Behavior in the educational situation of children with ONR. Psychological characteristics of children with general underdevelopment of speech: features of cognitive activity





The democratic processes that are gaining momentum in our country and the new value orientations aimed at the comprehensive development of each child determine the growing interest in the study, education and upbringing of children with disabilities in health and life.

The number of children with developmental problems, both worldwide and in the Russian Federation, tends to increase. So, today in Russia, out of 35.9 million children, 1.6 million (4.5% of their total number) have disorders in psychophysical development. That is why the chosen topic is very relevant and requires close attention.

Over the past 10 years, the number of disabled children in Russia has doubled. According to the forecast of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences N.N. Malofeev by 2020-2030 there will not be enough places for children with disabilities in the existing system of special education.

It should also be taken into account that Is the teacher of an ordinary general education school ready today for pedagogical work with this category of students and pupils? Does he know their characteristics and educational opportunities? Does he have special techniques and methods of teaching in case of difficulties? Does he know where to get the necessary knowledge, advice on special pedagogy, on specific issues of education and upbringing? Can he treat these children with love, patience and faith in their abilities?

Special psychology and correctional pedagogy exists to help future teachers in this. These are vast areas of psychological and pedagogical knowledge. Until recently, these areas of scientific knowledge were under the same name - "defectology".

training underdevelopment speech family

Discipline introduces the originality that the development of the child acquires with certain violations. Students should form stable ideas about the essence of the destructive influence of an organic lesion of the central nervous system or individual analyzers on the entire course of the child's mental development. This will allow students to understand the psychological mechanisms of disorders of various aspects of the psyche and apply the knowledge gained in the process of psychological and pedagogical study of the child, carried out both for diagnostic purposes and for the construction of individual correctional and developmental programs.

The objectives of the course are:

providing the necessary theoretical training for students on issues of special psychology and correctional pedagogy related to understanding the characteristics of a problem child, a comprehensive study of the psychophysical characteristics of children of various categories;

formation of ideas about the importance of timely detection of developmental disorders in children;

formation of ideas about general and specific methods of corrective action when working with children with developmental disorders.

1. Psychological characteristics of children with general speech underdevelopment (OHP)

Characteristics of children with ONR.General speech underdevelopment (OHP) is a complex speech disorder in which children with normal hearing and initially preserved intelligence have a late onset of speech development, a poor vocabulary, agrammatism, pronunciation and phenom formation defects. These manifestations together indicate a systemic violation of all components of speech activity.

The peculiarity of the development of the vocabulary and grammatical structure of the language with a general underdevelopment of speech is shown in the studies of M.V. Bogdanov-Berezovsky, V.K. Orfinskaya, B.M. Grinshpun, T.B. Filicheva and others.

The general underdevelopment of speech has a different degree of severity: from the complete absence of speech means of communication to expanded speech with elements of phonetic and lexical and grammatical underdevelopment. Based on the correctional tasks, R.E. Levina made an attempt to reduce the monotony of speech underdevelopment to three levels. Each level is characterized by a certain ratio of the primary defect and secondary manifestations that delay the formation of speech components. The transition from one level to another is characterized by the emergence of new speech possibilities.

the first level is characterized by the almost complete absence of verbal means of communication or their very limited development during the period when speech in normally developing children is already fully formed.

second level - R.E. Levina points to the increased speech activity of children, they develop phrasal speech. At this level, the phrase remains phonetically and grammatically distorted.

the third level is characterized by the appearance of extended everyday speech without gross lexical and grammatical deviations.

cognitive processes (sensations, perception, memory, imagination, thinking) are the main part of any human activity, including speech activity, and provide the information necessary for it. They allow you to set goals, make plans, determine the content of upcoming activities, play in your mind the course of activities, your actions and behavior, anticipate the results of your actions and manage them as they are performed.

Speaking about the general abilities of a person, they mean the level of development and the characteristic features of cognitive processes. The better these processes are developed, the higher his abilities, the more abilities he possesses. The level of development of cognitive processes determines the ease and effectiveness of learning, including the development of oral and written speech.

Features of visual perception in children with speech disorders

G.L. Roserhart-Pupko (1966) directly speaks of the close interaction of speech and visual object perception. Perception and speech are interdependent in their formation: the constancy and generalization of perception, on the one hand, and the mobility of visual images, on the other, are formed and developed under the influence of the word. So, as a result of research visual perception in preschool children with speech pathology, data were obtained on the lack of formation of a holistic image of an object, while simple visual recognition of real objects and their images does not differ from the norm. (L.I. Belyakova, Yu.F. Garkusha, O.N. Usanova, 1991).

Preschoolers with OHP also have a low level of development letter gnosis: they hardly differentiate normal and mirror spelling of letters, do not recognize letters superimposed on each other, find difficulties in naming and comparing letters that are similar graphically, in naming printed letters given in disorder. In this regard, many children are not ready to master the letter. When studying the features orientation in spaceIt turned out that they find it difficult to differentiate the concepts of "right" and "" left, they cannot navigate in their own body, especially when tasks become more complicated.

Violation of the intonation side of speech. Patients do not distinguish speech intonations, their speech is not expressive, devoid of modulations, intonation monotony.

Features of attention in children with speech impairment

The attention of children with speech impairment is characterized by a number of features: instability, lower level of voluntary attention, difficulties in planning their actions.

Children hardly focus on the analysis of conditions, the search for various ways and means in solving problems, the implementation is of a reproductive nature.

It is much more difficult for children with speech pathology to concentrate on fulfillment under the conditions of a verbal instruction than under the conditions of a visual one. The nature of the errors and their distribution over time qualitatively differ from the norm.

Features of voluntary attention in children with alalia are clearly different in the nature of distractions. So, if children with a speech norm look at the experimenter, try to determine by his reaction whether they are performing the task correctly, then for children with alalia, the predominant distractions are: "looked out the window", "performs actions not related to the task."

Features of thinking in speech disorders

T.B. Filichev and G.A. Chirkina, characterizing the features of the intellectual sphere of children with OHP, note: “Having, on the whole, full-fledged prerequisites for mastering mental operations accessible to age, children, however, lag behind in the development of visual-figurative thinking, without special training they hardly master analysis, synthesis, comparison, which is a consequence of defective speech activity.

In the study by V.V. Yurtaykin identified two main types of difficulties in children with OHP in the process of developing cognitive activity: difficulties in mastering the symbolic function and the use of signs to replace real objects, and difficulties in retaining in memory and updating images of representations in the process of solving cognitive problems.

It is necessary to distinguish between the general underdevelopment of speech (OHP) and the delay in the rate of its formation. The reasons for the delay in the development of speech are usually pedagogical neglect, the lack of verbal communication between the child and others, and bilingualism in the family. The most accurate distinction between these states is possible in the process of diagnostic learning. Distinctive features that speak of a more severe speech diagnosis will be the presence of an organic lesion of the central nervous system, a more pronounced insufficiency of mental functions, and the impossibility of self-mastery of language generalizations. One of the important diagnostic criteria is the ability of a child with a slow rate of speech development to master the grammatical norms of the native language - understanding the meaning of grammatical changes in words, the absence of confusion in understanding the meanings of words that have a similar sound, the absence of violations of the structure of words and agrammatisms, so characteristic and persistent in general underdevelopment speeches (N.S. Zhukova, E.M., Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva, 1990).

Differential diagnosis of speech disorders and mental retardation can be difficult, since general mental underdevelopment is always accompanied to one degree or another by underdevelopment of speech, and on the other hand, with severe speech underdevelopment, a child often has a delayed or uneven development of his intellect. In some cases, diagnosis can be successful only as a result of a dynamic study of the child in the process of remedial training. Unlike children with mental disabilities, who have a total intellectual defect that captures all types of mental activity, in children with severe speech disorders, tasks that require the participation of speech cause the greatest difficulties.

In contrast to mentally retarded children, children with OHP do not exhibit inertia of mental processes; they are capable of transferring the learned methods of mental actions to other, similar tasks. These children need less help in forming generalized modes of action if they do not require a verbal response. Children with OHP have more differentiated reactions, they are critical of their speech insufficiency, and in many tasks they consciously try to avoid a speech response. Their activities are more focused and controlled. They show sufficient interest and ingenuity when performing tasks. If the distinction between children with OHP and mental retardation encounters some difficulties, then the differentiation of OHP and mental retardation in many cases cannot be carried out. In children with mental retardation, as well as with OHP, there is a weakness of voluntary attention and shortcomings in the development of visual and verbal-logical thinking.

It should be added that children with speech pathology, as well as children with mental retardation, in foreign literature belong to a single group - children with learning difficulties.

Causes of general underdevelopment of speech

Speech arises in the presence of certain biological prerequisites and, above all, the normal maturation and functioning of the central nervous system. Among the factors contributing to the emergence of general underdevelopment of speech in children, there are unfavorable external (exogenous) and internal (endogenous) factors, as well as external environmental conditions. These factors can affect both in the prenatal period of development and during childbirth, as well as in the first years of a child's life.

Among the pathogenic factors affecting the nervous system in the prenatal period, toxicosis, intoxication, maternal metabolic disorders during pregnancy, the effects of certain chemicals, alcohol, nicotine, narcotic substances, and radioactive radiation are possible. Various lesions are possible due to Rh incompatibility of the blood of the mother and fetus.

A special role in the occurrence of speech underdevelopment belongs to genetic factors. in the presence of the so-called speech weakness or hereditary predisposition to speech disorders, general underdevelopment of speech can occur under the influence of even minor adverse external influences.

Other adverse factors that cause damage to speech functions are natural and postpartum lesions. The leading place in this group of pathologies is occupied by asphyxia and intracranial birth trauma. Asphyxia (oxygen deficiency) leads to severe damage to many parts of the nervous system.

Reversible forms of general underdevelopment of speech can occur against the background of negative socio-psychological influence: deprivation during the period of intensive speech formation, lack of speech motivation from others, conflict relationships in the family, incorrect methods of education, etc.

2. Methods of teaching, correction and education of children with OHP

The education and upbringing of children with speech disorders is carried out in the system of continuous education, the main stages of which are preschool, primary and secondary education. To this end, special kindergartens, speech therapy groups and speech therapy centers in mass kindergartens, speech therapy centers at general education schools and special schools for children with severe speech disorders have been established.

The leading role in this process belongs to preschool institutions, in which, along with the fulfillment of general educational and educational tasks, special work is provided for the formation of correct speech in children.

The main tasks of speech therapy teaching children with various types of speech anomalies in the conditions of special preschool institutions include not only the correction of the leading defect, but also preparation for literacy.

In preschool institutions for children with speech disorders, a clear organization of the entire correctional process is provided. It is provided:

timely examination of children;

rational scheduling of classes;

planning individual work with each child; the presence of plans for frontal classes;

equipping them with the necessary equipment and visual aids;

joint work of a speech therapist with a group teacher and parents.

The possibilities of overcoming insufficiency in the speech, cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres in all age groups of persons with speech disorders depend on the timely and adequate application of a complex of medical, psychological and pedagogical influences.

Carrying out the whole complex of correctional training requires the combination of special classes to correct speech defects with the fulfillment of general standard requirements. For preschool groups of children with speech disorders, a daily routine has been developed that differs from the usual one. It is provided by a speech therapist for frontal, subgroup and individual lessons. Along with this, special hours are allocated in the evening for the teacher to work with subgroups and individual children to correct speech on the instructions of a speech therapist. The teacher plans his work taking into account the program requirements and speech abilities of children. He is obliged to know individual deviations in the formation of the child's speech, to hear defects in the pronunciation and lexical and grammatical aspects of speech, in the process of educational and extracurricular activities, take into account the speech capabilities of each child. Together with a speech therapist (in the groups OHP, FFN), classes are planned for the development of speech, familiarization with others, preparation of a letter, etc.

Family education of children with speech disorders

The first 6 months of life the child needs emotional communication. This period in many families in which the child is desired passes more successfully than other periods. A different picture can be observed in families where the child was initially not wanted, or in dysfunctional families.

After six months, the child not only communicates at the level of emotions, he learns to understand words. It is important to ensure that all sounds uttered by adults are clear, the rhythm is not too fast. Often in the family, adjusting to the language of the baby, they lisp with him, talk, "mangling" the words. Such a manner of communication not only does not stimulate the child to master the correct sound pronunciation, but for a long time fixes the shortcomings of his speech.

Speech inferiority usually gives rise to originality and characteristic features of behavior in children. Unsuccessful attempts to overcome difficulties on their own or disguise their wrong speech can cause them to feel their own inferiority, the desire to move away from the team, and preference for solitude. Observations of children with speech disorders confirm the need for a whole range of medical and pedagogical activities to work with the family of a child with speech pathology.

3. The program of rehabilitation and correction of children with ONR

The main tasks in the field of speech development are as follows:

)expansion and activation of the speech reserve of children on the basis of deepening ideas about the environment;

2)development in children of the ability to apply the formed skills of coherent speech in various situations of communication;

)automating the free independent speech of children with the acquired skills of correct pronunciation of sounds, the sound-syllabic structure of the word, the grammatical design of speech in accordance with the program of speech therapy classes.

Logopedic work with children? level of speech development.

PeriodThe main content of the work ?September October November December Development of speech understandingTeach children to find objects, toys. To teach children, according to the instructions of a speech therapist, to recognize and correctly show objects and toys. Learn to show parts of the body in accordance with the request of an adult. Learn to understand words of general meaning. To teach children to show and perform actions related to the outside world, a familiar household or game situation. To consolidate the skill of conducting a one-sided dialogue (a speech therapist asks a question about the content of the plot picture, and the child answers it with a gesture). Teach children to perceive questions differently: who?, where?, where?, with whom?.To teach children to understand the grammatical categories of the number of nouns of verbs. Learn to distinguish by ear appeals to one or more persons. Lexical Topics: "Toys", "Clothes", "Furniture", "Dishes", "Food", "Transport". Teach children to name their parents, relatives (mother, father, grandmother). Teach children to name friends, dolls. Learn to imitate: the voices of animals, the sounds of the surrounding world, the sounds of musical instruments. To teach children to remember and choose from a number of toys and objects offered by adults (2-4 toys). Learn to identify from a number of toys the one that was removed or added. Learn to memorize and lay out toys in an arbitrary sequence (within the same topic). To teach children to memorize and lay out toys in a given sequence (2-3 toys of the same theme). Remember and pronounce 2-3 words at the request of a speech therapist (mom, dad; mom, dad, aunt). To teach children to find "extra" from a series of pictures (objects, toys): a ball, a ball, a brush; hat, panama, apple; apple, pear, table. Learn to find an object by its contour image. Learn to recognize an object by one of its details. ??January, February, March, April, May, June Development of speech understandingLearn to understand the gender categories of past tense and singular verbs: Valya was reading a book, Valya was reading a book. To teach children to guess objects, toys, animals, birds according to their verbal description ( big, brown, clumsy, lives in a den, sucks a paw). To teach, at the request of an adult, to choose objects for performing these actions ( cut-knife, sew-needle, pour soup ladle). Learn to identify cause and effect relationships snow sleds, skates, snowman). Development of active imitative speech activityTeaching kids to give orders on, go, give.Point to specific items: here, this, here.Write first sentences, for example: Here is Tata, this is Tom.To teach children to make sentences according to the model: appeal + imperative verb: Dad, sleep.To teach children to transform imperative verbs into present tense singular 3rd person verbs ( sleep-sleep, or-goes). Development of attention, memory, thinkingTo teach children to remember toys (objects, pictures) and choose them from different thematic groups and arrange them in a certain sequence: a ball, a car, a hat, a pencil. Memorize and select pictures suitable in meaning: rain-umbrella, snow-skates. Choose objects of a certain color (select only red cars, white cubes, etc.). Determine an extra item from the presented row: 3 red dice and 1 blue; doll, clown, Pinocchio - hat; fur coat, coat, raincoat - closet. Teach children to fold pictures from two, four parts.

As a result of speech therapy work, children should learn:

understand and show the object named by adults, as well as actions with these objects, for example: items of clothing, toys, etc.

name parts of the body (head, legs, arms, nose, mouth, etc.)

call actions (go, stop, eat, etc.)

children answer questions without using gestures.

The program is taken from the literature of methodological material for the preparation of speech therapy correctional programs that are used in preschool educational institutions. Guided by this program, preschool institutions effectively conduct remedial classes with preschoolers. The methodological manual helps not only to completely eliminate speech disorders, but also forms an oral-speech base for teaching writing and reading at school. The timely provision of corrective actions contributes to the timely mastery of the child in the future of one kind or another of development. And it is also the basis for preparing the child for the assimilation of the school curriculum.


An analysis of the real situation that has currently developed in the system of upbringing and education of preschool children has shown that the number of children with deviations in speech development is steadily growing. These children constitute the main risk group for school failure, especially when mastering writing and reading. The main reason is the insufficient development of the processes of sound-letter analysis of synthesis. It is known that sound-letter analysis is based on clear, stable and sufficiently differentiated ideas about the sound composition of a word.

The prerequisite for successful learning to read and write is formed at preschool age.

Until a certain time, the paths of development of speech and thinking run in parallel, independently of each other. Developing speech has an impact on the emerging thinking of the child, significantly transforming it, in the future, the processes of thinking and speech develop in continuous interaction with each other.

Combined preschool educational institutions play a major role in the development, education and upbringing of children with speech disorders, in the correction of primary and secondary disorders, and in preparation for schooling. The success of speech therapy influence is due to the level of professional training of a speech therapist, his ability to comprehensively and differentially assess the state of the speech functional system, to plan correctional and educational work, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child.


1.Logopsychology. Educational method. allowance / ed. - comp. S.V. Lautkin. - Vitebsk: Publishing house of UO "VSU named after P.M. Masherov", 2007.

2.Overcoming OHP in preschoolers: a teaching method. allowance / Under the total. ed. T.V. Volosovets. - M.: V. Sekachev, Research Institute of School Technologies, 2008.

.Pedagogical systems of education and upbringing of children with special educational needs: Textbook / Edited by A.Yu. Kabushko, M.N. Alekseeva. - Stavropol: Ed. SGPI, 2011.

.Trofimova N.M., Duvanova S.P., Trofimova N.B., Pushkina T.F. Fundamentals of special pedagogy and psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005.

.Chirkina G.V. Programs of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type for children with speech disorders. Correction of speech disorders: textbook. edition. - M.: ed. "Enlightenment", 2008.


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For children with general underdevelopment of speech, along with the above speech features, it is also characteristic insufficient formation of processes closely related to speech activity, namely:

Violated attention and memory;

Violated finger and articulatory motility;

Insufficiently formed verbal-logical thinking.


Children with general underdevelopment of speech are characterized by a low level of development of the main properties of attention (orientation, volume, distribution, concentration, stability, concentration and switchability). Some of them have insufficient stability of attention, limited possibilities for its distribution.

Attention impairment is manifested in such children in the following:

they do not notice inaccuracies in joke drawings; objects or words are not always distinguished according to a given attribute. For example, this happens in cases where it is proposed to show only squares on a sheet (red figures, circles, etc.); clap your hands if clothes are named (food, animal, etc.); collect all metal objects (wood, plastic, etc.) in a box.

It is even more difficult to concentrate and hold their attention on purely verbal material outside of a visual situation. Therefore, such children cannot fully perceive the lengthy, non-specific explanations of the teacher, long instructions, lengthy assessments of their activities.

Speech lag negatively affects the development memory . With a relatively intact semantic, logical memory, such children have a noticeable decrease in verbal memory and memorization productivity compared to normally speaking peers. Children often forget complex instructions (three-four-step), omit some of their elements, change the sequence of the proposed tasks. There are frequent duplication errors in the description of objects, pictures. it is difficult to restore the order of the arrangement of even four objects after rearranging them,

Some preschoolers have low recall activity, which is combined with limited opportunities for the development of cognitive activity.

It is characteristic that violations of attention and memory to a greater extent affect voluntary activity. Concentration and memorization at an involuntary level is much better. So, attention when watching a cartoon does not need to be mobilized and it remains for a long time. Or, for example, a child is much easier to reproduce the names of six or eight birthday gifts than four or five toys hidden in class.

Children with speech underdevelopment, along with general somatic weakness with a slow development of locomotor functions, also have some developmental delay. motor sphere . In a significant part of children, motor insufficiency is expressed in the form of poor coordination of complex movements, insecurity in reproducing precisely dosed movements, reducing the speed and dexterity of their implementation. The greatest difficulty is the execution of movements according to verbal and especially multi-stage instructions. Children lag behind normal developing peers in accurate reproduction of a motor task in terms of spatio-temporal parameters, violate the sequence of action elements, omit its components.

Articulatory motility disorder manifests itself in the limited, inaccurate or weakness of the movements of the moving organs of articulation - the tongue, soft palate, lips, lower jaw. The articulation of all speech sounds occurs when the listed moving organs form bonds and gaps between themselves or with fixed organs - the palate and teeth. Naturally, a violation of the articulation of sounds leads to their defective pronunciation, and often to general indistinctness, blurred speech.

Connection finger motility and speech functionrelatively recently, it was confirmed by researchers from the Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents of the APN of the Russian Federation (A. V. Antakova-Fomina, M. I. Koltsova, E. I. Isenina). They found that if the movements of the fingers correspond to age, then speech corresponds to age, and if the development of movements lags behind, then speech does not correspond to age norms. In the vast majority of children with general underdevelopment of speech, the fingers are inactive, their movements are characterized by inaccuracy or inconsistency. Many 5-year-old children hold a spoon in their fist or have difficulty grasping a brush and pencil correctly, sometimes they cannot fasten buttons, lace up shoes, etc.

In children with ONR, there are features in the formation of fine motor skills of the hands. This is manifested primarily in insufficient coordination of the fingers.

And the last. Because speech and thinking are closely interconnected, therefore, the verbal-logical thinking of children with speech underdevelopment is slightly below the age norm. Such children experience difficulties in classifying objects, generalizing phenomena and signs. Often their judgments and conclusions are poor, fragmentary, logically unrelated to each other. For example: “It is warm at home in winter, because (because) there is no snow”, “The bus travels faster than a bicycle - it is bigger”.

Children with this disorder may include a table lamp and a TV as furniture, as they are in the room; some have difficulty solving simple math problems or are unable to solve even simple riddles.

Possessing full-fledged prerequisites for mastering mental operations that are accessible to their age, children lag behind in the visual-figurative sphere of thinking, without special training they hardly master analysis and synthesis, comparison. Many of them are characterized by rigidity of thinking.

All of these processes are closely related to the speech function and sometimes it is difficult to determine what is the cause and what is the effect, what is primary and what is secondary. In particular, this applies to verbal-logical thinking and attention.

Characterological (personal) features of children with a general underdevelopment of speech are noticeable to any educator who has worked at least one shift in a special group. Deviation from the norm in such kids is manifested in the classroom, in play, household and other activities. So, in the classroom, some of them get tired much faster than their normally developing peers, get distracted, start to spin, talk, that is, they stop perceiving the educational material. Others, on the contrary, sit quietly, calmly, but do not answer questions or answer inappropriately, do not perceive tasks, and sometimes cannot repeat the answer of a friend.

In the process of communicating with each other, some children show increased excitability (they are too mobile, difficult to control), while others, on the contrary, show lethargy, apathy (they do not show interest in games, reading books to them by the teacher). Among these children there are children with an obsessive sense of fear, too impressionable, prone to manifestation of negativism (the desire to do everything the other way around), excessive aggressiveness or vulnerability, resentment. Educators are constantly faced with the need to find an approach to difficult and non-contact children. It is not easy to instill in them the norms of communication in a team, without which full-fledged training and education is impossible.

The mental development of children with OHP, as a rule, is ahead of their speech development. They are critical of their own speech insufficiency. The primary pathology of speech, of course, inhibits the formation of initially intact mental abilities, however, as verbal speech is corrected, intellectual processes are aligned.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics

preschoolers withgeneral underdevelopment of speech

General underdevelopment of speech is considered as a systemic violation of speech activity, complex speech disorders in which the formation of all components of the speech system related to both sound and semantic aspects is impaired in children with normal hearing and intact intelligence (R. E. Levina, T. B. Filichev, G. V. Chirkin). Speech deficiency with general speech underdevelopment in preschoolers can vary from a complete lack of speech to extended speech with pronounced manifestations of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment (R. E. Levina).

Currently, four levels of speech development are distinguished, reflecting the state of all components of the language system in children with general underdevelopment of speech (T. B. Filicheva).

At the first level speech development, the child's speech means are limited, the active vocabulary is practically not formed and consists of onomatopoeia, sound complexes, babble words. Statements are accompanied by gestures and facial expressions. The ambiguity of the words used is characteristic, when the same babbling words are used to refer to different objects and phenomena. It is possible to replace the names of objects with the names of actions and vice versa. In active speech, root words devoid of inflections predominate. The passive vocabulary is wider than the active one, but it is also extremely limited. There is practically no understanding of the category of the number of nouns and verbs, tense, gender, case. The pronunciation of sounds is diffuse. Phonemic development is in its infancy. The ability to perceive and reproduce the syllabic structure of a word is limited.

During the transition to the second level speech development, the speech activity of the child increases. The active vocabulary is expanded due to everyday subject and verb vocabulary. It is possible to use pronouns, conjunctions and sometimes simple prepositions. In the independent statements of the child there are already simple uncommon sentences. At the same time, there are gross errors in the use of grammatical constructions, there is no agreement between adjectives and nouns, and there is a mixture of case forms. The understanding of addressed speech is developing significantly, although the passive vocabulary is limited, the subject and verbal vocabulary associated with the labor activities of adults, flora and fauna has not been formed. Ignorance is noted not only of shades of colors, but also of primary colors.

Gross violations of the syllabic structure and sound-filling of words are typical. In children, the insufficiency of the phonetic side of speech (a large number of unformed sounds) is revealed.

Third level speech development is characterized by the presence of extended phrasal speech with elements of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. There are attempts to use even sentences of complex structures. The child's vocabulary includes all parts of speech. In this case, inaccurate use of lexical meanings of words can be observed. The first skills of word formation appear. The child forms nouns and adjectives with diminutive suffixes, verbs of motion with prefixes. Difficulties are noted in the formation of adjectives from nouns. Multiple agrammatisms are still noted. The child may use prepositions incorrectly, make mistakes in matching adjectives and numerals with nouns. Undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds is characteristic, and substitutions can be unstable. Deficiencies in pronunciation can be expressed in the distortion, replacement or mixing of sounds. The pronunciation of words with a complex syllabic structure becomes more stable. A child can repeat three- and four-syllable words after an adult, but distorts them in the speech stream. Understanding of speech is approaching the norm, although there is insufficient understanding of the meanings of words expressed by prefixes and suffixes.

Fourth level speech development (T. B. Filicheva) is characterized by minor violations of the components of the child's language system. There is insufficient differentiation of sounds [t-t "-s-s"-ts], [r-r "-l-l"-j], etc. Peculiar violations of the syllabic structure of words are characteristic, manifested in the child's inability to retain the phonemic image of the word in memory while understanding its meaning. The consequence of this is the distortion of the sound-filling of words in various variants. Insufficient intelligibility of speech and fuzzy diction leave the impression of "blurring". Errors remain when using suffixes (singularity, emotionally tinted, diminutive). Difficulties noted in formation of compound words. In addition, the child experiences difficulties in planning the utterance and selecting the appropriate language means, which determines the originality of his coherent speech. Of particular difficulty for this category of children are complex sentences with different subordinate clauses. L.S. Volkova notes in children with general underdevelopment of speech a persistent lag in the formation of all components of the language system: phonetics, vocabulary and grammar.

Speech activity is formed and functions in close connection with the child's psyche (L.S. Vygotsky). Compared with the age norm, children with general underdevelopment of speech have features in the development of sensorimotor, higher mental functions, and mental activity.

R.M. Boschis, R.E. Levina, N.A. Nikashina note that in children with ONR, not only speech, but also the higher mental functions associated with it (attention, perception of various modalities, visual-spatial representations, opto-motor coordination, memory and thinking) suffer, fine motor skills of the fingers are underdeveloped.

T.B. Filicheva also notes that with a relatively intact semantic, logical memory, children have reduced verbal memory and memorization productivity compared to normally speaking peers. Some preschoolers have low recall activity, which is combined with limited opportunities for the development of cognitive activity. The connection between speech disorders and other aspects of mental development determines some specific features of thinking. Possessing full-fledged prerequisites for mastering mental operations, accessible to their age, children lag behind in the development of the visual-figurative sphere of thinking, without special training they hardly master analysis and synthesis, comparison. Many of them are characterized by rigidity of thinking. Such children experience difficulties in classifying objects, generalizing phenomena and signs.

Often in children with general underdevelopment of speech and personality problems: low self-esteem, communication disorders, anxiety, aggressiveness.

According to G.V. Chirkina in children with unstable and dwindling attention, poorly formed voluntary attention. It is difficult for children to focus on one subject and switch to another on a special assignment. Peculiarities are noted in the course of mental operations: along with the predominance of visual-figurative thinking, children may find it difficult to understand abstract concepts and relationships. The speed of mental operations can be somewhat slow.

R. E. Levina, G.A. Kashe, T. A. Tkachenko, S. N. Shakhovskaya, T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina, G. A. Volkova note that in OHP, phonetic disorders are common, have a persistent character, and are similar in their manifestations to other articulatory disorders and present significant difficulties for differential diagnosis and correction. These disorders have a negative impact on the formation and development of the phonemic aspect of speech.

E.F. Sobotovich, A.F. Chernopolskaya, L.V. Melekhova notes inaccuracy in children with ONR, weakness of the movements of the organs of the articulation apparatus, their rapid exhaustion, pronunciation shortcomings were eliminated only as a result of articulatory gymnastics and the development of the correct articulation pattern of one or another sound. Automation of sounds is extremely difficult.

In pedagogical terms, preschoolers with OHP G.V. Chirkina characterizes as follows: “Children's behavior can be unstable, with frequent mood swings. In the classroom, children quickly get tired, it is difficult for them to complete one task for a long time. There may be difficulties in remembering the teacher's instructions, especially two-, three-, four-step ones, requiring phased and consistent implementation. These violations have a negative impact on the formation and development of other aspects of speech (phonemic, lexical, grammatical, coherent utterance).

T.B. Filicheva, N.A. Chevelev, children with ONR note deviations in the emotional-volitional sphere. Children are characterized by instability of interests, reduced observation, reduced motivation, negativism, self-doubt, increased irritability, difficulties in communicating with others, in establishing contacts with their peers, difficulties in the formation of self-regulation and self-control.

Psychological characteristics of children with general speech underdevelopment (OHP)

Characteristics of children with ONR. General speech underdevelopment (OHP) is a complex speech disorder in which children with normal hearing and initially preserved intelligence have a late onset of speech development, a poor vocabulary, agrammatism, pronunciation and phenom formation defects. These manifestations together indicate a systemic violation of all components of speech activity.

The peculiarity of the development of the vocabulary and grammatical structure of the language with a general underdevelopment of speech is shown in the studies of M.V. Bogdanov-Berezovsky, V.K. Orfinskaya, B.M. Grinshpun, T.B. Filicheva and others.

The general underdevelopment of speech has a different degree of severity: from the complete absence of speech means of communication to expanded speech with elements of phonetic and lexical and grammatical underdevelopment. Based on the correctional tasks, R.E. Levina made an attempt to reduce the monotony of speech underdevelopment to three levels. Each level is characterized by a certain ratio of the primary defect and secondary manifestations that delay the formation of speech components. The transition from one level to another is characterized by the emergence of new speech possibilities.

the first level is characterized by the almost complete absence of verbal means of communication or their very limited development during the period when speech in normally developing children is already fully formed.

second level - R.E. Levina points to the increased speech activity of children, they develop phrasal speech. At this level, the phrase remains phonetically and grammatically distorted.

the third level is characterized by the appearance of extended everyday speech without gross lexical and grammatical deviations. Overcoming OHP in preschoolers. educational method. allowance / Under the total. ed. T.V. Volosovets. - M.: V. Sekachev, Research Institute of School Technologies, 2008. P. 17-19.

cognitive processes ( sensations, perception, memory, imagination, thinking) are the main part of any human activity, including speech activity, and provide the information necessary for it. They allow you to set goals, make plans, determine the content of upcoming activities, play in your mind the course of activities, your actions and behavior, anticipate the results of your actions and manage them as they are performed.

Speaking about the general abilities of a person, they mean the level of development and the characteristic features of cognitive processes. The better these processes are developed, the higher his abilities, the more abilities he possesses. The level of development of cognitive processes determines the ease and effectiveness of learning, including the development of oral and written speech.

Features of visual perception in children with speech disorders

G.L. Roserhart-Pupko (1966) directly speaks of the close interaction of speech and visual object perception. Perception and speech are interdependent in their formation: the constancy and generalization of perception, on the one hand, and the mobility of visual images, on the other, are formed and developed under the influence of the word. So, as a result of research visual perception in preschool children with speech pathology, data were obtained on the lack of formation of a holistic image of an object, while simple visual recognition of real objects and their images does not differ from the norm. (L.I. Belyakova, Yu.F. Garkusha, O.N. Usanova, 1991).

Preschoolers with OHP also have a low level of development letter gnosis: they hardly differentiate normal and mirror spelling of letters, do not recognize letters superimposed on each other, find difficulties in naming and comparing letters that are similar graphically, in naming printed letters given in disorder. In this regard, many children are not ready to master the letter. When studying the features orientation in space It turned out that they find it difficult to differentiate the concepts of "right" and "" left, they cannot navigate in their own body, especially when tasks become more complicated.

Violation of the intonation side of speech. Patients do not distinguish speech intonations, their speech is not expressive, devoid of modulations, intonation monotony.

Features of attention in children with speech impairment

The attention of children with speech impairment is characterized by a number of features: instability, lower level of voluntary attention, difficulties in planning their actions.

Children hardly focus on the analysis of conditions, the search for various ways and means in solving problems, the implementation is of a reproductive nature.

It is much more difficult for children with speech pathology to concentrate on fulfillment under the conditions of a verbal instruction than under the conditions of a visual one. The nature of the errors and their distribution over time qualitatively differ from the norm.

Features of voluntary attention in children with alalia are clearly different in the nature of distractions. So, if children with a speech norm look at the experimenter, try to determine by his reaction whether they are performing the task correctly, then for children with alalia, the predominant distractions are: "looked out the window", "performs actions not related to the task."

Features of thinking in speech disorders

T.B. Filichev and G.A. Chirkina, characterizing the features of the intellectual sphere of children with OHP, note: “Having, on the whole, full-fledged prerequisites for mastering mental operations accessible to age, children, however, lag behind in the development of visual-figurative thinking, without special training they hardly master analysis, synthesis, comparison, which is a consequence of defective speech activity.

In the study by V.V. Yurtaykin identified two main types of difficulties in children with OHP in the process of developing cognitive activity: difficulties in mastering the symbolic function and the use of signs to replace real objects, and difficulties in retaining in memory and updating images of representations in the process of solving cognitive problems. Logopsychology. Educational method. allowance / ed. - comp. S.V. Lautkin. - Vitebsk: Publishing house of the UO "VGU im. P.M. Masherova", 2007. with. 55-66

It is necessary to distinguish between the general underdevelopment of speech (OHP) and the delay in the rate of its formation. The reasons for the delay in the development of speech are usually pedagogical neglect, the lack of verbal communication between the child and others, and bilingualism in the family. The most accurate distinction between these states is possible in the process of diagnostic learning. Distinctive features that speak of a more severe speech diagnosis will be the presence of an organic lesion of the central nervous system, a more pronounced insufficiency of mental functions, and the impossibility of self-mastery of language generalizations. One of the important diagnostic criteria is the ability of a child with a slow rate of speech development to master the grammatical norms of the native language - understanding the meaning of grammatical changes in words, the absence of confusion in understanding the meanings of words that have a similar sound, the absence of violations of the structure of words and agrammatisms, so characteristic and persistent in general underdevelopment speeches (N.S. Zhukova, E.M., Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva, 1990).

Differential diagnosis of speech disorders and mental retardation can be difficult, since general mental underdevelopment is always accompanied to one degree or another by underdevelopment of speech, and on the other hand, with severe speech underdevelopment, a child often has a delayed or uneven development of his intellect. In some cases, diagnosis can be successful only as a result of a dynamic study of the child in the process of remedial training. Unlike children with mental disabilities, who have a total intellectual defect that captures all types of mental activity, in children with severe speech disorders, tasks that require the participation of speech cause the greatest difficulties.

In contrast to mentally retarded children, children with OHP do not exhibit inertia of mental processes; they are capable of transferring the learned methods of mental actions to other, similar tasks. These children need less help in forming generalized modes of action if they do not require a verbal response. Children with OHP have more differentiated reactions, they are critical of their speech insufficiency, and in many tasks they consciously try to avoid a speech response. Their activities are more focused and controlled. They show sufficient interest and ingenuity when performing tasks. If the distinction between children with OHP and mental retardation encounters some difficulties, then the differentiation of OHP and mental retardation in many cases cannot be carried out. In children with mental retardation, as well as with OHP, there is a weakness of voluntary attention and shortcomings in the development of visual and verbal-logical thinking.

It should be added that children with speech pathology, as well as children with mental retardation, in foreign literature belong to a single group - children with learning difficulties. Trofimova N.M., Duvanova S.P., Trofimova N.B., Pushkina T.F. Fundamentals of special pedagogy and psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 304 p.: ill. - (Series "Tutorial"), p. 186-187

Causes of general underdevelopment of speech

Speech arises in the presence of certain biological prerequisites and, above all, the normal maturation and functioning of the central nervous system. Among the factors contributing to the emergence of general underdevelopment of speech in children, there are unfavorable external (exogenous) and internal (endogenous) factors, as well as external environmental conditions. These factors can affect both in the prenatal period of development and during childbirth, as well as in the first years of a child's life.

Among the pathogenic factors affecting the nervous system in the prenatal period, toxicosis, intoxication, maternal metabolic disorders during pregnancy, the effects of certain chemicals, alcohol, nicotine, narcotic substances, and radioactive radiation are possible. Various lesions are possible due to Rh incompatibility of the blood of the mother and fetus.

A special role in the occurrence of speech underdevelopment belongs to genetic factors. in the presence of the so-called speech weakness or hereditary predisposition to speech disorders, general underdevelopment of speech can occur under the influence of even minor adverse external influences.

Other adverse factors that cause damage to speech functions are natural and postpartum lesions. The leading place in this group of pathologies is occupied by asphyxia and intracranial birth trauma. Asphyxia (oxygen deficiency) leads to severe damage to many parts of the nervous system.

Reversible forms of general underdevelopment of speech can occur against the background of negative socio-psychological influence: deprivation during the period of intensive speech formation, lack of speech motivation from others, conflict relationships in the family, incorrect methods of education, etc. Overcoming OHP in preschoolers. Teaching aid / Under the general. ed. T.V. Volosovets. - M.: V. Sekachev, Research Institute of School Technologies, 2008, p. 20

- violation of the formation of all aspects of speech (sound, lexico-grammatical, semantic) in various complex speech disorders in children with normal intelligence and full hearing. Manifestations of OHP depend on the level of unformedness of the components of the speech system and can vary from the complete absence of common speech to the presence of coherent speech with residual elements of phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical underdevelopment. OHP is detected during a special speech therapy examination. OHP correction involves the development of speech understanding, vocabulary enrichment, the formation of phrasal speech, the grammatical structure of the language, full-fledged sound pronunciation, etc.

General information

ONR (general underdevelopment of speech) - the lack of formation of the sound and semantic aspects of speech, expressed in gross or residual underdevelopment of lexical-grammatical, phonetic-phonemic processes and coherent speech. Among children with speech pathology, children with ONR constitute the largest group - about 40%. Deep shortcomings in the development of oral speech in the future will inevitably lead to a violation of written speech - dysgraphia and dyslexia.

OHP classification

  • uncomplicated forms of ONR(in children with minimal brain dysfunction: insufficient regulation of muscle tone, motor differentiation, immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere, etc.)
  • complicated forms of ONR(in children with neurological and psychopathic syndromes: cerebrasthenic, hypertensive-hydrocephalic, convulsive, hyperdynamic, etc.)
  • gross underdevelopment of speech(in children with organic lesions of the speech parts of the brain, for example, with motor alalia).

Taking into account the degree of OHP, 4 levels of speech development are distinguished:

  • 1 level of speech development- "speechless children"; common speech is missing.
  • 2 level of speech development- the initial elements of common speech, characterized by the poverty of the vocabulary, the phenomena of agrammatism.
  • 3 level of speech development- the appearance of detailed phrasal speech with underdevelopment of its sound and semantic aspects.
  • 4 level of speech development- residual gaps in the development of the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical aspects of speech.

A detailed description of the speech of children with OHP at various levels will be discussed below.

OHP characteristic

In the anamnesis of children with OHP, intrauterine hypoxia, Rhesus conflict, birth trauma, asphyxia are often detected; in early childhood - traumatic brain injury, frequent infections, chronic diseases. An unfavorable speech environment, a lack of attention and communication further hinder the course of speech development.

For all children with OHP, the first words appear late - by 3-4, sometimes - by 5 years. The speech activity of children is reduced; speech has an incorrect sound and grammatical design, is difficult to understand. As a result of inferior speech activity, memory, attention, cognitive activity, mental operations suffer. Children with OHP are characterized by insufficient development of coordination of movements; general, fine and speech motor skills.

In children with OHP level 1, phrasal speech is not formed. In communication, children use babble words, one-word sentences, complemented by facial expressions and gestures, the meaning of which is not clear outside the situation. Vocabulary in children with OHP level 1 is severely limited; mainly includes individual sound complexes, onomatopoeia and some everyday words. At OHP level 1, impressive speech also suffers: children do not understand the meaning of many words and grammatical categories. There is a gross violation of the syllabic structure of the word: more often, children reproduce only sound complexes consisting of one or two syllables. Articulation is fuzzy, the pronunciation of sounds is unstable, many of them are inaccessible for pronunciation. Phonemic processes in children with OHP level 1 are rudimentary: phonemic hearing is grossly impaired, the task of phonemic analysis of a word is unclear and impossible for a child.

In the speech of children with OHP level 2, along with babble and gestures, simple sentences consisting of 2-3 words appear. However, the statements are poor and of the same type in content; often express objects and actions. At OHP level 2, there is a significant lag in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the dictionary from the age norm: children do not know the meaning of many words, replacing them with similar ones in meaning. The grammatical structure of speech is not formed: children do not use case forms correctly, experience difficulties in coordinating parts of speech, using singular and plural numbers, prepositions, etc. In children with OHP level 2, the pronunciation of words with a simple and complex syllabic structure is still reduced , a confluence of consonants. Sound pronunciation is characterized by multiple distortions, substitutions and mixtures of sounds. Phonemic perception at OHP level 2 is characterized by severe insufficiency; children are not ready for sound analysis and synthesis.

Children with OHP level 3 use extended phrasal speech, but in speech they use mostly simple sentences, finding it difficult to build complex ones. The understanding of speech is close to the norm, the difficulty is the understanding and assimilation of complex grammatical forms (participial and adverbial phrases) and logical connections (spatial, temporal, causal relationships). The volume of vocabulary in children with OHP level 3 increases significantly: children use almost all parts of speech in speech (to a greater extent - nouns and verbs, to a lesser extent - adjectives and adverbs); typically inaccurate use of item names. Children make mistakes in the use of prepositions, the coordination of parts of speech, the use of case endings and stress. The sound filling and syllabic structure of words suffer only in difficult cases. With OHP level 3, sound pronunciation and phonemic perception are still impaired, but to a lesser extent.

With OHP level 4, children experience specific difficulties in sound pronunciation and repetition of words with a complex syllabic composition, have a low level of phonemic perception, make mistakes in word formation and inflection. The vocabulary of children with OHP level 4 is quite diverse, however, children do not always accurately know and understand the meaning of rarely occurring words, antonyms and synonyms, proverbs and sayings, etc. In independent speech, children with OHP level 4 experience difficulties in the logical presentation of events, often miss the main thing and "get stuck" on minor details, repeat what was said earlier.

Speech therapy examination for ONR

At the preliminary stage of the diagnostic examination of speech, the speech therapist gets acquainted with the medical documentation (examination data of a child with ONR by a pediatric neurologist, pediatrician and other children's specialists), finds out from the parents the features of the course of the early speech development of the child.

When diagnosing oral speech, the degree of formation of various components of the language system is specified. An examination of children with OHP begins with a study of the state of coherent speech - the ability to compose a story from a picture, a series of pictures, retelling, a story, etc. Then the speech therapist examines the level of development of grammatical processes (correct word formation and inflection; coordination of parts of speech; sentence construction, etc. .). Examination of vocabulary in OHP allows you to assess the ability of children to correctly correlate a particular word-concept with the designated object or phenomenon.

The further course of the examination of a child with ONR involves the study of the sound side of speech: the structure and motility of the speech apparatus, sound pronunciation, syllabic structure and sound content of words, the ability to phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis. In children with OHP, it is necessary to diagnose auditory-speech memory and other mental processes.

The result of the examination of the state of speech and non-speech processes in a child with ONR is a speech therapy conclusion, reflecting the level of speech development and the clinical form of speech impairment (for example, ONR level 2 in a child with motor alalia). ONR should be distinguished from speech development delay (SRR), in which only the rate of speech formation lags behind, but the formation of language means is not disturbed.

OHP correction

Speech therapy work on the correction of OHP is differentiated, taking into account the level of speech development. So, the main directions in OHP level 1 are the development of understanding of addressed speech, the activation of independent speech activity of children and non-speech processes (attention, memory, thinking). When teaching children with OHP level 1, the task of correct phonetic formulation of the statement is not set, but attention is paid to the grammatical side of speech.

At OHP level 2, work is underway on the development of speech activity and understanding of speech, lexical and grammatical means of the language, phrasal speech and the refinement of sound pronunciation and the evoking of missing sounds.

At speech therapy classes for the correction of OHP level 3, the development of coherent speech, the improvement of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, the consolidation of the correct sound pronunciation and phonemic perception are carried out. At this stage, attention is paid to preparing children for literacy.

The goal of speech therapy correction in OHP level 4 is to achieve the age norm of oral speech for children, which is necessary for successful schooling. To do this, it is necessary to improve and consolidate pronunciation skills, phonemic processes, the lexical and grammatical side of speech, extended phrasal speech; develop graphomotor skills and primary reading and writing skills.

Education of schoolchildren with severe forms of OHP of levels 1-2 is carried out in schools for children with severe speech disorders, where the main attention is paid to overcoming all aspects of speech underdevelopment. Children with OHP level 3 study in special education classes at a public school; with OHP level 4 - in regular classes.

Forecast and prevention of OHP

Corrective and developmental work to overcome OHP is a very long and laborious process, which should begin as early as possible (from 3-4 years). At present, sufficient experience has been accumulated in the successful education and upbringing of children with different levels of speech development in specialized (“speech”) preschool and school educational institutions.

Prevention of OHP in children is similar to the prevention of those clinical syndromes in which it occurs (alalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia, aphasia). Parents should pay due attention to the speech environment in which the child is brought up, from an early age stimulate the development of his speech activity and non-speech mental processes.