Solar eclipse in a year. What Not to Do During an Eclipse

In 2018, there will be a particularly rare occurrence - 5 Eclipses a year, three of which will occur this summer. One of them will be the longest in the last 100 years. The eclipses of summer 2018 will open a new page in our lives and turn the world of every person upside down.

Partial Solar Eclipse July 13, 2018

The Solar Eclipse will be a moment of crisis and turning point for absolutely all Zodiac Signs. Deep fears and worries can make themselves felt. The Eclipse will make every person look at their life differently, let go of control, no longer hide their emotions.

The eclipse of the Sun will be an incentive for every person to go straight to the solution of important issues, to be active, active, independently change their lives, abandon harmful attitudes and habits in favor of good ones.

The Solar Eclipse of July 2018 will bring qualitative changes to the life of every person. Our task is to accept them. The eclipse will force people to show determination, fighting spirit and courage. Many will be able to overcome the crisis on their own and achieve success with its help.

Most of all, the Eclipse will affect Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.

  • The Solar Eclipse on July 13, 2018 will take place at 20°41′ Cancer.
  • Start of the Eclipse: 04:48 Moscow time
  • Maximum phase: 06:01 Moscow time
  • End: 07:13 Moscow time

Total Lunar Eclipse July 27, 2018

The Lunar Eclipse of July 2018 will be the longest in the last 100 years - 1 hour 43 minutes. A Lunar Eclipse always falls on a Full Moon. This Eclipse will be quite intense and will bring some serious upheaval to many people. The purpose of the Eclipse is to break down old non-working models in order to build new ones in their place. And that's always hard to get over.

The Lunar Eclipse of July 2018 will bring many people unpleasant life moments: financial difficulties, termination of personal relationships, serious shocks. The eclipse of the Moon will destroy everything that does not bring happiness and joy: there will be problems at an unloved job, unresolved issues in relationships will come out, conflict situations will aggravate.

A week before and two weeks after the Eclipse, it is important to refrain from conflicts and quarrels, as they can develop into big problems. You should not act hastily. It should be remembered that in order to create something new and beautiful, you must first destroy the old and inoperative. The purpose of the Eclipse is to turn our lives in the direction of happiness and success, no matter how painful it may be.

  • The Lunar Eclipse on July 27, 2018 will occur at 04°45′ Aquarius.
  • During a Lunar Eclipse, there is always a Full Moon.
  • Beginning of the Eclipse: July 27 at 20:15 Moscow time
  • Maximum phase: July 27 23:22 Moscow time
  • End: July 28 2:28 Moscow time

Partial Solar Eclipse August 11, 2018

The Solar Eclipse on August 11, 2018 will be more positive and easier for everyone. The Solar Eclipse of August 2018 will help each person to solve some problems from the past with the help of a creative approach. This Eclipse will give you the opportunity to overcome your insecurities, take a big step forward and get closer to your goals.

The solar eclipse in August 2018 will give people a huge boost of optimism and self-confidence. But that's why it's important to be careful. Too much overconfidence can also lead to problems. In August 2018, you need to act thoughtfully, do not make decisions in haste, do not rush. This will be the last and most optimistic Eclipse of 2018.

Most of all, the Eclipse will affect Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, Scorpio.

  • The solar eclipse on August 11, 2018 will take place at 18°42′ Leo.
  • During a Solar Eclipse, there is always a New Moon.
  • Beginning of the Eclipse: August 11 at 11:02 Moscow time
  • Maximum phase: August 11 at 12:47 Moscow time
  • End: August 11 at 14:30 Moscow time

Stormy showdowns, meetings, partings, divorces, illusions, hopes, dreams, desires, karma, punishment, passions - this will boil the sky, and, as Trismegistus said, as above, so below. What are we to do here on Earth? What to prepare for? Here, you know, "straws" will not do. Someone will have to look for a "bomb shelter", and someone - a "machine gun". And everyone, in general, needs to seriously prepare for the opening portal of three eclipses in the second half of this year, which will take place in July and August - the first two months of the second half of the year.

(Professional astrologer, expert numerologist)

The energies of the two months of summer are similar and complex. A partial solar eclipse (not total) will take place on July 13 at 05:49 along with the new moon in the sign of Cancer. All the most important matters and questions, long trips and travels - it is better to move closer to September. During the eclipse in July 2018, special attention should be paid to health issues: the digestive organs, the gastrointestinal tract, and the heart. You can start a course of cleansing the intestines and blood. It is better to reduce physical activity.

It is most useful to engage in this day with the knowledge of the inner world, spiritual practices, turn to the Lord through prayers, and fast. During the eclipse in July 2018, you can use the visualization technique, however, you can’t do without fantasy and creative imagination here - imagine that all your innermost desires have already come true, and dreams will materialize.

Total lunar eclipse July 27, 2018

A total lunar eclipse plus a full moon, as well as the opposition of red Mars in line with the Sun, will bring us many events. The time of the lunar eclipse on July 27, 2018 will come at 23:22 in the sign of Aquarius and will bring, despite its obvious rigidity and militancy, some positive moments. The confrontation between Mars and the Sun is best perceived as a Universal bonus - it's just that this spectacle itself promises to be beautiful and magnificent.

Binoculars will help him see the beginning of the lunar eclipse on July 27, 2018. We will be filled with strength, energy and creative insight. To mitigate the negative of the lunar eclipse, it is good to direct your thoughts to creation, give yourself a positive attitude, cancel flights scheduled for the lunar eclipse on July 27, 2018.

Solar eclipse August 11, 2018

The third and last partial solar eclipse this year will occur on August 11, 2018 at 12:58 pm in the sign of Leo. This will be a difficult time for making decisions, and one cannot rely on intuition prompts, since the inner voice "works" with errors. During the solar eclipse on August 11, 2018, natural disasters, floods and fires are possible, it is not recommended to go on long journeys or drive on the road.

If there is a desire to quarrel or scandal, it is better to break the plate. August 11, after the solar eclipse of 2018, is a great time to start nutrition correction courses, cleansing practices. The main principle in nutrition is fragmentation, frequency of meals and water.

It is important to build good relationships with the people around you. Do not answer challenges, do not scandal and do not conflict, keep yourself in control with your last strength.

Various events can occur not only on August 11, 2018, but also after a partial solar eclipse. During the entire period of the eclipse portal, take care of children, do not let them go away from you, do not leave them to swim alone in the ponds. And exclude alcohol yourself and do not climb into the water in general, but in particular when intoxicated.

Period of retrograde planets in 2018

It's nice that from July 11, our beloved, social Jupiter will become direct. But from June 27 to August 27, Mars will be retrograde. Mercury will also begin to move in the opposite direction from July 26 to August 19. In total, six planets will be in retro motion in August. Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto will be added to the company of "retro walks". We will meet old friends, former loved ones, we will be remembered for old debts, mistakes and mistakes. Do not buy a car, expensive equipment and large items.

Try to summarize everything, if possible, return what you took from someone else, put your documents in order, throw old things out of the house, give up obsolete connections. Get rid of fears, feelings of guilt, bad habits, excess weight, negative energy-informational influences. Practice forgiveness and gratitude meditations.

During a solar eclipse, the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, and completely or partially covers the Sun from the point of view of an earthly observer. It only happens on the new moon. During a lunar eclipse, the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun, and its shadow covers the Moon. It only happens on full moons.

Eclipses are total and partial. The most spectacular is a total eclipse, the shadow completely covers the disk of the Sun or the Moon. Total eclipses occur less frequently than private eclipses, they can be observed even less often, because each eclipse is visible only at certain points on the Earth.

Should you be afraid of eclipses?

Many myths and superstitions have been created around eclipses; in ancient times, they caused people fear and expectation of future troubles. Ancient astrologers also expected misfortunes that should fall on the state if an eclipse was visible on its territory. And in general, they were not advised to observe this astronomical phenomenon, so as not to bring trouble on themselves personally.

Although there are no recorded cases of someone suffering from observing an eclipse, if he did not do something crazy at the same time, the risk of heart attacks and strokes, exacerbation of mental and psychosomatic diseases increases on the days of the eclipse. And it is not those who watched the eclipse that are at risk, but those who have poor health and do not care enough about it, forgetting about treatment and prevention.

There is no need to be afraid of eclipses. It's worth being afraid. Not the Sun and the Moon, but people. For many, during an eclipse of the luminaries, an eclipse of reason occurs. People with an unbalanced psyche become completely uncontrollable and it is better to stay away from them. You should also take care of yourself, curbing emotional outbursts and impulsive impulses in time. In a fit of anger, despair, or out of nowhere faith in your greatness, you can do trouble, the consequences of which may be irreversible. Mistakes made during an eclipse are corrected with great difficulty, and often not corrected at all.

What not to do during an eclipse

During an eclipse, one cannot act under the influence of strong emotions and sudden desires. You can not enter into conflicts, succumb to provocations, visit dangerous and dubious places, come into contact with aggressive, drunk, intoxicated drugs, people prone to criminal activity or energy vampirism. You can not use alcohol, strong drugs and anything that leads to a decrease in self-control and can damage your health. You can not get married, sign contracts, start new business, make serious purchases, take loans and lend money.

What can and should be done during an eclipse

Eclipses bring not only problems, but also opportunities for positive changes. On the day of the eclipse, you can permanently get rid of any addictions. Decisively, but without emotions, give up a bad habit or break off unnecessary relationships. Or get rid of the emotional negativity that blocks your energy: feelings of guilt, shame, resentment, fear, hatred. Forgive those who hurt you. Forgive yourself for your imperfections and for your mistakes. By releasing energy, you get the opportunity to fix everything. During the eclipse, you can be creative, relax, take care of your health, and clean up the house.

Eclipses in 2018

The time of eclipses (maximum phase) is indicated in Moscow time. The sign in which the eclipse occurs and the sign opposite to it are most affected, especially people who have the Sun or Moon in these signs in their horoscope, or the eclipsing Sun or Moon are connected to any personal planet. All eclipses have a stronger effect in places where large masses of people gather, covered by strong emotions, regardless of whether it is visible there or not.

Lunar eclipse January 31, 2018

A total eclipse will occur at 4:31 pm at 12 degrees Leo. This is the so-called "blood moon" in the form of a purple-red disk. The eclipse occurs on the 15th, one of the dangerous lunar days that have a full moon. The eclipse in time coincides with the transition of Mercury into the sign of Aquarius, which enhances the impact on thinking and communication skills. It can lead to conflicts at various levels, impossibility to agree, provoke big and unexpected changes.

The eclipse will be visible in Russia, best of all in Siberia and the Far East. And also in North America, Asia, Australia, Africa and the Middle East, the Pacific Islands. Will be influenced by: England, France, India, Iran, Libya, Turkmenistan, the Caucasus, Ukraine and Belarus, Canada and Alaska. It is difficult to find a place outside of its coverage area.

Solar eclipse on February 15, 2018

Partial eclipse will occur at 23h. 53 m. in the 28th degree of Aquarius. It will happen on the auspicious 30th lunar day and will coincide with the Eastern New Year. In addition, it will take place in the midst of the Winter Olympics in Korea (from February 9 to 25), and the eclipse in the sign of Aquarius is especially strong in places where there are a lot of people. The Sun and Moon will be in conjunction with Mercury, and again influenced by the ability of people to think and negotiate. The eclipse can also cause massive illnesses in humans and animals. But the harmonious aspect of Mercury to Uranus also creates positive moments that contribute to renewal and deliverance.

The eclipse will be visible in the southern part of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, in the south of South America (Argentina, Chile) and in Antarctica. In Russia, it will not be visible.

Solar eclipse July 13, 2018

A partial eclipse will occur at 6:20 in the 21st degree of Cancer. In opposition to the luminaries will be Pluto, responsible for large masses of people and the Black Moon (dark instincts). The eclipse falls on the final stage of the World Cup in Russia (from June 14 to July 15), which can increase the emotional intensity (the sign of Cancer, in which it occurs, is very emotional), cause mass discontent, protest. This eclipse also carries an increased health hazard. The fact that it will be on a favorable 30th lunar day and that the eclipse is not visible in Russia slightly smooths out the negative impact.

The eclipse will be visible in the south of Australia, in the southern part of the Pacific and Indian oceans, in Antarctica.

Lunar eclipse July 27, 2018

The total eclipse will occur at 23:23 in the 5th degree of Aquarius and will be the longest eclipse of the 21st century. The Moon at the time of the eclipse will be at the apogee of its orbit (Black Moon) and in conjunction with Mars. And most importantly, the lunar eclipse will coincide with the Great Opposition of Mars, a phenomenon that happens once every 15-17 years and brings serious changes that affect the course of history. The very moment of opposition of Mars makes people more aggressive, unbalanced, increases the risk appetite, reduces self-control, which leads to serious conflicts and riots. The combination of an eclipse and a great opposition, as well as a tense configuration between the Sun, Moon and Uranus (the ruler of Aquarius in which the eclipse occurs) increase the likelihood of extremely negative social, political and economic events. Mars will be in retrograde motion, which may indicate the resumption of old conflicts. Possible news about the illness of an important person.

The eclipse will be visible in Russia (Urals, southern Russia), Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova and the countries of the South Caucasus, the Middle East, Central and South Asia, South and East Africa, southern North America. Mars can also be observed, because it will be as close as possible to Earth during the great confrontation.

Solar eclipse August 11, 2018

A partial eclipse will take place at 12:47 pm in the 19th degree of Leo on the most unfavorable 29th lunar day, revealing all vices. When eclipsed in Leo, this is selfishness, pride and lust for power. The Sun and Moon are in conjunction with Mercury retrograde, which draws people's attention to the past, to the repetition of something. And the tense aspect of the luminaries to Jupiter inclines to rash acts. Uranus in tense aspects to the lunar nodes exacerbates social contradictions, leads to a mass manifestation of discontent. There may be a danger to famous and powerful people or scandals associated with them.

The eclipse will be visible in Russia, China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Northern Canada, the Scandinavian countries, Greenland and Antarctica.

Nina Strelkova, newspaper "Secrets of Astrology" No. 2, 2018

These will be two of extraordinary beauty. full lunar eclipses. The moon will be beautiful - crimson red. Such eclipses are called "bloody".

What to expect and how to prepare for a large-scale space event?

Beauty moon energy

2018 is a special year in many ways. He is wonderfully energetic. The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog will bring 5 eclipses. Such a number of these amazing celestial phenomena have not been for a long time. Apart from two lunar, expected three solar eclipse. Read Solar Eclipse 2018: Dates and Recommendations.

In this article, read about how psychologically, physically, spiritually get ready to lunar eclipses, and safely live them.

The grandiosity of such an incredible natural phenomenon as a lunar eclipse has fascinated people for centuries. So much so that many were afraid of them. Today, the inhabitants of the Earth are also afraid of lunar eclipses.

It is believed that a lunar eclipse can take something, take it away, break something in life. This is how people who think dualistically think. Expand your consciousness. open new understanding the action of the moon!

In nature there is nothing only “black” or only “white”, only bad-good. The energy is one.

Moon eclipse not can carry a person and all of humanity only negative. Evil as such does not exist in nature. What people call evil, as a rule, turns out to be only perceived as negative, form signal coming into good to a person. Moreover, such signals begin to come only after all the positive hints of heaven have been missed, not perceived, not realized.

For example, all illnesses are only signs sent by the body to the mind, indicating that a person is doing something wrong in his life, wrong. Need change attitude towards yourself, your life, then all diseases, other “evil” will go away on their own. After all, not a single disease, as a manifestation of imbalance in a person, appears suddenly. It “climbs out” when an individual falls into the very extreme of something, brings himself to the “last drop”.

What to do during lunar eclipses in 2018

Periods of lunar eclipses- great opportunity consciously get rid of from everything that is not needed in life, that has become obsolete, served, harms.

Give, let go, say goodbye to what is not needed, without waiting for it to be taken from you by force.

Period four weeks - 2 weeks before lunar eclipse and two weeks after is the perfect time to:

  • control emotions,
  • behave with restraint
  • limit activity, slow down,
  • pay more attention to health
  • get rid of all bad habits,
  • free the mind from negative thoughts, beliefs, attitudes,
  • ask for forgiveness, forgive
  • work out complexes, fears,
  • let go of negative memories of the past,
  • end any unnecessary relationship,
  • cleanse the body in all ways,
  • starve on the water
  • go on a diet,
  • start eating right
  • meditate, pray, engage in other spiritual practices,
  • read spiritual literature
  • do any kind of art
  • engage in psycho-corporal practices (yoga, breathing exercises, etc.),
  • take a bath, take a bath,
  • to be tempered (drenched in water)
  • throw old things out of the house,
  • carry out general cleaning
  • fumigate rooms,
  • do charity work.

It is good to do everything that leads to liberation at all levels of being. To be cleansed of something, to say goodbye to interfering, harmful aspects of life that do not lead to happiness.

It's great when a person understands that he does not need something, does not cling to the negative in his life, he lets it go.

FROM gratitude let go of everything that goes into the lunar eclipses in 2018.

When personality does not realize who harms himself by certain actions, thoughts, relationships, perceives the loss of these parts of his life as a painful loss.

Remember how a child reacts when his mother does not allow him to play with a knife? She abruptly, quickly, without further ado takes it from the child, but he does not understand, cries, gets angry, offended: “Why ?!”

Playing with dangerous “toys”, you flirt with misfortune.

And life wants you to be happy!

If a Sun- the personification of the male, the Father, then Moon- feminine.

A solar eclipse is usually something gives brings to life. The Moon, like a caring loving Mother, can sometimes take away something harmful from you, helps to take stock, get rid of the past, resolve confusing situations and the most difficult problems.

That's why think what or who prevents you from being a happy person. Write it all down on a piece of paper. Start getting rid of all this “garbage” during lunar eclipses. It will do like never before simply, easy, good.

Work through alone or with a psychologist all negative emotions, feelings, thoughts. The moon is especially good at helping to cope with feelings. guilt and resentment. Be sure to forgive all the offenders, ask for forgiveness from yourself, from your loved ones.

Exact times and dates of lunar eclipses in 2018

Do you dream of living easily? So that everything goes like clockwork - wishes come true soon after they were made, and in the most favorable way for you? Do you want the whole universe to favor you? Enlist the support of the moon! It's simple! Enjoy!

Attention! This is a secret so powerful that successful, rich and happy people don't talk about it. And the secret is that they all adjust their daily/monthly/yearly schedule to the moon! - something that does not need advertising, because it is not only sacred, but also essential things.

Your privatefree A calendar that will bring you happiness incredibly easily - !

The time of lunar eclipses is characterized by the maximum concentration of energy of this satellite of the Earth. A powerful energy flow becomes a conductor of change, bringing them into the life of the Earth and earthlings.

Exact time and dates of lunar eclipses in 2018:

  1. In winter. January 31 2018 (Wednesday) at 13:51:13 Moscow time (MSK) - the beginning of a total lunar eclipse. At 16:31:00 Moscow time - the maximum phase. At 19:08:31 Moscow time - the end of the lunar eclipse.
  2. Summer. July 27 2018 (Friday) at 20:14:46 Moscow time - the beginning of a total lunar eclipse. At 23:22:54 UTC - the maximum phase. At 02:28:43 UTC - the end of the lunar eclipse.

Peculiarity lunar eclipse January 31 2018 - highlighting love relationships. All flaws, shortcomings, secrets in this area will become visible. Not only excessive emotionality may appear, but also a certain dramatization of relationships. The eclipse will also emphasize the area where love and money intersect. However, astrologers assure that the Moon will definitely have a positive impact on this area.

Summer lunar eclipse July 27 2018 will also highlight relationship and money issues, but in a larger, more social aspect. You will need to be as restrained as possible in emotions in order to exclude financial problems, interpersonal, intergroup social conflicts. The best thing you can devote this day to is passive outdoor recreation. You will not just relax at this time - recharge your batteries!

Lunar eclipses in 2018 sharpen your intuition. Perhaps the discovery of psychic abilities.

What not to do during lunar eclipses in 2018

The days of lunar eclipses are unusually powerful in their energy. Them influence may affect the following:

  • three months
  • half a year
  • eighteen and a half years old.

On the days (and especially at the exact time) of lunar eclipses it does not follow:

  • start new, important things,
  • make transactions
  • to exchange money
  • sort things out,
  • show negative emotions
  • perform operations, treat teeth, carry out other interventions in the work of the body,
  • overstrain the body, mind, soul,
  • cutting hair,
  • get married,
  • beget children,
  • to be in the crowd
  • eat (it is advisable not to eat 3 hours before and after the maximum phase of the lunar eclipse),
  • drive (if you are in a car, at the exact time of the eclipse it is better to park for 10 minutes, but do not get out of the vehicle).

Generally better don't tempt fate starting from two weeks before, ending two weeks after the eclipse.

But being completely passive, leaving the choice of life path to chance, is also not recommended.

During the lunar eclipse...

Residents of America, Africa, Australia, Europe, including Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians will be able to watch both lunar eclipses in 2018.

During the actual lunar eclipse, be in a building (at home, in an office, in any enclosed space). Do any effective practice to get rid of something.

If you are at work (and lunar eclipses in 2018 fall on weekdays), then take a short break.

Devote at least 10 minutes to interact with the energy of the moon:

  1. Retire.
  2. Relax the body.
  3. Let go of all thoughts.
  4. Focus on breathing.
  5. Inhale deeply several times and exhale completely. At least 3 times.
  6. Mentally remember everything that spoils your life (if you made a list, remember / rewrite / reread it).
  7. Ask for forgiveness from yourself. Forgive yourself.
  8. Mentally ask for forgiveness from loved ones.
  9. Mentally forgive all offenders.
  10. With gratitude and joy for the fact that he was in your life, let go of all negativity, everything bad, unnecessary, harmful.
  11. Imagine that it all goes away, evaporates, disappears, burns in the rays of a flaming lunar disk.
  12. To feel liberation, lightness, joy from the fact that all the bad things are gone. Sincerely thank Heaven, the Universe, God - in whom you believe.

Holding more serious practices, rituals, techniques for deliverance during the days of lunar eclipses allows you to get rid of "incurable" diseases, phobias, deepest psychological traumas, damage, the evil eye, and other intractable tasks. But to conduct strong magical rituals, without having sufficient knowledge, experience, without being accompanied by a specialist in this field, dangerous.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the project “Planet of Joy”. Psychologists, hypnologists, tarologists, su-jok therapists and other specialists led by V. Nagorny are happy to teach you the magic of creating your happy life. Check out some of the most popular and effective courses“ ” (all 3 sessions).

An eclipse, whether solar or lunar, has always terrified and delighted humanity. From the point of view of science, this is an astronomical phenomenon, during which one celestial body closes the flow of light to another and visually gives the impression that the planets disappear.

Any processes and phenomena occurring on the Earth and around it have a certain conditioned influence on our planet and its inhabitants. Solar and lunar eclipses can provoke various kinds of cataclysms, as well as changes in the psychological and physiological health of people.

In 2018, astronomers predict 3 solar and 2 lunar eclipses. Two eclipses will occur in winter, the rest in summer.

It will take place at 1:30. It will be available in Canada, Belarus, Australia, Alaska, Russia and Ukraine, in the western part of the African continent, the Middle East, Central Asia and Western Europe.

First lunar eclipse will be complete. Observations of scientists show that this kind of eclipse have a fatal effect on the psychological endurance of a person. There were psychological breakdowns, conflict situations. In this regard, more attention should be paid to meditation, establishing complete control over one's own feelings and emotions in order to avoid irreparable consequences.

For those who have extraordinary abilities, a lunar eclipse can surprise in the form of a doubling of extrasensory abilities, an increase in the sharpness of perception, intuition.

The powerful of the world should pay more attention to patronage and charity on this day.

At 23 hours 52 minutes there will be a solar eclipse, which can be observed in South America, Antarctica.

This moment is better devote to self-knowledge. Meditation, introspection, reading, watching your favorite movie, a walk in the fresh air will help restore vitality, reassess your past and make your own life predictions more sensibly.

The solar eclipse is not perceived by esotericists with skepticism. The moon temporarily blocks the sun's rays from reaching the earth's surface. The planet is plunged into darkness for a moment. In all religious teachings, this is the time when the forces of evil gain power over fragile human souls and minds. This is fraught with nervous breakdowns, psychological disorders, suicides. For those who harbor insidious plans, revenge, crime, an unseemly act, a solar eclipse will give strength and imagination and push them to take active steps to implement it. For the rest of the people, you should beware of intrigues and conflicts.

It will start at 6 am Moscow time. With the naked eye, it can be seen in Australia, Tasmania, Antarctica, as well as those who at this time will swim in the waters of the Indian Ocean.

This is the time when any undertakings and the implementation of what was previously planned are destined to fail. The sun's rays bring positive energy to the Earth, which will be blocked. You should not fall into despair. It is better to indulge in prayer, meditation during a solar eclipse, dedicate a day to cleansing the body, listening to religious treatises.

This lunar eclipse will be total. Coming at 23:22. It will be seen in the Urals, southern Russia, South and East Africa, the Middle East, and Central and South Asia. Lunar eclipse is not available for North America, Chukotka and Kamchatka.

This date will not bring anything good both in your personal life and in building a business development strategy and making a profit. Rest and relaxation are the main activities that astrologers recommend during a lunar eclipse. It will not be superfluous to also do house cleaning, minor repairs. A trip out of town, a jog or a walk through the forest, a modest lunch or dinner with friends and relatives will have a beneficial effect on the human body. Lunar eclipses have cosmic energy, part of which penetrates the chakras and helps to normalize the psychological state, balance the light and dark sides of the soul.

The last solar eclipse will occur at 12:47 pm. The central part of Russia, the Scandinavian Peninsula, Greenland, Northern Canada, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Northern China will be able to admire this phenomenon.

A temporary cessation of solar energy on this day will sharply affect the actions and behavior of many people. Conflicts, inciting strife, spontaneous decisions, dulling of self-control and absent-mindedness are quite expected. You should refrain from an irresistible desire to do something during a solar eclipse and try to transfer an important event to a somewhat distant perspective.

Who and how are eclipses affected?

In the Middle Ages, mankind seriously feared for its present and future during periods of eclipses, seeing only negative consequences in this. At present, former prejudices have sunk into oblivion, and modern science has come to the defense of the interests of mankind. Long-term studies have shown that solar eclipses carry diverse energy. The influence of eclipses is balanced in both positive and negative. To smooth the latter, esotericists recommend adhering to certain rules associated with some restrictions that are not typical for everyday life.

So, extremely superstitious fatalists recommended do not look for only negative things in solar and lunar eclipses, because such a tendency will crack emotional immunity and adversely affect mental health, which will also affect the physical health of the individual. This is especially true for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, neurology and psychiatry. In addition, the effect of eclipses on the psychological and physical health of the elderly and expectant mothers has been scientifically proven. It is not uncommon for these categories of people to begin to feel such influences much earlier than the eclipses themselves. This is expressed in headaches, general malaise, depression, changes in blood pressure.

How to reduce the harmful effects of solar and lunar eclipses

To avoid the harmful effects of eclipses on health and the current state of affairs, the following rules should be followed.

Yes, you should try make a list of activities ahead of time, over which you can reflect on lunar eclipses. It is quite possible that the cosmic energy from this phenomenon will tell you the right way to achieve your goal and get out of a crisis situation.

Better before solar or lunar eclipses go on a diet, refuse to take spicy and fatty foods, smoked meats and fast food. Favorable cleansing procedures, the rejection of meat, the inclusion in the diet of vegetables and fruits, herbs, fish and seafood, dairy products.

Do not engage in increased physical activity during an eclipse, because there is a real threat of injury or worsen health. It is worth giving preference to hardening the body by taking a contrast shower, dousing, swimming in an ice hole or font.

Hard training is better to postpone And in return, go jogging in the bosom of nature. It is also good to visit the pool or swim in the pond in the summer.

Don't forget to ventilate the rooms as well. before going to bed, because a healthy and sound sleep is the key to good health and good functioning of the human body.

Everything needs balance and common sense., which will allow you to avoid the harmful effects of solar eclipses and bring something new, positive to life.

Best activities for eclipse days

For any healthy person, first of all, creation and harmony are important. Due to the fact that during eclipses a huge cosmic energy is released, part of which enters the Earth, this energy should not be wasted, but accumulated and directed to creative activity.

Better on solar eclipses devote time to creativity. It is likely that many masterpieces of art and literature were created due to the influence of the energy of solar or lunar eclipses. Astrologers say that people of creativity experience tremendous inspiration during eclipses, prompting them to create.

No less useful after creativity during solar and lunar eclipses is considered self-knowledge. Solar eclipses - meditation time, deep introspection, building logical chains, taking into account the past life with a comparison of previously lost potential opportunities for self-development and success. This will allow you to realize the deepest, hidden spiritual talents, get rid of children's complexes and become a truly self-sufficient person. Esotericists point out that solar eclipses will help a person determine his purpose in life.

Cosmic energy, concentrated in eclipses, gives a real chance to make wishes come true. To do this, it is recommended to create for yourself a visual layout of your desires, as well as the path necessary for their embodiment. But in order for the desire to be realized, it is necessary to clearly understand what this desire looks like and how exactly it is necessary to act in order to obtain the final result. Scientists advise to develop a specific plan in which any little things matter.

Moon eclipse also, according to scientific research, it helps to expel old resentment from your mind, get rid of guilt for past mistakes, regardless of their severity. Everything negative brings destruction and chaos. The energy of the eclipse will help release the accumulated negative energy and, in return, get an unprecedented positive and inspiration. On a lunar eclipse, it is recommended to forgive your offenders.

What Not to Do During an Eclipse

In principle, lunar eclipses, as well as solar eclipses, do not impose specific prohibitions on lifestyle. The main requirement is full self-control and analysis. However, scientists, based on many years of research, strongly do not recommend doing the following:

Firstly, you can not enter into conflicts or personally create such situations.

Secondly should not be left to chance. Uncontrolled aggression, vindictiveness can lead to serious consequences.

Thirdly, in no case should you resort to obscene language in communication. Any offensive nicknames, profanity is also illegal. Do not engage in intricacies with colleagues at work. Intrigues carry a lot of negative energy, which, thanks to eclipses, can multiply many times over.

During a solar eclipse, you should refrain from strenuous physical labor. It is not necessary to plan responsible events for the period of eclipses. There is a real threat of fiasco. This also applies to health. Necessary postpone any surgery, complex and expensive medical diagnostics, plastic correction of the body.

Only if all of the above is observed, it is possible to calmly survive the periods of eclipse and let in a lot of positive and creative solar energy into your own life, which allows you to change your life for the better.