An example of a strong personality in social studies. Strong personality: examples of a person who can carry this proud title

    There are very few strong personalities in our time, everyone is dismissive of minor troubles, but strong personalities fight to the end, and Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and other successful people can be attributed to strong people, and of course Valuev 🙂

    I don’t even know if it’s possible to call a drug addict, a drunkard and a rapist (according to the official but not rumored version) a person ...

    If possible, I would call Mike Tyson a strong personality. He's been through a lot, good and bad. More bad. And although he fell in the eyes of all the fans, both literally and figuratively.

    On the other hand, every strength has a weakness. Therefore, strong personalities can also be attributed to: Vladimir Vysotsky, Stalin, Peter the Great, Yulia Timoshenko (just kidding), Pylyp Orlik, Steve Jobs, and many others. The main thing is that we know them, not they know us. They are strong in that they have achieved success with their work, or with their mind, or whoever could, but could ...

    A strong personality is a person who does not bend before circumstances.

    For me it:

    Alexander the Great;

    Peter the Great;

    Catherine the Great;

    Alexandra II (survived 7 assassination attempts);

    Alexander the First (victory over Napoleon);

    Napoleon Bonaparte;

    Alexander Suvorov;

    When mentioning a strong personality, the first thing that comes to mind is literary characters such as Pavka Korchagin.

    And from real contemporaries, I would classify as strong personalities those people who do not bend under this power. For example, Makarevich, who openly expresses his position at the risk of concert activity; Alexei Navalny, who is not even stopped by house arrest; Ksenia Sobchak, who, due to her opposition activities, has turned from blonde in chocolate in blonde in ignorequot ;, which from a certain moment they began to go unnoticed on the central channels. These are the people you need to look up to.

    Alexey Meresyev is definitely considered a strong personality. A feat, only a strong person can accomplish it. A story was written about Alexei Meresyev. You can remember Dikul, who regained the ability to walk. Strong people are strong personalities capable of moving forward in defiance of fate.

    A strong personality, in my opinion, has strong character traits: she is independent, she has her own opinion and moves forward with all her might. Nothing will break a strong personality, because she respects herself and her own opinion.

    I believe that a strong personality is Ksenia Sobchak.

    Such an example of a strong personality of our time is certainly Alex Jones, an American radio and television presenter. He is the author of the InfoWars project (Information Wars), which includes a website, radio and TV show. This person boldly speaks aloud revealing facts and is not afraid of anyone, always calls a spade a spade, boldly asks uncomfortable questions to the most influential people and goes against the corrupt government and corrupt media to tell ordinary people about what is really happening in his country and in the world - about what people will never hear in official sources. Once he even managed to secretly enter a meeting in the Bohemian Grove, about which none of the mere mortals knew nothing (since entry there is strictly forbidden and heavily guarded) to finally see what the political and monetary elite of society is doing there every year and why this meeting is so confidential.

    Also, personalities who are not afraid to go against the current include Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Natalia Poklonskaya.

    To strong personalities one can safely attribute any dictator, since far from every ruler can completely subjugate the masses of people. Most often, traits of a strong character appear in a person already in early childhood. In the future, they develop and grow stronger. These are traits such as the ability to keep one's word; willingness to take responsibility, make decisions; ability to cope with difficulties, avoid panic; the ability to influence other people, to convince them of their own rightness; willingness to admit their mistakes and correct them; courage and determination; the ability to earn the respect of people, etc.

    The strong personal of our days, and recent events have confirmed this, is our president. He, in spite of everything, in spite of any difficulties, continues to bend his line and do what he considers his duty - to work for the good of Russia.

    This feature of his character is especially striking in comparison with other heads of state who have neither the right nor the desire to speak their mind without obtaining permission to do so. Of course, it’s easier to be a puppet, someone always supports you, someone leads you, and even if one of the guides stumbles, ten others will immediately replace him.

    And try to take responsibility only on yourself, what does not allow - lack of faith in yourself, in your strength, lack of education, bias or some personal sins?

    A strong personality is a person who stands his ground, who has the character of a real man and who will bring the matter to an end. I think that's how you describe a strong personality. As an example of such a person, our President Putin came to mind. The man knows what he wants, he has character. In general, a real man and a person who will bring what he started to the end.

    There are enough examples of strong personalities among people. But in my opinion, only Stalin could take 1st place among them, maybe he was not a benefactor, but rather the opposite. But the victory in the Great Patriotic War and his merit, albeit with great bloodshed. Of course, there were also such as Alexander the Great and Napoleon. But among the positive ones, I would name Solzhenitsyn. After all, how much he could endure and few people managed to survive.

Each person during his life meets with a large number of people who behave differently and turn out to be decent, mean, weak, strong-willed and other personalities. And how should a person show himself so that it can be said about him that he is a strong personality? This is a person with certain character traits, such as self-confidence and one's own strengths, determination, optimism, the ability to look at things realistically, perseverance, the ability to take responsibility for decisions made, the ability to control the situation, be a leader and lead other people .

Prominent people in history

Not every person who lived in the past or exists at the present time can be said to be a really strong personality. Examples of people who became famous for their unbending willpower, the ability to lead entire nations, their fateful responsible decisions that changed the outcome of many important events, captured the history of our state and the whole world. Such people can be called Prince Vladimir, Vasily II, Alexander Nevsky, Empress Catherine II, Emperor Peter I, Nicholas II and many others.

A specific example of a strong personality

We can go on giving examples of a strong personality in history for a long time, but I would like to consider one outstanding person as a role model. Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut in the history of mankind, can deservedly be considered such a person. The strength of this man's personality is beyond question. He went through many trials and tribulations during his preparation for space flight and during the flight itself. Yuri Gagarin was a very purposeful, hard-working person, able to mobilize in difficult times to make the right decision. He was able to maintain inner calm in absolutely any situation and transmit this calm state to others. It was this trait - the ability not to panic and make informed decisions in a difficult situation - that was the main characteristic of an astronaut for the first manned space flight.

Yuri Alekseevich was a simple, open person, he helped other cosmonauts, his colleagues, in preparation for the flight. He knew how to organize people and lead them along. Every morning, Gagarin took his family and the residents of his entire house to morning exercises outside in the courtyard, going around each apartment and ringing the doorbell. He did not allow anyone to shirk and be capricious. And no one even tried to refuse - all people gladly obeyed the advice and instructions of this outstanding person.

Having become famous, Yuri Gagarin passed the test of fame and did not become conceited. But not everyone can withstand the pressure of fame in order to remain the same person, a model of endurance and self-control.

It is unfortunate that this great man passed away early, died during a plane crash, the true cause of which is still not clear. If his fate had turned out differently, and he had not died, we can say with confidence that he would have done many more important things, he could have led many people and showed them the right path in life. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin is a real example of a strong personality in the history of mankind.

Strong personality: examples was last modified: December 15th, 2015 by Elena Pogodaeva

Some really believe that a disability imposes certain limitations on its owners. But is it really so? In this post, I will talk about those who did not give up, overcame difficulties and won!

Helen Adams Keller

She became the first deaf and blind woman to earn a college degree.

Stevie Wonder

One of the most famous singers and musicians of our time, Stevie Wonder has been blind since birth.

Lenin Moreno

The vice-president of Ecuador from 2007 to 2013, Lenin Moreno, moved in a wheelchair, as both legs were paralyzed after the assassination attempt.

Marley Matlin

With her role in Children of a Lesser God, Marley became the first and only deaf actress to win an Oscar for Best Actress.

Ralph Brown

Ralph, born with muscle atrophy, became the founder of the Braun Corporation, a leading manufacturer of vehicles equipped for people with disabilities. It was this company that, as a result of its work, created a minivan that is fully adapted for people with disabilities.

Frida Kahlo

One of the most famous Mexican artists of the 20th century, Frida had an accident when she was a teenager and severely injured her back. She never fully recovered. Also, as a child, she contracted polio, as a result of which her leg was deformed. Despite all this, she managed to achieve amazing success in the visual arts: one of her most famous works was self-portraits in a wheelchair.

Sudha Chandran

The famous Indian dancer and actress, Sudha lost her leg, which was amputated in 1981 as a result of a car accident.

John Hockenberry

After becoming a journalist for NBC in the 1990s, John was one of the first journalists to appear on television in a wheelchair. At the age of 19, he injured his spine in a car accident and has since been forced to move around only in a wheelchair.

Stephen William Hawking

Despite being diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis at the age of 21, Stephen Hawking is today one of the world's leading physicists.

Bethany Hamilton

Bethany lost her arm in a shark attack in Hawaii at the age of 13. But this did not stop her, and she again became on the board after 3 weeks. The story of Bethany Hamilton formed the basis of the film "Soul Surfer".

Marla Runyan

Marla is an American runner and the first blind athlete to officially compete in the Olympics.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Despite the fact that from the age of 26, Beethoven began to gradually lose his hearing, he continued to write amazingly beautiful music. And most of his most famous works were created when he was already completely deaf.

Christopher Reeve

The most famous Superman of all time, Christopher Reeve was completely paralyzed in 1995 after being thrown from a horse. Despite this, he continued his career - he was engaged in directing. In 2002, Christopher died while working on the animated film Winner.

John Forbes Nash

John Nash, the famous American mathematician, Nobel Prize winner in economics, whose biography formed the basis of the film A Beautiful Mind, suffered from paranoid schizophrenia.

Vincent Van Gogh

It is impossible to say with complete certainty what kind of disease Van Gogh suffered from, but it is known for certain that during his life he ended up in psychiatric hospitals more than once.

Christy Brown

An Irish artist and writer, Christie was diagnosed with cerebral palsy - he could write, print and draw with only one foot.

Jean-Dominique Bauby

The famous French journalist Jean-Dominique suffered a heart attack in 1995 at the age of 43. After 20 days in a coma, he woke up and found that he could only blink his left eye. Doctors diagnosed him with the “locked-in person” syndrome, a disorder in which a person’s body is paralyzed, and mental activity is completely preserved. After 2 years he died, but during the time that he was in a coma, he managed to dictate a whole book, blinking only his left eye.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is rightfully considered one of the greatest minds in human history. Despite the fact that he had serious problems with the assimilation of information and did not even speak until the age of 3.

John Milton

The English writer and poet became completely blind at the age of 43, but this did not stop him, and he created one of his most famous works - Paradise Lost.

Horatio Nelson

A British officer in the Royal Navy, Lord Nelson is known as one of the most prominent military leaders of his day. Despite the fact that he lost both his arms and an eye in one of the battles, he continued to win victories until his death in 1805.

Tanni Gray-Thompson

Born with a spina bifida, Tunney has gained worldwide fame as a successful wheelchair racer.

Francisco Goya

The famous Spanish artist lost his hearing at the age of 46, but continued to do what he loved and created works that largely determined the fine arts of the 19th century.

Sarah Bernard

The French actress lost both legs in an amputation following a knee injury, but she continued to perform and work in the theater until her death. Today she is considered one of the most significant actresses in the history of French theatrical art.

Franklin Roosevelt

The President of the United States of America, who led the country during World War II, suffered from polio at an early age and, as a result, was forced to move in a wheelchair. In public, however, he was never seen in it, he always appeared, supported from two sides, since he could not walk on his own.

Nick Vuicic

Born without arms or legs, Nick grew up in Australia and, against all odds, learned things like skateboarding or even surfing. Today he travels the world and speaks to huge audiences with motivating sermons.

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So, for starters, let's figure out who is such a strong person? In my opinion, a strong person should have a number of characteristic features: Self-confidence Perseverance Being a leader Responsibility Optimism Purposefulness Initiative.

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I believe that being a strong personality is very important. In many professions, it is strong people who achieve high goals and become successful people. After all, a strong person will stop at nothing, will not break down, will go to his goal no matter what. A distinctive feature of a strong person is unshakable confidence in himself, his actions and deeds. Everything he does is done from the position of the only right decision in this situation. At the same time, a person is aware of his real possibilities and tries to expand them, setting goals and going towards them, no matter what.

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Examples of strong people from history. I would like to introduce you to truly strong personalities. Nick Vujikis: a man without arms and legs, was able to stand up himself and teaches others to do it Nick was born in Melbourne (Australia) with a rare disease: he is missing both arms to shoulder level, and a tiny foot with two fingers protrudes directly from his left hip. Despite the lack of limbs, he surfs and swims, plays golf and football. Nick graduated from college with a double degree in accounting and financial planning. Today, anyone can come to his lecture, where Nick motivates people, especially teenagers, to never give up and believe in themselves, proving by example that even the impossible is possible.

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Sean Schwarner: Overcame lung cancer and climbed the 7 highest peaks on 7 continents. Mount Everest, the highest mountain on earth, is known for its dangerous climbing conditions, including strong gusts of wind, lack of oxygen, blizzards and deadly avalanches. But for Sean Schwarner, as practice shows, there are simply no obstacles. Sean at one time was not only healed of cancer, his case is truly considered a medical miracle. He was diagnosed with cancer of the fourth and last stage at the age of thirteen, and according to the forecasts of doctors, he was not supposed to live even three months. But Sean miraculously overcame his illness, which soon returned when doctors re-discovered a golf ball-sized tumor on his right lung. After the second operation to remove the tumor, the doctors decided that the patient would last no more than two weeks ... But ten years later, partially using his lung, Sean became known to the whole world for being the first survivor of cancer to climb Mount Everest.

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Liz Murray: from the slums to Harvard Elizabeth Murray was born on September 23, 1980 in the Bronx to HIV-positive parents in a New York area inhabited only by the poor and drug addicts. She became homeless when she was only 15, after her mother's death and after her father was taken to a beggar's shelter. What the girl didn’t have to go through during this time, but one day Murray’s life changed dramatically, namely after she began attending a humanitarian course at the Preparatory Academy in Chelsea, in Manhattan. After completing classes for two years, she was awarded a scholarship for needy students by the New York Times and admitted to Harvard University in the fall of 2000. Liz was forced to interrupt her studies at the university in order to care for her ailing father, but continued her education at Columbia University, where she was closer to him and stayed with him until the end, until he died of AIDS. In May 2008 she returned to Harvard and completed her undergraduate degree in psychology. Subsequently, her biography, full of tragedy and faith, became the basis for the film, which was released in 2003. Today, Liz works as a professional speaker representing Washington Speakers. During each lecture for students and groups of business audiences, she tries to instill in the audience her strength of mind and will, which pulled her out of the slums as a teenager and sent her on the right path.

It is difficult to accurately describe all the qualities of a strong personality, but the main distinguishing features can still be distinguished.

· High levels of self-confidence and self-confidence.

The ability to control your emotions.

· A very important point - a strong person has a high degree of independence: he is independent of the opinions of others, various prejudices and public opinion.

· A strong individual always knows what he wants from life and perseveres to achieve his goals.

· A strong person looks at the world from the standpoint of reason and knows how to analyze events sensibly.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive description of a person who can safely be labeled a "strong personality."

Alexander Nevsky (1220-1263) - the son of Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. From 1236 he was the prince of Novgorod and led the Russian troops in the Battle of the Neva (1240) and the Battle of the Ice (1242). For the victory over the Swedes on the Neva, he received the nickname "Nevsky". Alexander Nevsky showed himself as a talented commander, a prudent and far-sighted politician. After the Mongol invasion, he refused the offer of the Pope of Rome on a joint fight against the Mongols, realizing that while Russia was too weak. By his policy, he contributed to the reduction of the devastating raids of the Tatars. Alexander Yaroslavich did a lot to strengthen the grand duke's power and order in the country. He died in Gorodets, returning from the Golden Horde. He was canonized by the church as a saint.

In besieged Leningrad, people not only survived on meager rations, but also worked, went into battle. Their spirit was strong!

Alexey Maresyev- a classic example of a strong-willed person! He not only survived without food, crawling out of the battlefield with wounded legs, but also returned to duty, returned to the sky, shot down many more enemy aircraft in his fighter.

Vivid examples of strong-willed people of our time - Valentin Dikul and Sergey Bubnovsky. Having received severe spinal injuries, they not only did not break spiritually. They themselves survived, restored their health and teach this to others.

The phrase "person with disabilities" appeared not so long ago. Today it is used by everyone who speaks and writes about the disabled, and no one is embarrassed that this phrase is fundamentally wrong and even offensive. History knows a huge number of outstanding disabled people, who would not be called people with disabilities by a sane person. Let's name some of them with an indication of their physical shortcomings:

Ancient Greek poet Homer (blindness);

US President Franklin Roosevelt (polio);

German composer Ludwig Beethoven (acquired deafness);

· American musician Stevie Wonder (congenital blindness);

American musician Ray Charles (the most famous blind musician of our time);

American film actress Marlene Matlin (the first and only deaf film actress to win an Oscar);

· Russian artist Grigory Zhuravlev (congenital atrophy of arms and legs);

· American writer Helena Keller (deaf-blind and mute);

Soviet pilot-hero Alexei Maresyev (leg amputation).

In this case, on the contrary, we are talking about the limitless possibilities of physically limited people. We see that various functional disorders do not interfere at all, and sometimes they are the strongest incentive to live, create, develop and achieve the unthinkable.

Fortitude is the main thing that allows a person to go to the intended goal, overcoming any difficulties on his life path. In my opinion, it is the disabled, like no one else, who clearly prove this to us. When you look at these people, you involuntarily think: could we, being in their place, find the strength in ourselves to remain ourselves, live and enjoy life, like them? I think that we have something to learn from them, namely, how to be strong, strong in spirit.

Nick Vuychich is a world famous preacher and orator. His performances are always very popular, he charges people with his positive energy and positivity. But ... He is different from ordinary speakers - he has no arms or legs from birth!

Despite this, he did not give up. It helps millions of people to begin to enjoy life. Nick Vuychich shows willpower every second of his life, enjoys every moment of his life. He does not blame anyone for being "like that", because he is sure that everything in the world is done with a purpose.

The Paralympic Games are attended by people whose willpower can only be envied. I bow to these people who, due to certain circumstances, were injured, became disabled, but did not break, they were able to rise and find themselves and their path in life.

Maria Iovleva. When Masha was born, her mother immediately hurried to abandon her. "The child was born with deformities, I refuse him," the statement said. The doctors did not even think that Maria would be able to survive, and the mother was advised to forget about her daughter. Like, there will be more children. However, Masha survived! And at the age of 20, she won two gold and one silver medal at the Paralympic Games in Vancouver.

The path to these awards for Mary was incredibly long. From the very birth, Iovleva could not speak and did not hear. She had a developmental delay. But at the age of seven she was transferred to a boarding school, where she was lucky to meet a teacher who replaced her mother. Tatyana Lindt worked with the girl every day, who immediately seemed to her smiling and pleasant. Soon, ski coach Alexander Porshnev drew attention to Masha, who began to introduce Iovleva to sports. Every day he personally drove her to training, carried her through the snowdrifts, taught her to sit on a special seat called a bob for cross-country skiing.

Roman Petushkov became the six-time champion of the Paralympic Games in Sochi. The athlete won three gold medals in cross-country skiing (at distances of 15 km, sprint 1 km and open relay) and in biathlon (at distances of 12.5 km, 15 km and 7.5 km). None of the Russians have been able to do anything like this before.

Elena Remizova from Tyumen became a three-time champion of the Paralympic Games in Sochi. All three golds in the group of athletes with visual impairments, the Siberian won together with her leader Natalya Yakimova, speaking in skiing competitions.