success is implemented (the computer allows you to complete the solution of any problem, relying on the necessary help).

When using a computer and introducing ICT in the classroom, the age capabilities and educational needs of students, the specifics of the development of thinking and other mental processes in the conditions of informatization of educational activities are taken into account. Here the task is solved - the foundations of rational and effective communication of the student with the computer, as the main tool of the new information society, are laid. Using PowerPoint in math lessons helps:

  • stimulation of the learning process, such as the perception and awareness of information;
  • increasing student motivation;
  • development of teamwork skills and collective cognition among trainees;
  • the development of a deeper approach to learning in students, and, therefore, entails the formation of a deeper understanding of the material being studied;
  • implementation of a differentiated approach;
  • the formation of communicative and educational-cognitive competencies of students;
  • development of students' computing skills;
  • formation of skills of self-control, mutual control and self-learning;
  • implementation of intersubject communications;
  • the inclusion of students in all channels of perception of information.

The use of information technology helps:

  • create a positive motivation for the student in learning new material;
  • develop cognitive interest in the subject;
  • first consolidate the knowledge of students;
  • check the strength of knowledge acquisition.

Application of a presentation created in the PowerPoint environment. Non-standard presentation of material in the form of an electronic presentation improves the quality of any lesson. When studying new material, it allows you to illustrate the educational material with a variety of visual means. These can be: slides with no text; a presentation that consists only of text, if this is a lecture lesson; lesson outline. In this case, the presentation consists of the topic of the lesson, purpose, key concepts and homework.

Very often the teacher does not have time to make a presentation. Then the Internet resources come to our aid in this case:
A) Servers of educational centers where teachers share their experience:
B) encyclopedic resources: - a group of encyclopedic resources "Rubricon"; - virtual encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius; - "Open College" of the company "Physicon".

At the lessons of consolidation of knowledge, it is good to use programs - simulators for working out theoretical knowledge and developing practical skills. Here, the teacher can come to the aid of the mathematics simulator published by Cyril and Methodius for 11 grades, Mathematics - a family mentor by 1C for grades 5-6, and for grades 5-9 Vitamin Course in Mathematics. And also simulators can be found with their colleagues on the website "First of September". They are more adapted to our textbooks.

Rating: / 2

Badly Excellent

One of the tasks of a modern school today is the qualitative preparation of a graduate for the state final certification, which is carried out in the format of the USE for 11th grade and in the form of the OGE for 9th grade.

The final state certification of students plays a huge role both for the school, the teaching staff, and for the students themselves.

And it makes it possible for the teaching staff as a whole to sum up their activities, deeply test the knowledge and skills of students, discover gaps in the teaching of individual subjects, achievements and shortcomings of the entire educational process of the school. Creating conditions for the successful passing of the Unified State Examination and the OGE is one of the most important tasks of our teaching staff.

Solving the problems of a modern school on the way to improving the quality of education requires the common efforts of the teaching staff: unity in understanding contradictions, setting goals, and implementing planned actions. Its implementation requires: system of interaction of all participants educational process. This is a system of coordinated and purposeful work of the teacher, students, school administration and parents. If at least one link in this complex “mechanism” does not act with sufficient quality, then this will ultimately affect the result of the exam.

It is essential to have mmodels of organizing management activities in preparation for the exam, and the exam andcommon position among all participants in the educational process- teachers, students, parents - in relation to the final certification itself and to the readiness of graduates, since it is positive public opinion that justifies efforts, relieves emotional stress, and gives psychological balance.

Success is largely determined by how effective the preparatory work was. In our school, it begins already at the August teachers' council after analyzing the results of the last exam. At the beginning of the school year, the school develops Plan-schedule for the preparation and conduct of the state final certification of students, which takes into account the analysis of the results of the exams of the previous academic year, and the constant familiarization with legal documents, examination materials of previous years and demo versions, and psychological support for preparing students for exams.

And students, and their parents, and their teachers are interested in getting better results. Therefore, our teaching staff seeks and applies in their work the most effective forms, methods and technologies of teaching.

The main thing in preparing students for the final certification is the lesson. To increase the effectiveness of lessons and the interest of students in them, the use of information and communication technologies by teachers of our school, differentiated, activity-based approaches to teaching, work in pairs and groups allows.

When preparing students for final exams at the initial stage, we determine the planned learning outcome for each student. This does not mean that the "ceiling" should be lowered or remain unchanged, but both the teacher and the student should be guided by it.

In order to effectively build a training system, the number of lessons that are allocated to the course of mathematics and physics is not enough. Chemistry, so we needed to build new ways of organizing educational activities: in addition to lessons, these are elective courses (1 hour per week).

With ninth-graders, we begin preparatory work in mid-September with an entrance test. Entrance monitoring helps to divide the class into 3 groups: group 1 - study at "4" and "5", group 2 - study at "3" and group 3 - "risk" group.

For example, in 2015 there were 16 students in grade 9. 9 of them studied at "4" and "5". 3 students on "3", 4 students - risk group. Mathematics and Russian language teachers for each group made a plan to overcome gaps in students' knowledge. Working with the "risk" group, the main goal was to work out the basic level, with the 2nd group - to work out the basic and advanced level, with the 3rd group - the increased and high. After the lessons, the teachers worked with groups of children according to an individual program: some repeat the topics of the seventh grade, while others solve problems of increased complexity.

It is obvious that only advisory extracurricular activities are not enough for high-quality training.

Therefore, we organize other types of work:

Collaboration with parents of students in organizing home self-study for the exam.

Remote testing, both thematic and in the form of a trial online exam (;

Acquaintance of students and parents with electronic resources.

In e-education, we create virtual electives to prepare for exams

For home self-study and for preparing for the GIA, a mathematics teacher developed electronic teaching aids “A Multimedia Tutorial on Function Graphing”.

In order to increase the efficiency of preparation for the OGE, we conduct monthly diagnostic and training work in the StatGrad system. We conduct monitoring, which allows us to track the performance of each student. We acquaint students and their parents in detail with the result of the work performed, indicate the topics that the student should pay attention to in self-preparation.

One of the important factors in the quality preparation for the OGE and the USE is the work of the classrooms. Each classroom has an information stand that reflects general information related to the final certification. There are materials on subjects: a demonstration version of KIM, instructions for performing work, instructions for filling out forms, specification of examination work, methodological and psychological and pedagogical recommendations for preparing for passing the GIA, a schedule of individual classes for preparing for the OGE, USE, a list of references and website addresses. The classrooms contain samples of demo versions of examination papers, diagnostic work for previous years, literature for preparing for the GIA.

The results of the GIA of our graduates fully meet the expectations. For example, in 2015, the quality in mathematics and Russian in the 9th grade is 93.8% with 100 percent progress. The average score in the 9th grade is -23, the average score is 4, 44. This is higher than the republican and district levels. In mathematics - 2nd place in the republic, in Russian - 1st place in the Republic of Tatarstan. In 2017, all USE indicators are higher than the republican and district levels. The average score in mathematics is 74 (the highest score is 84 points), in the Russian language 81 points. (the largest -93b.). in physics, the average score is -68 (the highest is 78 points), in social science -69 points (the highest is -70), in biology - 77 (the highest is -84).

The result of systematic work on preparing for exams is the successful passing of the Unified State Examination and the admission of students to universities for state-funded places.

Only the joint work of the teacher and students with the support of the administration and parents can lead to success.

The State Final Attestation (GIA) is an independent control of the knowledge of ninth grade students of secondary and specialized schools. Students begin preparing for the GIA no earlier than a month in advance.

Plus, it is not uncommon when the answers to the GIA are known, you just need to learn the tickets. In general, the state final exam is characterized by an average degree of objectivity of knowledge, since there are a number of nuances regarding its conduct. In particular, from a practical point of view, most students simply do not take it seriously. Since, firstly, the answers are often already known, and secondly, it does not give any special right, it is simply a kind of general control work. Of course, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is taking steps to improve the quality of the state final exam, but in practice this provision has not been implemented in most schools. The GIA has many goals, but all of them are mainly focused on conducting an objective final assessment of knowledge in the main basic disciplines.

The practical goal is quite simple: the Ministry of Education wants to see the quality level of student education. However, in practice, all schools have a certain performance rating, which they strive to constantly improve, therefore, in most cases, the school simply follows the lead in numbers, and the organization of the objective conduct of the GIA recedes into the background of academic work.

District centers of the Ministry of Education often hold briefings for school principals, where the importance of a quality organization of the GIA is considered. However, the main emphasis is placed on the rating, that is, in fact, the Ministry of Education requires the highest possible percentage of success from the higher school administration. In this connection, very often the organization of the GIA in schools is carried out in such a way that as many students as possible successfully pass an independent assessment of knowledge from a theoretical point of view. Therefore, before the GIA, each of the teachers recommends his algorithm for preparing for the exam. However, in practice, it all comes down to one thing, more than 90% of school students simply memorize tickets. Preparation for the GIA at school in most cases is intensive, however, this does not increase the knowledge base of schoolchildren. Since, in practice, teachers simply check the quality of memorizing exam tickets, even excellent students often have to memorize questions instead of analyzing the material.

There are a variety of training methods in the state final certification. However, from a practical point of view, the most effective is the analysis of all points of each examination ticket. As a rule, little or no time is devoted to this in the lessons in schools. Therefore, this preparation procedure should be carried out independently at home in your free time, this, in turn, will allow you to get a practical understanding of the material, and the need to memorize exam tickets will simply disappear by itself. As a result, the student will receive a wide range of knowledge that will help him in subsequent learning processes at school.

There is no ideal preparation plan for the final state certification, however, there are effective algorithms. Effective algorithms include: preparation for the GIA with the help of tutors; conducting an independent practical disassembly of all examination tickets. Today, not every student of the school can use the services of a tutor, due to certain economic considerations. Although it is worth noting that this method of preparation is the most effective from a practical point of view. Since with this method, it is required to devote a minimum amount of your personal time to preparing for the GIA, as well as the highest survival of practical knowledge, since everything depends on understanding the process. Very often a textbook is not enough to give a practical idea of ​​a particular phenomenon. It is often said that technical subjects are much more difficult than humanities. However, this statement is fundamentally wrong in practice. For example, there are two basic subjects: Russian language and mathematics. At first glance, mathematics is much more difficult than the Russian language. In practice, these two subjects are completely equivalent in terms of complexity, since grammar is easier for one group of students, while calculations are easier for the other, on the contrary. This phenomenon is completely normal and is associated with the individual characteristics of the student. One student of the class is interested in the technical side of science, the other in the humanities. However, regardless of interests, all students of secondary and specialized schools, after the ninth grade, undergo a mandatory final certification, which consists of a different set of basic disciplines. In practice, the lesson preparation for the GIA should be based on a fundamental analysis of all the main points of a particular topic of the lesson.

From a practical point of view, the most rational and effective way to prepare for the GIA is self-study, since this method of preparation is available to absolutely all students. The main thing is that parents and the school teaching staff should work together to form a craving for new knowledge in the student. As you know, a person devotes time to what he is really interested in. Sometimes interest just needs to be developed, the actual development of interest in knowledge is the main goal of school education. Preparing for the GIA is best to start no later than a year or six months before the exams. For self-preparation for the GIA, it is necessary to allocate a certain amount of time, namely 3-4 days a week. The key to successful preparation is consistency. To achieve the desired result, you need to prepare regularly, otherwise, instead of preparing, the student will simply waste his personal time. The system of preparation for the GIA is based on the principle of practical understanding of the academic discipline. For example, everyone knows Newton's second law, however, it is important not only to know the law itself, but to understand it from the point of view in practice. Only practical understanding forms the survival of knowledge, which in turn allows you to constantly move up the ladder of knowledge.