Program on financial literacy of the population. Methodological materials of the training course on financial literacy for students in the main vocational training programs

Working programm

extracurricular activities


5-9 grades

Compiled by:

Poryadina Elena Viktorovna,

teacher of history and social studies



1. Explanatory note 3

2. The results of mastering the course of extracurricular activities 5

3. The content of the course of extracurricular activities 7

4. Thematic planning 12

I . Explanatory note

workingextracurricular activity program"Fundamentals of financial literacy" for students in grades 5-9 of the gymnasiumdevelopedin accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education.

1. Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation";

2. The concept of the National program to improve the level of financial literacy of the population of the Russian Federation;

3. The project of the Ministry of Finance of Russia "Assistance in increasing the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation."

The relevance of this program dictated by the development of the financial system and the emergence of a wide range of new complex financial products and services that pose challenges to citizens that they are not always ready to solve.

Financial literacy is a necessary condition for life in the modern world, since the financial market provides much more opportunities for managing your own funds than 5-10 years ago, and such concepts as consumer credit, mortgages, bank deposits have become part of our everyday life. However, at the present time, neither we nor our children are clearly enough of the financial knowledge that we have. At the same time, it should be taken into account that today's students are tomorrow's active participants in the financial market. Therefore, if we raise our children to be financially literate today, then tomorrow we will get conscientious taxpayers, responsible borrowers, and literate savers.

The novelty of this program is the focus of the course on the formation of financial literacy of students based on building a direct connection between the knowledge gained and their practical application, understanding and use of financial information at the moment and in the long term and focuses on the formation of responsibility in adolescents for financial decisions, taking into account personal safety and well-being.

Distinctive feature programsof this course is that it is based onsystem-activity approach to learning, which provides an active educational and cognitive position of students. Atthey form not only basic knowledge in the financial sector, but also the necessary skills, competencies, personal characteristics and attitudes.

It determined goals of this course:

Formation of students' readiness to make responsible and informed decisions in the field of personal finance management, the ability to implement these decisions;

Creation of comfortable conditions conducive to the formation of communicative competencies;

Formation of a positive motivational attitude to the economy through the development of cognitive interest and awareness of social necessity.


Master the system of knowledge about the financial institutions of modern society and personal finance management tools;

Master the ability to receive and critically comprehend economic information, analyze, systematize the data obtained;

To form experience in applying knowledge about financial institutions for effective self-realization in the field of personal finance management;

Form the foundations of culture and individual style of economic behavior, business ethics values;

Cultivate responsibility for economic decisions.

Terms of the program implementation - 5 years.

The volume of hours allotted for classes - 34 hours a year at 1 hour a week.

Program realization forms.

To achieve the goals set, the following forms of organization of the educational process are proposed:

Discussion, project-research activity of students, business game, practical work, legal consultation, legal consultation, informative conversation, interactive conversation, mini-project, mini-research, round table, talk show, creative work, quiz, role-playing game, plot role-playing game, student performances with presentations, game-journey, legal game, didactic game, solving practical and problem situations, solving practical and economic problems, game with training elements, working with documents, analytical work, conference, competitions.

Teaching methods.

At the level of basic general education, conditions are created for the development of educational programs by students, emphasis is placed on the ability to independently and motivatedly organize their cognitive activity (from setting a goal to obtaining and evaluating the result) on the development of educational and research activities of students.

In the learning process are used:

1. Techniques for updating the subjective experience of students;

2. Methods of dialogue and polylogue;

3. Techniques for creating collective and individual choice;

4. Game methods;

5. Methods of diagnostics and self-diagnosis;

6. Technologies of critical thinking;

7. Information and communication technologies;

8. Technologies of the collective method of teaching.

The development of new content is carried out based on interdisciplinary connections with the courses of economics, history, social science, geography, literature, and art.

II . The results of mastering the course of extracurricular activities

Planned results:

personal results

Awareness of oneself as a member of the family, society and state; understanding the economic problems of the family and participation in their discussion; understanding the financial ties between the family and the state;

Mastering the initial skills of adaptation in the world of financial relations: comparing income and expenses, calculating interest, comparing return on investments using simple examples;

Development of independence and personal responsibility for one's actions; planning your own budget, offering options for your own earnings;

Development of cooperation skills with adults and peers in different gaming and real economic situations;

Participation in decision-making about the family budget.

Metasubject outcomes studying the course "Financial Literacy" are:


Mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

Using various methods of searching, collecting, processing, analyzing, organizing, transmitting and interpreting information; searching for information in newspapers, magazines, websites and conducting simple surveys and interviews;

Formation of skills to present information depending on the tasks in the form of a table, diagram, graph, diagram, diagram of connections (mind maps);

Mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts;

Mastering the basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts.


Understanding the purpose of your actions;

Action planning with the help of a teacher and independently;

The manifestation of cognitive and creative initiative;

Evaluation of the correctness of the actions; self-assessment and mutual assessment;

Adequate perception of the proposals of comrades, teachers, parents.


Compilation of texts in oral and written forms;

Willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue;

Willingness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own;

The ability to express one's opinion, argue one's point of view and evaluate events;

Definition of a common goal and ways to achieve it; the ability to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities, to exercise mutual control in joint activities,

Adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others.

Substantive results studying the course "Financial Literacy" are:

Understanding the basic principles of the economic life of society: understanding the role of money in the family and society, the causes and consequences of changes in family income and expenses, the role of the state in the family economy;

Understanding and correct use of economic terms;

Mastering the methods of working with economic information, its comprehension; carrying out simple financial calculations;

Acquisition of knowledge and experience in applying the acquired knowledge and skills to solve typical problems in the field of the family economy: knowledge of the sources of income and directions of family expenses and the ability to draw up a simple family budget; knowledge of investment directions and ways to compare results using simple examples;

Development of students' abilities to draw the necessary conclusions and give reasonable assessments of economic situations, identify elementary problems in the field of family finances and find ways to solve them;

Development of outlook in the field of economic life of society and the formation of cognitive interest in the study of social disciplines.

III . The content of the course of extracurricular activities

5th grade (34 hours)

Section 1. Income and expenses of the family (10 hours).

Introduction. Informative conversation "Why is it so important to study financial literacy?" Informative conversation "Money".Interactive talk “Precious metals. Coins. Banknotes. Creative task "Family income". Work with statistics "Family expenses". Quiz "Essentials". Quiz "Durable Goods". Solution of practical problems “Services. Public utilities".Role-playing game "Family budget". Practical work “Debts. Saving. Contributions".

Section 2. Risks of losing money and property and how a person can protect himself from this (6 hours).

Informative conversation « Insurance Company. Insurance policy". Creative work "Insurance of property, health, life". Practical work "Principles of work of the insurance company".

Section 3. Family and state: how they interact (5 hours).

Mini-study "Taxes".Cognitive conversation "Social benefits". Solving economic problems "Social payments". The project "The state is us".

Section 4. Financial business: how it can help the family (12 hours).

Solving the problem situation "How to save money from inflation." Creative task "Banking services". Practical work "Contributions (deposits)". Business game "Credit. Pledge". Drawing up a business plan "Own business".Role-playing game “Employment and own business opportunities”. Role-playing game "Examples of business in which teenagers are engaged." Development of a business plan.Solving logical problems "Currency in the modern world."Mini-project "Charity". Project "Personal financial plan".

6th grade (34 hours)

Section 1. The main problem of the economy (3 hours).

Cognitive conversation "The concept and parameters of choice." Solving economic problems "Optional cost". Practical work "Decision grid".

Section 2. What the market cannot do without (2 hours).

Cognitive conversation "Private property". Role-playing game "Competition".

Section 3. Forms of business organization (4 hours).

Cognitive conversation "Sole proprietorship". Business game "Partnership (TO and LLP)". Role-playing game "Joint-Stock Company". Mini-project "Organization of the company".

Section 4. Introduction to the business plan (6 hours).

Mini-project "Introduction to the business plan." Solution of practical problems "Organization of the company". Solving economic problems "Drawing up a business plan." Creative task "Advertising". Role-playing game "The work of the company." Solving economic problems “Sale of products. Profit calculation.

Section 5. You are a consumer (4 hours).

Working with consumer rights documents. Legal advice "How and where the consumer can protect their rights." Practical work "Introduction to barcodes". Competition for the most economical use of resources.

Section 6. Laws of supply and demand (4 hours).

Analytical work "The Law of Demand". Solution of economic problems "Demand curve". Practical work "The law of supply". Solving economic problems "Supply Curve".

Section 7. Market Equilibrium (2 hours).

Cognitive conversation "Market equilibrium". Solution of economic problems "Deficit and excess in the market".

Section 8. Emergence of banks (2 hours).

Interactive conversation "Banking services: credit, deposit". Practical work "Loan, types of loans."

Section 9. Consumer of financial services (2 hours).

Business game "Bank work". Business game "I want to take a loan."

Section 10. Professions of the banking sector (2 hours).

Role-playing game "Acquaintance with the professions of the banking sector." Discussion "The importance of banks for consumers."

Section 11. Project activities (3 hours).

Business game.Conference

Grade 7 (34 hours)

(5 o'clock).

Discussion “The role of money in our life”. Solving the problem situation “Consumption or investment?” Analytical work “Assets in three dimensions. Enemy of personal capital. Creative work "Model of three capitals". Mini-project "Resource saving - the basis of financial well-being".

Section 2. Finance and credit (9 hours).

Cognitive conversation "Basic concepts of lending". Practical conversation "Types of loans". Informative conversation "What is a borrower's credit history?" Solving economic problems "Arithmetic of credits". Analytical work "Pluses of instant loans". Analytical work "Cons of instant loans". Round table "Financial pyramids". Cognitive conversation "Mortgage". Solution of economic problems "Arithmetic of the mortgage".

Section 3 Settlement and cash transactions (3 hours).

Solution of practical problems "Currency exchange". Informative conversation "Safe deposit box and bank transfer". Round table "Bank cards: risks and their management".

Section 4. Investments (6 hours).

Legal advice « Basic rules of investing: how to sell securities. Solving economic problems « Investments in precious metals. Informative conversation « What are mutual funds? Student presentations "Deposits and their types." Role-playing game "Managers".

Section 5. Insurance (4 hours).

Creative work "Participants of the insurance market". Analytical work "Personal insurance". Legal advice "Insurance savings programs". Legal advice "Swindlers in the insurance market".

Section 6 Pensions (3 hours).

Cognitive conversation "State pension insurance". Informative conversation "Professional participants of the pension system". Practical work "Non-state pension funds: how to work with them?"

(3 hours).

Round table "Housing in ownership: myth or reality?" Legal advice “Housing savings cooperatives: how to solve the housing problem with their help”. Practical work "Social housing hiring".

Section 8. Final discussion course in financial literacy. (1 hour).

Grade 8 (34 hours)

Section 1. Consumer culture (3 hours).

Informative conversation "What is consumer culture". Student presentations "Consumption: structure and norms". Round table "Let's talk about food culture".

Section 2. The consumer and the law (4 hours).

Informative conversation "Who is a consumer?" Practical work "Variety of human needs and their classification". Interactive conversation "Consumer psychology". Work with documents. Need for protection: Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

Section 3. The consumer is the king of the market (3 hours).

Informative conversation "What is the market?" Role-playing game "Types and methods of trade." Solving economic problems "Cheaper only for nothing."

Section 4. Where does the money go? (4 hours).

Discussion "Reasonable expenses - income item". Analytical work "Items of income and expenses". Business game "Rational budget of a student". Cognitive conversation "Everyone pays taxes."

Section 5. Information for the consumer (6 hours).

Mini-study "Sources of information". Mini-project "Advertising and its types". Practical work "Symbols on labels, packages, inserts." Practical work "Reading labels, packaging, inserts." Student presentations "Index E: what does it mean." Practical work "We classify products containing index E".

Section 6. The Art of Buying (5 hours).

Practical work "Quality of goods". Round table "How to buy food?" Solving practical problems "How to choose clothes and shoes?" Informative conversation « Household appliances: seriously and for a long time. Round table "Is it always possible to exchange goods?"

Section 7. Consumer culture in the service sector (2 hours).

Solving economic problems "Rules for the use of public services." Students' speeches "Everyone should know this when going on the road."

Section 8. Who protects the rights of consumers (5 hours).

Informative conversation "State authorities for the protection of consumer rights." Round table "Public organizations for the protection of consumer rights." Legal advice "In what cases the consumer has the right to judicial protection?" Discussion “What is moral damage and how is it compensated?” Legal advice "Who protects the consumer?"

Section 9. Preparation and execution of creative research projects of students (1 hour)

Section 10. Protection of projects (1 hour)

Grade 9 (34 hours)

Section 1. (8 ocloc'k).

Topic 1. Origin of money.

Topic 2. Sources of family funds.

Round table « What determines personal and family income?

Topic 3. Control of family expenses.

Round table "What is a family budget and how to build it?" Practical work "How to optimize the family budget?"

Section 2. Ways to improve family well-being (6 hours).

Topic 5. Ways to increase family income using the services of financial institutions.

Practical work " How to increase family expenses using financial institutions?

Topic 6. Financial planning as a way to improve well-being.

Informative conversation "Why do you need to carry out financial planning?" Business game "How to carry out financial planning at different life stages?" Implementation of project work (what else can be done to learn more).

Section 3. Risks in the world of money (7 o'clock).

Topic 7. Special life situations and how to deal with them.

Legal advice « OZhS: illness, job loss, natural and man-made disasters. Informative conversation « How will insurance help?

Topic 8. Risks in the world of money.

Informative conversation « What are financial pyramids?

(8 ocloc'k).

Topic 9. Banks and their role in family life.

Round table « Benefits and risks of bank cards?

Topic 10. Own business.

Student presentations "What is business?" Mini-project "How to create your own business?"

Topic 11. Currency in the modern world.

Solving economic problems « Can you win by investing in foreign currency?” Implementation of project work.

Section 5. Individual and state: how they interact (5 hours).

Topic 12. Taxes and their role in family life.

Discussion “What are taxes and why pay them?” Work with documents “What taxes do we pay?”

Topic 13. Pension provision and financial well-being in old age.

Conference on the course "Financial Literacy".

IV . Thematic planning

5th grade (34 hours)

P / P

Topic name

Section 1. Income and expenses of the family (10 hours)


Introduction. Informative conversation "Why is it so important to study financial literacy?"


Report "Money".


Interactive talk “Precious metals. Coins. Banknotes.


Creative task "Family income".


Work with statistics "Family expenses".


Quiz "Essentials".


Quiz "Durable Goods".


Solution of practical problems “Services. Public utilities".


Role-playing game "Family budget".


Practical work “Debts. Saving. Contributions".

Section 2. Risks of losing money and property and how a person can protect himself from this

(6 hours)


Solving practical problems "Special life situations and how to deal with them."


Discussion "Economic consequences of unforeseen events: diseases, accidents, natural disasters".


Solving logical problems "Insurance".


Cognitive conversation “Insurance company. Insurance policy".


Creative work "Insurance of property, health, life".


Practical work "Principles of work of the insurance company".

Section 3. Family and state: how they interact (5 hours)


Mini-study "Taxes".


Analytical work "Types of taxes".


Cognitive conversation "Social benefits".


Solving economic problems "Social payments".


The project "The state is us".

Section 4. Financial business: how it can help the family (12 hours)


Solving the problem situation "How to save money from inflation."


Creative task "Banking services".


Practical work "Contributions (deposits)".


Business game "Credit. Pledge".


Drawing up a business plan "Own business".


Role-playing game “Employment and own business opportunities”.


Role-playing game "Examples of business in which teenagers are engaged."


Development of a business plan.


Solution of practical problems "Currency in the modern world".


Cognitive conversation "Currency of different countries".


Mini-project "Charity".


Project "Personal financial plan".

Section 5. What is financial literacy (1 hour)


Conference on the course "Financial Literacy".

6th grade (34 hours)

Grade 7 (34 hours)

P / P

Topic name

Section title (number of hours)

Section 1: Personal Financial Planning (5 o'clock)


Discussion “The role of money in our life”.


Solving the problem situation “Consumption or investment?”


Analytical work “Assets in three dimensions. Enemy of personal capital.


Creative work "Model of three capitals".


Mini-project "Resource saving - the basis of financial well-being".

Section 2. Finance and credit (9 hours)


Cognitive conversation "Basic concepts of lending".


Practical work "Types of loans".


Informative conversation "What is a borrower's credit history?"


Solving economic problems "Arithmetic of credits".


Analytical work "Pluses of instant loans".


Analytical work "Cons of instant loans".


Round table "Financial pyramids".


Cognitive conversation "Mortgage".


Solution of economic problems "Arithmetic of the mortgage".

Section 3 Settlement and cash operations (3 hours)


Solution of practical problems "Currency exchange".


Informative conversation "Safe deposit box and bank transfer".


Round table "Bank cards: risks and their management".

Section 4. Investments (6 hours)


Legal advice "Basic rules of investing: how to buy securities".


Legal advice "Basic rules of investing: how to sell securities".


Solution of economic problems "Investments in precious metals".


Informative conversation "What are mutual funds?"


Student presentations "Deposits and their types."


Role-playing game "Managers".

Section 5. Insurance (4 hours)


Creative work "Participants of the insurance market".


Analytical work "Personal insurance".


Legal advice "Insurance savings programs".


Legal advice "Swindlers in the insurance market".

Section 6 Pensions (3 hours)


Cognitive conversation "State pension insurance".


Informative conversation "Professional participants of the pension system".


Practical work "Non-state pension funds: how to work with them?"

Section 7. Home ownership: myth or reality (3 hours)


Round table "Housing in ownership: myth or reality?"


Legal advice “Housing savings cooperatives: how to solve the housing problem with their help”.


Practical work "Social housing hiring".

Section 8. Final discussion (1 hour)


Final discussioncourse in financial literacy.

Grade 8 (34 hours)

Grade 9 (34 hours)

P / P

Topic name

Section title (number of hours)

Section 1. Family money management (8 ocloc'k)

Topic 1. Origin of money


Discussion "Money: what is it?"


Analytical work “What can happen to money and how does it affect the finances of our family?”

Topic 2. Sources of family funds


Practical work "What are the sources of income?"


Round table "What determines personal and family income?"

Topic 3. Control of family expenses


Discussion “How to control family expenses and why do it?”

Topic 4. Building a family budget


Round table "What is a family budget and how to build it?"


Practical work "How to optimize the family budget?"

Section 2. Ways to improve family well-being (6 hours)

Topic 5. Ways to increase family income using services

financial institutions


Mini-study "What are financial institutions for?"


Practical work "How to increase family expenses using financial institutions?"

Topic 6. Financial planning as a way to improve well-being


Informative conversation "Why do you need to carry out financial planning?"


Business game "How to carry out financial planning at different life stages?"


Implementation of project work (what else can be done to learn more).

Section 3. Risks in the world of money (7 o'clock)

Topic 7. Special life situations and how to deal with them


Legal advice "OZHZ: the birth of a child, the loss of a breadwinner."


Legal advice "OZhS: illness, job loss, natural and man-made disasters."


Cognitive conversation "How will insurance help?"

Topic 8. Risks in the world of money


Practical work "What are the financial risks?"


Informative conversation "What are financial pyramids?"


Implementation of project work.

Section 4. Family and financial institutions: how to cooperate without problems (8 ocloc'k)

Topic 9. Banks and their role in family life


Mini-project "What is a bank and how can it be useful to you?"


Round table "Benefits and risks of bank cards?"

Topic 10. Own business


Student presentations "What is business?"


Mini-project "How to create your own business?"

Topic 11. Currency in the modern world


Informative conversation "What is the foreign exchange market and how does it work?"


Solving economic problems "Is it possible to win by placing savings in foreign currency?"


Implementation of project work.

Section 5. Man and the state: how they interact (5 hours)

Topic 12. Taxes and their role in family life


Discussion “What are taxes and why pay them?”


Work with documents “What taxes do we pay?”

Topic 13. Pension provision and financial well-being in old age


Solving economic problems "What is a pension and how to make it worthy?"


Conference on the course "Financial Literacy".

Explanatory note

The work program was compiled with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, based on the financial literacy curriculum for students in grades 7-9 (E.V. Vidgorchik, I. Lipsits, Yu. Korlyugova. Financial literacy: curriculum. 5-7 classes general education. org. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014. - 16 pp., E. B. Lavrenova, O. I. Ryazanova, I. V. Lipsits. Financial literacy: curriculum. Grades 8–9 general education org. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014. - 32 c. The publication was prepared as part of a joint project of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the World Bank "Promotion of increasing the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation").

The work program on financial literacy for grades 7-9 is focused on teaching materials for students in grade 7, edited by Vidgorchik E.V., (authors: E.V. Vidgorchik, I. Lipsits, Yu. Korlyugova.) M .: VITA-PRESS, 2014. TMC, for students in grades 8-9, edited by Ryazanova O. I., ( authors: O. I. Ryazanova, I. V. Lipsits, E. B. Lavrenova.) M .: VITA-PRESS, 2014.

The composition of the UMC:

    - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2015. - 64 c.

    7 classes general / E. A. Vigdorchik, I. V. Lipsits, Yu. N. Korlyugova. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2015. - 112 c.

    - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014. - 144 c.

    - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014. - 64 c.

The program is designed for students in grades 7-9 of a comprehensive school. The program implementation period is from 2017 to 2020.

"Financial Literacy" is an applied course that implements the interests of students in grades 7-9 in the field of family economics.

Course objectives "Financial Literacy" the formation of an active life position, the development of an economic way of thinking, the education of responsibility and moral behavior in the field of economic relations in the family and society, the acquisition of experience in applying the acquired knowledge and skills to solve elementary issues in the field of family economics. F formation of the basics of financial literacy among students in grades 7–9, which involves the development of basic financial and economic concepts that reflect the most important areas of financial relations, as well as practical skills and competencies that allow you to effectively interact with a wide range of financial institutions, such as banks, the monetary system, the tax authority, business, pension system, etc.

The objectives of the course "Financial Literacy":

    creation of a conceptual apparatus for students and familiarity with the basic concepts;

    mastering the skills to apply economic knowledge to solve typical problems in the field of the family economy;

    development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities inthe process of studying the economy of the family;

    use of acquired knowledge and skills in everyday life.

In grades 7-9, children study at the age of 13-16, when from a legal point of view they acquire some of the rights and obligations, including in the financial sphere. Therefore, it becomes necessary to teach teenagers the skills that will be needed for optimal behavior in the modern conditions of the financial world.

At the same time, students in grades 7-9 are able to expand their horizons in financial matters due to the development of general intellectual abilities formed by the school. Also at this age, the personal self-determination of schoolchildren begins to be carried out, they pass into adulthood, mastering some new roles for themselves as an adult. Therefore, in the course of training, it is important to rely on the personal needs of the student, not only to form in him the ability to act in the field of finance, but also to connect the internal mechanisms of the student's self-determination. You need to teach him not to be afraid of adulthood and show that there are algorithms for action in certain situations of a financial nature. At the same time, the main skill formed in students is the ability to assess the financial situation, to choose the most appropriate option for solving a family problem.

In this course, budgeting is considered at a more complex level than in previous classes, the issues of long-term family budget planning are explored and special attention is paid to personal budget planning.

Considerable attention in the course is paid to the formation of the competence of search, selection, analysis and interpretation of financial information from various sources, both electronic and paper.

Most of the time is devoted to practical activities to gain experience in an expanded range (compared to previous classes) of financial relations.

Educational materials and tasks are selected in accordance with the age characteristics of children and include tasks, practical tasks, graphs and charts, games, mini-studies and projects. In the process of studying, the skills and abilities of working with texts, tables, diagrams, graphs, as well as the skills of searching, analyzing and presenting information and public speaking are formed.

Planned results:


Awareness of oneself as a member of the family, society and state; understanding the economic problems of the family and participation in their discussion; understanding the financial ties between the family and the state;

Mastering the initial skills of adaptation in the world of financial relations: comparing income and expenses, calculating interest, comparing return on investments using simple examples;

Developing independence and personal responsibility for one's own deeds;

Planning your own budget, offering options for your own earnings;

formation of responsibility for making decisions in the field of personal finance;

Willingness to use their rights in the financial sector and fulfill the obligations arising in connection with interaction with financial institutions.

Development of cooperation skills with adults and peers in different gaming and real economic situations; participation in decision-making on the family budget.

requirements for intellectual

metasubject The results of studying the course "Financial Literacy" are:


Mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

Using various methods of searching, collecting, processing, analyzing, organizing, transmitting and interpreting information; searching for information in newspapers, magazines, websites and conducting simple surveys and interviews;

Formation of skills to present information depending on the tasks in the form of a table, diagram, graph, diagram, diagram of connections (mind maps);

Mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts;

Formation of the ability to analyze the problem and identify financial and government institutions that need to be contacted to solve them;

Possession of the ability to search for various ways to solve financial problems and evaluate them;

possession of the ability to carry out short-term and long-term planning of behavior in the field of finance;

Formation of the ability to establish causal relationships between social and financial phenomena and processes;

The ability to carry out an elementary forecast in the field of personal finance and evaluate one's actions;

Mastering the basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts.


Understanding the purpose of your actions;

Action planning with the help of a teacher and independently;

The manifestation of cognitive and creative initiative;

Evaluation of the correctness of the actions; self-assessment and mutual assessment;

Adequate perception of the proposals of comrades, teachers, parents.


Compilation of texts in oral and written forms;

Willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue;

Willingness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own;

The ability to express one's opinion, argue one's point of view and evaluate events;

Definition of a common goal and ways to achieve it; the ability to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities, to exercise mutual control in joint activities, to adequately

evaluate their own behavior and the behavior of others.

Subject The results of studying the course "Financial Literacy" are:

Understanding the basic principles of the economic life of society: understanding the role of money in the family and society, the causes and consequences of changes in family income and expenses, the role of the state in the family economy;

knowledge of concepts: money and money supply, purchasing power of money, human capital, family welfare, surplus and deficit of the family budget, bank, investment fund, financial planning, force majeure, insurance, financial risks, business, currency and foreign exchange market, direct and indirect taxes, pension fund and pension system;

Knowledge Possession:

Structures of the money supply;

The income structure of the country's population and ways to determine it;

Dependence of the level of well-being on the structure of family income sources;

Articles of the family and personal budget and ways of their correlation;

The main types of financial services and products intended for individuals;

Possible savings rates;

Ways of state support in cases of getting into difficult life situations;

Types of insurance;

Types of financial risks;

Ways to use banking products to solve your financial problems;

Methods for determining the exchange rate and places of exchange;

Methods of paying taxes, principles of the structure of the pension system in the Russian Federation;

Mastering the methods of working with economic information, its comprehension; making simple financial calculations.

Acquisition of knowledge and experience in applying the acquired knowledge and skills to solve typical problems in the field of the family economy:

Knowledge of sources of income and directions of family expenses and the ability to draw up a simple family budget; knowledge of investment directions and ways to compare results using simple examples;

Development of students' abilities to draw the necessary conclusions and give reasonable assessments of economic situations; identification of elementary problems in the field of family finances and finding ways to solve them;

Development of outlook in the field of economic life of society and the formation of cognitive interest in the study of social disciplines.

Types and forms of control:

Forms of knowledge control: oral survey; problem solving; slice and final test, independent work; frontal and individual survey; creative tasks (defense of abstracts and projects); graphic work: construction of graphs, diagrams and diagrams of relationships; analytical work: calculation of indicators, analysis of statistical data, evaluation of results; report.

Forms of organization of the educational process:

General forms: lesson, interview, consultation, practical work, test lesson.

Group forms: group work at the lesson, group workshop, group creative tasks.

Individual forms: work with literature or electronic sources of information, written exercises, performance of individual tasks.

Teaching methods: verbal - story, conversation; visual - illustrations, demonstrations, both conventional and computer; practical - performing practical work, independent work with reference books and literature (regular and electronic), independent written exercises, independent work at the computer.

Teaching technologies: differentiated, modular, problematic, developing, multi-level and critical thinking technology; group learning technology, game technology (didactic game).

The priority is the practical activity of students in solving the main problems in the field of family economics.

Important attention is paid to the development of practical skills and abilities in working with additional sources of information: encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries, popular scientific literature, Internet resources, etc., as well as:

Search for the necessary information in reference publications (including on electronic media, on the Internet);

The use of additional sources of information in solving educational problems; work with the text (retelling; highlighting terms in the text, drawing up a plan; filling in the proposed tables);

Preparation of short presentations using illustrative material (including a computer presentation in support of oral presentation); correct conduct of the educational dialogue when working in a small group of cooperation; assessment of one's own contribution to the activities of the cooperation group; self-assessment of the level of personal educational achievements according to the proposed model.

In the course of organizing the educational activities of students, the following forms of classes will be used:

Lecture-conversation. This form can be used to introduce students to the problems of the financial sector. The lecture at the lessons on financial literacy should be used using the pedagogical method of problematization. The lecture itself, as a transmission of knowledge and posing problems, can take place in the following forms:

- watching documentaries and feature films;

– watching video lectures by leading economists, politicians, businessmen;

- a story-conversation about the problems of this area;

– meetings with acting financiers, businessmen, politicians, civil servants.

It should be noted that lectures as a form of classes occupy approximately 10–15% of the total study time.

Workshop. This form of classes is the leading one for students in grades 8–9. It is at this age that it is important to try to independently carry out search activities, to gain experience in performing simple financial actions. This lesson can be carried out in the form of individual and group work; purpose - development of practical skills and the formation of competencies in the field of finance; in this lesson, search and research work is carried out, aimed at finding financial information from various sources.

Thus, the workshop can be held in the following forms:

– search for information on the Internet on the websites of government services, financial institutions, rating agencies;

– search and analysis of legal documents on the topic;

– development of individual or group projects;

– conducting mini-studies;

– search for information for writing an essay;

- Compiling and solving financial crossword puzzles.

A game. Along with the workshop, it is the leading form of training, as it allows in a simulated situation to carry out specific financial actions, to enter into relations with financial institutions (even in a fictional situation). Getting a minimum experience in the game in reality allows you to feel more confident and behave more adequately in specific financial situations.

For example, during the training, the following games can be played:

"We manage the family's money";

"Let's increase family incomes with the use of financial services";

“We carry out long-term financial planning”;

"What to do? We are in a special life situation!”;

"Attention! Financial risks!”;

"Planning your business";

"Currencies and countries";

"Taxes and family budget";

Parents' Pensions.

Seminar. This form can be used to discuss common problems, to develop common solutions. This form is not mandatory, the teacher himself must determine the possibility of its use, depending on the cognitive needs of students and the conditions for organizing educational activities. The structure of the workshop will look like this:

1. Determining the purpose of the workshop

2. Work in a group to complete the task (most often this is a discussion of concepts, the development of optimal solutions)

3. Presentation of the results of the group discussion

4. General discussion

During the training, seminars can be held on the following topics:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of symbolic (credit) money?

2. How is money secured today?

3. Why did commodity money survive in some regions of the world?

4. How much money does the state need to develop successfully?

5. It's good when prices go down! What does deflation lead to for both families and the state?

6. How has the income structure of the population of Russia changed in comparison with the 1990s? 20th century?

7. What ways of self-employment exist today in Russia (in your city, village, settlement)?

8. What ways of earning are there for schoolchildren during the summer holidays?

9. Are you ready to spend a lot of time and effort on your own education in order to have a high salary in the future?

10. Can I always live in debt or do I need to have savings?

11. At what age should a child have their own budget?

12. What is more important for a family: to spend money on current consumption, buying clothes, shoes, household appliances and computers, or to invest in capital resources (an apartment, a summer house, a car)?

13. How can you reduce the cost of utilities and food (what opportunities are there in our city, village, township)?

14. Where is the best place to look for information about the activities of financial institutions?

15. When is it best to use banking services to increase family income?

16. How to choose the most reliable mutual fund?

17. How do family expenses change in connection with the birth and maturation of children?

18. Do I need to create savings in case of having children?

19. Does the state provide enough assistance to young families when a child is born?

20. How can the company, the state and employees minimize the risks of morbidity in enterprises?

21. How can unemployment be reduced in our city, region?

22. What natural and man-made threats exist in your region?

23. In what ways can the financial impact of these risks be minimized?

24. Is it necessary to insure life and health today?

25. Why do people in the US and European countries spend more money on insurance than Russians?

26. Is it necessary to protect your savings from inflation in the current economic situation?

27. Should you risk your finances by participating in pyramid schemes?

28. How to protect your financially illiterate relatives from financial losses incurred due to participation in a financial pyramid?

29. What benefits do commercial banks bring to citizens in the modern world?

30. Should you live in debt all the time using a credit card?

31. Why are bank cards useful in modern life?

32. What do the euro and dollar rates tell us today?

33. In what currencies is it best to keep the savings of the state?

34. Do ordinary citizens need to carry out currency transactions in order to earn on the difference in rates?

35. Why is the situation dangerous for society when people hide their real income and do not pay taxes?

36. How fair is income tax (on wages) of 13% in modern Russia?

37. What is the difference between direct and indirect taxes?

38. What are indirect taxes for?

39. Why is tax evasion dangerous for an individual?

40. At what age should you think about your future pension?

41. What pension should be fair?

42. Who should take care of pension provision: the state or the citizen himself?

Seminars can be held outside the classroom and take the form of a discussion club, where a wide range of financial and economic issues is discussed with the participation of students in both grades 8–9 and 10–11. Teachers and administration, as well as involved experts (politicians, businessmen, civil servants, etc.) can participate.


Control Occupation: purpose - checking the acquired knowledge and skills and, if necessary, correcting them. Control can take place both in traditional forms and in interactive ones:

– written test (including tasks that test knowledge of theory and possession of meta-subject skills);

– oral questioning;

- quiz;

- competition;

- creative report;

– protection of the project;

– defense of research work;

– writing an essay;

– solution of practical problems;

- Completion of thematic tasks.

And how can a person protect himself from this?

Family and state: how they interact

Financial business: how it can help the family

Family money management

Ways to improve family well-being

Risks in the world of money

Family and financial institutions: how to cooperate without problems

Man and state: how they interact

7th grade

Section 1. Income and expenses of the family (11 hours)

Lesson 1-2. Money

People exchange goods and services. Direct exchange is inconvenient due to the mismatch of interests and value. Commodity money serves exchange but has its own value. Precious metals and coins made from them are commodity money. Metal coins are difficult to manufacture and dangerous to transport. Paper money is symbolic money. Non-cash money is information. The country's monetary system is controlled by the central bank.

Basic concepts

Money. Exchange. Commodity money. symbolic money. Precious metals. Coins. Banknotes. Cash. Non-cash money. Goznak. Central bank. Banks. Counterfeit money.


Explain the problems of barter (commodity) exchange;

Describe the properties of an object that plays the role of money;

List types of money

Give examples of commodity money;

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of different types of money;

Compile tasks with monetary calculations;

Explain why paper money can depreciate;

Know that the country's monetary system is controlled by the central bank;

Explain why making counterfeit money is a crime.

Lessons 3-5. Family income

Family income is: wages, income from property ownership, social benefits and borrowed funds. The amount of wages depends on education, profession, qualifications. Owning real estate (an apartment, a house, a garage, a plot of land) can bring rent. Money deposited in the bank earns interest. Shareholders can receive dividends. The entrepreneur makes a profit. The state pays pensions, scholarships, allowances. Banks provide loans.

Basic concepts

Wage. Own. Property income. Rent. Interest. Profit. Dividends. Social payments. Maternal capital. Credits.


Describe and compare family income sources;

Describe the types of wages;

Compare the working conditions of adults and minors;

Explain how professions and education are related;

Explain what guides a person when choosing a profession;

Explain the reasons for differences in wages;

Give examples of loans.

Lesson 6-8. Family expenses

Families spend money on goods and services. Expenses can be divided into three groups: mandatory, desirable and unnecessary. Utilities must be paid monthly. For large purchases, money can be saved or borrowed. Debts must be repaid on time.

Different stores have different prices for the same items. Costs can be reduced by choosing a store with lower prices or taking advantage of discounts.

Basic concepts

Essential items. Goods of current consumption. Durable goods. Services. Public utilities.


Explain the reasons why people shop;

Describe the direction of the family's expenses;

Classify the types of goods;

Calculate family expenses on conditional examples;

Calculate the share of expenses for different goods and services.

Lesson 9-11. Family budget

Income and expenses should be planned. The plan of income and expenses is called the budget. The excess of income over expenses allows you to save. Savings are usually kept in a bank. Excess spending over income reduces savings or leads to debt.

Basic concepts

Credit. Loan interest. Debts. Saving. Contributions. Interest on deposits.


Draw up a family budget on conditional examples;

Compare income and expenses and make decisions;

Explain the reasons why people save;

Describe forms of savings;

Describe the consequences of excess spending over income;

Compare consumer and bank loans;

Explain under what conditions you can lend and borrow money.

Section 2. Risks of loss of money and property

and how can a person protect himself from this (5h)

Lesson 12-14. Special situations in life and how to deal with them

Economic consequences of unforeseen events: diseases, accidents, natural disasters. Expenses associated with the birth of children. Property, health, life insurance. Principles of operation of the insurance company.

Basic concepts

Accidents. Diseases. Accidents. Catastrophes. Insurance.

Insurance Company. Insurance policy.


Describe events that significantly affect the life of the family (birth of a child, sudden death of the breadwinner, force majeure, etc.);

Determine the consequences of such events for the family budget;

Distinguish between compulsory and voluntary insurance;

Explain why compulsory insurance exists;

Explain why the state pays a sick person;

Compare different types of insurance.

Lessons 15-16. Final work on sections 1-2: role-playing game "Family Budget".

Section 3. Family and state: how they interact (7 hours)

Classes 17-19. taxes

Taxes are obligatory payments collected by the state. Directions of public spending. Types of taxes. Organization of tax collection.

Basic concepts

Tax. Tax office. Income tax. tax rate. income tax. Individuals. Penya. tax incentives. Value Added Tax. Excise.


Explain why the state collects taxes;

Give examples of taxes;

Describe how and when taxes are paid;

Calculate the amount of income tax and VAT;

Explain why excise taxes are introduced;

Describe the consequences of non-payment of taxes for citizens;

Give examples of family tax payments.

Lesson 20-22. Social benefits

The state supports certain categories of people: the disabled, the elderly, families with children, the unemployed.

Basic concepts

Benefit. Pension. Pension Fund. Scholarship. Sick leave. Unemployment benefits. Competencies:

Explain why social benefits exist;

Describe situations in which benefits are paid, give examples of benefits;

Find information about social benefits.

Lesson 23. Final work on section 3:

mini-study in groups "The state is us!".

Section 4. Financial business: how it can help the family (12 hours)

Lesson 24-26. Banking services

Banks accept deposits and issue loans. The interest rate on deposits depends on the size of the deposit and its term. In the event of the termination of the bank's activities, depositors are guaranteed a refund. The interest rate on loans is higher than the interest rate on deposits.

Basic concepts

Banks. Contributions (deposits). Interest rate. Deposit insurance. Deposit Insurance Agency. Credit. Pledge.


Give examples of banking services;

Describe the terms of deposits and loans;

Explain what determines the amount of payments on the deposit;

Explain why and how deposits are insured;

Find information about deposits and loans;

Explain the causes and consequences of decisions to take a loan;

Explain the terms of the loan, give examples;

Calculate interest on deposits and loans;

Explain how a credit card works.

Lesson 27-29. Own business

Business organization. Development of a business plan. Start-up capital. Small business support organizations.

Basic concepts

Business. Small business. Business plan. Credit.


Compare employment opportunities and own business opportunities;

Explain how and why the state and private organizations support small businesses;

Explain what a business plan is;

Give examples of businesses that teenagers are engaged in.

Lesson 30-31. Currency in the modern world

Currency - the monetary unit of the country. Different countries have different currencies. The price of one currency expressed in terms of another currency is called the exchange rate. Interest rates on foreign currency deposits differ from those on deposits in the national currency.

Basic concepts

Currency. Exchange rate. Exchange office. currency deposit.


Give examples of currencies of different countries;

Explain what an exchange rate is;

Find information about exchange rates;

Conduct exchange rate calculations.

Lesson 32. Final work on the course "Financial Literacy".

Reserve 3 hours

8th grade

Section 1. Family Money Management (12 hours)

Basic concepts and knowledge:

Issue of money, money supply, purchasing power of money, Central Bank, population income structure, family income structure, personal income structure, human capital, family welfare, family spending control, family budget: surplus, deficit, personal budget.

Knowledge of exactly how money is issued in the modern economy; What does the money supply consist of? ways of government influence on inflation; income structure of the population of Russia and its changes at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries; factors affecting in Russia the amount of income from various sources; dependence of the level of well-being on the structure of family income sources; family and personal budget items; obligatory monthly expenses of the family and personal expenses.


– the fact that cash is not the only form of payment for goods and services;

- the role of money in the country's economy as an essential element of a market economy;

- the impact of education on the subsequent career and, accordingly, on personal income;

– the fact that the uncontrolled spending of family income deprives the family of the opportunity to ensure the sustainability of their well-being and can lead to financial difficulties for the family;

- differences in the structure of the family budget of expenses and its changes depending on the age of family members and other factors; the need to plan family income and expenses.


- use a debit card;

– determine the causes of inflation growth;

- calculate personal and family income;

- distinguish between personal expenses and family expenses;

- keep records of income and expenses;

- develop critical thinking.


- to establish causal relationships between the rate of inflation and the level of income of families;

- use various sources to determine the causes of inflation and its impact on the purchasing power of the money available;

– identify and evaluate options for increasing personal income;

- correlate the contribution to personal education and subsequent personal income;

- to compare different professions and areas of employment to assess the potential for generating income and increasing one's well-being in the short and long life horizon;

- evaluate your monthly expenses;

- correlate different needs and desires in terms of financial capabilities;

- prioritize spending Based on this, build a budget for the short and long term;

- analyze the budget and optimize it for the formation of savings.

Section 2. Ways to improve family well-being (10 hours)

Basic concepts and knowledge:

Bank; investment fund; Insurance Company; financial planning. Knowledge of the main types of financial services and products for individuals; knowledge of possible savings rates by life cycle stages.

Personal characteristics and attitudes:


- the principle of keeping money in a bank account;

– options for using savings and investment at different stages of the family life cycle;

- the need to accumulate savings for future spending;

– possible risks in saving and investing.

- analyze contracts;

- to distinguish investments from savings;

- compare the returns on investment products.


– search for the necessary information on the websites of banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions;

– evaluate the need to use various financial instruments to improve the well-being of the family;

- set aside money for specific purposes;

- choose rational schemes for investing family savings to ensure future large family expenses.

Section 3. Risks in the world of money (10 hours)

Basic concepts and knowledge:

Special life situations; social benefits; Force Majeure; insurance; types of insurance and insurance products; financial risks; types of risks. Knowledge of the types of various special life situations; ways of state support in cases of natural and man-made disasters and other force majeure cases; types of insurance; types of financial risks: inflation, devaluation, bankruptcy of financial companies managing family savings, financial fraud; an idea of ​​ways to reduce financial risks.

Personal characteristics and attitudes:


- the fact that when children are born, the structure of family expenses changes;

– the need to have a financial airbag in case of emergency and crisis life situations;

– life and family property insurance options for risk management;

Understanding the causes of financial risks:

- the need to be careful in the financial sector, the need to check incoming information from various sources (from advertising, from citizens, from institutions).


- find social services sites on the Internet, seek help;

- calculate monthly insurance payments;

– protect personal information, including on the Internet;

- use a bank card with minimal financial risk;

- Balance risks and rewards.


- evaluate the consequences of difficult life situations in terms of revising the structure of family finances and personal finances;

– evaluate the proposed insurance options;

– analyze and evaluate financial risks;

- develop critical thinking in relation to advertising messages;

- the ability to realistically assess their financial capabilities.

Reserve - 3 hours

Grade 9

Section 4. Family and Financial Institutions: How

cooperate without problems (18 h)

Basic concepts and knowledge:

Bank; commercial Bank; Central bank; business; business plan; sources of financing; currency; world currency market; rate.

Knowledge of the types of operations carried out by banks; the need for a bank to have a license to carry out banking operations; what are the sources for creating a business and ways to protect against bankruptcy; have an idea about the structure of the business plan: have an idea about the basic financial rules for doing business; know the types of currencies; have an idea of ​​how the global currency market affects the Russian currency market; know how exchange rates are determined in the Russian economy.

Personal characteristics and attitudes:


– devices of the banking system:

- the fact that entering into relations with the bank should not be carried out spontaneously, under the influence of advertising, but out of real necessity and with knowledge of the ways of interaction;

- responsibility and riskiness of doing business; an understanding of the difficulties faced in choosing this kind of career;

– the fact that in order to start a business activity it is necessary to obtain a special education;

- on what exchange rates depend; understanding the conditions under which a family can benefit by placing family savings in foreign currency.

– calculate the bank interest and the amount of payments on deposits;

- find up-to-date information on special sites dedicated to the creation of a small (including family) business; calculate costs, income, profit;

– transfer one currency to another;

- find information about changes in exchange rates.


- evaluate the need to use banking services to solve their financial problems and family problems;

- highlight the range of issues that need to be considered when creating your own business, as well as the types of risks that threaten such a business;

- assess the need for savings in foreign currency, depending on the economic situation in the country.

Section 5. Man and the state: how they interact (14 hours)

Basic concepts and knowledge:

taxes; direct and indirect taxes; duties; fees; pension; pension system; pension funds.

Knowledge of the main types of taxes levied on individuals and legal entities (basic); methods of paying taxes (individually and by the enterprise); general principles of the structure of the pension system of the Russian Federation; have an idea about the methods of pension savings

Personal characteristics and attitudes:

Representation of the responsibility of the taxpayer;


– the inevitability of punishment (fines) for non-payment of taxes and the negative impact of fines on the family budget;

- the fact that when planning a future pension, it is necessary not only to rely on the state pension system, but also to create your own programs for accumulating funds and old-age insurance.

- calculate how changes in the structure and size of family income and property can affect the amount of taxes payable;

– find up-to-date information about the pension system and savings on the Internet.


– be aware of civil liability when paying taxes;

- plan tax expenses;

savings during working age and monthly income after the end of a working career.

Reserve 3 hours

Educational-methodical and material-technical providing a course


    Lipsits, IV Financial literacy: materials for students. 5-7 classes general education. org. Additional education: Series "Learning reasonable financial behavior" / I. V. Lipsits, E. A. Vigdorchik - M .: VITA-PRESS, 2014. - 208 p., ill.

    Vigdorchik, E. A. Financial literacy: guidelines for teachers.5 7 classes general / E. A. Vigdorchik, I. V. Lipsits, Yu. N. Korlyugova. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2015. - 64 c.

    Vigdorchik, E. A. Financial Literacy: Materials for Parents.5 7 classes general / E. A. Vigdorchik, I. V. Lipsits, Yu. N. Korlyugova. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2015. - 112 c.

    Lipsits, IV Financial literacy: materials for students. Grades 8–9 are general education. org. / I. V. Lipsits, O. I. Ryazanova. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014. -352 p., ill.

    Ryazanova, O. I. Financial Literacy: Guidelines for Teachers. Grades 8–9 are general education. org. / O. I. Ryazanova, I. V. Lipsits, E. B. Lavrenova. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014. - 144 c.

    Ryazanova, O. I. Financial Literacy: Materials for Parents. Grades 8–9 are general education. org. / O. I. Ryazanova, I. V. Lipsits, E. B. Lavrenova. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014. - 64 c.

Internet sources

1. - website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

2. - website of the Government of the Russian Federation

3. - website of the Federal State Statistics Service

4. - website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

5. - website of the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Russian Federation

6. - website of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation

7. - website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

8. - website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation

9. - RosBusinessConsulting website

10. - website of the Russian Marketing Association

11. - website "Corporate Management"

12. - site "Economics for schoolchildren"

13. - site of a special project of the Russian School of Economics on personal finance

14. - educational and reference portal on economics

15. - a site on the history of economic thought (in English)

16. - website of the federal educational portal "Economics. Sociology. Management"

17. - a site that provides overview information on the global economy

18. – statistical portal of the Higher School of Economics

19. - website of CEFIR - Center for Economic and Financial Research

20. www.tpprf. – website of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

21. - RTS and MICEX - website of the United Exchange

22. - website of the World Trade Organization

23. - website of the World Bank

24. - website of the International Monetary Fund

25. - a site dedicated to the family budget

Calculators (bank interest, currency, taxes)






A computer

In a market economy, given its ups and downs and crises, it is important for each person to ensure personal financial security. Society understands these realities, so the state should create programs that increase the level of financial literacy of Russians.

Why raise?

Basically, the future of the Russian economy is determined by the youth. That is why increasing their education in the field of money management is of particular importance. The solution to this problem is possible only with the close cooperation of the state with commercial and financial institutions, institutions in the field of education and public organizations that are able to influence the development of this process in their field.

More than a third of the country's residents have not taken bank loans at all over the past few years, fearing a sharp drop in money inflation.

Based on the above, it turns out that most Russians manage their funds without the right approach and expert advice. All monetary issues are resolved at home over a cup of tea with friends. Which, just like the owners, are not particularly versed in the intricacies of decisions.

The country's market economy, however, does not stand still, but rather moves forward at a rapid pace. The knowledge of people remains at the old level and is not added, which becomes critical for the country itself and its economy as a whole.

Lack of understanding of these problems by society pushes the country's leadership to extreme measures. By all possible means to achieve an increase in the education of people.

What is being done for this?

Propaganda directed at the smart spending of the population's funds is being carried out. On learning skills correctly deals with.

There are training seminars aimed at gaining knowledge in the field of banking services. The ability to understand securities and their profitability.

The work of the financial literacy program

Special centers teach people how not to succumb to the tricks of scammers, how to secure their deposits in banking structures, how to make a profit from pension payments, and much more.

It is designed for all age categories of the population and is taught even in schools where there are special elective subjects for teaching children. Naturally, at school, only the basics of everything that children have to learn at an older age are served.

In universities, a lot of lectures are also given to achieve the proper level of knowledge in this area. At the same time, the economic university works out in the most detail with its wards the intricacies of banking and financial decisions. This is done to improve.

On the way to the implementation of the program, monitoring groups have also been created to monitor changes in people's knowledge of the financial sector. And although the results are still deplorable, work is being done in all possible directions.

All media are connected. Television is engaged in showing social videos that encourage people to listen and explain the need for such knowledge. Newspapers and handouts spell out the position of the currency markets. Publishing houses are engaged in printed matter, which describes all the main points of knowledge of this science.

In addition, all regional governments are connected. They hold master classes for entrepreneurs and people starting their own business. Ways to avoid them are also considered. Experienced people in financial matters come to such meetings.

Pensioners receive intelligible information in pension funds. In a word, there is a comprehensive informative load on the population. In order to reach their mind as quickly as possible and involve them in learning the skills of money issues.

The adult population within the framework of the program is taught the skill in various structures and in various ways that they bring profit.

When will the program bring the desired effect?

And although the program began its work in 2009, people still refuse to trust the system, believing that they are being deceived again. Abroad, such freedoms have been used for a long time, which is probably why their population is much more educated in money matters. We are still lagging behind and showing weakness in this.

However, I would like to hope that in the near future the program will give positive results and Russia as a country will become more educated in terms of the economy of the population. Today, such a program is also being introduced in Ukraine, but it is likely that it will face the same difficulties with its acceptance by the population as in our country.

Basically, the programs are aimed at improving the education of the younger generation. If you rely exclusively on young people, the program will effectively work only in 15-20 years. Then this already adult generation will independently teach their children financial literacy, and having good knowledge in this area.

Sections: Technology , Economy

I. Explanatory note on the subject "Fundamentals of financial literacy"

The work program of the subject "Fundamentals of financial literacy" was compiled in accordance with the teaching materials of V.V. Chumachenko "Fundamentals of financial literacy", as well as in accordance with the following documents:

1. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

2. Project of the Ministry of Finance of Russia "Promotion of increasing the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation". Information about the Project is available on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Finance:

3. The concept of the National program to improve the level of financial literacy of the population of the Russian Federation

4. Strategy for the development of the financial market of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 .

5. The main educational program of secondary general education MBOU "Gymnasium No. 3".

6. Regulations on the work program of educational subjects, courses of extracurricular activities of MBOU "Gymnasium No. 3" dated 08/30/2018.

Increasing financial literacy is one of the main areas for the formation of an investment resource, identified in the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020.

The relevance of the Fundamentals of Financial Literacy program is dictated by the development of the financial system and the emergence of a wide range of new complex financial products and services that pose challenges to citizens that they are not always ready to solve.

Therefore, the introduction of the course "Fundamentals of Financial Literacy" helps to create conditions for the development of a teenager's personality, motivation for learning, for the formation of social and professional self-determination, and is also a prevention of antisocial behavior. It is the mastery of the basics of financial literacy that will help students apply the acquired knowledge in life and successfully socialize in society.

Ensuring the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation and the availability of quality education for students of all categories, our gymnasium creates conditions for obtaining additional economic education, including its applied aspects - financial literacy, the basics of consumer knowledge in high school as part of elective courses.

The content of the program significantly expands and supplements the knowledge of high school students about personal finance, home accounting management, the functioning of the stock market and the banking system, and the implementation of creative work, practical tasks will allow teenagers to gain experience in making economic decisions in the field of personal finance management, improve their professional competence in the future, apply the acquired knowledge in real life.

In addition, tasks with financial and economic content are included in the materials of the final certification for the course of the main school of the Unified State Examination.

The novelty of this program is the focus of the course on the formation of financial literacy of high school students based on building a direct connection between the knowledge gained and their practical application, understanding and use of financial information at the moment and in the long term and focuses on the formation of responsibility in adolescents for financial decisions, taking into account personal security and well-being.
A distinctive feature of the program of the subject "Fundamentals of financial literacy" is that it is based on a system-activity approach to learning, which provides an active educational and cognitive position of students. They form not only basic knowledge in the financial sector, but also the necessary skills, competencies, personal characteristics and attitudes in accordance with the latest generation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Program goal: formation of key competencies of high school students for making rational financial decisions in the field of personal finance management.

Program objectives:

Create comfortable conditions conducive to the formation of communicative competencies;

To form a positive motivational attitude towards the economy through the development of cognitive interest and awareness of social necessity;

To study the regulatory and methodological documents of the Ministry of Education and Science to improve the level of financial literacy and financial and economic education of students;

Master the system of knowledge about the financial institutions of modern society and personal finance management tools;

Master the ability to receive and critically comprehend economic information, analyze, systematize the data obtained;

To form experience in applying knowledge about financial institutions for effective self-realization in the field of personal finance management;

To form students' readiness to make responsible and informed decisions in the field of personal finance management, the ability to implement these decisions;

Form the foundations of culture and individual style of economic behavior, business ethics values;

Cultivate responsibility for economic decisions.

II. General characteristics of the subject "Fundamentals of Financial Literacy"

To achieve the set goals and taking into account the foregoing, the organization of classes is based, first of all, on pedagogical technologies based on the cooperation and co-creation of the participants in the educational process, critical analysis of the received information of various types, activity technologies, design and research activities, gaming technology.

In the classroom, students are engaged in various types of cognitive activities, learn to think creatively and solve problems. practice-oriented economic tasks.

Since the teaching method is a generalizing model of the interconnected activity of the teacher and students and it determines the nature (type) of students' cognitive activity, the teaching methods are implemented in the following forms of work:

  • Business games.
  • Use of technical training aids, Internet resources.
  • Working with sources of economic information.
  • Analysis of financial market instruments, economic situation in individual markets and in the region.
  • Interactive technologies.
  • Group, frontal and individual work.
  • Tours.

III. Description of the place of the subject "Fundamentals of Financial Literacy" in the curriculum

This program is designed for students in grade 10.

The work program is designed for 35 hours per year (1 hour per week).

IV. Planned development results subject "Fundamentals of financial literacy"

Structure and content of the subject « Fundamentals of financial literacy» » assume that students should master the practical skills of planning and evaluating their own economic activities in the field of managing the family budget, personal finances.

During the academic year, high school students demonstrate general project skills: plan and implement project activities; prioritize goals based on values ​​and life plans; independently implement, control and carry out correction of their activities on the basis of preliminary planning; use available resources to achieve goals; apply all the necessary variety of information and knowledge, skills and competencies obtained as a result of training for goal setting, planning and implementation of an individual project.

Planned learning outcomes

Subject Results the study of this subject is the acquisition by schoolchildren of competencies in the field of financial literacy, which are of great importance for the subsequent integration of the individual into the modern banking and financial environment. In addition, the study of the course forms the skills of high school students to make competent and informed financial decisions, which will ultimately help them achieve financial independence and success in business.

Metasubject results - the development of analytical abilities, decision-making skills based on a comparative analysis of savings alternatives, planning and forecasting future income and expenses of the personal budget, management skills.

personal results studying the course is the education of motivation to work, the desire to build one's future on the basis of goal-setting and planning, responsibility for the present and future of one's own financial well-being, the well-being of one's family and the state.

Thus, as a result of studying in this subject the graduate will learn:

Make rational financial decisions in the field of personal finance management;

Conduct timely financial analysis;

Set strategic goals to achieve personal financial goals;

Plan and predict future income and expenses of the personal budget;

Determine the directions of interaction of citizens with the stock and currency markets;

Basics of interaction with credit institutions;

Basic concepts and tools for interaction with participants in financial relations;

Fundamentals of managing tax payments in order to reduce tax expenses while maintaining tax discipline;

Choose insurance products and insurance companies;

Make investment decisions from the position of minimizing financial risks;

Create a personal financial plan.

Graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

In cooperation with the teacher, set new learning objectives;

Recognize the principles of functioning of the financial system of the modern state;

Understand personal responsibility for decisions made in the process of interaction with financial institutions;

Understand the rights and obligations in the field of finance;

Possess communication skills;

Analyze and interpret financial information from various sources;

Define tasks in the field of personal finance management;

Find sources of information to solve financial problems;

Collaborate with peers and adults in educational and research activities;

Form your own financial strategy;

Solve financial problems;

Show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation;

Independently take into account the guidelines of action allocated by the teacher in the new educational material;

To carry out ascertaining and anticipatory control on the result and on the method of action, actual control at the level of voluntary attention;

Independently evaluate the correctness of the performance of the action and make the necessary adjustments to the performance both in the course of its implementation and at the end of the action.

V. The content of the program of the subject "Fundamentals of financial literacy" (35 hours)

Personal financial planning (11 hours).

Introduction to the course. Brief description of the course being studied. Formation of the concept of human capital. Formation of knowledge about the application of human capital.

Making decisions about personal finance. Definition of goals, selection of alternatives.

Assets and liabilities. Income and expenses. Drawing up a current and prospective personal financial budget. Main sources of income. Typical levels of income and expenses during a person's life. Drawing up a current personal financial plan.

Personal financial planning. Strategy and tactics in the financial game.

A lesson-lecture, a lesson in discovering new knowledge, a lesson in updating knowledge, a combined lesson, a lesson-generalizations, a lesson - a business game, creative work.

Main activities.

Know the role of the subject "Fundamentals of financial literacy", the concept of "human capital", "money", their functions. Be able to explain what consumption is, what are the main sources of income, recognize your assets and liabilities, be able to keep track of them. Know how to budget, be able to optimize costs. Be able to develop a strategy to achieve your goals, create a personal financial plan to achieve your goals. Be able to work in a team, strive for cooperation.

Deposit (7 hours).

Savings, inflation, causes of inflation, calculation of inflation. Deposit. Risk assessment. Interest on deposits. Advantages and disadvantages of a deposit. Conditions and content of the deposit. Nominal rate, real rate, deposit agreement. Types of bank deposits. Banks, bank deposits, financial risks.

Forms of organization of training sessions.

Lesson - discovery of new knowledge, lesson of updating knowledge, combined lesson, lesson - generalization of knowledge.

Main activities.

Know the concepts of accumulation and inflation, the causes of inflation. Calculate inflation.

Know the concept of a deposit. Be able to give your own assessment of risks, know how to calculate interest on deposits. Be able to characterize the features of the deposit in Russia. Know how to calculate interest on deposits. Be able to calculate simple and compound interest on a deposit, give examples of types of bank deposits, be creative in creative work.

Credit (7 hours).

The concept of credit. Familiarity with the main characteristics of the loan. Benefits of choosing a loan Credit cost. Calculations to reduce the cost of credit. Typical mistakes when using a loan.

Forms of organization of training sessions.

Lesson - the discovery of new knowledge, a lesson on updating knowledge, a combined lesson, a lesson - generalizations, creative work.

Main activities.

Know the concept of "credit", its characteristics. Know the required documents when applying for a loan. Learn to analyze and compare loan conditions in different banks. Be able to characterize the features of a loan in Russia, give your own examples of the rights and obligations of a borrower, evaluate the studied phenomenon, and be creative in creative work.

Settlement and cash operations (7 hours).

Banking system, economic situations. Acquaintance with the choice of a bank card. Types of bank cards (debit and credit). banking profit. The main types of bank interest. Plastic cards. ATMs, mobile banks. The use of plastic cards in settlements and payments, the difference between debit and credit cards. Storage exchange and money transfer. Various types of payment means. Forms of remote banking service. Repetition of the studied block. Excursion to the bank.

Forms of organization of training sessions.

Lesson - the discovery of new knowledge, a lesson on updating knowledge, a combined lesson, a lesson - generalizations, a lesson-excursion.

Main activities.

Know the concept of "Banking system", the functions of the central bank. Be able to solve cognitive and practical problems that reflect typical economic situations. Know the types of bank cards. Understand what is the mechanism for obtaining bank profits. Be able to characterize the main types of bank interest. Know the rules for using ATMs, mobile banking, online banking.

Repetition of the studied (3 hours).

Personal financial planning, deposit, credit, settlement and cash operations. Strategy and tactics in the business game "Golden Crown".

Forms of organization of training sessions.

The lesson is a business game, a lesson of generalization of knowledge.

Main activities.

To be able to put into practice the knowledge gained in the lessons on the subject "Fundamentals of financial literacy", develop a strategy and tactics in a team game, show creativity, initiative.

VI. Description of the educational and methodological package for the subject "Fundamentals of financial literacy"

  1. V.V. Chumachenko. Fundamentals of financial literacy. Tutorial. - M .: Education, 2018
  2. V.V. Chumachenko. Fundamentals of financial literacy. Guidelines. - M .: Education, 2018
  3. V.V. Chumachenko. Fundamentals of financial literacy. Workbook. - M .: Education, 2018

Internet resources for student and teacher

VII. Calendar and thematic planning of the subject "Fundamentals of financial literacy"

No. p / p

Lesson topic

Number of hours

Scheduled lesson date
10 "d"
10 "g"

Actual date of the lesson
10 "d"
10 "g"

Personal financial planning (11 hours)

Acquaintance with the course "OFG"

Human capital and success

Making Personal Finance Decisions

Home bookkeeping. Assets and liabilities

Home bookkeeping. Income and expenses

Drawing up a personal financial plan

Creative work "Drawing up a personal plan"

Business game "My strategy"

Deposit (7 hours)

Savings and inflation

What is a deposit and what is its nature?

Deposit terms

Deposit risk management

Repetition of what was learned in the "Deposit" block

Credit (7 hours)

What is a loan?

Main characteristics of the loan

How to choose the best loan

How to reduce the cost of a loan

Typical mistakes when using a loan

Creative work "Case"

Settlement and cash operations (7 hours)

Storage, exchange and transfer of money

Different types of payment means

The publication was prepared as part of a joint project of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the World Bank "Promotion of increasing the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation ».

In grades 8–9, children study at the age of 14–16, when, from a legal point of view, they acquire some of the rights and obligations, including in the financial sphere. Therefore, it becomes necessary to teach teenagers the skills that will be needed for optimal behavior in the modern conditions of the financial world.

At the same time, students in grades 8-9 are able to expand their horizons in financial matters due to the development of general intellectual abilities formed by the school. Also at this age, the personal self-determination of schoolchildren begins to be carried out, they pass into adulthood, mastering some new roles for themselves as an adult. Therefore, in the course of training, it is important to rely on the personal needs of the student, not only to form in him the ability to act in the field of finance, but also to connect the internal mechanisms of the student's self-determination. You need to teach him not to be afraid of adulthood and show that there are algorithms for action in certain situations of a financial nature. At the same time, the main skill formed in students is the ability to assess the financial situation, to choose the most appropriate option for solving a family problem.

In this course, budgeting is considered at a more complex level than in previous classes, the issues of long-term family budget planning are explored and special attention is paid to personal budget planning.

Considerable attention in the course is paid to the formation of the competence of search, selection, analysis and interpretation of financial information from various sources, both electronic and paper.

Most of the time is devoted to practical activities to gain experience in an expanded range (compared to previous classes) of financial relations.

Financial Literacy: A Curriculum. Grades 8 - 9 of a general educational organization (basic general education)

The program specifies the goals and objectives of the course, the planned educational results and the system for their evaluation, describes the forms and methods of organizing the educational process, and also provides a list of educational, methodological and material and technical resources.

Training program

Financial Literacy: Materials for Students. 8 - 9 classes of a general educational organization

The materials are designed to acquaint teenagers with the basics of rational financial behavior - how to reasonably organize and optimize the future family budget, what should be done to increase personal and family well-being, why it is important to foresee the possibility of financial losses and how to minimize them, how to learn how to manage your finances from an early age in order to have a comfortable life. old age, etc.

Financial Literacy: Guidelines for Teachers. 8 - 9 classes of a general educational organization

For each lesson, goals are defined (learned concepts, knowledge, competencies), forms of classes and teaching aids are given. The organization of educational activities to achieve the set goals is described step by step. Additional material has been selected for the teacher, which will help him in explaining financial phenomena or processes. At the end of each session, topics are proposed for discussion both in the classroom and in the family circle.

Methodical recommendations for the teacher

Financial literacy: materials for parents. 8 - 9 classes of a general educational organization

The materials are designed to help the family learn to solve financial problems together with the children. The nature of the materials is different: these are questions for a joint discussion of financial topics, tasks such as a financial simulator with answers, additional information on the topic being studied for the parents themselves. Practical advice is offered to enable adults to become financially literate and successfully cope with financial problems, as well as to teach their children to do the same.