Denis Gordeev from Rosman publishing house. Books with pictures: “Boy Star” O

The three-volume Collected Works of the English writer Oscar Wilde (1854–1900) is the most complete published in Russian. A famous esthete and dandy of the end of the last century, who amused everyone with his extravagance and admired his paradoxes, a man who pursued beauty and sensual pleasures, but in the end knew humiliation and prison, Wilde became a symbolic figure for the decadence of the late 19th century. The tale "The Star Boy" was published in Wilde's second collection of fairy tales, The House of Pomegranates, in 1891, with a general dedication...

Coventry boy Graham Joyce

Although the story "The Coventry Boy" can be taken as a standalone story, it is included in the novel "The Facts of Life". Joyce explains: “Coventry Boy” describes the night of November 14, 1940, when Coventry, a town in the center of England, was wiped out by one long, relentless fascist raid. By the way, I was born in Coventry.” “Coventry Boy” was first published in the English magazine “The Third Alternative”, issue 32.

Star Thieves Edmond Hamilton

The story "The Star Thieves" dates back to the very beginning of Hamilton's career and the birth of the science fiction genre. The work was first published in Weird Tales magazine in February 1929. It's obvious how influential this piece of adventure fiction was on comic books, television series (particularly Star Trek), and later films such as Star Wars. Such literature already existed then, in 1929, dynamic, large-scale, a little awkward and somewhat absurd, filled with amazing images. There are a lot of rough edges here...

Boy with a saber Ivan Naumov

Russians, French, Italians - they came to foreign land to protect civilians from... the civilian population of their neighbors. This story is about people who must choose between life and death, fighting on someone else's land, in someone else's war. And while neighbor kills neighbor, they try to remain human. Naumov Ivan Sergeevich - prose writer. Genus. in 1971 in Moscow. Optical engineer. Works in the field of transportation of dangerous goods. Graduated from Higher Literary Courses (2006, seminar by E. Sidorov). Repeated winner of literary competitions. The story “Boy with a Saber”...

My Life Ernest Seton-Thompson

The collection of the famous naturalist writer includes his artistic autobiography “My Life”, the exciting adventure story “Little Savages” and the best of the well-known stories about nature (“The Boy and the Lynx”, “On the Tracks of the Deer”, “Royal Analostanka”, “Chink” ", "Bingo", "Snap", "Winnipeg Wolf", "Street Singer"). Addressed to a wide range of readers. Biographical story. The story “My Life” tells how the future famous naturalist and writer went towards his calling: events and observations of childhood, communication...

Collected Works (Volume 3) Vera Panova

The volume includes works of “small prose” by V.F. Panova - novels and short stories from 1949–1972: - Clear Beach (Tale) - Seryozha: Several stories from the life of a very little boy (Tale) - Valya (Story) - Volodya (Story ) - A piece of paper with Lenin's signature (Story) - A boy and a girl (Film story) - Three boys at the gate (Story) - Workers' village (Kinostory) - Sisters (Story) - Synopsis of the novel. - About Mitya and Nastya. An attempt to look into the core of the bud. - Sergey Ivanovich and Tanya (Byl) _______________ Compilation and preparation of the text by A. Ninov and N. Ozerova-Panova.…

Visit of the shifted phasian (Collection) Vladimir Savchenko

Vladimir Ivanovich Savchenko was born in 1933. He graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute. He began writing science fiction during his student years. The first published stories were "Towards the Stars" and "The Awakening of Dr. Burn." “The Visit of the Shifted Phasian Woman” is a collection of the writer’s works created over the years. However, all these stories and tales, at first glance, are very different, invariably full of the romance of adventure and the excitement of scientific research!

Seeker. 1963. Issue No. 3 William Irish

On the 1st page of the cover: a drawing for the story by V. Zhuravleva “Flying through the Universe.” On the 2nd page of the cover: drawing by P. Pavlinov for the story by Y. Popkov and V. Smirnov “Trust in the lighthouses!” On page 4 of the cover: “Steps of the seven-year plan.” Photo by V. Dunin from the exhibition “Seven Year Plan in Action”.

ESID - loyalty verification machine Stanislav Lem

S. Lem's first publication in Russian. Drawings for the story - E. Vedernikov. That's exactly what the name says - “loyalty”. According to the Ushakov dictionary (1935-1940) this is the main correct option, in the TSB dictionary (1969-1978) it is already an acceptable second spelling option. ©

The three-volume Collected Works of the English writer Oscar Wilde (1854–1900) is the most complete published in Russian. A famous esthete and dandy of the end of the last century, who amused everyone with his extravagance and admired his paradoxes, a man who pursued beauty and sensual pleasures, but in the end knew humiliation and prison, Wilde became a symbolic figure for the decadence of the late 19th century. The tale "The Star Boy" was published in Wilde's second collection of fairy tales, The House of Pomegranates, in 1891, with a general dedication...

Towards the stars (with illustrations) Vladimir Savchenko

Towards the Stars: A Science Fiction Story. / Rice. A. Alexandrova. // Knowledge is power, 1955, No. 10 - p. 25–32. This story is based on one of the most fascinating ideas in science. Many readers will probably encounter this area for the first time, but this circumstance will not interfere with their understanding of the event described in the story. On the other hand, a closer acquaintance with the relevant scientific positions would undoubtedly be desirable and interesting for most of our readers. Not everything in the story is fair. However, the editors...

The Horse and His Boy (with illustrations) by Clive Lewis

When Shasta learned from a mysterious stranger that he was adopted, he decided to escape from the cruel Tarkhistan and, with the help of the talking horse Igogo, get to the northern country of Narnia, where the air is fresh and freedom reigns. The journey through the desert was difficult and dangerous, but they finally reached the high mountains of Orland. Shasta could not even imagine such adventures - even in his most fantastic dreams. He was attacked by lions and had to spend the night in tombs. He was very scared. And only when Narnia was already close, and Shasta met the Great Lion...

Stars of the wise Biruni Klara Moiseeva

The vitality of old educational books is truly amazing. Without the works of Klara Moiseeva, some of which were published decades ago, it is impossible to imagine any modern bibliographic list on history or archeology. The secret is not only that the writer often talked about things that no one else ever bothered to express popularly, much less fictionalize, but also that later books and authors are simply inferior to Moiseeva both in entertaining and accessible, and in knowledge of the material. The story...

Cards in the mirror Orson Card

The very first publication of the story “Ender's Game” brought Orson Scott Card enormous popularity, and since then his work has been of enduring interest among readers in many countries around the world. Incredible intricacies of plots and unexpected endings - take, for example, stories about a man who is destined to survive a thousand deaths, about a boy who is a supercomputer, about deadly dangerous games on a high-speed highway, or about a disabled girl who amazingly sings in her sleep - are characteristic of almost each of Card's works. But even for experienced amateurs...

Internet boy Vladimir Kulichenko

A traveling circus comes to town. Its star is the pygmy hippopotamus Pepo, whose performances attract sold-out crowds. Shortly before the start of the tour, the hippopotamus mysteriously disappears. The search involves the director of the circus, Mr. Focus, circus robots, as well as fifth-grader Vasya Samsonov, whom his friends nicknamed Internet Boy because of his addiction to computers. For junior high school students.

Warships of the world at the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries... Yu. Apalkov

The 2000 directory is dedicated to modern frigate-class ships of all fleets of the world and is the third part of a series of directories about warships at the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries. Data is provided on frigates in service, under construction and under design: names and numbers, number of ships in service and in series, dates of laying, launching and entry into service; enterprises (factories, firms) - builders (for licensed construction, design firms are indicated); talks about the features of projects, design, construction, repairs and upgrades. Numerous…

Red Star Alexander Bogdanov

Alexander Alexandrovich Bogdanov (1873-1928) - Russian writer, economist, philosopher, natural scientist. In 1908, he completed and published his best science fiction work, the novel “Red Star,” which can be considered the forerunner of Soviet science fiction. At the same time, he carried out active revolutionary work in close contact with V.I. Lenin. In 1913-1917 created a two-volume work “General Organizational Science”, in which he put forward a number of ideas that were later developed in cybernetics: the principles of feedback, modeling,...

Shaitan star Dalia Truskinovskaya

When the Shaitan star lights up and winks in the sky, children with a strange destiny are born on earth. They are carried from region to region by genies, they save the doomed and lead troops into battle, magic necklaces reveal their secrets to them. But one misfortune haunts these people - they rashly make thoughtless vows, and then are forced to fulfill them, although their hearts are drawn to something completely different...

Secrets of a Distant Star John Jakes

The superluminal ship Majestic, with commander Duncan Edison and a crew of two thousand on board, disappeared without a trace literally moments after leaving the planet Distant Star. It was believed that the commander was the culprit of the tragedy, but Rob Edison did not believe that his father could have destroyed the ship. To prove this, Rob travels across the galaxy to a distant star. As it turned out, the distant planet was of interest not only to Rob. What started out as a personal investigation soon turned into a dangerous encounter with criminals invading...

Stars are falling up Anna Litvinovy

With one glance, he lays three armed bandits at the feet of his beloved woman. Guesses any card from the deck without any visible effort. Wins seven thousand dollars in a casino... Such a person can be dangerous. The intelligence services are undertaking an operation codenamed "X-ray", according to which this "wizard", Captain Ivan Koltsov, must be eliminated. How did he become so extraordinary, this man suspected of murdering his own wife and forced to hide from everyone, seeing an enemy in everyone?..

KEC star Alexander Belyaev

“KETS Star” is one of the first works of Russian science fiction about the exploration of interstellar space. The story popularizes the ideas of K. E. Tsiolkovsky and is rich not only in scientific knowledge on astronomy, aerodynamics, physics, archeology, history, turning into a fascinating accompaniment to school textbooks, but also masterpieces of “space painting” and alien landscapes, of which Belyaev was a recognized master.

The Wizard of the Emerald City (with illustrations) Aleksandr Volkov

The fairy tale “The Wizard of the Emerald City” tells about the amazing adventures of the girl Ellie and her friends - the Scarecrow, the Brave Lion and the Tin Woodman - in the Magic Land. For many years, millions of boys and girls have read this story with pleasure.

The three-volume Collected Works of the English writer Oscar Wilde (1854–1900) is the most complete published in Russian. A famous esthete and dandy of the end of the last century, who amused everyone with his extravagance and admired his paradoxes, a man who pursued beauty and sensual pleasures, but in the end knew humiliation and prison, Wilde became a symbolic figure for the decadence of the late 19th century. The tale "The Star Boy" was published in Wilde's second collection of fairy tales, The House of Pomegranates, in 1891, with a general dedication...

A fairy tale for a star Irina Shcheglova

Lenka fell in love! Everyone in the class happily discussed the details. And Lenka followed Nikita with such an enthusiastic expression on her face that it even became somehow awkward for her. She spoke only about Nikita, was interested only in him and thought, in my opinion, only about him. After that ill-fated evening when I left them alone, Lenka went completely crazy... Well, what should I do now? My best friend dreams about my boyfriend!

Bunting bird. Chukchi and Eskimo folk... Author unknown - Epics, myths, legends and tales

Every nation has its own fairy tales, every nation loves, remembers and cherishes its fairy tales. Those collected in this book were invented by the Chukchi and Eskimos. Among the Chukchi and Eskimo tales there are a lot of tales about animals. Of course, in fairy tales, birds and animals are not ordinary animals, but fabulous ones. They talk, they live and act like the people who invented these fairy tales. At first, fairy tales were only told. Then they were recorded. And they retold it for the children. The drawings for the fairy tales were made by the People's Artist of the RSFSR, laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR...

Fairy tales in broad daylight Viktor Vitkovich

The collection “Tales in Broad Daylight” combines three fairy tales by writers V. S. Vitkovich and G. B. Jagdfeld. “The Tale of the Paint Brush” is about the brave boy Fed, the cheerful painter and the evil wizard Abracadabra, who wanted to destroy everything on earth , created by human hands. “A Tale in Broad Daylight” introduces children to the adventures of the boy Mitya, who, with the help of his friends, saves time. The third tale - “Puppet Comedy” - is about a wizard who turned indifferent people into dolls; This was a good lesson for sloths and rude people. Drawings by E.…

Fairy tales by Christian Pinault

We bring to the reader's attention the fairy tales of Christian Pino. Pino's heroes: the cheerful god Pan, Marie-Hyacinthe with golden sparkles in her eyes, the boy Mark who liked falling stars, and others - as if they were not fairy-tale heroes who, by the will of the author, learn to distinguish good from evil, but you and me. It is not for nothing that the poetic, elegant fairy tales of Christian Pinault, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, were published in France in the “Ideal Library” series, published for children and youth.

Blue star Alexander Kuprin

“Blue Star” is a real-life fairy tale, where there is a princess and a knight who saved her from what princesses most often have to be saved from - from themselves. A romantic story about the most beautiful of ugly girls simply cannot leave either adults or children indifferent.

A cage for the violent. Programmable boy. Alexander Tyurin.

Re-release of the hit of the late 80s. Things are terrible, they are natural vampires if we love them very much. The book proves the harmfulness of “materialism” using the methods of a funny science fiction fairy tale. The text of "Cages for the Violent" and "The Programmable Boy" has been successfully updated for the new edition.

Lucky Star Anna James

A paradise island that turned out to be uninhabited... A handsome businessman, by chance abandoned on this “shore of dreams” together with a beautiful pop star... A plot for Hollywood? Not really... Because the businessman and singer eventually return to civilization - and to their usual problems. And now their love is not at all like a Hollywood fairy tale!

Southern Star Jules Verne

In the novel “Southern Star,” the reader will become acquainted with the fascinating history of the search and fate of one of the largest diamonds found in the mines of South Africa and which brought a lot of excitement to its owner, the French engineer and inventor S. Mere. Drawings by N. Kononenko

Grigory Oster

His books are equally interesting to both parents and children. Everyone laughs, only sometimes - in different places!.. It was Grigory Oster who created the first novel for young children - a masterpiece in all respects. It's called "A Tale with Details." Today you are lucky - this book is in your hands. Sit next to your child, read aloud to them, and enjoy it together. Wonderful drawings by artist Eduard Nazarov.

Japanese fairy tales (arranged for children by N. Hoza) Undefined Undefined

Japanese fairy tales. Processing for children by N. Khoza. Drawings by N. Kochergin. L.: Children's literature, 1958 Scan, OCR, SpellCheck, Formatting: Andrey from Arkhangelsk, 2008 Taken from

Dear boys and girls! In this lesson we will tell you, how to draw a boy with a pencil step by step. Not every child will be able to learn how to draw a person the first time, and therefore we have divided the entire process into 8 stages. In any case, you should like our lesson, because with it you can learn how to draw a boy using a pencil.


We start by drawing a circle for the head, and then draw the outlines of the torso, arms and legs until a human figure appears, similar to the one you see here.


Now you should draw the entire shape of the face. It is necessary to sketch out the ear, eyebrows, hair and outlines of the eyes.


In this step we finish drawing the eyes of our boy, and then draw a simple nose and mouth.


At this stage we finish with the hairstyle as shown in the picture.


The next step is to draw the boy’s neck, as well as his torso, which will be hidden in a T-shirt with sleeves and a collar.


Now we draw the hands as shown in the picture.


Our boy is almost ready, and there is very little left. To do this, we finish drawing his legs, which will be hidden under his trousers. This is the easiest body part you'll need to draw, so you shouldn't have any difficulties.


At the last stage you need to draw shoes or feet. Don't forget to add soles for shoes. Now you can erase the lines and shapes you drew in the first step.


This is what your boy will look like when you're done. Now you can have even more fun when you start coloring it and end up with a finished beautiful picture. We hope you enjoyed our step-by-step lesson on how to draw a boy in pencil.