Transit aspects of the sun to the planets of the natal chart. Sun transits

Increasing anxiety about work during this period allows you to understand incentives and their absence. Do you take pride in skillful task completion and day-to-day responsibilities? Do you work differently for yourself and for someone else? During this period, you will better determine the personal status and influence among those with whom you work. This period is characterized by routine activities in which you will need the services of other people - for example, visiting a hairdresser, beauty salon, medical examination, a visit to the dentist, cleaning the house or putting in order the garden. Your overall health and fitness will also come to the fore.

Favorable aspects of the transiting Sun in the sixth house to the natal planets are associated with circumstances in which you will be proud of your work, enjoy it and your colleagues. Being aware of your vitality will lead to a healthier diet and exercise.

Adverse the aspects of the transiting Sun in the sixth house to the natal planets are associated with circumstances that give rise to pride and the need for self-assertion when it comes to how and when you carry out your tasks. Because of your egocentricity, relationships with employees and colleagues can be complicated. (Rolling pin J.)

Transit of the Sun through the 6th house of the horoscope mainly affects one's own health or the health of household members, family members, servants, animals. A person pays attention to the state of his health - either starts treatment, or is engaged in the prevention of diseases. In any case, he attaches more importance to hygiene, nutrition, living conditions. Also, this period of time is favorable for gaining authority among professionals, improving relations with family members and service personnel, with work colleagues. At this time, a person has a lot of current affairs, and he is looking for effective ways to resolve them. It is possible that he will be promoted or, conversely, in trouble if the aspects at this time are unfavorable. There may be an opportunity for side income, or a person will be offered a new job. It is also likely that the owner of the horoscope during this period will have to take care of someone - for example, take care of a sick household.

Negative aspects can be manifested either by troubles at work, or by health problems. (Vronsky S.A.)

On the day, the Sun passes approximately one degree of the zodiac circle, which means that the influence of solar aspects on natal planets is short-lived. InfluenceThe Sun strengthens when approaching the exact aspect and weakens as it moves away from it.In the transit of the Sun to the planets of our horoscope, all individual personality traits, both positive and negative, are manifested. The transit of the Sun highlights what the planets in the radix carry.The solar aspect gains strength under the influence of other transiting planets.

Harmonious Aspects of the Transiting Sun give increased dynamism, activity, the desire for self-affirmation and the implementation of one's own intentions. All situations are assessed positively and optimistically. The attitude to material issues is very realistic, the state of health is more prosperous than in other periods. This period is good for new initiatives, public manifestations, communication with superiors, good for love relationships, for marriage, as well as for wellness procedures.Disharmonious Aspects of the Transiting Sun - ambiguity of situations, bad mood, a feeling of impossibility to stand out from the crowd and a decrease in the body's resistance.The description gives brief interpretations of the transit aspects of the Sun in the topics: 1. business, work 2. personal relationships, love, family. 3. health.

1. Transit aspects of the Sun - business, work

This is the start of another personal year. Take advantage of the positive potential of this aspect, believe in yourself again. After reflecting on what the past has taught you, set your sights on where you want to be in the future. When you were born, those around you did not demand anything from you. Resurrect a piece of that freedom every year on your birthday. Forget about the world's problems and focus on your own expectations. Are you the person you wanted to be? Have you achieved happiness, success and prosperity - at least by your own standards? Maybe you set the bar too low? Or too high? Or are you trying to squeeze your life into too rigid frames? On this day, there is an opportunity to find balance if it was lost in the past. In addition, on this day you should enjoy the celebration of life, the affection of friends, the love of relatives and friends.The day is more suitable for recreation and entertainment, more than for business. However, creativity, optimism and vitality increase, which will greatly help if it is necessary to solve cases on this day. The day is favorable for starting new business, implementing creative projects, opening enterprises, and also for achieving a higher social position. Increased cordiality, friendliness, energy will also help you. The negative side of this transit is increased ambition and selfishness. Important changes are taking place in life, and if you manage to analyze them, you can make a good bookmark for the whole next year.

A good, successful day for solving important business issues. You feel an increase in vitality and energy, you have new ideas for creative self-expression, you are in the lead among your friends and colleagues. Good relationship at work. Use this day to turn risky financial transactions and invest capital. Perhaps the team or the authorities will assign you some responsibilities, thanks to the successful execution of which you will be able to move up the career ladder, receive a bonus, award, or at least just praise and appreciation. Small business trips are possible for business purposes.

Beware of your own manifestations of false pride and selfishness, diktat and despotism in relation to subordinates and colleagues. These qualities can do you a disservice. An active confrontation with enemies cannot be resolved in any other way, except as a strong-willed or even forceful one. Gambling should be avoided. Winning lotteries, etc. impossible. Postpone the conclusion of transactions or the turning of risky financial transactions. Skirmishes with superiors will not add to your popularity and can ruin your career. But even if you pacify yourself, on this day you will not find support and patronage, even understanding. The working day is accompanied by quarrels and discontent, various difficulties and obstacles. You may suffer unexpected losses. Your spending is immoderate! Avoid injury at work. However, if you manage to find a constructive use for your increased ambition, you can achieve decent results.

Community activities are fun. Also, the performance of official duties, and this is also due to the fact that this is really one of the most successful days of the year. On this day, you will be able to implement many creative initiatives and projects, long-planned plans. Do not miss your chance! The desire for leadership, the occupation of leading positions is growing. On this day, help and support come by themselves, and the search for the patronage of the authorities and high-ranking persons brings significant results. You are self-confident, easily solve financial problems, you can turn more than one successful deal. Take advantage of this day to participate in risky financial transactions, feel free to invest. Greater chance of making big profits. New perspectives open up, engage in self-education.

One of the worst days of the year. Beware of taking part in the struggle for power - this is not your day. Minimize the possibility of personal clashes, confrontation with superiors and authorities, official organizations. Social activities are unsuccessful, and the search for support, patronage and understanding from influential people will bring grief and disappointment. You will be drawn to strong, energetic people, but you can maintain relations with them only on an equal footing. Major losses, financial failures, career failures are possible. Here and there, misunderstandings that arise, deterioration in physical well-being, increased conflict will not allow you to successfully solve a single task.

Activation of business relations along with an increase in anxiety and nervousness. Successfully developing business contacts with women for both sexes. It is good to arrange transactions relating to real estate, land and household items. Other financial and speculative transactions may also come to an end. You will find, however, that household chores on this day require much more care and do not allow you to carry out work plans. Inability to get together, lack of clear ideas and emotional dead ends get in the way of business. Business women should especially beware of emotional outbursts, rash decisions, spontaneous problem solving. Your actions, however, are able to gain popularity for you, especially among the female half of your superiors. Think about the next move, do the preparatory work. On this day, it is good to move on to another job.

An increase in vitality, new ideas and greater efficiency are somehow combined with emotional experiences and unrest, often caused by relationships with the opposite sex. Therefore, do not rush to make decisions. Even better - consult with a smart woman. Maybe you will understand how to make money more correctly at this stage. The day is favorable for contacts with the public and gaining popularity, for business and social activity. Transactions and financial transactions are completed well, especially those related to real estate, land, household items and food. Close business cooperation with partners of the opposite sex.

The day is unfavorable for business with obstacles and complications, tearing contradictions and confrontation with superiors and official organizations. Relationships are especially difficult if their superiors are represented by a woman. Collisions, increased conflict, nervousness create an unfavorable background for any undertakings. Activity, physical and mental strength are falling, internal contradictions are torn apart. Rapid mood swings interfere with work. You will not be able to find not only support, but even understanding. subordinate resistance. You yourself will not be able to correctly formulate the task. Costs are rising. One of the unfavorable periods for financial transactions and speculative transactions. In general, it is better to arrange a day off for yourself.

Increasing vitality and energy, a healthy desire for competition will help you solve many issues. Often business problems are intertwined with everyday worries, but this does not interfere with you. On the contrary, you can kill two birds with one stone. Your popularity is growing, during this period you will win well-deserved praise and support from your superiors, get help from official organizations, including financial support. The period is most favorable for business activity, especially in the field of show business, entertainment, patronage. Not so much your company, but personally you will be able to make a good deal, make a good financial transaction or even speculation, make a good purchase or profitably allocate your capital. This is especially true for real estate, land, food. Collaborative relationships develop with superiors. Strengthening self-esteem, the desire to become a leader, leader, you can use for the benefit of yourself and others.

Difficulties in relations with superiors, confrontation with subordinates, unspoken claims and much more - everything harms your business and work. Eliminate personal clashes, the manifestation of ambition, selfishness, emotional aggressiveness, and this day will not make you think badly about it. But in any case, this day is not at all suitable for business activity, solving important matters, concluding transactions, contracts, starting a personal production or creative cycle. Be careful in spending and spending, in capital investments and speculative stocks. You may suffer property losses through your own fault. At work, quarrels with women or because of women.

In expressing your ideas and interests, you will show great self-confidence and perseverance. The mental sphere is activated, interest in intellectual games. The number of public relations is increasing. Small trips on behalf or on business are possible. You will easily find a common language with superiors and influential people, you will be able to express your views. The work that requires mental creative effort is going well. You will feel the clarity of thought, a surge of fresh ideas. A good period for concluding profitable deals, for starting a business trip. Try to refrain from rash promises. Hand work is going well. Fleeting financial success is possible.

You will be able to effectively express your ideas, introduce some innovations and improvements at work, and optimally organize the use of the mental potential of your employees. The emergence of new ideas and their acceptance. Productive exchange of views, briefings, conferences. Intellectual activities and games will give you pleasure. A good period for starting official and creative business trips, making deals, signing contracts and other important papers. Working with documents may be a hassle, but it will end successfully. The emergence of new business connections, making useful acquaintances.

Your ability to objectively perceive reality is markedly reduced. Take your time to make decisions, express your ideas or opinions. The ability of perception, assimilation of acquired knowledge, memory may be reduced. Difficulty in contacts, the confusion of what is happening around you interferes in business life, when communicating with high-ranking officials, superiors and official organizations. Narrow your social circle to a minimum, refuse to conclude deals, sign important papers, and work with documents. This is especially true for financial statements. Work that requires accuracy and scrupulous execution is generally excluded. Your partners violate these obligations, official duties and social work interfere with each other. Do not look for extravagant solutions to problems. Your self-confidence and cunning will turn against you in the future. You can experience slander, criticism.

The ease of thought processes, the sharpening of mental perception, memory and intuition, commercial acumen will help you solve many production and business problems. Use this day to conclude deals, contracts, sign important papers and work with documents. Public relations are activated, new useful acquaintances are made. A good day to participate in briefings, conferences, for speeches, for influencing minds. You will be able to negotiate with superiors, authorities, effectively express your ideas, considerations, outline your position and interests. Business trips, visits to government places will be successful. The knowledge and information that you receive on this day will be deposited for a long time, and you will be able to use them successfully. You look confident, infect with creative and business passion, and are a good example for junior employees. A favorable period for reorganizations in the service in order to increase labor productivity, introduce advanced methods, and reorient to a new type of activity.

Increased conflict, clashes over ideas and opinions, difficulty in communication, inability to express one's interests and views give an unfavorable business day. But if you can curb your sudden pride and arrogance, you can find many common ground with business partners, partners and superiors. It is better not to enter into disputes with official bodies and postpone trips to public places. The spirit of contradiction wakes up in you, you can say things that you later regret. It is better to stop your business activity for a while - you yourself will feel that creative work is given to you with difficulty, and attempts to apply mental efforts lead to nothing. Memory, concentration of attention, ability to assimilate material suffer. Postpone work with documents, signing important papers, contracts. The concluded deals will not work in your favor, and the partners may let you down. Don't make rash promises.

Your charm and physical attractiveness increases, and you can take advantage of this when establishing contacts with the opposite sex, whether it be superiors, subordinates or business partners. You tend to pay more attention to your toilet, image, appearance. It may even distract you from business. The period is favorable for influencing the public, increasing popularity and influence. A certain commercial success is possible, making a profit. Feel free to invest your capital. A certain part of the budget will be spent on the purchase of beautiful things, jewelry, entertainment, entertainment, and the opposite sex. Therefore, budget overruns cannot be ruled out. You are cheerful, optimistic, feel the desire to cooperate, make creative plans. Successful show business, sponsorship, patronage can bring income. A penchant for extravagance and an immoral lifestyle can ruin your reputation. You can count on financial assistance, support and understanding from your superiors. The period is favorable for business visits, the creation of associations and the opening of enterprises.

The period is favorable for drawing attention to their affairs of secular persons and influential people. They can be expected to understand, help and support, including material and financial. Office romances are not ruled out. Your kindness and increased optimism will allow you to optimally solve many industrial and commercial problems. You will not be a loser if you conclude a deal on this day, sign a contract. Business relationships with the opposite sex are more successful. You have the right to expect profit, small gifts from the authorities. The day is favorable for visits to the authorities, for visiting official instances. Don't forget to use your charm!

You tend to indulge your whims and in pursuit of excessive pleasures - forget about work or your duties. You lack diligence and extravagant impulses, wastefulness. All this can lead to losses, albeit insignificant ones. You need admiration and require maximum attention. Failure to keep promises affects your popularity and the attitude of your superiors. Industrial squabbles, misunderstandings are possible, especially with partners and employees of the opposite sex. It is better to postpone the implementation of plans. High-ranking persons, socialites may consider you tasteless and vulgar, so you should not seek their patronage. You look bad, and this is also a minus of this day. Especially big failures await show businessmen, people associated with art, crafts, trade in works of art and jewelry. Postpone the conclusion of transactions, the signing of contracts, business trips. Accept that this is not your day.

You are inclined to engage in social activities, inspired and able to infect employees and associates, even superiors, with this upsurge. Hold on, this is your day. Due to personal attractiveness and physical charm, today you can do a lot. You can count on financial assistance, on the ideological support of the boss, influential people and patrons, especially among members of the opposite sex. Involvement in an office romance is not ruled out. Thanks to the increased attention to other people and understanding of their interests, you successfully conclude deals and contracts, and not at a loss. You can hope for tangible profits and even small gifts. A good day for official meetings, meetings with sponsors, receptions. A particularly good day for show businessmen, people associated with art, jewelry trading. You can count on getting a loan, a successful solution of legal cases.

Your callousness and rejection of other people's opinions will play a bad joke on you. Throw away ambitions and arrogance - because of them you can suffer quite significant losses. Try not to enter into business contacts, give up responsible speeches, production meetings, even the usual exchange of views with employees. Limit your activity, do not conflict with the opinion of your superiors, forget about seeking patronage, give up the idea of ​​receiving material assistance and ideological patronage for a while. Do not count on getting loans and credits, beware of rash spending, difficult-to-fulfill promises, taking on unnecessary responsibilities and obligations. Accept that this is not your day. Business communication with representatives of the opposite sex is especially difficult. The pursuit of pleasure prevents you from working. Don't over budget. Postpone the conclusion of transactions and contracts, the signing of important papers, the settlement of legal issues. Do not apply to official authorities, refuse solemn receptions, secular evenings. Major losses can be incurred by show businessmen, bankers, people whose business is related to works of art, jewelry trading.

You show activity and assertiveness, initiative. Increases your purely physical mobility, ease of lifting. In doing business, however, one should pay attention to the tendency to rash actions, hasty decisions, unbridled financial ambitions. The spirit of rivalry (often not entirely healthy) overcomes you both in relation to superiors and in relation to colleagues and companions. The desire for superiority, increased ambition can ruin a lot. You are self-confident, sharply defend your interests, you can achieve some power and strengthen your authority. However, during this period it is also easy to lose them. If you lacked the determination to accomplish something, use this day. Avoid manifestations of anger, impatience and intolerance, aggressive behavior and lack of attention to the interests and rights of partners and junior colleagues. Accidents at work, injuries, actions directed against you are possible.

You will feel an increase in activity, energy, initiative and self-confidence. Your actions are thoughtful and constructive. The desire for creative realization will help you solve many problems and tasks. Favorable period for business. Sports, physical labor, any activity that requires the use of force, determination, enterprise will give you pleasure. You will be able to overcome many obstacles and obstacles, earn the respect of both junior employees and superiors and business partners. A good period for making deals, opening a new enterprise or reorganizing production. Business visits, appeals to the authorities, to official structures will be successful. Use this period also for planning, meetings, responsible speeches. It is possible that you will encounter strong resistance from other opinions and interests.

Your unusually aggressive, impulsive behavior, rash actions and violent expression of protest can significantly interfere with your business. The desire for competition (not quite healthy - too) is increasing. You are angry, you want to impose your will, assert your opinion and interests, so you can fall out of favor with your superiors, and your business partners simply will not understand you. Be wary of resolving conflicts with force, avoid fights. Selfishness and increased conflict will interfere with you when discussing projects, concluding deals and contracts, when visiting superiors and official bodies. Postpone visits. Imprudent financial transactions will later lead to losses.

Your authority in production is increasing, you will be able to establish yourself among junior employees, earn praise and support from your superiors, and actively influence the opinion of your business partners. You will feel an increase in courage, determination, personal activity and initiative, self-confidence. All this will play into your hands when solving business problems. Use this day to conclude deals and contracts, open new businesses and constructively reorganize old ones. Your employees and superiors will feel your business acumen and reliability. You can safely intervene in political matters, although it is possible that you will encounter resistance. Schedule official visits for this day, visits to higher and official organizations, negotiations and responsible speeches.

The solution of business and production issues is accompanied by personal confrontation, a clash of opinions and interests. Perhaps even the use of physical force. The desire for leadership, activity in professional and political affairs will increase. The result of this transit can be negative changes in relations with superiors, employees, partners, authorities. Avoid negotiations and meetings, responsible speeches, deals and large expenses. All this can bring tangible financial or moral losses in the future. Clashes with officials and law enforcement agencies are possible. Solving issues of joint financial operations and ownership of capital, distribution of profits and dealing with taxes, duties, etc. will bring you additional difficulties. Avoid financial speculation.

You will feel optimism and generosity, you will feel goodwill towards you from other people. Probably, you will have a desire for sponsorship, patronage, philanthropy and altruism will appear. This is one of the most successful and happiest days of the year. Make the most of it! Feel free to conduct financial transactions and speculation. Already now you can count on profit. Interact with superiors and influential people: You will receive understanding, support, material assistance, praise, awards, you can achieve a promotion, a higher social or professional position. The probability of a big win in lotteries, victory in various competitions and competitions is not excluded. You will get the opportunity to manage large sums - it depends on you how well you will be able to manage them. A good period for resolving legal issues, starting a lawsuit, filing a lawsuit. Assign responsible speeches, briefings, negotiations, making deals and signing important papers for this day. The day is favorable for opening new or subsidiaries, expanding the scope of activities, starting a new project. Long, long-distance business trips will give excellent results. You can hope for gifts of fate and specific individuals, this is especially true for women.

Do nothing important! Significant losses and troubles are possible! Your manifestations of hypocrisy, arrogance, conceit, extravagance, lack of delicacy will create additional difficulties for you in dealing with production and business programs. Excessive extravagance is another enemy of this period. Refrain from rash promises, do not indulge your desires. More attention to detail, don't jump on top. You may feel a lack of diligence, laziness, apathy. Refrain from gambling and financial speculation. Postpone deals, negotiations, important speeches, appeals to superiors and official organizations. Do not seek support and understanding from influential people - your assertiveness can be mistaken for bad taste. Avoid your own manifestations of dogmatism and narrow-mindedness, do not demand increased attention and praise, recognition of your merits. A bad period for participating in politics, taking steps to obtain a higher social position. Likely a collision with the law in one form or another. Business contacts and transactions with foreign citizens and firms are especially unfavorable.


Thanks to your generosity, support for progressive trends in production and business, you receive the support of employees and partners, the appreciation of superiors and high-ranking officials. Your authority increases, you can count on promotion and attention to you as an employee. A good period for self-education, advanced training. Your participation in social and political life will play into your hands in the future. Pay attention and funds to charity, help the needy, the church, and this will also return a hundredfold. Auspicious days for business trips, responsible speeches, negotiations. Use them also to conclude deals, contracts, sign important papers, settle legal formalities, to open new businesses or reorganize old ones. Business and commercial contacts with foreign citizens and firms are especially beneficial. You can get quite a noticeable profit, the ability to manage large sums. However, avoid overspending your budget: the propensity to overspend increases. You are reaping the fruits of past efforts and making bookmarks for the future. This is one of the most successful days this year. New perspectives open up before you. You can apply for financial assistance and even gifts. Invest boldly.

In solving business and commercial issues, you will be let down by exorbitant conceit and a tendency to exorbitant expansion. Neglecting issues of ethics, morality, religion and culture will create additional difficulties for you. Avoid optimistic assessment of the state of your affairs, as well as extravagance in spending and purchases. You may have to suffer losses, which, however, you could have avoided with a more prudent conduct of business. Refrain from any manifestations of business activity, pay attention only to current issues. You may be offered a deal that seduces you with its scope, but later you will incur losses because of this. Do not be frivolous in business. Your intransigence and selfishness, on the one hand, and hypocrisy and hypocrisy, on the other, will lead to the loss of good relations with employees and bosses, and may turn away your patrons and mentors from you. The financial difficulties you are experiencing today will have an impact on the state of your affairs for a long time to come.

In the manufacturing sector, you have large, often exorbitant responsibilities. In business affairs, tangible costs and losses can be expected, often due to one's own intemperance and unrealistic past period. Nevertheless, you are full of ambitions, you feel an increase in responsibility for the state of affairs, you are able to curb yourself, organize employees and earn the favor of your superiors. Life brings many debts to pay, but this period also contributes to the recognition of your merits and promotion. Difficulties arise in contacts with state institutions and higher ones. A dogmatic approach to solving business problems is not conducive to success. Caution, secrecy and an underestimation of the state of affairs will have a favorable effect. You feel difficulties in creative self-expression, in the introduction of progressive methods and ideas. It will seem to you that some people and circumstances simply test your patience, endurance and restraint.Circumstances require responsibility and reliability. But hard work and strong evidence of your loyalty in the past can now earn the recognition of your superiors. There may be issues that will require your maturity, experience and seniority, as well as the manifestation of responsibility or observance of subordination.

You will notice an increase in perseverance, endurance in business and plans, diligence and a good attitude towards the working environment. All this will help you in the successful promotion of your business. Rather modest, but important for you professional and material progress is possible. Friendly relations develop with superiors, influential people, and patrons. One can hope for the success of the appeal to the official authorities. Increasing self-esteem along with the authority of management and employees will help in solving many business issues. However, for new beginnings, projects, the opening of enterprises and the conclusion of commercial transactions, the signing of contracts, it is better to choose another day. Especially avoid real estate transactions. Do not expect success from business trips, negotiations, speeches. Nevertheless, it is possible to draw up a work plan, further actions, and lay the ideological foundation.

Disruption of many of your plans, burdensome duties, a reminder of debts and obligations create a negative atmosphere of the day. You experience loneliness in a team, employees and partners will sensitively react to the callousness and dictatorship shown these days. This time, the traditional approach to doing business, the narrowness of views in resolving issues, will create additional difficulties. Get ready for losses and damages, non-payments and shortfalls due to you. Limit business activity. Having started to act, you will soon be convinced that the circumstances and the will of other people reliably oppose you. Deals, negotiations, responsible speeches these days will bring further troubles and losses. Avoid possible clashes with superiors and influential people - relationships can be ruined for a long time. Postpone visits to official institutions, do not seek the favor of patrons. Events at work can develop quite dramatically.

Your professional and business ambition is markedly increased. Personal responsibility, support for advanced methods and ideas, creative inspiration ensure both the sympathy of employees and success in business. These days, you can expect encouragement from superiors, promotions, favors from influential people, and the acquisition of patrons. Appeals to official authorities are successfully carried out. This period is marked by a certain progress in material terms: you are given everything you have to, but no more. A good period for a politician, also for people of creative professions. A good day to start or successfully complete legal cases, lawsuits. These days you are laying an excellent foundation for further development and prosperity, you can conclude well-thought-out and long-term deals and contracts. It is better not to make business trips on this day, not to make responsible statements, not to arrange conferences. There is high labor productivity, a good sense of time, a sense of the structure of production (which is always important for a manager).

A period of increased conflict, personal and business failures. Avoid making forceful and unwise decisions. Get ready for losses, futile actions. Avoid unusual manifestations of servility to superiors, patrons and departmental officials - you still will not achieve what you want and ruin your reputation. You may feel some insecurity and unaccountable fear, which will affect your relationships with employees or associates. Serious collisions with the law are possible, so vigilance and caution are necessary. If conflicts with the authorities are already taking place in one form or another, it is better to obey for a while. Do not look for benefits in business and the favor of the authorities. Limit business and commercial activity, take care of the turnover. Receiving the most modest benefit or promotion planned for this period will require inadequate sacrifices from you. You will need great endurance, diligence and discipline, the ability to indulge the requirements of the leadership. The conclusion of transactions and contracts, responsible speeches and business trips are completely excluded during this period. Even when exchanging views with partners and planning further activities, you will encounter unexpected difficulties. Take this day as one of the most unfavorable of the year.

Brings, including in business, various unexpected events that go beyond everyday worries, routine. You strive to get maximum freedom of action, to bring in or use original ideas, and this determines the style of your work today. In the service, unexpected contacts, meetings with unusual people can occur. You tend to take on the role of a leader, striving to realize your goals and objectives. The need for routine work weighs more than ever, you need thrills. To do business successfully today, you lack a sense of responsibility. The day is favorable for doing science, purchasing office equipment. It is also a good day for public speaking, informal gatherings, and exchange of opinions. This transit will bring you good luck in business if you are not alien to manifestations of progress in any form, and can present unpleasant surprises if you oppose the idea of ​​personal spiritual development.

You strive for greater freedom of action, looking for an opportunity for original creative self-expression in a team, working group. Thanks to this, you can become a leader. Do not discard or put off the implementation of the ideas that came to your mind today - they are undoubtedly of great value for progress in business. Meeting new people, inspired work, suddenly opened prospects contribute to success. You can use this day to conclude deals, contracts, for responsible speeches, exchange of opinions, creative business trips. Your progressive ideas are able to gain the respect and support of superiors and influential people. Feel free to contact the authorities. Public relations are going well, this is a good day for politicians, leaders of various movements. You can count on the help of friends in business. A good day for scientific research, acquiring office equipment.

Unexpected misunderstandings, possible career collapse, unpleasant changes at work. You strive for freedom of action at any cost, but deny responsibility for your actions. Because of selfishness and stubbornness, you can neglect a lot of good advice. Support wild ideas and hold unreliable perspectives. An extremely unfavorable day for any business and undertakings, and financial transactions, especially speculation, can bring large losses up to ruin. Joint capital will be of particular concern. The day is unfavorable for traveling abroad, establishing foreign relations or investing capital abroad. Appeals to superiors, patrons or official authorities can end in confrontation and deprivation of support. Your own rash act can greatly harm you. Negative circumstances, political or economic forces, the will of other people actively and destructively interfere in your affairs.

You may be visited by unexpected luck, major success in business, profit from those cases that you did not count on. You can risk big money, boldly make extraordinary decisions. Perhaps a dubious person will offer you a dubious deal, and then it's up to you to decide. In general, the day is favorable for any manifestations of business and commercial activity: for concluding deals and contracts, establishing relations with management, influential people, for visiting official instances. You can get financial assistance for new projects. New interesting business connections arise, your ideas find lively support and admiration, the ability for creative self-expression can surprise even you yourself. This transit provides unusual opportunities for further advancement in business, provided you support the ideas of progress and spiritual development. A good day for politicians, for public speeches, meetings, briefings, for a constructive exchange of views.

A day of increased conflict, open opposition to the leadership. Your success in business and reputation depend on your ability to withstand momentary mood swings and excessive claims to freedom of action. One thing is certain, you yourself are directly or indirectly to blame for the failures of today. Troubles also await you with employees and subordinates, as you will demand unconditional submission and discipline from them. You can make an eccentric prank, an affront, or make a strong-willed decision, which you will later regret. Speculation, risky financial transactions will be ruinous, and transactions and agreements will bring large losses. Joint capital is subject to especially large losses, which is why clashes with partners are likely. Taxes, subsidies, "black cash" can become a source of trouble and disagreement. The only sound advice is to use common sense. Your authority with management and subordinates may be undermined, and the success of appealing to influential people or official authorities is doubtful. This period is completely unsuitable for business trips, networking abroad, receiving foreign investment or placement of capital abroad, as well as for the purchase or repair of office equipment.

This transit gives you the opportunity to start a new business with brilliance and inspiration or continue what you have started. Listen to the voice of your intuition, give meaning to your dreams! In dealing with many issues, you tend to be idealistic or overconfident, not considering what is obvious to your employees, associates or management. Unreasonable speculation, financial transactions or investments of capital, as well as the abuse of entertainment can adversely affect the conduct of business, lead to losses. Under the influence of alcohol intoxication, you can make the wrong decision. You tend to avoid responsibility, fulfilling your duties and obligations. At the same time, this is a good day to make the desired impression. But you can also fall under unwanted influence.

Awakening intuitive creativity, inspiration and understanding of the psychology of people will give you a good chance to successfully conduct business and start new ventures. It is good to devote this day to charity and patronage. Auspicious day for scientific research, insights, discoveries are possible. A subtle vision of perspectives appears, so it is good to devote this day to drawing up creative plans, exchanging opinions, press conferences, as well as arranging social events. Creative business trips, any trips are favorable. Visits to instances and official bodies are going well. You have a chance to make a favorable impression on the management.

Problems due to a tendency to self-deception and avoidance of responsibility. Absent-mindedness, alcohol and entertainment abuse, participation in gambling can contribute to losses or misunderstandings in business. You cannot correctly assess the situation, are not able to put forward objective requirements for subordinates, set realistic goals, see the prospect in the true light and make adequate decisions. Therefore, for this period it is better to refrain from any manifestations of business and commercial activity. It is especially necessary to avoid drawing up (and discussing) plans, reviewing projects, responsible speeches, and briefings. By doing this, you will contribute to the disorder in your affairs. To continue what you started, you will not have enough discipline and a realistic approach. Beware of deceit and dishonest behavior towards you! Excessive conceit can ruin your relationship with management and employees. Avoid trips, business trips - not only will they not bring the desired results, but they can also be simply dangerous.

Your creative imagination increases, you easily penetrate the psyche of other people, you are able to see perspectives hidden from others. Build your work plan around this. Schedule negotiations, discussion of projects, exchange of views, responsible speech, press conference, appeal to superiors or official bodies. However, you can overestimate your advantages, being very idealistic. Therefore, it is better to postpone the conclusion of serious transactions and contracts, financial transactions, investments - today you are very susceptible to the influence of other people, you are easy not only to convince, but also to deceive. Listen to the voice of your intuition, pay attention to hints coming from outside. Dedicate the day to charity, patronage. You will probably find an increased interest in religion. Beneficial are trips, business trips, combined with the knowledge of spiritual and cultural values ​​or the organization of your personal life. A good day to strengthen or establish relationships with foreign businesses.

Troubles manifest themselves through and in connection with relationships with partners, as well as employees, management, influential people. The motto of this day is mutual misunderstanding and megalomania. “Too much” in entertainment, lovemaking, drinking, gambling and unreasonable speculation can bring both immediate losses and losses, and affect the state of your affairs in the future. You tend to refuse to solve pressing problems, avoid personal responsibility and the fulfillment of your duties. The state of nervousness, caused by many reasons, can generally unsettle you. It is better if you postpone any manifestations of business and commercial activity. This is especially true for making plans, contacting strangers, making deals and responsible speeches. Beware of deceit by business partners, but also observe the utmost honesty yourself! Avoid participation in social events, as well as any travel. Be careful on the roads and in vehicles.

You feel an unusual surge of energy, increased activity and willpower. Thanks to this, these days you are subject to almost any undertaking. There may be major changes in the professional field or in business. You have the opportunity to solve important financial issues. You strive for leadership and recognition of your business and professional qualities. Scientific research and technological developments are well done. However, these days nothing illegal can be done. It is better not to apply to official bodies and not to be with a large crowd of people (in the crowd). But you can appoint a responsible performance or a visit to the leadership. It is very likely that you will come close to resolving issues of taxation, insurance, inheritance or distribution of profits and investment of joint capital. On your part, attempts to dictate your terms are likely, so your business, partnership and service relationships are at risk. Crisis situations are possible that require detailed clarification by an astrologer.

A good day for scientific research, for progressive technological or methodological changes in production and business. Sweep away what you consider obsolete: appliances, furniture, work relationships, leadership style, unnecessary connections. Entrepreneurship and an intuitive understanding of the need for change will lead you to success. A good day for actively solving common issues with partners or employees, for opening new businesses and starting projects, for business trips and important visits. Only laziness and indecision can prevent you from using the positive influence of this transit. Under emergency circumstances, you will be able to show ingenuity and pressure. These days, issues of taxation, insurance, inheritance, investment of joint capital, corporatization, distribution of profits are favorably resolved. In general, transit favors dubious, risky financial transactions and speculation, but other transits must be taken into account.

Critical day: injuries at work are possible, especially when conducting experiments, working with equipment, as well as material losses and damages. In an emergency, your life may be in danger. You tend to interfere in the struggle for power, participate in "showdowns", weave intrigues, and commit some illegal actions. Particular care should be taken when dealing with issues of taxation, insurance, distribution of profits and placement of joint capital. You are subject to the influence of circumstances and the will of other people. It is better to limit business and commercial activity to a minimum: the day will already bring trouble. You may encounter behind-the-scenes activities of your employees or management, with the influence of mafia or corrupt structures, as well as with representatives of the law or law enforcement. You should avoid being in the crowd and participating in mass events.

The people and circumstances you will encounter when the transiting Sun formstrines to your natal Pluto will help increase self-control or acquire additional power. You can achieve impressive results in the development of the ability to restore their strength and the ability to concentrate. You will get to the bottom of things - probably with the timely help of those who guide you. This time is favorable for the development and use of one's resourcefulness and gaining certain advantages due to the ability to separate the important from the unimportant.These days you tend to take on the role of leader. Willpower, ingenuity and pressure, which have increased during this period, will give you the opportunity to change a lot and successfully decide in your business and life in general. This is a good period for resolving issues of corporatization (and joining a joint stock company), taxation, insurance, inheritance, profit distribution and joint capital allocation. Take advantage of this transit to transform the style and methods of your work, re-equip, replace everything outdated and unnecessary: ​​appliances, furniture, ideas and projects, service relations, business partners. This is a good period for introducing everything progressive into your business, as well as for conducting scientific experiments and technological developments. You can safely apply to official bodies, especially for benefits, discounts, subsidies, etc. A good day for trips, business trips and responsible visits. Favorable for meetings, solving common problems with partners. The transit is also favorable for risky financial transactions and speculation, if other transits do not contradict this.

There will be an irrepressible desire to lead, to feel and exercise their power, sometimes contrary to the interests of the cause. It is possible that you yourself will become the object of forceful influence on the part of people endowed with even greater power. Therefore, there are relationship problems at many levels. Resolving business conflicts as quickly as possible is the best thing you can do. You will have to deal with the distribution of profits, ownership of joint capital, taxation, duties, loans, debt recovery, and probably also inheritance or alimony. With the right attitude, internal constructive changes and achievements in self-improvement can be achieved. Now you tend to deal with active, strong-willed people, and these relationships will have a significant impact on you. Material damage is possible. Be careful in public places, during scientific experiments, do not collide with the law.

2. Personal relationships, love, family


This day is definitely important for you. Increased cordiality, friendliness and energy will help to resolve conflicts in the family or love relationships. But to successfully solve these problems, you need to capture and neutralize your own manifestations of selfishness and ambition in love and partnerships. You enjoy romantic encounters, intimate dates, as well as entertainment and social events. You are happy and optimistic. Communication with children is also a source of joy.


A good day for solving problems and removing obstacles in love and family relationships. With the application of certain efforts, you will be able to significantly harmonize this area. Entertainment and social events will create a feeling of freshness of feelings, deliver unforgettable impressions, and add color to fading relationships. If the upbringing and development of children cause problems, use this day for activities and games, strengthening ties with children, asserting parental authority.


An unfavorable period for solving problems of partnership or family relationships, as well as relationships with children. You have an increased desire to suppress your partner, assert your authority, insist on your opinion, which can be extremely negative. The day is marked by quarrels with loved ones, a decrease in libido, and an unstable emotional background. It is better to spend this day alone. Avoid excessive pleasures and passion for love affairs. Quarrels and scandals, partings, disappointments are not excluded.


An increase in cordiality, goodwill and friendliness will help you get rid of even protracted conflicts with loved ones or family members. Take advantage of this day to harmonize relations with your spouse, with children, with your loved one. The day is favorable for entertainment and pleasant relaxation, participation in social events. Increased sexual activity. This day will give you determination in expressing your feelings and interests, for explanations with your beloved. Children are another source of joy. Engage in educational games with them, take part in the affairs of your adult children.


Increased conflict in the family and in relationships with a loved one. It is better to try to build your relationship on an equal footing, or even spend the day alone, without disturbing your neighbors and without upsetting yourself. All entertainment planned for this day, participation in social events, meetings and dates, especially intimate ones, should be postponed. Misunderstandings and even minor quarrels can leave deep wounds in a relationship. When communicating with children, try to observe the principles of democracy, do not delve into their affairs. Today you are characterized by strictness and self-will, but you need kindness. If you are also connected by business relations with your loved one, on this day in terms of business you can do a lot together.


You show increased activity in household chores, developing relationships with the opposite sex. It is better to be in the circle of close, understanding people than to embark on love adventures. Take care of the house, housekeeping, organize a family evening or an intimate evening with your loved one - you will feel a surge of spiritual strength, feel warmth and comfort. It is good to devote yourself to the affairs of children. Relations with the opposite sex are accompanied by emotionality, but often by far-fetched feelings. Perhaps tomorrow your love experiences will seem ridiculous to you. Possible conception.


It is better to devote this day to harmonizing relations with family members, to arrange a family evening. You will be drawn to meetings with the opposite sex, but your unstable state of mind and weakening of physical strength can play a bad joke on you (this applies to both sex and emotional ties in a couple). Perhaps a romantic meeting will be successful, but no more. Take care of the house, housekeeping, landscaping, start repairs, agricultural work, think over the budget, buy groceries, play educational games with children, give advice to a grown-up child, make an appointment with old friends, go on a diet - you can’t choose a better time for these things. There may be a business, financial or property relationship with a love partner. You can count on a small gift.


It is difficult to develop relationships in the family and with a loved one. Conflicts, scandals are possible. Possible termination of love relationships, severe disappointment. Moderate your ardor and spend the day alone. Probably confrontation with children, mutual misunderstanding, protest on their part against your parental authority and influence. Refuse family evenings, as well as shopping and overspending the family budget. Do not waste money on pleasure and entertainment. Even the solution of purely domestic or property issues, it is better to postpone the purchase of products for later.


In the family and in relationships with loved ones, the situation is normalizing, and your skillful actions, kindness, friendliness can consolidate success for a long time, help harmonize even the most difficult relationships. The day is favorable for family evenings, meetings with old friends, romantic dates, successful intimate relationships. On this day, you get pleasure and even accept gifts. You can also use this period to improve mutual understanding with children, beneficial participation in their affairs and development. You unconsciously tend to harmony, so you experience a feeling of happiness. There is no better day to express your feelings, an engagement. Cultural events will not bypass you.


Difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex, in family relationships. It is important to resolve all conflicts on a parity basis, without offending the pride of the partner. There may be quarrels, scandals with family members, parting with loved ones. Lots of grief and disappointment. It is better to refuse to participate in social and entertainment events, to limit oneself in entertainment, especially because of the danger of overspending the budget. Quarrels with or over women, especially your mother. Dissatisfaction with a partner, attitude towards him changes several times a day. In sex, a fiasco can be expected; decreased libido, disguised as ostentatious vivacity and activity.


Communication with children or loved ones on this day will give you not so much sensual as intellectual pleasure. A good day to demonstrate your mental abilities. On this day, disputes or disagreements with partners can be resolved through negotiations. A good day for a romantic trip, picnic, walks. Beware of making rash promises. Favorable intellectual games with children, developing activities. A good day for a change of residence, moving.


You will feel ease in expressing your feelings, increased contact, mobility. This will help you in expressing your feelings, when getting engaged, signing a marriage contract. During this period, it is easier for you to influence the mind than the feelings of your partner and family. Romantic trips, picnics, joint participation in intellectual activities and games will have a beneficial effect on your relationship. In terms of family affairs, the period is favorable for moving, rearranging furniture, developing activities and games with children, for their education. Your influence on the younger members of the family is noticeably increasing, and you can take advantage of this.


Your inability to objectively perceive the environment, the promotion of your emotions and changeable mood can negatively affect your personal and family relationships. This situation is aggravated by the fact that it will be difficult for you to express your ideas, opinion, express your position and interests. There may be quarrels with siblings and younger members of the family, as well as with children. Better to leave them alone on this day. Romantic meetings and social events do not bring the desired satisfaction, but only contribute to nervousness and internal conflicts. Increased and external conflict, the tendency to conflict, make scandals. Your extravagant antics are by no means conducive to harmony in the family and pair contacts.


You feel at ease in expressing your feelings and interests, you can successfully influence the mind of your partner, spouse and family members. This day, if necessary, can be used to improve relations with brothers and sisters and younger relatives. Also for engagement, signing a marriage contract, for an oral agreement with a partner or spouse. Joint evenings and picnics have a beneficial effect on family relationships, and romantic trips and walks have a beneficial effect on love relationships. Joint intellectual activity brings pleasure. Successfully developing relationships with children, this day can be used for classes with them, intellectual, educational games. If necessary, you can successfully take on the role of leader in a family or a couple for this period.


The desire to assert your opinion, point of view, interests and ideas at all costs will do you a disservice in your personal and family relationships. On this day, it is better to give up most contacts, spend this day alone. This way you will save yourself from the consequences of quarrels, scandals, misunderstandings and rash promises. You tend to clash over trifles, and you yourself go into confrontation with your loved ones and family members. Romantic meetings, walks, picnics, small talk will not give you pleasure and can lead to nervous fatigue, dissatisfaction with yourself and your partner. Keep your distance with children. Your advice may be misunderstood or even harmful, and study assistance may be incorrect.


The period is favorable for communication with the opposite sex, for engagement, marriage, receiving guests and family celebrations. You are drawn to romantic partners and you are not averse to increasing their number, prone to betrayal. Sudden affection, love at first sight is possible. Remember that love adventures and excessive infatuation with unfamiliar partners can lead to sexually transmitted diseases. It is better to use your passion for beauty and the desire to enjoy visiting theaters, vernissages, concerts, pay your attention to children. Your budget may be undermined by expensive purchases, but you can expect gifts. You are kind and attentive to others, and this opens the doors of high society for you, will allow you to enter into new contacts - love or business - with the opposite sex. The day will leave a pleasant impression.


You will get the joy of communicating with your loved ones and family members. You can successfully use this day to harmonize relations with the opposite sex, to establish peace and harmony in the family or in pair relationships. A good day for engagement, marriage, for expressing your feelings and affections. You are prone to love adventures, you can go for treason. This day can also be used to analyze your attachments and feelings, since today you correctly evaluate your partner and his attitude towards you. You strive for luxury, entertainment. Have fun, but do not forget about the existence of sexually transmitted diseases! You are entitled to a small gift. Excellent relationship with children and family members. Good period for conception.


Personal relationships do not stick, scandals are possible in the family. Excessive pursuit of pleasure can ruin personal and family relationships, affect your authority with children. It is better to keep a distance with them, because today they are very susceptible to your bad influence, despotism and bad mood. Romantic relationships, intimate meetings can bring grief and disappointment. Despite a strong sexual desire, give up intimate communication - today you want pleasure only for yourself, and your selfishness can greatly hurt your partner and damage relationships. The period is extremely unfavorable for conception. Beware of sexually transmitted diseases, avoid momentary hobbies. You tend to undeservedly demand increased attention and admiration. Your taste changes, you tend to violate social taboos and standards.


Today you are artistic, outwardly attractive, you can amaze with extravagance along with good taste. Use this day to harmonize your romantic relationships and family ties. Take care of the kids. Love adventures are not excluded, but do not forget about the possibility of conception and infection with sexually transmitted diseases. Today you are prone to cheating, but not malicious, but viewed as an easy pleasure. You will receive many compliments, you can count on gifts. Have fun, your perception of beauty is sharpened today. You can afford an expensive purchase - this will not bring significant damage to your budget. You tend to show attention to the opposite sex and understanding of the interests of your partner (spouse). You will remember this day as one of the happiest of the year. It is favorable for going out, for engagement or marriage, for love explanations and joint affairs with a romantic partner.


You do not feel self-confident, but it is during this period that you become paradoxically attractive to the opposite sex. Relationships that arise during this period are usually shallow and fleeting, and sex does not bring satisfaction. Disappointments and disappointments due to romantic relationships are likely. Your current relationship can be seriously affected if you think about your desire for a partner, put your interests and opinions at the forefront. Your children will require extra attention. Use this period for reasonable entertainment, social life and outdoor activities, enjoy the arts. The desire for extravagance during this period can be assessed as bad taste. Perhaps a serious divergence of views with a spouse, open confrontation, quarrels. Possible conception, unwanted pregnancy. With the right approach to this transit, you have the opportunity to normalize relations with loved ones and in the family, to find a reliable partner in the person of your spouse.


You are active and assertive in seeking pleasure and contact with the opposite sex. The need for sex increases significantly, you can go on sexual adventures. Women, however, must beware of sexual violence. Impulsive actions, a tendency to dot all i's can let you down in terms of maintaining peace in the family and harmony in pair relationships. Do not allow aggressive actions towards children.


A good period for love dates and sex. Your activity increases, and this attracts partners of the opposite sex to you. You have a desire to rule, to become a leader in a couple or in a family, so you should consider how this may affect your relationship. A good day for explanations, engagement, marriage, as well as for family celebrations and evenings, for outdoor activities.


Increased conflict in personal and family relationships. Avoid displays of aggression. A woman should beware of manifestations of immoderate sexual demands of men. For a man, increased sexual desire can be a source of problems and troubles. It is better to limit social visits and communication with children who may suffer from you. As a rule, this transit is characterized by quarrels in the family or in a couple due to your fault or initiative.


You are active in communication, in asserting your own opinion and expressing your interests, so this transit can have an ambiguous effect on your family and love relationships. Turn your activity and enterprise into a peaceful direction, avoid conflicts and claims against your partner. Go in for sports or outdoor activities with family members or a loved one, play with children, develop them. And you will feel how your relationship is getting stronger and revealing new facets. Turn your increased self-confidence into strengthening ties in society. You will get true satisfaction and positive results from your hobby. Your sexual activity increases noticeably, but you must avoid manifestations of aggressiveness.


Increased conflict in the family and in personal relationships. You strive to oppose your interests and opinions to the views and personality of your partner (spouse). Even physical collisions are possible, not to mention quarrels and scandals. Additional disagreements arise due to the distribution of the budget, as well as due to alimony. Be careful when dealing with children - they may suffer from your impulsiveness. Today they are trying to get out of control, insist on their unreasonable demands, and all the wisdom of an adult will be required from you.


A good period for harmonizing relationships in the family and in a couple. You are drawn to loved ones, it is easier for you to get along with them. Women can count on benefits from relationships with men in the form of gifts, etc. A good time to relax, work with children. Some people during this transit report laziness and apathy, a desire to be entertained. These days, you generally succeed in a lot, so in your personal life you will feel happiness and peace. Auspicious days for explanations, engagement, marriage, for family evenings and celebrations, picnics. Possible conception.


Successfully add up, harmonize love and family relationships. You enter into interaction desirable on both sides with older relatives, the spouse's parents. The period is favorable for developing activities with children, to help them in education, when entering a university. Satisfaction comes from hobbies and reasonable entertainment. This is a period of happiness and prosperity, although not so long and still requiring some effort on your part. The period is favorable for conception. Very suitable for love explanations, for engagement, marriage. Communication with friends can also give material results. You will enjoy family evenings and celebrations. Perhaps the emergence of new romantic relationships and love attachments. You can count on the help and support of your spouse.


Disharmony in personal and family relationships, discord with others. Basically, it is caused by your excessive claims both in material terms and in terms of recognition of your personality and merits. Avoid manifestations of dogmatism and narrow-mindedness in your relationship, pay attention to details. During this period, you can disappoint your partner with a lack of diplomacy, extravagance and bad taste, frivolity and an unhealthy desire for pleasure. Entertainment, hobbies do not bring satisfaction. You can experience the vicissitudes of fate in the form of breakups, separations, major scandals. Overestimation of your importance for a partner and selfishness will also play a bad joke on you.

A favorable period for solving personal and family problems. You will feel the rise, generosity to the partner (spouse) and family members. Senior relatives and parents of the spouse will react favorably to your actions and help in solving the difficulties that have arisen. This period is good for explanations, engagement, marriage, as well as for family evenings and celebrations. You will enjoy reasonable entertainment and hobbies. Pay more attention to children, develop them, help them with education, instill in them good manners. The search for romantic and sexual partners is intensifying. Do not overdo it in pleasures: overeating and excessive consumption of alcohol these days, more than ever, will adversely affect your liver and heart. Use these days to participate in cultural and religious events. There may be love relationships with foreign citizens or on trips. Your authority and significance in the family and in a couple, among friends increases. This is a favorable time for conception. Paradoxically, this is also a good time to start a divorce.


A day of increased conflict, discord with others. Your loved ones will be jarred in you by the manifestation of hypocrisy, moral egoism, hypocrisy, indulgence towards yourself, treating their feelings for you as a matter of course. You will strive to quietly control your family and loved ones, and the most sensitive and spiritual of them will react inadequately to this. They may also be unpleasantly surprised by the narrowness of religious and cultural views that follows from your statements. The increased need for entertainment these days will create additional difficulties. You tend to spoil children, not to show the necessary severity. Avoid manifestations of buffoonery, frivolous attitude to a serious relationship!


A period fraught with all sorts of failures and sorrows in family and personal life. You feel the desire for loneliness, the unbearability of close, familiar contacts. Your professional duties interfere with entertainment and social life. In certain situations, it may indicate a break in love relationships, separation from a spouse or loved one, the beginning of a divorce process. But in certain cases (especially for a woman), it can mean the emergence of a close relationship with a much older person, as well as the strengthening of a love relationship. Usually, you are haunted by disappointments and alienation from loved ones and family, quarrels, conflicts. Communication with children brings neither joy nor the desired results. Participation in their affairs will seem like a burden to you.


This day is favorable for making efforts to improve relations with family or loved ones. A good day for building joint plans and solving joint problems. Relationships with older and older partners are especially successful. Sometimes, during this transit, industrial relations develop into secular or even intimate ones. It is better to be alone or with your family on this day - you simply will not be allowed to have a good time. The day is relatively favorable for engagement and marriage, for a rather modest wedding. The period can be used to stabilize relations with children, instill discipline in them, confidence in life, and discuss plans for the future.


Close relationships with partners and family only burden you. These few days it is better to limit personal contacts: relatives may doubt your attitude towards them because of your callousness, bias, selfishness and dictatorship. This period is fraught with various conflicts, quarrels. In certain situations, separation, divorce, cooling and rupture of relationships, disappointment in loved ones is possible. Relationships with children are unsuccessful: you tend to show a lack of attention towards them, increased severity. The period is extremely unfavorable for conception.


On this day, relationships with family or loved ones are well formed and strengthened. A good day for building joint plans and solving joint problems. Relationships with older and older partners are especially successful. Sometimes, during this transit, industrial relations develop into secular or even intimate ones. It is better to be alone or with your family on this day - you simply will not be allowed to have a good time. The day is favorable for engagement and marriage. The period can be used to stabilize relations with children, instill discipline, diligence, self-confidence in them, and discuss plans for the future.


Increasing workloads and responsibilities will prevent you from enjoying personal relationships or relaxing with your family. This is a period of increased conflict, forced or desired loneliness. Many are overtaken by love or family troubles, separations, disappointments, partings, breakups, a sense of the inevitability of divorce. You will feel internally lonely and unloved, unwanted, which will affect even the kindest relationships and strong feelings. Not all is well in relations with children: obligations towards them seem like a heavy burden to you, and they suffer from your severity and even cruelty. Explanations, engagements, marriages are completely excluded.


The day promises unusual meetings and unexpected incidents in personal life. You will try to overcome the boredom and routine of a love affair or family life, strive to renew relationships. Therefore, if you have something to oppose to the routine, this day will bring you unforgettable, exciting events. And if you are a supporter of frozen relationships, do not strive for their development, this day can present you with unexpected and unpleasant surprises. Beware of quarrels, conflicts, as their seemingly natural consequence may be the desire to break ties. Take time to develop children, today you will be able to apply extraordinary methods for their upbringing. Your adult children may experience unexpected events in their lives.


You will feel the desire for changes in personal relationships, reorganization of family life. Characteristic is the renewal of personal ties, the search for new romantic partners. You can easily commit adultery without thinking about the consequences. If you have been thinking about breaking up an exhausted relationship for a long time, you can take advantage of this day. You will experience a lot of joy and pleasure from communicating with friends, joint recreation and entertainment. Unexpected meetings with old friends are possible. Perhaps children will seem obsessive to you, or maybe you yourself want to work intensively with them, take part in the fate of already adult children or contribute to the intellectual development and spiritual growth of younger ones. Good day for engagement, marriage. If your love relationship tends to develop naturally, this day will bring an unforgettable meeting with your loved one. Good day for conception.


Unexpected misunderstandings in personal life, in love or family relationships. Quarrels with friends are likely. You can experience sudden passion, cheat on a spouse or partner. You are attracted by the novelty of sensations, unusual meetings, romantic dates, social entertainment. Today you are not at all inclined to care about the stability of relationships or their harmonization, so do not be surprised if your contradictory behavior leads to separation, conflict, and in family life, possibly even divorce. Confrontation with households, loved ones will complete the unfavorable picture of the day. Women should be wary of a sudden attack, rape. The day is extremely unfavorable for conception, pregnancy failure is possible.


Good luck in love affairs. The desire for romantic pleasures and participation in social events. You can experience unusual adventures or embark on love adventures yourself. Today you have a need for great personal freedom, you are drawn to friends, you want to experience exciting sensations. An unusual person may meet in your life, love at first sight is possible during this transit. In personal life, other favorable changes and changes can occur. Their peculiarity, firstly, is such that they are sometimes directly opposite in nature (initially perceived as favorable, they can bring disappointment later, and vice versa), and secondly, these they occur, as a rule, at the behest of other people or independent of you circumstances. This is a favorable period for conception. Sex brings an unforgettable experience. A good day for engagement, marriage, as well as for joint entertainment, picnics. These days you can help your children acquire progressive knowledge, take a step in intellectual and spiritual development.


A day of high conflict. Collisions with family, misunderstandings in love relationships lead to unexpected, often unfavorable changes. You insist on complete freedom for yourself, and you demand submission and discipline from your spouse or partner, from household members. In love and friendships, they tend to experiment: You want new, unusual sensations. This period can bring forced, even tragic separation, breakup of relationships, lead to divorce, leaving home. Beware of rash words and gestures. Communication in the family circle does not add up, and you can offend children with your cruelty and the requirement of blind obedience. Beware of bad acquaintances. Curb the fermentation of feelings, and you will keep everything that is dear to you.


During this period, you tend to perceive your romantic hobbies too idealistically. Married people are more prone to love affairs. There may be a secret attachment, an unreasonable passion for pleasures (as well as alcoholic beverages). It is better not to think about the significance of love relationships in your life and the level of family relationships - their pessimistic perception can adversely affect the state of both the relationship itself and your psyche. Relationships that arise during this period, as a rule, end in disappointment. During this period, there may be disappointment with existing relationships. This transit gives an intuitive psychological understanding of children, this period can be used to harmonize relations with them.


A heightened understanding of the beautiful, a subtle perception of the mental processes of loved ones will help you live unforgettable days in communication with your loved one or at the family hearth. You can have a good time (sea voyages will be especially successful), but you should not abuse alcohol and neglect spiritual values. Perhaps the emergence of new romantic attachments. These days you tend to idealize your partner or spouse and your relationship in many ways. An overly optimistic view of them can bring disappointment in the future. Make time for your children - this is a good period for instilling in them cultural, religious and spiritual ideas. A good day for conception, as well as for engagement, marriage, family celebrations, housing issues.


You feel the chaos of thoughts and feelings. They tend to deceive a partner, spouse, household, children, so do not be surprised at the deceit in relation to yourself. Your relationship will be negatively affected by passivity, alcohol abuse, the desire for sexual excesses. You are also prone to self-deception, so the romantic relationships that have begun these days, despite seeming harmony, will bring disappointment in the future. Avoid social events and plentiful entertainment, manifestations of indefatigable imagination - this can damage both personal relationships and your reputation. Perhaps the emergence of secret passion and deceit in love. An unwanted conception is very likely. Your communication with children can cause problems. It is better to avoid public places, events, and for women to avoid contact with strangers. These days, a forced or disappointed separation, a break in relationships, thoughts of divorce are possible.


A heightened understanding of the beautiful, a subtle perception of the mental processes of loved ones will help you live unforgettable days in communication with your loved one or at the family hearth. You can have a good time (sea voyages will be especially successful), but you should not abuse alcohol and neglect spiritual values. Perhaps the emergence of new romantic attachments. Often this transit corresponds to the beginning of ideal love. These days you tend to idealize your partner or spouse and your relationship in many ways. An overly optimistic view of them can bring disappointment in the future. Make time for your children - this is a good period for instilling in them cultural, religious and spiritual ideas. A good day for conception, as well as for engagement, marriage, family celebrations, housing issues.


Relationships with a loved one and with family suffer seriously. The reason can be both deceit on one side or the other, and delusions about one's feelings. It may just come cooling and disappointment. You tend to look for dubious pleasures, abuse sex, alcohol, secular entertainment, which is also fraught with discord in the family and in love relationships. You are influenced by subtle mental factors, so it is advisable to spend these days alone. Forced separation is likely (sometimes as a result of the loss of a loved one). Relationships established during this period will definitely lead to disappointment. You are deluded about the true feelings of your partner or spouse (both one way and the other). In a dysfunctional family environment, thoughts of divorce or actions in this direction are likely. Lethargy in sexual intercourse. Possible unwanted conception. The day is completely unsuitable for making any responsible decisions regarding personal life or holding ceremonial events.


This transit is characterized by a significant increase in sexual energy and desire, and this will be the leading motive for your behavior in the family and in a couple. In addition, you will certainly want to take a leading position both in personal relationships and among friends. You are looking for adventure. Outbursts of jealousy and aggression, possessive and other base instincts are likely. You can feel the new wave in love relationships and support its impact, or you can throw off the shackles of old relationships in your desire for renewal. Separation, rupture of communication, actions in the direction of divorce are possible. For a woman, a marriage crisis is more likely. Be careful in dealing with children: You can damage their morals, or you can significantly influence them in a positive way. It is better to refuse responsible, solemn ceremonies and showdown. Possible conception.


These days, your consciousness may rise to a slightly higher level, so it is very likely that you will internally accept and implement a number of changes in your personal life. If you yourself do not part with what is morally obsolete and hinders your spiritual progress, then circumstances or the will of other people will do it for you. Your personal life or family relationships may undergo positive changes if they contribute to your development, or you may come to the need to end a relationship or dissolve a marriage. This is a good period for cardinal changes, making responsible decisions, explanations, decisive actions. You feel a sexual upsurge, so the desire for love adventures will play an important role in the events of these days. This is a good period for conception. It is also favorable for working with children, introducing new methods of education aimed at their spiritual, moral and physical improvement. Sometimes this transit favors the beginning of repair, improvement of housing.


A critical day for personal and family relationships. It can bring forced separation, breakup, loss of a spouse or partner, actions aimed at divorce. You and your relationship can suffer damage from behind-the-scenes activities, intrigues. Sexual needs intensify, but communication with a partner is poisoned by a surge of jealousy, suspicion, possessive instincts, as well as increased aggressiveness. It is very likely that you will have to deal with issues of inheritance, alimony, and other payments. You tend to be ruthless towards children. Possible unwanted conception. Quite characteristic of this transit is the next (or last) crisis of marriage.


A good period in order to improve, qualitatively change your love or family relationships, break routine ties, discard everything in your life that at this stage leads to spiritual regression. Probably, if you do not do it yourself, circumstances or the will of other people will do it for you in 1-2 months (during the square or opposition of these planets). This is a good period for explanations, engagement, marriage, but also for the start of a long overdue divorce process, resolving the issue of alimony. The rise of sexual energy can play an inadequate role in your love relationships. A good period for developing activities with children, the use of methods aimed at their spiritual, moral and physical improvement. This transit can be used for any changes, including renovation or refurbishment of housing, for moving, etc.


A tough day for relationships of any kind. Marriage Crisis. Perhaps a forced separation from a loved one, a loved one, especially for a woman, the loss of a spouse or the beginning of a divorce. Sexual conflicts on the basis of increased sexual demands of the partner and the impossibility of fulfilling them on your part. Relationships with children suffer. You can show unbridled cruelty and aggressiveness towards them because of the desire to maintain discipline, and most importantly, your authority as a parent. Curb impulsiveness and bossiness, and this transit will give you the opportunity to constructively change your personal relationships. The period is unfavorable for conception, an unwanted pregnancy may occur.

3. Health


The day is favorable for rest and entertainment, but it is important not to overdo it, especially in the consumption of alcohol, since on this day you lay the program for the whole year. The day is favorable for cleansing the body, health procedures, participation in sports. The actual state of health on this day rather depends on how much you took care of it in the past year. Therefore, if you celebrate your birthday with a cold or even more serious illness, this is an indication that you need to take more care of yourself in terms of health. There may be an uplift in mood, a decrease in symptoms of current illnesses, energy, a joyful mood, which will help you start this year of life well.


The day is marked by good health. Patients have prospects for recovery. These improvements can be used to solve important cases. You will notice an increase in energy, an increase in optimism, a good mood, good spirits, freshness of ideas and clarity of mind. The day is especially favorable for starting a course of treatment for various heart diseases.


Nervousness, bad mood, decreased well-being, loss of vigilance and support from loved ones exacerbate current illnesses, and a healthy person can lead to injuries and accidents. Chronically ill patients should undergo maintenance therapy a few days before this day in order to avoid exacerbation of diseases. Increased emotionality and aggressiveness, along with external depression, can play a bad role in relationships with your neighbors, which will upset you even more. It is better to spend this day without disturbing your neighbors, carrying out cleansing procedures and other wellness activities, even without the hope of a quick success.


You will feel the harmony of body and spirit. Use this day to carry out cleansing procedures or (if necessary) to start a course of treatment - this will lead to excellent results. Increases vitality, vigor, activity. Take part in sports or recreational activities. Communication with children and loved ones will significantly improve your well-being and sense of being needed.


For chronically ill people, the day is dangerous with exacerbations, and for practically healthy people - a deterioration in well-being, physical weakness, a drop in mood and a lack of vigor. Possible injury, accident. The treatment started on this day will give only short-term relief. It is best to carry out cleansing activities and procedures to improve health, but it is also important not to overdo it.


On this day, you tend to have a strong emotional self-expression. Seriously ill people are overcome by difficult thoughts, but there is no actual worsening of the disease. Just a depressing mood, hypochondria, perhaps headaches and discomfort in different parts of the body. Exaltation, nervousness, affects can still be combined with good spirits. Strong emotional experiences and emotional unrest have no real basis and are often far-fetched, but can cause a decrease in physical strength. Walks, wellness activities, cleansing procedures, dieting, fasting are useful. The period is favorable for conception.


Increased capacity for work, energy and vigor are surprisingly combined with loss, emotional outbursts, nervousness and weakening of physical and mental strength. It is better not to draw conclusions about the state of your health, not to start a course of treatment, examination, but to wait a few days, then the results of all of the above will be more objective. Appetite increases, but overeating threatens both stomach pains and pains associated with intercostal neuralgia, but mistaken for pain in the heart.


Difficulties in the emotional sphere, nervousness, concern about affairs. You can mistake the slightest discomfort for a manifestation of dangerous symptoms. Laziness, apathy, depression, hypochondria, grief. Troubles in the workplace or in family affairs, love disappointments can cause stomach pain, indigestion, pain in the heart. Internal struggle, rapidly changing mood will create additional difficulties. Light ailments, headaches, colds are possible.


Inner harmony, peace of mind, good mood can lift even a seriously ill person out of bed. In healthy people, vivacity, efficiency and energy are all the more increased. This is one of the best periods to start a course of treatment, participation in sports and recreational activities. For active recreation and reasonable entertainment. Many symptoms of diseases recede for a while, give a respite to the patient. Appetite increases, heart function normalizes.


Difficult period for chronic patients. The difficult condition is further aggravated by nervous breakdowns, depression, mental tension, internal discord, anxiety over trifles and rapidly changing mood. Carelessness of actions, loss of vigilance can cause injury, especially domestic, accident. Patients with impaired mental and emotional status express anger, dissatisfaction with doctors and treatment, put forward increased demands for care, require more attention and care. Disturbs the stomach, indigestion, headaches, discomfort in various parts of the body.


This transit does not have a significant impact on the state of health. People with a mobile nervous system may experience trembling or discomfort in their hands. This period can be used for breathing exercises, to start a course of treatment for pulmonary diseases and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.


This transit does not have a significant impact on the state of health, but breathing exercises, walks, health trips will have a beneficial effect.


This transit is not associated with a serious health disorder. Deterioration will be felt only by patients with chronic diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract, shortness of breath in asthmatics increases. You do not have enough air, try not to get into polluted areas, take care of your ligaments and throat. Arising conflicts contribute to nervous overwork. It is better to give up walking and breathing exercises. Hand injuries (cuts) are possible. Trembling, feeling of uncertainty in the hands.


This transit does not have a significant impact on the state of health. Improvement is noted by patients with chronic diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract, asthmatics. You speak confidently, communicate, which helps to improve mood and good spirits. Take advantage of this period for recreational walks and trips, breathing exercises.


This transit is not associated with a serious health disorder. Deterioration will be felt only by patients with chronic diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract, shortness of breath in asthmatics increases. You do not have enough air, try not to get into polluted areas, take care of your ligaments and throat. Arising conflicts contribute to nervous overwork. It is better to give up walking and breathing exercises. Hand injuries (cuts) are possible. Trembling, feeling of uncertainty in the hands.


During this period, you will feel good spirits, increased mental and physical energy, an uplift in mood and a surge of vitality, which, of course, will have a beneficial effect on the health of even a seriously ill person. The period is favorable for hardening procedures, treatment of colds, throat and ligaments, as well as genitals and kidneys. All types of recreational activities are shown, entertainment and sports, recreational, and therapeutic activities are perfectly combined. Ultraviolet baths, natural tanning will not spoil your complexion and will significantly improve your health during this period. The period is extremely favorable for conception. During sexual intercourse, one should be wary of sexually transmitted diseases.


During this period, you are strongly influenced by beauty, therefore, to improve your health, strengthen your spirits and mental strength, relieve tension and accumulated negative emotions, use this day to attend concerts, vernissages, theaters, and entertainment events. Try to get the maximum pleasure, but avoid overeating, as well as big expenses. This is a good day to start a course of treatment, especially kidney diseases, thyroid diseases, throat diseases, as well as for any wellness activities and trips.


Although there is no significant health disorder, you feel a decrease in your external attractiveness, which affects your feelings and mood. Take care of your throat, do not start treatment for the thyroid gland, kidneys and genital organs, give up cosmetic procedures, and even more so, operations. Increased demands on others will turn against you as an increase in nervousness, anxiety and a deterioration in mood. Beware of sexually transmitted diseases.


You will feel a surge of vivacity, and close people will point to your increased attractiveness and fresh look. This is an essential reason for a good mood and improvement of well-being even for seriously ill people. A good day for cosmetic procedures and operations. You can use it for hardening procedures, any health-improving activities, to start a course of treatment for diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys and genital organs, for medical or cosmetic tanning. Natural ultraviolet will have a beneficial effect on your body and will not spoil the complexion.


This transit does not have a special effect on the state of health, but you may suffer due to the deharmonization of the sensual sphere, sexual failures, lack of attention from the opposite sex. Deterioration is noted by patients with diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys and genital organs. Cosmetic procedures and especially operations are contraindicated. Take care of your throat and ligaments. Hardening procedures are contraindicated and can be harmful. Do not forget about the existence of sexually transmitted diseases. Be wary of overeating and indulging your habits.


This passage is characterized by headaches, injuries to the head and face (at least when shaving). Special care should be taken when using piercing-cutting objects. Beware of injuries, burns, attacks, rape. Avoid fights, use discretion and caution. This period is indicated for sports, as physical activity increases, except for wrestling. Sometimes this transit indicates toothache, tooth extraction. There is also an increase in sexual activity.


Increases vitality, resistance to various diseases. This is accompanied by an uplift of spirit, a feeling of cheerfulness and physical strength. Clarity of mind, freshness of ideas. It is possible that, faced with resistance to your actions, you will experience increased nervousness, a desire to enter into conflicts. A good impact during this period is exercised by sports and outdoor activities.


Avoid fights and use of physical force. Injuries, accidents, injuries at work and at home are possible. Be careful with fire, piercing objects, various tools and chemicals. Aggressive sexual behavior for men can be a source of trouble, and women should be wary of sexual assault. Physical overstrain and violent emotional manifestations lead to physical and emotional exhaustion. Especially careful should be people with a weak heart and disturbed cerebral circulation - the danger of heart attacks and strokes!


Participation in sports events, outdoor activities and socially useful work during this period will significantly strengthen your health, especially the cardiovascular system. However, people with a weak heart should still take care of it. Outdoor activities, sunbathing are also useful, although overheating and sunburn should be avoided. Significantly increased sexual needs and energy.


Many on this day cannot avoid physical collisions. Care should be taken when working with various tools, when using piercing objects, fire and chemicals. Injuries are possible at work due to inconsistency in actions or in everyday life due to their own recklessness and thoughtlessness of actions. People with a weak nervous system, a weak heart and impaired brain activity should carefully consider their feelings. Significantly increases the possibility of heart attacks and strokes. Children should be careful in games and sports - bodily injury is possible.


The period is accompanied by good spirits, an increase in vitality: physical and mental. Overeating and excessive desire for pleasure should be avoided. It is especially important these days not to overload the liver and heart. Patients with liver diseases get relief, this transit is good to use to start a course of treatment for liver diseases. Usually these days you put on weight. In women in late pregnancy, labor may begin. The period is favorable for conception.


The period is accompanied by good spirits, an increase in vitality: physical and mental. Overeating and excessive desire for pleasure should be avoided. It is especially important these days not to overload the liver and heart. Patients with liver diseases get relief, this transit is good to use to start a course of treatment for liver diseases. Usually these days you put on weight. In women in late pregnancy, labor may begin. The period is favorable for conception.



The period is accompanied by good spirits, increased energy and vitality: physical and mental, endurance of the body and resistance to disease. Overeating and excessive desire for pleasure should be avoided. It is especially important these days not to overload the liver and heart. Patients with liver diseases get relief, this transit is good to use to start a course of treatment for liver diseases. Usually these days you put on weight. In women in late pregnancy, labor may begin. The period is extremely favorable for conception.


The state of health is deteriorating. Discomfort in the liver area is likely. Liver overload can affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, avoid overeating, limit yourself to drinking alcohol. In patients with chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, exacerbations are possible. It is possible to get into life-threatening situations. You should be wary of accidents, disasters, fires, fights, clashes with law enforcement agencies.


These days are accompanied by a decrease in vitality, endurance and resistance of the body, a depressed, depressed state. This is a period of depression and exacerbation of many diseases, especially those associated with age-related disorders. Haunted by fears and incomprehensible pains. Teeth and their treatment can bring a lot of unpleasant experiences and troubles. There is a high probability of falls from a height (even a small one), fractures, injuries, accidents. You may become a victim of an accident or natural disasters. For a woman, this transit can also mean all of the above for her husband, father, brother, boss, deterioration in their health.


A period of some improvement in the health status of patients with chronic diseases. On this day, it is good to undergo an examination and outline plans for further treatment and recovery. Now the least likely is a medical error or the issuance of incorrect prescriptions. However, this day is not quite suitable for starting the treatment itself or a wellness trip. You feel an increase in the vitality of the body, so you can count on it to increase the load. A good day for treatment, extraction and prosthetics.


Reduced vitality, endurance and body resistance in practically healthy people is also accompanied by depression and fatigue. Patients with chronic diseases experience deterioration, exacerbations, especially skin diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Teeth can remind you of yourself. The day is favorable for extraction, but in no case for treatment or prosthetics. Overloading, as well as falls from a height, injuries (especially fractures), accidents, injuries should be avoided. You may become a victim of an accident or a natural disaster. For a woman, this transit can also mean all of the above in relation to a spouse, father, brother, boss or loved one. Possible miscarriage.


The period of significant improvement in the health status of patients with chronic diseases. On this day, it is good to undergo an examination and outline plans for further treatment and recovery. Now the least likely is a medical error or the issuance of incorrect prescriptions. The period is also suitable for starting the treatment itself or a health trip. You feel a strong increase in the vitality of the body, so you can count on it to increase the load. A good time to take care of your teeth.


A serious deterioration in the condition threatens chronic patients. This is especially true for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin diseases. Healthy people feel a decline in strength, a decrease in resistance and vitality of the body. The slightest signs of osteochondrosis declare themselves precisely these days with back pain. Your teeth can remind you of yourself. On this day, it is good to remove teeth, but not to engage in treatment or prosthetics. You can suffer from depression, unaccountable fear, and your doctors - from your distrust. These days, medical errors are likely. Beware of injuries, accidents, falls from a height. You may become a victim of an accident or natural disasters.


You are nervous, irritable, show increased anxiety for no apparent reason. Transit can disrupt the work of various body systems, so those suffering from diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems should be especially careful on this day. Nervous breakdowns and heart attacks are possible.




Transit is characterized by a certain increase in the activity of various body systems, but also by an increase in the sensitivity of the nervous system. Elevated mood is typical even for seriously ill people. Good day for conception.


A very bad day. Excessive excitability and unrest over trifles, fermentation of feelings leads to overexcitation of the nervous system and disturbances in the rhythm of cardiac activity. Even on practically healthy people, this transit has a negative effect; in sick people, heart attacks and nervous attacks are very likely. Strokes and heart attacks are excluded. A new disease may be discovered or a sharp deterioration in an existing one may occur. Care must be taken in every possible way due to the danger of accidents, injuries, injuries, electric shocks, explosions. Possible miscarriage.


This transit does not have a clear effect on the state of health, but it has an ambiguous effect on the state of your psyche. Therefore, you may experience an attack of depression, melancholy, soar in the clouds, although for some people this aspect gives a state of psychological comfort, harmony and high spirits. Perhaps you will feel unusually strong thirst, you will increase the need for water procedures. Edema and associated deterioration of the underlying disease (eg, hypertension) are possible. Possible unwanted conception. Probably alcohol poisoning or poisoning with other chemicals. Be careful with aggressive environments!


You will feel spiritual harmony, sharpening of perception, and a favorable psychological background will have a beneficial effect on the condition of even seriously ill people. These days, water metabolism in the body improves, so that the ailments associated with its disorders and the symptoms of various diseases recede for a while (for example, kidney diseases, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc.). A glass of alcohol can help relieve tension, but in alcoholics this transit often corresponds to the onset of delirium.



You will feel spiritual harmony, sharpening of perception, and a favorable psychological background will have a beneficial effect on the condition of even seriously ill people. These days, water metabolism in the body improves, so that the ailments associated with its disorders and the symptoms of various diseases recede for a while (for example, kidney diseases, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc.). A glass of alcohol can help relieve tension, but in alcoholics this transit often corresponds to the onset of delirium. An excellent period for conception.


Due to violations of water metabolism in the body, the condition of patients with kidney diseases, hypertension, and diabetes worsens. Edema that occurs on this day with apparent health should be regarded as symptoms of the onset of the listed or other diseases associated with a violation of the water balance. Care must be taken with drugs, alcohol, corrosive environments, as well as on water. Boat trips can be dangerous, and ordinary water procedures can be harmful. You should also be careful when talking to strangers. It is better these days to reduce fluid intake, especially for pregnant women. The results of the analyzes will not show the true picture. Possible unwanted conception. Strong tendency to neuroses.


Increased anxiety. People who lead a passive lifestyle have no idea how to manage the suddenly increased energy. It is necessary to be careful in situations that go beyond the scope of everyday life, in public places, on transport, to avoid criminogenic places and circumstances. Perhaps an energetic, magical effect directed at you, but your personal strength also increases. Women should beware of sexual assaults. Men note a huge surge of sexual energy and desire. Possible conception.


On the whole a good day. Even seriously ill people feel a surge of energy and vitality, and therefore they may experience some improvement in the symptoms of the disease. Healthy people, on the other hand, with the inept use of increased energy, run the risk of falling into emergency circumstances. A good period for conception. The period is favorable for the treatment and implementation of various activities aimed at treating tumors, the consequences of radiation injuries, poisoning, infectious diseases; possibly for operations.


Crisis day. Worsening of symptoms of chronic diseases, especially tumors, poisoning, infectious and radiation-related injuries. Healthy people should be especially careful when using technology, conducting experiments, being in public places and transport. Women should beware of strangers. One should be wary of energetic, magical influences. Attacks, accidents, injuries, injuries as a result of accidents and natural disasters are possible. Threat to pregnancy.


On the whole a good day. Even seriously ill people feel a surge of energy and vitality, and therefore they may experience some improvement in the symptoms of the disease. Healthy people, on the other hand, with the inept use of increased energy, run the risk of falling into emergency circumstances. Good period for conception. The period is favorable for the treatment and implementation of various activities aimed at treating tumors, the consequences of radiation injuries, poisoning, infectious diseases; possibly for operations.


Critical day. Situations dangerous to health and life, accidents, injuries are not excluded. Chronic diseases are on the rise. Patients with viral, respiratory diseases should be especially careful, as severe complications of a harmless cold can occur, which will affect the immune system and the genital area. It is better to be away from large crowds of people, to be careful on the streets and when driving vehicles and using various equipment. Getting into situations that are unusual for you is dangerous. Women should beware of strangers. The period is completely contraindicated for surgical operations and even cosmetic procedures. The condition of cancer patients and people suffering from disorders of the cardiovascular system is deteriorating. Possible poisoning! You are subject to magical, energetic influences. Threat to pregnancy.

Used Books:

1. Summary of astrology
2. Transits from the ZET library

Transit of the Sun in 1 house of the horoscope

It is strongest on the Ascendant. According to astrology, the transit of the Sun in the 1st annual house almost always causes an increase in the number of personal problems and activities /obviously, due to the nature of the horoscopic house ruled by it and the zodiac sign located on the Asc of the annual chart/.

In (+) vitality increases. The role of the individual increases, creative abilities increase. The person becomes bright, noticeable, attracts the attention of others, and achieves personal leadership. It's good to start new things.

B (-) arrogance, ambition, scatters energy on personal affairs, wastes a lot of energy on entertainment, which gives an energy decline and physical weakness.

Transit of the Sun in the 2nd house of the horoscope

In the 2nd house, the emphasis is on activities related to money and finances, profits or income.

B (+) gives the accumulation of property and energy, draws attention to material problems. A person seeks to get rich, takes on the role of a leader in material affairs. He uses the money to raise children, to improve his social position, to improve his health.

In (-) there are a lot of unnecessary expenses, both material and physical. During this period, it is necessary to conserve strength, strengthening both materially and physically.

Sun transit through the 3rd house

B 3 for relationships with the immediate environment, for actions, movements or training sessions / especially in the horoscopes of schoolchildren.

Relatives pile on a person, demanding his personal participation in their affairs, problems.

In (+) contacts with the close environment are fruitful, bring creative success. Mental abilities improve. A good period for active learning and for making new intellectual contacts.

In (-) a lot of strength and energy are taken away from contacts with the close environment, unnecessary trips, fuss. Thinking worsens (poorly studies).

Transit of the Sun in the 4th House of the horoscope

B 4 for questions related to the family, or related to the place of residence, to purchases of real estate.

It draws attention to family affairs, the active role of the family in a person's life.

In (+) when passing through the Nadir, a person faces the problems of his roots through intuition and self-knowledge, he temporarily becomes a leader in household affairs, receives creative and spiritual support from family members, strives for occult knowledge, participates in solving problems related to the homeland , with ancestors.

In (-) the heavy oppression of domestic problems requires his personal participation in their solution. Forces go to small household chores, there is no breadth of interests. A person becomes spiritually isolated, cannot open up in the circle of loved ones, in his family, feels oppressed in his own home.

Transit of the Sun in the 5th House of the horoscope

At 5 on the emotional side, for entertainment, children or self-education, there is a clear tendency to expand.

In (+) the best period for creative undertakings: a person is full of energy, there is a feeling of joy, a need for something bright, unusual, this state attracts people to him, and he succeeds a lot. A good period for raising children by personal example, giving them a charge of vivacity, energy, self-confidence.

B (-) forces and energy are spent on adventures, pleasures, romantic relationships, adventurous games. Violated contacts with children, a bad influence on them. For women, the opportunity to become pregnant and have a baby.

Transit of the Sun in the 6th House of the horoscope

At 6, it is daily work or health-related issues that become most important to the subject.

B (+) enjoys work, good relations with colleagues and superiors, recognition and awards at the place of service. He shows interest in his own health and the health of his children, in beautiful and fashionable clothes. A person is physically strengthened, quickly recovering from an illness. Pets love him and help him. A good period for the development of life systems and their practical application.

B (-) subordinate, dependent position at work. Restriction of spiritual freedom, reduced physical endurance, poor contact with doctors. Pet injuries. He must develop his own system of self-discipline, otherwise illnesses, debts, restrictions in work and creativity, energy dissipation over trifles await.

Transit of the Sun in the 7th House of the horoscope

At 7, the solar transit highlights social affairs, connections, or anything related to marriage, family life, and usually reproduces an increase in defensive reactions.

B (+) good social contacts strengthen prestige, good relations with partners, an active full-blooded life with a creative return to a spouse, social popularity, the ability to win over an opponent with personal charm. Possible marriage.

In (-) social contacts take a lot of strength and energy, he participates in intense public affairs, in disputes, lawsuits, fights with opponents, sorts things out with his spouse. Open enemies create a lot of rumors and gossip around, and a person must learn to maintain balance during this period.

Transit of the Sun in the 8th house of the horoscope

In the 8th house, this transition partially weakens the vitality, optimism and effectiveness of the Sun.

B (+) enhances occult abilities, shows interest in the secrets of life and death, in the problems of reincarnation, and a person can get out of a spiritual crisis. Death can play a big role in life. Fearlessness and strength of mind are strengthened in extreme situations, the ability to win, to avoid danger. There are problems associated with inheritance and other people's money. Increased sexual energy.

B (-) fatal forces hinder spiritual development. A person finds himself in difficult life circumstances that lead to disappointment, to a spiritual crisis, to negative actions, which he later regrets. The danger of catastrophes, extreme situations are dangerous, they must be avoided, and a person is attracted to such situations.

Transit of the Sun through the 9th house of the horoscope

At 9, it increases intellectual activity and often corresponds to either travel or cases of justice.

In (+) interest in religion, philosophy, higher education, foreign cultures is growing, a good period for entering a university, for expanding education, for strengthening worldview and spiritual interests. A person is full of interests and optimism, goes in for sports, travels, serves as an example to follow. Successful business trips.

B (-) disappointment in spiritual teaching. A blow to ideology and worldview, a waste of creative energy on trips, romantic adventures, in unsuccessful business with foreigners.

Transit of the Sun in the 10th house of the horoscope

The transit of the Sun through the annual Midheaven usually prompts action and manifests itself in much the same way as the passage of Mars through the Midheaven of the natal chart, i.e. increases courage and energy. The arrival of the Sun in the 10th house almost always corresponds to an important event in business.

Clarifies the purpose of life, creative ideas and distant prospects.

B (+) professional achievements, strengthening of official prestige, even leadership. A good period to get hold of power and position, establish contacts with influential people, successfully change jobs (when transiting Jupiter).

B (-) creative failures, limitations and difficulties in individual achievements, professional decline. He spends a lot of strength and energy on conflicts with superiors, trying to break through and satisfy his pride and vanity. By this he stands out from the general background and deprives himself of a strong position. During this period, you can’t conflict at work and it’s good to catch the eye of the authorities less often.

Transit of the Sun in the 11th house of the horoscope

In the 11th house, he notes hobbies, impulses, plans and intentions, designed for a long time / in the sense given through the general interpretation of SO, through its "tonality" /.

In (+) a person is actively involved in new affairs, makes plans and projects, introduces new methods. Spiritual searches provide a way out of spiritual impasses, friendly ties are established with energetic and spiritual people. Help from friends and patrons.

B (-) wastes spiritual energy on unnecessary plans, projects and searches. The lack of organization, the desire for spiritual freedom leads to creative failures and can lead to antisocial behavior. There is no help from friends, a person is lonely among relatives.

Transit of the Sun in the 12th house of the horoscope

At 12, he almost always shows a colorless existence, a decrease in vitality or an increase in worries. In some cases, the impact of solar transits is stronger at the beginning of the year than at the end.

B (+) spiritual accumulations, intuition, inspiration, subtle understanding of beauty, occult practice. Creative work in seclusion or secret work. Characterized by internal creative burning in the absence of external initiative.

B (-) spiritual decline, physical and spiritual apathy, lethargy, weakening of initiative and creative energy. A period of dull state and joyless life. Gambling and speculation during this period can cause ruin. Secret activities with alcohol and drug abuse are dangerous.

Intellectual or professional status will take a high priority, and as a result you will focus on sharing information and opinions with others - either directly or through printed materials and publications. Religious and philosophical beliefs, cultural aspirations, long-distance travel, work, the health of parents, in-laws, and issues related to remarriage will be areas that require time and attention during this period.

Favorable Aspects transiting Sun in the ninth house to the natal planets are associated with circumstances that encourage you to devote your time and talents more generously to religious, educational or political institutions. Perhaps you will have a desire to improve your education or qualifications, you will be more willing to get involved in speculative and other risky enterprises. You will show determination and firmness when traveling abroad or communicating with representatives of other peoples and races.

Adverse the aspects of the transiting Sun in the ninth house to the natal planets are associated with increased competition, due to which you will become a dangerous opponent, but you will not be able to play in a team. The opinions of others are unlikely to be expressed in your favor. (Rolling pin J.)

During the transit of the Sun through the ninth field, a person begins to be puzzled by global issues. He thinks about God, the meaning of life, his place in it. He begins to look at any life situation from the outside. In a word, he becomes a thinker and philosopher, and he is more interested in the spiritual than the earthly, and for some time the unpretentious everyday affairs cease to excite him. Often at this time he has books of spiritual content. Although things can be much simpler. A person is engaged in some kind of research or goes on tour, to a symposium, or just goes on a trip. Contacts with interesting people, professionals in their field are possible. Establishing new, including international, ties based on scientific or other interests. When connected with the fourth field, a guest from afar is possible. A good time for social and cultural activities, defending a diploma or dissertation, resolving legal issues, making petitions or requests to high authorities.

Negative aspects bring confusion to the affairs of this field. There may be problems with studies, delivery of projects, term papers, etc. The scientific idea does not receive recognition, research comes to a standstill. With such aspects, you should not take long trips. (Vronsky S.A.)

Pluto in astrology plays the role of the arbiter of fate and is the natural rulereighth house. He is responsible for death and rebirth, esoteric knowledge and transformation. The owner of the horoscope is constantly in suspense and waiting for the next trick from life. This habitual state leads to a craving for extreme situations that allow him to experience life in its full manifestation.

can be compared with the mythical phoenix bird, which dies in fire, and then comes to life again from the ashes, ready for a new life and trials. A person who finds himself in a crisis situation and survives feels strong changes in himself due to symbolic rebirth. When it seems to him that he is crushed and at an impasse, in fact, he is experiencing the end of a difficult period and the onset of a new life stage. The planet knows how to thank for endurance and willpower, and when it takes something, it sends a reward.

Pluto is the natural ruler of Scorpio, which is responsible for sexuality, power and magic. This position of the planet means that the owner of the horoscope is a magician who knows how to control people and subordinate them to his will. He knows how to foresee the future, but his expectations of trouble are confused with premonition and do not allow for correct predictions. The owner of such a position is always on the alert: he expects the worst, but hopes for the best. Not every human mind can withstand such a load, but Pluto in the eighth house is not capable of such "miracles".

It is worth considering the aspects of other planets to the "arbiter of fate." All of them indicate the development of the spiritual sphere and are mandatory tests. All the events described by Pluto standing in the eighth house are inevitable, like death itself. Fate will be "merciless" until a person realizes what exactly he should extract from the events that have occurred. No matter how senseless the ongoing actions may seem, they carry meaning and draw hidden reserves to the surface. Difficulties are given by fate in order for a person to learn how to respond to them correctly. Only in this way will he rise higher spiritually, become stronger and wiser.

Jupiter, known as the benefic planet, is responsible for happiness in relationships. Luck, success and future prospects depend on it. Favorable degrees of Jupiter to any personal planet (Sun, Moon, Venus) is called the "happiness aspect". It has the best effect on relationships and softens many negative aspects.

The strongest manifestation of the connection of Jupiter with personal planets:
  1. Conjunction of Jupiter and the Sun. This aspect fills the relationship with optimism, happiness and hope. It promotes spiritual growth, helps to acquire and accumulate material wealth. Partners treat each other with kindness and nobility. The Jupiter man supports and protects the loved one, and the Sun man feels happy next to his beloved.
  2. Jupiter sextile the Sun. Helps family relationships to acquire mutual understanding, strength and harmony. Partners travel a lot, go in for sports and discover new joint hobbies.
  3. Jupiter trines the Sun. Aspect is the basis of mutual assistance and trust. The owner of Jupiter charges with optimism and lifts the mood of a loved one.

A square (90°) indicates a lack of self-discipline or a mature relationship. Emphasizes the independence, folly and arrogance of each of the partners. The opposition provokes a divergence in views on life, indulgence in extremes and points to the selfishness of one of the partners.

Mars in Scorpio is a strong position of the planet in the natal chart. In harmonious aspects, it guarantees its owner a firm and decisive character. A person with this position has endurance, self-control, insight, honesty and magnetism. He is fearless and intuitive, but his courage is observant. A person does not rush to the "battlefield", but follows what is happening from the side. As if in the thick of things, but at a safe distance. He loves risk, often gets into crisis situations, but gets out of the water dry, however, he does not always draw the right conclusions.

A calm life does not suit this position of Mars, and its owner feels life, a kind of battlefield. The harder life circumstances, the stronger it becomes. After crisis situations, a person discovers in himself a reserve of forces that contribute to transformation, changes in character and outlook on life.

A person with Mars in Scorpio is vindictive and vindictive. He does not forget the offenses inflicted and is ready to harm himself for the sake of revenge, if only to get even with the enemy. His actions are clear and consistent, and it is impossible to defeat such an enemy. Better not to stand in his way or betray his friendship. After all, this is a good friend who will always help out and come to the rescue.

Negative aspects they incline a person to cruelty, sadism, alcoholism and push them onto the path of self-destruction. Mars afflicted in Scorpio gives rise to rebels and desperate warriors. These are scandalous, very vindictive and morbidly jealous people. They try to subdue their will by any means. Often they choose a criminal path and can become both a victim and a criminal.

Mars in Scorpio in the female horoscope

Women with Mars in Scorpio It is important to feel wanted and loved. She is very offended if she notices a lack of interest in herself on the part of her beloved man. In her opinion, if he does not show his feelings, then his love has cooled down. It will be difficult for her to live with a person who does not love her, and sooner or later, resentment will lead to a break in relations.

According to the Eastern calendar, 2019 falls under the influence of the Yellow Earth Pig. She will come to power on February 5, and the year under her rule will be remembered for pleasant events, changes and new acquaintances. Many people will stop worrying about the future or living in the past and learn to enjoy the present. Changes will occur due to the end of the twelve-year cycle, which closes the Pig.

Horoscope for 2019 for Aries

For representatives of this zodiac sign, the beginning of the year will be remembered for fateful meetings and unexpected twists of fate. In 2019, Aries will show themselves from the other side: they will avoid conflicts and demonstrative scandals. They will direct their warlike character to the struggle for career growth, skillfully showing their strengths and masking their shortcomings.

In the new year, the financial situation will improve and there will be a chance to meet your love. Married couples will feel a renewal of feelings and will once again be convinced of the right choice regarding the second half. Aries who are already in a relationship will delight each other with romantic surprises and gifts.

Many will have the opportunity to travel abroad and indulge in pleasant experiences. In the third decade of the year, health problems will appear, but if you notice the malaise in time, it will not turn into a protracted illness.

Horoscope for 2019 for Taurus

Taurus in the year of the Pig should not forget about loved ones and pay more attention to them. It is not worth traveling alone, as the stars do not guarantee protection, and a lonely traveling Taurus will have many difficulties along the way.

Lonely representatives of this earth sign will have a chance to meet a future spouse, and established couples will want to formalize their relationship. Lovers and spouses will face misunderstandings that will arise due to financial disagreements. And not because Taurus will feel financial instability, but for a reason that wants to save and increase profits, and not spend it on buying expensive things.

The stars are also not advised to lend money and conflict with partners or work colleagues. In 2019, Taurus need to watch their reputation and keep their outrages in check so that people don't get the wrong impression.

Planets in the seventh house of the horoscope:

The sun. The couple is prominent, beautiful and respected. Often spouses are engaged in one thing and run a joint business. The partner can be an influential, famous person. If the Sun is afflicted, the spouse is arrogant, selfish and capricious. It is difficult to compromise and requires increased attention. A harmonious luminary gives happiness and prosperity. If the Sun is in a fixed sign, the relationship is stable and harmonious. In mutable - everyone will "pull the blanket over themselves" and make excessive demands on the partner.

Moon. In a fixed sign, the night "luminary" creates favorable conditions for the development of relations. In mutable - inclines to divorce. With the Moon in the seventh house, relationships are filled with sensuality, intuition and tenderness. People strive for home coziness and comfort. They love to eat, sleep and tend to spend all their free time together. A woman expects devotion and protection from her husband. To be able to sympathize and guess her mood. A man is looking for a wife who looks like his mother. He needs an economic, caring and domestic wife who will warm and feed at the end of a hard day. Family life alternates with a calm and scandalous period, with tantrums, resentment and reconciliation.

Mercury. Both men and women need a partner who will become a friend, companion and comrade of interest. Everyone expects a light, cheerful and inquisitive character from a loved one. The depth of feelings is not important, since love is viewed from the side of affection, thanks to common views on life and an easy attitude towards it. The partner is usually younger in age, has poor eyesight, a strict, intelligent appearance and a passion for books.

Venus. This is a happy marriage, which is made for love and exists for a long time. The husband is handsome, romantic and charming. Non-conflict and economic. If the planet is afflicted, he will be moody or lazy. The owner of this position strives for an ideal relationship and has high demands on the appearance of a loved one.