Sergey Gladkov smart raw food diet. It doesn't speak

Sergey Mikhailovich Gladkov Clever raw food diet. Food for body, soul and spirit Energy of health – “Sergey Gladkov. Smart raw food diet”: Eksmo; Moscow; 2013 ISBN 978-5-699-68514-1 Abstract "The Smart Raw Food Diet..."

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Sergei Mikhailovich Gladkov

Smart raw food. Food for body, soul and spirit

health energy -

"Sergey Gladkov. Smart raw food diet”: Eksmo; Moscow; 2013

ISBN 978-5-699-68514-1


"Smart Raw Food" is useful for everyone who wants to eat healthy and complete

food. The book will be in demand by both novice raw foodists and experienced, already

is based not on faith or hearsay, but on an accurate knowledge of human physiology. He debunks myths about the raw food diet and warns against the traditional mistakes of raw foodists.

Here you will find many new recipes for delicious live food, including the author's dietary discovery - a variety of bread and cheese made from cereal sprouts, legumes, vegetables, herbs and even leaves. This dish saturates no worse than meat, fish or bread, contains a complete combination of nutrients, but at the same time does not have a devastating effect on the body.

Even if you are not a raw foodist, thanks to this book you will be able to learn how to fully eat exclusively plant gifts of nature, forests and meadows, becoming independent of modern civilization.

Sergey Gladkov Smart raw food diet There is no "you"!

There is only Nature This publication is not a medical reference book. Before using the recommended methods, consult with a specialist.

The Energy of Health series contains books with the best, really time-tested advice and recommendations from authors who have thousands of grateful patients behind them. We are sure that they will help you to maintain health and joy for many years to come.

Gladkov Sergei Mikhailovich, Candidate of Phys.-Math. Sci., laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize in science and technology, published more than 100 scientific articles, now a writer and poet, musician and creator of new forms of multimedia art (“Video Mantras”, “Atomic Art of Advaita”), healer and yogi. Founder of the "University of Nature" - an Internet resource dedicated to teaching methods of reuniting man and Nature.

(") This book is like a special issue of the newspaper for raw foodists, beginners and experienced alike. Want to get the latest news? Luckily, it's fun!

In the wake of the rise in popularity of the raw food diet, some spoke out on this topic publicly, reducing it to the slogan "eat raw - you will be healthy and happy." And as a result, their followers not only did not find the promised happiness, but squandered the last remnants of the health that they had.

Mistakes of the traditional raw food diet

How to make live food as digestible and tasty as possible

Deep self-fermentation of food

Bread and cheese: a miracle of the XXI century. A dream come true raw foodists!

Solved the main problems of the raw food diet: exhaustion and alkalosis

Food that allows you to enter into unity with Nature

Small yoga: the creation of oneself. Food and Mind Disclaimer This book is a brief, preliminary account of my personal experience. I experimented, creating new food products that, on the one hand, should be truly nutritious, complete, and on the other hand, would not burden the digestive system, taking too many resources for their processing. And also would not leave a tangible amount of waste and slag in the body.

The book is based largely on my own personal experiences, as well as those of a small group of people who dared to share my new food with me.

To what extent the recipes developed by me will be useful for the broad masses of people - I do not know. Time will tell. However, I want to warn you that I do not have the authority (and desire to do so!) to prescribe, prescribe, recommend, or otherwise impose on you what I have described in the pages of this book.

If you want to repeat my experience, then you will have to do it under your full personal responsibility. Whether you get positive or negative results - it will be the result of your decision and the work of your hands. Therefore, do not rely on my authority, but carefully try on the approaches described in this book to yourself and your personal situation. Involve all the information available to you, consult other people, turn on your creative imagination. And in no case do not act mechanically, literally.

It's like buying seeds from a store. I can only guarantee you that the seeds are of high quality, the germination rate is high. But whether they will sprout specifically in your garden depends on the soil, the presence of the sun, the regularity of watering, and many other factors. Including - from your zeal and ingenuity.

I hope that this statement will not dampen your enthusiasm, but will only sharpen the sharpness of the experience of reality.

Acknowledgments The writing of this book was made possible thanks to the support of many people, primarily members of the University of Nature, a community of people seeking to deepen their relationship with Nature. Some names are mentioned in the last chapter.

And now I would like to especially highlight the participation of the Kuzin family (Valentin, Natalia and their son Andrey), who regularly organized the purchase of English-language books according to my lists through the Amazon system. As a result, I became the owner of a unique book collection. I think that many of the books included in it are missing even in university libraries. Thanks to such informational support, my knowledge penetrated into a wide variety of natural sciences.

More than once I was overtaken by the unexpected financial support of Yuri Kiryanov, which he gave me from his generosity. I turned to him when it was necessary to get something urgently and bring it from India - for example, Ayurvedic medicines. I am grateful to him that, among his many concerns, he found time to help me as well.

Special thanks to the participants of the "vibhuti project". Yulia Dobrogorskaya and her husband Ruslan generously endowed me with white vibhuti and thus saved me from death. And Masha Podoplelova, her mother Tanya and fiancé Navin organized a real expedition to the ashram of Sri Amrita Anandamayi Maa to get vibhuti there in reserve. The disciples of Swami Vishwananda - Tilakavati, Dayakar, Lakshia - also helped. And what is vibhuti, you will learn in the second chapter.

I am very grateful to the families of Stambulyans (Tamara and Artashes) and Barkovs (Alexander and Tatyana) for their selfless participation in many of my material problems. In fact, in the process of writing this book, I literally stood on their shoulders. These people showed by their example that the highest goal for which wealthy people can achieve even greater well-being is to gain the opportunity to participate in natural evolution.

I thank fate for bringing me into contact with Gennady Antonov, whose drawings adorn this book. His highly professional versatility in many areas cannot but inspire anyone who has the good fortune to work with him. At the end of the book, in additions, I will talk about it in more detail.

I am grateful to my editor, who helped me to make this book easier and more understandable to a wide range of readers.

Gratitude and low bow to my guardian angel, Ekaterina Kirillovna Balandina. In the process of writing this book, especially at the time of going to press, I encountered such health problems that I wanted to crawl under the covers, close my eyes and die. Instead, I called Ekaterina Kirillovna, and literally a few words spoken by her brought me back to life.

And of course, it was only thanks to the guiding presence of Nature Itself that I was able so quickly to resolve the acute problems that interfered with the happy creativity - my own and many people close to me. This presence manifested itself through its perfect and beautiful human forms. Some of them are known to a wide circle, and some are not yet known. During this period, Sathya Sai Baba, Swami Vishwananda (through Tilakawati) and Madhukar were very prominent in my life. To all of them I am not only grateful

– from now on I weave my life into the trees of their being.

CM. Gladkov (Hari OM), October 19, 2013 Introduction At its core, this book is like a special issue of a newspaper for raw foodists and those who are sympathetic to them. Want to know the latest news? Fortunately, this is very good news!

In the wake of the growing popularity of the raw food diet, many have spoken out on this topic publicly. Unfortunately, some authors have shown the raw food diet in a primitive and one-sided way, reducing it to the slogan "eat raw - you will be healthy and happy." And as a result, their followers not only did not find the promised happiness, but squandered the remnants of the health that they had.

I am one of those victims. I myself went through catastrophic weight loss, alkalosis, nervous breakdowns, kidney and liver problems, while continuing to fight cancer. And I realized that the "classic" raw food diet is not a panacea for all diseases.

That is why I had to introduce the term "smart raw food" in contrast to the methods and approaches that have spontaneously developed in beginner circles, especially in online communities.

Having published two of my previous books on living food and raw food - "The Cookbook of Life" and "Absolute Healing" - I received a tangible response from readers. Many people rushed to me with their questions and problems, and I saw enough of everything - for example, young people came who, with a height of 185 cm, weighed 40 kg. They tried to honestly apply the recipes set out in the books and publications of some of the "classics" of the raw food diet. However, a week after the abrupt transition to this diet, they ended up in intensive care - with acute pancreatitis or an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer. And then they began to lose weight catastrophically.

Of course, the idea of ​​a raw food diet is extremely important and, one might say, inevitable for modern humanity. But it was taken up by too hasty propagandists, who, with their advice, led their followers to a dead end. This has made it possible for hamburger and other fast food advocates to challenge the raw food diet as a general health food trend.

And when I opened another book dedicated to the raw food diet, in the hope that its author had solved the accumulated problems, but again found there calls to eat everything raw, I realized that the time had come for me to speak out on these topics. I will try to do it as politically correct as possible, trying not to offend anyone personally. However, I will try to speak clearly and forcefully. This sets the style of the book you have just opened.

In this book, I continue to develop the idea of ​​"smart raw food". This term may seem too aggressive to some. But I don't want to offend anyone. This name only implies that the developed approach is based on a systematically built knowledge of the interactions between man and the natural environment, the vision of man as an information system, awareness of the processes of digestion, is based on an understanding of the role of human symbioses with bacteria and other living beings.

The book debunks some of the dangerous myths and misconceptions circulating among raw food beginners. The so-called “Internet raw food diet”, which is cultivated by teenagers with experience of a raw food diet from one week to several months, and which poses a serious threat to the health of those who will be drawn into this, one might say, a sect, will be analyzed.

It's not enough to say "eat raw and you'll be healthy"! It is necessary to skillfully and carefully adjust an individual diet, based on the characteristics of a particular person and maintaining the usefulness of the diet, its nutritional value.

This book gives a broad view of the interaction of a human being and his natural environment. Nutrition is considered primarily as a process of managing a small part of the natural environment (man) with its entire integrity, which I call the word "Nature" - with a capital letter. Understanding the details of this process, a person becomes able to participate in it and, in fact, program his development with the help of food.

On the other hand, the human being provides a habitat for numerous microscopic living beings - bacteria, fungi, other symbiotic organisms. Therefore, nutrition is seen as a "small yoga" - a process in which many small lives, pouring into a human being, form its integrity and stability.

The book introduces the concept of synergistic nutrition - a dietary system in which, out of the chaos of various nutritional possibilities, those are chosen that raise a person's existence to a new height, giving him hitherto inaccessible energies, restoring health, opening the way to success and creativity.

Understanding the details of this process reveals to us the ultimate goal of a raw food diet: accelerating the physiological, creative and spiritual evolution of man and mankind. At the same time, man himself is seen not as an unfortunate victim of certain dietary circumstances, but as a co-author of Nature in the process of creating his own future.

The book continues a number of original recipes for such synergistic food, in which the individual components of the dishes reinforce each other, and due to this, the positive effect of a properly prepared mixture is much stronger than the action of parts separately.

The main recipe achievement of this book, one might say, a culinary discovery, is the so-called bread-cheese, which can be prepared from any plant products; at the same time, not only their nutritional properties are preserved, but food substances acquire the most accessible, water-soluble form. Bread cheeses contain up to 20% of high-grade, easily digestible proteins and are a concentrated food that raw foodists have been waiting for so long. From now on, you can not stretch the stomach with food, eating for the future. You can no longer be tied to a blender and a basket of vegetables.

Having prepared two or three kilograms of bread cheese, you will provide yourself with live, concentrated, easily digestible and tasty food for a couple of weeks.

And what is especially important - thanks to the abundance of easily digestible, high-grade vegetable proteins, the problem of depletion of raw foodists is solved, which is especially important for not quite healthy people. On this path, the problem of alkalosis is also easily and naturally resolved. Many raw foodists, starting from about the third or fifth year of their diet, or even earlier, alkalosis rises to its full height: excessive alkalization of the body.

The indicator of acid-base balance pH of urine reaches 9, and this is at a rate of 6.5!

A person begins to freeze, loses a lot of fluid and minerals, his metabolism slows down, and this leads to dystrophy.

The use of bread cheese puts the acid-base balance in place in one day. And immediately the weight begins to grow - slowly but steadily.

Now we all have a real possibility of a full existence on a raw, but synergistic vegetarian diet. The road to the development of mankind is open without the horrendous livestock complexes with their slaughterhouses. And this, in addition to moral and aesthetic advantages, reduces the load on the natural environment by about twenty times and protects it from destruction. At least 100 billion people can live happily on our planet. And the problem of food insufficiency exists only in the minds of ignorant and cruel people.

I am happy to tell you about such a joyful prospect - I was able to see it, because I myself have come a long and difficult path. I am a former physicist who transformed cancer into the knowledge of Life, and now a poet, writer and yogi. Nature awakened me and gave me a special VISION. It is in this way that all the approaches and recipes described in the book came - effective and efficient. The reader should know where solutions to acute problems come from. Saving solutions do not appear by chance, but only as clues from Nature Itself, which a person becomes able to hear only when he returns to her arms.

I invite readers to participate in the affairs of Nature!

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Why did the great civilizations of the past perish? Those who are interested in the history of the Ancient World may come across analogies connecting seemingly completely dissimilar nations and peoples who lived at different times.

Old Testament Jewish cities, ancient Armenia, Rome in the post-Christian era, the cities of medieval Europe - many historical social communities faced the same problems: the abrupt spread of deadly diseases, the increase in aggressiveness and cruelty, and at the same time the loss of vitality and the will to live. After that, social upheavals followed, ignorant invaders came and destroyed the established culture.

Until now, many believe that the greatness of Ancient Rome was destroyed by the barbarians. And I think it's a very superficial approach. Rome successfully ruled the barbarian tribes for many hundreds of years. But what happened at the time of the collapse of the Roman Empire?

And here's what happened. Nations and states that have achieved success in social construction, created high sciences and arts, built invincible armies, began to allow themselves an abundant, unhealthy diet, which aims not to maintain the body and develop the mind and spirit, but to delight and exaggerate the cultivation of passions. As a result, over several generations, degenerative changes have accumulated, fixed in heredity. Successful nations have literally grown fat, lazy, and incapable of creative problem solving. And hungry, but vigorous barbarians easily forced them out of the scene of life.

Unfortunately, the same scenario is being performed in our time. Isolated national communities that did not know diseases and did not even have professional healers in their midst (for example, the Eskimos), upon entering the bosom of civilization, acquired a full bouquet of diseases of the “white” person. Moreover, these same diseases have even spread to pets!

Is society as a whole able to absorb the lessons of the past? I hope that at least a significant part of it is ready for this, because the flagship of the modern world - the United States of America, in addition to the obvious successes and advantages of technology and organization, brings to the whole world an almost universal morbidity of the population, which is doomed to heart attack, stroke, cancer and others. degenerative diseases. The mass spread of homosexuality, as Edward Howell stated more than once, is the result of the habit accumulated over several generations of eating exclusively boiled food (more on this below).

The huge and sophisticated US medical machine is obviously unable to cope with the ever-growing wave of the most serious diseases, of which cancer is now in the first place.

According to modern statistics, at least half of the Americans living today will die of cancer, and this estimate is increasing every year.

Russia obediently follows the flagship of world development. She again entered the circle of the main players in the economy. But that doesn't make me happy at all. It is like the arrival of a new patient in a plague barracks, from which there is only one way out and is completely inevitable - the only question is when exactly. And the old-timers of the barracks can be great experts in matters of illness, but this does not give them a chance at all - they can barely move their legs.

And yet, let's pay tribute to America - it was in it that doctors appeared and began to act, in fact, curing cancer. For example, Dr. Gerson and Contreras. It was in the USA that Ann Wigmore first uttered these words - "living food", and there the word of the Gospel of the Essenes first scattered. And it was there that huge - hundreds of thousands of people - communities of people were formed who successfully healed from cancer precisely thanks to the restoration of their ties with Nature. And one of those connections is raw, “living” food.

Let's catch up with America first of all in this, and then in everything else!

Then we will not have to cut corners and straighten the roads along which modern civilization is so unconsciously and thoughtlessly rushing, seized by completely animal desires and passions.

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The modern world is in captivity of the choice that our ancestors made several centuries ago: we became too hasty, lost our common sense and chased the outside, paying for it with the most expensive currency: our life.

The transition of the development of society to the urban stage provided a high concentration of abundance and all kinds of temptations that the hungry and poor humanity could not cope with - both in those distant times and now.

Rice. 1. The Pale Shadows of Civilization Blinded by possibilities, too much attention has been drawn from the inside out. And we, in fact, ceased to be self-conscious beings and turned into reflections of the objects with which we surrounded ourselves. Even worse, we have sunk even below mammals in our sensuality - it seems that the only meaning of human life has become the convulsive, painful enjoyment of food, sex and circuses.

We are drawn into a constant race - and as a result, corporations, programs, projects live, and we have become pale shadows that serve all this with our vitality. To make this process continuous, we invented the food industry. And they sacrificed from their lives even the short time when we cooked our own food.

Lunch breaks were reduced from two hours to fifteen minutes.

It turns out that the Greeks do not know how to live properly! They rest too much.

They don't want to run like dogs for sausage. They are pulling the UES to the bottom. And we will teach these creators of modern culture what and how they should do.

And the main driving force of all this madness is fear. Fear of dying from hunger and cold. Which is basically impossible for a person living in Nature and having a sober head.

For example, it is completely incomprehensible to me how mass starvation became possible in the Soviet Union in the thirties of the last century, when people died of exhaustion, contemplating the border of an endless forest in front of them or seeing the beginning of a fertile steppe.

This means that it was not the Soviet government that made people weak in mind and spirit - everything happened much earlier.

And so it will take a long time to correct errors. But first, someone needs to say this clearly and clearly out loud: we MUST return to a life of joy and peace, finally ceasing to live in fear.

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In biology, there is such a thing as equifinality. This tricky term means that if the life paths of individuals of the same species are separated under the influence of circumstances, then as soon as these circumstances are again aligned, living beings come to the same result.

For example, if one group of laboratory mice is fed plentifully from the moment of birth, and the other is kept on a semi-starved existence, then in this last group the mice lag noticeably behind in their development. But if in the middle of their life span they begin to be fully fed, then they catch up with the representatives of the first group in their development.

How such a change in living conditions is refracted on the development of subsequent generations, almost no one checked. Because in traditional biology it was believed that acquired traits are not inherited.

But then came molecular genetics, and it turned out that how they are inherited! Just to consolidate the acquired changes in the DNA, special conditions are needed, in particular, the nervous system of the creature must be in a state of extreme excitement. So it's not genes or DNA that evolve using us as a vehicle and puppet.

It is we who develop, and every turn of our life path turns out to be important, especially those that we passed in a state of the highest creative activity.

Researchers now have compelling evidence that fruit flies fed the juice of genetically engineered fruits stop reproducing after a few generations. Their DNA undergoes such changes that a full-fledged creature can no longer develop on its basis.

Pottinger's experiment is very indicative, in which it was quite clearly shown that cats that feed on the food of modern "civilized" people come to degeneration in the fourth generation, turn into sickly freaks and their race is interrupted.

Therefore, genetic changes are estimated not in years, but in generations. And humanity is already approaching its critical milestone: the third generation of people who grew up in a state of physiological comfort and chronic gluttony associated with it is coming to an end, and we are now entering the fourth generation. And the health of today's youth so convincingly declares the fidelity of the thought I am developing that hardly anyone will dare to object.

And the youth is not to blame for this. Her propensity for drugs, spectacle and violence is created by us, her forefathers. It is our sins that young people will have to work off with their suffering. And we must take our share of responsibility and try to turn the tide as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will turn out completely in the spirit of the Old Testament: seven subsequent generations will be cursed for the sins of the fathers.

Doctor Pottinger and his cats

The topic of degradation that accumulates from generation to generation due to inadequate nutrition deserves more detailed disclosure, since it is directly related to the raw food diet.

Dr. Pottinger (Pottenger) ran a clinic-sanatorium where pulmonary patients were treated. To stimulate debilitated patients, he used an extract of the adrenal glands, which was extracted from cows. Since the effectiveness of the extract varied widely, Pottinger began using ordinary cats that were kept in a cat shelter at the hospital to test and calibrate the extract.

Due to lack of funds, one day it was decided to start feeding some of the cats not with their natural food, but with all kinds of scraps provided by the hospital canteen suppliers. In fact, for this part of the cats, the same method of cooking was used as for the patients of the sanatorium.

Pretty soon it was discovered that on a "human" diet, cats feel far from the best way. And in order to thoroughly understand this issue, Pottinger decided to carefully compare the effects of using two diets - "raw" and "boiled". It was made in two versions - meat and dairy.

In the "meat variant," cats received two-thirds of their diet in the form of meat, and one-third

- raw milk. Plus fish oil. But the meat was given to one group of cats raw, and the other - boiled.

In the "dairy version", a third of the diet consisted of raw meat, and two-thirds of milk and also fish oil. But in this case, half of the cats received raw milk, and the other half - pasteurized.

Pottinger had the opportunity to leisurely observe what happens to cats from generation to generation, since they bred well on a plentiful diet. And he compared in detail the physiological parameters of cats: those who began to eat "like people" and those who remained on a completely raw diet. Similar experiments were carried out earlier - for example, on rats, but there observations were limited to only one generation.

And now, already in the first generation, at the end of their lives, “food-loving cats” - both those that ate boiled masa and those that were fed with pasteurized milk - began to demonstrate quite human diseases: arthritis, pancreatitis, allergies and others that we are used to. call it degenerate.

In the second generation, things were even worse: these diseases began to manifest themselves already in middle age. But further - more! In the third generation, cats were seriously ill from a very young age. And they were no longer able to produce viable offspring. The kittens appeared either stillborn or barely alive: they often couldn't even learn to walk, they had soft bones, and they rarely lived beyond a few weeks of age. This was the end of the genus of cats that ate “varenka”.

By the way, humanity is now just entering the third generation of people who have begun to eat mainly boiled food. A couple more decades - and this generation will pass its peak. But will the fourth generation come to life?

Pottinger on dietary systemic degeneration

Now it's time to tell you exactly what changes in physiology were noted by Pottinger in cats that ate mainly boiled food. Such a vivid picture of degradation and such a wide variety of symptoms, of course, cannot be explained by the lack of a single nutrient (taurine) and require more systematic approaches. On the other hand, this picture of the widest range of diseases and symptoms simply pushes for generalizations, since it reproduces all the main health problems that modern humanity has encountered.

So, by the third generation in cats that ate boiled food, the following pathologies unfolded with all their might:

Cardiovascular diseases;

Farsightedness and myopia;

Hypothyroidism and inflammation of the thyroid gland;

kidney and liver infections;

Dysfunction of the testicles and ovaries, up to their complete atrophy, sclerosis of the uterus or cessation of spermatogenesis;

degradation of the gallbladder;

Arthritis and inflammation of the joints;

Nerve inflammations, meningitis and paralysis;

An increase in irritability, aggressiveness in behavior and inadequate reactions to external stimuli;

Infectious lesions of the skeletal system;

Significant decalcification of bone tissue, osteoporosis with an abundance of calcium and vitamin D in food;

A significant decrease in the volume of the abdominal cavity;

Narrowing of the skull, a decrease in the volume of the sinuses and, in connection with this, difficulty in breathing;

Lesions of lung tissues, edema and inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis and pneumonia;

Irregular arrangement of teeth, often with their skipping;

Skin lesions, allergies.

Of course, the listed pathologies were not manifested in every cat - each individual had an individual pathological pattern. But always the signs of degeneration grew like an avalanche in one combination or another. It is not possible to point out any particular, recurring symptoms that could hopefully be reduced to a single nutritional deficiency.

Already in the second generation of cats fed on scarce food, the percentage of spontaneous abortions reached 70%, while muscle weakness did not allow pregnant cats to give birth to full-term kittens, and many cats died during childbirth. And those that were still able to give birth, after a short time, died from exhaustion.

It is also interesting that during the development of degeneration in cats, a weakening of secondary sexual characteristics was observed - the differences between the sexes were erased. The females became more and more aggressive, while the males became more and more indifferent and apathetic. There was a weakening of sexual desire, and often it took perverted forms, up to the point of interest in individuals of the same sex.

Is taurine to blame?

Here's how advanced science explains the Pottinger cat phenomenon: it turns out that it's all about taurine, an amino acid that supposedly breaks down when boiled and that cats themselves can't synthesize. It is worth starting to feed taurine cats - and everything is getting better, their hair begins to shine, diseases disappear, and cats breed well.

A person is not a cat, he is highly organized and synthesizes taurine on his own.

Therefore - eat boiled for health!

For some reason, it is very difficult for researchers to see that, apart from taurine, there are a whole host of substances and processes that are destroyed during the barbaric, thoughtless processing of food, which “civilized” nations are so famous for. And the organisms of both humans and animals have to spend their vital, adaptive resource in order to compensate for this loss in one way or another. This increases the load on living beings, consumes their ability to process information. And in the conditions of already prohibitive informational stress, which is characteristic of modern society, the integrity and controllability of the human body are violated. What manifests itself first as degenerative diseases, and then as a systemic decay, for which there is a special word - cancer.

By the way, with taurine it is not at all as simple as the defenders of boiling try to imagine. It turns out that all conclusions about taurine deficiency were made on the basis of the fact that little taurine was found in the blood plasma of cats fed on boiled food. Feel the difference? No one measured the amount of taurine in food. It turns out that taurine was not necessarily destroyed by heat treatment. It's entirely possible that the cooked food made the cats UNABLE TO DIGEST TAURINE - which is another twist. And significant taurine supplements only partly compensated for the problem, not at all solving it completely.

Let's take a look at the physico-chemical reference book. There we will easily find that taurine is stable EVEN WHEN BOILING WITH STRONG ACIDS. And this water-soluble white powder melts only at a temperature of 328 degrees Celsius, and only after that this amino acid is destroyed.

Defenders of boiled food say that you still remember these Pottinger cats, because now, with taurine complementary foods, cats began to breed perfectly. But after all, the question of health is not at all reduced to reproduction. Humans are still breeding well, but cancer is already coming from all sides. When humanity loses the ability to reproduce, it will be too late to change something.

By the way, these perfectly breeding domestic cats are not at all healthy - they suffer from all the same diseases as their owners. It's just that thanks to the massive use of bioadditives, the process of their degeneration has slowed down. So the cat problem is far from solved. And we should be grateful to Pottinger that he exacerbated the issue of the negative role of heat treatment of food in such a timely manner and showed that it leads to SYSTEMIC shifts in living organisms. Shifts that have common signs and manifest themselves as degenerative diseases in all living beings.

And we will return to the issue of taurine - in the fourth chapter.

Boiled food and the degeneration of other animals

Many of Pottinger's critics appear not to have even read his book. Because the important results obtained by him from observations of the influence of diet on the development and health of other animals are not left stone unturned on a specific "feline", taurine explanation of the phenomena discussed.

For example, chickens raised in the wild and in poultry farms were compared.

The latter had longer, thinner and more brittle bones that contained half as much calcium. They laid eggs with a pale yolk, thin shell, often incapable of fertilization. These chickens, fed, as usual in poultry farms, on dry grain and compound feed, had flaccid muscles and thick skin.

Both groups of chickens had a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins in their diet. And Dr. Pottinger attributes the observed deviations in physiology to the so-called "freshness factor", which is present in free-range feeding and absent in poultry farms.

Another group of observations was carried out with guinea pigs, in which the transition to dry concentrated food caused first hair loss, then constant diarrhea, pneumonia and paralysis. However, as soon as already sick animals were transferred to food in the wild - green grass - within 30 days there was a complete return to a healthy state. At the same time, Pottinger notes that eating grass harvested the day before and delivered in bags before dawn, that is, in the cool, had a noticeably less healing effect than grass eaten directly on the field.

And another very interesting and significant result was obtained by Pottinger when observing cats that ate completely raw food - two-thirds of raw milk, one-third of raw meat.

No boiling of food was performed in these studies. However, if raw milk was taken from cows that were fed dry hay and concentrates, then the cats began to develop all the same symptoms of degeneration. Here Dr. Pottinger brings us to the idea of ​​the relationship of plants and animals along the entire food chain, which was formulated and developed by the American farmer Oscar Erf (Oscar Erf). In other words, degeneration does not occur in a single form, but in the entire ecosystem, where creatures are connected to each other along food chains.

The indefatigable Pottinger made his contribution here too: he set up experiments in which he proved that if plants are fertilized with cat droppings, then even weeds do not grow on the droppings of cat brewers!

The pancreas and the information age

I was surprised to learn that the pancreas does not "produce"

food enzymes. Just like a steel mill does not produce steel, it only pours it into the final shape.

According to Edward Howell, pancreatic enzymes are formed from precursors due to some enzyme potential of the body, which is delivered to this gland with the blood stream and which is supposedly associated with specially "charged" leukocytes. They deliver this potential from the bone marrow.

Enzymatic potential is that notorious life force, entelechy, which has been repeatedly cursed by science and is reborn again like a Phoenix. A certain vital force is given to a living organism from the moment of birth, but its main amount is collected by a living being from the surrounding nature. And food is far from the main channel of its receipt. According to yoga, we absorb its main flows with the help of peripheral nerve endings present on the skin. Then it follows to the bone marrow and only after that it is transported at the request of the internal organs, including the pancreas.

The vital or enzymatic force is used for more than just digestion and metabolism. It is consumed, albeit indirectly, by any of our external activities - from rough physical labor to highly intellectual work. And the more abstract our thinking is, the more it consumes this information, "computing" resource. And the more it exposes our physical vitality.

In order to become reasonable, a person paid a high price: he was forced to switch to thermally processed and concentrated food. Because the cerebral cortex constantly required energy replenishment. All scientists and programmers know about it. And glucose is just a carrier of vital energy. It's not just about glucose.

Modern man, especially during stresses and bursts of creativity, quickly uses up his enzyme reserve, and he has to climb into the holy of holies - physiological, inviolable reserves.

Having spent them too, an active person suddenly finds that he can no longer digest his usual food. Even ripe fruits begin to cause gas. Gradually, a constant heaviness and tension appears in the area of ​​the solar plexus. That's what we say: "heaviness in the stomach." But it is not the stomach that hurts, but the head of the pancreas. Then the pain becomes girdle, and retribution occurs, as a rule, on big holidays. For example, on Maslenitsa, a tired person allows himself to relax and eats pancakes with butter and caviar. And suddenly - acute pancreatitis, an ambulance and a hospital.

Alas, without pancreatic enzymes, a person will not live even a week. Such clinical results are published in the scientific press. It turns out that the pancreas is no less important for the body than the liver! And maybe even more. Because the pancreas forms enzymes for the body, which, in fact, make the tissues of the body alive. And its role is not limited to digestive or insulin function.

The pancreas also raises serious questions for people involved in spiritual practices. These practices kindle the strongest nervous fire in the body.

The benefits associated with this are known - the transformation of the human being begins, and in scientific terms, there is a significant acceleration of individual evolution.

The negative effects are much less known. After all, such practices greatly burden the body and take a lot of physiological, bodily resources. In past ages, only very healthy people were chosen by spiritual guides to initiate them into the secrets of discipleship. Now time flows much faster, and secret practices are also open to mere mortals.

And if a person, having embarked on the spiritual path, continues to live in a big city, drives a car, sits at a computer for hours and does business, then the pancreas will signal him much earlier than he expected. Pancreatitis, emaciation and the discomfort associated with it are not treated with pills - medicine only exacerbates such problems. Salvation will come from the raw food diet, especially in its "smart" version.

Having squandered our own enzyme stores, we can turn to Mother Nature for help. If this is done sincerely and consistently, she will return what she has lost a hundredfold.

Without delay, I will now tell you an effective recipe for how to carry out an ambulance if the pancreas (its head) suddenly “stands up”. If you feel a “stone” in your solar plexus, you can’t eat anything and these symptoms increase, turning into girdle pain, just drink two glasses of freshly squeezed (using an auger juicer) carrot juice. You won't believe how quickly life will return to you! In the following days, drink apple-carrot juice up to 2-3 liters per day. And force yourself to be in peace and joy, putting aside all things. It is time to think about life and realize that Nature has given you a signal that you will have to respond to.

It's time to become a raw foodist!

The main threat to society is not Freemasons, but communities of bacteria

Participants in kitchen disputes have long determined that the main brake on social progress is the mafia, directed by the Masons. And I think that there is a less obvious force, the negative role of which is much more significant. It's about bacteria.

It can be said without exaggeration that the entire animal world exists along a thin line that runs along the border between the two great kingdoms of Nature, inhabited by fungi and bacteria. The biomass of these simple organisms exceeds the weight of all people and even highly organized animals by many orders of magnitude. Microorganisms are primitive, but their communities of hundreds of trillions of members are like bee hives or anthills: they can do a lot.

This is similar to how computers, made up of the most primitive transistors, can make and carry out the most complex plans. The whole point is in the programs that control these computers.

A single bacterium is a fairly dark creature. To understand to what extent, let's compare, for example, a dog with a crocodile. If a dog is fed and treated well, it will remember this and wag its tail when you approach. Because the dog is quite highly organized and has a memory to accumulate and generalize experience.

With the domestication of a crocodile, the situation is not at all easy. You can feed him a hundred times, and on the hundred and first he will bite off your hand. Because his memory is very limited and he is not even capable of forming a simple conditioned reflex. His life is a triumph of innate instinct.

And what can we say about bacteria! Its existence is a continuous repetition of the same song: “Eat, multiply, eat, multiply!” Bacteria have nowhere to put their experience - and therefore it does not accumulate.

Another thing is bacterial communities. Their experience accumulates in the form of environmental circumstances. Having invaded an animal, the bacterium changes living tissues with its metabolism. And these tissues begin to serve as a material carrier of huge amounts of information generated by the bacterial community. And the information is active, active. Paying tribute to the current computer age, I call these information structures bioprograms.

So, these bioprograms are the collective intelligence of bacterial or fungal communities! They are able not only to set in motion and direct the masses of bacteria, but also to actively influence those creatures that have sheltered them in themselves. Including you and me.

That's where the mysterious demons hide! This is the "thin" world they exist in - the informational one. That's who benefits if we overeat, get sick, stop developing. Bacterial communities would like to turn us into a kind of cows, growing abundant food for bacteria in their bodies.

And the kitchen debaters who accuse the mafia and the Masons of all sins do not even suspect that the bony hand of the most insidious mafia stretches not from the outside, but from the inside, manifesting itself as a desire to eat meat, grab another piece of pizza or chew a few cookies. Because everything that got into our mouth and was not properly digested will go straight to the nutrition of bacteria.

And if we take a close look at ourselves, we will immediately find something in ourselves, next to which Hollywood horror films will simply fade. We will see in ourselves some dark, unyielding part of our “I”, which directly represents these bacterial communities. We are pretty much them, truck driver and university professor, if we share a common passion: after work, sit down in front of the TV and fill our mouths with all sorts of groceries from the grocery store. And the TV at the same time acts as a programmer, driving into us the ideas “thirst is everything”, “tired - have a bite”, “snickers”. With the help of TV, relatively small bacterial communities living in our bodies receive support from global bacterial collectives - planetary or even larger.

And only the ultraviolet lamp of our awareness is able to disinfect all this chaos. Did you know that prayers can change the nature of bacteria and turn them into symbionts, and meditation does the same with even the most harmful viruses? You and I have a great power capable of restoring the integrity of our beings. That power is consciousness.

Edward Howell: The Unsung Genius

Dr. Edward Howell is one of those people who have a huge impact on the fate of mankind, while remaining almost unnoticed. Dr. Howell, back in the fifties of the last century, made the most important observations about natural, natural nutrition, and his conclusions and recommendations solve many problems today. And if those authors who are engaged in popularizing the raw food diet as the only possible type of healthy diet could get acquainted with his books in time, the raw food movement would avoid many mistakes. And many more people could restore their health and gain new forces of life.

Alas, Howell's first books were published in a very small edition (about 3 thousand copies).

copies - not enough even for our country, and even for America - a drop in the ocean!). Moreover, these were books written by a scientist for scientists, replete with references to original research and containing discussions of purely scientific problems. And the language of these books cannot be called simple - the general reader had something to be sad about. And only in the nineties of the last century, these books were rewritten for the general public.

As far as I know, these books have not yet been published in Russian. At least offhand, I was not able to find his books in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet.

In the following chapters, I will touch on Dr. Howell's ideas in more detail, as well as outline ways to develop them further. After all, half a century is a huge period, and we must creatively develop and adapt even the brilliant ideas of the past to new conditions. And now I will only briefly indicate what kind of contribution Dr. Howell made to the science of proper nutrition.

Edward Howell was able to give a systematic and philosophical interpretation of the role of enzymes consumed by living organisms with food, showing their role in metabolism and digestion. He was one of the first to announce that enzymes are not just catalysts for biochemical reactions. Unlike chemical catalysts, enzymes are consumed when they have served their purpose. Moreover, they are able to adapt to changes in the environment, changing their properties depending on temperature or acid-base balance conditions. The same chemical composition enzymes in young and aged organisms have significantly different activities, which can differ by ten to twenty times. Dr. Howell compares enzymes to a battery: the battery itself is a complex protein, and its "charge" is some quantity that can be called biochemical activity, nerve energy, or even life energy. If this activity is used up, only the carrier protein remains, unable to influence vital processes.

In fact, Howell directly pointed to the primary source of life processes in plants and animals: these are enzymes. According to him, it was with them that life began - even in such a "pre-cellular" form.

Dr. Howell convincingly showed that many of the so-called incurable diseases of modern mankind, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, arthritis and others, are caused by a lack of nutritional enzymes that our bodies are “designed” to receive in food.

This insufficiency is caused by the transition of humanity to the predominant consumption of thermally processed food. As a result, metabolic enzymes, designed to build, cleanse and protect the body, are thrown into the digestive system in order to somehow save a person from being poisoned by the decay products of undigested food. And the body turns out to be unprotected, giving itself to rampant all kinds of diseases.

It is interesting that, together with man, the animals tamed by him also suffer from the same diseases, which in the wild never show signs of degenerative diseases and, until their very old age, keep their hormonal organs and blood vessels in full working order.

For example, whales that eat huge amounts of raw fat have never been diagnosed with cancer, and their thymus is actively functioning until old age.

Dr. Howell proclaimed important principles of healthy eating that all health-conscious people need to know about. He outlined ways to transform the conventional diet, approaching the issue of practical cooking and urging his followers to make every effort to make healthy food both tasty and suitable for mass production in the food industry.

One of the aims of the book you hold in your hands is to put this dream of Dr. Howell into practice.

Some important facts about enzymes

Now I will give some facts about the work of enzymes, which, quite likely, will greatly surprise the reader who was brought up on the Internet publications about the raw food diet.

Because these facts radically contradict the established views circulating in the raw food environment. And yet, facts remain facts—they are not only firmly established by academic research and published, but entire industries—for example, animal feed, brewing, and the biotech industry—are based on them.


Being in the upper part of the stomach for an hour, even properly chewed raw plant food has time to digest itself by a maximum of 20%. All the rest of the work will have to be done by our body. First of all, the pancreas. This fact gives us an estimate that with the help of a "clean" raw food diet, we save no more than 20% of the body's resources directed by it for the purpose of digestion. Thus, the efficiency of the "classic" raw food diet is no higher than these same 20%.

Understanding this leads us to the idea that within the framework of an ideal nutrition system, food should be converted with the help of enzymes to a completely digestible form - water-soluble. But it remains to be seen under what circumstances this is possible.

It is not true that all enzymes die when heated above 45 degrees Celsius. This really happens if a highly organized living organism (animal or plant) is subjected to heating, with its characteristic high humidity. But if, for example, the plant is first dried (dried) at a temperature not exceeding 45 degrees, then the enzymes contained in it can easily withstand drying at a temperature much higher - 65 degrees and even higher. When moisture returns, these enzymes will come back to life and become active.

Many microorganisms are able to exist and multiply at temperatures above 70 degrees, and some champions can live on the verge of boiling water.

Enzymes that decompose starch into simple sugars - alpha- and beta-amylases, have maximum efficiency in an acidic environment, at pH = 5.5. Ptyalin, which is found in human saliva, does prefer a slightly alkaline environment. But this enzyme, in fact, is a pathologically adaptive reaction of the human body to boiled starch. Animals that eat mostly raw, starchy foods do not produce ptyalin at all.

The standard food pairing rules only apply to cooked or otherwise cooked foods. The apparent incompatibility of raw foods is often due to the action of inhibitor proteins that deactivate food enzymes. Raw, starchy vegetables go great with pickled vegetables, which are notoriously acidic.

In ripe fruits, which are considered the most easily digestible and perfect food, there are practically no enzymes - they are completely used up during the ripening process.

In papaya, pineapple, enzymes are present only when these fruits are still unripe - and, therefore, unsuitable for food.

Having learned all this, I now do not deny the heat treatment of food in general.

I urge that thermal heating help achieve an important goal of any rational food system:

to deliver the maximum of useful substances to the body at the minimum cost of the body for their processing and the complete absence of any poisons.

On the unscientific nature of science

And now I must touch on this somewhat sensitive topic. The fact is that criticism has recently become more frequent, and not quite friendly, of the ideas that Edward Howell once put forward. One of his main ideas, that enzymes are the carriers of Life, has been declared unscientific by some nutritionists. Because it, in accordance with the neo-positivist principles of scientific character, can neither be proved nor refuted.

But here is what is characteristic: scientists who have clearly shown themselves are attacked from formally scholastic positions, as a rule, by those who themselves have not discovered anything, have not proclaimed anything interesting and are only engaged in retelling other people's works. As far as I know, Dr. Howell is one of the most honest and professional scientists, capable of both a broad view that goes beyond a narrow specialized area, and serious generalizations. Reading his works always gives me simply aesthetic pleasure.

Therefore, as a person who understands something in the methodology of science, I want to shield Howell from the excessive zeal of his superficial interpreters. And first of all, I must note a certain psychological moment, which is noticeably manifested in such unconstructive criticism. You know, Howell's opponents feel personally hurt just by the fact that by eating boiled food, according to his theory, they are eating wrong. And when Howell cites the results of experiments that prove that animals fed boiled food had much smaller brain volumes as a result, critics explode.

All Western science is carried around with the idea of ​​"scientific evidence". For example, the double-blind method invented for testing pills is regarded as a model of scientificity. In this method, neither the patient nor the doctor knows what the patient is receiving - a real pill or its fake made of chalk, a placebo. Doctors suggest using this method to evaluate the effectiveness of a raw food diet.

And now, dear reader, explain to me how I should eat pineapple so as not to know what I ate - raw fruit or compote from it? After all, the essence of proper nutrition is to tune in to the food of our feelings and thinking.

In fact, science is just one of the methods of understanding the world. And even logic, which many simply deify, has a rather narrow range of applications. After all, higher than logic is direct experience.

Here the sun has risen. How do you prove this to a blind person with the help of logic?

Logic is a dachshund for catching mice in underground burrows. And what happens on the surface of the earth, the eagle will see much better.

Do you know, dear reader, that the very foundation of any science, even a completely rigorous one, such as theoretical physics, is not scientific? In the sense that it is not based on evidence or immediate verification. Yes, yes, and this basis is called the system of axioms. And they are never double-blinded.

Axioms generally do not know where they come from. Maybe only their authors know where they came from, but they usually don't talk about it. So Einstein took it and proclaimed that the speed of light in vacuum is constant under any circumstances - and, pay attention, this fact is not proved in any way! It is taken ON FAITH. And then all possible logical consequences are deduced from it, and here it is already possible to sum up - whether it is possible in the end with the help of the chosen approach to explain the mysteries of Nature and resolve the accumulated paradoxes.

Or, quantum mechanics. You will laugh when I tell you how Erwin Schrödinger derived his famous equation. He simply found it in a mathematical reference book and adjusted the constants to the experimental data. And suddenly - the whole set of experimental data was miraculously explained! But a significant part of the building of modern physics rests on this equation. In physics, it was simply postulated that the state of microparticles is described by a wave function and this function obeys a certain equation. And this, like other axioms, has not been proven in any way.

- after all, axioms are judged by their fruits.

All the great scientists who ACTUALLY managed to discover something important, honestly say: they experienced a flash of intuition, and logic and experiment had nothing to do with what they saw as a result of it. Like this. Only those who have never entered the lands of true creativity do not know about this.

So, I repeat once again: we judge the correctness of this or that system of axioms by the results that can be deduced from them.

And so Dr. Howell says that enzymes are a pre-cellular form of life, that life is non-local and not contained in any specific living beings, but dispersed throughout the environment. In these statements, he puts all his generalized understanding of the problem, all the knowledge that he has mastered. This is the result of his multifaceted and professional scientific activity, which he succinctly formulated in such a way that it would be easier for us, mere mortals, to understand these difficult questions. And it would be simply indecent to demand proof of what was served to us in a peeled and chopped form. Instead, we should listen and ask ourselves: is this bookworm really seeing something that we are not able to see? Let's test his ideas and see if he really speaks his mind.

And from these ideas follow, for example, methods of naturopathic treatment of degenerative diseases, including cancer. And the effectiveness of these methods has been proven by HUNDRED THOUSANDS of cases of successful healing carried out by Dr. Gerson, Contreras, Budwig and many others.

And now I will add something on my own about the scientific nature of Howell's idea that enzymes are carriers of vital activity. This idea is not at all a concession to mysticism and the occult. This is quite a decent axiom, which today I can give a very specific interpretation based on modern computer science.

The main property of life is the ability to lower the entropy of everything it touches. In other words, to eliminate chaos and create something fundamentally new. And from here follows the reproduction of living beings, which many take to be the definition of life.

People working in the computer industry are well aware that flows of qualified, control information have the property of lowering the entropy of systems - for example, many computer programs can do this. Even updating the Windows system is a phenomenon very close in nature to an enzymatic reaction. In the organizing flow of such influences, the heterogeneous and contradictory are combined into a single, expedient and effective one. And errors are compensated and eliminated.

Enzymes are just one of the manifestations, a mechanism for realizing the organizing effect of the entire integrity of the natural environment on its constituent living organisms.

The work of enzymes is launched at the information level, then it is detailed to biochemical mechanisms and finally manifests itself on the plane of physical matter.

“Subtle” worlds, about which mystics and occultists enthusiastically tell us, are, from the point of view of modern computational science, the spaces of information and programs. And it will be much better for all of us if, instead of scholastic reasoning about what is provable and what is not, we simply engage in the practical development of these new possibilities and learn to cognize worlds ... by creating them!

Some more great names

And now I would like to name a few more great names, whose bearers made, in my opinion, a very important contribution to the development of science and the practice of using “live food”.

I'm not talking about them because they were sinless - they, like all mortals, made mistakes. But even their mistakes are significant because they teach us how to seek the truth.

Johanna Budwig

Johanna Budwig is a German biochemist who worked actively in the middle of the last century. In post-war Germany, she was an administration official and was responsible for food safety. She widely popularized the ideas of the Nobel laureate Otto Warburg and continued some of his research. In particular, she pointed out the exceptional role of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency in the development of degenerative diseases, especially cancer. Being engaged in private medical practice, she single-handedly cured about a thousand patients from cancer. She published several books in which she described her method and gave her healing nutrition system.

Among other things, Johanna Budwig introduced the practice of food healing with the regular use of fermented milk whey and "Budwig mayonnaise" - a mixture of fat-free cultured cottage cheese with linseed oil. This mayonnaise is just manna from heaven for all emaciated people.

Of course, many Budwig recipes from the point of view of our current understanding will seem ridiculous. How would you feel about a mixture of champagne and linseed oil? But a pile of various fruits, flax flour and cottage cheese just breaks through the head of the pancreas - I experienced this more than once, trying to master the Budwig system, and therefore I understand well what I'm talking about. Nevertheless, in general, her methods actually work, as evidenced by the case histories of the numerous patients she has healed.

Johanna Budwig resisted the temptation to patent her method and make it a business. She turned down an offer from an entire delegation of American doctors that promised her a lot of money and published her approaches in a dozen books in German, which have now been translated into English. However, this translation is absolutely terrible from a literary point of view - alas. Refusing to attract money often condemns us to an amateur level of action. But still, it is better than soulless and inherently useless and harmful professionalism.

Max Gerson

Dr. Gerson, back in the middle of the last century, outlined the contours of a lifestyle and nutrition system that can save humanity from inevitable death. He also gave his version, the projection of these general principles on specific circumstances - the USA of the forties and fifties of the last century. You and I will have to break Gerson's general approaches for another situation: Russia at the beginning of the 21st century. We will talk more about this in the third chapter.

The fate of this brilliant man is amazing. Exiled twice, first from Nazi Germany and then from democratic America, he was finally poisoned in gratitude for all his good deeds to mankind. They tried to steal and destroy his works. His report to the US Senate Committee was applauded, but a year later the Journal of the Medical Association of America (JAMA) slandered him in an editorial and thereby effectively stopped his medical practice in North America.

According to the method of Dr. Gerson, tens of thousands of cancer patients have been cured. When I say “cured,” it means that people (usually the elderly) lived 20 or 30 years after treatment, had children, had a successful business, were engaged in science, art or spiritual practice. But these people were diagnosed with cancer, in half of the cases at the third or even fourth stage. Many of them subsequently wrote books about their healing.

When these people appeared in the clinics where they were sentenced to death, the doctors fled - as if they saw aliens from the other world. And the case histories of these patients after that disappeared without a trace - after all, they posed a direct threat to the careers of these doctors.

There are now dozens of telephone numbers of living testimonies of the power of the method available at the Gerson Institute for any type of cancer - many of them have taken the trouble to be caretakers of their fellow diagnoses and willingly tell their stories of healing.

Dr. Gerson's method is concentrated in the so-called Gerson protocol and is based on a deep understanding of the biochemical processes that occur in the human body. Dr. Gerson cites hundreds of original papers on the biochemistry of the living cell. But Gerson's main strength and main proof is his clinical practice. What do you do with well-documented case histories, complete with all tests and images? For example, testifying to the complete healing of melanoma at the third or even fourth stage, when the official medical forecast left a person three weeks of life?

The basis of the Gerson system is his diet, although it is not limited to it alone. The Gerson Diet is 90% raw. However, some products are consumed steamed or even boiled. There is something to think about for the guardians of the purity of raw food principles! After all, this diet raised the sick from their deathbed. And she is able to make healthy people even healthier, opening up amazing opportunities for creative and spiritual growth. It is no coincidence that most of the healed subsequently joined yoga or other systems of spiritual practice in one way or another.

Unfortunately, at present, the Gerson method is, as it were, frozen by his followers - no innovations and improvements are allowed in it. But the environment around us has become even more dangerous, even more toxic. And so the method of the famous doctor, applied strictly literally, gradually loses its former effectiveness.

Ann Wigmor

Ann Wigmore founded the Hippocratic Institute - an educational and health institution, in which she taught everyone who wanted a healthy lifestyle. She directed and supported the existence of this organization with her energy for several decades.

After going through very serious health problems, Ann was able to find her way and returned to an active life, living for more than ninety years. She developed her own healing approach, and also popularized the ideas of Edward Howell, taking them out of the recesses of scientific literature and making them available to the general public. Anne also spread the message of the Essenes' gospel widely. In fact, many of the ideas of modern natural nutrition repeat word for word phrases spoken by Jesus Christ and recorded in these texts. Many were surprised to learn that early Christianity was vegetarian and raw food.

Of course, many of the approaches developed by Ann Wigmore could be strengthened. However, everything has its time, and we can place the appropriate emphasis only now. This is not criticism or denial, but the discovery of new paths. And by dogmatizing this or that creative person, we would do her a disservice by stopping the living development of what she devoted her whole life to.

Sepp Holzer - the man who heals the earth

The Austrian peasant Sepp Holzer is an amazing person who, in mountainous Austria, at an altitude of about a kilometer, right on the mountain slopes, grows the most southern vegetables and fruits in abundance. He has watermelons side by side with kiwi, and he picks cherries throughout the summer. His farm is amazingly productive - and that's without the use of any fertilizers, insecticides or pesticides.

He says there is no point in treating the symptoms, it is necessary to restore the natural system of land use. And the modern agricultural industry, including the European one, destroys the natural environment. He says that European standards set only external requirements for agricultural products, missing the most important thing: its vitality. Sepp Holzer is a fearless fighter against bureaucracy and successfully resists it even in Austria, where everything is regulated to such an extent that it is even scary for a Russian to think.

Do you know how Sepp plows his fields? In front of a herd of pigs, he tramples corn kernels into the ground, and then releases the pigs from the pen. In search of sweet grains, they plow the entire field, at the same time eating the roots of weeds.

Sepp Holzer tells us about the development of cultural diversity in agriculture, about symbiosis and mutual support of living beings. He knows how to listen to Nature, and she tells him effective solutions to problems. Sepp collects and cultivates ancient varieties of plants - because they have great biological power. It is these plants that should be used by raw foodists for food.

With the help of an excavator, Sepp constructs new landscapes with amazing precision, in which several microclimatic zones coexist simultaneously. He builds crater gardens, high ridges adjacent to ponds and ditches, all planted with plants appropriate to the microclimate.

Sepp's methods are also called permaculture, a word that implies sustainable farming. Zepp does not control pests, spray or fertilize plants. Everything that is needed happens as if by itself - by the forces of living organisms coexisting in the natural environment. And Zepp is only a fine tuner of these interactions.

However, the Sepp method cannot be called non-intervention in Nature - it interferes, and how! He says that one shovel will not fix what people have done for decades with a huge fleet of agricultural machines, turning fertile lands into deserts. The excavator is Zepp's favorite tool. With its help, he creates heavenly places, which, unlike what landscapers build for us, do not fall apart after a year, but continue to exist on their own, only accumulating and developing their strength.

Sepp is not at all a good-natured operetta who tries to please everyone. This is a seasoned fighter and even a rebel. He refuses to comply with the laws that go against Nature, and in this he is persistent and consistent.

Zepp seems to me the hands of Nature Itself, which has finally decided to put things in order.

We are getting amazing examples of management that show how humanity can exist in balance with the natural environment.

But do we have the courage to implement these methods at home?

Paleo-Raw Food and Progress Some raw foodists, who seem to have overcome all the vicissitudes of the transition period, after a few years of being on a raw diet, face insurmountable difficulties (for example, with alkalosis) and are forced to switch to the so-called paleo-raw food.

That is, they begin to eat the same as the ancient human-collector:

raw larvae, small animals, herbs and occasionally fruits. This brings relief: the amino acid balance is restored, the acid-base balance returns to normal.

However, paleo-raw food is not the best way to go, at least for most modern people.

Purely pragmatically modern insects and small animals (for example, rodents), together with people, have long been eating boiled food, usually garbage, and therefore concentrate all kinds of diseases and toxic substances in themselves. Even large animals (which still need to be able to catch somewhere in the forest or in the steppe) already bear traces of modern civilization and are very often sick. And those unfortunate birds and cows that are raised in animal complexes are so stuffed with hormones, growth promoters, harmful feed additives and antibiotics that eating them raw can lead to immediate painful death.

Those who eat raw meat acquire an excellent physical form - but to the detriment of sensual, mental and spiritual development. They like to feel like predators.

But the fate of predators is to eat and sleep after that 20 hours a day. Creativity is practically unclaimed along the way. Moreover, a person who eats animals weaves their near-death suffering into his psyche, even if these animals are slaughtered by the wrong hands.

We become connected to everything we have eaten. And it will enter us with its positive or negative side - depending on whether we helped a living being or carried out violence against him. In his subsequent rebirths, a person will inherit a connection with all the cows, geese and chickens he eats. They will come to his family already as not quite full-fledged children - with developmental delays, having vicious addictions. And then do not exclaim: “Lord, why!” - we now know why.

The average American eats about twenty cows and hundreds of other smaller animals in their lifetime. How long will it take to pay for it?

On the other hand, everything in this world goes to good! And even in such a strange way, Nature achieves an accelerated involvement of ignorant, backward animals in the human form of life.

Concluding the consideration of paleo-raw food as a dietary method, we note that the data of modern archeology indicate that even in the most ancient times, primitive people used heat treatment of food.

So what's wrong with cooked food?

Thermal processing of food has been inextricably linked with the evolution of mankind. It made it possible to increase the efficiency of digestion of food, freeing up the resources of the human body for solving other problems. According to my estimates, the nutrient utilization rate has increased from 20% to 50% due to this.

However, nowadays the widespread heat treatment has eliminated the use of raw foods altogether. Heat treatment has ceased to be gentle or even moderate and has become rampant, I would even say malignant.

Quite a lot has been said in the literature about heterocyclic amines, which are formed during heat treatment of protein-containing products at temperatures above 150 degrees Celsius. Heterocyclic amines are carcinogenic. They are present in large quantities in the characteristic crust of grills, as well as in meat broths and sauces.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are formed in incomplete combustion processes. Their appearance is evidenced by the smells of fried butter, smoked meats, and even just the smell of smoke. These substances often contain benzopyrene, a strong carcinogen.

Rice. 2. When will this soup finally be cooked?

And since nutritionists have developed complete and final clarity about the harmfulness of food cooked at high temperatures, I will no longer touch on this issue.

At lower temperatures, about 130 degrees, the so-called melanoidins are formed - products of saccharoamine reactions, that is, the processes of combining proteins and carbohydrates. In this book, I will often refer to these substances. The processes of their formation were described in detail by Maillard (or Maillard, L. Maillard), so they often talk about Maillard reactions.

Melanoidins are responsible for the aroma of baked bread, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, familiar and dear to our hearts. When heat-treated carbohydrate foods turn brown, you can be sure that melanoidins are present.

Melanoidins are not carcinogens, on the contrary, they have some antioxidant properties. They are even growth promoters and have been proposed for use as biostimulants.

Melanoidins are similar in their properties to melanins, which are formed in plants and animals. They serve as pigments and are formed, in particular, during sunburn.

Melanins are produced as a result of ENZYMATIVE processes, so the process of their synthesis is controlled, while melanoidins are formed in a NON-ENZYMATIVE way. Therefore, their composition is more chaotic, unpredictable.

Closely related to melanoidins are caramels (cyclic esters), which are formed from carbohydrates when heated, and humic acids, which are synthesized from melanoidins with the participation of microorganisms and form the basis of the soil.

Are melanoidins harmful or beneficial? So far, no definite and clear answer to this question has been received. It is possible that some of this broad class of substances are beneficial and others are not.

Surprisingly, many living organisms respond positively to the smell and taste of melanoidins, probably reflecting some deep connection with this class of substances. This is a very interesting question and deserves deep study.

Melanoidins are not broken down by digestive enzymes, and therefore are not absorbed as food. Therefore, the formation of melanoidins can steal up to 30% of protein from food, as well as a fair amount of carbohydrates, making food noticeably less nutritious.

On the other hand, melanoidins can form complexes with enzymes, thereby regulating their catalytic activity. Melanoidins, as already mentioned, are able to influence the rate of cell growth.

Melanoidins are present in all kinds of bread, confectionery and even in overcooked silage. And here's what's interesting: melanoidins are formed during long-term storage of even thermally unprocessed foods. And also in classic low-temperature raw dryers.

Those nutritionists who accept mild cooking insist that steaming food for a few minutes does not produce any dangerous or even suspect food and can be recommended to greatly increase the bioavailability of raw food.

This treatment breaks down toxins, poisons, and transforms the indigestible food components found in many raw plant foods.

However, it should be noted that the simplification of food, even with the help of gentle heat treatment, introduces a significant entropy, noise component. A much wider range of substances is formed in food than the one our digestive system is tuned to. For example, those substances that at first glance seem to be “the same”, upon closer examination, turn out to have a different spatial structure (other stereoisomers). Enzymes of living organisms will differently perceive food containing these substances. And the process of digestion can get out of control.

For example, every person who is sensitive to blood glucose levels knows very well: even just soaked store-bought buckwheat (which, as you know, is calcined) causes a characteristic "cloudiness" in the head, while fermented buckwheat sprouts are easily perceived. The explanation seems to be that these two processing processes produce DIFFERENT stereoisomers of even simple carbohydrates. And in one case, pancreatic insulin copes, and in the other - no.

Below I will talk about the fact that not all heat treatment destroys food enzymes. Moderate heat treatment can even increase the amount of active enzymes. The entire brewing industry is based on this fact. However, heat treatment in a humid environment does its dirty work. And so steaming is a gravedigger of the enzymatic potential of food. Dry heating of pre-cured products gives much better results.

Does food cause serious damage when it is heated to temperatures above 43 degrees?

Changes are happening, of course. Food seems to be becoming more bioavailable and safe, but many informational connections are broken and lost, thanks to which this food was part of Nature. And it's not even about the enzymes themselves, which are only the executive mechanisms of biological programs built by the configurations of the environment. Heat treatment gives us a nutrient, but under our full responsibility - from this moment on, Nature ceases to be responsible for the results.

From this moment on, we take responsibility on our own shoulders. And our evolution depends on how we organize our food. A reasonable person has every right to experiment, including on himself. Understanding at the same time that every action has inevitable consequences.

Dr. Gerson's experience convincingly proved that, even without adhering to the letter of a 100% raw food diet, you can literally get people out of the grave, giving them a new life, sharpening their creative abilities and opening the spiritual path.

After all, we are not fighting for words and we are not at war with words. We are looking for new, greater ways for humanity. And if we maintain a connection with Nature through the abundant use of raw juices, and extract certain food substances by proper heat treatment and at the same time get excellent results - reversing degenerative diseases - then this path can be considered quite acceptable.

The main idea of ​​this book

However, within the framework of this book, a more effective method is proposed, the essence of which will be revealed below - deep self-fermentation of food. This way of cooking also makes it highly bioavailable and at the same time destroys many organic poisons - toxins and alkaloids contained in plant foods. This relieves the burden on the digestive and cleansing apparatus of a person, giving him strength for creative and spiritual breakthroughs. However, the leading and orienting role of the natural environment is not lost, since the corresponding control information is not erased, but is reasonably dosed and adapted to the level of development of a particular person.

The head of the pancreas is the most reliable indicator of how perfect food you have eaten. If immediately after eating you feel a heavy lump in the solar plexus or even a semblance of a cast-iron weight, then this proves without unnecessary theories that this food is unacceptable FOR YOU PERSONALLY. I trust such testing more than the opinions of academics. So, deeply self-fermented food, bringing in itself all the necessary nutritional components, remains practically unnoticed by both the pancreas and the liver, kidneys. But the heart and brain, as well as the adrenal glands, can come into increased tone, so a certain accuracy and moderation in the use of such food must necessarily take place. Deeply fermented food should not be overeaten!

As I have already said and will repeat again and again, the average assimilation rate of raw food does not exceed 20%. The same value for properly cooked cooked food rises to 40-45%. That is why boiled food should be eaten noticeably less than raw. But the absorption of deeply fermented foods rises to 80-90%

- because in this case half of the food is not lost in the form of incorrectly oriented stereoisomers. Similar assessments are made, for example, when comparing the effectiveness of natural and synthetic vitamins.

Self-fermented foods provide maximum energy and minimal stress on the digestive and excretory systems. That is why in traditional cultures such food is considered the elixir of life and is reserved for critical situations. In this book you will find several such examples. However, by making Bread Cheese (see Chapter 5), you can switch to a daily diet of these elixirs!

So, raw plant food, even if it is carefully crushed or chewed, often contains substances that are not at all good for health: essential oils suitable for us personally, alkaloids (vegetable poisons), complex vegetable proteins that overstress the pancreas. While in our stomach, raw plant foods are able to digest themselves by a maximum of 20%. The rest of the work should be done by our digestive system - if it can.

Boiled food puts the entire burden of digestion on our digestion. Heat treatment eliminates many of the mysteries that raw food poses to the digestive organs, but creates new ones - the substances that appear in its process often cannot be digested at all and become ballast.

Fermented food is much more suitable for modern humanity, as it is digested very well. However, fermentation with the help of bacteria and fungi carries some risks. We never know exactly what strains of microorganisms have prepared this dish for us, and we cannot guarantee that it is free of dangerous toxins. Yes, and accepting whole colonies of bacteria or fungi is somehow scary. Therefore, ready-made fermented food is often subjected to sterilizing treatment - this is done, for example, with tofu.

In my opinion, only deep self-fermentation of food, if done correctly, can claim to be the method of preparing the ideal food.

Recently, a friend of mine told me: “Why are you reinventing the wheel, humanity has been eating boiled food for thousands of years and as a result has achieved tremendous success.” It seems to me that such objections are superficial and not entirely honest. On boiled food, bright, creative people, on whom, in fact, our civilization rests, literally burn out in oncological diseases. And we only use what they have created at the cost of their lives. And often we don’t even want to know how geniuses and creators end their lives. And at the present time, due to the increase in the intensity of social life, this trend has already reached, so to speak, the creative middle class. A couple more decades - and oncology will cover all of humanity.

Our civilization cannot stand the pace of development that it has chosen for itself. Moreover, we often slide into mechanical rotation in the same circle, wasting energy in vain. But we have the opportunity to cope with the problem by making the necessary corrections.

The main idea of ​​this book is that humanity can and should switch to eating deeply fermented food. This will immediately push our civilization to develop in those areas where there is a significant lag. We will cease to be mice running on the wheel of daily fuss, and we will gain the possibility of awakening dormant creative potential and hidden spiritual abilities in almost every person.

Gap between purpose and method

Many healing and restorative techniques promise great benefits to mankind. To make it easier to believe in it, authoritative names, regalia and titles, references to traditions are used.

The smart raw food diet invites you to test your faith just once: try one of the recipes described below and observe the result. Of course, it's always good to make a few tries to protect yourself from the occasional failure. But no more! Never bang your head against a concrete wall.

I cannot give you promises and guarantees. Do and check! There is always some risk involved, and every time you need to be creative. If everything goes right, campaigning is not needed: you yourself will FEEL the changes, and you will most likely like them!

How we feel right now is our health in the future.

The right method points in the direction of the desired goal. How can you come to the city that is in the east if you go to the west? Want to try circumnavigating the globe?

Alas, many of the approaches that are offered in our information-rich age ignore the relationship between the declared goal and the method of achieving it. How can you come to a wonderful state of health, if from taking this or that remedy you become frankly ill? We are advised to be patient. We endure and hope. And then it turns out it's too late.

Even during healing crises, which are quite rare, against the background of fever, nausea and weakness, we feel some kind of strange joy. Our being is absolutely sure that everything is going right. Healing crises are a celebration of the soul through illness of the body.

But if we are overtaken by a state in which we feel darkness, coldness and fears, then this is a clear signal that things are going in the wrong direction. And in this case, the manifestations of physical pain do not disappear in 7-10 days, as in a healing crisis, but increase from month to month. If you feel like this in yourself, beware and give way to common sense, rejecting all attempts to hypnotize you.

True healing is never aggressive. It does not seek to enslave you, but invites you to cooperation and co-creation.

It doesn't say:

"We will heal you." It calls: "Treat yourself, and I will help."

When Life returns, it is always joy and confidence. And if she leaves, then these are doubts, sadness and fear.

Let the feeling of joy guide all those who are lost. Catch its slightest echoes, tune in to it as a feedback signal, and follow it.

Joy will not deceive!

Another fatal mistake of mankind

The transition to exclusively thermally processed food is, of course, one of the main reasons for the massive development of degenerative diseases. Dr. Gerson and Howell have been talking about it. And we are gradually beginning to be imbued with this idea, we are taking the necessary practical corrections.

However, there is another bug that needs to be fixed urgently. And even raw foodists are involved in it!

Nature really laid the table for us and laid out on it everything that is necessary for the prosperity of mankind. However, Nature should not be taken literally - it has left for us the opportunity to excel, to show talent and ingenuity. We must see on the table of Nature not only ready-made dishes, but also "do-it-yourself" sets.

As a matter of fact, it was Nature Itself who started all these stories with instant food!

Nature herself acts through us, prompting: take this from here, and from there

- then, connect like this, hook it up, and now - eat! Whoever waits only for something ready, always puts himself in the position of a small child, will surely lose the evolutionary race.

We need to follow the general channel of Life in order to stay alive - we need to be active, awakened. However, in one's creative work one should not cross certain boundaries, beyond which there is a senseless dissipation of forces and death.

So, even vegetarian raw foodists succumbed to the general excitement - the population of the Earth is mastering more and more species and varieties of plants. Residents of big cities have tried, probably, all vegetables and fruits growing on our planet. Raw foodists mix avocados with amaranth sprouts in their blenders, add carob powder and add ginger. But did this vegetable super-diversity increase strength and health?

It is very difficult for us to stop the run of our insatiable mind and see: many millions of tons of wonderful food grow freely around us. This is grass, other greenery, trees. There is no need to grow many capricious vegetables and fruits in hard work, trying to replace the elements of Nature. There are forces in Nature that are ready to do all this for us with pleasure. They moisten, sow, fertilize. And we only need to harvest and apply our skills and knowledge so that from what Nature has given us, we can make ideal food for ourselves - the most nutritious, tasty, and effortless to digest.

Many raw foodists categorically deny any food processing, even gentle mechanical. Because it is "not in Nature". That is unnatural. Is it natural to dig the earth, like gophers, weed it, violating what Nature naturally strives for, and produce disharmony in it, imposing plants that are not characteristic of the area? Is it natural to eat a hundred species of plants when ten would be enough with a margin?

Here in the dacha, a dandelion rose by itself and grew. Mow it five times a season, you will gain several tens of kilograms of biomass (by dry weight!) And you will be provided with just this for the winter. No, the stubborn gardener diligently plows the land (which, frankly, is a kind of violence against Nature) and plants the vacant territory with dill, which does not want to grow in this area - well, this is not his place! By autumn, the mountain gardener will pick up only a few stunted bushes of this dill and use them for pickling cucumbers. The mountain gave birth to a mouse. The blacksmith forged the zilch.

This is how humanity has been forging zilch for many hundreds of years - by spending incredible amounts of labor it creates something that is barely enough for food. There was a food problem. I am sure that this is not a problem of agricultural land, but of the agitated human mind, which is always eager to do what it has not even thought about yet. That's really a monkey mind!

In recent years, I have been purposefully engaged in demonstrating that it is possible to live in central Russia without a tractor or even a shovel. Enough blender and juicer. Well, maybe even a meat grinder will be included in the golden fund of nature-loving technology. Everything else can be left in the garage. And instead of serving all this inanimate colossus, spending his life on it, a person can be much more engaged in a variety of creativity - both artistic and technical. And we should never forget that the main thing for which a person is born is the service to Nature.

Another thing is that many people are not yet capable of creativity. Instead, they make a lot of quick movements and dashes with a focused look - like soldiers on exercises in peacetime. They need to somehow cool the anxiety that sucks their soul! Let's at least paint the lawns.

So there is no need to talk about the food problem - our planet can easily feed a hundred billion people and even more. But these should be PEOPLE, and not mad monkeys who have broken loose from the chain - full of energy, but devoid of a creative mind, unable to control their feelings and desires.

Why are GMO foods needed? Nature's productivity is still much higher than what even the most successful food corporations can count on.

Nature creates such an abundance of nutritious green mass that we are not able to eat even a small part of it.

It really turns out, as in the good old joke:

some people stole a wagon of vodka, sold the vodka, and drank the money away.

–  –  –

And now I will develop an idea that may seem seditious to many. The development of technology is not at all an opponent of life as such; on the contrary, technology is a form of Life. Another thing is that Life will leave behind only those forms of technological achievements (and those of their carriers) that meet certain criteria. And everything else will crumble to dust and sink into oblivion.

In fact, this is exactly what Life does with its other forms, be it dinosaurs or giant dragonflies. And in the past there have been many ecological catastrophes that have been a disaster for the departing species, and for the newly established ones have become a wide-open gate to Life. For example, for bacteria that feed on sulfur dioxide, the arrival of plants and the oxygen era was the real end of the world. But for more complex forms of Life, such a change in the conditions of existence accelerated the differentiation of species, made the achievements of highly developed beings significant and in demand.

Mankind is able to develop rapidly only after reaching a certain scale of its existence. Any parts of it that have come into isolation inevitably begin to degrade and die. Humanity is a single living organism. The city, when viewed from the height of a jet liner, resembles the root system of some giant plant. Natural resources flow to the center along these roots, and signals of organizing control and entropy wastes return along them.

Organic agriculture, growing its products without chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides, of course, must sooner or later be introduced everywhere. But as a result of a systemic shift on the scale of the whole society. And any kind of communities, settlements and forestry can and should become a kind of temples of Nature, in which everyone can get the necessary advice, practical experience in interacting with natural elements and forces, go through the process of rehabilitation and healing. Or maybe spend an annual vacation here in order to accelerate spiritual maturation.

Humanity is humanity because it is large and interconnected.

Computers, mobile phones are only completing the long-running process of integrating humanity into a kind of super-organism, a planetary being. Separate people, in fact, are the neurons of the brain of this Creature - the Cosmic Man.

It all depends on how the consolidation process takes place. Will there be full-fledged relations between the part and the whole, or will there be a division into the “white bone” and the predatory exploited “meat” of social life.

The whole interacts with its parts in the flow of love - how else can you treat yourself? The opposite of this is hatred, contempt, division and oppression. The first path stabilizes existence in the centuries, and on the second of them, society flares up brightly for a short time, and then crumbles. For a simple reason: it did not provide a reliable foundation for its existence and was built on sand.

Hatred and division do not arise suddenly: first, we begin to oppose ourselves to the natural environment and the inhabitants of its kingdoms, predatory exploiting and destroying them. And then we send our own brother to die in a tank on the front lines of a senseless war.

The root of mankind's troubles is not at all in technology, not in the development of science. But the fact that people have lost their support and have ceased to see themselves in the natural environment.

This environment can and should be transformed by saturating it with information, elevated feelings and giving it a purpose. There must be a gentle interpenetration of humanity and Nature, and I call this HumaNature. In the regime of such a united existence, a green street is open for technology and science - in every sense of these words. Technology and science are forms of accelerated development and therefore inevitable. Having passed the stage of mastering mechanical gears and cogs, a person must learn to deal with small living beings, building from them not lifeless colossi of factories and factories, but efficient and happy symbiotic organisms, communities of beings united by the joy of coexistence.

Here someone is building a three-meter fence to isolate himself from prying eyes. Yes, it's technology. And the other digs drainage ditches that disperse swamps, and plants forest belts along them, which, as it were, at the same time become fences. And birds nest on them. And cruel winds get stuck in their branches. Such fences do not need to be repaired or corrected - just trim them once every ten years. And it's also technology! So the point is not that we act in a complex and purposeful way - this, by the way, has always been a sign of development. And how many factors we managed to weave into unity with our efforts.

The more of these factors, the more life we ​​saved and increased.

So the current state of our industry does not at all testify to the high level of our development, but, on the contrary, to its primitiveness and limitations.

And now let's return to the question already asked: what does a living being get in response to his sacrifice of individuality, as a reward for his awakening in Unity? It enters into the being of this Unity, acquiring innumerable advantages and properties that would be completely impossible in a state of isolation.

For example, a living cell of the human body, in exchange for observing certain rules of the game, receives a stay in an environment with a constant temperature and humidity, in which there is an abundance of nutrients and where enzymatic reactions occur with maximum intensity. It receives immune protection and removal of waste products and toxins. A small cell acquires the existence of the physical body of a macroorganism. But not only that!

From the totality of reactions and reflexes of these small cells, sensuality and the human psyche are formed. And cells empathize with the whole, become this Whole.

An individual person acquires similar advantages, merging into society. And thanks to this, and in the process of becoming this, he, in fact, becomes a man in our modern understanding. He acquires speech, abstract and creative thinking. And he is already able to endure his life beyond the limitations of the human body. Man is globalized.

And in the process of entering into the unity of all Nature, a person acquires the main reward: awareness, identical to eternal life. A person who lovingly interacts with Nature scatters through it like circles through water - and the water is the natural environment, and the stone is the human body. And on this path, humanity and all its symbionts enter the information infinity of the existence of the entire set of nested and mutually reflecting universes.

And all this happens as a result of some planetary technological process, which at the level of an individual in its external manifestations is indistinguishable from ordinary social life, and in its internal sense is a spiritual practice.

Cancer: Nature's Last Warning

After going through many trials associated with cancer, I can finally say that cancer is a warning that Nature issues to modern humanity.

Nothing in the world spins a person's brains as fast as a fatal diagnosis. If you didn’t have a relationship with Nature and she decided to tell you about it, nothing will save you - neither doctors with their “scientific” theory and “evidence-based”

methods, nor the concrete walls of real estate or the inexhaustibility of bank accounts.

Academic degrees and titles will not only not help, but rather even interfere. Life cannot be bought, begged or taken by force for oneself - it will simply pass through one's fingers.

Because life is not a thing, but a process. You do not take him into yourself, but he takes you. And if he rejects you, then you are gone.

In the United States, the oncological mole has already cleared up with might and main. And soon every second person living in this country will be able to get to know him during his life - this is what the statistics say. At the same time, in fairness, it should be said that it was in this country that the way to overcome adversity matured and successfully tested - in tiny clinics of desperate loners like Dr. Gerson.

And while the vast majority of the population of industrialized countries has already lined up, at the end of which a flag adorned with a cheerful figure with two claws has been hoisted, there is already a quite convincing minority, at least ten percent of the population, who DEFINITELY will not fall into this line. And if it hits, then not for long, having every opportunity to leave it. Because Life has already embraced them and will protect them with its presence. These people will form the stream of social development, which is destined to continue for centuries. And in which humanity and the environment will be merged together. And all the rest will die, no matter how sad. Just as those who did not pass the test of the plague or the Spanish flu died out. Dinosaurs also died out even earlier.

As Dr. Gerson used to say, any cancer can be cured, but not every patient. Because at the heart of the treatment lies the willingness to change and reunite with Nature. It is not acquired with pills. This is achieved by making creative efforts.

That's it. Destroying specific people, Nature blesses and preserves life on our planet.

But this is what dispels darkness and opens windows for the sun of joy:

Almost EVERYONE can be saved. Including you, if it has already affected you. You just need to be able to turn your life around.

Do not think that I have become a mischievous straight-A student in the school of Nature, who laughs gleefully at the mistakes of his comrades. I'm just a laggard sitting in the back of the repeaters who suddenly realized his ignorance.

I suddenly felt very clearly that the planet Earth is looking at industrial cities that merge into megacities and poison the natural environment with their waste, as if it were a growing cancerous tumor. And if, God forbid, the mass use of shale gas production technology begins, then this process will already pass into the stage of metastasis.

As I see it now, all the problems in our body tell us exactly what planetary problem we should personally take on. There is an amazing relationship between the planetary body and our physical, human body. At first it seems mystical, but when you start to understand, mysticism goes aside and regularity comes forward.

Humanity should not become an oncological process that captures the Earth! This is the message that every sick person receives. Decipher it for your specific case and immediately make the necessary corrections. It is necessary to make changes in your long-term and immediate goals, in the style and way of your life.

We urgently need to change the gestalt of perception and learn to look at everything around through the eyes of Nature. And only this look will see how you personally should be saved.

By taking upon yourself the salvation of Nature from the cancer of modern civilization, you turn into the very cell inside the tumor that no longer wants to be malignant, and this does not allow the tumor to continue its unrestrained growth. And at the same time, in your own body, in the tumor that is bothering you, healthy cells begin to form and multiply, the appearance of which also means your personal salvation.

And then humanity will become not a cancerous tumor of the planet, but its nervous system. And cities will become its nerve centers.

What is GMO

GMOs are genetically modified organisms. Biotechnologists have learned to extract single genes from the DNA of one organism and insert them into the DNA of another, even crossing species barriers. For example, a gene from an insect or other animal may be inserted into a plant. And as a result, unwatered potatoes, for example, begin to glow in the dark - like an ocean jellyfish.

A lot has been said about the potential of genetic modification and the resulting benefits for humanity. The fact that it is possible to grow drought-resistant plants that give huge yields and are not afraid of pests and weeds. And that thanks to this humanity can be saved from hunger.

But all this is from the field of PR campaigns. Embellishment of reality for the general public. Reality looks very different.

The main motive for large corporations to create GMOs is to save profits from the sale of pesticides and herbicides for which patents have expired.

In agricultural crops, including food crops, a gene is inserted that can deactivate a particular herbicide or pesticide. The one whose exclusive use rights the company has expired. Now this plant will be able to endure even monstrous doses of chemical influences, from which all living things will die. And the seeds of genetically modified plants, as you understand, are patented.

The dream of many biotechnology companies involved in GMOs is that in general, all food plants are genetically modified and the seeds for them are patented. And after that, the sale of air is within easy reach.

But this is only one aspect of the problem. There are others, no less dangerous. In an unstoppable desire to save money, corporations are using outdated technologies of genetic modification and control, which are already about two decades old. And in fact, this "miracle of science" resembles the shelling of a passing train by a gang of teenagers - with the help of bricks and cobblestones. Which window will be broken does not matter, the main thing is that the effect will be produced.

It is never known in advance where in the genome a new gene will be inserted. And this process is irreproducible. All plants of the new variety are direct clones of a single plant cell. And under adverse circumstances, the whole view can be lost in one hour.

The methods used to introduce foreign genes actually cripple the plant genome in an uncontrolled way. Dozens of important genes may disappear, and thousands of others may change in intensity. Sometimes the introduced gene is wedged into the middle of some "native" gene. Or it replicates itself many times, in many copies. The genome becomes a bizarre mixture of genetic scraps. These facts are proved by modern methods of genetic analysis.

And what can give rise to such a distorted gene code? The miracle of nature promised to us? In fact, the new creature begins to synthesize bizarre chemicals that do not occur in nature and are at least not useful to living beings.

But the main danger is that gene modification greatly enhances the so-called horizontal gene transfer. What does this mean for us? And here's what.

Having eaten GMO corn, we will not even notice how the bacteria living in our mouth or in the intestine will pick up new genes and turn, for example, into producers of the same herbicides and pesticides. And we ourselves will become factories of these substances. Now we will have to fight not with traces of poisons that reach us after the chemical treatment of fields, but with their streams that are formed every minute in our bodies.

In general, it seems to me that in the very near future GMO products will become the main cause of oncology, pushing banal herbicides and pesticides into second place.

The governments of industrialized countries maintain taboos on discussing these issues in the media. And violating scientists are deprived of their positions, expelled from work, they are threatened with court. There are clear examples. It is clear that there is simply no one to finance expensive research on the possible harmful effects of GMOs on animals and humans - neither governments nor corporations are interested in doing this.

Only scattered information from private sources seeps into the press. But they are so blatant that they do not pass by the attention of the public, concerned about their health.

For example, in India, after the harvest of genetically modified cotton, flocks of sheep were released into the fields to eat the green mass. This has been done from century to century - sheep eat abundant green mass with pleasure. But with GMO cotton, the result was that after five days, 25% of those sheep died from an unknown disease. In total, about 10,000 animals were lost. Autopsies showed that the animals had multiple injuries to internal organs. Foci of necrosis covered the intestines and liver. The cause of death was the so-called Bt toxin produced by genetically modified cotton.

The few honest studies that have leaked to the press tell us a surprising thing: the negative effects of GMOs do not have to be expected for years.

It comes just a couple of weeks after even minor elements of the GMO diet are introduced into the food of experimental animals.

Even rats, a paragon of biological vitality, cannot stand genetically modified foods. And this can be understood: after all, GMOs cause changes at the level of cellular metabolism.

But here's what's interesting: many animals living in the wild refuse to eat GMO foods! And the researchers even had to use force-feeding (through a tube inserted into the esophagus).

It looks like things are going to the fact that you and I are going to be treated in a similar way.

Infection with altered genes is much more dangerous than ordinary chemical infection.

Because it is like a flame that propagates itself through a dry forest. Throwing a match, you can no longer stop the process. You lose control over it.

Even from the pollen of GMO plants, outbreaks of severe allergies can occur. Many people have been hurt just by working on the packaging of GMO foods.

And how widespread are GM organisms and products made from them? Much further than we would like. For example, in the US almost all starch is made from GMO corn. Many popular sugar substitutes are also genetically modified foods.

Those wishing to improve their knowledge of these issues can look at the site

GMOs: even more dangerous for raw foodists

Genetically modified food, without a doubt, is a deadly threat to humanity. All honest researchers confirm this.

Only those who live on custom projects and serve multinational food corporations scream about the harmlessness of GMOs.

In Europe, a third of the total number of bees has been lost, and this process is developing catastrophically. The reason has been established: feeding on the pollen of genetically modified plants. And since the life of a bee is short, pathological changes accumulate in generations very quickly. And the result is unequivocal: the inability to procreate. This is due to the fact that the bees cannot gain sufficient biological strength necessary for the birth of offspring.

Raw foodists who eat GMO foods don't actually benefit from such a raw food diet - only harm. There is a dangerous illusion of a raw food diet, it is falsified and perverted. In fact, for raw foodists, GMO foods are even more dangerous than for those who eat them boiled or fried. Because, as it turned out, rather large aggregates can be absorbed through the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines - even whole proteins. And so the destructive information contained in genetically modified foods penetrates the raw foodist directly into the bloodstream.

Altered enzymes begin to act, which now collect altered proteins in a person. First of all, this leads to a massive surge in allergic diseases, and then - autoimmune ones. Similar phenomena occur if a person is in constant contact with sources of a bacterial or fungal infection.

A paradoxical situation arises: GMO foods are most harmful in their raw, unprocessed form. And the higher the degree of their processing, including thermal and chemical, the more the altered genetic information is destroyed, and the less harmful they become. This is truly a grimace of a civilization based on food processing! However, you should not delude yourself with this: processing turns extremely carcinogenic products into ordinary carcinogens.

It must be understood that the main reason for which corporations invest huge amounts of money in GMOs is not at all to improve the quality and taste of food. These inanimate products lie on the shelves for months and do not deteriorate, which is convenient for both manufacturers and sellers. In addition, GMO plants are synthesized in such a way that they become insensitive to destructive poisons - pesticides and herbicides, which kill all living things, including us. After pollinating the fields with this, one might say, chemical weapon, GMO plants cheerfully stretch upwards, and few people realize how much poison they have absorbed after such treatment.

GMO products destroy the established order in a living organism, violate the controllability of the central nervous system and consciousness. And so they are, by definition, carcinogens.

I don't think genetic engineering should be banned at all. However, until the moment (which, apparently, will not come very soon), when this science matures and becomes able to predict the results of genetic changes, any commercialization of it should be prohibited. And of course, it is necessary to stop the invasion of GMO foods as soon as possible. As a first step, mandatory labeling of GMO products should be achieved. It is necessary to conduct explanatory work among all sane people and organize a massive boycott of deadly food.

I urge everyone reading these lines to actively disseminate information about the dangers of GMOs, using the Internet for this, including social networks and personal WEB sites.

It is necessary to inform each other about companies, both manufacturing and trading, that distribute GMOs. It is necessary to publish lists of GMO-contaminated products, to disclose their distinguishing features. It is necessary to form such a public opinion, according to which the production and sale of GMOs would be considered as a crime against humanity, LIFE IN GENERAL and subject to criminal punishment.

And now I would like to answer a question that I am often asked in lectures: does a person have the right to interfere at all with the holy of holies of Nature - the DNA code - and change it? From the point of view of Love of Nature, if a person realizes himself as one with Nature, feels himself to be its continuation and a working tool, then he not only can, but also needs to master genetic modification. But if a person is driven by his small, personal interest, then the topic of GMOs is closed to him, and attempts to break into it will have disastrous consequences.

Signs of GMO products

I will now list only the most obvious clues that can be used to expose GMO products. Here I am guided, rather, by rumors and common sense than exact knowledge. Because no one will give us this knowledge in the near future, and efforts to protect our lives must be made now.

First, GMO fruits and vegetables have almost no smell. Because the smell arises due to the high activity of enzymes, but it is almost absent in GMO organisms. These are doomed beings that will eventually be filtered out by natural selection.

Due to the lack of enzymatic activity, mechanical damage does not appear on them in the form of dark barrels - GMO fruits always look perfect. Therefore, these products are of no interest to fruit flies that feed on enzymes. And even bacteria! A fungus that easily digests even old wood cannot digest a GMO tomato.

Fruits and vegetables that are absolutely identical in shape and size always look suspicious. We are talking about European standards. Yes, only those who have extremely low production costs can afford to meet these standards - and this is another sign of GMOs.

It is surprising that European standards set a lot of superficial signs - size, shape, color, but say nothing about the amount of water in the product and the ash content, about the enzyme content. It is as if these standards specifically target manufacturers to grow dummies from papier-mâché. And to bankrupt honest producers of organic products.

Often, exaggerated signs of quality lead to the trail, which usually attract buyers.

There are cherry tomatoes on the supermarket counter. They are harvested unripe to the point of being crunchy, yet they are burgundy red in color and cloyingly sweet in taste. All my friends who tried them, the next day felt pain in the solar plexus, which gradually turned into girdle pain.

What's the attack? I'll suggest:

a blow was struck to the head of the pancreas, which was trying to produce an enzyme capable of digesting the eaten beauty. And she couldn't.

And here lies a beautiful persimmon, which - lo and behold - does not knit! Do not rush to buy it - what if it is a GMO fake?

Seedless fruits are always suspect. GMO products are biologically very weak - they do not have the strength to form seeds.

Often GMOs are combined with pre-sale chemical processing. Oranges still on the tree are sprayed with chemistry so that they turn bright orange. The same goes for tangerines. And we, remember, have always been indignant that Abkhazian tangerines with green barrels! They did not understand their happiness.

Don't buy apples with a sticky, waxy surface. They are already dead and not breathing.

They are like frozen fruits.

Alas, in order to secure GMOs, even fermentation will not help us. The properties of the product itself, perhaps, will improve somewhat from this, but the lactobacilli that multiply on it mutate and can become dangerous. In any case, the bacterial culture will be spoiled.

The situation begins to remind me of the irreversible infection of a computer with a malicious virus, when the antivirus program failed and the copy of the clean system was lost.

If we are not able to take the situation under control now, then only one thing will remain for Nature - reinstallation of the system from scratch.

Raw Food and the Internet

So far, the raw food diet has suffered rather than benefited from the widespread use of the Internet. Many raw food forums are filled with gossip retellings, fantastical theories, and all of this is delivered in a non-questionable and with a fair amount of aggression.

As a rule, those whose experience of raw food diet does not exceed one year have fun on these forums. As they gain real knowledge, participants lose their peremptory attitude and gradually leave these communication platforms. Veteran raw foodists are almost impossible to find here.

This is a general problem of the Internet as an information environment. After all, it is practically not protected by immunity. Immunity is a system product, its task is to maintain a workable integrity. And the Internet is now based on the idea of ​​personal freedom as an end in itself. As long as this is so, there will be no real sense and creative activity here. Social networks explode daily with mass tantrums similar to infectious diseases. Sensations replace each other, arising from scratch and disappearing into oblivion again. This is the animal way of being. Experience is not accumulated and analyzed. How can we grow out of this, rise to the level of creative humanity?

The answer is obvious: the Internet must proclaim common goals that are inextricably linked to the progress of mankind and the evolution of life. The constitution, the laws of communication and exclusion from the network, if the laws are violated - this is what should become the norm of information life. And this activity should be directed by communities of experts elected by voting. As long as this is not the case, activity on the Internet will be manipulated by commercial interests, similar to what happens in conventional mass media.

The same applies to regular Internet forums on WEB sites. In no way should the status of a forum member be mechanically dependent on the number of his posts.

The status should be determined by qualifications in the issues under discussion and formed in parallel by voting of both experts and the general public.

Purely technically, it could be done like this. From the general flow of publications, experts choose those that seem important to them and place them in special thematic headings. Now comes the turn of the general public: it votes, speaks out, evaluates. And already from the sum of these ratings, the rating of the author of the published article is formed. That is, experts can only hound the evaluation process, and how it goes depends on the forum participants. What is also important is that reading and evaluating the information posted in thematic headings should be the responsibility of site visitors - this is how they pay for the free provision of a communication platform to them. Each participant is required to carry out a certain minimum of evaluations.

But exceeding this minimum does not provide any benefits.

Special mention should be made of freedom of expression and choice of topics. It must be clearly understood that any person is free in his actions aimed at the public good and the good of all life in general. And not free to harm this good. This criterion is transparent and clear: act in the interests of the natural environment, not forgetting to include humanity in it.

Returning to raw food and diets, it can be seen that the discussion can take place on at least three levels. At the highest of them, general principles and approaches are discussed, cross-relationships with other areas of human knowledge are established. This is a platform for experts who have already proven their worth. Everyone else here is a reader.

At the next level, within the framework of the planned thematic highways, recipes, methods, and specific approaches are proposed and discussed. The one who has something to say speaks.

Readers can rate these publications.

Submit new topics. If you seem interesting to someone, you will be noticed and answered.

And finally: no nicknames and pseudonyms! Behind each pseudonym, a specific identity must be transparently registered. Because the openness of the individual in the discussion implies social responsibility. Otherwise, the Internet will finally turn into a collection of virtual beings, similar to astral imitator creatures.

Inspired by similar ideas, I will try to start setting the described rules on our site dedicated to Nature:

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It is hardly possible to hope to get out of the dense forest if you walk with your eyes closed. Too great a chance to break your forehead on tree trunks or fall into a ravine! It's time to open our eyes. Dreaming of ideal food, we must understand very clearly that nutrition is the most important channel for the two-way interaction of a living being with the natural environment. Without understanding how all life in Nature relates to the environment, we will not see a clear picture and will be forced to rush from one extreme to another.

Nutrition is traditionally viewed as a one-way process. They usually talk like this. Here is the person who is the subject. He extracts from the environment the products and materials he needs. The environment, of course, is an object, an inert and unconscious material formation. The subject subjugates the object and uses it for his own purposes.

Such a philosophy, as we saw in the previous chapter, inevitably leads to mass physiological degeneration of mankind, gives rise to heart attacks, strokes, cancer and other misfortunes. After all, erroneous ideas inevitably lead to wrong actions.

In this chapter, we will try to consider what should be corrected in our ideas about the relationship between man and Nature in order to find the way to proper nutrition - which will not kill us, but help us increase health, develop, and create.

In my opinion, the main thing that has fallen out of the attention of many people is that the natural environment surrounding us, simply put, Nature, in relation to us is an active, integral beginning. It is she who nourishes our bodies, but not only them! It also fills our souls and spirits. We grow on it like fruits on the tree of Life.

From Nature we draw not only substances, substances from which we build our bodies.

We get carefully organized information on exactly how to do it. And all the necessary means in order to use this information.

Man is included in Nature to such an extent that it is impossible even to separate him from a single set of life processes. And one has only to try to do this, as the accelerated process of dying immediately begins. What we are now seeing everywhere in our "highly developed" society.

Millions of feedback circuits are established and operate between man and Nature. A decrease in their number leads to degradation, and an increase means evolution and development.

Nutrition is a two-way process, within the framework of which there is an attunement of each individual person and the entire Infinity of Nature. We do not feed, but Nature feeds us, thereby guiding, protecting, developing.

Each person determines for himself what is the purpose of the food system that he builds for himself. Someone wants to again, as in his youth, become able to drink a case of beer at a time. And someone wants to produce numerous healthy offspring. Another dreams of publishing many brilliant scientific works or creating a pictorial masterpiece.

It is not customary to argue about the choice of life goals. Here, for example, I call the ideal nutrition system the one that can lead me from rare outbreaks of experiencing unity with Nature to constant immersion in this unity. Then all other good life goals, it seems to me, will be achieved automatically.

And those who want to move along with me in this direction will have to urgently restore the presence of Nature in human physiology in the very near future.

Because the burden on the human body increases year by year. The streams of information that we have to process are becoming more and more intense, the electromagnetic radiation surrounding us is becoming denser. And the amount of chemical toxins is clearly not decreasing. Therefore, we will have to learn new ways to restore the integrity of the human body, which the factors mentioned above are constantly breaking.

What is it - Nature?

In the pages of this book, I have to often refer to the word "Nature". As you can see, I write it with a capital letter. All the topics discussed literally revolve around this word - it seems so important to me. And in order to avoid possible discrepancies and misunderstandings, let me explain in detail what I mean by this word.

So Nature is:

Mountains, rivers, birches, birds, flies - in a word, everything that we traditionally find around us when we leave the city to relax; it is the closest part of the environment to us; but it is also the city itself, with its weary buildings, roads and cars;

Moon, Sun, stars, galaxies, quasars, dark matter, interstellar dust - what we traditionally call the word "space";

Elementary particles of all varieties and types, radiation fluxes, movement and movement of any material objects - this is usually called "energy";

Information that is hidden in the depths of everything that surrounds us, including its active, "software" part;

Those sources of order and control that are like computer operating systems. They are deeply hidden in the structure of material objects, and therefore we usually do not realize them and can judge them only by the results of their action on the world.

It turns out that by the word "Nature" I mean in general everything that we know and even is still unknown, including all people and myself. Nature in my view is a single living being the size of the universe, and everything observed is its parts, subdivisions and subsystems. There is one Life in the universe, one process that binds everything, and we are alive insofar as we participate in it.

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Sergey Gladkov

Smart raw food

There is no "you"!

There is only Nature

This publication is not a medical reference. Before using the recommended methods, consult with a specialist.

The Energy of Health series contains books with the best, really time-tested advice and recommendations from authors who have thousands of grateful patients behind them. We are sure that they will help you to maintain health and joy for many years to come.

Gladkov Sergey Mikhailovich, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sci., laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize in science and technology, published more than 100 scientific articles, now a writer and poet, musician and creator of new forms of multimedia art (“Video Mantras”, “Atomic Art of Advaita”), healer and yogi. Founder of the "University of Nature" - an Internet resource dedicated to teaching methods of reuniting man and Nature.


This book is like a special edition newspaper for raw foodists, beginners and experienced alike. Want to know the latest news? Luckily they are happy!

In the wake of the rise in popularity of the raw food diet, some spoke out on this topic publicly, reducing it to the slogan "eat raw - you will be healthy and happy." And as a result, their followers not only did not find the promised happiness, but squandered the last remnants of the health that they had.

I invite readers to participation in the affairs of Nature!

Mistakes of the traditional raw food diet

How to make live food as digestible and tasty as possible

Deep self-fermentation of food

Bread and cheese: a miracle of the XXI century. A dream come true raw foodists!

Solved the main problems of the raw food diet: exhaustion and alkalosis

Food that allows you to enter into unity with Nature

Small yoga: the creation of oneself. food and consciousness


This book is a brief, preliminary account of my personal experience. I experimented, creating new food products that, on the one hand, should be truly nutritious, complete, and on the other hand, would not burden the digestive system, taking too many resources for their processing. And also would not leave a tangible amount of waste and slag in the body.

The book is based largely on my own personal experiences, as well as those of a small group of people who dared to share my new food with me.

To what extent the recipes developed by me will be useful for the broad masses of people - I do not know. Time will tell. However, I want to warn you that I do not have the authority (and desire to do so!) to prescribe, prescribe, recommend, or otherwise impose on you what I have described in the pages of this book.

If you want to repeat my experience, then you will have to do it under your full personal responsibility. Whether you get positive or negative results - it will be the result of your decision and the work of your hands. Therefore, do not rely on my authority, but carefully try on the approaches described in this book to yourself and your personal situation. Involve all the information available to you, consult other people, turn on your creative imagination. And in no case do not act mechanically, literally.

It's like buying seeds from a store. I can only guarantee you that the seeds are of high quality, the germination rate is high. But whether they will sprout specifically in your garden depends on the soil, the presence of the sun, the regularity of watering, and many other factors. Including - from your zeal and ingenuity.

I hope that this statement will not dampen your enthusiasm, but will only sharpen the sharpness of the experience of reality.


The writing of this book was made possible thanks to the support of many people, primarily members of the University of Nature, a community of people seeking to deepen their relationship with Nature. Some names are mentioned in the last chapter.

And now I would like to especially highlight the participation of the Kuzin family (Valentin, Natalia and their son Andrey), who regularly organized the purchase of English-language books according to my lists through the Amazon system. As a result, I became the owner of a unique book collection. I think that many of the books included in it are missing even in university libraries. Thanks to such informational support, my knowledge penetrated into a wide variety of natural sciences.

Cookbook of life. 100 recipes for living plant food Gladkov Sergey Mikhailovich

Smart raw food

Smart raw food

Many, having decided to become vegetarians or raw foodists, try to jump from one train to another at full speed. Undoubtedly, the generally accepted norms of nutrition inevitably take us to the final station of life. And we need to urgently change direction. But for this it is absolutely not necessary to bring yourself to dystrophy and resuscitation. And for many, this is the end of the experience of a sharp transition to a new power system.

Instead, the author proposes to calmly drive to the nearest station and there comfortably transfer to the return train without crashing to death and without losing your luggage. That is why the author of this book pays so much attention to the transition diet.

Real raw foodists eat food in the form in which it was "prepared" by Nature - right from the garden. No hassle with cooking, dishes!

But, alas, to start eating like this, you must have at least strong teeth and healthy digestion. I had neither, so I had to compromise and create a special cooking - for myself and maybe for friends.

Currently, only a few have been able to climb the shining peaks of the raw food diet, and everyone else is wandering somewhere below, trying to get at least to the pass. They cannot climb a vertical wall and need to find a comfortable and safe path.

I believe that one should not fanatically consume products in an absolutely unchanged form. After all, we still chew them, moisten them with saliva, process them with gastric juice and warm them to the temperature of our own body. In other words, we adapt natural food to our body system.

If we are physically weak, then in the process of restoring our health, it is logical to use crutches in the form of kitchen appliances and appliances. The main thing is that food processing should save us most of the valuable natural substances, saturated with control and healing information.

I call it "smart raw food" bearing in mind the targeted and creative nature of such an approach.

It is necessary not to rush from side to side under the slogans of this or that “only correct method”, but to consciously and painstakingly build your diet.

From the book The Cookbook of Life. 100 Live Plant Food Recipes author Gladkov Sergei Mikhailovich

Raw foodism and love of nature At present, a movement called "naturism" has become widespread in the West; This concept is more general than a raw food diet. It includes all natural, natural methods of nutrition and wellness. But I will now put into circulation

From the book Raw Food Diet. Food that heals the cells of the body the author Valozhek Olga

Vegetarian raw food diet In this case, meat and fish are completely excluded from the diet, but eggs, milk and dairy products remain (of course, without thermal

From the book Smart Raw Food. Food for body, soul and spirit author Gladkov Sergei Mikhailovich

Vegan raw food diet In this case, raw foodists exclude absolutely all products of animal origin, using only plant foods. This type of raw food diet is the most

From The Big Book of Nutrition for Health author Gurvich Mikhail Meerovich

From the book Food Energy. Raw Food in the Health System by Katsuzo Nishi

From the book Encyclopedia of Smart Raw Food Diet: The Victory of Mind Over Habit author Gladkov Sergei Mikhailovich

From the author's book

From the author's book

The Raw Food Diet and the Internet So far, the raw food diet has suffered rather than benefited from the widespread use of the Internet. Many raw food forums are filled with gossip retellings, fantastical theories, and all of this is delivered in a non-questionable and with a fair amount of aggression. how

From the author's book

Raw food and non-violence This topic comes up regularly in discussions of vegetarianism and raw food. Meat-eaters point the finger at vegetarians, pointing out that they, too, are ruining the life of what they eat. I must admit that there is some truth in their accusations. Certainly

From the author's book

Raw Food Diet and Emotions Some advocates of the raw food diet argue that enjoying the taste of food is, if not a sin, then at least a shame. Therefore, they deny seasonings and spices - since Nature has created food as it is, it must be consumed in the same form, not

From the author's book

Smart raw food and love For whatever reason you take up an intensive raw food diet (for example, using the Gerson Protocol), on average during the day you will have to disassemble and wash: an auger juicer - 10 times, a blender - 5 times, an electric meat grinder - 3 times, a coffee grinder

From the author's book

From the author's book

Is raw food healthy? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Some nutritionists understand a raw food diet as the inclusion in the diet of a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. And we can agree with them: after all, fresh plant products are sources of various

From the author's book

Raw food diet All animals on our planet eat raw food, ancient people also ate raw food, so our stomachs are quite adapted to the digestion and utilization of raw food. Many advocates of a raw food diet claim that such a diet allows the absorption of nutrients.

Sergey Gladkov

Smart raw food

There is no "you"!

There is only Nature

This publication is not a medical reference. Before using the recommended methods, consult with a specialist.

The Energy of Health series contains books with the best, really time-tested advice and recommendations from authors who have thousands of grateful patients behind them. We are sure that they will help you to maintain health and joy for many years to come.

Gladkov Sergey Mikhailovich, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sci., laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize in science and technology, published more than 100 scientific articles, now a writer and poet, musician and creator of new forms of multimedia art (“Video Mantras”, “Atomic Art of Advaita”), healer and yogi. Founder of the "University of Nature" - an Internet resource dedicated to teaching methods of reuniting man and Nature.


This book is like a special edition newspaper for raw foodists, beginners and experienced alike. Want to know the latest news? Luckily they are happy!

In the wake of the rise in popularity of the raw food diet, some spoke out on this topic publicly, reducing it to the slogan "eat raw - you will be healthy and happy." And as a result, their followers not only did not find the promised happiness, but squandered the last remnants of the health that they had.

I invite readers to participation in the affairs of Nature!

Mistakes of the traditional raw food diet

How to make live food as digestible and tasty as possible

Deep self-fermentation of food

Bread and cheese: a miracle of the XXI century. A dream come true raw foodists!

Solved the main problems of the raw food diet: exhaustion and alkalosis

Food that allows you to enter into unity with Nature

Small yoga: the creation of oneself. food and consciousness


This book is a brief, preliminary account of my personal experience. I experimented, creating new food products that, on the one hand, should be truly nutritious, complete, and on the other hand, would not burden the digestive system, taking too many resources for their processing. And also would not leave a tangible amount of waste and slag in the body.

The book is based largely on my own personal experiences, as well as those of a small group of people who dared to share my new food with me.

To what extent the recipes developed by me will be useful for the broad masses of people - I do not know. Time will tell. However, I want to warn you that I do not have the authority (and desire to do so!) to prescribe, prescribe, recommend, or otherwise impose on you what I have described in the pages of this book.

If you want to repeat my experience, then you will have to do it under your full personal responsibility. Whether you get positive or negative results - it will be the result of your decision and the work of your hands. Therefore, do not rely on my authority, but carefully try on the approaches described in this book to yourself and your personal situation. Involve all the information available to you, consult other people, turn on your creative imagination. And in no case do not act mechanically, literally.

It's like buying seeds from a store. I can only guarantee you that the seeds are of high quality, the germination rate is high. But whether they will sprout specifically in your garden depends on the soil, the presence of the sun, the regularity of watering, and many other factors. Including - from your zeal and ingenuity.

I hope that this statement will not dampen your enthusiasm, but will only sharpen the sharpness of the experience of reality.


The writing of this book was made possible thanks to the support of many people, primarily members of the University of Nature, a community of people seeking to deepen their relationship with Nature. Some names are mentioned in the last chapter.

And now I would like to especially highlight the participation of the Kuzin family (Valentin, Natalia and their son Andrey), who regularly organized the purchase of English-language books according to my lists through the Amazon system. As a result, I became the owner of a unique book collection. I think that many of the books included in it are missing even in university libraries. Thanks to such informational support, my knowledge penetrated into a wide variety of natural sciences.

More than once I was overtaken by the unexpected financial support of Yuri Kiryanov, which he gave me from his generosity. I turned to him when it was necessary to get something urgently and bring it from India - for example, Ayurvedic medicines. I am grateful to him that, among his many concerns, he found time to help me as well.

Special thanks to the participants of the "vibhuti project". Yulia Dobrogorskaya and her husband Ruslan generously endowed me with white vibhuti and thus saved me from death. And Masha Podoplelova, her mother Tanya and fiancé Navin organized a real expedition to the ashram of Sri Amrita Anandamayi Maa to get vibhuti there in reserve. The disciples of Swami Vishwananda - Tilakavati, Dayakar, Lakshia - also helped. And what is vibhuti, you will learn in the second chapter.

I am very grateful to the families of Stambulyans (Tamara and Artashes) and Barkovs (Alexander and Tatyana) for their selfless participation in many of my material problems. In fact, in the process of writing this book, I literally stood on their shoulders. These people showed by their example that the highest goal for which wealthy people can achieve even greater well-being is to gain the opportunity to participate in natural evolution.

I thank fate for bringing me into contact with Gennady Antonov, whose drawings adorn this book. His highly professional versatility in many areas cannot but inspire anyone who has the good fortune to work with him. At the end of the book, in additions, I will talk about it in more detail.

I am grateful to my editor, who helped me to make this book easier and more understandable to a wide range of readers.

Gratitude and low bow to my guardian angel, Ekaterina Kirillovna Balandina. In the process of writing this book, especially at the time of going to press, I encountered such health problems that I wanted to crawl under the covers, close my eyes and die. Instead, I called Ekaterina Kirillovna, and literally a few words spoken by her brought me back to life.

And of course, it was only thanks to the guiding presence of Nature Itself that I was able so quickly to resolve the acute problems that interfered with the happy creativity - my own and many people close to me. This presence manifested itself through its perfect and beautiful human forms. Some of them are known to a wide circle, and some are not yet known. During this period, Sathya Sai Baba, Swami Vishwananda (through Tilakawati) and Madhukar were very prominent in my life. I am not only grateful to all of them - from now on I weave my life into the trees of their being.

CM. Gladkov (Hari OM),


At its core, this book is like a special issue of a newspaper for raw foodists and those who are sympathetic to them. Want to know the latest news? Fortunately, this is very good news!

In the wake of the growing popularity of the raw food diet, many have spoken out on this topic publicly. Unfortunately, some authors have shown the raw food diet in a primitive and one-sided way, reducing it to the slogan "eat raw - you will be healthy and happy." And as a result, their followers not only did not find the promised happiness, but squandered the remnants of the health that they had.

I am one of those victims. I myself went through catastrophic weight loss, alkalosis, nervous breakdowns, kidney and liver problems, while continuing to fight cancer. And I realized that the "classic" raw food diet is not a panacea for all diseases.

That is why I had to introduce the term "Smart Raw Food", contrasting it with those methods and approaches that have spontaneously developed in newcomer circles, especially in online communities.