Tests for first graders at school. Test "Nonsense" - to assess figurative - logical thinking

For parents of future first graders

All parents want to see their children smart, capable, but, unfortunately, reality does not always meet their expectations. Not all children are gifted, there are with average and low intellectual, creative potential. Most parents understand this and respond appropriately. But for some, coming to terms with the idea that their child is "average" or "weak" is extremely difficult. Instead of helping him develop, there are constant demands on others and the baby to confirm his “exceptional” abilities. And since the requirementsimpossible, claims to everyone but themselves.

The child feels that he does not live up to expectations, but cannot change anything, stops believing in himself, begins to look for reasons in others, becomes aggressive, irritable. Parents are puzzled by the choice of the best school for the child they love so dearly, because, from their point of view, they are ready to do everything for him, but in fact they themselves make him unhappy. This is, of course, an extreme case. But, dear parents, don't you sometimes look like such parents who "ardently love" their child?



How to find the "golden mean" in order, on the one hand, to help the child come to school prepared, and on the other hand, not to overdo it, not to discourage the desire to study with difficult and long exercises? In addition to patience, it is also necessary to know what to pay attention to when dealing with a child. Some parents think that the main thing is to teach the future student to read and count to 100.

As a result, according to primary school teachers,childrenwhen they come to school, they know how to read by syllables, but they do not know the alphabet (letters-sounds), they cannot conduct a sound analysis of the word (identify vowels-consonants, deaf-voiced, hard-soft). But not all children find it easy. Sometimes you need extra exercise at home.

Do not strive for the child to learn to count up to 100, 1000, 1000000. It is important that he understands the composition of the number and can perform simple mathematical operations of addition and subtraction within at least the first ten. In order for the child to master this faster, you can use drawings, diagrams. In a playful way, test his knowledge of geometric shapes, show how you can make different compositions from them, for example, a house, a car, a snowman, etc.

Pay a lot of attention to the development of fine movements of the hand. Painting inside the contour, mosaic, drawing, modeling from plasticine, designing, cutting out complex details from paper with scissors - all this will help you more confidently hold a pencil, a pen. Teachers do not recommend that parents teach their children how to write written letters, because it is more difficult to relearn later than to learn again. At the same time, it is advised to teach the child to write block letters and to train to draw ornaments with elements of letters.


1. Wolf S. Prince from 1 "a": Story.

2. Voronkova L. Girlfriends go to school: A Tale. (We read for ourselves).

3. Golyavkin V. Talkers: Stories, novels.

4. Dragunsky V. Deniskin stories.

5. Zheleznikov V. Boy with paints.

6. Nosov N. Dreamers: Stories. - M.: Rosman.

7. Oseeva V. Blue leaves - M.: Det. lit.

8. Sakharova S. Miracles in a sieve-M.: Det lit.

9. Tolstoy L. Filippok.

10. Schwartz E. First grader: Film story.

These books are recommended for children to read on their own or read by parents, it all depends on the child's reading skills, on the traditions of your family, your desire. Books will give your child an idea about school, lessons, about the changes that await him in the near future - this will help the child quickly adapt to new conditions for him. In addition, family reading always brings together. Feel free to communicate: ask the child what he thinks about what he read, tell him about similarstories from their life experiences. Reading books and talking with you will help your child express his thoughts better, replenish his vocabulary, and this will be very useful to him at school.

When reading books with your child, looking at illustrations, encourage him to retell, compose a story based on an unfamiliar picture. Play a question and answer game, asking you to answer your questions after reading the text. Among the questions there will be part strictly in the text and part not related to this text, for example, about episodes, characters not described in the text, but assumed or mentioned by the author. Thus, you will be able to assess the depth and completeness of the child's understanding of the text, his attentiveness, memory, and also stimulate his creative imagination.


The readiness of the child for school is checked by the ability to classify, generalize, compare. Tasks for the development of these skills can be found in special manuals for preparing for the first grade ("Getting Ready for School", "ABC for Preschoolers", "Developing Games", etc.). You yourself can easily come up with simple children's games for training mental skills, for example, name (show) a number of objects to the child and ask them to find something in common or name (show) two objects in which the child will find similarities and differences.

Undoubtedly, this does not exhaust the preparation for school. In a broad sense, all preschool childhood prepares the transition to a new stage of development. Needless to say, the ability to listen to music, understand and appreciate works of art, the beauty and richness of native nature are of great importance not only for studying at school, but also for all subsequent life. In kindergarten, much attention is paid to the development of a culture of behavior, which is also a very important factor.comprehensive preparation for school, for the future.

However, without the help of the family, the efforts of educators will be of little effect. It is important that at home attention is paid to the personal neatness of the child, accuracy, composure. The future student should have a need to observe the rules of personal hygiene, not only in the presence of adults, but also in any environment. The culture of food, communication and relationships, exactingness to oneself, diligence - all this is included in the requirements set by the school for the culture of the child. Do not forget about it, dear parents.

Test for parents "Is your child ready for school?"

1. Does your child want to go to school?

2. Is your child attracted to school because he learns a lot there and it will be interesting to study there?

3. Is your child able to do something on their own that requires 30 minutes of concentration (for example, building a construction set)?

4. Is it true that your child is not at all shy in the presence of strangers?

5. Does your child know how to make up stories from the picture in at least five sentences?

6. Can your child recite a few poems by heart?

7. Can he change nouns by numbers?

8. Can your child read syllable by syllable or, even better, by whole words?

9. Can your child count to 10 and back?

10. Can he solve simple subtraction or addition problems?

11. Is it true that your child has a firm hand?

12. Does he like to draw and color pictures?

13. Can your child use scissors and glue (for example, to make appliqués)?

14. Can he assemble a cut-away picture from five parts in one minute?

15. Does the child know the names of wild and domestic animals?

16. Can he generalize concepts (for example, call tomatoes, carrots, onions in one word "vegetables")?

17. Does your child like to do things on his own - draw, assemble mosaics, etc.?

18. Can he understand and follow verbal instructions accurately?

If you answered "YES", then put 1 point, if you wrote "NO", then put 0, then add up all the answers.

The number of affirmative answers is:

10-14 points - you are on the right track, the child has learned a lot, and the content of the questions to which you answered in the negative will tell you the points for further efforts;

9 or less - read special literature, try to spend more time with your child and pay special attention to what he does not know how.

The results may disappoint you. But remember that we are all students in the school of life. A child is not born a first grader; readiness for school is a set of abilities that can be exercised.

If you are afraid for the success of your child, we advise you not to focus on developing specific skills - you should not "train" him to add and subtract, read by syllables.

Teaching methods in elementary school are constantly changing, there are many copyrighted programs, and your efforts may run counter to them, which will only make it difficult for the child to learn in the future. It will be much more useful to use general developmental exercises that are useful for strengthening perception, memory, attention, and fine motor skills of the hands. Teach your child to pay attention to how the words sound - invite him to clearly repeat the words, both Russian and foreign, familiar and unfamiliar ("electrification", "magistracy", etc.).

Learn with him poems, tongue twisters and compose fairy tales. Ask them to repeat what they heard by heart and retell it in their own words. Remember the collective games like "The lady sent a hundred rubles" - they develop the arbitrariness of actions, concentration, enrich the children's speech reserve.

It is very useful to memorize various objects, their quantity and relative position; Pay your child's attention to the details of the landscape and the environment. Do not forget to often ask him to compare various objects and phenomena - what they have in common and how they differ.

Have your child memorize a sequence of numbers (for example, phone numbers). Maze games, in which you need to "trace" the path of the character, as well as the task of comparing two almost identical drawings, stimulate the development of concentration of attention.

Do not neglect activities that develop and strengthen small hand movements: modeling, drawing, applications, games with LEGO-type constructors - all this creates the prerequisites for the formation of good handwriting and contributes to the development of the child's thinking. Use improvised means - you can separate peas from corn or beans, sort out buttons, spread out matches.

And, no matter how the objective successes of your child advance, try to create a healthy mood before school, in which he would strive for knowledge, not be afraid of bad grades and be sure that, an excellent student or a loser, he is still your favorite!

A child entering grade 1 should know:

  • In what country does he live, in what city, on what street, in what house and in what apartment
  • Full names of family members, their professions
  • Rules of conduct in public places and on the street

In the area of development of speech and readiness for literacy

  • Be able to clearly pronounce all speech sounds
  • Be able to distinguish sound intonation in words
  • Be able to isolate a given sound in a speech stream
  • Be able to identify the place of a sound in a word
  • Know how to pronounce words
  • Be able to make sentences of 3-5 words
  • Be able to use generalizing concepts in speech
  • Be able to tell a story from a picture
  • Be able to make multiple sentences about a subject
  • Distinguish genres of fiction (fairy tale, story, poem, fable)
  • Learn to recite your favorite poem
  • Know the author of the poem you read
  • Be able to convey the content of a fairy tale

By the beginning of schooling, the child should have developed elementary mathematical concepts:

  • Know the numbers from 0 to 9
  • Be able to count to 10 and back
  • Be able to name the previous and subsequent number relative to any number within the first ten
  • Know the signs +, -, =,<, >
  • Be able to compare the numbers of the first ten
  • Be able to correlate the number and the number of objects
  • Be able to compare 2 groups of objects
  • Be able to compose and solve problems in one step for addition and subtraction
  • Know the names of the shapes: triangle, square, circle
  • Be able to compare objects by color, size, shape
  • Be able to operate with concepts: “left”, “right”, “up”, “down”, “earlier”, “later”, “forward”, “for”, “between”
  • Be able to group the proposed items according to a certain attribute

In the area of ideas about the environment The future first grader needs:

  • Be able to distinguish in appearance the plants common in our area
    (spruce, birch, oak, sunflower, chamomile, etc.)
  • Be able to distinguish between wild and domestic animals
  • Be able to recognize the appearance of birds
  • Be aware of seasonal signs of nature
  • Know 1-3 indoor plants
  • Know the names of the 12 months of the year>
  • Know the names of the days of the week

Tests and exercises for future first graders

Exercise for the development of voluntary attention.

The child is given a sheet of paper, colored pencils and asked to draw 10 triangles in a row. When this work is completed, the child is warned to be careful, as the instruction is only spoken once. “Be careful, shade the third, seventh and ninth triangles with a red pencil” If the child asks again, answer - let him do as he understands. If the child coped with the first task, you can continue to work, gradually complicating the tasks.

Exercise for the development of observation.

Offer the child a game: "Carefully look around the room and find objects that have a circle, a circle." The child names objects - a clock, a pencil base, a switch, a vase, a table: You can play this game in a competitive form for a group of children, come up with similar tasks.

Game for the development of memory.

This game can be played with a child, for example, during long trips. The adult starts this game and says: "I put apples in the bag." The next player repeats what was said and adds something else: “I put apples and bananas in the bag.” The third player repeats the entire phrase and adds something of his own. You can simply add one word at a time, or you can select words alphabetically.

Game for training thinking and ingenuity “How can this be used?”

Offer the child a game - find as many options as possible for using any object. For example, you name the word “pencil”, and the child comes up with how to use it - write, draw, use it as a stick, pointer, thermometer for a doll, fishing rod, etc.

Test "Nonsense" - to assess the figurative - logical thinking

Show the child a picture that depicts various nonsense and ask him to carefully consider the picture and say what is drawn wrong. Ask your child to explain what exactly is wrong in these ridiculous situations. The entire task is given 2 minutes. It is good if the child notices more than 8 absurdities during this time.

Test for future first graders:

- give your last name, first name, patronymic;
- how old are you? How much will it be in a year? And after two?
- What are your parents' names?
- In the morning you have breakfast, and in the afternoon ...?
Compare an airplane and a bird. What do they have in common, how do they differ?
- football, gymnastics, tennis, swimming - is it ...?
What needs to be done to make the water in the kettle boil?
- knife, what is it? Bicycle, what is it? Kilogram, what is it?
Compare a square and a rectangle. What do they have in common, how do they differ? What other geometric shapes do you know?
- what country do you live in? What is your address?
- birch, oak, aspen - is this ...?
What kind of domestic, wild animals do you know? Why are they called that?
- a cow has a calf, a dog has ..., a horse has ...?
Why does the barrier go down before the train passes?
- cucumber, tomato, carrot, beet - is it ...?
Look at which group of questions the child managed to cope with less successfully, and pay special attention to this side of vocabulary thinking.

One of the most accessible and common methods for testing a child's readiness for schooling is the Kern-Jirasek test.
It consists of three tasks:
- draw the figure of a person;
- copy a short phrase;
– copy 10 points located one below the other at an equal distance vertically and horizontally.
Prepare a blank sheet of paper, a pencil, two task cards. On one of them, with a black felt-tip pen (not very thick), you need to write the phrase “He ate soup”, the vertical size of the letters is 1 cm, and the capital letter is 1.5 cm. On the second card, you need to draw 10 dots, the distance between the dots vertically and horizontally – 1 cm, dot diameter – 2 mm. When completing the first task, tell the child: “Draw here (on a blank sheet) some man, uncle, as best you can.” Children often ask many additional questions, it is better to answer them: “Draw as you can.” You can encourage the child if he is not sure.

After the child finishes drawing, you need to turn the sheet over and give the following task: “Something is written on this card, you still don’t know how to write in written letters, so try to copy as accurately as possible at the top of the sheet” (the task card must be placed in front of child). Then offer to draw dots at the bottom of the sheet.

Each task is scored on a five-point scale, with 1 being the best and 5 being the worst.
Criteria for assessing the image of a person: 1 point is given when the figure has a head, neck, torso, arms and legs, hair on the head, eyes, nose, mouth on the face, there are signs of clothing, and 5 points - when the figure " something" cephalopod.
When evaluating the phrase, 1 point is given when the phrase is copied accurately enough, 2 points - the sentence can be read, 3 points - at least 4 letters can be read, 4 points - at least two letters are similar to the sample, the visibility of the letter is preserved, 5 points - scribbles.
When evaluating the drawing of points: 1 point - a fairly accurate reproduction of the sample, but it is possible to increase or decrease the figure while maintaining vertical and horizontal symmetry; 2 points - a slight violation of symmetry is possible, the image of circles instead of dots is acceptable; 3 points - a group of points does not correspond well to the sample, symmetry is broken, possibly more or fewer points; 4 points - the points are located in a heap, but resemble any geometric figure; 5 points - scribble.

The scores for each task are summed up. A school-ready child usually gets from 3 to 9 points. As you can see, the range is quite wide, so don't worry if you think you can't accurately rate. The Kern-Jirasek test gives an idea of ​​the level of general development of the child, spatial perception, copying abilities, as well as the degree of development of hand-eye coordination - all this is necessary when teaching a child at school.

A test with which you can determine whether the baby wants to go to school and what attracts him there:

1. If there were two schools - one with Russian language, mathematics, reading, singing, drawing and physical education lessons, and the other with only singing, drawing and physical education lessons - which one would you like to study in?
2. If there were two schools - one with lessons and breaks, and the other with only breaks and no lessons - which one would you like to study in?
3. If there were two schools - in one they would give fives and fours for good answers, and in the other they would give sweets and toys - which one would you like to study in?
4. If there were two schools - in one you can get up only with the permission of the teacher and raise your hand if you want to ask something, and in the other you can do whatever you want in the lesson - which one would you like to study in?
5. If a teacher in your class fell ill and the director offered to replace her with another teacher or mother, who would you choose?
6. If there were two schools - one would give homework, and the other would not - which one would you like to study in?
7. If my mother said: “You are still quite small, it is difficult for you to get up, do your homework. Stay in kindergarten and go to school next year,” would you agree with such a proposal?
8. If mom said: “I agreed with the teacher that she would go to our house and study with you. Now you don’t have to go to school in the morning,” would you agree with such a proposal?
9. If your friend (girlfriend) asked what you like most about school, what would you say to him?
Review the child's responses. 1 point is given for each correct answer, 0 points for an incorrect answer. If the child scored 5 points or more, we can safely say that he is internally ready for school. (END)
It would be nice to watch how your child plays with children, whether he knows how to play “by the rules” not only with peers, but also with adults.

If for some reason the test results confuse you, seek help from specialists. Maybe there is a psychologist in your kindergarten who will answer all your questions and dispel your doubts. Now a network of psychological, medical and social centers is being developed in Moscow and other Russian cities. Here, specialists will consult you for free, conduct qualified diagnostics, and determine the level of preparation of the child for school.

When enrolling their baby in first grade, parents inevitably ask themselves the question: “Is my child ready for school, does he have all the knowledge and skills?” In today's material, we will tell you what tests exist for admission to a school for first graders, and give some tips and recommendations.

What is the purpose of testing and how is it done?

Many parents consider testing a kind of exam and set up the child in advance that if he gives incorrect answers, he will not be accepted to school.

This position is extremely wrong. Testing is not an exam, its main task is to introduce teachers to future students and the possibility of adjusting the training program depending on the capabilities and level of development of children.

Testing is carried out in the classroom in the presence of the child's parents. So, if the child is frightened, excited or shy, relatives will be able to cheer up the little one, support him, and maybe even suggest.

15–20 minutes are allotted for testing one child, during which time the child will be offered several tasks for logic, attention, mathematics, and speech development. Questions will also be asked to get an idea of ​​the overall development of the little one.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with sample tasks for various skills and abilities.

General knowledge

The child should be able to coherently tell about himself and his family, answering the questions of the teacher:

  1. State your full name and surname.
  2. State your full date of birth.
  3. Name the full home address (number of the house and apartment, street, city, region, country).
  4. Give the full names of the parents, their age, where and by whom they work.
  5. Name your brothers and sisters, if any, their age, and also say what they do - schoolchildren, preschoolers, students, etc.

In addition, the baby must confidently name:

  1. Parts of the day, days of the week, months, seasons, be able to name the months of a particular season.
  2. 5 male and 5 female names.
  3. Several musical instruments.
  4. 5 wild and 5 domestic animals.
  5. 5 wild and 5 domestic birds.
  6. 5 names of trees, shrubs, mushrooms.
  7. The flowers that grow in the garden and in the room are also at least five.

Also, the child should be able to draw a human figure with all the main parts of the body, including the neck, fingers, hair, etc.

Knowledge in mathematics

This series of questions will allow the teacher to make a judgment not only about the level of mathematical preparation of the baby, but also about his spatial thinking.

  1. Numbers from zero to twenty and counting down.
  2. Even numbers from zero to ten and back.
  3. Odd digits from one to nine and back.
  4. adjacent numbers.
  5. The composition of the number.
  6. Simple arithmetic operations with numbers - addition, subtraction.
  7. Basic two-dimensional geometric shapes - square, triangle, circle, oval, rectangle, the ability to draw them.
  8. Knowledge of several volumetric figures - a sphere, a pyramid, a cylinder, a cone.
  9. Understanding and ability to show the directions of the sides (right, left, top, bottom).
  10. The ability to compare: "more" - "less", "higher" - "lower", "shorter - longer".

Knowledge of literacy and speech development

The kid should be able to compose a coherent story from several pictures, having previously laid them out in the correct order. In addition, the child must have the following skills:

  1. To know the alphabet, to be able to read (at least by syllables) a small passage from several simple sentences.
  2. Be able to print simple words.
  3. Learn to distinguish between vowels and consonants.
  4. Be able to distinguish between hard and soft sounds.
  5. Be able to determine the number of sounds in a word.
  6. Be able to make simple sentences with the given word.
  7. Tell a short poem.
  8. Be able to retell a simple text, story, fairy tale.
  9. Be able to select synonyms and antonyms for a given word.

Tasks for logic, memory and attention

During testing, the teacher can offer the child the following questions and tasks:

  1. Memorize 5-7 out of 10 clearly named simple words.
  2. Remember and name at least six of the 12 pictures simultaneously shown to the baby for 30 seconds.
  3. Find similarities and differences between objects. For example, when asked what is common between a pear and an apple, the little one should say that they are fruits, they are eaten, compote and jam are cooked from them, both grow on a tree, they have a peel, pulp and seeds, etc. And they differ in shape - an apple is round, and a pear consists, as it were, of two balls, etc.
  4. Master the skill of exclusion from a row. For example, a child is offered a series of words or pictures: cheese, butter, sour cream, sand. The child must not only eliminate the superfluous word (sand), but also explain why it is superfluous. “Sand is superfluous because it is inedible. Everything else is food."
  5. Be able to answer questions like “What comes first: breakfast or lunch? What comes after winter: spring or summer? Who is bigger: a cow or a goat? What is the name of a baby cow, horse, dog?
  6. To be able to generalize objects on the basis: from the proposed pictures, the little one must choose those that have something in common. For example, if there are pictures with a car, a cup, an apple, a cat and a bus in front of him, then the child should put the car and the bus aside and say that this is a transport. If a coat, gloves, hat, socks are drawn on the cards, then the baby must say that these are clothes, etc.
  7. Perform a certain sequence of 3–5 actions that the teacher will offer (for example, take a pencil from the pencil case, draw a circle, take the sheet to the table, put the pencil in the pencil case).
  8. Be able to give explanations for simple phenomena (for example, why snow melts in a room).

Based on the results of the tests, the teacher will be able to draw conclusions about the level of preparation of a particular child and give his parents recommendations on what skills and abilities should be paid the most attention to in the time remaining before school.

Tips for preparing your child for testing

In order for the testing to pass without unnecessary worries for you, dear parents, and without tears for the baby, use our tips when preparing for it:

  • Tell the little one about your school years, show photos, remember funny incidents from your school life.
  • Do not set the kid up against the teachers in advance, do not scare him with the “terrible director of the school”, deuces and punishments. On the contrary, say that everyone at school is waiting for the appearance of a new student, he will be happy. School means interesting lessons, many new friends, friendly teachers.
  • When preparing for testing with your child, praise him for any correct answers, say: “Well done! You'll do great! You'll see, you can do it!" The kid must believe in himself and not be afraid of tests.
  • Take care of the physical development of the little one: play outdoor games with him, teach him to ride a bicycle or roller skates, sign up for a swimming or gymnastics section. Firstly, the baby will have to undergo “medical testing” in the clinic one way or another, and secondly, it will be easier for a healthy, strong and physically developed child to adapt to school life.
  • Pay attention to the social education of the child. It will be easier for a sociable child to communicate with strangers during testing. Teach the little one to talk with peers and adults, organize collective games in the yard or at home, take the baby to exhibitions, to the theater, to other interesting events.

Preparing a child for tests is not an easy task. In order for the efficiency to be as high as possible, and classes to be as effective as possible, they can be organized in different ways:

  • Enroll your child in a child development center.
  • Contact private tutors.
  • To deal with the little one on your own at home, armed with methodological literature and recommendations from specialists, which, by the way, are in large numbers on the website of the Eureka Research Institute.

We wish you good luck with your preparation and successful completion of the tests. No fluff or feather to you, baby! See you soon!

A simple test for future first graders

The minimum knowledge of a future first-grader is evaluated not by the number of words that he can read per minute, and not by knowledge of the multiplication table. To assess a child's readiness for primary education, they may be asked the following questions:

    Give your last name, first name, patronymic.

    How old are you? How much will it be in a year? And after two?

    What are your parents' names?

    In the morning you have breakfast, and in the afternoon...?

    Compare an airplane and a bird. What do they have in common, how do they differ?

    Football, gymnastics, tennis, swimming is...?

    What needs to be done to make the water in the kettle boil?

    Knife - what is it? Bicycle - what is it? Kilogram - what is it?

    Compare square and rectangle. What do they have in common, how do they differ? What other geometric shapes do you know?

    What country do you live in? What is your address?

    Birch, oak, aspen - is it ...?

    What domestic, wild animals do you know? Why are they called that?

    A cow has a calf, a dog has ..., a horse has ...?

    Why does the barrier go down before the train passes?

    Cucumber, tomato, carrot, beet - is this...?

Every preschooler knows how to draw, as well as draw different lines on paper. But his ability to do this is most often tested in very specific ways. For example,Kern-Jirasek test.

It consists of three tasks during which the child should not be prompted:

    Draw a human figure (the more details the child reproduced - fingers, eyelashes, hair - the better);

    Copy a short phrase (for example, write “He ate soup” on a sheet and ask the child to rewrite the phrase as accurately as possible on a blank sheet);

    Copy 10 points located one below the other at an equal distance vertically and horizontally.

Another "drawing" test, showing the development of fine motor skills in a child, is as follows: draw a circle with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm with a compass. Let the child circle it along the contour without lifting his hand from the paper. Pay attention to how accurately he will complete the task.

Teachers also offer parents to attend school preparation courses at least a year before school, or to develop their child’s attentiveness, observation and perseverance on their own, offering him to perform various exercises ... For example:

"Ten Triangles" Invite the child to draw ten triangles in a row with colored pencils. When the work is completed, ask him to shade the third, seventh and ninth triangles. The task is repeated only once. The child performs it, as he understood on the first try.

"How can it be used?" Any object can be made an object for the development of the child's thinking and ingenuity. For example, a regular pencil. Ask your child how to use it? Let him come up with at least 10 options (draw like a stick, a fishing rod, a thermometer, etc.).

"Nonsense". For this task, you need to prepare pictures with absurdities - for example, vegetables hanging on trees and fruits growing on the beds. Within two minutes, the child must find all the inconsistencies shown in the picture.

Psychologists say that a child should not only be able to do many things, but also want to go to school. Does your child want to be a first grader? This can be tested by asking him a few questions. True, the test offered on many educational sites will surely cause a smile from parents who, in all honesty, would choose the “wrong” answer options ...

A test that can be used to determine whether the child wants to go to school and what attracts him there

    If there were two schools - one with lessons in Russian, mathematics, reading, singing, drawing and physical education, and the other with only lessons in singing, drawing and physical education - which one would you like to study in?

    If there were two schools - one with lessons and breaks, and the other with only breaks and no lessons - which one would you like to go to?

    If there were two schools - one would give tens and nines for good answers, and the other would give sweets and toys - which one would you like to study in?

    If there were two schools - in one you can get up only with the permission of the teacher and raise your hand if you want to ask something, and in the other you can do whatever you want in the lesson - which one would you like to study in?

    If a teacher in your class fell ill and the director offered to replace her with another teacher or mother, who would you choose?

    If there were two schools, one would give homework and the other would not, which one would you like to go to?

    If mom said: “You are still quite small, it’s hard for you to get up, do your homework. Stay in kindergarten and go to school next year,” would you agree with such a proposal?

    If mom said: “I agreed with the teacher that she would go to our house and study with you. Now you don’t have to go to school in the morning,” would you agree with such a proposal?

    If your friend (girlfriend) asked what you like most about school, what would you say?

Review the child's responses. 1 point is given for each correct answer, 0 points for an incorrect answer. If the child scored 5 points or more, we can safely say that he is internally ready for school.

However, let's leave the child behind. Indeed, often our parental opinion about our own child seems to us much more objective. In this case, you can try to assess the readiness of the baby for school by answering questions ...

Test for parents of future first graders

    Does your child want to go to school?

    Is your child attracted to school because he learns a lot there and it will be interesting to study there?

    Is your child able to do something on his own that requires concentration for 30 minutes (for example, building a construction set)?

    Is it true that your child is not at all shy in the presence of strangers?

    Does your child know how to make up stories from the picture in at least five sentences?

    Can your child recite a few poems by heart?

    Can he change nouns by numbers?

    Can he solve simple subtraction or addition problems?

    Is it true that your child has a firm hand?

    Does he like to draw and color pictures?

    Can your child use scissors and glue (for example, to make appliqués)?

    Can he assemble a cut-away picture from five parts in one minute?

    Does the child know the names of wild and domestic animals?

    Can he generalize concepts (for example, call tomatoes, carrots, onions in one word “vegetables”)?

    Does your child like to do things on his own - draw, assemble mosaics, etc.?

    Can he understand and follow verbal instructions accurately?

10-14 points - you are on the right track, the child has learned a lot, and the content of the questions to which you answered in the negative will tell you the points for further efforts;

9 or less - read special literature, try to spend more time with your child and pay special attention to what he does not know how.

Advanced test for future first graders

Parents who doubt whether to send their child to school from the age of 6 or 7 can use the advice that the interfax.by portal published in the article and in material . If you are completely sure that your child is completely ready for the gymnasium at the age of 5, and the whole environment considers you crazy, take the test below with your child, which is used by some development centers to assess the capabilities of their pupils and answer questions which are designed to determine whether your child has all the abilities that a 6-7-year-old child needs - the one who goes to first grade ...

    How old is dad (mother, sister, brother)? When are their birthdays?

    Where and by whom does father (mother) work?

    What shoe size do you have?

    How to thread a needle?

    How to sew on a button?

    What to do if you cut your finger?

    What to do if you hit your head and feel sick?

    How to make a phone call?

    You swim (in a river, in a lake, in the sea). What are the signs that you need to get out of the water immediately?

    Where can you not eat ice cream?

    How to behave at the table?

    When does a bee sting? The difference between a bee and a wasp.

    What can you eat if your stomach hurts?

    What can not be eaten if the tooth hurts?

    What food do you want to drink after?

    How much and when can you drink in the heat?

    How to wash dirty dishes?

    Which potatoes boil faster - whole or sliced? How to fry it?

    How to peel old and young potatoes? How to clean carrots?

    Where to put leftover food, unusable?

    How to make tea? How much sugar should be put in a glass of tea?

    How much does a loaf of white (gray) bread cost?

    Can you bathe a dog the same way you bathe a cat? If possible, how?

    The apartment smelled of gas. What to do?

    How to clean shoes, wash a shirt?

    Where is the ice thicker - near the shore or in the middle of the reservoir?

    There is a puddle of water on the floor. Which rag is best to remove water - dry or wet?

    Why can't zoo visitors feed the animals?

    What rubbish should be swept with a wet broom?

    How to behave at a party?

    What does dad (mom) love the most?

    Why not play on the construction site?

    How many slices of bread do you need for lunch?

    How many minutes does it take you to get to school on foot?

    How to deal with flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches?

    What is your address (home phone number)?

    How to care for indoor flowers?

    The electrical appliance began to spark and a burning smell appeared in the apartment. What to do?

    A glass object (glass, decanter) fell to the floor and broke into small pieces. What to do?

    The ball flew to the pavement. How to proceed?

    The earthquake happened at night. What to do?

    Bitten by a dog. What to do?

    In front of you is a wounded bird. How to proceed?

    How to draw a correct circle without a compass?

    How to draw a straight line without a ruler?

    There was a sharp pain in the foot while walking. What to do?

    What to do with old newspapers and notebooks?

    A spoon or cup has fallen into boiling water. How to get it?

    During the rain, a large puddle formed in front of the entrance of the house. What can be done to make it easier for people to get in and out?

Basic knowledge of the parents of the future first grader

Children of the seventh year of life who have reached the age of 6.5 years by September 1 are admitted to general educational institutions. According to the decrees of the Ministry of Education and Science, all children who have reached this age are admitted to the first grade of a state educational institution, regardless of their level of preparation. However, in many schools it is customary to conduct an interview.

Interviews are not to be feared. The results of the interview are advisory only. The main task of the interview - acquaintance of the teacher with future students and possible adjustment of the training program depending on the level of their general development. In many schools in the same parallel, classes are taught according to different programs, there are classes that are more “strong”, for example, “pro-gymnasium”. The interview will help to identify in which class, i.e. what method is recommended for your child to learn.

The interview lasts 20-30 minutes and takes place necessarily in the presence of one of the parents.

It is important to psychologically prepare the child for the interview so that he is not afraid to speak in front of strangers, does not hesitate to ask the task again if he does not understand something.

Before you go to school for an interview, rehearse the interview at home with our questions and assignments.

You can conduct the first rehearsal yourself, and let someone from your acquaintances conduct the next. Remember only that the "rehearsal" should not exceed 30 minutes! Such trial interviews will help relieve the child of possible fear and excitement before a real interview, so that fear does not prevent the future first grader from showing his knowledge.

Sample questions and tasks to prepare your child for an interview at school

  1. What is your name?
  2. When's your birthday?
  3. What is the name of the country where you live?
  4. What city do you live in?
  5. Give me your address.
  6. Do you want to go to school? Why?
  7. Read your favorite poem.
  8. What writers and poets do you know?
  9. Do you have a favorite book?
  10. What do you enjoy doing the most?
  11. What season is it now? Why do you think so?
  12. Finish the sentence: “If you go outside in winter without a warm jacket, then .....”, “It snowed, so .....”
  13. Name the winter, spring, summer, autumn months.
  14. Name the days of the week. What are the days off?
  15. When do you have breakfast? In the evening or in the morning? What comes first - lunch or dinner?
  16. What are your parents' names? Who do they work?
  17. What professions do you know?
  18. What does a doctor (teacher, salesman, postman, .....) do?
  19. What is the name of the profession of a person who cooks food?
  20. What pets do you know?
  21. What are the names of baby dogs (cats, cows, pigs, horses...)?
  22. What animals live in the forest?
  23. What animals and birds do you know that live in hot countries?
  24. Name the insects that fly. What kind of insects crawl?
  25. What is the difference between birch and spruce?
  26. What vegetables do you know? Fruit? Berries?
  27. Make up a story from the picture (children's fun)
  28. Do you know letters? Name them.
  29. Read the words: HOUSE, HORSE, CAT, WARE. Explain what these words mean.
  30. If the vase is made of glass, what is it? If the house is made of brick, what is it like?
  31. Say it right: one key - a lot ...., one floor - a lot ......, one coat - a lot .....
  32. Pick a rhyme for the word bump.
  33. Divide the sentence into words. Masha loves pets. How many words are in this sentence? What is the first word? What is the third?
  34. Divide the word into syllables: MILK.
  35. Count from 1 to 10 and back.
  36. Count your fingers. Which hand has more?
  37. Put as many sticks on the table as there are circles in the picture.
  38. Say the numbers on the cards.
  39. Continue counting 1,2,3.....
  40. Count from 2 to 8, 9 to 4.
  41. Which is greater than 7 or 4, 2 or 5.
  42. Name the neighbors of number 7, number 8.
  43. Name the shapes: rectangle, circle, triangle, square.
  44. Group the figures according to the attribute and name this attribute: shape, color, size.
  45. Which strip is the widest (narrow), the longest (short).
  46. How old were you two years ago? How much will it be in a year?
  47. There are three pears on a dish, how many pears will there be if you put two more?
  48. Divide the cake into two equal parts, and the other into 4 parts.
  49. Graphic dictation (take a piece of paper in a box): four cells up, one cell to the right, three cells down, one cell to the right, three cells up, one to the right, three down, one to the right, three up, one right, four down, five left.
  50. Show me your right hand. Who is sitting to your left? Which of those objects lies in the middle? What is hanging at the top? What lies below?
  51. Pick up patches for rugs (by color and shape).
  52. The picture was cut into parts, number the parts of the picture in the correct sequence (any picture is a mess).
  53. Draw in any sequence everything that you remember (show geometric shapes: circle, rectangle, rhombus, square, triangle).
  54. Find differences. You should pay attention to the fact that not only small details, but also colors can differ. As a rule, such pictures contain 10 differences. If the child found 9-10, that's good; 6-8 - his attention needs to be developed; less than 6 - you need to deal with the child daily.
  55. Name it in one word: dress, jacket, trousers.
  56. Name an extra word: - saw, paper, ax, hammer; - beautiful, big, huge, gigantic.
  57. Tell me how these objects are similar and how they differ: milk and water; wardrobe and refrigerator; cup and plate; snowman and snowdrift.
  58. Which word is longer and which is shorter: snake and worm; pencil and pen; forest and meadow.
  59. Does it happen or not? The dog went into the booth. The girl does not play with dolls. The boy is watering the flowers. The tea is not salty. Grass does not grow near the house.
  60. Finish the offer. It’s light during the day, but at night ..... The cow mooes, and the chicken .... The plane flies, and the ship ..... They paint with a brush, but with scissors .... A fish has scales, and a bird ...
  61. Worth maple. There are two branches on a maple, on each branch there are two cherries. How many cherries grow on a maple?
  62. If a goose stands on two legs, then it weighs 4 kg. How much will a goose weigh if it stands on one leg?
  63. Two sisters have one brother. How many children are in the family?
  64. What is heavier - a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of potatoes?
  65. Copy on a piece of paper: He ate soup.