The most complete dictionary of paronyms for the Unified State Exam. The most complete dictionary of paronyms for the exam Udachlivy - successful

FULL analysis of task 5 FOR the exam 2018

In Russian

Test your strength: decide without delving into theory!

Task formulation:

WRONG chosen word.

1. Malyuta Skuratov, the favorite guardsman of Ivan the Terrible, was distinguished by his sharp mind, cruelty and PREDATORY sparkle in the eyes.

2. ICE The palace, built by order of Anna Ioannovna in St. Petersburg, became the venue for a clownish wedding.

3. In The Tale of Bygone Years, Nestor describes UNSUCCESSFUL Prince Igor's campaign against the Polovtsians in 1185.

4. Mitrofan, the main character of Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor,” a classic example IGNORANTS in Russian literature

5. In 1957 the first ARTIFICIAL The Earth satellite, invented by Korolev, was launched into space.

Test yourself: find out the right one
The answer is on the next page!


*Explanation: predatory ¾ profit-seeking exploiting others (about a person): predatory gleam of eyes, predatory official;

Predatory ¾ based on oppression, robbing someone: predatory habits, predatory tendencies.

What is the secret to success in solving task No. 5?

1. It is important to remember that paronyms¾ these are words, similar in sound, but having different lexical meaning: addressee ¾ addressee, put on ¾ put on, etc..

2. Members of paronymic pairs are in different words.

* For example, you need to determine in what meaning in a sentence instead of the word ETERNAL must be consumed CENTURY?

1) Petya Trofimov was called “ ETERNAL student."

2) ETERNAL The oak amazed us with its beauty and grandeur.

3) The documents were prepared for archiving at ETERNAL storage.

4) Compassion and humanity are ETERNAL life values.

How to learn to distinguish paronyms?

1) Need formulate lexical meaning for each of the words, choose synonyms:

· Century-old ¾ living, existing for centuries, for a very long time;

· Eternal ¾ endless in time, having neither beginning nor end.

2) Compose with these paronyms phrases so that there is no doubt about the choice of word:

· Century-old oak (oak, living century), centuries-old traditions (traditions that have existed for a very long time)

· Eternal values (unchanging), eternal student (constant), eternal storage (unlimited)

! Necessarily read the information from "paronym dictionary" to be fully prepared for the Unified State Exam !

THE MOST COMPLETE dictionary of paronyms for the Unified State Exam

Be sure to remember a couple of the most popular paronyms!

Now try to solve task number 5 again!

Task formulation:

In one of the sentences below WRONG The highlighted word is used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write it down chosen word.

Task No. 1.

1. Flooding from jam-type floods, which little depend on the water level of the year, should EXPECT in April and May.

2. There is a proven method for cleaning short-pile fur: dirty fur should be wiped with hot mashed potatoes, and then thoroughly SHAKE AWAY.

3. The greatest misunderstanding of Moscow SUBSCRIPTIONS necessitates paying a subscription fee for using the line.

4. The new company was registered under beautiful, SOUNDING name.

5. Under it HARD With a glance, everything became uncomfortable.

Task No. 2.

1. To prepare a marinade for fish baked in coals, you need SHAKE AWAY seeds from four to five cardamom pods, add a pinch of saffron and grind them in a mortar and salt.

2. The girl with a sharp movement threw her bangs off her forehead and unexpectedly calmly and CONFIDENTLY looked into Alexey's eyes.

3. ISSUANCE Skating is carried out if the visitor to the skating rink has a passport or any other document that can be left as collateral.

4. Analysts claim that in the coming year the securities market can EXPECT significant changes.

5. CHOOSE one direction or another, navigate strictly by the compass.

Test yourself!

Correct errors in the use of paronyms.

  1. Sergeev was a conscientious subscriber and paid for the phone on time.
  2. These people were talking businesslike about the election of the board of directors.
  3. Business style of clothing is characterized by rigor.
  4. The employees turned to the deputy, a diplomatic man, for help.
  5. The diplomatic corps welcomed the ministry's decision.
  6. An employee sent to a neighboring country met with the minister.
  7. The professor received a travel certificate.
  8. The addressee, that is, in this case, the sender of the valuable parcel, did not indicate his postal code.
  9. The addressee filed a claim against the post office for non-receipt of an important letter.
  10. Our great Russian language lives and develops.
  11. The princess was given away by her great gait.
  12. Isolated cases of rabid dogs have been recorded in the city.
  13. I appeal to those gathered with a single request to wait another week.
  14. Based on common remarks from the audience, it became clear that everything was not so simple.
  15. Uniform requirements for high school graduates have been formulated.
  16. "Ignorant!" - he cried when Timofey walked past him without even saying hello.
  17. Although he is ignorant, he is also a polite and more or less well-mannered person.
  18. The water surface of the river beckoned and attracted me to it.
  19. The cucumbers were somehow tasteless, watery.
  20. The dramatic situation of the village being flooded was described by V. Rasputin.
  21. Dramatic action should be divided into three main parts.
  22. Technical faculties train excellent specialists.
  23. One of the most technical boxers in the world entered the ring.
  24. The student brilliantly defended the technical design of the sports complex.
  25. Hidden hunger is commonly called chronic vitamin deficiency.
  26. Grandfather did not trust hidden people because he did not know what was on their minds.
  27. The festive festivities ended with a pyrotechnic show.
  28. A festive lifestyle also contributes to the occurrence of many diseases.
  29. The life experience of our ancestors is priceless.
  30. In her love for orphaned children, she found salvation from life's hardships.
  31. At the writers' congress, the first word was presented by A.A. Fadeev.
  32. The guest introduced his companion.
  33. The frame of onion roofs has a complex shape.
  34. How bulbous plants bloom in winter.
  35. In villages, Easter eggs were painted with onion skins.
  36. A very noble and humane act is donating money.
  37. The fish begged in a human voice.
  38. An inconspicuous path led us to the old man's house.
  39. The park was so well maintained that the most inconspicuous person could not help but notice it.
  40. It is impossible not to discuss Pechorin for his selfishness.
  41. The site developers discussed its new design.
  42. The teacher took spectacular measures.
  43. These views are alien to him.
  44. In the unclear, diffused light of the night, great and beautiful prospects of St. Petersburg opened up before us.
  45. Iron, chromium, manganese, copper and nickel are colorful substances.
  46. Diplomatic relations between Russia and the United States were established in 1807.
  47. The most humanitarian professions on earth are those on which human health depends.


Option 1.

Business – Businesslike

  1. Related to official activities, to work.

2. Intelligent and serious, enterprising.

Traveler – Traveler

1. Certificate of completed order.

2. Sent on official mission.

Great – Majestic

  1. Filled with inner greatness, dignity, inspiring self-respect.
  2. Exceeding ordinary level, ordinary measure, significance, outstanding.
  1. One, common, united.

Ignorant - Ignorant

  1. A rude, ill-mannered person.
  2. A poorly educated person, as well as a person ignorant in any area.

Watery – Watery

  1. Associated with water.
  2. Containing excess moisture, liquid, colorless.

Dramatic – Dramatic

  1. Full of drama, pompous.
  2. Relating to an action or situation.

Technical – Technical

  1. Possessing high technique of execution, skillful.
  2. Used in industry, technology, related to equipment maintenance.

Hidden – Secretive

Festive - Holiday

  1. Joyful, cheerful and happy.
  2. Unoccupied, idle, without useful activities.

Vital – Everyday

  1. Ordinary, characteristic of everyday life.
  2. Close to life, reality, real.

Submit – Provide

  1. Deliver, present, inform, introduce someone to something.
  2. Give at disposal, use.

Bulbous – Onion

  1. Ball-shaped dome.
  2. Relating to the onion, a vegetable plant.

Human - Human

  1. A worthy person, sympathetic, humane.
  2. Belonging to a person.

Inconspicuous - Inconspicuous

  1. One that is difficult to see, unnoticeable, insignificant.
  2. Relating to a person.

Discuss – Condemn

1. Express disapproval of someone, recognize something as bad.

2. Analyze, evaluate, expressing your thoughts about something.

Match the words with their lexical meaning.

Option 2.

Fussy - Fussy

  1. Prone to vanity, full of vanity.
  2. Filled, full of bustle.

Harmless – Non-offensive

  1. Reluctant to feel offended.
  2. Causing no offense or harm.

Enough - Enough

  1. That which copes to the required extent is available in the required quantity.
  2. To some extent, decent.

Diplomatic – Diplomatic

  1. Skillful and subtle in dealing with others.
  2. Relationship.

Colorful – Colorful

  1. Which is painted, giving color.
  2. Features bright colors.

Humane - Humanitarian

  1. Addressed to the human person, to human rights and interests.
  2. Directed for the benefit of others, humane and sympathetic.

Double - Dual

  1. Consisting of two similar things, twice as large.
  2. Leaning in one direction or the other, contradictory.

Confidential - trusting

  1. Easily trusting, has trust in everyone.
  2. Expressing complete trust in someone or something.

Intolerable - intolerant

  1. Inadmissible and cannot be tolerated.
  2. Same as unbearable.

Spectacular – Effective

  1. Giving effect.
  2. Making an impression.

Accommodating – Obsequious

  1. Overly helpful, flattering, ingratiating.
  2. Corresponding to someone's will, desire.

Alien - Alien

  1. Distant, having nothing in common with anyone, foreign.
  2. Not yours, not your own, belonging to others.

Front – Advanced

  1. Located in front, facing forward.
  2. Moving, never stopping in development, progressive.

Great – Majestic

1. Filled with inner greatness, dignity, inspiring self-respect.

2. Exceeding the ordinary level, ordinary measure, value, outstanding.

Single – Single – Single

  1. Isolated, rare, uncharacteristic.
  2. One, common, united.
  3. Only one, exceptional, outstanding.

Hidden – Secretive

  1. Secret, not revealed explicitly, carried out unnoticed by anyone.
  2. Avoiding frankness, not telling others about himself.

Test on the topic "Paronyms".

1. In which sentence, instead of the word HOLIDAY, should we use the word IDLE?

1) Everyone gathered at the pier was in a festive mood.

2) The festive column passed along the main street of the village.

3) In Rus' it was a tradition for the whole family to attend holiday services.

4) She would willingly give up this festive life for life in the village.

2. In what sentence instead of the word HUMANITARIANmust be consumed the word HUMANE?

1) Humanitarian cargo for flood victims was delivered on time.

2) Our comrade’s humanitarian act aroused admiration.

3) There is always a lot of competition for humanities majors in city universities.

4) European countries systematically provide humanitarian assistance to developing countries.

3. In which sentence, instead of the word THREE, should the word THRUG be used?

1) Careful attitude towards ancient monuments is a sign of the culture of a nation.

2) A careful owner will not leave the harvest in the autumn rain..

3) Careful handling of devices will help preserve them for a long time.

4) The baby is distinguished by the careful, caring hands of the mother from the first days of his life.

4. In what sentence should the word SICK be used instead of the word SICK?

1) Not a single injection given by nurse Natasha was painful.

2) Medicines and beds were prepared for the sick.

3) I still grabbed the crossbar with my sore finger.

4) The artists who visited the hospital talked with patients and medical staff.

5. In which sentence, instead of the word TRUSTFUL, should we use the word TRUSTEE?

1) A gullible person can easily be deceived.

2) Confidential documents are handed over to the lawyer.

3) Trusting and easily vulnerable, he aroused a condescending attitude towards himself from those around him.

4) The heroes of many folk tales are gullible, kind, but smart people.

6. In which sentence, instead of the word PROBLEM, should we use the word PROBLEMATIC?

1) The solution proposed in the article seems PROBLEM.

2) The appearance of the latest PROBLEM article is known wow piss atelier caused a lively discussion.

7 In what sentence, instead of the word STYLE, should the word STYLISTIC be used?

1) STYLE certainty is characteristic of both an individual work and a group of works by different authors.

2) The editor read the manuscript and made some STYLE corrections to it.

3) It is possible to identify STYLE elements characteristic of entire groups of writers.

8. In which sentence, instead of the word SUBSCRIBER, should the word SUBSCRIPTION be used?

1) SUBSCRIBERS of the city library are invited to the conference.

2) Due to changes in technical conditions, the number of SUBSCRIBERS in the telephone network increased by 20.

3) We hardly managed to get a SUBSCRIBER for a series of lectures by a famous scientist.

4) It is not easy for a SUBSCRIBER to get a box in a drama theater.

9.In what sentence should the word HEROIC be used instead of the word HEROIC?

1) WITH HEROIC efforts we overcame the steep climb.

2) THE HEROIC bravery of the Russian man was most clearly manifested in the war.

3) A HEROIC guy lives on our street.

4) Our country is proud of HEROIC deeds

Test on the topic "Paronyms".

1. In which sentence instead of the word pride need to use the word pride?

1) Ambition and pride are human qualities that help achieve success.

2) The Orthodox religion condemns human pride.

3) You must curb your pride!

4) Pride brought him to the point where he completely stopped noticing people.

2. In which sentence should LOGICAL be used instead of the word LOGICAL?

1) This was the most logical action on his part.

2) Everything led to a logical conclusion to the struggle.

3) His logical answers to even the most difficult questions won him the authority of an intellectual.

4) Based on the above facts, we can draw a logical conclusion that the crime was committed: this morning.

3. In which sentence should we use EFFECTIVE instead of the word EFFECTIVE?

1) He made a spectacular gesture with his hand.

2) It is necessary to take effective measures.

3) The effective performance of the role made an impression.

4) She liked to strike striking poses in photographs.

4. In which sentence should we use FRIENDLY instead of the word FRIENDLY?

1) My wife thanks you for your friendly greeting.

2) Their friendly conversation was extremely important to him.

3) His friendly messages were always lovely.

4) Friendly ties between peoples are of great importance for maintaining stability in the world.

5. Indicate the number of the sentence in which the paronyms BULLSHIT-SLAMER were mixed.

1) Just a beautiful trifle - and how nice!

2) Only a slacker like you could not solve a single problem at all!

3) You have a good son, a hard worker. And my trifle plays the fool all day long.

4) “Did you cut yourself badly?” “It’s a complete trifle, don’t pay attention.”

6. In which sentence instead of the word economical need to use the word economical?

1) My friend is very thrifty, she knows where and what can be bought cheaper.

2) To be profitable and give high profits, production must be economical.

3) Economical distribution of money in the family helps to make large purchases.

4) I don’t like thrifty people - they are almost always greedy!

7. In which sentence, instead of the word RECOGNITION, should we use GRATITUDE.

1) He signed a confession to committing a crime.

3) Love for their nation obliges people to feel recognition for those peoples whose influence was useful for it.

4) There was something painful and at the same time soothing in this feeling of recognition of one’s meanness.

8. Indicate the number of the sentence in which the paronyms SUNDAY-SUNDAY were mixed.

1) The film “Sunday” is based on the novel of the same name by L.N. Tolstoy.

2) On Sunday we are going to the theater to see Swan Lake.

3) The second episode of the film will be shown on Sunday.

4) The Resurrection of Christ is one of the important episodes of the New Testament.

9. In which sentence is the word ignorant used incorrectly?

1) He was rude to you. And I can't stand ignorant people.

2) Only an ignorant person can afford not to give up his seat to an elderly person.

3) We were ignorant in administrative matters.

4) If I didn’t say hello to you once, this does not mean that I am ignorant and that you need to end all relations with me.

10.In which sentence should we use NEIGHBOR instead of the word NEIGHBOR?

1) He fought with a nearby janitor and knocked him down.

2) The neighbor's daughter is a real daredevil.

3) Recently he met an acquaintance from a neighboring house.

4) The neighboring women called to each other.

Tests KIM 5 Unified State Exam 2015 according to the Dictionary of Paronyms 2014

1 option

5-1. FALSE Correct it.

A wife is not a mitten: you can’t shake a white hand off.

The family's annual income was meager.

The payment for mistakes made seemed too high to Ivanov.

The deadline for PAYMENT of personal income tax on vacation payments coincides with the deadline for PAYMENT of income tax on wages.

Masha, with such a clear and GRATEFUL face, went to meet Kister halfway that his heart began to beat with joy.

5-2.In one of the sentences below WRONG The highlighted word is used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

It was proposed to DEMOT Colonel Petrov for numerous violations.

The instigators of the fight were quickly identified.

STONE soil is unsuitable for farming.

It was decided to BLOCK the river with a dam to prevent flooding of the village.

SEND a courier on an errand to headquarters.

5-3.In one of the sentences below WRONG The highlighted word is used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

At first, the dust knocked down by the pellets turned into liquid mud, which was kneaded by the wheels, the tremors became less, and muddy streams flowed along the CLAYY ruts.

All machines issuing SUBSCRIPTIONS for train passengers are marked with special posters.

The skiers left the hunting lodge and involuntarily closed their eyes from the UNBEARABLE brilliance that filled the clearing.

The girl's hair, DYED bright red, immediately caught the eye.

5-4.In one of the sentences below WRONG The highlighted word is used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

He is a complete IGNORANT: he has never read a book in his life.

Schumacher's letter did not reach its intended destination: the ADDRESSEE, unable to bear the difficult conditions of sailing on the packet boat "St. Paul", fell ill with scurvy and died.

DISCIPLINARY arrest is applied to a military personnel only in exceptional cases and only for a gross offense committed by him.

He felt like an unhappy, LONELY person: no one was interested in him, no one came to visit him during his illness.

WRONG The highlighted word is used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

I returned from visiting, and after the cozy apartment I had just left, my den seemed especially UNATTICABLE to me.

It was a beautiful face, young, PROUD and open.

For some reason, technologists HAVE halved the amount of waste gases.

They say that star rain prophesies happiness...

Pyotr Ivanovich often REJECTED from paying taxes, and paid considerable fines for this.

WRONG used

error and write the word correctly.

Most people do not bother themselves with choosing the most appropriate word in everyday speech.

In their dark, gloomy depths, a single RAIN drop glittered.

I, of course, avoided making the acquaintance from the very beginning, and he himself became bored with me from the very first time.

BINARY stars are very common objects.

A MEMORABLE interlocutor recalled all the sins of the young man.

WRONG used

error and write the word correctly.

The World Peace Front can and will certainly become a great, EFFECTIVE force.

In the silence of the night, a SINGLE shot rang out, alarming the residents of the area.

The steppe COVERED the village from all sides, as if protecting it from the invasion of strangers.

The suspect in the case was found INNOCENT and acquitted.

It is necessary to submit cash to the bank on time.

Option 2

WRONG used

error and write the word correctly.

He [Stefan Batory] constantly violated DIPLOMATIC etiquette, talked to the ambassadors wearing a hat, and pointedly invited Ivan IV’s enemy, Prince Kurbsky, to the reception of the ambassadors.

It is necessary to endorse INPUT documents on time.

Two friends were walking in the evening and having a serious conversation with each other.

There was a noticeable DIFFERENCE between the painting and the photograph: the first gave rise to certain thoughts and feelings, the second copied the landscape.

WRONG used

error and write the word correctly.

He is wearing a GOOD short fur coat, made of soft Romanov sheepskin, and good boots.

The music salon presented a huge SELECTION of discs with recordings of famous performers and aspiring singers.

In the midst of this terrible field, where everything was trampled upon by death, a LONELY white birch tree stood and quietly glowed in the twilight.

Don't ask the old one, ask the EXPERIENCED one.

Students must PAY their residence hall bills on time.

WRONG used

error and write the word correctly.

Short heavy SIGHTS with a wet wheeze escaped from Yegor's chest, his face was covered with fine sweat.

A calm, TRUSTING relationship was established between them.

The discovery turned out to be SUCCESSFUL, and primarily because it largely determined its uniqueness.

The girl was WAITING for him, standing at the gate.

5-4. One of the sentences below uses INCORRECTLY

mistake and write the word correctly

Try to DIFFERENCE who is your friend and who is your enemy! You can't be distinguished!

The success of your enterprise is very PROBLEMATIC.

THE ORIGINERS of the riot were punished first.

His EFFECTIVE appearance at the reception did not go unnoticed.

The crow clearly PRINTED footprints in the snow, they seemed like some kind of signs.

5-5.In one of the sentences below WRONG The highlighted word is used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

In the dark, gloomy thicket of currant leaves, a single RAIN drop glittered.

He was characterized by complete indifference to everything rough and LIFE.

On long autumn evenings the owner did not leave the room and sat by the window in his constant robe, with an ETERNAL pipe in his teeth.

For great services to the state, the artist was PRESENTED for a government award.

On Tuesday there was a DISTRIBUTION of warrants for new apartments.

5-6.In one of the sentences below WRONG The highlighted word is used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

The old man silently grabbed his neck with his senile, HARD hands, like a vice...

This MAJESTIC architectural ensemble combines the traditions of ancient Russian architecture and modern architectural trends.

Attempts to DOWNLOAD the importance of the new book were unsuccessful: it was read with pleasure.

A CENTRAL state is a state in which political and economic unification takes place around a strong central government.

A strong HIGH wind blew at night.

5-7.In one of the sentences below WRONG The highlighted word is used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

BUTTER cream for the cake can be made for future use.

From grief and tears over these years, Natalya Kirillovna HAS GONE OLDER.

HORSE RIDING is something that many of us dream about from childhood and throughout our lives.

This room had three windows facing the street and was FENCED in half with a low screen.

His former fear returned to him with a vengeance

Option 3

5-1. In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly

In order to increase HUMILIATED self-esteem, you need to work hard and for a long time on yourself, to completely change your consciousness.

SPARKLING Muscat is produced in Russia, USA, Bulgaria, Hungary, but Italy is still the trendsetter

People with extensive PRODUCTION experience, like Nazarov, were very much needed.

Calcium deficiency can be COMPLETED, first of all, by dairy products.

And ETERNAL battle, we only dream of peace

5-2. In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly

Even ancient scientists found MENTIONS of black wolves. Z

The love was not real, ARTIFICIAL, but it seemed to me then that it was real.

How many years did the fight last to get felony charges dropped against an INNOCENT person?

An incident similar to this happened last year.

I wish this notorious TRANSITIONAL age would end soon!

5-3. In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly

My cup of patience is overflowing.

Marina was as lively as a cat and quickly recovered from the beating.

Falling stars, or rather meteorites, entering the earth's atmosphere, burn up in it and create an IMPRESSIVE celestial phenomenon for the observer.

She always held herself unusually straight, and this gave her, with her beauty and tall stature, a kind of regal appearance.

The steep SANDY shore was a favorite meeting place for the youth of the village

5-4. In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly

DIFFICULT Swallowing is one of the signs of many diseases.

A wife is not a mitten: you can’t shake off a white handle

I was DIRECTED to him as a person who would help resolve this issue.

To deceive the cunning beast, FISHERS have created a wide variety of baits.

5-5. In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly

An impressionable child should not be told scary stories at night.

TIPS of clouds were rushing across the sky.

He is a brave, experienced, DISCIPLINED fighter.

We were preparing the name Bogdan for the boy - a very courageous, strong and SOUND name.

MANOR'S lands were given to the peasants.

5-6. In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly

He did not yet have full control of his left hand, but it had lost its EVIL bluish color and was incomparably warmer.

The ancient castle is FENCED with a moat.

The LANGUAGE barrier is, first of all, a psychological illness.

The tyranny of the landowners, especially the last owner of the village, Sergei Vasilyevich, extended to all aspects of the life of the peasants, including personal life.

Konovalov was PRESENTED to the Order of the Red Star

5-7. In one of the sentences below WRONG used

OUTGOING document - a document created at a given enterprise and sent to the addressee, a copy of which, as a rule, remains on file.

It was a CRUEL and unfair reproach against me

He saw PRINTED fingers on the glass, left by a careless visitor.

CALLS to the sentries interspersed with the noise of keys.

The employee submits an application to the employer for PROVIDING educational leave and attaches to the application a certificate of summons from the organization carrying out educational activities.

Option 4

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly

    Ukraine has chosen a representative for Eurovision 2014

Kunachestvo is an ANCIENT custom of the peoples of the North Caucasus.

Corporate trainings on EFFECTIVE management are recommended for managers, top management and middle managers.

No thought could be read on these STONEY faces.

If you have not HUMILIATED yourself, nothing can humiliate you?

    A more COMFORTABLE temperature for a person is 21–23 degrees.

There was impenetrable darkness all around.

For the lining of the overcoat they chose calico, but it was so GOOD and dense that, according to Petrovich, it was even better than silk.

Old man Tsybukin does not keep money with him because he cannot distinguish real from counterfeit.

Who is he, a “problem” child?

    On an old-fashioned HORSE hair sofa lay a boy of about fourteen.

Hay in a stack is a FITIOUS wintering for livestock.

Judas prolongs the time in the most vicious way, little by little sipping from the glass.

He was the most passionate FISHER I've ever met.

    A FISHING trawler is a commercial fishing vessel designed to operate fishing trawls.

The question of power is the ROOT question of any revolution.

You seem to be a smart and experienced person, just figure out for yourself the ADVANTAGE OF our neighborhood.

The grate in this tier was so low that it was impossible to lean on it, and the LIMITED space did not allow for a run-up.

He really liked this ancient HOURGLASS, as if showing the flow of leisurely life in the village.

    Yura raised the model as high above his head as possible, trying to avoid the DANGEROUS turn.

How glad I am to see you! - he said, patting his legs to shake off the snow from them.

HIGHLIGHTING - the use of a different font style when printing text for some fragment of it in order to focus the reader’s attention on this fragment.

Along with songs, filled with the same life content, folk dances were born - COLORED and varied, like folk life itself.

VERBAL skirmishes between rivals became more and more frequent.

    Kondratiev needed more accurate data on the PRESENCE of forest planting material in the area.

We SENT the required amount by postal order

I combed my hair, WEARED a black woolen dress, a black scarf, a white collar and sleeves.

He was an ignoramus, he didn’t read anything.

COMPARATIVE analysis is a powerful and universal tool that expands the ability to understand and describe political processes and changes in any country

    At times he experienced wild, kind of ANIMAL fear.

How can I help but love you, such a beautiful, INNOCENT creature!

Father noticed Gleb’s minor misdeeds and reprimanded him every time at dinner.

He was constantly immersed in work, and no one saw him Idle.

The directory presents all GLASS factories.

Option 5

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly

    Many looked at this freethinking of Vlasich as an INNOCENT and harmless eccentricity.

From the church there was a view of the entire village, the beautiful river, and the IMMENSE fields that occupied the entire horizon.

The PAINTED floor sparkled.

Petya was wearing a city HOLIDAY suit, from which he had grown a lot over the summer.

After a HUGE lunch, Paris seems more fun and welcoming

The first thing that caught your eye was his INSTEADY appearance, his hair-covered face, his blind eyes.

Latugin pulled out from the cuff of his overcoat four tickets for guests to the Bolshoi Theater, to the TOP tier.

Here underground tanks were created to store chemical waste in them for ETERNAL times.

With the death of Ivan the Terrible's middle son, Fyodor, the ROYAL family of Rurikovich, who ruled Russia from 862 to 1598, came to an end.

    "Yuzyo!" - she screamed, - she clasped his neck with her hands, pressed her blushing cold face to his face and laughed and cried.

People coming from distant countries looked at the FORMER luxury of the princely power that once reigned here.

I look out the window at the RAINY street.

People with a harmoniously INTEGRAL character retain their own value system in all difficult circumstances of life.

    Employees of the PROBLEMATIC explosion safety laboratory began to carry out scientific activities long before the official founding of the university.

I will have to take measures to DEFEND my honor.

There were three liters of water in the pan.

The law requires DIVILITATION of municipal property objects between specific legal entities.

ROOT celery is grown as seedlings in moist soil. .

    You need to completely take away your wife’s freedom and LIMIT her circle of acquaintances to people well known to you.

Sharks are extraordinarily life-giving.

Ostap Grigorievich began to fill the bag with the best, SELECTED apples.

The living room of a small apartment at first glance seems cozy and COMFORTABLE, upholstered furniture, dressing table, elegant round tables in the corners.

The CENTRIST bloc does not yet have a leader and is in dire need of one.

    He spoke calmly, deliberately, CHOSING his expressions carefully.

The old woman Arina ran up to the window and wanted to grab Morok right by the beard, but he evaded.

Pearly blue dragonflies unfurl their long GLASS wings with a crash.

When treating the patient, the most EFFECTIVE methods of treatment were used

    So, EFFECTIVENESS and stage presence are necessary conditions for opera.

The theater hall was FILLED to capacity.

One could tell how he became a faulty SUBSCRIBER of the library of the Philosophical Institute and the college library.

This applied to everyone, regardless of rank.

LANGUAGE BARRIER is a phrase used figuratively and denoting difficulties in communication between people associated with speakers belonging to different language groups.

Option 6

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly.

    Despite frequent REMINDERS from the gendarmes to hand over my notebooks as quickly as possible, I hesitated.

A famous person, respectable, and picked up many signs of EXCELLENCE.

From grief and tears over the years, Natalya Kirillovna has become OUTDATED.

I find that the natives here are PRACTICAL people, preferring useful things to various trinkets.

STRENGTH of materials (in common parlance - strength resistance) is a part of the mechanics of deformable solids, which considers methods of engineering calculations of structures for strength.

    I turned out to be an intelligent and memorable student, that’s why he studied with me.

Princess Kuragina, a massive, once beautiful, REPRESENTATIVE woman, sat in the master's seat.

In the Russian Empire, the highest emergency judicial body was the SUPREME criminal court.

The journalist said that Sanin’s article caused numerous RESPONSE and that even a request came from the Arctic Institute about the author.

I will be extremely, very, infinitely grateful to you.

    The Russian Imperial House, now safely REIGNING in Russia, took the Russian throne due to the election of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to the kingdom by the Zemsky Council on February 21, 1613.

Computers use BINARY coding to represent information.

Opening the eyes of society to our social needs and ills is, of course, a REPRESENTATIVE goal.

A truly artistic comedy can never be OUT OF DATE.

A PRACTICAL person is a person who knows how to competently use all possible tools and methods to achieve a goal.

    An impatient person can be brought to tears by vileness.

TRANSITIONAL age is a time of serious changes not only for teenagers, but also for their parents.

Today we will make CRAFTS from pine cones.

Bathe, feed with SELECTED grain. Pushkin (horse).

    I proposed an actual perpetual motion machine, the drawing and idea of ​​which were published in the magazine.

During these days, you must definitely have time to bake a SAND pie with blueberries.

Leopard seals usually lead a solitary lifestyle; it is not for nothing that they are called hermits.

Arkady cast an APPRECIATIVE glance at Katya.

Sometimes REAL life stories about love can give you serious thought and touch you to the depths of your soul.

    His wife was a doughy, CRYING woman.

The gifts were only half effective; she became more affectionate, more trusting - and that’s all.

He was trying to COMPLETE his education and asked several people to study some subjects with him.

The horse suddenly began to wriggle like a snake and rush in different directions, trying to SHAKE the rider off of itself.

He was considered a very enterprising and BUSINESS person.

    The safety of company secrets depends 80 percent on the correct SELECTION of personnel.

We tried to create our online store in such a way that, first of all, it would be COMFORTABLE for you to make purchases there.

This ended the simple, matter-of-fact and MEMORABLE speech.

In our reckless flight we abandoned everything

Potential investors continue to WAIT for the right moment to invest money, assessing the most promising areas of investment.

Option 7

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly.

Anisim was sent to prison for counterfeiting and selling counterfeit money. Chekhov, In the ravine.

The life SELECTION of a person is a responsible and serious matter, but at the same time, there is something surprisingly interesting and exciting in it.

Pyotr Ivanovich laughed loudly with his special SOUNDING laugh.

A piercing HIGH wind was blowing.

    Grandfather and grandmother sadly remembered the PAST as an irrevocable happiness.

In my work I describe the relationship of a PROBLEM child with school and family.

Various accessories of the men's toilet were also PLACED on the table in the greatest order.

In corporate culture, the ANNUAL report has long become not only evidence of the company’s stability and high professional level.

Her love was UNRETURNING, sacrificial.

    Zhukovsky kindly INTRODUCED to him one of the rooms of his apartment, empty after his wife’s departure.

And the luxurious leaves and the SOUNDING stream began to dry out from the sultry rays. This type of aircraft is OBSOLETE.

Evdokia Petrovna looks for her darling daughter with her warm blue eyes.

The envelope read: “ADDRESSEE has left”

    A DIPLOMATIC person knows how to defend his interests and dignity without insulting or humiliating another,

When the barracks were closed, the doctor’s wife suggested that Matryona Ivanovna place her at school and PROTECT her from her husband.

Drunk workers walked around the mine with an accordion. Vanka, who always walked ahead, was a GRATEFUL lead singer.

The view from the roof was IMPRESSIVE: the city stretched for many kilometers, shone with lights, made noise, and moved.

The method of SEPARATING the complete square of a binomial from a square trinomial is the basis of the algorithm for solving equations of the second degree, and is also used to simplify cumbersome algebraic expressions.

    Vasya complained that his jaw was aching and prophesied bad weather.

Some LIFE habits and inclinations now, when he was at war, hindered him, others helped him.

Almost everyone probably knows that children do not have a LANGUAGE barrier.

Everyone laughed at him and said that he was an ill-mannered IGNORANT and an uncouth blockhead who was unfamiliar with the simplest rules of decent behavior.

A calm TRUST relationship was established between them.

    LINGUAL surface of the tooth - the surface adjacent to the tongue.

All QUALIFYING competitions are held within the time limits indicated on the calendar.

During major social changes, there is an active enrichment of the VERBAL composition of the language.

Coming to the shore of the Oka, he tiredly sat down on a SANDY cliff.

Mironov experienced some kind of enduring ANIMAL fear.

    He now settled with the deaf Antipas, subsisting on carpentry.

The father rebelled against the despotic power of his grandfather, and the grandfather could not come to terms with his father’s daring RESISTANCE.

They fenced off the baggage car and placed two piglets there.

Masha, with such a clear and GRATEFUL face, went forward to meet him that his heart began to beat with joy.

The patient's breathing was heavy, intermittent, DIFFICULT.

Option 8

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly.

    Any two quantities of the same kind are COMPARATIVE: they are either equal, or one is less (more) than the other.

Speaking about an actor, it is impossible to distinguish between his character traits and his creative personality.

Yazykov expressed his judgments very directly and RELENTLESSLY, without sparing the pride of others.

Protsenko drew up a report with his own hand and ordered it to be PRINTED on a typewriter.

    This ended the simple, matter-of-fact and MEMORIBLE speech.

EVIDENCE from any official orders of the commanding officer, of course, did not take place.

In her opinion, Zakhar was the main ORDER and culprit in everything. He got Grishka into all the bad deeds.

Zolotukhina, who was generally LUCKY in her undertakings, was lucky this time too.

In the silence of the night, a SINGLE shot suddenly sounded.

    Among the enthusiastic praises of Vladimir, there are only two MENTIONS about his dark sides, and then they are extremely skillfully hidden.

These exercises contribute to a more rational use of inhaled oxygen - after all, we spend energy on every INHALE.

She had a THINKING character, and she annoyed me all the time with her whims and tears.

A company of soldiers was sent to take him dead or ALIVE.

The Malaysian Airlines plane that crashed on July 17 over the territory of Ukraine deviated 14 km from its flight path.

    At first, I, as a director, could not create a COMPLETE ensemble, general harmony in Chekhov's play.

People flocked there in large numbers, despite it being a weekday.

For a few moments, out of stubbornness, he still rushed forward in the IMMENSE fog.

He will be held criminally responsible for FORGING documents!

On the wall opposite the windows, exhibition boards with permanent and temporary information are PLACED.

    The fire that started on Kupecheskaya Street spread to the Zarechnaya part and engulfed a good half of the city.

In my opinion, there are TWO kinds of duties: duties to

others and responsibilities to oneself.

Mountain glaciers are DANGEROUS with their cracks.

Coming to the shore of the Oka, he tiredly sat down on a SAND cliff.

The best cars of the REPRESENTATIVE class were presented at the exhibition.

    “I, Agafya Semyonovna Vetrova, a resident of the village of Okayomova, inform the village Council that in the event of my death, I leave my little house with all its furnishings to my grandson Vasily Vetrov, a glass master.”

After a YEAR'S absence, he [I. A. Krylov] made another attempt to return to the capital.

The steamer was passing through the most DANGEROUS section of the route.

I have noticed more than once that you fish in these waters. Apparently you are a poor FISHERMAN?

    Bersenev fenced off his bed with screens

How fragile is earthly beauty and how fragile and TRANSITIONAL is glory.

The shooters threw the reins around the horses' necks and LET them choose the road themselves.

A court in Cambodia will decide tomorrow the issue of extraditing businessman Sergei Polonsky to Russia.

COMPARABLE concepts are those that have certain characteristics that allow these concepts to be compared with each other.

Option 9

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly.

    He was especially RESPECTIVE towards the owner and tried to please him in everything.

In the impenetrable darkness the village slept.

He once SENT some necessary paper instead of Astrakhan to Arkhangelsk.

Eh, Peter, what a VOCABULARY war broke out over lunch today, brother.

To be deeply grateful to smb. I will be extremely, very, infinitely grateful to you.

    With GREAT difficulty we got out of the forest.

How does the director think to increase the EFFICIENCY of using the fleet?

But PRACTICAL Greek and Turkish traders quickly figured out the dubiousness of this “currency” and soon, to our chagrin, recognized it as completely worthless.

Small, curly, STOCK plants delighted gardeners.

He was a RECOGNIZED leader of our small company.

    The body's resistance to disease is extremely important during a flu epidemic.

They say that star rain prophesies happiness.

He stopped at a RESPECTIVE distance from the dangerous beast.

The handsome old man behaved with behavior befitting the occasion.

It was a very skillful FAKE antique.

    A modern SOUND film cannot replace for us all the charm of the old silent film.

The army command post was located in dugouts and trenches.

Fireweed seeds obtained from ARTIFICIAL pollination gave first shoots

It was hard to admit that I was once again mistaken in my CHOICE,

    The round roof of the greenhouse could be seen from behind a clump of WEEPING birches.

It is necessary to immediately take the most decisive measures to overcome enemy RESISTANCE.

In the event of loss of wheel traction due to the formation of a “water wedge”, the driver must REDUCE speed.

CHOOSE better apples.

I’ll write something to REJECT suspicion.

    Water poured into the boiler from invisible pipes and quickly FILLED it.

They assured that she helped her father in his cheating crafts.

The wine sparkles in the sun, thick, OILY.

Mass RECRUITMENT of personnel is carried out in the conditions of opening a new enterprise.

I reasoned incoherently, and not thoughts flashed through my mind, but only SNAPs of thoughts.

    The figurine of the dancer was EXCELLENTLY carved from wood.

He FILLED the young Red Army man's kettle with fatty, rich soup.

Well, you LEAVE me to decide my affairs myself and know what to read and what not to...

The results of the competition will be announced at the end of the year. The winners receive cash grants and a TRANSIENT Banner.

You should find the DIFFERENCES between two images of children

Option 10

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly.

    The channel was already lined with STONE slabs.

Making a decision, making a CHOICE from several alternative options is a task that we have to solve constantly

Nastya’s impatient joyful anticipation gave way to anxiety, despair, and shame.

Startsev was PROVIDED with Ekaterina Ivanovna, an eighteen-year-old girl.

LIMITED resources are relative.

    The choice of EXECUTIVE class cars today is large.

This treaty contradicts the ROOT interests of all Arab peoples.

How to LOWER DC voltage?

Along the way, grandfather sold and bought leather, wool, and wax with a BENEFIT for himself.

The situation in the apartment was UNSOLVED.

    He remembered very well that on the plate lay a large, ruddy potato, WHOLE, and half a second.

At the Millerovo station, Grigory was PROVIDED with a regular cart.

Sergei Vasilievich was ELECTED as a full member of the Academy of Sciences.

I read, while forgetting myself, EXTRACTS of northern poems.

Winter has covered the fields with snow.

    The board confirmed the landlady's story to him, ADDING it with details.

Versilov PROVIDED Tatyana Pavlovna, the midshipman, and the cook.

Now the Japanese can no longer subject this trade to the same restrictions that are subject to relations with the Dutch.

By praising him, I thereby HUMILIATED myself in front of him.

Suddenly there was an unpleasant, one might say, EVIL laughter.

    She was considered a rich bride, and many MARRIED her for themselves or for their sons.

There was a difficult check of CASH ahead with trips to different parts of the county.

He was an EVIL, cold and mocking man.

WAITING for the ferry, they both lay down in the shade.

Once you take a sip of this water, you want to fall again and again to this wonderful LIFE-LIFE source; look at your mirror image.

    It’s clear even from his suit that Vikhrev’s business is bad: his Swedish jacket is cracked and rusty, his dirty travel underwear is in the most POOR state, his boots are thin.

And how irritated he was when inappropriately zealous “guardians” tried to DISCOVER him from living life.

WE EXPECT decisive action from you.

Not quickly, but in time she DODGED his blow.

It was urgently necessary to REPLENISH food supplies.

    On the very first day of school, Thomas singled out two boys from among the boys who immediately seemed more interesting to him than the others.

The silver bracelet GRAPED my wrist.

"United Russia" joined the CENTRAL Democratic International (CDI), which unites about 120 parties around the world.

Despite the frequent MEMORIES of the gendarmes to hand over my notebooks as quickly as possible, I hesitated.

The kittens FIT in the basket.

Option 11

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly.

    The Scythian gold found in the crypts of Ust-Alminsky was named at a meeting to sum up the work of archaeological expeditions as an impressive result of the current season of excavations in Crimea.

The river SEPARATES the hay meadow from the arable land.

This time the old man was in uniform, with a star, so when we met he behaved with SIMILAR grandeur.

The day before, the long-awaited qualifying match of the national football championship took place.

Learn to DODGE blows.

    The whole novel is very drawn out; it would FIT quite comfortably in one part.

Foma took with him from the old man a DOUBLE feeling: he liked Shchurov and at the same time was disgusted.

The thought that he could lose Anatoly was unbearable for Fyodor Vasilyevich.

The worker in the black OIL cap shouted angrily.

The user gets the opportunity to play the PLAY machine online without registration, just for fun.

    They crowd towards the waters and, bending down, look into them, and do not look enough, and do not ENJOY their bright appearance.

The lady stopped chewing, shook off the crumbs, and bowed her head.

The unexpected insult and pain FILLED the cup of patience.

For your feat I WILL present you with a medal.

It was proposed to DOWNLOAD his rank.

    Here, near a thick elm tree, there was a bench carved into a huge SOLID stone, around which ivy curled and field jasmine and rose hips grew.

It got dark - we moved to our original positions.

Happy MEMORIES, bright and joyful images of childhood help us, adults, in difficult moments of life.

The DICTIONARY composition of the German language includes words from Latin, French, Italian, English and some other languages.

Too trusting people often become the target of various kinds of scammers and deceivers.

    The grandfather came in with a pile of dirty and wet HORSE harness.

Please FILL OUT the form in block letters using a pen with black or blue ink.

The path is FENCED with rosehip bushes.

A rapid increase in the number of microbes and a simultaneous weakening of the body's RESISTANCE leads to the occurrence of diseases.

Tropical RAIN forests are a source of wood, food, genetic, medical materials, and minerals.

    The war SHAKED the masses, awakened them to unheard of horrors and suffering.

It was getting chilly. Alyosha wore a jacket, Kovbysh wore his father’s jacket.

Fulfilling such an ordinary request [writing a letter] MADE IT DIFFICULT for the old people.

Vladimir Pchelintsev in September 1941 became one of the ORIGINS of the sniper movement on the Leningrad Front.

    Try to REPLENISH your food supply from local resources.

Traders WAITED, anticipating higher prices.

It was as if nature wanted to sharply DELIMIT the coastal area here from the Iman River basin.

Ilya Leontievich was annoyed with this whole story and could not find in himself either SUCH peace or spiritual silence.

CHOICE in life is a responsible and serious matter, but at the same time, there is something surprisingly interesting and exciting about it.

Option 12

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly.

    In moments of financial crisis, I freely draw from his wallet, and he is never in a hurry to repay the debt.

There are a lot of EVIL people everywhere, but you won’t find good ones soon.

It turned out that those who drink 5-6 small cups of tea a day have a much higher body RESISTANCE to disease than those who prefer other drinks.

The standard for PRESENTING the area of ​​residential premises under a social tenancy agreement is the minimum size of the area of ​​​​living premises.

As I remember the PAST, I look forward more boldly.

    The silent Pavel Streltsov always asked Tiunov about something of PRACTICAL importance.

Fireweed seeds obtained from ARTIFICIAL pollination have given their first shoots.

What was going on in this PROUD and unhappy soul?

PASSING the ball is one of the most important and most technically complex elements of basketball, the most important element in the game of a point guard.

The darkness around was IMMENSE.

    OILSEEDS are plants cultivated to produce fatty oils.

An active volcano is a volcano that periodically erupts at the present time or within the memory of mankind.

This room had three windows facing the street and was FENCED with a low screen in half.

FULL and prosperous, they did not feel any desire for change.

The pedestrian was CAUGHT: before crossing the road, he carefully looked around.

    The command proposed to reward him with a military badge for his military excellence.

On the “Consciousness” collective farm, agronomist Ivashev, when treating, LOWERED germination with an overly concentrated formaldehyde solution.

An eagle swam high above the CLAY cliff of the river.

The unexpected insult and pain overflowed the cup of patience in the soul of the old man.

Our plan subsequently underwent changes.

    He did not yet have full control of his left hand, but it had lost its EVIL bluish color and was incomparably warmer.

All the female relatives PRESENTED him into military service, and the male relatives into civilian service.

We were introduced and I liked this INTRODUCTION ceremony.

This type of aircraft is OBSOLETE.

    Father noticed Gleb’s small ACTIONS and made comments to him every time at dinner.

Already under the son of the Terrible, Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich, PLAYING cards came to Russia in significant quantities among other European goods.

Rostov, from the time of his loss, decided that he would PAY this debt to his parents in five years.

SEPARATION of the bay will create a new salt lake of extraordinary size.

According to the functional content of types of labor, labor is distinguished between PRODUCTIVE and unproductive labor.

    A steam boat was WAITING for us near the pier.

White made profitable exchanges, won the opponent's weak DOUBLED pawn and slowly realized the advantage.

The entire estate is BURNED from the world by a wooden fence in the style of a front garden.

Stopping sometimes, he listened to the dull noise of frozen branches and heard a yelp once or twice.

The boy experienced incomparable pleasure from the wonderful landscape that suddenly opened up before him.

Option 13

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly.

    In the event of an attack on the center, we place the CENTRAL battery on this hill and, under its cover, pull together the left flank.

In the GAMING rooms, around the green tables, the same familiar figures were crowded.

In the second half of the night the wind began to subside a little, but the rain came with DOUBLE force.

We suffered a lot of grief. We endured hunger and cold.

After a YEAR break, Einstein became a student at the Swiss Cantonal School.

    Most small cinemas could not PAY utilities and taxes for the month.

Those gathered in a warm atmosphere discussed the creative path and the best works of the masters, emphasizing their RECOGNIZED talent.

The incident I told you is a REAL fact that happened not far from my village.

There was another favorite in prison - a red and fat kitten, a small, playful animal spoiled by everyone.

Often LUCKY people are called people who have many times found themselves in life-threatening situations and come out of them safely.

    In the form of PRODUCTION in a capitalist society, any labor appears that is directly exchanged for capital and produces profit.

GLASS grains of raindrops rolled down Rita's jacket, which was shiny with moisture.

In one night he AGED several years.

The defeats of the TSAR's troops revealed to the broadest masses of the people the rottenness of tsarism.

At the end of the program, your guests will be treated to a SPECTACULAR spectacle: the plane will fly over the airfield at an ultra-low altitude of 15-20 meters.

    Moscow at that time was the center to which all non-serving LOCAL Russian nobility gravitated.

There are several types of repeated and COMPARATIVE studies.

A CONFIDENT tone and simplicity create harmony in his communication with readers.

Now he intended to PROVIDE Vorontsov's order about Hadji Murat from a disadvantageous perspective.

He became bolder and began to gradually lower the nose of the pterosaur, but this experiment almost led to a disastrous result.

    The approach to solving this problem, unfortunately, is OUTDATED.

When REMINDED about his daughter, the shoemaker's jokes and smiles disappeared.

His OFFENSES were pure and noble.

AN OLD, sick man climbs the stairs to the fifth floor.

Admiring the MAJESTIC harmony of the solar system, Newton called it “a most graceful combination of the Sun, planets and comets.”

    Parents argued for a long time about how to create COMFORTABLE conditions for the baby.

DIPLOMATIC immunity - special rights and advantages granted to foreign diplomats on the territory of those states in which they are located to carry out their mission.

The success of this business is very PROBLEMATIC.

You won't find an Idle piece of land in the field.

This article provides instructions on how to configure SINGLE spacing settings for both lines and paragraphs.

    He was a smart, DISCIPLINED student.

Many Russian historians absolutely rightly consider Ivan III to be the FOREIGNER of the construction of the Russian state

The ravine, filled with RAINY waters, surpassed the Terek itself in its ferocity.

Avoid the IGNORANT who thinks he is a scientist.

A course in cultural studies, which is studied at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, is designed to fill the gaps in knowledge of the requirements of military and general civil etiquette.

Answers from options 1 to 4

1 option

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

shake it off























Answers from 5 to 8 options

Option 5

Option 6

Option 7

Option 8


got old







has provided














Answers from options 9 to 12

Option 9

Option 10

Option 11

Option 12

Option 13































Task formulation:

5.In one of the sentences below WRONG The highlighted word is used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

The meeting will take place if there is a quorum.

Paustovsky is kind to the people who met him on the path of LIFE and populated his book.

Anna GRABED her daughter and spun her around the room.

We stood on a high bank and admired the ROYAL flow of the Volga.

One day my father got me a SUBSCRIBER for a series of lectures on cinema.

Theoretical knowledge to perform:

Paronyms- these are words with the same root, belonging to the same part of speech, similar in sound, but having different lexical meanings.

Dictionary of paronyms:

Subscription – subscriber

Artistic – artistic

Poor - disastrous

Unresponsive – irresponsible

Swampy - swampy

Grateful – grateful

Charitable - beneficial

Former - former

Inhale - sigh

Age-old - eternal

Great - majestic

Replenish – supplement – ​​fill – fill – overflow – replenish; filled – filled – overflowing

Hostile - hostile

Choosing - choosing

Benefit – profitability

Issue – release – transfer – distribution

Payment - payment - payment - payment

pay - pay - pay - repay - pay

Grow - grow - grow

Growing - growing - growing

High - high-rise

Guaranteed – guaranteed

Harmonic – harmonious

Clay - clay

Annual – annual – annual

Pride - pride

Humanism - humanity

Humanistic – humanitarian – humane

Binary – double – dual – double – doubled – doubled

Effective – valid – effective

Busy – businesslike – efficient – ​​efficient

Democratic - democratic

Dictation - dictatorship Diplomat - diplomat

Diplomatic – diplomatic

Long – long

Kind - kind

Confidential - trusting

Rainy - rainy

Dramatic – dramatic

Friendly – ​​friendly – ​​friendly

Single - the only one

Desired – desirable

Cruel - tough

Life - worldly

Housing - residential

fence off - fence off - fence off - fence off - fence off

lower - lower - lower

Initiator - instigator

Bestial - brutal

Sound - sonorous

Visual - spectator

Inventive - inventive

Informative – informational

Information – awareness

Ironic - ironic

Artificial - artificial

Executive - executive

Outgoing – outgoing

Stony - stone

Comfortable – comfortable

Equestrian - horse

Chunky – root – root

Bone - bone

Colorful – dyeing – dyed

Lacquered – varnished

Ice - icy

Wooded – forested

Personal - personal

Microscopic – microscopic

Ice cream – freezer – frosty

Put on - put on

Availability – cash

Reminder - mention

Ignorant - ignorant

Intolerable – impatient – ​​intolerant

Unsuccessful – unlucky

Accused - Accused

Snippet - excerpt

To embrace - to embrace

limit - limit - limit

Call - response

Organic – organic

Selective – qualifying

Deviation - evasion

deviate - evade

Distinguish (s) – distinguish (s)

Difference - difference

Memorable – memorable

Endure - endure

Purchasing – purchasing – purchasing

Populist – popular

Honorable – respectful – honorable

Practical - practical

Provide – present

Representative - representative

Recognized – grateful

Productive - grocery

Productivity - production

Productive – production

Enlightening - enlightened

Journalistic - journalistic

Shy - scared

Irritability - irritability

Rhythmic – rhythmic

Romantic – romantic

Secretive - hidden

Vocabulary - verbal

Resistance - resistance

Neighboring - neighborly

Comparable – comparative

Stage - scenic

Technical – technical

Lucky - lucky

Humiliated – humiliating

Actual - factual

Predatory – predatory

Royal - royal - reigning

Whole – whole – whole

Economical – economical – economical

Aesthetic – aesthetic

Ethical – ethical

Effective – spectacular

Efficiency - effectiveness

Dictionary of paronyms with the meaning of words.


Subscription- the right to use something for a certain period, as well as a document certifying this right.

Examples: concert, theater, interlibrary, telephone, old; subscription to a series of lectures, to the skating rink, to telephone calls; subscription to the theatre, conservatory, swimming pool; purchase, buy a subscription; use a subscription; expire your subscription.

Subscriber— the owner of the subscription (person or institution).

Examples: neat, new, city subscriber; subscriber of a library, telephone network, concert hall; the subscriber ordered and received the book; the subscriber does not answer.


Artistic- relating to the artist; intended for the artist; characteristic of an artist, an artist, characteristic of him.

Examples: artistic activity, organization, environment; artistic powers; green room; artistic temperament, character, talent; artistic flair, excitement; artistic inclinations; artistic habit.

Artistic- distinguished by artistry, artistic taste.

Examples: artistic artist, designer; artistic nature; artistic gesture; artistic movement; artistic pose, play; artistic performance, performance.


Poor - 1. Possessing very meager income, poor or indigent. 2. transfer Having a lack of something, meager. 3. only full. f. Unhappy, arousing compassion and pity.

Examples: 1) poor person; poor house; 2) poor dinner; poor environment, nature, ore; poor imagination; poor fantasy; poor syllable; poor content; life uneventful; 3) poor person; poor creature; poor kids.

Disastrous- full of disasters, hardships

Examples: distress, condition


Meek- 1. Not receiving, not giving an answer, response to something. 2. Incapable of objecting, contradicting, very meek.

Examples: 1) unrequited glance, gesture; unrequited sentence, suffering, feeling; 2) an unrequited person; unresponsive animal; unrequited submission.

Irresponsible- not bearing or not recognizing responsibility.

Examples: irresponsible person; irresponsible person, work; irresponsible attitude, behavior, decision, performance; irresponsible act, source.


MARSHY- abounding in swamps; damp, squishy. Example: In ravines and damp, swampy places, sharp sedge hurts your feet.

SWAMP- 1) related to the swamp; 2) the color of a swamp or grass growing in a swamp; dark green with a yellowish tint. Example: The mountains gave way to a quagmire, where crooked and stunted SWAMP birches grew.


Grateful— 1. Feeling or expressing gratitude. 2. transfer Allowing you to expect good results, justifying the expended effort and money.

Examples: 1) grateful person, people, look; grateful facial expression; grateful impulse; grateful feeling, memory; 2) grateful topic, soil; grateful stuff.

Thanks- containing, containing gratitude, appreciation. Examples: thank you letter; thank you telegram; words of gratitude, expressions.


Charitable- aimed at providing material assistance to those in need. Examples: charity performance, foundation; charity event, lottery.

Beneficial- useful, having a good effect. Examples: beneficial influence; beneficial coolness, moisture.


Former— 1. Previously existing. 2. Ceased to hold a position or position. Examples: former club, doctor, director; former school.

Former- past, past, former. Examples: past years; former fear; former strength, sorrow, glory; former happiness, respect.


Inhale- every single intake of air into the lungs, every single inhalation. Examples: deep, first breath; inhale with your whole chest; produce, inhale

Sigh- increased inhalation and exhalation (usually as an expression of some feeling). Examples: heavy, noisy, heartfelt sigh; a sigh of relief, regret, horror; escaped, a sigh was heard


CENTURY- living, existing for a very long time; old, many years. Example: Dense thickets of bushes alternated with CENTURY-AGED oak groves and birch forests.

ETERNAL- 1) endless in time, having neither beginning nor end; 2) does not cease to exist; persisting for many centuries; 3) not limited to any. for a period of time, valid without a term; 4) constantly doing the same thing for a very long time; being in the same state or position. Example: There are ETERNAL human values, among them the desire for equality and justice.


GREAT- 1) very large, huge; 2) outstanding in its significance, influence, in its merits; very important, famous. Example: All those present listened intently to the excited story of the GREAT writer of our time.

MAJESTIC- imbued with greatness; stately. Example: Everything about Irina delighted those around her: her MAJESTIC gait, her direct gaze, and her smile.


Replenish- compensate, add what is missing. Examples of use: fill the gap in knowledge, fill the lack of strength, fill the lack of funds.

Add- make it more complete by adding something beyond what is already there. Examples of use: supplement the answer, supplement the description with new details, complete the story.

Fill- 1) take it in its entirety, fill it out, 2) enter the necessary information. Examples of use: fill the hall, fill all the seats, fill the area; fill out the form, form, form, questionnaire.

Fill- 1) take the whole thing (pouring, pouring, applying), 2) take time. Examples of use: fill a container, basket, box, boxes; fill life with work, meaning, and entertainment.

Overfill- fill, fill beyond measure. Examples of use: fill the bottle with water, your patience will be overflowing.

Top up – will increase by adding something new to something existing.

Examples of use: Top up composition of employees. Top up library with missing books. Top up ship crews by youth.


Hostile- full of hostility, hatred. Examples: hostile attitude; hostile sides, views.

Hostile- relating to the enemy, enemy, adversary. Examples: enemy territory, artillery, defense.


Choosing- 1) taking what is needed from what is available, based on certain characteristics; 2) by participating in elections; 3) finding time for something. Examples of use: choosing the most beautiful girl, choosing the ripest fruit, choosing the chairman of the meeting, choosing the president, choosing the time for what you love.

Electing-1) giving preference to someone or something, considering options and choosing from them the necessary or desirable ones; 2) by voting to perform any duties. Usage examples: from choosing a specialty; electing the president, governor, rector, chairman, electing members of the Academy of Sciences.


Benefit- profit, income derived from something; benefit. Examples: for a profit, sell for a profit; calculate, calculate the benefit.

Profitability- a property that is beneficial. Examples: advantageous conditions, position, situation; benefit for the country.


ISSUE – 1. Action on the verb to issue.

Example: Issue of goods. Extradition of criminals.

2. Amount of money issued, goods issued.

Example: Today's issue does not exceed the normal size.

Recoil1. The action of the verb is to give.

Examples: Giving orders.

In moments of financial crisis, I freely draw from his wallet,

and he is never in a hurry to repay his debt. Kuprin "Army Ensign".

[The prince] ordered that he [the bartender] be given up as a soldier. L Tolstoy "War and Peace".

2. Return kick, throwing the ball back in the game. Example: passing the ball.

3. A sharp backward movement of a firearm or weapon when fired.

Example: And again [Dudnikov] starts shooting.

You can only see how his right shoulder trembles from the recoil. Sholokhov-Sinyavsky "Volgins".

4. The ratio of the useful work of a mechanism to the energy it absorbs;



Payout - action on the verb “to pay.” Example: Payment of wages.

Payment - money paid for something . Example: Payment of postage.

Fee - 1. Remuneration for work. Example: Wage. 2. Reimbursement of the cost of something. Example: Service fee.

Payment - 1. Action on the verb “pay” (reimburse). 2. Payment, monetary compensation. Make payment.


Pay out - give payment for something. Example: IN pay salary.

Pay - 1. Give payment for something. Example: Pay for purchases. 2. Repay (reply). Example: Pay good for good.

Pay- to give payment for something. Example: To pay the costs.

Pay back - to do something in response to someone's action, to take revenge. Example: Repay with ingratitude.

Pay - give, contribute (money) in compensation for what is due. Example: Pay off the debt.


Grow - caring, ensure the growth, development of someone or something, nurture. Example: Raise sons.

Increase - promote the growth of something, lengthen; grow in any quantity; accumulate. Example: Build muscle.

Grow - give the opportunity to achieve any size or height in growth. Example: Grow your hair.


Growing - breeding, breeding. Example: Growing tomato seedlings.

Extension - growth, strengthening, enhancement. Example: Eyelash extensions.

Growing - growing back, letting go. Example: Growing hair.


HIGH- 1) large in length from bottom to top; located far above; exceeding the usual, average height; 2) significant in quantity, intensity, degree of manifestation, etc.; exceeding the average level, the average norm; 3) very good; great; 4) Outstanding in value; honorable, important. 5) sublime, noble, devoid of selfish thoughts and feelings; 6) elevated, solemn (about language, style). Examples: HIGH mountain, HIGH ceiling, HIGH prices, HIGH voltage, HIGH ratings, HIGH reward, HIGH art, HIGH style.

HIGH-RISE- 1) related to height; 2) very tall, multi-story. Example: Rescuers quickly localized a fire in a HIGH-RISE building.


Warranty - containing a guarantee, serving as a guarantee. Example: warranty period, repair, period; letter of guarantee.

Guaranteed - secured by law or contract; one that is carried out and executed under any conditions; required. Example: guaranteed vacation, income.


Harmonic - relating to harmony; based on the principles of harmony.

Examples: in music - harmonic overtone, row, major, dissonance; harmonic scale, processing; harmonic construction, accompaniment; harmonic notes, vibrations, tones; in mathematics - harmonic series, synthesizer, analyzer, balance; harmonic mean division; harmonic vibrations.

Harmonious- containing elements of harmony; possessing coherence, coherence, mutual correspondence of different qualities of objects, phenomena, parts of the whole.


Clayey- containing clay, abounding in clay. Examples: clay soils; clay shale, soil.

Clay- made of clay. Examples: pottery; clay shard, pot; clay hearth; a colossus with feet of clay.

one-year-old - one-year-old - one-year-old

one year old- (colloquial). At the age of one year; lain, lasted a year. Examples: one-year-old daughter; one-year-old creature; one-year-old hay, wine.

Annual- 1. Relating to the whole year; resulting by the end of the year, in total for the year; calculated for a year. 2. Occurs once a year. Examples: 1) annual term, plan, income; annual courses; annual trip; annual temperature, estimate; 2) annual report, vacation; annual conference.

Annual- lasting throughout the year, relating to the whole year. Examples: tree rings, costs; one-year absence; one-year subscription to the monthly magazine.


Pride- excessive pride. Examples: excessive pride; the sinfulness of pride; pride prevailed.

Pride- self-esteem, self-respect, satisfaction from success; an excessively high opinion of oneself. Examples: offended, secretive, main pride; speak with pride; pride of the school and country; special, national pride.


Humanism— 1. Progressive movement of the Renaissance. 2. An attitude towards people imbued with love for a person and concern for his well-being. Examples: aristocratic, true, real humanism; humanism of Dostoevsky.

Humanity- a property based on the meaning of the adjective humane. Examples: show, demonstrate humanity; humanity of treatment, society, principles, sentence.


Humane- humane, philanthropic, imbued with love for people, respect for the individual. Examples: humane person, method, court; for humanitarian reasons; humanitarian goals; humane attitude, solution.

Humanistic- adjective to the nouns humanism and humanist. Examples: humanistic culture; humanistic ideas; humanistic attitude towards the individual.

Humanitarian- addressed to the human person, to human rights and interests; relating to the social sciences that study man and his culture. Examples: humanitarian disaster, relief; humanitarian cargo, convoy; liberal arts education; humanities, faculties.


Binary - based on counting in twos (pairs), based on a combination of two components. Examples: binary digit; binary number system; binary fractions; binary code.

Double- consisting of two homogeneous or similar parts, twice as large. Examples: double glazing; double mirror; double salary; double salary; double game.

Dual - contradictory, two-faced, concerning two sides, two participants. Examples: dual position; dual politics; dual agreement (bilateral agreement); dual interpretation.

Dual - manifesting itself in two meanings and forms. Examples: double meaning; double benefit.

Twin - connected into one. Examples: double thread; double wire.

Doubled - y doubled in size. Examples: redoubled forces; double stock; double reserve; double attention.


Effective- effective, capable of influencing results. Examples: effective help; effective remedy; effective measures; effective force.

Valid— 1. Really existing. 2. Valid, effective, suitable. Examples: actual fact; real life; valid travel ticket; valid for 10 days.

Active- current, working. Examples: current president, volcano; current legislature; current rules; actor; active army.


Businesslike- skillful, intelligent, enterprising. Examples: businesslike gait; businesslike look; businesslike manners.

Business- 1. Related to business, work. 2. Knowledgeable, experienced in business. Examples: business attire, tone, conversation; a business meeting; business letter; business connections; business circles.

Efficient- capable of business, of work. Examples: practical person, advice; good offer.

Businesslike- based on narrow practicality, purely pragmatic. Examples: business approach; practical decision.


Democratic- based on the principles of democracy, implementing democracy, reflecting it, belonging to it (used in phrases of a terminological nature.) Examples: democratic system; democratic system, republic; democratic camp, union, front, bloc; democratic newspaper, structure, basis, party; democratic centralism; democratic rights, freedoms.

Democratic- containing elements of democracy, democratism, simple, relating to the people. Examples: democratic person; democratic public; democratic character, action; democratic speech, discussion, education; democratic manners.


Dictation- written work consisting of recording dictated text. Examples: class, control, visual, difficult, easy dictation

Diktat- a requirement, an instruction dictated by one, strong party and imposed for unconditional fulfillment by the other, weak party. Examples: Roman dictatorship; an established, powerful dictate; dictatorship of the ruling elite, monopolies, cabinet; diktat politics; family dictate; dictate of father, mother.


Diploma holder - 1. A person awarded a diploma for successful performance at a competition, festival, etc. 2. A student preparing a final or diploma thesis. Examples: 1) winner of a pianist (vocalist) competition, international exhibition; 2) a graduate of an art school or university.

Diplomat— 1. An official engaged in diplomatic activities and work in the field of foreign relations. 2. transfer About a person who acts subtly, skillfully (colloquial). Examples: 1) smart, subtle, big, famous, old, experienced, cunning, foreign, Soviet diplomat; 2) bad, subtle, great diplomat.


Diplomatic- relating to diplomacy (meaning: activities to implement the foreign international policy of the state) and to diplomats. Examples: diplomatic corps, personnel, immunity, protocol; diplomatic mission, position, service; diplomatic post, rank; diplomatic relations, channels; diplomatic note, politeness, subtlety.

Diplomatic- dexterous, skillfully and subtly acting; subtly calculated. Examples: diplomatic person, refusal, action, approach to business; diplomatic behavior, speech; diplomatic speech.


Long- 1. Having a large length, extension; just briefly. f. longer than necessary; (colloquial) about a person: tall. 2. Slow dragging. Examples: 1) long tail; long stick; long dress, letter; long hair; the sleeve is long; the skirt is long; long old man; 2) long night, winter, life, song; long report; long case; long story.

Long- long-term. Examples: long-term illness; long-term treatment; long training; long silence; long stay, absence; long observations, searches, applause.


Kind- 1) responsive, ready to help, disposed towards others, 2) good, bringing joy, success, good. Examples: a kind person, a kind smile, a memory, a kind face, a kind look, good news, a good sign, a good omen.

Solid- well, solidly made. Examples: good furniture, material, good house.


Confiding- trusting, nurturing trust. Examples: trusting child, person, teacher; trusting girl, trusting creature, trusting people.

Trustee- expressing trust. Examples: confidential atmosphere, conversation, intonation; trusting relationship; confidential conversation, tone.


Rain- associated with rain, caused by rain, bringing rain; designed to protect against rain. Examples: rainwater; raindrops, streams; rain net (translated), cloud; rain clouds; rain canopy, umbrella, raincoat.

Rainy- abundant rains. Examples: rainy season, year; rainy autumn; rainy morning; rainy weather.


Dramatic— 1. Relating to drama. 2. About the singer’s voice: strong, somewhat harsh in timbre, in contrast to the lyrical one. Examples: 1) dramatic work; drama theatre, actor, hero, conflict; 2) dramatic tenor; dramatic soprano.

Dramatic— 1. Containing elements of drama, tension, expressing strong, deep experiences and feelings. 2. Designed for effect, pompous. Examples: 1) dramatic love, situation; dramatic incident; dramatic news; 2) dramatic pose; dramatic gesture, appearance.


Friendly- relating to a friend, belonging to, characteristic of him, characterizing the relationship of friends. Examples: friendships; friendly circle, conversation, advice, hello; friendly meeting, conversation, smile; friendly participation; friendly cartoon

Friendly- mutually benevolent, based on friendliness, expressing affection (mainly about states, peoples and relations between them). Examples: friendly people; friendly countries; friendly environment, politics; friendly cooperation; friendly relations, connections; friendly attention.

Friendly- bound by friendship, mutual agreement, occurring simultaneously, in concert. Examples: friendly class; Friendly team; friendly work; friendly laughter; friendly applause.


The only one- one besides which there is no other; exceptional. Examples: only friend, son, possessor, house, path; single goal; the only flaw; the only passion, joy, joy, request; the only entertainment.

Unit- the only one. Separate, isolated, individual. Examples: isolated case, example, fact; single works.


Desired- 1. Very expected, an object of desire. 2. only adj. Dear, dear. Examples: 1) desired hour, rest; desired news; welcome meeting; welcome guest, sound, voice; desired word; desired destiny; 2) desired name; desired friend, son; desired land.

Desirable- needed for something, corresponding to someone’s desires, interests, expectations. Examples: desired answer, result, approach; desired direction; desirable qualities; desired post; desired destination.


Cruel- 1) merciless, merciless, too harsh, 2) too strong Examples: cruel person, cruel act, cruel plan, cruel reprisal, severe frosts, cruel wind, severe headache.

Hard- 1) hard to the touch, strong, dense, 2) stern, sharp, 3) not allowing deviations Examples: tough person, tough position, tough words, tough look, tough schedule, tough deadlines.


Vital- 1) related to life, 2) important for life Examples: life interest, path; vital indication for surgery; vitality, luck, drama, tragedy.

Everyday- mundane, associated with daily life. Examples: everyday problem, vanity, worldly wisdom; an everyday matter; everyday little things, everyday habits.


Residential- intended for housing. Examples: living rooms; residential development, area; residential building, view.

Housing- adjective to the noun dwelling. Examples: housing issue; housing reform; living conditions; housing construction.


Block out- 1) to make a fence near something, around something. Examples: fence off the garden; fence the garden; 2) to obscure, to close something from someone or something. Example: to block yourself from the curious.

Fence- separate from the environment. Examples: fence off an experimental plot; The ancient castle is surrounded by a moat.

Fence- 1) surround it with a fence. Examples: the garden is fenced with a patterned hedge; the path is fenced with rosehip bushes; 2) using any measures to protect from anyone’s encroachments, attacks, or from any danger. Examples: protect from attacks, insults; protect the child from the influence of the street.

Fence off- 1) to separate by placing a partition, fence, or some kind of barrier. Examples: fence off part of the room; fence off the yard from the street; 2) deprive of connection with someone or something, separate, isolate. Examples: to isolate the pupil from living life.

Block off- separate with a partition or something blocking it. Example: block the veranda; block the room with a closet.

Lower - lower - lower

Understate- make it lower than normal, necessary: ​​lower the requirements; lower estimates.

Downgrade- 1) make it lower: lower prices; lower the voltage; reduce salary; lower the water temperature; reduce product quality; lower your voice; 2) transfer to a lower position: demote; demote in rank.

Reduce- reduce: reduce flight altitude; reduce pressure, reduce costs; reduce prices; reduce speed.

Initiator - instigator

Starter- the founder of something new, good, significant: the founder of a new direction in art.

Instigator- an initiator of something bad, encouraging others to do the same: the instigator of a fight; the instigator of the scandal; the instigator of a quarrel; instigators of street riots.

Bestial - brutal

Animal- inherent in the beast, characteristic of the beast; cruel, ferocious; excessively strong: animal skin, animal trail; animal lifestyle; animal custom; bestial melancholy, bestial horror.

Brutal- characteristic of a beast, bestial; cruel, ferocious, wild; very strong, extreme: brutal appearance; brutal murder; brutal torture; brutal heat; brutal appetite.

Sound - sonorous

Sound- “sound” corresponding in meaning to the noun, associated with it and characteristic of it: sound waves; sound laws; talkies.

Sonorous- emitting loud clear sounds: a sonorous bell; sonorous voice.

Visual - spectator

Visual- related to vision; intended for spectators: visual memory; optic nerve; visual impressions; auditorium.

Spectator- adj. to noun spectator: spectator interest; audience reviews; People's Choice Award.

Inventive - inventive

Inventive- resourceful, quick to invent, capable of inventing: inventive mind; inventive boy.

Inventive- adj. to the nouns “inventor”, “invention”; inventive activity; inventive talent; invention competition.

Informative - informational - information - awareness

Informative— full of important useful information, informative: an informative report; informative lecture; informative article.

Informational— containing information, disseminating information: newsletter; information Technology.

Information- information, explanations, presentation, this is any data that interests anyone: information about the world around us; give information; newspaper information; incorrect information.

Awareness— awareness, degree of possession of information: awareness of workers about their rights; increase user awareness; public awareness.

Ironic - ironic

Ironic- concluding irony: ironic attitude; ironic remark; ironic look; ironic smile.

Ironic- with irony: ironic hint; he is a cheerful, ironic person; light, ironic tone of the letter; ironic question from the presenter; ironic writing style; ironic question; ironic tone.

Artificial - artificial

Skillful- skilled, knowledgeable about his job; superbly crafted: a skilled tailor; skilled craftsman; a skilled jeweler; a skilled pianist; a skilled magician; a skilled swordsman; skillful drawing; skillful carving; skillful finishing; skillful work.

Artificial- 1) made like the real thing, unnatural: artificial fiber; artificial irrigation; artificial lighting; 2) feigned, insincere: artificial laughter; artificial cheerfulness.

Executive - performing

Executive- having the task of executing decisions, resolutions, and practically carrying out management; diligent, fulfilling instructions and duties well: executive power; executive agency; Executive Director; executive committee; executive girl; conscientious and diligent employee.

Performing- adj. to noun performer: performing skills; performing technique; performing arts; performing style.

Outgoing - outgoing

Original- initial, starting: starting position; starting line.

Outgoing— (about correspondence) a document sent from an institution: outgoing mail; outgoing number.

Rocky - stony

Rocky- containing many stones; abundant in stone, covered with stone: rocky ground; rocky valley; rocky tropics; rocky soil.

Stone- 1) made of stone: stone staircase; stone fence; stone house; stone structure; stone block; stone city; a stone bridge; stone architecture; stone wall; 2) like a stone (motionless, frozen, insensitive): stone face; stone figure; heart of stone

Comfortable - comfortable

Comfortable- characterized by comfort, convenient, cozy: comfortable cottage; comfortable housing; comfortable hotel; comfortable plane.

Comfortable- the most favorable for the normal functioning of the body and human well-being, delivering pleasant sensations: a comfortable life; comfortable conditions; comfortable environment; comfortable condition; comfortable environment; comfortable situation; comfortable solitude; comfortable climate; comfortable stay; comfortable rest; comfortable travel; comfortable ride; comfortable flight; comfortable cruise; comfortable overnight stay; comfortable furniture; comfortable living conditions.

Equestrian - horse

Equestrian- 1) related to horses: equestrian competitions; stud farm; horse fair; 2) acting with the help of horses: horse-drawn carriage 3) riding on horseback: cavalry army; mounted patrol; mounted police.

Horse- 1) belonging to a horse, relating to it, equine: horse tail; horse mane; horse bridle; 2) an integral part of some botanical names: horse sorrel; horse chestnut

Root - stocky - root

Root- 1) primordial, original (usually about the inhabitants of a certain area, representatives of a certain environment): indigenous population; native Siberian; native Petersburger; indigenous people; 2) the most important, basic, decisive, affecting the very foundations of something: radical transformations; fundamental changes.

Stocky- strong build, broad-shouldered, but short (about a person): stocky figure; stocky type of build; stocky man.

Root- 1) related to the root of plants: root branch; root part of the plant; 2) representing the root of the word: root morpheme.

Bone - bone

Bone- extracted from bones: bone tissue; bone diseases; bone glue; bone flour; bone fat.

Bone- made of bone: a knife with a bone handle; bone buttons; bone figurine; bone glue; bone meal.

Colorful - dyed - dyeing

Colorful- 1) characterized by bright colors: colorful colors; colorful table; 2) bright, expressive: colorful speech; colorful example; colorful description; colorful story.

Painted- painted, covered with paint: painted floor.

Coloring- containing paint, used to color something: coloring matter; coloring composition.

Lacquered - lacquered

Varnished- varnished: patent leather; lacquered furniture; patent leather shoes; patent leather bag; patent leather belt; varnished floor.

Varnish- made of lacquer, leather, wood, papier-mâché or metal coated with varnish: lacquer production; varnish shop; varnish solution; varnish paints; varnish oils; lacquer box; lacquer tray.

Ice - icy

Ice- 1) consisting of ice, ice: ice blockage; 2) located, located on ice: ice palace; ice road; ice airport; 3) occurring in ice: ice expedition; ice trek.

Ice- 1) consisting of ice, covered with ice: ice block; ice cover; icy peaks; 2) very cold (cold as ice): icy wind; ice wave; icy fingers; 3) extremely restrained, contemptuously cold, destroying: icy tone; icy gaze; icy reception.

Wooded - forest

Wooded- heavily wooded: wooded area; wooded shores.

Forest- located in the forest, living, growing in the forest; covered with forests; related to forestry: forest thicket; forest resources; Forest Lake; forest path; wild strawberry; forest birds; forest animals; forest area; forest edge; forest side; Forestry Institute

Personal - personal

Personal- relating to the individual (bookish personal approach; personal character; personal world; personal motives.

Private- belonging to a specific person; belonging to a person; affecting the interests of any person: personal property; personal weapons; private security; personal secretary; personal opinion; personal rights of citizens; personal integrity; private bussiness; personal life; personal insult.

Microscopic - microscopic

Microscopic- 1) produced using a microscope; very small, visible only with a microscope: microscopic analysis; microscopic examination; microscopic algae; 2) (trans.) extremely small: microscopic pension; microscopic income.

Microscopic- extremely small (negligible in size): microscopic dose; microscopic size; microscopic damage; microscopic benefit.

Ice cream - freezing - frosty

Frozen- subjected to freezing; spoiled by frost: frozen products; frozen vegetables; frozen fish; frozen potatoes.

Freezer— intended for freezing: freezer; freezing shop; freezer trawler; freezer; freezing equipment.

Frosty- very cold; resulting from frost; associated with the effects of frost: frosty day; frosty air; frosty night; Frost patterns; frosty window; frosty wind.

put on - put on

Put on- cover YOURSELF with clothes; put something on yourself: put on a fur coat.

Dress- to clothe SOMEONE in some clothes, to put something on someone: to dress a child.

Availability - cash

Availability- presence, existence: to be available; availability of evidence; availability of goods in the store.

Availability- 1) availability, presence: documents in hand; 2) available money: cash on hand; check cash.

Reminder - mention

Reminder- words to remind: important reminder; reminder of the agreement; reminder of the agreement; reminder about yourself; birthday reminder; reminder on the computer.

Mention- words relating to someone, said not specifically, but casually: mention of an actor; mention by the way; relevant mention; mentions in the press.

Ignorant - ignoramus

Ignorant- an impolite, rude, ill-mannered person: only an ignorant person does not give up his seat on public transport.

Ignorant- a poorly educated, little-knowledgeable person (from the verb “to know” - to know): a complete ignoramus in the field of physics; be ignorant of technology.

Intolerable - impatient - intolerant

Intolerable- difficult to bear; very strong in severity: unbearable pain; unbearable resentment; unbearable heat; unbearable grief.

Impatient— experiencing or expressing impatience: impatient buyer; impatient anticipation.

Intolerant- 1) one that cannot be tolerated; unacceptable: intolerable act; intolerant behavior; intolerable behavior; intolerant treatment; 2) one who is intolerant: he is a limited and intolerant person.

Unsuccessful - unlucky

Unsuccessful- accompanied by failures, ending in failure, not bringing the desired results; not what you wanted: bad day; bad trip; unsuccessful attempts; failed experiment; bad photo; bad poem.

Unfortunate- one who is unlucky, haunted by failures: an unlucky person, an unlucky opponent, an unlucky challenger, an unlucky opponent, an unlucky player.

Accused - Accused

Accused- one who is found guilty: accused of theft; accused of lying; accused of embezzlement of funds; accused of a crime; innocently accused; accused of murder.

Accusatory- containing an accusation: accusatory speech; conviction; closing indictment; the accusatory party.

Snippet - excerpt

Scrap- 1) torn piece: a piece of rope; 2) separate, unrelated, scattered parts (words, thoughts, some information): fragments of memories.

Excerpt- part of a work or narrative: an excerpt from a novel; prose excerpt; song excerpt; excerpt from the poem.

To embrace - to embrace

Grasp- hug, enclose between outstretched arms, fingers, paws: grasp a tree; wrap your fingers around your wrist.

Cover- 1) to perceive something large in its entirety: to take it in with one’s gaze; to embrace with the mind; 2) include, introduce something into the circle: cover with care; cover the entire block with campaigning; 3) to enclose within one’s limits: the flames engulfed the house; joy filled my soul.

limit - limit - limit

Limit- put in some kind of framework, and also make less, reduce: limit the rights of someone; limit exports; limit your time working at the computer; restrict access to sites; limit yourself in expenses.

Delimit- having differentiated, to separate one from another: to delimit one phenomenon from another; to delimit the reserve area from the park.

Delimit— divide, denoting boundaries: delineate responsibilities; separate the kitchen and living room; differentiate concepts.

Call - response

Hail- an exclamation that attracts attention: the call of a sentry.

Response- 1) response to a call, to addressed words: a child’s response to the mother’s call; 2) reaction to something: responses to a football match; response to words; response to a vacancy.

Organic - organic

Organic- 1) characterized by life processes, alive; formed as a result of the decomposition of animal and plant organisms: organic world; organic nature; organic matter; organic life; organic residues; 2) relating to the internal structure; relating to the foundations, the very essence of something: organic damage to the heart; organic unity of theory and practice; organic aversion to lies.

Organic- conditioned by the very essence of something, organically inherent in someone or something: an organic alloy of the best human qualities; strong and organic relationships; organic process; a single organic ensemble; organic actor; organic performance on stage; truthful, reliable, organic transmission of the most subtle movements of the soul.

Selective - qualifying

Selected- selected from among others as the best in quality: selected apples.

Qualifying- selection officer: selection committee; qualifying competitions.

Deviation - evasion

Deviation- 1) some abnormality, strangeness in behavior: deviation in behavior; 2) refusal: dismissal of the appeal.

Evasion- the desire to avoid any events, actions, to circumvent them: evasion of service; tax avoidance.

deviate - evade

Deviate— 1) move away from the accepted direction of movement: deviate from the course; 2) move on to another topic in a conversation: deviate from the topic of conversation.

Dodge- try to avoid something: avoid work; avoid answering.

Distinguish - distinguish

Distinguish- someone-something FROM someone-something. 1) to establish a difference between someone or something: to distinguish one type of product from another; distinguish truth from lies; 2) reward: recognize a brave man; to be distinguished with a medal.

Distinguish- 1) recognize by sight or with the help of other senses: it is difficult to distinguish something in the dark; distinguish the aroma; distinguish a familiar voice in the noise; 2) to establish a difference between someone or something: to distinguish by color; distinguish between twins.

Difference - difference

Difference- a sign that creates a difference, a difference between someone or something: a significant difference; minor differences; find four differences.

Difference- difference, dissimilarity: significant difference.

Memorable - memorable

Retentive- has a good memory, remembers easily, does not forget what is needed: a memorable person; mindful student.

Memorable- preserved in memory, unforgettable: a memorable day of life; memorable meeting; memorable trip.

Endure - endure

Endure it- suffer a lot; enduring, overcoming: enduring hunger and cold; endure a lot of grief.

Endure- 1) to endure a lot, to endure: to endure all sorts of hardships; 2) undergo revision, change: the plan has undergone changes.

Buying - buying - buying

Purchasing- associated with the opportunity to buy: the purchasing power of the population; purchasing power of the ruble.

Buyer- adj. to noun buyer: customer demand; buyer conference.

Purchased- relating to the purchase; one that is bought, purchased: the purchase price of land; purchase price; The dress is not purchased, but sewn at home.

Populist - popular

Populist- appealing to the broad masses and promising them a quick and easy solution to pressing social problems: populist promises; populist rhetoric; populist politics; populist movement.

Popular- understandable, accessible, uncomplicated in presentation; enjoying wide fame, public sympathy: popular presentation; popular lectures; popular encyclopedia; popular publication; popular magazine; popular song; popular singer; popular actor.


Venerable- inspiring respect, deserving respect: respectable scientist; venerable age.

Respectful- treating someone with respect: respectful son.

Honorable-1. elected as a sign of respect, honor Example: venerable academician. 2. - being an expression of honor Example: To confer an honorary title. P. sign. P. guard. 3. - respected, deserving of it Example: P. guest. P. citizen of the city. 4. - doing honor to someone Example: Honorable duty. Honorary work watch. P. peace (not violating honor, dignity).

Practical - practical

Practical- related to practice: practical advice; practical skill; practical interest; practical work; Practical activities; practical psychology; practical training; practical ingenuity; practical lesson; practical guide; practical guide.

Practical- 1) experienced, well versed in life’s affairs: a practical business executive; practical person; 2) comfortable, profitable, economical: practical clothes; practical way.

Provide - submit

Provide- 1) give at disposal, use: provide an apartment; provide leave; 2) give the opportunity to say, do: provide the right to argue; give the floor; provide a loan; provide a loan; 3) provide opportunity: provide opportunities for implementation.

Introduce— 1) introduce: introduce a new employee; introduce the guest; 2) present, give the opportunity to get acquainted with something: present a report; submit a scientific work; 3) nominate for an award: nominate for an award; 4) imagine: imagine a lunar landscape.

Representative - representative

Executive- relating to a representative office or representative: representative office.

Recognized - grateful

Recognized- enjoying general recognition; famous: recognized talent; featured artist; recognized authority.

Grateful— experiencing, expressing gratitude: a grateful look; appreciative handshake.

Productive - grocery

Productive— 1) bringing results, creating value, productive, fruitful: productive approach; productive type; productive solution;

productive sentence; 2) one that produces products (about farm animals): productive livestock; 3) (linguistic term) currently active: a productive way of education.

Grocery- related to the sale, storage, processing, transportation of products; grocery: grocery store; food warehouse; grocery department; food rations; grocery set; food stall.

Productivity - production.

Performance— 1) fruitfulness, productivity: cost productivity; 2) The ability to produce a given quantity of products: a large-capacity plant; labor productivity.

Production- 1) the social process of creating material wealth, covering both the productive forces of society and the production relations of people. Example: commodity production. 2) Manufacturing, production, creation of some kind of product. Example: steel production.

Production - productive

Industrial- related to production, industry: production process; production plan; production tasks.

Productive- bringing obvious results, productive: productive waste of time.

Enlightening - enlightened

Educational- adj. to noun educator and enlightenment: educational activities; educational ideas; educational project; educational character.

Enlightened- educated, with a high level of culture: an enlightened person; an enlightened society; an enlightened country; enlightened time; enlightened age; enlightened absolutism (a form of monarchical power); enlightened power; enlightened people.

Journalistic - journalistic

Journalistic- adj. to noun journalism and publicist: journalistic genre; journalistic article; journalistic activity; journalistic style; journalistic genres; journalistic pathos; journalistic style.

Journalistic- imbued with features or elements of journalism, touching on topical socio-political issues: journalistic topic; journalistic speech.

Shy - scared

Shy- timid, frightened; expressing fearfulness: a fearful cry; timid boy; shyer; fearful look; timid whisper; timid child.

Scared- one who has often been frightened or who is very frightened: a frightened crow is afraid of a bush; frightened enemy.

Irritability - irritability

Irritation- state of excitement, agitation; feeling of acute dissatisfaction, annoyance; (biol.) cell reaction to external influence: electric irritation; irritation by sound signal; irritation in the nose; feel irritated; speak in irritation; to be irritated; restrain irritation; visual irritation.

Irritability— personality trait (meaning adj. irritable): the drug relieves irritability; constant irritability; cope with irritability.

Rhythmic - rhythmic

Rhythmic- subject to rhythm, performed in a certain rhythm: rhythmic structure of the text; rhythmic ringing; rhythmic pattern; rhythmic movements; Rhythmic gymnastics.

Rhythmic- subject to rhythm; having a sense of rhythm: rhythmic music; rhythmic work of the plant; the rhythmic sound of wheels; rhythmic sounds; rhythmic dance; rhythmic knocking; rhythmic pulse.

Romantic - romantic

Romantic- dreamy, prone to romanticism; full of romance: romantic poetry; romantic girl; romantic views; romantic dinner; romantic hero; romantic halo; romantic image; romantic impulse; romantic feelings.

Romantic- dreamy, full of romance: romantic style; romantic person; romantic hero; romantic garden; romantic evening; romantic day.

Secretive - hidden

Secretive- hiding one’s feelings, thoughts, intentions; undetected or concealed: a secretive person; secretive love; secret life.

Hidden- hidden, secret, not revealed explicitly; outwardly invisible or not yet manifested: hidden threat; hidden annoyance; hidden mockery; hidden opportunities; hidden power; hidden meaning; hidden camera.

Vocabulary - verbal

Vocabulary- 1) relating to the compilation and publication of dictionaries: dictionary entry; 2) lexical: human vocabulary; vocabulary of the language.

Verbal- expressed in the spoken word, in words, oral: verbal order; verbal portrait.

Resistance - resistance

Resistance— 1) opposition: resistance to authorities; resistance to the will of parents; compression resistance; 2) term: strength of materials; windage.

Resistance- ability to resist: resistance to diseases, infections, stress; body resistance; resistance of rocks to weathering.

Neighboring - neighborly

Neighboring- located nearby, close, next to something; living next door: neighboring village; next room.

Neighboring- located nearby: neighbor's garden; neighbor's house; neighbor's children.

Comparable - comparative

Comparable- one that can be compared with something: comparable quantities; incomparable to anything.

Comparative- 1) based on comparison: comparative research method; comparative linguistics; 2) relative: comparative silence; comparative wealth; 3) linguistic term: comparative degree.

Stage - scenic

Stage- being a stage; relating to the image on stage, to performance in the theater; as on stage, in the theater: stage area; stage stage; performing arts; scenic speech; stage techniques; stage talent; stage image; stage whisper.

scenic- suitable for the stage, theater, having the necessary qualities: stage appearance; stage appearance; stage data; stage play.

Technical - technical

Technical- related to technology and its use; relating to the operation of machines and mechanisms; related to the production process; to be used or processed in industry; adj. to noun technique associated with professional techniques, methods of doing something; performing various auxiliary work; special concepts related to the field of technology: technical progress; technical equipment; technical backwardness; technical studies; technical intelligentsia; technical inspection; technical readiness of production; technical documentation; technical department; process water; technical oils; technique; technical training; technical secretary; technical workers; technical executive; technical terms.

Technical- possessing high technique, skill: technical boxer; technical athlete; technical play; technical forward.

Lucky - lucky

Lucky- the person who succeeds in everything, who has luck in everything: a successful hunter.

Successful- ending in success, successful, successful, good: a successful campaign; successful drawing; a good buy; lucky day.

Humiliated - humiliating

Humiliated- the one who was humiliated; expressing humiliation, testifying to humiliation: a humiliated person; with humiliated bows; humiliated requests.

Humiliating- offensive to someone's dignity, pride: humiliating position; derogatory words; humiliating attitude.

Actual - factual

Actual - valid, corresponding to the facts; real: actual events; factual errors; factual inaccuracy; actual start of work; actual state of affairs.

Factual- corresponding to reality, facts, accuracy requirements: factual study; factual presentation; actual compliance; actual work.

Predatory - predatory

Predatory- based on oppression, robbery of someone; produced in a way that pursues the immediate benefit, but leads to extermination, destruction of something: predatory habits; predatory capital; predatory tendencies; predatory exploitation; predatory fishing.

Predatory- 1) carnivore, eating other animals: predatory animals; predatory claws; predatory tendencies; predatory species; 2) (trans.) seeking profit, exploiting others (about a person): predatory official; predatory gleam of eyes.

Royal - royal - reigning

Tsarsky- 1) related to the king, belonging to him: royal palace; 2) relating to the political regime headed by the Tsar: Tsarist Russia; tsarist regime; 3) luxurious, rich: royal dinner; royal gift.

Regal- majestic: regal nature; regal posture; regal gait; regal look.

Reigning- one that reigns, rules, rules: a reigning dynasty.

Whole - whole - whole

Holistic- having internal unity: a holistic impression; holistic image; holistic personality; holistic worldview.

Whole- complete, without exceptions; whole from start to finish: whole dishes; a whole day at the water park.

Whole- consisting of, made from one substance, from one piece: a pedestal made of solid granite.

Economic - economical - economical

Economic— economic: economic policy; economic crisis; economic development of the country.

Economical- profitable from an economic point of view, which makes it possible to save something: this soap is very economical, it is not wasted much.

Economical- one who spends something thriftily, who observes economy: an economical owner.

Aesthetic - aesthetic

Aesthetic- associated with the creation, reproduction and perception of beauty in art and life: aesthetic category; aesthetic theory; aesthetic law; aesthetic perception; aesthetic tastes; aesthetic enjoyment; aesthetic needs; aesthetic nature; Aesthetic pleasure.

Aesthetic- beautiful, graceful; imbued with aestheticism: aesthetic spectacle; aesthetic appearance; aesthetic pose; aesthetic movement; aesthetic design; aesthetic edition; aesthetic image; aesthetic approach.

Ethical - ethical

Ethical— meeting ethical requirements: ethical standards of behavior; ethical considerations; for ethical reasons.

Ethical— acceptable from an ethical point of view: an ethical act; ethical behavior; ethical statement.

Effective - spectacular

Effective— effective, leading to the desired results: an effective method of treatment; effective medicine; effective advertising.

Spectacular- making a strong impression: a spectacular woman; spectacular appearance; effective presentation; a spectacular ending to a piece of music; spectacular costumes; spectacular picture; spectacular gesture; spectacular pose; stunt.

Effectiveness - efficiency

Effectiveness- the ability to make an impression by one’s appearance or action: spectacular behavior; effectiveness of the performance.

Efficiency— effectiveness: production efficiency; efficiency.