Where to learn to be a social teacher. Specializations of the social pedagogue profession

A person who has a secondary vocational education or higher professional education or a qualification category is appointed to the position of a social pedagogue.

A social educator should know: the basics of the social policy of the state and the social and legal protection of childhood; legal acts regulating the protection of motherhood and childhood, the protection of the rights of minors, the protection of disabled children; theory and history of social pedagogy, theory and methodology for diagnosing a person and his microenvironment, forms and methods of social work with the family, various groups and categories of the population; methods of sociological research; tools of individual and group communication, pedagogical consulting.

The main goal of the work of a social educator is to take care of well-being, to reveal the possibilities and abilities of the personality of the child, his family and the immediate environment in society.

The social pedagogue promotes the development of children and adolescents through educational and corrective work with them in various societies, prevents the problem, timely identifies and eliminates the causes that give rise to it; provides preventive prevention of various kinds of negative phenomena (moral, physical, social type), deviations in the behavior of people in their communication.

The ways to achieve the goal are as follows:

implementation of measures for the upbringing, education, development and social protection of the child's personality;

getting to know the pupil and diagnosing the situation;

identifying opportunities, highlighting various problems and needs;

assistance in solving problems (including through work with other services, institutions and organizations), as well as the realization of the abilities of the pupil;

organization of various types of social activities and leisure;

creating an environment of psychological comfort and security of the individual;

implementation of work on employment, patronage, housing, benefits, pensions, etc.

Providing assistance to pupils, the social teacher implements the following functions:




preventive-prophylactic and social-therapeutic;

organizational and communicative;

security and protective.

The social educator is actively involved in the process of socialization and personality formation of pupils. Knowledge of the laws of the Russian Federation on the development of education helps him to perform his functions.

For a social pedagogue, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a 36-hour work week. The distribution of hours during the working week is normalized jointly by the administration of the organization and the social pedagogue himself. Its activities are:

in a separate office with normal conditions of physical and sanitary-hygienic environments;

at the place of residence of the children with whom the work is being done;

in social protection bodies, rehabilitation centers, courts, etc., where the social worker represents the interests of the child.

The social worker reports directly to the principal of the school. Indirectly, he also answers to the social protection authorities. He has no subordinates. Colleagues - the staff of the educational institution.

In social work, as nowhere else, professionalism and competence are needed. It requires dynamism, individuality, quick adaptation to the changed situation. At the same time, we can say that any specialist working with people must be a talented person.

The characteristic of a social teacher includes the most important personal qualities, such as: altruism, self-esteem, self-control, self-esteem, sociability, delicacy, tact in communication, goodwill, sensitivity, responsiveness, mercy, responsibility, high morality, initiative, efficiency, perseverance.

Since the activity of a social pedagogue is associated with communication, communication with people, the absence of pronounced hearing and vision defects is especially important.

A combination of synthetic and analytical types of perception is recommended, because in his work, the social educator equally needs to understand both the main and the details, and be able to explain the essence of what he perceives.

At the same time, a social pedagogue needs such qualities as observation and an objective perception of reality.

For the activity of a social pedagogue, an orientation towards quality and reliability is important. A social educator must understand that the future fate of a child as a member of society and as a person may depend on the correctness of his professional decision.

In this profession, a specialist is required not just a set of specific skills and work patterns, but an understanding of the uniqueness of each situation and the search for a creative solution in each case.

A social educator simply needs to have a good memory. He must constantly keep in mind various information from psychology, pedagogy, and the field of law related to the protection of the interests of children; he needs to memorize the details of a certain situation, especially the situation; in addition, it is often necessary to provide objective information to the social protection authorities and the judiciary.

In the activity of a social pedagogue, it is important to have a high intellectual level.

The thinking of a social educator should be flexible, critical, non-stereotypical, avoiding social attitudes, and with a high degree of professionalism, creative.

Features of the emotional sphere suggest: emotional stability, the predominance of positive emotions, the absence of anxiety as a personality trait, the ability to endure psychological stress.

This profession makes high demands on the communicative qualities of the individual. The social educator should be able to:

interact with people of different social strata and groups;

listen and hear;

enter into a situation of communication and establish contact;

identify information and collect facts necessary to understand the child's problem;

create and develop positive relationships;

build communication on respect, honesty, courtesy, openness;

correctly compose an oral message so that the meaning is available to the level of the person with whom the specialist interacts;

objectively perceive and interpret behavior;

The remuneration of the work of a social teacher is made according to the tariff scale, taking into account the existing category and category.

Currently, a volunteer movement is emerging in the country, in which social educators provide assistance to children free of charge.

The social educator has the following job promotion prospects:

if he has a secondary specialized education, he can work as a class teacher, educator, etc.; in the presence of higher pedagogical education - to grow professionally from a subject teacher, up to the head teacher or director of the school.

he can move from school to a similar position in institutions of additional education for children, boarding schools, preschool microcenters for social and pedagogical support for childhood, etc., as well as work as an inspector for minors in social protection agencies.

Being a worker in the social sphere, on the basis of the Federal Law "On the basics of social services for the population in the Russian Federation", where in Art. 26 defines the rights of social workers, a social teacher has the right to the following benefits:

free preventive examination and examination upon admission to work and free dispensary observation in state and municipal health care institutions;

protection of professional honor, dignity and business reputation, including in court;

obtaining qualification certificates and licenses for professional activities in the field of social services;


free receipt of living space and housing and communal services if he lives in a rural area or urban-type settlements, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

for the priority installation of an apartment telephone and the purchase of vehicles on preferential terms for the purpose of servicing elderly and disabled citizens in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Additional benefits are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

In addition, employees of this profession are subject to a range of benefits and privileges provided for employees of pedagogical activity:

on the basis of article 333 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph 5 of article 55 of the law of the Russian Federation "On Education" of July 10, 1992, the norm of hours of pedagogical work of a social teacher for which the wage rate is provided is from 18 to 36 hours per week.

for social educators, the legislation provides for the provision of an annual basic extended paid leave, the duration of which is from 42 to 56 calendar days (Article 334 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

according to article 28 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" (dated December 17, 2001), persons engaged in pedagogical activities in state and municipal institutions for children are entitled to early appointment of a labor pension.

in order to facilitate the provision of teachers with relevant literature, clause 8 of article 55 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", social and pedagogical workers are provided with the opportunity to receive monthly monetary compensation for book publishing products and periodicals.

In addition, paragraph 5 of Article 55 of the above Law provides for the possibility of obtaining benefits for communal services for resident teachers and workers in rural areas.

The need for specialists of this profile today is far ahead of the possibilities of the vocational education system for their preparation.

At present, a significant part of social pedagogues work on the basis of secondary and higher pedagogical education after passing special courses in social pedagogy. However, a separate specialization "social pedagogue" appeared in many universities. The qualification characteristic of a social teacher was approved by order of the USSR State Committee for Higher Education in 1991. social work pedagogy ethics

The main form of advanced training on the basis of higher professional education is postgraduate professional training focused on research activities.

The system of retraining and advanced training of personnel in the field of social pedagogy provides the following opportunities:

) the possibility of passing courses of various hours (72, 216 and more than 500 hours) with the issuance of a certificate corresponding to the mastered course;

) the possibility of obtaining a second higher education in the specialty "social pedagogy".

Officially, the position of a social pedagogue is established in the institutions of two departments:

Committees for youth affairs (yard children's clubs, children's art houses, youth hostels, rest houses for teenagers, educational youth centers, career guidance centers, employment centers, children's and youth labor exchanges).

Sphere of education (preschool educational institution, general education boarding schools, general educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, special educational institutions for children and adolescents with deviant behavior, educational institutions of primary vocational education).

A social teacher can work as a full-time unit of general educational, cultural, leisure and sports and recreational institutions, social protection and social security services, law enforcement, administrative-territorial bodies, enterprises, public organizations, foundations, private and commercial structures.

The profession of a social pedagogue contains elements of such professions as a teacher, psychologist, lawyer.

Because the profession is quite new, a fairly wide range of prospects for its development is revealed:

further development of the theoretical base of this specialty;

methodology development;

improving the training of specialists in this field;

First you need to figure out what a social educator is. For many adults, a social worker is identical to the same teacher or class teacher at school. Yes, this is true, because it is the class teacher who decides on the adaptation of the child in the group of his peers, helps him direct mental development in the right direction, if necessary. The profession of a social worker is a kind of mixture of an educator with a subtle psychiatrist. Especially high growth in the need for this profession arose at the beginning of the 21st century, when the percentage of juvenile delinquency increased, the number of children with disabilities, mental disorders increased, and parents began to treat their children worse because of problems with drugs and alcohol.

A social educator works directly with children: organizes events, conducts educational work with difficult teenagers, helps parents to establish contact with a rebellious child and protects the rights of children under any circumstances. This profession involves interaction with the police, psychologists, educators and even the courts (if it comes down to it).

Who can become a social educator?

To become a social pedagogue, you need to have a psychological and pedagogical education and an education in the specialty "sociology". But, even if you graduated from college with honors and are eager to work, you may not succeed in this field. For this type of activity you need to have:

Desire to constantly work with children;

Great patience (children can throw out such quirks that you won’t believe until you see);

Ability to adapt to each child separately from the team;

High observation, since it is in the little things that the root of the problems lies;


Sincere desire to help every difficult child;

A sense of responsibility, because sometimes the fate of the baby depends on you;

High level of mental and emotional stability;

Salaries of social educators

The salary depends on the qualification level of the social pedagogue and the budget of the organization.

A social teacher must be able to analyze the behavior and problems of each individual, organize the adaptation of new children in the team and a comfortable environment for the whole group, advise parents to remove barriers, misunderstandings in the family, as well as class teachers for their correct work with the class.

To call the profession of a social pedagogue easy, the language does not turn. The return must be enormous, and this is achievable only with great love for children. The demand for specialists in this field will never fall, since the standard of living, unfortunately, has not yet been growing, and it is he who determines the further development of the individual from a young age. With the correct and timely intervention of a social educator in the development of the baby, it is possible to eliminate all difficulties even at the stage of inception.

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In the educational environment, the position of "social teacher" was introduced quite recently, in 2000. The increase in the number of children with deviant behavior, the growth of juvenile delinquency and the number of unfavorable families dictated this need. Previously, the duties of a social pedagogue were performed either by the class teacher or the organizer of extracurricular activities. A social educator is a specialist who carefully corrects the child's psyche, improves his relationships with peers, with his family. An interesting fact is that, despite its young age, this profession existed in earlier centuries. History knows charitable organizations and compassionate people who financed and built shelters for homeless children, orphans, hired teachers to educate the younger generation.

Demand for the profession

Little in demand

Profession Social educator at school is considered not very in demand, as there is a decline in interest in this profession in the labor market. Social educators at school have lost their demand among employers either due to the fact that the field of activity is becoming obsolete, or there are too many specialists.

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Description of activity

The social pedagogue represents and defends the interests of children and adolescents everywhere. He interacts with the police, in particular, with units for juvenile affairs, with courts, guardianship authorities, with psychologists and teachers. A specialist of this profile works with difficult teenagers, consults parents, organizes events for their upbringing.


average for Russia:average in Moscow:average for St. Petersburg:

The uniqueness of the profession

Pretty common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Social educator at school can not be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years, the labor market has seen a demand for representatives of the profession Social educator at school despite the fact that a lot of specialists graduate every year.

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What kind of education is needed

Higher professional education

The survey data show that for work in the profession Social educator at school you must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work social educator at school(adjacent or similar specialty). Secondary vocational education is not enough to become social educator at school.

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Job responsibilities

The social teacher performs the following duties: 1. Analyzes the personal problems of students in order to provide them with social assistance in a timely manner. 2. Plans and organizes the process of developing programs for the adaptation of students to modern social conditions, controls their implementation and predicts the consequences. 3. Advises children, class teachers, parents. 4. Promotes the creation of a psychologically comfortable and safe environment for the individual, the establishment of humane, morally healthy relations in the social environment.

Type of labor

Exceptional mental work

Profession Social educator at school refers to professions of exclusively mental (creative or intellectual labor). In the process of work, the activity of sensory systems, attention, memory, activation of thinking and the emotional sphere is important. Social educators at school distinguished by erudition, curiosity, rationality, analytical mindset.

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Features of career growth

New jobs are always in demand. Such institutions as kindergartens, schools, orphanages, social services lack qualified specialists. The salary of a social educator depends on the level of his qualifications, work experience and the budget of the organization where he works.

The profession of social pedagogue has a number of specializations. Specialization can be determined by regional and ethnic characteristics, the needs of a particular society (city, district, village), as well as the personal and professional capabilities of a specialist:

According to the profile of activity of a social pedagogue, specializations are distinguished:

– social pedagogue for working with families;

- social teacher - head of children's associations and organizations;

– social pedagogue – valeologist;

- social teacher defectologist;

– social pedagogue – ecologist;

- social teacher ethnologist;

– social pedagogue – organizer of cultural and leisure activities;

– social pedagogue – organizer of sports and recreational activities;

- social teacher - organizer of technical creativity;

The basis of specialization can be a certain category of people, to work with which the social pedagogue is oriented. In accordance with this, there are, for example, specializations:

– social teacher for work with deviant adolescents;

– social pedagogue working with the disabled;

– social teacher for work with orphans;

– social educator for work with refugees;

– social pedagogue – gerontologist;

Specialization may also be related to the place of work. Depending on this, specializations are determined:

– school social teacher;

– social pedagogue of an additional education institution;

– social pedagogue in an orphanage;

From a wide range of specializations, one can single out the most demanded in modern conditions. This is a social educator for working with families, a generalist, competent in providing versatile qualified assistance to the family, coordinating his activities with various institutions.

Practice shows that the scope of social work in Russia is expanding year by year. And although social work is a single profession, it has a wide range of specializations. In the emerging system of social services, the following specializations are most widespread.

Social family educator or family worker

Specializes in providing comprehensive assistance to the family. The clients of a social family educator (employee) are 30–50 or more families living in one or more nearby houses. It is now the most common, most in-demand variant of the generalist and is a basic component in the staffing infrastructure of the social services system. A family teacher is a highly qualified specialist, a person of great life experience, authoritative and respected in the microdistrict where he works, possessing the skills of direct professional activity related to the delicate entry into the family and the organization of versatile assistance in ethically acceptable forms based on the inclusion of the family itself in this process.

Community (rural) social educator or social worker

Specializes in providing comprehensive assistance to rural residents. The clients of a community social educator (worker) are all residents of a given village, village, township. This is a specialist of the highest qualification, broad profile, great life experience, professional skills, authoritative and respected in the countryside. It is desirable that it be a local resident who is well aware of the traditions, specifics, lifestyle, and psychology of the rural population.

Specialist in social work with children and youth (youth social worker)

It specializes in providing comprehensive assistance to children and youth of urban or rural society living on the territory of the microdistrict it serves, the boundaries of which are determined by municipal authorities. In the organization of social work with children, he pays special attention to the development of children's and youth social initiatives, promotes the inclusion of children and youth in solving social problems of the city, village, community and, on this basis, the creation of a corps of assistants (assistants) of a social teacher (worker).

Cultural Leisure Specialist

Specializes in organizing social and cultural activities for both children and adults. In organizing the cultural and leisure activities of the population, he gives priority to family forms of leisure, pays special attention to the organization of joint pastime for children and their parents, the elderly, the disabled, and various socially disadvantaged groups of the population.

Valeologist, health specialist, medical social worker

Social workers representing this direction take care of the timely preservation of people's health, increase their vital activity, and inclusion in physical culture and health activities. Their clients are children and adults. In the organization of medical and health-improving activities of the population, priority is given to family forms; special attention is paid to improving the health of children, the elderly, and the disabled.

social ecologist

Specializes in the organization of environmental and environmental activities of the population. He works with children and adults, with enterprises and institutions of the territory he serves. In organizing environmental activities, he gives priority to the organization of a social movement in defense of the environment, environmental education of children and adults.

Social worker specializing in employment issues

It organizes various types of labor activity, promotes the creation of new jobs, provides assistance to the unemployed, promotes employment and professional adaptation of adolescents and youth. It contributes to the development of family forms of labor associations: pays special attention to the organization of extracurricular labor activities of children, the organization of labor of the elderly and the disabled.

social ethnologist

Specializes in the organization of ethno-cultural work on the revival of progressive folk, national traditions, rituals, folk art: trades, crafts. In ethno-cultural activities, it gives priority to the restoration of traditional forms of communication, leisure activities, the development of handicrafts inherent in this ethnic group.

Social pedagogue-defectologist

Specializes in providing professional correctional assistance to children with disabilities in mental and physical development and their families. His clients are children who live in the territory he serves, study in educational, specialized schools or at home. The scope of activity of a social teacher-defectologist is determined by the municipal authorities based on the needs of a particular society. In the organization of corrective work, he focuses on the elimination of the social causes of children's illness, their adaptation to the conditions of their living environment.

Social worker specializing in working with people with disabilities (including children with disabilities in mental and physical development, their parents)

This specialist pays special attention to the organization of interpersonal communication between healthy and sick children, various types of adaptation of children with disabilities to the environment.

Social worker-gerontologist

Specializes in providing comprehensive assistance to the elderly. Its clients are persons of retirement age living in the territory served by it. In organizing work, he pays special attention to the social rehabilitation of older people, their inclusion in various types of active socially valuable activities, and leisure activities.

School social teacher

This is an employee of a general education or vocational school, out-of-school, pre-school institution, social shelter, orphanage, boarding school, rehabilitation school, and other educational institutions. In organizing his work, he gives priority to the creation of a healthy microclimate in the team, the humanization of interpersonal relations, promotes the realization of everyone's abilities, protection of the interests of the individual, organization of leisure, inclusion in socially useful activities. Maintains regular contact with student families. She pays special attention to the problems of protecting the child from parental cruelty, selfishness, and permissiveness.

Social educator (worker) specializing in providing comprehensive assistance to adolescents prone to delinquency

The clients of this specialist are children with behavioral disorders living in the area he serves. He pays special attention to preventive work to prevent illegal actions of adolescents and their rehabilitation by creating conditions for organizing their socially useful, health-improving activities and normal life.

Social service specialist or administrative (municipal) social teacher

In the field of activity of this specialist, the solution of issues related to the organization of special practice, the management of the process of social formation and development of the individual in an open microsocial environment, the examination of the prospects for the development of the system of social services. Specialists of this profile are employees of municipal authorities, committees of social protection, social assistance to families, social security agencies, centers of social pedagogy and social work, interdepartmental cultural and leisure centers.

The main activities of a social pedagogue:

- Socio-pedagogical support of the educational process in the conditions of an educational institution and at the place of residence (in society), carried out as a prevention of problems; training accompanied by methods of solving a problem situation, as well as emergency assistance in a crisis situation;

– Implementation of social assistance and protection measures for children and their families;

– Coordination of the activities of city and regional authorities, municipal services that carry out social protection of the family and childhood;

– Implementation of a set of measures for the socialization of the individual in an educational institution and at the place of residence with the aim of its optimal development;

– Interaction with government authorities, public organizations, educational institutions, other structures in which it is necessary to represent the interests of the child and his society.

The algorithm for the individual work of a social pedagogue, based on the concept of social and pedagogical support for a child, can be represented as follows:

1. Diagnostic stage.

1) analysis of the initial situation:

a) determining the degree of difficulty and danger of the situation for the child;

b) determination of its reliability;

c) identifying the causes that gave rise to it;

d) problem statement;

e) determining the degree of experience and awareness of the problem by the child, i.e. its relevance to him;

f) determining the readiness or unpreparedness of the child to solve the problem;

2) setting the objectives of pedagogical defense;

3) determination of their competence in rendering assistance or the circle of persons capable of rendering it.

2. Assisting the child in identifying and understanding the problem and its causes or creating conditions for actualizing the problem for the child.

3. Constructing a hypothesis for solving a difficult situation.

4. Determination of methods of social and pedagogical support (direct, preventive)

5. Helping the child find ways to solve the problem or creating conditions for him to find these ways himself.

6. Analysis of the results of getting out of the problem.

7. Assessment of own activities.

8. Actualization of the logic of finding an independent solution to the problem for the child.

9. Monitoring the child's condition, his development.

Quite often people ask what a social educator is. This is the question that worries many young parents and some teachers. After all, it seems that the teacher is such everywhere. But what does "social" have to do with it? Does this employee have any specific responsibilities in the school that distinguish and distinguish him from the mass of other teachers? A social educator, one might say, is an eternal and incomprehensible mystery for many. Only today we will try to lift the veil of secrecy and figure out what's what. So, let's take a closer look at this important work.

Who it

Of course, a social educator is a teacher. And mostly in schools. But how is he different from an ordinary teacher? Many people think it's nothing. Except for the title. But in reality, it's not like that at all. The thing is that the social teacher at school is a very important employee. Why?

Yes, because, in theory, he should better understand children's behavior and psychology, which helps such an employee to better organize classes. Plus, a social teacher, according to some directors, should be engaged in the worldview and education of students. And it is right. But there are a lot of different tasks for such an employee. And they are, one might say, not limited. Let's try to figure out with you what the work of a social educator with children is. This is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance.


The first moment that can only be assumed is social assistance to students. It can be said that a social pedagogue is to some extent a profession that combines the most ordinary teacher and psychologist. Only usually such an employee tries to help the guys in the process of socialization. And adaptation to a new place of study, if the child was transferred for some reason to another school.

To be honest, the activity of a social pedagogue is very well visible in kindergartens and elementary schools. There, kids are taught to communicate with adults, peers, and also teach behavior in society. Without this, it is impossible to imagine a reasonable person.

However, this is not the only duty of such an employee. There are still a lot of them. And do not confuse a psychologist, teacher and social pedagogue. Although all these three professions, interpreted at school, are very similar to each other. Especially regarding some educational moments.


As already mentioned, a social educator sometimes helps new students to adapt to school. And just adaptation (not only newcomers) is another duty of such an employee. And this also applies to employees of the educational institution.

It should also be mentioned that the social educator in the school is obliged to develop concepts that help maintain a favorable environment in the workplace and school. Only in practice this moment is taken into account extremely rarely. Or it is not always possible to bring it to life.

The main problem in creating an atmosphere suitable for learning and working is society. In each educational institution, different personalities come into contact. And if you take into account everyone and everyone (as it should be done), then it is simply impossible to find a "golden mean". Thus, the creation of a favorable atmosphere in the school, as well as assistance in the adaptation of the staff of the institution, as a rule, rests on the shoulders of psychologists. Or even "lower" them.


The work of a social educator includes the responsibility of educating the younger generation. That is, you will have to shape the values ​​and worldview of children. Usually this task is assigned to a kindergarten or elementary school, where it is still very easy to influence kids.

However, in reality, this trend is also extremely rare. After all, often the work of a social teacher in a school consists in "resolving" disputes between children and the banal conduct of a lesson on a particular subject. But sometimes such employees are specially appointed as class teachers - here you will already have to deal with the "education" of schoolchildren, regardless of your desires.


An extremely important moment that can only occur is the provision and conduct of consultations. The instruction (job description) of a social pedagogue includes this item. Moreover, you will have to help and advise on various issues.

For example, to give advice to teachers and help them properly organize classes in such a way that they are of interest to students. Or attend parent meetings and talk about the behavior of each student as a whole. In addition, sometimes you will have to replace a child psychologist. Especially when it comes to socialization and adaptation to a new place of study. This is not an adaptation, but rather the establishment of contact with teachers and peers. In such a situation, the social educator is the one who should advise the student and give him advice on communication. Moreover, it is very important to observe the emotional state of the student at this moment.

In fact, it usually turns out that social educators simply conduct classes and attend parent-teacher meetings. Especially when children have problems with behavior or grades. In such cases, teachers are really ready to give advice and recommendations. In most cases, they are efficient and effective.

Organization of events

To be honest, a social educator is not only a teacher. It is also a good organizer. That is, the duties of such an employee include holding and organizing various events. For example, holidays.

It is social educators who should be looking for a suitable venue for the holiday, as well as organize this or that event. Developing a plan, promoting an idea - all this is the responsibility of our today's employee. Usually there are no problems with holidays - it is enough to conduct a survey among teachers, students and parents, and then choose the most suitable place.

The main problem of organizing events arises when they relate to the educational process. That is, the social pedagogue is obliged to take care of carrying out various activities for the training and improvement of teachers, as well as students. Usually outside of school hours. A good worker should not only conduct and organize such a lesson, but also attract the "public" to it.


There is also another very specific case that concerns our current profession. We are talking about helping with the employment of students. The methods of a social pedagogue, as a rule, should help children choose the most suitable profession for themselves, as well as a convenient place to work and build a career ladder.

But in practice, no one complies with this obligation. Is it really now possible to imagine a student who turns to a social pedagogue for help in finding a job? Of course not. Thus, usually finding a job for a schoolchild is a purely individual task of parents and their children, which in no way relates to social pedagogues.

But there is one small but. Often, such employees conduct special tests for career guidance. The results, in turn, become very good assistants and advisers to young schoolchildren who serve to choose a job. It can be said that a modern social teacher at school provides indirect assistance to children in choosing a profession and finding a job.

Behavior Analysis

A social educator is not only a teacher who combines the skills of an organizer and a consultant. It is also a good analyst. He, as a rule, must monitor the students and analyze their behavior. In case of problems, report to the class teacher and parents. And, of course, give advice on how to fix the problem.

This obligation is rarely met in practice. Indeed, often the most ordinary teachers who conduct lessons in classes report about deviations in behavior. Nevertheless, a professional social educator should be able to start "sounding the alarm" in time, as well as correctly draw conclusions about the child's behavior. Psychology is very helpful in this regard.

If necessary

So we have studied with you the profession of a social teacher. As you can see, his activities are extremely diverse, and his responsibility is enormous. Therefore, you have to think about whether it is worth getting this position.

There is no single answer here. If you have a "soul lies" in the education of children and their upbringing, then you can try. Just be prepared for a busy work schedule, as well as nervous work and a small salary. As a rule, social educators are found among older people.

Young employees are not particularly happy with this place of work. It can be said that over time it begins to become obsolete and loses its relevance. In particular, due to the lack of professional staff. It is understandable - no one will specifically study at a university in order to earn a penny later.