Russian natural scientist. "Second Chance" - a blog of biology and chemistry teacher Elena Yurievna Nosova.: Great naturalists

Dear fifth graders!

Today we will get acquainted with the great naturalists.

"Science is the most important, the most beautiful and necessary in a person's life, it has always been and will be the highest manifestation of love, only with it alone will a person defeat nature and himself" A. Chekhov

People have been studying nature since ancient times. Initially, knowledge about nature was used in everyday life: when certain plants bloom and for what disease they can be used; when the fruits ripen. Man was interested in how animals behave in nature, how they can be hunted. At the first stages in the study of nature and living organisms, only descriptive method and observation, then already experiment and comparison. Today we will get acquainted with scientists who studied nature.

The first attempts to study nature and living organisms were made by primitive people. The main methods were observation and description. Thus, information about plants, animals and fungi was accumulated. With the emergence and spread of writing about living organisms, a huge amount of material was collected.

The first time has come to put in order disparate information, to put together what is already known.

Aristotle he was the first to try to systematize information about nature, that is, to classify and distribute animals and plants into categories or groups.

To get acquainted with the biography of Aristotle and his activities, I propose to look video film.

He defined all living organisms in a system in which simply organized organisms stood at the lowest level, and more complex animals stood above. For example, he singled out a group of animals that today represent phylum Arthropoda. These include modern insects, crustaceans, spiders.

For a long time, many scientists used the Aristotelian system, but as time went on, the material was enriched with new descriptions, navigators discovered new lands, brought with them previously unknown plants. Aristotle's system could no longer help scientists navigate the diversity of living organisms. By this time, scientists from other countries were also making discoveries, describing new plants and animals, giving them names.
But there was confusion! Since they communicated in different languages, they described it in their own way!
All this led to the fact that scientists could not understand each other.

I found a way out of this situation Carl Linnaeus. look video film about this scientist.

  • He suggested naming animals and plants in one language that would be understood by all scientists. This language was LATIN because it is the forerunner of many European languages. It is the language of science (biology, medicine, etc.)
  • Another very important decision of Linnaeus was his proposal to give living organisms double, or binary (two-conditional), names. For example, flat-leaved birch, dwarf birch. We use Carl Linnaeus's system to this day. Of course, it has changed, but the basis for the classification of living organisms is the core that Linnaeus laid.
Also a famous scientist is Charles Darwin . He is the founder of the theory
evolution. In his work, Darwin stated and was able to prove that species on Earth are impermanent and can change. Useful properties that arise in organisms as a result of adaptation to the environment can be fixed genetically and transmitted from generation to generation.
look video film about Charles Darwin.

Now get up from the table and swipe physical education minute.

In our country, work was also carried out to study living objects. Russia has always been rich in talented people. Among them were many scientists - biologists. All of them have made a huge contribution to the development of domestic and world science.

"Don't laugh at me by dividing the scales, the naturalist's instruments!" - Faust exclaims in despair in the immortal tragedy of I.V. Goethe. And what kind of person is this - a naturalist, how legitimately does the hero apply such a definition to himself?

The meaning of the word "naturalist" lies on the surface - "one who tests nature." This, of course, is not about “strength testing”, which modern man often does with nature, but about “testing”, or rather, “torturing” in the sense of “ask”. The natural scientist is thus understood as a person who wants to receive answers to human questions from nature - i.e. studies it.

Nature is studied by many sciences - yes, almost everything: physics, chemistry, geography, astronomy, biology ... But it was not always like this. In order for each of these sciences to stand out as something independent, it took time for scientists to accumulate and systematize a sufficient amount of information, to formulate some laws (after all, it is the presence of laws that distinguishes science from a field of knowledge). And initially - about three thousand years ago - a person still considered nature as a whole, therefore, knowledge even within the limits of one person was not limited only to plants, stars or substances - that was the era of "undivided" natural sciences, which in such an initially syncretic form are called natural science (this term is preserved even now as a generalized name for the natural sciences).

Ancient and medieval philosophers looked at the world from such an angle. But if philosophy was more of a generalized speculative character, then where a description of specific facts and an experiment appeared, one can already speak of the activity of a tester. It should be noted that - unlike Goethe's hero - the historical Johann Georg Faust does not fall into this category: contemporaries speak of him as a palmist, testify to his astrological forecasts, but not to scientific research - so from our point of view it is rather a pseudoscientist .

But even in modern times, when the natural sciences have already separated from each other, the term "natural scientist" is retained in relation to those who have proven themselves in several sciences.

An example of such a naturalist of the New Age is the German scientist Karl von Reichenbach (1788-1869). This man also distinguished himself in chemistry with the discovery of creosote and paraffin, and at the same time explored the nervous system. It was he who first associated such disorders as hysteria, pathological fears and somnambulism with sensitivity - the brightness of sensory abilities.

If we talk about Russian natural scientists, then first of all we need to remember, of course, M.V. Lomonosov, who proved himself in physics, and in chemistry, and in astronomy, and in instrument making, and in metallurgy.

In modern times, we, perhaps, will no longer meet naturalists. Too much information has been accumulated by mankind in every science, and in order to achieve something in it, one must devote oneself to it without a trace, without being distracted by anything else. Therefore, now we can talk about physicists, chemists, astronomers, etc., but not about natural scientists.

February 10, 2017

The great naturalists were famous scientists who studied nature by interacting directly with it. This word can be deciphered if it is divided into two parts: "nature" is nature, and "test" is a test.

Great naturalists: list

During the period of natural science, when nature had to be described and studied as a whole, i.e., to use knowledge from various fields of science, such as botany, astronomy, zoology, and mineralogy, the first natural scientists appeared in different countries of the world. It is worth listing the scientists, and talking about some in more detail, who managed to make interesting discoveries when there were still so few opportunities and knowledge:

  • Steve Irwin (Australia)
  • Terry Irwin (Australia).
  • Alice Manfield (Australia).
  • Jose Bonifacio de Andrada and Silva (Brazil).
  • Bartolomeu Lourenco de Guzman (Brazil).
  • Eric Pontoppidan (Denmark).
  • Frederik Faber (Denmark).

There were great natural scientists in France, Germany, Great Britain, Poland, Croatia, Switzerland and Russia, among which Vyacheslav Pavlovich Kovrigo, Alexander Fedorovich Kots and Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov are known.

First naturalist

Interest in nature in man appeared in antiquity, when he began to think about which plants can be eaten and which not, how to hunt animals and how to tame them.

In ancient Greece, the first great naturalists appeared, including Aristotle. He was the first to study and observe nature and made an attempt to systematize his knowledge. At the same time, the scientist attached sketches to his observations, which helped in the study. It was the first scientific manual that was used for a long time in the study.

During his lifetime, Aristotle created a large zoological garden, and several thousand people were given to help him, among them fishermen, shepherds, hunters, where everyone was known as a master in his own direction.

Based on the information collected, the scientist wrote more than 50 books, where he divided organisms into protozoa, which were at the lowest stage of development, and also identified other living organisms that are more complex. He singled out a group of animals that today are called Arthropods, including Insects and Crustaceans.

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Great naturalists: Carl Linnaeus

Gradually, knowledge accumulated, plants and animals had to be given names, but on different continents people gave their names, as a result of which confusion arose. It was especially difficult for scientists to exchange knowledge and experience, because it was difficult to understand what or who they were talking about. Aristotle's system, which had been used for a long time, became obsolete and was no longer relevant when new lands were discovered.

The first to realize that it was time to clean up was the Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus, who did a great job in the 17th century.

He gave each species a name, and in Latin, so that everyone could understand in different countries of the world. Also, organisms were divided into groups and classifications and received a double name (subspecies). For example, birch has an additional name like flat-leaved and dwarf, brown and white bear.

The Linnaean system is still used, although at different times it has been modified and supplemented, but the core of this system has remained the same.

Charles Darwin

In the 19th century, the famous scientist Charles Darwin lived in England, who contributed to the development of science and created his theory of the origin of the world, which every student knows about.

Many great naturalists adhered to Darwin's version, which was that living organisms change over time, adapting to certain living conditions. But not everyone can adapt, and the strongest survive, who is also able to pass on his best qualities to his descendants.

Russian scientists

In different years, great natural scientists were in Russia, and many people know about their merits and discoveries.

Geneticist Nikolai Vavilov made a huge contribution to the study of cultivated plants. He collected the largest collection of seeds, which numbered about 250 thousand samples, determined their place of origin, and also developed a theory about plant immunity.

Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov made a great contribution to the field of immunology, studying the human body and how it fights various viruses. The works were devoted to the study of cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis, and syphilis, attempts to understand the origin and find ways to fight. He artificially caused syphilis in a monkey and described it in his writings. Only for these achievements can he be classified as a "great naturalist". Biology for him was the main science: he created a theory about the origin of multicellular organisms, during the derivation of which he devoted a lot of time to studying the aging process, and believed that old age comes prematurely due to self-poisoning of the body by various microbes and poisons.

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